Structure of the correctional work program:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Directions of correctional work of a speech therapist teacher
  3. Characteristics of students with deviations in speech development, including the main directions of correctional and developmental education for these categories of children
  4. A long-term plan for working with children with phonetic-phonemic and general speech underdevelopment, including the planned results of correctional and developmental education.

1. Explanatory note

Purpose of the program

The correctional work program, drawn up in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, is aimed at implementing a system of speech therapy assistance to children with speech disorders in mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, correcting deficiencies in the speech development of students, and their social adaptation.

The program provides support for children with speech underdevelopment studying in a comprehensive school at a speech therapy center (a speech therapy center is a department of a general education institution that provides assistance to students who have deviations in the development of oral and written speech of a primary nature, in mastering general education programs, especially in their native language). Enrollment and graduation of children at the logopunkt are carried out at any stage of primary education. The duration of correctional and developmental education ranges from one to four years.

Program objectives

  • Ensuring timely identification of children with adaptation difficulties caused by speech underdevelopment;
  • Determination of the features of the organization of the educational process for the category of children under consideration in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child, the structure of the disorder and the degree of its severity;
  • Creation of conditions conducive to children with speech development disorders mastering the basic educational program of primary general education and their integration in an educational institution;
  • Development and implementation of correctional and developmental work programs, organization of individual and (or) group classes for children with speech disorders;
  • Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with speech underdevelopment on issues speech development children.

Conditions for implementing the correctional work program

Regulatory support:

The work of the speech therapy center is organized on the basis of:

  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on December 25, 2008)
  • Letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998 N 20-58-07in/20-4 “On speech therapists and educational psychologists in educational institutions”
  • Letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2003 N 28-51-513/16 “Methodological recommendations for psychological and pedagogical support of students in the educational process in the context of modernization of education
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2008 N AF-150/06 “On creating conditions for children with disabilities and disabled children to receive education”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 196 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution” (as amended on December 23, 2002, February 1, December 30, 2005, July 20, 2007, August 18, 2008 , March 10, 2009)
  • Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center in a general education institution”
  • Regulations on the speech therapy center of a general education institution in Snezhinsk
  • Job description of a teacher-speech therapist of secondary school No.....

Psychological and pedagogical support:

– providing differentiated conditions (optimal training load, variable forms of receiving specialized care) in accordance with diagnostic results;

– ensuring psychological and pedagogical conditions (correctional focus of the educational process; taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; maintaining a comfortable psycho-emotional regime; using modern pedagogical technologies, including information and computer technologies to optimize the correctional and developmental process, increasing its effectiveness and accessibility);

– providing specialized conditions (solving a set of special tasks at all stages of correctional education, focused on the special educational needs of students with speech underdevelopment; the use of special methods, techniques, teaching aids, specialized correctional programs focused on the special educational needs of children; differentiated and individualized education with taking into account the specifics of the child’s developmental disorder; complex impact on the student, carried out in individual and group correctional classes);

– provision of health-preserving conditions (health and protective regime, strengthening of physical and mental health, prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload of students, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms);

Software and methodological support

In the process of implementing the correctional work program, correctional and developmental programs, diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools are used, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the professional activities of a speech therapist in a secondary school.

To examine the level of speech development, a modified version of test speech therapy diagnostics is used - a standardized technique for examining speech with a point-level assessment system (Fotekova T.A., Akhutina T.V.). This technique allows you to clarify the structure of a speech defect and obtain a speech profile; build a system of individual correctional work; complete subgroups based on the common structure of speech disorders; monitor the dynamics of the child’s speech development and evaluate the effectiveness of correctional interventions

Correctional and developmental work is structured in accordance with the methodological recommendations of A.V. Yastrebova, T.P. Bessonova (1984, 1999). This approach has not only a correctional, but also a preventive focus: it allows us to reach a significant number of students and carry out correctional and developmental work in the following areas:

– overcoming deviations in the speech development of children (streamlining and formation of linguistic means necessary for the implementation of full-fledged speech activity);

– creating prerequisites for eliminating gaps in knowledge of program material caused by developmental delays oral speech children;

– correctional and educational work (development and improvement of psychological and communicative prerequisites for learning, the formation of full-fledged educational and communication skills that are adequate to the situation educational activities).

When planning classes with children with phonetic-phonemic (phonemic) underdevelopment and classes of the I and II stages for children with general speech underdevelopment, the methodological materials proposed in the manuals by Efimenkova L.N., Kozyreva L.M., Mazanova E.V. are used ., Sadovnikova I.N.. When planning classes at the third stage of correctional and developmental education, materials from Andreeva N.G. are used.

Software and methodological support structural component Speech therapy classes on the development of mental processes and the formation of universal educational actions are a psychological program for the development of the cognitive sphere of students in grades 1–4 (Lokalova N.P.) and the “Learn to Learn” program, developed by a team of authors of the PPMS Center of Gymnasium No. 56 of St. Petersburg.

Logistics and information support

In MBOU "Secondary comprehensive school No...." an appropriate material and technical base has been created to provide a correctional and developmental environment, in the form of a speech therapy room that meets the requirements of SanPiN, Instructive Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general education institution” and equipped in accordance with the requirements for the content and design of the speech therapy room.

As a necessary condition for the implementation of the program in speech therapy room An information and methodological fund has been created and is being replenished, consisting of methodological manuals and recommendations for all areas and types of activities of a speech therapist teacher, visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials.

The material, technical and information support of the office is described in detail in the “Passport of the speech therapy office”

Stages of implementation of the correctional work program (Annex 1)

The program of correctional work presents the characteristics of students with deviations in speech development, the main directions of correctional and developmental education for these categories of children, and a long-term plan for working with children with phonetic-phonemic and general speech underdevelopment, including the planned results of correctional and developmental education. The long-term plan is detailed in thematic planning, which can be clarified (redistribution of hours for the study of individual topics) depending on the population of students with speech impairments.

The program of correctional work for teachers and speech therapists at the level of primary general education includes interrelated areas. These directions reflect its main content (Appendix 2) .

3. Characteristics of deviations in speech development of secondary school students

Deviations in the speech development of children studying in general education institutions have different structures and degrees of severity. Some of them concern only the pronunciation of sounds (mostly distorted pronunciation of phonemes); others affect the process of phoneme formation and, as a rule, are accompanied by reading and writing disorders; still others are expressed in underdevelopment of both the sound and semantic aspects of speech and all its components.

The presence of even mildly expressed deviations in phonemic and lexico-grammatical development in schoolchildren is a serious obstacle to mastering the general education school curriculum.

Students who have deviations in the formation of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical means of language can be divided into three groups: students with phonetic speech underdevelopment (phonetically isolated defect); students with phonetic-phonemic and phonemic (without impairment of sound pronunciation) speech underdevelopment; students with immature linguistic and speech means of the language (general speech underdevelopment of levels III–IV) (Appendix 3) .

The given grouping of schoolchildren according to the leading manifestation of a speech defect helps the speech therapist solve fundamental issues of organizing correctional work with children and determine the content, methods and techniques of speech therapy in each group. The main contingent that should be identified by a speech therapist in secondary schools before others are children whose speech deficiencies hinder their successful learning, i.e. students second And third groups. It is to these children that, in order to prevent at For them, speech therapy assistance should be provided first of all for poor academic performance.

4. Long-term plan for working with groups of students with speech underdevelopment

Work with children with general speech underdevelopment of levels III–IV is organized in three stages (Appendix 4).

The optimal organization of correctional training involves simultaneous work on all components of the speech system - sound side speech and lexico-grammatical structure. It is carried out with maximum concentration of the teacher-speech therapist (and students) on the main task of each stage, for example, the formation of full-fledged ideas (generalizations) about the sound composition of the word at the first stage, about the morphological composition of the word at the second, syntactic generalizations at the third. Filling gaps in the development of other components of the speech system is carried out using the oral advance method, i.e. creates the basis for further purposeful work with the obligatory maximum concentration of attention and effort of the teacher-speech therapist and children on solving the main task of each stage.

At all stages, work is carried out to develop and correct reading skills (thematic planning).

As a result of the implementation of a program of correctional work by a teacher-speech therapist at the level of primary general education for students with speech underdevelopment

1) the gaps will be filled:

  • in the development of the sound side of speech
  • in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech
  • in the formation of coherent speech

2) personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal educational activities will be formed as the basis of the ability to learn in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


  1. Eletskaya O.V., Gorbachevskaya N.Yu.
. Organization of speech therapy work at school. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005.
  • Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center in a general education institution”
  • Lokalova N.P.
  • . 120 lessons psychological development junior schoolchildren (in 2 parts) M: Os - 89, 2006
  • Metuss E.V., Litvina A.V.
  • . and others. Speech therapy classes with schoolchildren (grades 1 – 5). St. Petersburg: Karo, 2006.
  • Approximate basic educational program educational institution. Elementary School. M.: Education, 2011.
  • Yastrebova A.V.
  • . Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in primary school students. M: Arkti, 1999

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Secondary school in the village of Ezdochnoe

    Chernyansky district Belgorod region»


    Deputy Director for

    Educational Institution MBOU "Secondary School in the village of Ezdochnoye"


    Maslennikova E.E.



    Pedagogical Council

    MBOU "Secondary school in the village of Ezdochnoye"

    Protocol No.___from


    I approve

    Director of MBOU "Secondary School"

    village Ezdochnoye"


    Voronina G.L.

    Order No.___ dated


    Correctional program

    speech therapist teacher


    speech therapist teacher

    Chumakova E.G.

    2016-2017 academic year


    I. Target section of the program

    1.1.Explanatory note………………………………………………………….3

    1.2. Regulatory and legal basis for the development of a correctional program…………………………………………………………………………………..3

    1.3. The purpose of the correction program……………………………………4

    1.4. Principles and approaches to the formation and implementation of a correctional program………………………………………………………………………………………..4

    1.5. Mechanisms for implementing the correction program………………5

    1.6 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with phonemic underdevelopment (PHD)………………………………………………………………………………..6

    1.7 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with general speech underdevelopment……………………………………………………………..7

    1.8. Objectives of correctional-developmental and social-adaptation work……………………………………………………………………………………………….9

    II. Organization and content of correctional and developmental work

    2.1. Directions of speech therapy work…………………………….10

    2.2. Opening hours of the speech therapy room………………………..10

    2.3.Interaction teaching staff in the process of implementing the correction program…………………………………………………….11

    2.4.Planning group content speech therapy sessions with children of 1st grade (FN group, OHP group 1st stage)……………………………14

    2.5. Approximate plan for individual correctional work to correct violations of sound pronunciation……………………………….16

    2.6. Planning the content of group speech therapy classes with children who have a writing disorder caused by OHP……………….18

    III . Planned results of the implementation of correctional and developmental work

    3.1.Communicative-speech sphere………………………………………………………25

    IV .System for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the correctional program

    4.1. Criteria for assessing oral speech according to the method of M.A. Povalyaeva……26

    4.2. Before the implementation of the correction program………………………...27

    4.3. After the implementation of the correction program…………………….28

    V . Educational, methodological and information support for the correctional program ………………………………………………………………………28

    I . Target section of the program

    1.1.Explanatory note

    Entry into force of the Federal State Educationeducational standard (FSES) of primary general educationdictates the introduction of new approaches to creating in the primaryschool system of comprehensive assistance to children with disabilitieshealth opportunities in mastering basic educationalprimary general education programs. Separate sectionThe Federal State Educational Standard contains characteristics of the correctional programwork aimed at overcoming physical deficienciesand/or mental development students, their socialadaptation.

    The proposed program of correctional work is aimed at creating special conditions for the education and upbringing of primary school students with primary speech impairments who have difficulties in masteringgeneral education programs, in particular in the native language, andenrolled in the speech therapy center of a comprehensive school.

    The program also includes the ability to providegiven by the standard for the formation of general intelligence in studentstions and skills, universal ways of activity and keysmental competencies.

    Principles for selecting main and additional contenttions are related to primary education curriculalearning, the logic of intra-subject connections, as well as with agesignificant developmental features and structure of speech defectand students.

      1. Regulatory and legal framework for developing a correctional program

    The program is developed in accordance with the requirements:

      Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 (as amended on December 25, 2008),

      Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education,

    as well as on the basis of the following regulations:

      Letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998 N 20-58-07in/20-4 “On speech therapists and educational psychologists in educational institutions,”

      Letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2003 N 28-51-513/16 “Methodological recommendations for psychological and pedagogical support of students in the educational process in the context of modernization of education”,

      Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2008 N AF-150/06 “On creating conditions for children with disabilities and disabled children to receive education,”

      Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center in a general education institution.”

    1.3. Purpose of the correction program

    Maintarget correctional program - to create conditions for students with speech impairments to master the basic educational program of primary general education in their native language and ensure their full social adaptation.

    1.4. Principles and approaches to the formation and implementation of a correctional program:

    The correction program is based on a set of OSnew patterns of construction educational process offered by modern pedagogy, linguistics, and taking into accountet basic general didactic principles (visuality, accessibility, awareness, etc.), as well as special principles:

    Systematic principle correctional (correction or smoothing of deviations and developmental disorders, overcoming developmental difficulties),preventive (prevention of deviations and difficulties in development) anddeveloping (stimulation, enrichment of the content of development, reliance on the zone of proximal development) tasks.

    The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction implemented in two aspects.

    1. The beginning of correctional and developmental work should be preceded by a stage of comprehensive diagnostic examination, which allows us to identify the nature and intensity of developmental difficulties and make a conclusion about them possible reasons and based on this conclusion, build correctional and developmental work,based onfrom the nearest development forecast.

    2. The implementation of correctional and developmental work requires constant monitoring of the dynamics of psycho-speech and emotional personal development child Such control allows timely adjustments to correctional and developmental work.

    Activity principle of correction determines the tactics for carrying out correctional and developmental work through intensifying the activities of each student, during which the necessary foundation is created for positive changes in the development of the child’s personality.

    Taking into account individual personality characteristics child allows you to outline an optimization program within the psychophysical characteristics of each child. Corrective and developmental work should create optimal opportunities for individualizing development.

    The principle of dynamic perception consists in developing such tasks in the solution of which any obstacles arise. Overcoming them contributes to the development of students, the discovery of opportunities and abilities. Each task must go through a series of stages - from simple to complex. The level of difficulty must be accessible to a particular child. This allows you to maintain interest in your work and gives you the opportunity to experience the joy of overcoming difficulties.

    The principle of productive information processing is to organize training in such a way that students develop the skill of transferring information processing, and therefore a mechanism for independent search, choice and decision-making.

    The principle of taking into account the emotional coloring of the material assumes that games, tasks and exercises create a favorable emotional background and stimulate positive emotions.

    One of the fundamental requirements of the program, compliance with which helps to optimize remedial training, is communicative focus total computerlexa of correctional and educational influence.

    Basic teaching methods: practical, visual-demonstrational, gaming, role modeling methodssituations, verbal.

    1.5. Mechanisms for implementing the correction program

    One of the main mechanisms for implementing a correction program is an optimally structuredinteraction between educational institution specialists , providing systematic support for children with primary speech disorders by specialists of various profiles in the educational process. Such interaction includes:

      comprehensiveness in identifying and solving the problems of a child with primary speech disorders, providing him with qualified assistance from specialists in various fields;

      multidimensional analysis of the child’s personal and cognitive development;

      compilation of comprehensive individual programs general development and correction of individual aspects of the child’s educational, cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres.

    Subjects accompanying a child with speech impairment implement several professional positions diagnostic, design, correctional and developmental, analytical.

    Consolidation of the efforts of various specialists in the field of psychology, pedagogy, social work will provide a system of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support and effectively solve the child’s problems.

    1.6 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with phonemic underdevelopment (PHD):

    Difficulties in the sound analysis of words: they cannot distinguish sounds from the word being analyzed, they do not clearly differentiate the isolated sound by ear; they mix it with an acoustically paired word, have difficulty comparing the sound composition of words that differ in one sound, make mistakes in determining the number and sequence of sounds in a word, skip, rearrange, and insert extra sounds and syllables.

    In written speech there are specific (dysgraphic) errors: substitutions and confusion of letters denoting sounds that are similar in acoustic and (or) articulatory characteristics, omissions, insertions, rearrangements of letters and syllables, substitutions of letters based on graphic similarity.

    List of students

    1.7 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with general speech underdevelopment:

    General speech underdevelopment (GSD) in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a disorder that covers both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems of the language. The structure of sentences is disrupted due to the omission or rearrangement of main and minor members. There are significant difficulties in the use of some simple and most complex prepositions, in the agreement of nouns with adjectives and numerals in indirect cases (Vedela aphids - “three buckets”,the boy climbs under the chair - “the box lies under the chair”,no colica stick – “no brown stick”, etc.)

    An important feature of speech is the insufficient development of word-formation activity. Students do not have sufficient cognitive and speech capabilities to adequately explain the meanings of many words (“switch”, “vineyard”, “oven”, etc.) Persistent and gross violations are noted when trying to form words that go beyond the scope of everyday speech practice (instead of "cyclist" -which rides a bicycle, "sage" -he thinks everything etc.).

    A typical manifestation of general underdevelopment of speech is an inaccurate understanding and use of general concepts, words with abstract and figurative meanings, and ignorance of words that go beyond the scope of everyday everyday communication. There is a tendency towards multiple lexical substitutions according to various types: mixtures based on external similarity, substitutions based on the value of the functional load, species-generic mixtures, substitutions within the same associative field, etc. (" "dishes" -Bowl , "hole" -hole , "pot" -Bowl , "dive" -swam ).

    Along with lexical errors, children with ODD also exhibit a specific uniqueness of coherent speech. Her lack of development is manifested both in children's dialogues and monologues. This is confirmed by the difficulties of programming the content of detailed statements and their linguistic design. Characteristic Features coherent speech is a violation of the coherence and sequence of the story, semantic omissions of essential elements of the storyline, noticeable fragmentation of the presentation, violation of temporal and cause-and-effect relationships in the text.

    IN independent speech typical are difficulties in reproducing words of different syllable structure and sound content: perseveration (neneik – “snowman”), anticipation (astobus – “bus”), adding extra sounds (mandved – “bear”), truncation of syllables (right – “plumbing”), rearrangement of syllables (shout - “rug”), adding syllables or a syllabic vowel (ship - "ship").

    The sound side of speech is characterized by inaccurate articulation of some sounds and unclear differentiation of them by ear. Failure phonemic awareness manifests itself in the fact that children have difficulty identifying the first and last consonant, vowel sound in the middle and at the end of a word, cannot select pictures whose names contain a given sound, cannot always correctly determine the presence and place of a sound in a word, etc. . Tasks for independently coming up with words for a given sound are not completed.

    List of students

    Gorbatovsky Nikita

    Dysgraphia, conditional ONR

    3 "A"

    Zakharov Maxim

    Dysgraphia, conditional ONR

    2 "A"

    Korovyakov Dmitry

    Dysgraphia, conditional ONR

    2 "B"

    Suslov Victor

    Dysgraphia, conditional ONR

    2 "B"

    List of students

    those in need of additional psychocorrectional and socio-pedagogical support

    Korovyakov Dmitry

    2 "B" class

    Suslov Viktor 2 “B” class.

    Zakharov Maxim

    2 "A" class.

    Argynbekov Alexander 2nd class.

    1.8. Tasks

    Objectives of speech therapy work:

      form correct sound pronunciation;

      to form full-fledged ideas about sound lettersnom composition of the word;

      develop skills in analysis and synthesis of sound-syllablesstava words;

      expand and activate the active vocabulary;

      develop word formation skills;

      improve the grammatical structure of speech;

      develop expressive (reproduction) aspects of speech;

      develop the habit of auditory control;

      develop spatial-temporal concepts;

      develop psychological prerequisites for learning;

      develop communicative readiness for learning;

      prevention and correction of writing disorders;

      prevention and correction of reading disorders.


    2.1. Directions of speech therapy work :

      Correction of pronunciation defects.

      Development of phonemic awareness: auditory-pronunciation differentiation of impaired sounds, phonemes, and phonemic analysis.

      Development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

      Development of skills in constructing a coherent statement; programming the semantic structure of a statement.

      Correction of writing and reading disorders.

      1. Speech therapy office opening hours

    2nd grade (Dysgraphia, conditional OHP)


    10.40 – 12.20 Individual lessons 1st grade

    12.30 – 13.15 Group lesson1 class (ONR group)

    13.20 – 13.40 Individual lessons 2nd grade


    10.40 – 12.20 Individual lessons 1st grade

    12.30 – 13.15 Group lesson1st grade (physical exercise group)

    13.15 – 13.40 Individual lessons


    10.40 – 12.20 Individual lessons 1st grade

    12.30 – 13.15 Group lesson2nd grade (Dysgraphia, condition OHP)

    13.20 – 14.00 Group lesson 1st grade(ONR group)

    14.00 – 15.30 Individual lessons

    15.30 – 16.30 CONSULTATIONS


    10.40 – 12.20 Individual lessons 1st grade

    12.30 – 13.15 Group lesson1 (FN group)

    13.25 – 15.30 Individual lessons

    15.30 – 16.30 CONSULTATIONS

    2.3 Interaction of teaching staff in the process of implementing the correctional program:


    correctional development and social adaptation work




    developing and


    adaptation work

    Types of activities and forms of organization

    correctional development and social adaptation work

    Communicative and speech development

    Correction of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech

    Teacher speech therapist

    Speech therapy session: individual and group

    Prevention of writing disorders

    Teacher speech therapist

    Prevention of reading disorders

    Teacher speech therapist

    Speech therapy session: group

    Mastering sections of the Russian language

    Teacher speech therapist

    Primary school teacher

    Speech therapy session: group

    Russian language lesson: frontal, individual

    Verbal communication skills

    Teacher speech therapist

    Primary school teacher

    Educational psychologist

    Speech therapy session: group

    Russian language lesson: frontal

    Cognitive development

    Comparing different objects: selecting from a set one or more objects that have general properties;

    Teacher- psychologist

    Teacher speech therapist

    Psychologist's lesson: individual

    Speech therapy session: group

    Comparison of characteristics of objects according to one (several) characteristics;

    identifying similarities and

    Teacher speech therapist

    Primary school teacher

    Educational psychologist

    Speech therapy session: group

    Lesson: frontal

    Psychologist's lesson: individual

    Object differences;

    establishing cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies between objects, their position in space and time;

    Teacher speech therapist

    Primary school teacher

    Educational psychologist

    Speech therapy session: group

    Lesson: frontal

    Psychologist's lesson: individual

    Development of regulation and self-control

    Goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown;

    Teacher speech therapist

    Primary school teacher

    Educational psychologist

    Speech therapy session: group

    Lesson: frontal

    Psychologist's lesson: individual

    Planning – determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

    Teacher speech therapist

    Primary school teacher

    Educational psychologist

    Speech therapy session: group

    Lesson: frontal

    Psychologist's lesson: individual

    2.4.Planning the content of group speech therapy classes with children of 1st grade (FN group, OHP group 1st stage)

    Development imaginative thinking; accuracy of arbitrariness of movements;

    Visuospatial perception

    Differentiation of words-objects and words-actions.

    Sign word.

    Development of hand-eye coordination; long-term memory, the ability to identify significant features


    Spreading simple sentences.



    Total: 60 hours

    2.5. Approximate plan for individual correctional work to correct sound pronunciation disorders

    I . Preparatory stage – thorough and comprehensive preparation of the child for painstaking and lengthy correctional work.


      to generate interest and motivation for speech therapy classes.

      develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception through games and special exercises.

      form and develop articulatory motor skills to the level of minimal sufficiency for producing sounds.

      form and develop finger motor skills in the process of systematic training.

    II . Formation of pronunciation skills


      eliminate defective sound pronunciation.

      develop skills to differentiate sounds that are articulatory and acoustically similar.

      to develop skills in using phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct speech.

    Types of correctional work at this stage.

      Arranging sounds in sequence:

    - whistling s, з, ц, s, з;

    - hissing sh;

    - sonorous l;

    - hissing;

    - sonorous r, r;

    - hissing h, shch.

    The method of production is mixed.

    2. Automation of the delivered sound in syllables:

    - s, z, sh, zh, s, z, l, are automated first in direct syllables, then in reverse syllables, and lastly - in syllables with a combination of consonants;

    - ts, ch, shch, l - first in reverse syllables, then in forward syllables and with a confluence of consonants;

    - p, p – from the proto analogue, and in parallel the vibration of the tongue is generated. Automation of each corrected sound as it is produced can be carried out both individually and in a subgroup of children with a similar defect.

    3. Automation of sounds in words carried out after automation in syllables in the same sequence. As the child masters the pronunciation of each syllable with a corrected sound, it is introduced and fixed in words with a given syllable.

    4. Automation of supplied sounds in sentences. Each correctly pronounced word is included in sentences, then in short stories, pure sayings, poetic texts.

    5. Differentiation between delivered and automated sounds:

    [s]–[z], [s]–[s"], [s]–[ts], [s]–[w];


    [h] – [s],[ h] –[ t"],[ h] – [ sch];

    [sch]-[s],[sch] –[t"], [sch] –[h],[sch] –[r"];

    [r] –[ l],[ r] –[ r"], [r"] –[ l"],[ r"] –[ th], [l"] –[ l]

      Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech (in monologues and dialogues, games, entertainment, excursions, on walks, in work and other forms of children's life activities).

    2.6. Planning the content of group speech therapy sessions with children with writing disorders caused by OHP

    Autumn. Changes in nature.

    Clothes, shoes, hats


    Hard and soft consonants

    Development of visual-figurative thinking


    Paired consonants

    Development of attention distribution

    Development of spatial concepts, verbal and logical thinking

    Vegetable garden, vegetables, fruits


    Stunning voiced consonants at the end of a word


    Stunning voiced consonants in the middle of a word

    My family


    Verification work



    Syllabic analysis of words

    Development of thinking (establishing patterns on specific material). Formation of orientation in a large space (the child is oriented not from himself, but from a given point)


    The syllabic role of vowels

    Our village. Russia


    Dividing words into syllables


    Composing words from syllables

    Development of voluntary attention (stability) Development of the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet. Formation of orientation in time.

    Where did the bread come from?


    Analysis and synthesis of words obtained by rearranging syllables

    Development of imaginative thinking, accuracy of voluntary movements. Development of visual-spatial perception.



    Emphasis. Unstressed vowel.

    Development of visual perception (selection of objects), development of voluntary attention (distribution)

    Furniture, electrical appliances, dishes



    Composition of the word


    Root of the word. Similar words.

    Development of stability and concentration. Development of hand-eye coordination.



    Difficult words

    Development of visual memory, arbitrariness of memorization


    Console. Its role in changing the meanings of words.

    Development of visual-verbal analysis and synthesis; development of time orientation

    Winter, winter fun.


    Suffix. Formation of words using diminutive suffixes; magnifying; forming verbs from nouns.

    Formation of an internal action plan; development of hand-eye coordination

    New Year, Christmas decorations.


    Consolidation of the topic “Word Composition”.

    Development of long-term memory

    Library. Our favorite fairy tales.


    Verification work



    Working on a proposal


    Phrase and sentence




    Development of the ability to identify significant features

    Wild animals



    Development of thinking (establishing patterns)

    Professions, tools.


    Making simple sentences given word

    Development of visual perception (selection of objects). Development of orientation in space



    Dissemination of suggestions on issues

    Development of mediated memory, development of time orientation

    Defender of the Fatherland Day


    Dissemination of proposals according to the scheme



    Distributing proposals to students' wishes

    Development of thinking; development of visual-spatial perception

    Spring. Changes in nature.


    Making sentences on syntactic issues


    Making sentences from given phrases

    Development of voluntary attention


    Making sentences from a set of words

    Development of thinking (ability to compare)

    Migratory and wintering birds


    Making proposals based on subject pictures

    Development of thinking (processes of analysis)



    Working with deformed texts

    Development of thinking (synthesis processes)


    Working with text without dividing into sentences



    Working with text without dividing into words

    Development of verbal memory and voluntary attention. Development of spatial concepts


    Working with text with insertions of extra letters

    Natural phenomena. Features of our region


    Working with text broken down into syllables instead of words


    Working with text with incorrect word breakdown

    Development of the ability to reproduce a sample



    Working with text to restore the order of parts


    Working with text to restore the order of sentences

    Trees, bushes.


    Working with text to restore grammatical connections between words in a sentence

    Developing resilience and concentration

    Plants of meadow and garden.


    Working with text to restore the order of words in a sentence

    Development of verbal and logical thinking



    Working with text with an exception


    Statement on issues

    Development of mediated memory

    Victory Day


    Writing a descriptive story

    Development of thinking (abstraction)

    Summer, vacation


    Narrative essay

    Development of verbal memory and voluntary attention

    Total: 60 hours


    3.1.In the communicative and speech sphere:

      mastery of phonetically and intonationally correct speech;

      mastering phonemic generalizations;

      mastery of dialogic and monologue coherent speech;

      using Russian language tools to solve communicative and cognitive problems


    4.1. Criteria for assessing oral speech according to the method of M.A. Povalyaeva (diagnostic block)





    Speech communication

    3 points

    2 points

    1 point

    Connected speech

    10 points

    Over 5 points

    Less than 5 points


    60 points

    35 – 50 points

    Less than 35 points

    Grammar side

    50 points

    32 – 49 points

    Less than 32 points

    Sound side

    3 points

    2 points

    1 point

    Practical awareness of the elements of speech

    7 points

    3 – 4 points

    Less than 3 points

    General level of speech development

    133 points

    79 – 112 points

    Less than 73 points

    4.2. Before the implementation of the correction program

    General level

    speech development


    Vasyokin Vladislav Mikhailovich




    Grigorieva Anna Anatolevna




    Egorov Ivan Sergeevich




    Zekunov Sergey Ivanovich




    Pridatchenko Artyom Sergeevich


    below the average


    Chebotarev Nikita Andreevich




    Shapovalov Viktor Yurievich




    3 "A"



    Ibrahim Zain Ahmad

    3 "B"



    Ivanov Ivan Vasilievich

    3 "B"



    Zekunova Anastasia Ivanovna

    2 "B"

    below the average


    Zakharova Alina Sergeevna

    2 "B"

    below the average


    Korovyakov Dmitry Evgenievich

    2 "B"

    below the average


    Suslov Viktor Sergeevich

    2 "B"



    2 "B"

    below the average


    Babkin Boris Olegovich

    2 "A"



    Zakharov Maxim Nikolaevich

    2 "A"

    Below the average


    Bychkov Vladimir Andreevich



      1. After the implementation of the correction program

    General level

    speech development


    Vasyokin Vladislav Mikhailovich



    Grigorieva Anna Anatolevna



    Egorov Ivan Sergeevich



    Zekunov Sergey Ivanovich



    Pridatchenko Artyom Sergeevich



    Chebotarev Nikita Andreevich



    Shapovalov Viktor Yurievich



    Gorbatovsky Nikita Mikhailovich

    3 "A"


    Ibrahim Zain Ahmad

    3 "B"


    Ivanov Ivan Vasilievich

    3 "B"


    Zekunova Anastasia Ivanovna

    2 "B"


    Zakharova Alina Sergeevna

    2 "B"


    Korovyakov Dmitry Evgenievich

    2 "B"


    Suslov Viktor Sergeevich

    2 "B"


    Argynbekov Alexander Andreevich

    2 "B"


    Babkin Boris Olegovich

    2 "A"


    Zakharov Maxim Nikolaevich

    2 "A"


    Bychkov Vladimir Andreevich



    5.1. Main literature

      Efimenkova L.N.Correction of oral and written speech for teacherscurrent primary classes: A manual for speech therapists. M., 2006;

      Speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova. M., 2002;

      Sadovnikova I.N.Disorders of written speech and their overcoming in junior schoolchildren: Textbook. allowance. M., 1997.

      Fomicheva M.F. Teaching children correct pronunciation. Moscow – Voronezh 1997.

    5.2. Further reading

      Efimenkova L.N.Correction of errors caused by non-formation of phonemic perception (Issue 1).M., 2008;

      Efimenkova L.N.Correction of errors caused by inconsistenciesworldliness phonemic hearing. Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants (Issue 2, part 2). M., 2005;

      Lalaeva R.I., Venediktova L.V. Diagnosis and correction of reading and writing disorders in primary schoolchildren. St. Petersburg 2003

      1. Electronic resources

    Regional state budgetary educational institution implementing adapted general education programs

    "Boarding School No. 12"

    Working programm in speech therapy

    for a 4th grade student


    Academic year: 2018-2019

    Total number of hours (classes)68, number of hours (classes) per week2

    Compiled by:

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Zhidkova Lyubov Viktorovna






    Target section


    General purpose of the program


    Purpose of the program



    Expected results of mastering the correction course “From Sound to Word.”


    Content section


    Correctional course program “From sound to word”


    Organizational section


    Thematic planning of remedial courses


    Thematic planning of the correction course “From sound to word”


    Annex 1 (speech therapy examination of the student)

    Target section.

    1. General purpose of the program

    This work program is intended for organizing and conducting correctional pedagogical workwith students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities, as well as with children with severe multiple developmental disorders.The program is developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

    the federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation»;

    Federal State educational standard education
    students from mental retardation(intelligent
    violations). Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2014 No. 1599 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for the education of students with mental retardation
    (intellectual impairment)";

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

    The work program was developed on the basis of the Adapted Basic General Education Program (BAEP) for students with mental retardation (intellectual impairments) and is formed as a program for speech therapy support for children with a complex structure of disorders.

    This work program is of a correctional and developmental nature. The work program defines the main directions of work of a speech therapist, the conditions and means of forming and correcting the speech of students at boarding school No. 12.

    The main areas of work of a speech therapist teacher:




    advisory and educationaland preventive direction;

    organizational and methodological.

    The teacher-speech therapist conducts diagnostics of students at the beginning of the school year in order to determine the level of speech development and speech characteristics. Based on the results of the diagnostic examination and guided by the recommendations of the Center for Medical Education and / or PMPk, the teacher-speech therapist completes the composition of the students with whom he will conduct individual lessons, determining the corrective course suitable for each student. In total, the program includes 4 correctional courses, depending on the level of speech development of the child, from complete absence to extensive phrasal speech. Each correctional course is designed for 1 year of study with 64 lessons and ends with a final examination of the student to determine individual achievements based on the results of the lessons. If necessary (if the expected results were insufficient), the selected course is duplicated. Upon achieving the expected results in the chosen remedial course, the course becomes more complicated for the next year, or the student graduates, in this case, the speech therapist teacher enrolls another student who needs the help of a specialist (according to the conclusion of the Center for Medical Education and / or PMPk).

    * “Protocol for diagnostic examination of a student with a complex structure of defect” see Appendix 4

    The basis of the Work Program for students with moderate, severe and
    profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment),
    severe and multiple developmental disorders are caused by
    differentiated and activity approaches.
    Differentiated approachto the construction of the Work Program involves taking into account special educational needs, which are manifested in the heterogeneity of opportunities for mastering the content of education.
    Taking a differentiated approach to creating
    educational programs provide a variety of content,
    providing students with moderate, severe and profound mental
    retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and
    multiple developmental disorders the opportunity to realize
    individual development potential.

    Activity approachbased on theoretical principles
    domestic psychological science, revealing the main
    patterns and structure of education taking into account the specifics of development
    personality of a student with mental retardation (intellectual
    The activity approach in education is based on the recognition that
    personality development of students with moderate, severe and profound
    mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and
    multiple developmental disorders are determined by the nature
    organization of activities accessible to them (subject-practical and
    The main means of implementing the activity approach in
    education is learning as a process of organizing cognitive and
    subject-practical activities of students with moderate, severe and
    profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple developmental disorders,
    ensuring their mastery of the content of education.
    The implementation of the activity approach ensures:

    making educational results socially and personally significant

    strong assimilation by students with moderate, severe and deep
    mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple impairments in the development of knowledge and experience of various activities and behavior, the possibility of their independent advancement in the subject areas being studied;

    a significant increase in motivation and interest in learning,
    acquiring new experience of activity and behavior;

    providing conditions for general cultural and personal development
    students with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple developmental disorders based on the formation of basic educational actions that ensure not only the successful assimilation of certain elements of the system scientific knowledge, abilities and skills (academic results), but above alllife competence, which forms the basis of social success.

    1. Purpose of the program

    Purpose of implementation The work program of a speech therapist teacher is to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment).

    For children studyingaccording to AOEP developed for students with moderate, severe, profound mental retardation
    (intellectual impairment), with severe and multiple
    developmental disorders, the main thing is the development of personality, the formation general culture, corresponding to generally accepted moral and sociocultural values, the formation of practical ideas, skills and abilities necessary for self-realization and life in society, allowing to achieve the maximum
    possible autonomy and independence in everyday life.

    1. Planned (expected) results.

    The main expected result of a student mastering a speech therapy program is the development of the ability to use speech for the purpose of social communication, promoting the development of maximum independence (in accordance with his mental and physical capabilities) in solving everyday life problems, expanding personal experience and meeting individual needs.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) with TMSD establishes requirements for the results of mastering AOEP, which are considered as possible (approximate) and commensurate with individual capabilities and specific educational needs students.

    Requirements are established for the results:

    personal, including the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, social competencies, personal qualities;

    subject-specific, including the experience gained by students in the course of studying an academic subject in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge and its application.

    1.3.1. Expected results of mastering the correction course “from sound to word”

    The child'sneed for communication , he is interested and can use some means of alternative and/or additional communication.

    articulatory capabilities have expanded, imitative speech activity has been enriched, and the intonation-rhythmic contour of words is reproduced.

    the number of words (simple, frequently heard words) used for communication purposes has increased, babbling words are being replaced by commonly used ones.

    understanding of spoken speech has improved, and vocabulary has been enriched.

    simple grammatical categories can perform a semantic distinguishing function.

    uses a communicatively significant one-word phrase (“give”, “go”).

    The speech capabilities of children have improved in the practice of impressive and/or expressive speech both for solving everyday life problems that are age appropriate and for solving educational problems, enriching the child’s personal experience.

    2. Content section

    Explanatory note

    2.1 Correctional course program “From Sound to Word”

    This correctional course is designed for children with intellectual disabilities who, in independent communication, quite actively use a number of verbal means: individual sounds and some of their combinations - sound complexes and onomatopoeia, snippets of babbling words, supplementing them with gestures and facial expressions. However, their verbal means of communication are extremely limited. Children's active vocabulary consists of a small number of vaguely pronounced everyday, often babbling and diffuse words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. There is a clearly expressed deficiency in the formation of the impressive side of speech. It is difficult for them to understand both some simple prepositions (“in”, “on”, “under”, etc.) and the grammatical categories of singular and plural, masculine and feminine, past and present tense of verbs, etc. A distinctive feature of speech development at this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word. Low speech abilities of children are accompanied by poor life experience, limited undifferentiated ideas about the surrounding life, and inertia of mental-cognitive processes. So, the speech of children studying in this course is difficult to understand for others and has a strict situational attachment.

    The main content of speech therapy work

    Formation of general speech skills.

    Teaching children the optimal type of physiological for speechbreathing . Teaching speech breathing (calm short inhalation and smooth long exhalation) without speech accompaniment (“Let’s Smell a Flower”, “Boats”, “The Butterfly is Flying”, etc.) and with speech accompaniment based on the material of vowel sounds and their combinations, isolated voiceless fricative consonants [ F], [X], syllables with these consonants.

    Formation of primary ideas aboutintonation expressiveness speech through emotional reading to children, poems simple in content short texts. Teaching intonation imitation of the voices of animals and birds.

    Activation of movements articulatory apparatus and facial muscles in the process of performing game imitation exercises.

    Developing the ability to convey accents by hitting a tambourine, clapping your hands and maintaining pauses. Educationreproduction of a rhythmic pattern words while tapping with your hand.

    Formation of the psychological basis of speech.

    Formation of voluntary auditory and visual perception, attention and memory, visual-spatial concepts.

    Consolidation of learned volumetric and planar geometric

    forms Development of stereognosis skills. Consolidation of learned quantities of objects. Consolidation of learned colors.

    Learning to distinguish objects by color. Learning to classify objects and combine them into a set according to one or two characteristics.

    Formation of the skill of determining spatial relationships (above, below, right, left, in front, behind), the location of an object

    in relation to yourself. Training in the perception and recognition of objects, pictures by their names (organization of perception

    by word).

    Expanding the volume of visual, auditory and auditory-verbal memory. Improving the processes of memorization and reproduction (using objects, two or three object pictures, geometric


    Development of impressive speech.

    Formation of the ability to listen attentively to speech, understand its content, concentrate on the perception of speech and give motor and sound reactions.

    Improving the understanding of speech based on the perception of complete phrases supported by action (“Show the doll”, “Show the ball”, “Show the bear”; “Show the doll” - “Bring the doll”).

    Understanding two-step instructions (“Go to the closet and take the teddy bear”, “Take a spoon and feed the doll”, “Take the blocks and build a house”).

    Clarifying the understanding of the names of toiletries, household items, the environment, toys, school supplies, clothing, shoes, food. Clarifying the understanding of the names of actions that the child himself performs, that his loved ones perform, or that he can see.

    Further development of the objective, predicative in the process of distinguishing verbs with opposite meanings (pour - pour out, fasten - unfasten, put on - take off, ties - unties, closes - opens, climbs - climbs off), adjectives (big - small, high - low, long - short), adverbs (in front - behind, below - above, high - low, far - close, many - few).

    Teaching Understanding Questions: What? Who? Where? (“Show what’s lying”, “Show who’s sleeping”, “Show where the toys are”, “Show what’s buzzing and what’s ringing”, “Show who’s sleeping and who’s sitting”, “Show where the cat is” lies and where he washes himself”).

    Correlating the words one - many with the corresponding number of objects and the words big - small with the size of objects.

    Learning to understand indirect questions using interrogative words: to whom, from whom, with what, where (“Show who mom gives milk to,” “Show who has the ball,” “Show me what the girl is drawing with,” “Show me where the kitten hid.” ).

    Learning to understand both some simple prepositions (“in”, “on”, “under”, etc.), as well as grammatical categories of singular and plural, masculine and feminine, past and present tenses of verbs.

    Methodical techniques:

    Showing and naming objects;

    Recognition by description and purpose;

    Recognizing actions from pictures;

    Execution of 2-step instructions;

    Follow instructions for distinguishing units. and plural h.;

    Understanding questions based on the action being demonstrated.

    Correction of violations of the phonetic side of speech.

    Development of elementary pronunciation skills in working on vowels [A], [U], [I], [O], [E] and consonants of early ontogenesis [P], [B], [M], [T], [D] , [N], [K], [G], [X], [F], [V] sounds (without differentiating them into soft and hard, voiceless and voiced) based on special sound symbols.

    Consolidation of pronunciation skills (within the available vocabulary).

    Teaching children to recognize and reproduce vowels based on the perception of their silent articulation.

    Development of phonemic awareness.

    Formation of the ability to distinguish contrasting vowels ([I - U], [I - O], [A - U], [E - U]) and consonant sounds that are close in articulation in open syllables (by the participation of the soft palate [M - B], [N - D]; according to the place of formation [P - T], [T - K], [M - N]).

    Formation of the sound-syllable structure of words in children with correct reproduction of the stressed syllable and rhythmic pattern in two-syllable words consisting of open syllables in the following sequence: with emphasis on vowel sounds: [A] (mother, flour, river, poppies), [U] (fly, I go, I lead), [I] (kisa, Nina, threads, sit), [O] (wasps, braids, houses), [Y] (soap, melon).

    Learning to perceive and reproduce rhythms simple learned words (simultaneous pronunciation and clapping).

    Formation of a simple sentence (of two or three words) based on the learned elements of word formation.

    Activating children's speech through the practical use of sentences consisting of root words (“di” - go, go, “tu-tu” - let’s go, “gu” - walk).

    Teaching children to compose simple sentences consisting of:

    from an indicative word (there, there, this, here) and a noun in nominative case(“Here’s Dad”, “Here’s Anya”);

    from an address and a verb in the imperative mood (“Tata, give”, “Olya, go.”);

    from an imperative verb and a noun in the nominative case;

    from a modal adverb and a verb in the infinitive (“I will drink.” “I want to eat,” “I can take it”);

    from an address, a verb in the imperative mood and a noun in the nominative case (“Dad on the ball”);

    Developing the ability to answer questions with complete answers.

    Formation of the ability to finish a sentence started by the teacher based on the picture.

    3. Organizational section

    3.1 Thematic planning of remedial courses

    Planning is based on methodological recommendations to the AOEP for students with moderate, profound, severe intellectual disabilities, and with severe multiple developmental disabilities, compiled by E.A. Rudakova, O.Yu. Sukhareva.This program is designed for 4th grade student Polina Sukhovskikh. The main form of organizing the educational process is individual lessons.

    The program involves two classes per week. The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes (which includes accompanying the child to the speech therapist’s office and back). At the beginning and end of the school year, the speech therapist conducts diagnostic classes. At the beginning of the year, in order to determine the level of speech development, the specifics of speech disorders and the selection of a specific correction course. At the end of the year, in order to evaluate the results achieved and adjust the program for the next academic year. Each correctional course includes 34 lessons.

    3.2 Thematic planning of a remedial course

    "From sound to word"



    Lesson topic

    Number of hours

    Types of jobs

    Examination of the state of articulatory motor skills

    Games and exercises

    Phonemic Awareness Test

    Games and exercises

    Examination of the reading and writing process

    Assignments and exercises

    Lexical topic: “Autumn.” Development of auditory attention.

    Strengthen the ability to find autumn signs. Work based on the picture “Autumn”.

    The vowel sound "A". Onomatopoeia. The concept of “same - different”.

    Strengthen the ability to highlight sounds at the beginning and middle of a word.

    Lexical topic: “Vegetables.” Reinforcing the concepts " same - different»

    Work based on the plot picture “Harvest”.

    Use of verbs: “give”, “na”.

    Work according to the painting scheme.

    The vowel sound "U". Onomatopoeia. Acquaintance with the concepts of “man” and “woman”.

    Working from pictures.

    The vowel sound "U". Onomatopoeia. Lexical topic “Fruits”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Finding a letter among other letters. Reading words:oh, oh. Did. game "In the garden".

    Vowel sounds “A”, “U”. Onomatopoeia. Introduction to the concepts of “living” and “non-living”.

    Finding letters among other letters. Hatching letters. Working with split alphabet.

    Use of verbs: “give”, “on”, “put”, “take”.

    Working with objects.

    The vowel sound "I". Onomatopoeia. Differentiation of the concepts “living” - “non-living”

    Lexical topic: “Clothing.” The use of simple verbs: “give”, “on”, “put on”, “take off”.

    Working from pictures.

    The vowel sound "O". Onomatopoeia. Isolating birds from other objects.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table. Work based on the picture “How Petya dressed.”

    Vowel sounds “I”, “O”. Onomatopoeia. Distinguishing birds from other animals.

    Reinforce your knowledge of the differences between birds and animals. Reading syllables.

    Vowel sounds “A”, “I”, “O”. Differentiation using symbols and gestures.

    Lexical topic: “Man, body parts.” Introducing the pronouns “he” and “she”.

    Work based on the picture “Man”.

    Vowel sounds “U”, “I”, “O”. Differentiation using symbols and gestures.

    Laying out syllables from letters, reading syllables. Working from a picture.

    Clarification of the pronunciation of vowel sounds. Performing actions: walk, sit, stand.

    Performing actions.

    Organs of articulation. Singing fused vowel sounds. Understanding the meaning of the verbs “sing” and “be silent”.

    Laying out syllables from letters, reading syllables. Working from a picture.

    Determination of the sequence of sounds in sound complexes.

    Laying out syllables from letters, reading syllables. Working from a picture.

    Sound "M". Onomatopoeia: “mu”, “am”, “meow”, “me”. Isolating people from other objects.

    Sound “M” Words: mom, my, Mila, wash.

    Laying out syllables from letters. Reading syllables. Working with pictures.

    Sounds "P", "P". Onomatopoeia: “pi”, “fluff”.

    Conduct an audio dictation. Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "P", "P". Emotional exclamations: “op”, “jump”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "P", "P". The words “Dad, Polya, drink.”

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "M", "P". Masculine - feminine.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "M", "P". Distinguishing between masculine and feminine genders of nouns.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "B", "B". Onomatopoeia: “be”, “bom”, “bi-bi”, “bul”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "B", "B". Emotional exclamations: “bye”, “bo-bo”, “bang”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds: “B”, “B”. The word "baba". A one-word phrase with an emotional exclamation.

    Finding letters among other letters. Reading syllables from a table. Working with the text "Baba".

    Practicing the sounds “B”, “B” in words. Development of the ability to listen to speech. Working with the text "Baba".

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.Working with the text "Baba".

    Sounds “V”, “V”. Imitation of wind sounds. Working with voice.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds “V”, “V”. We learn to pronounce words: cotton wool, water, Vitya, Vova. Differentiation of words by the first syllable.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables and words according to the table.

    Sounds “V”, “V”. Working with the text “Vova”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading text.

    Understanding the meaning of simple verbs: sitting, eating, running, walking, standing. A one-word phrase with an emotional exclamation.

    Sounds "K", "K". Onomatopoeia “ku”, “ko”, “kar”, “quack”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "K", "K". Onomatopoeia “ku-ku”, “Kach”, “drip”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil. Reading syllables from a table.

    Sounds "K", "K". Words: Katya, Kotya, kitty, Kolya.

    Working from pictures. Reading syllables, simple words.

    Activation of speech. The use of phrases based on previously worked speech material. “Katya, boom” “Kisa, op.” “Kitty, kach-kach.”

    Working from pictures. Reading syllables, simple words.

    Combining objects according to meaning. Accompanying actions with accessible speech (“drip”, “bi”, “am”, “fluff”).

    Work on the split alphabet.

    The concept of "big and small". Voice modulation: “OOO!”, “pee-pee-pee.”

    Working with objects.

    Animals and their young. Feed the animals.

    Pictures of animals. Work based on the picture “On the Farm”.

    Sounds: “G”, “G”. Onomatopoeia: “ha-ga”, “gula”, “yoke-go”.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil.

    Sounds: “G”, “G”. "Gop" - we're riding a horse. Differentiation of the vowel sound “o” in syllables.

    Reading syllables, words.Learn to differentiate the vowel sound “o” in syllables.

    Animals. Use of simple verbs.

    Working from a picture.

    Sounds "X", "X". Sound analysis of the syllable "Uh".

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil.

    Sounds "X", "X". The use of emotional exclamations: “Ah”, “Oh”, “Wow”!

    Learn to use emotional statements in speech:“Ah”, “Oh”, “Uh”!

    Sounds "T", "T". Onomatopoeia: “bale” (axe), “tick-tock”, “tu”, “knock”. Matching words with pictures.

    Sounds "T", "T". Emotional exclamation “top”. Using the phrases “Dad, top”, “Auntie, top”, etc.

    Learn to use phrases“Dad, top”, “Auntie, top”, etc.

    Sounds "T", "T". Use of words: “Tata”, “Tolya”, “Toma”, “aunt”, “Kotya”, “Katya”.

    Sounds "T", "T". Pure talk. Working with rhythm.

    Reading syllables, words. Working from pictures.

    Sounds around us. Clarification of the pronunciation of consonant sounds in onomatopoeia. Functional purpose of objects.

    Repetition of completed letters. Conducting a letter dictation. Working with pictures.

    Sounds "N", "N". Onomatopoeia: “But.”

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil, shading.

    Emotional exclamation: “Here!” Use of phrases; “Here, Auntie,” “Here, Kotya.”

    Learnemotional exclamation: “Here!” Use of phrases; “Here, Auntie,” “Here, Kotya.”

    Sounds “T”, “Th”, “N”, “N”. The words “Nata”, “Theme”. Making words from letters. “Get the kids dressed for a walk.”

    Working with split alphabet. Finding letters among others. Working from a picture.

    "F" sound. Flowers. Emotional exclamations: “Fu!”, “Fo!”, “Fi!”

    "F" sound. Vowel sounds and the sound “F” “Food”. Singular and plural nouns.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil, shading. Reading syllables from a table. Working from pictures.

    Lexical topic: “Family.” Names of loved ones.

    Working from a picture.

    Lexical topic: “Family.” Use of pronouns “I” and “they”.

    Learn to use pronouns in speech.

    Lexical topic: “Objects of the immediate environment.” Understanding the meaning of the prepositions “on” and “under”.

    Reading syllables, simple words according to the table. Working from pictures.

    Clarification of the pronunciation of consonant sounds. Working with rhythm. Poem "Toys".

    Work on the split alphabet. Working with the poem “Toys”.

    Clarification of the pronunciation of consonant sounds. Working with rhythm. Poem "Home".

    Reading syllables, simple words using a syllabic table. Working with the poem "Home".

    Clarification of the pronunciation of consonant sounds. Working with intonation. Poem "Rain".

    Reading syllables, simple words using a syllabic table. Working with the poem "Rain".

    Distinguishing previously learned verbs. We learn to answer a question with a short word (onomatopoeia).

    Tracing the studied letters using a stencil, shading. Working from pictures.

    Clarification of the pronunciation of the sound “Y” (invocation). Getting to know the symbol.

    Laying out letters from sticks, tracing on a stencil, shading. Reading syllables from a table. Working from pictures.

    Determination of vowel sounds in monosyllabic words (um, am, op, poppy, house, bull, cat).

    Work on the split alphabet. Working with pictures.

    Speech examination.

    Speech therapy work program for 1st grade

    Explanatory note.

    When developing a speech therapy program for children with mental retardation, the following were used: documentation:

      Program of Kuzminykh E. L. Formation of the communicative function of speech in students of grades 1 - 5 of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type: Training program(Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration). 2000. - 73 p.

      Federal basic curriculum (pr. Min. Education of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2004 No. 29 (2065 - p) of a special (correctional) school - boarding school of the VIII type.

      Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

      Teaching children with developmental disabilities. Collection regulatory documents. Permian. 2004.

      Federal state educational standard of primary general education for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities).

      Adapted basic educational program of primary general education for students with intellectual disabilities TOGBOU "Center for Curative Pedagogy and Differentiated Education."

      “Preparatory and correctional grades 1-4 programs educational institutions"edited by V.V. Voronkova.

    The relevance of the program lies in the fact that it helps to activate all channels of communication in children with intellectual disabilities: receptive (understanding), organizing (associating what is perceived, identifying connections and relationships between objects and words), expressive (expressing thoughts in oral and written speech).

    Purpose of the program:

    Socialization of students by eliminating oral speech disorders.

    The program solves the following tasks:

    1) providing a step-by-step course for the development of speech communication in a child with mental retardation through speech therapy classes and extracurricular activities in the following areas: grades 1-2 - development of means of speech;

    2) creating the necessary foundation for speech development by improving mental processes;

    3) providing conditions for practical communication and the formation of the communicative function of speech.

    The main directions of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy in the formation of language means in children with mental retardation in the field of phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, grammar, to summarize ways of further using means of communication to improve the communicative function of speech.

    The proposed program is the introduction of the process of language acquisition into the activity of communication through speech means to be mastered in the following sequence: grades 1-2 - accumulation of speech means; 3rd grade - selection of speech means; Grade 4 - use of speech means; Grades 5-7 - meaningful use of speech means.

    The global tasks of the program are solved by a number of special specific tasks: development of the sound-pronunciation side of speech, semantic (enrichment, consolidation and activation of the dictionary), improvement of grammatical correctness of speech, formation of conversational (dialogical) and contextual (monologue) forms of speech , prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders.

    The program provides for the construction of correctional and developmental education, taking into account the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren, the implementation of close continuity between speech therapy and literacy lessons, the development of speech, reading, and the Russian language. Stage-by-stage formation of skills to use speech means and step-by-step consolidation in oral, written and internal speech.

    The specifics of the program are manifested in educational and thematic planning. The topics of the classes are narrow, each correction task should be divided as much as possible into the simplest tasks, and the connection between the correction of speech defects and the development of cognitive activity is mandatory. Gradual complication of tasks and speech material, gradual consolidation of the means of speech in oral, written and internal speech, a mandatory combination of speech development, sensory functions, fine and gross motor skills, cognitive activity, that is, the formation of speech in mentally retarded students as an integral mental function, as a means formation of thinking.

    In the first two weeks of the school year, a speech therapy examination is carried out, which includes: a study of oral speech disorders, a speech card is filled out, and a plan for individual correctional and developmental work is drawn up.

    At the initial stages of work (grades 1-2), the psychophysiological basis of speech is formed, attitudes towards activity and communication are developed, students are brought to the need for communication, and the need for it develops. It is important to form the child’s motivational basis for speaking, to develop speech and mental activity, the functions of imitative activity and reflected speech. During the entire training period, it is necessary to ensure communication practice at a level accessible to students: operations with individual words, with phrases (not united by a semantic context), understanding questions, answering them, with phrasal material / (united semantic context) against the background of emotional and a situation that is semantically significant for students, using dialogic and monologue speech.

    To implement the described course, the following forms of speech therapy work are used: extracurricular activities (excursions, matinees, reading competitions, speech therapy weeks); classroom lessons: individual for 15 minutes according to the following training grid:

    Directions of correctional and developmental impact

    Number of hours per class

    Classes on the formation of the pronunciation side of speech and the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

    3 r/week 15 min.

    1. By methods of presenting speech material: reproductive (performing a system of exercises), problem presentation (explanation of material to solve a problem situation, logical exercises), partially search (creative use of speech means, algorithmization, constructive exercises).

    2. According to the source of knowledge: practical (training exercises, imitative-performing, correctional, constructive, creative); didactic, role-playing, business games; modeling; functional (training for breathing, voice, articulation, fine and gross motor skills); work with educational and reference literature; visual (graphic, symbolic, illustrative, natural), verbal (word, speech therapist’s story, conversation: informative, heuristic, reproducing; speech analysis: phonetic, morphological, parsing).

    The program offers the use of the following forms and means of control: Annual examination students and then filling out the results in a map of the dynamics of speech development. Conducting reporting matinees, weeks speech therapy, competitions readers (April – May).

    Educational and thematic plan

    1 class

    Individual lessons on correcting the pronunciation aspect of speech

    (3 times a week for 15 minutes)

    by program

    Topic name

    Number of lessons




    Preparation and formation of the pronunciation side

    Staging and correction of sounds based on saved

    Automation of delivered sounds


    1 class

    Corrections of the pronunciation side of speech /90 lessons/.

    1. Preparation for the formation of the pronunciation side.

    Formation of voluntary forms of activity: attention, auditory and visual memory, elementary mental operations, conscious attitude to classes.

    Introduction to the organs of articulation.

    Training in differentiated speech therapy massage of the organs of articulation, face, neck, ears.

    Normalization of muscle tone of the face, muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

    Development of sensory functions: auditory perception, sound analysis, perception and reproduction of rhythm.

    Formation of articulatory motor movements. Practicing mobility, smoothness, switching, accuracy, quality, clarity, differentiation, uniformity of articulatory movements, stability of articulatory poses. Development of perception of articulatory structures, visual-kinesthetic sensations.

    Development of phonemic hearing, perception, analysis and synthesis.

    2. Staging and correction of sounds based on preserved ones.

    Formation of an idea of ​​the concepts “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”.

    Setting/correction/ of whistling sounds S, S", 3, 3", Ts.

    Correction of violations, production of hissing sounds Ш, Ж.

    Correction of violations, setting of affricates Ch, Sh.

    Correction of disorders, placement of posterior lingual K, G, X.

    Correction of violations, setting of sonors L, R.

    3. Automation of delivered sounds in different speech units.

    Introduction of a set sound into syllables: direct, reverse, between vowels, with a confluence of consonants.

    Practicing sounds in different positions: at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end, with a confluence of consonants.

    Practicing sounds in words of varying syllabic complexity: one-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable.

    Automation of sound in different forms of speech: conjugate, reflected, question-and-answer, situational / by subject, plot pictures, by a series of plot pictures, by picture plan, by topic, by presentation /, contextual.

    Development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech /90 lessons/.

    1. Accumulation of specific words and expressions.

    Education of speech activity.

    Formation of psychophysiological prerequisites speech activity.

    Clarification of active vocabulary, formation of passive vocabulary on program topics of speech development lessons: “School”, “Educational things”, “Autumn”, “Toys”, “Autumn flowers”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

    Formation of initial skills in communication situations / appeals, requests, elementary statements, one-word judgments /, concepts based on abstractions and generalizations, concepts based on analysis and synthesis, concepts based on comparisons and comparisons.

    2. Accumulation of grammatical meanings.

    Understanding the connections between words and sentences: semantic, grammatical/change in the number of nouns, case forms of nouns, nouns with a preposition, Genitive plural nouns; agreement of nouns with verbs, adjectives, numerals/.

    Comparison of word forms based on identifying objects, actions, features on the following lexical topics: “Trees”, “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Winter”, “Houseplants”.

    Constructing simple sentences, distributing simple sentences on issues.

    Formation of statements according to a graphic scheme, according to supporting words, according to a subject picture, according to a plot, according to a series of plot pictures, according to a topic, according to an experience, but a presentation.

    3. Accumulation of sound, semantic, morphological, syntactic aspects of speech.

    Analysis of the sound complex, syllabic structure of words. The use of an isolated grammatical form / agreement of nouns with adjectives in gender, nouns with verbs, nouns with numerals / on the following lexical topics: “Domestic animals”, “Wild animals”.

    Designation in speech of actions, qualities, properties of objects and their elements,

    relationships and connections when studying the following lexical topics: “Poultry”, “Health”, “Spring”, “Insects”.

    Suffixal and prefixal ways of forming words. Changing words by numbers. Formation of verbs from nouns, adjectives from nouns. Agreement of pronouns with verbs, nouns with adjectives.

    Reproduction of phrases into sentences.

    4. Formation of communicative and cognitive needs in speech.

    Use of grammatical forms in expanded form. The use of semantic connections between words, questions, comparisons by meaning, verification of sentences, various symbolizations.

    Consolidation of grammatical-syntactic models in a coherent statement based on a graphic diagram, questions, picture plan.

    Individual lessons on correcting the pronunciation aspect of speech.

    1 class.



    speech base


    speech base





    Preparation of the articulatory apparatus for the formation of articulatory structures.

    Familiarization with the organs of articulation. Learning the ability to sense, realize, control, and remember your actions. Performing basic exercises art. gymnastics, facial massage.

    Names of the organs of speech, actions of the tongue, lips.

    Changing the names of speech organs and parts of the face by numbers.

    Development of sensory functions, auditory perception, rhythm reproduction.

    Formation speech breathing, directed air jet. Learning the ability to reproduce rhythm, shades of speech (surprise, sadness, joy), raising and lowering the voice.

    Wind musical instruments. Fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.

    Formation of adjectives (moods) from nouns.

    Working on fine motor skills of the hands. Improving gross motor skills. Development of visual-kinesthetic sensations.

    Practicing reference sounds I, F, T, Y.

    Formation of precise movements of art organs. device, directed air jet, development of phonemic hearing.

    Sound pronunciation. Words-objects on the topic “Toys”.

    Change by numbers. Coordination of words-objects with actions.

    Formation of purposeful activities. Development of kinesthetic sensations. Stimulation of learning motivation.

    Correction of violations of the pronunciation of whistling sounds.

    Setting up the sounds S, S, Z, Z, Ts. Formation of initial skills in correctly pronouncing sounds using specially selected speech material in various ways.

    8 lessons each

    Correction of violations of the pronunciation of hissing sounds.

    Setting the sounds Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch.

    Food. Poultry. Toys.

    Analysis of articulation according to the picture plan. Agreement of nouns with verbs.

    Improving speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers. Establishing the difference between correct and incorrect pronunciation of sounds.

    Correction of violations of the pronunciation of the posterior lingual sounds K, G, X.

    Combination of practiced movements and positions of art organs. apparatus, creation of art. bases of this sound, adding an air stream and voice. Developing new connections and inhibiting incorrectly formed ones.

    Onomatopoeia of birds.

    Making a simple sentence based on an object picture.

    Developing an incentive to overcome violations. Practicing coordination of movements. Development of thought processes: analysis, synthesis, comparison, juxtaposition. Mobilization of visual, auditory, tactile-vibration control, kinesthetic sensations. Development of verbal memory.

    Correction of violations of the pronunciation of sonors N, M, R, L.

    Onomatopoeia of wild and domestic animals. Monosyllabic words. Monosyllabic words with consonant clusters at the beginning and end of words. Two-syllable words.

    Prepositional forms of nouns. Selection of words using graphic diagrams.

    Automation of delivered sounds in different syllable structures.

    Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds in syllables (direct, reverse, between vowels, with a combination of consonants).

    Monosyllabic words. Monosyllabic words with consonant clusters at the beginning and end of words. Two-syllable words.

    Sound-syllable analysis of words. Selection of words using graphic diagrams. Changing nouns according to numbers.

    Stimulation of speech activity. Improving visual and auditory perception.

    Practicing sound in different positions.

    Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds in words (at the beginning, middle, end, with consonants).

    Vocabulary on the topic “School”, “Educational things”.

    Formation of semantic fields.

    Formation of self-control, social significance of speech.

    Practicing sound in phrasal speech.

    Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sound in phrasal speech on various speech materials (pure tongue twisters, tongue twisters, rhythmic speech, question-answer form, situational, contextual form). Improving the understanding of cause-and-effect, temporal, spatial relationships.

    Cloth. Shoes. Furniture. Dishes. Vegetables. Fruits. Mastering specific and grammatical meaning words

    Formation of semantic fields. Formation of systematicity.

    Stimulation of speech activity, attraction of volitional efforts. Improving voluntary attention, verbal conscious memorization. Formation of logical thinking. Development of generalization operations, analytical and synthetic activities.

    The program ensures that first-grade students achieve certain personal and subject-specific results.

    Personal results

    By the end of first grade, students should have developed:

    Social significance of the role of the student;

    Ability to evaluate your academic work, adequately perceive the assessments of classmates, teachers, parents;

    Skills of hard work, goodwill, independence, accuracy;

    Skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations.

    By the end of first grade, a student may have developed:

    The desire for self-development, the desire to discover new knowledge, the willingness to overcome learning difficulties and adequately evaluate one’s successes and failures, the ability to cooperate;

    Subject results

    Distinguish sounds by ear and pronunciation;

    Analyze words by sound composition, compose words from letters and syllables of the alphabet;

    Copy the words read and sorted out from the chalkboard and from the primer;

    Write letters and syllables under dictation, the spelling of which does not differ from the pronunciation;

    Correctly write down the passed capitals and capital letters, words consisting of these letters;

    Ability to name the organs of speech and parts of the face;

    Ability to analyze articulation according to a picture plan;

    Composition skills simple sentences according to the subject picture;

    Ability to form adjectives (moods) from nouns;

    Ability to coordinate words-objects with actions.

    The effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed program depends on the clarity of the organization of speech therapy work, on the uniform distribution of the load, on the continuity in the work of the speech therapist, teachers and parents, on taking into account the individual characteristics of students, on the organization of a differentiated approach, on the combination of the correctional and developmental process with medication, physiotherapy, and psychotherapeutic influence on students.

    The proposed program was developed on the basis of a thorough study of the speech development of students in grades 1-7 of a special (correctional) school, based on the study of methodological and scientific literature:

      Aksenova A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a correctional school. – M.: Vlados, 1999

      Andreeva N.G. Speech therapy classes on the development of coherent speech in primary schoolchildren. Edited by R.I. Lalaeva. In three parts. Manual for speech therapist Moscow. 2012

      Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy work in correctional classes. Toolkit for a teacher-speech therapist. Moscow. 2004

      Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions

    VIII type preparatory, grades 1 – 4. Edited by Dr. pedagogical sciences V.V. Voronkova. Moscow "Enlightenment". 2004

    5. Directory of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs educational work.

    Auto. – comp. T.N. Nikolkina. Volgograd. 2013

    6. Khudenko E.D., Baryshnikova D.I. Planning lessons for speech development

    (grades 1-4) in special (correctional) schools of the VIII type. – M.: ARKTI, 2003