• based on the results of monitoring students’ mastery curricula;
  • based on the results of identifying students’ development of abilities for intellectual, creative, physical education and sports activities;
  • on personal contribution to improving the quality of education, optimizing teaching and educational methods, sharing the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of the organization.

The results of activities in these areas are collected in an individual folder, which contains information on personal professional achievements, the results of training, education and development of students, the teacher’s contribution to the development of the education system over a certain period of time and participation in public life institutions.

How to register

Information on the rules for processing and submitting data for various categories of workers is developed by scientific and methodological centers, including the Ufa National Scientific Research Center (certification, portfolio, rules for conducting and processing the latter are provided by the specified center).

The portfolio is filled out by the teacher independently in accordance with the logic of reflecting the results of his professional activities based on criteria approved by the position in the organization, and contains a self-assessment of his work.

Registration takes place in a storage folder with files on paper or in electronic form. Teacher's portfolio kindergarten for certification, as well as the librarian’s portfolio for certification, are compiled according to a similar structure.

Portfolio structure

  1. General information about the teacher (includes personal data, documents on education, advanced training, availability scientific degree, titles, awards, diplomas of various competitions). This section allows you to qualify the level individual development teacher
  2. Results pedagogical activity(information on students’ mastery of educational programs, comparative analysis teacher’s work for three years, socialization of students).
  3. Scientific and methodological work (justification of a teacher’s choice of a specific training program, use of modern educational and ICT technologies in work, work in methodological associations, councils, materials on participation in pedagogical competitions, subject weeks, seminars).
  4. Extracurricular activities on the subject (abstracts, projects completed by students on the subject, list of winners of olympiads, competitions, scripts and reports on extracurricular activities, programs of clubs, electives).
  5. Execution of functions class teacher(work with students and parents).
  6. Educational and material base (availability reference books, visual aids, technical aids on the subject, audio and video aids).
  7. Reviews about teaching activities and their results (reviews from managers, colleagues, parents, graduates, information on monitoring the quality of education in the subject, articles about the teacher, certificates, etc.).
  8. Community service(participation in trade unions, commissions).

Portfolio sample

If we talk about a portfolio for a librarian for certification, its sample is slightly different from the pedagogical one. If sections containing general information, results of activities, reviews about it, information about social activities are similar, then such specific information as class management, educational facilities, extracurricular activities are not applicable in this case.

Delivery deadlines

Teaching staff undergo certification to establish a qualification category at their request. Regardless of the duration of work in the institution, even while on parental leave, the employee submits an application.

After its consideration, within no more than 30 calendar days, the schedule and composition of the certification commission are approved.

Next, the certification commission receives an expert opinion on the certified person, based, among other things, on his documents. The duration of certification for each employee from the beginning of its implementation until the decision is made is no more than 60 calendar days

Based on the results of certification for a period of 5 years, the first category is established.

Where to provide

The employee submits an application to the certification commission. Information about activities on paper is also provided there.

Currently, electronic information about an employee is becoming popular. There are various electronic platforms for posting it.

Is a portfolio required by law?

The standard form and structure of formation is not established by current legislation, but the information contained in it has practical significance for successful certification.

on creating a portfolio of achievements

Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category (first or highest) is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated 04/07/2014 No. 276, and on the basis of the Regulations of the certification commission formed to carry out certification in order to establish the qualification category of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Samara region, teaching staff of municipal and private organizations carrying out educational activities (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region dated June 26, 2014 No. 224-od).

Certification is an examination of documents and materials collected in the individual folder of the certified employee (portfolio of achievements).

Structure and content of a portfolio of achievements

A portfolio is an individual storage folder of documents and materials collected by a certified pedagogical worker, indicating the results of his professional activities in the declared position forinter-certification period.

The inter-certification period should be understood as:

5 years in the event that a teacher is re-certified (from the first qualification category to the first or from the highest qualification category to the highest);

minimum 2 years in the event that a teaching worker is certified from the first qualification category to the highest or is certified for the first time to the first qualification category.

The structure of the portfolio of achievements includes sections, the number and name of which depends on the indicators specified in the expert opinion on the results of the analysis of professional activities for the positions of teaching staff. A set of documents for each indicatorpreceded by a separating sheet, including the number and name of the indicator.

The title page of the portfolio of achievements (Appendix 1) indicates: last name, first name, patronymic of the person being certified, position, place of work, declared qualification category, date of the examination (according to schedule).

The main content of the portfolio of achievements consists of materials and documents presented on paper in the form of certificates, reports, tables, printouts, copies of diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc.

Making a portfolio of achievements

All portfolio materials are provided on paper: text - Times New Roman font, font size 14, line spacing - one and a half (except for tables).

Prepared documents and materials for each of the indicators are includedin a hardcover binder, each sheet (A-4)hemmed with a hole punch (no files or paper clips). Documents are provided in copies certified by the manager educational organization.

The portfolio will not be returned to the applicant., Feedback on the portfolio is not given.

Approximate list of documents and materials required for carrying out

professional activity assessments teacher

(preschool educational organization)

Full name ________________

Place of work________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Results of advanced training in the profile of teaching activities

1. Copies of documents of the established form on advanced training courses (certificates, certificates, personal educational receipt, certificates of the results of three final works);

2. Certificates of participation in seminars on the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards preschool education(TO); certificate of distance learning at the university (indicating the faculty).

Results of using new educational technologies , based on the focus of the group (general developmental, combined, compensatory, health )

1. Self-analysis of the results of using new educational technologies, electronic educational resources(EER) in the educational process in accordance with the focus of the group, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution;

2. Scenario/summary of a lesson, event using electronic educational resources/new educational technologies, conducted by a teaching worker during the inter-certification period (2-3 at the candidate’s choice);

3. Preschool educational institution website address/list of websites with addresses;

4. Copies of certificates of creation and placement on websites of professional products using new educational technologies(it is possible to provide other materials confirming the use in your activitiesnew educational technologies in the educational process).

Results of participation in the development and implementation of projects for educational activities, in innovation

Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution. A copy of the order on the organization of this activity (indicating the level), a copy of the order for the preschool educational institution.

Fulfillment of requirements to ensure safe conditions for the stay of pupils in preschool educational institutions

Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution.

The results of an organization developing subject matter - spatial environment groups in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the main educational program of preschool education (OOP DO) of the preschool educational institution

1. Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution;

2. Presentations with photographs (electronic or paper) / videos (at the teacher’s choice).

The results of students’ participation in events at various levels, including Internet competitions

1. A table reflecting the participation of pupils in competitions, festivals, competitions, etc., certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 3);

2. Copies of certificates, diplomas or documents confirming participation and results, certified by the supervisor;

3. Regulations on Internet competitions, website addresses.

Satisfaction of parents of pupils (their legal representatives) with the work of the teacher (based on the results of an independent survey)

1. Certificate based on the results of the survey, compiled by the head of the preschool educational institution;

2. Final (summary) sheet of the questionnaire of parents’ satisfaction with the activities of the certified teacher.

Broadcasting the experience of the practical results of one’s professional activities in accordance with the focus of the group (general developmental, combined, compensatory, health-improving)

1. A table reflecting the results of generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience, the availability of publications, printed publications, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 4);

2. Extracts from protocols, orders, copies of event programs, certified by the head;

3. Website address of the preschool educational institution; list of author's publications, copy title page printed edition, “Contents” page of the collection in which the publication is placed; internet address (It is mandatory to have a copy of the certificate of registration of the Internet resource as a media outlet), screenshot or certificate (publications published during the inter-certification period are indicated, including online publications).

Public results presentation of one's own pedagogicalexperience in organizing and conducting educational process (carrying out events with students,including as part of support teaching practice students, course participants)

1. A table reflecting the results of the teacher’s public presentation of his own pedagogical experience in organizing and conducting the educational process during the inter-certification period, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 6);

2. Copies of event programs, certificates from event organizers.

Professional activity (guidance) methodological unification / creative group; participation in the work of a creative group; participation in professional competitions)

1. Table confirming professional activity teaching worker, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 7);

2. Copies of documents confirming the table data.

Incentives for professional activity

1. Table reflecting the availability of incentives for professional activities during the inter-certification period, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 5);

2. A copy of certificates, thanks, extracts from orders, copies of award certificates (no more than three copies).

Availability of administrative penalties, justified complaints from participants in educational relations

Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution regarding the presence/absence of an administrative penalty, justified complaints from parents of pupils (their legal representatives).

Appendix 1


Name of educational organization


to conduct an expert assessment of performance

Compiled by:

Full name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Job title_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Declared _____________________________________________________________________ qualification category

Date of examination ________________________________________________________________________________

(according to schedule)


Appendix 2


Business card

  1. Full name______________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Date of birth_______________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Education, name of educational organization, year of graduation_____________________________________________


  1. Position for which certification is required _________________________________________________________________


  1. Place of work__________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Total work experience_________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Teaching experience______________________________________________________________________________
  3. Length of work in position (in this organization)______________________________________________________________

9. Information about previous certification (category, date of assignment) __________________________________________


10. Having an academic degree_______________________________________________________________________________

11. Awards, titles_______________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Contact numbers:

Work__________________________________________ cell phone______________________________

Appendix 3

Results of student participation

in Olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions, etc.

Full name certified ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Event date

Event organizers

Event location

Full name of the student

Tour of the event (in-person/external)



Appendix 4

Broadcasting the practical results of their professional activities to teaching teams

on organizing and conducting the educational process


Name of the conference, seminar or other event

With status indication

(international, all-Russian, regional, city, etc.)



(speaker, moderator of the round table, section


Document confirming participation: diploma, certificate,

(if any)


data and

volume in printed sheets

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Appendix 6

The results of the teacher’s public presentation of his own pedagogical experience of professional activity

Full name certified ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Event date

Full name of the event indicating the status

(international, all-Russian, regional, city, etc.)

Event organizers

Event location

Form of public presentation of one’s own pedagogical experience in organizing and conducting the educational process

(activity, game, other activities)



(status – participant, winner with indication of place, etc.)

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Appendix 7

Professional activity of a teacher

Full name of the person being certified______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Event name

(management of a methodological association, creative group, competitions, expert councils, etc.) indicating the status (international, all-Russian, regional, district, city (district)

Participation form

(Head of the Moscow Region, creative groups s , chairman of the jury, member of the jury, chairman of the expert council, member of the expert council, etc.)

Document confirming participation

(extracts from protocols, orders, copies of certificates, imprint (if published)

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general educational programs- educational programs for preschool education.”

Tatiana Shevchenko
Teacher's portfolio (sample)

Shevchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Total work experience - 27 years

Teaching experience – 24 years

Pedagogical credo

"Whether we like it or not, the child, with

which are the most difficult to manage,

It’s the one that we’re most proud of later.” (Mignon McLaughlin)

Personal characteristics








Ability to get along with people



Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activities copies of Internet pages, sites used: site/., nsportal.ru, pedsovet.su, pedsovet.org/; Official website of the kindergarten “Beryozka”

Glossary Pedagogical technology - this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit pedagogical process. Pedagogical competence is a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful teaching activities. Development professional competence– this is the development of creative individuality, sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. Personally-oriented learning is a type of learning where the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth are put at the forefront; each person’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education.

Publications on the topic:

Teacher's portfolio Portfolio of Naumova Lyubov Fedorovna, teacher of the MADO kindergarten No. 61 “Gnome”, Balakovo Saratov region General informationBorn on 6.

Teacher's portfolio PERSONAL DATA Advanced training Courses for advanced training on the topic “Improving quality.

Teacher's portfolio 1. Full name – Tatyana Viktorovna Tolstykh 2. Date of birth -01/22/1973 3. Education, name educational institution, year of graduation:.

Teacher's portfolio Portfolio Educator Galkina Elena Aleksandrovna qualification category correspondence to the position held Business card.

Portfolio of a preschool teacher All about me A teacher, like an artist, must be born. K. Weber Pestova Veronika Nikolaevna Teacher of the MADOU combined kindergarten.

Portfolio of a preschool teacher Portfolio of Elena Mikhailovna Turabova, teacher of MADOU kindergarten No. 12 “Zhuravushka”, Balakovo, Saratov region Business card.

Teacher's portfolio Hello, dear colleagues! Today I would like to present to your attention: “Teacher’s Portfolio”. Recently, many teachers...

Teacher's portfolio I present to your attention my new portfolio from May 2016. 1.2. Compliance of psychological and pedagogical conditions with the requirements of the project being implemented.

Tatyana Kulevaya Valerievna
Teacher's portfolio

There are many different professions in the world,

And each has its own charm.

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful,

Than the one I work for!

Teacher's portfolio Kuleva Tatyana Valerievna

I was born on July 11, 1981. I live and work in Nizhny Novgorod region in the city of Kulebaki in MBDOU d/s No. 18 "Ryabinushka". I study at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MUROM PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE" State budgetary professional educational institution Vladimir region

"Muromsky teacher training college» , 6th year student of distance learning, group ZD – 64B

specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education

Qualification – teacher children preschool age (correspondence form training).

My professional interests

The desire to improve the level of one’s own pedagogical culture (including mastering knowledge, skills and abilities in this area, and developing them throughout life). Desire to use your own teaching experience For raising children, to develop their creative, mental and social abilities.

I - teacher! And I'm proud of it. Profession the teacher is not chosen, she chooses us! I am firmly convinced that there will be teacher- this means having patience, compassion and seeing children every day as “your children.” I believe that children are a gift from God, and an incomparable treasure that is not given to all people, so I try to treat them with care and kindness. This is what my profession consists of. I - happy man! Thinking about children, taking care of them, loving them is the most wonderful feeling that not everyone can experience. And that makes me happy.

On at the moment I'm writing a term paper, thesis on the topic “Socio-emotional development of older preschoolers as a tool for introducing children to sociocultural norms” and I hope to successfully defend it.

Personal characteristics:








Ability to get along with people



Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) professional activities.

In my work I take into account the characteristics of preschool age and try to implement educational-educational process through the main types of children's activities: gaming, motor, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, artistic and theatrical, reading fiction. It is in these types of activities that intensive intellectual, emotional and personal development occurs, voluntary behavior and the ability to logical thinking, creative imagination, self-control, which is the most important basis for learning at school. Planning educational-educational process, I try to follow the basic principles of development education: integration educational areas, comprehensive thematic planning, unity educational, training and development tasks. I'm trying to find a software solution educational objectives, both in joint and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education, and in accordance with Federal state requirements.


teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 68 “Yablonka”

Higher education: GOU VPO "Tambovsky" state university named after G. R. Derzhavin", 2004

Speciality: "Social pedagogy".

Qualification: "Social teacher".

Total work experience: 17 years old.

Teaching experience: 17 years old.

Refresher courses: “Organization and content of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education,” 2017.


Even though I am not destined to accomplish a feat, I am proud that people entrusted me with the most precious thing - their children.


"The world of childhood is sweet and subtle, Like a flute floating sound. While my child laughs at me, I know that I don’t live in vain! Friends say: “There are quieter fields,” But I won’t back down for anything. I am these cute kids I love my own children! And every day To ok to the premiere, I enter a quiet kindergarten: I’m not coming here for a career - Every child here is happy to see me. To be in the midst of joyful events... And so on over the years - My destiny, childish souls! There is no better life on earth..."

I am an educator. For me this is not just a profession, it is... lifestyle. I was able to find and realize myself only here - in kindergarten, next to the kids - inquisitive, open, trusting, ready to give their love and repay others with kindness for kindness.

Coming to kindergarten, I find myself in real "hive", where everyone is in a hurry somewhere, busy with something, and everyone is working for one, most important thing, for the sake of the future generation! This requires a lot. Therefore, when I find myself in various situations, I try to remember that a teacher must be able to control his character and mood. Children teach me to be patient and restrained. For me, the first condition in working with children is a smile, joy, praise, sincere interest in problems little man. I want every child to feel comfortable and cozy with me.

So what can I give to children? How to surprise, interest, and conquer the modern child? What kind of teacher do children and their parents want to see next to them?

The teacher is and a teacher, and a psychologist, and a doctor ... because children, when they come to kindergarten, want to be welcomed here, loved, understood, they want to feel confident and protected.

The teacher is friend to children, their helper and ally , who combines a love for business and for children, knows how to not only teach children, but is also capable of learning himself. A teacher cannot be just a source of knowledge. He must act, first of all, as an organizer and coordinator educational process and teach children to acquire knowledge, objectively assess themselves and their capabilities, work independently and be responsible for the results of their work.

The main task of the teacher is raise active creative personality capable of conducting independent searches and achieving significant success in life. But the statistics are that only 5% of people achieve significant success. The remaining 95% only dream about it, but for some reason their dreams do not come true. And I, as a teacher, have always been interested and worried about this problem. Creative thinking modern children - intuition, choosing the right paths and actions - extremely poorly developed. One of the techniques that helps a child not only increase his intellectual abilities, but also develop creative, creative thinking is mental arithmetic.

Having plunged headlong into this topic, I discovered a lot of new and interesting things for myself and my children. Bringing elements into activities with children mental arithmetic it became obvious that the children became more diligent, attentive, they became more focused, focused on work, and most importantly, the children liked them! Mental arithmetic harmoniously develops both hemispheres of the brain. And only the active inclusion of both hemispheres helps to maximize the intellectual and creativity children.

Today's time is time innovative technologies, and we as professionals must keep up with the times, but no technology can replace the warmth of the soul that proyavlya occurs in the process of mutual understanding. I try to give the children a piece of soul and warmth that they so need. And may my love warm them in difficult times, may the knowledge given by me help them find a place in life, may the human qualities instilled by me help them survive and win.

If a child happily crosses the threshold of a kindergarten and greets you with a smile, this is the highest mark of professionalism for any teacher. Highest award- children's love!

I want to emphasize once again that I am proud that I have been entrusted by fate to contribute to our future! And bear the title of educator with pride!