Many parents who want their child to receive a prestigious, quality education, would like to know how to enter a cadet school. Such an educational institution prepares the child for the future independent life, ensures its comprehensive development, forms patriotism, composure, responsibility, and self-esteem.

How to get to the cadet school?

To secure a place for your child in a cadet school, you need to know what requirements apply to candidates. Boys and girls who have good health: 1st and 2nd groups. Physical preparation is also important; it must be at its best. Therefore, a thorough medical examination is carried out before admission.

When entering the first grade of a cadet school, a child undergoes an interview with teachers and a psychologist. If a child is going to enter the fifth and higher grades, then in some schools additionally it is required to pass an interview in the Russian language and mathematics, and it will also be necessary to pass physical education standards. The competition for admission is very high. Only children with good health and the ability to learn quickly can get into such an educational institution.

Cadet school: at what age is it accepted?

Parents have the right to enroll their children in a cadet school from the age of 7, that is, as soon as the child is ready to go to first grade. If he enrolls, he will study general education program, take additional classes in basic military training.

After finishing 9th grade, teenagers can try to enroll in cadet corps, upon completion of which they will have the opportunity to study at any higher military institutions.

When entering cadet schools, attention is paid to children of military personnel, combatants, children of single mothers and orphans. They have a better chance of being selected and starting training.

Documents for admission

Upon admission to the cadet school, you must present the following documents:

  • Photocopy of birth certificate;
  • Written consent of parents for training;
  • Medical policy;
  • Vaccination card;
  • Photocopies of parents' passports;
  • Health certificate;
  • Information about classes in clubs or sections;
  • Document on education and characteristics from teachers, if you previously studied at another school;
  • Documents confirming family status for children admitted on preferential terms.

Dear parents and future cadets!

Hour format open doors"

from March 23 to April 12, 2020 is changing and will be held online.

We will definitely post the details here.

March 14, 2020 - State School -

March 21, 2020 at 10.00 - Basic Cadet School - POSTPONED (date will be announced in advance)

March 28, 2020 at 10.00-Diplomatic School POSTPONED (date will be announced in advance)

Acceptance of documents for the 2020/2021 academic year - from April 15 to June 20, 2020.

The appointment schedule and location will be posted closer to April 12, 2020.

Secretary of the Admissions Committee [email protected]

Independent diagnostic testing in Russian language, mathematics and English language you can go to the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital (section “CND”, hereinafter “individual diagnostics”). It is currently possible to undergo online diagnostics.

The main cadet school of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at st. Vucheticha, 30.

Admission of boys from 7th grade to the incoming regime

Open days:March 21, 2020 10.00 POSTPONED (date will be announced in advance)

Open hour program

Monday - Thursday - from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday - until 17:00

Cadet school for high school students of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at 4th Novomikhalkovsky proezd, 14

Admission of boys and girls from grade 10

Admission for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Open days:

Days for receiving documents and consultations on admission issues: Tuesday, Thursday - from 16:00 to 18:00

Petrovskaya Cadet School of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at st. Zelenogradskaya, 9.

Admission of boys and girls from grades 5 and 7 to the incoming regime

Admission for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Open days:planned in April

Days for receiving documents and consultations on admission issues: Tuesday, Thursday - from 16.00 to 18.00

Diplomatic cadet school of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at st. Orshanskaya, 14

Admission of boys and girls from 7th grade to the incoming regime

Admission for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Open days:

Days for receiving documents and consultations on admission issues: Monday - Friday from 13.30 -16.00

Cadet school of public pupils of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at Volzhsky Boulevard, 52/29

Reception of girls with 7th grade on incoming regime

Admission for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Open days:we will post it soon

Days for receiving documents and consultations on admission issues:

Navigation school of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at st. Kastanaevskaya, 59/1

Admission of boys from the 7th grade on a day-to-day basis

Admission for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Open days: we will post it soon

Responsible person for receiving documents:we will post it soon

Days for receiving documents and consultations on admission issues: at open hour - Monday from 16.00 to 17.00 Secretary of the Admissions Committee Grendach Lyudmila Aleksandrovna 8-499-760-73-80 [email protected]

Taganskaya cadet school of the First Moscow Cadet Corps at st. Bolshaya Kalitnikovskaya, 42/5

Admission of boys and girls from 5th grade to the incoming regime

Admission for the 2019/2020 academic year: for vacant positions

Open days: We will post it soon

Responsible person for receiving documents:

Days for receiving documents and consultations on admission issues: Monday from 17.00 to 19.00 at the address: Bolshaya Kalitnikovskaya, 42/5 - reception led by the site manager Sidorenko Nikolay Andreevich, contact phone number of the educational site 8-495-911-06-25

Admission rules and list of documents for admission

List of doctors involved in the medical examination of children and mandatory diagnostic tests

List of doctors involved in the medical examination of children: pediatrician, ophthalmologist, ENT, psychiatrist, neurologist, cardiologist, surgeon, orthopedist, endocrinologist, dentist. For those entering the boarding school, there must be a conclusion from a medical commission about suitability for training in a cadet school with round-the-clock stay.

List of mandatory diagnostic studies : ECG at rest and after exercise, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, general analysis blood, general urine test, urine test for sugar, stool test for helminth eggs, phthisiatrician according to indications, certificate from a mental health clinic, certificate from a drug treatment center.

Students of cadet classes are accepted without competition, the number of places is limited.

Dear parents (legal representatives)! Independent diagnostic testing in the Russian language, mathematics and English can be taken at the Moscow Central Educational Center (section “CND”, hereinafter “individual diagnostics”). It is currently possible to undergo online diagnostics.

About registering for diagnostics

Parents of accepted candidates must:

  1. Submit an electronic application to the official website of the Moscow Mayor for enrollment. After submitting your application, you will receive a notification invitation for an acquaintance, meeting, etc. - you no longer need to come to us, this message was generated automatically () insignia All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” - an optional document for admission to the Corps. Its presence simply gives the candidateextra points.

On April 15, applications for cadet corps and schools, Nakhimov and Suvorov schools. In them, teenagers get the most modern education and preparation for the military profession, which is always in demand in Russia.

On April 15, applications for cadet corps and schools, Nakhimov and Suvorov schools begin. In them, teenagers receive the most modern education and preparation for the military profession, which is always in demand in Russia.


The word "cadet" means "junior" in French.
The meaning of this incomprehensible term is deciphered as follows: “my - younger - brother - who - is preparing - to become - an officer.”

In France and Russia, nobles from childhood chose to serve the Fatherland.

Cadet corps were created for military training and education of future officers who were 7 years old at the time of admission.

“I command the establishment of schools,” said the Decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna of 1731, “so that...youths from seven to fifteen years of age will be trained in military affairs and various sciences: reading and writing, the law of God, arithmetic and geometry, geography and history, galloping horses, dancing, speaking foreign languages ​​and other crafts useful to the Fatherland.”


Many parents are concerned that most existing professions will disappear within a decade.

According to some pessimistic forecasts, soon only two professions will remain in Russia - IT specialist and trolleybus driver.

In fact, the military profession will always be in demand in Russia.

Service in the Armed Forces, high paying job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, prestigious public service - all these roads are open to graduates of military universities.

And cadet corps and schools prepare students for admission to them.

The main goal of cadet education, as school leaders and teachers emphasize, is to instill patriotism in children and adolescents and raise them in the desire to serve the Fatherland.

The First Moscow Cadet Corps gives a generalized portrait of its graduate: “This is a young man who communicates freely and beautifully in native language, socially and physically developed, capable of competently assessing the surrounding reality, making informed conclusions, making optimal decisions and acting in accordance with given life goals in the interests of oneself, one’s family and one’s Fatherland.”


No. Today, military subjects are included in the programs of cadet schools and corps only at the program level additional education.

Cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, for example, are required to study the history of the military branches to which the school or corps belongs.

But education comes first for them modern forms, meeting the challenges of the time.

For example, cadets of the Ekaterinburg Suvorov Military School (Ekaterinburg), in addition to English and German, study Chinese.
Within the structure of the Ministry of Defense there is the Cadet School of IT Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications named after. Marshal Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny.

Many parents have heard about the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov, which requires a lot of competition.

In the 2010s, Presidential Cadet Schools (PKU) were created in the country, equipped with last word techniques (see list below).

Some of them are equipped with 3D centers, robotics and software laboratories.

At PKU Vladivostok and Sevastopol, emphasis is placed on the study of foreign languages, technical disciplines and natural Sciences. At the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School, the priority areas of training are physics and mathematics, linguistics and sports.

Cadets of the Orenburg Presidential School can study in the design bureau, robotics section, photo and video studios, and specialized laboratory classes in physics, chemistry, and biology.

The forms of study for modern cadets are also varied: lectures, scientific seminars, intellectual games.

By the way, in all colleges teenagers are given a personal laptop during their studies.

Presidential Cadet Schools (PKU) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Cadet schools of the Ministry of Defense of the Pension Fund

Suvorov schools:

Nakhimov schools:

And its branches in Vladivostok, Sevastopol, Murmansk

For those who want to become a military musician:

For girls only:

Each of these educational institutions is supervised by the heads of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

For example, the Moscow Military Music School and the Cadet School of IT Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications are subordinate to the head General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the Presidential Military Schools are supervised by the Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.


On the contrary, there are much fewer of them than in regular school. Send your difficult teenager for re-education into the cadet corps - cherished dream many parents. But often this dream turns out to be impossible: candidates with behavioral anomalies are simply eliminated during the admission process.

To enter a cadet educational institution of the Ministry of Defense, you need to collect many certificates from doctors, teachers and psychologists (see below for more information on this). A serious check is carried out, and if a teenager has problems, this becomes clear upon admission.

The cadets' discipline is strict and their daily routine is strict. And - no hazing.

All cadet schools and corps of the Ministry of Defense operate in boarding mode. They have the following daily routine:

  • 6.30 - rise;
  • 6.30 - 6.45 morning toilet;
  • 6.45 - 7.00 - check and morning exercises;
  • 7.00 - 7.30 - room cleaning;
  • 7.30 - 8.00 - breakfast;
  • 8.00 - 8.30 - preparation for classes;
  • 8.30 - 11.40 - classes in classes;
  • 11.40 - 12.20 - lunch;
  • 12.20 - 14.00 - classes in classes;
  • 14.00 - 14.30 - free time;
  • 14.30 - 16.30 - independent classes (sports, additional disciplines);
  • 16.30 - 17.00 - afternoon snack;
  • 17.00 - 19.30 - independent studies;
  • 19.30 - 20.10 - dinner;
  • 20.10 - 20.40 - walk;
  • 20.40 - 21.00 - free time;
  • 21.00 - 21.30 - self-preparation;
  • 21.30 - 22.00 - evening check and lights out.

Children and teenagers who live in boarding schools at cadet schools and corps are sent home on Saturday and Sunday.

To qualify for leave, a cadet should not have problems with academic performance. Otherwise, he will stay at the boarding school and study all weekend.

However, once every three weeks, cadets are still entitled to a meeting with their family, even with poor grades.


The competition for cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense is limited to several people per place. Studying there is prestigious, and they accept students from all over the country. For example, among the 780 students of the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School there are teenagers from the Astrakhan, Voronezh, Moscow, Rostov, Ulyanovsk regions, Kamchatka, Krasnodar, Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories.

However, in Russia, cadet educational institutions are located not only within the Ministry of Defense. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations have them.

The top cadet schools in Moscow include the federal state government educational institution“Moscow Presidential Cadet School named after M.A. Sholokhov troops national guard Russian Federation" It prepares for military service in the Russian National Guard.


The main thing for parents is that cadet schools and classes are part of the Department of Education.

They are more accessible to any family, both according to their place of residence and the health requirements of children and adolescents.

Such classes are formed within specialized training on the base secondary schools. The rules for them are set by three parties: the school itself, its founder (regional or municipal Department of Education) and the law enforcement agency or university with which the school and the Department enter into a cooperation agreement.

Within the framework of the “school-university” and “school-law enforcement agency” partnerships, specialized cadet education programs are created and military sports events are organized.

They pay special attention military history Russia, sports and the formation of active citizenship.

At the same time, cadets study dance and psychology, and master foreign languages.

They study full day: in the morning they have school lessons, in the afternoon they have military training, additional classes, and sports competitions. Teenagers don’t even have a free minute to surf the Internet, let alone meet friends on the street.

In case of successful studies, more than half of the graduates of cadet classes enter selected military or civilian universities. Some, thanks to the “school-university” interaction, can obtain a specialty right at school.

Usually, the task of creating specialized cadet classes is solved only by large and powerful schools. In Moscow, they are given a condition: to have at least three ordinary classes in one parallel.

In order to work according to the cadet profile, the school or educational complex must have well-equipped sports, gyms and dance halls, an obstacle course, a shooting range, a life safety room, etc.

Over the years, comprehensive cadet schools have accumulated their own traditions. The awareness of continuity is very important for them. Some consider themselves the successors and heirs of historical cadet corps.

For example, cadets of the state government educational institution of the city of Moscow “Cadet boarding school No. 1 “First Moscow Cadet Corps” position themselves as heirs to the traditions of the First Moscow Cadet Corps of Empress Catherine the Great (1778 - 1919).


In general, almost nothing. The programs of the cadet corps and schools of the Ministry of Defense, Nakhimov and Suvorov schools provide primary knowledge and skills of military affairs, but they are based on the Federal State Educational Standards and general education school programs.

Cadets - with the exception of students of the Moscow Military Music School - do not undergo secondary vocational education programs.

Studying in a cadet class at a comprehensive school of the Departments of Education allows you to successfully master the pre-university military training program. In Moscow, 10th grade students of the Cadet Corps of the Department of Education take a specialized exam on the basics of military service.

The highlight of any cadet school or class is integration school lessons with additional education programs, with sports, with military sports and patriotic events, with the creation of a special school structure.

There are two fundamental differences between schools with cadet classes and the corps and schools of the Ministry of Defense.

First, only boys study at pre-university institutions of the Ministry of Defense (with the exception of the Presidential Cadet School in Kyzyl (Tuva Republic).

And in cadet classes of general education schools, boys and girls study together.

Often these classes are dominated by girls. By the way, according to teachers, the physical fitness of girls from cadet classes is noticeably better than that of boys.

It should be noted: the principle of separate education in cadet corps and schools (which the Ministry of Defense has always followed) is becoming increasingly attractive to parents of students and to the Departments of Education. In their system, cadet corps only for boys appear and educational institutions are created on the model of the Boarding School for female students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

For example, within the structure of the Moscow Department of Education there is Cadet Corps No. 9, which admits only girls.

The second difference is that all cadets who entered schools and buildings of the Ministry of Defense live in boarding schools.

In general education cadet schools, the principle of education is different: cadets go to study at their place of residence (sometimes they go to another area of ​​the city), but never leave their family.

However, the cadets have such a busy day that some schools in the Department of Education took an example from the Ministry of Defense and also opened boarding houses for them.

The living schedule in such boarding schools is, of course, less strict than in the Suvorov or Nakhimov schools.

However, more and more parents prefer a cadet boarding school, where their child will be supervised all day.


Not at all. In cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and law enforcement agencies, the state pays for everything: military uniform, training, food, housing, sports.

In Moscow, the cadet corps of the Department of Education are state-owned (that is, 100% state-funded) institutions. Therefore, students receive everything for free - including uniforms and additional classes. However, this does not happen everywhere.

In cadet schools and classes in some regions of Russia, parents will have to pay for a uniform and for certain additional activities for their child.

Treat this with understanding: by sending your child to a cadet class at a secondary school, you are taking on a number of obligations.

One of them is buying or sewing a beautiful (and sometimes expensive) military uniform.

However, many cadet schools have strong sponsors who cover these costs.


The schools and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense are tailored to a specific military profile.

For example, Suvorov schools prepare schoolchildren for admission to higher education command schools ground forces. Nakhimovsky - to a naval career.

Thus, when choosing a cadet school for the Ministry of Defense, the parents of an 11-year-old child already determine a specialized military university for him.

In the Cadet Corps, which belongs to the Moscow Department of Education, cadets can acquire a military profession at school, through network partners.

Graduates of general education cadet schools enter both military and civilian universities. For example, 60% of students of the First Cadet Corps of Moscow study in military universities and academies, 40% in civilian ones.

It is important to remember that a certificate of completion of a cadet class is a plus for the admissions committee of any university.

With equal Unified State Exam scores Such an applicant will be more willing to be accepted: the cadets have good physical fitness, they are disciplined, resistant to stress and know how to work in a team.


Students study at cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense for seven years. Therefore, they enroll those who have completed primary school and successfully entered fifth grade.

To the military music school named after. Khalilov, to the Cadet School of IT Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications and the Cadet sports school The Military Institute of Physical Culture is accepted after 9th grade.

Be sure to look at the Ministry of Defense website detailed information about the deadlines for admission to each school.

The list of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense for schoolchildren is, and links to their Internet pages are.

By the way, at this address you can also study the pages of military universities to which the school or building you have chosen is “linked”.

Municipal schools owned by the Departments of Education form cadet classes in the 5th or 7th grades, less often in the 10th grade.

The list of schools of the relevant profile is on the website of the Department or Ministry of Education of your region.

If you need educational organizations not highlighted in separate group(“cadet schools”), view general list schools in your city, municipality, district.

Look for the description of the profile you need: “the school has cadet classes”, “profile - military patriotic education" and so on.

In some regions of Russia you can find general education schools that accept even kindergarten graduates into cadet classes.

However, this is rather the exception than the rule.


Yes it is possible. Some parents do this in 6th or 8th-9th grades.

Please remember that this transfer is subject to availability.

In addition, the teenager must meet the requirements for the health, educational and physical training of a cadet.

Do not delay your decision: not all schools are ready to accept tenth-graders as cadets, and in the 11th grade transfer is no longer possible.

The fact is that a graduate does not have time to master the specialized cadet education program in one year.


Additional education programs for cadet schools and classes include many sports and military sports events. They all require high level physical training.

Therefore, you will be asked for a certificate confirming that your child meets the 1st or 2nd health group.

Group 1 is awarded to children without obvious physical disabilities, who rarely get sick, and with stable neuropsychic development. Group 2 includes healthy children who are often (3-4 times a year) ill, have slight overweight or underweight, and abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.

To determine a particular health group, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

In general education schools with cadet classes, health requirements are not as stringent as in cadet corps or schools of the Ministry of Defense.

However, you will need to collect all the necessary medical certificates, and your child will have to take physical development tests upon admission.


Most often, candidates are expected to take an introductory dictation in the Russian language and a test in mathematics. Some cadet educational institutions introduce an exam in foreign language. Check this in advance on the official website of the selected school.

Sometimes entrance tests for 11-year-olds, cadets are replaced by preliminary summer training: then it becomes clear which of them is able to withstand the load and who is not.

The physical fitness exam is based on age-appropriate standards.

In some cases, admissions committees only consider grades in physical education and certificates for victories in sports competitions.

Sometimes schools even organize full-fledged competitions for future cadets: 1000 m cross-country, 100 m run, pull-up.

Here is an approximate set of documents for a candidate who is going to enroll in the cadet class of a secondary school:

Passport or birth certificate, compulsory health insurance policy, medical book (outpatient card), statement of the results of the previous school year, certified by the seal of the school (or results independent testing in specific subjects), portfolio (certificates, diplomas, sports achivments), original documents confirming benefits for enrollment (if any), a certificate from a pediatrician about admission to passing standards for physical culture, writing instruments, sports uniform.

Anyone who wants to become a cadet after 9th grade must attach the results of the OGE to the package of documents.

Those who enter Moscow cadet schools after 7th or 8th grade can confirm their academic achievements using independent diagnostics of school results at the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE) of the Moscow Department of Education.

MCKO offers special testing for those entering cadet classes.


Acceptance of documents at cadet institutions of the Ministry of Defense begins on April 15 and ends on June 10.

First of all, you need to collect a voluminous package of documents.

It must contain: an application from parents (legal representatives) written to the head of the school (submission period is from April 15 to June 1), a certified copy of the birth certificate (for those over 14 years old - a certified copy of 2, 3, 5 passport pages).

In addition, your child must write an autobiography himself, talking about his achievements () and what he expects from his studies. This document is drawn up in the name of the head of the cadet school, school or corps.

Then they select documents about their studies: a portfolio with diplomas, certificates, awards and any achievements, a copy of the personal file with the school seal, an extract with marks for the first three quarters and current grades for the fourth quarter of the academic year, certified by the school seal, general characteristics, signed class teacher and the school director.

The package of documents ends with a description justifying the advisability of entering the cadet school, signed by the educational psychologist and the school director.

Next, you need to collect documents from doctors: a copy of the medical insurance policy, a copy of the medical record with a medical history, certified by the seal of the clinic, a doctor’s conclusion about the absence of restrictions for physical education, a conclusion about the health group, a copy of the child’s development history and the original extract from it, information from the psychoneurological and drug treatment clinics (not registered) for those entering after 9th grade, a copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations.

Plus, an extract from the house register from your place of residence (registration), a certificate from your place of work or service, or another document characterizing your work activity.

And also - a report on your child’s anthropometric data (height, clothing size, chest girth, hip girth, shoe and hat size).

And finally - four photographs measuring 3x4 cm with a place for a seal imprint in the lower right corner.

Can anyone put it all together in a few days?

Therefore, parents devote the entire last quarter before entering the cadet school of the Ministry of Defense to collecting certificates and preparing a portfolio for their child.


Many benefits are provided for those entering cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense.

I will list just a few of them.

Among the beneficiaries: orphans, children of military personnel serving under a contract, children of military personnel who served for 20 years or more, children of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies and prosecutors who died in the line of duty, children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full gentlemen Order of Glory.

Each benefit must be confirmed by a package of documents.

If you present it, your child will not be exempt from the entrance examination, but will pass the competition with lower scores.

Now keep in mind that in cadet schools and classes of the Department of Education all these benefits do not apply!

The administration of secondary schools can meet you halfway only as an exception.

To do this, you need to select several cadet schools in advance, contact their administration and discuss the issue of benefits for the admission and study of your child.

In Moscow this is easy to do in writing. Go to the website of the selected school and use the “Ask the Director a Question” online form.

When documents are being accepted for cadet classes, representatives of the school administration promptly answer all parental questions.

However, the best start for a cadet is not to seek benefits, but to boldly go to the entrance examinations and demonstrate decent results in them.

Good luck!

Photo: http://vvko.rf,,,, Cadet school 1785 “Tagansky Cadet Corps”

Teaching a child according to military canons is exactly what many parents put at the forefront, wanting their son to become an officer in the future. How to enter cadet school, which is the initial step on the career ladder of a future officer? The desire to get a good education and education is commendable, but the path to cadets is not open to everyone.

IN Russian Empire such educational institutions were the norm, and after the Great Patriotic War Suvorov and Nakhimov schools became a worthy alternative to them. When the number of dysfunctional families increased in the early nineties, the social situation became tense, so it was decided to create cadet schools for boys and Mariinsky gymnasiums for girls.

Now the number of such educational institutions is impressive, and there are about a hundred of them open on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is slightly more than in tsarist times.

In the era of the Internet, finding a suitable educational institution in the region where a potential cadet lives is not at all difficult, and the maximum full information Only the official website of the cadet school can provide information about the conditions of admission and residence.

Everyone has it educational institution have their own requirements, but there are also uniform rules that remain unchanged over the years. Although, earlier, when recruiting for an educational institution of a similar plan, a boy from a dysfunctional or single-parent family, physically strong, mentally balanced, not devoid of certain talents and having an irresistible craving for knowledge had a better chance of becoming a cadet.

Now the path to cadets is open to children from intact and prosperous families, and the main thing here is compliance with the requirements.

Difference between body and class

It is worth mentioning that cadet schools in Russia for boys and corps are not the same thing. The first are located under the Department of Education and are general educational institutions, where, in addition to the “standard” educational program, children undergo military training.

The latter are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the child can come to his parents only after receiving a leave of absence. That is, it is understood that a child admitted to such an institution will constantly be within its walls.

By their type, the buildings are residential boarding schools, the pupils of which are very well aware of the existence of the terms “discipline” and “army order”. By the way, educational program- expanded, future officers study natural, accurate and humanitarian sciences, learn dances, languages ​​and good manners. The conditions for admission to the cadet corps are quite strict, so few lucky ones will be able to pass the multi-stage selection.

Classes for cadets are an innovation, the introduction of which was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory. Essentially this structural subdivision, part of some secondary schools. Cadet classes are mixed, called platoons. The headman is the commander.

Distinctive features:

  • students wear uniforms;
  • the main subject is history, the second and third most important are mathematics and physics;
  • after finishing classes, the cadets go to the dining room in formation;
  • after lunch they begin electives (dancing, sambo, foreign languages, shooting at a shooting range, drill training).

Enrollment in such classes begins at the age of 11.

Important! Schoolchildren have a very busy day, and they return home no earlier than 19.00. The program is varied, which means enormous workloads.

Admission conditions

Fathers and mothers who in the future see their child as a cadet may not achieve their goal, because admission to such an educational institution implies meeting certain criteria.

The issue of age needs to be clarified, because each school has its own rules, and in some children are accepted from the age of six, and in others from the age of fourteen. Most often, the doors of military educational institutions open to children who have completed the fourth grade.

The competition can reach up to 10 people per place, and here everything depends on how prestigious this or that institution is. Beneficiaries are accepted outside the competition and without passing exams.

These include:

  • children of military personnel;
  • children of order-bearing parents or Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union;
  • orphans;
  • children whose parents died in the line of duty.


Admission to naval or land cadets always involves passing a medical examination. The package of documents must include a medical certificate in form 086U. A medical examination involves a comprehensive examination including fluorography, tests and visits to doctors.

List of specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • therapist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist;
  • dermatologist;
  • pediatrician.

Important! If a child has a number of diseases, you can forget about cadetship. Diseases of the skin, blood, endocrine, immune, nervous system, respiratory problems will become a serious obstacle to your dream, as well as mental disorders.

Selection committee will certainly inquire about the academic performance and physical fitness of the future cadet. And the one who is going “to first grade for the first time” (a seven-year-old child) will have to talk to a psychologist and speech therapist. Older applicants (14-15 years old) take sports standards.

Package of documents

Parents should worry about collecting it in advance, but not so much that the medical certificates lose their relevance due to their expiration date.

You will need:

  • statement from parents and from the candidate (here everything depends on age);
  • birth certificate;
  • copies of parents' passports;
  • medical certificate in form 086U, vaccination card, copy of the insurance policy and outpatient card;
  • candidate's autobiography and characteristics from the place of study;
  • a document displaying information about academic performance;
  • 4 photos 3 by 4.

The deadlines for submitting documents (as well as their list) differ. The approximate interval is from mid-April to mid-June.

Boarding school format

Most educational institutions of this type operate on the boarding principle. Institutions with a “day” form of education (when children go home after classes) are a phenomenon that does not occur often, because cadet classes have become a worthy alternative.

Boarding schools have a number of features, and the most important is permanent residence within their walls. Cadets can go to their parents either on weekends or during vacations.

In the corps, everything is much stricter, because the situation when a cadet leaves the territory of the institution without a leave of absence is regarded as “AWOL.”

For girls and boys

There are mixed-type cadet schools, and before sending your daughter to study at a specialized educational institution, you should get as much information as possible about it.

Residential cadet schools for boys and girls are structured on the boarding principle, and not every child will be able to adapt to new conditions.

Increased disciplinary requirements, heavy workload and patriotic education are features inherent in all cadet schools. The list of such establishments is extensive, and there are especially many of them in Moscow.

It is impossible to list all cadet institutions, but let’s name a few:

  1. School No. 1784.
  2. Moscow boarding school for state pupils (school for girls).
  3. Saratov cadet school.
  4. Boarding school for cadets "Rescuer".
  5. Moscow cadet boarding school No. 6.
  6. Naval Cadet School named after. Admiral Kotov P.G.

Military educational institutions in St. Petersburg and Moscow are especially popular, because every parent would like their child to study “in the capitals.” Admission to a specialized educational institution in the capital is possible only if the child is registered in Moscow or the Moscow region.

This is interesting! It is noteworthy that naval cadet schools are concentrated not only in port cities (St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk), but also in cities geographically located in the very center of Russia. For example, in Kansk Krasnoyarsk Territory There is such an educational institution.

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Let's sum it up

To assign a child to a specialized educational institution, it is necessary to find out in whose department it is located, because the terms “school” and “corps” have become identical, but in reality, they are radically different. Information on how to enroll in a cadet school and who can become its student is presented on the official Internet resources of institutions.

In contact with

The path to the highest echelons of power begins with the first step, and many take this step by enrolling in a cadet school. From the cadet school the road is open to any military school or higher educational institution civil service.

Quality of education, discipline and good level physical training make graduates of the cadet school in demand at any university. Let's consider how to enter a cadet school, what documents will be required for this and what set of qualities the candidate should have.

How to choose a cadet school for admission

The conditions for admission differ for each cadet corps, but the general procedure for admission to cadet corps is unified and regulated by Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. “On education in the Russian Federation” (Part 4, Article 86).

When choosing a cadet corps for admission, we recommend paying attention to the following features:

1. Address of the selected cadet corps.

The admission procedure approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 515 of July 21, 2014. “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in federal state educational organizations..." in paragraph 20 indicates that lists of candidates are sent to the selection committees of cadet corps by the central selection committee for conducting entrance exams after the candidates have received admission to the tests. The lists are formed taking into account the place of residence of the candidates.

2. Based on the candidate’s age. Children with completed primary education, after 3rd grade. But admission to cadet corps is regulated by order of the RF Ministry of Defense, so there may be changes every year.

3. The deadline for submitting documents for admission established by law (clause 16 of Procedure No. 515): for all initial military educational institutions There is a single deadline for submitting applications: from April 15 to June 1. Moreover, on June 1, documents are no longer accepted. If the last day for receiving documents, May 30, falls on a day off, the last day for receiving documents is moved to the first Monday after May 30. Applications sent by mail will only be accepted if the postmark is no later than May 30.

4. There are certain requirements for applicants: requirements for health status, level of education and age. These requirements are published in documents such as pp. 1, 2 clause 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1346n dated December 21. December 2012 and clause 13 of Order No. 515. Thus, in terms of health, the candidate must correspond to group I or II, and in terms of education, correspond to his class of study.

Some categories of citizens may enjoy benefits and preferential rights to enter primary military educational institutions. According to clause 14 of the Procedure, these categories include:

  • Children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia and full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • Orphans;
  • Children of citizens who left service in the Armed Forces due to staff reductions;
  • Children of privates and senior officers;
  • Children of military personnel, prosecutors and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died in service or died from a disease acquired in service;
  • Children of civil servants of federal ministries and departments, if they provide military service federal legislation.

As you can see, the list of beneficiaries is quite extensive, which explains the high competition for training in the cadet corps.

What documents are needed for admission to the cadet corps

In Order No. 515, clause 16, a clear explanation is given, how to enter the cadet corps— the candidate’s personal file is required. The following documents must be included in your personal file:

  1. Application of the candidate, written in his own hand addressed to the head of the school;
  2. An application from the child’s parents or his legal representatives addressed to the head of the school;
  3. Autobiography of the candidate;
  4. A copy of the health insurance policy;
  5. Four 3x4 cm photos with a corner (space for printing in the lower right corner);
  6. A copy of the candidate's birth certificate, certified by a notary. For candidates over 14 years old - a copy of the second, third and fifth pages of the passport, certified by a notary. (Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries No. 4462-1, approved by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 11, 1993);
  7. A copy of the candidate's medical record. A copy of a medical certificate or a copy of a medical professional advisory report, if the candidate intends to enroll in a military music school. Copies must be certified by the school seal;
  8. An extract from the report card for the first three quarters together with current grades for the fourth quarter, certified by the school seal, a copy of the candidate’s personal file, psychological and pedagogical characteristics candidate, certified by the seal of the educational institution;
  9. Original extract from the child's developmental history and a copy of the child's developmental history;
  10. A copy of the vaccination certificate;
  11. Extract from the house register about
  12. Conclusion of the medical organization about the medical group to which the candidate belongs;
  13. A certificate from a psychological and drug treatment clinic stating that the candidate is not registered;
  14. Certificate from the place of work of parents or representatives;
  15. If you have the right to preferential admission, documents confirming this right.

Among the children who enjoy priority rights upon admission, there is a category of orphans. For them, according to paragraphs. and clause 16 of Order No. 515, upon admission you must submit copies of the death certificate of your parents, certified by a notary, you also need a copy of the court decision to establish guardianship, a copy of the guardian’s certificate, as well as a recommendation for admission from the commission for minors and from the guardianship authority of the subject of the Russian Federation where the child lives.

Candidates with the right of preferential admission, unless they belong to the category of orphans and children without parental care, must present additional documents in accordance with subparagraph b p16 of Procedure No. 515.

It is advisable to attach to the personal file all available documents that confirm all the child’s achievements in the sports, creative and social spheres: copies of certificates, certificates of commendation, diplomas, certificates of competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents.

How to submit documents for admission to the cadet corps and pass the competition

Documents are accepted by the admissions committee of the cadet corps either by mail or by personal visit.

All documents are accepted in the form of notarized copies. You must have the original documents with you and submit them to the admissions committee during the entrance exams. Original documents that must be kept in medical and educational institutions at the candidate’s place of residence, and the passport is not surrendered. The above documents are accompanied by a report card with the school seal.

Review of documents by the admissions committee of the cadet corps

Answering the question, how to enter the cadet corps, you must first pass the competition of documents and be admitted to the exams, and only then pass entrance exams. The selection committee checks documents from the candidates’ personal files. Those who passed the competition are invited to take the entrance exams in accordance with clause 19 of Order No. 515.

By June 10, lists of those who have passed the preliminary selection and are eligible for entrance exams are formed. Refusals are sent to parents of children who did not pass the documents.

Within 10 days after the refusal, you can appeal it either to the chairman of the admissions committee, or to the central admissions committee of Russia (clause 19 of Procedure No. 515).

Clause 20 of Order No. 515: notice of the time and place of entrance examinations is sent to selected candidates before June 25.

Entrance tests for admission to the cadet corps

Entrance tests to the cadet corps consist of tests in mathematics, Russian and foreign languages.

If we consider the military music school, there are four entrance tests: in the Russian language, written solfeggio, oral solfeggio and solo performance. Moreover, if a candidate has excellent grades in the document on general and musical education, he will take only a solo performance. This procedure is enshrined in paragraphs. 15 and 22 of Order No. 515.

All entrance tests in accordance with clause 21 of Order No. 515 are held on one day, selected from July 1 to July 15, and for candidates of military music schools - from August 1 to August 14.

Obtaining test results and enrolling the candidate for study in the cadet corps

The selection committee considers not only the test results, but to complete the picture, takes into account conclusions about the physical, psychological and psychophysiological state of the candidate, as well as his results of his achievements from his personal file. (Order No. 515, paragraph 23).