It is a whole system of Olympiads in subjects included in the compulsory program educational institutions countries. Participation in such an Olympiad is an honorable and responsible mission, because it is a student’s chance to show his accumulated knowledge, defend the honor of his educational institution, and if he wins, it is also an opportunity to receive financial incentives and earn a privilege when entering the best universities in Russia.

The practice of holding subject Olympiads has existed in the country for more than a hundred years - back in 1886, representatives of educational authorities initiated competitions between young talents. During times Soviet Union this movement not only did not cease to exist, but also received an additional impetus for development. Since the 60s of the last century, in almost all major school disciplines Intellectual competitions began to be held on an all-Union and then all-Russian scale.

What subjects are included in the Olympiad list?

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the country's schoolchildren will be able to compete for prizes in several categories of disciplines:

  • V exact sciences, which include computer science and mathematics block;
  • V natural sciences, which include geography, biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry and ecology;
  • in the field of philology, including Olympiads in German, English, Chinese, French, Italian, as well as Russian language and literature;
  • in the field humanities, consisting of history, social studies, law and economics;
  • in other disciplines, which include physical education, world artistic culture, technology and life safety.

In Olympiad tasks for each of the listed disciplines, two blocks of tasks are usually distinguished: the part that tests theoretical training, and a part aimed at identifying practical skills.

Main stages of the 2017-2018 Olympiad

Conducting the All-Russian school Olympiad includes the organization of four stages of competitions held at various levels. The final schedule of intellectual battles between schoolchildren is determined by representatives of schools and regional educational authorities, however, you can focus on such periods of time.

Schoolchildren will have 4 stages of competitions of varying difficulty levels
  • Stage 1. School. Competitions between representatives of the same school will be held in September-October 2017. The Olympiad is held between parallel students, starting in the fifth grade. In this case, the development of tasks for holding subject Olympiads is entrusted to members of the city-level methodological commission.
  • Stage 2. Municipal. The stage, where competitions take place between the winners of schools in the same city, representing grades 7-11, will be held from December 2017 to January 2018. Mission of compilation olympiad assignments is entrusted to the organizers of the regional level, and local officials are responsible for issues related to the provision of a place and ensuring the procedure for the Olympiads.
  • Stage 3. Regional. The third level of the Olympiad, which will be held in January-February 2018. At this stage, schoolchildren who received prizes at the city Olympiad and those who won the regional selections last year take part in the competition.
  • Stage 4. All-Russian. Most high level subject Olympiads will be organized by representatives of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation in March-April 2018. Regional winners and the guys who won last year are invited to attend. However, not every winner of the regional selection can become a participant in this stage. The exception is schoolchildren who received 1st place in their region, but are behind in points from the winners at the level of other cities. Prize-winners All-Russian stage can then go to international competitions that take place in the summer.

Where can I find standard tasks for the Olympiad?

Of course, to perform well in this event, you need to have a high level of preparation. The All-Russian Olympiad is represented on the Internet by its own website - - where students can familiarize themselves with assignments from previous years, check their level with the help of answers to them, find out specific dates and requirements for organizational matters.

2019-2020 academic year

ORDER No. 336 of 06/05/2019 “On holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2019-2020 academic year.”

Parental consent(legal representatives) for the processing of personal data (form).

Analysis report template.

ATTENTION!!! Protocols based on the results of the secondary school for grades 4-11 are accepted ONLY in the program Excel(archived documents in programs ZIP and RAR, except 7z).

Data for the 2019-2020 academic year

    • Methodical recommendations for conducting the school stage of VSOS 2018-2019 academic year by subject you can download on the website.
  • Presentation meetings on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Presentation “Features of organizing and conducting the school stage of secondary education for students with disabilities disabilities health" on
  • Presentation " Regional center working with gifted children".
    • Diploma winner/prize-winner of the school stage of the All-Russian Secondary School.
    • Regulations completing olympiad tasks at the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.
    • Schedule holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Explanations on the procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - school stage for 4 grades

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2015 No. 1488, the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren has been held since September 2016 for 4th grade students only in Russian and mathematics. According to schedule 09/21/2018 - in Russian; 09/26/2018 - in mathematics. A detailed schedule for the school stage of the Secondary Secondary School for all parallel students is posted in the plan of the MBU “Center for Educational Innovations” for September 2018.

Time to complete work in the Russian language 60 minutes, in mathematics – 9 0 minutes.

To the attention of those responsible for holding the Olympiads

in educational organizations!

Tasks for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2018-2019 academic year. year. for grades 4-11 will be sent to educational organizations by email, starting from September 10, 2018. Please send all changes and clarifications related to e-mail addresses to email: [email protected], no later than 09/06/2018

Olympiad tasks (at 08.00) and solutions (at 15.00) will be sent to school email addresses. And also the answers will be duplicated the next day on the website

If you have not received the assignments for the school stage, please look at them in the spam folder from your email [email protected]

School Stage Answers

4, 5, 6 grades

Answers for the school stage in social studies. Download

Answers of the school stage on technology (girls) for 5th grade. Download

Answers of the school stage on technology (girls) for 6th grade. h

Answers of the school stage on technology (boys) for 5-6 grades. Download

Answers for the school stage in literature.

Answers of the school stage on ecology.

Answers of the school stage in computer science.

Answers for the school stage in history for 5th grade.

Answers for the school stage in history for 6th grade.

Answers for the school stage in geography for grades 5-6.

Answers for the school stage in biology for grades 5-6.

Answers for the school stage on life safety for grades 5-6.

Answers of the school stage in English.

School stage answers German language.

Answers for the school stage in French.

Answers of the school stage in Spanish.

Answers for the school stage in astronomy.

Answers of the school stage in the Russian language for 4th grade.

Answers of the school stage in the Russian language for grades 5-6.

Answers for the school stage in mathematics for 4th grade.

Answers of the school stage in mathematics for 5th grade.

Answers of the school stage in mathematics for 6th grade.

Answers of the school stage in physical education.

7-11 grades

Answers for the school stage in literature for grades 7-8.

Answers of the school stage in literature 9th grade.

Answers for the school stage in literature 10th grade.

Answers of the school stage in literature 11th grade.

Answers for the school stage in geography 7-9 grades.

Answers for the school stage in geography 10-11 grades.

Answers of the school stage on technology (girls) 7th grade.

Answers of the school stage on technology (girls) 8-9 grades.

Answers of the school stage on technology (girls) 10-11 grades.

Answers from the school stage on technology (boys).

Criteria for evaluating an ESSAY for a creative project.

Criteria for assessing practical work.

Answers for the school stage in astronomy grades 7-8.

Answers for the school stage in astronomy grade 9.

Answers for the school stage in astronomy grade 10.

Answers for the school stage in astronomy grade 11.

Answers for the school stage for MHC grades 7-8.

Answers of the school stage for MHC 9th grade.

Answers of the school stage for MHC 10th grade.

Answers of the school stage for MHC 11th grade.

Answers for the school stage in social studies for 8th grade.

Answers for the school stage in social studies for 9th grade.

Answers for the school stage in social studies for 10th grade.

Answers for the school stage in social studies for 11th grade.

Answers for the school stage on ecology for grades 7-8.

Answers for the school stage on ecology for 9th grade.

Answers for the school stage on ecology for grades 10-11.

Answers for the school stage in physics.

Answers for the school stage in history 7th grade.

Answers for the school stage in history 8th grade.

Answers for the school stage in history 9th grade.

Answers for the school stage in history for grades 10-11.

Answers for the school stage in physical education (grades 7-8).

Answers for the school stage in physical education (grades 9-11).

Answers for the school stage in German for grades 7-8.

All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren are held under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science after official confirmation of the calendar of their dates. Such events cover almost all disciplines and subjects included in the compulsory curriculum of secondary schools.

By participating in such competitions, students are given the opportunity to gain experience in answering questions in intellectual competitions, as well as expand and demonstrate their knowledge. Schoolchildren begin to respond calmly to various forms knowledge tests, are responsible for representing and defending the level of their school or region, which develops a sense of duty and discipline. In addition, a good result can bring a well-deserved cash bonus or advantages during admission to the country's leading universities.

Olympiads for schoolchildren in the 2017-2018 academic year are held in 4 stages, divided by territorial aspect. These stages in all cities and regions are carried out within the general calendar periods established by the regional leadership of educational municipal departments.

Schoolchildren taking part in the competition gradually go through four levels of competition:

  • Level 1 (school). In September-October 2017, competitions will be held within each individual school. All parallels of students are tested independently from each other, starting from the 5th grade and ending with graduates. Assignments for this level are prepared by methodological commissions at the city level, and they also provide assignments for district and rural secondary schools.
  • Level 2 (regional). In December 2017 - January 2018, the next level will be held, in which the winners of the city and district - students in grades 7-11 - will take part. Tests and tasks at this stage are developed by the organizers of the regional (third) stage, and all questions regarding preparation and locations for conducting are assigned to local authorities.
  • Level 3 (regional). Duration: from January to February 2018. Participants are the winners of the Olympiads of the current and completed year of study.
  • Level 4 (All-Russian). Organized by the Ministry of Education and runs from March to April 2018. The winners of regional stages and the winners of last year participate in it. However, not all winners of the current year can take part in the All-Russian Olympiads. The exception is children who took 1st place in the region, but are significantly behind the other winners in points.

Winners of the All-Russian level can optionally take part in international competitions taking place during the summer holidays.

List of disciplines

In the 2017-2018 school season Russian schoolchildren can test their strength in the following areas:

  • exact sciences – analytical and physical and mathematical direction;
  • natural sciences - biology, ecology, geography, chemistry, etc.;
  • philological sector – various foreign languages, native language and literature;
  • humanitarian direction - economics, law, historical sciences etc.;
  • other subjects - art and, BJD.

This year, the Ministry of Education officially announced the holding of 97 Olympiads, which will be held in all regions of Russia from 2017 to 2018 (9 more than last year).

Benefits for winners and runners-up

Each Olympiad has its own level: I, II or III. Level I is the most difficult, but it gives its graduates and prize-winners the most advantages when entering many prestigious universities in the country.

Benefits for winners and runners-up come in two categories:

  • admission without exams to the chosen university;
  • award highest score Unified State Exam in the discipline in which the student received a prize.

The most famous level I state competitions include the following Olympiads:

  • St. Petersburg Astronomical Institute;
  • "Lomonosov";
  • St. Petersburg State Institute;
  • "Young Talents";
  • Moscow school;
  • "Highest standard";
  • "Information Technology";
  • “Culture and art”, etc.

Level II Olympics 2017-2018:

  • Hertsenovskaya;
  • Moscow;
  • "Eurasian linguistic";
  • "Teacher of the school of the future";
  • Lomonosov Tournament;
  • "TechnoCup" etc.

Level III competitions 2017-2018 include the following:

  • "Star";
  • "Young Talents";
  • Contest scientific works"Junior";
  • "Hope of Energy";
  • "Step into the future";
  • “Ocean of Knowledge”, etc.

According to the Order “On Amendments to the Procedure for Admission to Universities,” winners or prize-winners of the final stage have the right to admission without entrance examinations to any university in a field corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. At the same time, the correlation between the direction of training and the profile of the Olympiad is determined by the university itself and without fail publishes this information on its official website.

The right to use the benefit is retained by the winner for 4 years, after which it is canceled and admission occurs on a general basis.

Preparation for the Olympics

The standard structure of Olympiad tasks is divided into 2 types:

  • testing theoretical knowledge;
  • the ability to translate theory into practice or demonstrate practical skills.

A decent level of preparation can be achieved using the official website of the Russian state Olympiads, which contains tasks from past rounds. They can be used both to test your knowledge and to identify problem areas in preparation. There, on the website you can check the dates of the rounds and get acquainted with the official results.

Video: assignments for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren appeared online

The All-Russian School Olympiad has become a good tradition. Its main task is to identify gifted children, motivate schoolchildren to in-depth study subjects, development creativity and non-standard thinking in children.

The Olympic movement is becoming increasingly popular among schoolchildren. And there are reasons for this:

  • winners of the All-Russian round are admitted to universities without competition if the core subject is an Olympiad subject (the winners’ diplomas are valid for 4 years);
  • participants and winners receive additional chances upon admission to educational institutions(if the subject is not in the university’s profile, the winner receives an additional 100 points upon admission);
  • significant monetary reward for prizes (60 thousand, 30 thousand rubles;
  • and, of course, fame throughout the country.

Before becoming a winner you must go through all stages All-Russian Olympiad:

  1. The primary school stage, at which worthy representatives are determined for the next level, will be held in September-October 2017. The organization and conduct of the school stage is carried out by specialists methodological office.
  2. Municipal stage carried out between schools in a city or region. It takes place at the end of December 2017. – early January 2018
  3. The third round is more difficult. Talented students from all over the region take part in it. The regional stage takes place in January-February 2018.
  4. The final stage determines the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad. In March-April, the best children in the country compete: the winners of the regional stage and the winners of last year’s Olympiad.

The organizers of the final round are representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and they also sum up the results.

You can show your knowledge in any subject: mathematics, physics, geography, even physical education and technology. You can compete in erudition in several subjects at once. There are 24 disciplines in total.

Olympic subjects are divided into areas:

Direction Items
1 Exact disciplines mathematics, computer science
2 Natural sciences geography, biology, physics, chemistry, ecology, astronomy
3 Philological disciplines literature, Russian language, foreign languages
4 Humanities economics, social studies, history, law
5 Others art, technology, physical culture, basics of life safety

The peculiarity of the final stage of the Olympiad consists of two types of tasks: theoretical and practical. For example, to get good results in geography, students must complete 6 theoretical problems, 8 practical tasks, and also answer 30 test questions.

The first stage of the Olympiad begins in September, which means that those wishing to take part in the intellectual marathon must prepare in advance. But first of all, you must have a good base school level, which constantly needs to be replenished with additional knowledge that goes beyond school curriculum.

The official website of the Olympiad posts tasks from previous years. These materials can be used in preparation for the intellectual marathon. And of course, you can’t do without the help of teachers: additional classes after school, classes with tutors.

The winners of the final stage will take part in international olympiads. They form the Russian national team, which will prepare at training camps in 8 subjects.

To provide methodological assistance, orientation webinars are held on the site; the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad and subject-methodological commissions have been formed.