(Presentation for the report "Portrait of a modern schoolchild")


Literature Soviet period and the stories of older generations allow us to imagine the image of a Soviet schoolchild. His main life values there was love and friendship, dignity and honor, conscience, kindness and responsibility. He was characterized by initiative and a desire for self-improvement. School graduates were confident in the future and in their need for society, so the motive for professional self-determination was public benefit.

But since then, high ideals have disappeared, and material well-being has become the main value in life. What is valuable to my peers today? How do they present their independent life? In our opinion, these are very pressing issues, because today’s schoolchildren are the future of our country.

The modern Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia defines the national educational ideal of a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of a multinational people Russian Federation.

You can see the hypothesis of our work, the object, subject and methods of research on the screen.

We began our research with a survey of graduates of 90 and 103 schools aged 16 to 18 years. We developed a questionnaire based on the one that the Russian government offers graduates. During the survey, 67 students were interviewed. There are practically no differences in answers among graduates of different schools, so the data is provided in a common dataset.

Already at the first stage, we rejected the hypothesis on which our work is based as erroneous.

And now we will present the results of our research and conclusions thereon.

The questionnaire consisted of five items, the first of which was political orientations of youth.

To the first question, the guys basically answered that they were following developments in the country, but, unfortunately, they were not interested.

None of the respondents said that he was satisfied with the state of affairs in the country.

When asked about their well-being, half of the students answered that their well-being depends only on themselves, and 37% - on living conditions and their own efforts equally.

In case of violation of their rights, almost half of the students are ready to contact law enforcement agencies, but no one is going to participate in protests.

Only a quarter of graduates declare their patriotism with complete confidence, while 44% are unsure of the answer.

And this slide presents an opinion on what it means to be a patriot.

Next item on the questionnaire: economic orientations of youth.

A little more than a quarter of respondents say they are confident in the implementation of their plans for the future.

To the question: what does a successful career mean to a person? 73% believe that this is moral satisfaction from work and the opportunity to do what they love, but high income is also decisive.

But what influences your career? 88% believe that this is education, and 60% that these are personal qualities and character traits.

This slide shows that high wages attract young people to work most of all.

When installing on Good work The guys almost unanimously answered that they could only rely on their own strength.

Of all the proposed areas for youth work, the guys identified the most promising area latest technologies. But the children's minimal preferences were given to education and healthcare.

We can conclude that the motivation for a teenager’s professional self-determination is the prestige of the profession and high earnings.

Half of the graduates surveyed admit that they are trying to study normally, but studying does not cause them much interest.

As for graduates’ satisfaction with the quality of the education received, in general, graduates are satisfied with the education they receive.

When asked about life values, 75% of students chose family happiness as the most valuable. Next came health and the ability to benefit other people.

About participation in various projects, 42% of respondents responded positively.

Thus, we can draw a conclusion about the activity of young people in the field of scientific research and practical activities.

The next point in our questionnaire is ethnic and religious self-identification of youth.

The majority of young people have not decided on their attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, but almost a sixth of them are wary of other ethnic groups.

Only a third are ready to participate in the struggle for the interests of representatives of their nationality, while the rest are not going to participate in open conflict. In our opinion, the younger generation is not tolerant enough.

The final point of our questionnaire orientation towards health and physical development.

I am glad that among the children surveyed there are none who do not play sports at all.

An addition to the portrait of a graduate is his leisure time. Unfortunately, entertainment and social media are leading the way.

As for bad habits, everyone unanimously answered that bad habits have a negative impact on health.


In conclusion, we can now imagine the modern schoolchild. This is a young man whose main life values ​​are health and family happiness. He is not very concerned about the morality of his actions, but has an idea of ​​​​the ideal. The graduate is little concerned about the economic, social and political problems of his homeland. He strives for self-expression, enjoys self-development and self-improvement, leaving free time to communicate with friends. Thus, the young man is actively involved in the life of society. He views obtaining a quality education or a good job as a means to make a career and achieve high material well-being. The young man is not ready for an independent adult life, for unexpected difficulties, but looks forward with optimism, since he can always count on the help of his parents. He is confident that the level of knowledge he received at school is high, which will help him when applying. And so that a graduate of a modern secondary school has become a worthy member of society, it is necessary to prepare him to overcome all life's difficulties.

The school administration became interested in the results of our research. In order to adjust educational work plans to eliminate the identified discrepancies between “expectations” and “realities,” we were invited to speak at pedagogical council, which took place in March. And in May, elections were held for the chairman of the high school student council. Based on the election results, Polina Shubina, a student of grade 11 “A”, took over this position. From new September school year the council began its work.

In grades 5-6, children's self-government has been introduced, and political information is held. Students are involved in active, socially significant activities.

The boundaries of primary school age, coinciding with the period of study in primary school, are currently established from 6-7 to 9-10 years. During this period, further physical and psychophysiological development of the child occurs, providing the opportunity for systematic learning at school.

The beginning of schooling leads to a radical change in the social situation of the child’s development. He becomes a “public” subject and now has socially significant responsibilities, the fulfillment of which receives public assessment. During primary school age, it begins to develop new type relationships with surrounding people. The unconditional authority of an adult is gradually lost and by the end of primary school age peers begin to become increasingly important for the child, and the role of the children’s community increases

Educational activity becomes the leading activity at primary school age. It determines the most important changes occurring in the development of the psyche of children at this age stage. Within educational activities psychological new formations are taking shape that characterize the most significant achievements in development junior schoolchildren and are the foundation that ensures development at the next age stage. Gradually, motivation for learning activities, so strong in the first grade, begins to decline. This is due to a drop in interest in learning and the fact that the child already has a won social position and has nothing to achieve. To prevent this from happening, learning activities need to be given new, personally meaningful motivation. The leading role of educational activities in the process of child development does not exclude the fact that the younger student is actively involved in other types of activities, during which his new achievements are improved and consolidated

According to L.S. Vygotsky, with the beginning schooling thinking moves to the center of the child’s conscious activity. The development of verbal-logical, reasoning thinking that occurs in the course of assimilation scientific knowledge, rebuilds and all others cognitive processes: “memory at this age becomes thinking, and perception becomes thinking”

According to O.Yu. Ermolaev, during primary school age, significant changes occur in the development of attention; all its properties are intensively developed: the volume of attention increases especially sharply (2.1 times), its stability increases, and switching and distribution skills develop. By the age of 9-10, children become able to maintain attention for a long time and carry out a randomly assigned program of actions.

At primary school age, memory, like all other mental processes, undergoes significant changes. Their essence is that the child’s memory gradually acquires the features of arbitrariness, becoming consciously regulated and mediated.

Primary school age is sensitive for the development of higher forms of voluntary memorization, therefore purposeful developmental work on mastering mnemonic activity is the most effective during this period. V.D. Shadrikov and L.V. Cheremoshkin identified 13 mnemonic techniques, or ways of organizing memorized material: grouping, highlighting strong points, drawing up a plan, classification, structuring, schematization, establishing analogies, mnemonic techniques, recoding, completing the construction of memorized material, serial organization of associations, repetition

The noted features of the mental activity of children are the reasons for the failure of a certain part of students. The inability to overcome the difficulties that arise in learning sometimes leads to the abandonment of active mental work. Students begin to use various inappropriate techniques and ways of completing educational tasks, which psychologists call “workarounds,” which include rote learning of material without understanding it. Children reproduce the text almost by heart, word for word, but at the same time cannot answer questions about the text. Another workaround is to perform a new task in the same way that some task was performed before. In addition, students with deficiencies in the thinking process use hints when giving an oral answer, try to copy from their friends, etc.

At this age, another important new formation appears - voluntary behavior. The child becomes independent and chooses what to do in certain situations. This type of behavior is based on moral motives that are formed at this age. The child absorbs moral values ​​and tries to follow certain rules and laws. This is often associated with selfish motives and desires to be approved by adults or to strengthen one’s personal position in a peer group. That is, their behavior is one way or another connected with the main motive that dominates at this age - the motive of achieving success.

New formations such as planning the results of action and reflection are closely related to the formation of voluntary behavior in younger schoolchildren.

The child is able to evaluate his action in terms of its results and thereby change his behavior and plan it accordingly. A semantic and guiding basis in actions appears; this is closely related to the differentiation of internal and external life. A child is able to overcome his desires if the result of their fulfillment does not meet certain standards or does not lead to the set goal. An important aspect of a child’s inner life is his semantic orientation in his actions. This is due to the child’s feelings about the fear of changing relationships with others. He is afraid of losing his importance in their eyes.

The child begins to actively think about his actions and hide his experiences. The child is not the same on the outside as he is on the inside. It is these changes in the child’s personality that often lead to outbursts of emotions on adults, desires to do what they want, and whims. “The negative content of this age manifests itself primarily in mental imbalance, instability of will, mood, etc.”

The development of the personality of a primary school student depends on school performance and the assessment of the child by adults. As I already said, a child at this age is very susceptible to external influence. It is thanks to this that he absorbs knowledge, both intellectual and moral. “The teacher plays a significant role in establishing moral standards and developing children’s interests, although the degree to which they are successful in this will depend on the type of relationship he has with his students.” Other adults also play an important role in a child's life.

At primary school age, children's desire to achieve increases. Therefore, the main motive of a child’s activity at this age is the motive of achieving success. Sometimes another type of this motive occurs - the motive of avoiding failure.

Certain moral ideals and patterns of behavior are laid down in the child’s mind. The child begins to understand their value and necessity. But in order for the development of a child’s personality to be most productive, the attention and assessment of an adult is important. “The emotional-evaluative attitude of an adult to the actions of a child determines the development of his moral feelings, individual responsible attitude to the rules with which he becomes acquainted in life.” “The child’s social space has expanded - the child constantly communicates with the teacher and classmates according to the laws of clearly formulated rules”

It is at this age that a child experiences his uniqueness, he recognizes himself as an individual, and strives for perfection. This is reflected in all areas of a child’s life, including relationships with peers. Children find new group forms of activity and activities. At first they try to behave as is customary in this group, obeying the laws and rules. Then begins the desire for leadership, for superiority among peers. At this age, friendships are more intense but less durable. Children learn the ability to make friends and find mutual language with different children. “Although it is assumed that the ability to form close friendships is determined to some extent by the emotional bonds established in the child during the first five years of his life.”

Children strive to improve the skills of those types of activities that are accepted and valued in an attractive company in order to stand out in its environment and achieve success.

At primary school age, the child develops an orientation towards other people, which is expressed in prosocial behavior, taking into account their interests. Prosocial behavior is very important for a developed personality.

The ability to empathize is developed in the context of school education because the child participates in new business relationships; he is involuntarily forced to compare himself with other children - with their successes, achievements, behavior, and the child is simply forced to learn to develop his abilities and qualities.

Thus, primary school age is the most critical stage of school childhood.

The main achievements of this age are determined by the leading nature of educational activities and are largely decisive for subsequent years of education: by the end of primary school age, the child must want to learn, be able to learn and believe in himself.

Full-fledged living of this age, its positive acquisitions are the necessary foundation on which the further development of the child as an active subject of knowledge and activity is built. The main task of adults in working with children of primary school age is to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of children's capabilities, taking into account the individuality of each child.

At primary school age, intensive development of intelligence occurs. The development of thinking leads to a qualitative restructuring of perception and memory, turning them into regulated, voluntary processes. A 7-8 year old child usually thinks in specific categories.

Thus, psychological characteristics of a junior schoolchild are that the character of a junior schoolchild acquires the following manifestations: impulsiveness, a tendency to act immediately, without thinking, without weighing all the circumstances; general lack of will - a 7-8 year old schoolchild does not yet know how to pursue an intended goal for a long time or persistently overcome difficulties.

In general, during the period of study at the primary level of school, a child should develop the following qualities: arbitrariness, reflection, thinking in concepts; he must successfully master the program; In addition, a qualitatively new, more “adult” type of relationship with teachers and classmates should appear.

Junior school age is the most important stage of school childhood. The main task of adults in working with children of primary school age is to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of children's capabilities, taking into account the individuality of each.

1. Explanatory note.

1.1. Psychological portrait of a junior schoolchild………………….3

1.2. Goals and objectives primary education GOU secondary school No. 000………4

1.3. Stages of implementation of the main educational program of GOU Secondary School No. 000……………………………………………………………………………….6

2. Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education


2.2. Planned meta-subject results……………………….11

2.3. Planned subject results…………………………….22

3.1. Explanatory note (introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard)………………………..56

3.2.Basic curriculum………………………………………………………59

4.Program for the formation of universal educational activities

for students at the NEE level

4.1. Explanatory note…………………………………………….60

4.2. Concept, functions, composition, characteristics of universal educational actions…………………………………………………………………………………61

4.3.ICT as a toolkit for universal educational activities. Subprogram for the formation of ICT - student competence……65

5.1. Explanatory note…………………………………………….66

5.2.Basic curriculum………………………………………………………78

5.3. Features of the implementation of OOP in grades 2 – 4………………….79

6. Program for spiritual and moral development and education of students at the primary level general education

6.1.The purpose and objectives of the spiritual and moral development and education of students at the level of primary general education………..92

6.2. The main directions and value foundations of the spiritual and moral development and education of students at the level of primary general education……………………………………..94

9. System for assessing the achievement of the planned results of development of the IEO OOP…………………………………………………………………………………115

9.1.Organization of a cumulative assessment system. Portfolio of achievements………………………………………………………..119

9.2.Final assessment of a graduate and its use during the transition from primary to basic general education…………………122

10. Conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education………………………………….124


Main educational program primary general education is created taking into account age characteristics younger schoolchildren.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, primary school age currently covers the period from 6.5 to 11 years, and in the absence of contraindications for health reasons and there is an application from the parents (legal representatives) of the child - from an earlier age.

1.1.Psychological portrait of a junior schoolchild

The main personality characteristics achieved during primary school age are:

A change in leading activity, a transition from play to systematic, socially organized learning (play activity in all its varieties continues to be important for the mental development of children; on its basis, important learning skills and competencies are developed);

Formation of a system of educational and cognitive motives, the ability to accept, maintain and realize educational goals (in the process of their implementation, the younger student learns to plan, control and evaluate his own educational actions and their results);

Endurance and perseverance, allowing to carry out educational activities that require significant mental effort and long-term concentration;

Emotionality, impressionability, responsiveness and balance (the younger student sufficiently controls the manifestations of his feelings, distinguishes between situations in which they need to be restrained, sympathizes with a friend, adequately responds to the teacher’s emotions);

Gaining experience of life in a team, when the importance of interpersonal and business relationships increases significantly;

Strengthening the role of self-esteem of a junior schoolchild: forming it on the basis of how “significant others”, who are, first of all, adults (especially the teacher), evaluate him.

1.2.Goals and objectives of primary general education GOU Secondary School No. 000

Primary general education at GOU Secondary School No. 000 aimed to modernize the educational process through the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at developing universal learning activities among primary school students.

The set goal is realized through solving the following tasks:

Forming the unity of physical, intellectual and moral development, ensuring the well-being of children, creating conditions for preserving and strengthening their physical and mental health;

Formation of universal educational activities through the development of the abilities of thinking, understanding, imagination, communication, including information competence, in particular with the use of ICT, the development of students’ mental activity abilities;

Formation of ways of interaction between children and peers, with adults, creation of conditions for self-realization of younger schoolchildren in educational activities;

Mastery of subject content as the basis for successful continuation of education at the next level of education.

The creation of optimal conditions can be ensured:

Integration of different subject areas of primary education;

Establishing a balance between the theoretical and practical components of the content of education;

Supporting children's initiatives in all types of activities;

Goals: ensure a smooth transition of children from play to educational activities, development of basic rules and norms of school life.

Solving the problems of this period of education is solved through the educational module "Introduction to school life" designed for 30 hours (the first two weeks of training).

Purpose of the course: create in the child an idea of ​​school as a place where he will be accepted entirely - with all his feelings, thoughts, knowledge, problems, large and small events of his personal life. The idea that everything is important, interesting and helps build the common life of the class. Course objectives:

Create optimal conditions for the transition from play activity child to school;

Form a positive attitude towards school and the learning process;

· carry out educational activities in materialized, hypermedia, loud speech and mental form.

· in collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

· transform practical problem into cognitive;

· show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

· independently take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

· carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control based on the result and method of action, actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

· independently adequately assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution both during its implementation and at the end of the action.

Cognitive universal learning activities

The graduate will learn:

· search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), in the open information space, including the controlled space of the Internet;

· record (record) selective information about the world around you and about yourself using ICT tools;

· use sign-symbolic means, including models (including virtual ones) and diagrams (including conceptual ones) to solve problems;

· construct messages in oral and written form;

· focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

· the basics of semantic perception of artistic and educational texts, highlighting essential information from messages of different types (primarily texts);

· carry out analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features;

· carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts;

· carry out comparison, series and classification according to specified criteria;

· establish cause-and-effect relationships in the range of phenomena being studied;

· build reasoning in the form of connecting simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections;

· generalize, i.e., carry out generalization and deduction of generality for a whole series or class of individual objects based on identifying an essential connection;

· carry out the subsumption of the concept on the basis of object recognition, identification of essential features and their synthesis;

· establish analogies;

· possess a number of general problem solving techniques.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

· carry out an advanced search for information using library resources and the Internet;

· record, record information about the world around you and yourself using ICT tools;

· create and transform models and diagrams to solve problems;

· consciously and voluntarily construct messages in oral and written form;

· make the most choice effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions;

· carry out synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts, independently completing and completing the missing components;

· carry out comparison, series and classification, independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the specified logical operations;

· build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

· to voluntarily and consciously master the general method of solving problems.

Communicative universal learning activities

The graduate will learn:

· adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communication problems, construct a monologue statement (including accompanying it with audio-visual support), master a dialogical form of communication, using, among other things, ICT and remote communication tools ( email, forums, chats, etc.);

· allow for the possibility that people have different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

· consider different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

· formulate own opinion and position;

· negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

· construct statements that are understandable to the partner, taking into account what the partner knows and sees and what he does not;

· to ask questions;

· control the actions of the partner;

· use speech to regulate one’s actions;

· use adequately speech means to solve various communicative problems, construct a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of speech.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

· take into account and coordinate in cooperation other people’s positions that differ from their own;

· take into account different opinions and interests and justify own position;

· understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to solving a problem;

· argue your position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing general solution in joint activities;

· productively promote conflict resolution based on taking into account the interests and positions of all participants;

· taking into account the goals of communication, it is sufficiently accurate, consistent and complete to convey to the partner the necessary information as a guideline for constructing an action;

· ask questions necessary to organize your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

· exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;

· adequately use speech to plan and regulate one’s activities;

· adequately use speech means to effective solution various communication tasks.

Reading. Working with text (meta-subject results)

As a result of studying all items without exception at the stage of primary general education, graduates will acquire primary skills in working with information contained in texts in the process of reading age-appropriate literary, educational, scientific and educational texts, instructions. Graduates will learn to consciously read texts in order to satisfy cognitive interest, master and use information. Graduates will master basic skills in reading information presented in visual and symbolic form, and gain experience working with texts containing pictures, tables, diagrams, diagrams.

Graduates will develop such reading activities as searching for information, identifying the information necessary to solve a practical or educational problem, systematizing, comparing, analyzing and summarizing the ideas and information available in the text, interpreting and transforming these ideas and information. Students will be able to use the information obtained from different types texts information for establishing simple cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies, explanations, substantiation of statements, as well as decision-making in simple educational and practical situations.

Graduates will have the opportunity to learn how to independently search for information. They will gain the initial experience of taking a critical attitude towards the information they receive, comparing it with information from other sources and existing life experience.

Working with text: information search and reading comprehension

The graduate will learn:

· find specific information and facts given explicitly in the text;

determine the topic and main idea text;

· divide texts into semantic parts, draw up a text plan;

· identify the main events contained in the text and establish their sequence; organize information according to a given basis;

· compare objects described in the text with each other, highlighting two or three essential features;

· understand information presented in implicit form (for example, highlight common feature groups of elements, characterize a phenomenon according to its description; find several examples in the text that prove the given statement);

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MUNICIPAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL No. 3" VILLAGE KUGULTA GRACHEVSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE STAVROPOL TERRITORY Municipal stage of the XXX Stavropol Regional Open Scientific Conference of Students Section: junior Title of work: “Portrait of a modern graduate primary school» The work was completed by: Shirinyan Irina Sergeevna, studying 4 “A” class. Place of work: MKOU Secondary School No. 3, village. Kugulta of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory Head: Selyukova Tatyana Georgievna, teacher primary classes With. Kugulta, 2018 1

Introduction Portrait of a modern primary school graduate A person’s soul cannot be empty, It is like the earth: if a garden does not grow, so does a weed. V.L. Levi Selecting a research topic On class hour our teacher asked the guys: What would you like to receive as a gift? Many of my classmates answered that they would like a computer. I was interested to find out: is it only computer games that occupy the children’s free time? I myself like to read a lot. I read not only educational books, but also additional literature and encyclopedias. I visit museums, theaters and exhibitions with my parents. The whole family goes to the cinema. What is the soul of my classmates filled with? What about

aesthetic education

Foreign - 62% Russian 38% 4. What books do you prefer to read? fiction foreign fairy tales encyclopedias historical literature poetry stories about animals 24% 24% 18% 16% 12% 6% 5. Do you have a favorite foreign literary hero? yes no 64% 36% 6. What do you prefer to read in your spare time? magazine book 54 46 Analysis of the data obtained showed:  Music and cinema turned out to be the most popular. Next in importance comes fine art. Literature and theater took last place.  As a result of comparing the differences in the preferences of boys and girls, I came to the following conclusion: boys are more attracted to cinema than girls; girls, on the other hand, give greater preference to music and the visual arts.  Aggressive films are becoming increasingly popular among schoolchildren, displacing comedies. 55% of students have popular genres: action films, horror films.  Orientations towards Western music clearly dominate among fourth graders (62% of students prefer to listen to this music).  Among 9-10 year olds, they prefer to read science fiction and fairy tales by foreign authors (48%). These data are confirmed not only by information about the actual reading repertoire (books read in the last 12 months), but also by answers to the question about their favorite literary characters; 64% noted that 5

they have a favorite foreign literary hero. Moreover, today many boys and girls (54%) prefer magazines to books. What, besides reading books, listening to music, watching films, do current elementary school graduates do? What do they do with their free time? What is the cultural space in which a junior student lives filled with? A survey conducted among my classmates helped me answer these questions. When asked “What did you do last night in your free time,” many guys named several types of activities. In first place (56%) watched TV, then played computer games» I received the following answers: Vladimir Putin Dmitry Medvedev Alexander Pushkin Philip Kirkorov Maxim Galkin Timati Egor Creed Olga Buzova Vera Brezhneva Nikolai Baskov 25% 21% 15% 10% 9% 8% 5% 4% 3% 2% Your parents control what how do you spend your free time, and how do they do it: Yes 81% Sometimes 14% No 5% on Cell phone rings Asked 81% 19% What movies do you watch as a family? 6

action films historical films adventures comedies 12% 6% 18% 64% What kind of music does your family like? foreign Russian 28% 72% Do you and your parents go to exhibitions in art galleries? yes no 2% 98% Name the names of artists you know: Vasnetsov Shishkin Repin Savrasov 63% 27% 10% 9% Your home on weekends, what is it like? What do you like and dislike about your family's day off? Like: playing in the yard 53% playing computer games 21% socializing in social networks 13% Parents don’t scold me on days off 4% Sleep longer 9% Dislike: cleaning the apartment 64% Going to the grocery store 13% Read a book 10% Do extra homework 13% 7

Based on the results obtained, I made the following conclusions: 1. The culture of a modern primary school student is formed under the influence of “screen” culture. 2. Modern child prefers to play games with exciting and fast action, which are much more exciting to play than games of an educational, developmental nature. I would like to note that basically, only the ability to play and communicate on social networks ends the list of computer user skills. 3. According to research, the majority of parents (69%) are interested in the life of their children in their free time and know what their son or daughter does in their free time. 4. Some parents (14%) create cultural environment for their child themselves, visiting art galleries, theaters, exhibitions... As a result of the research, the main problems were identified that affect the formation of an ideal portrait of a primary school student. Lack of independence in the educational process. 1. Free time is used irrationally by younger schoolchildren. 2. The computer is used as an entertainment tool by younger 3. schoolchildren, and not as a tool for learning and obtaining additional developmental information. Younger schoolchildren have a lack of cultural and moral development 4. Mostly children spend time at the computer. At the same time, they read little and go to the theater very rarely.

Based on the above research results, it is possible to draw up a portrait of a modern third-grader living in the 21st century and create a portrait of a modern primary school graduate: Conclusion Possesses the basics of learning skills and knows how to organize his own activities. He loves his people, his land, his homeland. Respects and accepts family values.

Friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position.

To the question “Name the names of famous people”: Do your parents control how you spend your free time, and how do they do it: yes, sometimes no They call on your cell phone and ask What films do you watch as a family? action films, historical films, adventures, comedies. What kind of music does your family like? foreign Russian Do you and your parents go to exhibitions in art galleries? yes no 11

Name the names of artists known to you: Have you visited the theater? yes no What is your home like on weekends?

What do you like and dislike about your family's day off? Likes: playing in the yard _________________________________ playing computer games _________________________________ watching TV _________________________________ sleeping longer _________________________________ my parents don't scold me on days off _________________ Dislikes: cleaning the apartment _________________________________ going to the grocery store _________________________________ reading a book _________________________________ doing extra homework ______________________ 12 Literature: 1. “Portrait of an elementary school graduate” (Federal State Educational Standard of NEO Standard of orientation for the development of personal characteristics of a graduate of NEO) Website https:// miobrnauki.rf. 2. “Model of a primary school graduate” Website www. stavminobr. ru 3. Volkova T.V. Let's get to know the world. Materials for cool hours in 14 classes. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. 4. Kazakova E.I., Tryapitsyna A.P. Dialogue on the ladder of success (School on the threshold of a new century). - St. Petersburg: Petersburg XXI century, together with ZAO PressAttache, 1997. 5. Maksimochkina V.N. Parent meetings