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Archpriest Georgy Breev

The rector of the Church of the Nativity discusses why it is so common and natural to condemn, how and why to fight it, why Christ does not judge anyone, and what to do with the concept of the Last Judgment. Holy Mother of God in Krylatskoye, caring for the clergy of the Western Vicariate of Moscow, Archpriest Georgy Breev.

If you look into yourself and try to see our inclinations, then we will easily notice that we already have an established habit of condemning.

Clergymen, when confessing people, very rarely meet a person who could say: “But I don’t condemn anyone.” This is nice to hear, but this condition is rather an exception...

Condemnation is a manifestation of our pride, by which we arrogate to ourselves the opportunity to judge another person. Self-exaltation is characteristic of every person; it is deeply instilled in all of us. A feeling of self-satisfaction and self-worth always warms us from the inside: “He is so handsome, good, and I am even more beautiful and better!” - and immediately our souls feel warm. Everything pleasant that we hear addressed to us makes us happy, but just say something contrary to our opinion about ourselves... oh, my brother! Some even get furious at this: “What did you tell me?!” A sense of self-worth can be a strong incentive to achieve many heights, it is a powerful driver! But still, we know that it works on carnal, earthly energies. And we know that Scripture says: “God resists the proud”...

You can’t overcome the feeling of pride, it’s very strong. And if a person does not fight him, does not reject him from himself, then naturally he has the need to judge others from the height of his conceit: “I am so high and perfect, but all around I do not see perfection, therefore I have the right to reason and label “labels” on others.” And now people are trying to get together, talk, discuss how he lives, like this one. And they themselves don’t notice how they begin to condemn, while making excuses: “I don’t condemn, I reason.” But in such reasoning there is always a tendency to paint a person in gloomy, dark colors.

So we begin to take upon ourselves what does not belong to us - judgment. And most often we do this not openly. For example, we look at someone and think to ourselves: “Aha, this person is such and such a person, he is so determined.” This is a slippery slope and a misconception!


IN Holy Scripture there is a very deep expression: For which man knows what is in a man except the spirit of man that dwells in him?(1 Cor. 2 :eleven). And further: Likewise, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.(1 Cor. 2 :12). By this, the Lord immediately determines the depth that is characteristic of a person. You can't fully know a person! Even if you thoroughly study his biography, there is still a lot of hidden things left in him that only he himself is able to experience and feel.

If there is no such depth in our approach to a person, then all our judgments are rather superficial. Therefore, the Lord directly says: Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Or, as you can say to your brother: brother! Let me take the speck out of your eye, when you yourself cannot see the beam in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye(OK 6 :41–42).

From the outside, we can imagine a person in any light, but truly, deeply, knowing him is given only to himself - if he, of course, tests himself, if he wants to know himself, and not just as one of millions, but himself before the face of God. Because when we evaluate ourselves differently - in the face of other people or based on our own opinion- it seems to us: yes, we really are somehow special, worthy, and, of course, not criminals. As the Pharisee said: “I am not like other men. I fulfill God’s law, I fast, I give tithes.” It naturally spills out of us. And it indicates that we do not have deep knowledge about ourselves.


Knowledge, a person’s knowledge of himself and of God- It seems to me that this is the source of non-judgment. It is given either by grace, or as a result of achievement, inner work. And condemnation occurs because, on the one hand, we are not inclined to deep knowledge of ourselves, and on the other, we have not reached the level of repentance.

Looking into yourself is the beginning of the spiritual process. Conscience gives a person knowledge about himself, and seeing himself, he sometimes even reaches the point of hatred: “I hate myself like this! I don’t like myself like this!” Yes, you have come to the knowledge of yourself, it is bitter, but this knowledge is perhaps the most important, the most significant in life. Because here is the starting point of repentance, an opportunity for the rebirth of your mind, a qualitative change in your attitude towards yourself and the whole world, and above all, towards your Creator and Creator.

Why is it said that there is greater joy in heaven about one repentant sinner than about a hundred righteous people who do not need to repent? Because it is difficult, but necessary, to come to this understanding: “It turns out that by my nature I am no different from others, my nature is from the old Adam, I am the same by nature as my brother.”

But we do not want to know ourselves, to examine ourselves with an examining eye, because this will require the next step - searching for an answer to the question: “Why is this so in me?” The carnal opposes the spiritual; this is the law of internal warfare. Therefore, people choose a more natural and seemingly simpler path - to look around, judge others, and not about themselves. They don't realize that it causes them great harm...


When a person begins to see clearly, he begins to understand that God doesn't condemn anyone. The Gospel of John says this directly: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.(In 3 :16–17). Associated with the Messiah is the idea that He will be clothed royal power and he will come to judge the nations, as having a truly Divine judgment. But then it suddenly turns out that God came not to judge us, but to save us! This mystery is truly amazing, it is amazing for us! And if God does not judge us, then who can judge us?

Therefore, condemnation is an erroneous attitude of our consciousness, an erroneous idea that we have power. What if God Himself refuses this power? Scripture says that the Father gave judgment to the Son, and the Son says, “I did not come to judge you.”

But at the same time The Lord does not hide that there will be a righteous judgment, which, as Lermontov wrote, “is not accessible to the ringing of gold.” God will reveal himself, and in that appearance all creation will see itself as it is. Now the Lord hides Himself because of our weaknesses, our imperfections, and when the full revelation of God comes, then there will be nothing to hide. The books of conscience will unfold, everything secret will be revealed, and a person will give an answer for every word he says. And then the Lord says: He who rejects Me and does not accept My words has a judge for himself: the word that I have spoken will judge him at the last day.(In 12 :48). It shows that our idea of ​​the court as some kind of extraordinary, superpersonal, authoritative proceeding - as in our earthly courts, when a whole panel of judges gathers, considers huge volumes on the case and makes a decision - is not entirely correct. God doesn't make decisions. It gives freedom, always gives a person the opportunity to improve: deviate from unhealthy norms that do not bring joy to you or others. Thus, a person is completely free to choose.

They say it’s hard to come under human judgment, because people in their judgments can be very cruel, fundamentally cruel: they passed a sentence on you - that’s it, and try to change yourself in the eyes of the public! But God's judgment is merciful, because the Lord wants to justify man: I do not want the sinner to die, but for the sinner to turn from his way and live(Eze 33 :11).


The line between condemning a person and condemning an act It's hard for us not to cross! But it is said: do not judge a person’s personality, do not judge him as the image and likeness of God. The Holy Spirit does not accept it when we arrogate to ourselves the power to judge another harshly. Yes, even if his bad, ugly act is worthy of condemnation, but don’t judge the man himself as a person! He can correct himself tomorrow, follow the path of repentance, become different - this opportunity is not taken away from a person until his last breath. We do not fully know the Providence of God about him, nor how dear he is to God, - after all, Christ shed His blood for everyone, redeemed everyone and condemned no one. Therefore, we simply do not have the right to judge for ourselves!

Yes, Christ dispersed the merchants near the temple with a whip, but this is not a condemnation, but a volitional action directed against lawlessness. Scripture says: Jealousy for Your house consumes me(In 2 :17). Similar examples occur in our lives. When we see that someone’s actions go beyond the spiritual and moral framework, that someone communicates a lot of evil to people, then, of course, we can react, call to order, pull the person back: “What are you doing? Come to your senses! Look what that in itself means.”

But such is our nature, distorted by sin, that negative emotions they immediately ask to come out in any situation, without any reason: you just look at a person, and you are already measuring him, assessing his external merits - but you have to stop yourself. Judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same judgment ye judge, so shall ye be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you(Mt. 7 :1–2) - These words of the Lord should be a reminder to us at any time, in any place. A lot of sobriety is needed here. And adherence to principles: “No, Lord, You are the One Judge, You are the One Lover of Mankind, You do not want anyone to perish and You have not uttered words of condemnation even over the most terrible sinners. Even being crucified, You prayed: “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”


I remember I had such a parishioner, from the common people, who said: “ Father, God will have mercy on everyone, forgive everyone, I believe that everyone will be saved!“Out of the kindness of her heart, she did not want to judge anyone and believed that all people have something good that can be learned from. This attitude is achieved by sobriety of mind, when the soul is nourished with true examples and the Gospel. And everyone who prays and reads Scripture every day has a special attitude, a special mood! Those who have felt grace feel God’s love for everyone, and therefore do not want to accept any malicious attacks or caustic feelings towards others.

We Christians in this regard have a strong example of people of high spirituality. They loved everyone, pitied them, did not condemn anyone, and even vice versa: the weaker a person was, the more visible shortcomings he had, the more attention and love the saints showed to such people; They valued them very much because they saw that the truth would reach them, because they were prepared for this with their very hard lives. But pride, on the contrary, will always find terrible judgments that are ready to depersonalize any person.

“Everyone is bad and everything is bad!”- this is the spirit of pride, the demonic spirit, this is the narrowing of our heart. It sets in motion mechanics from which people themselves suffer. Any condemnation is the introduction of some kind of darkness into oneself. In the Gospel of John the Theologian there are these words: He who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God. The judgment is that light came into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.(In 3 :18–19). By condemning, a person violates the spiritual law of life in God and immediately receives notification that he has sinned gravely. How many times has this happened: someone prayed, asked God for mercy, forgiveness, and the Lord gave it to him - and the person left the service renewed! But he met someone on the way from the temple, and condemnation began: you are this and that, and he is so and so. All. He lost everything he just gained! And many holy fathers say: as soon as you look askance at someone, accept a bad thought about a person, grace immediately leaves you. She does not tolerate condemnation, which is completely contrary to the spirit of the Gospel.


How to deal with condemnation? Firstly, we have this advice: if you have sinned in thought, immediately repent mentally. I thought something bad about my relative, about my friend, and caught myself thinking: “What kind of thoughts? Why am I doing this? Lord, forgive me for this instantaneous manifestation! I do not want it".

Secondly: when an inner feeling prompts you to give a negative assessment to someone, you immediately turn to yourself: are you free from this shortcoming? Or do you not know anything about yourself that could be reproached for? And - you will feel that you are the same as the one whom you are ready to condemn!

In ancient times there was still such a “golden” rule. When you are struggling with feelings of indignation and cannot understand why this person did this, then put yourself in his position, in his place, and this person in yours. And a lot will become clear to you right away! This is very sobering. So I put myself in the position of someone else: “My God, how many difficulties he has in life! There are difficulties in the family, there is no understanding with the wife, with the children... Indeed, how difficult is it for him, the poor thing!”

The Holy Fathers have another rule. Do you want to judge someone? And you put Christ in your place. Will the Lord judge? But even when He was crucified, Christ did not condemn anyone; on the contrary, He suffered for everyone. So why did I suddenly imagine myself above God and set myself up as a judge?


Condemnation can be avoided in any case. Because a person is designed in such a way that he can always protect the identity of another, not put a stigma on him, but immediately follow the path of reasoning: “I know how wonderful he is, how many difficulties he had, and he endured everything.”

Condemnation is a heart misaligned. So I meet a person, and instead of joy I have thoughts: “Aha, again he’s coming with a cigarette” or “Again he’s tipsy, so-and-so.” There are no good motivations that should be there. There is a temptation to judge along the way - there is no escape! But before the stream of judgmental thoughts pours out, I must first put myself in my place and give room to reason.

I like the saying of a modern Greek ascetic, a monk: “ Modern man should be a “factory of good thoughts.” You must be ready to accept and understand a person’s personality: yes, it’s hard for him, he found himself in difficult circumstances, his life has broken him, but still there is something good, whole in him, something that makes it possible not to exclude him from the list. decent, good people. The internal development of such good thoughts, acceptance of any person, in any capacity, no matter how he looks and behaves - as a protective environment, it will not allow the heart to accept the evil, destructive area of ​​​​a person. But you destroy your neighbor in your soul when you give him a bad characterization.

The person himself is wonderful! As one ascetic said, if we knew how beautiful the human soul is, we would be surprised and would not condemn anyone. Because the human soul is truly magnificent. But it will reveal itself - as always happens in all our fairy tales - at the last moment...

Fundamentals of Orthodox culture (Textbook for fourth grade) Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Lesson 13 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Golden Rule of Ethics

You will learn:

- The main rule of human relations

- What's happened non-judgment

Imagine that the wind has risen outside and is blowing dust and debris into your face. Will you really open your eyes wider? Of course not. And if in your company they began to gossip about one of your mutual and currently absent acquaintances... What benefit does what you hear? And if next time they also gossip about you behind your back...

Christ said: “So in everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

This rule is usually called golden rule of ethics.

It sounds different: Don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself. If you don’t want those who pretend to be your friends to gossip about you in absentia, restrain yourself from gossiping about them.

In order not to trust gossip, it is important to know that the gossiper very often transfers to another person the dirt that lives in himself; he attributes to others what he himself is guilty of.

Imagine: late at night man walking around town. Someone looked out of one window and said: “Why is he coming so late? This must be a thief! From another window they thought about the same passer-by: “This is probably a reveler returning from a party.” Someone else suggested that this man was looking for a doctor for a sick child. In fact, the night passer-by was in a hurry to go to the temple for night prayer. But everyone saw in him a piece of their world, their problems or fears.

Remembering your own mistakes and shortcomings helps protect yourself from condemnation.

One day people brought to Christ a woman who, according to the laws of that time, should have been stoned to death. Christ did not call people to break this law. He simply said, “Let him of you who has not sinned himself cast the first stone.” People thought about it, everyone remembered something different. And they quietly parted ways.

Judging other people is also bad because it simplifies the world and people too much. But the person is complex. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. One minute's loser may be the next day's good genius. Doesn't this happen in sports? A football player fails in one episode or match, but nevertheless plays brilliantly in other matches.

Here is a man who once did something ugly. Will he never do anything wonderful again? Even the school bully can become a hero. Sometimes this happens right outside the school threshold. At the age of 17 he graduated from school. At 18 he was drafted into the army. At 19, he did something he didn’t expect from himself...

So how can you avoid condemning a person? Non-judgment- this is the distinction between the assessment of an action and the assessment of the person himself. If Sasha lied, and I say, “Sasha lied about this,” I will tell the truth. But if I say “Sasha is a liar”, I will take a step towards condemnation. Because with such a formula I will dissolve a person in one of his actions and put a mark on him.

Evil must be denounced and it must be hated. But a person and his bad deed (sin) are not the same thing. Therefore, in Orthodoxy there is a rule: “Love the sinner and hate the sin.” And “to love a sinner” means to help him get rid of his sin.

INSERT Words of Christ from the Gospel:

Judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same judgment ye judge, so shall ye be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. So in everything, as you want people to do to you, do so to them.. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

In the Egyptian monastery where Elder Moses lived (this is not the prophet Moses, but a Christian ascetic who lived one and a half thousand years after the prophet), one of the monks drank wine. The monks asked Moses to severely reprimand the culprit. Moses was silent. Then he took the holey basket, filled it with sand, hung the basket on his back and went. Sand fell through the cracks behind him. The elder answered the perplexed monks: these are my sins that are pouring down behind me, but I do not see them, because I am going to judge the sins of others.

Questions and tasks:

1. Name the “golden rule of ethics.” Why is it “golden”?

2. How to protect yourself from judging others? Formulate your own rules.

3. Consider the painting “Christ and the Sinner.” How did Christ protect the woman?

From the book School Theology author Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

“FUNDAMENTALS OF ORTHODOX CULTURE” AS A CURE FOR EXTREMISM Obviousness is diminished by evidence Cicero. The winter of 2002-02 may determine the fate of Orthodoxy in Russia for the entire 21st century. The question is what position will the Russian government take towards the Church?

From the book Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (Textbook for fourth grade) author Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Lesson 1 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Russia is our Motherland You will learn: - How rich our Fatherland is. - What traditions are and why they exist. Not everything in his life can be chosen by a person himself. I can't choose my parents. I can't choose the language mom is in

From the author's book

Lesson 2 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Orthodoxy and culture You will learn: - What a person puts into culture - What thoughts religion carries The word culture comes from Latin language. At first, this word meant what was grown in the garden, and not what sprouted in the field. Culture

From the author's book

Lesson 4 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Orthodox prayer You will learn: - What is Orthodoxy - What does the word grace mean - Who are the saints - About the prayer Our Father The word Orthodoxy means the ability to correctly glorify God, that is, to pray. People call God theirs

From the author's book

Lesson 5 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Bible and Gospel You will learn: - who Christians are - what the Bible is - what the Gospel is Orthodox people are Christians. A Christian is a person who accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christianity is the teachings of Christ. And he lived

From the author's book

Lesson 6 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Preaching of Christ You will learn: - What Christ taught - What is the Sermon on the Mount - What treasure cannot be stolen Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Even though the words of Christ were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for

From the author's book

Lesson 7 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Christ and His Cross You will learn: - How God became man - Why Christ did not evade execution - The symbolism of the cross THE INCARNATION The Bible emphasizes that God is invisible. God has no body and no boundaries. No time can tell God

From the author's book

Lesson 8 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” EASTER You will learn: - That Sunday is not only a day of the week - What Easter is - How Easter is celebrated The story of Christ does not end with His execution. After all, He told Pontius Pilate that He had the power to take up His life again. Therefore the Gospel

From the author's book

Lesson 9 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Orthodox teaching about man You will learn: - When the soul hurts - What is the “image of God” In Orthodoxy, thoughts about man and thoughts about God are intertwined. A person believes in God. What does God Himself believe in? Christians believe that God

From the author's book

Lesson 10 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Good and evil. Conscience You will learn: - About the prompts of conscience - How to correct mistakes In Orthodoxy, good is that which: - helps the growth of a person’s soul; - helps other people; - pleases God. Evil is that which removes one from these good goals. At the word

From the author's book

Lesson 11 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” You will learn the commandments: - What murder and theft have in common - How envy extinguishes joy Some people have a sensitive conscience, others - not so much. So that people have a clear basis by which to distinguish between good and evil in their actions and

From the author's book

Lesson 12 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Mercy You will learn: - How mercy differs from friendship - Who is called “neighbor” One of the most beautiful words in the world - the word mercy. It speaks of a heart that has mercy, loves and pities. Love comes in different forms. It happens

From the author's book

Lesson 14 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Temple. You will learn: - What people do in churches - How an Orthodox church is structured Orthodox church people are greeted by icons and candles. And priests. - Hello guys. I am priest Alexy. I serve here. - What kind of service is this? - asked

From the author's book

Lesson 15 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Icon You will learn: - Why the icon is so unusual - Why they depict the invisible The temple is filled with icons... Some images are placed on the walls. And others are standing on the floor. These are people. The word icon translated from Greek means “image.” Bible

From the author's book

Lessons of the 16th course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”. Test assignments Dear interlocutor! Ending academic year. It was unusual, since for the first time we made an attempt to travel not to a forest or a museum, but to the innermost inner world of a person - to the world of his soul. In the title

From the author's book

Lesson 17 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” General lesson Let's conduct the test lesson in the form of a holiday project, which will become your test. It’s good if you judge each other yourself, based on the idea of ​​love that you might have

Technological map of lesson No. 4

Subject: Fundamentals of Orthodox culture class _____4___

Lesson topic

Lesson location on topic

"Golden Rule of Ethics"

Lesson 13

Lesson type

Forms, techniques, methods

discovery of new knowledge

Conversation, commented reading, work in pairs, work with illustrative material, independent work with sources of information, participation in educational dialogue.

The purpose of the lesson

Lesson Objectives

Formation of an idea about the essence and Gospel context of the “golden rule of ethics”, about ethics, ethical behavior; mastering the “golden rule of ethics” as a condition for assessing one’s own behavior.

    Educational:introduce the formulation of the golden rule of ethics, learn about the Gospel context of this rule.

    Educational:understand the connection between non-judgment and the memory of one’s mistakes, shortcomings and sins, develop ethical feelings, goodwill, responsiveness, honesty, devotion and fidelity, respectful and caring attitude towards parents and loved ones .

    Educational:learn to distinguish between the attitude towards sin and the attitude towards the person who has sinned.

Expected result


Be able to

Know the "golden rule of ethics"

Be able tocorrelate your actions and the actions of other people with the “golden rule” of ethics


Educational technologies



awareness of the need for personal development virtues such as gratitude, friendship, responsibility, honesty, caution, hard work and charity;

the ability to monitor your words and deeds; the ability to control one’s own activities based on the choice of good and benefit;

disposition towards good behavior and good relationships with others;

    Regulatory UUD:

set a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known; look for ways to solve the stated problem; adequately perceive comments on performance results

    Communicative UUD:

think through answers before speaking them out loud; formulate simple conclusions; negotiate and come to general decision in joint activities.

    Cognitive UUD:

mastering the ability to express one’s thoughts accurately, correctly, without affecting the feelings of loved ones;

Information and communication technologies.

Problem-based learning

Visual aids:

Handout text material, reproduction of a painting by V.D. Polenova “Christ and the Sinner”, computer, media projector.


Kuraev A.V. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture, grades 4 – 5. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2013.


Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activity


aspects of competence/UUD

Assessment/forms of control


Organizing time.

Set students up for learning activities.

Touch your palms to each other. How did you feel? Did you feel how warm they are? Let our communication today be just as warm. I invite you to cooperate and hope for your support, I encourage you to be active throughout the lesson. Good luck!

Greetings from the teachers. Check readiness for the lesson.

Communicative UUD: developing a friendly attitude towards others

Personal UUD:

Having motivation to work for results.


Creating a friendly attitude in the lesson, a mood for active work

2. Updating knowledge.

Reveal students' knowledge of this topic,

Prepare for perceptionnew concept

Guys, listen to the song and tell me what words in this song, in your opinion, express its main meaning?

The song sounds "Being human"

1. To us from the very threshold

Life has laid out paths;

Choose your path

And walk along it boldly.

May good luck come to you

To be honest, you lived.

May fate assign you

What you deserve!

Chorus : Just remember, just remember

In the roar-rhythm of the century:

The most important profession in life is

Being human.

2. In the life of the road lived

Very cool sometimes.

We are strict with ourselves

We are burning bridges behind us,

We hate and we love,

We destroy and create;

And in the heat and in the bitter cold

We talk to each other.

How do you understand the words “Being Human”? What does it mean?

How do the Bible reflect the rules and laws by which people should live?

What is a commandment?

Name the commandments that concern relationships between people

The students listen to the song.

The most important profession in life is to be human

To be a person means to be kind, sympathetic, polite, to do kind, good deeds, etc.

These rules are reflected in the commandments.

These are the rules by which a person can distinguish between good and evil in his actions and intentions.

Honor your father and your mother.

Dont kill

Don't steal

Don't commit adultery

Do not lie

Do not envy


Express and justify your point of view;

Participate in dialogue in class;


Awareness of the statement “Being human”

Remember the commandments regarding the relationship between people

3.Formulation of the lesson topic, setting lesson objectives.

Formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson

We remembered many rules of human moral behavior. Do you think it is possible to combine all the rules of moral behavior into one?

Open your textbook. Read the topic of our today's lesson

- What will the topic of the lesson be?

What would you like to know about the topic of the lesson?

Children express their guesses.

The golden rule of ethics.

What is the “golden rule of ethics”?

Why is this rule called the “golden” rule?

How should you apply it in life?

Regulatory UUD: Set learning goals for yourself in collaboration with the teacher


Express and justify your opinion.



The topic and objectives of the lesson are formulated

4. Discovery of new knowledge

Introduce students to the meaning of the word “ethics”. Develop the ability to work with a dictionary

4.1 Reading a textbook article.

Introduce the golden rule of ethics, develop the ability to work with a textbook

Of course, we will try to answer all the questions, but first tell us how you understand the meaning of the word “ethics.” Try to formulate your own definition of “ethics”.

Look up the meaning of these words in a dictionary.

State a hypothesis: what is the “golden rule of ethics”?

Is the word “golden” used in this case in a literal or figurative sense? Why is this particular adjective used?

Read the first three paragraphs of p.46. and find the answer to the questions:

What is the golden rule of ethics?

Who told it to people?

Why is it called “golden”?

Has there ever been a time in your life where you judged other people? How did you feel?

Independent reading 4 paragraph. (p.46)

- What helps to protect yourself from condemnation?

Give an explanation of the word “ethics”.

1 person finds the word in explanatory dictionary:

Ethics -1) philosophical teaching about morality, morality, rules of behavior;

2) a set of norms of behavior, morality, some social group, profession, etc.

Ethics is a science that studies the actions and relationships between people

Ethics is a set of rules by which people should live.

Compare their understanding of the word with the interpretation of the meaning of the concept in the dictionary.

They make assumptions

In a portable way.

So the rule is very important. If you follow this rule, then all people will feel good.

Read the first 3 paragraphs of the text, look for answers to the questions.

They answer the questions asked.

They talk about whether they have ever had to judge other people, how they felt, and how to protect themselves from being judged.


Ability to work with a dictionary


Construction of speech utterances in accordance with communication tasks.


Learned the meaning of the wordethics

the “golden rule of ethics” was formulated

4.2 Working with a painting by V. Polenov

"Christ and the Sinner".

Develop the ability to search for necessary information and respond to problematic issues, introduce the concept of “sinner”

Guys, who do you see in the picture? (People)

What else do you see in the picture?

What is happening in this picture?

Why did you decide so? What do you see in the picture that allows you to say this?

Where do you think this woman is being taken?

Who do you think main character?

Why did you decide that this is the main character?

Who do you think he might be?

Who do you think this woman is and why they brought her?

Why did you decide so? What in the picture allows you to draw this conclusion?

Where do the events depicted in the picture take place?

Why did you decide so?

What interested the artists in this subject? Why did he decide to paint such a picture?

Guys, this is a painting by V.D. Polenova "Christ and the Sinner". Knowing the title of the picture, name the main character.

Who is a sinner?

Find Christ in the picture. What does he look like?

Polenov in his work broke the canonical traditions of the artistic depiction of Jesus. He did not write God, but a wise wanderer-philosopher, focusing mainly on his human qualities. Jesus is as close as possible to to the common man- is depicted sitting in a calm, slightly tired pose, dressed in clothes that do not stand out from the clothes of other people. The artist sought such an understanding of the picture, according to which Christ would be perceived not as God, but as a man with a huge soul

What do you think will be the decision about the fate of the sinner?

It is clear from everything that Jesus does not disperse the crowd, does not convince people of anything, does not try to calm them down. But, according to the biblical story, after his words people will go home.

Are you interested in this story? What exactly? Ask a question.

- What passage from the text can this picture be correlated with? Read this passage.

One day people brought to Christ a woman who, according to the laws of that time, should have been stoned to death. Christ did not call people to break this law. He simply said, “Let him of you who has not sinned himself cast the first stone.” People thought about it, everyone remembered something different. And they quietly parted ways.

- How would you now answer the question posed, why did the people “quietly disperse” and not execute the woman?

Can we say that a crowd approached Christ, but people left him?

- What helped people protect themselves from condemnation?

Do you think there are sinless people? Give reasons for your answer.

Judging other people is also bad because it simplifies the world and people too much. But the person is complex. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. One minute's loser may be the next day's good genius.

Of people

Beautiful building, nature, animals

One group of people sits in a circle, talking, another group of people lead a woman, are indignant

The first group of people sits in a semicircle around the main character. Body postures and facial expressions are calm. Their gaze is directed with surprise and interest at the second group of people. The second group of people is outraged by something. They forcefully lead the reluctant woman.

- (To the main character of the picture)

A man sitting in a circle facing people wearing white clothes and a brown cape

The people who brought the woman look at him, turn to him, pointing to the woman

Clever man, judge

She offended someone, a criminal, a thief

The woman is scared, reluctant, does not want to go

On the street of an eastern city

People are dressed in oriental clothes. The building looks like an oriental temple

Perhaps life and further fate this woman will depend on the decision of the protagonist

Jesus Christ

A person who has violated religious instructions, rules, commandments, i.e. committed some sin

Jesus has a calm face, sits, listens carefully to the people who came to him.

Children express their opinions

Why did people go home and not punish the woman?

Because everyone is a sinner.

The crowd is an impersonal mass that demanded punishment for the woman, rushing to the general cry “she is a sinner,” she needs to be executed, stoned, they didn’t care what she did, the main thing is that she answer for her action. When leaving, each person remembered something of his own, he realized that he had no right to condemn someone, since he himself was a sinner.

Remembering your own mistakes and shortcomings

Cognitive UUD:

search and

highlight the necessary information, discuss problematic issues


The conclusion is formulated that there are no sinless people and that before judging someone you need to look at yourself.

4.3 Reading the section “This is interesting” p.47.

Introduce the concept of “non-judgment”, develop the ability to work in pairs

- Find in the text and read what “non-judgment »?

Non-judgment- showing mercy to a person. (write in notebook)

Working with the concept of “non-judgment”.

The teacher reads : In the Egyptian monastery where Elder Moses lived (this is not the prophet Moses, but a Christian ascetic who lived one and a half thousand years after the prophet), one of the monks drank wine. The monks asked Moses to severely reprimand the culprit. Moses was silent. Then he took the holey basket, filled it with sand, hung the basket on his back and went. Sand fell through the cracks behind him. The elder answered the perplexed monks: these are my sins that are pouring down behind me, but I do not see them, because I am going to judge the sins of others.

- How else can you explain “non-judgment”?

Non-judgment - this is the distinction between the assessment of an action and the assessment of the person himself.

Evil must be denounced and it must be hated. But a person and his bad deed (sin) are not the same thing. Therefore, in Orthodoxy there is a rule:"Love the sinner and hate the sin" (Write in notebook). And “to love a sinner” means to help him get rid of his sin.

Work in pairs.

Read the text from the “This is interesting” section

Work in pairs and explain and complete the expressions on the cards:

“A speck in your brother’s eye”...

"The beam is in your eye" ...

"Hypocrite" ...

“Be merciful”….

Non-judgment - This is a manifestation of mercy towards a person. If Sasha lied, and I say, “Sasha lied about this,” I will tell the truth. But if I say “Sasha is a liar”, I will take a step towards condemnation. Because with this formula I will dissolve a person in one of his actions and put a mark on him

Read the text of the section “This is interesting”

In pairs, explain the expressions on the cards:

"A speck in your brother's eye" is bad deeds other people;

“The beam is in your eye” is our bad deeds;

“A hypocrite is a person who condemns others without noticing his own mistakes and tells lies”;

“Be merciful” - be able to forgive;


Participate in the work of the couple, negotiate with each other.


Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature

Mastering semantic reading skills


Observing pair work

Awareness and acceptance of the concept


4.4 Working with a parable to clarify the “golden” rule of ethics”, analysis of the parable.

Clarify the golden rule of ethics, develop the ability to work with text

I want to introduce you to a parable called “Nails.” What do you think it will be about?


Once upon a time there lived a young man with bad character. His father gave him a bag full of nails and told him to hammer one nail into the garden gate every time he lost his temper or had a fight with someone.

On the first day, the young man hammered 37 nails into the garden gate. In the following weeks, he learned to control the number of nails he hammered, reducing it day by day. He realized that it was easier to control himself than to hammer nails. Finally, the day came when the young man did not hammer a single nail into the garden gate. He came to his father and told him this news.

Then the father told the young man to remove one nail from the gate every time he did not lose patience. Finally the day came when the young man was able to tell his father that he had pulled out all the nails. The father led his son to the garden gate and said:

Guess what the father said to his son.

“Son, you behaved great, but look how many holes are left on the gate. They will never be the same again. When you argue with someone and say unpleasant things to him, you leave him with wounds like those on the gate."

- Were your assumptions about the content of the parable that you made when you heard the title correct?

Did you like the parable? What attracted you to her? What did you find interesting about it? What feelings and emotions did it awaken in you?

What does this parable teach us?

What are nail holes in gates compared to?

Why didn’t the father explain to his son in words that it is bad to offend people, but gave him nails?

How many nails did your son drive in on the first day?

What does it mean?

Why did the number of hammered nails decrease every day?

What do you think are the most important words in this parable?

Do you think the young man will continue to offend others? Why

What's unusual about this short story? Is this parable only about the man hammering nails?

How else can we title this parable?

How is this parable related to the topic of our lesson today?

Children make guesses

Children answer questions

Don't offend other people, don't do evil

With wounds in people’s souls from evil, hurtful words and bad deeds

I wanted to clearly show my son how bad things my son was doing, I wanted to teach my son to control himself

The young man offended someone 37 times a day

The son realized that it was easier to control himself than to hammer nails.

When you argue with someone and say unpleasant things to him, you leave him with wounds like those on the gate.

He will remember the holes in the gates as a symbol of the wounds in the souls of the people he offended. He will not want to receive such wounds in his soul in response from other people

About the need to control your actions, think about how our words and actions will affect other people, treat people the way you would like them to treat you



Participate in the work of the group, negotiate with each other.

Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette.


Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature

Mastering semantic reading skills

Personal UUD:

Development of understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people, development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness

The ability to analyze the moral side of actions


Clarification of the golden rule on literary material

5. Consolidation of what has been learned

5.1 Independent work

5.2 Work in pairs

Repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson

Independent work on cards. Annex 1

Appendix 2

Working with proverbs. Given: the beginning and end of proverbs. The task is to collect a proverb, read it and explain the meaning.

Write down the golden rule of ethics.

They answer the question posed: how do you want other people to treat you by adding statements.

Work in pairs


Monitor your activities

Evaluate the correctness of your actions


Draw your own conclusions

Process information

Communicative: - the ability to listen and accept someone else’s point of view, to justify your answer


- independence in performing work (using traffic lights green color- did the work himself, red - asked for help;

- doing the job correctly (green - I am sure that I did the work correctly, because I understood the topic of the lesson well, red - I could have made a mistake, because I did not understand the topic of the lesson very well)

Complete tasks in workbook, will appreciate their work.

6. Reflection

Enable students to become aware of their activities in the classroom

To summarize our lesson, we will answer the questions:

Name the golden rule of ethics.

What does the golden rule of ethics teach?

How to protect yourself from judging other people?

Has there ever been a time in your life where you judged other people? Would you do this again?

How would you like others to treat you?

Think about others. What will your actions bring to people: good or evil?

Never hurt others. Put yourself in the other person's shoes.

Try expressing your impressions of the lesson using the following sentences:

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

Now I will...

I felt that...

I will try…

I was surprised...

Gave me a lesson for life...

I wanted…

Don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself.

To be kind.

Do good in life.

Teaches you to live correctly

- Comment on the lesson material

Communicative UUD:

the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral speech.

Personal UUD :

ability to self-assess based on criteria for successful educational activities

Self-assessment using submitted suggestions

Everyone will reflect on their activities in the lesson.

7. Homework

Come up with and write down rules of friendship based on the Golden Rule of Ethics.

Tell your loved ones (mom, dad, brother, sister, grandparents) about what you learned in the lesson. Ask them about what principles guide their lives. Evaluate how these principles relate to the Golden Rule of Ethics.

Annex 1

Exercise 1. Write down the golden rule of ethics.


Task 2. Think and answer. How do you want other people to treat you?

1. In conversations and disputes they did not interrupt, they allowed me to speak, ____________

2. When meeting _________________________________________________

3. Behind the eyes _____________________________________________________

4. In a difficult situation __________________________________________

5. In illness ___________________________________________________

6. In games _____________________________________________________

7. When I'm wrong _____________________________________________________

8. When I succeed at something ________________________________

9. So that my comrades __________________________________________

10. To _____________________________________________________

Task 3. Read your notes carefully and use them as a guide when communicating with other people.

Appendix 2

As it comes back, so will it respond.

What goes around comes around.

Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

Don't spit in the well, you'll still have to drink water.

Whoever does good will be blessed by God.

1. This is given to a person three times: the first two times are free, but for the third you have to pay?

2. One of my friends can shave his beard clean ten times a day. And still he walks around with a beard. How is this possible?

3. One day at breakfast, a girl dropped her ring into a cup full of coffee. Why did the ring remain dry?

4. In what case, looking at the number 2, do we say “ten”?

5. A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, and then sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?

6. You are standing in front of two identical doors, one of which leads to death, the other to happiness. The doors are guarded by two identical guards, one of whom always tells the truth, and the other who lies all the time. But you don't know who is who. You can only ask one question to any of the guards.
What question should you ask to avoid making a mistake when choosing a door?

7. You are invited to work as a financial analyst at Gazprom. They promise a starting salary of 100,000 per year and two options for increasing it:
1. Once a year your salary is increased by 15,000
2. Once every six months - for 5,000
Which option do you think is more profitable?

8. There are three light bulbs in one room. The other has three switches. You need to determine which switch goes to which light bulb. You can only enter a room with light bulbs once.

9. You have five and three liter bottles and lots and lots of water. How to fill a five-liter bottle with exactly 4 liters of water?

10. You are sitting in a boat that floats in a pool. There is a heavy cast iron anchor in the boat, not tied to the boat. What happens to the water level in the pool if you drop an anchor into the water?

11. A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. It can support either a father or two sons on the water. How can father and sons cross to the other side?

12. A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the ship. The bottom 4 steps of the ladder are submerged in water. Each step is 5 cm thick; the distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps do you think will be under water after 2 hours?

13. Three hens lay three eggs in three days. How many eggs will 12 identical chickens lay in 12 days?

14. Petya and Misha were playing in the dirty and dark attic of the house. Then they went downstairs. Petya's whole face was dirty, but Misha's face miraculously remained clean. Despite this, only Misha went to wash himself. Why?

15. The day before yesterday Petya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can this be?
From the site http://www.inpearls.ru/

Good morning. I have a question for you, especially for programmers. Please tell me, I created my own website and posted films there. Please tell me how

make it so that when other people go to it and download movies, I get money for it.

Help me make an outline of this text, about 4 points, how the paragraphs go

After lessons, the student is free. Sunday is the day on which you can get a good night’s sleep. free time you can rest and relax. Many people do their favorite activities, their hobbies.

On weekends, you can forget the deprivations (cares, stress) of everyday life. When the weather is good, many urban people go out into nature, they take an outing, a small tour, a picnic in nature. In winter, they settle down comfortably at home and invite friends to a party, play on the computer or watch TV.
My hobby is_____________________. Sometimes I go with my friends for a walk or to the cinema. But there is always little free time, so I often dream of having more free time.

On Sunday I wake up quite late. Sunday is the only day of the week on which I can relax. In the afternoon, I enjoy making arrangements with my friends. Before that, I do my homework and prepare for the next test.
If the weather is good, I meet my friends in the park to play football. In the evening I play on the computer, watch TV or read a book.

Lesson 13. The Golden Rule of Ethics

You will learn:

- The main rule of human relations

- What's happened non-judgment

First we think for ourselves

    Do you think gossip is the transmission of true or false messages?

    Is it always good to convey to other people even the true details of someone else's life?

Tatyana Petrovna looked around the class and said:

Somehow it seems to me that in my class there were only excellent students. No, I know what grades you have in your class book. It's not just straight A's. But besides the grades that I give, there are also the grades that you give to yourself. And it seemed to me that after yesterday’s lesson you gave yourself an A. Like, we are not murderers or thieves, we treat our parents with respect. This means that we do not break the commandments. We have no sins. And in general, we are very good people, not at all like those older hooligans that Lenochka told us about.

But those hooligans were once just like you. We sat at the same desks and crammed the same lessons.

How did it happen that they lost their conscience?

Let me suggest that it all started seemingly with a trifle - with a love of gossip.

Christ said: “So in everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

This rule is usually called golden rule of ethics. It is common to different peoples professing different religions.

In another form it sounds: Don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself.. If you don’t want those who pretend to be your friends to gossip about you in absentia, restrain yourself from gossiping about them.

In order not to trust gossip, it is important to know that the gossiper very often transfers to another person the dirt that lives in himself; he attributes to others what he himself is guilty of.

Imagine: a man walks through the city in the dead of night. Someone looked out of one window and said: “Why is he coming so late? This must be a thief! From another window they thought about the same passer-by: “This is probably a reveler returning from a party.” Someone else suggested that this man was looking for a doctor for a sick child. In fact, the night passer-by was in a hurry to go to the temple for night prayer. But everyone saw in him a piece of their world, their problems or fears.

The popular saying is right: “Whoever has something that hurts, talks about it!”

Remembering your own mistakes and shortcomings helps protect yourself from condemnation.

One day, people brought a woman to Christ, whom they accused of violating the commandment “thou shalt not commit adultery.” According to the laws of that time, she had to be executed. Moreover, the execution was terrible not only for the culprit, but also for her executioners. The whole village had to come to her execution and become the culprit of her death. Everyone had to throw stones at her. Everyone had to give blood guarantee. But no one could be sure that it was his blow that was fatal. Thus, the conscience of the executioners remained calm: “I’m like everyone else... Probably, it wasn’t me who killed her... My throw was weak”...

It was a cruel law. But it was the law. Christ did not call people to break this law. He simply said, “Let him of you who has not sinned himself cast the first stone.” People thought about it, everyone remembered something different. And they quietly parted ways. Thus showing how complex people are. Those who just a minute ago were thirsty for blood and were ready to become volunteer executioners suddenly felt a pang of their own conscience. A crowd of non-humans approached Christ. After His words, People dispersed from him one by one.

Judging other people is also bad because it simplifies the world and people too much. But the person is complex. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. One minute's loser may be the next day's good genius. Doesn't this happen in sports? A football player fails in one episode or match, but nevertheless plays brilliantly in other matches. Or maybe he really is not a very good football player... But he is destined to become an excellent physical education teacher. Or maybe his calling is not football at all. A bad football player may turn out to be a good writer or officer.

Here is a person who does not know how to speak beautifully and have a relaxed conversation. But he is an attentive and understanding listener, empathizing with his interlocutor. Isn't this talent?

Here is a man who once did something ugly. Are you really sure that he will never do anything wonderful again? Why lock a person in the cage of his bad and stuffy past episode? Everyone has the opportunity to become better! Even the school bully can become a hero. Sometimes this happens right outside the school threshold. At the age of 17 he graduated from school. At 18 he was drafted into the army. At 19, he did something he didn’t expect from himself...

So how can you avoid condemning a person? Non-judgment- this is the distinction between the assessment of an action and the assessment of the person himself. If Sasha lied, and I say, “Sasha lied about this,” I will tell the truth. But if I say “Sasha is a liar”, I will take a step towards condemnation. Because with such a formula I will dissolve a person in one of his actions and put a mark on him.

Evil must be denounced and it must be hated. But a person and his bad deed (sin) are not the same thing. Therefore, in Orthodoxy there is a rule: “Love the sinner and hate the sin.” And “to love a sinner” means to help him get rid of his sin.

Forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven. For Christians, this formula is very important, because they need not only people to forgive them, but also God. People may not know about this or that sin of mine. But God knows. And how can a person emerge from the shadow of his sin?

Christ said: “With the judgment you judge, you will also be judged. Judgment without mercy to those who themselves did not show mercy.” With the way a person looks at other people, from the point of view of Christianity, God will look at him. Did you know how to forgive? Did you rejoice in forgiving? “Then you yourself will be forgiven.”

Gossipers, looking everywhere for reasons to condemn, are akin to cannibals. After all, this is about them the expression “eat and eat.” This means not to let someone live, to annoy, to find fault at the slightest reason, to constantly cause trouble for someone.

But there is another form of this lawlessness. The popular proverb “to live with the light” speaks about it. To do this, it is enough to be different from others: to be bespectacled or overweight, a person of a different nationality, or to act differently from everyone else. Others begin to tease such a person, pursue him, pester him with nagging and insults...

Situations familiar? Have you ever been among those who offended and snitched, teased...

Remember these moments of your own untruth. Remembering them will help you not to go further down the road of becoming a cannibal. Remembering your own untruths will help you be lenient towards the mistakes of other people.

On the other hand, it was only a minute. You haven't turned into a cannibal forever. This means there is no need to fear evil. One should not assume that it is omnipotent. The main thing is to recognize evil as evil and decide to fight it.

BOX Words of Christ from the Gospel:

Judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same judgment ye judge, so shall ye be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. So in everything, as you want people to do to you, do so to them.. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

In the Egyptian monastery where Elder Moses lived (this is not the prophet Moses, but a Christian ascetic who lived one and a half thousand years after the prophet), one of the monks drank wine. The monks asked Moses to severely reprimand the culprit. Moses was silent. Then he took the holey basket, filled it with sand, hung the basket on his back and went. Sand fell through the cracks behind him. The elder answered the perplexed monks: these are my sins that are pouring down behind me, but I do not see them, because I am going to judge the sins of others.

INSET Saint Seraphim

Surprisingly, today in Sarov, the city that grew up around the monastery where Saint Seraphim lived, there is a factory working with nuclear weapons. This plant was built shortly after the end of the Great Patriotic War(and a hundred years after the death of Saint Seraphim). Enemies of Russia, knowing what we have atomic bombs, they are afraid to attack our country, and therefore for more than sixty years we have lived in peace.


She stood and turned pale,

I didn’t dare look at people.

The crowd judged and seethed,

And the judgment of those people was terrible.

At the actual crime scene

She is taken, convicted,

And so, here are hands and stones,

And here is the criminal wife.

“Say, Explainer of the Law,

What to do with this sinner?

Our teacher appointed her death

And Moses the Seer of God."

And on the ground with his finger He wrote:

“He who is sinless himself, let him strike!”

And having written, He waited a long time,

Whose first stone will fly?

From those letters splashed light and flame,

And everyone, having recognized himself,

Who hid the shame, who threw the stone,

And silently scatter to their homes.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the “golden rule of ethics.” Why is it “golden”?

2. How to protect yourself from judging others? Formulate your own rules.

3. Consider the painting “Christ and the Sinner.” How did Christ protect the woman?

4. Why can loss of conscience begin with love... for gossip? Remember fairy-tale heroes who were taken from the world.

5. What is the difference between ordinary discussion, analysis of the situation and gossip?

6. Why does our text say that a crowd came to Christ, but people left him? What happened?

Let's talk heart to heart. Why do you think people build temples and go to them?


Lesson 8 About cannibals

Each of us can become a cannibal. A cannibal is someone who takes pleasure in harming another person. A cannibal is one who sees in another person only a reason for his enrichment at his expense.

There is an expression “to eat while we eat.” This means not allowing someone to live, to annoy, to constantly cause trouble.

IN ancient city In Jerusalem, God's messenger-prophet denounced the greed of the authorities and the hypocrisy of the priests: “Listen, princes: you hate good and love evil; You eat the flesh of My people and rip off their skin, and you break their bones and crush them as into a pot, and the flesh as into a cauldron. Leaders judge for gifts and priests teach for pay, and prophets foretell for money, and yet they rely on the Lord, saying: “The Lord is among us! No harm will befall us!” Therefore, for your sake, Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins” (Book of the Prophet Micah, chapter 3).

This prophecy has come true. Not only Jerusalem, but also many other cities and kingdoms fell due to the fact that cannibals came to power.

To humiliate a person who depends on you, to demand bribes from him, to take away his property and means of living is cannibalism.

But there is another form of this lawlessness. The popular proverb “to live with the light” speaks about it. To do this, you do not need to be among those leaders whom the prophet Micah denounces. Even in a classroom there can be a flock of cannibals.

Such a flock, at the direction of the leader, chooses a victim. Usually this is someone who is different from them in some way. This could be an excellent student. The bespectacled guy. A complete child. A child of a different nationality. A person who once really made a mistake or simply someone who behaved in a way that cannibals do not behave.

The pack uses any excuse to express its contempt for this person. Any word he says is twisted and becomes a subject for teasing. He is provoked, bullied. A member of the pack does not have the right to say a kind word about the victim - otherwise they will kill their own. The flock, in relation to the victim, allows itself to do what it considers unacceptable in relations between its own. For example - sneaking around.

An even more common form of cannibalism is gossip, slander, suspicion, and condemnation.

Bees transfer pollen and nectar from one flower to another. What do dung flies carry from one pile of garbage to another? The wind has risen outside and is blowing a cloud of dust into your face. Will you really open your eyes wider to accommodate more dirt in them? Of course not. But in your company they began to wash the bones of some common and absent acquaintance. Do you also turn away from this dirt, or, on the contrary, do you try not to miss a single speck of dust?

How did you benefit from learning about another person's real or imagined wrongdoing? Is it good, having received malicious pleasure from gossip about him, the next day to smile at him and assure him of your friendship? Would you like him to do the same to you?

Gossip is also bad because it oversimplifies the world and people. For gossipers, the subject of their condemnation is equal to the condemned quality or action. “Vanka is the one who didn’t congratulate me on my birthday!” “Ruslan? What can we say about him! He doesn’t even know who our favorite singer is married to now!” “And Tanka is generally red!” “This Lenka once stained my whole dress with ice cream. Since then I haven’t been able to hear about her at all!”

Here you are judging another person. Are you really healthy and good? There is an easy way to check this. Imagine that that same girl, on whom your evil tongues left no living space, actually did not do the stupid thing that rumor attributed to her. Will this news please you? Will it make you feel better that you were wrong and that the girl turned out to be better than you thought she was? If such news upsets you, it means your soul is already sick. If you rejoice at the news that there is more in the world good people than you thought - that means you yourself belong to their number.

Remembering your own mistakes and shortcomings helps protect yourself from condemnation. When a person has pain in his legs, he is not inclined to mock those who have pain in their hands. And you, gossiper, are you sure you’ve never broken your conscience? Never acted against her? Never sinned?

So how can you avoid condemning a person? You just need to learn to distinguish between an assessment of an action and an assessment of a person. If Sasha lied and I say, “Sasha lied about this,” I will tell the truth. But if I say “Sasha is a liar,” I will take a step towards cannibalism. Because with such a formula I will dissolve a person in one of his actions.

Therefore, even cannibals must be forgiven. But the sin of cannibalism must be hated and expelled from the soul and from the class.

Do they show cannibals on TV? Can cannibals host TV shows themselves?

How was Cinderella poisoned? Harry Potter? Gray Neck?

"He is like me". Is this always a good thing?

Is caricature Christian or not?

Try retelling a story you know about a crime, condemning the sin but not condemning the person who committed the crime.

Lesson 14. Temple.

You will learn:

What do people do in temples

How is an Orthodox church structured?

First we think for ourselves

1. Have you already visited Orthodox churches?

2. Can nature be called the most beautiful temple of God?

No one was late for the meeting at the church. The place was unfamiliar to most of the guys, but bell ringing helped me find the right street. True, it was difficult to speak in the churchyard until the ringing died down. It also turned out that the same ringing that brought the 4th grade together actually saw off the parishioners. It was Vanya who explained the new word: people who come to the temple together make up a “parish,” and each of them is called a “parishioner.”

The bells rang from the bell tower. The bell is the loudest musical instrument in the world. But today it’s not easy for him either - because now the ringing floats not over quiet fields, but over roaring streets.

The guys entered the temple through the bell tower.

On the church steps, right on the threshold of the temple, Vanya crossed himself. And thereby delayed his class, which demanded an explanation from him:

What did you do? What does it mean?

I crossed myself. That is, he crossed himself. Well, I drew a cross on myself. Look: I bring my hand to my forehead, and then lower it to my stomach. This is a vertical line. Then I draw a horizontal line from the right shoulder to the left - and it turns out to be a cross. This means that I am a Christian and I pray to Christ. I have two fingers pressed together - this is a sign that two principles have united in Christ, that is, He is God and man. And three fingers means that I believe in the Holy Trinity. I can’t explain this, but we say that “God is one in Three Persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” And Christ is precisely the Son of God.

The priest recognized Vanya and approached them.

Hello guys. I am priest Alexy. I serve here.

What kind of service is this? - Lenochka asked.

I teach people, I pray to God with them, and I try to help people. Parishioners address me as “Father Alexy.” If it is more convenient for someone to address me by my first and patronymic name, then - Alexey Nikolaevich.

The fourth grade burst out “Hello!”, and Vanya folded his hands and walked up to Father Alexy with the words: “Bless, father.”

It’s clear that he immediately had to explain himself to his friends:

I open my palms, place my right palm on my left palm and ask the priest for his blessing for good deeds.

Father Alexy explained:

I bless people in the name of Christ and the Holy Trinity. And Vanya’s folding of hands means openness. The palm is open, nothing is clamped in it. This means she is ready to accept the gift. God can give everything to a person - as long as the person is ready to accept God's gifts and asks for them. If a person asks God, it means he admits that he needs God’s help, but he himself cannot cope with everything on his own. Actually, this is what we do in the temple - we ask God to help us, our family, our country, all people.

The male part of the 4th grade immediately clarified:

Can you pray for Russia to become the world champion in football?

We can pray. But God knows better than us what is best for our country. You know, even a father may not fulfill his child’s requests. Well, for example, if a child with a cold asks to buy him ice cream...

How should you pray?

And you just take an example from this candle. The candle is made of wax. The bees collected the wax from the flowers. So in a wax candle there is everything - this is the fruit of the earth and the sun and the wind and the rain. And man brings this gift from all nature into the temple of the Creator. The candle is burning. Her light stretches upward. By the way, perhaps when you walked here, you noticed that the dome of our temple looks like a candle light. The candle fire tends upward, but only shines around itself.

This is how a person's life should be. Soul good man reaches out to the sky, and shines with his good deeds to everyone around him.

And look: a breeze blew and the candle flame deviated for a second... But then it became straight again. Likewise, a person’s thoughts during prayer can, of course, be distracted by something, deviate. But then they must return to the main point again. So the candle does not pray for us, but it teaches us to pray.

However, we have another type of lamps - lamps. You see - they are at the top, in front of the icons. Vegetable oil is poured into these cups. A float floats in the oil, through which a thread of wick is threaded. The wick is soaked in oil and burns, illuminating the icon.

Another priest passed by, and in his hand he held a smoking...

Censer! - Vanya whispered.

Why are you smoking in the temple? – Lena couldn’t resist.

Yes, it’s a censer,” Father Alexy confirmed. - The priest performs incense with it. And you're right: the words cense And smoke in ancient times were no different. But now smoke means to produce acrid and smelly smoke, and cense– on the contrary, it means filling the air with fragrant smoke. The chopping reminds us of the same thing as candles: the smoke rises upward, but its fragrance delights those around us. To bow to someone means to show respect. Therefore, the priest censes both in front of the icons and in front of you.

Look: the censer itself is a metal cup. A burning coal is placed in it, and incense is placed on the coal. Frankincense is pieces of dried tree resin. The resin begins to boil, turns into steam - and fragrant smoke appears. To keep the fire from going out, you need to swing the censer. Then more air enters it.

You see, this priest with a censer went to a square table on which many candles were lit. This is a “funeral table”, parishioners call it “eve”. There they light candles and pray for people who have already passed away from earthly life.

The experience of an inextricable connection with deceased relatives - important feature Orthodox culture.

Prayerful memory is called “remembrance.” The living are remembered in prayers “for health”, and the dead - “for peace”. This is a prayer that God will accept their souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. “Memorial notes” with the names of those who are asked to be “remembered” (remembered) in prayers are given to the priest.

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