Tatyana Salmina

MADO "Kindergarten No. 7" "Fairy tale"

Modern forms and methods of work on speech development preschoolers.



teacher Salmina T.S.

Kurchatov - 2016

As L. S. Vygotsky said “Without speech there is neither consciousness nor self-awareness”. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms and descriptions, in children is a very rare phenomenon. What's the problem? And there are many problems - it’s the poor vocabulary, inability to compose a story based on a picture, or retell what has been read. And if children have speech impairments, then the speech of such children is characterized by laconicism, dryness, lacking imagery, brightness, and difficulty in isolating the main idea.

And one of effective methods in the development of children's speech is the work on creating an unrhymed poem - syncwine, which allows you to activate cognitive activity and promotes speech development.

The innovation of this technique lies in the fact that the unnecessary is excluded, and the main thing is highlighted. This technology is universal; it does not require special conditions application and fits organically into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories, helps enrich the vocabulary, allows teachers to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered, develops mental functions (memory, attention, thinking) and allows the child to be an active creative participant in the educational process.

When used creatively syncwine in class it is perceived preschoolers How exciting game, as an opportunity to express your opinion, agree or disagree with the opinions of others, and come to an agreement. And the most important thing is that syncwine it turns out for everyone and when compiling syncwine Children develop the ability to analyze, which is useful for the development of children's speech.

Sinkwine- this is not a way to test children’s knowledge, it is a way to check, at any stage of a lesson in studying a topic, what students have at the level of associations.

Use of didactic syncwine in work allows you to harmoniously combine elements of the three main educational systems

Conclusion: If you apply the technique syncwine in correctional and developmental work with children of the compensatory group, then the children’s vocabulary increases, their speech becomes richer, which in turn will contribute to the development of coherent speech. Children will show interest in educational activities, throughout the lesson, independently reason, classify, make generalizations and conclusions. As a result, children will develop a critical attitude towards speech, its grammatical design, and speech self-control.

Federal state standard preschool education defines target guidelines - social and psychological characteristics child's personality at the completion stage preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, and exactly: to completion preschool Education, the child has a fairly good command of oral speech and can express his thoughts and desires. Speech is also included as an important component, as a means of communication, cognition, creativity in the following target landmarks:

Actively interacts with peers and adults, constructs a speech statement in a communication situation;

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

The child’s creative abilities are manifested in inventing fairy tales; he can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words;

Can identify sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

Shows curiosity, asks questions, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions;

Capable of making his own decisions.

In fact, none of the targets preschool Education cannot be achieved without mastering speech culture.

To achieve targets, systematic correction of speech disorders in children is necessary using the most appropriate and effective methods and techniques for correcting speech deficiencies.

IN speech therapy practice a sufficient number of techniques have been accumulated, scientific works, articles on the correction of speech disorders in preschoolers.

Today is characterized by the active growth of new developing technologies, many of which can be successfully used in correctional work. When working with children, it is necessary to make maximum use of all techniques and methods known in special pedagogy, including modern methods who contributed would: improvement of thinking and cognitive abilities, development of lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech preschoolers. This means relying on person-oriented, system-activity, integrated and differentiated approaches, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the demands of modern society.

One of the effective interesting techniques that allows you to activate cognitive activity and promotes speech development is to work on creating an unrhymed poem, a didactic syncwine.

Sinkwine(French word) translated means an unrhymed poem of five lines. Homeland syncwine can be considered the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. It's amazing that syncwine appeared thanks to Japanese poetry. At the beginning of the 20th century, American poet Adelaide Crapsey developed this form.

Sinkwine, which is used with didactic purposes, is called didactic.

There are certain rules for writing syncwine. It consists of 5 lines. Its shape resembles herringbone.

1st line (top "Christmas trees") – one word;

2nd line – two words;

3rd line – three words;

4th line – four words;

5th line (base "Christmas trees") – one word.

What is written on each line?

First line syncwine - header, topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the thing or action being discussed).

The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties that reveal the topic syncwine.

The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject.

The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the author’s personal attitude syncwine to that what is said in the text.

The fifth line is the last. One word - a noun to express your feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, this is the author’s personal expression on the topic or repetition of the essence, a synonym.

Training work preschoolers compiling a syncwine is carried out in stages:

Stage I – preparatory (September – December of the first year of study).

In order to correctly, fully, and competently express his thoughts, a child must have a sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, work must begin with clarifying, expanding and improving the dictionary.

Purpose of the stage: acquaintance and enrichment of vocabulary preschoolers with words and concepts: "word-object", "definition word", "word-action", "word-association", "offer", introducing the symbols of these words.

Introducing children to the concept of “a word denoting an object (living, nonliving) And “a word denoting the action of an object”, we thereby prepare a platform for subsequent work on an uncommon proposal and its diagram. Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate spellings. By introducing children to a word denoting a feature of an object, we teach preschoolers make a common proposal. The work ends with the formation of the ability to construct common and common sentences of different structures, based on plot pictures, questions, diagrams, etc. We introduce children to association words related in meaning to the subject being described. (sometimes this word is a synonym).

Through what forms educational activities preschoolers The vocabulary is enriched and activated.

Forms of educational organization process:

1. GCD (frontal, subgroup, individual) .

2. Word games and exercises ( "Who is this? What is this?", "Guess the riddles", "Find out by description", “Tell me which one? which? which? which?", "Pick up the signs", "Who's doing what?" and others). Word games are easy to use because they do not require special training, so you can play them even in your free time.

3. Didactic games "Find a Pair", "Who's doing what?", "Words from opposite meaning» etc. I used desktop printed materials from workbook “30 lessons in speech development”.

4. Speech trainings (card index collected speech material for speech training).

5. Games of low mobility ( "At Malanya's, at the old lady's", “We won’t say what we are doing”, "Living Words" and others).

6. Multimedia presentations(materials from the site "Planet of Childhood", as well as author's presentations).

The work at the preparatory stage ends with children becoming familiar with the symbols - notation: "words-objects", "definition words", "words-actions", "association words", proposal scheme. This is what the symbols of words look like, which at stage II will make up the didactic algorithm syncwine.

Stage II - main (January - May of the first year of study).

Target: introduction to the compilation algorithm syncwine, formation of the initial ability to compose syncwine(with the help of a teacher).

There is an algorithm syncwine for preschool children who do not yet know how to read. Supposed to be with children preschool age strict, strict adherence to the rules of drafting syncwine optional. So in the fourth line syncwine a sentence may consist not of four words, but of three. You can also remember the proverb with children, catchphrase or an aphorism on a given topic. And in the fifth line, one word is also optional, maybe two or three.

Stage III practical (until the end of the second year of study).

Target: Formation of skills and improvement of the skill of composing didactic syncwine on lexical topics.

What can you write about? syncwine?

About nature;

About the picture and the literary hero;

About mom and dad;

About the mood;

On all lexical topics.

Simplicity syncwine makes it possible for each child to compile it. This is a fun activity that encourages children to express themselves. This is a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and significant signs in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and briefly formulate one’s statements.

On the slide you see an example of a child’s syncwine about autumn: "Autumn. Cheerful, colorful. Decorates, delights, dances. Beautiful time year. Gorgeous!" Compilation syncwine looks like a game, because writing is fun, useful and easy!

At what stage of speech therapy OD can you use the technique of compiling syncwine? Compilation syncwine used as a final task on the material covered, for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. Non-rhyming poems created by children often become "highlight" speech therapy educational activities.

Thus, syncwine is one of the effective methods of speech development preschoolers. What is its effectiveness and significance?

Sinkwine is a simple gaming technique. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Develops creativity children, promotes the expression of feelings, the manifestation of individuality and initiative of children

Compilation syncwine used as a final assignment on the material covered.

Activates cognitive activity children: teaches to analyze, draw conclusions, find the most important and significant signs in a large flow of information, promotes the development critical thinking, which is relevant in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


Sinkwine helps to expand your vocabulary. Sinkwine teaches brief retelling.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight large amounts of information main idea.

Composition syncwine- the process is creative. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine- it is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them) .

Sinkwine allows you to harmoniously combine in your work the elements of the three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children with special educational needs.

Examples syncwine:


Akimenko V. M. Developmental technologies in speech therapy. – Rostov N/A; ed. Phoenix, 2011.

Dushka N.D. Sinkwine in speech development work preschoolers. Magazine "Speech therapist" № 5 (2005) .

Konovalenko V.V. Related words. Lexico - grammar exercises and vocabulary for children 6 - 8 years old. – GNOM and D – Moscow, 2009.

Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. Methods for developing children's speech preschool age. – Vlados – Moscow, 2010.

Ushakova O. S. “Development of speech and creativity preschoolers» . – T. Ts. Sfera, 2005.

Ushakova O. S. "Come up with a word". – T. Ts. Sfera, 2010.


V speech development


(master class)

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

MKDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 13

Rossoshi, Voronezh region.

Sibirko N.N.

2016-2017 academic year year

Slide 1

Solving speech problems is hot topic in preschool age. Specialists and teachers working in kindergarten, note that older preschoolers often have speech impairments, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart.

Today, there are many techniques that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children.

One of the effective interesting methods that allows you to activate cognitive activity and promotes speech development is to work on creatingdidactic syncwine . Synquains are often used modern teachers in kindergarten and school lessons. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwines in the form of a game.

Slide 2

The word cinquain comes from the French word quinque, which means a poem of five lines, which is written according to certain rules.

IN methodological literature syncwine is characterized asan effective method for developing figurative speech .

The history of the origin of syncwine is quite young; according to the main version, this genre of poetry was invented by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey at the beginning of the twentieth century. In domestic pedagogy, syncwine began to be used since the late 1990s.

Slide 3

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and summarize. We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and part of speech that is used in each line.

Slide 4

Sinkwine consists of 5 lines. The shape resembles a Christmas tree.

Slide 5

INfirst line – the topic (title) of the didactic syncwine must be present, usually this is the phenomenon or subject in question. Most often, only one word is written in the first line, but sometimes a small phrase is written. In terms of part of speech, it is a noun or pronoun, and answers the questions: who? What?

Insecond line – there are already two words that describe the properties

and signs of this object or phenomenon. In terms of speech, these are usually adjectives or participles that answer the questions: which one? which? which? which?

INthird line – there are already three words that describe actions common to this phenomenon or object. In terms of speech, these are verbs that answer the question: what does it do? what are they doing?)

INfourth line - the child directly expresses his opinion about the topic raised. This is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words. The most traditional option is when the sentence consists of four words.

Fifth line – the last one. One word (noun) to express your feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, or repetition of the essence, synonym.

It is assumed that with preschool children, strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary.

It is possible that in the fourth line the sentence may consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there may be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

Slide 6

Example of syncwine: 1. Doll.

2. Beautiful, beloved.

3. Stands, sits, smiles.

4. My doll is the most beautiful.

5. Toy.

Slide 7 Legend.

Slide 8 Model of syncwine composition.

Slide 9

It is relevant and appropriate to use didactic syncwine in

speech therapy practice, because it fits organically into the work on

development of lexical and grammatical categories, does not violate the generally accepted system of influence on speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness, contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, and clarifies the content of concepts.

Didactic syncwine can be used as diagnostic

a tool that gives the speech therapist the opportunity to assess the level of

the child’s assimilation of the material covered.

Didactic syncwine promotes the development of non-speech higher mental functions - thinking, attention, memory, i.e. it has the nature of a complex impact.

The use of this method helps to create conditions for the creative development of an individual who is capable of thinking critically, that is, eliminating the superfluous and highlighting the main thing, generalizing, classifying.

Provides an individual, differentiated approach.

Slide 10

This method can easily integrate with everyone educational areas. The simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results.

Slide 11

The ability to compose a didactic syncwine requires certain preparation from the child, and carefully thought-out, systematic work from the speech therapist teacher. In order to correctly compose a syncwine, you need

Have sufficient vocabulary within the topic;

Possess analysis, generalization, concepts: word-object (living, inanimate), word-action, word-attribute;

Be able to select synonyms;

Learn to understand and ask questions correctly;

Formulate your thought in the form of a sentence, correctly coordinating the words in it.

Therefore, before compiling a syncwine, preliminary work must be done to create a speech base. This work does not contradict the “Program of speech therapy work to overcome general underdevelopment speech in children" T. B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina in the part that concerns the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children with ODD,

and serves as a means of optimizing the educational process.

Slide 12

Work on teaching preschoolers how to compose syncwine is carried out in stages:

I stage – preparatory

(September-December of the first year of study)

The work begins with clarifying, expanding and improving the dictionary.

Children become familiar with the concepts:

“words-objects are inanimate”

“words are living objects”

"sign words"



By introducing children to the concepts of “word-object” and “word-action”, we thereby prepare a platform for subsequent work on a sentence.
By giving the concept of “word-feature”, we accumulate material for distributing a sentence with definitions.

Children master the concepts of “living and inanimate” objects, learn to correctly pose questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of an object. This work uses various pictures and objects.

On initial stage children are asked to name the words that mean

living objects, then inanimate ones, name the objects in order and ask the appropriate question for each. Then it is asked to name several actions that the depicted objects can perform. Children name several attributes for one object. After children have formed an idea of ​​the words denoting an object and its

actions, they are brought to the concept of a proposal and work begins on

structure and grammatical design of the sentence. First of all,

children learn to compose a simple unexpanded sentence of different

its definitions and additions. The concept of short words (prepositions) and their use in speech is given. The work ends with the formation of the ability to construct common sentences of different structures.

Using visual and graphical diagrams helps children learn these concepts faster.

At this stage of work, you can use the following word games and exercises:

“Pick up the signs” - for example, for the word “pear”.

What is she like? Ripe, juicy, soft, tasty.

“Recognize an object by its characteristic” (riddles-description) – round, smooth, rubber... (ball)

"Who's doing what?" – cook... (cooks, fries, bakes); leaf... (falls, spins, flies, grows).

“What are they doing?” – draw... with pencil, chalk, charcoal, felt-tip pen, brush)

“Name a part of the whole” - tree... (trunk, branches, root, leaves); etc.

These games do not require special training, so you can play even in your free time.

Didactic games (board and printed materials).

(visual demonstration: “Speech simulators”, “Magic signals”)

Slide 13

II stage – basic (January – May of the first year of study).

Target: familiarization with the algorithm for composing a syncwine, developing the initial ability to compose a syncwine (with the help of a teacher).

Didactic syncwine can be used in working with preschoolers with special needs development, starting from the second half of the first year of schooling, when children have already mastered the concepts of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-feature”, “sentence”. A didactic syncwine is compiled at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on this topic.

Slide 14 (“Children compose syncwines”)

1. New Year.

2. Joyful, wonderful.

3. Approaches, amuses, surprises.

4. I love receiving gifts.

5. Magic.

Slide 15


    Big, funny.

    It stands, melts, falls.

    I like making a snowman.


Slide 16

1. Our group.

2. Cheerful, friendly.

3. We study, draw, walk.

4. Our children are the best.

5. Kindergarten.

Slide 17

III stage -practical (until the end of the second year of study).

Target: Formation of skills and improvement of the skill of composing didactic syncwine.

The theme of the syncwine can be anything. It is advisable to use syncwine to consolidate the studied lexical topic; for the development of coherent speech: to consolidate concepts learned in classes to prepare for literacy.

Slide 18

For example, a syncwine about speech sounds:

1. Speech sounds.
2. Vowels, consonants.
3. We hear, pronounce, highlight.
4. Sounds form syllables.
5. Speech.

Slide 19

Tasks for children to compose syncwine can be different:

To one word-subject on a lexical topic;

To different words-objects related to each other lexical topic;

Compilation short story according to a ready-made didactic syncwine

using words and phrases that are part of this syncwine.

For example:


    Fluffy. Redhead.

    Jumps, Gallops, Prepares.

    The squirrel lives in a hollow.

    Wild animal.

A red, fluffy animal lives in the forest. This is a squirrel. The life of a squirrel is busy; it prepares food for itself for the winter. Deftly jumps and jumps along the branches. On big tree she has a hollow. Life is difficult for wild animals in winter. We feed the squirrel nuts and seeds.

Correction and improvement of finished syncwine;

Analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without indicating the topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones).

“Make up a riddle”, “Guess the riddle”.

For example: Small, nimble.

Runs, shoots, snorts.

In winter he sleeps in his nest.

Wild animal. Who is this?... (Hedgehog)

Cinquain can express the mood of the author and carry a certain emotional overtones.

For example, you can compare: Autumn

Sunny, warm.

Gives, glows, pleases.

Leaves are falling in the park.


Windy, cold.

It rains, rustles, frowns.

People look out the windows.


The higher the level of speech development of the child, the more interesting the syncwines are. The apparent simplicity of the form of this technique hides a powerful, multifaceted tool for reflection.

But! Evaluating information, expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas in a few words, in fact, is not so easy even for an adult. This is complex and fruitful work both for the speech therapist teacher and for his students. After all, children need to find the necessary sign words, action words from their entire vocabulary, compose a common sentence with these words, choose a word that is associatively connected with this concept.

Slide 20

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compose a syncwine only on topics that are well known to children, and be sure to show a sample.

If compiling a syncwine is difficult, you can help with guiding questions.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like composing a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, sufficient vocabulary and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage children’s desire to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules of writing unrhymed poems, and composing them will turn into a game.

And unnoticed by the children themselves, playing cinquain will become a fun and entertaining activity for them.

Children who can read syllables and words and can print can create their own syncwine on a piece of paper.

Children senior group who do not yet know how to read, compose a syncwine orally. With the help of leading questions (About whom, about what? Which, which, which? What did you do, what did you do? Children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, using a certain algorithm, create their own oral, non-rhyming poems. You can invite the child to draw an object.

The syncwine technique, of course, in general, contributes to the successful correction of the entire speech system in children with ODD, subject to systematic, daily work in this direction.

Sinkwine can be used in individual, subgroup and frontal speech therapy work, in the teacher’s classes, and also,

when doing homework with the help of parents.

Slide 21

In order for the work on creating a didactic syncwine to be successfully carried out not only in kindergarten, but also at home, it is necessary to introduce parents to this technology.

Forms of work with parents:

Thematic consultation;

Information about syncwine at the Speech Pathologist's Corner stand;


You can offer parents “memos” with an algorithm for compiling a syncwine.

Slide 22

Sinkwine is one of the effective methods for developing the speech of a preschooler.

What is its effectiveness and significance?

    Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

    Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.

    Sinkwine is a gaming technique.

    Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

    Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Slide 23


Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.

Sinkwine teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

The use of didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice

allows you to harmoniously combine in your work the elements of three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented, which is especially important in the conditions of working with children with special educational needs.

Thus, the “Didactic Syncwine” technology can successfully

used in speech therapy practice.

Collective compilation of syncwine about syncwine:

1. Sinkwine.

2. Creative, activating.

3. Develops, enriches, clarifies.

4. Cinquain helps you learn.

5. Technology.

Slide 24

Thank you for your attention!

Akimenko V.M. Developmental technologies in speech therapy.-Rostov n/a; ed. Phoenix, 2011.

Dushka N.D. Sinkwine in work on the development of speech in preschool children.

Journal "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).

Mordvinova T. Sinquain at a literature lesson. Festival pedagogical ideas"Open Lesson"

Terentyeva N. Sinkwine based on “The Pit”? Literature. Magazine "First of September"

4 (2006).

Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative technologies. MedBio (department Medical biology and genetics of KSMU).

Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers often have speech impairments, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart.

Compiling a syncwine is one way to partially solve these problems.

Sinkwine is often used by modern teachers for kindergarten classes. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwine in the form of a game.



Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers often have speech impairments, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart.

Compiling a syncwine is one way to partially solve these problems.

Sinkwine is often used by modern teachers for kindergarten classes. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwine in the form of a game.

Cinquain is a French word that means “a poem of five lines.”

The cinquain form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

A cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use syncwine to activate cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and briefly present.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Currently, there are the following types of syncwine:


A form of poetry consisting of five lines and based on counting the syllables in each line. Its structure looks like this: 2-4-6-8-2. That is, the first line should contain a word or phrase of two syllables, the second - of four, the third - of six, and so on. Traditional cinquain can be either rhymed or not.


Five-line form with only reverse sequence of verses. That is, in the first line there is a word or phrase of two syllables, in the second - of eight, the third - of six, etc. The structure is: 2-8-6-4-2.


A poetic form of two five-line stanzas, where the first stanza is traditional cinquain, and the second is the opposite.

Cinquain butterfly

A form of poem consisting of nine lines with a syllabic structure


Crown of cinquains

A completed poem consisting of five traditional syncwines

Garland of cinquains

The most beautiful variation, in our opinion. It consists of a crown of syncwine with the addition of a sixth syncwine, the first line of which is taken from the first, the second from the second, the third from the third syncwine, etc.


Unlike previous types, in this five-line form the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the semantic and syntactic specification for each line.

The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).

The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject.

The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

1. Watermelon

2. Round, delicious

3. Rolls, grows, matures

4. Watermelon is a large berry.

5. Summer

Sinkwine is one of the effective methods for developing the speech of preschoolers

What is its effectiveness and significance?

Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.

Sinkwine is a gaming technique.

Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

Sinkwine can be used to consolidate the studied lexical topic,

to reinforce concepts learned in pre-literacy classes.

In classes on the development of coherent speech: from the words of syncwine, children can compose a story


Didactic syncwine.

In this five-line form, the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the semantic and syntactic specification for each line.

First line of syncwine– title, topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).

Second line - two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

Third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds that describe the actions of the subject.

Fourth line– This is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

Fifth line – the last one. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

Warm, cold.
It comes, revives, inspires.
A wonderful time of love.

Brown, white.
Sleeps, growls, runs.
Large dangerous predator.

“The use of the syncwine method in the development of speech of children of senior preschool age” Master class “The use of the syncwine method in the development of speech of children of senior preschool age” Master class Performed by: Sizikova N.A., teacher MBDOU 48 teacher MBDOU 48

Cinquain is an unrhymed poem that is today pedagogical technique aimed at solving a specific problem. Cinquain is an unrhymed poem, which today is a pedagogical technique aimed at solving a specific problem.

Rules for composing a syncwine: The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question). The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question). The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine. The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine. The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject. The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject. The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text. The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text. The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym. The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

The syncwine algorithm for children who do not yet know how to read: Conventions: Conventions: words-objects (nouns) words-objects (nouns) words-features (adjectives) words-features (adjectives) words-actions (verbs) words-actions (verbs) words-objects (nouns) words-objects (nouns)

Compiling a syncwine is a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and significant features in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and formulate one’s statements multiple times. Compiling a syncwine is a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and significant features in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and formulate one’s statements multiple times.

Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain. Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain. Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities. Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities. Sinkwine is a gaming technique. Sinkwine is a gaming technique. Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered. Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered. Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Cinquain is a French five-line poem similar to Japanese poems. Cinquain is a French five-line poem similar to Japanese poems. Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary. Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary. Sinkwine teaches short retelling. Sinkwine teaches short retelling. Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information. Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information. Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems. Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems. Everyone can make a syncwine. Everyone can make a syncwine. Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking. Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking. Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content. Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content. Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them. Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them. The procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented The procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented

This method can be easily integrated with other educational areas of the program, and the simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly obtain results. This method can be easily integrated with other educational areas of the program, and the simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly obtain results.

To correctly compose a syncwine, it is important: Have sufficient vocabulary within the topic; Have sufficient vocabulary within the topic; Own: Own: - analysis, generalization, - concepts: word-object, word-action, word-attribute; be able to select synonyms; be able to select synonyms; Learn to understand and ask questions correctly; Learn to understand and ask questions correctly; Coordinate words in a sentence; Coordinate words in a sentence; Correctly formulate your thought in the form of a sentence. Correctly formulate your thought in the form of a sentence.

Organization: GBUDO TsVR

Locality: Kirovsk

Target: Using the “syncwine” technology in the development of coherent speech.

Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about spring, its signs, characteristics, and to be able to understand the signs of spring. Activate your vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of your speech. Learn to work independently with the syncwine scheme. Develop creative imagination logical thinking, memory. Develop goodwill, cooperation and independence skills.

Material: ICT (audio recording, video letter), hourglass, pictures, envelope with colored circles, syncwine diagram, emoticons.

Progress of the lesson.

The music is played by Vivaldi from the cycle “The Seasons. Spring".

Teacher: Guys, let's sit on the rug, close our eyes and plunge into a warm spring day.

(Relaxation moment)

Teacher: Children, each of you imagined spring in your own way, let's share your impressions with each other.

(The teacher seeks complete sentences from the children)

Teacher: Guys, but today is a cold, cloudy day, as if it’s not spring at all. To make the sun warm and smile, you and I need to complete the task that was given to us with a video letter and an hourglass.

(On the video screen: the head of the s/o walks through the park early spring; asks the children a question)

- Guys, in one minute hourglass you must name 7 signs of spring. As soon as you complete the task, the sun will come out from behind the clouds and begin to shine brighter.

(Children’s answers. The teacher attaches the sun to the board)


Who came so quietly? Well, of course, not an elephant,
And, of course, the hippopotamus could not pass quietly like that.
And none of you heard how the leaf came out of the bud,
And you couldn’t hear how green blades of grass
Taking off their green boots, they quietly emerged from the ground.
And the snowdrop quietly came out. And there is silence everywhere.
This means, this means: spring has come quietly!

Well done guys, you completed this task. And I have one more thing for you. I will tell you riddles, and after you guess them, you must find the corresponding picture.

  1. The snow has melted and a nimble stream is running from the fields... (stream).
  2. Appeared from under the snow,

I saw a piece of the sky.

The very first

The most tender

Clean little... (Snowdrop)

  1. The clouds are blown by the wind,
    He's going to the ground.
    If it hits the ground,
    The garden will water and the vegetable garden... (Rain)

Teacher: Well done guys, you guessed the riddles correctly. Let's take a little rest and have some physical exercise.

Physical education minute:

They raised their hands and shook them - These are trees in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken - The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our arms to the sides, smoothly - These are the birds flying towards us.

We will also show how they sit down: The wings are folded back.

Teacher: Guys, look what this scheme is, what is it called?

(The “syncwine” scheme is demonstrated)

Children: This is a syncwine, it helps us talk about objects.

Teacher: Let's remember what word we should say on the first line. (Item name)

What words should be on the second line? (Words are signs)

What words should be on the third line? (Words are actions)

On the fourth line? (You need to make a sentence with this word)

And on the fifth line we make a conclusion or generalization.

We have 3 pictures: stream, snowdrop, rain. Let's divide into 3 teams, to do this you need to take multi-colored circles from the box. Children who have circles blue color, will make up a syncwine about a stream; children with green circles - about snowdrops; guys with white circles - about the rain. Are you ready? Let's start the task.


Spring, sonorous

Flows, noises, pours

A spring, ringing stream is noisy.



Beautiful, gentle

It grows, it smells, it makes you happy

In spring the first snowdrops appeared.



Warm, wet

Walks, wets, splashes

It started to rain outside.


Teacher : Well done guys, you did a great job with all the tasks. You solved all the riddles, named the signs of Spring, and composed interesting syncwines. Tell me, children, which task was difficult for you? Look, the sun has begun to shine brighter, Spring makes us happy with its spring transformations. Let us also thank Vesna-Krasna and sing a song to her.

(Round dance "Vesnyanka")

Oh, the water is running like a stream,

No snow, no ice,

Oh, spring, oh, spring,

No snow, no ice.

We are singing spring flowers,

We call red spring

Oh, let's eat, oh, let's eat,

We call red spring

Teacher: For your activity in class, I want to give you spring emoticons.


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  2. Ushakova, O. S. Speech development program for preschool children in kindergarten / O. S. Ushakova. - M: Sphere shopping center. - 2002.
  3. Vygotsky L. S. Development oral speech. M., 1996.
  4. Elvina Azatovna “Use of syncwine technology in work on the development of speech in preschool children.”