In accordance with Article 16 of the Law Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 30, Art. 1797; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 150; 2000, No. 3120; 2004, No. 835; 2006, No. 10; 360; No. 838; No. 44, No. 6070; No. 3616; 786, art. 787; 2011, no. 793; no. 46, art. 6608), and clause 5.2.12 on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2010 No. 337 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 21, Art. 2603; No. 26, Art. 3350; 2011, No. 14, Art. 1935; No. 28, Art. 4214; No. 5257; Art. 6650;

Approve the attached Procedure for the admission of citizens to educational institutions.

Minister A.A. Fursenko

Registration No. 23859


The procedure for admitting citizens to educational institutions
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2012 No. 107)

1. This Procedure for the admission of citizens to educational institutions (hereinafter - the Procedure) regulates the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - citizens, children) to federal state educational institutions, state educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal educational institutions, non-state educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as state, municipal, non-state institutions, together - institutions) for training in basic general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education(hereinafter referred to as the main general education programs).

2. This Procedure applies to educational institutions implementing general education programs.

3. Reception foreign citizens and stateless persons, including compatriots abroad, to institutions for training in basic general education programs at the expense of the relevant budget budget system of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with this Procedure and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

4. The rules for admitting citizens to institutions are determined by the institution independently in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The rules for the admission of citizens to municipal institutions for training in basic general education programs must ensure the admission to the specified educational institutions of citizens who live on the territory of the municipal district, city district, assigned by the relevant authorities local government for specific municipal institution(hereinafter referred to as the assigned territory), and having the right to receive general education (hereinafter referred to as the assigned persons)*.

6. Assigned persons may be refused admission only due to lack of free places in the institution**.

In case of refusal to provide a place in an institution, parents (legal representatives) contact the local government authorities in the field of education of the corresponding municipal district or city district to resolve the issue of placing the child in another institution.

7. Admission of assigned persons to institutions of all types is carried out without entrance examinations(selection procedures).

Government institutions, non-state institutions that implement general educational programs of in-depth and/or specialized study of individual subjects at the level of basic general and secondary (complete) general education, in order to most fully meet the needs of students, provide in the rules for the admission of citizens to institutions at the appropriate levels mechanisms for identifying children’s inclinations for in-depth and/or specialized training in relevant academic subjects.

State institutions and non-state institutions that implement general educational programs for children and adolescents who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, the ability to engage in a certain type of art or sports, in order to most fully meet the needs of students, provide in the rules for the admission of citizens to the institution mechanisms for identifying these abilities in children.

8. Admission of citizens to an institution with a boarding school is carried out in the absence of medical contraindications for children to stay in such an institution.

9. Admission of citizens for training at a branch of the institution is carried out in accordance with the rules for admission of citizens to the institution.

10. In order to familiarize parents (legal representatives) of students with the charter of the institution, the license to carry out educational activities, with a certificate of state accreditation of the institution, an administrative act of local government bodies of a municipal district, urban district on the assigned territory (hereinafter referred to as the administrative act), issued no later than March 1 of the current year and guaranteeing the reception of all assigned persons and compliance with sanitary norms and rules, other documents regulating the organization educational process, the institution places copies of these documents on the information stand and on the Internet on the official website of the institution.

11. In order to conduct an organized admission to the first class of assigned persons, the institution, no later than 10 days from the date of publication of the administrative act, places on the information stand, on the official website of the institution, in the media (including electronic) information about the number of places in the first classes; no later than August 1 - information on the availability of free places for children not registered in the assigned territory.

12. Admission of citizens to the institution is carried out upon the personal application of the parents (legal representatives) of the child upon presentation of an identity document.

The institution may accept these applications in the form electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks.

In the application, the parents (legal representatives) of the child indicate the following information about the child:

a) last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available);

b) date and place of birth;

c) last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available) of the child’s parents (legal representatives).

Parents (legal representatives) of the child present the original and a photocopy of the child’s birth certificate, the original and a photocopy of the child’s registration certificate at the place of residence in the assigned territory.

Parents (legal representatives) of a child who is a foreign citizen or stateless person additionally present duly certified copies of a document confirming the applicant’s relationship (or the legality of the representation of the student’s rights) and a document confirming the applicant’s right to stay in the Russian Federation.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons, including compatriots abroad, submit all documents in Russian or together with a duly certified translation into Russian.

13. Parents (legal representatives) of children have the right to submit other documents at their discretion, including a medical report on the child’s health condition.

14. Upon admission to first grade within academic year or in the second and subsequent grades, the parents (legal representatives) of the student additionally submit the student’s personal file, issued by the institution in which he previously studied.

When admitted to an institution at the level of secondary (complete) general education, the parents (legal representatives) of the student additionally present a state-issued document on basic general education issued to him.

15. The requirement to provide other documents as a basis for admitting children to an institution is not permitted.

16. Acceptance of applications for the first class of institutions for assigned persons begins no later than March 10 and ends no later than July 31 of the current year.

Enrollment in an institution is formalized by order of the head of the institution within 7 working days after receiving the documents.

For children not registered in the assigned territory, but registered in the territory of the municipality (subject for Moscow and St. Petersburg), acceptance of applications for first grade begins from August 1 of the current year until the empty seats are filled, but no later than September 5 of the current year. The order for enrollment in first grade is issued no earlier than August 1 of the current year.

Institutions that have completed admission to the first grade of all children registered in the assigned territory have the right to admit children not registered in the assigned territory before August 1.

17. For the convenience of parents (legal representatives) of children, the institution has the right to establish a schedule for accepting documents depending on the registration address.

18. When admitting citizens who are not registered in a designated territory to vacant places, citizens who have the right to priority provision of a place in an institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have priority rights.

19. Children enrolled in institutions implementing basic general educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, to master the program preschool education continue their studies at the level of primary general education in the same institution.

20. The fact that the parents (legal representatives) of the child are familiar with it, including through information systems of general use, with a license to carry out educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation of the institution, the charter of the institution is recorded in the application for admission and certified by the personal signature of the parents (legal representatives) of the child.

The signature of the student’s parents (legal representatives) also records consent to the processing of their personal data and the child’s personal data in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation***.

21. Documents submitted by parents (legal representatives) of children are registered in the application log. After registering the application, the parents (legal representatives) of the children are given a receipt for receipt of documents containing information about the registration number of the application for admission of the child to the institution and the list of documents submitted. The receipt is certified by the signature of the official of the institution responsible for receiving documents and the seal of the institution.

22. Orders are posted on the information stand on the day of their publication.

23. For each child enrolled in an institution, a personal file is opened in which all documents submitted during admission and other documents are stored.


* For assigned persons under fourteen years of age, or under guardianship, the place of residence is recognized as the place of residence of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians (clause 2 of Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 32, Art. . 3301)).

When the parents live separately, the place of residence of the assigned persons is established by agreement of the parents; in the absence of an agreement, the dispute between the parents is resolved by the court (clause 3 of Article 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 1, Art. 16; 2011, No. 19, Art. .2715)).

Registration at the place of residence of assigned persons under fourteen years of age and living with their parents (adoptive parents, guardians) is carried out with the issuance of a certificate of registration at the place of residence (clause 28 of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence). residence within the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 30, Art. 2939; 1996, No. 18, Art. 2144; 1997, No. 8, Art. 952; 2000, No. 13, Art. 1370; 2002, No. 34, art. 3294; ​​2008, no. 1412, no. 4701; 2011, no. 6282) .

** Point 46 Model provision on a general educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 13, Art. 1252; 2007, No. 31, Art. 4082).

*** Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 31, Art. 3451; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4196; 2011, No. 31 , Art. 4701).

Document overview

The procedure for admitting children to schools has been established. It applies to all educational institutions, regardless of their form of ownership.

The rules for admitting students are determined by the school independently. At the same time, municipal schools are obliged to admit children living in their assigned territory. Entrance tests are not allowed for them. They can only refuse due to lack of vacancies.

It is allowed to select children for programs of in-depth and/or specialized study of individual subjects, as well as in certain types of art or sports.

Children are admitted to boarding schools only if there are no medical contraindications for their stay in such an institution.

The school is obliged to place copies of documents regulating the organization of the educational process on the information stand and its official website. This is, in particular, a charter, a license, a certificate of state accreditation, an act of a local government authority on the assigned territory. The latter is accepted no later than March 1 of the current year. Within 10 days after its publication, the school must report the number of places in the first grades. By August 1, information is provided about the availability of free places for children not registered in the assigned territory.

The child's parents submit an application for admission to the school. The requirements for its content are given. It is accompanied by a certificate of the child’s birth and registration at the place of residence in the assigned territory (originals and photocopies). Parents also provide identification. The school may accept applications in electronic form. Parents have the right, at their discretion, to provide a medical report on the child’s health condition.

If the applicant is a foreign citizen or has no citizenship at all, the parents additionally submit certified copies of a document on kinship (or the legality of representing his interests) and their right to stay in Russia.

When transferring a child from another school, parents submit his personal file. When applying to the level of complete general education, a document on basic general education is required.

Applications for admission to 1st grade begin to be accepted no later than March 10 and end no later than July 31 of the current year (for those unregistered in the assigned territory - from August 1 until empty seats are filled, but maximum until September 5). For the convenience of parents, the school has the right to set a schedule for accepting documents depending on the registration address.

If the child attended kindergarten at the school, he is admitted to 1st grade in the same institution.

Hello Roman!

The order is not entirely new, 2012.

According to 5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2012 N 107 The rules for the admission of citizens to municipal institutions for training in basic general education programs must ensure the admission to the specified educational institutions of citizens who live in the territory of a municipal district, urban district , assigned by the relevant local government bodies to a specific municipal institution (hereinafter referred to as the assigned territory), and having the right to receive general education (hereinafter referred to as the assigned persons)1.

According to clause 6 of the said order Assigned persons may be refused admission only due to lack of available places in the institution.

In case of refusal to provide a place in an institution, parents (legal representatives) contact the local government authorities in the field of education of the corresponding municipal district or city district to resolve the issue of placing the child in another institution.

According to paragraph 16 of this order, the acceptance of applications for the first class of institutions for assigned persons begins no later than March 10 and ends no later than July 31 of the current year.

Enrollment in an institution is formalized by order of the head of the institution within 7 working days after receiving the documents.

For children not registered in the assigned territory, but registered in the territory of the municipality (subject for Moscow and St. Petersburg), acceptance of applications for first grade begins from August 1 of the current year until the empty seats are filled, but no later than September 5 of the current year. The order for enrollment in first grade is issued no earlier than August 1 of the current year.

Institutions that have completed admission to the first grade of all children registered in the assigned territory have the right to admit children not registered in the assigned territory before August 1.

According to paragraph 12 of this order, admission of citizens to the institution is carried out upon the personal application of the parents (legal representatives) of the child upon presentation of an identity document.

The institution can accept these applications in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks.

In the application, the parents (legal representatives) of the child indicate the following information about the child:

a) last name, first name, patronymic (last

her - if available);

b) date and place of birth;

c) last name, first name, patronymic (last

her - if there are parents (legal representatives) of the child.

Parents (legal representatives) of the child present the original and a photocopy of the child’s birth certificate, the original and a photocopy of the child’s registration certificate at the place of residence in the assigned territory.

Parents (legal representatives) of a child who is a foreign citizen or stateless person additionally present duly certified copies of a document confirming the applicant’s relationship (or the legality of the representation of the student’s rights) and a document confirming the applicant’s right to stay in the Russian Federation.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons, including compatriots abroad, submit all documents in Russian or together with a duly certified translation into Russian.

That is, you have the right to be refused if you have temporary registration.

From February 1, 2018, a new algorithm for admitting children to the 1st grade of school will be adopted in the Russian Federation. In the new year, enrollment will take place differently compared to previous years.

The Ministry of Education has notified that parents or legal guardians will need to go through certain procedures to enroll a child in Grade 1. One of these procedures is submitting an electronic application, completing a number of documents and waiting for the verdict of the school management.

Benefits for admission to school in 1st grade 2018, application deadlines

The application for admission to the school is completed within a certain time frame. They are combined into 3 categories, for which a specific time for submitting documents to 1st grade for the 2018-2019 academic year is established:

  • December 2017 – 09/05/2018 – children with the right of priority admission, but if the child’s documents are issued after 01/20/2018, then the benefits lose their validity and the child can be enrolled in 1st grade only if the school has free places for this;
  • 01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018 – children who are registered in the house that is assigned to the selected school, but if documents are submitted after the deadline, then enrollment privileges lose their validity and the child is enrolled in the school in the order of priority;
  • 07/01/2018 – 09/05/2018 – children living in other areas who are not assigned to the chosen school, but such children are enrolled in educational institution only when there is a shortage of students.

Parents must submit applications strictly within certain deadlines, since if documents are sent earlier than the specified dates, the child will be denied enrollment.

Moreover, an innovation in 2018 was the electronic submission of an application for admission to the 1st grade at school. To use this service, you must register with Unified system identification and authentication. If you do not have authorization on this service, then there is no way to submit an electronic application. Information about the use of Unified Identification and Autonomous Authorization is available on the website of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Benefits for entering school in 1st grade 2018, beneficiaries

Children eligible to participate in the priority wave of enrollment are:

  • whose parents work in the country’s security forces, or previously worked, but were fired for health reasons;
  • whose parents work at the chosen educational institution;
  • whose parents work in the executive, fire, customs services, state drug control, were relieved of duty due to health conditions, or died during the performance of official duties;
  • whose parents died as a result of the performance of official duty or an illness that appeared during the performance of official duties or within a year after dismissal from service due to deteriorating health;
  • whose brothers or sisters are already receiving education in the chosen educational institution;
  • who have official confirmation of disability.

Only one parent or legal guardian can apply to enroll a child in grade 1 at an educational institution.

Benefits for enrolling in school in 1st grade 2018, who is admitted and under what conditions is admission denied

A child aged 6.5 to 8 has the right to be enrolled in first grade. full years. There should not be any contraindications in terms of the child’s health.

If the age of a child who wants to be enrolled in 1st grade exceeds the norm, then an application must be sent to the school management, who will then make a decision on enrollment. Before this procedure, parents or guardians must obtain permission from executive bodies state authorities that have jurisdiction over the school.

There are no tests for admission to grade 1.

There may be 2 reasons why a child will be denied enrollment:

  • lack of empty seats in classes (SanPino standards provide for no more than 25 students in a class);
  • lack of necessary documents.

If applicants are refused for one of the reasons, then they must contact the education department, where they will suggest a school with free places.

Benefits for admission to school in 1st grade 2018, required documents

After the application has been submitted, parents are required to provide the school administration with a package of documents within 3 working days:

  • a document that confirms the identity of the applicant (passport of a Russian citizen, temporary ID);
  • child's birth certificate (copy and original);
  • documentary evidence of priority right to study (if any);
  • copy documentary evidence about the place of registration/actual residence;
  • medical card and medical insurance policy;
  • conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission confirming the possibility of training in school curriculum before reaching 6.5 years or after a full 8 years (if necessary).

Foreign citizens and those who do not have citizenship at all will need to provide documents that will confirm the family ties of the applicants or the legality of representing the interests of the future first-grader. Also, all documents must be translated into Russian in special. office and have them notarized. If the submission of documents is late, the child’s enrollment will be denied.

3. Rules for admitting citizens to 1st grade

  1. Receiving primary general education begins when children reach the age of at least 6 years 6 months by September 1 of the school year in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years. At the request of the parents (legal representatives) of the children, the founder of the school has the right to allow the admission of children to study in educational programs of primary general education at an earlier or later age.

  2. Admission of children to 1st grade in more early age is carried out only on the basis of a personal application from parents (legal representatives), in agreement with the Education Department.
3.3. Admission to 1st grade may be refused only due to lack of available
seats in the class.

3.4. When admitting a child to the 1st grade, it is not allowed to conduct any tests,
aimed at identifying the child’s level of preparation for school. All children who have reached
of school age, are enrolled in the 1st grade of the School, regardless of their level

3.5. Acceptance of applications for the first grade of the School for citizens living in an assigned
territory, begins no later than February 1 and ends no later than June 30 of the current

Enrollment in the School is issued by order within 7 working days after receipt of documents. Enrollment of children under the age of 6 years 6 months and children over 8 years old for education is issued by order within 7 working days after agreement with the education department.

For children who do not live in the assigned territory, applications for first grade begin on July 1 of the current year until the vacant seats are filled.

3.6. For the convenience of parents (legal representatives) of children, the School is established
Document acceptance schedule depending on the address of registration at the place of residence
(stay) of the child.

3.7. When admitting children who do not live in the assigned place to vacant places
territory, children of citizens who have the right to
priority provision of a place at the School in accordance with the law
of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

3.8. Before accepting documents, the School informs citizens:

  • about the list educational programs, for which admission of students is announced, and the timing of their development in accordance with the license;

  • on the planned number of places by class and educational program;

  • about appointment officials, responsible for receiving applications and documents from parents (legal representatives).
3.6. To enroll a child in first grade, parents (legal representatives) present
identification document and must submit:

Written application for admission of a child to first grade;

Original and photocopy of the child’s birth certificate (the photocopy is certified by the signature of the School Director and seal, after which the original document is returned to the parents (legal representatives). If the surname of one of the parents who provided the passport does not match the child’s surname, the parents submit documents on the basis of which the surnames were changed (marriage, divorce, paternity certificate).

For admission to the School, parents (legal representatives) of children living in the assigned territory additionally present the following to enroll their child in first grade:

  • the original birth certificate of the child or a document confirming the applicant’s relationship;

  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or place of stay in the assigned territory or a document containing information about the registration of the child at the place of residence or place of stay in the assigned territory
Parents (legal representatives) of children who are foreign citizens or stateless persons additionally present a document confirming the applicant’s relationship (or the legality of the representation of the child’s rights) and a document confirming the applicant’s right to stay in the Russian Federation. Parents (legal representatives) of children have the right to submit other documents at their discretion.

3.7. Documents submitted by parents (legal representatives),
are registered in the journal for accepting documents for enrollment in first grade

On the application for admission to first grade (in the upper left corner) the entry number and date of registration of the application are indicated.

3.8. In order to conduct an organized admission to the first grades, the school administration:

  • appoints officials responsible for receiving applications and documents from parents (legal representatives) no later than a month before the start of admission to first grade;

  • posts on the information stand at the school, on the official website on the Internet no later than a month before the start of admission to the first grades, information about the number of places in the first grades;
- publishes on the information stand at the school, on the official website on the Internet no later than July 1 of the current year, information about the availability of free places for the admission of children who do not live in the assigned territory;

Approves the schedule for accepting documents depending on the registration address at the place of residence (stay) of the child.

The order on the appointment of officials responsible for accepting applications and documents from parents (legal representatives), the schedule for accepting documents are posted on the information stand in the educational organization, on the official website on the Internet.

3.9. For each child enrolled in the School, a personal file is opened in which
All submitted documents are stored.

  1. In case of refusal of admission to study, the parent (legal representative) of a minor citizen is given a notice of refusal of admission to school.

  2. Admission to study in the first grade during the academic year is carried out on free places. When admitted to the first grade during the academic year, the parents (legal representatives) of the student additionally submit to the School the student’s personal file, issued by the educational institution implementing the basic general education program of primary general education in which he previously studied.

  3. The number of first classes to be enrolled at the School in the next academic year is determined from statistical data on the number of children of the corresponding age living in the assigned territory, the number of applications submitted, taking into account the established standards for class occupancy, sanitary and hygienic standards, the design capacity of the School, the availability of necessary material - technical and personnel support.

  4. The assignment of students to class groups, the transfer of students from one class to another within the parallel is the competence of the School.

  5. The number of first classes in the School is determined municipal task taking into account the school's maximum capacity.
4. Procedure for admission to grades 2-9

  1. For training at the level of basic general education, subject to availability of places, all students who arrive to live in the territory assigned to the School and who have fully mastered the educational programs of primary general education are accepted.

  2. Admission to study at the level of basic general education of students in the order of transfer from another general education educational institution or students who previously received general education in the form of self-education, family education is subject to availability. The enrollment of a student is formalized by order of the school director. Seats in classes with a capacity of less than 25 people are considered vacant.

  3. Admission to grades 2-9 is carried out upon provision of the following documents:

  • the student’s personal file with annual grades, certified by the seal of the educational institution and with a record of departure from the previous place of study;

  • certificate containing information about the results current control progress in all subjects of the curriculum and the student’s intermediate certification, certified by a seal (when moving during the academic year).
In addition, a portfolio may be submitted containing an extract from the record of examination grades obtained in the examinations, as well as evidence of all the achievements of the applicant for admission.

  1. The enrollment of a student in the School by transfer is issued by order of the school director within three working days after receipt of the application and documents indicating the date of enrollment and class.

  2. When enrolling a student, the school, within two working days from the date of issuing the order to enroll the student by transfer, notifies in writing the educational institution from which the student arrived about the number and date of the order to enroll the student.
4.6. Students arriving during the academic year from other territories, without
documents listed above, can be accepted into the school, into the class specified in
application from parents (legal representatives), followed by certification in order to
determining the student’s level of preparation within a month.

4.7. In case of refusal of admission by transfer, the School administration issues
parents (legal representatives) notification of refusal of admission in accordance with
translation indicating the reason for refusal.

5. Admission of students to the level of secondary general education

5.1. Graduates of 9th grades are accepted and enrolled in the 10th grade of the school,
who have received basic general education, regardless of where it was received.

5.2. The number of 10 classes opened at the school must ensure the enrollment of students
schools who have completed the basic general education program and wish to receive
secondary general education.

The number of 10th grades and their profile are regulated by the availability of social orders, teaching staff, premises, material resources and teaching and laboratory equipment at the school and are agreed upon with the Founder every academic year.

5.3. Applications for 10th grade school are accepted from June 20 to June 30
current year, if there are free places, an additional enrollment is announced, which
ends no later than August 31 of the current year.

5.4. Admission and enrollment of students in the 10th grade is carried out upon presentation
the following documents:

Identity document of one of the parents (legal representatives); applications from parents (legal representatives) addressed to the director; certificate of basic general education; student's personal file;

photocopies of the child’s birth certificate (from 14 years old - passport);

original certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or Certificate of registration of the child at the place of stay in the assigned territory.

  1. To best meet the learning needs of students higher level a school can fill classes on the basis of an objective assessment of students’ readiness to continue education in a particular profile, subject to ensuring the admission of citizens who live in the territory assigned to the school. Along with classes for specialized study of individual subjects, classes that implement a general education program at a basic level can be completed. Citizens living in the territory to which the School is assigned, as well as citizens who have received basic general education at the school, have advantages when enrolling students in the 10th grade of a school.

  2. The procedure for admitting students to specialized classes and classes with in-depth study individual subjects for mastering secondary general education programs are determined by the “Regulations on classes specialized training", "Regulations on classes with in-depth study of individual subjects", approved by the school.
5.7. To resolve issues related to the recruitment of specialized classes,
ensuring the rights of students in the context of the introduction of a system of specialized education in
classes implementing a number of subjects of the federal component of the curriculum for
chosen direction on profile level, the school will create a commission for
conducting individual selection when admitting or transferring students to receive
secondary general education in specialized classes. Enrolling Students in Classes
carried out taking into account the wishes of students, their parents (legal representatives) and
the school's ability to admit them based on ranking based on results
individual selection of students. For consideration by the commission for conducting
individual selection for the purpose of recruiting specialized classes for parents
(legal representatives) provide the following documents:

application from parents (legal representatives) addressed to the director of a general education institution (no later than 10 calendar days before the deadline for individual selection established by the school);

  • a copy of the certificate of basic general education;

  • documents confirming the student's achievement rating (portfolio): diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates confirming educational, intellectual, creative and sporting achievements(prize places) students.
When submitting an application, parents (legal representatives) must present documents confirming parental rights, as well as documents confirming residence registration in the territory of the Kikvidzensky district. The application must indicate:

The name of the educational institution to which the application is being submitted;

  • an indication of the selected subject(s) of specialized training (upon admission to specialized classes, groups);

  • object language;

  • Full name, date and year of birth of the child:

  • place of residence of the child;

  • information about parents (full name, contact phone number);

  • date of writing the application;

  • signature of the person submitting the application.
The student rating is brought to the attention of students and their parents (legal representatives), posted on the school website on the Internet information and telecommunications network and information stands school on the day of drawing up the minutes of the commission meeting.

Enrollment of students in profile class is carried out on the basis of the protocol of the commission based on the results of individual selection (student rating) and is issued by order of the school director no later than 10 calendar days after registration of the protocol.

Information about the results of individual selection and enrollment is brought to the attention of students, parents (legal representatives) and posted on the school website in the Internet information and telecommunications network and school information stands, no later than 3 calendar days after enrollment.

5.8. Transferring students from one class to another, with one training profile to another
carried out on the basis of an application from parents (legal representatives) or
a student who has reached the age of 14, subject to availability of seats in the class and
only in the best interests of the student.

5.9. If the number of submitted applications exceeds the number of places in specialized
classes, graduates of 9th grade are given the opportunity to continue their education in
another class of this school or in other institutions according to the declared profile.

5.10. Admission to the 10th grade of children of refugees, internally displaced persons, foreign
citizens is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Persons recognized as refugees and family members who arrived with them, forced
migrants, foreign citizens with children and living in the territory
cities, enjoy the right to receive secondary general education on an equal basis with
citizens of the Russian Federation.

When admitting children from the above families to grade 10, they are provided with a document confirming receipt of basic general education, equivalent to a Russian state-issued document confirming receipt of basic general education, a passport of one of the parents (legal representatives) with a note on the child’s registration, and a written application indicating the address of actual residence.

5.11. Admission of students to grade 11, subject to availability of seats, upon admission to
school is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • applications from parents (legal representatives) of a minor student for enrollment by transfer from another educational institution to the appropriate class;

  • the original identification document of the parent (legal representative) of the minor student;

  • the student’s personal file with annual grades, certified by the seal of the educational institution and with a record of departure from the previous place of study;

  • birth certificate (passport) of the applicant (copy and original, the original is returned to the applicant after the copy is certified);

  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence in the assigned territory (copy and original);

  • a certificate containing information about the results of ongoing monitoring of progress in all subjects of the curriculum and the student’s intermediate certification, certified by a seal (when transferring during the academic year);

  • certificate of basic general education.
The enrollment of a student is formalized by order of the school director.

Seats in classes with a capacity of less than 25 people are considered vacant.

According to the law, admission of citizens to educational institutions is carried out in accordance with:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”;

Federal law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation";

Model regulations on a general education institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2012 No. 107 “On approval of the Procedure for the admission of citizens to educational institutions” (came into force on May 7, 2012);

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. IR-535/03 “On the rules of admission to educational institutions”;

Resolution of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare and the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” "";

Regulatory acts of the administrations of the districts of the city in which the child lives;

Charter of the educational institution;

Local acts of the educational institution regulating the admission procedure.

The procedure for admitting foreign citizens and stateless persons to educational institutions and their registration is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.” Persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have registration are admitted to educational institutions upon the direction of the district administration.

To enroll a child in school, parents must prepare the following documents:

A copy of the birth certificate with an insert confirming Russian citizenship;

Medical card in form 0-26/U-2000, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

dated 07/03/2000 No. 241 (certificate of opportunity to study at a secondary school);

Certificate of registration of the child and parents or their substitutes (form No. 9 or certificate of the internal affairs body on registration of residence, or certificate of the Migration Service);

Certificate of preventive vaccinations;

Application (sample provided at school).

An educational institution has the right to announce the admission of citizens

only if there is a license to conduct educational activities under the relevant educational programs.

An educational institution is obliged to familiarize applicants, parents (legal representatives) with the charter, a license to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation, inform about the procedure for admission to this educational institution, about the work of the admissions committee and the procedure for filing an appeal.

An educational institution provides applicants and parents (legal representatives) with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the content of educational programs and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

Children aged 6-7 years are accepted into 1st grade. Education of children under six and a half years old at the beginning of the school year should be carried out in compliance with all hygienic requirements for organizing the education of children of six years of age.

Of course, they can enroll in 1st grade even if they are not yet six and a half years old. But in this case you need to consult a psychologist. It happens that intellectually a child is ready for schooling and at 5 years old, but he physical abilities will not allow him to withstand the workload of a first-grader, as a result of which fatigue will accumulate, stress and neurosis are possible.

Sometimes a child, for some reason (for example, for health reasons), cannot go to school from the age of 7. In this case, for medical reasons, the child goes to 1st grade after 7 years (at 8 or 9 years).

Admission of citizens to the 1st grade of educational institutions is carried out on an application basis.

However, since 2013, admission to schools is based on the child’s registration. District administrations, together with municipal districts, assign a microdistrict to each educational institution in order to take into account children living in the given territory and who are subject to education in educational institutions to realize the rights of children to receive an education. This means that priority rights when enrolling in an educational institution are enjoyed by:

Children living in close proximity to an educational institution in accordance with paragraph 2.1.6. SanPiN;

Graduates of the preschool level of a given educational institution (meaning a kindergarten at the school).

Parents have the right to choose an educational institution and are responsible for the timeliness and appropriateness of such a choice.

If parents have chosen a school from another municipality or region for their child, then this is possible, but in this case the time for submitting an application to 1st grade will be slightly delayed. Parents can submit applications for enrollment in 1st grade from March 1 to August 31, but from March 1 to August 31, those parents who live in close proximity to the school submit an application according to the list of addresses assigned to a specific school.

From August 1, those parents who have chosen a school for their child from another municipality or region that is not geographically related to them have the right to apply to a school.

When admitting citizens who are not registered in the assigned territory to vacant places, citizens who have the right to priority provision of a place in an institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have priority rights.

In accordance with the Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. Z-FZ “On the Police” (Article 46), this benefit is established for the following categories of citizens:

Children of a police officer;

Children of a police officer who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;

Children of a police officer who died as a result of an illness acquired while serving in the police;

Children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and which excluded the possibility of further service in the police;

Children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police ;

Children who are (were) dependent on police officers, citizens of the Russian Federation specified in the above paragraphs.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel,” this benefit is also established for the following categories of citizens:

1) children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families (Article 19);

2) children of military personnel who died (died) during military service, who performed military service under a contract and who died (died) after dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for serving military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events.

Due to the lack of vacancies in the institution;

If there are medical contraindications.

In this case, the district administration provides parents (legal representatives) with information about the availability of places in educational institutions in a given territory (in a given microdistrict, district) and ensures the enrollment of children in an educational institution.

Applications for admission to 1st grade are accepted from March 1 to May 15 of the current year. The number of classes and their occupancy are established by the state educational institution in agreement with the founder within the limits of the budgetary funds allocated to the institution. To receive documents, the head of the educational institution creates a selection committee. The chairman of the selection committee is the head of the educational institution. The rules of work of the admissions committee are approved by a separate order (instruction) of the head of the educational institution and are brought to the attention of the population. Before accepting documents, the admissions committee informs:

On the list of educational programs for which the acceptance of documents is announced, and the deadlines for their development in accordance with the license;

About the list of addresses assigned to this educational institution;

About the planned number of places by class and educational program.

To admit a child to an educational institution, parents (legal representatives) submit an application using the form. The application for admission to study must be accompanied by: necessary documents. When accepting an application, the administration of an educational institution is obliged to familiarize itself with the applicant’s identity document to establish the fact of family relations and the powers of the legal representative.

Applications for admission of a child to an educational institution must be registered in the journal for accepting applications for 1st grade.

After registering the application and package of documents, the applicant is given a tear-off control coupon, which indicates:

Incoming application number for admission to an educational institution;

A list of submitted documents and a note of their receipt, certified by the signature of the secretary or person responsible for receiving documents and the seal of the educational institution;

Information about the educational institution (name according to the charter, number and date of issue of the license, its validity period, number and date of the certificate of accreditation of the educational institution);

Where and when you can get information about the rules of admission to an educational institution;

Deadlines for notification of enrollment in 1st grade, contact numbers for information;

Telephone number of the territorial education authority to obtain information about the availability of vacancies in other educational institutions and filing an appeal.

Enrollment for training is carried out in strict accordance with the registration register and the order of applications indicated therein within the planned places. The registration number of the application in the registration book must match the number of the control coupon issued to parents. If the number of submitted applications exceeds the number of planned places, the educational institution is obliged, together with the founder, before June 1, to decide on the issue of increasing the number of classes planned to open in the educational institution and admitting children to this educational institution or take measures to admit children to another educational institution, located on the territory of the subordinate area, taking into account the actual residence of the child and the opinion of the parents (legal representatives).

If the number of applications submitted is less than the number of planned places, the educational institution is obliged, together with the founder, before June 1, to decide on the issue of continuing to accept applications to this educational institution until August 25 of the current year or on reducing the number of classes planned for opening in the educational institution and take measures to admission of children to another educational institution located on the territory of the subordinate area, taking into account the actual residence of the child and the opinion of the parents (legal representatives).

If the deadline for submitting an application is missed or the application is refused due to lack of places, the applicant may apply to other educational institutions where there are vacancies, or to the educational authority at the place of actual residence. The founder is obliged to take measures to place the child for training, as a rule, in the educational institution closest to his place of actual residence.

After the end of accepting applications, enrollment in an educational institution is formalized by order of the head of the educational institution as classes are filled, but no later than September 2 of the current year, and is brought to the attention of parents (legal representatives).

Currently, it is prohibited to admit children to the 1st grade on a competitive basis (clause 3 of Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”): “Admission of assigned persons to general educational institutions of all types is carried out without entrance examinations (selection procedures).”

In some schools, most often in gymnasiums and lyceums, future first-graders may be interviewed to understand what special individual abilities the child has. “Only state and non-state institutions that implement general educational programs for children and adolescents who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, the ability to engage in a certain type of art or sports, in order to most fully meet the needs of students, provide in the rules for the admission of citizens to the institution mechanisms for identifying these abilities in children” ( “Procedure for admission of citizens to educational institutions”, paragraph 7).

In schools with non-competitive admission to the 1st grade, interviews are held with future students. The results of the interview do not affect the process of enrolling a child in 1st grade. The interview helps teachers and school psychologists take into account the individual characteristics child.