Myshanskaya Elizaveta



municipal budgetary educational institution

average secondary school No. 4 Salsk

Essay on the topic “Russia, looking to the future”

Nomination: “One day from my life in the future”


student of 8th grade "A"

Myshanskaya Elizaveta.


Russian language teacher

and literature

Kozachanskaya A.A.


In the age of information technology, no one will be surprised by the fact that the work of many scientists has created a device capable of moving people in space. Trying to create such a thing for many centuries, experts of all times worked tirelessly. And so, after much experimentation, by studying the works of many great scientists, the Time Machine was invented! Initially, its existence was top secret; in order to hide the greatest achievement of science, an underground bunker was built in the Caucasus Mountains. The device was immersed to a depth of 65 meters, where, under the supervision of only two hundred eyes, the Time Machine was used only for special, important cases... But soon, after numerous trips to the past and future, the main questions of interest were answered. And finally the “top secret” stamp was removed. The multi-meter bunker was turned into a museum where everyone could explore their future and remember the past.

This Saturday I woke up very early, because just today, this very morning, my class, accompanied by the class teacher, went to the Caucasus, to the “Museum of Time”. Taking everything I needed with me, I went to the place where all the guys were supposed to meet. I was very worried, and while I was walking, I imagined what this trip would be like, what the museum would be like, and most importantly, whether I could go into the future, see what would happen to me, my friends, and relatives. Having noticed the guys, I realized that I was not the only one worried: intrigue was visible on the faces of many, and arguments between the boys did not subside when they made assumptions about the design of the bunker and the Time Machine itself. Some said that it would be a small watch and if you scroll the hand forward, you will be transported to the future, and if you scroll back, you will return to the past time. Others rejected this idea, arguing that such a small watch would not be placed at such a great depth. In the minds of these guys, the Time Machine is something similar to a sports car and driving it is no different from driving a vehicle. The argument was stopped by the sound of an approaching bus. We ran in noisily and sat down on comfortable blue chairs. The bus started moving and after a short period of time drove onto the highway outside the city. Soon my classmates calmed down and fell asleep, and there was silence on the bus. It started to rain. I sat and watched as drop after drop rolled down the window glass. Soon the knocking on the window put me to sleep...

The noise and lively hubbub of the guys woke me up. We drove up to the foot of the mountain, where the entrance to the museum was located, where the Time Machine was kept. Looking out the window, I saw a heavy reinforced concrete door, about five meters high. The class teacher ordered us to get off the bus, taking with us only what we needed, and line up in pairs. Having completed all the actions told to us, we moved towards the huge gate. Passing through them, our documents were checked by two armed men in military uniform . In front of me was a long gray corridor. I realized that this is a tunnel in the mountain, a tunnel to a device, the invention of which we should be grateful to the greatest minds of our time. There were five hundred meters of road left behind, and now we came to something that looked like an elevator, only much larger, more spacious: my entire class (there were 26 of us) with a teacher and two men who checked documents at the entrance, occupied only a third of the elevator. We rushed down, and to the side, next to the exit, damp and dark “floors” flashed by. I was upset, I didn’t like the boring and gray interior, but I understood that I shouldn’t have expected anything else, because we were in a bunker... The elevator stopped abruptly and, following one of the military men, we got out on the lower, as we were told, the last level. I couldn't believe my eyes! Bright, well-lit room. White glossy floors, ceilings, and walls were decorated with turquoise stripes and portraits of many scientists. There was no feeling of darkness and dungeon, although we were at a depth of 65 meters. The people walking around the level were wearing clothes similar to the interior: white trousers and a long white shirt, with turquoise and black vertical stripes near the buttons on one side. Almost everyone had tablets of the same color in their hands. Having looked around the entire hall, I was delighted. Soon a young, beautiful girl with a very childish face approached us, and we went on an excursion. We were told about how the famous device was built, who took part in its creation, what secrets were discovered thanks to it. I really wanted to see the Time Machine itself! And so the guide led us to the main exhibit of the museum, and I saw what I had been dreaming of seeing all day! In front of me stood a cylindrical device, and nearby was a control panel. The girl told how it works: “Whoever wants to travel in time space enters the capsule,” she pointed to the structure standing in the center, “Inside the capsule there is a time frame control panel. You need to enter the date, month, year and time to which you want to move. Next, you need to take a seat in the cabin - a circle located exactly in the middle. After which, our museum workers sitting at the control panel will immerse you in a sleep-like state. It's time for us to stop and you can calmly move into the future. When you decide it's time to return to the present, go back into the capsule and press the "Home" button on the control panel. But! According to security rules, we cannot move you to the past, since you can disrupt the course of history, and by changing something in the past, you will change something in the present without noticing it. Do you guys understand everything?” - she turned to us and her young, cheerful face became incredibly serious. Nodding to her, we took turns, in alphabetical order, and began to enter the capsule. The faces of the guys who left the cabin were filled with delight, some were slightly scared. When half the class had visited their future, it was my turn to find out the answers to questions about my future position in society.

Leaving the apartment, we found ourselves in a bright entrance. It was in no way reminiscent of what was called the entrance twenty years ago: the white, glossy walls were decorated with candlesticks of the same color, from which a cold, bright light emanated. I was told to get into the elevator. It was like a time capsule that brought me here today. The elevator was made of durable glass. The number 70 was shining on the elevator control board. As an adult, I wrote the number 1 and the elevator moved. Turning to face the wall opposite the entrance, I saw a cityscape.What is the city of the future, and what should it be like? Science fiction writers, designers, and engineers think about these questions. Moreover, they often seek answers to these questions in close cooperation with each other.Reading science fiction books, I constantly imagine various images of cities of the future, with skyscrapers rising high above the clouds, flying island houses, flying cars. I always wanted to look into the future and see what they would look like. And here I am, I look through the glass walls of the elevator and see a green city in front of me: metal skyscrapers shining in the light of the bright and gentle sun, and high-speed cars combined with green meadows and parks. How nice it is to realize that forecasts of environmental disasters did not come true, and humanity began to stabilize the fragile natural harmony in time. Noticing my interest in environment, I was told how in 2025 the forest was on the verge of extinction, oxygen deficiency and an excess of harmful, toxic gases made themselves felt. It was decided to use only solar and wind energy on an industrial scale, which significantly reduced the amount of bad and dangerous gases in the atmosphere. Listening to the story of my companion, I noticed that we had been moving for a very long time... “What a tall building,” I involuntarily said, “Tell me, how many floors are there?” Looking at me as if I had said something without thinking, she answered me: “There are seventy above-ground and five underground floors. The lower floor is a parking lot. Now we are heading exactly there,” the woman completed her story and smiled, remembering that I was from her past. Having gone down to the car park, we went out into large space, very similar to all but the last level of the bunker: a gray, damp room. After walking a few meters, we approached the car. In appearance, it was no different from the cars of my day, but I understood that, most likely, it had hidden functions. Getting into the car, I felt more comfortable than ever: dim lights and dark interior. As an adult, I got behind the wheel and said only the address: “Sklifosovsky Street 367, place 250,” and the car itself went to the given address! That's the difference - self-government! The trip passed in silence, I was still looking at the landscapes of the future.

Soon we arrived at tall building(even higher than the house where I ended up). Prev vehicle the hatch opened, and the car slid into it and, having flown about two kilometers, stopped near place 250 and parked. We went out and approached the opening in the wall, I realized it was the same elevator. Just like at home, we entered and entered floor 4. The elevator moved, but it was not made of glass, but of a durable, opaque material. Nevertheless, it was light and bright. It felt like we flew three floors and stopped. The doors opened and I followed me out of the elevator. I saw something similar to a hospital, only very strange: grass was growing right out of the floor. Neatly trimmed green plants fit into the interior of the hospital, which was done in wooden and beige tones. The feeling that we are now in 2040 has evaporated, because imagining the hospital of the future, I was thinking about the dazzling white walls and the incredible austerity of the interior. “I decided that you would be interested in learning about the medical institution of your future, am I right?”, seeing my admiring face, she continued, “I work as an oncologist in this hospital. As you know, oncology is a branch of medicine that studies benign and malignant tumors, the mechanisms and patterns of their development, methods of their prevention, diagnosis and treatment.Oncological diseases are a large and heterogeneous class of diseases. They are systemic and affect, one way or another, all human organs and systems. There are many forms and progressions of cancer. Although patients often perceive an oncological diagnosis as a death sentence, not all even malignant tumors lead to death. Modern research demonstrated that every person regularly develops cancer cells and microtumors in their body, which die and resolve under the influence of the antitumor immune system. By researching this, we are close to inventing a vaccine that can defeat cancer! Can you imagine? If everything ends well, then in the near future cancer will become something like the flu,” telling this, my new friend showed me the whole hospital and went to work. I stayed in her office and, amazed by the mass of new impressions, fell asleep.

They woke me up only when we were again in the bright living room and, looking out the window, I was delighted with the night landscape of the city of the future. All the trees glowed with hundreds of colorful lanterns, car headlights created a huge garland. Looking at the clock, I realized that it was time to return to reality. I was upset, I didn’t want to leave this world, I didn’t want to leave myself. And after saying goodbye, although it was incredibly difficult and difficult, I promised that someday I would return again. I walked up to the time capsule and the doors opened different sides. Upon entering, I stood in the center of the circle and reluctantly pressed the home button on the remote control. A familiar feeling visited me again. I was spinning for about thirty seconds and suddenly everything stopped abruptly. The doors opened, and again I saw faces familiar to me: a girl tour guide, my classmates who were standing waiting to visit the future, my class teacher, strictly observing those guys who have already returned to the present. Having taken a few steps, I joined their company: girls and boys shared their impressions and, talking about their adventures, tried not to miss anything. Noticing me, they attacked me with questions. I spoke with great pleasure about a cozy apartment, a green city, a self-driving car, leaps in the development of medicine, why I was wearing such strange clothes and about myself in the future.

When all the guys finished their travels, thanking everyone for the wonderful excursion, we returned to the surface the same way we went down to the legendary Time Machine. With noise and a mountain of emotion, we boarded the bus. For two hours the class animatedly discussed their future and the future of their classmates. Just like in the morning, when we were driving to the Time Museum, it started to rain. Despite the thunderstorm, the bus was warm and comfortable. I thought that if I now knew my future (if I continue to live the way I live and dream of becoming a doctor), then perhaps I can change it. I thought about the fact that if I lived in Russia in 2040 at my present age, how would I have fun, where would I go to study, would I connect myself with the precise and complex, but so fascinating world of medicine? Turning over magical memories of my day from the future in my head, I realized that nothing and no one could tame my desire to help people, treat them, save lives. I'm not going to change anything... The knocking outside the window intensified, and the childish voices died down. Night fell and everyone, without exception, fell asleep.

Seeing this name for an intellectual competition, you were probably surprised. Don't be surprised! We hasten to please you: a unique competition has started on our portal, the theme of which was announced by the President of Russia V.V. Putin.

On September 1, in honor of Knowledge Day, Vladimir Vladimirovich held an open lesson in Yaroslavl at the “Proektoriya” forum for schoolchildren throughout the country. During the lesson, the President noted that Russia hopes for the active participation of young citizens in the life of our people, because the prosperous and happy future of the state depends only on the actions of each of us. In this regard, on open lesson Vladimir Vladimirovich invited the guys to think about how they see Russia at the turn of the 2040–2050s.

We decided to support the President’s idea and invite you to complete the following task: imagine how you see our state in the period 2040–2050, presenting your thoughts in the competition “Russia, looking to the future.”

We invite you to take part in this unusual, exciting and very serious competition by choosing one of the listed nominations.

  • Nomination “School of the Future”

Try to create a curriculum for the school where, in 20–30 years, your children will receive knowledge. The curriculum should contain the disciplines that schoolchildren will study, as well as the competencies that graduates will need to master.

What items do you think will be in demand and relevant in the 2040s and 2050s? Why?

  • Nomination: “Innovations in Education”

Develop new teaching methods and methods for teaching children in the school of the future. How do you think classes should be conducted? educational institutions in 20–30 years? In what form will teachers transfer knowledge to schoolchildren and what technologies will they use? If traditional lessons fade into the background, what educational activities will they give way? Perhaps students will begin to attend thematic master classes, foresight sessions... Or maybe classes will be held remotely?

  • Nomination: “Ideal Man of the Future”

Of course, in 20–30 years our country will experience great changes in the political, economic, social, and spiritual spheres. What kind of person will become? What will it be like inner world? We invite you to think about what qualities the ideal person of the future will have. Think about how to develop these qualities for contemporaries? And what do citizens need to do now to move closer to this ideal in the 2040s and 2050s? You need to describe in detail the qualities of the person of the future.

  • Nomination: “Profession of the Future”

Innovation touches all areas of our lives. Over time, all established rules change. And if today some of the most popular professions are doctor, journalist, teacher, IT specialist, salesperson, this does not mean that in the future these specialties will be just as in demand. Already now they are actively introducing into all areas information Technology, which are displacing popular professions. For example, large supermarkets install self-service electronic checkout counters, where customers can pay for their purchases without assistance. And in the not-too-distant future, we will be driving self-driving electric vehicles. What professions do you think will gradually disappear, and which will be most in demand in Russia in 20–30 years?

Make a map of future professions with a description of their job responsibilities.

  • Nomination: “News Release in 2040”

As you know, journalism is one of the most ancient professions. Imagine that you work in the editorial office of the future and you need to prepare the latest news release. What do you think will happen in the world at this time? what topics the presenters will cover on central channels; In what forms and genres will journalists convey information to the audience?

Prepare such a transfer. The task can be completed in the form of an essay.

  • Nomination: “History lesson in the future”

Imagine that you are in a history lesson taking place in a school of the future. Lesson topic: “Russia 2017–2040.” What do you think the teacher will tell you about this historical period? Which significant events will happen over the years? How will our country change and what will cause these changes?

Prepare such a lesson in essay form.

  • Nomination: “One day from my life in the future”

Try to imagine that you have become a time traveler and found yourself in the future. Think about how you would organize your leisure time, where you went to study, what profession you dreamed of if you were in Russia in 2040. A prerequisite for the task is to create a story that describes a short period of time, namely one day in your life.

Competition task: write an essay on one of the nominations.

If you are interested in participating in several nominations, please send individual competition entries, indicating the name of the selected nomination.

Criteria for evaluating the competition project:

  • depth of the topic;
  • compliance of the content of the work with the stated goal;
  • speech literacy;
  • the persuasiveness of the material presented;
  • consistency;
  • originality of the text.

The winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees, and will also receive GIFTS.

The winners will also receive an illustrated book best works, prepared by the Organizing Committee of the portal for presentation to the top officials of the state.

Competition results

The scale of the intellectual competition “Russia, looking to the future” and its importance for the younger generation are demonstrated by the numbers: in total, more than 2,500 essays were sent to the competition, and 100 of them were recognized by the jury as the best!

For the organizers of the Gifted Children project, this competition has become no less significant. When assessing the submitted works, the experts felt a huge responsibility to the young talents of Russia and carried out an in-depth analysis of each essay, not losing sight of even the smallest details. Moreover, reviews were written for all essays, in which the jury members briefly outlined the thoughts and ideas of the authors, highlighted strengths and noted shortcomings, and then drew conclusions about the participants’ works, justifying their assessment. Thanks to such a serious approach to checking essays and attentive attitude to the worldview of the younger generation, not a single essay was left without due attention, and important thoughts and ideas of the participants were contained in the annotations for the competition works. In the future, these materials will be able to be used in their scientific works outstanding researchers.

The competition “Russia, looking to the future” acquired great value not only for the participants and organizers of the Gifted Children project - it stepped beyond the threshold of the Internet portal and declared itself throughout the country. Top officials of the state, heads of large organizations and structures became interested in the results of the intellectual competition. Thus, in January 2018, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation will host a presentation of the best projects and a ceremonial award ceremony for the winners of the competition, which will be held by the First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Liliya Salavatovna Gumerova, general manager Agency for Strategic Initiatives Svetlana Vitalievna Chupsheva and head of the Internet portal “Gifted Children” Marina Vladimirovna Volynkina. We hope that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the author of the idea of ​​the competition “Russia Looking to the Future” and the ideological inspirer of the team of the “Gifted Children” project, will be able to attend the event.

Of course, summing up the results of a competition of such high significance cannot be limited to just rewarding and encouraging talented youth of Russia - proposals from gifted schoolchildren must be considered at the state level. That is why the project management will publish a collection of the best competition works, which will include more than 100 essays from the winners of the intellectual competition and will be presented to the President of the Russian Federation, statesmen and to the winners themselves at the awards ceremony.

We draw the attention of all participants in the “Gifted Children” project to the fact that a collection of the best competition works in electronic form and you will be able to read essays by talented peers and learn from published materials large number useful information, learn something from like-minded people.

Congratulations to all the winners and participants of the competition “Russia, looking to the future”, who conquered such a significant peak. We wish you not to stop there, continue to improve, develop and, of course, “always shine, shine everywhere”!

Competition winners:

Nomination “News Release in 2040”


Panyukhina Arina

Sidorenko Anastasia

Shirobokov Nikita


No winners


No winners

Nomination “Ideal Man of the Future”


Volchkov Nikita

Dzugaev Akhsarbek

Ivleva Ulyana

Kartsev Alexander

Mukhamadeev Askold

Nuraliev Gadzhi

Parshin Artem

Popova Anastasia

Smolentseva Natalia

Tukhto Vera

Chernykh Anastasia


Katkova Tatyana


Borisov Sergey

Nomination "Innovations in Education"


Harutyunyan Alina

Ivashkina Faina

Makeev Sergey

Mikova Ekaterina

Nechaeva Alina


Chuvilkin Nikita


No winners

Nomination “One day from my life in the future”


Andrianov Kirill

Anisimova Irina

Akhmetov Daniil

Akhramovich Daria

Veremyeva Victoria

Zavyalova Alena

Kochergin Andrey

Maksimova Elena

Martynova Alexandra

Myshanskaya Elizaveta

Nikolaichenko Ksenia


Ardarova Anastasia

Bakirov Shubai

Berezutskaya Diana

Borisova Daria

Borisova Olga

Gadzhikurbanova Alina

Grebenshchikova Sofia

Grinko Tatyana

Dunaeva Kristina

Epiimakhova Evgenia

Kalashnikova Anastasia

Kuralin Vadim

Mezhevitina Anastasia

Samotina Elizaveta

Snisarenko Ekaterina

Steklova Anastasia

Urusova Anna

Farafonov Nikita

Chikina Varvara


Amelenkova Polina

Dmitry Dankov

Eremenko Ksenia

Kartavenko Egor

Kondratyuk Maria

Kotenkova Daria

Nadelko Maxim

Nizovibatko Veronica

Semenova Maria

Semyaninova Daria

Trukhtanova Anastasia

Fandikova Albina

Khmelev Efim

Shishkova Maria

Nomination “Profession of the Future”


Bozhenko Arina

Dzyubenko Violetta

Erokhov Maxim

Kovriga Matvey

Podruchnyak Alexander

Putintseva Sofia

Romanat Nikita

Rudenko Zhanna

Khisamova Milana


Burshtykova Ksenia

Kosova Daria

Kuznetsov Artem

Kulyugina Natalya

Rumyantseva Nadezhda

Duckweed Daniil

Salamatin Konstantin

Terebinova Valentina

Shaikhutdinova Diana

Shoricheva Alla


Podzhidaeva Evgenia

Nomination “History lesson in the future”


Mindiyarova Rinata


Kapshukova Ekaterina

Smerdova Valeria

Spiridonov Andrey


No winners

Nomination “School of the Future”


Andreev Pavel

Belyankina Yaroslava

Bovinov Maxim

Romanchenko Alisa

Stavtseva Diana


Barnyakov Nikita

Borisov Denis

Vigel Palina

Gorokhov Artem

Zubareva Veronica

Kruglova Marina

Mansurova Maria

Novoselova Anastasia

Rusakova Alena

Sinchinova Alexandra


Glukhov Dmitry

Stepanova Elena

Chekina Lilia

Shevela Angelina

Special nomination “Russia looking to the future”


No winners


Mamyako Anna

One day from my future

Now we move on to the second important component of the foundation of your corporation - defining the vision of your life.

Try to imagine one day from your future life in 5-7 years. Don't limit yourself to what you "should" or what you think is "possible" just yet. Just write down your ideal day. It is better to describe this vision of the future in writing, in the form of an essay. In this essay, you can cover approximately the following range of questions: how your day begins, what you do, who surrounds you, how you feel, what is the brightest impression of the day and what is its main event.

You may not be able to think through your entire day at once. Take your time. You can edit the essay and add any details whenever you want.

Coach questions

Do you like the picture of the day you painted?

Do you want the events of this day to happen to you?

What emotions did you experience as you described your day?

Are you ready to put in the effort to make the day in your future come true?

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From the book All ages and secrets of happiness author Efimov Georgy Mikhailovich

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From the book How to live so that you want to live. Anti-crisis strategies author Derzhavin Alexander

From the book Career for Introverts. How to gain authority and get a well-deserved promotion by Nancy Enkowitz

From the book Live with Feeling. How to set goals that you are passionate about author Laporte Daniella

One more day It is generally accepted that over the years the sense of time begins to accelerate: in childhood, every day seemed like an eternity, in adulthood, weeks counted, and in old age, years flash before your eyes. This is all true, subject to one condition - you live like other people.

From the book The Magic of Time Management. How to manage everything and live for your pleasure by Cockerell Lee

Carry out all the reorganizations in one day There are times when a reorganization really makes sense, and in these cases we are guided by two rules. First, beware of trends among different groups. Engineers complicate everything, marketers add

From the book Flight Plan: How to reach heights you never dreamed of by Tracy Brian

Chapter 1. Wake up twice in one day If you wake up yourself, wake up your neighbor. “A razor blade... One awkward movement and blood will flow... It’s important to act carefully, choose the right angle of inclination and not press too hard - then everything will be fine...” I thought

Dear blog readers, today I will share with you one day from my future, and you will also learn how to achieve an income of 30,000 rubles in 60 days.
The fact is that I want to take part in the marathon from Roman Puzat. The marathon is paid, but there is an opportunity to win the competition and participate in the marathon for free. To test your luck, you need to describe one day from your future that has already arrived.

But this should not be just an article, because this is a visualization that we know about and understand its power. Therefore, with this article we can bring our dream much closer. Since I have imagined my future more than once, and I think most of you have too, it was a pleasure for me to describe it.

And here is my competition article, or rather, one day from my future. Easy reading .

I opened my eyes. It wasn’t that I wanted to get up, but the bright sun was just shining into my eyes, breaking through the large window on the left side of the bed, and filling the room with the light and warmth of a spring morning.

Turning slightly on my side, my gaze fell on the most beautiful girl with long brown hair. I pinched myself and once again became convinced that this was not a dream, although before I had only dreamed of this girl.

I went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. A subtle aroma spread throughout the room. He walked up to the table on which there was a laptop, and next to it lay the keys to a brand new Volkswagen.

I went online for a minute to make sure that the system that I had been putting together bit by bit for several years was working like a charm.

This is a “mechanism” of dozens of large Internet projects, supporting hundreds of people. All work is delegated and the entire system works as one.