It's great that you exist, Lyceum! Anniversaries are a great opportunity to confess your love. The 20th anniversary of the Lyceum is no exception. On the eve of the big holiday, children of grades 5-7 wrote essays in which they confessed their love for their school, reflected on how our lyceum differs from other educational institutions, wrote about teachers, lyceum friendship, and traditions. The school library and language teachers offer you excerpts from these works. They did not leave us indifferent. Maybe you will find something important for yourself. Maybe Lyceum No. 21 is forever for you too?! From the essays of lyceum students ... Lyceum is a home for me! Changes, fun, walks, grades ... Here I learned to be friends, friends! Now I will never, never forget you, Lyceum 21st! Vikharev Mikhail, student 4a Lyceum is ... Solon Mark, 5a We were asked to write an essay about the lyceum. And I thought: what does the lyceum really mean to me?.. The lyceum is a place where I spend a lot of time with my friends: we help each other in our studies, give advice and always rush to help in difficult times. We learn kindness and fidelity, love and forgiveness, honesty and mutual assistance. The lyceum is my small homeland, from here I will go into adulthood, but I will always be pulled back. Many years will pass, but I will never forget our teachers, who opened up a huge world of knowledge for me, and my classmates, with whom we traveled this path together. Lyceum is the best years, it is the time of hopes and dreams. I know that I will definitely achieve all the goals that life sets before me. And I know that a considerable merit in this will belong to my native lyceum. He will forever remain in my heart. Lyceum №21 is forever! Gorishnev Gleb, 7a ... Many people say: "School is my second home." I agree with these words. For me, the lyceum is, first of all, friends, great friends, teachers who help us learn a lot of new and interesting things ... Thanks to our teachers, we learn the most important science: to be honest, kind, to communicate skillfully, to be truly friends. What does each letter in the word "lyceum" stand for? Vorobieva Margarita, 5a My name is Margarita. I'm 10 years old. I study at Lyceum No. 21 and love it very much. Four years ago, I first came to its walls. I remember a sunny autumn morning, a lot of flowers, beautiful portfolios, smiles all around, joyful faces. So I became a lyceum student. I am always interested in learning something new from teachers. In my essay, I will try to explain each letter in the word "lyceum". In Russia, until 1917, a lyceum was a privileged secondary or higher educational institution for the children of nobles. Today the lyceum is secondary educational institution. Each letter in the word "lyceum" means a lot to me. The letter "l" represents the best school in the city. Every year, the strongest students graduate from our educational institution and enter the prestigious universities of the city and the country. The letter "and" confirms a large number of intellectuals in the lyceum. Students have repeatedly won prizes in Olympiads in the region and in Russia. The letter "c" emphasizes our dedication to gaining knowledge and skills, which will subsequently give us a start in life. Lyceum for me is the one and only school. Let's remember the solemn event - "Pushkin's Ball". None of the schools in the city held such a holiday. At this ball, students are accepted as lyceum students. The boys are dressed in suits, the girls in 19th century dresses. A performance is being played with scenes from the life of A.S. Pushkin. The letter "y" resembles a soft, kind feeling of calm and enthusiasm. And all this is in our lyceum. I made a promise to myself that I would never let down teachers, parents, classmates, since I am a lyceum student. Barmashov Ilya, 5a For me, in the word "lyceum" each letter has its own meaning. L is the best. My lyceum is the best, because many people studied there famous people of our city, as well as my dad and half-sister. And - interesting. At the Lyceum interesting lessons, events, traditions. I really remember the "Constellation of Talents", "Pushkin's Ball", the "Lira" competition, in which I took part. Before the competition, I was worried, worried and even afraid. When I was already speaking, I calmed down, the excitement was gone. I wanted to show what I can and what I am capable of. C - purposeful. Here they teach to set a goal, achieve results and not look for easy ways. E is the only one. Right choice- this is Lyceum No. 21, if a person wants to get excellent knowledge. Y - iota. I don’t doubt one iota: I am lucky that I study here. I am proud that I study at lyceum No. 21. Shammut Yana, 5a There are only 5 letters in the word lyceum ... The first letter in the word lyceum is the letter L. There are a lot of words about our lyceum with the letter L. Our lyceum is the most best school in the town. Leaders study at the lyceum. In the lyceum everyone gets along with each other. Students love to study at the Lyceum. The next letter in the word lyceum is the letter I. There are many words about the lyceum starting with the letter I. We are very interested in learning, we are intellectuals. After the letter I - the letter C. In our lyceum, students and teachers are purposeful. Here we get valuable knowledge. What does the letter E stand for? Without teachers and students there would be no lyceum. This means that students, teachers and lyceum are united. The last letter in the word lyceum is the letter Y. There are not so many words for this letter. But all the words that can be used to characterize the lyceum end with the letter Y: the best, wonderful, cool, beloved, etc. It is a pity that the word "lyceum" has only 5 letters. I can describe it with many words starting with different letters alphabet. Chertukhin Vladimir, 6a "L" - love for knowledge, the concept of the world, friends and school staff of children and teachers. "I" - interest in finding everything: from the device of the telephone to the end of the Universe, interest in learning new, incomprehensible, mysterious. "C" - center. Lyceum as a center for storing information about science, about the world around us, a center for universal knowledge, secrets unknown to ordinary people. "E" - yes! The lyceum has everything you need for learning: from high-speed computers to touch-screen electronic boards. There are all the necessary reagents for chemistry lessons, all the necessary equipment for physics lessons, hundreds of maps for geography classes, dozens of books for history. "Y" - "and" is short, so I'll just be brief. And the team is good, and the teachers, peace and harmony reign here. The lyceum of my dreams is the lyceum where I study! Markova Diana, 6a ... From my point of view, the word "lyceum" is translated as follows. The first letter "l" is beloved, because here are beloved friends, teachers, objects, even beloved walls. Every day the corridors are filled with cheerful children's noise. The bell rings. And everyone goes to their classes. Our beloved Russian teacher enters the office. He tells us about the origin of words. It's exciting! With our beloved friends - Kira and Anya - we attend an art school, draw a postcard for the birthday of the Prime Minister of Russia V.V. Putin The second letter "and" in the word "lyceum" is interesting. There are five lessons ahead. Among them, my favorite is biology. Today I learned about the structure of a plant cell. So at each lesson we study something interesting, learn a lot of new and useful things. The third letter "c" is purposefulness. Lyceum teachers strive to give each student large stock knowledge, aim him at the choice of his favorite profession. The fourth letter in the cherished word - "e" - is the only one. For me, Lyceum No. 21 is the only temple of knowledge, I don’t need another. The fifth letter "and" is individual. Teachers are always ready to pay attention to each student, explain incomprehensible sections. I like to study at our lyceum. This is my pride! The lyceum of my dreams… Vladislav Klopov, 6a The lyceum where I study is the lyceum of my dreams. I like everything about it: bright classrooms, wide and free corridors, assembly and sports halls, a media center, but most of all I like the teachers. Our teachers are the most wonderful, the kindest, the smartest. They teach us not only to solve problems, to write without mistakes, but also to be kind, honest, friendly, they teach us to live. Our lyceum is like a big friendly family. Students are noisy, inquisitive children who are interested in everything, and teachers are caring parents who support us and take care of their children. I want our lyceum to become even better. So that in each class there are comfortable tables and chairs, adjustable in height, a teacher's board with a control panel, modern computers with the necessary disks. There should be rooms where children at breaks could play board or outdoor games. I want students to have the right to choose the lessons that interest them. I also want our lyceum to have a living corner, because everyone loves animals. It would be nice if we had a pool. Everyone should learn to swim. I believe that it is necessary to communicate with peers from other countries, during the holidays you can visit each other, and excursions and trips to the lyceum of my dreams will be included in the schedule. My children will study in just such a lyceum - and this is lyceum No. 21. The lyceum in my life ... Anastasia Pomerantseva, 5a Lyceum ... How proud this word sounds! The lyceum has its own atmosphere, its own traditions: initiation into lyceum students, Pushkin's ball, Olympiads. Lyceum is my second home. … Lyceum is one big family. This is where we find true friends. In the lyceum, character is formed, our attitude to the world around us is formed, here we are taught to think logically, to become a person with a capital letter. The lyceum teaches us to be honest, kind, sympathetic, communicate correctly and make friends. I am sure that it is our lyceum that can truly educate and teach. My lyceum has the best teachers. They do not just conduct lessons, but try to interest their subject. I love my lyceum and I am very glad that I study in it. Here are the best years of my life - childhood and youth. I am glad that the best years are spent here! Romanian Eleonora, 6a ... I am very proud of my lyceum, my teachers. I can't imagine myself in another school. I know that the Lyceum will give me everything I need for my future profession and for my adult life. Astrakhantsev Roman, 6a For me, the lyceum is my second home ... For the sixth year now, every morning I open the doors of the lyceum with pleasure and plunge into the motley, noisy, screaming world. This is a special world of students and teachers, in which everyone is in a hurry somewhere. I feel how, having crossed the lyceum threshold, I find myself in this stream and swim, observing my direction. I can't get over the feeling that I'm a part of big organism, which is called LYCEUM. I like everything in my lyceum, but most of all - people. We have wonderful teachers! They do not just conduct lessons, but each of them tries to interest in his subject. All together and each teacher separately teaches us not only to retell a paragraph, solve problems, prepare for independent work, thanks to our teachers, we learn how to be honest, kind, skillfully communicate and truly be friends. And if someone asks me: “Which lyceum should I enter?” - then I will answer: “Twenty-first”. Boyko Daniil, 7a ... We gain a lot for school years… Here I found my friends, and not only among the students. Our teachers have also become friends for me. They are the heart of the school. Smart and good people who pass on their knowledge to us, preparing us for adulthood. Our teachers are kind and sensitive, they are able to find an approach to each student, because at each lesson they put a large part of their soul into us. Warmth fills my heart when I remember my first teacher. She was for us perpetual motion machine”, a source of ideas, knew how to ignite everyone. My teachers opened the door to science for me, they proved that nothing is impossible in life! Artamonova Daria, 7a ... We became one big family, and the first teacher became our second mother. She taught us to distinguish between good and evil, to enjoy life, not to hang our noses at failures, to achieve our goals and success ... Obryadchikov Ivan, 7a ... When I start to think about what role the lyceum plays in my life, I understand that this is my second home, because here is my future. Even though strict teachers sometimes give not very good grades, even if sometimes there are problems with classmates, I still love them all. I especially love the first of September. It was then that you see that the ranks of lyceum students are replenished by a “baby”. It's funny to watch them, realizing that they still have no idea what kind of life and work they have to do! Chuenkova Anna, 7a ... When I finish the lyceum, I will really miss him, respected and adored. He helped me to find the mind and talent that every student in a wonderful school number 21 has. Andrey Vinogradov, 7a ... School is the most wonderful time in a person's life. Memories of her remain forever. When I look at first graders, I want to go back to primary school, to rediscover the joys and hardships of primary school students ... I really love my lyceum ... my second home, in which I feel so warm and comfortable, my classmates, who have become something more for me than just friends, teachers, our second mother, who always help us and support us in all our endeavors. Lyceum Friendship and Good Traditions Demina Nastya, 6b We all go to school every day. School is our second home. Our school is proudly called Lyceum. Earlier, when A.S. Pushkin was young, they spoke of the lyceum friendship as the strongest and most reliable. Every person dreams of such a friendship. Thanks to our 21 lyceums, I also made many friends. There were many bright events in our lyceum life, and one of them was the New Year's holiday. Before the masquerade ball, everyone discussed in unison what costume to come in. In the evening, all my classmates were smart and happy. At the party, everyone talked about their costume. It was fun and interesting. This evening we had a comic competition. Everyone tried to do everything carefully and quickly so as not to let their team down. Nobody remained indifferent. This amazing, fabulous evening made us even more friends. I would like our class to have more such events, thanks to which we could be friends stronger. And I also really want the school friendship to continue and the lyceum friends to be there all my life. Nadobnov Artyom, 6b Our 21 lyceum is one of the best educational institutions in the Ivanovo region. Strong and experienced teachers work here, true professionals in their field. They bring up smart, inquisitive, diversified children. Pupils of our school win prizes at subject Olympiads of different levels. Our graduates go on to prestigious universities. 21 lyceums are equipped with modern equipment, computers, interactive whiteboards. The lyceum brotherhood lives an interesting, active life. We have many sports sections, circles, studios. The lyceum hosts various intellectual competitions and sports competitions. The Pushkin Ball and the Constellation of Talents are traditionally held. Our gifted lyceum students sing, draw, dance, play various musical instruments, and take photographs. It is always warm, light and cozy in the spacious corridors and modernly equipped classrooms of our school. Every day I enjoy running to my “second home”. I am proud that I study at lyceum 21! Nazarova Anna, 6b Pushkin. I am deeply touched by their lyceum fraternity, loyalty to each other and respect for their teachers. My best friends are in the same class as me. This is Sasha, Tanya and Alena. We will never offend each other, but we will support and cheer in difficult times. Our 6 "b" is mischievous and friendly, talented and cheerful class. We love to help kids, we give them gifts, we try to be a worthy replacement for high school lyceum students. I like the new project "Do good". Students of our class are happy to carry out exercises in elementary school, organize holidays for children kindergarten. Our class teacher Svetlana Vitalievna supported our new initiatives, and now we are bringing the project to life. I hope that the “Do Good” project, which has become a tradition, will help unite preschoolers and students into a friendly lyceum family. Ryabchikova Maria, 6b I study at a wonderful lyceum №21. Every year our school holds interesting competitions in which our class takes an active part. So in the past academic year held a New Year's competition for the best decoration of the office. We wanted to create a festive, kind and cheerful atmosphere in the classroom. And after the lessons, under the guidance of our class teacher, beloved Svetlana Vitalievna, we stayed to decorate the office. Someone brought a Christmas tree, someone brought toys and balls. We quickly distributed the work among ourselves: we hung toys on the Christmas tree, glued tinsel, attached decorations. Everyone tried to help each other, worked together, harmoniously and diligently. After a while the usual study room turned into a real New Year's fairy tale! Such collective creative works strengthen our lyceum brotherhood. It's great... Arina Zheglova, 6c It's great that we have our own traditions in the lyceum! This does not happen in every school. It's nice for a fourth-grader to be at a ball, and a fifth-grader for initiation into lyceum students. And the "Constellation of Talents" is our special school-wide celebration, which is remembered for a long time. Without these holidays it is impossible to imagine our lyceum life. We also have our own anthem. It is solemnly performed at all school-wide events. The anthem sounds - and how it unites us! It's great that lyceum students have a motto: "Live for others - study for yourself!". I think in it deep meaning. If we study "for ourselves", that is, diligently, with great interest, then we will become educated people. And then you can bring more benefits by living "for others." Guznarodova Daria, 6c It's great that there is understanding in the Lyceum! The class is like a big family. At the head of each are teachers who not only teach, but also try to understand, to help solve the student's questions with a sense of humor. This is a big plus! There are good, friendly people here. It's great that it's cozy in the lyceum! The school has a lot of interactive whiteboards and computers. Comfort and beauty reign in the classrooms. A beautiful stained glass window adorns the stairs. I really like this school. Paevskaya Elizaveta, 6c It's great that wonderful teachers work in the lyceum! We never get bored at the lessons of history and social studies, because Olga Anatolyevna not only interestingly, but also cheerfully transfers knowledge to us. Natalya Mikhailovna teaches us Russian language and literature. She is soulful open man who knows his subject well. Our Love Lvovna is a goddess. She knows everything about life on earth, and most importantly, she teaches us to preserve this life. Love for beauty is instilled in us by Nadezhda Ivanovna. How to mix paints, make a pattern, draw a bird on a branch as if alive is not difficult for her. She teaches us this too. All teachers teach our class every day. For this we are very grateful to them! Lebedeva Daria, 6c It's great that the lyceum gives a good education! Here we teach not only the basic disciplines, as in other schools, but we have the opportunity to attend special courses where we can gain additional knowledge. Our lyceum has the best conditions for good education. The media center has computers with Internet access. During the break, you can use it and find the information you need. In addition to traditional books, you can use discs on various topics. The knowledge we have gained will help you to take a worthy place in life. Kudrova Margarita, 6c It's great that in the Lyceum high level knowledge! Thanks to this, I will be able to enter a prestigious institute. This will help me in my work. In the future I want to become a doctor, classes in biology in the biology and chemistry class will help me with this. I want to create a private clinic, and as a leader, knowledge in all sciences will help me. The teachers of our lyceum undergo special training and improve their qualifications. Every teacher wants to give maximum knowledge. Knowledge will help everyone. Gorozia Yuliya, 6v It's great to be in the Lyceum high quality education. Our lyceum has a lot of victories for high rates of education. Many guys, graduates of our lyceum, entered prestigious universities. I want to achieve this too. Therefore, I need to study for "4" and "5". This is necessary to successfully pass the exam. In our lyceum there are many ways to become an excellent student: additional classes, special courses, media center. Our lyceum employs teachers of the first and highest category. No school, probably, has so many teachers of such qualifications. In addition, our lyceum has a comfortable environment that helps students to concentrate and devote themselves to their studies. I like to study at the Lyceum. It's great here! Khromov Aleksey, 6c It's great that there are many circles and sections in the lyceum! I go to two special courses: in mathematics and in Russian. In the classroom, we repeat the material covered, solve interesting problems, listen interesting stories, solve tests. There is a special course in English, but, unfortunately, I do not have enough time to go to it. The second year I go to the school football section. First there is a warm-up, then a run, then a match. I am very glad that the school has such interesting classes. Dallakyan Garik, 6c It's great that there is a media center in the lyceum! Each student can come here and do what they love: read, use a computer or just relax. Shelves of books line the walls. There are none here! Dictionaries and textbooks, fiction and scientific literature, atlases and reference books. Periodically, exhibitions of works by schoolchildren are held here. On such days, the media center resembles an art museum. Lyceum students, teachers, guests come here. Everyone enjoys the beauty of our media center. We are proud of him! Elena Kopoleva, 6c It's great that the Lyceum has a media center! This is a place where the students of our school can prepare their homework, find the information they need and just relax. There are thousands of books here. This is fiction and popular science literature, various dictionaries and reference books, encyclopedias. If you can't find the information you need in books, a computer will help. Everyone can do it - there are enough technical means for everyone. The media center has children's Corner. Here sit soft toys with which you can play. On the shelves are children's books with colorful illustrations. Our little lyceum students love this corner. How great that new knowledge can be obtained among ferns, ficuses and other exotic plants!

Municipal budgetary educational institution Lyceum of Zernograd


"My Lyceum"

Performed: Vilkova Lada,

student of 4 "A" class.

Teacher: Karyakina T.P.

My high school is the best!

Aunt, mother, brother studied there,

And now I'm learning too!

School is the main step in my life. It forms the character, teaches me to treat the world around me correctly. In the Lyceum I found true friends. I can speak about this with pride now. I remember September 1, 2011... I go to 1st grade for the first time. The mood is great! Next to me is my mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, brothers Kolya and Kirill. I'm a little worried... What awaits me?

I really wanted to study. I was looking forward to this moment and prepared. Mother bought school uniform and portfolio. I chose the most beautiful pencil case in the store, notebooks with a picture, an album and paints.

It turned out that school is my second home. Here we communicate, consult and grow up. No wonder adults say that school years are best time their lives.

I love lyceum in early autumn. Here is fun, laughter, balloons, flowers. Benevolent teachers greet children joyfully, and they trustingly look into their eyes. I think we have the best class. At breaks, all the girls and boys communicate and play. In the lessons, we strive to learn more in order to be erudite and literate. I love getting good grades so I always do homework and try to be active in the classroom.

My favorite lesson is physical education class. In the hall we play, we do exercises, we practice on mats, we learn how to work with the ball. At the lesson, you can realize yourself as a real athlete. It's important for me. I do gymnastics and have already achieved high results.

I also love drawing lessons. I can fantasize in my drawings - mixing paints, creating different images.

I enjoy going to music lessons. Music helps develop a sense of rhythm. Additionally, I study at a music school. In the evenings for grandparents I arrange " Musical evenings". They support me and rejoice at the first successes.

There is also an English lesson. I study it diligently because English important to me. I want to go to England. That's mine cherished dream!

Most main man for me in the lyceum - Tatyana Pavlovna, my class teacher.

You opened the doors to a great life for us,

You taught us not only the alphabet.

Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!

We have received lessons of kindness!

Our journey through life has just begun

Thank you, it started the way it should.

Tatyana Pavlovna lives the life of a class, she pays attention to each student. She wonderful teacher! Her lessons are always informative and very interesting. We participate in various competitions, go and go on educational and entertaining trips: the Azov Museum of Local Lore, "Laboratorium", Aksai Customs, an exhibition military equipment, ostrich farm, Gorky theater, puppet theater, dolphinarium.

I would like to talk about our class. Our classroom is bright and spacious. We create comfort in the classroom ourselves, parents help us a lot. We have many flowers. They are like a botanical garden.

Letting me go to school, my mother does not worry that I will be hungry. We have a good canteen in the lyceum. The cooks prepare very appetino, tasty and satisfying. Many thanks to them from me and my classmates.

Years will pass. I will definitely remember my favorite high school. These memories will be bright and joyful, because "school years are wonderful"!


My high school is my home.

Everything important in life begins at school. I am convinced: what you will be in your school years, so you will become in later life. I study at a wonderful school - MOU "Lyceum No. 7". The best teachers are here. I think that not every person will be able to find every day mutual language with children that are strangers to him, who later become his family, and give them his love, care and kindness.

I am in the fourth grade and I love my class very much. Our class teacher is Anna Mikhailovna Bardina, whom we value and respect. In class, we often arrange holidays, and also visit theaters and the circus together. And all these wonderful moments pass with our teacher.

Lyceum provides not only knowledge, but also irreplaceable life experience. He prepares us for a new interesting life like a caring kind mother, without demanding anything in return. The best years of my life are spent in it - this is youth. Here I open mine inner world I get to know my inner self. Lyceum is my second home, and every time I come here with a smile and a good mood.

I am very grateful to my lyceum for the fact that I study within its walls. I respect all the teachers who teach me, as well as my classmates and my friends. I thank my parents for sending me to this school. I love my lyceum very much and I will never forget everything he taught me.

Mineev Sergey

4 B class



My lyceum.

School... Actually, in this simple word a whole unexplored world of knowledge and discoveries is concluded. Having crossed its threshold, we find ourselves in a special country, where there are so many new, interesting and exciting things.

I want to tell you about our school. In appearance, it is not much different from other schools in our city, but for me it is the best. There is no other like it. This is MOU "Lyceum No. 7".

Our school was opened in 1985. And now, for 28 years, the lyceum has been growing and prospering, has repeatedly been the winner of the competition educational institutions. Our lyceum is large and bright. Teachers do everything to make the classrooms beautiful and comfortable, and we are happy to help them in this: we keep clean and tidy. At the Lyceum a big library, a beautiful assembly hall, a home-style cozy dining room. But, of course, the favorite place of many students is the sports hall, and in our lyceum there are even three of them, where you can play your favorite games and go in for sports. For the fourth year, every morning I open the school doors with pleasure and plunge into the noisy, cheerful and such real world. This is a special world of students and teachers, in which everyone finds their place, and I am a small part of this world, which is called school.

My lyceum is a big family. Students are children and teachers are our parents. It was they who first taught us to write, read, comprehend the depths of knowledge. Sometimes it seems to us that they are very strict with us, but despite this, we respect them very much. After all, they are trying to teach us many things that will be useful in life. They are kind and wise, you can always turn to them for advice and help. At school we find real friends, acquire knowledge and learn about life. The school gives us support, gives us warmth and joy.

There are many traditions in our lyceum. These traditions help to preserve love and respect for the history of the native school: “Knowledge Day”, “Teacher's Day”, “Lyceum Day”, “New Year's Performances”, “Spring Holidays”, “ Last call" and many others. They are always very fun, exciting and interesting. Pupils with great pleasure take part in the preparation and conduct of these events. And the solemn initiation of our first-graders into lyceum students and the awarding of badges of lyceum students is one of the most exciting and memorable events in school life.

Students are the pride of our lyceum. They were winners of district and regional Olympiads in various subjects, won in sports competitions and various competitions. This is told to us by the stand, which is located in the hall of the first floor and the honor board on the wall of the second floor. I would like to strive and achieve the same results.

This is how it is - our MOU "Lyceum No. 7": ordinary and special at the same time, because it is ours. I love my lyceum and, probably, I will be very sad to part with it. But, years later, I will remember him with warmth and gratitude.

Nikolaev Nikita

4 B class



My lyceum.

I was very lucky, because I study at the wonderful Lyceum No. 7. I made my choice for a reason. My mother spent her school years in this lyceum. She always talks about them with warmth and tenderness. Now I understand it perfectly.

Every morning I gladly open the doors of my lyceum and plunge into a fascinating and informative world. It seems to me that here, we are all parts of a large living organism called "Lyceum". Our lyceum has many diplomas and awards that adorn the walls of the first floor. Stands with the names of the best teachers, students and medalists hang on the second floor.

We have a wonderful teacher! She not only teaches us, but also educates and instructs us. In lyceum we comprehend the most important science: to be honest, kind, to be able to make friends. Here I first encountered difficulties and rejoiced at my victories. In my lyceum I met real friends. With many of them I spend time outside the school walls.

From the first grade, our life is filled not only with studies, but also with various competitions, holidays, quizzes. We are preparing interesting posts, learn songs, visit theaters and museums. Each of us has the opportunity to visit different sections.

I love my MOU "Lyceum No. 7" and I'm proud to study there!

Filchagin Igor

4 B class

Cool! 17

This essay tells about the years spent by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the Lyceum, about strong friendship, the first poetic experiments.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow, in the family of a poor landowner. Parents paid little attention to him, often punished for tricks. All worries about the son were shifted to the nanny and tutors. Often little Sasha hid in his father's study and enthusiastically read books in French. Some of them he knew by heart.

At the age of twelve, Pushkin was assigned to the newly opened lyceum. He was not far from St. Petersburg, in the city of Tsarskoye Selo. Thirty students were recruited from noble families. But there were many who wanted to. To get into the lyceum, they used all sorts of tricks: some were helped by the patronage of high-ranking relatives, others by titles, and others by the military merits of their ancestors. This establishment was closed. The boys studied for six years, immediately receiving a university education. The project for the creation of this educational institution was drawn up by Minister Mikhail Speransky. He considered the future graduates of the Lyceum to be the hope of Russia, its support and support. But his dreams were not destined to come true. And for Pushkin and his classmates, these were the happiest years of their lives.

Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky was appointed director of the Lyceum. An educated and honest man, he dreamed of reforms that would change the life of the country, and his pupils would take part in this. The best professors were invited to train lyceum students. Many years later, Pushkin will dedicate grateful lines to them, his mentors.

Lyceum students lived in separate rooms, similar to cells. Thin partitions did not interfere with communication even at night. Often these rooms became a place of disputes, intimate conversations, and young dreams.

For the first time, Pushkin met his future classmates at the entrance exams. This acquaintance for six years of study grew into a strong friendship, which they carried through their whole lives.

At the Lyceum, Pushkin became interested in Russian literature, knew many poems and fables by heart, and began to write poetry in Russian. Many of them he dedicated to his friends. Among the lyceum students, Sasha was distinguished by his erudition, wit, excellent knowledge French. And surprisingly future poet in his successes in literature lessons he took sixteenth place. But it is to him, in three and a half years, that the teacher of literature will instruct him to write poems dedicated to the arrival at the Lyceum of Derzhavin. It was the poem "Memories in Tsarskoye Selo". At the Lyceum, Pushkin first met Zhukovsky. They read poems to each other, talked about literature. Pushkin was already then a full member of the literary society, the main goal of which was the struggle for enlightenment. Zhukovsky later sent Pushkin his collection of poems with best wishes. Thus began the friendship of two brilliant poets.

On June 9, 1817, the graduation ceremony for the first twenty-nine pupils of the Lyceum took place. Saying goodbye, the lyceum students promised not to forget each other. Years passed. But each time they got together and celebrated the anniversary of the opening of the lyceum, remembered the departed, dreamed and rejoiced, argued and hoped.

Even more essays on the topic: "Pushkin lyceum student"

It is worth mentioning the years Pushkin spent at the Lyceum, as everyone immediately recalls that it was there that Alexander proved himself as a poet. His first poem "To a friend of the poet" saw the light just at that time.

It is incredible to realize that the talent of a genius was fully revealed already in his teenage years, when the young poet amazed not only his peers, but also teachers with his works.

But these years differ not only in the development of literary talent. The horizons of the young man are also expanding thanks to his close contacts with friends, professors, literary figures and hussars who were nearby due to the circumstances that developed in wartime.

So some feelings, such as justice, indifference, and others gradually became the worldview of a young man, which was fed, grew and took root in the heart of a young man. And all this will result a little later in the quite frank works of the poet. Where he will not be ashamed of his firm position and will express all dissatisfaction with the ruling circles and the situation in the country. He alone will go out against strength, as if on barricades, and will raise the banner of Truth and Loyalty to his ideals, and will call on everyone to follow him with their minds and hearts. And the poet’s youth, spent by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the Lyceum, will give a start to this mood of the poet.

There are 30 lyceum students in total, and Alexander Pushkin is studying among them. For several years spent in an educational institution, they all become friends. For some, this partnership will prove to be for years to come. But even more impressive will be the attachment to people who were older than Pushkin, such as Chaadaev, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Karamzin, Batyushkov, Krylov and Gredich. Their influence on the mind of a young man whose childhood became a stronghold of free thought is simply enormous. They instilled a taste for disbelief in power, struggle and satire.

During his studies at the Lyceum, Pushkin was a member of some literary circles. There he gained experience in communication, disputes, expressing his point of view and the ability to evaluate the views of both opponents and allies. And he managed to finally form as a person.

But the taste for beauty also developed in the young talent. Which to this day is very pleasing to all lovers of the lyrics of the brilliant poet. Pushkin learned to notice and appreciate, and most importantly, to describe the beauty of nature, the charms of female charms, the tenderness of feelings and the genius of everything talented. Only a truly great poet can achieve such color in perception and ability to convey all this.


When Alexander Pushkin was eleven years old, his family decided to send the boy to an educational institution. By that time he received a good education at home: Alexander understood French literature, knew the poetic works of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin, was aware of literary novelties, and spoke foreign languages.

In 1811, a new educational institution was opened, specifically for the nobility - the Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo. Pushkin was taken there by his uncle, a fairly well-known writer at that time, Vasily Lvovich Pushkin. In October of that year, the uncle sent his nephew to life and science at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Great hopes were pinned on the Lyceum, created on the initiative of Alexander the First. The country needed new figures of a national and national way of thinking. A lot was invested in the Lyceum from what cultural Russia had. Two younger brothers of the king were supposed to study in this educational institution, but later this step was abandoned.

The daily schedule was approximately as follows: for the development of science - seven hours; other time, besides sleep, was devoted to walking, playing games, and gymnastics. There were no marks, as such, a review was compiled for each pupil. Sports were a priority. Required: music, foreign languages, Painting.

At the Lyceum, Alexander was cheerful: he turned around among his comrades and appeared as a witty, agile boy, ardent in friendship, selflessly devoted comrade and showed a great passion for writing. A comradely circle was formed at the Lyceum, friendly, close, which included Pushkin, Delvig, Pushchin, Kuchelbeker, who wrote poetry, as well as Prince Gorchakov, the future famous Russian chancellor, who had a subtle, observant mind, who knew how to get along with everyone, and the great wit Illichevsky.

These gifted, dreamy young men spent all their time together after class, walking in the beautiful, leafy Tsarskoye Selo park, reading their stories and poems to each other, and even started their own magazine. The head of this journal and its most diligent worker was Alexander Pushkin, who did not go smartly in the sciences - arithmetic and algebra were especially not given to him - but he stood out in verbal subjects and was ahead of everyone

In 1817, Alexander completed his education at the Lyceum. From the walls of the Lyceum, Alexander Sergeevich came out a different person: he had a huge store of information, skills, knowledge of Russian literature and Latin, history and mythology, French rhetoric and Russian poetry, mathematics, aesthetics, German rhetoric and others.

When the lyceum life had gone into bright memories of the past, Pushkin, almost every year on October 19, on the day the Lyceum was opened and he entered this educational institution, recalled him with a sad feeling of tenderness; and more than once turned to everything connected with the Lyceum in beautiful, sonorous verses.


The lyceum at Chistye Prudy, where Pushkin studied, was under the patronage of the tsar (and the tsar visited there regularly) and was very different from other educational institutions. Firstly, all the subjects there were taught by Russian teachers, not foreigners. Secondly, there was a completely different attitude towards the students - most importantly, rods were forbidden.

Pushkin was different from other lyceum students. From the very first day, when other boys quietly cried into their pillows at night and yearned for home, Pushkin calmly endured separation - he was not attached to the house, because they did not understand him there and did not really love him. And the lyceum became a real home for him, where there were adults, understanding people, and peers with whom Pushkin quickly found a common language. By the way, many of his friends and acquaintances later became famous writers, poets and politicians.

The lyceum had an excellent library, where Pushkin spent everything free time. He read a lot, and everywhere and at any time of the day or night. In the evening, he put the book under the pillow so that he could read “a little more” early in the morning.

Many lyceum students wrote poetry, and Pushkin was no exception. And in order not to write “on the table”, the guys decided to arrange “literary meetings”. And everyone recognized Pushkin's poems as the best.

Pushkin, instead of solving the problem, wrote another poem. The teacher, noticing this, decided to call him to the blackboard. Pushkin left. He wrote a condition, began to try to solve it ... And he got “zero”. The teacher sighed and said, “I see that in my class it is still zero for you. Go to the place and write your poems further. It was said without mockery, absolutely seriously.

Thanks to training at the Lyceum, Pushkin's talent was noticed, developed, supported; and now we have the opportunity to verify this.


Among the gardens and parks of the city of Pushkin, the majestic building of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, imbued with some special light, rises. Studied here great poet, here he found his best friends, it was in the lyceum years that Alexander Pushkin realized his inner strength. Alexander Sergeevich always said that the Lyceum was the homeland for his soul.

On October 19, 1811, he became a lyceum student. Entrance examination he kept together with Delvig. On the occasion of the grand opening of the lyceum, they arranged a big celebration, which was attended by royal family. But this was not forever in the memory of Alexander Sergeevich, until his last breath he recalled the speech of Professor Kunitsyn, which set a moral guide for his soul. The teacher, in his parting words, urged the young nobles to honor the laws, love freedom, glory and fatherland.

Studying at the Lyceum corresponded to the status of an elite institution. There were no physical and humiliating punishments, each student had his own room. Getting up every day at six in the morning, then immediately two hours of classes, only then breakfast and a short walk. The study continued after lunch, alternating with small warm-ups. In total, the lyceum students studied for about seven hours a day. Rest meant not idleness, but sports and reading.

During his lyceum years, Pushkin was fond of Roman prose writers and deeply studied classical mythology. But the first in the list of sciences for him were history, Russian and French literature. Alexander was among the members of the editorial board of all handwritten lyceum publications. Not a single meeting of the poetic circle took place without him. At the same time, he did not show diligence in his studies and was not among the excellent students. Teachers noted his natural talent, sharp flexible mind and, at the same time, a complete lack of diligence.

His relationship with the lyceum students developed in different ways. Some loved and idolized him, others called him a "Frenchman" and treated him with distrust and coldness. Pushkin, having an extremely hot-tempered character, often started quarrels, and then was tormented by repentance, locking himself in his room for a long time. Despite the fact that many lyceum students had a sincere and strong friendship with Alexander, they could not always forgive him for inappropriate witticisms and bullying. Pushkin's first duel took place at the Lyceum, with Kuchelbecker.

In the Lyceum, the poet fell in love for the first time. He was completely fascinated by Bakunina, who came to lyceum balls to visit her brother. Pushkin dedicated one of his first love poems "To the Painter" to her. But still, for Alexander Sergeevich himself, the years of study in Tsarskoe Selo are, first of all, friends. And until the end of his life, every year on the anniversary of the Lyceum, he will write a poem, the main theme of which is friendship.

Lyceum.. What does it mean in my life? What do I want to say about it? I think that events should be described in chronological order. I'll start with admission. I got here completely by accident. I found out about the exams the day before them, and even resisted when my mother sent me to them. And when I found out that I was enrolled, I was so sad that even the teachers noticed. I felt ashamed, because there were those who cried with happiness after learning about the positive result. I remember everything well, because it was a step into the unknown. I got into an already formed team and from the very first minutes I realized: everything was not in vain. I was discouraged and subdued by the ease of communication and did not know how to behave. And the guys themselves got to know me and introduced me to the guys from parallel classes. started study life, which boiled violently: olympiads, polls in the very first days, homework. I was pleasantly surprised that there was no sluggish routine of schoolwork. Every day the events became more incredible, happier, brighter. Meetings, new acquaintances did not give the opportunity to come to their senses, look back. But after all, a light stripe is usually followed by a dark one. Life cannot stand idleness, punishing for it. The euphoria of the first days has passed. Doing homework with one left, as I wanted to do due to the inertia of the last school, did not work, and my regimen led me to unbearable fatigue. One more thing turned out: the lyceum is a constant work, both mental, and physical, and sincere, and not just bright holidays. Now, looking at everything through the prism of time, I understand that all this was necessary. The lyceum can be compared to a strict examiner, dispassionately evaluating human actions. He experiences feelings, brings to light all thoughts, vices, fears, allows you to feel the need to fight. Unfortunately, sometimes at the cost of quarrels and insults. But this is the only way to understand that there are people around with their own interests, feelings, desires, that we are all in the same society and are responsible for each other. Unfortunately, I apparently failed this exam, failing to be honest everywhere, understanding everything too late. But better late than never. Forgive me who I offended. I think many will agree with me: the lyceum satisfied all our needs in creativity. The abundance of circles, studios, clubs ... Special thanks to the circle in mathematics, the club of programmers, the choir. I am grateful to the head of the choir for getting to know a different worldview. There are many differences in the lyceum from other educational institutions. Well, where else can you find such teachers with whom you can freely communicate on any topic: from politics and science to personal relationships between people? How many schools have such wonderful traditions as holding tour meetings, initiation into lyceum students? The heat from the fires that burned those few days still warms the soul. This feeling of brotherhood is impossible to forget. Where else do teachers spend so many hours of extracurricular time on extra classes? What other schools have the opportunity to conduct scientific work, moreover, not artisanal, but for real, with the support of the leader? What other average schools organize multi-day scientific trips to olympiads and conferences? And the rest in the camps, in which the teachers accompanied, replacing the parents for a while? During these two, and for someone three years of study, or rather life in it, he became for us his relatives, friends, life without which is now impossible to imagine. And we are grateful to our lyceum and proud of it!