The methodological day contains the forms of both a seminar and a workshop.

Target: (slide 2)

  • get acquainted with the goals, basic concepts, didactic features, structure of classes, methods, techniques of action-oriented technologies;
  • attend open lessons using these technologies;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of their use.


  • multimedia projector
  • Appendix 1 Presentation for the seminar.

Plan for the methodological day. (Slide 3)

Stage I: diagnostic.

1) diagnostics of teachers’ pedagogical competence in the field of modern pedagogical technologies;

2) diagnostic analysis;

3) identifying the problem.

Stage II: theoretical.

1) theoretical seminar on action-oriented technologies:

  • presentation of diagnostic results;
  • problem statement;
  • updating knowledge on the topic of the seminar;
  • organization group work on studying theoretical material;
  • mutual learning;
  • summing up the seminar.

Stage III: practical.

1) visit open lessons using technologies:
a) studying a particular case;
b) didactic tasks;
c) guiding text.
2) self-analysis and analysis of lessons in lesson groups from the perspective of the topic of the methodological day;
3) exchange of opinions

IV final.

1) analysis of the methodological day;
2) reflection;
3) development of decisions and recommendations.

Preparation of the methodological day

1. Organization creative group on preparation and conduct of the methodological day:

  • development of diagnostic questionnaires;
  • diagnostic analysis;
  • development of content and structure of the theoretical seminar;
  • preparation of handouts;
  • development of lesson observation cards, lesson analysis cards.

2. Preparation of a methodological exhibition.

3. Organization of methodological assistance to teachers in preparing open lessons.

4. Organizing teachers into groups to attend open lessons.

5. Adjustment of the lesson schedule.

Participant 2. Read the text and determine the main stages of the technology of didactic tasks (Appendix 5 ) .

Participant 3. Read the text and highlight possible options using guide text technology (Appendix 6) .

Participant 4. Understand the basic concepts of action-oriented learning and highlight possible uses for it. (Appendix 7).

Step 2. Teachers unite into expert groups (teachers who are given the same task to complete). Expert partners read and study the material together, discuss answers to the assigned task, plan effective ways to teach it and check the quality of learning in the initial groups.

Step 3. Return to the original groups for mutual training and testing. Students return to their original groups. There they take turns introducing each other to the material they have studied and the answers to the assigned tasks. The team's task is for each group member to master all the material in its entirety.

Step 4. Individual and group reporting.

2. Filling out the pivot table in groups (1, 2, 3 groups).

3. Discussion and preparation of presentation of group work (cluster).

3. Reflection stage. (Slide 12)

Goal: be able to present the results of your activities, argue your point of view, control and evaluate the results of your actions.

The groups present the results of their work in cluster format.

1. Technique “Return to clusters”. Presentation of group work.

After reading the information and discussing the group of students, they return to the compiled cluster and again organize the information according to the constructed associative series, but taking into account the information received, in accordance with the actual relationship of concepts and ideas. After compiling their own cluster, group representatives are invited to present and justify their version of the cluster.

For example, the following clusters may result:

2. Summing up the seminar (slide 13)

1. Do you agree that learning technologies that involve active work students, can be classified as competency-oriented technologies?

(Answer: The use of activity-based learning technologies is aimed at developing the ability to work independently, take responsibility, notice problems and find ways to solve them, analyze new situations using existing knowledge, make decisions, master new knowledge, i.e. form key competencies ).

2. Why are action-oriented technologies becoming especially relevant?

(Answer: These technologies are aimed at solving life problems, special cases. Problems arise from life situations. Knowledge is acquired by solving these problems, information obtained from various sources).

3. What does action orientation mean?

(Answer: Action orientation presupposes that students independently acquire the necessary knowledge in the process of solving a certain production situation, real or imaginary, with the obligatory implementation of all phases of full action).

III. Open lessons

1. Conducting lessons (slide 14)

Lesson using case study technology See: Appendix 8 .

Lesson using technology of didactic tasks. Cm. Appendix 9 .

Lesson using guided text technology. Cm. Appendix 10 .

2. Discussion of open lessons (slide 15)

Self-analysis, analysis in groups, exchange of opinions. Cm. Appendix 11.1-11.4

Translated from French, the word “cinquain” means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. This technique requires the synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe an event or reflect on a given occasion. Compiling a syncwine allows you to summarize educational material, information. This is a form of free creativity, but with rules.

IV. The final stage (slide 16)

1. Analysis of the methodological day

Reception “Generalized position”.

The seminar participants are divided by the seminar organizers into three groups: “Apologist”, “Opposition”, “Association”. Each group receives its own task.

“Apologist” group. Task: to identify and formulate positive, original, interesting, promising moments of the methodological day.

Group "Opposition". Assignment: identify and formulate the shortcomings of conducting a methodological day.

Group “Association”. Assignment: make a drawing that reflects the associations (images) associated with participation in the methodological day.

Administration group. Assignment: identify the difficulties of preparing and conducting a methodological day, note that the seminar itself was conducted using critical thinking technology.

After the group participants speak on their assignments, the overall results of the methodological day are summed up.

cluster formation

  • The existing knowledge on the topic is updated. For this purpose, different techniques are used: cluster formation , in which the connection between the key word of the lesson and other concepts or phenomena is clearly visible.

  • Brainstorming technique which activates the attention of all students.

  • At the challenge stage, students make predictions and independently determine the goals of cognitive activity in a given lesson.

  • Gives you the opportunity to get to know new information , ideas or concepts, link them to existing knowledge, actively monitoring your understanding.

  • Techniques used: reading text with stops, text marking symbols, compilation of tables etc. In order for reading to be meaningful and productive, schoolchildren simultaneously make notes in the margins of the textbook (with a simple pencil).

V– I already knew that;

  • V– I already knew that;

  • + - learned something new;

  • ? - Didn't understand.

  • At the end of reading, students discuss only one icon in the group: ? - Didn't understand.

  • Allows students to comprehend everything they have studied in class in their own context, to express it in their own words.

  • Techniques used: group discussion , writing mini-essays essay , compilation schemes or preparing your legislative proposal .

  • Concept "cluster" translated as "bunch, bunch." This is a way of systematizing information that is used at different stages of work. (After listening to a lecture, reading an educational text, when preparing to write an essay, report, etc.)

  • The student writes down on a separate piece of paper everything that he remembered about this topic. (A certain chaos of various data arises).

  • Activities of the “Impressionist”

  • It is necessary to highlight certain grounds on which systematization will take place.

  • Chaotic records are combined into groups, depending on which aspect of the content reflects this or that recorded concept, fact...

  • Analyst activities

Cluster is graphic form organization of information, when the main semantic units are identified, which are recorded in the form of a diagram indicating all the connections between them. It is an image that helps to systematize and generalize educational material.

Cluster as one of the methods of critical thinking

The modern education system is focused on developing independent thinking in students. Critical thinking is pedagogical technology stimulating intellectual development students. Cluster is one of its methods (techniques).

To the features critical thinking include the presence of three stages:

  • call,
  • comprehension,
  • reflection.

At the first stage, activation occurs, involving all team members in the process. The goal is to reproduce existing knowledge on a given topic, form an associative series and pose questions to which one would like to find answers. At the comprehension phase, work with information is organized: reading the text, thinking and analyzing the facts obtained. At the reflection stage, the acquired knowledge is processed as a result creative activity and conclusions are drawn.

The cluster technique can be used at any stage.

  • At the challenge stage, children express and record all existing knowledge on the topic, their assumptions and associations. It serves to stimulate cognitive activity schoolchildren, motivation to think before starting to study the topic.
  • At the comprehension stage, the use of a cluster allows you to structure the educational material.
  • At the reflection stage, the cluster method performs the function of systematizing the acquired knowledge.

It is possible to use the cluster throughout the lesson, as a general lesson strategy, at all its stages. So, at the very beginning, children record all the information they own. Gradually, during the lesson, new data is added to the diagram. It is advisable to highlight them in a different color. This technique develops the ability to assume and predict, supplement and analyze, highlighting the main thing.

Basic principles of creating a cluster

The cluster is designed in the form of a cluster or a model of a planet with satellites. In the center is the main concept, thought, on the sides are large semantic units connected to the central concept by straight lines. These can be words, phrases, sentences expressing ideas, thoughts, facts, images, associations related to a given topic. And around the “satellites” of the central planet there may be less significant semantic units that more fully reveal the theme and expand logical connections. It is important to be able to specify categories, justifying them with the help of opinions and facts contained in the material being studied.

Rules for designing a cluster in the lesson

Depending on the way the lesson is organized, the cluster can be drawn up on the board, on a separate sheet of paper, or in each student’s notebook when completing an individual task. When making a cluster, it is advisable to use multi-colored crayons, pencils, pens, and felt-tip pens. This will allow you to highlight some specific points and more clearly display the overall picture, simplifying the process of systematizing all the information.

There are several recommendations for creating a cluster. When creating it, you shouldn’t be afraid to express and record everything that comes to mind, even if it’s just associations or assumptions. During the work, incorrect or inaccurate statements can be corrected or supplemented. Students can feel free to use their imagination and intuition as they continue working until they run out of ideas. You should not be afraid of a significant number of semantic units; you should try to make as many connections between them as possible. During the analysis process, everything will be systematized and fall into place.

Application of the cluster method

The cluster method can be used in almost all lessons when studying a variety of topics.

Form of work when using this method can be absolutely anything: individual, group and collective. It is determined depending on the goals and objectives set, the capabilities of the teacher and the team. It is permissible to flow from one form to another. For example, at the challenge stage, this will be individual work, where each student creates his own cluster in a notebook. As new knowledge becomes available, a general graphic diagram is drawn up as a joint discussion of the material covered, based on personal drawings and taking into account the knowledge gained in the lesson. The cluster can be used as a way to organize work in the classroom, and as a homework. In the latter case, it is important that students have some experience in compiling it.

Advantages and results of using the technique

Using a cluster has the following advantages:

  • it allows you to cover a large amount of information;
  • involves all team members in the learning process, they are interested in it;
  • children are active and open because they have no fear of making a mistake or making an incorrect judgment.

During this work, the following skills are formed and developed:

  • ability to ask questions;
  • highlight the main thing;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;
  • move from particulars to generalities, understanding the problem as a whole;
  • compare and analyze;
  • draw analogies.

What benefits does using the cluster method give to children in the classroom? The use of a cluster develops systematic thinking, teaches children to systematize not only educational material, but also their value judgments, teaches children to develop and express their opinions formed on the basis of observations, experience and new knowledge acquired, develops skills for simultaneous consideration of several positions, and the ability to creatively process information.

Conclusions. Lessons using the cluster method give children the opportunity to express themselves, express their vision of the issue, and give them freedom of creative activity. In general, non-traditional technologies used in educational process, increase student motivation, create an atmosphere of cooperation and instill in children a sense of self-esteem, give them a sense of creative freedom.

Zabalueva Svetlana Borisovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MAOU secondary school No. 3
Locality: Balakovo city, Saratov region
Name of material: article
Subject:"Modern lesson technologies." Reception of training "Cluster"
Publication date: 14.02.2018
Chapter: primary education


technology of "critical thinking"

Reception of "Cluster" training in primary school


Present the most general modern model of a combined lesson,

including three main stages: challenge, comprehension, reflection;

Consider in detail new trick training "Cluster", the application of which

possible at each stage of the lesson.

Most lessons taught by teachers in school are still

combined, that is, traditional. If we tried in a generalized

form to present such a lesson using modern technologies then they came

would come to the conclusion: almost all lessons of this type use the technology of “critical


New educational standards set their priorities:

Ability to use acquired skills;

Ability to obtain information and model;

Cooperation and mutual assistance.

exactly how I use technology for developing critical thinking in the classroom..

The “Development of Critical Thinking” technology was developed by American

teachers K. Meredith, D. Ogle, D. Steele. Its application in teaching activities

allows you to develop (through specially created educational and cognitive

situations) cognitive abilities And cognitive processes personalities: different

types of memory, thinking, attention, perception. Also the development of critical

thinking is aimed at satisfying the individual’s needs for respect,

self-affirmation, communication, play and creativity i.e. provides an opportunity for personal

the growth of the child, the development of his individuality.

The purpose of technology for developing critical thinking is to develop

thinking skills that children need in later life (the ability to

make informed decisions, work with information, highlight the main thing and

secondary, analyze various aspects of phenomena).

The basic model of organizing a lesson in this technology includes three stages:


1.Call– updating is carried out background knowledge and ideas about what is being studied

- “what I know.” The task of the first phase of the lesson is to activate and interest children,

motivate them to further work and “call up” existing knowledge, create

associations on the issue being studied. The result of this stage is either

students formulate their own questions, to which they will certainly

I want to find answers, or, depending on the techniques chosen by the teacher,

student assumptions that need further verification and clarification.

Motivational (motivation to work with new information, awakening interest in

Informational (bringing to the surface existing knowledge on the topic)

Communication (conflict-free exchange of opinions)


there is direct work with information. On this

stage of the lesson, the answer to the question “What do I want to know?” is given. Therefore, the main stage of the lesson

involves reading informational and literary texts, structuring

information, its analysis and evaluation. Reading and listening become meaningful.

Informational (receiving new information on topic)

Systematization (classification of information received)

3.In the final phase of the lesson, called reflection(thinking)

information is analyzed, interpreted and creatively processed.

Summing up: what did you learn? What was interesting and what didn’t you like?

Opinions and suggestions are heard. Analyzes own thoughts

operations during the lesson.

Communication (exchange of views on new information)

Informational (acquisition of new knowledge)

Motivational (encouragement to further expansion information field)

Evaluative (correlation of new information and existing knowledge, process evaluation)

If we look at the three stages of training described above from the point of view

traditional lesson, it is quite obvious that they do not represent

exceptional novelty for the teacher. They are almost always present, only

are called differently. Instead of a “challenge” it is more common for a teacher to say: introduction to

problem or updating the existing experience and knowledge of students. And “comprehension”

Nothing more than a part of the lesson dedicated to learning new material. And the third

There is a stage in a traditional lesson - this is consolidation of the material, testing of assimilation.

What are the differences? What is fundamentally new in critical technology?


Elements of novelty are contained in methodological techniques that are oriented

to create conditions for the free development of each individual. At each stage

lessons are used methodological techniques. There are quite a lot of them: cluster,

syncwine, insert (reading with notes), zigzag, true and false statements,

table of thick and thin questions, “Six Thinking Hats”, and others.

The word “cluster” in translation means “bundle, constellation.” This is graphic

method of systematizing material in the form of a “bunch”.

The sequence of actions for creating a cluster is simple and logical:

1. write in the middle of a blank sheet of paper (chalkboard) keyword or

a sentence that is key in revealing an idea or topic;

2. write around words or sentences expressing ideas, facts, images,

appropriate for the topic;

3. As you write, the words that appear are connected by straight lines to the key

concept. Each of the “satellites” in turn also has “satellites”,

new logical connections are established.

This technique can be used at all stages of the lesson: at the challenge stage,

comprehension, reflection or as a strategy for the lesson as a whole. Organizing work with

younger schoolchildren, and taking into account age characteristics students need

Remember that the teacher in these lessons acts as a work coordinator:

directs the efforts of students in a certain direction, confronts various judgments

and creates conditions that encourage acceptance independent decisions. I suggest

them to title the semantic blocks or I give ready questions. Enough

Carry out similar work 2 - 3 times to make this technique technologically advanced. Students

enjoy using clusters. Unresolved issues can be addressed by

desire to work at home. Therefore, the use of “cluster” is not limited only to

lesson activities.

Technique - “CLUSTER” helps develop skills to develop own opinion on

based on various observations, experience, promotes self-educational

student activities, the ability to independently solve problems and work in

group, activates educational activities. Children have the opportunity to correct themselves,

editing works. Such lessons give students the opportunity to express themselves,

show your vision of the proposed topics and problems, give greater freedom

creative search.

The cluster can be used both in the challenge phase and in the comprehension phase or in

as a lesson strategy.

Conclusion: Summarizing all of the above, we can say that “Development Technology

critical thinking" and its basic strategies ensure the development of thinking,

formation of communicative and creativity. This technology

meets educational goals modern stage, equips student and teacher

ways of working with information, methods of organizing self-education.

The cluster activates the mental activity of students:

ability to ask questions;

the ability to highlight the main thing;

ability to make comparisons;

the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and make inferences;

the ability to see meaning in information and understand the problem as a whole;

ability to search, analyze, and creatively process information.

When working on creating a cluster, you need to remember a few rules:

don’t be afraid to write down everything that comes to mind;

give free rein to your imagination and intuition;

continue working until time runs out or ideas run out;

try to build as many connections as possible.

A cluster is a graphical form of organizing information when
the main semantic units are identified and recorded in the form
diagrams indicating all the connections between them. It represents
image that contributes to the systematization and generalization of educational
Cluster as one of the methods of critical thinking
The modern education system is focused on developing
students of independent thinking. Critical thinking is
pedagogical technology that stimulates intellectual development
students. Cluster is one of its methods (techniques).
The features of critical thinking include the presence of three stages:
 call,
 comprehension,
 reflection.
At the first stage, activation and involvement of all participants occurs
team into the process. The goal is to reproduce existing
knowledge on this topic, the formation of an associative series and formulation
questions to which you want to find answers. During the comprehension phase
work with information is organized: reading the text, thinking and analyzing

At the reflection stage, the received
obtained facts.
processed as a result of creative activity and conclusions are drawn.
The cluster technique can be used at any stage.
 At the challenge stage, children express and record all existing knowledge on
topic, your assumptions and associations. It serves to stimulate
cognitive activity of schoolchildren, motivation to think before
started studying the topic.

 At the comprehension stage, the use of a cluster allows
structure educational material.
 At the reflection stage, the cluster method performs the function
systematization of acquired knowledge.
It is possible to use the cluster throughout the lesson, in the form of a general
lesson strategies at all stages. So, at the very beginning, children record
all the information they have. Gradually, during the lesson, into the scheme
new data is added. It is advisable to highlight them in a different color. Given
the technique develops the ability to assume and predict, supplement and
analyze, highlighting the main points.
Basic principles of creating a cluster
The cluster is designed in the form of a cluster or a model of a planet with satellites. IN
in the center is the main concept, thought, on the sides are indicated
large semantic units connected to the central concept by straight lines
lines. These can be words, phrases, sentences expressing
ideas, thoughts, facts, images, associations related to this topic. And already
around the “satellites” of the central planet there may be less
significant semantic units that more fully reveal the topic and
expanding logical connections. It is important to be able to specify categories
justifying them with the help of opinions and facts contained in the studied
Rules for designing a cluster in the lesson
Depending on the way the lesson is organized, the cluster can be designed
on the board, on a separate sheet of paper or in a notebook for each student
completing an individual task. When composing a cluster, it is advisable
use multi-colored crayons, pencils, pens, markers. This
will allow you to highlight some specific points and display them more clearly
overall picture, simplifying the process of systematizing all information.
Recommendations for creating a cluster
There are several recommendations for creating a cluster. With him
creation should not be afraid to express and record everything that comes to mind,
even if it's just associations or assumptions. During work
incorrect or inaccurate statements may be corrected or supplemented.
Students can safely give free rein to their imagination and intuition as they continue

work until all ideas run out. Don't be afraid
a significant number of semantic units, you need to try to compose
as many connections as possible between them. During the analysis process everything
will be systematized and fall into place.
Application of the cluster method
The cluster method can be used in almost all lessons, with
studying a variety of topics.
The form of work when using this method can be absolutely
any: individual, group and collective. It is defined in
depending on the goals and objectives, the teacher’s capabilities and
team. It is permissible to flow from one form to another. For example, on
challenge stage, this will be individual work, where each student
creates its own cluster in the notebook. As new knowledge becomes available,
as a joint discussion of the material covered, based on
personal drawings and taking into account the knowledge gained in the lesson, is compiled
general graphic diagram. A cluster can be used as a way
organizing work in class and as homework. In the last
In this case, it is important that students have some experience in compiling it.
As an example, let’s look at creating a cluster in a social studies lesson.
when studying the topic “Monarchy”. At the very beginning of work, students
express all their knowledge on this issue,
assumptions and associations. For example, form of government, power, head
states, king, monarch, autocracy. The teacher records them on the board.
This is followed by reading a paragraph from the textbook. During familiarization with
material (or as a result of reading), the diagram is supplemented with new
facts. The teacher completes them using colored chalk. The result of the lesson
should be an analysis of the resulting picture, with a discussion of fidelity or
incorrectness of initial judgments and generalization of the obtained
Advantages and results of using the technique
Using a cluster has the following advantages:
 it allows you to cover a large amount of information;
 involves all team members in the learning process, it is for them
 children are active and open because they have no fear
make a mistake, make an incorrect judgment.
During this work, the following skills are formed and developed:
 ability to ask questions;
 highlight the main thing;
 establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;

 move from particulars to generalities, understanding the problem as a whole;
 compare and analyze;
 make analogies.
What benefits does using the cluster method give to children in the classroom? Cluster reception
develops systems thinking, teaches children to systematize not only
educational material, but also their value judgments, teaches children to develop and
Express your opinion based on observations, experience and
new acquired knowledge, develops skills of simultaneous consideration
several positions, the ability to creatively process information.
Conclusions. Lessons using the cluster method give children the opportunity
express yourself, express your vision of the issue, give creative freedom
activities. In general, non-traditional technologies used in
educational process, increase student motivation, form
environment of cooperation and instill in children a sense of self
dignity, give them a sense of creative freedom.