• A modern model of a subject-spatial developmental environment for preschool children
  • Correctional work at school
  • Innovative methods and technologies in training
  • Best media lesson
  • Methodological system of an effective teacher
  • Best presentation for a lesson
  • The best presentation by a preschool teacher
  • New ideas (competition for developing extracurricular activities)
  • Genius Workshop (training activity development competition)
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
  • Federal State Educational Standards in elementary school
  • Summary of an open lesson at a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Teacher's curriculum in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Class teacher in a modern school
  • Educational activities with preschoolers (competition for the best methodological development)
  • International scientific and practical conference of teachers
  • All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Teachers

  • You are a teacher. This means

    What's in your tender heart and soul

    Keep so much warmth and light,

    That there will be more than enough for all the children.

    Who in this difficult time of ours

    Can work with small children

    He must bear the burden patiently:

    Raise them to be good people.

    You serve as an example to your children

    Reliability, peace, beauty.

    For them, little ones, you are, of course, the first

    Teacher of purity and kindness.

    General information about the events of our Center:

    In the process of becoming new system education modern forms and methods of work are competitions of professional skills. Such competitions increase the level of pedagogical competence and are also designed to promote the development of a whole range of professional skills and abilities.

    Competitions for teachers, implemented by the media are the optimal form of professional competition, allowing each teacher to get involved in active innovative activities. The competitions are based on a personality-oriented approach to the professional development of each participant.

    Among distinctive features pedagogical competitions The following positive features can be noted: development of creative potential, desire for self-development and self-improvement, self-realization. At the same time, competitions are organized in such a way as to take into account the problem of lack of working time for teachers. The schedule of competitions is posted on the website six months to a year in advance, and the possibility of expedited consideration of competitive works is also provided.

    Currently competitions for teachers can be considered as a means of advanced training, since participation in the competition creates conditions for focusing on the productivity of one’s own activities and allows one to evaluate one’s professional achievements. Participation in competitions helps the teacher to develop not only methodological skills, but also to develop new competencies in forecasting, self-diagnosis, the ability to see perspectives, and readiness for further growth.

    Working with kids, everyone preschool teacher adheres to a certain scheme for the development of the younger generation. Often, the methods of raising children are reflected in the teachers’ notes. Our center for organizing and conducting educational competitions decided not to ignore such useful and necessary materials, and created a competition of notes for educators.

    A quick and useful competition of notes for teachers

    These competitive events among representatives of preschool educational institutions imply a detailed study of the outlined materials. Having decided to fill out an application form to participate in note-taking competitions for preschool teachers, you do not need to worry about where to find additional time, effort and funds. After a maximum of 48 hours, you will know the results and receive their confirmation in the form of a certificate.

    While studying in kindergarten, each child gradually begins to develop his creative abilities. At this initial stage, it is very important to support the baby in his desire to learn something new and interesting. Competitions for kindergarten children will be an excellent incentive to achieve new victories. These events will allow each child to take the first confident steps on the creative path.

    Internet competitions for children kindergarten- convenient and modern type of competition

    Sometimes, in order to take part in a particular children's competition, it is necessary to travel many kilometers and spend a considerable amount of money. But today, all-Russian competitions for preschool children provide the most simple conditions participation. So, in order to make a statement, a child, accompanied by his mother and father, is not required to go to another city. You just need to fill out the necessary forms and send them along with the competition work to the “Pride of Russia” center. Such online competitions for kindergarten children allow them not only to spend less time, but also to demonstrate their abilities in several categories at once.

    International quick competitions for preschool children

    Remote competitions for children, preschool educational institutions will help young talents become famous far beyond the borders of our state. These days, all little creators have the opportunity to “attend” international competitions for kindergarten children without leaving home.
    Thus, “Pride of Russia” opens up wide opportunities for every child. Any child will be able to show off their artistic, literary and other talents quickly and without any difficulties. Don't miss the chance to support your child in a cause that interests him, and tell everyone about his talent!

    Combining efforts is known to give the best results. Therefore, various all-Russian competitions for schoolchildren and their mentors are very popular. Thanks to the creation of such a tandem, a cohesive team is obtained that combines experience and a fresh, direct approach to solving assigned problems.

    All-Russian competitions for teachers and schoolchildren

    Such competitions are aimed at developing gifted students and helping teachers understand their students. And the next goal that all-Russian competitions for teachers and schoolchildren help achieve is to establish a microclimate between students and their mentors. In this form, when team members strive for one result, the latter goal is realized as quickly as possible.

    For students to be convinced of their abilities, they only need to submit their work to All-Russian competitions children's creativity for schoolchildren. In a matter of hours, the contestant will receive confirmation and can confidently begin preparing for the next creative competition. If you already have the practice of participating in such domestic events, then our center will help expand your horizons and provide the opportunity to participate in international competitions.

    Do you enjoy reading your child's writings? Teachers are surprised: how in this at a young age the student can give such an adult and clear assessment historical events and literary characters? Your child definitely has a talent for writing essays that should be developed! Not only should young talents be supported in their school success, but they should also be given a chance to prove themselves in essay competitions for schoolchildren.

    Opportunity to improve your style: essay competition for schoolchildren

    Such “competitions” between students are incredibly useful. They allow children to develop their own style of writing essays of this type, and also contribute to the emergence of a deep understanding of the problem that interests the child. Each essay competition for schoolchildren serves as a unique incentive to gain inspiration and search for new literary ways to convey the main idea of ​​their work to the public. Our center regularly organizes and conducts essay competitions for schoolchildren and allows every young writer to improve their skills.

    In addition to this type of work, we accept for consideration projects in various areas completed by preschool students and their teachers.

    Competition of teachers-organizers: do everything!

    Anyone responsible for the creativity and individuality of an educational institution, or a teacher, can take part in such competitions. At the same time, you won’t have to look for a lot of time and money for this event, because correspondence competitions for teacher-organizers allow you to become a participant without leaving the walls educational institution or at home. Multiple nominations provide a chance to submit multiple works for consideration at once. So, you can present a school presentation, a holiday script, or an unusual video of a theater production.

    The teacher-organizer competition is the optimal solution for those who want to do everything at once, because remote evaluation of the competitive work will not last long. Also, children can be involved in participating in such quick competitions, who will be happy to share their achievements.

    Correspondence competitions for a teacher who wants to develop are a real find. Even a busy work schedule is no longer an obstacle to the realization of your professional and creative ambitions. What's the secret?

    1) correspondence competitions for teachers have no time limits, which means it is impossible to be late for them;

    2) a free participation schedule will allow you to present your work in the best possible way;

    3) a wide selection of topics allows you to reveal, if not all, then many facets of your talent (be it methodological, creative or social activity);

    There is always room for creativity in life, the main thing is to want to show it.

    On a creative wave, or what are the benefits of correspondence competitions for teachers and children

    The creative impulse is probably the most unpredictable state. Sometimes it is born, seemingly out of nowhere, and persistently demands implementation, driving thoughts, sharpening feelings, and then the most incredible creations are born. It is at these moments that fear and uncertainty are forgotten, and new horizons open up. That's why it's important to take full advantage of such moments.

    Many children, and others, say that it is difficult for them to work productively under tight or clearly defined deadlines. Inspiration doesn't come to order. Taking this into account, we offer correspondence competitions for teachers and children. Create whenever you want - we are always glad to see you. Whether it’s morning or night, send your work, and within a day you will know your result among equally active creators from all over the country. And for teachers, our correspondence competitions are also good because you always have enough time to finalize or properly format your work, because most competitions operate on an ongoing basis.

    The Pride of Russia Center organizes open methodological competitions for teachers of various disciplines. But how can they be interesting?

    What defines a teacher in a person? The ability to interest, give the basics of knowledge and teach how to apply them in the future. It is the ability to competently handle the material, bring it to current tasks and present it in an accessible way for the modern child that is the basis pedagogical excellence.

    It must develop and change as rapidly as the younger generation itself. That is why pedagogical skills need to be constantly checked for relevance. And what could serve as better monitoring than a competition?

    Competition of lessons for teachers - we create, compete, improve. If you look closely, a lesson competition for teachers is not something unusual. You take part in it every day, and the harshest jury - your students - determine the assessment by their activity and level of interest. And this, you see, is the most important result.

    Do you want to improve further? Find out your skill level according to the standard of All-Russian and international competitions. We offer a variety of lesson competitions for teachers. In them you can present your best developments or projects, notes, interesting approaches to explaining complex topics. An objective jury will quickly and appropriately evaluate each idea, confirming its decision with an official diploma. A lesson competition for teachers is a great idea to evaluate your teaching potential, without spending extra money and effort. Open up to the world and it will see you!

    Project activities are an integral part professional development a teacher who is always in search of new, more effective and original forms of work. Whether it’s developments to implement new technologies or social projects, they require colossal methodological work and careful analysis.

    Competitions of pedagogical projects, in addition to their direct functions: popularizing best practices and activating creative potential, are of great correctional importance, since they help to assess their productivity already at the first stages of implementation and, if necessary, make certain adjustments in time to achieve their goals.

    Project competitions for teachers - a synthesis of new views and creative impulse

    Thus, project competitions for teachers become a kind of creative laboratory. It is here that the future of pedagogy is formed, the foundations of progressive ideas and approaches are laid.

    With its help, like a precious stone, it acquires a cut and hones the craft of creation. teaching materials to popularize a particular idea.

    Teachers not only from schools, but also from preschool educational institutions can take part. A project competition for preschool teachers is a powerful means of maintaining creative activity and, as a result, developing a creative, educated and interested younger generation.

    The average calendar contains from 80 to 250 holidays and holidays. Some are generally accepted, others are specific, for example, professional holidays. Many organizations have their own internal memorable dates. But in children's groups and institutions you can find completely unique and inimitable events in their atmosphere (initiation of first-graders, autumn day, name day, meeting of birds and much more). And behind the organization of each of them is the enormous work of the teacher and his students.

    Script competition for teacher-organizers: let there be a holiday!

    Another option for scenarios for various classroom and extracurricular activities, theatrical lessons and play activities is to submit your work to a scenario competition for teachers.

    The Pride of Russia Center also offers script competitions for teacher-organizers. This is an All-Russian competition, the results of which will not just warm your soul vivid memories about the holiday, but will also become a small investment in the folder of professional achievements.

    The Pride of Russia Center organizes open methodological competitions for teachers of various disciplines. But how can they be interesting?

    Pedagogical activity, by definition, has two basic tasks: transfer of knowledge and experience between generations and development of a system of skills for their application. To increase the effectiveness of teaching in the classroom, each teacher develops his own methodological system, which includes a set of the most productive methods and techniques to facilitate the implementation of these tasks.

    Methodological competitions for teachers at school allow us to systematize the entire accumulated knowledge and present it in the form of a unique methodological style. Competitive activity is an excellent motive for a teacher’s self-development and improvement of his skills.

    Contests of methodological developments for teachers - talent needs a frame

    Developing a lesson is a complex, but certainly fascinating process, in which it is very important to balance the educational and methodological components. Often the success of a lesson depends to a large extent on methodological nuances: whether it is dynamic enough, whether it involves all areas of perception, and whether it will allow you to fully master the material. Trying to take into account these, and not only, questions, each teacher over time accumulates a solid baggage of methodological developments, manuals and techniques that allow effective lesson even in the most unusual circumstances. And this, you see, is talent.

    Methodological development competitions for teachers are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their achievements and findings in this area, present advanced ideas and receive their objective assessment. Our methodological competitions for teachers will allow you to take a fresh look at the fruits of your creativity.

    In his practice, a teacher encounters many competitions, successes in which create a holistic image of him pedagogical level. But the results of the teacher portfolio competition can be considered the most indicative of overall assessment his activities. This, to some extent, is the final touch to the image. Its composition and design do not imply strict limits and emphasize the originality of the author.

    Teacher Portfolio Competition - the final touch to the image of a teacher

    What is a portfolio? This is a collection of a teacher’s work over a certain period of time. It is usually created over several years in order to systematize the experience and facilitate its presentation.

    A portfolio competition for a preschool teacher or teacher is the best way to summarize activities for a certain period, summarize the effectiveness of work and analyze strengths and weaknesses.

    On our website you will find not only portfolio competitions for teachers and educators, but also many other interesting offers. Everyone, be it a music teacher, a Russian or foreign language teacher, a mathematician, a historian or a geographer, will find a way to express themselves with us. Create your professional image with us!

    Main task preschool education- to form the basis for the further development of a harmonious personality. That is why the creative component of the educational process, especially in preschool educational institutions, has always occupied a special place. Music education as a component aesthetic feeling most common. That is why it is very important to develop in children an understanding of music as an art. Given the speed at which trends in the arts and education change, the educator must have a tremendous ability to adapt one to the other, drawing parallels from the past to the present and the future.

    Competitions for teachers music schools

    Our music competitions for teachers will help you evaluate your capabilities in this matter. They are carried out remotely; all materials in the form of projects can be provided via the Internet, which simplifies the procedure and saves your energy and time.

    Specialized online competitions for teachers of music schools provide an opportunity to compare their potential with the achievements of colleagues from all over the country. Music competitions for preschool teachers are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and creative approach to the design of a wide variety of events.


    We often compare life and activity to a train. Like him, we move from one station to another. And if on the route of personal life certain important events, then the professional route is determined by the stations of our achievements.

    Competitions for educators and teachers for 100 rubles as a ticket to the next station on your pedagogical path

    The Pride of Russia Center is your reliable guide on this route, offering a comfortable ride to the “my next achievement” station. We offer competitions for teachers for 100 rubles. A wide selection of topics and forms of participation will interest everyone. Teachers can present their developments, scripts, projects, presentations and other materials, which will be evaluated by an objective jury within 24 hours. All competitions for teachers for 100 rubles each have the official status of all-Russian ones, and their diplomas are taken into account during certification and can be used in the teacher’s portfolio as confirmation of his professional level and activity.

    We are an interesting travel companion, so travel with us!

    Going through the certification procedure is not always a pleasant experience. However, there is a way out of this situation. Competitions for teacher certification will make this process more interesting, exciting and painless. Remote confirmation of your teaching abilities is a real find in today's life, filled with events and important matters!

    How to quickly conduct certification competitions for teachers?

    The Pride of Russia Center provides various directions for checking the qualification level of teachers. With the help of our center, you can quickly pass certification and receive necessary documents, confirming your professionalism. Competitions for teachers for certification will not take much time and money. All you need to do is fill out the appropriate forms and submit your entry.

    Competitions for certification of teachers on an international scale

    In addition to participating in domestic competitions, you have a wonderful opportunity to express yourself at the international level and participate in an international competition for teachers for certification. All the beauty this process is that you can go through the qualification confirmation procedure without leaving your school or home. Undoubtedly, this method much cheaper and more pleasant than having to waste time and effort going on a long journey to get your testimony. Correspondence competitions using modern Internet technologies will forever destroy the stereotype that certification is a complex and unpleasant process. With a more rational approach and a new look at this procedure, you will find many positive aspects in this event!

    Over time, more and more events are being organized aimed at developing creative skills in the younger generation. Teachers of preschool educational institutions are largely responsible for education in this direction. Competitions for preschoolers and teachers will help develop aesthetic taste in children.

    What are international competitions for teachers? preschool education?

    Thanks to such competitions, each participant has the opportunity to express themselves, as well as demonstrate their creative and intellectual abilities. Many international competitions for preschool teachers make it possible to discover new talents in the field of pedagogical skills and find original methods of educating the younger generation. Such events are an excellent platform for exchanging experience, information and finding alternative ways to solve pressing problems in everyday professional activities. Every education worker can take part in this kind of competition. To do this, you need to leave an application and send your competition work to the organizer of the tournament among teachers.

    Are there competitions for preschoolers and teachers?

    Today, international competitions for teachers and preschoolers are not uncommon. Such events allow you to establish and strengthen connections between adults and children, create a trusting atmosphere between students and teachers, and also teach children to work in a team and develop their creative abilities. From the above, we can conclude that competitions for preschool teachers have not been spared. The latter, by the way, play a key role in holding these events, because, one way or another, all competitions in this area are held to improve the quality of education and work teaching staff any children's institution.

    International competitions provide an excellent opportunity for teachers to do this. Taking part is easier than you might think at first glance. All you need is a computer with Internet access and our website. There you will find many international teaching competitions, which can be an excellent highlight of your activities and a reliable step in your career.

    International competitions for teachers and children - it all starts with the exchange of experience

    Are you or your students already confidently showing themselves at all-Russian competitions? Are you active and full of desire to participate and win further? Congratulations and we offer a new level of polishing your skills - international competitions for teachers and students.

    Participation in competitions of this level is, first of all, an excellent motive for developing the creative and research potential of both students and teachers. In addition, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the originality of your ideas and exchange long-term plans, best practices, achievements, learn something new and establish yourself at the international level.

    This is especially true for those who, having good potential, are deprived due to certain life circumstances of the opportunity to widely present it personally. For such people, our competitions are one of the best opportunities. The Pride of Russia Center strives to make its implementation as comfortable and accessible as possible. We offer quick international competitions for teachers and children, the results of which can become just the incentive for you that leads to your cherished dreams. Documents reflecting your participation in these competitions will be available for downloading within the timeframes already customary for our regular participants.

    Pedagogical skill is mastery because it implies simultaneous:

      availability of thorough knowledge;

      fluency in the material;

      virtuosity in presentation and organization of the learning process;

      compliance with the requirements of the time.

    Another important criterion for determining a true master of the teaching craft is the constant desire, and sometimes even the need, for development. And even if this last factor is not alien to you, how do you know how relevant your skills are?

    All-Russian competitions for teachers, which you can find on our website, provide an excellent opportunity to receive an independent, objective assessment of your achievements in a variety of categories. Among them there are topics that can certainly reveal your best practices, innovations, personal achievements and the results of self-educational research.

    All-Russian competitions for teachers and children - the first steps towards a high goal

    Every successful person in his business once set a goal for himself, and gradually walked towards it through a series of more accessible, but invariably more complex intermediate achievements. It was as if he was creating his own triumphal ladder, each step of which not only exalted him above the previous level, but also brought him closer to his most cherished. And, importantly, along the way he gained experience, without which it is difficult to move forward.

    Experience is our most important achievement at life path. We have been obtaining it since childhood in different ways - from a full-fledged trial and error path to borrowing the results, which is the easiest, but at the same time the least interesting. Indeed, in our research we sometimes come to conclusions that we could not even think about initially.

    All-Russian competitions for teachers and children allow not only to compete with each other, but also to exchange experiences and interesting ideas with opponents from all over the country. Such an exchange in itself has an important cognitive effect. And the opportunity to compare your strengths with others is a good motive for further development and, in case of victory, a pleasant bonus to personal achievements.

    By inviting children and teachers to participate in competitions at the all-Russian level, we hope that the results obtained scientific and practical conferences, competitions, research projects experience will help someone achieve high goals, and for others it will pave the way to future achievements.

    Teachers, especially those working with children underage school age, are special people: creative, constantly striving for excellence and open to new knowledge and sharing their experience. It is precisely these educators who are waiting for an international competition, in which they can also participate remotely.

    The path to recognition: an international competition for educators and children

    In order to take part in various competitions for teachers and children, you do not need to commit heroic deeds or discover another America. It is enough to present to the jury your best methodological developments or scenarios for children's parties (naturally, “tested” on your students). It is worth noting that teachers who are not just interested in such competitions, but take an active part in them, submitting more than a dozen works, receive additional gratitude.

    International competitions for educators are held in different categories, so each teacher will be able to choose what is closest to him and present his best development, be it a festive scenario, an interesting activity or an unusual walk.

    What do international competitions provide for preschool teachers?

    Many competitions between teachers require enormous effort and investment, but not all of them bring satisfaction with the result, and sometimes you have to wait a very long time for the latter. The main difference that makes our international competitions for preschool teachers so interesting is their transparency and efficiency, because work is evaluated daily, so you won’t have to wait long. The criterion is prize places (traditionally there are three), and you can receive a diploma confirming participation on the same day on which you submitted your application.

    Probably every person has experienced this amazing feeling at least once in his life - tense anticipation of evaluation of the results of his activities, a premonition of victory. And the closer and more tangible it is, the sharper and more pleasant it is...

    Participation in many competitions, especially those held throughout Russia, requires a certain temporary delay between the start of participation and the announcement of results. And waiting, you see, sometimes dulls emotions a little. This especially applies to the youngest and most active participants in competitions - preschoolers. They enthusiastically indulge in all kinds of competitions and really want to immediately know the results of their labors. Such is the nature of little creators.

    But is it possible to get the results of the competition quickly? The Pride of Russia Center answers - you can! We offer quick competitions for kindergarten teachers and children, the results of which are announced within 24 hours. Thus, you and your students will be able to join the exciting world of competitions, and well-deserved awards will not be long in coming.

    Amuse yourself - express competitions for kindergarten teachers and children with diplomas

    Children are not the only ones who are impatient when it comes to evaluating their achievements. That is why, among other categories, we offer quick competitions for preschool teachers. This is an excellent opportunity not only to be in constant search of interesting solutions for the educational process, but also to immediately apply the forms you have discovered, competing with colleagues across the country. If you participate in express competitions for teachers, you will never have problems with diplomas to pass the next certification. Express competitions for educators have many nominations and are very versatile, so you have a chance to show your professional and personal qualities and talents.

    If you have creative abilities If you are active and full of desire to learn something new, if you want to try your hand at various competitions and enjoy the results achieved, then we invite you to participate in our various competitions.

    Quick competitions for teachers and children are a great opportunity to demonstrate your own work and receive expert assessment. You can submit original teaching materials, lesson plans, or interesting scenarios for holiday events.

    Quick competitions for teachers are held precisely so that your creative achievements were able to gain public recognition.

    The main feature of these competitions is that you can get results quite quickly. Thanks to the prompt work of our professional jury, it takes 2 days to sum up the results and generate diplomas. In 2 days you will be able to receive a diploma confirming your participation in one or another quick competition.

    Our accelerated competitions for teachers, held via the Internet, are the best way to test your erudition and find application for the wealth of knowledge that you possess. From the many options for quick competitions in which we invite you to take part, you can find a topic that is close to you, or vice versa - try your hand at a completely different area.

    Express competitions for teachers: fast and easy!

    Express competitions for teachers are competitions in which participation will not require much effort from you. In order to register, you do not need to submit numerous documents and applications, the completion of which takes a lot of time and effort. All you need to do is decide which competition you want to participate in, submit an application electronically, pay the registration fee and prepare your creative work.

    An express competition for a preschool teacher is one of the most popular competitions today, in which a teacher can demonstrate the ability to interest, motivate and effectively communicate with children to achieve certain goals.

    Such competitions allow participants to share their professional experience and provide a wonderful opportunity to borrow innovative work methods from colleagues. And the diplomas received after passing our competitions will be an excellent addition to your resume.

    We also invite you to pay attention to professional pedagogical competitions for teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions.

    Are you a primary school teacher? Do you love your job and are full of creative ideas? Then professional competitions are what you need.

    Lesson competition in primary school- this is a great opportunity to demonstrate your successful developments, which help conduct training sessions in an interesting and innovative way.

    A presentation competition is another option where you can show off your creativity.

    It should be noted that we organize not only all-Russian, but also international competitions. Foreign experts usually present interesting teaching concepts developed in a different educational paradigm, different from the domestic one. You will have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with such projects.

    Remote competitions for teachers primary classes: fast, simple and fun

    Distance competitions for primary school teachers are a modern and very popular form. You do not need to travel to another city in order to present your work to a competent jury. Such quick correspondence competitions are convenient because you can send your materials via email.

    There are also online competitions for primary school teachers online. To participate in them, you just need to have a computer, an Internet connection, and your own creative development.

    You can receive a diploma of a participant or, possibly, a winner very quickly.

    Competitions for primary school teachers are great way gaining recognition among colleagues and improving your professional skills.

    Teachers additional education are often considered just guides on the path to discovering children's talent. Often their reward is the achievements of their pupils and students. However, this category of teachers, by definition, is almost the most creative, because they are called upon to interest, captivate, make the student fall in love, teach him to feel, understand and create at the highest level.

    What are professional distance competitions for additional education teachers?

    The Pride of Russia Center has been organizing and holding all-Russian and international competitions for several years. Among them are distance competitions in which additional education teachers can take part. These competitions will allow you, without interrupting the process of nurturing true talents, to develop yourself, reaching new heights of pedagogical skill. It doesn’t matter whether you are a young specialist for whom additional education has just become a profession, or whether you have impressive work experience. In any case, our online competitions will help you appreciate your creative potential.

    Pedagogical skills are not just a set of skills that can be acquired once and used in their original form for many years. All developments constantly require changes and adaptation, because the pedagogical path is a path that can never be completed to the end. This statement is especially true for teachers working with very young children who do not yet go to school.

    It would seem that regular methodological associations provide a similar opportunity, but at them it is not always possible to learn from preschool teachers about the experience of colleagues from other regions, and especially to do this first-hand. This is precisely why all-Russian competitions held by our Center are interesting.

    As quickly as possible: All-Russian quick competitions for preschool teachers

    If you don’t want to languish waiting for results and have a considerable amount of experience, then the best option There will be quick competitions for teachers, also held by us. For teachers of the “highest” level it is also possible to participate in an international competition.

    In our country, children's events are held regularly, and every year the number of participants in such tournaments is constantly growing. At the same time, the number of areas in which kids can compete increases every year. Young talents are presented with a choice: vocal all-Russian children's competition, an acting competition, a poetry and prose reading competition, and many others. Children can try their hand not only in the Russian, but also in the international competition, the nominations in which are not much different from domestic ones.

    Family All-Russian competitions for children and parents

    What could bring a family together even more than all-Russian competitions for children and parents? In such competitions, adults and children will learn to understand each other even more, will begin to listen to the opinion of each family member, and most importantly, parents will be reliable support and support for their children at every stage of the competition. With such support, children feel much more confident, and their first experience of participating in big competitions will be a great memory for the whole family.

    All-Russian competitions for children and adults are an excellent option for improving younger participants’ communication skills with peers. In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to find friends from different parts of our state. To participate in the competition, a family only needs to decide on the direction in which it wants to demonstrate its skills. Of course, first of all, you should start from the interests of the child, because in the end it is he who is the main component of any team! When preparing for a competition, you should give your child the opportunity to take the initiative, and then the next tournaments in his life will be much easier for him, and most importantly, more joyful!

    The work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution is not easy, painstaking, but interesting work. The emotionality of the students, unusual situations, and psychological stress are more than compensated by the children’s love for a good teacher and their gratitude.

    To make the process of communicating with them more interesting and informative, each teacher has his own techniques and techniques. Combining them into a single whole, we get unique project- a fusion of skill, experience and resourcefulness. Best examples are quickly gaining popularity, and a project competition for educators will help determine the best of the best .

    Participation in a project competition for educators

    Participation in such a competition will cost only 100 rubles, which is undoubtedly quite affordable even for a novice teacher.

    Project competitions for preschool teachers are a unique opportunity to express themselves and show their strengths in professional competition, evaluate their professional level, get acquainted with the “secrets of the profession,” make their work more interesting, bring a fresh creative component to it and, in the end, make their students a little better happier.

    The pedagogical excellence competition is a competition between teachers of professionalism, the ability to demonstrate their teaching style, reveal the secrets of mastery, and discover the unusual in the traditional. In Russian schools, teaching competitions are widespread, since teachers are creative people who constantly work on their qualifications. Communication with the younger generation does not allow the talent of the teacher to fade, who regularly takes part in competitions for teachers 2018 – 2019 from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    From the history of pedagogical competitions

    Professional pedagogical competitions originated in Russia in the 20s of the last century. In 1923, the newspaper Pravda, together with the People's Commissariat for Education, organized All-Russian competition for the best teacher. The announcement of the competition stated that the best teacher should be considered a teacher who “managed to maintain the school under extremely difficult conditions, taught children to love school, connected the school with production, takes an active part in public life, fights religious prejudices, helps banish moonshine and drunkenness, helps organize a cooperative, shows best ways management" ("Pravda" No. 65 of April 24, 1923.) The pedagogical competitive movement received particular development in the 80s of the 20th century.

    Main objectives of competitions for teachers

    Pedagogical excellence competitions are a unique stage of teacher training, an open competition for teachers.

    Therefore, the main objectives of teacher competitions are:

    • identifying the best experience in domestic pedagogical practice;
    • dissemination of this experience through the media;
    • growth of professional skills of competition participants.

    Teacher working on his professional growth, wants to make himself known to the general public in order to improve his skills and disseminate his experience.

    Types of teacher competitions

    Let's talk about intramural competitions, which have a lot of weight in the teaching environment.

    1. One of the main and significant pedagogical competitions in Russia is “Teacher of the Year” or “Educator of the Year”.

    The founders of this competition are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education, CJSC Publishing House "Teacher's Newspaper", the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation.

    The results of the “Teacher of the Year” competition can be taken into account by the school administration and replace:

    • control;
    • interview;
    • certification for the highest category.

    And the higher the status of the competition by stage (school, municipal, regional, all-Russian), the more prestigious is participation in it.

    1. No less prestigious is the All-Russian competition for the best teachers of general education organizations within the framework of the PNPE (Priority National Project “Education”) to receive monetary incentives.

    The winners of this competition have the opportunity to receive a cash reward in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

    Why are distance teaching competitions needed?

    Remote competitions held on the Internet are commercial in nature and are not particularly significant.

    And yet teachers take an active part in them. Why?

    The remote nature of such events is due to the distance of participants and organizers from each other. Online competitions of teaching excellence are held for the following purposes:

    • the prestige and status of the teacher in society increases;
    • Participants in teaching competitions identify and explore new directions pedagogical theory and practices;
    • school employees remotely get acquainted with innovative technologies that contribute to the development of the education system.

    List of competitions for teachers in 2018-2019

    Site name Competition name
    Model school "Beacon of Education"

    "Pedagogy: science and practice"

    "Pedagogical potential"

    Environmental competition “Together with the planet!”

    CDPU "ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGY" "Genius Workshop"

    "New Ideas"

    “Best presentation for a lesson”

    "Methodological system of an effective teacher"

    "Best media lesson"

    « Innovative techniques and technologies in education"

    "Pedagogy of creativity"

    Pedagogical Academy of Modern Education

    (performed free of charge with a certificate
    competitions for teachers, preschool teachers and additional education teachers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)

    “Teacher’s work program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

    “Teacher is a creative profession”

    "Pedagogical innovations"

    “Modern lesson on Federal State Educational Standards”

    "Lesson using ICT"

    "Extracurricular Activity"

    "Integrated lesson - development and application"

    "Pedagogical portfolio"

    “Health-saving technologies in the classroom”

    "My office"

    “Best website (blog)”

    Teachers can take part in these competitions academic disciplines middle and senior levels, as well as primary school teachers.

    The video of a participant in the competition of professional pedagogical excellence “Teacher of Orenburg-2018” can be viewed here:

    third here:

    All-Russian competition of presentations and methodological developments for teachers and schoolchildren

    Every student in grades 1-11, teachers can take part in the event

    • biology,
    • geography,
    • foreign language,
    • computer science,
    • stories,
    • local history,
    • mathematics,
    • music;
    • social studies,
    • psychology,
    • technologies,
    • physicists,
    • ecology,
    • economics,

    as well as speech therapists, teachers of music schools and additional education, educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions!

    A total of 170+ nominations!

    All details about the event are on the competition page and in the regulations.

    Let's draw magic - 2020

    All-Russian competition of New Year's drawings and crafts, master classes and scenarios for primary school teachers, art and technology teachers, additional education teachers and librarians.

    If you like not only to teach your children how to make crafts for the New Year, but also know how to make surprises with your own hands, then our competition is for you: the nominations “Drawing on a New Year’s or Winter Theme” and “Craft on a New Year’s or Winter Theme” are open to teachers. And they are popular!

    Many teachers prepare school New Year's performances or cool watch. Submit your script to our competition and receive a beautiful diploma for your portfolio as a participant in a script competition or master classes before the holidays!

    You can also send the work of your students to participate in the event. This could be crafts, drawings, Christmas tree decorations, or a video recording of a New Year's poem being read.

    In total, the competition includes 6 nominations for teachers and 5 nominations for schoolchildren.

    Interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are held weekly on Wednesdays, except January 1.

    All details about the competition are on the page and in the regulations.

    The pure shine of the stars

    All-Russian competition of presentations and methodological developments, artistic recitation and illustrations for teachers.

    A new pedagogical competition is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of poets Silver Age Mirra Lokhvitskaya and Zinaida Gippius. However, the theme of the event is not limited solely to their creativity.

    Each teacher can submit to the competition a methodological development of a literature lesson, a scenario for an extracurricular event or literary lounge, an integrated lesson or a presentation dedicated to the life and work of the poetess of the 19th century - beginning of the XXI centuries of your choice.

    The nominations “Artistic Reading” and “Illustration” are open to all subject teachers. You can read yours favorite poem or make an illustration, or maybe draw a portrait of your favorite poetess.

    In total, the competition includes 13 nominations for teachers and 7 nominations for students.

    Thirst for new discoveries

    All-Russian competition-marathon for teachers of geography, literature, primary school teachers, college and university teachers.

    Theme of the competition: the geography of our planet in all its diversity.

    Each geography teacher can send to the competition a methodological development of a lesson, a presentation for a lesson, the development of an integrated lesson, or a scenario for an extracurricular activity. A literature teacher can participate with methodological development lesson on studying a work of the adventure genre as part of school curriculum, and as part of extracurricular reading.

    The competition is also open to primary school teachers, because it is with them that children begin to get acquainted with the geography of our planet during lessons on the world around us.

    Two additional nominations are also open to teachers. If you have an original electronic textbook on any topic, a long-read or a lapbook of your own design, then you can submit your work in the “Non-standard” category training manual" For all teachers who are interested in painting, regardless of the subject they teach, the “Illustration” nomination is open.

    There are also nominations for schoolchildren. Students can submit a report, presentation, research work, and also take part in the reading competition.

    The competition is divided into 3 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Participate in the first stream and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on November 26, 2019.

    All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

    Heroes of History 2019 / 2020

    All-Russian competition-marathon for teachers of history, literature, primary school teachers, college and university teachers.

    Theme of the competition: history of Russia and world history from ancient times to the present day.

    Each history teacher can send to the competition a methodological development of a lesson, a presentation for a lesson, the development of an integrated lesson, or a scenario for an extracurricular activity. A literature teacher can participate in the methodological development of a lesson on studying a historical work both as part of the school curriculum and as part of extracurricular reading.

    The competition is also open to primary school teachers, because it is with them that children take their first steps in studying the history of our country.

    There are also nominations for schoolchildren. Students can submit a report, presentation, research paper, or essay to the competition. historical topic, and also take part in the reading competition.

    The competition is divided into 4 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Participate in the first stream and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on September 21, 2019.

    All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

    In 2017-2018, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the rules for holding a competition for teachers and educators to receive monetary incentives were approved. The competition is held in order to stimulate the teaching and educational activities of teachers, the development of their creative and professional potential. Based on the results of the competition, 1 thousand cash incentives are paid in the amount of 200 thousand rubles each. The free competition is held by the Ministry of Education on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 324 “On monetary incentives for the best teachers.”

    Experienced teachers are eligible to participate in the competition. pedagogical activity at least three years, whose main place of work is educational organizations, implementing educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education. A teacher who has received a monetary incentive has the right to re-participate in the competition no earlier than five years later.

    The rules for conducting the competition are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of monetary incentives for each subject of the Russian Federation is determined annually by the Ministry of Education.

    To conduct a competition, a competition commission is created by an executive authority in each subject of the Russian Federation.