When diagnosing speech development in older children preschool age We relied on the following provisions:

Communicative and rhetorical skills in the preparatory group are associated with the ability to analyze and evaluate communication

And also with the ability to communicate, when the ability to navigate a situation is assessed.

When diagnosing children's speech development preparatory group The following evaluation indicators were used:

Ability to navigate different situations communication, taking into account who is speaking, to whom the speaker is addressing, for what purpose, what - about what, how, etc.;

The ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own speech behavior and the speech behavior of another, what the speaker said, what he wanted to say, what he said unintentionally, etc.;

Mastering the culture of listening, listening carefully to the interlocutor, responding adequately to the speaker’s speech;

It is appropriate to use the rules of speech etiquette and conduct an etiquette dialogue; - correlate verbal and nonverbal means of communication, mastery of nonverbal means (facial expressions, gestures, body movements).

To identify the level of speech development in older preschoolers, the “Speech Development according to the Rainbow program” diagnostic was used.

Diagnosis of children in the preparatory group for speech development was carried out in the following areas.

1. For diagnostics sound culture speech, it was determined whether the child had speech defects. Which?

The following tasks were proposed:

a) The child was asked to name any words with the sound s.

“For example, I remembered now,” says the teacher, these are the words: pine… aspen… sowed…. It's your turn. Continue!"

b) A game was offered. A sheet of paper with a grid for determining the position of a sound in a word and a counter are given. The rules of the game are explained: “Repeat the word river after me. Do you hear the r sound in this word? Is it heard at the beginning of a word or in the middle of it? Place the chip in the first window, since in the word river the sound p is at the beginning of the word. Listen to another word - rhinoceroses. Where is the sound r heard? Place the chip in the second window. Let's say the word fire together. And I put a chip in the third window. Am I right or wrong? Now work on your own. I’ll say the word, you say it after me and put the chip in the right box: cancer... lilac... cheese.”

2. To examine speech understanding and the level of active vocabulary, the following was proposed.

a) The teacher says: “The little puppy’s ear hurts a lot. He whines. Needs your sympathy. What do you tell him? Start like this: “You are mine...”

b) The children were asked to look at the picture. The question was asked what happened to the chickens. It was suggested to come up with a title for the story.

The teacher asks to take a closer look at the hen who saw not yellow, but black and grimy chickens; describe her condition. She… . 3. Fiction.

a) The child is asked to read his favorite poem

b) They offer to name fairy tales that the child is ready to listen to more than once. If he cannot remember the name of the fairy tale, let him start telling it, you can suggest the name.

c) The child is asked to remember the writers whose books they read in kindergarten and at home; artists who made beautiful drawings for children's books.

Assessment of task completion was carried out as follows:

9-10 points (high level) - answers all tasks correctly, without prompting from adults, answers quickly and willingly.

5-8 points ( average level) - answers most of the questions correctly, but takes help from an adult, answers slowly but willingly.

1-4 points (low level) - answers most of the questions incorrectly, even with prompting from an adult, answers few and reluctantly.

The analysis of the data obtained was entered into the child’s individual card, where information about the child was indicated. Below is a summary table of test subjects' data for all three types of tasks (see Table 2).

table 2

Sound culture of speech

Speech understanding, active dictionary


1. Marina V.

2. Artem B.

3. Slava T.

4. Roman S.

5. Diana N.

6. Konstantin D.

8. Sveta V.

9. Daniil Zh.

10. Alina L.

11. Irina M.

12. Veronica S.

13. Yaroslav K.

14. Bogdan G.

15. Kirill A.

16. Lada D.

17. Sevastyan S.

19. Maria B.

20. Mark Z.

As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, an average score was obtained, the results are presented in table No. 3 and in the form of a diagram in Figure No. 2.

Table No. 3 Diagnostic results for identifying the level of speech development of children in the preparatory group

The obtained data is presented in the following diagram:

Rice. 2

Thus, in the process of diagnosing the speech development of children of senior preschool age, it was found that 10 children out of 20 had a high level of speech development, 7 children had an average (satisfactory) level, and 3 children had a low level.

Work to determine the characteristics of speech development in older preschoolers has shown that children of this age make few errors in word usage and the construction of not only simple, but also complex sentences; use a variety of ways to connect sentences in the text. Older preschoolers try not to disrupt the sequence of presentation of thoughts; their stories often contain elements of narration and description. But sometimes children turn to the help of an adult because they cannot always cope with the task on their own.

The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of conducting complex classes over a period of 3-4 years, starting from the second junior group and up to and including preparatory. This confirms the need for such training in order to master an active vocabulary, form a sound culture of speech, and develop the skills of transferring knowledge on fiction, building a connected monologue statement in the process of conducting complex classes.

Methodological development for preschool teachers

Methodological development for preschool teachers

“Diagnostics of children’s speech development

preschool age"

(5-6 years)
Prepared by: Tatyana Viktorovna Latypova

UFA, 2015

Explanatory note
Speech is one of the main lines of child development. The native language helps the child enter our world and opens up wide opportunities for communication with adults and children. With the help of speech, the baby learns about the world, expresses his thoughts and views. Normal speech development is necessary for a child to succeed in school. Speech develops at a rapid pace, and normally, by the age of 5, all sounds are pronounced correctly. native language; owns significant vocabulary; mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech; owns initial forms coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to freely come into contact with people around him. At preschool age, elementary awareness of the phenomena of the native language begins. The child comprehends the sound structure of a word, gets acquainted with synonyms and antonyms, the verbal composition of a sentence, etc. He is able to understand the patterns of constructing a detailed statement (monologue), and strives to master the rules of dialogue. The formation of an elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena develops free speech in children and creates the basis for successful mastery of literacy (reading and writing). In preschool age, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child’s speech development become obvious. Any delay, any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and the formation of his personality as a whole.
Purpose of diagnosis
- define baseline speech development of each child and the group as a whole at the beginning school year and at the end of all training in general; determine the effectiveness of work on speech development. This diagnostic can be used by both preschool teachers and teachers additional education working with preschoolers.

Characteristics of speech of preschool children.
In children of senior preschool age, speech development reaches high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of their voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of a question, joy, and surprise. By older preschool age, a child has accumulated a significant vocabulary. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language, the set of words used by the child) continues, the stock of words that are similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, and polysemantic words increases. Thus, the development of the dictionary is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child’s understanding of different meanings of the same word (multiple meanings). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with a more complete awareness by children of the semantics of the words that they already use. At senior preschool age, the most important stage of children’s speech development – ​​the acquisition of the grammatical system of the language – is largely completed. The proportion of simple common sentences, complex and complex sentences is increasing. Children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors and the ability to control their speech. The most striking characteristic of the speech of children of senior preschool age is the active assimilation or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types connections of words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing their structure (beginning, middle, end). Children make mistakes in their education grammatical forms. And of course it’s problematic correct construction complex syntactic constructions, which leads to the incorrect connection of words in a sentence and the connection of sentences with each other when composing a coherent statement. The main disadvantages in the development of coherent speech are the inability to construct a coherent text using all structural elements(beginning, middle, end), connect parts of a statement. Speech tasks in relation to children of senior preschool age become more complex both in content and in teaching methods.

Methodology for identifying individual aspects of speech development

The inspection is carried out in the form of:  observation; - diagnosing children’s achievements of planned results. The leading method of pedagogical measurements is the method of observing the process of child development. To organize learning outcomes, a table of indicators, criteria and timing of control is used. Indicators of mastering special knowledge and skills are monitored during ongoing and final monitoring, as a result of performing diagnostic tasks to identify the qualitative level of knowledge. Results of diagnostic procedures (observation results, survey results, practical tasks, conversations) are recorded in group cards for recording learning outcomes, which allow for a step-by-step system of monitoring children’s learning and monitoring the dynamics of the child’s educational results, starting from the first interaction with the teacher. Diagnosis of children is carried out on the basis of diagnostic methods for examining different aspects of the speech of preschool children, recommended by Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M., Strebeleva E.A., Grizik T.I. Based on the diagnostic results, 4 levels of children’s speech development are identified: high, average, below average, low. These levels of children’s speech development are able to most fully reflect the set of knowledge, skills and abilities that a child should acquire as a result of mastering the educational program.
Diagnosis criteria for vocabulary:
 level of vocabulary development;  subject vocabulary (possession of generalizing words, understanding of parts of objects);  understanding the semantic nuances of the meanings of verbs formed in an affixal way (using prefixes that give words different shades);  ability to select words denoting the quality of action; - dictionary of features;
 understanding the characteristics of an object, identifying the shades of meaning of synonyms - adjectives, identifying an understanding of the figurative meaning of adjectives.
Criteria for diagnosing speech sound culture:
 ability to isolate a certain vowel/consonant sound from a number of proposed sounds;  determination of the sequence of sounds in a word;  determination of the consonant/vowel sound in a word;  determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end);  ability to differentiate sounds that are similar in sound;  the formation of auditory attention, perception and the ability to reproduce syllable series in a given sequence;  ability to pronounce words of different syllable structures in isolation; - ability to repeat words while maintaining correctness syllable structure;  ability to differentiate words that sound similar;  the formation of auditory attention, perception and the ability to correctly reproduce the proposed words in a given sequence;  developed ability to pronounce words of different syllabic structures in sentences;  checking the level of formation phonemic hearing and the ability to perform sound analysis of words.
Criteria for diagnosing the grammatical structure of speech:
 understanding and use of simple and complex prepositions;  ability to form nouns in the singular and in plural;  form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive case;  developed ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix;  checking the level of consistency of nouns with numerals;  ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives;  identifying the ability to coordinate pronouns and verbs in speech;  the formation of the correct use of case forms of nouns; - agree numerals with the noun.
Criteria for diagnosing coherent speech:
 ability to describe an object (picture, toy);
 ability to use words denoting essential features when describing objects/toys;  ability to write a description without visualization;  the ability to compose a story based on a painting, a series of paintings, or from personal experiences;  use of mnemonic tables when describing objects (toys), composing stories; - ability to retell. When working with children, one should keep in mind the principle of gradual advancement in personality development. At the same time, the child’s successes and achievements are compared not with the standard, as in basic education, but with the initial capabilities.
Levels of proficiency in speech skills and abilities,

By to different parties speech development

Preschoolers 5 years of age:
By the end of 1 year of study, children can: 1. Understand words that are similar and opposite in meaning, as well as different meanings polysemantic word; 2. Understand and use generalizing words (furniture, vegetables, dishes); 3. Select signs, qualities and actions for the names of objects; 4. Compare and name objects by size, color, size. Grammar 1. Correlate the names of animals and their cubs (fox - fox cub, cow - calf); 2. Use verbs in imperative mood(run, wave); 3. Correctly coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case, focusing on the ending (fluffy cat, fluffy cat); 4. Make sentences of different types. Phonetics 1. Correctly pronounce the sounds of your native language; 2. Find words that sound similar and different; 3. Correctly use a moderate speech rate, voice strength, intonation means expressiveness. Coherent speech 1. Retell short stories with previously unfamiliar content;
2. Compose a story based on a picture or about a toy together with the teacher; 3. Describe the object shown in the picture, naming signs, qualities, actions; 4. Use a variety of polite forms of speech.
Preschoolers 6 years of age
By the end of the 2nd year of study, children can: 1. Activate adjectives and verbs, select words that are accurate in meaning to the speech situation; 2. Select synonyms and antonyms for given words of different parts of speech; 3. Understand and use different meanings of polysemantic words; 4. Differentiate general concepts (wild and domestic animals). Grammar 1. Form the name of young animals (fox - fox, cow - calf); 2. Select words with the same root, agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number; 3. Form difficult forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood (hide! Dance! I would look for); genitive case (hares, foals, lambs); 4. Build complex sentences different types. Phonetics 1. Differentiate pairs sounds s-z, s-ts, sh-zh, h-sch l-r distinguish between whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds, hard and soft; 2. Change the strength of the voice, tempo of speech, intonation depending on the content of the statement; 3. Select words and phrases that sound similar. Connected speech 1. In retelling literary works convey dialogue intonationally characters, character descriptions; 2. Compose a description, narrative or argument; 3. Develop storyline in a series of paintings, connecting parts of the statement with different types of connections.
Methods for examining children's vocabulary

Older age (5 years)

1. Method “Name what it is?”

Goal: identifying mastery of generalizing words. Equipment: pictures depicting: clothes, fruit, furniture. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to look at a number of pictures and name them in one word (clothing, furniture). Then the teacher asks the child to list flowers, birds and animals. Next, the child is asked to guess the object by description: “Round, smooth, juicy, sweet, fruit” (apple). Orange, long, sweet, growing in the garden, vegetable (carrot); green, long, tasty, salty, tasty raw, who is he? (cucumber); red, round, juicy, soft, tasty, vegetable (tomato).
2. Method “Who moves how?”
Equipment: pictures of fish, birds, horses, dogs, cats, frogs, butterflies, snakes. Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to answer the Questions: Fish... (swims) Bird... (flies). The horse... (gallops). Dog... (runs) Cat... (sneaks, runs). The frog (how does it move?) - jumps. Butterfly... (flies).
3.Method “Name the animal and its baby.”
Goal: identifying the level of vocabulary development. Equipment: pictures depicting domestic and wild animals and their young. Progress of the examination: the child is shown a picture of one of the animals and asked to name it and its baby. In cases of difficulty, the teacher takes the pictures and helps the child answer: “This is a cat, and her cub is a kitten. And this is a dog, what is the name of its cub?”
4. “Choose a word” technique.
Goal: identifying the ability to select words denoting the quality of an action. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to listen carefully to the phrase and choose the right word for it. For example: “The horse is running. How? Fast". The following phrases are suggested: the wind blows... (strongly); the dog barks... (loudly); the boat floats... (slowly); the girl whispers... (quietly).
5. “Doll” technique.
Purpose: checking the development of children's vocabulary. The teacher shows the child a doll and asks questions in the following sequence.
Tell me what a doll is! - the child gives a definition (a doll is a toy, they play with a doll); - names individual signs (the doll is beautiful) and actions (it is standing);
- does not complete the task, the doll repeats the word.
What kind of clothes is the doll wearing? - the child names more than four words; - names more than two things; - shows without naming.
Give the doll a task so that it runs and waves its hand. - the child gives correct forms: Katya, please run (wave your hand); - gives only verbs - run, wave; - produces incorrect shapes.
Guests came to the doll. What should you put on the table? - the child names the word dishes; - lists individual items of utensils; - names one object.
What kind of dishes do you know? - the child names more than four objects; - names two objects; - names one object.
Where do they put bread (in the bread bin), sugar (in the sugar bowl), butter (in the butter dish), salt (in the salt shaker). - answers all questions correctly; - answered three questions; - completed only one task.
Comparison of tableware items.
“How are these items different?” (Show a picture with different dishes.) - names by color (or shape and size); - lists individual signs (this cup is green, this one is red, this one is tall); - names one difference.
. Name it, what is it? Glass, transparent - is it a glass or a vase? Metallic, shiny - is it a fork or a knife? Clay, painted - is it a dish or a plate? - completes all tasks; - performs two tasks; - performs one task.
. Tell me (pick up) a word.
One plate is deep and the other... (shallow); one glass is high and the other... (low); this cup is clean, and this one... (dirty). - chose all the words correctly;
- completed two tasks; - completed one task.

The cup has a handle. What other pens do you know? - names the handle of 3-4 objects (kettle, iron, bag, umbrella); - names two handles (at a pot, frying pan); - shows the handle of the cup.
6. “Ball” technique.
The teacher shows two balls and asks: “What is a ball?” - the child gives a definition (a ball is a toy; it is round, rubber); - names some sign; - repeats the word ball.
What does it mean to throw, to catch - the child explains: to throw means I threw the ball to someone, and the other caught it; - shows movement and aims, says - threw; - only shows movement (no words).
Compare two balls, how are they different and how are they similar? - the child names the signs: both are round, rubber, play with balls; - names only differences in color; - says one word.
Goal: identifying skills in naming parts of objects. Progress of the examination: The teacher lays out in front of the child object pictures depicting a car (passenger car), a house and asks to name the objects and its parts. The teacher can use a pointer to show some parts of the depicted object, which will help the child isolate the part from the whole and name it. In older preschool age, it is advisable for children to indicate parts and details that are not visible in the picture. If the child does not name the invisible parts, then the teacher asks the question: “What else does the car have? What is there in the house? For example: a car - wheels, steering wheel, gas tank, door (front, rear), windshield, mirror, engine, brake, seat belt, interior, seat, etc.; house - walls, roof, door, porch, window, chimney, steps, rooms, ceiling, etc.

8. “Generalization words” technique
Goal: identifying mastery of generalizing words. Progress of the examination: The teacher offers the children four pictures. Asks to name them in one word (“What, in one word, can these objects be called?”). The teacher finds out whether children have the following general concepts: tools, transport, trees, berries. An approximate list of pictures: tools - drill, plane, saw, hammer; transport - car (passenger car), bus, trolleybus, tram; trees - birch, oak, spruce, rowan; berries - raspberries, strawberries, black currants, gooseberries.
9. Methodology “Verb Dictionary”
Goal: identifying the presence of verbs in the child’s dictionary. Progress of the examination: The child is offered on the table a conventional model of a city street on which there is a garage (this could be, for example, a cube or a box), roads have been laid (for example, strips of paper or ribbons), there is a bridge, houses (for example, cubes). A car (toy) is placed in the garage. The teacher says and acts with the toy: I will tell you what the car was doing on the city street, and you help me. Choose the necessary words that are similar to the word - go. The teacher drives the car around the model and says: “The car left the garage... (left) and along the road... (drove); a car .. (drove into the bridge); across the road... (moved); to the traffic light... (pulled up); behind the house... (dropped by); far away... (left).” Next, the teacher invites the child to take the car, show and tell what the car was doing on the city street. In this case, special attention is paid not only to the child’s ability to use spatial prefixes, but also to the correct correlation of actions and words.
10. Methodology “Dictionary of signs”
Goal: to identify the child’s understanding of the signs of an object. Progress of the examination: Conducted in the form of a game exercise “Say it differently.” First, the teacher says what the object is made of (glass vase), and then the child (glass). Examples: glass vase - glass; wooden table - wooden; leather bag - leather; cardboard box - cardboard;
plastic toy - plastic; key made of metal metal.
. Antonyms. The teacher names the words, the child selects the opposite pair: light - dark; White black; high Low; right left; winter - summer; light heavy; top - bottom, etc. If there is difficulty, the teacher can add a noun that will help the child answer correctly: light suit - dark suit; white collar - black collar; tall man - short man; winter day - summer day; light stone - heavy stone;
upper floor - lower floor; right eye - left eye, etc. The teacher enters the data obtained from examining the child’s dictionary into a table.

Older age (6 years)
1. “Explain actions” technique.
Goal: identifying an understanding of the semantic shades of the meanings of verbs formed in an affixal way (using prefixes that give words different shades). Progress of the examination: the child is asked to listen to the words and explain the meaning of the words: Run - run up - run out; Write - sign - rewrite; Play - win - lose; Laugh - laugh - make fun of; Walked - walked away - entered.
2. “Choose a word” technique.
Goal: identifying the nuances of meaning of synonyms - adjectives. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to choose words that are close in meaning to the named word (adjective). For example: smart - reasonable; weak - timid - old.

3. “Explain” technique.
Goal: identifying an understanding of the figurative meaning of adjectives. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to explain the following phrases: evil winter; skillful fingers; Golden hair; prickly wind; light wind.
4. “What does it mean” technique.
Goal: to identify the maturity of children’s vocabulary. Progress of the examination.
You already know a lot of words. What does the word doll, ball, dishes mean? - names individual signs and actions;
What do you call a pen? - names several meanings of this word (The pen writes. The child has a pen. The door has a pen.); - names two meanings of this word; - lists objects that have a handle (1-2 words).
5. Methodology “Subject Dictionary”.
Goal: to study subject vocabulary (parts of the subject, generalization words); verbal dictionary (verbs with spatial prefixes); dictionary of signs; antonyms (spatial features indicated by verbs and nouns). The survey includes five tasks.
6. Method “Parts of an object”.
Goal: identifying skills in naming parts of an object. The teacher places in front of the child object pictures depicting a bus, a house (multi-story) and asks him to name the object and all its possible parts. It is necessary that children indicate not only the visible parts and details, but also those that are not visible in the picture. Additional questions are not asked during the examination (unlike the older group). An approximate list of parts of objects: Bus: visible parts - body, wheels, headlights, cabin, windows, etc.; invisible parts - engine, interior, seats, doors, handrails, etc.; House (urban): visible parts - floors, windows, entrance, door, roof, drainpipe, etc.; invisible parts - stairs, elevator, apartments, rooms, mailboxes, etc.
7. “Generalization words” technique.
The teacher offers the children four pictures for each generalizing concept. Asks to name them in one word (“What one word can these objects be called?”). The teacher finds out whether the children speak
the following general concepts: animals, transport, professions, movements. An approximate list of pictures: animals - ant, fish, crow, hare, cow, whale; transport - car, bus, plane, ship; professions - cook, builder, teacher, salesman; movements - the child runs, jumps rope, swims, throws a ball.
8. Methodology “Verb Dictionary”.
The child is offered a mock-up of a city street on the table. The model must show a tree with a nest. A bird (toy) is sitting in the nest. The teacher says: I will tell you about the chick and his first independent flight, and you help me. Choose the necessary words that are similar to the word fly. The teacher moves the bird around the model and says: Once upon a time there was a chick. One day he realized that his wings had become stronger and decided to make his first flight. The chick left the nest... (flew) and along the road... (flew), across the road... (flew), towards the house... (flew), into the open window... (flew), got scared and out windows... (flew out), in distant forest... (flew away) ... then the teacher invites the child to take the bird, show and tell what it did. In this case, special attention is paid not only to the child’s ability to use spatial prefixes, but also to the correct one.
9. Methodology “Dictionary of signs”.
The examination is carried out individually orally (without visual material) in the form of a game exercise “Say it differently”. Relative adjectives are used as a basis. First, the teacher says what the object is made of (crystal vase), and then the child (crystal). Examples: crystal vase - crystal; fur collar - fur; clay jug - earthenware; stone bridge
- stone; paper boat - paper.
10. “Antonyms” technique.
The examination is carried out individually with each child orally. The teacher names the words, the child selects a pair with the opposite meaning.
Teacher: child:
lie down stand came out came in took off landed opened closed morning evening cold heat day night
cheerful sad straight curve
Methods for examining the sound culture of speech

Older age (5 years)

1. “Name it correctly” technique.
Purpose: checking sound pronunciation. Equipment: drawings. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to repeat the following words C: garden, stroller, globe. Sya: cornflower, taxi. 3: castle, dunno. Z: strawberry, monkey. C: heron, ring, Indian. Sh: checkers, collar, pencil. F: giraffe, beetle, skis. IC: pike, puppy, raincoat. H: kettle, cookies, ball. L: lamp, wolf, table. Leh: lemon, stove, salt. R: cancer, stamps, fly agaric. Ry: river, gingerbread, lantern. And: watering can, apple, hedgehog, wings. K: jacket, violin, wardrobe. G: garden bed, heating pad, grapes. X: bread, weaver, rooster.
2. “Repeat it right” technique
Purpose: checking sound pronunciation. Equipment: plot drawings. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to repeat the following sentences: The catfish has a mustache. Zina has an umbrella. A blacksmith forges a chain. The hedgehog has a hedgehog. A woodpecker was hammering a spruce tree. A mole got into our yard.
3. Methodology “Counting tables”.
Purpose: checking sound pronunciation in the process of pronouncing a rhyming text. Progress of the examination: the teacher invites the child to play counting rhymes: “I start the counting rhyme, and you listen, then repeat.” The teacher, rhythmically pronouncing the text of the rhyme, in time with the words, points with his hand first at himself, then at
child: “The counting begins: There is a starling and a jackdaw on an oak tree, the starling has flown home, and the counting ends.” “One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk, suddenly the hunter runs out, shoots straight at the bunny, but the hunter didn’t hit, the gray bunny galloped away.” “Behind the glass doors there is a bear with pies, how much, my little bear, does a delicious pie cost?” (Each counting rhyme can be repeated no more than 2-3 times).
4. “Name it” technique.
Purpose: to check the child’s ability to pronounce words of different syllable structures in isolation. Equipment: pictures with the following words - pig, astronaut, aquarium, motorcycle, apartment, birdhouse, TV, helicopter, artist, photographer, strawberry, frying pan, motorcyclist, rectangle, dragonfly, snowman, plumber, policeman. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to name the images in the pictures (objects, characters, plants, insects, animals); if there is difficulty, the teacher asks the child to repeat the following words: pig, astronaut, aquarium, motorcycle, apartment, birdhouse, TV, helicopter, artist, photographer, strawberry, frying pan, motorcyclist, rectangle, dragonfly, snowman, plumber, policeman.
5. “Repeat after me” technique.
Purpose: to check the child’s ability to pronounce words of different syllable structures in sentences. Equipment: scene pictures: 1. A policeman is standing at an intersection. 2. Goldfish are swimming in an aquarium. 3. The photographer takes pictures of children. 4. Sasha was drying wet clothes on a line. 5. The watchmaker is repairing the watch. 6. The bird raised the chicks in the nest. 7. A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle. 8. The cook is baking pancakes in a frying pan. Progress of the examination: The teacher shows the child a picture and asks him to repeat the following sentences: A policeman is standing at an intersection. Goldfish swim in an aquarium. A photographer takes pictures of children. Sasha was drying wet clothes on a line. The watchmaker is repairing the watch, The bird has hatched chicks in the nest. A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle. The cook bakes pancakes in a frying pan.
6. “Echo” technique.

Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and the ability to pronounce syllable series in a given sequence. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to play the game “Echo”: the teacher pronounces the following syllable series: pa-ba, ta-da, ka-ga, pa-pa-ba, ta-da-ta, pa-ba-pa.
7. “I’ll repeat” technique.
Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and ability to reproduce the proposed words in a given sequence. Progress of the examination
The teacher invites the child to repeat a series of words: cat-year-cat; tom-dom-com; fishing rod
8. “Be attentive” technique.
Purpose: checking the level of formation of phonemic hearing. Progress of the examination: the teacher invites the child to play: “I will name the words, if you hear the sound “w”, clap your hands.” The teacher names the words: house, bunny, hat, bear, fox, cone, Christmas tree, car. Then the child is asked to single out the following sounds in turn: “k”, “l” from the proposed words: monkey, umbrella, cat, chair, robe, poppy; fist, bunny, T-shirt, soap, chamomile, lamp.
upper floor - lower floor; right eye - left eye, etc. The teacher enters the data obtained from examining the child’s dictionary into a table.

1. “Repeat after me” technique
Purpose: to check the child’s ability to pronounce words of different syllable structures in sentences. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to repeat the following sentences: The store sells a floor polisher and a vacuum cleaner. The leaves are falling - leaf fall is coming. A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle. A photographer takes pictures of children. Grandmother knits a collar for her granddaughter. A fisherman catches fish. Bees are raised by a beekeeper. A dump truck arrived at the construction site.
2. “Echo” technique.
Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and the ability to reproduce syllable series in a given sequence. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to play the game “Echo”: the teacher pronounces the following syllable series: pa-pa-ba, ta-da-ta; pa-ba-pa; pa-ba, pa-ba, na-ba; ka-ha-ka; sa-za, sa-za, sa-za; sa-sha, sa-sha, sa-sha.
3. “Repeat” technique
Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and the ability to correctly reproduce the proposed words in a given sequence.
Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to repeat a series of words: roof-rat; log-knee; earth-snake; daughter-dot-bump; grandmother - tub-pillow; bear-bowl-mouse.
4. “Be attentive” technique.
Purpose: checking the level of formation of phonemic hearing. Progress of the examination: the teacher invites the child to play. “I will name the words, if you hear the sound “z”, clap your hands.” The teacher names the words: tree, bunny, cornflower, river, basket, Zina, bush, bell. Then the child is offered certain sounds with which he must come up with words: “sh”, “s”, “l”. If there are difficulties, the teacher himself names a few words.
5.Method “Guess how many sounds.”
Goal: checking the level of development of phonemic hearing and the ability to perform sound analysis of a word. Progress of the examination: the teacher calls the child a word and asks him to answer the question: “How many sounds are in this word? Name the first sound, the third, the second.” For example, "house". If there are difficulties, the teacher himself identifies the sounds, explaining to the child the place of each sound in this word. Then other words are suggested: vase, car, pen, pencil case, book.
6. “What sound” technique.
Goal: identifying the consonant sound in a word. Unlike 5-year-old children, children are offered words that contain not only hard consonant sounds, but also soft ones. Equipment (for each child). A flower with seven petals, ten pictures (seven main and three additional). Main pictures: No. 1 for sound [s] - bridge;
No. 2 for the sound [z’] - zebra; No. Z for sound [ts] - ring; No. 4 for the sound [ш] - brush (pike); No. 5 for the sound [h] - teapot (cup); No. 6 for the sound [r’] - rowan (belt); No. 7 for the sound [l] - wolf (Christmas tree). The results of the study of speech hearing are entered into the table.
7. “The sound is hidden” technique.
Goal: determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) The task is performed with a subgroup of children. Equipment (for each child). Strip of paper
divided into three parts of different colors: yellow, white, brown; pictures (9 pcs.) with sound [ш] - pike, box, raincoat; for the sound [k] - chicken, glass, poppy; for the sound [r] - crayfish, bucket, axe. White color yellow color brown color on the strip indicates the sound at the beginning of the word, white color - the sound in the middle of the word, brown color - the sound at the end of the word. Now I will name (in turn) the sounds that will play hide and seek with us, and the place where they are hidden in words. You find a picture that depicts an object with the named sound, and place it on the color of the strip that indicates the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end). So let's begin." Sample instructions: “Find in the pictures an object whose name has the sound [у] at the beginning of the word. Place this picture on the yellow part of the strip"; “Find in the pictures an object whose name contains the sound [k] in the middle of the word. Place this picture on the white part of the strip"; “Find in the pictures an object whose name has the sound [r] at the end of the word. Place this picture on the brown part of the strip.” At correct execution tasks, the following pictures should be laid out on the strip: on the yellow part - a pike, on the white part - a glass, on the brown part - an ax.
8. “Who follows whom” technique
Goal: determining the sequence of sounds in a word. The task is carried out in an individual form. Equipment: A picture of a fly. The teacher shows the child a picture and asks him to name what is shown on it; name the first, second, third and fourth sounds in the word fly.

Methods for examining the grammatical structure of speech

Senior age(5 years)

1. “Hide and Seek” technique.
Purpose: diagnostics of understanding and use of prepositions: between, because of, from under. Equipment: toys - a bunny, two cars. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to perform a series of actions and answer questions. For example: “Hide the bunny between the cars. Where did you hide the bunny? Hide the bunny behind the typewriter. Where did you hide the bunny? Where is the bunny looking from?
2. Method “Guess what’s missing?”
Goal: identifying the child’s ability to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.
Equipment: pictures with the following image: eye - eyes; bucket - buckets; mouth - mouths; lion - lions; feather - feathers; window - windows; house
Houses; armchair - armchairs; ear - ears; tree - trees; table - tables; chair
chairs. Procedure of the examination: The child is shown pictures and asked to name one object and many. The following pictures are offered: eye
eyes; bucket
buckets; mouth
mouths; lion - lions; feather - feathers; window - windows; house - at home; chair - chairs; ear - ears; tree - trees; table - tables; chair-chairs. If the child has completed the first part of the task, he is asked to answer the questions: You have buckets, but I don’t have anything? (buckets). You have lions, I don’t have anyone? (Lviv).
You have trees, I don’t have what? (trees). You have apples, I don’t have what? (apples). Do you have a chair, I don’t have one? (chairs).
3.Method “Call me kindly.”
Goal: to identify the maturity of the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix. Equipment: pictures depicting large and small objects. Progress of the examination: The child is asked to affectionately name the objects depicted in the pictures. Window-... (window). Mirror-... Wood-... Box-... Ring-... Hinge-...
4. “Name it” technique.
Goal: to identify the formation of the correct use of case forms of nouns. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to answer the questions: “What is there a lot in the forest? Where do the leaves fall from in the fall? (Gen. Pad). Who do you like to visit? Who needs a fishing rod? (Dat. fall.) Who did you see at the zoo? circus? (Vin. fall.) What are you looking at? What are you listening to? (TV pad.) What do children ride in winter? (Rev. pad.).”
5. “What is missing” technique.
Goal: identifying skills in the formation of plural nouns. The teacher uses the same demonstration material as in the previous task. Covering a picture with a blank sheet of paper that depicts several objects (plural nouns), the teacher asks the question: “What is missing or “What is missing?” (Leaves, windows, bridges, socks.)
6. “Straights” technique.
Goal: identifying skills in using complex prepositions. Progress of the examination: the teacher invites the child to look at the plot picture. Approximate description of the picture (Animal Games): the bunny hid behind a tree and
peeks. Two butterflies sit under a large mushroom. There is a small ant between the butterflies. Questions for children: because - Where will the bunny jump out from? from under - Where will the butterflies fly out? Between - Where is the ant? (Between whom is the ant standing?)
7. “Name how many” technique. Goal: identifying the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns.: one object, next to two such objects, then five such objects. The teacher asks to name the item and its quantity. (One chair, two chairs, five chairs; one bucket, two buckets, five buckets; one berry, two berries, five berries; one ring, two rings, five rings, etc.)
upper floor - lower floor; right eye - left eye, etc. The teacher enters the data obtained from examining the child’s dictionary into a table.

1. “Hide and Seek” technique.
Goal: identifying understanding and active use of complex prepositions: with, between, about, because of, from under. Equipment: toy bunny. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to perform a series of actions, for example: “Hide the bunny behind your back.” Then the child is asked questions: “Where does the bunny look from?”; “Hide the bunny under the table.” “Where is the bunny looking from?”; “Put the bunny on the table. The bunny jumped to the floor. Where did the bunny jump from? etc.
2. Method “Count.”
Purpose: checking the level of consistency of nouns with numerals. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to count apples (buttons) to ten, each time naming numerals and nouns. For example, one apple, two, etc. The following is recorded: understanding of the task, the ability to correctly coordinate a numeral with a noun in speech.
3. “Name it correctly” technique.
Goal: identifying the ability to coordinate pronouns and verbs in speech. Progress of the examination: the teacher invites the child to change these words (verbs) in accordance with pronouns. For example: “I’m going, we’re going, they’re going.” Verbs: sew, sing, dance, paint, fly.
4. “Name it” technique.
Goal: identifying the ability to use nouns in the correct grammatical form. Equipment: pictures of forests in summer, winter, autumn, spring; zoo, circus. Progress of the examination: the child is asked to look at the pictures and answer the questions: What is there in the forest? Where do the leaves fall from in the fall? (Gen. Pad). Who do you like to visit? Who needs a fishing rod? (Dat. fall.) Who
did you see it at the zoo (circus)? (Vin. fall.) What are you looking at? What are you listening to? (TV pad.) What do children ride in winter? (Rev. pad.)
5. “One - many” technique.
Purpose: formation of plural nouns; The teacher shows the child a card with paired pictures: one object and many objects. The teacher asks you to name what is drawn on the cards
tree - trees; chair - chairs; feather - feathers; leaf - leaves; anchor - anchors.
6. Method “What is missing?”
Purpose: formation of plural nouns in the genitive case; The teacher uses the same demonstration material as in the previous task. Covering a picture with a blank sheet of paper that depicts several objects (plural nouns), the teacher asks the question: “What is missing?” or “What’s gone

(trees, chairs, feathers, leaves, anchors).
7. “Call me kindly” technique.
Goal: formation of diminutive forms of nouns. The teacher uses the same demonstration material as in the previous task. Offers to name the affectionately drawn object: tree, chair, feather, leaf, anchor.
8. “Hide and Seek” technique.
Goal: use complex prepositions. Equipment. Two books and a flat picture (any character cut out of paper, for example a cat). The teacher says to the child: “The kitten is playing hide and seek. Watch the kitten carefully and answer my questions.” Next, the teacher manipulates the flat picture and asks questions. The child answers. Questions (answers): Where did the kitten hide? (The kitten hid between the books.). Where is the kitten peeking from? (The kitten peeks out from behind the book.)
Methodology for examining coherent speech

1. “Tell me which one” technique.
Goal: diagnostics of a child’s ability to use words denoting essential features when describing objects (toys). Progress of the examination: the teacher invites the child to talk about the toy (object). The following words are suggested for description: Christmas tree, bunny, ball, apple, lemon. If there are difficulties, the adult clarifies: “Tell me what you know about the Christmas tree? What is it like? Where did you see her?
2. “Make a story” technique.
Goal: identifying the level of formation of coherent speech Equipment: three pictures depicting a series of sequential events: “The cat catches the mouse.”
Progress of the examination: the teacher inconsistently lays out pictures in front of the child and asks him to look at them and put them in order: “Arrange the pictures so that it is clear what happened at the beginning, what happened then and how the action ended? Make up a story."
3. “Think and Say” technique.
Goal: identifying the child’s ability to establish cause and effect relationships and reason. Progress of the examination: the teacher asks the child to listen carefully and complete the following statements: “Mom took an umbrella because it’s outside” (it’s raining); “The snow is melting because” (the sun is warming; spring has come); “The flowers dried up because” (they were not watered); “A lot of mushrooms appeared in the forest because” (it rained); “Young leaves appear on the trees because” (spring has come).
4. Methodology “Five tasks”
Goal: the ability to describe an object (picture, toy) is revealed, to compose a description without clarity; for this, the child is first offered a doll.
Exercise 1.
Describe the doll. Tell us what it is like, what you can do with it, how you play with it. - the child independently describes the toy: This is a doll; She is beautiful, her name is Katya. You can play with Katya; - talks about the teacher’s questions; - names individual words without linking them into a sentence.
Task 2.
Write a description of the ball: what is it, what is it for, what can you do with it? - child describes: This is a ball. It is round, red, rubber. It can be thrown and caught. They play with the ball; - lists the signs (red, rubber); - names individual words.
Task 3.
Describe the dog to me, what it is like, or come up with a story about it. - the child composes a description (story); - lists qualities and actions; - names 2-3 words.

The child is asked to compose a story on any of the suggested topics: “How I play”, “My family”, “My friends”. - composes a story independently; - tells with the help of an adult; - answers questions in monosyllables.

The teacher reads the text of a story or fairy tale to the child and asks him to retell it. - the child retells the story independently; - retells with prompting of words to adults;
- says separate words.

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Red: MDOU " Kindergarten"Spikelet"


Diagnosis of speech development in preschool children

L.A. Ukhina

With. Red, 2010

The manual contains short description speech of preschool children, as well as diagnostic methods for examining different aspects of the speech of preschool children, recommended by Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M.; Strebeleva E.A., Grizik T.I. The benefit is addressed preschool teachers, students teacher training colleges, parents interested in high speech development of children.


4. Methodology for examining the grammatical structure of speech

5. Methodology for examining coherent speech




Speech is one of the main lines of child development. The native language helps the child enter our world and opens up wide opportunities for communication with adults and children. With the help of speech, the baby learns about the world, expresses his thoughts and views. Normal speech development is necessary for a child to succeed in school.

Speech develops at a rapid pace, and normally, by the age of 5, all the sounds of the native language are correctly pronounced; has a significant vocabulary; mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech; masters the initial forms of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to freely come into contact with people around him. At preschool age, elementary awareness of the phenomena of the native language begins. The child comprehends the sound structure of a word, gets acquainted with synonyms and antonyms, the verbal composition of a sentence, etc. He is able to understand the patterns of constructing a detailed statement (monologue), and strives to master the rules of dialogue. The formation of an elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena develops free speech in children and creates the basis for successful mastery of literacy (reading and writing). In preschool age, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child’s speech development become obvious. Any delay, any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and the formation of his personality as a whole.

The purpose of the examination is to determine the initial level of speech development of each child and the group as a whole at the beginning of the school year; determine the effectiveness of work on speech development for the previous year (dynamics of speech development over the year).

1. Characteristics of speech of preschool children

Younger age

Under favorable educational conditions, mastery of the sound system of a language occurs by the age of four (correct sound pronunciation, formation of the intonation structure of speech, the ability to convey the elementary intonation of a question, request, exclamation). The child accumulates a certain vocabulary that contains all parts of speech.

The predominant place in the children's vocabulary is occupied by verbs and nouns, denoting objects and objects of the immediate environment, their action and state. The child is actively developing the generalizing functions of words. Through the word, the child masters the basic grammatical forms: the plural appears, the accusative and genitive cases of nouns, diminutive suffixes, the present and past tense of the verb, the imperative mood; are developing complex shapes sentences consisting of main and subordinate clauses, speech reflects causal, target, conditional and other connections expressed through conjunctions. Children master skills colloquial speech, express their thoughts in simple and complex sentences and are led to compose coherent statements of descriptive and narrative types. However, other features are also noted in the speech of many children of the fourth year of life.

At this age, preschoolers may incorrectly pronounce (or not pronounce at all) hissing (sh, zh, h, sch), sonorant (r, r, l, l) sounds. The intonation side of speech requires improvement; work is needed both on the development of the child’s articulatory apparatus and on the development of such elements of sound culture as diction and voice strength.

Mastering basic grammatical forms also has its own characteristics. Not all children know how to agree words in gender, number and case. In the process of constructing simple common sentences, they omit individual parts of the sentence. The problem of new speech formations, which are generated by the word-formation system of the native language, also stands out very clearly. The desire to create new words is dictated by the child’s creative mastery of the riches of his native language. Available for children of the fourth year of life simple form dialogical speech, but they are often distracted from the content of the question. The child’s speech is situational, expressive presentation predominates.

Middle preschool age

The main direction of speech development in the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. Noticeable changes are also taking place in the development of word formation methods, and an explosion of word creation begins. Children get an initial idea of ​​the word as sound process(it sounds, consists of sounds, sounds are pronounced one after another, sequentially). Children of this age have a very strong affinity for rhyme. They choose words that sometimes make no sense. But this activity itself is far from meaningless: it promotes the development of speech hearing and develops the ability to select words that sound similar.

The child learns to correctly understand and use the terms word, sounds, sound, listen to sound word, independently find words different and similar in sound, determine the sequence of sounds in a word, highlight certain sounds. This is the period of familiarization of children with the word - its semantic side (it has meaning, it means some object, phenomenon, action, quality). Active Dictionary the child is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects and the actions performed with them. Children can determine the purpose of an object, its functional characteristics (A ball is a toy: they play with it). They begin to select words with opposite meanings, compare objects and phenomena, and use generalizing words (nouns with a collective meaning).

This is the period of practical mastery of the rules of use grammatical means. Children's speech is replete with grammatical errors and neologisms ("children's" words like "mashinskiy", "otknopil", "creeper"). Children master the morphological means of language (word agreement in gender, number, case, alternation of consonants in the stems of verbs and nouns). The child is led to understand the polysemy of individual grammatical forms. He learns the methods of word formation of nouns with suffixes of emotional and expressive assessment, with suffixes meaning baby animals, as well as some methods of forming verbs with prefixes, degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Children master the ability to construct different types of statements - description and narration. When composing stories, the understanding of the semantic side of speech, the syntactic structure of sentences, sound side speech, i.e. all those skills that a child of the fifth year of life needs to develop coherent speech. Speech activity also increases DUE to the fact that this is the age of “why”. At the same time, there are disturbances in the speech of children aged five years. Not all children correctly pronounce hissing and sonorant sounds; some have insufficiently developed intonation expressiveness. There are also shortcomings in mastering the grammatical rules of speech (agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender and number, using the genitive plural). The speech of children aged four to five years is characterized by mobility and instability. They can focus on the semantic side of the word, but the exact use of the word causes difficulty for many children. Most children do not sufficiently possess the ability to construct a description and narrative: they violate structure, consistency, and do not have the ability to connect sentences and parts of a statement with each other. This specification is approximate. The levels of speech development of children of the same age are very different. These differences become especially clear in middle preschool age. Firstly, by this time most children have mastered word and sound pronunciation. Secondly, the child masters coherent speech and begins to construct an independent statement, which at first consists of only a few sentences. The level of speech development of children in the fifth year of life can be determined using a method developed for the younger group. However, some tasks are added and complicated.

Senior preschool age

In children of senior preschool age, speech development reaches a high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of their voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of a question, joy, and surprise. By older preschool age, a child has accumulated a significant vocabulary. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language, the set of words used by the child) continues, the stock of words that are similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, and polysemantic words increases.

Thus, the development of the dictionary is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child’s understanding of different meanings of the same word (multiple meanings). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with children’s increasingly complete awareness of the semantics of the words they already use.

At senior preschool age, the most important stage of children's speech development - the acquisition of the grammatical system of the language - is completed. The amazing weight of simple common sentences, complex and complex sentences increases. Children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors and the ability to control their speech.

The most striking characteristic of the speech of children of senior preschool age is the active assimilation or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types of connections between words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing their structure (beginning, middle, end).

Children also make mistakes in the formation of different grammatical forms. And of course, it is difficult to correctly construct complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect combination of words in a sentence and the connection of sentences with each other when composing a coherent statement.

The main disadvantages in the development of coherent speech are the inability to construct a coherent text using all structural elements (beginning, middle, end), and to connect parts of a statement.

Speech tasks in relation to children of senior preschool age are included in the same sections as in previous ages, however, each task becomes more complicated both in content and in teaching methods.

Methodology for identifying individual aspects of children's speech development. The section discusses individual techniques that reveal the characteristics of a child’s mastery of vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics of his native language.

Levels of proficiency in speech skills and abilities, on different aspects of speech development

Younger age (3 -4 years)

By the end of the year, children can:


1) form the names of animals and their cubs in the singular and plural, using diminutive suffixes (cat - cat - kitten - cat - kittens);

2) agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number (fluffy kitten, little cat);

3) make simple and complex sentences based on pictures together with an adult.


1) pronounce the sounds of the native language, clearly articulating them in sound combinations and words;

2) pronounce phrases clearly, using the intonation of the whole sentence and regulate the strength of the voice and the pace of speech.

Connected speech

1) answer questions about the content of the picture and compose short story together with an adult

2) reproduce the text of a well-known fairy tale;

3) make up a story from personal experience child;

4) use words denoting speech etiquette(thank you, please, hello).

Middle age (4-5 years)

By the end of the year, children can:

1) Understand words that are similar and opposite in meaning, as well as different meanings of a polysemantic word;

2) understand and use generalizing words (furniture, vegetables, dishes);

3) select signs, qualities and actions for the names of objects;

4) compare and name objects by size, color, size.


1) Correlate the names of animals and their cubs (fox - fox, cow - calf);

2) use verbs in the imperative mood (run, wave);

3) correctly coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case, focusing on the ending (fluffy cat, fluffy cat);

4) make sentences of different types.


1) Correctly pronounce the sounds of your native language;

2) find words that sound similar and different;

3) correctly use a moderate rate of speech, strength of voice, and intonation means of expressiveness.

Connected speech

1) retell short tales and stories with previously unfamiliar content;

2) compose a story based on a picture or about a toy together with an adult;

3) describe the object depicted in the picture, naming signs, qualities, actions, expressing your assessment;

4) use a variety of polite forms of speech.

Older age (5-6 years old)

By the end of the year, children can:

1) activate adjectives and verbs, select words that are accurate in meaning to the speech situation;

2) select synonyms and antonyms for given words of different parts of speech;

3) understand and use different meanings of polysemantic words;

4) differentiate general concepts (wild and domestic animals).


1) Form the name of baby animals (fox - fox cub, cow - calf); select words with the same root, agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number;

2) form difficult forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood (hide! Dance! I would look for); genitive case (hares, foals, lambs);

3) build complex sentences of different types.


1) Differentiate pairs of sounds s-z, s-ts, sh-zh, h-sch l-r, distinguish between whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds, hard and soft;

3) select words and phrases that sound similar.

Connected speech

1) In retelling literary works, intonationally convey the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters;

2) compose a description, narrative or reasoning;

3) develop a storyline in a series of paintings, connecting parts of the statement with different types of connections.

2. Methodology for examining children's vocabulary

Examination technique according to (Strebeleva)

Middle age(4-5 years old)

1. “Show the picture” technique.

Goal: diagnostics of the child’s understanding of the functional purpose of the objects depicted in the pictures.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects familiar to the child: hat, mittens, glasses, needle and thread, umbrella, scissors.

Progress of the examination: pictures are laid out in front of the child, and the verbal instructions do not correspond to the sequence of the laid out pictures. The child must choose a picture among others based on the following verbal instructions: Show what people put on their heads when they go outside. - “What do people put on their hands in winter?” - “What do you use to sew on a button?” - “What do people need to see better?” - “What do you use to cut paper?” - “What should you take outside if it rains?” It is recorded: the child’s choice of a picture in accordance with the frost, the ability to name the objects depicted in the picture.

2. “Name what I’ll show” technique.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects found in a child’s life: apple, cup, cat, car, carrot, coat, watch, candy; pear, pan, cow, ship, bow, scarf, fox, decide, egg, robe, sofa, elephant, plum, turtle, aquarium, monument. Pictures depicting actions familiar to children from their experience: reading, riding, feeding.

Progress of the examination: the adult sequentially asks the child to look at pictures depicting various objects of action and name them. In cases of difficulty, the adult asks to show a certain picture and then name it.

3. “Be attentive” technique.

Purpose: checking the subject and verb dictionary.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects found in a child’s life: apple, cup, cat, car, carrot, coat, watch, candy, pear, pan, cow, ship, scarf, fox, turnip, egg, robe, sofa, elephant, plum, turtle, aquarium. Pictures depicting actions familiar to children from their experience: reading, rolling, feeding.

Progress of the examination: the adult sequentially asks the child to look at pictures depicting various objects of action and name them.

In cases of difficulty, the adult asks to show a certain picture, then name it.

4. “Say it in one word” technique.

Purpose: testing the ability to summarize in one word objects and images in pictures, grouped by functional sign. toys - a car, a bunny, a bear, a pyramid, a matryoshka, pictures depicting several objects: clothes and vegetables.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to look at pictures of clothes and vegetables, as well as toys and name them in one word.

5. “Say the opposite” technique.

Goal: diagnostics of the ability to use words denoting attributes of objects.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects with opposite signs: healthy - sick; clean - dirty, white - black; thick-thin; high Low.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to play, choosing attribute words with the opposite meaning. For example: “One boy has clean hands, but the other one has clean hands?”

6. “Call me kindly” technique

Goal: diagnostics of the development of the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Equipment: pictures depicting large and small objects: flower - flower, hat - cap, ring - ring, bench - bench.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to look at and name pictures depicting large and small objects.

Older age. (5-6 l.)

Identification of vocabulary mastery (accuracy of word usage, use of different parts of speech).

1. Method “Name what it is?”

Equipment: pictures depicting: clothes, fruit, furniture.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to look at a number of pictures and name them in one word (clothes, furniture). Then the adult asks the child to list flowers, birds and animals. Next, the child is asked to guess the object by description: “Round, smooth, juicy, sweet, fruit” (apple). Orange, long, sweet, growing in the garden, vegetable (carrot); green, long, tasty, salty, tasty raw, who is he? (cucumber); red, round, juicy, soft, tasty, vegetable (tomato).

2. Method “Who moves how?”

Equipment: pictures of fish, birds, horses, dogs, cats, frogs, butterflies, snakes.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to answer the Questions: Fish.,. (floats) Bird... (flies). Horse..(gallops). Dog... (runs) Cat... (sneaks, runs). The frog (how does it move?) - jumps. Butterfly. ..(flies).

3. Method “Name the animal and its baby.”

Goal: identifying the level of vocabulary development.

Equipment: pictures depicting domestic and wild animals and their young.

Progress of the examination: the child is shown a picture of one of the animals and asked to name it and its baby. In cases of difficulty, an adult takes the pictures and helps the child answer: “This is a cat, and her cub is a kitten. And this is a dog, what is the name of her cub?”

4. “Choose a word” technique.

Goal: identifying the ability to select words denoting the quality of an action.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to listen carefully to the phrase and choose the right word for it. For example: “The horse is running. How? Fast.” The following phrases are suggested: the wind blows... (strongly); the dog barks... (loudly); the boat floats... (slowly); the girl whispers... (quietly).

Older age (6-7 years old)

1. “Explain actions” technique.

Goal: identifying an understanding of the semantic shades of the meanings of verbs formed in an affixal way (using prefixes that give words different shades).

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to listen to the words and explain the meaning of the words:

run-run-run out;





2. “Choose a word” technique

Goal: identifying the nuances of meaning of synonyms - adjectives.

Progress of the examination: the adult asks the child to choose words that are close in meaning to the named word (adjective), For example: smart - reasonable.; weak - timid -. old.

3. “Explain” technique

Goal: identifying an understanding of the figurative meaning of adjectives.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to explain the following phrases: evil winter; skillful fingers; Golden hair; prickly wind; light wind.

Examination technique (according to Ushakova, Strunina)

Younger age (3-4 years old)

Goal: diagnostics of the development of children's vocabulary.

Task 1. Doll.

1. What is the name of the doll? Give her a name.

1) The child names a name in a sentence (I want to call her Marina);

2) gives a name (in one word);

3) does not give a name (repeats the word doll).

2. Tell me, what is Marina like?

1) Names two or more words (beautiful, elegant);

2) names one word (good);

3) does not name qualities or characteristics (repeats the word doll).

3. What is she (Marina) wearing?

1) Independently names more than two items of clothing (in a green dress, white socks);

2) with the help of the teacher’s questions: “What is this? Show me...” (These are socks, this is a dress);

3) shows items of clothing, but does not name them.

4. How to call it in one word? (The teacher calls: “Dress, socks - is this...?”)

1) The child names generalizing words (clothes, things);

2) names other types of clothing (panties, tights, jacket...);

3) repeats the words that the teacher named (dress, socks).

5. What clothes are you wearing?

1) Names more than two words (shirt, T-shirt, trousers);

2) names two items of clothing (sundress, T-shirt);

3) names only one word (dress) or lists shoes (slippers, shoes).

6. What is Marina doing? (The teacher performs the actions: the doll sits down, stands up, raises its hand, waves it.)

1) The child names all the actions;

2) names two actions (stood up, raised her hand);

3) names one word - action (standing or sitting).

7. What can you do with the doll?

1) Says more than two words (put her to bed, rock her, play);

2) names two actions (rolling in a stroller, feeding a doll);

Task 2. Ball.

1. Which ball (to give to the child)?

1) Names two or more signs (round, rubber);

2) names one word;

3) does not name qualities, says another word (play).

2. What can you do with it?

1) Names more than two words (verbs) (toss, play football);

2) names two actions (play, throw);

3) names one word (play).

3. The adult asks a question after the action. Throws a ball to the child and says:

What did I do (throws the ball)? (Dropped.)

What did you do? (Caught.)

Now you quit. What did you do? (Dropped.)

What did I do? (Caught.)

1) The child names all the verbs in the required form;

2) names 2-3 verbs correctly;

3) names only one action.

Task 4.

1. How to call a doll or ball in one word?

1) The child gives a generalizing word (toys);

2) lists the names (Katya, ball);

3) says one word (doll).

2. Tell us what toys you have at home, how you play with them, with whom?

1) Make up a story from personal experience (I have cars at home. There are many of them, all the cars are different. I put them in the garage);

2) lists toys;

3) names one toy.

Middle age(4-5 years old)

Task 1. Doll.

Purpose: checking the development of children's vocabulary.

The teacher shows the child a doll and asks questions in the following sequence.

1. Tell me what a doll is!

1), The child gives a definition (a doll is a toy, a doll is played with);

2) names individual signs (the doll is beautiful) and actions (it is standing);

3) does not complete the task, repeats the word doll.

2. What kind of clothes is the doll wearing?

1) The child names more than four words;

2) names more than two things;

3) shows without naming.

3. Give the doll a task so that it runs and waves its hand.

1) The child gives the correct forms: Katya, please run (wave your hand);

2) gives only verbs - run, wave;

3) gives incorrect shapes.

4. Guests came to the doll. What should you put on the table?

1) The child names the word dishes;

2) lists individual items of utensils;

3) names one object.

5. What kind of dishes do you know?

1) The child names more than four objects;

2) names two objects;

3) names one object.

6. Where do they put bread (in the bread bin), sugar (in the sugar bowl), butter (in the butter dish), salt (in the salt shaker)!

1) Answers all questions correctly;

2) answered three questions;

3) completed only one task.

7. Comparison of tableware. "How are these items different?" (Show a picture with different dishes.)

1) Names by color (or shape and size);

2) lists individual characteristics (this cup is green, this one is red, this one is tall);

3) names one difference.

8. Tell me what it is? Glass, transparent - is it a glass or a vase? Metallic, shiny - is it a fork or a knife? Clay, painted - is it a dish or a plate?

1) Completes all tasks;

2) performs two tasks;

3) performs one task.

9. Prompt (pick up) a word. One plate is deep and the other... (shallow); one glass is high and the other... (low); this cup is clean, and this one... (dirty).

1) Chose all the words correctly;

2) completed two tasks;

3) completed one task.

10. The cup has a handle. What other pens do you know?

1) Name the handle of 3-4 objects (kettle, iron, bag, umbrella);

2) names two handles (near a pot, frying pan);

3) shows the handle of the cup.

Task 2. Ball.

1. The teacher shows two balls and asks: “What is a ball?”

1) The child gives a definition (a ball is a toy; it is round, rubber);

2) names some feature;

3) repeats the word ball.

2. What does it mean to throw, catch!

1) The child explains: to throw means I threw the ball to someone and the other caught it;

2) shows movement and aims, says - threw;

3) only shows movement (no words).

3. Compare two balls, how are they different and how are they similar?

1) The child names the signs: both are round, rubber, play with balls;

2) names only differences in color;

3) says one word.

4. What toys do you know?

1) The child names more than four toys;

2) names more than two;

3) says one word.

Older age (5-6 years old)

I series of tasks.

Goal: to identify the maturity of children’s vocabulary.

Progress of the examination.1. You already know a lot of words. What does the word doll, ball, dishes mean?

2) names individual signs and actions;

2. What is deep? small? tall? low? easy? heavy?

1) Completes all tasks, names 1-2 words to the adjective (deep hole, deep sea);

2) selects words for 2-3 adjectives;

3) selects a word for only one adjective (high fence).

3. What is the word pen called?

1) Names several meanings of this word (The pen writes. The child has a pen. The door has a pen);

2) names two meanings of this word;

3) lists objects that have a handle (1-2 words).

Examination methodology (according to the program From adolescence to childhood)

Middle age(4-5 years old)

Methodology "Subject Dictionary"

Purpose: diagnostics of understanding of the functional purpose of objects.

Progress of the examination:

The teacher places 6 pictures in front of the child depicting a boot, a teapot, a house, a car, a dress, a chair. The teacher asks a question, the child finds the answer in the pictures and answers the question posed. Teacher questions: what do they wear on their feet? What do you boil water in? Where do people live? What do girls wear? What do people drive? What are we sitting on?

2. Method "Parts of objects"

Purpose: diagnostics of understanding of parts of objects.

Progress of the examination:

A 4-year-old child perceives the objects of our world holistically and therefore experiences certain difficulties in naming the parts of objects;

The teacher uses pictures from the previous assignment. Asks to take pictures one at a time; repeat the name of the item; name its parts. Out of 6 pictures, the child can choose any 3-4. In this case, the teacher can use a pointer to show parts of the depicted objects, which will help the child in naming them. For example: boot - sole, toe, heel, zipper, (lock, laces), heel; teapot - handle, spout, bottom, lid; house - roof, windows, door, porch, chimney, walls; car - body, cabin, wheels, window, headlights, door; dress - sleeves, collar, buttons, pocket, belt; chair - back, seat, legs.

3. Methodology "Words - generalizations"

The study covers the topics “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Furniture”, “Animals”.

Goal: identifying mastery of generalizing words.

Progress of the examination:

The teacher places 4 pictures in front of the child (for example, dress, trousers, skirt, blouse). Asks to name the depicted objects in one word. You can use one picture depicting objects (objects) corresponding to the generalization word. The appendix provides some sample pictures for generalization on the topics “Vegetables,” “Fruits,” “Clothing,” “Shoes,” “Furniture,” “Animals.”

4. Method "Baby Animals"

Goal: diagnostics of the maturity of the ability to form nouns using suffixes.

Progress of the examination:

The child is offered 4 pictures that depict animals and birds with their young: a fox with cubs, a duck with ducklings, a pig with piglets, a dog with puppies. Some of the pictures can be taken from the previous task (theme "Animals"). The child names what he sees.

5. Methodology "Professions"

Goal: to identify a child’s basic understanding of the professions of adults.

Progress of the examination:

A 4 year old child already has elementary representation that all adults work. The teacher constructs the examination as follows:

1. Says: “Every adult has his own profession - a job that he knows how to do well. Look at the pictures and say what the people depicted in them do.” The teacher shows pictures, the children identify and name professions (cook, pilot, salesman, driver (chauffeur).

2. Asks: “Does your mother work? Who? Does your dad work? Who?”

Z. Asks to name any known professions of people: “What other professions of people do you know? Name them.”

6. Methodology "Dictionary of signs"

Goal: diagnostics of the ability to use words denoting characteristics of objects.

Progress of the examination:

The teacher shows one picture at a time: a ball, a hat, a bucket, flowers. Asks you to answer what questions? which? which? which? For example: "What is this?" (Ball.) “What ball?” (Red, big, round, airy, light, etc.) The child should be encouraged if he selects several adjectives for one object when answering. Antonyms. When studying the dictionary of signs, you should pay special attention to antonyms - words with the opposite meaning. The child is offered the game “On the contrary”.

The teacher says: “Once upon a time there was a boy who said everything the other way around. His mother will say: Your hands are dirty. And he answers: Clean. They say to him: Look out the window, it’s white snowing outside. And he answers: No, the snow is black. ". Let's play the game "Verse versa". The teacher offers the following words, showing corresponding pairs of opposite pictures: clean - dirty; dry - wet; thick - thin; wide narrow. The game can be made more difficult. The teacher shows one picture and names a word, the child finds a picture with the opposite meaning, shows it and names it.

The child is offered a plot picture, which depicts several characters in various movements. The teacher asks the child who he sees here and what they are doing. For example: 1. The picture shows: a grasshopper (jumping), a lizard (running), a butterfly (flying), a goose (swimming), a bird (sitting, singing, pecking).

2. The picture shows children in the park: girls jumping ropes; the guys are digging and building in the sandbox; The teacher sits on a bench and reads a book to a group of children; a boy runs after a girl; a boy is driving a car; a girl swings on a swing, etc.

Older age (5-6 years old)

When assessing the state of a 5-year-old child’s vocabulary, teachers study subject vocabulary (parts of the subject, words - generalizations); verbal dictionary (verbs with spatial prefixes); dictionary of characteristics (relative adjectives; antonyms denoting color, size, time, spatial characteristics).

1. Methodology "Subject Dictionary"

Goal: identifying skills in naming parts of objects.

Progress of the examination:

The teacher lays out object pictures in front of the child depicting a car (passenger car), a house and asks him to name the objects and its parts. The teacher can use a pointer to show some parts of the depicted object, which will help the child isolate the part from the whole and name it. In older preschool age, it is advisable for children to indicate parts and details that are not visible in the picture. If the child does not name the invisible parts, then the teacher asks the question: “What else does the car have? What is there in the house?” For example: a car - wheels, steering wheel, gas tank, door (front, rear), windshield, mirror, engine, brake, seat belt, interior, seat, etc.; house - walls, roof, door, porch, window, chimney, steps, rooms, ceiling, etc.

2. Methodology "Generalization words"

Goal: identifying mastery of generalizing words.

Progress of the examination:

The teacher offers the children four pictures. Asks to name them in one word (“What one word can these objects be called?”).

The teacher finds out whether the children have the following general concepts: tools, transport, trees, berries.

Sample list of pictures:

tools - drill, plane, saw, hammer;

transport - car (passenger car), bus, trolleybus, tram;

trees - birch, oak, spruce, rowan;

berries - raspberries, strawberries, black currants, gooseberries.

Goal: identifying the presence of verbs in the child’s dictionary.

Progress of the examination:

The child is offered on the table a conventional model of a city street on which there is a garage (this could be, for example, a cube or a box), roads (for example, strips of paper or ribbons), a bridge, houses (for example, cubes). A car (toy) is placed in the garage. The teacher says and acts with the toy: I will tell you what the car was doing on the city street, and you help me. Choose the necessary words that are similar to the word - go.

The teacher drives the car along the model and says: “The car left the garage... (left) and along the road... (drove); the car... (drove) onto the bridge; across the road... (drove); to the traffic light.. . (drove up); behind the house... (drove); far away... (left).”

Next, the teacher invites the child to take the car, show and tell what the car was doing on the city street. In this case, special attention is paid not only to the child’s ability to use spatial prefixes, but also to the correct correlation of actions and words.

4. Methodology "dictionary of signs"

Relative adjectives.

Goal: to identify the child’s understanding of the signs of an object.

Progress of the examination:

It is carried out in the form of a game exercise “Say it differently”. First, the teacher says what the object is made of (glass vase), and then the child (glass).

Examples: glass vase - glass;

wooden table - wooden;

leather bag - leather;

cardboard box - cardboard;

plastic toy - plastic;

key made of metal metal.

2. Antonyms. The teacher names the words, the child selects the opposite pair:

light dark;

White black;

high Low;

right left;

winter - summer;

light heavy;

top - bottom, etc.

If there is difficulty, the teacher can add a noun that will help the child answer correctly:

light suit - dark suit;

white collar - black collar;

tall man - short man;

winter day - summer day; easy

stone - heavy stone;

upper floor - lower floor;

right eye - left eye, etc.

The teacher enters the data obtained from examining the child’s dictionary into a table.

Older age (5-6 years old)

Methodology "Subject Dictionary".

Goal: to study subject vocabulary (parts of the subject, generalization words); verbal dictionary (verbs with spatial prefixes); dictionary of signs; antonyms (spatial features indicated by verbs and nouns). The survey includes five tasks.

1. Method "Parts of an object"

Goal: identifying skills in naming parts of an object.

The teacher places in front of the child object pictures depicting a bus, a house (multi-story) and asks him to name the object and all its possible parts. It is necessary that children indicate not only the visible parts and details, but also those that are not visible in the picture. Additional questions are not asked during the examination (unlike the older group).

An approximate list of parts of objects:

Bus: visible parts - body, wheels, headlights, cabin, windows, etc.;

invisible parts - engine, interior, seats, doors, handrails, etc.;

House (urban): visible parts - floors, windows, entrance, door, roof, drainpipe, etc.;

invisible parts - stairs, elevator, apartments, rooms, mailboxes, etc.

2. Methodology "Generalization words"

The teacher offers the children four pictures for each generalizing concept. Asks to name them in one word (“What one word can these objects be called?”). The teacher finds out whether children have the following general concepts: animals, transport, professions, movements.

An approximate list of pictures: animals - ant, fish, crow, hare, cow, whale;

transport - car, bus, plane, ship;

professions - cook, builder, teacher, salesman;

movements - the child runs, jumps rope, swims, throws a ball.

3. Methodology "Verb Dictionary"

The child is offered a mock-up of a city street on the table. The model must show a tree with a nest. A bird (toy) is sitting in the nest. The teacher says: I will tell you about the chick and his first independent flight, and you help me. Choose the necessary words that are similar to the word fly. The teacher moves the bird around the model and says: Once upon a time there was a chick. One day he realized that his wings had become stronger and decided to make his first flight. The chick left the nest... (flew) and along the road... (flew), across the road... (flew), towards the house... (flew), into the open window... (flew), got scared and out window... (flew away), into the distant forest... (flew away).. then the teacher invites the child to take the bird, show and tell what it did. In this case, special attention is paid not only to the child’s ability to use spatial prefixes, but also to the correct

4. Methodology "Dictionary of signs"

The examination is carried out individually orally (without visual material) in the form of a game exercise “Say it differently”. Relative adjectives are used as a basis. First, the teacher says what the object is made of (crystal vase), and then the child (crystal).

Examples: crystal vase - crystal;

fur collar - fur; clay jug - earthenware; bridge made of stone. - stone; paper boat - paper.

5. Antonyms The examination is carried out individually with each child orally. The teacher names the words, the child selects a pair with the opposite meaning.

Teacher child

lie down stand

lay down and stood

came out came in

rose, fell

took off and landed

opened closed

morning evening

cold heat

day Night

rain snow

cheerful sad

smooth rough

straight curve

3. Examination of the sound culture of speech

Examination technique (according to Strebeleva)

Middle age (4-5 years old)

1. “Be attentive” technique

Goal: diagnostics of the ability to isolate a certain vowel sound from a number of proposed sounds.

Equipment: screen.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to raise his hand if he hears the vowel sound “a” (“u, i”). The teacher behind the screen pronounces a series of sounds, for example: a, m, y, s, a, p, i; a, y, o, s, y, etc.

2. “Repeat” technique.

Goal: diagnostics of a child’s ability to repeat words while maintaining the correct syllable structure.

Progress of the examination: the adult sequentially names a series of words and asks the child to pronounce them reflectively. The following words are suggested: car, towel, butterfly, matryoshka, button, frog, soap dish.

3. “Name it” technique.

Goal: diagnostics of a child’s ability to independently name words with a complex syllable structure.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects: a saucepan, a turtle, a ship, a monument, an aquarium.

Progress of the examination: the adult asks the child to look at the pictures sequentially and name them.

4. “Show the picture” technique.

Goal: diagnostics of a child’s ability to differentiate words that sound similar.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Progress of the examination: paired pictures are laid out in front of the child, he is asked to show where the scythe and goat, duck and fishing rod, spoons and horns, mouse and bear, saber and heron are.

5. Game "Echo".

Purpose: diagnostics of auditory attention, perception and ability to reproduce syllable series in a given sequence.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to play the game “Echo”.

The adult pronounces the following syllable series and asks the child to repeat them: pa-ba, ta-da, ka-ga, pa-pa-ba, ta-da-ta, pa-bapa, ta-ta-da.

Older age (5-6 years old)

Equipment. drawings.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to repeat the following words

C: garden, stroller, globe.

Sya: cornflower, taxi.

3: castle, dunno.

Z: strawberry, monkey.

C: heron, ring, Indian.

Sh: checkers, collar, pencil.

F: giraffe, beetle, skis.

IC: pike, puppy, raincoat.

H: kettle, cookies, ball.

L: lamp, wolf, table.

Leh: lemon, stove, salt.

R: cancer, stamps, fly agaric.

Ry: river, gingerbread, lantern.

And: watering can, apple, hedgehog, wings.

K: jacket, violin, wardrobe.

G: garden bed, heating pad, grapes.

X: bread, weaver, rooster.

2. “Repeat correctly” technique.

Purpose: checking sound pronunciation.

Zina has an umbrella.

A blacksmith forges a chain.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog.

A woodpecker was hammering a spruce tree.

A mole got into our yard.

Maya and Yura are singing.

3. Methodology "Counting tables".

“One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk, suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the bunny, but the hunter didn’t hit, the gray bunny galloped away.”

Behind the glass doors there is a bear with pies, how much, dear friend, does a delicious pie cost?" (Each counting rhyme can be repeated no more than 2-3 times).

4. “Name it” technique

Purpose: to check the child’s ability to pronounce words of different syllable structures in isolation.

Equipment: pictures with the following words - pig, astronaut, aquarium, motorcycle, apartment, birdhouse, TV, helicopter, artist, photographer, strawberry, frying pan, motorcyclist, rectangle, dragonfly, snowman, plumber, policeman.

Progress of the examination: the adult asks the child to name the images in the pictures (objects, characters, plants, insects, animals); if there is difficulty, the adult asks the child to repeat the following words: pig, astronaut, aquarium, motorcycle, apartment, birdhouse, TV, helicopter, artist, photographer, strawberry, frying pan, motorcyclist, rectangle, dragonfly, snowman, plumber, policeman.

5. “Repeat after me” technique.

Equipment: scene pictures:

1. A policeman is standing at an intersection.

2. Goldfish are swimming in an aquarium.

3. The photographer takes pictures of children.

4. Sasha was drying wet clothes on a line.

5. The watchmaker is repairing the watch.

6. The bird raised the chicks in the nest.

8. The cook is baking pancakes in a frying pan.

Progress of the examination:

The adult shows the child a picture and asks him to repeat the following sentences:

A policeman stands at an intersection.

Goldfish swim in an aquarium.

A photographer takes pictures of children.

Sasha was drying wet clothes on a line.

A watchmaker repairs a watch

The bird raised the chicks in the nest.

A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle.

The cook bakes pancakes in a frying pan.

6. “Echo” technique

Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and the ability to pronounce syllable series in a given sequence.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to play the game “Echo”: the speech therapist pronounces the following syllable series: pa-ba, ta-da, ka-ga, pa-pa-ba, ta-da-ta, pa-ba-pa.

7. “I’ll repeat” technique.

Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and ability to reproduce the proposed words in a given sequence.

Progress of the examination: the adult asks the child to repeat a series of words: cat-year-cat; tom-dom-com; fishing rod

8. “Be attentive” technique.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to play: “I will name the words, if you hear the sound “w”, clap your hands.”

An adult names the words: house, bunny, hat, bear, fox, cone, Christmas tree, car. Then the child is asked to single out the following sounds in turn: “k”, “l” from the proposed words: monkey, umbrella, cat, chair, robe, poppy; fist, bunny, T-shirt, soap, chamomile, lamp.

9. “Name it correctly” technique.

Purpose: checking sound pronunciation.

Equipment: drawings.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to repeat the following words:

C: garden, stroller, globe.

Sya: cornflower, taxi.

3: castle, dunno.

Z: strawberry, monkey.

C: heron, ring, Indian.

Sh: checkers, collar, pencil.

F: giraffe, beetle, skis.

IC: pike, puppy, raincoat.

H: kettle, cookies, ball.

L: lamp, wolf, table.

Leh: lemon, stove, salt.

R: cancer, stamps, fly agaric.

Ry: river, gingerbread, lantern.

And: watering can, apple, hedgehog, wings.

K: jacket, violin, wardrobe.

G: garden bed, heating pad, grapes.

X: bread, weaver, rooster.

10. “Repeat correctly” technique.

Purpose: checking sound pronunciation.

Equipment: plot drawings.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to repeat the following sentences: The catfish has a mustache.

Zina has an umbrella.

A blacksmith forges a chain.

A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka is.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog.

A woodpecker was hammering a spruce tree.

A mole got into our yard.

Maya and Yura are singing.

11. Methodology "Counting tables".

Purpose: checking sound pronunciation in the process of pronouncing a reading text.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to play counting rhymes: “I start the counting rhyme, and you listen, then repeat.” An adult, rhythmically pronouncing the text of the counting rhyme, in time with the words, points with his hand first at himself, then at the child: “The counting rhyme begins: There is a starling and a jackdaw on an oak tree, the starling has flown home, and the counting is over.”

“One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk, suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the bunny, but the hunter didn’t hit, the gray bunny galloped away.” Behind the glass doors there is a bear with pies, how much, dear friend, does a delicious pie cost?" (Each counting rhyme can be repeated no more than 2-3 times).

Older age (6-7 years old)

1. “Name it correctly” technique.

Equipment: pictures for examining sound pronunciation.

C: garden, stroller, globe.

Sya: cornflower, taxi.

Z: castle, Dunno.

Z: strawberry, monkey.

C: heron, ring, Indian.

Sh: checkers, collar, pencil.

F: giraffe, beetle, skis.

Sh: pike, puppy, raincoat.

H: kettle. cookies, ball.

L: lamp, wolf, table.

Leh: lemon, stove, salt.

R: cancer, stamps, fly agaric.

Ry: river, gingerbread, lantern.

I: watering can. apple, hedgehog, wings.

K: jacket, violin, wardrobe.

G: garden bed, grapes.

X: bread, weaver, rooster.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to name the pictures.

2. “Repeat sentences” technique.

Equipment: story pictures.

The catfish has a mustache. Zina has an umbrella.

A blacksmith forges a chain.

A hat and a fur coat - that's all Mishutka.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog. A woodpecker was hammering a spruce tree.

A mole got into our yard.

Maya and Yura are singing.

3. “Repeat after me” technique

Purpose: to check the child’s ability to pronounce words of different syllable structures in sentences.

Progress of the examination: the adult asks the child to repeat the following sentences:

The store sells a floor polisher and a vacuum cleaner.

The leaves are falling - leaf fall is coming.

A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle.

A photographer takes pictures of children.

Grandmother knits a collar for her granddaughter.

A fisherman catches fish.

Bees are raised by a beekeeper.

A dump truck arrived at the construction site.

4. “Echo” technique.

Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and the ability to reproduce syllable series in a given sequence.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to play the game “Echo”: the adult pronounces the following syllable series: pa-pa-ba, ta-da-ta; pa-ba-pa; pa-ba, pa-ba, na-ba; ka-ha-ka; sa-za, sa-za, sa-za; Sasha. sa-sha, sa-sha.

5. “Repeat” technique

Purpose: testing auditory attention, perception and the ability to correctly reproduce the proposed words in a given sequence.

Progress of the examination: the adult asks the child to repeat a series of words: roof-rat; log-knee; earth-snake: daughter-dot-koch-ka; grandma-tub-pillow bear-bowl-bear.

6. “Be attentive” technique

Purpose: checking the level of formation of phonemic hearing.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to play. I will name the words, if you hear the sound “z”, clap your hands,” the adult names the words: tree, bunny, cornflower, river, basket, Zina, bush, bell.

Then the child is offered certain sounds with which he must come up with words: “sh”, “s”, “l”. If there are difficulties, the adult himself names a few words.

7. “Guess how many sounds” technique.

Goal: checking the level of development of phonemic hearing and the ability to perform sound analysis of a word.

Progress of the examination: the adult calls the child a word and asks him to answer the question: “How many sounds are in this word? Name the first sound, the third, the second.” For example, "house". If there are difficulties, the adult himself identifies the sounds, explaining to the child the place of each sound in this word. Then other words are suggested: vase, car, pen, pencil case, book.

Examination technique (according to O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina)

Middle age(4-5 years old)

(The technique can also be used for younger children)

1. Checking sound pronunciation. This task is carried out in the same way as for younger preschoolers; sounds that the child does not pronounce are noted.

1) The child pronounces all sounds;

2) does not pronounce complex sounds: sonorant or hissing;

3) does not pronounce either sonorants or sibilants.

1) The child pronounces the text clearly;

2) does not pronounce phrases clearly, does not sufficiently regulate the strength of his voice;

3) has serious shortcomings in pronouncing the text.

3. The teacher asks: “Are you pronouncing all the sounds correctly?”

1) The child pronounces all sounds and is aware of it;

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The manual contains a brief description of the speech of preschool children, as well as diagnosticmethods for examining different aspects of the speech of preschool children, recommended; , Grizik is addressed to preschool teachers, students of pedagogical colleges, and parents interested in the high speech development of children.


1. Characteristics of children’s speech……………………………………………………3

2.Methodology for examining children’s dictionary……………………………………………………......4

3 Methodology for examining the sound culture of speech………………………....31

4. Methodology for examining the grammatical structure of speech………………….49

5. Methodology for examining coherent speech………………………………………………………67



Speech - one of the main lines of child development. The native language helps the child enter our world and opens up wide opportunities for communication with adults and children. With the help of speech, the baby learns about the world, expresses his thoughts and views. Normal speech development is necessary for a child to succeed in school.

Speech develops at a rapid pace, and normally, by the age of 5, all the sounds of the native language are correctly pronounced; has a significant vocabulary; mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech; masters the initial forms of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to freely come into contact with people around him. At preschool age, elementary awareness of the phenomena of the native language begins. The child comprehends the sound structure of a word, gets acquainted with synonyms and antonyms, the verbal composition of a sentence, etc. He is able to understand the patterns of constructing a detailed statement (monologue), and strives to master the rules of dialogue. The formation of an elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena develops free speech in children and creates the basis for successful mastery of literacy (reading and writing). In preschool age, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child’s speech development become obvious. Any delay, any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and the formation of his personality as a whole.

Purpose of the survey – determine the initial level of speech development of each child and the group as a whole at the beginning of the school year; determine the effectiveness of work on speech development for the previous year (dynamics of speech development over the year).

1. Characteristics of speech of preschool children

Younger age

Under favorable educational conditions, mastery of the sound system of a language occurs by the age of four (correct sound pronunciation, formation of the intonation structure of speech, the ability to convey the elementary intonation of a question, request, exclamation). The child accumulates a certain vocabulary that contains all parts of speech.

The predominant place in the children's vocabulary is occupied by verbs and nouns, denoting objects and objects of the immediate environment, their action and state. The child is actively developing the generalizing functions of words. Through the word, the child masters the basic grammatical forms: the plural appears, the accusative and genitive cases of nouns, diminutive suffixes, the present and past tense of the verb, the imperative mood; complex forms of sentences develop, consisting of main and subordinate clauses, and speech reflects causal, target, conditional and other connections expressed through conjunctions. Children master speaking skills, express their thoughts in simple and complex sentences and are led to compose coherent statements of descriptive and narrative types. However, other features are also noted in the speech of many children of the fourth year of life.

At this age, preschoolers may mispronounce (or not pronounce at all) sibilants. (w, f, h, sch), sonorant (r, r, l, l) sounds. The intonation side of speech requires improvement; work is needed both on the development of the child’s articulatory apparatus and on the development of such elements of sound culture as diction and voice strength.

Mastering basic grammatical forms also has its own characteristics. Not all children know how to agree words in gender, number and case. In the process of constructing simple common sentences, they omit individual parts of the sentence. The problem of new speech formations, which are generated by the word-formation system of the native language, also stands out very clearly. The desire to create new words is dictated by the child’s creative mastery of the riches of his native language. Children of the fourth year of life have access to a simple form of dialogic speech, but they are often distracted from the content of the question. The child’s speech is situational, expressive presentation predominates.

Middle preschool age

The main direction of speech development in the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. Noticeable changes are also taking place in the development of word formation methods, and an explosion of word creation begins. Children receive an initial understanding of a word as a sound process (it sounds, consists of sounds, sounds are pronounced one after another, sequentially). Children of this age have a very strong affinity for rhyme. They choose words that sometimes make no sense. But this activity itself is far from meaningless: it promotes the development of speech hearing and develops the ability to select words that sound similar.

The child learns to correctly understand and use the terms word, sounds, sound, listen attentively to the sounding word, independently find words that are different and similar in sound, determine the sequence of sounds in a word, and highlight certain sounds. This is the period of familiarization of children with the word - its semantic side (it has meaning, it means some object, phenomenon, action, quality). The child’s active vocabulary is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects and the actions performed with them. Children can determine the purpose of an object, its functional characteristics (A ball is a toy: they play with it). They begin to select words with opposite meanings, compare objects and phenomena, and use generalizing words (nouns with a collective meaning).

This is the period of practical mastery of the rules of using grammatical means. Children's speech is replete with grammatical errors, neologisms ("children's" words like "mashinskiy", "otknopil", "creeper"). Children master the morphological means of language (word agreement in gender, number, case, alternation of consonants in the stems of verbs and nouns). The child is led to understand the polysemy of individual grammatical forms. He learns the methods of word formation of nouns with suffixes of emotional and expressive assessment, with suffixes meaning baby animals, as well as some methods of forming verbs with prefixes, degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Children master the ability to construct different types of statements- description and narration. When composing stories, the understanding of the semantic side of speech, the syntactic structure of sentences, the sound side of speech are improved, i.e. all those skills that are necessary for a child of the fifth year of life to develop coherent speech. Speech activity increases and DUE with the fact that this is the age of “why”. At the same time, there are disturbances in the speech of children aged five years. Not all children correctly pronounce hissing and sonorant sounds; some have insufficiently developed intonation expressiveness. There are also shortcomings in mastering the grammatical rules of speech (agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender and number, using the genitive plural). The speech of children aged four to five years is characterized by mobility and instability. They can focus on the semantic side of the word, but the exact use of the word causes difficulty for many children. Most children do not sufficiently possess the ability to construct a description and narrative: they violate structure, consistency, and do not have the ability to connect sentences and parts of a statement with each other. This specification is approximate. The levels of speech development of children of the same age are very different. These differences become especially clear in middle preschool age. Firstly, by this time most children have mastered the word - and sound pronunciation. Secondly, the child masters coherent speech and begins to construct an independent statement, which at first consists of only a few sentences. The level of speech development of children in the fifth year of life can be determined using a method developed for the younger group. However, some tasks are added and complicated.

Senior preschool age

In children of senior preschool age, speech development reaches a high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of their voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of a question, joy, and surprise. By older preschool age, a child has accumulated a significant vocabulary. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language, the set of words used by the child) continues, the stock of words that are similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, and polysemantic words increases.

Thus, the development of the dictionary is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child’s understanding of different meanings of the same word (multiple meanings). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with children’s increasingly complete awareness of the semantics of the words they already use.

At senior preschool age, the most important stage of children’s speech development – ​​the acquisition of the grammatical system of the language – is largely completed. The amazing weight of simple common sentences, complex and complex sentences increases. Children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors and the ability to control their speech.

The most striking characteristic of the speech of children of senior preschool age is the active assimilation or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types of connections between words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing their structure (beginning, middle, end).

Children also make mistakes in the formation of different grammatical forms. And of course, it is difficult to correctly construct complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect combination of words in a sentence and the connection of sentences with each other when composing a coherent statement.

The main disadvantages in the development of coherent speech are the inability to construct a coherent text using all structural elements (beginning, middle, end), and to connect parts of a statement.

Speech tasks in relation to children of senior preschool age are included in the same sections as in previous ages, however, each task becomes more complicated both in content and in teaching methods.

Methodology for identifying individual aspects of children's speech development. The section discusses individual techniques that reveal the characteristics of a child’s mastery of vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics of his native language.

Levels of proficiency in speech skills and abilities, on different aspects of speech development

Younger age)

By the end of the year, children can:


1) form the names of animals and their cubs in the singular and plural, using diminutive suffixes (cat - cat - kitten - cat - kittens);

2) agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number (fluffy kitten, little cat);

3) make simple and complex sentences based on pictures together with an adult.


1) pronounce the sounds of the native language, clearly articulating them in sound combinations and words;

2) pronounce phrases clearly, using the intonation of the whole sentence and regulate the strength of the voice and the pace of speech.

Connected speech

1) answer questions about the content of the picture and write a short story together with an adult

2) reproduce the text of a well-known fairy tale;

3) compose a story from the child’s personal experience;

4) use words indicating speech etiquette (thank you, please, hello).

Middle age (4 – 5 years)

By the end of the year, children can:

1) Understand words that are similar and opposite in meaning, as well as different meanings of a polysemantic word;

2) understand and use generalizing words (furniture, vegetables, dishes);

3) select signs, qualities and actions for the names of objects;

4) compare and name objects by size, color, size.


1) Correlate the names of animals and their cubs (fox - fox, cow - calf);

2) use verbs in the imperative mood (run, wave);

3) correctly coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case, focusing on the ending (fluffy cat, fluffy cat);

4) make sentences of different types.


1) Correctly pronounce the sounds of your native language;

2) find words that sound similar and different;

3) correctly use a moderate rate of speech, strength of voice, and intonation means of expressiveness.

Connected speech

1) retell short fairy tales and stories with previously unfamiliar content;

2) compose a story based on a picture or about a toy together with an adult;

3) describe the object depicted in the picture, naming signs, qualities, actions, expressing your assessment;

4) use a variety of polite forms of speech.

Older age (5-6 years old)

By the end of the year, children can:

1) activate adjectives and verbs, select words that are accurate in meaning to the speech situation;

2) select synonyms and antonyms for given words of different parts of speech;

3) understand and use different meanings of polysemantic words;


1) Form the name of baby animals (fox - fox cub, cow - calf); select words with the same root, agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number;

2) form difficult forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood (hide! Dance! I would look for); genitive case (hares, foals, lambs);

3) build complex sentences of different types.


1) Differentiate pairs of sounds s-z, s-ts, sh-zh, h-sch l-r, distinguish between whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds, hard and soft;

3) select words and phrases that sound similar.

Connected speech

1) In retelling literary works, intonationally convey the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters;

2) compose a description, narrative or reasoning;

3) develop a storyline in a series of paintings, connecting parts of the statement with different types of connections.

2. Methodology for examining children's vocabulary

Examination technique according to (Strebeleva )

Middle age(4-5 years old)

1. “Show the picture” technique.

Goal: diagnostics of the child’s understanding of the functional purpose of the objects depicted in the pictures.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects familiar to the child: hat, mittens, glasses, needle and thread, umbrella, scissors.

Progress of the examination : Pictures are laid out in front of the child, and the verbal instructions do not correspond to the sequence of the laid out pictures. The child must choose a picture among others based on the following verbal instructions: Show what people wear on their heads when they go outside . - “What do people put on their hands in winter?” - “What do you use to sew on a button?” - “What do people need to see better?” - “What do you use to cut paper?” - “What should you take outside if it rains?” It is recorded: the child’s choice of a picture in accordance with the frost, the ability to name the objects depicted in the picture.

2. “Name what I’ll show” technique.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects found in a child’s life: apple, cup, cat, car, carrot, coat, watch, candy; pear, pan, cow, ship, bow, scarf, fox, decide, egg, robe, sofa, elephant, plum, turtle, aquarium, monument. Pictures depicting actions familiar to children from their experience: reading, riding, feeding.

Move examination: an adult consistently invites the child to look at pictures depicting various objects of action and name them. In cases of difficulty, the adult asks to show a certain picture and then name it.

3. “Be attentive” technique.

Purpose: checking the subject and verb dictionary.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects found in a child’s life: apple, cup, cat, car, carrot, coat, watch, candy, pear, pan, cow, ship, scarf, fox, turnip, egg, robe, sofa, elephant, plum, turtle, aquarium. Pictures depicting actions familiar to children from their experience: reading, rolling, feeding.

Progress of the examination: the adult sequentially asks the child to look at pictures depicting various objects of action and name them.

In cases of difficulty, the adult asks to show a certain picture, then name it.

4. “Say it in one word” technique.

Goal: testing the ability to summarize in one word objects and images in pictures, grouped according to functional characteristics. toys - a car, a bunny, a bear, a pyramid, a matryoshka, pictures depicting several objects: clothes and vegetables.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to look at pictures of clothes and vegetables, as well as toys and name them in one word.

5. “Say the opposite” technique.

Target: diagnostics of the ability to use words denoting attributes of objects.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects with opposite signs: healthy - sick; clean - dirty, white - black; thick-thin; high Low.

Move examination: the child is asked to play, choosing sign words with the opposite meaning. For example: “One boy has clean hands, but the other one has clean hands?”

5.Method “Call me kindly”

Target: diagnostics of the development of the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Equipment: pictures depicting large and small objects: flower - flower, hat - cap, ring - ring, bench - bench.

Move examination: the child is asked to look at and name pictures depicting large and small objects.

Older age (5-6 years old)

Identification of vocabulary mastery (accuracy of word usage, use of different parts of speech).

1.Method “Name what it is?”

Goal: identifying mastery of generalizing words.

Equipment: pictures depicting: clothes, fruit, furniture.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to look at a number of pictures and name them in one word (clothes, furniture). Then the adult asks the child to list flowers, birds and animals. Next, the child is asked to guess the object by description: “Round, smooth, juicy, sweet, fruit” (apple). Orange, long, sweet, growing in the garden, vegetable (carrot); green, long, tasty, salty, tasty raw, who is he? (cucumber); red, round, juicy, soft, tasty, vegetable (tomato).

2.Methodology “Who moves how?”

Equipment: pictures of fish, birds, horses, dogs, cats, frogs, butterflies, snakes.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to answer the Questions: Fish.,. (floats) Bird... (flies). Horse..(gallops). Dog... (runs) Cat... (sneaks, runs). The frog (how does it move?) - jumps. Butterfly. ..(flies).

3.Method “Name the animal and its baby.”

Goal: identifying the level of vocabulary development.

Equipment: pictures depicting domestic and wild animals and their young.

Progress of the examination: the child is shown a picture of one of the animals and asked to name it and its baby. In cases of difficulty, an adult takes the pictures and helps the child answer: “This is a cat, and her cub is a kitten. And this is a dog, what is the name of its cub?”

4. “Choose a word” technique.

Goal: identifying the ability to select words denoting the quality of an action.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to listen carefully to the phrase and choose the right word for it. For example: “The horse is running. How? Fast". The following phrases are suggested: the wind blows... (strongly); the dog barks... (loudly); the boat floats... (slowly); the girl whispers... (quietly).

Older age (6-7 years old)

1.Method “Explain actions.”

Goal: identifying an understanding of the semantic shades of the meanings of verbs formed in an affixal way (using prefixes that give words different shades).

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to listen to the words and explain the meaning of the words:

run-run-run out;





2.Method “Choose a word”

Goal: identifying the nuances of meaning of synonyms - adjectives.

Progress of the examination: the adult invites the child to choose words that are close in meaning to the named word (adjective), For example: smart - reasonable.; weak - timid -. old.

3. “Explain” technique

Goal: identifying an understanding of the figurative meaning of adjectives.

Progress of the examination: the child is asked to explain the following phrases: evil winter; skillful fingers; Golden hair; prickly wind; light wind.

Examination technique (according to Ushakova, Strunina)

Younger age (3-4 years old)

Goal: diagnostics of the development of children's vocabulary.

Task 1. Doll.

The teacher shows the child a doll and asks questions in the following sequence.

1. What is the doll's name? Give her a name.

1) The child names a name in a sentence (I want to call her Marina);

2) gives a name (in one word);

3) does not give a name (repeats the word doll).

2. Tell me, what is Marina like?

1) Names two or more words (beautiful, elegant);

2) names one word (good);

3) does not name qualities or characteristics (repeats the word doll).

3. What is she (Marina) wearing?

1) Independently names more than two items of clothing (in a green dress, white socks);

2) with the help of the teacher’s questions: “What is this? Show me...” (These are socks, this is a dress);

3) shows items of clothing, but does not name them.

4. How to call it in one word? (The teacher calls: “Dress, socks - is this...?”)

1) The child names generalizing words (clothes, things);

2) names other types of clothing (panties, tights, jacket...);

3) repeats the words that the teacher named (dress, socks).

5. What clothes are you wearing?

1) Names more than two words (shirt, T-shirt, trousers);

2) names two items of clothing (sundress, T-shirt);

3) names only one word (dress) or lists shoes (slippers, shoes).

6. What is Marina doing?(The teacher performs the actions: the doll sits down, stands up, raises its hand, waves it.)

1) The child names all the actions;

2) names two actions (stood up, raised her hand);

3) names one word - action (standing or sitting).

7 . What can you do with the doll?

1) Says more than two words (put her to bed, rock her, play);

2) names two actions (rolling in a stroller, feeding a doll);

3) names one word (play).

Task 2. Ball.

1 . Which ball (to give to the child)?

1) Names two or more signs (round, rubber);

2) names one word;

3) does not name qualities, says another word (play).

2 . What can you do with it?

The level of speech development is determined through diagnostic examination preschoolers.

Diagnostics of speech development of children 2-4 years old.

Formation of a dictionary.

To conduct a diagnostic examination of younger preschoolers and identify their level of speech development, illustrative material is needed: thematic subject and plot pictures. Children need to be interested, and therefore all tasks are offered in a playful way.

Preschoolers should navigate the following lexical topics: “Seasons”, “Toys”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Clothing and footwear”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Personal hygiene items”, “Domestic and wild animals”, “Poultry”, “Insects”, “Man. Body parts".

To reinforce nouns, you can offer task options.

  • Option. 1. In the table of different object pictures, the adult shows any image, and the child must say what it is.
  • Option 2. An adult names an object, and the child must find its image.
  • Option 3. An adult offers to select all the pictures on a given topic. For example, “Show me the toys.” "Get your vegetables." “Where are the pets?”

The use of verbs in speech can be checked by offering a preschooler of this age story pictures depicting work actions, methods of transportation, and emotional states of people. The child, looking at the picture, must answer the questions asked. For example, “How does a worm move? Butterfly?" etc.

Adjectives. An adult shows either a picture or some object and asks to determine its color, size, and what it tastes like. For example, lemon (yellow, sour).

For preschoolers 3-4 years old, offer the game “Say it the other way around.” The adult begins the phrase, and the child finishes:

  • The elephant is big, and the mouse... (small).
  • Mom has long hair, and dad... (short).
  • The wolf is brave, and the hare... (cowardly).

To check the adverbs (high-low, far-close, warm-cold), you will also need plot pictures.

Grammatical structure of speech

To test children’s ability to put nouns into the plural form, he is asked to look at paired object pictures (chair-chairs, plate-plates, etc.) and answer “What is shown in one picture? (one subject) to another? (several items).

Testing the development of skills to form diminutive forms of nouns occurs with the help of subject pictures. The child can be asked to name the depicted objects affectionately, for example, doll - doll, table - table, apple - apple, etc.

The ability to coordinate nouns and pronouns with verbs is better with the help of story pictures or toys and leading questions. For example, a doll sleeps, but what about dolls? The ball is lying, but what about the balls?

The use of verbs in different tenses can be reinforced with questions like, “What are you doing now? What did mom do yesterday? What are you doing tomorrow?"

The correct use of prepositions is also checked using questions about plot pictures or the location of objects in space. For example, there is a box in front of the baby, there is a red cube in it, and a green one on it, a doll is sitting in front of the box, and a matryoshka doll is behind it. You can ask the child questions: “Where is the doll? Cubes? Green cube? Red? etc.

Sound culture of speech

This is a clear pronunciation of all sounds. An adult can hear mistakes in the everyday speech of preschoolers. You can also ask the child to repeat words after the parent to check a specific sound, for example, hard and soft sound“m” - mouse, ball, Masha, bear.

Connected speech

Preschoolers should be able to:

  • express your thoughts clearly;
  • tell a familiar fairy tale, an event from your life (How did you spend your weekend? What did you like about the circus? etc.;
  • compose a short descriptive story about a toy using leading questions and based on the plot picture “The doll is having lunch,” “The boy is playing with toys.”

The table shows approximate requirements for telling a familiar fairy tale (for a high level of speech development in younger preschoolers).

Diagnostics of speech development of children 4 – 5 years old

Formation of a dictionary

Preschoolers of this age should have basic knowledge of lexical topics: “Seasons”, “Toys”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Clothes and shoes”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “tools, household appliances”, “Personal hygiene items”, “Trees and shrubs”, “ Berries”, “Flowers”, “Domestic and wild animals”, “Domestic birds”, “Wintering and migratory birds”, “Insects”, “Man. Body parts", "Professions". Games are used to reinforce them:

  • “Find out by description”: an adult thinks of an object and names its characteristics, the child must guess what is planned, for example, yellow, oval, sour (lemon), green, round, sweet, large (watermelon);
  • “Who has whom?” - there are two windows in the table, in one there is an image of an adult animal, in the second - the child must put an image of a cub, who has the hare? (hares), At the she-wolf? In chicken, etc.
  • “Call it affectionately” - fox - fox, duck - duck, sparrow - little sparrow, etc.
  • “One-many” - one lemon - many lemons; one ball - many balls, one birch - many birches, etc.
  • “Give me the ball, name the body parts” or “Throw the ball, quickly name the furniture.” The adult says a general concept and throws the ball to the child. He, returning the ball, must list corresponding words. The game will be more interesting if several children take part.

To identify a preschooler’s understanding of the purpose of objects, the game “What’s for what?” is used:

  • What does the artist paint with?
  • What is used to sew on a button?
  • What item do you need to play football?
  • In what kind of dishes are the first courses prepared? Etc.

Diagnostics grammatical structure of speech is carried out using similar tasks as when examining 3-year-old preschoolers.

To check the use of prepositions, you can offer the following task. Arrange in a table card geometric figures according to the instructions, for example, a square over a triangle, a circle under a triangle, an oval over a square.

Sound culture of speech

At this age, preschoolers should pronounce all sounds clearly. In the sound table, vowels are marked in red, hard consonants are blue, and soft consonants are green.

To identify the development of the ability of children of this age to differentiate words that are similar in sound, it is suggested to name the images in the pictures or repeat after an adult: dot - daughter, goat - braid, heat - ball, duck - fishing rod, etc.

You can check your ability to hear a certain sound from a sound range as follows. The parent pronounces several sounds “t, p, a, l, i, d, i”; the child needs to clap when he hears, for example, the sound “i”.

Using the game “Echo”, auditory attention is tested. The adult pronounces the syllables and asks them to repeat them: pi-bi; date of; zo-so; sha-sha.

Connected speech

For this age it is important to be able to:

  • invent simple sentences of 3-4 words;
  • compose stories based on a painting, a series of paintings, from personal experience up to 5 sentences;
  • retell texts of 3-5 sentences;
  • read poetry expressively.

For productive speech development, it is useful to use visual aids developed independently. So that the child remembers poems faster, they can be presented in a table, for example:

Diagnostics of speech development of children 5–6 years old

Formation of a dictionary

Lexical topics are supplemented by “Holidays”, “Musical Instruments”, “Animals of the North and South”. The same games are used when examining preschoolers aged 4-5 years.

A child’s understanding of the semantic side of a word can be checked by asking the child to come up with the ending of the sentences:

  • In autumn it is often drizzling...
  • In spring, migratory birds return from the south...
  • The symbol of Russia is the white-trunk...

Grammatical structure of speech

The development of auditory attention is tested using the following task. The adult names the words, and the child needs to clap when he hears the sound “sh”, in the words house, top, hat, bark, fox, cone, pen, car.

Sound culture of speech

The adult names the words, the child determines which syllable the stress falls on and how many syllables there are: fishing rod, car, ball, box, horse.

Game “Find the Sound” - the child must determine the position of a given sound in a word, for example, the sound “s” - owl, dew, litter, lynx, braid.

The game “Hard-Soft” - the child needs to determine in what position the given sound is located. A new sound is marked in the sound table with a color signal.

Determine the number of sounds and letters in a word.

Connected speech

Preschoolers of this age should be able to:

  • make simple and complex sentences. For example, from given words: from the mountains, spring, streams, came, ran.
  • form new word combinations from the proposed phrases: dress made of wool - woolen dress, wooden box - box made of wood, apple turned red - reddened apple, etc.
  • compose stories based on a picture, a series of pictures, from personal experience (5-6 sentences);
  • retell the text in up to 5 sentences;
  • know and explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings;
  • read poems and riddles expressively.

Diagnostics of speech development of children 6-7 years old

Formation of a dictionary

The lexical topics are the same. Didactically, games are also used similar to those used when examining six-year-old children. You can use additional tasks:

“Part - whole” - the child needs to name the parts or details of the whole. For example, a face (eyes, mouth, nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyebrows), a teapot (spout, handle, bottom, lid), etc.

“Name in one word”: rook, crane, stork - this, coat, jacket, raincoat - this, chair, bed, sofa - this, etc.


  • Who drives the car?
  • Who delivers the mail?
  • Who puts out the fire?
  • Who heals people? Etc.

To identify children’s level of use of adjectives in speech, the following task options are offered:

The child is offered objects or object pictures, he needs to name their characteristics: What kind of ball? What kind of pear? What kind of chair? What flowers?

A preschooler of this age must form adjectives from nouns: what kind of table is made of wood? (wooden), What glass glass? (glass), What kind of chicken cutlets? (chicken), What kind of silk dress? (silk), etc.

The use of antonyms: clean - (dirty), kind - (evil), fat - (thin), cheerful - (sad), warm - (cold), far - (close), friend - (enemy), etc.

Verbs. “Who moves how?” bird - (flies), snake - (crawls), man - (walks, runs);

"Who's doing what?" cook - (cooks), doctor - (treats), artist - (draws).

Grammatical structure of speech

Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases: doll - dolls - dolls, apple - apples - apples, etc.

“Call it affectionately”: sparrow - (sparrow), table - (table), sofa - (sofa), flower - (flower), etc.

Combination of nouns with numerals: pencil - (2 pencils, 7 pencils), apple - (2 apples, 5 apples), matryoshka - (2 nesting dolls, 6 nesting dolls), etc.

Formation of verbs using prefixes: fly - (fly away, fly away, fly off, fly up, fly in, fly), etc.

Results in the table

Diagnostics presupposes the final result, I mean, identifying the level of development: + high – all tasks are completed independently, correctly; - + average - most of it is done correctly or all with hints; - low - most of it is not completed. The table can reflect all components of speech at all stages of preschool age.

Sound culture of speech

A preschooler must clearly pronounce all sounds. The child either pronounces words based on a given sound, or repeats sentences, for example, Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer; Zina closed the lock; Roma is happy about Rita.

The child is offered tasks for sound analysis of words:

  • highlight the stressed vowel: fishing rod, pack, game.
  • name the first and last consonant: daughter, catfish, lump, lemon, table.
  • choose pictures depicting objects in which the sound “N” is found: fish, knife, shovel, socks, glass, scarf.
  • determine the number of syllables in the word: mosquito, snail, scoop, army, shirt.
  • name the sound with which the word in the picture begins in the table below. The child must put the corresponding colored card in the empty cell. (red – vowel, blue – hard consonant, green – soft consonant)

The child must pronounce syllables that can be presented in the table: