Formation of skills to independently obtain and apply knowledge, readiness to independently find solutions to educational problems, is most successfully carried out in the process research activities schoolchildren and students. All-Russian competition research work schoolchildren and students “Talent. Science. Intelligence." through research activities is intended to contribute to the formation of universal educational activities, ensure the achievement of subject meta-subject and personal results of students, development and clarification of educational and professional plans of schoolchildren and students.
Research is a search in a certain area, which ends with obtaining some information on the hypothesis put forward, allowing the student to draw independent conclusions.

promoting the formation and development of universal educational activities of students, revealing the ability for self-development in the process of research activities; creating conditions for the development of students’ thinking, their self-education, and stimulation of independent cognitive activity.

Research and scientific research works of schoolchildren and students.

Criteria for evaluating research papers

Students’ research work contains the formulation of a hypothesis for the upcoming research;
- scientific research was carried out conscientiously and accurately;
- during the research process, reliable results were obtained and a reasonable interpretation was found;
- the results of the study are presented in a form understandable to other students: classmates or fellow students.

Carrying out research work by schoolchildren and students becomes an integral part modern stage education. The Federal State Educational Standard especially emphasizes the need to use student research activities. Competition of research works for schoolchildren and students “Talent. Science. Intelligence." creates conditions for presenting the results of students’ research activities at the all-Russian level.


can be obtained from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IIDSV RAO" room 309.
Moscow, Makarenko st. 5/16. room number 309.
Documents are issued: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 10.00 to 16.00.
Tel. 8 903 544-1234. Ryabtsev V.K.
Diplomas and Certificates were sent to non-resident participants by mail!!!



2) SEND BY EMAIL [email protected] or [email protected] Files of your project work in this area (Presentation, text, video or other material), which will be posted in the network projects section.
3) Submission of materials means your consent to the publication of materials on the portal "SCHOOL-PROJECTS.RF" as a participant in the network project. All participants whose works will be posted on the portal will be issued “Network Project Participant” certificates. Sent to non-resident participants electronic version certificate.

The competition is aimed at developing a culture of design and research activities and the innovative infrastructure for its implementation.

At this stage, participants register their works on the portal "School-projects.rf" in the section "Discovery Horizons 2017". To the application, the participant adds a presentation and the text of the work (MANDATORY), a video of his speech for 5-7 minutes, and other materials (DESIRABLE).
The competition experts determine the quality of the submitted works!
Based on the examination, participants receive Diplomas:
I degree (very high quality),
II degree (high quality),
III degree (good quality),
or certificate of participation.

Anyone who has registered their work for the competition can take part in it. The following events are taking place at the face-to-face stage.
1) Poster exhibition of works - at the exhibition, participants present a poster and make a message.
2) Work in groups to formulate directions for network projects.
3) Presentation and comprehensive examination of network areas of design and research work. There is a live broadcast (ON-LINE video broadcast).
4) Presentation of Diplomas and certificates for network project developers.

Participants can continue working on the development of their projects:
1) Within network directions.
2) In the "Workshop" section on the portal "School-projects.rf"
3) Educational organizations may become regional centers and coordinators of network projects.
4) Materials competition works may be published on the Portal "School-projects.rf" or in other publications (by decision of the editorial board) that are partners of the competition.

When preparing for the competition, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the REGULATIONS and CRITERIA for evaluating works. These documents are located in the "Documents" section

Grades 1 - 4 “If you want to be healthy...”. Works on ecology, healthy lifestyle, sports hobbies and the best traditions of domestic sports. Grades 1 - 4 “Inventing and modeling.” Technical creativity, design, layouts and models, inventive ideas, new games. 1 - 4 classes “Cultural heritage of Russia”. Works on history, literature, art, traditions of the peoples of Russia, arts and crafts. Grades 1 - 4 “About courage, about valor, about glory...”. Works of a military and patriotic nature. 1-4 grades. “Television - radio - multimedia” (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) grades 1 - 4 “I want to know everything.” Works from different fields of knowledge, grades 5 - 6 Humanitarian projects: “How our word will respond...”. Project and research work in the field of literary criticism, linguistics and journalism. 5th - 6th grades Humanitarian projects: “Beauty will save the world.” Applied art, music, theater, design and other art projects. Grades 5 - 6 “Humanitarian projects: “Memory of the Heart.” Research in the field of history, military and patriotic projects. 5th - 6th grades “Humanitarian projects: “Man and the world.” Philosophy, art, cultural studies, psychology. Grades 5 - 6 “Crossroads of a multicultural world.” Works of various types in foreign languages; Works are accepted in English, German, French, Italian. Grades 5-6 “Designing a healthy environment: “School is a territory of health.” Sport, healthy image life, medicine, ecology. Grades 5-6 “Social projects: “We are the children of Russia.” Design work aimed at improving the lives of children and adults. 5-6 grades. "Television - radio - multimedia" (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) 5 - 6 grades "Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “Brilliant designers.” Technical projects and inventions, simulators, games and programs. 5 - 6 grades “Readings to them. A.A. Lemansky: “On the path to great discoveries.” Design and research work in physics, mathematics and natural sciences. 7th - 8th grades Humanitarian projects: “How our word will respond...”. Project and research work in the field of literary criticism, linguistics and journalism. 7th - 8th grades Humanitarian projects: “Beauty will save the world.” Applied art, music, theater, design and other art projects. 7th - 8th grades “Humanitarian projects: “Memory of the Heart.” Research in the field of history, military and patriotic projects. 7 - 8 grades “Humanitarian projects: “Man and the world.” Philosophy, art, cultural studies, psychology. 7th - 8th grades “Crossroads of a multicultural world.” Works of various types in foreign languages; Works are accepted in English, German, French, Italian. 7th - 8th grades “Designing a healthy environment: “School is a territory of health.” Sports, healthy lifestyle, medicine, ecology. 7th - 8th grades “Social projects: “We are the children of Russia.” Project work aimed at improving the lives of children and adults. 7-8 grades "Television - radio - multimedia" (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) 7 - 8 grades "Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “Brilliant designers.” Technical projects and inventions, simulators, games and programs. 7 - 8 grades “Readings to them. A.A. Lemansky: “On the path to great discoveries.” Design and research work in physics, mathematics and natural sciences. 9 - 11 grades Humanitarian projects: “How our word will respond...”. Project and research work in the field of literary criticism, linguistics and journalism. 9 - 11 grades Humanitarian projects: “Beauty will save the world.” Applied art, music, theater, design and other art projects. 9 - 11 grades “Humanitarian projects: “Memory of the Heart.” Research in the field of history, military and patriotic projects. 9 - 11 grades “Humanitarian projects: “Man and the world.” Philosophy, art, cultural studies, psychology. 9 - 11 grades “Crossroads of the multicultural world.” Works of various types in foreign languages; Works are accepted in English, German, French, Italian. 9 - 11 grades “Designing a healthy environment: “School is a territory of health.” Sports, healthy lifestyle, medicine, ecology. 9 - 11 grades “Social projects: “We are children of Russia.” Project work aimed at improving the lives of children and adults. 9-11 grades "Television - radio - multimedia" (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) 9 - 11 grades "Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “Brilliant designers.” Technical projects and inventions, simulators, games and programs. 9 - 11 grades “Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “On the path to great discoveries.” Design and research work in physics, mathematics and natural sciences.

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". "Microclimate of the city of Sayansk." Mekhryakova Polina Denisovna, 7b grade, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary" secondary school №5", Irkutsk region, Sayansk. Head: Mekhryakov Denis Yurievich, geography teacher

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Research work “Studying the problem higher level cholesterol in the blood and its effect on human life expectancy and health.” Chernukhina Milana Georgievna, 10th grade, KSU "Shchapovskaya Secondary School", Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan region, Baiterek district. Head: Elena Pavlovna Petrovskova, biology teacher

International pedagogical competition for the development of extracurricular activities "New Ideas". Extracurricular event dedicated to the holiday “Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Mustafina Zubaira Kakenovna, teacher of pedagogy and private methods, State Communal Enterprise at the Higher Educational Institution teacher training college, city of Shchuchinsk" under the department of education of the Akmola region, Republic of Kazakhstan, Akmola region, Burabay district, city of Shchuchinsk

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". "History of the Stavropol Turkmen". Shevtsova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, 7 "A" class, MBOU secondary school No. 1, Stavropol region, village of Letnyaya Stavka. Head: Guzel Eyupovna Taganova, teacher of history and social studies

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Educational and research work "Creating an alphabet book of my hometown of Shadrinsk and getting to know its history of cultural life." Orlova Liliya Vladimirovna, 5th grade, Municipal government educational institution“Secondary school No. 2”, Shadrinsk, Kurgan region. Scientific supervisor: Dudina Evgenia Leonidovna, teacher primary classes

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". "First hunt" Nesterenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, 9 "B" grade, KSU "Mayak secondary school of the education department of the akimat of the Sarykol district", Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay region, Sarykol district, Mayak village. Head: Zaiko Alexander Fedorovich, teacher of technology, artistic work

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Research work "The origin and meaning of surnames in Russian and English languages." Savchuk Ekaterina Vladimirovna, 9th grade, MOU "OOSH" pst. Embankment, Pechora, Komi Republic. Head: Vera Vladimirovna Galasheva, teacher English language

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Science project"Our fellow countrymen during the Great Patriotic War. We remember, we are proud!" Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Nesterenko, 9 "B" grade, KSU "Mayak secondary school of the education department of the akimat of the Sarykol district", Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay region, Sarykol district, Mayak village. Head: Alexander Fedorovich Zaiko, teacher of technology, artistic work

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Research project"From tomato seed to tomato juice." Ishlerdemir Emir Ozdzhanovich, 2 "B" class, specialized school-lyceum No. 90, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Head: Nadezhda Anatolyevna Ukhtikova, primary school teacher

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Project "Revizorro: music that children listen to." Berezko Alina Denisovna, 5 "b" grade, KSU " High school No. 24" of the akimat of Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk. Head: Yulia Vladimirovna Berezko, teacher of music and self-knowledge

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Educational and research work "Study of the capabilities of the ultrasonic sensor from the Lego Mindstorms NXT construction set using the example of the Electric Guitar robot." Dudin Egor Vasilievich, 7 "B" grade, MKOU "Secondary school No. 2", Kurgan region, Shadrinsk. Supervisor: Menshchikova Elena Vasilievna, mathematics teacher

International competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Research work "Studying the characteristics of friendship in younger adolescents." Konovalova Ekaterina Igorevna, Mametyeva Milena Sergeevna - 5th grade students, MKOU "Secondary school No. 2", Shadrinsk, Kurgan region. Head: Natalia Nikolaevna Kolmogortseva, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, Fundamentals of Research Work.

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Research work "Hydrological and hydrochemical studies of the Iset River basin." Savostin Kirill Vladimirovich, 8th grade, MKOU "Secondary school No. 2", Shadrinsk, Kurgan region. Head: Marina Germanovna Ovcharenko, geography teacher

Competition of design and research works "Fronts of Science". Research work "Safe road to school!" Polina Cheraneva, 2nd grade, KSU "Secondary School No. 3" State Institution "Department of Education of the Akimat of the Zhitikara District", Kazakhstan, Zhitikara, Kostanay region. Head: Bitter Khristina Ivanovna, primary school teacher

) is carried out according to levels of study, directions and nominations.

The winners are awarded gift certificates in cash equivalent.


payment of the registration fee within 3 days after receiving confirmation

placement of diplomas and sending of prizes - until the end of February 2020.

Levels of training

1. initial general education(grades 1-4)
2. basic general education (grades 5-9)
3. secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11)


Work can be provided in the following areas:

1. Mathematical cycle

a. Mathematics: 1-6 grades
b. Algebra: 7-11 grade
c. Geometry: 7-11 grade)
d. Computer Science (ICT): Grades 5-11

2. Social-scientific cycle

a. History: grades 5-11
b. Geography: grades 5-11
c. Natural history: 5th grade (not everywhere)
d. The world around us or The World Around Us: Grades 1-4
e. Biology: 5(6)-11th grade
f. Astronomy: 11th grade (not everywhere)
g. Physics: grades 7-11
h. Chemistry: 8-11 grade
i. Science: grades 5-11 (not everywhere)
j. Ecology: grades 7-11 (not everywhere).

3. Humanitarian cycle

a. Civics: grades 5-11 (not everywhere)
b. Social studies: grades 5-11 (not everywhere)
c. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics: grades 4-5 (not everywhere)

4. Philological cycle

a. Handwriting: 1st grade (not everywhere)
b. Native language: 1-4 grades
c. Russian language: grades 1-11
d. Reading: grades 1-4
e. Literature: grades 5-11
f. Foreign language: 2-11 grades (English, French, German, Spanish)

5. Labor training

a. Trud (“Proceedings”): grades 1-4 (sometimes grades 1-8)
b. Technology: 5-11 grade.
c. Drawing: (not everywhere)
d. Socially useful work

6. Physical education and life safety

7. Art

a. Music: 1-(5-9) grades.
b. Fine Arts (Drawing): Grades 1-7
c. World artistic culture: grades 10-11 (some from 8)
d. Art: 8-9 (10-11) grades.
e. Guitar: (not everywhere) grades 5-8.


When preparing and submitting your work, you must decide on the nomination:

  1. research project(article, abstract, report, presentation)
  2. practical project(article, abstract, report, presentation, drawing, photograph, business plan, layout)
  3. information project(presentation, video, website, blog/video blog, social media community)
  4. creative project(photography, essay, sketch, piece of music, drawing, blog/vlog, social media community)

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation criteria (max 5 points for each criterion):
research project The originality of the text, relevance, novelty, completeness of the scientific sources used on the topic of the work, the degree of development of the topic, theoretical and practical significance.
practical project Originality of the text, relevance, novelty, completeness of the scientific sources used on the topic of the work, degree of development of the topic, practical significance, approbation.
information project novelty and relevance of the content, originality of style and methods of presentation, clarity of presentation of the material, quality of design, aesthetics, degree and effectiveness of the use of computer animation, video and audio effects and other teaching techniques
creative project originality of style and methodology of presentation, clarity of presentation of material, quality of design, aesthetics, degree and effectiveness of the use of computer animation, video and audio effects and other teaching techniques

Conditions of participation:

  1. The competition is held remotely;
  2. The competition is held according to levels of study, directions, nominations and forms of project submission;
  3. The competition accepts works from 2016-2019;
  4. Based on the results of the competition, certificates of participants and diplomas of winners are sent to the authors within 1 month.

Organizational fee

The registration fee includes:

  1. The number of authors of 1 (one) competition work is unlimited
  2. Issuance of certificates of participation to all authors of competitive works
  3. Issuance of diplomas to the winners


Pay attention! If more than 7 applications are sent from a team (class, school), then the registration fee for 1 work is 200 rubles.

Project form

The project must be in the following format:


  • By submitting his work to the competition, the participant confirms his agreement with the rules of the competition.
  • Participants in the competition are responsible for violating the copyrights of third parties. In the event of any claims from third parties regarding the works presented at the competition by one of the participants, this participant undertakes to resolve them on his own and at his own expense, and the work is removed from participation by the Organizer in the competition.
  • By taking part in the competition, the participant confirms that the submitted works, his name and surname can be published on the Organizer’s website without additional consent of the participant and without paying him any remuneration.


  • The winner guarantees that he is the author of the work and transfers to the Organizer non-exclusive copyright and related rights to his work (including the right to reproduce, distribute, import, public display, broadcast, communicate to the public via cable, processing), and also allows the Organizer use the submitted work to copy or transform it, as a whole or as a part, alone or in connection with any words and/or drawings. The work is considered published from the moment its copy is posted on the competition website.
  • In order to fulfill the obligations to present the prize to the winner of the competition, the Organizer has the right to request from the winner or his parents (other legal representatives) to provide information provided for and necessary to carry out such actions.
  • The winner is notified of winnings by the Organizer by email, according to the contact information specified by the participant when filling out the registration form.
    Transferring the right to receive a prize to another person, as well as demands to replace the prize or pay the cash equivalent of the prize, are not permitted within the framework of the competition.


  • The organizer undertakes to hold the competition and determine the winners among the competition participants.
  • The organizer of the competition undertakes to reward the winner of the competition and present the prize in accordance with the rules of the competition.
  • The organizer has the right to attract third parties to fulfill its obligations to hold the competition.
  • The Organizer is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations resulting from failures in telecommunications and energy networks, the actions of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and/or disabling the Organizer’s software and/or hardware complex.
  • The competition organizer is exempt from issuing a prize if the participant has provided unclear, incomplete, erroneous or knowingly false information about himself.
  • The Competition Organizer is not responsible for delivery of the prize to the participant if the prize is sent to the wrong address or to the wrong recipient due to the participant providing incorrect information.
  • The Organizer's obligations regarding the quality of prizes are limited to the warranties provided by their manufacturers.
  • The Organizer is not responsible for any damage incurred by the participant as a result of their use of prizes and/or participation in the competition.
  • The organizer has the right to refuse to provide a prize to a participant if the participant provided incorrect information about himself or otherwise violated the rules of the competition.

Competitions are an impulse for self-improvement and continuous creative search for students.

All-Russian competitions for students of educational institutions

Participation in All-Russian competitions for students educational institutions carried out in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 77 and paragraph 22 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on July 26, 2019) is one of the ways to get additional points during certification.

Students of educational institutions (at home) can take part in All-Russian competitions for students of educational institutions children's creativity, schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, universities, etc.).

Participation in competitions for students of educational institutions: is the key to successful learning at school, is the development and active use by students of their creativity. Creative children are not limited only to the accumulation and assimilation of knowledge; such children are able to apply existing knowledge in practice and have the most important quality don't stop there.

A professional jury examines competition materials, evaluates original competition works, and makes proposals to determine the winners.

Prove yourself and receive a qualified assessment from a professional jury.

Applications for participation in All-Russian professional pedagogical competitions are accepted around the clock.

Competitions for schoolchildren are held in the following categories: socially significant and social activities, scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities, professional excellence, artistic creativity, amateur sports.

Try and be brave!

Every student has abilities and talents. They are inquisitive and full of desire to create and discover new things.

Each student gradually begins to develop his creative abilities. At this initial stage, it is very important to support the student in his desire to learn something new and interesting. Competitions for schoolchildren will be an excellent incentive to achieve new victories. These events will allow you to take your first confident steps towards creative path every student.

Today, schoolchildren can express themselves in almost all areas. Thus, competitions in which schoolchildren present their posters, photographs, crafts and costumes are very popular. Each of the above nominations allows students to identify skills for a specific type of activity and, in addition, awakens in participants the desire not to stop there and create new bright works.

Every student has abilities and talents. They are naturally inquisitive and full of desire to create and discover something new.

Try and be brave!

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “Let's celebrate the New Year cheerfully and amicably”

New year- a special holiday. A holiday in anticipation of a miracle. Both adults and children are waiting for him. This is one of the favorite holidays for children. The most awaited one.

Just look at the pre-holiday atmosphere itself. The very last days in anticipation of the New Year are especially pleasant. And a beautiful Christmas tree with colorful balls, tinsel and garlands. And matinees, and candy gifts, and festive mood. AND school holidays, and a letter to Santa Claus about your wishes, and all the pre-New Year preparations. And the opportunity to go sledding and skiing, build a snow fort or have a snowball fight.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “New Year’s Toy”

Preparation To New year sometimes no less pleasant than the holiday itself. Especially for schoolchildren, because they love making jewelry, making crafts, buying gifts and decorating the Christmas tree. Preparing for a magical night is another great time to prepare for the holiday, have fun and create a festive mood.

Participants of the creative competition " New Year's toy"children can become school age. The children are invited to come up with and make original toys for the New Year tree. New Year's toy should bring joy, a premonition of holiday, magic and miracle. And a toy made with your own hands allows you to become masters yourself, show imagination and creativity, invest a piece of your soul, and please your loved ones.

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “A Christmas Tale”

Christmas is undoubtedly one of the most magical and mysterious holidays. Every year we have the opportunity to touch this sacrament and tell our children about Christmas.. What do your children know about Christmas?

School-age children can take part in the creative competition “Christmas Tale”. The children are asked to create a drawing literary work, crafts and carols on the theme of the Nativity of Christ.

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My Dear Mother”

The creative competition for schoolchildren “My Dear Mother” is an opportunity to tell everyone how much we love our mothers!

The All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My Dear Mother” is a drawing competition for Mother’s Day, a crafts competition for Mother’s Day, a postcard competition for mothers, a song competition about mother, a presentation competition about mother, a video competition and others creative works for Mother's Day. This is an opportunity to tell everyone how much we love our mothers!

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “December 12 - Constitution Day”

On December 12, the most important public holiday is celebrated - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. The competition includes original works by schoolchildren in the following categories: Competition of drawings and posters, The Constitution through the eyes of children, Me and the Constitution of my country, We are citizens of the Russian Federation, Constitution of the Russian Federation: Rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “War and Peace - for the 150th anniversary of the great book”

All-Russian essay competition thematic area"War and Peace - on the 150th anniversary of the great book."

To mark the 150th anniversary of the epic novel “War and Peace”, the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Scientific and Educational Center for Pedagogical Projects”, the city of Moscow, organizes and conducts an All-Russian essay competition in the thematic area “War and Peace - for the 150th anniversary of the great book” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition ). The competition is held in accordance with the work plan of the Education Department, with the aim of reviving the traditions of essay writing as an independent form of work, generalizing, systematizing and disseminating the effective experience accumulated by domestic methods in teaching essay writing and developing coherent communication. writing students.

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “SEPTEMBER 1 - Knowledge Day!”

On September 1, bells rang in all corners of our vast homeland, announcing the start of the new 2019-2020 academic year!

For the All-Russian competition “September 1 - Day of Knowledge!” Children's works dedicated to September 1, Knowledge Day, school (photos, drawings, works) are accepted literary creativity, presentations, etc.).

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “Lesson of Peace”

On September 3, Russia will celebrate the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. This memorable date was installed in 2005 federal law"About the days military glory Russia" and is connected with the tragic events in Beslan.

The open All-Russian competition with international participation “Lesson of Peace” promotes in schoolchildren the development of compassion and complicity for the victims of terrorism, the denial of terrorism as a phenomenon, and an awareness of the importance of their own participation in the security of our country and their own safety.

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2019 - 2020.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “Russia Day”

On June 12, our country celebrates one of the “youngest” holidays in its history - Russia Day.

The All-Russian competition "Russia Day" accepts drawings, crafts, photographs, poems, stories, presentations, holiday scripts, videos and other works on the theme of our homeland - Russia.

Age of participants: not limited, which means that the competition is intended for schoolchildren, students, teachers, parents and creative groups.

The design of the work depends on the creative preferences and capabilities of each participant.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren "June 1 - International Children's Day"

June 1 is a great occasion to organize a fun holiday for children. Within festive events competitions of drawings on asphalt, exhibitions of children's pictures are organized and held, holiday concerts with the participation of children. Children and teenagers dance, sing songs, recite poems, and take part in sports competitions.

To participate in the All-Russian competition “June 1 - International Children's Day”, drawings, crafts, photographs, poems, stories, presentations, videos and other works on the theme of childhood, children's fantasies, dreams from childhood are accepted. Age of participants: not limited, and this This means that the competition is intended for both children, teachers, and adult participants and teams.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “2019 is the year of Theater in Russia”

The “Theater for Children” project was implemented with the participation of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, as well as the country’s leading theater universities: GITIS, Moscow Art Theater School, Shchukin Theater Institute, RGISI, VTU (Institute) named after M.S. Shchepkina. Theater groups (ensembles, choirs) and individual performers with any level of training are invited to participate in the All-Russian competition “2019 - the Year of Theater in Russia”. Age of participants: not limited, which means that the competition is intended for both children, teachers, and adult participants and teams.

All-Russian thematic competition for schoolchildren “May 9 – Great Victory Day!”

Victory Day is a Day - a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia!

Objectives of the All-Russian thematic competition for schoolchildren “May 9th - Day Great Victory!”: to form an idea of ​​the history of the Great Patriotic War using various types activities; cultivate a sense of pride and respect for war participants; activate independent cognitive activity children, consolidate, concretize and expand existing information about the Great Patriotic War.

The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2018 - 2019.

All-Russian thematic competition for schoolchildren “April 12 - Cosmonautics Day”

The holiday of April 12 - Cosmonautics Day marks the world's first flight Soviet man into space. In 2019, Cosmonautics Day is held in Russia for the 58th time. The goal of the All-Russian thematic competition for schoolchildren is to arouse interest and draw attention to discoveries related to space exploration, achievements of science and technology.

The design of competition works depends on the creative preferences and capabilities of each participant. The competition is held in accordance with the unified calendar of mass and methodological events for 2018 - 2019.

All-Russian thematic competition for schoolchildren “School Time”

The thematic competition for schoolchildren “SCHOOL TIME” is dedicated to school time and the beginning of the school year.

All-Russian competition “Wall newspapers and posters”

A wall newspaper is a special informative material that is published on various topics by the hands of the editorial board in schools, universities, kindergartens, technical schools, colleges and even in kindergartens.

The All-Russian competition “Wall Newspapers and Posters” is assessed according to the following criteria: – relevance and information content of materials; – the role of a wall newspaper (poster) in school and community; – the idea of ​​a wall newspaper (poster) / creative approach; – journalistic skills; – design, photography, graphics .

All-Russian thematic competition for schoolchildren dedicated to compliance with traffic rules “Good Zebra”

IN modern world Traffic safety problems have become of paramount importance as the number of road accidents increases every year. Competition for schoolchildren dedicated to knowledge and compliance with the rules traffic.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My Research Work”

People make their first discoveries in childhood. Little discoverers get to know the world, explore it, solve mysteries. It’s great when all this is discussed in the family, formalized and then presented at children’s scientific and practical conferences. The topics of the first research papers are sometimes dictated by life itself.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My best essay”

Abstract writing is practiced in educational process in order to develop students' skills and abilities of independent scientific research: studying literature on a chosen topic, analyzing various sources and points of view, summarizing the material, highlighting the main thing.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My Favorite Teacher”

Teachers can be strict or democratic, they can be loved and not so much. But each of them instills in us something good and useful that remains with us for life and helps in many difficult situations. And we thought that the country should know its heroes and decided to launch the “My Favorite Teacher” competition.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “A healthy lifestyle is my choice!”

The competition is aimed at increasing the prestige of a healthy lifestyle among teenagers and young people through the formation of their own, conscious attitude towards the concept of “healthy lifestyle”.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “Nature of the native land”

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My Hobby”

The world of hobbies is limitless. Every adult and child can find something to their liking that will bring them pleasure, develop, and broaden their horizons. Hobbies make children's lives more interesting.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “My future calling”

Decide on future profession It can be very difficult, especially for those who have not yet passed their final exams. You have your whole life ahead, and, whatever one may say, work will play a significant role in it. Your profession will influence your environment, the way you think, and perhaps even what you do in your free time. Therefore, it is very important that you like the profession.

Participating in competitions for schoolchildren is very simple. You choose a competition nomination, fill out an application and upload your children's work.

Reception of work: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (7 days a week).

Award documents comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Information about participation in All-Russian competitions, the results and names of competition works are displayed on the website.