Educational – creative project

"Sights of your hometown"

The project has been prepared

preparatory group teachers:

Sazonova A.N.; Belobrzhetskaya M.E.

St. Petersburg 2016

Objective of the project:

Contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children’s knowledge about their hometown, its attractions and memorable places Oh; instilling in children a respectful attitude towards cultural values ​​and the history of their city; contribute to the formation in children of a sense of pride in their city and a love of beauty.

Project objectives:

To develop in children the need to acquire new knowledge about their hometown, to teach them to see and understand the beauty and greatness of their city. Arouse interest in new information and the desire to “obtain” information about known and unfamiliar cultural and historical values ​​of the native city;

Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imaginative and logical thinking, the skill of finding non-standard solutions, imagination, through children’s speech creativity and familiarization with the environment; develop Creative skills children through various types of theatrical, visual and gaming activities;

To develop initiative, curiosity, and the ability for creative self-expression in children; develop collaboration skills through involvement in different kinds activities with children and adults;

Enrich the relationship between parents and children with the experience of dialogic, emotionally rich communication and joint creative and cognitive activities

Relevance of the project topic:

Is it possible to talk about nurturing love for one’s hometown without imparting to children certain knowledge about it? Children should know that every person has a hometown where he was born, know the sights and monuments. The main goal of the educator is to help show children their hometown in which they live in order to evoke in them feelings of admiration, pride and love. We, educators, tell our students about the history of our city, about the people who are its pride, and teach us to be proud of the achievements of our ancestors and contemporaries. However, practice shows that when traditional forms presentation of knowledge, children show intellectual passivity, they do not develop interest in the information provided about the city, the desire and desire to learn something new. One of the tasks preschool education is to make the process of learning about the past and present of our Motherland creative, developing and interesting for the child. The peculiarity of the project is that children, parents, and teachers took part in the project. Joint collection of materials on the topic, activities, games, competitions, presentations reveal the creative abilities of children, involve parents in educational process. Any project is a product of cooperation between children, teachers, and parents.

We carried out work to familiarize preschoolers with the history of their native land in a certain sequence.

First of all, the topics that were most interesting and understandable to children were revealed: historical monuments, events, outstanding personalities, the most important historical events related to the history of the city. The project material allows, using local history materials, to acquaint children with individual pages of the history and culture of the city of Pushkin, because We are convinced that love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born.

The project allows you to integrate information from different fields of knowledge to solve one problem and apply it in practice. Children learn to think first and then do, draw up an action plan, observe agreements and stick to the agreements reached. The activities of each child are aimed at achieving the intended result.

Integration of local history content with tasks on speech and cognitive development contributes to the parallel solution of many other aspects educational work with kids. Acquaintance with the native land takes place in classes, in Everyday life, everyday life The main content of each topic was implemented in the form of specially organized classes (this ensured consistency, systematicity, and corresponded to the logic educational material), and children received its specification, deepening, clarification, and additional information through other types of attractive children's activities, through other organizational forms and methodological techniques. In addition to specially organized classes, conversations, excursions, and targeted walks, a large role in the implementation of this project was given to the joint activities of adults and children. The use of didactic, mobile, board, role-playing, and theatrical games with children helped to develop relevant knowledge and skills. Holidays, leisure activities, and mass events that promote the development of patriotic feelings evoked the greatest emotional response in children.

Project duration : from 12.09.2016-23.09.2016

Project participants : Children, teachers, parents.

Children's age: 6-7 years.

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory stage

  • Collection, analysis and systematization of information on this topic.
  • Determining goals and objectives based on the interests and needs of children.
  • Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.
  • Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project.
  • Seeking advice from pre-school specialists.
  • Main stage

  • Development and testing of the content of the project “Fatherland for us Tsarskoe Selo” (development of lesson notes, structure of events for each topic).
  • Conducting group activities in accordance with the theme of the project.
  • Interaction with preschool educational institutions specialists on the implementation of project activities.
  • Interaction with parents aimed at familiarizing themselves with project activities and participating in various activities for the implementation of the project.

The final stage

  • Exhibitions of children's activities products.
  • Leisure, entertainment, holidays.
  • Creation of a museum exhibition in a group.
  • Presentation of the book "Our family's favorite place in our hometown."
  • Summing up the results of the project.
  • Multimedia presentation of the project.

Project implementation forms:

The history of Tsarskoe Selo

  • Educational activity
  • Teacher's story
  • Conversation with children
  • Reading books, poems about the city
  • Watching a video
  • Didactic game "Recognize and name"
  • Collecting materials for a mini-museum in a group
  • Visiting Catherine Park with parents

Lyceum Day

  • Teacher's story
  • Conversation with children
  • Reading poems
  • Looking at photos
  • Excursions to the monuments to A.S. Pushkin, to the Lyceum.
  • Autumn in Tsarskoe Selo

  • Observations in nature
  • Educational reading
  • Looking at photographs of "Pushkin in Autumn"
  • Memorizing poems by A.S. Pushkin about autumn
  • Exhibition of children's works
  • Catherine Palace

  • Educational activity
  • Teacher's story
  • Conversation with children
  • Looking at photographs and illustrations
  • Virtual excursion to the Catherine Palace
  • Watching a video
  • Excursion to Catherine Park
  • Drawing "Fairytale Palace", "Mirror Ponds"
  • Constructive activity “Create your own palace”, Modeling “Girl with a jug”
  • Didactic games: “Recognize and name”, “Journey through Catherine Park”.

We draw “mirror ponds” and a “fairytale palace”

Golden autumn in the Catherine Garden. She is a sorceress and she must be beautiful. Carpet of oak forests, shine between the clouds. The type of web is a silver thread. Ruby alder, autumn flowers modesty. And a crane wedge overhead. The first autumn frosts are shy. Mirror pond. Golden oak leaf. Fog floats over the water itself. A rainbow of gems in the dew. The palace is sad, the nobles remembered the past, Along with it are statues in pensive beauty. A beam plays on the willow trees' braids. Sea gulls, ducks on the pond Peace is everywhere: in the forest and in the meadows On all the paths in the fairy-tale garden: Amber of birches, and nearby - the green of pine trees, Lights of rowan trees, emerald lawns. The maple has not shed its leaf yet... It's Indian summer here! Silence, comfort. Beautiful! It's a pity - autumn is leaving! Winter will come with long blizzard winds. And I ask: golden autumn - very much: “Don’t go. Stay a little longer, my friend.”

Arkhangelsky V.

Excursion to Catherine Park. Modeling “Girl with a jug”

Gennady Smirnov

How beautiful is the wonderful Park, laid out by Catherine herself, not tolerating onlookers at that time, knowing even dog walking, with an era not overgrown with cobwebs.

How beautiful the green Park is, He still remembers the character of Catherine, Who walked slowly, Breathing desperately in the natural air And admiring the landscape paintings...

A lovely pond, hushed in silence, Under the quack of floating ducks, Takes us to a mysterious wave, As if we are in some kind of half-asleep, Catherine's caress the gap...


Competition of design and research works
"Sights of my city"
Work of a 3rd grade student:
Sadykova Sophia
MAOU " high school No. 8"
teacher primary classes
MAOU "Secondary School No. 8"
Dovbnya Svetlana Vladimirovna

G. Kogalym

The topic of the project is relevant today. How much do we know about
the city we live in? Probably every person has his own city, only
no two cities are alike, just like no two people are alike. Many people spend their entire
life in the same place, walking along the same streets, seeing acquaintances
buildings, nature, communicate with the same people, without thinking about
how much they got used to their city, became related to it, became close
friends. Last summer I was in another city, which is rightfully possible
call it a city with capital letters. It's huge. When I returned home, I discovered
how beautiful, kind, dear, and the best he is - My City! I live in
city ​​of Kogalym. Beautiful city. It has a lot of attractions. Co
Over time, my city only improves. I was born in this city and live in it.
For me, Kogalym is the best city. Each city is unique and has its own history.
The further development of our life depends on how we relate to our history.
cities. Every person should know the history of their native land. This is immutable
a statement that rarely anyone dares to dispute. Moreover, it has long been known
not an empty phrase, without history there is no future. It is necessary to know both the history of the whole
the country as a whole, and the history of your city, the region of your small Motherland. But history
can be very old and very exciting!
However, do we think about the significance and direct influence of the city on
our lives? Do we correlate the emergence, development and formation of the city with
your family history?
The work on the project was carried out individually. During the work it is logical and
The stages of implementation of project activities are presented sequentially. Project
may be of interest to both students and parents.

Table of contents
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….......................... ..3 4
Chapter 1. Explanation of the concept of “landmark”…………………………...4 5
Chapter 2. History of my city………………………………………………………56
2.1. History of memorable places (attractions) of the city…………………5 9
2.2. Practical research……………………………………………………...9
List of sources of information……………………………………………………...10

I often walk around the city with my mother, passing monuments and buildings never
I didn’t think about what role they play in the history of my city. I felt
I wonder when they appeared and what they are dedicated to? I decided to study history
my city and the history of the sights.
Some on a plane, some on a helicopter,
Well, someone arrived in this region by train.
People built a city in a swamp,
So that everyone who arrives will find happiness.
Kogalym is a city of meetings
And such amazing destinies.
He teaches us to cherish love,
That’s why it’s so dear to people. (Natalia Borte)
Nowadays, studying the history of your city has become especially important.
Fundamental Question
Do you need to know the history of your city and its attractions?
The object of my research is the history of the emergence of the city of Kogalym
The subject of the study is the sights of the city of Kogalym
The sights of the city are inextricably linked with its history

get to know the history of your city,
with a history of appearance
Find the concept of what “attractions” are?
Find out the history of the city of Kogalym?
Find out the history of the city's attractions?
Study plan
1. Find and study the necessary material in textbooks, reference books,
encyclopedias, the Internet.
2. Conduct a survey.
3. Conduct survey research
4. Draw a conclusion
As a result of the work done I:
1. learned the history of the emergence of my city Kogalym, prepared
a message on this topic for your classmates;
2. I studied all the information about the sights of my city and
compiled a booklet for classmates;
3. told her classmates about her research and helped them participate in
Chapter 1. Explanation of the concept of “Attractions”
From the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language D.N. Ushakova I learned that
“A landmark is a place or belonging to some


I decided to find out
the history of your city. We spent together with our parents

colossal work on studying the memorable places of our city. We visited
library, visited and photographed memorable places of the city, to clarify
information, we visited the local history museum in the city of Kogalym, where we were very
introduced in detail to the history of the city. Thanks to the received
materials I learned a lot about the history of my city and the role
sights in the history of the city. For research work there were
not only parents are connected, but also classmates.
Chapter 2. History of my city
Having undertaken research, I relied on documentary information and found out
history of the city. Kogalym is very young Russian city, which
appeared due to the development in Russia and the field of oil production. Year of foundation
Kogalym is considered to be 1975, exactly this year in the district modern city
several oil fields were discovered, around which there are very
The nameless settlement grew rapidly. Status of workers' village with name
He received Kogalymsky in 1976, and two years later there was already a
first oil was produced. The city was built very quickly, in 1981 it was commissioned
operation of the city's first five-story stone residential building. Many more
cultural and health care institutions were opened in the village in the 1980s.
The village of Kogalymsky received city status in 1985, by this year it
Already inhabited by more than forty thousand inhabitants.
There are several versions about where this name for the city came from, according to
one from the Khanty “kogolym”: swamp, bad place, swampy land. A
according to another version, from two Khanty words “kog” is long, “alyng” is the beginning,
in this case, the name of the city can be translated as the long source of the river.

2.1. History of memorable places (attractions) of the city.

"Chronicles of Russia"
"A Drop of Life"
Monument to soldiers
Stepan Ananyevich
Povh (19291972)
Compound Holy
Dipper with
is work famous sculptor Zurab
Konstantinovich Tsereteli. It was donated to the city and its
residents of oil workers in honor of the 10th anniversary of the company
The grand opening took place on 7
September 2001. It is made of bronze and presented in
in the form of ancient books, including: “The Tale of Temporary
years", "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Russian Truth", etc. By
according to Zurab Konstantinovich,
all these books
symbolize the ladder along which a person climbs
to the pinnacle of knowledge.
sculptural composition, a gift from oil workers to residents
city ​​in honor of the 10th anniversary of the oil company LUKOIL.
Opened on September 7, 2001.
Honored author
artist of Russia, secretary of the Union of Artists, laureate
Moscow Prize - Andrey Nikolaevich Kovalchuk,
Honored Architect of Russia P.P. Pavlov.
Installed on Ryabinov Boulevard.
laid down May 9, 1989, opened November 6, 1989.
Monument to those killed in the Afghan war.
drilling foreman, direct participant in the discovery and
exploitation of many oil fields in Western
Knight of the Order of the October Revolution,
Red Banner of Labor. Awarded the medal "For
valiant work"
badge "Excellent Petroleum Achiever"
industry of the USSR". In the name of S.A. Povha named street
and a square in Kogalym, where a bronze bust was erected to him
(2005), oil and gas production enterprise "Povkhneftegaz",
one of the oil fields.
construction of the temple began on August 21, 1994
project by architect A. Radygin. The main temple was built in
Pskov-Nivgorod style 16th century. Main icons
The iconostasis was painted by masters of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.
Next to the church there is a single-domed baptismal
Church in honor of John the Baptist, bell tower, water sanctuary
chapel, Sunday school.
In 2010, with the construction of a modern office building
The city administration has acquired its final shape
architectural complex that forms a single whole with
The wedding palace and adjacent two buildings
park Sculptural composition gift from the President
oil company "LUKOIL" Vagit Alekperov.

creative center
Stele in memory of
pioneers on
north and their love for
legendary group
"The Beatles"
Children's School
Children's park
A mother bear with frolicking cubs decorated
the territory of the park. Installed on September 3, 2011.
The composition is a symbol of strong family ties,
longevity and prosperity. The gift is also symbolic because
that the heraldic symbol of our city is a bear.
One of the major entertainment centers of the city is
youth creative center "Metro", which was
opened December 29, 2000. Main directions
activities of the institution: circles and clubs, organization
children's leisure before school age and teenage
youth, educational activities, organization and
carrying out creative and literary evenings, discos,
In 2003, a stele was unveiled in memory of the era
pioneers in the north and their love for the legendary group
"The Beatles". The monument is about 6 meters high and
combines several characters at once:
apple with
gramophone record as a sign of the Fab Four and
electric guitar with Soviet star as a sign of the Komsomol
youth and good old rock'n'roll. The stele was made
in Bashkiria made of metal, concrete and alpolik. It is believed that
This is the first Beatles monument in Russia.
founded in 1984.
The institution implements
educational programs of additional education
children of artistic and aesthetic orientation. At school
training is provided in playing the piano, violin, tuba,
saxophone, flute, button accordion, accordion, domra, solo
singing, as well as teaching the visual arts.
Today the School of Arts has two concert halls
halls in which educational and anniversary concerts are held,
class and solo concerts, festivals and competitions,
master classes of outstanding musicians, children's performances,
presentation of diplomas to graduates, etc.
opened on September 8, 2005 on the eve of the holidays
events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the city. For
5 years collecting best works young sculptors,
Director of the Museum of Fine Arts V.
Verbitsky and the head of the Belovodye studio
L. Verbitskaya decided to bring to life the idea of ​​a children's
parka. The first resident of Lukomorye was the “Scientist Cat”.

leisure complex
Indoor ice
Iceberg Palace
fine art
"Glory to Labor"
"Military Park
"After the Watch"
the best

This work was the first winning sculpture
studio at one of the district children's competitions
opened in 1988. In the large hall of "Yantar", equipped
DOLBI DIGITAL sound system, film screenings are held,
feature and animated films. On the stage
"Yantar" hosts ceremonial meetings, festivals,
competitions. Annual festival of national cinema
"Golden Ribbon" is included in the Federal program
“Culture of Russia” and the district program “Culture
Ugra". Traditionally, in September, the Yantar Cultural Center begins
theater and concert season.
with artificial ice surface opened in 2000.
The Iceberg Palace can accommodate up to 1000 spectators for hockey games.
matches. There are sections: hockey, figure skating, strength training
triathlon, public ice skating, aerobics,
adaptive physical education, karate.
opened in 1987 as a showroom. In October 2000
received museum status. Beginning of stock formation
collection was founded by the Tyumen Art
museum, a branch of which the Kogalym Museum was listed until
1992. Over the following years, the museum
collects funds independently,
contemporary artists of our country. Museum funds
supplemented with works by G. Travnikov, V. Khoroshaev, G. Wiesel,
O. Yanovskoy, A. Akristas and others. The museum is active
exhibition activities, organizes at least 12 exhibitions
per year (including visiting ones).
sculptural composition in honor of the discoverers
Kogalym oil. The decision to build was made on 28
September 1988, opened in 1989.
On August 25, 1998, an open-air museum of technology appeared
sky. On March 24, 2000, the museum exhibition was replenished
Another exhibit is the TU154 aircraft.
small sculptural form. The author is a national artist,

Alekperova. Installed near the ERIC on the street. Peace in July

playing with
Small sculptural form. The author is a national artist,
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of Russia
A.N. Kovalchuk. Donated by the Our Future Foundation, commissioned
regional fund social programs Vagita
Alekperova. Installed on the street. Peace, near the Singing One
fountain, in July 2010.
(Annex 1)
2.2. Case study
At one of the local history classes, I told my classmates in detail
about the history of our city. And she conducted a survey on the topic: “Do you know
sights of your city? After which I concluded that many
The guys do not know about the origin of the sights of their city.
Yes I know
I know, but not all
saw but not
thought about it
I don't know, I don't
amounted to
I gave it to my classmates and asked them to draw their favorite place
in the city. As a result, my classmates took part in the city
competition “My Favorite City” and received thanks
(Appendix 2)
letters from
city ​​local history museum.

Conclusion: my work has slightly expanded the guys’ horizons about the city in which we
we live, and made me explore the sights of the city of Kogalym.

While working on this project, I learned a lot about the history of my city of Kogalym.
She compiled a list of the city’s attractions and the history of their occurrence,
studied the history of my
city, found out that the majority
attractions are also associated with the profession of my parents. I hope that
we children will continue to write the history of our city, and on the streets of Kogalym
more than one attraction will appear, and my children will preserve the memory of their
city, they will be proud of their city, as I am proud of it.
1. Archival documents. Municipal state-financed organization
"Museum of Local Lore" of the city of Kogalym.
2. D.N. Ushakov. Dictionary Russian language./ In 4 volumes – M: State.
"Modern Encyclopedia". OGIZ; State published 1995
3. Photo album “Kogalym – a pearl” Western Siberia»
M.: PENTA, 2010 – 240 p.

Annex 1
“Bear with frolicking cubs” “Glory to Labor”
Appendix 2

Municipal budget educational institution

"Average in general educational school No. 16 defense and sports orientation"

Sights of my city

Golubev Egor Dmitrievich

MBOU "Secondary School No. 16"

2-B class


Rzhevtseva Zoya Nikolaevna

Severodvinsk, 2018


My city was built on the shores of the White Sea. Not every city in Russia can “boast” of this. The large shipyard is known far beyond the borders of my city. And, of course, it attracts the attention of many tourists and guests. But you cannot enter the territory of the enterprise without a pass. But anyone can visit the sights associated with it. And not a single tourist will refuse the opportunity to admire our sea and its surroundings.

Not long ago, in class " the world“I did a project on the theme “My City”. My mother and I looked for information about our city in books and Internet resources. It was very exciting and interesting. It turns out that I know very little about the sights of Severodvinsk. I was very interested in this topic, and I decided to continue research in this area. My attention was especially drawn to cultural monuments related to the repair and construction of submarines.

Object of study: city ​​of Severodvinsk.

Subject of study: sights of the city of Severodvinsk.

Purpose of the study: explore the sights of my city.

Research objectives:

1. Study literature related to the history of our city, its attractions, and work with Internet resources.

2. Visit the sights of Severodvinsk.

3. Get information about the history of our city from Severodvinsk veterans.

4. Prepare a presentation about the sights of Severodvinsk.

5. Prepare a booklet with the main attractions of the city.

Research hypothesis: since my city is quite young, I suggested: “Could it be interesting for tourists and city guests? What attractions might attract their attention?

History of my city

There is such a legend. When in the mid-30s of the last century the USSR decided to build the largest military shipyard in the North, Stalin went to the map and saw a cross on the shore of the White Sea, indicating a monastery. The leader pointed at the map: they say, we will build here, the monks will not choose a bad place! And so it turned out, the place was successful.

The foundation of the city of Severodvinsk began with the adoption of Resolution No. 0-137ss of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR dated May 31, 1936 on the construction shipyard on the shore in the Northern Dvina delta - the construction was called "Shipbuilding".
In July 1936, the first builders landed in the area of ​​​​the Nikolsky mouth, arriving on the steamship Ivan Kalyaev. The only permanent structure on the swampy shore of the bay was the abandoned Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery.

Construction proceeded at a rapid pace; the country needed a large shipbuilding plant on the coast of one of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. In the first four months it was built to the city of Arkhangelsk, along which the first freight trains traveled in November 1936. On April 1, 1937, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, a new locality at shipbuilding plant No. 402 received its official status and was classified as a working settlement with the nameShipbuilding. After two years of construction work, it became obvious that the Komsomol construction team could not build the plant on time, and construction could be delayed. Plans were thwarted. Labor was needed. And then the government of the USSR makes a decision to organize a forced labor camp (order dated April 13, 1938, signed by the People's Commissar of the NKVD - N.I. Yezhov). Initially, groups of prisoners were housed in barracks on the island . This is where the name Yagrinlag came from. The majority of prisoners, of whom were classified as “enemies of the people,” cut clearings and drained swamps. They built hydraulic structures: protective piers, approach channels, a swimming pool, dredging of the water area, and a plant embankment. They carried out the construction of the Isakogorka-Nikolskoye estuary railway line, the Arkhangelskoye Highway, and were engaged in laying a water pipeline from the Solza River. During the Second World War, penal prisoners, defectors, and German prisoners of war served their sentences in Jagrinlag. Due to the increased secrecy of factory facilities, the location of construction and camp facilities was not disclosed, geographical names were not mentioned, and the prisoners were called workers.

On August 11, 1938, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the village of Sudostroy received the status of a city and the nameMolotovskin honor of the Soviet party leader Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (This day is considered to be the official date of birth of Severodvinsk. However, according to an already established tradition, City Day is celebrated - on the day , last Sunday in July).
On December 21, 1939, the first ship was laid down at plant No. 402 - the battleship Sovetskaya Belorussia. During the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 the city of Molotovsk was one of the country's seaports that received allied convoys. Of the 40 thousand residents of the city, 14 thousand people went to the front.

On September 12, 1957, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 733/2, the city of Molotovsk was renamed the citySeverodvinsk.
On the territory of the modern city of Severodvinsk, the buildings of the Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery have been preserved - located on the territory of OJSC PO Sevmash. The history of the city is associated with the names of prominent people of Russia. Over the years, academician nuclear physicist Anatoly Alexandrov, father of modern space technology Sergei Korolev, creator of sea-based missiles academician Viktor Makeev, submarine designer academician Sergei Kovalev visited, worked and lived here. On March 26, 1992, by government decree, Severodvinsk was given the status of the State Nuclear Shipbuilding Center of Russia. This officially recognizes the city’s outstanding contribution to the creation Navy. Now Severodvinsk is a city of regional subordination, the second largest in

Monuments and museums of Severodvinsk

I live in the wonderful city of Severodvinsk. Many city residents work at shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises, including my dad. Therefore, I would like to begin my work with the sights associated with these factories.

First attraction , which deserves the attention of residents and guests of the city, thismonument to the first builders of Severodvinsk, who, back in 1936, arrived on the ship Ivan Kalyaev to build a shipyard. The monument is located near the landing site of the first builders on Yagrinskoye Highway. In the center of the monument is the construction manager, next to him is a man with a beard - a geologist with a map in his hands, and on the right is a female worker. These people were the first to set foot on the wetlands to build a city and a factory.


Second attraction which deserves the attention of tourists and city guests, thismonument to Alexander Zryachev on the White Sea embankment. The best place for walks on Yagry Island for local residents and visitors to the city. The embankment is named after the founder of the city, Alexander Zryachev, who was an honorary citizen and a talented shipbuilder. The monument to Alexander Zryachev was erected as a tribute to memory. Alexander Zryachev was the director of the Zvezdochka machine-building enterprise for twenty years, conscientiously fulfilling his duties.


You can find out what a nuclear submarine looks like by visitingCity Local Lore Museum .


The museum features a permanent exhibition “Museum Submarine”. The exhibition and educational space is aimed at telling about the history of domestic shipbuilding, and the technologies for constructing submarines as a special type of ship. The exhibition includes interactive exhibits. The main exhibit of the show is a construction kit in the form of a nuclear submarine. The diving of a submarine, the launch of ballistic missiles, and the operation of acoustics are demonstrated.

In addition to the attractions associated with the construction and repair of nuclear submarines, my city has many worthy places that tourists and city guests could visit.

Undoubtedly, one of the most amazing attractions of Severodvinsk isembankment of the White Sea island and Yagry island.

Walking along the embankment is very good for health. Fresh sea air has a beneficial effect on the body. In the warm season, swimming in the White Sea can be an unforgettable moment. IN last years in Severodvinsk, there are more and more warm days and even weeks. At the height of summer, many, taking advantage of the good weather, go to sunbathe and swim on the beaches of the White Sea embankment and Yagry Island. In winter, people's attention is attracted by cheesecake riding from the dunes.

All year round you can walk through the pine forest near the embankment. Clean air and feeding tame squirrels bring pleasure to both adults and children.

My city is quite young, but during the Great Patriotic War, Severodvinsk residents took part in military operations. In my city there was even a military hospital where wounded soldiers were treated. At that time, my city was still called Molotovsk.

On the territory of the Yagrinsky pine forest is locatedmilitary memorial Complex, which includesarchitectural composition of the Grieving Motherland. 103 soldiers of the Karelian Front who died of wounds in military hospitals in Molotovsk are buried here. The composition represents two twelve-meter bayonets shot up into the air. In a niche, at the foot of the bayonets, there is a figure of a grieving mother. Locked in her sorrowful thoughts, she slightly bowed her head, personifying the eternal sadness of all mothers whose sons died on the battlefields. And while the mother is alive, she always sees her son alive. And all around are gravestones with the names of the dead. These are the sons of the Mother - the Motherland, who gave their lives for her.

rice. 4


Severodvinsk has many attractions that deserve the attention of city guests and tourists. But in my work I dwelled in detail on only five of them, which are in one way or another connected with the White Sea. I think I will continue to work in this direction.

Everyone who comes to our city should visit the White Sea embankment. You can not only walk along the shore and breathe fresh air, but also to visit the memorial complex. And the work of the shipbuilding and ship repair plant would be impossible without proximity to the sea.

During my work, I not only read about my city, but also visited the sights of Severodvinsk. I talked to the veterans of my city. To summarize, we can say that my hypothesis is correct. The city is attractive to tourists and city visitors. The result of my work is a booklet on the sights of Severodvisk.

List of sources used

    « My city is young." Folk album.Artistic and journalistic publication. Severodvinsk, 2008. Publishers: Igor Vorontsov and Andrey Kim.

    Photo album “Severodvinsk”/Ed. A. Maslennikova, “Arkhangelsk printing yard", 1998

1. Introduction

2. Main part:

1) Cheboksary Bay.

2) Monument “Patron Mother”

3)Victory Park.

4) Nikolaevsky Park.

5) Cheboksary 500th Anniversary Park.

6)Museum complex of V.I.Chapaev.

3. Conclusion.

Bibliographic list.


1. Introduction

My family came from Dagestan. I know little about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, but I would like to find out and talk about beautiful places this wonderful city.

Relevance: Today, exploring the landmarks of the city in which you live is important because a person must know about the values ​​​​that the locals love.

Problem: I know nothing about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, and I would like to find out and tell all the guests of the capital about them.

Hypothesis: If I learn about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, it will be interesting not only to me.

An objectresearch: city ​​of Cheboksary.

Itemresearch: sights of the city of Cheboksary

Objective of the project: explore the sights of the city of Cheboksary


1. Study literature about the sights of the city of Cheboksary.

2. Write briefly about the sights of the city of Cheboksary, so that all guests of the capital will be interested.

3. Make a presentation with brief description sights of the city of Cheboksary.


Studying specialized literature;

Search and selection of necessary information from popular scientific literature, the Internet;

Exchange information with your family members;

Project implementation.

Stagescarrying outproject: I - preparatory. Work in the school library, on the Internet, selection and reading of literature about the sights of the city of Cheboksary II - research. Explore and briefly describe the sights of the city of Cheboksary.

III - creative. To make a presentation. Expectedresultsproject: To attract the attention of capital guests to the sights of the city of Cheboksary.

Deadlines: September – December 2015.

2. Main part

The capital of Chuvashia - Cheboksary - incredibly green and beautiful city on the Volga. There are a lot of forests and small, cozy squares here. The city can be divided into two parts - left and right. The left bank of the Volga is ideal for recreation of tourists and local residents, the right bank is the business center of Cheboksary. Most of the attractions of Cheboksary are located on the right bank, since this is the historical part of the city. Alas, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station and the forced flooding of the area, there are a lot of cultural and historical monuments was lost. But an artificial bay appeared in Cheboksary, which became a favorite place for all citizens.


Cheboksary Bay is an interesting part of the city. Here are most of the attractions of Cheboksary.

Cheboksary Bay is a cultural and entertainment part of the city. Local residents come here to relax.

Firstly, there is a lot of entertainment here, and secondly, there are plenty of cafes in Cheboksary Bay. In addition, here you can ride boats and catamarans. So, if you love water activities, be sure to visit Cheboksary Bay.

The bay itself is divided by Moskovsky Avenue into two parts - new and historical. The modern part is considered business center Cheboksary. Here are the palace of the President of Chuvashia and the treasury building. In the old part of the bay you can not only learn a lot of new things, but also have a good rest. There are museums, churches, monuments, clubs, squares, an alley of love and much more.

Near the Alley of Love are Red Square, the Patron Mother sculpture, the Opera and Ballet Theater, Victory Park, and the Monument military glory.

Cheboksary Bay is good at any time of the year. In summer you can walk here, ride bicycles and roller skates. And in winter, adults and children come with pleasure

to the residence of Father Frost, which opens every year on the eve of the New Year holidays. Well, after meeting with Santa Claus, you can play snowballs, slide down a hill on a sled, or go ice skating.


The symbol of Chuvashia is the Patroness Mother monument, located in the historical part of the city of Cheboksary. The complex, located on an ancient hill rising from west side Cheboksary Bay, includes a sculptural composition of granite, copper and marble, as well as “singing fountains” installed in the bay of the Volga River.

The sculpture depicts a Chuvash woman in national dress with her arms outstretched to the side, indicating a gesture of embrace, blessing and protection. The inscription on the pedestal plate is made in two languages: “Blessed are my children who live in peace and love.” The author of the idea of ​​this grandiose structure was the President of Chuvashia, Nikolai Fedorov, and the idea was embodied by sculptor Vladimir Nagornov in collaboration with A. Trofimov, V. Filatov, Yu. Novoselov and A. Oreshnikov. The monument, opened on May 9, 2003, is the tallest sculpture in Chuvashia, its height is 46 meters and its weight is more than fourteen tons. It was not by chance that the image of a mother was chosen to erect a symbol of the revival of spiritual values ​​in the region. As ethnologist G.B. Matveev believes: “in Chuvashia, the pride of the nation is the Chuvash woman - the guide and bearer of ethnocultural values.” At a close distance, you can see the ornamental fringed headbands, the monisto on the chest and the pendant of coins on the headdress. The pedestal is tied with a wide ribbon with traditional ornamental elements - stars symbolizing fire. The Patroness Mother monument is considered one of the main attractions not only of Cheboksary, but of the entire Chuvashia. This sculpture is dedicated to all mothers who protect their children.


On the most high point In the city of Cheboksary there is the Victory Memorial Park, which occupies an area of ​​more than thirty hectares. The park is located on a high hill above river station city ​​and is clearly visible from the bay.

On the territory of the park there are: the Monument of Military Glory with the Eternal Flame, the Alley of Memory, monuments to warriors and soldiers. Cascade fountain and Alley of Heroes. There is a Museum of Military Equipment on the territory of the park. It is worth noting the models of tanks and aircraft that were so significant for combat missions in past years.

The formation of the park began with the opening of the Military Glory Monument on the high bank of the Volga in May 1980. The monument is a bronze sculptural composition of a woman-mother holding a red banner and a young soldier bending his knee. The height of the monument is more than sixteen meters. The authors of the monument were sculptor A.D. Shcherbakov and architect G.Ya. Zakharov. At the foot of the hill there was a granite pedestal with the Eternal Flame lit in the Hall of Military Glory on Mamayev Kurgan.

In 1996, a monument to soldiers who died during the fighting in Chechnya was erected in Victory Park. In August 1999, St. John's Chapel was consecrated. In April 2002, a monument to the accident liquidator was unveiled Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and in 2004 a monument was erected to the internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan. For the 60th anniversary Great Victory, in May 2005, the Alley of Heroes and the Cascade Fountain were built. On the territory of the Memorial Park there is a Museum of Military Equipment, where there are: two T-34 tanks, the legendary Katyusha, ZIS-3 guns, an MI-8, BM-13 helicopter, a MIG-19 aircraft and an armored personnel carrier. On Navy Day, July 28, 2013, the first stone of the monument to the sailors of the Chuvash Republic was solemnly laid in Victory Park.

The Victory Memorial Park offers panoramic views of the city center and Cheboksary Bay. The park itself is always clean and well-groomed, evergreen spruce trees grow, flower beds are laid out and benches are installed.


This park is a great place for a walk. There are quite a few attractions for children here that are more suitable for toddlers, however, there are some for older children as well. There are also two playgrounds in the park. The park has a mini zoo.


The 500th Anniversary Park is one of the most famous and favorite parks for city residents to relax. The park consists of wooded areas, which overall allows you to enjoy relatively wild nature. It is also worth noting that the park also has attractions for children, a fairly high observation wheel, as well as go-karting and paintball. The 500th Anniversary Park has football fields with artificial and natural grass.

From time to time, the park hosts various events, mainly youth and entertainment, although sometimes sports.


The legendary divisional commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev was born in the village of Budaika, Cheboksary district, which eventually became part of the city, and today it is the center of Cheboksary. In memory of the famous countryman, a museum complex was created, consisting of a museum building, a square, a memorial house, a wall with bas-reliefs of his comrades-in-arms and a monument to V.I. Chapaev (in Soviet times was a symbol of Cheboksary).

The main building of the museum was built in May 1974 according to the design of the architect M. Suslov and is a branch of the Chuvash National Museum. The building has the shape of an unfurled banner. At the entrance there is a sculptural group "Chapayev's Cavalry", made of copper. On one of the walls there is a pedestal with five bas-reliefs: M.V. Frunze, D.A. Furmanov, V.V. Kuibyshev, M.N. Tukhachevsky and I.S. Kutyakov. The interior of the museum exhibition is complemented by a chased copper panel" Fighting Chapaev Division", stained glass window made of colored crystal "Red Army" and a bronze bust of Chapaev. The museum halls display original documents, photographs and numerous awards of V.I. Chapaev (including four St. George's Cross). The most popular among museum visitors are: a horse saddle, a Maxim system machine gun, rifles, a revolver, a Mauser, the famous saber, a cart and a cloak that belonged to V.I. Chapaev.

In 1986, next to the main building of the museum, the house where Vasily Ivanovich was born was erected. In the Chapaev memorial house, the interior of a peasant hut has been recreated using authentic household items that belonged to the commander’s family. In the immediate vicinity are located: a monument to Vasily Ivanovich next to the memorial house (artist A. Ivanov), an equestrian monument to Chapaev (sculptor P. Balandin and architect V. Morozov), as well as a square named after the legendary division commander.

3. Conclusion

Cheboksary, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, is not for nothing considered one of the most important cultural centers of the Russian Federation. There are many attractions here, both historical and modern.

While working on the project, I learned about the most popular places of stay for residents of the city of Cheboksary. It seems to me that it will be interesting for a visitor, and even a resident of the city, to learn about the actually visited and historically important places in the city of Cheboksary.


1. M.M. Chernyakovsky “My Chuvashia” - Cheboksary book publishing house, 1997

2. E.D. Medzhitova, A.A. Trofimov “Chuvash folk art” - Cheboksary book publishing house, 1981


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1 Research project ATTRACTIONS OF THE CITY OF MEDVEZHYEGORSK Author of the project: Kozlova Angelina, student of grade 3 “B” of the MKOU “Medvezhyegorsk Secondary School 2” Project leaders: primary school teacher Stepanova Lyudmila Ivanovna, Kozlova Svetlana Yuryevna Medvezhyegorsk, 2017

2 Introduction Every person has a place on Earth where he was born. And each place is beautiful and unique in its own way. Our city is also unique with its attractions. There are quite a lot of such places, but not everyone, especially schoolchildren, know about them. I decided to study the history and sights of my city, and then tell the guys about it. After all, many moral qualities A person’s dreams are formed in childhood, and one must learn to love one’s Motherland from school. Therefore, this problem is relevant, and I present my research project on the topic: “Attractions of the city of Medvezhyegorsk.” Goal: studying information about the sights of the city of Medvezhyegorsk for subsequent presentation of information to peers. Objectives: 1. Study the history of the native city of Medvezhyegorsk with its attractions; 2. Find out what citizens think about the most popular in public places in our city through a survey among classmates, students of grade 8 “B”, teachers of Medvezhyegorsk Secondary School 2; 3. Compare, analyze information and draw conclusions; 4. Present the information received to your classmates, show a presentation about the sights of the city Object of study, the city of Medvezhyegorsk Subject of the study, sights of the city of Medvezhyegorsk Research methods: literature analysis, questionnaires, analysis and comparison, study and generalization Hypothesis: I assume that in the city of Medvezhyegorsk there are unfamiliar natural and cultural objects that are points of interest that can be of interest to everyone. Main part. Review of literature on the research topic. After studying literature and Internet sources, I learned the history of the emergence of the city of Medvezhyegorsk. It was founded by the factory owner Zakharyev, who founded a sawmill and a logging factory here at the end of the 18th century. There were many bears roaming around in the vicinity; one bear cub was caught and given to the activist’s family for entertainment. One day I had to shoot a bear. The pet was buried on a sandy hill, which has since been called Bear Mountain. Subsequently, the railway station adopted the apt name. In the 30s of the 20th century, the formation of the workers' village continued: the famous White Sea-Baltic Canal, better known as the White Sea Canal, passed through it. Medvezhya Gora station became a city in 1938. Now Medvezhyegorsk is a quiet, cozy town on the shore of Lake Onega, there is something to see and where to go. 2

3 There are many attractions in the city itself. The first building can be called the railway station building, built in 1916; it recently turned 100 years old. There is a History Museum railway transport. The museum tells not only about the history of Oktyabrskaya railway, but also about the city itself and its surroundings. Also interesting is the City Museum of Local Lore, which is located in the former building of the White Sea Canal Administration of the NKVD of the USSR; the building was built in 1937. A landmark of the city is the Fortified Area on Mount Lysukha. Having captured Medvezhyegorsk in 1941, the Finns immediately began to build strongholds and fortifications everywhere. The construction was carried out by the hands of our own prisoners of war. The defensive fortifications have been preserved almost in their original form. On Kirov Street there is a monument to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War. 1015 soldiers are buried in the Mass Grave. In 1958, a monument to Kirov was unveiled on Dzerzhinsky Street, hence the name of the square itself. If you go from the station on foot to the Onezhskaya Hotel, which is also a landmark, you can walk across a beautiful wooden pedestrian bridge. The bridge has the romantic name “Kissing Bridge”. It connects the two banks of the Kumsa River and leads to the Railway Park. The bridge, the railway park, and the city park are also attractions of the city. There are several bear sculptures in the city, as this animal is the symbol of the city. If you enter the city along the highway, you can come across another sculpture. The statue is made of natural wood, and the pedestal is an ordinary stone. In his front paws he holds bread and salt, and above his head there is an image of the coat of arms of Medvezhyegorsk. Medvezhyegorsk is a place for a good holiday. Sports such as skiing, alpine skiing, and snowboarding are very popular among the local population and city guests. Hunters and fishermen love these places. The following films were filmed in the vicinity of the city: “The Fourth Height”, “And Trees Grow on the Stones”, “Platinum 2”, “Piranha Hunt”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Love and Doves”. Questionnaire on the research topic I was wondering if the residents of our city know about these attractions. To achieve this goal, I conducted an anonymous survey and received the following results. During the study, 66 people were interviewed: 3 “B” class 27 people, 8 “B” class 20 people, teachers 19 people. (Annex 1). During the survey, I learned that 68% of respondents were born in Medvezhyegorsk, and 32% in other parts of our country (Appendix 2). To the question “Do you like our city?”: “Yes” - 92% answered, and 8%, unfortunately, answered “no” (Appendix 3). 3

4 To the question “Do you know the history of Medvezhyegorsk?”: 62% answered “Yes”, and 38% answered “no”. These were mainly students of grade 3 “B” (Appendix 4). There were many possible answers to the question “What sights of our city do you know?” I chose the five most popular (Appendix 5): fortified area on Mount Lysukha 57%; station building at Medvezhya Gora station 25%; local history museum of the city 24%; tank on Kirov Square 20%; building of the former White Sea Canal Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR 20%; monument to Sergei Mironovich Kirov 16%. In addition, such attractions as the House of Culture, the Druzhba cinema building, mass graves, Lake Onega, city park, railway transport museum, House children's creativity, Kizhi island, Sandarmokh tract. To the question “What places in the city of Medvezhyegorsk would you advise guests or tourists to visit?” There were also many possible answers offered. I chose the five most popular (Appendix 6): local history museum of the city 38%; fortified area on Mount Lysukha 36%; the shore of Lake Onega and the lake itself 23%; city ​​park 18%; Sandarmokh tract 15%. Conclusion In the course of working on the project, I was able to expand my knowledge about the history of the city of Medvezhyegorsk, I learned a lot interesting facts that residents should be proud of. The results of the questionnaire showed that not all respondents knew the history of their city; some of the city’s attractions were not named. Third-graders had especially poor answers. My hypothesis was confirmed; indeed, in the city of Medvezhyegorsk there are attractions that may interest everyone. Analysis of the questionnaires showed that, indeed, not all attractions were mentioned, but not because the majority of respondents do not know them, but because residents treat many such places and objects habitually and do not pay any attention to them . In order for schoolchildren to know and remember about every corner of their city, they need to remember more often and pay attention to the uniqueness of these places. I gladly shared my knowledge with my classmates and managed to interest them in acquiring new knowledge. List of information sources 1. Gravit V.V. Medvezhyegorsk/ V.V. Gravit, I.M. Mullo 2nd ed., rev. and additional, - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, p.: ill. - (Cities and regions of Karelia). 2. A cozy city with a difficult history. [ electronic resource] URL: 3. Medvezhyegorsk, Karelia: sights and their photos [electronic resource] -url: 4

5 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% number of people yes -62% no - 38% 5 Number of people who took part in the survey Appendix students 3 "B" - 27 people. students 8 "B" - 20 people. 5 0 number of people Answers to the question “Were you born in the city of Medvezhyegorsk?” Appendix 2 yes - 68% no - 32% Answers to the question “Do you like our city?” Appendix 3 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% yes - 92% no - 8% 20% 10% 0% number of people Answers to the question “Do you know the history of Medvezhyegorsk?” Appendix 4

6 6 Appendix 5. Answers to the question “What sights of our city do you know?” Sights of Medvezhyegorsk Selected answers Pupils Pupils teachers 3 "B" 8 "B" total % 1. Fortified area, Mount Lysukha Tank on Kirov Square Station building Monument to Kirov Building of the former White Sea Canal Administration of the NKVD of the USSR (Kirovsky market) Mass graves House of Culture Druzhba Cinema » Museum of Local Lore The shore of Lake Onega and the lake itself 11. House of children's creativity Sandarmokh tract City park Kizhi Island Kirov Square White Sea - Baltic Canal Museum of Railway Transport Market "Medvezhyegorsk"

7 Appendix 6 Answers to the question “What places in the city of Medvezhyegorsk would you advise guests or tourists to visit?” Sights of Medvezhyegorsk Selected answers Pupils Pupils teachers 3 "B" 8 "B" total % 1. Fortified area, Mount Lysukha 2. Tank on Kirov Square Station building Monument to Kirov Building of the former White Sea Canal Administration of the NKVD of the USSR (Kirovsky market) Hotels House of Culture Cinema " Friendship" Museum of Local Lore The shore of Lake Onega and the lake itself 11. House of children's creativity Sandarmokh tract City park Kizhi Island Kirov Square shops Lake Kitayka Market "Medvezhyegorsk"

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Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 61" of the city of Magnitogorsk WORK PROGRAM OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES My Motherland grades 1-2 Minutes of the meeting of the Moscow Region from August

Russian Federation Department of Education of the Orel City Administration Municipal budgetary educational institution - secondary school 37 named after twice Hero Soviet Union marshal

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 237 combined type" Project activities on this topic:. Project duration 3 months Middle group 2 Educator: Elena Kulik

Moscow region Ramensky municipal district Municipal educational institution Yurovskaya comprehensive boarding school for students with disabilities health summary open lesson the surrounding world in 2 "A"

Vinogradova Svetlana Evgenievna Kuznetsova Lidiya Ivanovna Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 7 Murmansk region, Apatity REGION WHERE I COMING FROM Purpose:

2015 ÓÄÊ 372.3/.4 ÁÁÊ 88.53 Ë 61 ŋèïñêà N. M. Ë 61 Parameters: â 2.. 2 / N. M. Lyonsya. M. : Eznim, 2015. 64 pp. : èë. (Limovaya Kolya). ISBN 978-5-699-61149-2

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 29 Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Topic: “Professions of my city” (artist, seller, builder)

Lesson summary for children of senior school age “The city of Nizhnevartovsk - the history of its origin” Teacher of the first qualification category Chernyavskaya N. N. Program content. 1. Give to children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type 12 “Little Red Riding Hood” Summary of the educational activity on cognition “My small Motherland” for children middle group Berdsk 2015

Summary of the integrated lesson “Meeting of the club of experts in the city of Orenburg” Age of children: preparatory group for school Educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative

Holiday script, dedicated to the Day city ​​"Zelenokumsk 235 years!" Prepared by: teacher Onokalo Olga Vladimirovna. Date: 07.10.2016 Progress of the event Children enter the hall to the music. Dance

HOW TO MAKE OUR CITY CLEANER? Research work Completed by: Dasha Anashkina, student of grade 3 a at MKOU 2 in Medvezhyegorsk Consultant: Victoria Aleksandrovna Anashkina Supervisor: Irina Valentinovna Pishchulina,

ESSAY ESSAY The former Russian city of Harbin Harbin- the former Russian city Liu Miaoven Liu Myaoven It often seems to me that this is a dream, That I will wake up, and everything will be as before The churches of Harbin chime, My

MKOU "Medvezhyegorsk Secondary School 2" Research project "Electrification of a doll's house" Completed by: student of grade 3 "B" Marina Lokkina Supervisor: primary school teacher

Dedicated to our parents Social project“The city in which we live” Author: students of 3 “A” class in Pyt Yakh, 2018. Classroom teacher Rachkovskaya L.P. “THE CITY IN WHICH WE LIVE” “Like

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 9 “Baby” of a combined type Summary of organized educational activities “Pavlovo Posad souvenirs” (preparatory to school

September EDUCATIONAL AND THEMATIC PLAN, PART OF EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS FORMED BY PARTICIPANTS PRESCHOOL AGE 3-5 YEARS Month Topic Lessons Goal Number of hours Topic: “The street, on Goal: Familiarize children with which

Ticket 1 of the text, tell us about the system of consonant sounds in the Russian language and the features of their pronunciation in the flow of speech. 2. Speech situation. A festival of Russian peoples is taking place at your school. You have been asked to speak

Municipal preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten 124 Project theme: “Journey to the past and present of one’s hometown” Project author: S. V. Serdechnikova Educator

“Oh, the village, my village!” Goal: to expand children’s ideas about Russia as the country in which they live. Objectives: to cultivate a sense of pride for the Motherland, a sense of involvement in its fate, to maintain interest