Parents of future first-graders will find answers to the following questions:

What does the concept of “child’s readiness for school” mean?

What should a child entering school know and be able to do?

How to properly prepare your child for school.

Should a child be taught to read before entering school?

With the help of the proposed test “Is the child ready to go to school,” parents will be able to determine the level of readiness of their child for school. The content of the questions to which you answered negatively will tell you the topics for further classes with the future student.



How to properly prepare a child for school?

Previously, a child with a certain amount of knowledge was considered ready for school. Now psychologists and teachers argue that knowledge is not a goal, but a means of child development.

The main thing is not knowledge itself, but the ability to use it, obtain it independently, and analyze it.

That's why the most important element Preparing a child for school is the formation of the ability to learn.Teach your child to consciously subordinate his actions general rule(for example, read a book while sitting, maintaining a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes to the book), listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete the given task, show independence, initiative, and creativity in any type of activity.

Expand and deepen your child’s understanding of the world around him.If you do not brush aside your child’s questions, you will not isolate him from the environment. adult life- preparation for school will proceed naturally and without stress.

Develop oral speech future school student.Read children's literature to your child as often as possible; talk with him about the works you read; More often, ask your child to retell a fairy tale he just heard or talk about what interesting things he saw during a walk.

Turn everyday requests into developmental tasks more often. For example, the following tasks are effective for better orientation of a child in space:

Please give me the cup that is to the right of the plate.

Find the third book on the top shelf, counting from right to left.

Tell me what is in the room behind the chest of drawers, between the chair and the sofa, behind the TV.

Develop fine motor skillsusing modeling, drawing, shading, constructing from various parts

lei. The better the hand is developed, the easier it is for a child to learn to write, the faster his intellect develops.

Teach your future first-grader to school regime - go to bed early and get up early. Instill in him the habit of observing basic sanitary and hygienic skills: using a public toilet; wash your hands before eating, etc. Teach him to dress independently, neatly fold his things, and keep order.

Foster a positive attitude towards school in your child. Try to create a “romantic atmosphere” around school life, where there will be new friends, a wise teacher and a whole set of new impressions and emotions.

Never intimidate your child at school:“When you go to school, they will quickly educate you!”

To give your child the feeling that he is entering a new phase of life, radically change his life: rearrange the child’s room, give him new responsibilities around the house, etc.


Should a child be taught to read before entering school?

NECESSARY! How earlier child begins to read, the more he enjoys doing it and the better he copes with reading.

Scientists give a number of reasons why a child should be taught to read, starting not even with to school age, and from early childhood:

1. Children are hyperactive and inquisitive. If a child aged 3-7 years is given the opportunity to quench his thirst for knowledge, hyperactivity will decrease, which will protect him from injury and allow him to study the world around us more successful.

2. Almost all children aged “two to five” have unique abilities, including the ability to absorb knowledge. Everyone knows the ease with which young children remember new and sometimes even incomprehensible information.

3. Having learned to read in early age, the child will be able to master much more information,than those of his peers who were deprived of such an opportunity. If he learned to read early, then in 1st grade he will be able to handle the material that is usually given to children aged 8-12 years.

4. Children who learn to read early have a much better ability to understand.By the time they enter school, they no longer read syllable by syllable, without understanding the meaning of what they read, but expressively, in whole words.

5. The child who learned to read early loves reading.Many parents believe that children who can already read will be bored in 1st grade. Saying that the more children know, the more bored they will be, is the same as saying that children who know nothing will be interested in everything and forget about boredom. If the class is not interesting, then everyone will be bored. If it’s interesting, then only those who are unable to understand anything will get bored.

And one more interesting fact: when a child is taught to read at home, success is one hundred percent, regardless of the method used.


Test “Is your child ready to go to school?”

School psychologists have developed special methods to determine the level of readiness of a child for school.

Try to answer (“yes” or “no”) to the questions in this test. It will help you understand whether your child is ready for school.

1. Can your child do anything independently that requires concentration for 25-30 minutes (for example, putting together puzzles)?

2. Does your child say that he wants to go to school because there he will learn a lot of new and interesting things and make new friends?

3.Can your child independently compose a story based on a picture, including at least 5 sentences?

4. Does your child know several poems by heart?

5.Is it true that your child is present strangers behaves at ease, is not shy?

6.Does your child know how to change a noun by numbers (for example: frame - frames, ear - ears, person - people, child - children)!

9.Can your child solve addition and subtraction problems within ten?

10.Can your child solve problems involving finding the sum or difference (for example: “There are 3 apples and 2 pears in the vase. How many fruits are in the vase?”; “There were 10 candies in the vase. 3 candies were eaten. How many are left?”)?

11.Can your child repeat the sentence accurately (for example:“Bunny, jump on the stump!”)?

12.Does your child like to color pictures, draw, or sculpt from plasticine?

13.Does your child know how to use scissors and glue (for example, make applique)?

14.Can your child generalize concepts (for example, name them in one word (namely: furniture) table, sofa, chair, armchair)?

15.Can your child compare two objects, that is, name the similarities and differences between them (for example, a pen and a pencil, a tree and a bush)?

16.Does your child know the names of the seasons, months, days of the week, and their sequence?

17.Can your child understand and accurately follow verbal instructions?

Evaluation of the result.

15 - 17 questions, you can assume thatYour child is quite ready for school.It was not in vain that you worked with him, and school difficulties, if they arise, will be easily overcome.

If you answered yes to 10 - 14 questions, that means your child has learned a lot.The content of the questions to which you answered negatively will tell you the topics for further studies.

If you answered yes to9 (or less) questions,then you should, firstly,read specialized literature, secondly, try to devote more time to activities with your child, thirdly, seek help from specialists.


What should a child entering school know and be able to do?

We offer an approximate list of knowledge and skills of a future first-grader.

The child should know:

Your first name, patronymic, last name;

Your age and date of birth;

Your home address and telephone number;

The name of your city, its main attractions;

The name of the country in which he lives;

Last names, first names, patronymics of parents, their professions;

Names of the seasons and months (their sequence, the main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons);

Names of domestic animals and their babies;

Names of some wild animals and their young;

Names of wintering and migratory birds;

Names of vegetables, fruits and berries;

Names of means of transport: land, water, air.

The child must be able to:

Distinguish between items of clothing, shoes and hats;

Retell Russian folk tales;

Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval;

Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.);

Completely and consistently retell a story you heard or read, compose (invent) a story based on a picture;

Remember and name 6-10 objects, words;

Distinguish between vowels and consonants;

Divide words into syllables using claps, steps, and the number of vowel sounds;

Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like poppy, house, whale;

Good use of scissors (cut strips, squares, circles, rectangles from paper, cut along the contour of a figure);

Use a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler; --draw geometric shapes; carefully paint over, hatch, without going beyond the contours of objects;

listen carefully, without distraction (30-35 minutes);

Maintain straight, good posture, especially when sitting.


What does the concept of “child’s readiness for school” mean?

Child psychologists identify several criteria for a child’s readiness for school.

Physical readiness.Studying at school is associated with great physical and psychological stress. By filling out your child’s medical record before entering school, you can easily navigate this issue and get advice from medical specialists. If the child has serious problems with your health and you are recommended special forms of training or special school, do not neglect the advice of doctors.

Intellectual readiness.It includes the child’s knowledge base, the presence of special skills and abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, reproduce a given sample; the development of fine motor skills; concentration, etc.). Intellectual readiness is not only the ability to read and write, but also the development of speech (the ability to answer a question, ask a question, retell a text), the ability to reason and think logically.

Social readiness.This is the child’s need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children’s groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a school situation.

Psychological readiness.From this point of view, a child who is ready for school education is attracted to school not only by its external appearance (wonderful backpack, beautiful student uniform), but also by the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. A child who is ready for school wants to study both because he wants to take a certain position in society, which opens access to the world of adults, and because he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home.

When a child graduates from preschool, it is very important that he acquires sufficient knowledge to move to a higher level. What to do if he didn’t visit at all? kindergarten? In this case, you need to try very hard to ensure that he knows everything he needs. There are many students in the class whose preparation is at different levels.

If the child lags behind the rest of the class, then his misunderstanding of the material accumulates, and the case becomes more and more advanced. Teachers mainly work for secondary and good student, and very often no one works with those who fail. This is what requires careful daily practice at home.

To first grade

Activities with a 6-year-old child: preparing for school at home, what he should be able to do

In order for preparation for 1st grade to be successful, parents need to understand that first of all little man you need to prepare for a general perception of the new space and knowledge. First of all, pay attention to the development of such qualities as curiosity, initiative, activity, and good outlook.

It is very important that the child has self-care skills. At school no one will watch him the way they do at home. He will have to dress himself, tie his shoelaces, assemble and disassemble his briefcase.

The success of a child in learning at the primary school level largely depends on what level he is at mental development. The more developed it is, the easier the task at hand will be perceived.

For admission to primary school the future student should know the following:

  • your first name, last name, patronymic;
  • parents' details (first name, last name, patronymic);
  • what his parents do;
  • address and telephone number of the house in which he lives;
  • city ​​and country in which it is located;
  • days of the week, names of months, seasons, distinctive features of the seasons;
  • names of animals;
  • names of trees and plants;
  • berries, fruits, vegetables;
  • what is the name of the clothes he wears;
  • simple geometric shapes.

Note! Classes with the child at home must be carried out according to a specific program, which is prepared taking into account all the requirements for the level of training.

In grammar, you need to be able to distinguish between sounds and letters, consonants and vowels, name the required letter at the beginning and end of a word, divide into syllables and select words based on the given letter.

To successfully assimilate school curriculum, you need to instill in your child the appropriate skills:

  • hold the pen correctly;
  • maintain a continuous line;
  • Without taking your hands off the paper, trace the outline of the drawing;
  • be able to complete the symmetrical part of the drawing;
  • copy geometric shapes.

Important! To successfully master the school curriculum, a child must have mandatory initial skills.

Required skills and abilities

How to prepare a child for school at home at 6 years old

Application of various techniques

Program for preparing a child for school at home

Preparing a child for school at home the summer before entering first grade should contain exercises and tasks that comprehensively develop the little personality. The development program must necessarily contain classes in mathematics, spelling, reading, creative exercises. Also, every parent can get specialist advice online.

Math lessons for kids

It’s not for nothing that mathematics is considered the queen of sciences. It develops logical thinking and imaginative thinking very well. That is why, various kinds mathematical representations it is necessary to begin to form from early childhood. Exercises with a piece of squared paper are considered very useful. The child can be asked to circle several cells, draw the required number of them at the bottom or top of the main figure, count the number of sketches and similar tasks.

You should also include tasks on counting objects, finding the missing number in a series, and basic addition and subtraction skills. Using examples, consider the basic geometric shapes that the child must learn to find and name on his own.

How to teach a child to write

It is recommended to start learning to write by drawing block letters. The child is explained how they are made correctly. By practicing with a pen or pencil, the baby develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which learn to correctly hold the object of writing and sit correctly.

Important! The lesson should not last more than 15 minutes. After which you need to do a little physical warm-up. You can print out the copybook with which your child will train his hand.

Teaching preschoolers to read

It is very important that training is carried out in game form, which is most accessible to the baby at an early age. Before you start building words, you need to learn the letters. They are presented in the form of easily memorable images. Development exercises are carried out phonemic hearing. And only after such manipulations is learning to form letters into syllables possible.

Creative activities

In addition to the main classes to prepare for first grade, homework assignments should contain a creative component. It is necessary to introduce a child to beauty. Develop his psyche. This is facilitated by playing together in nature, modeling with plasticine or natural materials, and various exercises with lacing and small details. It is also important that the child shows creative initiative and makes something with his own hands. The parents’ task is to provide the baby with all the necessary materials.

Note! These types of classes can be accompanied by presentations on relevant topics.

Psychological preparation of a child for school at home

The psychological component of the guide on how to prepare a child for 1st grade is very important. It includes several components, among which the following stand out: volitional, personal, intellectual. The readiness of the child's willpower is necessary in order for him to be able to complete the various tasks presented in the lesson. The baby will have to do not only what he wants, but also what is required.

The second component is characterized by the fact that the baby has a new social role, which he must correctly perceive. Parents should develop in him such personality traits that will help him easily get in touch with classmates and teachers. The development of intellectual abilities affects the extent to which the material presented during classes will be absorbed.

Psychological balance

Health issues and school

In 1st grade they must not contradict the requirements of a healthy lifestyle. When conducting classes, it is necessary to ensure that the child has the correct position, keeps his back straight, and the book is at the required distance when reading. The time allotted for one lesson must be strictly regulated.

The choice of method for preparing a child at six years old depends only on the parents themselves. However, if the mother and father do not have appropriate training in psychology, then it is best to entrust this activity to specialists.

Preparing a child for school is the foundation for successful learning. It is important not only to provide basic skills in writing, counting, and reading, but also to ensure sufficient development of speech and teach how to communicate with peers and adults. The broader a first-grader’s horizons are, the easier it is to assert himself in a new team and gain authority.

Modern realities are such that a poorly prepared child will always be a “black sheep” compared to more successful classmates. It is easier for children attending a kindergarten or development center for preschoolers to adapt to new conditions and withstand study load. Parents should also know how to properly prepare their child for school at the age of 6 in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge at home.

What a future first-grader should be able to do

Check whether your child's development level meets the requirements preschool preparation. Study the list of requirements, think about whether your daughter or son is ready to cope with the proposed tasks. For each negative answer, award a negative point. The more “cons,” the wider the range of issues that need to be discussed with the preschooler.

The child must be ready for certain actions:

  • call all family members by name, introduce yourself, briefly talk about yourself and your hobbies;
  • have a good understanding of vowels and consonants, read simple texts, and write in block letters;
  • know the differences between the seasons, explain whether it is summer or winter, know the days of the week, months;
  • navigate the day, distinguish between morning, lunch and evening;
  • know the rules of subtraction and addition;
  • name the basic geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, draw them;
  • remember short text, retell it;
  • in a number of proposed items, find an extra one, explain why he excluded it.

There are other requirements. The future first grader must:

  • possess basic self-care skills: dress, undress, lace shoes without the help of adults, keep the workplace clean;
  • know the rules of conduct in public places treats others with respect;
  • distinguish, correctly name primary colors, preferably shades;
  • describe what is shown in the picture;
  • be able to count to 20, then back;
  • know the names of parts of the human body, be able to draw people with all the main “details”;
  • correctly answer the questions: “Where?”, “Why?”, “When?”;
  • distinguish between inanimate/animate objects;
  • communicate with peers, defend your opinion, but do not beat those who disagree;
  • understand that you cannot insult classmates and adults;
  • sit quietly during class for at least 15–20 minutes. Behave decently, don’t be capricious, and don’t bully other students.

Important! It is difficult to make up for lost time during the summer months. You can’t waste time on improving your children’s health on hours-long classes. This will make your health worse nervous system If you put too much stress on a growing body, you will discourage learning. How to avoid overloads? The solution is simple: start preparing for school at the age of 3.5–4 years. Little by little, at an acceptable pace, without putting pressure on the psyche, you will teach your child everything he needs.

Remember 5 important rules:

  • Teachers and psychologists recommend conducting classes in a playful way. You cannot force, let alone shout or beat, a child for refusing to study this or that material. The task of parents is to interest, explain what educated person will always earn respect among friends and peers and will be successful in life;
  • The duration of the mini-lesson is no more than 15 minutes. Between classes, a break of 15–20 minutes is required so that the children can warm up and run;
  • alternate mathematics with reading, drawing with physical education, and so on. Prolonged mental stress negatively affects a growing body;
  • gradually increase the complexity of the material, do not rush with new tasks until the child has thoroughly mastered the material covered;
  • use teaching aids with bright, large illustrations. Choose interesting texts that describe animals, birds, and natural phenomena. Cultivate kindness, explain how important it is to help others. Offer for study good fairy tales and stories.

Math lessons

Lessons to prepare for school in mathematics:

  • start counting with familiar items: small toys, sweets, vegetables and fruits. Later, switch to counting sticks and special cards. At first, use only integers;
  • An excellent option is to study numbers in pairs, for example 1 and 2, 5 and 6. This makes it easier for the child to understand that 5 apples + 1 = 6 apples. Study one pair for an entire lesson, at the beginning of the next, repeat the material covered for 5-10 minutes, then move on to a new pair;
  • experienced teachers recommend studying geometry also in a playful way. Demonstrate a circle, a triangle and a square using a cookie as an example. It is easy to find confectionery products of any shape in the store;
  • did the little student remember the names and shapes of the main figures? Learn to draw them using a ruler (triangle) and a pencil;
  • The maximum benefit will come from alternating counting, solving examples and studying geometry.

Writing classes

  • train your hand: babies are not suited for long writing;
  • Classes for developing fine motor skills are of great help. Useful exercises with improvised objects (pasta, beans, soft dough, shoelaces, start at 2–3 years);
  • learn to use comfortable scissors with non-sharp, rounded edges. Cutting out a figure along the contour prepares the hand for writing;
  • first learn to write block letters, only after memorizing the entire alphabet do you move on to capital letters;
  • Explain to your child that they need to write carefully and not go beyond the stripes/cells. Buy a comfortable handle, tell us how to hold it;
  • Learn finger exercises and do the exercises with your child. Say together: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired. Now we’ll rest and start writing again.”
  • choose a writing notebook that meets your requirements modern school. There are many useful aids in specialized stores.

Reading lessons

  • these activities come first. The sooner a little student masters reading, the easier it will be for him to learn other subjects;
  • learn letters in the alphabet. Draw a large letter, sculpt it out of plasticine, tell us what the symbol looks like. For example, O – glasses, D – house, F – beetle. Show the letter if you can do it with your fingers, arms, legs, torso;
  • read a short text, put the story in front of the baby, ask him to find the letter that he just learned, for example, A;
  • ask what the text is about, be sure to ask a few questions about what you read;
  • later ask for a retelling;
  • After class, rest is required, then switch to another type of activity.

How to wash a boy? Read useful tips for parents.

Nutrition rules and menus for diabetes in a child are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about the diagnosis of pulpitis of primary teeth and methods of its treatment.

Creative tasks

  • learn to use paints, brushes, felt-tip pens;
  • Have the young student shade the space within the outlined area. Suitable material – coloring books with large and small details;
  • combine drawing, modeling, appliques with the study of geometric shapes. For example: a house is a square, a watermelon is a circle, a roof is a triangle;
  • offer to mold letters and numbers so that they are better remembered.

Psychological readiness of a child for school

Consider the opinions of psychologists and teachers. Experts believe that it is easier for first-graders to join the team and accept new rules, prohibitions, and routines if certain skills are developed.

Teachers and psychologists have compiled a list of requirements under which a 6-year-old child is ready to attend school:

  • wants to learn, has a thirst for knowledge;
  • knows how to compare different objects, concepts, draw conclusions based on analysis;
  • understands why children go to school, has social behavior skills, and is aware of his own “I”;
  • maintains attention at least briefly on the subject being studied;
  • tries to overcome difficulties, brings the matter to the end.

How to psychologically prepare children for school: advice to parents:

  • talk with your baby, read, communicate;
  • After reading, discuss the text and ask questions. Ask your child’s opinion, encourage him to analyze situations described in a fairy tale, poem or story;
  • play “School” with your son or daughter, change roles “teacher - student”. Lessons are no longer than 15 minutes, pauses and physical education sessions are required. Praise the little student, give advice in the correct form;
  • show by personal example how to overcome difficulties. Don’t allow things to be abandoned halfway, give advice, give advice, but don’t finish (finish, finish) for the child. Finish the job together, but not instead of the child;
  • give up excessive care. You never get out of the habit of treating your son or daughter like a child, don’t you let him act on his own? Think about whether it would be comfortable for a little idiot in a children's group if he alone cannot quickly get dressed or tie his shoelaces. Recognizing the child’s right to independence will help avoid ridicule and offensive nicknames. Encourage the desire for independence, teach how to dress, undress, eat properly, handle laces and buttons;
  • teach how to communicate with peers, go to visit more often, organize games in the yard if the children do not always find common language, also participate in the games, tell them how to play and not quarrel. Never laugh at your son or daughter in front of children (face to face too): low self-esteem– the cause of many troubles, self-doubt;
  • create positive motivation, explain why you need to study. Tell us how many new and interesting things the children will learn in class;
  • Explain what discipline is, why silence is needed in the classroom while explaining new material. Teach to ask questions, if something is not clear, tell them that the teacher cannot ask everyone how they have mastered the material. Students should also think about themselves and learning as much as possible;
  • tell us that you need to defend your interests without shouting and fists, using civilized methods. Teach self-respect, explain why you shouldn’t show excessive fearfulness or aggressiveness. Model several situations that often arise at school when peers communicate, think about what the solution is. Listen to the child’s opinion, offer your own option if your son or daughter doesn’t know what to do. Be attentive to the interests of the child, teach the rules of communication, encourage him to do good deeds and actions.

When preparing your child for school, take into account the advice of psychologists and teachers, show interest, and inspire the little student. From an early age, develop a thirst for knowledge, communicate, study the world around you. It is always easier for a prepared first-grader to master the school curriculum than for a child with a lack of basic skills and limited horizons.

More useful tips parents of future first-graders in the following video:

Reading time 7 minutes

How to prepare a child for school independently is one of the main issues that worries parents of future schoolchildren. Parents often turn to teachers for help with this problem. training centers, they are worried about their child entering an educational institution without problems.

When entering a chosen educational institution, you must familiarize yourself with the list of requirements in advance so as not to create a stressful situation at the beginning of your studies. After all, it is not uncommon for cases when still at the stage preparatory classes Parents are under stress. Only familiarization with the requirements of the educational institution will help parents determine the level of preparation of their child and help them find out whether he is ready to enter school at all.

Parents often unjustifiably place the responsibility on preparing their children for school. preschool institutions, believing that it is a duty professional teachers. But in practice, the knowledge children receive in preschool educational institutions not enough to move to the next stage of learning. Based on this, parents should think about how to properly prepare their child for school on their own, without the involvement of others.

Preparing your child for school: 7 main points

Many parents are not sure own strength and believe that they will not be able to prepare their child for school on their own due to the lack of proper teacher education. But these fears are unfounded, since nowadays stores are replete with numerous manuals that tell in detail how to prepare a child for school on their own, and describe methods by which a child will achieve certain knowledge and acquire the necessary skills (counting, reading, writing) .

1. Basic skills

Reading training, self-study letters and alphabet.

Learning letters. In the process of learning letters, parents can turn to all sorts of didactic materials: cubes, magnetic alphabet, cards with images of letters, etc. In classes to study letters, regularity and consistency are important, then it will not be difficult for children to remember the letters.

The main thing is to start a new lesson correctly, repeating and reinforcing a previously studied topic first, and only then starting to study a new one. The most favorable age for learning letters is 3-4 years. Children at this age easily grasp and remember information.

Undoubtedly, at the age of two years, children will just as easily be able to remember and show the letter they have learned, but if you do not systematically conduct reinforcement activities with them, these skills will quickly be forgotten. Therefore, you should think about whether it is necessary to require a two-year-old child to memorize the alphabet.

Speech development and mastering coherent reading skills. At this stage, it is necessary to resort to the help of an ABC book; it will easily explain to the child how sounds are combined into syllables, and will help teach him to read syllables.

2. Helpers: primers and albums for speech development

Today, there are several proven techniques that are widely used. Among them: speech therapy primer by Kosinova E.M., primer by Zhukova N.S., primer by Bakhtina E.N. All these methods differ from each other, which allows parents to choose the most suitable one for independently preparing their child for school.

You can also work with children using the following manuals: “Album on speech development for the little ones” by S.V. Batyaeva and “Album on Speech Development” by V.S. Volodina. These albums are different from many others. systematic approach to the development of coherent speech skills, you can also find tasks with a speech therapy bias, which will greatly facilitate the learning process for children with speech therapy problems.


The main requirements for educational institutions are the ability to read syllables, the ability to find and highlight syllables in words, the ability to count the number of sounds in a word. Also, the future first grader must be able to distinguish vowels from consonants and have the skills of coherent speech, i.e. could describe several simple sentences image in the picture, as well as be able to retell small simple texts, preserving their essence.

3. Getting to know the basics of counting, performing basic mathematical operations

Children of primary school age (6-7 years old) should confidently count to 10, while understanding the category of countability, and not mechanically repeating the number series. There are special exercises to help children analyze the composition of a number. These exercises are the basis for teaching a child to count. That is, the child must understand that the number 2 includes 1 and 1, and 5 is the sum of 2 and 3, etc. To help the process of assimilation of this knowledge come visual aids that can be easily recalculated. Such aids include cubes, balls and any other geometric shapes or construction elements. The main requirement for the benefit is the same shape, size and color. Guided by such a manual, it is enough to simply demonstrate to children the essence of the simplest mathematical operations - addition and subtraction.

4. Parental assistants in teaching their child mathematics

In order to prepare a child for school on your own, you need to understand that the selected manuals should be as clear as possible to the parent himself; they should clearly describe how this or that activity is carried out. Such manuals should include both theoretical material and didactic clarity.

A good help in studying mathematics is the following manual: “Playing game. Mathematics for Children”, developed by L.G. Peterson and E.E. Kochemasova. Depending on the age periodization, it is divided into several parts: from 3 to 4 years, from 4 to 5, from 5 to 6, from 6 to 7. A methodological notebook has been developed for each part, including tasks. Thus, this manual covers the entire mathematical education of a future first-grader.


A preschooler can easily count from 1 to 10, quickly and correctly determines the place of a number in a number series (6 comes after 5, or before the number 8), solves simple tasks, which are made up of the operations of adding and subtracting numbers from 1 to 10.

The process of preparing for writing. The process of learning to write will begin directly at school, but it will be nice if the child receives some foundation in this matter at home. Parents are required to teach their child to confidently draw clear lines, without resorting to a ruler, to hatch figures or drawings along the contours. Skills that are responsible for the general level of intellectual development of the child.

When thinking about how to properly prepare a child for school, it is important to pay attention and general development preschooler: development of attention and memory, training logical thinking and development creativity, the makings of which every person has. Reading books is the most in an effective way all of the above aspects of the development of a child’s intelligence. At the stage of preparation for school there is no place to independent reading, but joint.

However, frequent reading of books by parents to the child contributes to the development of the ability to analyze and discuss. When reading a book to a child, it is necessary to ask questions and teach him to draw conclusions about what he read. Parents need to be prepared for the child’s questions and reasoning about what they read; they need to work together with him to figure out what was misunderstood. Love and interest in books contributes to the development in a child of good memory and observation, imagination and the ability to think figuratively.

5. Books that promote the intellectual development of a child

For learning purposes, it is necessary to use not only the well-known and beloved fiction, but also encyclopedic publications, while choosing the most visual examples. You can also whet the child’s interest with puzzles, charades, and riddles. Even when independently preparing your child for school, you can independently come up with various creative tasks or borrow them from special manuals with already prepared tasks for making crafts or applications.

6. Psychological readiness for school

One of the important points in the process of preparing a child for school is the creation of a positive attitude towards the learning process as a whole and a conscientious attitude towards serious and important changes in the child’s life. It is important to help the child not only practically prepare for entering school, but also to help him develop a desire to study at school and acquire knowledge.

Often, after a child goes to school, parents may encounter certain problems: he refuses to comply with the teacher’s requests, behaves poorly in class, does not pay attention to comments, and violates discipline.

This happens due to a lack of understanding of the value of the learning process, and not at all due to poor upbringing or a deliberate desire to disrupt the lesson. Perhaps at 6 years old he is not yet ready for learning, but by 7 years old the situation may change radically. Therefore, think about whether your child is psychologically ready for learning, analyze how to independently prepare your child for school, when and at what age he will be ready for this.

7. Conducting classes independently: important points

  • The duration of each home activity should not exceed 25–30 minutes. It will be difficult to hold the attention of a six-year-old child for more than 30 minutes.
  • It is necessary to alternate types of activities with each other, calculating the load. After the math lesson, you need to give the preschooler a creative task - do a drawing, make an applique, or a craft. Remember that during the lesson it is necessary to include movable pauses, since it is difficult for a child at this age to sit in one place for 30 minutes. For this purpose, you can use simple physical exercises.
  • Never frighten your child with school if he doesn’t succeed, as this can lead to the formation of a negative attitude towards teachers and school. You need to stimulate not by intimidation, but on the contrary, by encouraging and helping to cope with difficulties. You cannot scold a child if something doesn’t work out for him or he doesn’t understand something, in this case he will be afraid of going to school and will consider himself worse than others.

You need to start preparing to enter school at least six months in advance. In fact, it is not as difficult to prepare a child for school on your own as it might seem; in this matter, the main thing is to organize classes correctly, to properly prepare the study area, so that the child feels comfortable and studies with interest and pleasure. Then he will be able to avoid stress when entering school, and the process of upcoming learning will not be a source of his fears.

Draw letters and solve examples. What should a future first-grader really be prepared for?

In the “Preparing for School” section, we share recommendations on how to prepare your child for school independently, as well as online.

Help for parents - useful materials, questions, tasks

  • What should a child know and be able to do before going to school?
  • Tasks, games and exercises to prepare for 1st grade at home.
  • Logic and mathematics classes for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

1. Physical development

From childhood, instill in your child an interest in sports and physical education. A personal example works best here. Find time for active activities with your children at home and outside.

Encourage your child to try different sports sections: swimming, gymnastics, martial arts, dancing. Let him choose what he really likes.

If your son or daughter themselves reminds you about the next workout and tries not to miss a single lesson a week, this is success.

2. Psychological development

Even an outwardly calm and confident child may find it difficult to adapt to an unusual school environment. What is important to teach children to help them transition to a new stage in life?

1. Teach your child to manage emotions and think positively.

The ability to control emotions such as anger, malice or resentment will protect the child from rash actions or words. Explain to your child that there are many problems. But if you think positively, it will be easier to look at the situation from the other side and find the right way out.

Approach the issue consciously: model different life situations and help your child figure out together what to do in this or that case.

2. Train your attention and ability to concentrate.

Teach your child to always finish what he starts. Give him tasks that can realistically be completed within half an hour. Choose not only your favorite activities, but also those where your child may resist. If you managed to concentrate on the task at hand for at least 20 minutes and get the job done, you have done it.

3. Cultivate responsibility and develop willpower.

Teach to dream, set goals and achieve them, despite difficulties. Help with external incentives at first, but explain that the strongest motivation is his own.

Assign your child adult tasks. Let him have his own list of assigned tasks around the house: water the flowers or wipe the dust, walk or feed the pet.

3. Intellectual development

Your child will be taught to read, write, count and solve simple mathematical problems at school. The most valuable thing parents can do for their children is to teach them to think correctly, reason, analyze information and see the main thing.

What exactly needs to be done?

1. “ignite” cognitive interest and stimulate learning new things: in books, videos, at home and on a walk. Organize a variety of leisure activities for your child so that they understand how much new and interesting things there are in the world that they have to learn about.

2. Develop speech and communication skills. Teach your child to find a common language with peers and adults. It is important to teach the ability to listen, argue your point of view and enjoy the communication process itself.

3. Develop logical thinking. Your child will learn to solve typical problems in mathematics lessons. But in order for him to successfully cope with tasks with an asterisk and everyday tasks, one cannot do without the ability to reason and think outside the box. These abilities can and should be trained.


Where to look for tasks?

10 years ago, only collections and children's magazines came to mind. Now there are much more quality ones interesting materials can be found on the Internet. But how not to get lost in this ocean of developmental tasks?

To assess the approximate level of your child’s intellectual readiness for school, look at a small selection of mathematical problems for preschoolers from LogicLike or start classes on the website.