Well " pedagogical theorymodern teacher»


newspaper number

Educational material

Lecture No. 1. Didactics as a universal tool for pedagogical creativity

Lecture No. 2. The content of biological education in modern conditions and its composition

Lecture No. 3. Teaching methods, their specificity.
Test No. 1(Deadline - November 15, 2004)

Lecture No. 4. Problem-based learning in biology lessons

Lecture No. 5. Project activity.
Test No. 2(deadline - until December 15, 2004)

Lecture No. 6. Structure and types of lessons

Lecture No. 7. Intellectual and moral development in biology lessons

Lecture No. 8. Methodological aspects of science in biology lessons

The final work is the development of the lesson.
The final work, accompanied by certificates from the educational institution (acts of implementation), must be sent to the Pedagogical University no later than February 28, 2005.

Lecture No. 5. Project activities

What is a research project.
Pedagogical goals of project activities.
Project method in modern school

The research method, or project method, originates from the ideas of J. Dewey and his student V.Kh. Kilpatrick, who believed that the educational activity of children should be realized by them, is practically expedient, useful and interesting. These ideas were picked up by a number of teachers, including S.T. Shatsky. By the mid-20s. 20th century the project method was widely used in the Soviet school, but then it was quickly rejected. It seems that one of the reasons for the rejection of the project method was the fear that a generation of creators would appear, and not obedient executors of someone else's will.

What are the goals of teaching children about project activities, including research activities? There are several, but the main ones are:

– formation and development of creative abilities;
- developing the ability to pose problems and independently solve them;
– creation of motives for learning and self-education;
- developing a sense of individual responsibility for decision;
– development of communication skills;
– development of methodological skills and abilities.

The above list does not exhaust all the goals achieved by using the research method in teaching, however, as a guideline for a teacher who decides to actively work with this method, it is quite sufficient.

A foreign school has long and systematically introduced elements of the research method into the learning process. Both the actual educational process and various kinds of intellectual marathons, olympiads, and other competitions require participants not only and not so much to know facts, but to be able to deduce this knowledge based on the analysis of the information provided, correlate known data with the requirements of the task to obtain new data, etc. d. Maybe that is why we win at Olympiads, where the proposed questions sound quite traditional and require solid knowledge from students, and lose, for example, in Olympiads, where knowledge transfer skills and their application in a non-standard situation are required. Read the article by G.S. Kovaleva "Study of natural science literacy in the framework of the international PISA program" in the journal "Natural Science at School" (No. 2/2004) and you will understand the reasons for our lagging behind.

What do teachers and students learn in the process of joint research? For those who have carefully read the previous lectures, the answer is clear:

- cooperation and co-creation;
– observations and selection of facts;
- vision and problem solving;
– definition of research objectives;
- setting research objectives;
- the ability to formulate hypotheses;
– ability to plan experiments;
- the ability to work with information - to search, analyze, select, structure;
- apply the acquired knowledge to achieve their goals;
- to design new ways of activity;
- analyze the results.

In addition to these special methodological skills, students learn:

- plan work;
- arrange work;
- to present the results of the work in writing and orally;
- defend your point of view.

Thus, research work, like no other activity, forms in the student the qualities necessary for a professional career and social adaptation, regardless of the choice of a future profession.

The research work of students is most often carried out outside school hours, although the lessons can also practice solving some problems, tasks, setting up laboratory experiments, as well as discussing the information received, the results of the work, and so on.

However, before embarking on systematic work using the research method, one should conceptually comprehend its place and share in the practice of a particular school. From a didactic, methodological, general pedagogical point of view, it is necessary to determine how the inclusion of schoolchildren in project activities will affect the general atmosphere of the school; which of the teachers and children will, and who, perhaps, will not be involved in projects. The fact is that participation in research activities is not only an additional burden, but also a reason for conflicts between those who want to do this and those who reject research activities. That is why you must first establish some general rules: mandatory project activities for teachers and children or its voluntariness; the remuneration of this work for the teacher or work without material incentives. In other words, it is necessary to accept some rules of the game. Then everyone who is ready to comply with them becomes members of the team. It is desirable that the adopted rules be common to all.

To introduce the research method into school practice, it is necessary to decide at what age children begin to take part in research; in what forms it will take place (in the classroom, after school hours, in both forms); whether these forms are adequate to the requirements for research activities; how the protection of projects will take place and who is involved in it (experts, reviewers, parents, listeners, etc.). All these conditions must be agreed with all participants in the learning process and clearly spelled out in the relevant document.

In one of the schools, the main provisions of this document were as follows.

1. All students and teachers of the school take part in research work, starting from the second grade.
2. Research work can be done by one student or a group.
3. The level of difficulty and content of the research work exceeds the level of educational material by at least one class.
4. If the work is done by a team of students, then each member of the team is responsible for both his part of the work and for the work as a whole.
5. Research work is drawn up in accordance with generally accepted rules and requirements for the design of design work.
6. The work is defended first in front of the students of the class, and then in front of the students of the school, teachers and parents.
7. At the defense, the following are evaluated: the level of complexity and significance of the work, the degree of independence in its implementation, its design, oratory, the ability to answer questions.

The most significant in these provisions were the points on the requirements for the level of complexity of the work and on the presence of parents at the presentation of projects. The first of these provisions states that a student of a certain grade must perform work that requires the assimilation and application of material related to at least the next grade. For example, a 6th grade student defending a paper in biology should draw on material from 7th-8th grades, not only in biology, but preferably from chemistry or physics courses. In other words, it is desirable that the work be integrative both in content and in methods of activity. If the study of a sixth grader is devoted to the influence of soil pH on the growth and development of plants, then he should know what a medium is, acids, salts, bases (alkalis), indicators, dissociation and a number of other chemical concepts. He must understand what a fact, hypothesis, experiment, theory is. Perhaps, to perform some work, you will need knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to work with a computer, find information on the Internet, etc. If children defend the Battle of Borodino project, then they must work through a huge amount of literary and visual material, work in museums in Moscow and Borodino (naturally, under the guidance of a teacher) and only after that draw up the work and submit it for defense. Moreover, the design of the work should contain both literary and pictorial elements.

One of the serious problems of project work is the choice of its subject. The fact is that research activities are multi-valued and carried out with different pedagogical goals. In one case, it is aimed at developing the abilities of each student in a class or school, regardless of his interest in a particular subject. For example, in biology lessons, everyone is engaged in solving problematic problems or doing experiments in the schoolyard. Students may not be interested in biology, but they are engaged in research activities, and it brings certain benefits. In other cases, the topic of the work is the subject of active interest of the student, who is interested in both the object of study and the study itself. And if in the first case the level of complexity of the work is relatively low, then in the second case it is even difficult to foresee what additional steps the researcher will have to take to achieve the goal. All this must be taken into account when planning a particular research topic. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that research work carried out during the academic year should not take too much time from the student. After all, there are training program, hometasks, many other things and long work can just bore the student. In addition, it happens that one student performs not one, but several research projects at the same time. As a rule, only a few schoolchildren are engaged in real research at school, and in order to captivate the majority with this activity, it is necessary to come up with interesting and feasible forms. design work.

I consider tourism to be one of the most successful ways to involve children in research - a combination of recreation and scientific activities. Traveling by kayak, you can study the history and geography of the area, the species diversity of plants and animals in the river basin, the ecological situation (composition and pH of water, air, soil, etc.). Such studies are suitable both for each participant of the trip and for small groups of children. But there may be special, sufficiently deep scientific research. I will give examples of some of them, taken from the collection of research works “XXI All-Russian Youth Readings named after V.I. Vernadsky "(M., 2004.):

“Structure of communities of benthic invertebrates and assessment of the degree of anthropogenic pollution of watercourses in the Belaya River basin”;

"Coleoptera (beetles) of salt lakes of the steppe zone of the Novosibirsk region";

"Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the development of different divisions of algae in the aquarium".

These and other research works of high school students are objectively significant and serious. They are complete both in terms of goals and objectives, and in terms of research methods, evaluation of results and conclusions.

To help teachers in choosing research topics, I will give several plans for research work from the book by C. Saint-Hilaire "Elementary course of zoology" (St. Petersburg, 1888):

1. “Find frog eggs in the pond in the spring and put them in the aquarium. Watch the development of tadpoles. How long does it take for the embryo to appear in the testicles? What is the appearance of tadpoles that have just hatched from eggs? When will you notice their gills? After how many days will the external gills disappear? What does a tadpole eat? When will his hind legs appear? When will the front appear? Do all tadpoles develop at the same rate? When will the young frogs come out of the water?

2. Find green larvae with seven pairs of legs and a white head on a willow, birch or alder. If you take this larva in your hand, then it curls up into a circle. Plant in a jar and put fresh birch, willow or alder leaves there daily. How do larvae gnaw leaves? Do the larvae molt? Do they eat a lot of leaves? How long do the larvae stay? How do they turn into pupae? How long does the chrysalis lie? What insect will come out of the pupa? What insect (of those described in this book) does it most resemble?

These two examples already show how you can begin to involve schoolchildren in research. Works on these topics are quite accessible to students, interesting, not very long, but not very tight in terms of time, they can be done in an easy mode. The task practically indicates all the steps of the study, they only need to be completed. The task of observing, describing and summarizing the results of the work falls on the student, i.e. necessary initial actions with which the study begins. Statement of research problems, hypotheses, planning and implementation of new experiments is the next step in the project work. And first you need to interest students in this activity. That is why the availability of material for research, the relative ease of doing the work, its practical orientation and significance can serve as an incentive to involve the student in research activities.

Now we should touch on the role of the teacher in project activities. It would be a profound mistake to think that the teacher takes full responsibility for the quality of work performance and acts as a permanent guardian. This is not the case and should not be allowed to be. The teacher in relation to the student performs the functions of a consultant and supervisor in the same way as it happens in big science. The young researcher must understand that the main share of responsibility for the quality of work lies with him. He should think about the deadlines, conscientiousness and scientific reliability of his research. The teacher's job is to remind about this, to suggest the direction in which to look, to edit the text, if necessary. Of course, the teacher is worried about his ward, but this does not mean that he should work for the student and control his every step. This is meaningless if you are seeking the scientific independence of a student.

In conclusion, I will give some algorithms for the teacher's activities in organizing project work, which must be applied not only in project activities, but also in everyday teaching practice.

1. Creation of positive motivation to work through the formulation of an interesting and close problem for students, the creation of a problem situation.
2. Joint participation of the teacher and students in the analysis of the problem.
3. Proposing hypotheses to be tested and screening out useless hypotheses.
4. Acquaintance with the methods of studying the problem and the data of science.
5. Drawing up a work plan.
6. Revealing the connections of the research topic with other (related) topics.
7. Search for contradictions.
8. Proposing new hypotheses and discussing them.
9. Intermediate control and correction of the work performed.
10. Pre-protection of work.
11. Finalization and protection of the work.

The requirements for the design of a project (scientific) work practically coincide with those for a diploma or dissertation work. The introduction should indicate: the relevance of the topic, the problem and the hypothesis of the study. Then the goals and objectives of the study, their novelty (even if only for the student) and practical significance. The subject and object of research and the provisions submitted for defense should be highlighted. Each of these points should be reflected in the work to a greater or lesser extent. This is followed by a literary review of the problem, the experimental part, if it was carried out, conclusions and conclusions.

However, there are projects that are not related to scientific research and, nevertheless, being quite creative and independent works. This is, for example, writing a literary work, a play, a movie script; staging a play; writing a computer program that displays a particular phenomenon (photosynthesis, cell division, etc.). When performing these and similar works, all the same research and creative skills are manifested, however, the design and protection of such works are different and depend on their genre.

And finally, the term "project" has received an ambiguous interpretation, and it must be understood that any independently performed creative work can be considered a project, but not every project is research work. This, perhaps, is the main difference in the interpretation of the concept of "project" and "research" in modern school.

Questions and tasks for independent work

1. Name characteristics project work.

2. Should parents be present at the defense of the project by their child? Justify your answer.

3. What are the most common differences between an academic and genuine science project?

4. Come up with 2-3 topics for biology projects and plan work on them.


Polat E.S. New pedagogical technologies: a guide for teachers. - M., 1997.

Kravchenko Larisa Nikolaevna, teacher of geography and technology, head of the RMO of teachers of technology

from. Don

Soviet 16


MBOU "Krasnogvardeyskaya Gymnasium"

Kravchenko Larisa Nikolaevna, geography and technology teacher


    Explanatory note.

    Methodological assistance in the preparation and implementation of projects.

    Stages of the project

    Materials for diagnosing students (identifying a propensity for research and social activities).


    General rules for the project manager.

    Memo to the head (organizer) of the project.

    To help students.

    Methodical planning of project activity.


Explanatory note

Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustment of the content, methodological, technological aspects of education, revision of the previous value priorities, targets and pedagogical means.

The technology of the class-lesson system over the centuries has been the most effective for the mass transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to young recruits. Modern changes in public life require the development of new methods of education, pedagogical technologies that deal with individual development of the personality, creative initiation, the skill of independent movement in information fields, the formation of a student's universal ability to set and solve problems in order to resolve the problems of professional activity that arise in life, self-determination, Everyday life. The emphasis is shifted to the upbringing of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge. Carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions, cooperate effectively in groups of various composition and profile. Be open to new contacts and cultural connections. This requires the widespread introduction of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities into the educational process.

New principles of student-centered education, individual approach, subjectivity in learning required, first of all, new teaching methods. The school in modern conditions required such teaching methods that:

    would form an active, independent and proactive position of students in learning;

    would develop, first of all, general educational skills and abilities: research, reflective, self-assessment;

    would be prioritized to develop the cognitive interest of students

One of the forms in educational activity isproject method. In a brief form in my work, I outlined different approaches to some issues of organizing the project activities of students and teachers at school.

Methodological assistance in the preparation and implementation of projects

To help the teacher.

The most important thing in a project after defining a topic isdevelopment of a hypothesis, statement of the problem, planning of educational activities, comparison of facts .

All this step-by-step activity forms the culture of mental work of students, accustoming them to independently acquire knowledge. All this needs to be taught to children, and preferably not during the preparation of a specific project, but in advance during the course of teaching the subject. That is why research lessons and project lessons are especially relevant today. After all, they not only contribute to the intensification of the educational process, but also form a culture of mental work of students, preparing them to create independent projects.

Stage 1 of the formation of a culture of mental work of students during the preparation and presentation of the project -study lesson .

The preparation of this type of lesson involves the organization of research activities of students and the pedagogical activity of the teacher.

Model of research activity of students:

    formulation of the problem

    clarification of unclear issues

    formation of Research Hypothesis

    planning of educational activities

    data collection

    data analysis and synthesis

    preparation of messages

    speaking with messages

    answers to questions, corrections

    summary, conclusions


Pedagogical activity of the teacher

    Goal setting.

    The choice of a meaningful model (a model that corresponds to the subject goals).

    • Comprehension of methods, techniques, means of motivation;

      Planning of educational activity as a process of gradual development of knowledge, mastery of a system of skills;

      Organization of the reflection process.

    Process analysis by the teacher.

Stage 2 -lesson project .

The pedagogical activity of the teacher is the same as in the lesson-research.

Educational project as a technology

The main value of the project is the overall end result

Target: formation and development of skills and abilities to solve practical problems.


    Definition of the project goal and stages of achieving the goal;

    Distribution of roles and work planning

Stages of work:

    Collection of information

    Discussion of data, systematization


    Making models (layouts, scripts)

    Choosing how to present results

    Distribution of roles for protection

    Protection (presentation)

    Brainstorming protection, assessment

Thus, by conducting these two types of lessons, we form a culture of mental work among students, accustoming children to research efficiency, to independent conscious work on a project.

Project typology


I demand a well-thought-out structure, goals, relevance to all participants, thoughtful methods, experimental and experimental work, methods of processing results.


They do not have a detailed structure, it develops in the course of work, only the final result is planned (newspaper, video film)


The structure is only being outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants take on certain roles determined by the content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social and business relationships.


It is aimed at collecting information about any object. Its structure: purpose, methods of obtaining and processing information, result, presentation.


A clearly defined result, a carefully thought-out structure, a clear definition of the functions of each participant, coordination of the stages of work, presentation of the final results, evaluation of the work.

    The project is your independent creative development. Doing it, involve parents, friends and other people in the work. Remember that the main thing for you is to develop your creative abilities.

    Execute the project in the following order:

    • Choose a topic with the help of parents and a teacher;

      Collect information (books, magazines, computer programs, TV shows, etc.)

      Plan the entire scope of work and the organization of its implementation with the help of a teacher;

      Complete the theoretical and practical parts of the project;

      Make adjustments to the theoretical part based on the results of the product;

      Print the graphic part of the project;

      Prepare to defend and evaluate the quality of your work by performing demonstration visual materials for defense;

      Protect the project;

    Use reference literature in your work: catalogs, dictionaries, magazines, books, etc., as well as materials from museums and exhibitions.

    Try to use modern technology in your work: a video camera, a computer, video and audio tape recorders, photo and photocopiers, the Internet.

    Think about how your work will be useful to you in the future, try to connect it with your chosen profession.

    Consider the traditions and customs of the county and city in which you live.

    Always remember about the ecology of your hometown and your health.

    Use knowledge on any subjects, as well as your everyday experience. Being creative, be based only on scientific knowledge.

    Feel free to contact the project manager with any questions.

So the concept"Project" again thrown into Russian pedagogy. The project is multifaceted, the project is effective, the project is promising, the project is inexhaustible!

The school of the present is the school of projects!!!

What is a project?

Learning project or research from a learner's point of view This is an opportunity to maximize your creative potential. This activity will allow you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit, show the public result achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, often formulated by the students themselves in the form of a task, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is practical, has an important applied value and, which is very important, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

Project problem

(this is important for me personally)

Relevance of the problem - motivation

Objective of the project

(we are doing a project)

goal setting

Project objectives

(for this we do)

Setting goals

Methods and methods

(we can do it)

Choice of planning methods and methods


"What will happen?"
(as a solution to a problem)

Expected Result

Educational project





Stage 1 - immersion in the project



1) Project problem

1) personal appropriation of the problem

2) The plot situation

2) getting used to the situation

3) Purpose and objectives

3) acceptance, clarification and concretization of the purpose of the tasks

2nd stage - organization of activities

Organizes activities - involves:

Carry out:

4) Organize groups

4) breakdown into groups

5) Distribute roles in groups

5) distribution of roles in the group

6) Plan activities to solve the problems of the project

6) work planning

7) Possible forms of presentation of results

7) choice of form and method of presentation of the expected results

3rd stage - implementation of activities

Does not participate, but:

Work actively and independently:

8) Advise students as needed

8) each in accordance with his role and together

9) Unobtrusively Controlling

9) consult as needed

10) Provides new knowledge when students need it

10) "extract" the missing knowledge

11) Rehearses with the students the upcoming presentation of the results

11) prepare a presentation of the results

4th stage - presentation

Accepts report:


12) Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained

12) understanding the problem, the purpose of the task

13) Summing up the learning

13) ability to plan and carry out work

14) Assesses skills: communicate, listen, justify one's opinion, etc. (according to the test and observation map)

14) found a way to solve the problem

15) reflection of activity and result

16) give a mutual assessment of the activity and its effectiveness

Stages of the project

    Preparatory, or introductory (immersion in the project)

    • The choice of the topic and its concretization (determining the genre of the project).

      Determination of the goal, formulation of tasks.

      Formation of project teams, distribution of responsibilities in them.

      Approval of the subject of the project and individual plans of the group members.

      Establishment of procedures and criteria for project evaluation and the form of its presentation

    Search and research stage

    • Identification of sources of information

      Planning ways to litter and analyze information.

      Study preparation and planning.

      Conducting research. Collection and systematization of materials (facts, results) in accordance with the goals and genre of work, selection of illustrations.

      Organizational and consulting classes. Interim reports of students, discussion of alternatives that arose during the implementation of the project.

    Translation and design stage

    • Project pre-defense

      Finalization of the project taking into account comments and suggestions.

      Preparation for the public defense of the project:

      • determination of the date and place of protection

        determination of the program and scenario of public defense, distribution of tasks within the group (media support, audience preparation, video and photography, etc.)

        poster information about the project

    The final stage

    • Public defense of the project.

      Summing up, constructive analysis of the work performed.

Materials for diagnosing students (identifying a propensity for research and social activities)


    What area of ​​human knowledge interests you the most?

    Which school subject are you most interested in?

    What subjects are you interested in reading extra literature on?

    What educational literature have you read in the last year? Name her.

    Do you study in circles, sections, do you attend electives? What and where?

    Which of the scientific problems of our time seems to you the most relevant (significant)?

    Would you like to participate in the study of some problem?

    What real social event with the involvement of your comrades would you like to hold within the framework of the school, district, city?

    Are you a member of any youth associations? Name them.

    Which of the teachers of the school could become your consultants, adviser in the organization and implementation of the project?

    Would you like to involve parents in your work? (Not really)

General rules for the project manager

    Get creative with this work.

    Don't hold back student initiative.

    Encourage independence, avoid direct instructions, teach children to act independently.

    Remember the main pedagogical result - do not do for the student what he can do (or can learn to do) on his own.

    Do not rush to make value judgments.

    When evaluating, remember: it is better to praise ten times for nothing than to criticize once for nothing.

    Pay attention to the main components of the learning process:

    • learn to trace connections between objects, events and phenomena;

      try to build skills independent solution research problems;

      try to teach the student the ability to analyze, synthesize, classify the information he receives

    In the process of work, do not forget about education.

Memo to the head (organizer) of the project

    Suggest project topics with different dominant methods (research, social, creative, informational, practice-oriented, playful, etc.)

    Describe and complete the projects in other ways (nature of contacts, nature of project coordination, duration, number of participants). Choose the one that is most relevant (based on the results of a discussion in a group of course participants).

    Specify the problem, formulate the goals and objectives of the project, educational material on the subject and interdisciplinary connections (in the form of didactic units) that should be involved in the course of the project.

    Consider the practical or theoretical significance of the project.

    Indicate what developmental goals you set (intellectual, moral, cultural development of students).

    List the creative methods that will be used to complete the project.

    Indicate how this project fits into classroom and extracurricular activities.

    Consider how the results of the project might be framed.

    Designate the forms of control over the stages of the project.

    Suggest criteria for assessing the success of the project.

    Think over how this project can influence social adaptation and professional self-determination of a teenager, motivation to work in a chosen field (only for high school students)

    Think about what psychological and pedagogical effect is possible as a result of this project.

To help students

    State the exact question we are looking for an answer to. It is necessary to strictly limit the scope of the study.

    Assess, from the point of view of existing knowledge, whether it is possible to obtain a true answer to the question posed.

    Divide the problem into subtasks and sub-questions, look for answers to them first by deriving solutions from known truths or reducing them to solving similar problems.

    Directly deduce the solution from the mind of available knowledge, if possible.

    Put forward hypotheses by the method of complete or incomplete induction or analogy.

    Use the fourth and fifth techniques in combination.

    Compare the result obtained with known knowledge.

    Check the accuracy of the applied logical methods.

    Check the correctness of all definitions and judgments used in the solution.

    Express all the concepts of the problem being solved in "expedient" signs (using symbolic language).

    Strive to develop visual images of the objects of the problem.

    The result of the decision to formulate logically strictly.

    Evaluate all the "pros" and "cons" in the result.

    Solve the problem as focused as possible.

Methodical planning of project activities

    Orientation lesson: goals, objectives of design work, main idea, approximate topics and forms of products of future projects.

    Preparation of information about the project work.

    Consultation on the choice of topics for educational projects, the formulation of ideas and plans.

    Formation of project teams.

    Group discussion of ideas for future projects, drawing up individual plans for working on projects.

    Approval of the topics of projects and individual work plans on projects.

    Search stage

    Interim Student Reports

    Individual and group consultations on the content and rules for designing design work.

    Generalizing stage: registration of results.

    Project protection.

    Refinement of projects taking into account comments and suggestions.

    Formation of groups of reviewers, opponents and "external" experts.

    Preparation for public defense of projects.

    Dress rehearsal for the public defense of the projects.

    Coordination meeting of persons responsible for the activities.

    Final stage: public defense of projects.

    Summing up, analysis of the work performed.

    Final stage. Gratitude to the participants, summarizing materials, preparing reports on the work performed.


    Bychkov A.V. Method of projects in modern school. - M., 2000.

    Guzeev V.V. Development of educational technology. - M., 1995. - No. 6.

    Kilpatrick W.H. project method. The use of target setting in the pedagogical process. - L., 1925.

    Kilpatrick W.H. Fundamentals of the method - M. - L., 1928.

    New pedagogical and Information Technology in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat. - M., 2000.

    Petrova V. project method. - M., 1995.

Elena Stadnikova
The role of the teacher in project activities

The role of the teacher in project activities.

Traditional pedagogical activity traditionally carried out in accordance with accepted norms and requirements. It is focused on the developed lesson plans, the construction of a strict logic for the transition from one part of the program to another, etc. This work is necessary to the extent that it allows the preschooler to appropriate the means of cognition and being developed by mankind in the surrounding world. Thanks to this work, the richness of human culture is revealed to the child. But the specificity of the cultural space lies in the fact that it is normative. In other words, it contains samples of socially valuable products and forms of behavior. The child is required, first of all, to follow these patterns. For example, in order to come up with some kind of song, you need to learn how to play, write notes, you need to master what other people have already thought up. If we turn to such areas of science as mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., it will immediately become clear that you must first master the mass material: various rules, laws, and only then there will be a chance for creativity.

Project activity allows the preschooler to express himself as a person. The main feature of this activity is that it is carried out in the space of possibilities, where the norms are not clearly set, not defined. In this case, in contrast to traditional education, And teacher, and the child gets into a situation of uncertainty. Technology project activities is focused on exploring as many possibilities as possible in the situation, and not on passing through a predetermined (and unknown teacher) way. Naturally, following a rigid program is more comfortable for teacher than constant self-determination in an incomprehensible situation. Therefore, each teacher dealing with project activities must understand the differences between traditional forms of work and technology project activities. It is important to teacher could stay in the space of possibilities as long as possible and try to develop the process of their research as much as possible without transforming project activities in one of the traditional activities with children.

Failure to distinguish between the subjective and object positions of the child is one of the dangers that awaits teacher in the organization of project activities.

emotional and active support for children given to them by the majority kindergarten teachers, often turns into the willingness of the educator to perform an action for the child, whether it is the formulation of a creative idea or the promotion of possible ways to solve a problem.

teacher should form a problem situation for children, but at the same time he should not impose his own options for solving it, that is, you need to get away from the traditional and habitual action according to a predetermined pattern, otherwise the child will find himself in an object position. One of the main skills to learn teacher in the implementation of project activities- the ability to hear the child. teacher it is much easier to propose this or that course of action yourself than to give way to a child.

IN project activities subjectivity means the expression of initiative and the manifestation of independent activity. At the same time, it is impossible to develop the subjectivity of the child, remaining in a rigid position. teacher by virtue of his professional experience and education, he has a fairly stable and formed idea of ​​how it is possible and necessary to act in various situations. For example, each teacher knows, to whom and what gifts can be given on March 8 and how they can be made. It is clear that children can not immediately come up with an original gift. But the task teacher It's not all about getting kids to come up with an unusual solution. He must look at the situation already known to him from the point of view of the space of possibilities.

teacher the one who knows will follow the instructions And: explain how to cut flowers, where to stick them, how to fold a postcard, that is, will act from the position of a cultural norm. teacher demonstrating a subjective position, first find out how the child sees the situation (for a child, creating a postcard or gluing a flower is not at all an obvious action, but a kind of discovery, understanding the holiday). And only then the educator will turn to cultural ways of designing the idea. And then carving a flower will become a means of embodying the child's plan, and not just another link in the implementation of the educational program.

Reflexivity is the main quality of personality teacher working on technology project activities.

As already noted, project activity carried out in the space of possibilities. A collective discussion of a problem situation not only creates this space, but also opens it up for all preschoolers participating in the conversation. The role of the teacher in project activities does not decrease, and, on the contrary, increases. It becomes not only the bearer of the content of the education of preschoolers, but actually teacher. In other words, he becomes a specialist in design social situation of children's development. Such design turns out to be more complex than in the traditional education system. From teacher the ability to see both the entire group of children and each child is required. teacher must not only think through possible options for the social situation of development in advance, but also constantly improvise. This requires from teacher, on the one hand, full involvement in the process of movement in the space of possibilities, and on the other hand, detachment from this process, connected by constant reflection, reflection of the ways of movement of each project from the initial stage to the final. Reflexivity, awareness of goals and methods design together with children, these abilities teacher develop as they master technology project activities.

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Organization of project activities in the preschool educational institution Why is project activity needed? To support children's cognitive initiative; for a positive social experience.

Obtaining a significant result in the new conditions of improving the quality of education involves the use of modern pedagogical technologies. Project technology - as a set of methods and techniques, allows you to create a "natural environment", real conditions for the formation of key competencies of students. Creating a "natural environment" is the main mission of the teacher, the organizer of the project activities of students. He is not just a teacher, but an initiator of interesting initiatives, provoking the activity of students, a generator of ideas.
How can a teacher create these real conditions for personal development? The answer to this question gives a list of roles that the teacher will have to "live" in the course of leading a student project:
1. an enthusiast who increases the motivation of children;
2. a specialist with knowledge and skills in related fields;
3. a consultant who organizes access to resources, including
4. a leader who plans not only his project activities, but also helps children build a work plan;
5. “a person who asks questions”, skillfully supports feedback;
6. coordinator of the entire design process;
7. project product expert, including children in the analysis and reflection of the results.
Teaching girls in grades 5-8 in the course of technology, I realize that for this discipline the question “how to study?” is more important than the question "what to study?" within this course. Therefore, several recent years I actively use the method of projects in my work. It is based on the idea of ​​focusing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren on the result obtained in solving the problem.
The introduction of project technology into the general educational process is a serious painstaking work that requires a system of thoughtful actions from the teacher, the ability to manage this process.
At the initial stage, I study the methodological literature and the experience of teachers in this field of activity. Next, I work according to the following algorithm:
- I review planning - I determine the time of my project activities, I think over the time for students to work on projects;
- I outline the range of possible topics for projects;
- I guide students to the implementation of specific products, taking into account fashion trends, the level of development of practical skills and the material wealth of their parents. These can be, for example, items of sewn and knitted clothing and accessories;
- I teach the technologies of artistic processing of materials, accompanying the educational process with educational research and practical skills development during the implementation of individual creative projects;
- at all stages of the project, I increase the degree of parents' trust in the teacher, because all the source materials for children's projects are provided by the parents. I use every opportunity to show the results of children's project activities: I demonstrate computer presentations with photos of the best projects and fragments of lessons, I organize exhibitions of works and fashion shows at parent meetings, conferences, I invite parents to public defense of projects at competitions.
With a differentiated approach, when each child completes their annual project, it is not easy for the teacher to organize the productive work of all students. This is possible if the teacher:
- possesses knowledge and skills on the issues of product manufacturing technology and individual training technology;
- plans the stages of the project for each child;
- distributes the time of work on a part of the project product in the lesson, taking into account individual features student
- sets requirements for the implementation of the stages of work, provides pedagogical control of the quality of the result;
- strive to maintain a benevolent psychological climate in the classroom, sincerely rejoices at success and is ready to help in case of failure;
- creates together with the student, together with him "lives" his role: researcher, designer, constructor, seamstress, expert.
In the lesson, it is important not to lose a minute of time, to organize the work of not only everyone, but everyone, using various types of activities, but always - individual practical work. At the suggestion of the teacher, students in the class can complete projects as options for one common theme. Then individual projects, combined into a single whole, can constitute one group project. For example, a collection of clothing models made from one fabric in a single artistic image. In this case, it is important for the teacher to create conditions for mutual assistance of children in communication. The one who does better helps the others. The teacher acts as the facilitator of the group's work.
In order to obtain a high-quality result of work for each child, I have developed recommendations for students, which are framed in the collection “We write and defend a project on technology”. This methodological manual was reviewed at the Department of Pedagogy of the Novosibirsk State Mining University. The materials of the collection help the teacher to organize the independent work of students at all stages of the project.
As a rule, even with the productive work of children, the lesson is still not enough. Therefore, I provide for extracurricular communication with children as part of project activities, which is implemented during the subject circle. Students, authors of projects can additionally work on school equipment, get advice from a teacher.
On the individual consultations The teacher's main tool is the question. Questions can have different purposes:
- establishing contact with the designer;
- obtaining information about the students' vision of the situation;
-evaluation of the internal result of the project - the experience of the child.
It is better to use open-ended questions that are able to "talk" the interlocutor. They usually begin with adverbs: who, what, how, where, how much. When asking questions, the teacher should be ready to actively listen to the answers and make recommendations.
With the help of questions, it is easier for the student to analyze and self-evaluate the activities and results of their work. The main task of the teacher in the examination of the project is to help the child realize all the pros and cons, to identify ideas for improving the result.
To implement project ideas, students also use the sources of information recommended by the teacher, including the archive of the best student projects, reference books, dictionaries. Important working conditions: the presence in the office of modern computer equipment, and at school - free access to the Internet.
In addition to project activities, covering all students, I conduct extracurricular planned work according to individual plans with gifted children. Their projects have more extensive research, more labor-intensive design products. The algorithm of work is the same, but the time for close contact with the child increases. At the preparatory stage of the project, an important problem for the student is identified, taken from real life familiar and meaningful to her. Further work is organized on the principle of “everything ingenious is simple”, and consists in finding ideas to solve a problem and implement the best idea. It often happens that the knowledge of one educational field is not enough, then the project leader recommends that the child contact subject teachers and specialists outside the school. A versatile view of the problem of the project increases the significance of such interdisciplinary interaction. The teacher is a specialist in the algorithms of project activities and ensures the assignment of these algorithms to the student. As a leader, I have a successful experience of working with student research projects not only in technology, but also in history, psychology, ecology, and the Russian language.
An important stage of any project is its protection, presentation of results. Under the guidance of a teacher at this stage of work, the child develops the skills of monologue speech, the ability to behave during a speech, artistic skills, the ability to answer unplanned questions, the ability to use a variety of visual aids.
From my work experience, I know that at the last stage of design, the manager needs a lot of work:
- give recommendations to the student on writing theses, revealing the topic, focusing on the main thing, while “meeting the time limit”;
- if necessary, help the child to make a computer presentation that complements the speech;
- organize a pre-defense in front of grateful listeners (for example, younger students, in this case they also gain some experience);
- make a video recording of the performance and show it to a teenager, paying attention to the appearance, facial expressions, gestures. How to call the teacher in this situation - the director.
Summarizing the above, it is necessary to single out the main thing: a teacher as an organizer of project activities is a teacher-manager who manages the entire process of educational design.
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Indeed, at present, the goal of education is not just knowledge and skills, but certain qualities of a person. A post-industrial society is interested in citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, adapt flexibly to changing living conditions.

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Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of using the project method

1.1 The concept of the project method

1.2 Typology of projects

Chapter 2. Features of the organization of project activities in the lesson

Chapter 3 in Millietown »

Conclusion 22

References 24


As you know, the value of education increases every year more and more. Accordingly, the requirements for the preparation and conduct of lessons are also increasing.

The modern era is characterized by the acceleration of social rhythms, the increase in the volume of information required for decision-making, the intensification of professional and social contacts. This means that a person can often find himself in unusual communicative, professional and social situations. Therefore, modern social and humanitarian education is focused, on the one hand, on broad interdisciplinary training of students, and on the other hand, on the formation of effective mechanisms for dynamic communicative and intercultural interaction.

The teaching of foreign languages ​​is an integral part of the general system of modern education, and therefore, to a certain extent, it is subject to the main trends in the development of this system. This is most clearly reflected in teaching methods. At all times people wanted to know foreign languages. This desire is most clearly seen in aphorisms. For example, A.P. Chekhov owns the words that are relevant to this day: “How many languages ​​you know, so many times you are a person.” Teachers-methodologists, in turn, sought to formulate a teaching methodology in which this goal could be achieved as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Indeed, at present, the goal of education is not just knowledge and skills, but certain qualities of a person. Post-industrial society is interested in citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, adapt flexibly to changing living conditions. It is thanks to the knowledge of foreign languages ​​that this becomes possible, a person can discover almost limitless possibilities. modern world and use them successfully.

In order to meet the requirements of modern education, in order to improve its quality, teachers have to introduce modern technologies into the pedagogical process. Today's English teacher is given the opportunity to use a wide range of teaching aids and methods. Thanks to this, the teacher, using such a wide range of methods and technical equipment, can explain new material in an accessible way and securely fix it in the memory of students. Teaching method came to the aid of teaching. Given the increasing requirements for the quality of education, the use of such a teaching method in the classroom is simply necessary. After all, the method of projects is one of the effective forms of the educational process. It allows students to learn more additional information, quickly master the material taught, and, in addition, begin a full-fledged scientific work, find like-minded people. In the course of working on a project, students develop such important qualities as creative thinking, responsibility and the ability to defend their point of view. For a teacher, the use of the project method in the classroom is an opportunity to qualitatively and easily explain new material to students and more reliably consolidate the knowledge gained in the memory of students. In addition, it is the possibility of updating all types speech activity students (speaking, listening, reading, writing), developing their analytical, associative and logical thinking and improving the ability to work with texts of different styles and types of speech.

However, such an effective and most interesting (both for students and for the teacher) method of projects is not widespread enough in the work of teachers. This happened due to the fact that this method after it attracted the attention of Russian teachers at the beginning of the 20th century, later, already with Soviet power, has become quite widely introduced into the school, but not thoughtfully and consistently enough. That is why in 1931 the project method was condemned, and since then, until recently, no serious attempts were made in Russia to revive this method in school practice.

Relevance The topic “Project method in teaching foreign languages” is determined by the fact that the project method, which is still a relatively new method in teaching English, contributes to the active involvement of students in various types of practical activities and allows them to develop their creative and individual abilities.

The purpose of the study isdevelopment of guidelines for the organization of project activities.

The goal is specified in the following tasks :

  1. to reveal the concept of "method of projects";
  2. consider the stages of work on the project;
  3. identify the types and content of projects;
  4. identify the features of the organization and the requirements for using the method of projects.

The object of studyis a project method, as one of the methods of teaching English. Subject is to identify the role of phased work on the project as a factor in the successful organization of project activities in general.

Practical use of the results of the work.The materials and main provisions of the work can be used in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moreover, the main provisions of this work will help to learn about the method of projects, its varieties, features and requirements for projects, about the features of their application in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Chapter 1

Theoretical aspects of using the project method

1.1 The concept of the method of projects

There are many definitions of the term "project". The project is translated from Latin as “thrown forward”. Initially, the word "project" meant an idea, a sketch, a plan of what will be done. In the future, the interpretation was developed "a project is a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, etc." In the 20th century, design, i.e. "the process of creating a project" has become one of the most common types of intellectual activity, and the term project has lost its "originally technical" interpretation. In pedagogy, design is defined as "an activity of joint educational and cognitive activity, creative or play activity of a student, and having a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result of the activity." The method of projects means the technology of organizing educational situations in which the student poses and solves his own problems, and the technology of accompanying students' independent activities.

The development of the project method has a long history dating back to the 17th century. Founded in 1671, the Royal Academy of Architecture in Paris in 1702 announced a competition for building plans, the sketches of which were called projects.

The Academy, as the only royal academy, established a school for the education of architects. This school held competitions among students that required cooperation and creativity from the participants. It was assumed that students in their work should develop their imagination and come to an original solution.

In the first half of the 19th century, the concept of the project method from the Academy of Architecture in France also spread to the territories of the German-speaking countries, mainly in the form of an early idea of ​​a working school or in vocational technical education. From Europe, the method comes to America: in 1879, a manual training school was founded at Washington University in St. Louis, where the project method was used.

Schoolchildren had not only to develop projects, but also to actually execute them in technical workshops - shelves, candlesticks, motors. Three principles were observed: student orientation, reality orientation and product orientation. The students themselves were responsible for the planning and implementation of the project, they drew on real problems of everyday life or professional activity and prepared objects that allowed their theories and plans to be brought to practical testing.

American school pedagogy first registered this method at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, substantiating the "royal way" of child-centric education through the method of projects. From a specific method of vocational education, it developed into a general method of teaching, which had to correspond to the new psychological image of the child. Now the true reform of the school was to adapt the organization of instruction to the abilities and needs of the child.

Between 1900 and 1915, a real design movement arose, which captured almost all educational establishments that time. The schools of the future John and Evelyn Dewey are described essentially as schools of project-based learning, which, however, already then differed significantly and learned technical, practical, social and artistic options.

William Kilpatrick, who worked at the Teachers College at Columbia University in New York, attempted to formalize this theory in an article published in 1918 in the PED College Record. The article was called simply - "Method of projects". Kilpatrick did not mention predecessors and acted as if he himself were the author - the inventor of a new method. The success was extraordinary: the magazine was able to sell 60,000 reprints of the article, indicating incredible demand.

In language teaching, the project method began to be especially actively used in the late 80s of the 20th century. Since that time, leading publishing houses in the US and Europe have been publishing teaching aids on the use of projects in teaching foreign languages. The best-known resource guide for educators is D.L. Fried-Booth "Project Work" (OUP, 1986).

The project method attracted the attention of Russian teachers as well. The ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the guidance of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees was organized who tried to actively use project methods in teaching practice. Later, already under Soviet rule, these ideas began to be introduced quite widely into schools, but not thoughtfully and consistently enough, and by a decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1931, the method of projects was condemned. Since then, no more attempts have been made in Russia to revive this method in school practice. At the same time, in a foreign school, he actively and very successfully developed. In the USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, Brazil and many other countries, the ideas of a humanistic approach to education by J. Dewey, his method of projects are widely used.

What gives the use of the method of projects in teaching a foreign language? The project methodology allows you to include students in real communication, the most saturated with foreign language contacts, based on research activities, on joint work, and to see the real, and not just the results of their work obtained during the game. The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of critical and creative thinking.

The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This method is organically combined with group (collaborative or cooperative learning) methods. The project method always involves solving a problem. The solution to the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a set of a variety of methods, teaching aids, and on the other hand, implies the need to integrate knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge from various fields of science, engineering, technology, and creative fields. The results of completed projects should be, as they say, "tangible", i.e., if this is a theoretical problem, then its specific solution, if practical - concrete result, ready to use (in the classroom, at school, in real life). If we talk about the method of projects as pedagogical technology, then this technology involves a combination of research, search, problematic methods, creative in its very essence.

Karl Freud highlights 17 distinguishing features design method, among which the most significant are the following:

Project participants pick up a project initiative from someone in their life;

Project participants agree with each other on the form of training;

The project participants develop the project initiative and bring it to the attention of everyone;

Project participants organize themselves for the cause;

Project participants keep each other informed about the progress of work;

The participants of the project enter into a discussion.

Projects designed for language learning have both common features for all projects and distinctive features, among which the main ones are the following:

Using the language in situations as close as possible to the conditions of real communication;

Emphasis on independent work of students (individual and group);

Choosing a topic that is of great interest to students and is directly related to the conditions in which the project is being carried out;

Selection of language material, types of tasks and sequence of work in accordance with the theme and purpose of the project;

Visual representation of the result.

1.2 Typology of projects

Currently, there are many classifications of projects. According to one of these classifications, English specialists in the field of language teaching methodology T. Bloor and M. St. John distinguish three types of projects:

1. A group project in which the research is carried out by the whole group, and each student studies a certain aspect of the chosen topic.

2. Mini-research, consisting in conducting an individual sociological survey using questionnaires and interviews.

3. A project based on work with literature, which implies selective reading on a topic of interest to the student and is suitable for individual work.

Researchers consider the latter type to be the easiest for practical use and therefore the most popular. However, the structure of such a project described by them shows that it involves the development of only those skills that are necessary for working with literature: scanning and attentive reading, the ability to work with reference books and library catalogs.

We will focus our attention on considering the point of view of Dr. pedagogical sciences, a well-known researcher in the field modern technologies teaching students E.S. Polat, who defines the method of projects as "a certain way organized search, research activity of students, individual or group, which provides not only the achievement of a particular result, formalized in the form of a specific practical output, but also the organization of the process of achieving this result" .

In accordance with the first sign of E.S. Polat identifies the following types of projects:

Research. This type requires a well-thought-out project system, clearly formulated goals before the start of the project, the interest of each project participant, social significance, thoughtful methods of experimental and experimental work, methods for processing results.

Creative . Creative projects do not have a detailed structure, it is only outlined and developed, obeying the scheme adopted by the students themselves. However, before starting the development of such a project, it is necessary to agree in advance on the desired, planned results. These can be essays, wall newspapers, videos, etc.

Role playing. In such projects, too, the structure is only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Each participant chooses for himself a certain role, due to the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters, heroes imitating social and business relations, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of such projects can be discussed in advance, or they can emerge towards the end of the work.

Practice-oriented.This type is distinguished by a clearly defined goal of the project participants from the very beginning, which, in turn, should be focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. The result of the work can be a newspaper, a document, a video film, a sound recording, a performance, an action program, a draft law, etc. A project of this kind requires a well-thought-out structure, perhaps even a script for all the activities of its participants, which determines the functions of each, the participation of each in the processing and design of foreign language information. When working on such projects, a good organization of discussion, correction, presentation of the results obtained and possible ways of foreign application of them in practice is especially important.

According to the second sign, projects can be:

Monoprojects. These projects are best carried out on the most difficult topics associated with regional studies, social topics. They require a clear structuring, better with lesson planning, with a clear indication of the final goals and objectives, as well as the knowledge and skills acquired by students during the development of the project. The form is also indicated in advance.

Interdisciplinary projects.Such projects are carried out outside school hours. They can combine both several subjects and solve rather complex problems, for example, the problems of preserving the environment, researching the work of writers working in the same genre, etc. Such projects require clear coordination of the work of all subject teachers, well-developed forms of intermediate control and final presentation.

According to the third sign - the nature of coordination - projects can be:

With open coordination.In such projects, the coordinator (teacher) is directly involved in the work, organizing and directing it, as well as coordinating the activities of all participants.

With hidden coordination.The teacher does not interfere in the work on the project, but by studying the diaries and reports of students, talking with group members, he carefully observes the process and can act as an adviser or assistant.

According to the characteristics of contacts, projects are:

Domestic or regional(within classes of the same school, schools, districts, city).

International. They can take place in school exchanges. In addition, the opportunity to develop international projects together with students different countries and continents present the teacher with modern information technologies. Such projects appeared relatively recently and are called telecommunication projects.

Telecommunication.Cognitive joint creative or cognitive gaming activity of students, partners located at a considerable distance from each other, based on computer telecommunications and having a common goal - the study of a problem using agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at presentations, a cat achieving a common result.

Participation in a telecommunications project helps the student to get involved in certain environments: informational, social, linguistic; contributes to the formation of global thinking, awareness of oneself as a citizen of the world, instills a sense of social responsibility, broadens the student's horizons, includes cultures in a polylogue, helps to express one's attitude to the problem, remembering the rules for writing a letter, report, at the same time get acquainted with the point of view of people living in other geographic conditions with a different religion and national traditions, perhaps take a different look at their world, be tolerant of the point of view of a project partner. .

Project as an alternative way of organizing educational course excludes the traditional principles of planning and organizing language teaching. All actions performed by students and the teacher are subject to the achievement of the goal of the project: the study of the necessary lexical and grammatical units, the search for sources of information, the selection of the necessary information, the design and presentation of results. The results of the work done can be visually presented in the form of a stand, brochure, radio program, video film, theatrical performance - depending on the goal.

1.3 Basic requirements for using the project method

Of course, for a more successful and productive use of the project method, it is necessary to fulfill some requirements for its use.

Speaking about the requirements for using the project method, it should be noted that the project work is divided into preparatory exercises that serve as a link to the implementation of the project, and work on the projects themselves.

A well-known researcher in the field of modern technologies for teaching students E.S. Polat identifies the following requirements for creating a project:

1. The presence of a problem/task that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution (for example, studying the demographic problem in different regions of the world; creating a series of reports from different parts of the globe on one problem; the problem of the impact of acid rain on environment, etc.).

2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results (for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of a given region, factors affecting this state, trends that can be traced in the development of this problem; joint publication of a newspaper, an almanac with reports from the scene; security forests in different areas, action plan, etc.);

5. The use of research methods that provide for a certain sequence of actions:

  • definition of the problem and the research tasks arising from it (using the method of "brainstorming", "round table" in the course of joint research);
  • putting forward hypotheses for their solution;
  • discussion of research methods (statistical methods, experimental methods, observations, etc.);
  • discussion of ways to design the final results (presentations, protection, creative reports, views, etc.).
  • collection, systematization and analysis of the obtained data;
  • Summing up, registration of results, their presentation;
  • conclusions, promotion of new research problems.

From the point of view of the formation of educational competence and the development of the student's autonomy in the field of learning a foreign language, the implementation of the project puts the student in such conditions of educational activity in which he independently, and what is very important, in interaction with the group, consistently masters all the components of educational activity:

Goal-setting and structuring of educational activities, which is associated with the definition of the purpose and nature of the project, the selection of material, the construction of a program of educational activities;

The ability to manage their learning activities, including through reflective analysis, self-control and self-assessment of the nature and result of speech and learning activities at successive stages of the project;

The technological aspect associated with the use of strategies and methods of educational activities, the use of which is determined by the objectives of the project;

The ability to make responsible decisions regarding the nature and final result of educational activities at all stages of the project, and, if necessary, making corrections to the tasks and methods of educational activities;

The ability to interact with the study group in the process of solving learning problems.

So, in the course of studying this material, it can be concluded that the development of the project method has a long history dating back to the 17th century. All this time, theoretical and practical knowledge about the project method has been accumulated and improved. And in this moment This method of teaching is widespread and very effective. Moreover, during the study it was revealed that there are many typologies of projects, among which the most significant and well-developed is the work of E.S. Polat. He distinguishes five types of projects according to their characteristics:

1. The dominant method in the project: research, creative, role-playing, familiarization and orientation.

2. Subject-content area: mono-project (within one area of ​​knowledge) or inter-subject project.

3. The nature of project coordination: direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, simulating a project participant).

4. The nature of contacts (among participants in the same school class, city, teaching region, country, different countries of the world).

5. Number of project participants.

At the same time, we identified the requirements for the creation of the project, which were developed by E.S. Polat:

1. The presence of a problem/task that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution.

2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results.

3. Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students.

4. Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results).

5. The use of research methods that provide for a certain sequence of actions.

Chapter II

2.1 Stages of work on the project

Working with the use of the project method takes place in several stages. There are several options for presenting the stages of work on a project. Let's consider some of them.

Guzeev V.V. highlights the sequence of stages in the work on the project in the European and American versions. In the American version, it is the following:

  1. Goal setting: identifying problems, contradictions, formulating tasks.
  2. Discussion of possible research options, comparison of proposed strategies, choice of methods.
  3. Self-education and updating of knowledge advisory assistance teachers.
  4. Thinking through the course of activities, distribution of responsibilities.
  5. Research: solving individual problems, layout.
  6. Generalization of results, conclusions.
  7. Analysis of successes and failures.
  8. Correction or transition to a new project.

Work on the project in the European version goes through the following stages:

1. Preparation.

2. Planning.

3. Research.

4. Results, conclusions.

5. Presentation or report.

6. Evaluation of results and process.

1. Search stage . During it, the thematic field and the theme of the project are determined, the problem is searched and analyzed, and the goal of the project is set.

2. Analytical stage . At this stage of the work, the available information is analyzed, and new information is searched for. At the same time, information is collected and studied, the project participants are looking for the best way to achieve the project goal (analysis of alternative solutions), and they are building an activity algorithm. Also at this time, the project implementation plan is drawn up and resources are analyzed.

3. Practical stage . At this stage, the planned technological operations are carried out, current control quality and (if necessary) changes are made to the design and technology of the project.

4. Presentation stage . At this time, preparation of presentation materials, presentation of the project is carried out. The possibilities of using the results of the project (exhibition, sale, inclusion in the bank of projects, publication) are being explored.

5. Control stage . At this final stage, the results of the project are analyzed. The quality of the project implementation by students is assessed.

So, we found out that there are several classifications of the stages of work on a project. Of course, the quality and efficiency of creating a project completely depend not only on the skill of the teacher, the interest of students and the complexity of the project, but also on how accurately the creators of the project adhered to the main stages of its implementation.

When using the project method in educational process, the role of the teacher takes on a slightly different meaning. Now the teacher becomes the organizer of independent work of students, stimulates them to active educational and cognitive activity, helps students to choose the most significant, productive and interesting types and forms of work. Moreover, the teacher creates an environment for natural self-expression of students not only in their native Russian language, but also in the studied language. foreign language.

Teaching students by any method must be necessarily developing, i.e. leading to general and special development. In this regard, for a more productive and exciting project, it is necessary to adhere to the main methodological recommendations.

Guzeev V.V. believes that when working on a project, the teacher should help students find sources that can help them work on the project. Of course, when using the project method, the teacher acts not only as a person who controls and directs the process of working on the project, but also as a consultant who can suggest reliable and valuable sources for students' work. Moreover, V.V. Guzeev is sure that the teacher himself is the source of information. That is why it is very important for the teacher to familiarize himself with the literature available on the topic under study before starting work on the project. In addition, the teacher should not only coordinate the entire process, but also support and encourage students. Often, some students experience discomfort and embarrassment when interacting closely with other people (which involves the use of projects), so it is very important for them to feel the support of their older friend, the teacher, and receive valuable recommendations and well-deserved praise from him. Moreover, the teacher, according to Guzeev, should provide continuous feedback to help students progress in the work on the project.

According to another author, E.S. Polat, when conducting project work, the teacher needs to ensure the interest of children in working on the project, motivation, which will become an unfailing source of energy for independent activity and creative activity.

How to do it? There are mechanisms built into the project method for this.

First, solving the problem of the project, for practical and public benefit. Such a practical application of the knowledge available or acquired during the project is attractive for adolescents who, due to their age, strive for early socialization.

Secondly, the activity itself and independent activity are tempting for the children, since at the same time they manage to show, show, test themselves in action.

Thirdly, in the work on the project, students take an active part in setting the goal and objectives of the project, which the teacher sometimes has the right to help formulate, but in an incomplete form. Concretizing the goal and objectives of the project arising from its problem, students, having already accepted the problem as their own, become even more personally interested in solving it. This creates motivation for personal participation in the work.

Fourthly, a competent consideration of age characteristics when choosing a topic, problem and plot outline of the project should provide another type of motivation. The problem that worries one age group will not be interesting for another; the plot outline that will interest fifth graders will leave indifferent students of grades 8-9. Thus, motivation is provided by an accessible topic, plot outline and problem of the educational project, chosen in accordance with the interests and capabilities of the age.

The time spent on a project depends on its topic and how the teacher decides to work on the project: in each lesson for two to three weeks, or one hour a week for a longer time. Undoubtedly, the teacher should be interested in the success and achievements of the students: have they learned anything really new that they do not know, but want to know what aspects of the language they need to repeat. To do this, you can use an oral survey of the children or the written answers of the children to the questions of the teacher.

So, we have found that there are several options for representing the stages of work on a project. The quality and efficiency of creating a project completely depend not only on the skill of the teacher, the interest of students and the complexity of the project, but also on how accurately the creators of the project adhered to the main stages of its implementation. At the same time, we found that when working in project activities, the role of the teacher changes slightly. Now he is not only a source of new knowledge, but also a consultant, assistant and organizer of students' work on the project. In addition, we found that there are special methodological requirements when working on a project that must be met to improve the quality and success of the assignment.

Chapter III

English lesson project

Theme: "In Millietown".

Students: students of the 4th "B" class.

Lesson type: teaching, explaining new material(40 minutes).

Target: create the necessary conditions for students to perceive new theoretical material and for the formation of speech skills and abilities; introduction and primary consolidation of new vocabulary.


educational : activate lexical, grammatical stock in speech; practice the use of set expressions; expand students' vocabulary;
- developing : develop listening skills, oral speech and reading; develop communication skills, the ability to guess, thinking of students.
- nurturing : to cultivate curiosity and interest in learning a foreign language.
Methods: according to the source of knowledge transfer: verbal (conversation), visual (illustrations), practical (exercises); control methods: oral.

Receptions: introduction, creating an interesting environment.

Means of education: textbook (Azarova S.I. English language: Milli/ Millie : Textbook for English. lang. for 4 cells. general inst. / S.I. Azarova. - Obninsk: Title, 2007.-128 p.: ill.),board, computer presentation(slides with illustrations, cards with words), audio materials.

Form: lesson.

During the classes:

1) Organizational moment.The goal is to update attention. The teacher enters the classroom and greets the students.

Hello to everyone! I "m glad to see you, sit down, please.Can you please tell me who lives in Millytown? (Millipeds). OK, good!

(2 minutes.)

2) preparation for active educational and cognitive activity.

Repetition of previously learned vocabulary.

There is a computer presentation on the board.

And now let's rewiew places and buildings in Millietown. Look at the board, please. Repeat these words after me . (Children repeat the words after the teacher in chorus).And now read and translate the words one by one.

Children in a chain read and translate words.

(7 min)

- Guys, we explored the city of Millytown. But we still do not know who exactly lives there and what they do. Our task is to come up with the inhabitants of this city and tell about them within a few lessons. Let's repeat the vocabulary on the topics "Family", "My appearance", "Pets", "Furniture".

The teacher shows a presentation with illustrations. Children look and call them in English.

What needs to be done to make the city of Millitaun populated? Look at the cards (the teacher distributes cards with a work plan). Let's read the plan. (Children read the task plan, the teacher comments on it).

(25 min.)

3) Consolidation of the material covered.

And now let's start . Let's start our project. Now you need to think over the plan for your family's apartment in Millytown. (Children complete the first paragraph of the plan, ask questions to the teacher as needed).

(10 min )

4) Summary of the lesson.

Write down your home task, please. You should finish the plan of your family's flat and draw it.In addition, you need to think about what furniture should be in your family's apartment in Millytown, and sketch it out.

Our lesson is over, your may go. Thanks for your work, goodbye!

(2 minutes).

Project description

In this project, children populate the city of Millytown. They come up with families that live in apartments, the furnishings of apartments, pets, and how these families live.



Bottom line

1. Rooms in the apartment.

Drawing plan of the apartment.

2. Furniture for the apartment.

Drawing of furniture in the rooms.

3. Who lives in the apartment

Description and image of one of the family members.

4. Pets

A painted portrait of an animal, its characteristics.

5. Project demonstration

Student presentation of their project.

During 3 lessons, the guys complete the project. At home, they think about and complete tasks, in the classroom they complete them under the guidance of a teacher. The final stage of the project is the presentation of each student of his family in Millytown. In total, the project should take no more than 5 lessons.


So, in the course of the work done, we found out that the project method is one of the effective methods teaching a foreign language. The ability to use the project method is an indicator of the teacher's high qualification, his progressive methods of teaching and development. No wonder these technologies are referred to as technologies of the 21st century, which, first of all, provide for the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of human life in an industrial society. Given the increasing requirements for the quality of education, the use of such a teaching method in the classroom is simply necessary. It is the project method that allows students to learn more additional information, quickly master the taught material and begin a full-fledged scientific activity. Of no small importance is the fact that children work in small groups. In the group there are always students with different levels of language proficiency. In the traditional form of conducting classes, less prepared students remain silent. In the work on the project, each student contributes to its implementation, depending on knowledge and personal interests. Everyone is equally responsible for the implementation of the project and must present the results of their work.

In the course of working on a project, students develop such important qualities as creative thinking, responsibility, the ability to speak in public and defend their point of view.

For a teacher, the use of the project method in the classroom makes it possible to explain new material to students in a qualitative and more accessible way, or to consolidate previously studied material more thoroughly. Moreover, the teacher has the opportunity to update all types of students' speech activity - speaking, listening, reading, writing. In addition, thanks to the use of the project method, students develop analytical, associative and logical thinking, improve the ability to work with texts of different styles and types of speech.

Goals and objectives of our term paper have been achieved. Guidelines for the organization of project work were successfully developed, as well as the concept of project activity was disclosed, features and requirements for the use of the project method were identified, a lesson was developed using the project method.

In the course of this work, we revealed the concept of the project method: the project method is the technology of organizing educational situations in which the student poses and solves his own problems, and the technology of accompanying the student's independent activity.

When using the project method, the teacher carefully prepares for such lessons in advance.

Project topics may relate to some theoretical issue school curriculum in order to deepen the knowledge of individual students on this issue, to differentiate the learning process.

The teacher in such lessons should become practically an outside observer.

Moreover, we examined the stages of work on the project and identified the initial, main and final stages.

As a result, we came to the conclusion that the use of the project method can actualize all types of students' speech activity and thereby increase the level of students' knowledge.


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