) It's becoming very popular these days. Universities in our country have also increasingly begun to offer this form of education. However, not all high school students (potential applicants) understand what it is and how training actually takes place. And therefore they bypass him with their attention. We bring to your attention an article about distance learning, its pros and cons, as well as... common myths.

DISTANCE LEARNING - is a way of teaching at a distance, when the teacher and the student or student are physically in various places. The bulk of educational material is delivered using various technologies.

When regular and accessible postal communication was established in Europe at the end of the 18th century, such a phenomenon as “ correspondent training" Students corresponded with teachers and received educational materials by mail. And they passed the exams either to a trusted person in their area, or in the form scientific work sent to their manager, again by mail. In Russia this method appeared in late XIX century.

In 1979 in China for the first time in history distance education One-way interaction between the university and students began to be carried out through radio and television broadcasts (audio cassettes became widespread later). Bilateral interaction was carried out through face-to-face consultations, short-term courses and correspondence.

Today, along with postal shipments of printed and media materials, modern computer technologies are increasingly used: audio/video conferencing, E-Learning ( e-learning), online learning (online training), Internet conferences, Internet broadcasts. These technologies allow students to consult with teachers in real time, wherever they are, take tests, and take exams.

People of different ages and with different backgrounds can receive education remotely. physical capabilities. With a high degree of independence, students can contact the teacher almost at any time.

The advantage of this method of learning is that it takes place in a psychologically comfortable, familiar environment, at an individual pace.

Upon completion of the course, students, depending on the training program, are awarded diplomas or certificates.


There are many higher educational institutions that offer education using distance learning technologies. This is because, unlike the same colleges, universities have an order of magnitude better information and technical base. However, the principle of organizing distance learning is no different.

Students also attend on-line lectures and participate in on-line seminars, use electronic libraries via the Internet, receive educational materials and assignments to their email inbox, and have the opportunity to consult with tutors and teachers using Internet telephony. If the university has such an opportunity (remote access to laboratory equipment, computer simulators), then students can remotely complete both laboratory and practical work. However, training in some specialties (for example, medical) cannot be carried out remotely.

As with receiving secondary vocational education remotely, training at a virtual university is often correspondence learning using distance learning educational technologies. That is, the student must take intermediate and final tests directly at the university or its branch.



+ Opportunity to study at any time

A distance learning student can independently decide when and how much time during the semester to devote to studying the material. He creates an individual training schedule for himself. Some educational institutions provide their students with the opportunity to defer their studies for a long period of time and return to it without having to pay again educational services.

+ Ability to learn at your own pace

Remote learners don't have to worry about falling behind their classmates. You can always return to studying more complex issues, watch video lectures several times, re-read correspondence with the teacher, and then famous topics you can skip it. The main thing is to successfully pass intermediate and final certifications.

+ Ability to study anywhere

Students can study from the comfort of their home or office, anywhere in the world. To begin training, you must have a computer with Internet access. The absence of the need to attend an educational institution every day is a definite plus for people with disabilities health, for those living in hard-to-reach areas, serving sentences in prison, parents with small children.

+ Study without interrupting your main activity

You can study several courses at the same time remotely and receive another higher education. To do this, it is not at all necessary to take a vacation from your main place of work or go on business trips. There are educational organizations who organize corporate training(advanced training) for company employees and civil servants. In this case, study does not interrupt work experience, and the questions studied can be immediately applied in work.

+ High learning results

As studies by American scientists show, the results of distance learning are not inferior or even superior to the results of traditional forms of education. The distance student studies most of the educational material independently. This improves memory and understanding of the topics covered. And the opportunity to immediately apply knowledge in practice at work helps to consolidate it. In addition, use in the learning process latest technologies makes it more interesting and lively.

+ Mobility

Communication with teachers and tutors is carried out in different ways: both on-line and off-line. Consulting with a tutor via email is sometimes more effective and faster than scheduling a personal meeting for full-time or distance learning.

+ Availability educational materials

Distance learning students are unfamiliar with the problem of a lack of textbooks, problem books, and training manuals. Access to all necessary literature is provided to the student after registering on the university website, or he receives educational materials by mail.

+ Distance education is cheaper

If we compare training in a particular specialty on a commercial basis, full-time and remotely, the second will be cheaper. The student does not have to pay for travel, accommodation, and in the case of foreign universities no need to spend money on a visa and passport.

+ Study in a relaxed environment

Interim certification of students distance courses takes place in the form of on-line tests. Therefore, students have less reason to worry before meeting with teachers during tests and exams. The possibility of subjective assessment is excluded: the system that checks the correctness of answers to test questions will not be affected by the student’s performance in other subjects, his social status and other factors.

+ Convenience for the teacher

Teachers, tutors, teachers involved in pedagogical activity remotely, they can pay attention to a larger number of students and work while, for example, on maternity leave.

+ Individual approach

With traditional teaching, it is quite difficult for a teacher to pay the required amount of attention to all students in a group and adjust to the pace of everyone’s work. The use of remote technologies is suitable for organizing an individual approach. In addition to the fact that the student chooses his own pace of learning, he can quickly get answers to questions that arise from the tutor.


- Strong motivation required

A distance student masters almost all educational material independently. This requires developed strength will, responsibility and self-control. Not everyone can maintain the desired pace of learning without outside control.

- Distance education is not suitable for developing communication skills

With distance learning, students have minimal or no personal contact with each other and with teachers. Therefore, this form of training is not suitable for developing communication skills, confidence, and teamwork skills.

- Lack of practical knowledge

Training in specialties involving large number practical classes are difficult to do remotely. Even the most modern simulators will not replace future doctors or teachers with “live” practice.

- User identification problem

For now, the most effective way to monitor whether a student passed exams or tests honestly and independently is through video surveillance, which is not always possible. Therefore, students have to personally come to the university or its branches for the final certification.

- Insufficient computer literacy

In Russia, a special need for distance education arises in remote areas. However, in the outback, not everyone who wants to study has a computer with Internet access.


1. With distance learning, the quality of knowledge gained is lower than with full-time learning.

Whatever form education is provided, its quality primarily depends on the student himself. Distance learning requires a greater degree of independence. If a student has strong motivation, then he will probably successfully cope with curriculum. At the same time, the quality of education received independently is often even higher than the level of knowledge acquired traditionally at a desk.

Secondly, the status of the educational institution plays an important role. Agree, a Harvard diploma received even after distance learning is more valuable than a document received at one of the Russian universities after full-time study.

Thirdly, using distance technologies, it is much easier for educational institutions to organize seminars with highly qualified teachers and scientists.

2. Distance learning differs little from correspondence learning.

Correspondence education involves periodic face-to-face classes of students at an educational institution: lectures, seminars, tests and exams.

Distance education involves studying material remotely. Students meet with teachers only during final certification and defense thesis. However, some educational institutions organize training entirely remotely, including sessions and defense of final papers.

The second significant difference is the training materials. Part-time students use traditional paper textbooks. In distance learning, electronic teaching aids and virtual simulators are mainly used.

3. Contact with teachers and fellow students is difficult.

Consulting with a teacher while studying remotely can sometimes be even easier than for full-time and part-time students. There are several ways to communicate with a tutor: email, personal messaging system on the educational institution’s website, chat systems, Internet telephony. The same means are used to communicate with fellow students. Thus, you can communicate almost daily with both teachers and classmates.

4. To successfully study remotely, you need to be an advanced PC user.

You don't have to be a computer genius to receive education remotely. Often it is enough to be able to work with basic programs: text editors, email programs, an Internet browser, chat rooms and an Internet telephone.

5. You can study whenever you want. Poor organization of the training schedule.

Accredited educational institutions that offer paid distance education usually set a clear schedule of classes, practices, and final certifications for their students. Following this schedule is just as necessary as when full-time training. Unsuccessful students may be expelled.

On the other hand, some organizations that provide both paid and free educational services remotely do not have a strict schedule of classes. Therefore, students may stretch out their studies or postpone it for a long time.

6. No practical classes.

Only those programs for which practical classes are possible remotely are implemented remotely. In this case, virtual simulators, computer simulators, and remote access to real equipment are used. If it is impossible to carry out practical classes in these ways, students go directly to the university or its branch to complete them.


Hello. In what other educational institutions Is there distance education in Belarus?

Roman Vysogrets

Hello, if this year I enroll as part-time or part-time student at another university and here I can go to distance learning???waiting for an answer...

I entered the university, in 2 years I will have a state diploma. sample quality of training standards, I like it, the main thing is that you don’t have to go anywhere, otherwise you’re lazy :) yes, here’s the link http://migup-distant.ru

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Distance learning

Distance learning(DO) - interaction between the teacher and students at a distance, reflecting all the inherent educational process components (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide interactivity.

Distance learning is an independent form of learning; information technology in distance learning is the leading means.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of the following basic elements:

  • information transmission media (mail, television, radio, information communication networks),
  • methods dependent on the technical environment of information exchange.

Currently, interactive interaction with students through information communication networks is promising, from which the environment of Internet users stands out en masse. In 2003, the ADL initiative group began developing the standard for distance interactive learning SCORM, which involves the widespread use of Internet technologies. The introduction of standards contributes to both deepening the requirements for the composition of distance learning and the requirements for software. Currently available domestic developments software that is quite widely used by both domestic and foreign organizations providing distance learning services.

Distance learning allows you to:

  • reduce the cost of training (there are no costs for renting premises, traveling to the place of study for both students and teachers, etc.);
  • conduct training for a large number of people;
  • improve the quality of learning through the use of modern means, large electronic libraries, etc.
  • create a single educational environment(especially relevant for corporate training).

Distance learning is playing an increasingly important role in the modernization of education. According to Order 137 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2005 “On the use of distance educational technologies”, final control when learning using DET (distance educational technologies) can be carried out both face-to-face and remotely. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering draft amendments to the law on education related to distance learning.

Forms of organizing distance learning

Chat classes- training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, meaning all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within the framework of many distance learning institutions, there is a chat school in which activities are organized using chat rooms distance teachers and students.

In Russia, the date of official development of distance learning can be considered May 30, 1997, when Order No. 1050 of the Russian Ministry of Education was issued, allowing for the experiment of distance learning in the field of education.

In the 21st century, the availability of computers and the Internet makes the spread of distance learning even easier and faster. The Internet has been a huge breakthrough, much greater than radio and television. There is an opportunity to communicate and receive feedback from any student, wherever he is. The spread of “fast Internet” has made it possible to use “online” seminars (webinars) for training.

From the experience of integrating preschool education and other forms of education

As a rule, during distance learning at a university, students are not required to be in the classroom all the time. Most programs and courses offered by distance learning institutions still offer face-to-face classes in the evenings or weekends. These classes are not required to attend, but are generally extremely useful for developing students' practical skills. Also, a number of educational institutions use short (one or two-day) away schools, which allow students to gather on the weekend for group work.

Can be used for distance learning various methods reports educational information. Several generations of technologies used have already changed - from traditional printed publications to the most modern computer technology(radio, television, audio/video broadcasts, audio/video conferences, E-learning/online Learning, Internet conferences, Internet broadcasts).

However, in many cases, despite the emergence of technological innovations, preference is still given to simpler methods. For example, in India, the use of radio for distance learning is very popular, due to its accessibility to the majority of the population and the absence of the need for additional infrastructure, which makes learning truly open and accessible to a wide segment of the population.

Many large companies create distance learning centers within their structure in order to standardize, reduce the cost and improve the quality of training of their personnel. Practically, not a single modern company can live without it. Or, for example, Microsoft has created a large training portal to train its employees, users or buyers of its products, and software developers. However, some courses are provided free of charge or bundled with purchased software.

One of the unique, but actively developing forms of distance learning in recent years are online simulators and management games. These are simulators for managing various vehicles, games that simulate management processes in various industries and businesses, global multiplayer economic games and business simulators that teach users the basics of management and provide basic management skills for both a small company and a transnational corporation.

Any implementation is a complex process. The introduction of distance education is doubly difficult because it is necessary: ​​A) to mentally prepare the teaching staff for the introduction of new technologies B) to train representatives of teaching staff who do not know computer literacy new information technologies (MS Word, PP, Excel, IE) C) develop a base of intra-university legal and regulatory frameworks governing the implementation and conduct of educational training D) acquire a distance learning system and solve the problem of purchasing or developing electronic courses for which training will be conducted.

See also


Publications on distance learning and other sources

  • Andreev A.A. Introduction to Distance Learning: teaching aid. - M.: VU, 1997.
  • Akhayan A.A. Virtual pedagogical university. Theory of formation. - St. Petersburg: Corypheus, 2001. - 170 p.
  • Zaichenko T.P. Fundamentals of distance learning: theoretical and practical basis: textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2004. - 167 p.
  • Zaichenko T.P. Invariant organizational and didactic system of distance learning: monograph. - St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2004. - 188 p.
  • Ivanchenko D.A. System analysis distance learning: monograph. - M.: Soyuz, 2005. - 192 p.
  • Malitikov E.M. Current issues development of distance education in Russian Federation and CIS countries / E.M. Malitikov, M.P. Karpenko, V.P. Kolmogorov // Law and education. – 2000. – No. 1(2). – P.42–54.
  • Polat E.S. Educational technologies distance learning / E.S. Polat, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; edited by E.S. Polat. - M.: Academy, 2006.
  • Theory and practice of distance learning / ed. E.S. Polat. - M.: Academy, 2004.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Distance learning and its technologies // Computerra. – 2002. - No. 36. – P. 26-30.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Scientific and practical prerequisites for distance pedagogy // Open Education. – 2001. - No. 2. – P.30-35.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Ways to develop distance education in Russian schools // All-Russian Scientific Conference Relarn. Abstracts of reports. - M., 2000.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning // Education: the path to success. - Ufa, 2010.


  • Distance learning in the Open Directory Project link directory (dmoz).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Distance learning” is in other dictionaries:

    distance learning- Learning that is carried out using tools information network. Distance learning is a very convenient form of acquiring knowledge. At first, television was used for distance learning, broadcasting lectures given on... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    DISTANCE LEARNING- DISTANCE LEARNING. Same as distance learning. The form of education (on a par with full-time, part-time, part-time and external studies), in which educational process traditional and specific methods, means and forms are used... ...

    Distance learning- technology of purposeful and methodically organized educational leadership cognitive activity students (regardless of the level of education they receive) living at a distance from educational center. To. carried out... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    distance learning- nuotolinis mokymas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Kurios nors mokymo institucijos dalykų mokymasis ne toje mokykloje, bet mokinio gyvenamojoje vietoje paštu, telefonu, per televizijos laidas, elektroniniu paštu, internetu. atitikmenys:… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    distance learning- a training system using a computer as a means of storing and delivering a package of educational information to the user in independent access mode via telecommunication networks. Method of interaction: trained computer (human machine) (without... ... Explanatory translation dictionary

    DISTANCE LEARNING, LEARNING AT A DISTANCE- a learning process that occurs without constant direct contact between the teacher and the subject educational activities. Training is guided through introductory lectures and through specially prepared instructional materials, and... ... Vocational education. Dictionary

    Distance learning/DISTANT LEARNING- (ELEARNING) new way implementation of the learning process, based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies, allowing learning at a distance without direct, personal contact between... ... Dictionary By information society and the new economy

    PARTIALLY DISTANCE LEARNING- PARTIALLY DISTANCE LEARNING. Same as blended learning... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    NETWORK DISTANCE LEARNING- NETWORK DISTANCE LEARNING. See network distance learning system... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    Distance learning- distance learning is a purposefully organized and coordinated process of interaction in time and space teaching staff and students studying with each other and with teaching aids using pedagogical, as well as... ... Official terminology


  • Distance learning in a specialized school. Textbook, Petrov A.E. , Polat E.S. , Tatarinova M.A. , 208 pp. The manual discusses the problems of system design and organization specialized training high school students in distance learning, the theoretical foundations are revealed... Category:

Distance education is a term that is used to refer to a wide range of educational programs and courses, ranging from non-accredited continuing education courses to accredited programs. higher education, which realize the possibility of close communication between students and their teachers and fellow students, as happens in face-to-face learning. In order to ensure effective interaction, distance learning uses a whole range of tools, including interactive computer programs, Internet, email, telephone, fax and regular mail.

Distance learning is becoming an extremely popular form of learning due to its convenience and flexibility. It removes a major barrier that holds many professionals and business people from continuing education, eliminating the need to attend classes on a set schedule. Distance learners can choose a convenient time for classes according to their own schedule.

Fundamentals of Successful Distance Education

There are three main characteristics of a quality adult student program:

  1. Course structure
    A high-quality distance education program does not simply copy the lecture program, providing the opportunity to read them on a computer screen. Rather than simply duplicating a full-time course, the course should be carefully designed to engage the student in a meaningful way. At the same time, many students begin to feel that they are more involved in the learning process than they ever were in face-to-face learning. The course structure should give you greater control over your learning than would be possible in a full-time course. The course should be learner-centered, allowing the student to set the course content according to his personal needs and objectives.
  2. Means and methods of communication
    A distance education program may involve a variety of methods of information delivery, including regular mail, telephone| and fax, Internet, e-mail, interactive television, teleconferencing, and audio and video conferencing. Communication methods should best suit your learning style. Training courses can be synchronous or asynchronous.
    Synchronous courses require the simultaneous participation of teachers and students and their interaction in real time. Means of information delivery in this case include interactive television and video conferencing. Asynchronous methods, as opposed to synchronous ones, are characterized by great flexibility and enable the student to choose a convenient time for working on the course material. Programs that use asynchronous communication methods involve the use of the Internet, e-mail, videotapes, and regular mail.
  3. Support and contact with students
    Contrary to what many people think, students in a good distance education program should not feel isolated from each other. A quality program involves many ways and techniques to create a real atmosphere of interaction. When choosing a distance education program, ask how students receive help and support from their instructors. Good distance learning creates the feeling that the faculty is more easily accessible than in the traditional form of education. Ensure that online support, chat rooms and forums, online bulletin boards, online stores, and other student counseling and support facilities are available.

Types of distance education programs

Educational institutions offering distance education programs can be divided into three categories:

"Natural" distance universities
For example, in the USA, there are not too many educational institutions offering bachelor's and master's degree programs. Decent educational institutions have the necessary accreditation. At the same time, there are also unaccredited programs, so it is important to find out what accreditation the specific program you are interested in has.

Providers of corporate training and/or advanced training courses
These organizations provide training, programs leading to certification, and other educational programs intended for the development of any professional skills. These are, as a rule, not accredited programs, formed in accordance with the individual requirements of clients. Thus, this type of educational institution offers very different quality programs. Therefore, in this case, it is important to find out as much as possible about the course structure, means and methods of communication, as well as learn about how student support is organized and provided.

Traditional Universities Offering Online Studies
Many traditional universities and colleges have recently begun offering their programs online, thereby expanding the range of degree programs they offer. Unfortunately, very few traditional universities and colleges offer complete and comprehensive online options for their programs.

The growing popularity of distance education - why now?

Correspondence education was an early form of distance education in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With the advent of radio and television, experiments began to expand the content of courses through the use of new media. The limiting factor of these early forms of distance education was the unidirectional format of information delivery, and as a result, the lack of interactivity in the interaction of students with the instructor.

In the eighties, the development of technology in the field of television and radio broadcasting allowed large corporations and military departments to use satellite and wired data transmission as effective way training of personnel located at various locations. In the last decade, with the development of personal computers and the Internet, distance education has become available for individual purposes as well as for corporations. Today, all walks of life have unprecedented educational opportunities through Internet-based courses and global connectivity.

The need to learn will drive further growth. To succeed in today's knowledge-based economy, everyone simply needs to continually improve their skills and proficiency levels. With the development of interactive, network-based systems and other advanced technologies, virtual classrooms will play a leading role in meeting the need for continuing education- experts agree.

Now let's dispel some misconceptions

Distance education has more to do with technology.
Distance education has more in common with education. Although, it is technology that has led to the growth of distance education, making it possible for many people to continue their education - this applies to people living in remote areas, people with physical problems, as well as those whose schedules do not allow them to attend traditional classroom-based classes.

Distance learning limits communication with people.
Quite the opposite. While distance education may require participants to be located on different continents, many report that they receive much more individual attention and opportunities to interact with the instructor and fellow students than was possible in a traditional setting. A quality distance program engages students through group projects and online discussions. At the same time, teachers answer your questions in a timely manner and regularly evaluate your work, and students have many opportunities to interact with each other.

A university degree obtained remotely is just decoration.
Despite the popular belief that the classroom is best place for learning, research shows that distance education can be as effective, and sometimes more effective, than full-time classroom education.

When assessing the quality of a higher education program, it is important to understand the accreditation scheme of the institution you are interested in. However, the same accreditation scheme can be applied to distance and traditional universities, which means that both of these institutions meet the same standards.

When thinking about the quality of programs, take into account one more factor: due to their specific nature, quality distance learning higher education programs require a higher level of self-discipline and motivation than most traditional programs. Therefore, a degree earned from an accredited distance education university indicates that the student is highly organized and goal-oriented.

Distance education is easy.
Distance education imposes a certain responsibility on the student. In a classroom setting, the need to maintain standards in front of fellow students is a motivating factor in itself. With distance learning, there is no such incentive - enrollment in a course and successful completion of the course depends entirely on the student himself. Distance education is suitable for motivated, mature students who are ready to study responsibly without unnecessary reminders from fellow students and the teacher.

Choosing a distance education program

The following list of questions will help you choose the right one distance program:

What is required from the student? How often will you have to work in class? Will there be a need to participate in discussions? Fulfill written works? Tests?

Is it possible to get help solving technical problems? If you have problems accessing your work - can the school help you? How fast?

Does the faculty have experience working with adult learners? Do faculty staff have experience with distance teaching?

How responsive are your instructors? If you have comments or questions, how quickly can you get a response? Is it possible that the response will be delayed for a week, two, or a month?

What if you don't get a response at all? What should you do if your professor hasn't answered your questions for a month or more? Find out who you can call and what actions will be taken.

Ask for several addresses of current students and/or alumni to speak with. You should speak with potential instructors before you enroll in a distance program. Make sure they are able to answer your questions.

Reducing the distance

To ensure that you can become part of the student community and will not be isolated while completing your course, ask these questions when choosing a distance program:
What has been done to ensure communication between student and instructor?
How do students interact with each other?
Do students meet? When?
How often do contacts occur between students? For what purpose?
Even if all your questions have been answered positively, it is still important to get the opinions of already enrolled students and alumni. Reputable schools will provide you with all the necessary contact details.

More about distance education

Resource dedicated to distance education programs



U.S. Distanxce Learning Association
Distance education in the USA

Distance Learning Resource Network
Basic information about distance education

Material provided by the educational agency "STUDY flight".


Hello! I really want to get a second education. Please tell me how I can get distance education via mail or the Internet. Thank you very much in advance.

08/22/2008 11:45:13, Olga 01/25/2008 01:22:50, Andrey

their website is www.cmit.ie

09.10.2007 11:59:15, Maria

I want to receive a Passenger Services Agent Certificate, distance learning via the Internet, the college itself is located in Dublin.
their website is www.cmit.ie

Do you think this is not quackery? can they be trusted?

10/09/2007 11:57:51, Maria

10/31/2006 13:50:53, Ofelya

Distance education at RUDN turned out to be nothing more than a fiction, at least for me. I am his former student of the Faculty of Humanities and social sciences majoring in history.
It so happened that I left the country and am continuing my studies abroad at a foreign university, but I really didn’t want to give up what I had already started and was ready to continue receiving my education remotely.
It took me about a month to find the people responsible for this education department. There was no information on the website, and no one personally knew anything. that is, I simply had to go around all the faculties asking questions to secretaries and professors until I found the person I needed in the economics department.
He was very kind, explained that this system exists and operates, and referred me to those in the know at his faculty. The circle is closed. I’ve already been to them and they told me that they hadn’t heard anything, and if they had heard (as it later turned out), then nothing would happen to me, as a student in a non-prestigious specialty, since no one would do anything for me alone, so if the whole group was about to leave, then they would have looked.
I spent about 3 months collecting all the information and coming up with opportunities (there were never any financial problems, but no one asked for money either). My result - I dropped out of my own free will with the right to reinstatement within 5 years... Let's wait and see what happens next...

Accreditation for the correspondence form is sufficient.
In Russia now there are practically no universities that do not work in the field of further education in one form or another. The most advanced:
MESI, Link, SSU, RUDN University in Moscow,
TUSUR, VVUES, YURGUES, etc. in the province.
Check out http://openet.ru

10/16/2001 09:02:39, Alexey Popov

A few comments about the article.
The article, to put it mildly, is somewhat late and reflects the situation approximately 5 years ago.
Currently, distance learning (DL) has become quite widespread in Russia.
The first and most successful project was the DL system of the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute (now MESI University). Currently, about 20 thousand people are studying at SDO MESI. Now the most famous and developed projects are the systems of the DO "Link" and the Modern Humanitarian University. It should be noted that all three of these projects profess completely different approaches and principles. There is no single recipe yet.
It should be noted that since 2001, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation began to create a Unified Information and Educational Environment open education. Information about this project is presented in the portal http://openet.ru.
Before talking seriously about the problem, it is necessary to define the terminology.
Firstly, there is NO distance form of education in Russia. There are only full-time, part-time, part-time (evening) education and external studies.
Only knowledge transfer TECHNOLOGIES are remote.
These technologies are:
- Internet technologies,
- Case technologies,
- video (television) technologies
- postal
- other.
In any case, the university must be accredited and certified for these training programs.
As for the ease of learning using DL technologies, this is a myth. The student will have to work more than in traditional forms. The only simplification is that the student can independently determine the terms of study and (partially) the order of studying disciplines, in accordance with his financial and time capabilities.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a lot of information in a short note, so ask questions and I will try to answer them.
Sincerely, A. Popov,
Deputy Director of the Institute of Distance and distance learning South Russian State University of Economics and Service.

10/16/2001 08:56:05, Alexey Popov

Answer me please

10/11/2001 18:07:48, Marina

Please answer this question.
The university where I want to study remotely is accredited for full-time and part-time studies in management. Will my distance learning be accredited or should the university provide me with an accreditation certificate specifically for distance education?
Answer me please

10/11/2001 17:53:43, Marina

Very interesting material. It would be interesting to know about Russian universities where it would be possible to obtain higher economic education remotely.

09/11/2001 09:51:08, Katerina M.

Very interesting. Because right now I am concerned about choosing a distance learning program.
It’s a pity that the situation in Russia is not covered

Today, high-tech distance education is gaining well-deserved popularity and trust on the part of applicants, who are offered additional opportunities thanks to this form of education. Indeed, today it is rare that a student can afford full-time study, being forced to combine work and university, and moving to the capital for those who want to receive a prestigious diploma is often an unaffordable pleasure. Studying during maternity leave is another very common situation. Electronic education is a way out for many who want to study at a university and receive a diploma, regardless of life circumstances.

In the realities of today, many are wondering what does distance learning mean? Having created a revolution in the education system, learning using Internet technologies has become a relevant alternative and challenge to the traditional education paradigm, when knowledge and skills are transferred to the student directly from the teacher. It turned out that training in an individual format, remotely, combining self-education and the usual forms of presenting knowledge with the help high technology (digital libraries, audio and video lectures, online trainings and seminars, etc.) are not much different from the education to which we are accustomed; Moreover, it hides unique opportunities and benefits. And today it is already possible to sum up the first results and obtain reliable information about how to study through distance learning, as well as how distance learning is conducted and to what extent it provides the proper level of training.

How do you pass exams in distance learning?

One of the most common questions from those who are thinking about enrolling in distance learning is how the exams are taken and is the student required to attend in person? Everything is quite simple: verification tests (usually testing), just like the actual process of acquiring knowledge, are carried out electronically, online. After mastering the topic, you get access to exam materials, which are usually given a strictly defined time to complete in order to eliminate the possibility of cheating or other dishonest options for passing the screening test.

What is written in a diploma for distance learning?

Many students are concerned about whether it is written in the diploma distance form training, and are alarmed by the thought that their cherished diploma will indicate the form of education – “distance learning”. However, these fears are completely unjustified by practice. In fact, after completing remote training, each graduate of Synergy University receives a standard diploma, which does not indicate the form of training. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02/13/2014 N 112 (as amended on 05/16/2014) “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates”, the format of the completed training is indicated only in agreement with the graduate . And the supplement to your diploma itself will contain only a list of disciplines completed during the study period, as well as the standard number of hours spent on it.

So we can admit: distance learning today is not only an accessible and modern way of obtaining full education, but also has great prospects for the future, and perhaps you will be the one to experience all its advantages!

Modern life requires a person to constantly improve his skills and abilities, as well as expand and deepen his existing knowledge. And if previously everything ended with receiving one higher education, now any person has the opportunity to attend a variety of advanced training courses, educational trainings and seminars, as well as receive two or more higher educations. There is only one question - where to get all this time? Distance learning comes to the rescue in such a situation. What is distance learning? What are its fundamental differences from full-time and distance learning? How is the distance learning process carried out? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Distance learning system

So, first, let’s figure out how the distance learning system works. Distance or distance learning is a form of distance learning that does not require the physical simultaneous presence of a teacher and a student in one place, organized primarily on the Internet and using modern methods of communication - audio, video equipment and satellite communication channels.

The distance learning system has a fairly large number of advantages compared to the stationary method of education, including:

  • the opportunity to study in a familiar, comfortable environment, without leaving your home or office;
  • establishing individual terms and pace of learning, taking into account the characteristics of the student;
  • developing the ability for self-organization and independence necessary for learning, while having the opportunity to contact the teacher and receive the necessary advice;
  • significant savings in money, since distance education is cheaper than full-time education at the university;
  • Distance learning saves time and effort required to overcome distances, for example, when a student permanently lives in another city and is forced to either move to the city in which the university is located, or travel to consultations and sessions at by correspondence training.

Modern technology of distance learning involves the student’s independent mastery of the necessary information in an interactive mode. educational materials over a certain period of time, while the student can independently choose the sequence and pace of studying the material. The only thing that matters is that by the time the test is taken, the student is familiar with all the necessary manuals and has completed all the tasks assigned to him. When the process of studying the material is completed, the student takes the test, performs test work with the help of methodological organizers, after which he receives a grade and moves on to the next stage of training. Throughout the entire study period, the student interacts with other students in the virtual group using e-mail and forums. Also, any university on the basis of which distance learning is possible has a specially designed distance learning website. When enrolling in distance learning, a student receives his login and password, with which he can log into the site, use educational materials, manuals, and also communicate with students and teachers of the virtual course.

It is clear that the bulk of educational materials are posted on the distance learning website in electronic form or sent directly via email from teacher to students. During the learning process, a person is accompanied by: teachers of relevant disciplines, with whom you can interact through video consultations, as well as in the format of individual communication via chat and email, a methodologist resource center, responsible for free access to the distance education library, as well as a technical support specialist.

Any distance learning process consists of the following stages:

  • distance learning itself using modern information technology and communications;
  • classroom training at the annual session, during which tests and exams are taken that require the physical presence of the student and teacher, lesson plans are drawn up for the future academic period, etc.;
  • independent work to find the necessary information, perform test tasks and other tests necessary for successful completion exam.

Distance learning at school

Today it is possible to study remotely not only in higher education educational institutions. Distance learning at school is also developed in our country. Typically, a distance learning class consists of children who, for various reasons, are unable to attend daily classes and take exams directly at school. Most often, distance learning is chosen by athletes who are constantly traveling for competitions, gifted children who simply do not need that much time to master the necessary material. Distance learning applies to frequently ill children or disabled children who, due to health conditions, cannot regularly attend classes at school.

At the same time, distance learning is not suitable in cases where the teacher and student must directly interact with each other in order to transmit and receive knowledge. For example, on the Internet you cannot learn to play a musical instrument, learn painting or sculpture, dancing, singing, and it is also impossible to master the profession of a doctor.

Just like in the higher education system, a distance classroom at a school has its own website, which can be accessed by all participants in the educational process via login and passwords. This website contains lists of subjects studied and delivery schedules. verification work and performing certain tasks, there are electronic magazines academic records, in which teachers give grades for tests completed and exams passed. In addition to individual work, there are also paired and group assignments. For simultaneous participation in the educational process of teachers and students, chats, ICQ, interactive TV, teleconferences, Skype and other programs are used. In order, for example, to send completed work to the teacher. test work, just send it by email or attach it to personal account on the distance learning website. It is very important not only to study the material, but also to create new ones educational documents under the guidance of training materials and consultations distance teacher(for example, creating and hosting a student’s own web page is clear evidence that he has mastered Internet programming skills).

Today, everyone can use the distance learning system, regardless of place of residence, age, employment level and other criteria. It is only important to choose the desired university, specialty and find out about the possibilities of distance learning in the specialty that you like. Live forever and learn! Be sure to follow this folk wisdom. We wish you good luck on the path of self-improvement!