Every year, an increasing number of ninth-grade graduates do not plan to study in grades 10-11, and the question arises before them: what professions are the most promising. The main reason that influences the choice in favor of a technical school or college is uncertainty about passing, or difficult relationships with peers or teachers.

What profession should a girl choose?

Parents are hostile to their daughter’s decision to go to college, even if her performance in school subjects is low. The reason for this is fear for the child, especially if the future student has to go to another city.

Firstly, problems arise with accommodation and food. Secondly, controlling your social circle, class attendance, and attitude towards studying will be much more difficult than at home. Another reason is the prevailing stereotypes, which suggest getting a prestigious job only with a higher education diploma.

It's actually not all that scary. Studying at a technical school or college has its advantages:

  1. Greater chances of enrolling in a budget department, which is important for families with little income. In addition, to enroll as students, 9th grade graduates only need to pass a competitive selection of grades in the certificate. There are no entrance exams for them.
  2. It is easier for ninth-graders to get a place in a dormitory.
  3. There is a possibility of employment immediately after receiving the diploma. Most universities cooperate with enterprises, whose management, in turn, is interested in young, capable employees.
  4. After graduating from a vocational school or college, the girl will be able to combine work and, if desired, study at a university. As a rule, this is necessary for career advancement, so employers are willing to accommodate part-time students halfway in this matter.

The main reason influencing the decision to leave 9th grade is low academic performance. And since admission to average educational establishments is carried out as a result of selection based on the average score in the certificate, then the choice of specialties on a budgetary basis is limited. Then the only option left is to enroll in a paid department.

How to help your child make a choice

How to help a girl make a career choice

The graduates, 14-15 year old girls, still have little idea of ​​what they would like to do professionally. Quite often, you can observe a situation where a child submits documents exclusively “for company,” together with a friend. As a result, studying is not interesting, the future profession is not attractive and time is wasted. In order to make the right choice, psychologists recommend the following:

  • Don't push or impose own opinion, grievances for missed opportunities will then be directed at the parents.
  • Find out which professions are relevant. Not prestigious, but in demand. The most objective picture in this regard is shown by the vacancies of employment centers. Thus, the requirements for applicants and the proposed salary level become clearer.
  • You should not trust career guidance tests posted on the Internet, which do not take into account even a tenth of the characteristics inherent in a particular person.
  • Do not confuse your favorite subject at school and the choice of an interesting, and most importantly, income-generating profession. Talk more with your teenager, find out his interests and inclinations.
  • Try to explain the basics of the profession from the inside. For example, a girl who dreams of becoming a makeup artist can hardly imagine how much time the artist has to spend on her feet and how many different nuances she needs to know, both about the products themselves and how to use them.
  • Browse information on the website, read student reviews.
  • Attend days open doors, let the future applicant see how they pass educational processes, how students behave during and after classes, what is the relationship between teachers and students. Parents will see the technical equipment of the classrooms and the general condition academic building, as well as hostels.
  • Offer options that suit your character. If your daughter is reserved, then she is unlikely to be interested in professions that involve frequent communication with strangers.

Where to go to study after 9th grade

Where can a girl go after 9th grade?

After passing the exam, the question is what to choose: technical school or college. Despite the fact that they belong to secondary specialized educational institutions, there are differences in the education system.

Colleges provide students with basic or advanced knowledge of their chosen specialty. The duration of study depends on the program and lasts from two to four years. Educational process organized like a university. Seminars, workshops, and lectures are held regularly. Often colleges are divisions of higher education institutions, so enrolling in a university after graduating from college will be much easier.

Technical schools implement basic level programs aimed at training highly specialized employees. The duration of training depends on the chosen specialty.

Top 10 popular professions for girls

Interesting and in-demand specialties that are taught in secondary schools and that are ideal for girls:

  1. Manicurist.

A creative profession that can be learned quickly and also brings a good income. The only negative is that it is not suitable for girls with poor eyesight.

  1. Hairdresser.

This specialty requires a sense of taste and vocation. Despite the fact that competition in the labor market is enormous, there are not many talented craftsmen. Besides the main job of creating hairstyles, there are many other areas from which you can choose to learn various hair coloring and extension techniques.

  1. Pharmacist.

Where can a girl go after 9th grade?

To work in a pharmacy you need a pharmaceutical education. The course involves gaining knowledge in pharmacology, rules and regulations for prescribing prescription drugs. The work consists of receiving, checking, filling out reporting documents and directly selling medicines.

  1. Restaurant Service Specialist .

Functional responsibilities include creating a menu, managing personnel, organizing custom events, anniversaries, and wedding celebrations. A successful master can easily organize on-site service.

The demand for employees in the restaurant industry is growing every year, and the work itself will be an excellent tool for self-realization.

  1. Cook.

Professionals in this field are unlikely to remain unemployed. A chef with his signature dish is the highlight that attracts customers to cafes or restaurants.

  1. Software operator.

The names of the specialty may change in a particular educational institution. The essence of the profession is to work with modern computer equipment, information processing, problem solving to optimize the work process in an enterprise. A professional operator will be able to make changes to ready-made software in order to improve the functionality for a particular company, configure and connect office equipment, and solve technical problems.

Website development, computer programs, providing ease of work with information, are also included in the educational program.

  1. Secretary (clerk).

In essence, this is a manager who prepares orders, instructions, checks correspondence, and conducts electronic correspondence on behalf of the manager.

A sought-after specialty in transport companies and enterprises involved in cargo transportation. Coordinates the work of drivers, checks and fills out waybills, and maintains records of fuel consumed.

  1. Cashier .

The cashier's responsibilities include handling cash, maintaining records, preparing and handing over banknotes to collectors. Employment is possible not only in stores, but also in banking, credit organizations, and enterprises.

When choosing a specialty, keep in mind that the work is monotonous and monotonous, while requiring attentiveness. Only persons who have reached the age of majority - 18 years old - are allowed to perform such work.

Entrance tests for applicants

How to choose the right future profession after 9th grade

To enter college, future applicants take the main state exam (OGE), consisting of 4 disciplines, 2 of which are mandatory. Ninth-graders who have satisfactory or higher annual grades in all subjects are allowed to take the certification. If you fail to pass the exam the first time, the student is given one more attempt, and if this is unsuccessful, re-certification is possible only the next year.

Without OGE results admission to an educational institution is impossible.

What documents must be provided by the applicant:

  • Certificate
  • Certificate from a medical institution
  • Photo size 3x4cm
  • OGE results
  • Copies of completed passport pages (if available) or birth certificate
  • An application that is filled out directly at the college when submitting documents.

The college or technical school sets deadlines for submitting documents independently, so information must be clarified

What prospects open up for 9th grade graduates?

After passing state exam, you can decide on the choice of educational institution. The main task is to choose one that trains in-demand specialists. To increase the likelihood of admission to the faculty of interest, it is worth submitting a package of documents to different colleges. Find out in advance about possible additional exams, check whether there is a possibility of subsequent studies at a university on preferential terms.

Secondary specialized education, despite popular opinion, does not close the prospects for a successful career, but is the first step towards it.

You will receive useful tips on how to choose your future profession and educational institution from this interesting video.

We looked at all the main types of professions for which secondary education is sufficient in our country. And we identified the 13 most promising directions, allowing you to figure out where to enroll after 9th grade for a boy. Do conscious choice and become a real specialist in your field!

Where can a boy enroll after 9th grade: types of educational institutions

After completing nine grades of school, the following options for obtaining education outside of school are available to boys:

  • Colleges (formerly technical and vocational schools). They involve almost four years of training in the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to work in the chosen specialty. After successful completion of college, graduates receive diplomas of secondary vocational education and can either continue to study at a university or get a job. If the college is attached to a university, then college graduates without the Unified State Exam (through an internal exam) are admitted to the first year. You can study in college for free and receive a scholarship.
  • Lyceums at universities. Students of such lyceums have the opportunity to prepare for study at a specific university faculty, since their program is not built on a general educational principle, but with an emphasis on certain subjects. Upon completion of the lyceum, a diploma of secondary specialized education is issued. If you are not ready to make a decisive choice about your future job and decide who to enroll in after 9th grade, you may prefer to study at a lyceum.
  • Courses (conducted by universities, private companies, educational centers). They can last from several weeks to several months, and are aimed at gaining knowledge and skills to perform a specific type of activity. For example, these could be courses for programmers, auditors, drivers, cooks, and so on. After their completion, students receive state certificates.

In this article we will tell you where a guy should go to study after 9th grade, with a greater focus on colleges. Although to start working in some specialties, courses are enough. And if you are serious about receiving higher education, rather than looking for a job in the coming years, it makes sense to go to a lyceum at a university that offers a two-year study in the specialty you need.

Where should a guy go to study after 9th grade?

Theoretically, all specialties offered by colleges in your city are available to you, especially if you have a good certificate score (competitive selection for secondary specialized educational institutions is carried out precisely on its basis). However, in practice, the most popular and promising options for where to go to study after the ninth grade for a young man are the following areas:

      1. Working professions. Mechanic, welder, electrician, milling machine operator, turner are specialties for which an average is sufficient. vocational education. Representatives of such professions are always in demand and can count on good pay for their work. It often happens that as they gain experience and improve their skills, a turner, mechanic or electrician earns an order of magnitude more than his peers with a higher education. However, no one is preventing such specialists from enrolling in a university, and a working specialty can remain a good backup option in case of a difficult situation on the labor market. Therefore, this is a good option for where it is better for a boy to go after 9th grade, despite public opinion.
      2. Specializations related to driving. Driver, crane operator, tractor driver, even truck driver (although for admission to driving trucks Vehicle you will need to “gain” driving experience) - traditionally male professions, which guys do well and which they tend to be interested in. Again, you can always get a secondary or higher education in another field, but driving skills will help you find a job in any economic situation (not to mention their everyday use).
      3. IT professions. In college you can learn programming, web design, and work as a tester, with good chances of successful employment. For IT companies, educational qualifications (including higher education) are not as important as real knowledge and skills, as well as the potential for their expansion and development. Some successful workers in the field information technology They even manage without going to university.
      4. Specialties related to energy, mechanical engineering, instrument making, radio engineering, and automation. This is a large group of areas: from installation of industrial equipment to nuclear physics- which can become the basis both for obtaining a job and for subsequent engineering education.
      5. Construction professions. Here we can distinguish those specializations that are, in one way or another, related to construction and architecture, and those related to geological surveying, geodesy and land management. They, again, are always in demand (especially in construction companies and development companies), and after receiving secondary specialized education in them, you can competently begin studying at a university.
      6. Medical specialties. From this category, the most popular options for where to go to study after 9th grade for a boy are the following professions: paramedic, pharmacist, nurse and massage therapist. You can get a job in these specializations after graduating from college. In addition, three years of study will give you a good base of knowledge that will facilitate the process of obtaining an education at a medical school.
      7. Chemical and biological specializations. Colleges train technologists food production, pharmacists.
      8. Legal specialties. By choosing a specific legal field (for example, criminal, administrative, civil law) and attending law school, you can get a job as a paralegal or paralegal, as well as a specialist in the legal department of a private or public company. As well as continuing to receive education at a higher educational institution.
      9. Agricultural professions. This option for who to study for after 9th grade for a boy involves mastering the following specialties: agronomist, farmer, vegetable grower, fish farmer. They are in demand at agricultural enterprises (especially in regions where crop and livestock production provide a significant share of GDP).
      10. Economic specializations. They are considered more suitable for girls, but if you feel the potential to become a successful accountant, manager or auditor, or bank employee, then no one will stop you from going to study at an economics college.
      11. Creative professions. You can become a graphic designer, animator, artist, musician, photographer, jeweler, choreographer, etc. if you have an inclination towards the corresponding type of creativity and have some aptitude for it.
      12. Culinary specialties. If you like cooking, then a good answer to the question of who you can study to become after 9th grade could be training to become a cook, pastry chef, or baker. Specialists of this kind are always needed in catering establishments, food departments of food manufacturing factories, and culinary departments of stores.
      13. Military professions and pilot profession. These are professions in which the vast majority of representatives are men. They require a certain amount of responsibility, endurance and good physical shape. They are in demand by both military and civilian organizations (for example, aviation companies).
      14. Professions firefighter and rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is also a man's job, as it requires physical strength.
      15. Sports professions. There are sports colleges. They train physical education teachers and coaches. To enter here, you need to take a general physical training exam.
      16. Service professions. Colleges train managers in the hotel business, restaurants, tourism, guides on railways, flight attendants in aviation, as well as hairdressers and makeup artists. In recent years, more and more young men are seen among hairdressers.
      17. When choosing who is best to study after 9th grade from this fairly extensive list, think about what you would like to do and what you can really achieve high level professionalism. Try to “pull up” your academic performance and pass the OGE well in order to be more likely to pass the competitive selection. Let's say it again: competitive selection for colleges is based on the average score of the certificate.

        If in doubt making the right choice specialty or college - apply to several colleges, and then choose to enroll in the one you like best (or which you are applying to). You can find out last year's passing score on the official websites of most colleges. If you don’t know at all what you should be, career guidance will help you.

For many students, finishing 9th grade becomes the most significant moment in their lives. The student must decide what to do. He can continue to study general program or transfer to some other educational institution. There are very few options for such a choice, so everyone can make a decision based on their own preferences.

You can study until the 11th grade, in order to then enter the university, or right now, after 9 years of schooling, master the specialty you like. Today there are many professions that can be obtained with incomplete secondary education. They are quite diverse. Therefore, professions after 9th grade give applicants almost complete freedom of choice. You can always go to study exactly where you want.

Should I quit school?

Before considering suitable types of activity and thinking about where to enroll, it is necessary for the student to clearly determine for himself whether it is worth leaving the school walls. I would like to immediately note that a child’s desire to go to any school or college should not frighten or lead parents to panic.

What are the advantages of continuing your studies beyond the 9th grade outside of school?

  • Applicants are allocated a larger number of free places in various technical schools and colleges.
  • It is much easier for applicants to get housing in a dormitory.
  • Children with incomplete secondary education who are enrolled in educational institutions will graduate several years earlier.
  • Most students, after receiving a profession, will be able to count on being provided with a job.

Another advantage is that after mastering a specialty at a technical school, a teenager can go to work or continue studying and get a higher education.

Along with significant advantages, there are also some disadvantages for the child and parents:

  • Children often have to go to study in another city, which is the reason for numerous parental experiences and anxieties. The child himself also experiences stress from changing his place of residence, changing his usual lifestyle and social circle.
  • Often a child worries about whether he was able to choose who to study correctly. If not, then your time will be wasted. For this reason, it is worth approaching such a decision with great responsibility.
  • A child whose certificate does not pass the competition is forced to receive education on a paid basis. In cases where parents are unable to finance their studies, the applicant considers other faculties where they can enter with lower scores. Is not the best option, since the training is unlikely to be to your liking. In addition, a child will not turn out to be a good specialist in a profession that he does not like.

Choice of professional activity

Who should you go to study? For whom is it not necessary? What kind of occupation should I choose? What professions are the highest paid? Where exactly to go? These questions are relevant for every applicant. It’s good if the child already has stable ideas about what kind of job he dreams of getting. What to do if he has no idea where to go to study?

When studying professions after 9th grade, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the preferences of the graduate and only after that - the specifics of a certain specialty. For this reason, the answer to the question of where to enroll must be found by the applicant himself, and not by his relatives. If a student cannot choose a profession on his own, parents should help him.

After receiving incomplete secondary education, it is already too late to think about where to go to study. It is better to try to identify the child’s abilities in advance.

After this, parents, together with the student, should study the main nuances of several specialties that interested the student and also suit him personal qualities and mindset. Information related to the salaries received by people with the same profession will not be superfluous.

Parents should not force their child to do this or that job that they like. The student must make his own choice from the most suitable specialties. If he couldn’t choose anything, then it’s worth talking to him about the advisability of continuing to study at school.

Where to study?

What establishments can you consider? A ninth-grader who decides to get a profession has several options for where to go to study. He must also decide this on his own, comparing the pros and cons of his choice. Let's consider institutions where children can study after 9th grade.

Technical schools

Currently, technical schools are popular among applicants. Here you can get specialized secondary education, which is equivalent to 1–2 years of university. As a rule, most students study specialties at a technical school, after graduating from which they can immediately go to work.

You will only have to study at this institution for 2 years, you just need to figure out who to study for.

Technical schools operate on a state basis, so you can count on budget-funded education and the provision of housing. Many graduates also receive an internship.


Compared to technical schools, colleges are considered more prestigious educational institutions. The list of specialties here is quite wide, so it will be easier to choose who is interested in studying. Applicants will be able to immediately begin obtaining a profession instead of spending another 2 years at school.

After graduating from college, it is much easier to pass university exams, which attracts many applicants. A large number of Universities accept students after college, sometimes it is even possible to get into the 3rd year right away. With this option, you can study part-time and work at the same time.

The main disadvantage of colleges is that most of them operate only on a commercial basis.

Current professions

What specialties are suitable for girls? The list of professions after 9th grade for graduates includes the most popular specialties; you can apply for:

  • cosmetologist;
  • painter;
  • makeup artist;
  • pastry chef
  • stylist;
  • seller;
  • cooks;
  • seamstress;
  • hairdresser;
  • laboratory assistant

Many of the listed professions are considered general, that is, they are also suitable for guys. For example, these include a cook, stylist or laboratory assistant.

Who should guys go for? There are also purely “male” specialties that many dream of mastering. So, you can apply for:

  • welder;
  • driver;
  • car mechanic;
  • installer;
  • milling operator;
  • machine operator;
  • electrician

These and many other professions require professional manual labor. Good specialists are highly valued in the labor market. The conditions of the present time are such that a person with technical skills will never be left without work, no matter where life takes him.

If you don’t like the listed specialties, and the question of who to study is still open, you can turn to more modern professions.

For example, when applying, focus on humanities specialties. You can choose the profession of a web designer or programmer. For people who have already clearly defined their interests, there are courses that allow you to become anyone - from a brand manager and massage therapist to an accountant and photographer.

Today, professions after the 9th grade are distinguished by a wide variety, so the desire of schoolchildren to enter a technical school or college does not at all mean that they study poorly. On the contrary, it is a way to achieve success. But we must not forget: no matter where you go, the choice will become decisive, perhaps for the rest of your life.

Advantages of going to college after 9th grade:

  • ease of admission (colleges are accepted without the Unified State Exam and with a low score);
  • the training program is simpler than at a university (minimum theory, maximum practice);
  • shortened course. After only 4 years you can find a job in your specialty;
  • there are many more budget places, and in the case of tuition on a paid basis, costs are lower;
  • You can go to college at a university. Such training is considered as the first stage of a bachelor’s degree and makes it possible to enter a higher educational institution without entrance exams and the Unified State Exam, only based on the results of the interview and testing.

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Studying in college has its disadvantages:

  • the level of education is lower than in higher educational institutions;
  • a college diploma is not considered for employment abroad;
  • employers are not always welcome young age graduates.

Continuing education after 11th grade has other advantages:

  • enrollment in a university Unified State Exam results(the certificate of passing the unified state exam is valid for 4 years);
  • the prestige of a higher education diploma does not depend on the form of study (full-time or part-time);
  • While studying, it is possible to get a part-time job;
  • upon receipt of the first higher education, you can apply for a second one under a shortened program (2.5 years);
  • A university diploma gives you a chance to continue your studies abroad.

Disadvantages of entering a university after completing secondary education:

  • high tuition fees and minimal amount budget places;
  • to enter a university based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you need to last year study, decide on the direction and prepare for exams in major disciplines;
  • strict control of discipline and academic performance. Failure to comply with standards may result in expulsion.

If a teenager has not even completed secondary education, this does not mean that he cannot continue his education.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of paragraph 21 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities“A teenager can go to college, where the vocational education program is integrated with primary education. Such educational institutions admit students without a certificate with a certificate.

List of professions where you can enter after 9th grade

The choice of professional orientations after colleges and technical schools depends on the teenager’s inclination towards a particular activity.

Humanities scholars should take a closer look at the following areas:

  • hotel business;
  • design of clothing, premises, landscapes;
  • marketing and advertising;
  • social security law and organization;
  • photo;
  • choreography;
  • psychology;
  • cinematography, etc.;

Young people with a mathematical mind may consider majors such as:

  • accountant;
  • merchandiser

The widest choice of professions is presented in the direction of engineering and high technology development:

  • computer's operator;
  • electromechanic;
  • builder;
  • vehicle repair and maintenance technician;
  • mechanic for repairing construction machines, etc.

For girls

It is impossible for a girl with bad grades to get a budget place at a university in Moscow, but technical schools, lyceums and colleges are more accessible.

The TOP specialties that are worth trying to enroll on a budget basis include:

  1. Junior medical staff. Depending on their specialization, nurses are divided into:
    • district police officers;
    • operating rooms;
    • procedural;
    • seniors

    To become the chief nurse, in whose hands the organization of the work of the junior medical staff of the entire hospital is concentrated, you must obtain a higher education in nursing.

  2. Manicure-pedicure master:
    • this profession is very popular, but it requires attention, patience and good artistic taste, as well as the absence of problems with the spine;
    • learning is quick, but the reputation of a good master takes years to earn;
    • the advantage of this choice is the opportunity to work from home and independently plan your working hours;
    • The disadvantages of individual practice include the need to purchase expensive consumables and tools.
  3. Hairdresser:
    • training does not take much time, but the level of professionalism must be high;
    • Not every college graduate can get a job as a stylist in an expensive salon. Someone will first have to work in a simple hairdressing salon for 12 hours a day, doing machine haircuts for 300 rubles.
  4. Master of restaurant service. The responsibilities of the master include:
    • menu development;
    • advertising;
    • management;
    • organization of special events;
    • servicing foreign tourists;
    • catering (offsite service).
  5. Information and software processing operator. After mastering this specialty, the student receives a diploma as a software engineer. The main activities of the operator are:
    • analytical processing of information data;
    • editing of video materials;
    • programming;
    • site construction.

A good option for a girl might be to become a cook, seamstress, cashier or accountant.

For boys

Recently, there has been a significant shortage of technical specialists.

  1. Locksmith. Preventative and repair work on heavy equipment is sometimes associated with risks, so the profession is suitable for healthy and physically resilient people.
  2. Welder. The work involves hazardous working conditions. In the future it is possible early exit for pensions and monetary compensation for harm.
  3. Collector. The task is to create a single whole from disparate elements, using technological scheme. This kind of work will do young man with a technical mind. Typically, assemblers are trained directly on the job.
  4. Builder. Large-scale urban planning work will allow this profession to remain at the top for a long time. The skills acquired during training are useful not only at work, but also at home.
  5. Auto Mechanic. Due to the increase in the number of car owners, the demand for specialists capable of providing high-quality vehicle maintenance has increased. This is the main reason to recommend this profession for young people with a technical mindset.

You can also enroll in military school. Military training time is included in the insurance period, and further employment is guaranteed.

Profession test

Will help you decide on a specialty profession determination test. It is conducted remotely online.

There are several methods for determining career guidance:

  • J. Holland test. Consists of 240 questions and takes 25 minutes to complete;
  • determination of the socio-psychological attitude of the personality of Potemkina O.F. (40 questions in 5 minutes);
  • definition future profession according to the method of Klimov E.A. (30 questions, 5 minutes);
  • map of interests of Golomshtok A.E. (96 questions, 15 minutes).

Modern system Russian education contains several complementary levels - from kindergartens to universities and institutes. Among them, medium-sized specialized institutions with a special niche occupy their modest place. Getting there is much easier than going to university.

Advantages of entering a college

How to go to college after 9th grade? There are no more than 2-4 applicants per place for student places with a nine-year education in the most popular specialties of secondary schools. Graduates high school(after 11) they undergo a much more serious competition for admission, but even there it is somewhat weaker than at the university. Therefore, the question “how to go to college after 9th grade?” is becoming relevant for many members of the younger generation and their parents.

Colleges provide an opportunity not to fail and sadly famous Unified State Exam, which still causes heated debate. To achieve this, graduates of junior high school are trying to find free budget places in colleges. By the way, upon completion of secondary specialized educational institution It is quite possible (and by no means hypothetical) to find yourself a university student without an entrance test. In addition, after acquiring a specialty at the university, students will have to study a shortened course.

Financial component

Colleges are a definite salvation for applicants from poor families who do not have the opportunity to study on a contract not only at the university in big city, but also in a small institute. Moreover, colleges provide a good specialty with a practical inclination, which allows you to work in your chosen field and at the same time study in absentia at the university. There is only one serious drawback - the university specialty must be combined with the one received in college.

In addition, there is another positive point - graduates of junior high school, if they fail the entrance exams in college, do not miss the season, but can return back to school. In two years, there is a real chance to improve your level and try to get a job at your chosen university again.

How to determine where to study?

Which college should I go to after 9th grade? IN modern Russia There are many colleges, and you can get a diploma in almost every profession.

A high school student needs to correctly determine his own abilities and decide how to go to college after 9th grade. Schools often offer psychological and career guidance tests to detect a child’s attraction to a certain profession. To decide which colleges you can enroll in after 9th grade, you need to look at the diary of the student’s current progress:

  • if a child is interested in natural sciences, then perhaps he should think about a medical or pedagogical college;
  • It is worth focusing on a polytechnic or construction profile if you have an inclination towards exact disciplines;
  • Humanities students, as a rule, choose a pedagogical or legal college;
  • girls often pay attention to colleges where they can get a profession as an accountant, hairdresser, or makeup artist.

List of introductory documents

Enrolling in a college is not much different from applying to a university. You just need to have necessary documents, bring them to the admissions office and fill out an application for admission there. Mandatory are:

  • passport or birth certificate of the applicant;
  • school certificate;
  • state examination results;
  • medical documents (certificate and vaccination card);
  • photographs of the applicant (6 pieces).

To enter college after 9th grade, the admissions committee may invite the student to provide additional certificates and diplomas or take additional entrance tests.

Creative professions

Regarding specialties with a creative orientation, the question “how to go to college after 9th grade?” will be more difficult. Applicants entering creative fields should inquire in advance about the dates of entrance exams and the need to present a portfolio. For example, if an applicant chose a construction college, the admissions committee has the right to ask for a series of drawings and offer to take additional exams (usually drawing). Without additional training passing such tests is almost impossible. It is recommended to hire a tutor a few months before the exams, enroll in graphics and drawing courses, and also try to spend more free time drawing at home to improve your skills.

Certificate competition

Practically the last stage The entrance campaign is to compile ratings of applicants.

Of course, applicants, first of all, want to enroll in budget places, and in most cases they succeed. There are quite a lot of places in the secondary school, but the college is still not able to accept all applicants. To identify promising applicants, since the Soviet era there has been such an event as a competition of school documents on education.

You can go to college after 9th grade just based on your grades. Specialists admissions committee study the final grades of all former schoolchildren and announce the average grade point at school: the higher it is, the higher the likelihood of admission.


  • children raised in a single-parent family (in the case where the mother or father has become disabled, and the income received in the family per person is less than the subsistence level);
  • military (in conflict zones, for example, in Donetsk and Lugansk, military personnel and members of their families receive benefits);
  • orphans;
  • disabled people.

You can also be enrolled outside the general queue if the student was sent to college under a targeted contract. However, then, upon completion of college, it is necessary to work for a certain period of time in order to return to the company the funds invested in the student during his studies. Most often, village applicants go to a pedagogical or medical college under a target contract. Receive similar administration agreements settlement or area.

Medical College

You can enter medical college after 9th grade. Admission is subject to the same conditions as in other colleges and universities. First, documents are submitted and an application is written.

In the event that an applicant has health problems or grades do not reach minimum score, college specialists may not accept him for training.

There are several entrance tests for applicants after 9th grade. For example, some colleges require you to take a math exam. For other 9th grade graduates, enrollment in colleges is based on the State Examination results.

Some colleges allow the future student to choose: either pass the entrance examination, or provide the results of the Unified State Examination, or submit a State Examination Certificate. The application for admission immediately states what documents the applicant provides, copies or originals, and what form of education will be used if yesterday’s student passes the competition for admission to the secondary school.

Training in medical college goes in special directions. These secondary schools train paramedics, nurses and other mid-level specialists.