The consequences of stress (strong or prolonged exposure to negative emotions), the consequences of physical injuries, operations lead to the formation in the subconscious of peculiar emotional “splinters” or mental emotional “clamps.” A “splinter” is a negative emotion (pain, fear) that has sunk into the subconscious , anger, envy, etc.). Just as a hedgehog carries needles on his back all his life, so these “splinters” will sit in a person’s subconscious all his life.

Such “splinters” cannot be removed by conscious work on character. Let us roughly illustrate what has been said in the figure:

It is believed that gradually the consequences of stress and grief are erased from memory and forgotten. They say: “Time heals.” In fact, time does not heal anyone or anything. Everything that happens to us in life is recorded and stored in our memory. We may already forget and no longer remember some incident in the past, but all the negative and positive emotions expressed during this event are recorded and stored deep in the person’s memory.

All events, everything coming from outside world information is recorded using the senses. Current events are recorded every second of life on a kind of “life tape.” This tape of life events is located in our subconscious:

Negative experiences deposited (recorded) in the subconscious distort normal human behavior. In addition, there is a damaging effect on human health. Our health is affected not by the event itself, but by the positive or negative emotions that accompany it. Positive emotions improve health, negative emotions worsen it.

By analogy with slags physical body(intestines, liver) we can call the accumulated negative emotions in the subconscious a kind of emotional waste. Just as it is necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, it is very important to “cleanse” the subconscious of accumulated negative emotions.

The mental sphere of a person (consciousness and subconsciousness) is the center in relation to the body.

Negative emotions accumulated in the subconscious (center) cause muscle spasms and smooth muscle spasms in various parts of the body (periphery) internal organs. The expression is true: “All diseases come from nerves.”

Cleansing the body is secondary to cleansing the subconscious. If we imagine our body as a car, then our psyche (conscious and subconscious) is the driver of this car. Where the driver turns the steering wheel, the car will go.

But it is not enough to simply remove negative emotions from the subconscious without simultaneously cleansing the body. A joint cleansing of the body and subconscious is necessary.

Only in this case can we say that a complete cleansing of the body has been carried out. “Cleansing the subconscious” is, of course, a relative term. Or rather, it is the removal of negative emotions from the subconscious.

There are several known methods for removing negative emotions from the subconscious:

1. method of catharsis

2. holotropic breathing method

3. Dianetic therapy and some other methods.

Let's look at these methods one by one. After this, we will describe in detail how a person can independently clear the subconscious of negative emotions.

The method of catharsis ("catharsis" in translation means cleansing). The method is as follows: a person is immersed in a hypnotic trance and caused to experience some traumatic situation in the past. Or, in hypnosis, a person finds himself in an earlier period of life, at the place and time when the disease supposedly appeared.

For example, a person drowned as a child. After this event, he developed hydrophobia and fear of depth. In a state of hypnosis, a person experiences this event again and again. During repeated experiences of this event, the negative emotions that accompanied the event (fear, pain) are “erased” in the subconscious. It takes going through this event several times for the event to go from extremely negative to neutral. After this, a person’s hydrophobia and fear of depth disappear.

Any event can be represented this way:

The emotional component (component) of any event can be both positive and negative. Using the catharsis method, negative emotions that accompanied an event are removed from the subconscious. A record of the event itself remains, i.e. the person will remember this event.

If, for example, a person had an injury to the knee joint, then after “erasing” the memory of physical pain during the injury, only a record of the event itself remains. The record of physical pain located in deep memory is erased. The person stops limping and movements in the knee joint are completely restored. If you do not erase the memory of physical pain during an injury, then dysfunction of the joint gradually increases over time.

Holotropic breathing. S. Gref was widely involved in research on holotropic breathing. Holotropic breathing is a type of yogic breathing.

Holotropic therapy uses the ability to remove negative emotions from the subconscious by changing the state of consciousness. Changing the state of consciousness allows you to “open” the door between consciousness and subconscious, which further leads to the release of negative emotions from the subconscious.

A change in the state of consciousness can be achieved by increasing the breathing frequency (more intense breathing) or, conversely, by holding the breath for a long time. A combination of intense breathing and prolonged breath holding is also possible.

In practice, it is more convenient to simply increase the breathing rate.

In this case, the person breathes faster and deeper than usual. While breathing, a person fully concentrates on his sensations in the body.

Increasing the frequency and depth of breathing gradually weakens the “barrier” between consciousness and subconscious, which leads to the release of negative emotions from the subconscious.

In most cases, intense breathing leads to muscle tension in the various parts bodies. Continuing intense breathing leads to increased muscle tension. Muscle tension gradually reaches its peak, followed by deep relaxation of the body muscles.

holotropic breathing

A negative emotion in the subconscious, as we have already said, maintains a spasm of a certain muscle group. Intense breathing further increases this tension, which, as tension increases, leads to the release of the energy of this emotion.

The therapeutic potential of intense muscle activity and increased breathing were known back in Ancient Greece. Plato wrote about the significant healing potential of wild dance to the sounds of flutes and drums, reaching the point of frenzy and ending in a state of deep relaxation (relaxation) and peace.

Nowadays, discos have important medicinal value for teenagers. A child is a person characterized by increased impressionability and sensitivity.

A variety of negative emotions easily penetrate deep into the child’s psyche, into his subconscious, where they “get stuck” (remain). These negative emotions cause the appearance of various neuroses, and later - diseases of the internal organs.

A teenager goes to a disco, intuitively striving to free himself from the “charge” of negative emotions accumulated over the week. And in the “wild dance” to the sounds of rumbling music, he reaches a “frenzy” and is freed from the burden of negative emotions. In this way, the child periodically heals himself.

Another Greek philosopher, Aristotle, first argued that the full experience and release of repressed emotions is an effective remedy against mental illness. “Through the use of wine, sexual enhancers, and music, initiates experience a rampant passion followed by a healing purification.” Drinking wine, sexual arousal, music, fast dancing and other means change the state of consciousness and help remove negative emotions.

Physical manifestations of the release of negative emotions during holotropic breathing are of two types:

1. Prolonged muscle tension or spasm. As a result, a huge amount of bound energy of negative emotion is consumed, and the body is freed from negative emotion.

2. The release of negative emotions is accompanied by body movements: body trembling, twitching, sudden movements of the arms and legs or the whole body. In this case, there may be coughing, screaming, sobbing, quiet crying or laughter and other manifestations.

The emotions that arise during holotropic breathing can be very diverse. This could be anxiety, sadness, depression, aggression, anger, feelings of worthlessness and inferiority, guilt, and disgust. What type of negative emotions come out at this moment, such feelings and manifestations they cause.

Sometimes sexual arousal appears, which can reach orgasm during the session. There is no need to hold back these feelings. Sexual arousal results from the release of repressed sexual desires. This often happens in women who have not received long time sexual satisfaction. Often in life, women fake an orgasm to please their partner. Lack of discharge causes significant harm to the female body. We'll talk about this later.

Some people remain completely calm and motionless during the session. They often have deep inner experiences. Outwardly, it seems that nothing is happening to them. Other people appear agitated during the session and show motor activity. Their body twists, arches, shakes. They spin, clasp their hands.

Often, pain or muscle tension appears and intensifies in places where it once hurt, was injured, or currently hurts. A typical result and sign of a successful holotropic breathing session is emotional relief and physical relaxation.

Negative emotions that were once repressed into the subconscious begin to “activate” and are repressed. This is manifested by increasing muscle tension. With the help of continued intense breathing, various negative emotions are “activated”, and in response to this, tension arises in various areas of the body.

Each new breathing session leads to tension in other areas of the body, to tension in other muscles. Feelings may change when muscles tense. For example, in the first session of holotropic breathing there was a feeling of pressure on the stomach, the next time there may be a feeling of strong distension.

Technique of the holotropic breathing procedure:

It is most convenient to conduct the session while lying on your back. Spread your legs, place your hands freely, palms up. Close your eyes and focus on the internal sensations in your body, fully accepting them and as if observing from the outside. You need to focus on your breathing, feel its natural rhythm, without trying to change it at first.

Next, the breathing frequency increases, the breath is taken deeper than usual. The breathing rate becomes approximately twice as fast as normal breathing at rest. This type of rapid breathing usually occurs after fast walking or running. This breathing is similar to the breathing of an excited person.

If at first the breathing frequency is set artificially, then gradually the body itself begins to maintain the frequency and depth of breathing set by the person. You can breathe through your nose or mouth, but it is better to breathe through your nose. The frequency and depth of breathing varies among different people at different sessions. While breathing, you just need to watch the experiences that arise, notice them and allow them to happen.

The room should be such that the breathing person, lying down, has enough space around him. It is advisable that the room be well isolated (to allow full vocal expression). It is advisable to cover the floor with soft material, mattresses. It is advisable to place pillows and other soft material nearby.

Clothing should be light and not restrict movement and breathing. It is necessary to remove heavy earrings, take out dentures, take off glasses, necklaces, watches, rings.

"Cleansing" the subconscious with the help of dianetic therapy. The author of this method is R. Hubbard. The goal of the method is for a person to achieve the state of clear (translated from English as pure). This method uses different terminology, but the essence is the same, removing negative emotions from the subconscious.

According to Dianetic therapy, the reactive mind (what we call the subconscious) has many records of physical and mental trauma. Using a certain technique, the consequences of physical and mental trauma are “erased.”

The technique is difficult to master. To use it, special training is required. The main disadvantage is that it takes 500-800 hours of dianetics training to remove the "records" of trauma (so says the dianetics manual). Even if you practice this method every day for one hour a day, seven days a week, it will take more than two years of work to achieve the effect.

The author has developed and used for a number of years his own method of removing negative emotions from the subconscious. This takes approximately 10-15 hours of work. It was developed based on the methods outlined above. If the need arises, then, in addition to treating acute diseases, you can “erase” the memory of chronic diseases.

Let us dwell on the possibilities that a person has for independently cleansing the subconscious of negative emotions.

The work of our subconscious is similar to the work of a powerful " biological computer"It turns out that a person in a state of trance only needs to enter “control commands.” The subconscious mind carries out all instructions exactly. This property of the subconscious mind is used to remove negative emotions from it.

Like a “shuttle”, a kind of “erasing head” moves in memory (by analogy with erasing a recording on a magnetic tape) back and forth. There is a multiple movement from the present moment to the moment of birth and back, i.e. from the moment of birth to the present.

If you imagine negative emotions in the subconscious in the form of a snowdrift, then during the session the snow is removed layer by layer (negative emotions) until the ground appears (negative emotions are completely removed). As the largest amplitude negative emotions are “erased,” the severity of the experience becomes less and less.

During the removal of negative emotions from the subconscious, there are often periods of unstable depressed mood. But don't let this bother you. It is negative emotions coming out from the subconscious that cause such a mood. This is a good sign: it means the “cleansing” is successful.

At this time, unexpected sadness, a melancholy mood may appear, and you may suddenly want to cry (cry!). An unbearable feeling of loneliness, worthlessness, fear, and hopelessness may appear. The appearance of indifference is dangerous, when you want to throw everything away, not seeing any point in further “cleansing” the subconscious. You need to show patience, understanding and continue what you started. You need to persevere and see it through to the end. You can consider all this a “temptation of the devil.”

The release of negative emotions occurs not only during the holotropic breathing session itself, but also after, day and night. Nightmarish dreams may appear for a while.

Let's imagine a bottle of champagne, closed with a cork, in which the contents are under pressure. When the cork is uncorked, the contents begin to flow out under high pressure. A similar “traffic jam” is located between the conscious and subconscious. Negative emotions in the subconscious are also “under pressure”. When we remove this “plug”, negative emotions “under pressure” begin to come out large quantities. It is only necessary to periodically “shake the bottle” so that the emotions continue to come out. “Shaking the bottle” means conducting repeated sessions of holotropic breathing.

Holotropic breathing can be used only at the initial stage of removing negative emotions, as a simple and quick way changes in state of consciousness. At the same time, the person is completely focused on maintaining the same breathing rate. The breathing person makes sure that the duration of inhalation is equal to the duration of exhalation. The patient's attention (his consciousness) is completely concentrated on breathing. This concentration on breathing leads to a gradual narrowing of consciousness.

Consciousness is, as it were, “moved” to the side so that it does not interfere with interaction with the subconscious. Usually 5-7 minutes of strictly controlled rapid breathing is enough for consciousness to change (decreased) sufficiently. Then the subconscious becomes available for interaction with it. Now you can begin to influence the subconscious (introduce settings).

To more effectively influence the subconscious, it is desirable to further narrow (reduce) consciousness. To do this, you can use the technique of consciousness overload.

It is based on the fact that a person is able to consciously keep about 7 “portions” of information in his field of attention at the same time. If this number becomes larger, then the person experiences overload and makes mistakes. For example, a sequence of seven numbers is usually held in memory. A sequence of nine numbers is much more difficult to remember, and a person begins to make mistakes.

Each number is a 'piece' of information. You can consciously keep seven branches, seven notebooks, seven books, or seven digits of a telephone number in your field of attention. If only 7 pieces of information can be consciously retained, then everything else is not subject to conscious processing. Everything that goes beyond the 7 pieces of information becomes an overload and is processed unconsciously (subconscious).

Let me explain with an example: You are enthusiastically watching a movie playing on TV. All your attention (consciousness) is captured by the events of the film. You can hear the noise of a passing car on the street, but you don’t hear it. Your subconscious hears, which perceives and analyzes everything that happens around you. After all, the subconscious mind is responsible for the safety of the body’s existence; it is always on the alert. Therefore, everything that happens around us every second is perceived by our body - both consciousness and subconscious. In those moments when the conscious mind does not have time to analyze the incoming information, the subconscious mind intervenes and completely takes control of the situation.

Whenever conscious processing is overloaded, information can be sent directly to the subconscious and the person will respond to that information. In our case, we will invite the consciousness to perform an arithmetic task: starting from one, each time adding the number 3 and mentally coloring the resulting numbers in different colors. Let's take red, blue and yellow colors. You should try to mentally “see” the resulting numbers.

For example, you count out loud: “One red, four blue, seven yellow, ten red, thirteen blue, sixteen yellow, nineteen red,” etc. As you practice counting, the task can become more difficult. For example, from a thousand, subtract the numbers 3 and 4 in turn, mentally coloring the numbers in different colors. The proposed method of introducing settings is quite effective when used independently.

Let's move on to the technique of removing negative emotions from the subconscious using controlled holotropic breathing.

Then, while writing the text, your hands will remain free. When you write down the text, speak in an even voice, without lowering or raising your tone. Speak, pronouncing your words clearly, pausing for a second between sentences. Indication in the text: (pause one minute, pause two minutes) means that you stop dictating and take this pause, but the recording continues. Where the instructions indicate a click, you need to click your fingers.

Text for tape recording:

Close your eyes.

Start breathing frequently. Make sure that your inhalation time is equal to your exhalation time. The breathing rate should be the same all the time.

(pause one minute)

(pause one minute)

You continue to breathe rapidly. Maintain the same breathing rate.

(pause one minute)

You continue to breathe correctly. Maintain the same breathing rate.

(pause two minutes)

You continue to breathe frequently and correctly. Maintain the same breathing rate.

(pause two minutes)

Switch to normal breathing. Start counting loudly, starting from one and adding three each time. Mentally color the numbers red, blue and yellow (pause 20 seconds)

I turn to the subconscious, to that system of the body that monitors all the vital functions of the body.

I ask the subconscious to contact me.

Now I'll count to three and snap my fingers. After this, the memory will begin searching for and erasing negative emotions recorded in memory. Negative emotions cause diseases and lead to rapid aging of the body, so they must be removed from memory. Memory search will be carried out from today until the moment of birth.

You will consistently go through only the most unpleasant events of your life, accompanied by mental or physical trauma and pain. One, two, three (snaps fingers).

The search and erasing of negative emotions recorded in memory began. The same breathing rate continues to be maintained.

(pause two minutes)

The program continues to search for and remove negative emotions. Correct breathing continues at the same frequency.

(pause two minutes)

The program for searching and erasing negative emotions ends its work. Switch to normal breathing. Inhale. As you exhale, you can open your eyes.

(turn off the tape recorder)

Before the session, do not forget to turn off your phone, lie comfortably on your back, place your hands comfortably, no one should be nearby. Turn on the recording and listen only to the voice on the tape. Do exactly what the voice on the tape says. When you start counting, you say the numbers out loud so loudly that you drown out the voice on the tape.

Such sessions should be carried out every day or every other day, from the 3-5th day from the start of bowel cleansing, for a month. Then take a break for a month. And you can repeat the sessions of listening to the recording again.

Clearing the subconscious of negative emotions can also be used in the treatment of various diseases. The causes of most body diseases (up to 70%) are in the psyche (subconscious). The suffering of internal organs is secondary. This has already been written about above. Some researchers even believe that in 100% of cases the cause of the disease lies in the human psyche.

Let us list some diseases that have causes that lie in the subconscious:

Diseases of the respiratory system. Allergy. Common cold. Bronchitis. Asthma.

Cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension. Coronary heart disease. Paroxysmal tachycardia. Raynaud's disease.

Skin diseases. Eczema. Psoriasis. Hives.

Gastrointestinal diseases. Obesity. Constipation. Colitis. Diarrhea. Stomach ulcer. Haemorrhoids. Biliary dyskinesia.

Nervous and endocrine systems. Migraine. Trigeminal neuralgia. Nervous tic. Hiccups. Alcoholism. Addiction. Epilepsy. Multiple sclerosis. Myasthenia. Diabetes mellitus.

Genital area. Impotence. Premature ejaculation. Miscarriage. Frigidity.

Often the main force of the therapeutic effect is directed towards removing a symptom (a separate painful manifestation), without particularly delving into the underlying causes of the occurrence of this symptom. No medicine can cure a disease when its roots are in the subconscious. So, aspirin helps relieve headaches - but does not eliminate the reasons that cause this pain.

Pain during a physical injury is reflected in the subconscious as “in a distorting mirror” (the subconscious understands everything literally, like a child). A person may develop diseases that are not amenable to conventional treatment, the causes of which are in his subconscious.

Here is an example when the subconscious “in its own way” wanted to help a person, and what came of it:

Patient G., 57 years old, complained of periodic aching pain in her left shoulder for a year. Movement in the shoulder joint is limited, especially moving the arm behind the back. She received various treatments: medications, physiotherapy (currents, massage), manual therapy, homeopathy and other methods. The effect was insignificant and for a short time. It could be assumed that the cause of these persistent pains, which are not amenable to treatment, lies not in the body, but, perhaps, in the psyche.

When the cause of the disease is in the body (for example, due to intestinal slagging), then treatment usually has an effect for a longer period of time. An X-ray of the shoulder joint showed minor changes (salt deposits). The appearance of salts in the joint is not the cause of shoulder joint disease. They appeared as a result of limited mobility in the joint due to pain and poor circulation in it.

The woman did not find any obvious reasons for the pain in the shoulder joint. The only thing she could remember was a fall in the winter 15 years ago. Then she slipped and fell and was badly hurt. There was a bruise on my left arm and thigh (they even took a picture). My left arm hurt for some time, then gradually it went away. She forgot about this incident.

A hypnotic immersion was performed and a search began for the cause of the pain in the left shoulder; the woman experienced in hypnosis an episode from the past, the moment when the fall occurred. At the same time, she felt severe pain in her body. But the experience of the cause did not end there. Then she saw relatives at her bed and felt that the pain began to go away.

After waking up, the patient remembered that she was pleased when they looked after her, showed attention, and smiled. But it’s been two years since my husband died. She is retired. Adult children have their own lives and rarely visit her. She constantly feels sadness and loneliness.

Now everything seems to be clearer. Such a case is not uncommon. The subconscious tries to help a person in its own way, as it understands. After the injury, the person was surrounded by attention and felt good. This means there must be pain in the shoulder for a person to feel good again. Melancholy and loneliness caused a person’s subconscious desire to experience pain in order to again attract attention to himself.

Often, older people complain of various ailments. Sometimes it is a subconscious desire to be paid attention to, pitied, and helped. However, their health status does not always correspond to their complaints. They like to be old, they like to indulge their weaknesses, and constantly feel sorry for themselves. Elderly people choose the behavior characteristic of old age. It's like a game of old age. The subconscious does not differentiate between the game and reality. A person, thanks to his “efforts,” ages successfully.

However, despite the “erasing” of the physical pain of the injury from memory, the pain in the shoulder remained, although it had decreased. A second immersion was carried out, during which the harmfulness of pain to humans was “explained” to the subconscious. A “setting” is given for the disappearance of pain. After this, the pain in my left shoulder stopped.

Negative emotions associated with accidents, injuries, stress, penetrating into the subconscious, create distorted programs of human behavior there and can cause the appearance of neurosis:

“I’m 17 years old, my name is Mikhail. My mother took me to the doctor. I don’t remember the incident itself. Once as a child, I was drowning. My mother told me about it. We lived in a small town, right by the river. I was two years old then. So It turned out that the boat in which my mother and I were in capsized. While they pulled me out of the water, some time passed...

I remember how after that my brother and I played. He covered me with a pillow and leaned on top of me. I had such a feeling of horror, from somewhere a huge force formed in me.

I threw both the pillow and my brother far away from me. Every time something constrained my legs or body, I felt strong fear.

I had to go to school by bus. In the mornings the bus was always “packed.” In such a crowded bus, and even when the bus windows were fogged up, I was overcome with horror, and I jumped out of it. Rooms without windows and with closed doors, even just darkness, created in me a feeling of anxiety that intensified with every minute. It turned out that I have claustrophobia.

The doctor gave me special treatment using hypnosis and rapid breathing. Conducted 7 sessions. After that, I was able to ride on a crowded bus to school for the first time. Now I feel that all my fears of the dark and closed doors have passed. My illness really prevented me from living a normal life.”

(The negative emotions associated with the incident when Mikhail drowned were “erased.” In addition, it turned out that the experience of the birth process also made its “contribution” to the occurrence of claustrophobia. If some kind of closed space or limited visibility (darkness) was created, then the subconscious understood this as a direct threat to life - author's note.)

One of my students once told me how he was invited to a banquet where he was to give a speech. Panic seized him at the thought of the many listeners. Despite this, he managed to overcome his fear. Over the course of several evenings, he sat down for about five minutes in a comfortable chair and slowly, calmly and confidently inspired himself with the following: “I will overcome fear. He is already getting weaker. I will say completely confidently and logically: “I am completely relaxed externally and internally.” The subconscious, which was approached with a clearly formulated goal, made sure that the wish was fulfilled.

Our subconscious is open to suggestion at any time. Once you release physical and mental tension, conscious thoughts will sink into the subconscious and the desire will be fulfilled due to its creative dynamics. This way, you will gain confidence in your abilities overnight.

Man's Greatest Enemy

Fear has been called man's greatest enemy. It is often the cause of failure, illness and tense relationships between people. Millions of people are afraid of the past and the future, old age, mental illness and death. At the same time, fear is only the content and consequence of your thoughts: you are afraid of your own thoughts!

A little boy is paralyzed by fear at the thought that the “brownie” is lying under his bed and wants to take him with him. As soon as his father turns on the light and explains to him that he invented the danger for himself, his fear disappears. This fear could not be stronger and more real if the “brownie” really existed and came to his home. But, having learned the truth, the boy is freed from fear: what he is afraid of does not exist.

Most human fears are devoid of any basis and are simply the fruit of a sick imagination.

Do what you're afraid of

Emerson said about this: “Do what you fear, and your fear will come to an end.”

I myself have always been afraid of speaking in public, but I overcame my fear very simply by constantly forcing myself to give speeches. I did what I was afraid of - and my fear soon disappeared.

Once you can state with complete confidence that you have overcome your fear and make a conscious decision accordingly, you will set into motion the healing powers of the subconscious that manifest themselves in accordance with your way of thinking.

How she overcame her fear of performing

A good voice in itself does not mean anything! Although the debutante who was invited to audition was very excited about the opportunity presented to her, on previous occasions her voice completely failed her due to fear of performing. She was sure that fear would paralyze her this time too. vocal cords and would make impossible a proposal that perfectly suited her capabilities. However, fears of this type are mistakenly accepted by the subconscious as a requirement that it fulfills.

As my readers already know, we are talking about typical involuntary autosuggestion here. It was this that caused the failures due to her excessive fear.

With the help of a technique familiar to us, she managed to free herself from this fear. Three times a day she went to her room. She would sit in a comfortable chair, close her eyes, and bring herself into a state of mental and physical relaxation. Physical peace makes the mind receptive to suggestion. She overcame her fear with a counter-suggestion appropriate to the situation: “I sing wonderfully. I am completely balanced, I am calm, confident and cheerful." She repeated these words three times a day and again before going to bed, slowly, calmly and with feeling from five to ten times. Within a week, she felt calm and confident. When she sang this time, she was immediately invited to work.

Whoever applies a similar method in his specific case will overcome fear and anxiety complexes of any kind.

Fear of failure

From time to time, students from our university come to see me and suffer from so-called suggestive amnesia (memory loss caused by fear) during an exam. I listen to the eternal complaint (teachers are also familiar with this problem): “As soon as the exam is over, the answer immediately comes to mind. During the exam, I can’t remember anything.” In all my patients, I established a fear of failing the exam. Fear is the immediate cause of temporary memory loss. For example, I knew one medical student who was considered the most gifted in his course, and yet in oral and written examinations he was not able to answer even the simplest questions. I explained to him the immediate cause of his failures. Long before the exam, he was preoccupied with this; his expectation of bad things, caused by fear, each time developed into a long-term state of downright irresistible fear.

And every thought that gives rise to such a strong feeling is carried out by the subconscious. Subconscious young man, obviously accepted it panic fear before an exam as a requirement to cause failure - and that's exactly what it did. Therefore, on the day of the exam, the student was in a state that psychologists call suggestive amnesia.

How he overcame his fear

I explained to him that his subconscious mind is a treasury of his memory, in which everything he heard and read while studying at medical institute. I further convinced him that the subconscious mind is capable of responding and is ready to respond to his requests, but this requires faith, as well as mental and physical relaxation.

After this, he began to imagine every evening and every morning how his mother congratulated him on his wonderful successes. In his imagination, he held a letter from her in his hand. As soon as he vividly imagined this happy ending, it caused an appropriate reaction. Wisdom was awakened, his conscious thinking was directed in the desired direction, and after that the path to his goal was easy for him: he passed all the exams without difficulty. In other words, as soon as the subconscious took over, it forced the young man to achieve the greatest success.

Fear of water

Many people are afraid of getting into an elevator, climbing a mountain, or swimming. Often the reason for this is an unpleasant incident in youth; for example, a person who does not know how to swim was thrown into the water, or he was stuck in an elevator and at the same time a fear of closed spaces appeared.

When I was about 10 years old, I fell into a pond. I still clearly remember my desperate struggle, when I gasped for air in fear of death and how finally the water, becoming darker, closed over my head. Only at the last moment was I saved. This event penetrated deeply into my subconscious, and for many years after this I experienced an overwhelming fear of water.

One elderly psychologist advised me: “Go to a pond, look into the water and say in a loud and strong voice: “I am stronger than you, I can become your master.” Then learn to swim, get into the water and conquer it.

That's what I did. As soon as I acquired a new mental attitude, the almighty subconscious mind kicked in and gave me the strength, conviction and self-confidence with which I overcame my fear. Never allow yourself to be intimidated - neither by water nor by any other circumstance. Always remember: you are the master!

A surefire method to overcome any fear

I have already taught many people the following method, with which you can overcome any fear. It works like magic. Whatever you are afraid of: water, mountains, confined space or a report and interview - this method will always help you. Try it yourself.

Let's say you are afraid of swimming. Sit three or four times a day for five to ten minutes, completely relaxed, in a chair and imagine that you are about to swim, in your imagination you are really swimming. We are talking here about a subjective experience. With the help of your imagination you have been transported to swimming pool or to the lake. You feel the coolness of the water and the rhythmic movements of your arms and legs, you indulge in something pleasant for you, and this fills you with a feeling of joy. Here we are by no means talking about empty daydreaming, because you know: every event in your fantasy is reported to the subconscious. Sooner or later you will feel an inner need to realize the picture imprinted in your subconscious. This is one of the basic laws of the mind.

You can apply the same method to any motivated fear. Anyone who suffers from vertigo should clearly imagine how he balances on a narrow bridge or climbs a mountain and enjoys the wonderful landscape, as well as how he perfectly controls his body. The more reliable the pictures of the imagination, the faster the desired reaction will arise and drive away any fear.

He blessed the elevator

I knew the director of a large enterprise who could not overcome his fear of the elevator. Every morning he usually walked up to the fifth floor to his office. But one day he began to fight his fear. Several times a day and again before going to bed, he thought about how good the elevator was, and at the same time uttered the following formulation: “The elevator in my office building is a wonderful thing. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to a higher mind. This is a blessing and happiness for all our employees. He does a great job for us. He too is subject to divine law. Like everyone else, I use it and it makes me happy. I feel the flow of life, love and understanding in my soul. I see myself standing in the elevator, slightly leaning my back, and many of our employees are standing next to me, I talk to them and they answer me warmly and joyfully. This is a wonderful feeling of liberation from fear, conviction and self-confidence. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.”

He repeated this prayer for about ten days to overcome his fear of the narrow space of the elevator, on the eleventh day he entered the elevator along with a group of his employees and felt completely freed from his fear.

Natural and unnatural fears

A person is given from birth only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of threatening noise. Nature has given us a certain alarm system for the purpose of self-preservation. Natural fear is something good. You hear a car approaching you and jump to the side to save your life. The fear of being run over by a car immediately generates a corresponding defensive action. From this example it becomes clear how this function works. natural system anxiety.

Meanwhile, human existence is overshadowed by so many fears and unfounded fears, which are entirely the consequences of improper upbringing and for which - no matter how sad this fact is - parents, relatives, teachers and all other factors that influence the child’s psyche are to blame.

Unnatural fear

Unnatural fear is the result of uncontrolled fantasy. So, for example, one lady who was invited to commit trip around the world on a plane, began cutting out reports of plane crashes from all newspapers. She already mentally saw herself falling, drowning in the ocean, burning. These horror pictures were born of unnatural fear. However, if she had not put an end to this madness, then what she feared most would probably have happened.

One once unusually successful and wealthy New York businessman gave us another example of this kind of abnormal fear. Although his affairs were going well in all respects, he fell into a gloomy pessimism, which he literally cultivated in his imagination - he painted vivid pictures of his failures in his imagination. He imagined himself in front of empty offices and cash registers, and even his bankruptcy. Despite all the warnings, he could not get rid of these orbiting planets, he guides me and will lead me out of this jungle.

He said this phrase out loud. “Then,” he continued, “some movement occurred in me. Confidence came to me and I hit the road. A few days later I miraculously escaped the dangers of the jungle and was flown to safety by rescue plane.”

His mental attitude saved him. Trust and unshakable faith in the inherent power of subjective wisdom helped him get out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

He concluded: “If I began to complain about my fate and gave in to fear, I would certainly become a victim of fear and probably die of disaster and hunger.”

He fired himself

A good friend of mine, a trustee of one large enterprise, told me how at one time he lived for about three years in a state of fear that he might be fired. No matter what he did, he always thought about possible failures. His fears were completely unfounded and were only the result of a sick imagination. However, his unusually vivid fantasy dramatized the situation for so long until he, afraid of losing his place, became nervous and unsure of himself. In the end, he was actually asked to resign from his position.

But, in fact, he fired himself. His long-term negative ideas and self-hypnosis caused a corresponding reaction from the subconscious. It was on this basis that he really began to make mistakes and make wrong decisions, which ultimately made his work as a trustee impossible. He would never have lost his place if he had immediately concentrated his thoughts on the desired pictures, contrasting with the pictures caused by fear.

They conspired against him

During a short trip around the world where I gave lectures, I had a conversation with a high-ranking government official. He radiated calm peace and cordiality. He told me that all the attacks from the newspapers and the slander of his political opponents could never unsettle him. He used to devote a quarter of an hour every morning to internal contemplation, especially important for him was the idea that his heart concealed a whole ocean of peace and quiet. From this thought he drew endless strength to overcome all difficulties, fears and anxieties.

Not long ago, a colleague called him in the middle of the night to warn him of a conspiracy against him. My friend responded to this like this: “Now I will sleep peacefully and calmly. You can discuss this issue with me tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock.” He continued: “I know that not one negative thought will not come true unless I give way to strong feelings and accept this thought in my mind as a fact. I don’t allow anyone to make me feel afraid, so nothing bad can happen to me.”

And how calm, calm, confident and peaceful this man was! It would never have occurred to him to allow himself to be worried, to tear out his hair, or to wring his hands in despair. At the very center of his being was a deep, ocean-deep, quiet source of strength from which he drew his unshakable peace.

Free yourself from all fears

Use the following absolutely reliable formula to free yourself from all fears: “I sought the Lord, and He heard me and delivered me from all my dangers” (Psalm 33:5). The word “Lord” should be understood as the omnipotence and infinite powers of your subconscious. Delve into the wonderful secrets of your subconscious, the way it works and operates. Learn to use the techniques described in this chapter. Apply them today!

Your subconscious mind will react and free you from all fears. “I sought the Lord, then he heard me and freed me from all my fears.”

  1. Do what you are afraid of and all fear will go away. Tell yourself with deep conviction, “I will overcome this fear,” and you will succeed.
  2. Fear is the negative content of thoughts. Replace this content with constructive ideas. Fear has already killed millions of people. Hope and self-confidence are stronger than fear. There is nothing more powerful than faith in God and goodness.
  3. Fear is the most big enemy humanity. It is the direct cause of many mistakes, illnesses and tense relationships between people. Love casts out all fear. Love means an emotional connection with all the good things in life. Learn to love honesty, purity, justice, good nature, joy and success. Live in joyful expectation of the best, and the best will surely fall to your lot.
  4. Counteract the power of instilling any fear beliefs with positive statements, such as, “I feel completely calm, collected, and confident.” This method will benefit you greatly.
  5. Fear is the immediate cause of memory loss during oral and written exams. You can overcome this state by repeating several times with conviction: “I have a perfect memory, which retains everything important and, when necessary, immediately comes to my disposal.” Imagine a friend congratulating you on doing great in your exams. Don't let anyone or anything distract you from this positive picture of the fulfillment of your desire, and success will come to you.
  6. If you are afraid of water, go swimming. Take your mind back to the beach or swimming pool. Feel the cool water wash over your limbs and carry your body. Feel your rhythmic movements, deep breaths. Anyone who has been doing this in their thoughts for a long time will soon feel the desire to implement it in reality. He will be able to enter the water and swim without fear. This is the law of the mind.
  7. For those who are afraid of closed spaces, such as elevators, it is best to imagine that he is in an elevator, rising in it, and at the same time celebrating the benefits of this device and its functions. He will note with amazement how quickly this method dispels all fears.
  8. A person is given from birth only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of threatening noise. All other concerns are the result of adverse effects environment. Throw such fears overboard.
  9. Natural fear is something good. Unnatural fear is a serious threat. He who constantly indulges in some idea of ​​fear will eventually fall prey to unnatural fear, false ideas and complexes. Living in prolonged fear of imagined danger leads to panic and paralyzing terror.
  10. You can overcome any unnatural fear by remembering that your subconscious can turn all circumstances in your favor and fulfill your hidden desires. If you are alarmed by the idea of ​​something scary, immediately concentrate on the picture of your desire, the opposite of the first idea. In general, love is the force that drives out fear.
  11. Those who are afraid of failure must concentrate their thoughts on success. He who fears illness must direct his thoughts towards perfect health. Those who live in fear of disaster must direct their thoughts to the good and the protecting hand of God. Those who are horrified by death should think about eternal life. God is life - and you live in God.
  12. The Great Law of Substitution is an effective cure for any fear. Every fear is countered by a certain hope. If you are sick, hope for health; if you live in the bonds of fear, look forward to being freed from it. Always expect the best. Continuously focus your mind on the good and your subconscious mind will react accordingly. It will never leave you in trouble.
  13. Fear is, after all, nothing more than the content of thoughts. But thoughts have creative power. That is why Job said, “What I feared has come to me.” Think positive thoughts and good things will come.
  14. Face your fear. Examine your fears in the light of reason. Learn to laugh at your fears, this is the best medicine.
  15. Nothing can harm you in any way except your own thoughts. Suggestions, statements or threats coming from other people have no power over you. This power is inherent only in yourself - and whoever directs his thoughts to good things is protected by the hand of God. There is only one creative force, which develops in harmony, acts through harmony. Discord and quarrel are alien to her; her only source is love. Therefore, Almighty God also protects the one who directs his mind to good.

One person was invited to speak at the banquet. He was in a panic because he would have to speak in front of a crowd of thousands. But the man overcame his fear through a combination of mental preparation and self-hypnosis. For several nights, he sat in a chair for five minutes and said to himself slowly, quietly and positively: “I am going to conquer this fear. I am overcoming this now. I speak with confidence. I am relaxed and at peace.”

After a short conversation with himself, the person began to notice how confident he felt about public speaking. Using hypnosis, self-hypnosis and internal dialogue, the man conquered his cowardice and eradicated it from his mind. In this article we will tell you how to remove fear from the subconscious.

Why does this technique work?

The mind is always open to suggestions and can control them. When you quiet your mind and relax, thoughts begin to sink deep into the subconscious. While your mind is receptive to ideas, a home self-hypnosis session can have a powerful effect on thought patterns and beliefs.

Thus, a person sows positive seeds (thoughts) into the subconscious, where they grow and multiply. As a result, a person becomes balanced, serene, calm and self-confident.

Man's greatest enemy is fear

They say that fear is greatest enemy humanity. Fear of failure, illness, bad human relationships. Millions of people fear the past, the future, old age, insanity, and death.

Fear is simply a thought that arises in your mind. So really, when you are afraid, you are afraid of your own thoughts. So how can you remove the feeling of anxiety and fear? How to start living differently?

All worries and worries are only in your head

A little boy may be paralyzed with fear after being told that the monster under the bed will take him away. But when the father turns on the light and shows his son that there is no one in the room, the child is freed from this obsessive thoughts and, accordingly, from fear. The fear in the boy's mind was as real as if a monster really lived there. However, his father freed his mind from the false thought. What the child was afraid of did not exist. Likewise, most of your fears have no basis in reality. They are simply a collection of sinister, bloated shadows that have no physical form or proof.

We will tell you how to remove fear, but you will have to try hard for this - learn to control your thoughts and fear. But this is the only way to cope with this feeling, as well as with anxiety and restlessness. Let's find out what the most popular and common concerns a person may have that you can handle on your own:

Fear of public speaking, stage

Let's find out how to remove public fear. To do this, we will introduce you to an entertaining story.

The young lady was invited to audition. She was looking forward to the interview. However, on three previous occasions she failed due to stage fright. The girl had an incredibly beautiful voice, but she was sure that when it was her turn to speak in front of the jury, fear would consume her and she would not be able to cope.

The subconscious accepted this challenge and did as she asked. In three previous auditions, the girl sang the wrong notes, and she ended up breaking down and starting crying. What the young lady thought about before each performance was involuntary self-hypnosis.

But the girl was able to overcome her stage fright. Three times a day she isolated herself in a room, sat comfortably in a chair, relaxed her body and closed her eyes. The girl calmed her mind to the best of her ability. She neutralized the instillation of fear by talking to herself: “I sing beautifully. I am balanced, serene, confident and calm.” Immediately after this, her stage fright began to gradually decrease.

Fear of failure

If you want to learn how to remove fears from your head, then be prepared for a long time of work on yourself. It doesn’t matter where these fearful thoughts came from - from childhood, from upbringing or from the environment, but now that you have realized your weaknesses, it’s time to eradicate them. Let's learn how to remove the fear of failure using students as an example.

Many students face problem during exams. When their turn comes to tell the ticket, most students simply forget all the information received during their studies. But immediately after the exams, they remember the answers and regret that they could not tell them to the teacher.

The thing is that such students unconsciously project their failure because they are not confident in their abilities. They wait in advance for when they will make a mistake, and then they simply shrug their shoulders, saying: “I knew it would happen. I don’t deserve good grades.”

Every night and morning imagine that the most close person congratulates you on receiving your diploma. Hold an imaginary paper in your hands and thank others for their support. Start contemplating happiness - it will have a good effect on you. Then you will go to each session with the thought that a diploma, a good career, and academic success are worthy of you.

Normal and abnormal fear

A person is born with only two fears: fear of falling and noise. This is due to natural intuition, as a means of self-preservation. Normal fear is quite natural. You hear a car driving down the road and you step back so it doesn't hit you - that's survival. All other fears are transmitted from parents, relatives, teachers, and all those who somehow influenced you in early age.

Abnormal fear

Abnormal fear occurs when a person launches it into the imagination, and it, in turn, creates real chaos. For example, one woman was invited to travel around the world by plane. She began to cut out all the disaster reports from the newspaper, imagining herself falling into the ocean and breaking on the ground. This is not normal fear. The woman insisted that an accident would definitely happen.

Another example of abnormal fear. One prosperous businessman, successful and promising, often projected a mental movie in his head where he became bankrupt and poor. This continued until the person plunged into deep depression. The businessman's fear was accompanied by phrases such as “Our wealth cannot last long”, “I am sure that we will go bankrupt.” Ultimately, this man's business began to fade, and he slowly but surely moved towards the fact that all his fears began to come true.

Fear of poverty

Many people wonder how to remove the fear of poverty. This fear is very common these days. People see mass unemployment, financial loss during housing crises, a slowing economy. But don't let your worst fears create the very reality you hope to avoid.

Fear of poverty can become an obsession and affect many aspects of your life, including your relationships with family members and friends. So how to remove anxiety and fear from the subconscious? Redirect your thoughts towards prosperity, conduct a self-hypnosis session to overcome the fear of poverty. Such fear sometimes does not overwhelm people because they are stupid or ignorant. But you know what is happening in the world. Are you aware of the economic situation?

There are people who are afraid that something terrible will happen to their children or befall them terrible disaster. When they read about an epidemic or a rare disease, they begin to live in fear that they will catch the virus. And some even imagine that they are already suffering from this deadly disease. All this is abnormal fear.

A few steps to get on the free path

We've put together a few useful tips which will tell you how to remove fear from the subconscious:

How to remove fear from a child?

A little boy was walking with his mother through the park. They chatted amicably, the woman explained to the child what trees grow in this place. Suddenly a dog ran out from behind a bush. The woman, instead of acting rationally, calmly and courageously, began to scream loudly. The child picked up on the mother’s fear and condition and then began to cry. It doesn’t matter whether the dog wanted to bite the boy or just got off the chain.

The woman had to have an educational conversation with her son and explain that this was a one-time incident, that not all animals are aggressive and evil, but it is important to be careful with them - do not torture them, do not tease them, raise them correctly, do not beat them. Instead, she instilled a new phobia in the child, saying that he should never go near dogs and that every creature could bite, or even kill.

In conclusion

Now you know how to remove worry and fear from your mind. Remember that nothing can bother you except your own thoughts. Suggestions, statements or threats from others have no effect. The power is within you, and when your thoughts are focused on the fact that everything will be fine, then the Universe gives you goodness and prosperity.

It is advisable to get rid of the “stakes of fear” embedded in the subconscious in a well-rested state, when the “stakes of fear” are least active. Try to relax as much as possible. Notice that attention is interrupted in a certain rhythm. When relaxing, injury occurs, it is blocked by spasm, after which relaxation occurs again. There is no sustained attention, otherwise you would remember absolutely all events, starting from conception, and even before. What force makes attention intermittent? Suppressed fears, psychotrauma. They are the ones who block memory and make it selective, selective, bypassing traumatic moments. Or maybe it’s good that the “bad” is not remembered? Why hurt yourself again and again? But suppressed, not meaningful, not discharged irritations become accumulators of irritations. They still accumulate, but bypassing consciousness. It is the accumulation of irritations that triggers the mechanism of aging and self-destruction of the entire organism. Suppressed irritations give the nervous system a shifting direction, which programs it for self-destruction. Is it possible to stop the process and reverse it? It is possible if you clear your subconscious of the “stakes of fear” stuck in it, which are a source of constant irritation. It’s as if you’ve gotten yourself a splinter that will irritate you until you pull it out. How to remove the “stakes of fear”? First, let's look at how they were planted. Imagine that you are very scared of something. A powerful blow pierced your defense and planted a “stake” in the wound, which stuck you in this fear. On the one hand, such strong fear helped you survive in a difficult situation by mobilizing all the forces of the body, but on the other hand, it became a source of constant injury. What will this lead to? The wound will be injured again and again, depleting more and more, until exhaustion occurs to the point of a “solid spasm”, with complete loss of memory for traumatic events. The wound, due to its hypersensitivity, will not stop being injured, but when injured, it will be blocked by a spasm, at the same time having time to miss and lock in the irritation that has broken through. It is impossible to comprehend the wound, since for this you need to relax. But when relaxing, the wound is injured and blocked. It turns out to be a “vicious circle” from which there is no way out. An interruption here, an interruption there... Over the years, the losses become more and more numerous. Thought loses its mobility immune system weakens, feelings fade, illness sets in. Is there a way out? Let's try to increase concentration. You must force yourself to see at the moment of interruption without interruption. In this case, “persistent foci of excitation” (overirritated wounds, exhausted to the point of “solid spasm”) are deprived of the influx of irritation (feeding), and cease to pull information through themselves. Sustained attention activates the left side of the head and revives the strong, aggressive self that has been suppressed by fear. Further, the opposites - fear and aggression, begin to balance each other, and the awareness of the reasons that formed the fear, which subjugated all consciousness, comes. But non-dominant aggression begins to rule the show, although at first you will have to go through extremes to strengthen its position. Stable balance will become the main thing in assessing the situation and making decisions. The vision will expand its boundaries, and reality will become readable and predictable. You will always act on the situation, and the likelihood that fear will break through your defenses and cause injury will be minimized. Learn to see, and not push information through the ideas that fear has set up. Thanks to sustained attention, your brain will begin to get rid of all the fears accumulated over life through comprehension. This will entail the improvement of the whole body, since it will be freed from negativity. When reality is predictable and readable for you, you basically have no fears. The more balanced nervous system, the easier a person copes with any difficulties.