Tokareva Alexandra Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg State University
Assistant of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports

The article presents the experience of organizing classes with students of a special medical group in universities on the example of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of St. Petersburg State University. As part of the work program on physical culture and sports, St. Petersburg State University has developed classes for students with disabilities. The article presents indications and contraindications for common diseases.


Tokarev Alexandra Vladimirovna
St. Petersburg State University
Assistant, Department of Physical Education and Sport

The article presents the experience of the organization of classes with students of special medical group in higher education by the example of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of St. Petersburg State University. As part of the work program for Physical Culture and Sports of St. Petersburg State University have developed classes for students with disabilities in the state of health. The article presents the indications and contraindications for common diseases.

According to the Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated July 26, 1994. № 777, the distribution of students into medical groups is carried out on the basis of a medical examination by a medical commission. Currently in higher education for studies physical education the following medical groups are distinguished: basic, preparatory and special.

At St. Petersburg State University, students of preparatory and special groups "A" are united in the 3rd "health-improving" block, and those exempted from physical education for medical reasons (special group "B") are assigned to the 4th "additional" block.

To the preparatory medical group include practically healthy students with some morphological and functional deviations or poorly prepared physically; included in the risk groups for the onset of pathology or with chronic diseases in the stage of persistent remission for at least 3-5 years.

Students assigned to this group are allowed to engage in physical education according to the curriculum, subject to the gradual mastering of a complex of motor skills and abilities associated with the presentation of increased demands on the body, a stricter dosage of physical activity and the elimination of contraindicated movements.

Special medical group is divided into: "A" and "B".

TO special group"A" include students with disabilities in the state of health of a permanent (chronic disease, congenital malformations in the stage of compensation) or temporary.

Students assigned to this group are allowed physical education with limited physical exertion and the exclusion of contraindicated physical exercises. In the classroom, the nature and severity of deviations in health, physical and functional development must be taken into account.

To special group "B" includes students who have significant deviations in the state of health of a permanent and temporary nature, without pronounced disorders of well-being and admitted to attending theoretical classes.

Physical culture for students with deviations in the state of health in universities in the country as a whole includes, as a mandatory minimum, theoretical, practical, including advisory and methodological classes. In the content of the course for students of the special medical department, special attention is paid to the means for eliminating deviations in the state of health and physical development. Practical lessons are conducted taking into account the performance and functional capabilities of students.

At St. Petersburg State University, in the "Recreation" block, classes are held according to a special methodology in the following sports: aerobics (fitball, stretching, fitness), martial arts (wushu), skiing, athletics (running for health), swimming, Nordic walking, tourism ( pedestrian), badminton, special programs in the direction of "Health systems", general physical training.

Exemption from physical education classes for health reasons can only be temporary (for the period of illness). Students freed from practical classes for a long period are engaged in groups of an additional block (main module), where they master theoretical and methodological material, as well as checkers and chess.

The main tasks of physical education in special medical groups are:

  • promoting the versatile development of the body, maintaining and strengthening health, eliminating functional deviations and disabilities in physical development;
  • increasing the level of physical performance, the development of professionally important physical qualities;
  • formation of the need for systematic physical exercise, instilling skills healthy way life;
  • mastering basic motor skills and abilities;
  • acquiring knowledge and skills of hardening, methods of conducting independent studies, conducting self-control and self-massage.

According to the special literature, at present among the student environment, the most common diseases include disorders of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system (up to 80% of deviations), the respiratory system, the organs of vision, the genitourinary, digestive systems, etc.

Table 1 shows, depending on the prevalence of diseases, approximate indications and contraindications for physical education with students with deviations in health.

Table 1





VSD for hypertensive type Dosed walking and stair climbing, jogging, swimming, skiing, cycling. It is possible to participate in outdoor and sports games that do not require intense physical efforts, complex coordination of movements, intense attention. Wellness complexes include exercises for stretching, coordination, breathing, general development, etc. Exclude exercises with a large range of motion for the torso and head, exercises that cause breath holding, sudden changes in the direction of movement of the head and trunk, strength exercises
Hypotonic disease ORU, a variety of breathing exercises, dosed walking, running, hiking, swimming, sports and outdoor games, exercise on simulators. Strength exercises for large muscle groups with small weights, speed-strength exercises (jumping, running 20-40 m) Exercises with holding the breath, straining, with a sharp acceleration of the pace, static tension
Heart defects OSU, breathing exercises with torso turns, dosed walking and climbing stairs, cycling, all exercises are not significant in terms of the size and duration of the load Exercises associated with effort, straining, carrying weights, jumping, throwing. With stenosis of the left atrioventricular opening, exercises with deep breathing and stimulating extracardiac factors of blood circulation are excluded
Cardiac ischemia Cyclic types of exercise (walking, swimming, slow running, cycling, etc.) Strength exercises, pull-ups on the arms, straining, lying emphasis
Phlebeurysm OSU with objects (gymnastic stick, stuffed balls) and at the gymnastic wall, exercises for the abdominal muscles and deep breathing, exercises with alternating muscle contraction and relaxation, squats, walking, swimming, skiing, jogging Exercises with holding the breath, straining, static tension, sharp acceleration of the pace, limited endurance exercises


Scoliosis 1 degree Exercises for the back and abdominal muscles, for the lumbosacral and gluteal muscles, dynamic and static breathing exercises. Symmetrical training of all muscle groups is carried out. Skiing, games, swimming are recommended (breaststroke, crawl)
Scoliosis grade 2 OSG with asymmetric correction. In swimming, up to 50% of the time is devoted to the use of asymmetric starting positions to reduce the load on the concave side of the spinal arch It is not recommended to engage in sports that increase the static load on the spine (weightlifting, tourism, high jumping, long jump, acrobatics, choreography, figure skating, etc.)
Poor posture Exercises with an emphasis on the development of strength and static endurance of muscles, symmetrical corrective exercises in which the middle position of the spinal column is maintained. Exercises that can lead to overstrain
Flat feet Special exercises: plantar flexion, supination of the feet. Walking on the outer edges of the foot, on toes, bending the toes, grasping various objects with the toes, squatting in position - socks inward, heels apart, climbing a gymnastic wall and rope, rolling with the soles of small objects, etc. Exercises that cause flattening of the arch of the foot, pronation of the feet (walking on the inner edges of the foot)
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, swimming, massage of the neck area.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine When the thoracic kyphosis is flattened, it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles and stretch the long back muscles.

With an increase in thoracic kyphosis, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back, stretch the long muscles and the abdominal muscles. Exercises with isometric tension of the back muscles, followed by their complete relaxation, are shown.

All exercises are performed freely, without sudden and active movements. Avoid vibration, running and riding on uneven terrain, playing sports (basketball, football, handball, hockey, volleyball, etc.), exercises with a barbell are contraindicated, exercises with the torso forward, lifting straight legs from a prone position and sitting, stretching, etc.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine Exercises for the parts of the lower extremities in combination with static and dynamic breathing exercises, relaxation of the muscles of the trunk and extremities, which should be performed in I.P. lying on his stomach, back, side, kneeling in support. Exercises for the formation of a muscle corset. All exercises are performed freely, without sudden and active movements. Avoid vibration, running and riding on uneven terrain, playing sports (basketball, football, handball, hockey, volleyball, etc.), exercises with a barbell are contraindicated, exercises with the torso forward, lifting straight legs from a prone position and sitting, stretching, etc. Exercises aimed at extending the lumbar spine are not recommended.


Chronical bronchitis Exercises involving the muscles of the chest and upper extremities, outdoor exercise, swimming, rowing, athletics, skiing, cycling, etc. Make extensive use of extended exhalation. Breathing according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova is indicated for patients with simple chronic bronchitis, without shortness of breath. Acute stage of the disease; straining, holding the breath while inhaling. The inhalation should not be excessive, maximum, tense.
Bronchial asthma Special exercises: breathing exercises with prolonged exhalation, holding the breath while exhaling, "sound" gymnastics, postural drainage and drainage gymnastics, exercises for the muscles of the upper extremities and chest, exercises aimed at relaxing skeletal muscles. Special exercises are used in combination with the ORU Acute stage of the disease, heart failure; swimming, exercises with straining and holding the breath (cause bronchospasm)


Myopia (nearsightedness) Special exercises:

Exercises for the external and internal muscles of the eyes (circular rotation of the eyeball, translation of the gaze from a near point to a distant one, etc.). Squinting, blinking.

The amplitude of eyeball movements is maximum, but without pain. Perform special exercises simultaneously with breathing and ORU. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. It is useful to engage in sports games without jumping and jumping (badminton, table tennis), swimming, hiking, skiing

Hyperopia (farsightedness) Use remedial gymnastics according to the Brega system, yoga for the eyes Undesirable exercises of high intensity, associated with jumping and bouncing or requiring a lot of tension (pull-ups, lifting weights, etc.), exercises that require a long stay in a bent position with the head tilted down or sharp torso bends. Exclude games where there is a possibility of collision of players, blows to the face and head.


Pyelonephritis, cystitis Train diaphragmatic breathing. ORU of medium intensity, pay attention to strengthening the anterior abdominal wall Prolonged static tension of the abdominal muscles, back, weight lifting. Jumping.
Kidney stone disease Running, jumping, ball games, cycling, breathing exercises Endurance exercise


Stomach ulcer Cyclic, low-intensity exercises (walking, skiing, etc.), exercises for the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, diaphragmatic breathing Exercises for the abdominal press, with shells (dumbbells, medicine balls)
  • Increased secretion
  • Decreased secretion

Cyclic exercises at a slow pace, long duration, exercises for the abdominal muscles

Emotional exercises that train the nervous system (games), exercises for the abdominal muscles

Exercises for the abdominal press, with shells (dumbbells, medicine balls)


Obesity Endurance exercises, sports games: basketball, football; swimming, brisk walking, running, jogging, hiking, rowing, cycling, skiing, skating, outdoor games, gymnastic exercises with dumbbells, self-massage, training on simulators.

The duration of the classes should be at least 30 minutes.

Exercises on simulators (IV degree of obesity)
Diabetes Exercises for all muscle groups at a slow and medium pace, speed-strength exercises are possible, sports games are shown, skiing, swimming, slow running, exercise on simulators, cycling, rowing, exercises with dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, medicine balls and gymnastic walls. If you feel hungry, weak, shake hands, you need to eat 1-2 lumps of sugar and stop exercising


Ligament damage Swimming, dosed walking, cycling or stationary bike, self-massage During the period of scar formation, dynamic loads are contraindicated.
Knee meniscus injury Exercises with a rubber bandage: lying on your back and abdomen, flexion and extension of the legs, as well as exercises for the abdominal and back muscles, cycling, walking on stairs, swimming, hydrocolonotherapy, you can include a slow run on soft ground in combination with walking. Squats with additional load, sharp movements when flexing and straightening the knee joint, rotational movements of the lower leg. In addition, you cannot start early training in sports such as ice hockey, football, wrestling, etc.
Dislocations It is necessary to fix the joint with an elastic bandage, perform gentle movements and movements in light conditions, exercises to relax muscles and in water Powerful movements and with a large amplitude in the damaged joint
Fractures Passive-active movements, exercises for tension and stretching of muscles, isometric exercises, application of axial load on a limb, swimming, training on simulators, running and gymnastics in the water, cycling, games, skiing Overexertion and fatigue of muscles, carrying weights, exercises that cause pain

Maintaining and strengthening health, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body of students of special medical groups during the period of study at a university is an important component of higher education, since it is during this period that the foundation for the success and longevity of the future professional activities of young specialists is laid.

  • Popov S.N., Valeev N.M., Garaseva T.S. and other Medical physical culture: a textbook for students of higher education. educational institutions / (under the editorship of S.N. Popov). - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 416 p.
  • Yangulova T.I. Physiotherapy: anatomy of exercises - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2010–175 p.
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    Working programm

    on physical education

    for students of special medical group B

    Compiled by G.A. Galkin

    The program was developed on the basis of the Program for Physical Education, for students of grades 5-9 (A.A. Matveev "Physical culture" 5-9 grades - M .: Education, 2012), Programs for physical culture, for students in grades 1-11 (Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. - M .: Education, 2010)


      Textbook: A.P. Matveev "Physical culture 5th grade", Moscow. "Education", 2010

      Textbook: A.P. Matveev "Physical culture 6-7 grades", Moscow. "Education", 2009

      Textbook: A.P. Matveev "Physical culture 8-9 grades", Moscow. "Education", 2011

      Textbook: Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. "Physical culture 10-11 grades", Moscow. "Education", 2009

    Explanatory note

    The special group "B" or IV physical culture group includes children with chronic diseases or health disorders, including temporary ones, in a state of subcompensation (incomplete remission or at the exit from an exacerbation). Special group "B" means replacing physical education at school with physical therapy classes in a medical institution or at home. Those. in fact - it is exemption from school physical education.

    The special medical group is divided into two subgroups: special "A" and special "B" 0+.

    The special group "A" (3rd health group) includes students: with distinct deviations in the state of health of a permanent (chronic diseases, congenital malformations in the stage of compensation) or of a temporary nature, which do not interfere with normal educational work, but require restriction of physical activity , - for example, high myopia with a refractive error of 7.0 D, with a satisfactory response to tests with dosed physical activity.

    Schoolchildren assigned to this group are allowed:
    health-improving physical education in an educational institution according to special programs that are agreed with the health authorities and approved by the director of the educational institution. Classes are taught by a physical education teacher who graduated from special advanced training courses. This group is formed without taking into account diagnoses by age principle: 7-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17 years old. Classes are held 2 times a week.
    Physical culture lessons with the main group, but with a reduced load. In the classroom, children of the special group "A" perform general developmental exercises, corrective and breathing exercises, as well as motor actions for repetition and consolidation of the material, which they have mastered in the lessons of a special medical group. Thus, special group "A" is not only not exempted from classes, but, on the contrary, is engaged in physical education more often than healthy children - 4 times a week.

    The special group "B" (4th health group) includes children:
    having significant deviations in the state of health of a permanent nature (chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation) or of a temporary nature, but without pronounced disturbances in well-being and admitted to attending theoretical classes at the educational institution (for example, with progressive myopia of any degree without complications, with a satisfactory reaction to samples with dosed physical activity, with regular ophthalmological examination and against the background of vigorous treatment) Schoolchildren classified in this group are recommended:
    exemption from physical education lessons at educational institutions; exercise therapy classes in the exercise therapy departments of a local polyclinic or a medical and physical dispensary.

    Thematic planning

    Grade 5

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control





    Ski training

    Outdoor games



    6 Class

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control


    Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture




    Ski training

    Sport games



    7th grade

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control


    Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture

    II quarter


    III quarter

    Ski training

    Sport games

    IV quarter


    8th grade

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control


    Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture




    Ski training

    Sport games



    Grade 9

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control

    I quarter

    Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture

    II quarter


    III quarter

    Ski training

    Sport games

    IV quarter


    Grade 10

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control

    Ihalf a year

    Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture


    IIhalf a year

    Ski training

    Sport games


    Grade 11

    Sections of the program

    Surname, first name

    form of control

    I half of the year

    Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture


    II half of the year

    Ski training

    Sport games


    Sections: School sports and children's health

    Author's working programm in the subject "Physical culture" is intended for students in grades 1-11 of general educational schools, according to medical indications included in special medical groups, and can be recommended for carrying out physical education with other children with disabilities.

    The specificity of the program is determined by a special combination of tasks of physical training of students using elements and certain techniques of sambo wrestling and tasks of medical control and support of the educational training process, taking into account the typological characteristics of the child: physiometric indicators, genetic, physiological, psychological. Taking into account medical indications provides an individual approach to each student and differentiation in the choice of means, methods and organizational forms of physical education. The program assumes special attention to the process of upbringing, physical, mental and personal development of children of this category.

    The program proposes a system for including technical elements and certain sambo wrestling techniques into the structure of the subject "Physical culture" for students of grades 1-11 of secondary schools, for medical reasons included in special medical groups or groups of adaptive physical education for children with disabilities.

    This program guarantees the provision of an educational standard and the provision of equal opportunities and high quality physical education for students of both basic and special medical groups.

    This work is intended for teachers of physical education of educational institutions, centers of health and rehabilitation of children, it can be useful for students of pedagogical universities of faculties of physical education.

    I... Explanatory note.

    One of the urgent tasks of the modern school is the formation of a comprehensively developed personality with a high level of general culture and capable of self-realization of physical and spiritual forces for the benefit of oneself and society. Life itself requires the introduction into the practice of educational institutions of a set of measures aimed at timely provision of every child with conditions adequate to age and his psycho-physical state for the development and formation of a full-fledged personality, including adaptive physical education. Methods of working with children with various health deviations are acquiring more and more social and pedagogical significance. It is necessary to build the pedagogical process, knowing the state of health, physical, mental, personality traits such children.

    This work program for physical education for students of special medical groups was developed in accordance with Federal laws:
    "About education in Russian Federation"Dated 01.09.2013, No. 273-FZ; and the following regulatory documents:

    • Resolution of the Chief State Physician of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions ";
    • by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2010, No. 2106 “On the approval of federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students and pupils;
    • by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 30.08. 2010 No. 889 "On amendments to the federal basic plan and approximate plans for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing programs general education;
    • letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05.30.2012 No. MD-583/19 on methodological recommendations "Medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical culture classes for students with a health condition";
    • the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003, No. 13-15-51-263 / 123 "On the assessment and certification of students assigned for health reasons to a special medical group for physical education."
    • by the letter of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 13.09.2010 No. YUN-02 09/4912 dated 07.09.2010 No. IK-1374/19 "O guidelines on the use of sports facilities as interschool centers for school physical education lessons and extracurricular sports work ";
    • letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 08.10.2010, No. IK 1494/19 "On the introduction of the third hour of physical culture";
    • Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education of 06.10.2009, No. 373 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015, No. 1576);
    • Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1577 dated December 31, 2015);
    • Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education dated 06.10.2009 No. 413 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 31.12.2015 No. 1578). compiled on the basis of the author's program. Work program “Physical culture. 1-4 grades "based on the author's program" Physical culture " B. B. Egorova, Yu. E. Peresadina(Educational system "School 2100". Approximate basic educational program.
    • Book 2. Programs of individual subjects, courses for primary school... Moscow. "Balass" 2011). Physical education. 5-7 grades Edited M. Ya. Vilensky... Textbook for educational institutions. IN AND. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. Physical education. 8-9 grades. Under total. ed. IN AND. Lyakha IN AND. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich .. V. And Lyakh. A.A. Zdanevich... Physical education. 10-11 grades.

    This program defines the content of the subject "Physical culture" for students in grades 1-11 of secondary schools, for medical reasons included in special medical groups, and can be recommended for physical education with other children with disabilities.

    Purpose of the program: to develop a system for including technical elements and certain sambo wrestling techniques into the structure of the subject "Physical culture" for students of grades 1-11 of secondary schools, for medical reasons included in special medical groups or groups of adaptive physical education for children with disabilities.

    It guarantees the provision of an educational standard and the provision of equal opportunities and high quality physical education for students of both basic and special medical groups. It is assumed that the program contributes to the provision of motivation and the need for physical education, an increase in the physical activity of students with disabilities in health, the improvement of physical education of students in educational institutions.

    The program assumes the solution of the following tasks:

    • To develop a systematic approach to the use of techniques and methods of sambo wrestling in physical training with students of both special medical and basic groups.
    • To develop a system for combining physical training of students using elements and certain techniques of sambo wrestling and medical control and support of the educational training process, taking into account the typological characteristics of the child.
    • Strengthening and preserving the health of schoolchildren, enhancing the health-improving effect as a result of using elements of sambo wrestling as physical exercises designed for students who, according to medical indications, are included in special medical groups or groups of adaptive physical education for children with disabilities.
    • Solving therapeutic problems of recovery, maintaining physical condition, increasing the physical performance of schoolchildren;
    • Development of physical qualities and motor abilities of students;
    • Fostering a respectful attitude to one's health and instilling in schoolchildren the skills of a healthy lifestyle.

    The program is based on principle health-improving orientation, which provides with the help of physical culture:

    • compensate for the lack of physical activity in students;
    • improve the functional capabilities of the body, increase its efficiency and resistance to adverse effects.

    Novelty of this program is determined by a special combination of tasks of physical training of students using elements and certain techniques of sambo wrestling and tasks of medical control and support of the educational training process, taking into account the typological characteristics of the child: physiometric indicators, genetic, physiological, psychological.

    In structure programs are divided into the following sections: explanatory note, general characteristics of the subject, description of the place of the subject in the curriculum, special medical groups in the system of teaching physical culture, the proposed health complexes, the content of the subject and the material and technical support of the educational process carried out according to the course "Physical culture".

    The program is focused at the first stage - to identify deviations in the state of health of students; at the second stage - to involve schoolchildren in the pedagogical process; in the third stage, on the positive impact of exercise on the health of the child.

    Pedagogical feasibility of the program consists in the fact that it helps students to reveal their physical abilities, improve health, educate moral and volitional qualities, get some concepts from the field of anatomy, physiology, hygiene and medicine.

    II... General characteristics of the subject.

    The work program for “Physical culture of grades 1-11 provides for 72 hours in each class. Of these, 3 hours for the section "Knowledge about physical culture", 3 hours for the section "Methods of physical culture", 2 hours for the section "Physical culture and recreation". In the section "Physical improvement" 58 hours in grade 1, and 60 hours in grades 2-11 (first part). The second part is 34 hours.

    III... Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum.

    Physical culture is represented by the subject "Physical culture", which is a compulsory part of the Model curriculum of primary general education, for the study of which 405 hours are allocated, of which 99 hours (3 hours a week, 33 academic weeks), from 2 to 4 grades - 102 hours annually (3 hours a week, 34 academic weeks).

    At the level of basic general education in grades 5-9, and at the level of secondary general education in grades 10-11, -102 hours are allocated for study annually (3 hours a week, 34 academic weeks).

    3.1 Planned subject results at the level of primary general education.

    The student should be able to:

    • to navigate in the concepts of "Physical culture", "daily routine"; characterize the purpose of wellness morning exercises and physical exercises;
    • to reveal the positive impact of health-improving activities on the health of a student;
    • perform wellness complexes;
    • measure indicators of physical development (height and body weight) and determine the degree physical fitness(strength, endurance, agility, speed and flexibility) using test exercises.

    The student must learn to:

    • keep a self-control diary (starting from grade 3);
    • keep records of the dynamics of the main indicators of physical development and physical fitness (starting from grade 3);

    3.2 The main criteria for assessing the activities of students of primary general education.

    Main evaluation criteria

    • knowledge about physical culture (differential survey, test);
    • independent fulfillment of health-improving exercises and complexes.

    3.3 Planned subject results at the level of basic general education.

    Be able to:

    • to develop and compose independent classes of health-improving, corrective orientation;
    • select the load taking into account their medical indications of deviations in health;
    • perform test exercises to assess the level of individual development of basic physical qualities.

    Learn to:

    • to tell and discuss the theoretical material passed;
    • keep a diary, include data on monitoring the dynamics of physical development;
    • conduct the preparatory and final parts of the lesson or classes with a health-improving orientation;
    • to perform complexes of exercises of medical physical culture, taking into account the existing individual deviations in health indicators.

    3.4 The main criteria for assessing the activities of students of basic general education .

    Main evaluation criteria activities of students with impaired health:

    • knowledge about physical culture (differential survey, test, abstract);
    • independent development and demonstration of health-improving complexes (imitation, preparatory, special exercises), technical actions and techniques of sambo wrestling in parts.

    3.5 Planned subject results at the level of secondary basic general education.

    Be able to:

    • to determine the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion, disease prevention;
    • to compose and implement health-improving complexes of medical physical culture;
    • to carry out complexes of exercises of different health-improving systems of physical education.

    Learn to:

    • independently organize and carry out physical culture activities for individual and collective leisure;
    • to conduct the main part of the lesson classes with a health-improving orientation;
    • to carry out measures to correct individual indicators of health, mental and physical performance, physical development and physical qualities.

    3.6 The main criteria for evaluating the activities of students of the secondary basic general education.

    Main evaluation criteria activities of students with impaired health:

    • knowledge about physical culture (differential survey, test, essay, project work);
    • independent development and demonstration of complexes (imitation, preparatory, special exercises), technical actions and sambo wrestling techniques;
    • individual growth of physical abilities and expansion of the functional capabilities of the student.

    3.7. Assessment and final certification of students of a special medical group.

    Assessment and final certification of students of the special medical group "A"

    The final mark in physical culture for students in the special medical group "A" is set taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities, the ability to carry out physical culture and health-improving activities), the dynamics of the functional state and physical fitness.

    Assessment and final certification of students of the special medical group "B"

    Students of the special medical group "B" on the basis of the provided certificate of the established form ( Annex 1) , issued by a medical institution on the passage of a course of exercise therapy (remedial physical culture), are assessed in an educational institution in the following sections: "Fundamentals of theoretical knowledge" in the form of an oral survey or writing abstracts and projects. "Practical skills and abilities" in the form of a demonstration of exercise therapy complexes, mastered, according to their disease, in a medical institution, with subsequent final certification in the subject "Physical culture".

    In the certificates of basic general education and secondary (complete) general education, a mark on physical culture must be set.

    IV. Special medical groups in the system of teaching physical culture.

    4.1. Organization and work with special medical groups.

    Therapeutic physical culture (movement rehabilitation) - is a part of physical culture, which is characterized by the use of physical exercises as a means of treatment and restoration of body functions, impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons.
    Rehabilitation physical culture(motor rehabilitation) provides the accelerated and most effective treatment of injuries, recovery or compensation with the help of physical exercises temporarily lost or reduced in the process of work or sports activities of motor skills and physical abilities.

    According to the Regulation on medical control over the physical education of the population, all schoolchildren are distributed according to health conditions into medical groups:

    • the main- pupils with no deviations in health or with minor deviations, but with good indicators of physical development;
    • preparatory- students with minor disabilities, with insufficient physical development and physical fitness;
    • special- students with significant health deviations of a permanent or temporary nature, requiring a significant limitation of physical activity determined by the curriculum.

    In order to implement a differentiated approach, special medical groups (SMG) are divided into two subgroups according to the severity and nature of students' diseases: A»- students with a reversible health deviation (weakened due to various diseases); " B"- students with organic, irreversible changes in organs and systems of the body. When organizing classes of students of a special medical group "A" and " B»Their age and disease form should be taken into account.

    4.2 ... The following groups of diseases are distinguished, on the basis of which students are assigned to a special medical group.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system are decreased physical activity, a significant amount of stress, the use of harmful substances, overeating. A huge variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system can be roughly divided into three groups:

    1. Congenital. They can be caused by both genetic changes and violations of the conditions for the development of the fetus.

    2. Rheumatic. Most often they are a consequence of the transferred rheumatism with disruption of the normal functioning of the connective tissue.

    3. Diseases associated with impaired regulation of blood circulation. Basically, they reflect disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels - both of the entire vascular system and its sections. The most frequent manifestations of this group of diseases are changes in vascular tone or a decrease in the lumen of the vascular bed.

    Such deviations are based on a violation of the nervous or hormonal regulation of vascular tone, in metabolism, changes in blood coagulability, violation of the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, etc.

    Regular exercise therapy exercises provide training for the patient's heart muscle, accompanied by an improvement in its trophism, the myocardial circulation index increases, the activity of the heart improves, and it becomes more economical. This is reflected in a gradual decrease in heart rate and blood pressure.

    It should be especially taken into account when choosing exercises for different types dystonia.

    So, with cardiac and hypertensive types, preference should be given to exercises that provide muscle relaxation, reduce the flow of impulses in the central nervous system and thereby lower the level of its excitability (breathing exercises with prolonged exhalation and relaxation). With the hypotensive type of dystonia, gymnastic should be selected mainly of a speed-power character - it is they who create the greatest flow of impulses in the central nervous system, increasing its excitability: exercises with a rope. With light weights (dumbbells, barbell pancakes, stuffed balls, rubber (bandages, harnesses). ( Appendix 2 A.B )

    Arterial hypertension (hypertension). Hypertonic disease - it is a chronic disease in which blood pressure exceeds the normal range.

    The main remedy for exercise therapy for hypertension is cyclic exercises performed in an aerobic mode. Maximum and long-term physical exercises contribute to their utilization with the achievement of a hypotonic effect. (Appendix 3 )

    Diseases I am musculoskeletal system. Deformation of the musculoskeletal system is an extensive group of disorders, expressed in changes in the normal configuration of bones or bone formations.

    The deformity classification identifies the following types of deformities of the musculoskeletal system:

    Congenital. They can already be in a newborn with a wedge-shaped vertebra, an extra rib, or vice versa, abnormal development of the bones of the foot, etc.

    Rachitic, due to the consequences of the transferred rickets.

    Traumatic as consequences of trauma and improper fusion of bone fragments.

    With predominant deformities of bone formations, they are divided into:

    Posture disorders associated with changes in the configuration of the spine.

    Violation of the foot.

    Posture- the usual posture of a naturally standing person. One of the reasons for poor posture is the poor physical development of the child. Deviations from normal posture call it defects... Posture disorders can be sagittal and frontal planes.

    In the sagittal plane, disorders are distinguished with a decrease and an increase in the physiological curvature of the spinal column. These include the following: normal, stooped, round-concave, flat, flat-concave back.

    Postural disorder in the frontal plane is called scoliosis.

    Classification of scoliosis... Scoliosis gets its name from the localization of the bend (cervical, thoracic, lumbar).

    Types of scoliosis: right-handed, left-handed, shaped. Scoliosis can be simple, complex, and total. It can be fixed and non-fixed (for example, when one limb is shortened. Simultaneously with scoliosis, it is usually observed torsion, i.e. twisting, turning the spine around the vertical axis.

    Acquired scoliosis includes:

    - rheumatic usually arising suddenly and causing muscle contracture on the healthy side;

    - rickety, which are very early manifested by various deformations of the musculoskeletal system; soft bones and muscle weakness, prolonged sitting;

    - paralytic, more often occur after infantile paralysis, but also with other nervous diseases;

    -familiar, or static developing on the basis of the usual bad posture. Their immediate cause may be improperly arranged desks, carrying a briefcase in one hand, etc.

    The tasks of exercise therapy for spinal deformities:

    Elimination (at low degrees) or stabilization (at high degrees) deformation;

    Formation of the muscular corset of the trunk with the achievement of functional symmetry of the muscles of the anterior and posterior, right and left parts of the corset;

    Education of correct posture and consolidation of the skills of correct daily behavior with prolonged maintenance of forced postures;

    General strengthening of the body.

    Prevention for spinal deformity includes training of the muscle corset and general strengthening of the body.

    Various hangs, exercises lying (on the back, on the chest), sitting, standing, exercises of a strength nature are best suited for this. ( Appendix 4 A )

    In case of postural disorders and scoliosis, flat feet are quite common as a manifestation of neuromuscular and connective tissue insufficiency.

    Arches of the foot... The bones of the metatarsus and tarsus do not lie in the same plane, but form longitudinal arches, convex upward.

    Distinguish five longitudinal arches of the foot, in addition to the longitudinal arches, there are also two transverse arches (tarsal and plush).

    Flat feet is a flattening of the arches of the foot - transverse, longitudinal, or both.

    The manifestation of flat feet is a decrease in overall performance (headaches, cramps in the muscles of the foot and lower leg, destruction of intervertebral discs, which leads to the formation of osteochondrosis, especially in the lumbar spine), etc.

    There are the following reasons for the development of flat feet:

    Congenital - due to abnormal development of the skeleton of the foot;

    Rachitic - due to softening of the bones of the foot due to a lack of vitamin D in the body;

    Paralytic - due to paralysis of the muscles that support the arch of the foot (for example, with polio;

    Traumatic - due to a violation of the normal configuration of the bones of the foot, which forms the arch;

    Static, the most common - due to the excess (in strength and time) of the load capacity of the arches, in connection with which the arch is flattened, and the foot "spreads".

    Prevention of flat feet include training the calf muscles, anterior and posterior tibial muscles, long extensors of the fingers, and small muscles of the foot.

    Best of all, various types of jumps, jumps are suitable for this, that is, exercises of a speed-strength nature. ( Appendix 4 B )

    Tasks of exercise therapy for flat feet:

    1) increasing the general and strength endurance of the muscles that form the arches of the foot;

    2) improving physical performance and general strengthening of the body.

    Respiratory system diseases.

    Classification of diseases of the respiratory system The nature and nature of the development of all diseases of the respiratory system can be divided into infectious-inflammatory, allergic and infectious-allergic. With various diseases of the respiratory system, its function is disturbed, as a result of which respiratory failure develops, the nature of which is due to both changes in the mechanisms of external respiration and outside it. In particular, the following should be mentioned.

    Changes in the function of external respiration may occur due to limited mobility of the chest and lungs, a decrease in the respiratory surface of the lungs (with pneumonia, emphysema, tumors, etc.), deterioration of the elasticity of the lung tissue, dysregulation of respiration and blood circulation in the lungs, etc.

    Restriction of chest and lung mobility occurs as a result of weakness of the respiratory muscles and damage to the nerves that innervate it, inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy), accumulation of exudate (effusion) in the pleural cavity, formation of pleural adhesions, deformation of the chest and spine, etc.

    Violation of the patency of the airways may be associated with spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi and bronchioles (bronchial asthma), with inflammatory processes with the formation of profuse sputum (bronchitis), compression of the airways by tumors or cicatricial adhesions, etc.

    Decreased diffusion capacity of the lungs occur with structural changes in the alveolar-capillary membranes, due to which less oxygen enters the blood from the alveolar air, and CO2 from the blood alveolar air.

    Changes in the regulation of respiration occur when central regulation is disturbed and when there are changes in the interoreceptors that provide reflex regulation of respiration.

    Changes in pulmonary circulation are the result of congestion in the pulmonary circulation or sclerotic changes.
    During physical activity, working muscles are formed chemical compounds, which, through reflex and humoral mechanisms, affect the activity of respiration, expressed in increased ventilation and gas exchange, aimed at ensuring the work itself. At the same time, coordinated changes occur in the state of other body systems, in particular, in the cardiovascular apparatus. This consistency is so perfect that the value of the maximum oxygen consumption, which determines the functional capabilities of respiration, is the main indicator by which not only the physical performance of the body is assessed, but also the level of human health.

    The tasks of exercise therapy for respiratory diseases:

    Restoration of the regulation of respiration and its adaptive restructuring to ensure the viability of the organism.

    Exercise therapy promotes the fastest recovery of the patient's working capacity, trains the activity of the main systems, prevents the formation of pulmonary scars and adhesions, activates blood and lymph circulation in the lungs, promotes the resorption of inflammatory exudate, restores the normal structure of breathing and teaches the patient to manage it arbitrarily. It helps to restore the uniformity of ventilation, improves the alveolar-capillary relationship, restores the correspondence of pulmonary ventilation and pulmonary blood flow, and improves the diffusion of gases in the lungs.

    From funds Exercise therapy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system is widely used breathing exercises. ( Appendix 5 ).

    Diseases of the organs of vision.

    Of all the varieties of visual impairment, myopia is the most common.

    Nearsightedness (myopia) - visual impairment, in which parallel rays coming from objects located at a distance are connected in front of the retina.
    Myopia is the most common refractive error, i.e. normal refraction of rays passing through the refractive medium of the eye. The images of objects with myopia are not on the retina, but in front of it, so the image itself is blurry.

    Most often, the occurrence of myopia depends on hereditary factors and environmental conditions. However, the dominantly inherited myopia gene realizes its action only under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions or when interacting with other genes.

    A certain role in the appearance of myopia is played by the age of the student, but also by the sharply increased load on the visual apparatus (telephone, computer), and decreased immunity.

    In addition to these risk factors for the development of myopia, there are other causes of morphological, metabolic, behavioral, etc. character, the main ones of which are:

    Increased intraocular pressure and extensibility of the sclera (shell of the eyeball);

    Birth injuries of the cervical spine and spinal cord;

    Diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity: tonsillitis, sinusitis, adenoids;

    Allergic and infectious diseases - measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, etc.

    Violation of the musculoskeletal system: flat feet, scoliosis, etc.

    Exercise therapy means with myopia, include general strengthening and special types of physical exercise. As for the first, these are any means of cyclic, gymnastic, hardening, etc. character.

    Since the development of myopia is facilitated by the weakening of the eye muscles, this drawback requires the use of special exercises. Such exercises include a complex. ( Appendix 6 )

    Diseases of the endocrine system (metabolism).

    The main causes of metabolic disorders are the following:

    1) low physical activity;

    2) disturbed environment;

    3) poor nutrition;

    4) high physical overloads;

    5) endemic factors, etc.

    Heredity plays an indispensable role in the development of metabolic disorders.

    Metabolic disorders are most often associated with changes in its neuro-humoral regulation. First of all, this concerns the endocrine glands, which clearly reacts to the circumstances of a person's life (nutrition, physical activity, mental overload), and accordingly change their activity in the production of hormones. In turn, it is hormones that regulate the finest metabolic processes at the level of cells and cellular inclusions. It is no coincidence, therefore, that almost every type of metabolic disorder is associated with certain disorders in the activity of one or another internal secretion.

    The use of physical exercise is a directed change in the metabolism of tissues and organs, regionally associated with the corresponding muscles or muscle groups. At the same time, subtle changes in the redox processes of tissues under the influence of muscle work and the normalization of metabolism at the cellular and subcellular levels are of paramount importance. Ultimately, local changes in trophism determine general changes in the metabolism of the whole organism as a whole in connection with the state of regulation of physical functions, the level of lymph and blood supply, changing under the influence of physical exercises, as well as the normalization of the activity of the endocrine system.

    With systematic physical exercises, the body selectively reacts to the assimilation of various substances entering it: it rejects and does not utilize unnecessary and harmful substances and assimilates those that its metabolism needs at a given time. ( Appendix 7 A, B )

    Diabetes mellitus (sugar disease) - endocrine disease associated with absolute or relative insulin deficiency with metabolic disorders, mainly carbohydrate.

    In most cases, diabetes mellitus has a genetically determined origin, which can manifest itself both in a violation of the synthesis and release of insulin, and in a change in the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin or its destruction by tissue antagonists.

    A hereditary predisposition is of undoubted importance in the development of diabetes, but it is realized only under a combination of certain conditions, the main among which are lack of movement, a growing standard of living and excessive and inappropriate nutrition.

    In the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, insulin deficiency is most often the main factor, which leads to a violation of carbohydrate, protein, fat and water-mineral metabolism, since insulin is a hormone that affects all aspects of metabolism.

    Deep biochemical disorders of metabolic processes ultimately lead to severe damage to the internal organs and nervous system of the patient. Diabetes is often combined with increased blood cholesterol, decreased thyroid and adrenal function, metabolic disorders, heart disease, gout, osteochondrosis, obesity, exacerbations in the respiratory system, etc. Often there are punctate hemorrhages associated with rupture of blood vessels, including in the vascular system of the eye. In the intestine, the fermentation of excess carbohydrates is activated and the biochemical environment changes, which leads to the suppression of the intestinal flora and decay of proteins.

    Exercise in diabetes mellitus normalizes redox processes, which leads to an increase in the compensatory restructuring of metabolism.

    The tasks of exercise therapy for diabetes mellitus:

    1) stimulating the production of insulin and increasing the level of its activity;

    2) adaptation of the patient to insulin deficiency and increasing the body's resistance to carbohydrates;

    3) normalization of metabolic processes in the body;

    4) increasing the general and professional performance of the patient.

    The most effective remedies for exercise therapy in diabetes mellitus is a muscular load of moderate intensity, in which medium and large muscles are involved with a significant number of repetitions. With such work, the body's energy expenditures per unit of time are small, however, due to the long duration of the exercise, the total energy consumption turns out to be significant. The aerobic mode of work promotes adequate absorption of glucose from the blood and its complete combustion in the muscles with a decrease in blood sugar.

    Obesity- a disease characterized by increased fat deposition and overweight. Excess body weight due to body fat is a serious disorder in the state of the body, which, in turn, provokes a number of other adverse health consequences:

    1. Metabolic disease, the consequences of which are:



    Diseases of the liver, which, as the main regulator of fat metabolism, cannot cope with excess fatty acids;

    Varicose veins.

    2. Disorders of the heart because the heart has to supply a large mass of tissues with blood.

    3. Disorders of the internal organs. Fat mass is stored in different parts of the body. Most of all it accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue and in the abdominal cavity (in special organs - the omentum, directly on the heart, stomachs, intestines, etc.). As a result, the work of these organs, which is exerted by external pressure from a large inert mass, is noticeably hampered.

    4. Fat in the body is a sludge tank... In a person with a normal body weight, these toxins leave the body, and in a person with obesity, they accumulate in fat deposits, constantly creating a background of the concentration of toxins in all tissues.

    5. External aesthetic unattractiveness.

    Exercise therapy for obesity.

    The intensification of metabolic processes due to increased energy consumption during exercise is primarily manifested in changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

    The tasks of exercise therapy for obesity:

    1) improvement and normalization of metabolism, in particular fat metabolism;

    2) normalization of physical development and physical fitness;

    3) reduction of excess weight;

    4) normalization of the functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive system and other systems of the body, disturbed by obesity, and restoration on this basis of the body's adaptation to physical stress;

    5) improving the overall level of health.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The causes of diseases of the digestive system are complex and varied. There is no doubt hereditary predisposition, improperly composed diet and diet, food poisoning, poor-quality foods and poor processing, but also mental stress, stressful situations, bad habits.

    The most common diseases of the digestive system are:

    Changes in the mucous membrane caused by the inflammatory process;

    Ulceration (as a result of mucosal defects);

    Other mucosal changes (tumors, diverticula, polyps);

    Disorders of secretion and resorption processes;

    Disorders of innervation and the process of passing food gruel;


    Damage, infringement (with the formation of a hernia);

    Violations of the regulatory process (the so-called functional diseases that do not cause organic changes).

    Most of these diseases and disorders can proceed acutely or become chronic, manifest themselves once or cause relapses, i.e. repeat constantly.

    Exercise is a necessary means of preventing and treating gastrointestinal diseases, as it has a beneficial effect on the patient's body, normalizing its general regimen and contributing to the improvement of impaired functions.

    Under the influence of short loads of low and medium intensity, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases, the tonic activity of the sympathetic nervous system increases, the motor-evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract increases. the tone of the muscles of the gallbladder.

    Loads of moderate to medium intensity normalize the enzyme-forming function of the gastrointestinal tract, absorption processes and motor skills.

    An important role in the beneficial effect of muscle work on digestion belongs to changes in the blood supply to the abdominal organs, which ensure the normalization of trophism of its organs, the elimination of congestion, the calming down of inflammatory processes and the acceleration of regenerative processes in the digestive system (in cases of manifestation of the walls of the stomach and intestines).

    Exercise is of particular importance for the timely passage of food and feces through various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, the digestive function of enzymes is fully manifested and the nutrients that have reached the required level of cleavage are absorbed in the corresponding departments. In addition, maintaining normal gastrointestinal motility through exercise prevents stool stagnation, defecation disorders, flatulence and other changes in digestive processes.

    Health jogging attracts attention in the functional therapy of gastrointestinal diseases. It has been proven that it can be successfully used in such pathologies as gastritis, spastic colic, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, biliary dyskinesia, etc. Thus, the vibration of internal organs that occurs during running significantly improves the function of the digestive system. Strengthening hepatic blood flow and deep forced breathing while running, which is an excellent massage for the liver, improves liver function and helps to eliminate liver pain syndrome.

    Normalization of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex as a result of physical training is of great importance for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
    Running is an effective treatment for spastic colitis. As a result of intestinal vibration and the release of magnesium salts into its lumen, peristalsis sharply increases and the drainage function is restored. ( Appendix 8 A, B)


    Gastritis is a lesion of the gastric mucosa, predominantly of an inflammatory nature in acute development and dystrophic in chronic development, leading to changes in the mucous membrane, to a violation of the motor and secretory function of the stomach. At the same time, other digestive organs are often affected - the intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, as well as the liver and organs of the endocrine system.

    Exercise therapy tasks:

    1) normalization of gastric secretion;

    2) reduction of pain and inflammation;

    3) improving blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and creating favorable conditions for regenerative processes;

    4) improving the trophism of the gastric mucosa;

    5) normalization of the patient's mental state.

    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

    Peptic ulcer disease is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system.

    It has been established that the development of peptic ulcer disease is largely facilitated by various lesions of the nervous system (acute mental trauma, physical and especially mental stress, various nervous diseases). Arising under the influence of emotional, physical and mental overload, violations of cortico-visceral relationships are accompanied by changes in the production of digestive hormones, as well as in the exchange of histamine and serotonitis, under the influence of which the activity of the acid-peptic factor increases.

    Exercise therapy plays an essential role in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, contribute to:

    1) normalization of the activity of the central nervous system, restoration of disturbed cortico-visceral connections and normalization of emotional tone;

    2) stimulation of trophic processes;

    3) reduction and elimination of painful and inflammatory local phenomena;

    4) improvement of regenerative processes in the wall of the stomach and in the duodenum;

    5) normalization of the production of digestive juices;

    6) elimination of dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract.

    With this disease, it is necessary to include exercises for the abdominal muscles in combination with breathing exercises, walking, calm games and relay races.

    It is advisable to recruit medical groups by classes ( 1-2, 3-4, 5-9, 10-11 ). If there is an insufficient number of students, students of three to four grades should be combined (1-4, 5-8, 9-11 ). The occupancy of the special group " A"Can be 15-20 children.

    Physical education classes for students of the special medical group " A»Are carried out in an educational institution in accordance with physical education programs for students with disabilities.

    To recruit a special medical group " B»It is necessary, depending on the degree and nature of the disease. The occupancy rate of this group can be 4-8 human. Physical education classes for students in a special medical group " B»Are conducted according to specially developed programs, where differentiated loads should be used in the lessons. Classes should be held in a medical institution (children's clinic, medical and physical dispensary, or a sanatorium, where there is a special room for training with a medical group, etc.). If there is permission from a medical institution, then lessons with such groups can be conducted in educational schools, children's and youth sports schools and other sports organizations.

    Division into groups is a factor that determines the mode of training. Moreover, the most affordable criterion the selection of physical activity can be: pulse rate, color of the skin of the face and neck, sweating, odor, breathing pattern, facial expressions, movement patterns and attention. The effect of exercise is primarily determined by the content. The content of physical exercises determines their health-improving value, educational role, and influence on the personality.

    Wellness value... Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional restructuring of the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and, in many cases, has a therapeutic effect.

    4.3 Principles, methods, means and forms of training.

    The process of physical education in exercise therapy lessons should be based on general principles : a) consciousness and activity; b) clarity; c) accessibility and individualization; d) systematic; e) progression (dynamism).

    The following methods can be used in these sessions: frontal, group, individual and circular.

    Exercise therapy lessons can be conditionally divided into two groups: timed and out-of-time.

    To lesson forms include lessons: conducted by a teacher in physical culture according to state programs in groups " A", Where physical education is a compulsory subject. The main feature lessons is their educational, health-improving and educational orientation. The inappropriate include: classes carried out in the daily routine ("small" forms), characterized by short physical exercises: morning exercises, introductory gymnastics, physical training pause, physical training minutes, micro pause. And lessons conducted by an instructor-methodologist or a doctor in groups " B"Are resolved health-improving and rehabilitation character. For medical and basic groups, the form of physical exercise has a characteristic structure, in which three parts are more or less clearly expressed: the first part is "preparatory", the second is "main" and the third is "final". In terms of focus, these are healing lessons.

    Distinguish in medical groups the following types of accounting: preliminary (before the start of the organization of the pedagogical process), current (continuous in the process of work, from lesson to lesson) and final (at the end of a period of work, for example, an academic year).

    Dose physical activity in the lesson- it is necessary to strictly regulate its volume and intensity.

    Volume loads should be determined by the number of exercises performed, the time spent in the classroom, the footage of the covered distance (distance) and other indicators.

    Intensity b should be characterized in the classroom by indicators of the pace and speed of movements, acceleration, heart rate, etc. The ratio between them when performing physical exercises is inversely proportional: the greater the volume of the load, the less its intensity, and vice versa. By the nature of muscle work, loads can be standard and variables... The action of the load is the reaction of the body to the work performed. Its indicators are heart rate (HR) and external signs of student fatigue (shortness of breath, sweating, attention, etc.).

    Heart rate monitoring will help to assess the quality of the lesson. According to the heart rate indicators, the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the load is determined, as well as the dynamics of the pulse throughout the entire session (the curve of the load line). Analysis of this data allows you to evaluate the correctness and effectiveness of the loads. By the height of the curve, one can conditionally judge the intensity of the load, and by the size of the area between the curve and the projection from the initial pulse, about its volume. (Appendix 9).

    V... The content of the subject.

    5.1 Distribution of program material for grades 1-4 .

    Sections of the program





    Part I - 270 hrs.

    Wellness complexes:

    With diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Part II - 135 hours

    Sambo wrestling

    Physical training

    Technique - tactical

    Outdoor games

    Total: 405

    Topic name

    Summary of the topic

    Physical culture is an important means of physical development and strengthening of human health

    The concept of physical culture and sports. Forms of physical culture. Physical culture as a means of educating industriousness, organization, will and vital skills and abilities.

    Personal and public hygiene

    The concept of hygiene and sanitation. Body care. Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear. Hygiene of sports facilities.

    Hardening the body ..

    Hardening and basic rules for hardening. Hardening by air, water, sun.

    5.3 Methods of motor (physical culture) activity.



    • a set of exercises, developed with the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account the individual state of health and the nature of the course of the disease;
    • perform wellness complexes, technical actions and techniques;
    • conduct health-improving classes in the daily routine (morning exercises, physical education).


    • self-control diary;
    • measure your heart rate while exercising;
    • monitor your breathing and maintain correct posture.


    • complexes of physical exercises for morning exercises, physical exercises;

    Perform complexes :

    • for students
    • for students
    • for students
    • for students
    • for students
    • for students

    General preparation... Varieties of walking, running. Jumping. ORU without objects, with objects, in motion, in a circle, in a checkerboard pattern, with a partner.
    (training techniques in parts)

    Outdoor games. General developmental games. Games (to enhance attention and increase emotional uplift). For example: the game "Class". Acrobatic relay with somersaults forward, backward, sideways (from a prone position, on all fours). Games for teaching techniques of techniques in parts in wrestling.

    5.4. Distribution of program material for grades 5-9.

    Sections of the program






    Part I - 270 hrs.

    Knowledge about physical culture

    Physical culture activities

    Physical improvement - 246 hours

    1. Physical culture and recreation activities - 8 hours

    2. Medical and recreational activities - 238 h

    Wellness complexes:

    With diseases of the respiratory system;

    With diseases of the circulatory system

    With diseases of the digestive system and urinary system

    With diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organs of vision.

    With diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems

    Part II - 135 hours

    Sambo wrestling

    Physical training

    General, special


    Outdoor games with elements of sports: gymnastics, athletics, acrobatics

    Total: 405

    5.5. The content of the course of knowledge about physical culture.

    Topic name

    Summary of the topic

    The origin and development of sambo

    Sambo wrestling history

    The best athletes and the strongest teams of the World, Europe and Russia

    Champions and prize-winners of the World, Europe and Russia

    General characteristics of sambo lessons

    The concept of sambo wrestling lessons. Their goals and objectives and the main content. General, special and technical-tactical training in the classroom

    5.6. Motive (physical) activities.


    Fulfill :

    • a set of exercises for the preparatory part of the lesson;
    • a set of exercises for the final part of the lesson;
    • a set of exercises lagging behind in their development of physical quality (strength, endurance, dexterity, speed and flexibility);
    • health-improving complexes, technical actions and techniques.

    Independent observation of physical development and physical fitness


    • a notebook for the dynamics of the main indicators of physical development and physical fitness;
    • measure indicators of physical development (height and body weight) and physical fitness (strength, endurance, agility, speed and flexibility) using test exercises;
    • systematic monitoring of the dynamics of indicators.
    • measuring heart rate during exercise.

    Physical improvement. Physical culture and recreation activities.


    • complexes of physical exercises for morning exercises, physical exercises;
    • sets of exercises for the development of physical qualities.

    Medical and recreational activities.

    Perform complexes:

    • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • with diseases of the respiratory system;
    • with diseases of the organs of vision;
    • with diseases of the endocrine system;
    • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Sports and recreational activities.

    General preparation... A kind of walking, running. Jumping. ORU without objects, with objects, in motion, in a circle, in a checkerboard pattern, with a partner.
    Complexes ORU on a gymnastic bench, on a gymnastic wall.

    Special training(self-belay and insurance).

    Technical and tactical training(teaching new and improving the learned techniques in parts).

    Outdoor games for the development and improvement of physical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. Acrobatic relay races. Games for teaching techniques of techniques in parts in wrestling.

    5.7. Distribution of program material for grades 10-11 .

    Sections of the program



    Part I - 270 hrs.

    Knowledge about physical culture -

    Physical training methods.

    Physical improvement - 246 hours

    1. Physical culture and recreation activities - 8 hours

    2. Medical and recreational activities - 238 hours

    Wellness complexes:

    With diseases of the respiratory system;

    With diseases of the circulatory system

    With diseases of the digestive system and urinary system

    With diseases of the cardiovascular system

    With diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organs of vision.

    With diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems

    Part II - 135 hours

    Sambo wrestling

    Physical training

    General, special

    Technique - tactical

    Carpet games

    Total: 405

    5.8. The content of the course of knowledge about physical culture.

    Topic name

    Summary of the topic

    Fundamentals of Sambo Wrestling Technique and Tactics

    Basic concepts of technical actions: movements, grips, types of holds, painful holds and throws.

    General and special training of the wrestler

    Strengthening the health and all-round development of a schoolchild through the use of general preparatory and special exercises.

    Sambo Competition Rules

    Goals, objectives and significance of the competition. Types of competitions. Organization of competitions. Competitors, their rights and responsibilities. Forbidden tricks. Age groups and weight categories.

    5.9. Motive (physical) activities.


    To compose individual complexes of physical exercises of various orientations and nature of the disease. Plans outlines of individual lessons.

    Independent observation of physical development and physical fitness.

    The student must determine the levels of individual physical development and physical fitness, determine the dosage of physical activity and the direction of the impact of physical exercises on their health.

    Physical improvement. Physical culture and recreation activities.

    Wellness classes before school, in the afternoon after classes and during the school week. Individual complexes of general developmental, preparatory imitation exercises.

    Medical and recreational activities.

    Perform complexes:

    • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • with diseases of the respiratory system;
    • with diseases of the organs of vision;
    • with diseases of the endocrine system;
    • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Sports and recreational activities.

    General preparation. A kind of walking, running. Jumping. ORU with objects, without objects and with a partner.

    ORU complexes on a gymnastic bench, on a gymnastic wall, in pairs.

    Special training(self-belay and belay, special exercises of the wrestler).

    Technical and tactical training(learning techniques in general).

    Outdoor games. Carpet games.

    Outdoor games.

    Outdoor games for the development and improvement of physical qualities:

    1. Games for the development of strength. Includes, tug (rope, gymnastic sticks), pulling out (from grabs, various objects), holding (various objects from the opponent), pushing (from a circle, square), bends, squats, push-ups, lifts, turns left and right with weights.

    2. Games for the development of speed. They include accelerations, stops.

    3. Games for the development of agility. Accurate coordination and physical dexterity must be shown in these games.

    4. Games for the development of endurance. They represent continuous and continuous activity.

    Based on the material of gymnastics and acrobatics: game tasks with the use of drill exercises, exercises for attention and the development of physical qualities (flexibility, strength, agility, coordination, speed).

    Based on athletics: jumping, running, throwing, throwing and developing physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, endurance).

    Control standards


    with diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Headstand (sec)

    Jump rope (sec)

    Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

    Running 500 meters (min)

    Excluding time


    with diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    Hanging on the bar (back straight) for time (sec)

    Standing long jump (cm)

    Shuttle run 3x10 m (sec)


    with respiratory diseases

    Holding your breath (sec)

    Breath-hold (m)


    with diseases of the organs of vision

    Throwing t ball at the target (m)

    Throwing the ball up and catching it (sec)


    with diseases of the endocrine system

    Raising the torso from a supine position (number of times) 20 sec

    Rear wrestling bridge position (sec)


    with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Seated forward bends

    Raising legs from a supine position (number of times) 20 sec

    Depending on the age and severity of the disease, a physical education teacher or instructor-methodologist has the ability to increase or decrease control standards.

    1. Knowledge

    In order to test knowledge, the following methods are used: survey, conversations, filling out test cards.

    • "5" - the student answers the material; correctly, concisely and logically expounds it.
    • "4" - the answer has minor inaccuracies and errors in the answer.
    • "3" - there are gaps in the knowledge of the theoretical material.

    2. Technique of possession of motor skills and abilities.

    • "5" - to demonstrate the ability of a sick schoolchild to perform any kind of work for a long time, without reducing the efficiency.
    • "4" - to demonstrate the ability of a sick schoolchild to perform any work for a long time, with a decrease in working capacity.
    • "3" - to demonstrate the ability of a sick student to perform a short-term work, with a decrease in working capacity.

    When summing up the answers from the knowledge section, the technique of mastering motor skills and control standards, a general assessment is given.

    Vi. Material and technical support of the educational process carried out according to the course "Physical culture".

    For lessons with medical groups, the following requirements are imposed on physical culture equipment and a sports facility: a) hygienic, b) aesthetic.

    • Hygienic requirements - a clean and bright room, it is always cleaned and ventilated.
    • Aesthetic requirements - the upper part of the walls is whitewashed, and the lower part of the walls, windows and doors of the wrestling hall are painted in colors that do not irritate the students and in which the teacher is pleased to conduct health-improving physical education lessons. Exercise therapy.

    In this regard, the sanitary and hygienic condition of the places of employment must comply with the established standards.

    Safety precautions.

    Safety requirements for a sports facility: the hall must be equipped with a fire alarm; have two exits; equipped with a fire extinguisher: the walls in the wrestling hall must be lined with wrestling mats.

    Depending on the conditions of medical institutions, educational schools and sports organizations, lessons can be conducted in adapted rooms for wrestling, as well as in school halls (master class, open lessons and classes for a large number of students). (Appendix 10 A, B, C, D, E)

    Equipment and inventory.

    1. First aid kit, medical - 1

    10. Gymnastic balls - 5

    2. Wrestling carpet - 1

    11. Tennis balls - 10

    3. Gymnastic mats - 10

    12. Football balls - 10

    4. Gymnastic benches - 3

    13. Music center - 1

    5. Gymnastic hoops - 10

    14. Stuffed balls (1.2.3 kg) - 2-2-2

    6. Gymnastic sticks - 10

    15. Crossbars (non-standard) - 3

    7. Measuring tape (tape measure) - 1

    16. Ropes - 10

    8. Rope for climbing - 1

    17. Gymnastic walls - 3

    9. Computer - 1

    18. Stopwatch - 1

    Educational and methodical kit.

    Name of objects and means of material and technical equipment.


    1. Library fund (printed materials)

    Basic General Education Standard for Physical Education.

    The standard for physical culture, sample programs, author's work programs are part of the mandatory software and methodological support of the physical culture cabinet (gym).

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Physical culture 1-4 grades, 5-9 grades, 10-11 grades.

    Physical culture work programs.
    Work program “Physical culture. Grades 1-4 "on the basis of the author's program" Physical culture "BB Egorov, YE Peresadina (Educational system" School 2100 ". Approximate basic educational program. Book 2. Programs of individual subjects, courses for primary school. Moscow . "Balass" 2011).
    Author's work program on physical culture for grades 1-11 (sambo) YN Yusuphodzhaeva. 2017 year.

    Textbooks and manuals that are included in the subject line of textbooks.
    1. Physical culture. 5-7 grades. Edited by M.Ya. Vilensky. Textbook for educational institutions. V.I Lyakh. A.A. Zdanevich. Physical education. 8-9 grades. Under the general editorship of V.I. Lyakh. Textbook for educational institutions .
    2. M.Ya. Vilensky. VT Chichikin Physical culture. 5-7 grades. A guide for teachers on the website of the "Prosveshchenie" publishing house.
    3. V.I. Lyakh. A.A. Zdanevich. Physical education. 10-11 grades. The basic level on the website of the "Prosveshchenie" publishing house.
    4. Test control 5-9 grades (series " Current control"). G.A. Kolodnitsky, V.S. Kuznitsov, M.V. Maslov.

    Methodological aids and test control for textbooks are included in the library fund.

    Educational, scientific, popular science literature on physical culture and sports, the Olympic movement.

    Methodical publications on physical education for teachers

    Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports"

    As part of the library fund.

    2. Demonstration tutorials.

    Tables on the standards of physical development and physical fitness.

    Methodical posters

    Sets of posters on the methodology of teaching motional actions in sambo wrestling. Complexes of general developmental, special and imitation exercises. Wellness complexes.


    1. E. Ya. Gatkin "Sambo for Beginners". Moscow. Publishing house AST. 2005.

    2. In M Geletskiy "Theory of physical culture and sports". Tutorial... Krasnoyarsk. 2008.

    3. I.M. Korotkov Outdoor games for children. Moscow Publishing house "Soviet Russia". 1987.

    5.A comprehensive program for physical culture. Authors: V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanovich.

    6. Pranciskus Eigminas "Learn Sambo". Vilnius University Press. 1980.

    7. Sports wrestling. Yearbook. Moscow. "FiS" 1976, 1977, 1982, 1983, 1984.

    8.T. Iwai, T. Kawamura, S. Kaneko. "Judo" Moscow. FiS. 1980.

    9. Tumanyan G.S. "Wrestling". Tutorial. Moscow. "FiS". 1985.

    10. E.N. Weiner. Healing Fitness. Textbook: Flint, Science; Moscow. 2011.

    Websites used. -Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    2. - Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

    3.http: //

    6. Website www.yotube.cоm Sambo lessons. Goncharov.


    Special medical group.

    It includes studentshaving such deviations in health, which arecontraindication to increased physical activity.

    Schoolchildren, for health reasons, referred to the SMG, are exempted from physical exercises according to the secondary school program, from participating in competitions, and fulfilling educational standards.

    The program material is selected not by biological age, but solely on the basis of the level of physicalhealth, and the recommendations specified in the PMPK route sheet.

    At school, along with diseases such as diseases of the digestive system, impaired posture, myopia, etc., children with cerebral palsy and bronchial asthma are trained, who are engaged in a special medical group and require special attention when drawing up teaching material and dosing of physical activity. For them, additionally compiled guidelines on mastering a physical culture and health program.

    The work program for students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons has been prepared taking into account the Mandatory Minimum of the content of education in the field of physical education and the Minimum Requirements for the quality of training school students in physical education.

    The work program is based on the curriculum:

    Physical culture 1 - 11 grades: Programs for students of a special medical group of educational institutions / Ed. - comp. A.P. Matveev, T.V. Petrova, L.V. Kaverkina. - M .: Bustard, 2004.

    This program is designed for 35 hours in grade 5.

    In accordance with the Concept of the structure and content of education in the field of physical culture, the subject of instruction at school is motor activity with a general developmental orientation. In the process of mastering this activity, schoolchildren not only improve their physical nature, but also actively develop the mental sphere, form consciousness and thinking, creativity and independence.

    Work program on physical education for school students assigned for health reasons to a special medical group solves the following tasks:

      health promotion, promotion of proper physical development and hardening of the body;

      an increase in the functional level of organs and systems weakened by the disease;

      increasing physical and mental performance;

      formation of correct posture and its correction;

      training in rational breathing;

      mastering the basic motor skills and abilities necessary to overcome the stiffness of movements in certain diseases;

      education of moral and volitional qualities.

      improvement of applied vital skills and abilities in walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing and swimming, enriching motor experience with physical exercises from gymnastics, athletics, cross-country skiing and outdoor games;

      increasing physical fitness and developing basic physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, coordination and flexibility;

      training in complexes of physical exercises with a health-improving and corrective orientation, the simplest ways to control physical activity and the functional state of the body in physical culture lessons;

      the formation of general ideas about physical culture, its significance in human life, health promotion, physical development and physical fitness, the development of interest in independent physical exercises, including morning exercises, physical education and outdoor games;

      creation of conditions for the involvement of students with various disabilities in the state of health to participate in the health-improving and sports-mass life of the school.

    Basic principles of the program implementation:

    focus on enhancing the health-improving effect of the pedagogical process, achieved by including in the content of the program materials about various health-improving systems and exercise complexes used in the school day, as well as in conditions of active rest and leisure;

    variability, orienting the teacher to selectively include educational material in the content of lessons, taking into account the nature and specifics of the disease of schoolchildren, the characteristics of their individual physical development and fitness, as well as the material and technical equipment of the educational process (gym, school sports grounds, stadium.);

    didactic rules "from simple to complex", "from mastered to undeveloped" and "from known to unknown", setting parameters for selection and planning of program material, mastering it by students in unity with the formation of the foundations of independent activity;

    achievement of intersubject connections, ensuring the education of a holistic worldview of students in the field of physical culture, a comprehensive disclosure of the relationship and interdependence of the studied phenomena and processes.

    Structure and content

    The work program includes four sections:

    1. "Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture" - includes knowledge about nature (medico-biological basis of activity), knowledge about a person (psychological and pedagogical basis of activity); technique of fulfillment of certain motional actions, the value of physical exercises on the functional capabilities of the organism, questions of refereeing.

    2. "Ways of activity" in its educational content correlates with ideas about the objectivity of motor activity and is reflected in the corresponding ways of its organization: planning and regulation of activity.

    3. "Physical improvement" is focused on strengthening the health of schoolchildren, their harmonious physical development and all-round motor and physical fitness. This section includes: complexes of health-improving and corrective gymnastics; the study of motor actions during the passage of individual sections of the curriculum (gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics, athletics, cross-country skiing, outdoor and sports games); exercises for the development of basic physical qualities, the development of exercise complexes for therapeutic physical culture, aimed at a specific disease; studying complexes of morning exercises.

    4. "Requirements for the quality of mastering the program material" includes checking the preparedness of students for the main positions of the program.Complexes of exercises from exercise therapy are developed in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor and the itinerary, taking into account the individual state of health and the nature of the course of the disease.

    Requirements for the quality of mastering program material

    As a result of mastering the program material on physical culture, students of special medical groups shouldhave ideas:

      safety precautions during exercise;

      on the connection between physical exercises and health promotion and an increase in a person's physical fitness;

      about the ways to change the direction and speed of movement;

      about the daily routine and personal hygiene;

      on the rules for compiling morning exercise complexes;

      about the rules of behavior in physical education classes;

      on the rules for preparing places for independent physical culture and health improvement classes;

      about the technique of performing physical exercises;

      about the importance of exercise for the development of motor qualities;

      on the rules of refereeing sports and outdoor games;

      about the rules of self-control over the state of the body when performing physical activity.

    Be able to:

    perform complexes of morning exercises and physical exercises;

    perform complexes of exercises (with and without objects), directed towards the formation of correct posture;

    perform sets of exercises for the local development of individual muscle groups;

    perform exercises for the prevention of flat feet;

    perform complexes of breathing exercises;

    perform complexes of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment;

    independently conduct outdoor games;

    know movement in walking, running, jumping in different ways;

    know the drill.

    Curriculum for middle and senior management.

    Outdoor games and

    sport games

    Game rules, refereeing


    Execution technique

    Ski training

    Execution technique

    Development of motor abilities

    During the lessons

    Exercise therapy using health-preserving techniques.


    Educational-thematic plan of lessons with children classified by

    state of health to a special medical group.



    Number of hours on the topic

    Athletics. Varieties of walking. Walking along the markings.

    High start technique. Execution of commands: "To start", "Attention", "March".

    Long jump from a place.. Throwing the ball at the target from 3 - 4 meters from 4 - 6 m (crouching, standing, sitting).Technique of execution.

    Outdoor and sports games Throwing the ball into the ring.

    Medicine ball exercises. Passing the ball in pairs.

    Outdoor games.

    Ball exercises (rolling, passing, throwing, dribbling).

    Exercises with balls (dribbling, passing in pairs, rolls, throws into the wall).

    Exercise therapy.

    Corrective posture gymnastics. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles using.

    Corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet. Pilates.

    Corrective gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

    A set of breathing exercises.

    Strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities using massage elements.

    Exercises with a wrist expander.


    Corrective posture gymnastics.

    Strengthening the back and abdominal muscles using.

    Corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet.


    Sujok therapy. Massage.

    Gymnastics. Safety in the classroom, theoretical information.

    Exercises with gymnastic sticks.

    Medicine ball exercises, weighing 200-500g Games

    Ski training Turns: stepping in place on a gentle slope due to body movements.

    Skiing with a stepping step.

    Cross-country skiing

    Outdoor games. Volleyball exercises.

    Basketball exercises.

    Throwing volleyball and basketball.

    Exercise therapy.

    Corrective posture gymnastics.

    Su Jok self-massage therapy.

    Corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet.

    Corrective posture gymnastics.

    Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

    Corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet.


    Corrective posture gymnastics.

    Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

    Corrective posture gymnastics.

    Children's yoga.

    Corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet.


    Corrective posture gymnastics.


    Corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet.

    Su Jok self-massage therapy.

    Corrective posture gymnastics.

    Breathing exercises according to the method of A. N. Strelnikava.

    Organization of the educational process

    Classes in a special medical group are built on the basis of generally accepted principles: comprehensiveness, conscientiousness, gradualness, repetition. An individual approach to students and a systematic impact are important. Students of the SHG, as a rule, are inactive, shy, not coordinated, easily vulnerable, afraid of ridicule.The lesson consists of four parts and lasts 45 minutes.

    Introductory part (2-3 minutes). Breathing exercises, monitoring the heart rate.

    Preparatory part (10-15 minutes). The task of the preparatory part of the lesson is to prepare the body for the main task. When performing general developmental exercises, special attention should be paid to the depth and uniformity of breathing. In this part of the lesson, you should not give a lot of new exercises and intense loads. To maintain sufficient muscle load and to prevent student fatigue, the principle of "dissipation" of the load should be used. Special breathing exercises can reduce the degree of functional tension of the body.

    Main part (15-20 minutes). Provides for the study of new, repetition and consolidation of the passed material. The main task is being solved: education of basic physical qualities, development and improvement of motor skills and abilities. It is very important to avoid fatigue during repetition of "monotonous" movements. To do this, it is necessary to "dissipate" the load on different muscle groups. New exercises recommended. Exercises that require precision are easier to master at the beginning of the lesson. Tension exercises should be alternated with breathing and relaxation exercises. Emotional games are best done at the end of the main part of the lesson.

    Final part (10-15 minutes). Includes breathing and relaxation exercises. The main task is to bring the body of students into a relatively calm state, relieve nervous excitement, restore breathing and heart rate.

    In the final part of the lesson, it is recommended to include exercises for those muscle groups that were not involved in the lesson, as well as exercises for attention and the formation of correct posture. It is necessary to take stock of what was done in the lesson, focus the attention of students on their successes and be sure to set exercises at home in accordance with medical recommendations for the profile of the disease.


    1. Mandatory minimum content of primary general education(Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 05/19/98, No. 1235).

    2. Mandatory minimum content of basic general education

    3. Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education(Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of May 19, 1998, No. 1236).

    4. Requirements for the level of preparation of primary school students, graduates of basic and secondary (full) schools in physical education.

    5. Sample programs in the discipline "Physical culture" for primary, secondary and secondary schools (AP Matveev and others).

    6. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003, No. 13-51-263 / 13 "On the assessment and certification of students assigned for health reasons to a special medical group for physical education."

    7. A. P. Matveev, T. V. Petrova, L. V. Kaverkina "A program for students of a special medical group of educational institutions" - M .: Drofa, 2004.

    8.M.D. Ripa; VC. Velitchenko; S.S. Volkova "Physical education with schoolchildren assigned to a special medical group." - M .; Enlightenment, 1988

    9. NN Efimenko, BV Sermeev "The content and methods of physical education with children suffering from cerebral palsy" - M .: Soviet sport, 1991. - 56 p.

    10 E.I., Akhudeev, S.S. Galeev "Lessons of physical culture in a special medical group". M .: graduate School, 1986

    Annex 1

    Regulations on a special medical group for physical culture

    I. General Provisions.

    1.1 A special medical group (hereinafter referred to as "SMG") was created in a municipal educational institution, secondary school No. 114 in Perm
    1.2 The purpose of the JMG organization:
    assistance to the physical development of students with abnormalities in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature, requiring a significant restriction of physical activity.
    Physical education classes bring up in children and adolescents a steady interest in sports, a desire to improve health, and form healthy lifestyle skills.
    1.3 SMG is organized for students in grades 1-11. Children are admitted with minor deviations in health (in accordance with the list of indications for the appointment of a medical group) and admitted to the performance of educational work.
    1.4 Work in the SMG is aimed at:
    - strengthening health, improving physical development, hardening the body;
    - expanding the range of functional capabilities of the main physiological systems of the body responsible for energy supply;
    - increasing the body's defenses and resistance;
    - mastering basic motor skills and qualities;
    - education of moral and volitional qualities and interest in regular independent physical education;
    - explaining the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the principles of hygiene, proper work and rest regime, rational nutrition, stay in the air;
    - prevention of maladjustment of students in the conditions of a general education institution.

    P. Organization and functioning of the JMG.

    2.1 The recruitment of the SMG for the upcoming academic year is carried out on the basis of taking into account the state of health, indicators of physical fitness and functional research upon the conclusion of a doctor, drawn up by order of the director of a general educational institution before September 1.
    2.2 The maximum number of people in groups is 2-3 people.
    2.3 Groups are completed from students of parallel classes, or according to morbidity.
    2.4 Medical examination of students assigned to the medical group for health reasons is carried out three times a year (by a quarter).
    2.5 Based on the state of health, the results of functional research methods, data on adaptation to physical activity, the development of motor skills and abilities, children are transferred to the appropriate medical group. The transfer is carried out on the basis of the district doctor and is formalized by the order of the director.

    III. Organization of the educational process in the SMG.

    3.1 The educational process in the SMG is regulated by the schedule of classes.
    3.2 Classes in the SMG are held according to the schedule as in the whole class, 1 hour per week. 3.3 Attendance at the classes of JMG students is compulsory.
    3.4 Responsibility for the attendance of students of the SMG classes rests with the teacher leading the class in the group, as well as the class teacher, and is supervised by the Deputy Director for OIA.
    3.5 Students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons are certified based on the results of fulfilling the requirements of the training programs for SMG.
    3.6 The formation of skills in educational activities, the development of general education programs are recorded in an individual journal.

    Appendix 2

    M Methodical recommendations for contraindications to exercise.

    Special Medical Group (SMG).

    In the SMG excluded from the program:

    Rope climbing;


    Pull-up, push-up;

    Static exercises with prolonged breath holding;

    Limited walking and running distance;

    Exercises for strength, speed, endurance;

    Jumping (depending on the disease).

    Group 1 for all - corrective exercises.

    Group 2 - breathing exercises.

    The program does not depend on age. Evaluation is carried out according to the following criteria: individual approach, attendance, increase in indicators. theoretical knowledge.

    Cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


    Exercises associated with holding the breath and straining;

    Exercises associated with a sharp acceleration of the pace, with static tension.


    The entire OSU section, walking, dosed running;

    All basic exercises are dynamic, mainly for the upper limbs;

    In breathing exercises, the emphasis is on exhalation (lengthening the exhalation).

    Musculoskeletal system.

    Indications: corrective exercises, always static (counting up to 10), breathing exercises.

    Contraindications : running, jumping, twisting exercises.

    Kidney disease.

    Indications:everything that is in the program, but reduce physical activity.

    Contraindications : jumping, hypothermia, with nephroptosis, an emphasis on the abdominal muscles.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Shown: ORU for all muscle groups, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, dosed running, walking.

    Contraindications : limiting jumping (especially with an ulcer), with low acidity, exercises for the abdominal muscles, static exercises for the legs; with increased acidity, you can not perform exercises for the abdominal press and lower extremities.

    Nervous system.

    Shown:everything is according to the program.

    Contraindications me: exercises in equilibrium, exercises on apparatus that cause nervous tension.


    Shown: jumps, exercises with straining, strength and static tension.

    Endocrine diseases.

    Shown: dosed walking, running, ORU. For obesity - weight-bearing exercise, exercise bike, etc.

    Contraindications: limitation in jumping, with obesity - a large number of repetitions.

    Cerebral palsy

    Shown: muscle stretching exercises,endurance exercises, lifting on a small plane, strength exercises.

    Contraindications: jumps, deep jumps

    Appendix 3

    M methodical recommendations for the organization of special medical groups

    Contraindications for performing certain types of exercises for various diseases

    Bronchial asthma

    With maximum breath holding

    The cardiovascular system

    Bronchial asthma

    With a sharp acceleration of the pace

    Respiratory system

    Bronchial asthma

    With maximum static voltage

    The cardiovascular system

    Cerebral palsy

    Jump jumps, deep jumps

    Kidney disease

    Organs of vision


    Digestive organs

    Balance exercises on elevated support

    Nervous system disorders

    Cerebral palsy

    Abdominal Exercises

    Digestive organs

    Acrobatic exercises with increased difficulty

    Organs of vision


    Cerebral palsy

    Bronchial asthma

    Limited playing time

    Nervous disorders

    Bronchial asthma

    Appendix 4

    Approximate set of exercises

    for SMG students with posture disorders

    Posture is the casual, habitual posture of a person in an upright position. With correct posture, a person without active tension holds the torso and head straight, the shoulders are deployed and slightly lowered, the shoulder blades are brought to the spine, the levels of the shoulder girdles, lower angles of the shoulder blades, pelvic bones and waist triangles are symmetrical, the abdomen is tucked up, the hip and knee joints are straightened, there are no deformities of the lower limbs.

    Posture defects include slouching, round back, flat back, and round-arched back. With defects in posture, the shoulder girdle and the lower angles of the shoulder blades are located at different levels. One of the waist triangles is smoothed.

    With a stooped back, a slightly sunken back, some increase in thoracic kyphosis.

    With a round back, the shoulders hang forward, the chest is narrowed, the stomach is slightly protruding.

    With a round-curved back, uniform thoracolumbar kyphosis turns into lower lumbar lordosis, the body is slightly thrown back.

    The development of muscular-articular feeling has a great influence on the education of posture. With the acquisition of this quality, the child can more easily determine the difference between the correct and incorrect body position in space. Exercises to help develop muscle-joint feeling are as follows:

    1. Exercises in the vertical plane:

    a) children, having taken the correct position near the vertical plane under the supervision of the teacher, move away from it and, maintaining the correct posture, return to it, touching the previous points - shoulder blades, buttocks, heels;

    b) squats, sliding your back along a vertical plane, while the larger the surface of the body is in contact with the plane, the more perfect muscle feeling develops;

    c) adopting the correct posture in front of the mirror. Visual control helps to reduce the asymmetry of body parts, bring the deviated body to midline and set the parallel lines of the shoulder girdles of the body.

    2. Holding various objects on the head (provided that the correct posture is maintained) in combination with balance exercises on a wide, and then on a narrow area of ​​support.

    To correct the posture, perseverance is required from children, therefore it is necessary to instill in children that they begin self-control of posture in the morning, remember it during the day and periodically check themselves in the mirror.

    Appendix 5

    An approximate set of exercises for SHG students with respiratory diseases

    When performing these exercises, it is necessary to alternate with breathing and relaxation exercises in order to reduce the overall load and strengthen the respiratory muscles.

    Learning rational breathing is an important and challenging task. Correct breathing should be taught both in static positions and during movements. When the chest expands, inhale. When squeezing, exhale. Exercises performed on exhalation through the mouth contribute to the lengthening of the expiratory phase. Breathing while squatting, turning, bending the body, walking.

    Complex number 1

    Breathing exercises for students

    1. At the expense of 1-4, slow deep breaths;

    5-8 slow full exhalation.

    2. At the expense of 1-3, a slow deep breath;

    4 rapid exhalation through the mouth.

    3. At the expense of 1 quick breath through the mouth;

    2-6 slow full exhalation

    Repeat 4 times

    4. At the expense of 1 breath in a small portion;

    2 pause on exhalation;

    3 inhale in a small portion;

    4 pause;

    5 inhale in a small portion;

    6 pause;

    7-8 full exhalation.

    At the expense of 1-8, free breathing. You should start with 1-2 pauses, gradually bring up to 5-6 times. Repeat 2 times.

    5. At the expense of 1-2 a full deep breath;

    3 pause;

    4 exhale in small portions;

    5 pause on exhalation;

    6 exhale in small portions;

    7 pause on exhalation;

    8 exhale fully.

    6. At the expense of 1-2 full breath;

    3-6 breath holding;

    7-8 full exhalation.

    At the expense of 1-8, free breathing. Repeat 2 times.

    Complex number 2

    Students with respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.) are contraindicated in exercises that cause breath holding, straining.

    1. Walking in place, gradually increasing the pace, swinging arms for 1 minute.

    2. I. p. - leg stand apart

    Repeat 8-10 times.

    3. I. p. - stand legs apart, hands in front of the chest

    1-3 - hands back. 4-i.p. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 5-6 times.

    4. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt

    1-2 - take your shoulders back - take a deep breath through your nose

    3-4 - shoulders forward - exhale through the mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.

    5. I. p. - o.s., hands on the belt.

    1- rise on your toes - inhale.

    2 - squat - exhale.

    3 - stand up - inhale.

    4 - and. n. - exhale.

    6. I. p. - o. with.

    1 - swing the left, arms to the sides - inhale

    2 - and. n. - exhale

    3 - swing the right, arms to the sides - inhale

    4 - and. n. - exhale.

    7. I. p. - o. c., hands up

    1 - tilt, arms back

    2 - and. p. Sc. 3-4 - the same. Breathing is arbitrary.

    8. Walking in place, gradually increasing the pace, swinging arms for 1 minute.

    9. I. p. - leg stand apart.

    1-2 - hands up - inhale through the nose

    3-4 - hands down - prolonged exhalation.

    Repeat 8-10 times. Do not hold your breath.


    1. Dubrovsky V.I. Cerebral palsy. - In the book: Sports medicine: Textbook. for stud. higher. study. institutions. - 2nd ed., Add. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2002, p. 425-426.

    2. Efimenko N.N., Sermeev B.V. The content and methods of physical education with children suffering from cerebral palsy. - M .: Soviet sport, 1991. - 56 p.

    3. Physical rehabilitation: Textbook for academies and institutes of physical culture / Ed. prof. S.N. Popov. - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 1999. - 608 p.

    4. Shterengerts A.E., Belaya N.A. Massage for adults and children. - K .: Health, 1996 .-- 384 p.

    5. Shterengerts A.E. Physiotherapy and massage for diseases and injuries of the nervous system in children. - K .: Health, 1989 .-- 187 p.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    secondary school number 18

    Named after Vitaly Yakovlevich Alekseev

    Reviewed: Agreed: I approve:

    At the meeting of the department Director of MBOU secondary school №18

    / / Deputy Director for VVVR named after V.Ya. Alekseeva

    Minutes No. __________ _________

    "___" ___________ 2016 "___" _____________ 2016 "___" 2016

    Working programm

    on physical education

    Class: special medical group 1-11 grades

    Teacher: Chumanova E.K.

    The planning is based on"Physical culture 1 - 11 grades: Programs for students of a special medical group of educational institutions / Authors - compiled by A. P. Matveev, T. V. Petrova, L. V. Kaverkina. - M .: Drofa, 2012"

    Explanatory note

    The problem of maintaining and strengthening health is becoming more and more acute in our country, and the leading role in solving this problem belongs to physical culture - the most important element of a healthy lifestyle. In accordance with the priority directions of state policy and national projects aimed at strengthening the health of the nation and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the role of improving the process of physical education in educational institutions, creation of conditions that promote the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health by means of physical culture and sports, the formation of physical culture of the individual, taking into account his individual abilities, health and motivation. The health-improving orientation of physical education requires compulsory medical supervision of persons engaged in physical culture and sports, paying special attention to students assigned to a special group. One of the reasons for the deterioration in the health of the younger generation is that when they enter school, physical activity decreases by 50%. junior schoolchildren(in comparison with preschoolers) and by 75% in older schoolchildren, students, and this leads to the development of physical inactivity. And physical inactivity reduces the functionality of the growing organism. Our students do not spend much time in the fresh air (the norm is 3-3.5 hours), in many schools the ventilation regime is violated, natural and artificial lighting is underestimated, there is no hot food. All this entails a number of deviations in the state of health of the child's body, both functional and organic (neuroses, disorders of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, allergic conditions, visual impairment, metabolism, etc.). The beneficial effect of physical exercise on the development of external respiration is very important. Respiratory volumes are 20-30% higher in children who regularly engage in physical education than in schoolchildren with physical inactivity. Thanks to systematic physical exercises, adaptive changes in the heart develop due to a slight increase in volume, increase in tone and thickening of the muscle fibers of the heart, the so-called moderate myocardial hypertrophy, which increases the level and efficiency of the functioning of the cardio-respiratory system. In addition, for a child suffering from physical inactivity, the degree of danger of injury increases significantly, because they have poor control over their bodies in movement, have poor coordination of movements in space. Based on the foregoing, it can be seen that the fight against physical inactivity, systematic physical education, open up the reserves for the prevention of child injuries by targeted learning children with necessary and special motor skills, as well as the introduction of rational physical activity, starting from a very early age. For the purpose of a differentiated approach to the organization of physical education lessons, all students of educational institutions, depending on the state of their health, are divided into three groups: basic, preparatory and special medical. Classes in these groups differ in curricula, volume and structure of physical activity, as well as requirements for the level of mastering the educational material. TOspecial medical group(SMG) include students with significant deviations in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature, requiring a significant restriction of physical activity, determined by the curriculum (10-15% of the total number of students). They are engaged in specially designed physical education programs. Those referred to the SMG are exempted from participating in competitions, from passing standards, they need constant physical exercises. The subgroup "A" includes students with reversible health deviations, which, after treatment and recreational activities, can be transferred to the preparatory group. This work program has been drawn up for the SMG subgroup "A".

    The tasks of physical education of students classified

    to a special medical group.

    The main tasks of physical education of students classified as SMG for health reasons are:

    • health promotion, elimination or permanent compensation of disorders caused by the disease;
    • improvement of indicators of physical development;
    • mastering vital motor skills, skills and qualities;
    • gradual adaptation of the body to the effects of physical activity, expanding the range of functional capabilities of the physiological systems of the body;
    • increasing physical and mental performance;
    • hardening and increasing the resistance of the body's defenses;
    • the formation of volitional qualities of the individual and interest in regular physical education;
    • fostering a conscious and active attitude towards the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;
    • mastering complexes of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the state of the student's body, taking into account his illness;
    • teaching the rules for the selection, implementation and independent formation of a set of morning exercises, taking into account the recommendations of a doctor and teacher;
    • observance of the rules of personal hygiene, a rational regime of work and rest, good and rational nutrition

    Organizational and methodological guidance of physical education of students with various health deviations.

    Classes for SMG require special preparation and organization. All children in such a group are children from different classes, of different ages, sex, suffering from various diseases and psychologically not ready for physical education. The recruitment of the SMG is carried out by a doctor (paramedic) with the obligatory participation of a physical education teacher. The schedule of SMG classes is approved by the order of the director. Classes should be held on a special schedule 3 times a week for 40 minutes. The lesson is conducted by a specially trained physical education teacher. The acquisition of the SMG before the new academic year is carried out taking into account the age, diagnosis, indicators of physical fitness, functional state and the severity of the pathological process.

    Usually, students are grouped into groups according to the nature of the disease:

    • with diseases of internal organs, cardiovascular system, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems;
    • with visual impairment and functional disorders of the nervous system;
    • with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of injuries and injuries, diseases of the joints, congenital defects of the musculoskeletal system, organic diseases of the nervous system.

    The following age groups are distinguished, regardless of the disease:

    from 7 to 10 years old - the youngest;

    from 11 to 13 years old - average;

    from 14 and older - the oldest;

    In this program, we are talking about classes with children of different ages, with various diseases, but engaged in one schedule, in one group. The group occupancy is 8 people.

    Requirements for the level of training of students in the SMG,

    Have mastered the full course of the program.

    As a result of mastering full course physical education, the student must: Know / understand:

    The role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the organization of outdoor activities and the prevention of bad habits;

    Elementary foundations of motor actions formation and physical qualities development;

    Some methods of hardening the body and the main techniques of self-massage;

    Be able to:

    To compose and perform the simplest complexes of morning exercises and corrective gymnastics, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism;

    Perform athletics exercises, gymnastic (combinations), technical actions of sports games;

    Perform complexes of general developmental exercises for the development of basic physical qualities, adaptive (therapeutic) physical culture, taking into account the state of health;

    Observe one's physical development and physical fitness, control the technique of motor actions fulfillment and physical load modes;

    Observe safety when performing physical exercises and conducting hiking trips;

    Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life for:

    Conducting independent studies on the formation of an individual physique and posture correction, the development of physical qualities, the improvement of the technique of movements;

    Inclusion of physical education in active rest and leisure.

    Certification of these students is carried out according to a five-point system. Evaluation of such children is carried out, first of all, according to their success in the formation of the skills of a healthy lifestyle and a rational motor regime. When giving a grade (sum of points), the teacher should use this approach in assessment in order to stimulate the student to further engage in physical education. The final mark in physical culture is exhibited taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities, the ability to conduct health related activities), as well as taking into account the dynamics of individual physical fitness, diligence and attendance at classes. The main emphasis should be on the dynamics of physical capabilities and persistent motivation to engage in physical exercise. With the smallest positive changes in the physical capabilities of students, which must be noticed by the teacher and communicated to the parents, a positive assessment is given. A positive assessment should also be given to those students who did not show positive dynamics in physical development, but regularly attended physical education classes, diligently fulfilled the teacher's tasks, having mastered the skills available to him, the necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture.

    Features of building a lesson in the SMG:

    1 ... Preparatory partup to 20 minutes - at the beginning of the lesson, the pulse is counted, then breathing and general developmental exercises are used, which at the beginning of the lesson are performed at a slow pace, then on average. The load slowly increases, exercises are used to prepare all organs and systems for the main part of the lesson. It is not recommended to use a large number of new exercises and intense loads. Each exercise is repeated first 4-5 times, then 6-8 times (exercises for large muscles of the arms, legs and trunk). With individual disease cards, students perform the exercises independently.

    2. The main part of the lessonup to 15 minutes - reserved for education and training. In it, new physical exercises and motor skills are mastered within the limits of the child's capabilities, basic physical qualities: speed, strength, dexterity, flexibility. Much attention is paid to improving coordination, the ability to move beautifully. To solve this, you can use: running (segments of 20-30 meters), alternating with accelerated walking, throwing, balance exercises, on apparatus, General developmental exercises, outdoor games, relay races.

    3. Final part- 3-5 minutes - exercises for relaxation and breathing exercises are used. The main task is to contribute to the restoration of shifts in the functional state of the body caused by physical activity in the main part of the lesson (simple exercises for the hands, various types of walking, calm dance steps, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises).

    Guiding principlethe work is a differentiated approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, which implies:

    • dosing the load in the lesson due to complications or simplification of exercises;
    • taking into account contraindications for practicing certain types of exercises;
    • counting the heart rate at each lesson.

    The lesson should be emotional, aesthetically designed so that children forget about their ailments and could realize their physical capabilities. Students of the JMG are exempt from passing any standards.

    Basic requirements for the SMG lesson:

    1. Consider the following:

    For SMG, classes should be carried out withpulse rate 120-130 bpm... at the beginning of the quarter, and by the end of the first quarter, bring the intensity of physical activity in the main part of the lesson to 140-150 bpm Motor modes at a pulse rate of 130-150 beats / min. the most optimal for the cardio-respiratory system and give a good training effect. When planning physical activity, teachers should take into account that with the same exercises, girls' pulse is 5-10 beats / min higher than boys. Such a significant effect on the pulse rate is also exerted by the emotional stress of the "students. The game form of the lessons, the elements of the competition increase the pulse rate by 15-20 beats / min. After the end of the lessons, the pulse of the main part of the students should return to the initial data in 5-10 minutes. , and after 1-1.5 months of systematic training and acceleration of recovery (normally 3-5 minutes).General developmental and special breathing exercises.Children assigned to the special medical group, as a rule, suffer from hypoxia, therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to learn correct breathing - this is a very important and difficult task. Only with rational breathing is the maximum effect of physical education lessons achieved. Rational breathing training contributes to:

    • the fastest elimination of violations of the functions of the respiratory system;
    • improvement of redox processes in the body;
    • increasing adaptation to physical and mental stress;
    • general recovery and harmonious development of the child's body.

    With a light load, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is necessary to start learning correct breathing from the first lessons, with the simplest exercises in the tasks, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth: inhale and exhale through the nose; breathing with various hand movements: breathing while squatting, bending the body, breathing while walking at different rates with different combinations of the number of steps, inhalation-exhalation, for example: 3 steps - inhale, 3 - exhale, 4 steps - inhale, 4 - exhale. Pay attention to the fact that the more actively you exhale, the deeper you inhale. Breathing exercises can be used as a stress reliever. The ratio of breathing and general developmental exercises can be: 1: 1; 1: 2; 1: 3; 1: 4. Do not hold your breath while exercising. It is necessary to teach students to breathe through the nose, deeply, evenly, combining inhalation and exhalation with movement. Particular attention is paid to exhalation, it is necessary to teach how to exhale as fully and, if possible, to the end. After a relatively difficult exercise, a pause is necessarily made, during which one should walk slowly, trying to breathe deeply, rhythmically. It is necessary to teach children about chest, diaphragmatic and mixed breathing. Before starting classes, the teacher should remember that lessons should be conducted in a well-ventilated area, and, if possible, in the open air. During the lesson, it is necessary to make 2-3 pauses of 1-2 minutes for rest, it is better to rest lying or sitting. Children should be taught to fully relax their muscles. All movements are performed calmly, smoothly, without undue stress. Students should move from one starting position to another slowly, avoiding sudden movements.

    Educating the correct posture, is one of the main tasks of the physical education program. It is necessary to teach children to walk, stand, and sit correctly. Lessons should include at least 10-12 exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and abdomen, contributing to the formation of a strong "muscle corset", applying the principle of "absent-mindedness" of the load on various muscle groups. The teacher should pay attention to the position of the head, the work of the arms, torso, legs, encouraging the correct posture and helping to correct mistakes. Correct posture ensures the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

    Individual approachto those engaged on the basis of taking into account the state of health, the reaction of the body to classes as a whole and to individual exercises, mental characteristics of nervous activity. In the SHG there can be students of different ages with different deviations in health and different levels of physical fitness. In this case, it is very difficult to find exercises that would be suitable for all students at the same time. The teacher must solve this problem by means of the most correct construction of the trainees, differentiated selection of starting positions, amplitude of movement, dosage, complication or simplification of exercises, etc.

    For example, the construction in such lessons is carried out not according to height, but according to the degree of physical fitness: on the right flank - more prepared children, on the left - less. This allows you to give a load, taking into account individual characteristics (for example, students on the right flank continue to squat, and on the left - rest). Before each lesson, the pulse is determined, students with a pulse higher than 90 beats / min., Put on the left flank. When conducting relays, the more prepared stand at the beginning of the line (they start and end the relay). The result of the lessons largely depends on the tact, observation of the teacher, his ability to determine the load and the course of the development of the load curve of the lesson. The influence of physical activity of each lesson on the body is determined according to the pulse data, the presence of subjective data, and sometimes blood pressure. A careful and gradual increase in physical activity, both at each session and throughout the entire period of treatment. Graduality is achieved by moving from simple to complex, and from familiar to unfamiliar.

    Dosing loads is carried out:

    • selectable starting position
    • number of repetitions
    • execution activity
    • pace
    • range of motion
    • difficulty of execution
    • presence of an emotional factor
    • the amount of breathing exercises
    • use of objects, simulators

    Of great importance when training with SHG is systematic information about the improvement of the health state of those involved in the data of medical examinations, as well as conducting physical fitness tests in certain exercises, when an increase in results is noticeable in specific examples. This encourages further active pursuits.

    Access to exercise is essential for building self-confidence. Overcoming difficulties should stimulate continuous improvement in functional ability and physical fitness. When training in a special group, from the first physical education lessons, one should achieve the correct assimilation of the basic exercises and especially the correct combination of movements with breathing. Therefore, the pace of the lesson in the first lessons is slow. The success of training depends on the frequency of repetitions (at least 3-4 times) and the quality of the performance of this or that exercise. The lesson should be emotional, aesthetically designed. It is necessary that these children forget about their ailments, lessons in the SMG were lessons of vigor, muscle joy, aesthetic pleasure. You can include outdoor games, dance elements, aerobics in the lessons. It is advisable to conduct lessons with musical accompaniment. Specially selected music positively stimulates physiological processes in the central nervous system and creates a positive emotional attitude. The effectiveness of physical education in special medical groups depends on systematic exercises (3-5 times a week), the adequacy of the load, the combination of physical activity with hardening, diet and other methods. Throughout the lesson, the teacher monitors the general condition of the students: outward appearance, pulse, breathing.

    The main symptom of fatigue is decreased performance as a result of exercise. Outwardly, this manifests itself in a weakening of attention, absent-mindedness, noticeable violations of the correct performance of exercises. Movements become less precise, sluggish, uncertain, motor coordination worsens, complaints of general malaise, headache, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes appear.The teacher must remember that the external signs of fatigue are revealed even when they are significantly expressed, i.e. subjective complaints are usually delayed due to emotional uplift and arousal.

    Small signs of fatigue are quite acceptable in the SHG lessons (this is a slight reddening of the skin, slight sweating, the face is calm, breathing quickens slightly, it is even, coordination of movements is clear, vigorous execution of commands). And if the teacher noticed signs of moderate fatigue or identified complaints of poor health, he should refer the student to a doctor.

    Annual Curriculum - Schedule

    Sections of the program

    Number of hours

    Theoretical information


    Gymnastics: individual work on cards - on diseases.





    Outdoor games

    Total hours

    Scheduling - thematic scheduling

    for students classified as SMG for health reasons


    Lesson topics

    Lesson date

    theory, types of exercises, program requirements

    Lesson equipment

    Notes (edit)

    Theoretical information 2 hours

    Introductory instruction in the classroom.

    Physical culture and sports are the means of all-round development of the personality.

    OSU complex without subject.

    Breathing exercises.

    Gymnastics rugs

    Sports game rules

    Brief description of sports games, rules.

    OSU complex without subject.

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset.

    Breathing exercises.

    Gymnastics rugs

    Conversation, individual approach

    Athletics 14 hours

    TB in athletics classes. Combination of walking and running 20m and 20m

    TB in athletics classes. ORU complex with a gymnastic stick.

    Combination of walking and running 20m and 20m - 300m

    Exercises to form correct posture.

    Breathing exercises

    Combination of walking and running 30m and 30m

    ORU complex with a gymnastic stick.

    Combination of walking and running 30m and 30m - 500m

    Stretching exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Gym sticks, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Throwing a small ball at a distance.

    OSU complex without items

    Small ball exercises

    Throwing a small ball at a distance

    Relaxation exercises

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Throwing a small ball at the target

    OSU complex without items

    Small ball exercises

    Throwing a small ball at the target

    Relaxation exercises

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Wellness walking

    Wellness walking

    Breathing exercises

    Exercises from a starting position, sitting, lying.

    Stretching exercises

    gymnastics mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Health jogging

    Recreational jogging alternating with walking and breathing exercises 4-5 minutes

    Complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball

    Breathing exercises

    Outdoor play

    Stopwatch, ball

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Gymnastics 18 hours


    TB in gymnastics classes.

    Field drill

    TB in gymnastics classes.

    Field drill

    OSU complex without items

    Relaxation exercises

    Gymnastic mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    ORU complex with a gymnastic stick

    Breathing exercises

    Gymnastic sticks, mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    General developmental exercises

    Rules for drawing up complexes of general developmental exercises

    OSU complex without items

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset

    Relaxation exercises

    Gymnastic mat


    ORU complex at the gymnastic wall

    Medicine ball exercises

    Self-massage elements

    Medicine balls

    Conversation, individual approach, exercise assistance


    Individual work on cards - diseases.

    OSU complex without items

    Individual work on disease cards.

    Breathing exercises

    Gymnastic mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Balance on the gymnastic bench

    ORU complex on a gymnastic bench

    Walking on a gymnastic bench

    Walking on a gymnastic bench with additional tasks

    Stretching exercises

    Gymnastic wall, mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Corrective gymnastics

    Features of corrective gymnastics

    Corrective gymnastics

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset

    Outdoor play

    Ball, gym mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Breathing exercises

    The influence of breathing exercises on the human body, types of breathing.

    Breathing exercises

    Exercises to strengthen leg muscles

    Relaxation exercises

    Gymnastic mat

    Conversation, individual approach, exercise assistance


    OSU complex with a hoop

    Individual tasks by cards

    Outdoor play

    Hoops, gymnastics mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Basketball 17 hours

    TB in basketball classes. Main stance and turns

    TB in basketball classes.

    Complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball

    Main stance and turns

    Breathing exercises

    Ball, dumbbells

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Protective actions

    OSU complex without items

    Defensive Actions in Basketball

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset

    Self-massage elements

    Ball, gym mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Combination of techniques, interaction of players

    Outdoor play

    Breathing exercises

    Gymnastic stick, ball

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    OSU complex without items

    Throws in the ring with the right and left hand

    Relaxation exercises

    Ball, gym mat, stick

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    OSU complex without items

    Making gears in motion

    Breathing exercises


    Ball, gym mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Free throws

    OSU complex with a hoop

    Free throws

    Flexibility exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Hoop, ball

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Educational games 3x3

    Ball complex

    Educational games 3x3

    Breathing exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Educational games 5x5

    Ball complex

    Educational games 5x5

    Breathing exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Badminton 12 hours


    TB in badminton classes.

    Shuttlecock feed

    TB in badminton classes.

    OSU complex without items

    Shuttlecock feed

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset

    Breathing exercises

    Rackets, shuttlecock, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Shuttle transfer in motion

    OSU complex without items

    Shuttle transfer in motion

    Exercises for the prevention of flat feet

    Relaxation exercises

    Rackets, shuttlecock

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Playing through the net

    OSU complex without items

    Playing through the net

    Breathing exercises

    Rackets, shuttlecock

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Single, doubles play

    RV complex with a gymnastic stick

    Single, doubles play

    Stretching exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Gymnastic stick, rackets, shuttlecock

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Mixed game

    RV complex with a gymnastic stick

    Mixed game

    Stretching exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Gymnastic stick, rackets, shuttlecock, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Pioneerball 16 hours


    TB in the classroom pioneerball.

    Player stance

    TB in the classroom pioneerball.

    OSU complex without items

    Player stance

    Individual tasks by cards



    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Moving in a rack with side steps, right, left side

    Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

    Breathing exercises

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Opening complex with a volleyball ball

    Combination of movement methods running, stopping

    Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

    Self-massage elements

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Opening complex with a volleyball ball

    Passing and catching the ball with two hands

    Stretching exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Ball feed

    OSU complex without items

    Ball feed

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset

    Relaxation exercises

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Playing by simplified rules

    RV complex with a gymnastic stick

    Playing by simplified rules

    Relaxation exercises

    Gymnastic stick, ball, gymnastics mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Volleyball 18 hours


    TB in volleyball lessons.

    Player stance

    TB in volleyball lessons.

    Volleyball rules

    OSU complex without items

    Player stance

    Individual tasks by cards

    Breathing exercises

    Ball, gym mats

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    OSU complex without items

    Moving in a rack with side steps facing forward

    Exercises for the prevention of flat feet

    Relaxation exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball

    Combination of movement methods running, stopping, turning, jumping up

    Breathing exercises

    Self-massage elements.

    Ball, gym mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Receiving and passing the ball from above

    OSU complex without items

    Receiving and passing the ball from above

    Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms

    Breathing exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Receiving and passing the ball from below

    OSU complex without items

    Receiving and passing the ball from below

    Receiving and passing the ball through the net

    Relaxation exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Ball feed bottom straight

    OSU complex without items

    Types of feed

    Ball feed bottom straight

    Reception and transfer of the ball from above, from below

    Breathing exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    Playing by simplified rules

    OSU complex without items

    Playing by simplified rules

    Stretching exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises

    Outdoor games 8 hours


    TB in the classroom outdoor games. Sniper game.

    RV complex with a gymnastic stick

    Sniper game rules

    Sniper game

    Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises



    RV complex with a gymnastic stick

    Relay rules

    Relay races

    Relaxation exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Gym stick, ball, gym mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    "Obstacle course"

    OSU complex without items

    Obstacle course

    Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs.

    Stretching exercises

    Hoops, gymnastic bench, gymnastic mat

    Individual approach, assistance with exercises



    OSU complex without items

    The rules of the game "Shootout"

    Exercises for the prevention of flat feet

    Breathing exercises


    Individual approach, assistance with exercises


    1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 08.20. No. 337. "On measures for the further development and improvement of sports medicine and exercise therapy."
    2. Order of the Department of Health of the Kurgan Region and the Department for Youth Affairs, Physical Education and Tourism dated 03/14/2002. No. 80/16 "On measures for the further development and improvement of sports medicine and exercise therapy"
    3. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports, RAO dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715/227 / 116/19. "" On improving the process of physical education in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. "
    4. Order of the administration of the city of Kurgan, the department of social policy from 24.12.02. No. 807 "On approval of the Regulation on the organization of physical education classes for schoolchildren assigned to a special medical group in educational institutions of the city of Kurgan."
    5. Order of the health department of the Kurgan region of 12.24.02. No. 394 "On improving the process of physical education in educational institutions"
    6. Recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003. No. 13-51-263 / 13 "On the assessment and certification of students assigned for health reasons to a special medical group for physical education"
    7. Methodical recommendations "Organization of physical education classes with students assigned to a special medical group." Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Republican medical and physical dispensary, Murmansk, 1985.
    8. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 986 of November 4, 1977. "Regulation on medical control over persons engaged in physical culture and sports"
    9. Order of the Minister of Health of the USSR and the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR "dated 11/14/1972. № 920/815 "On the education of medical control over the physical education of students of higher educational institutions of the country"
    10. Makarova GA "A Practical Guide for Sports Physicians." Rostov-on-Don, 2002
    11. Sports medicine (under the editorship of A.V. Chogovadze, L.A. Butchenko. - 1984)
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