The article outlines my experience of introducing innovative technologies in my own practical activities of a preschool speech center in the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education with priority areas: strengthening the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being; creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics; correction of speech disorders in preschool children; formation of prerequisites for educational activities; formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

A good speech therapist teacher must learn constantly!

Innovative experience, in my understanding, is “keeping your finger on the pulse” of modern pedagogy, and my preschool children, who attend classes at the speech center of our preschool educational institution, have special educational needs.

Mastery of innovative pedagogical technologies is a requirement professional qualifications teacher of the 21st century!

In the activities of a speech therapist teacher modern technologies are becoming increasingly important. They contribute to achieving the greatest possible success in overcoming speech disorders in children, serve to create a favorable emotional background, and contribute to the inclusion of intact mental functions in work and the activation of impaired mental functions. Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapists use in their practice, adapting to their needs, the most effective, innovative technologies that help optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher.


Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance, and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard labour. Use in speech therapy practice innovative technologies serve as an effective complement to the generally accepted most popular classical technologies and techniques developed in the mid-to-late 20th century.


By creatively varying the compatibility of different teaching technologies, systematically and purposefully using them in practice, in accordance with the individual physical capabilities of each child, the correctional and developmental process becomes more effective and efficient.

Innovative technologies in modern speech therapy practice at a preschool speech center with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

“Create ideas and develop them. And then you can be called modern teacher"- notes the doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor E.N. Smirnov.

It’s nice when children go to classes with a “speech therapist” with joy and desire, in anticipation of what awaits them today. What could be waiting for them? Attractive environment of the speech therapist's workspace, aesthetic design, game teaching aids. This is the only way to interest a child and invite him to dialogue. And, of course, a smile! A smile encourages the desire to communicate, trust, and creates a friendly emotional background.

Implementing the priority directions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, I, as a representative of the younger generation of Modern Speech Therapy, have to constantly look for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children. Thus, the process of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders in the speech center preschool aimed at:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics;
  • correction of speech disorders in preschool children;
  • formation of prerequisites for educational activities;
  • formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

The innovative technologies that I use in my own speech therapy practice are based on the priority areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

  • Palming;
  • Technology of finger and hand massage (with elements of self-massage);
  • “Su-Jok” - therapy;
  • Body-oriented technologies.
  • Gaming technologies;
  • Technology visual modeling;
  • Mnemonics;
  • Information Technology.

The above types of technologies cannot be considered in speech therapy as independent; they become part of generally accepted time-tested technologies, and bring into them the spirit of the times, new ways of interaction between teacher and child, and new incentives for the speech therapist teacher.

Health-saving technologies:

To maintain performance throughout the entire speech therapy session (individual-subgroup or subgroup) and relieve muscle tension in children-speech therapists, I use body-oriented technologies: relaxation techniques in contrast to tension in combination with exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, relieving tension in the eye muscles - Palming . This exercise is ancient, it belongs to yogis. The use of kinesiological exercises (a set of movements) allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction in children with speech disorders, increase their resistance to stress, improve mental activity, help improve memory and attention, mood and well-being. Technologies of finger and hand massage, “Su-Jok” therapy, expand the ideas of a modern specialist in the development of fine motor skills.

Gaming technologies:

Gaming technologies are integral part pedagogical (educational) technologies: problem-solving, gaming, computer, dialogue, training. The problem of using gaming technologies in the educational process in pedagogical theory and the practice is not new. However, in the Russian education system, gaming technologies to this day remain an “innovative technology.” Play is the leading activity of preschool children; on its basis, readiness for learning at school is formed. The purpose of using gaming technology in speech therapy practice is to increase motivation for classes, increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work, and develop higher mental functions.

A toy, like a hero, helps create motivation, a game situation, a surprise moment. One of children's favorite toys is a ball. Children with speech disorders have difficulty in such movements as passing the ball from a short distance (throwing it, hitting the target with their palms, trying to catch the ball), rolling and grabbing the ball. Word games with ball - perfect solution tasks to consolidate speech skills in the mental plane based on ideas and without relying on visualization, development of general motor skills, self-control skills when performing a task.

Construction in the preschool period is a game on the basis of which productive activities are formed. They contribute to the formation cognitive processes, speech, emotional, creative development, independence and arbitrariness of processes. Children's construction refers to an activity in which children create various play crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, etc.). In my speech therapy work, I successfully use the Tangram puzzle game. The game promotes the development of attention, imagination, thinking, combinatorial abilities, and fine motor skills.

Visual modeling technology:

The processes of development of the phonemic aspect of speech (perception, ideas, skills of sound analysis and synthesis) require children to become familiar with the structure of words. Traditional visual modeling technology allows children to “see” sounds and words, carry out complex types of work to determine the position of a sound in a word, and visually present the qualitative characteristics of a sound. Correctional and developmental work on the development of the grammatical side of speech (forms of inflection and word formation, prepositional-case constructions) with the use of special schemes and modules of word games in the process of correcting sound pronunciation develops in children imagination and an intuitive form of word transformation.


Correction of sound pronunciation is impossible without working on the expressiveness of speech, its meaningful duplication in activities such as retelling, memorizing poetry, tongue twisters. The essence of mnemonics is that for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is created. The use of symbolic analogy techniques facilitates the process of memorization for children. Mnemonics uses the natural mechanisms (visual-figurative memory) of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information.

Information Technology:

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with event scenarios.

3. Familiarity with periodicals and the work of other teachers.

4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in Power Point to increase efficiency educational activities with children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent meetings, master classes, and “Round Tables”.

6. Exchange of experience: creating your own mini-sites on popular portals, publishing materials pedagogical activity on various sites.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, content educational field“Health” is aimed at achieving the goals of protecting children’s health and forming the basis healthy image life.

In progress correctional work speech therapist, the social and pedagogical importance of preserving the health of children increases. Health-saving technologies influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality and prepare him for self-realization in life, based on value guidelines, such as health. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of speech therapy work is the creation of a correctional educational system that would not only preserve the child’s health, but also “increase” it.

Children with speech impairments, especially those of an organic nature, usually differ from their peers in terms of physical and neuropsychic health.

Features of physical development:

  • breathing and voice disorders;
  • violations of gross and fine motor skills;
  • disinhibition and inhibition of muscle tension;
  • increased fatigue;
  • a noticeable lag in indicators of basic physical qualities: strength, speed, agility;
  • violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of movements.

Features of mental development:

  • violations of optical-spatial praxis;
  • instability of attention;
  • memory disorder (especially auditory);
  • unformed thinking;

The features entail tasks for the development of these processes, which are solved by the speech therapist in individual and subgroup lessons together with the correction of speech disorders. And the use of health-saving technologies contributes to an integrated impact, as well as achieving sustainable, stable results in a shorter time.

Expected results:

  • correct speech breathing in children;
  • formed finger movements, general motor skills;
  • positive dynamics in the development of all aspects of the student’s speech;
  • lack of tension and stiffness in children;
  • improving the somatic health of speech-language pathologist children;
  • use of health-saving technologies by parents and teachers in classes with children.

1. In my practical activities I use the following health-saving technologies:

Articulation gymnastics

This is an integral and very important part of speech therapy work.

For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - tongue, lips, palate.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Regular practice will help:

  • improve blood supply to articulatory organs and their innervation (nerve conduction);
  • improve the mobility of articulatory organs;
  • strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks;
  • reduce spasticity (tension) of the articulatory organs.

Breathing exercises.

An integral part of the health regime is breathing exercises, which promote the development and strengthening of the chest. Breathing exercises are aimed at strengthening the skills of diaphragmatic - speech breathing (it is considered the most correct type of breathing). Work is underway to develop strength, smoothness, and duration of exhalation. In addition to its health value, developing proper breathing is necessary for further work on correcting sound pronunciation. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice development. In addition, breathing exercises have a complex therapeutic effect on the human body:

  • has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play important role in the blood supply, including lung tissue;
  • contributes to the restoration of those damaged during the disease nervous regulation from the central nervous system;
  • improves the drainage function of the bronchi;
  • restores impaired nasal breathing;
  • corrects various deformations of the chest and spine that have developed during the course of illness.

Development of general motor skills.

The higher the child’s motor activity, the more intensively his speech develops. Health breaks - physical exercises are carried out in a playful way in the middle of the lesson.

They are aimed at normalizing muscle tone, correcting incorrect postures, memorizing a series of motor acts, and developing speed of reaction to verbal instructions. The combination of speech with certain movements provides a number of advantages for children attending speech therapy classes.

For children with ODD, physical exercise is of particular importance. Pronouncing poetic texts with movements makes children’s speech clearer, rhythmic, emotional, and also develops auditory perception, attention and memory in such children, develops coordination and improves general motor skills.

Thus, a thoughtful rest of 2-3 minutes contributes to the development of children’s general motor skills and speech, and can smoothly lead them to the next element or stage of the lesson.

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in correctional classes, since this type of activity promotes mental and speech development, the development of basic elementary skills, and the formation of graphic skills.

Body movements and speech motor skills have common mechanisms, so the development of fine motor skills of the hands directly affects the development of speech. That is why finger gymnastics should occupy a strong place in our activities with children.

Children with speech delay have poor coordination of fine motor skills of their fingers. And as a result, dysgraphia (writing impairment) may develop. The development of finger movements will, as it were, prepare the platform for the further development of speech.

It is advisable to combine exercises to develop fine motor skills with speech exercises themselves.

Su-Jok therapy.

Su-Jok therapy is the stimulation of highly active points corresponding to all organs and systems located on the hands and feet. The impact on the points of the feet is carried out while walking on ribbed paths, rugs with buttons, etc. During correctional classes, active points located on the fingers are stimulated using various devices (balls, massage balls, walnuts, prickly rollers). Manual finger massage is also effective.

With the help of “hedgehog” balls with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, improves immunity, as well as the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech.

Massage and self-massage.

With systematic massage, the function of the receptors of the pathways improves, and the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with the muscles and blood vessels are strengthened. Types of developmental massage used in speech therapy practice:

  • massage and self-massage of the face;
  • massage and self-massage of hands and fingers;
  • plantar massage (foot massage);
  • auricular massage (massage of the ears);
  • tongue massage.

This massage, performed by the child (adult, teenager) himself, suffering from speech pathology, is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage.

The purpose of speech therapy massage and self-massage is to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the functioning of the peripheral speech apparatus.

Indications for massage:

  • Dyslalia;
  • Various types dysarthria;
  • Alalia
  • Neurosis-like stuttering;
  • Postoperative period for rhinolalia;
  • Violations of muscle tone leading to voice disorders.


Relaxation (from Latin relaxation - weakening, relaxation) is deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental stress.

Children really like doing relaxation exercises because they have an element of play. They, unlike adults, quickly learn the difficult ability to relax.

By relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such systematic work allows the child’s body to relieve excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.

A set of relaxation exercises is used to teach children how to control their own muscle tone and how to relax various muscle groups. The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate, relieve excitement, and relax their muscles, which is necessary to correct their speech.


Psychogymnastics, first of all, is aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation.

Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and provides the opportunity for self-expression.

Psycho-gymnastics helps create conditions for the successful learning of each child. The correctional focus of classes involves the correction of motor, speech, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and insufficiency of higher mental functions. These tasks are successfully solved in theater classes, logarithmics, during dynamic pauses in classes and in role-playing games.

2. One of the main tasks of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution is to organize the interaction of various specialists (speech therapist, educators, psychologist, music worker, etc.) and parents in order to create effective conditions for the development of children’s speech using innovative and health-saving technologies.

Long-term plan for working with teachers



Discussion of a plan for working with children, providing for communication between a teacher and speech therapist with teachers from the preschool educational institution Throughout the year
Participation in teaching councils of preschool educational institutions and methodological work. September – May
Familiarization of the teaching staff with the results of an examination of children’s speech. September 1-15
Consultation for educators “The state of children’s speech development” (results of a speech examination of children from all groups of preschool educational institutions). September October
Throughout the year, consulting members of the teaching team on issues of interest in the speech therapy section. During a year
Workshop: Health-saving technologies in the correction of speech disorders November
Workshop on speech development “Use of games and exercises for speech development at various regime moments in preschool educational institutions” December
Consultation “Development of physiological and speech breathing January
Consultation: “Development of phonemic hearing in children using various games and exercises” February
“Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills using innovative and health-saving technologies”
Workshop: “Innovative and health-saving technologies in work on automation and differentiation of sounds” April
Report: Results of correctional work May

Long-term plan for working with parents

No. The content of the work Deadlines
Initial conversations with parents, medical history collection September
Practical advice parents – showing articulation exercises. October
Design of an information stand for parents 2 r. per month
Attending parent meetings (answering questions)
  1. “Requirements for a child’s speech” (in all groups)
  2. “Games that treat and develop speech.”
Consultation: “Indicators of child speech development” October
Workshop: “Home toy library - introduction to games, play exercises and tasks to strengthen speech skills using innovative and health-saving technologies” november
Workshop “Training your fingers and developing your speech” november
Consultations for parents: “Development of speech breathing with the help of special exercises” December
Consultation: “Speech development using health-saving technologies” January
Workshop: “Innovative technologies in sound automation” February
Lecture for parents: “Prevention of written language disorders.” March
Day open doors. Purpose: inviting parents to watch classes (Tuesday Thursday)
How to prepare your child for school. The need to eliminate speech disorders in. (Tuesday Thursday)
preschool age Report speech matinee

May When working with children I use the following:

educational technologies. Development of personality and its abilities. Orientation of cognitive activity to the child’s potential capabilities. Development of all components of the language system.

Differentiated learning technologyCreating optimal conditions for detection and correction speech disorders. Mastering the program at various planned levels. Clear sound pronunciation, sufficient vocabulary, grammatically correct sentences and statements.

Usage person-oriented technologiesgives me the opportunity to achieve significant results in the development of children’s communicative and intellectual qualities, independence and their responsibility. They allow you to: explore personal characteristics each child through communication; build all correctional work taking into account the individual typological properties of the child’s personality, develop an individual correctional and educational route; develop an individual style of communication with each child in order to achieve mutual understanding to ensure maximum effectiveness of correctional influence in eliminating speech and personality disorders.

Collaboration pedagogy technology is the basis for working with parents of students(indispensable participantseducational process )

Application health-saving technologiesin correctional speech therapy classes allows you to solve several problems:

Helps increase speech activity;

Develop speech skills;

Relieves tension and restores performance;

Activate cognitive interest;

They improve concentration and reduce the difficulty of switching from one type of activity to another.

In my work I use the following healing techniques:

1. Breathing exercises.

Stimulates brain function, regulates neuropsychic processes.

We form a strong, smooth and prolonged exhalation, lower diaphragmatic breathing, organization of speech during exhalation, differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation.

2. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Relieves eye strain, helps train hand-eye coordination, and improves perception. Prevention of visual impairment.

3. Mimic gymnastics.

Promotes communication and emotional development. Performed in front of a mirror, following imitation or verbal instructions.

4. Self-massage

facial and finger muscles (performed by the child himself) to stimulate and activate muscle tone. Strengthening facial muscles, forming tactile sensations, developing speech.

5.Articulation gymnastics

It is carried out to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

6. Bioenergoplasty

- This is a combination of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus with movements of the hand. When a child performs gymnastics, the use of movements of fingers and hands synchronously with the movements of the organs of articulation activates his attention, thinking, develops a sense of rhythm, finger motor skills, and orientation in space. Such gymnastics helps to maintain the child’s interest for a long time, helps to increase the children’s motivational readiness for classes, and supports the child’s positive emotional mood.

7. Speech therapy massage

It is carried out to normalize the tone of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, preparing conditions for the formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the articulatory organs.

8.Finger gymnastics

Aimed at developing fine motor skills, manipulating objects, manual skills, relieving synkenesis and muscle tension. Croupotherapy, sand therapy, mosaic, massage balls, games with clothespins, counting sticks, etc. Directly proportional relationship between the development of fine motor skills and speech.

9. Kinesiological exercises

is a set of movements that allow you to activate the interhemisphericimpact: develop the corpus callosum, increase stress resistance,

improve mental activity, help improve memory and attention.

10. Development of gross motor skills

Dynamic pauses combined with speech material. Aimed at developing coordination of movements and speech, relieving muscle tension. Physical exercises on lexical topics. Helps improve performance, prevent postural disorders and flat feet.

11. Relaxation.

Relieves tension and anxiety. The ability to control your body, control your emotions, feelings, and sensations develops.

An effective tool for teaching children with speech impairments aregaming technology. Game as a form of activity With contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s mental processes, personal qualities, and intelligence.

Purpose of usegaming technology in speech therapypractice is to increase motivation for classes, increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work , development of curiosity

Speech therapy classes are held in a playful way. At the beginning of the lesson, a didactic task is set in game form. A child is attracted to a game not by the educational task inherent in it, but by the opportunity to be active, perform game actions, achieve results, and win.

Among games with objects, a special place is occupied byplot-didactic games and dramatization games,in which children perform certain roles.

Board-printed games- are games with rules. These games are usually competitive in nature: unlike role-playing games, there are winners and losers. The main task of such games is to strictly follow the rules, so they require high degree voluntary behavior and, in turn, shape it.

Printed board games are varied in content, educational tasks, and design. They help clarify and expand children’s ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.

Word games differ in that the process of solving a learning task is carried out in a mental way based on ideas and without relying on visualization.

By using didactic games work is being doneto consolidate the skills of inflection and word formation, coherent speech.

The use of gaming technologies with pupils in speech therapy work helps to prevent speech defects; the child develops speech skills in the game. In speech therapy work I use different types of games: speech games for correction of sound pronunciation, breathing, phonemic hearing, syllable structure, on skill formation sound-letter analysis and synthesis. improving lexical and grammatical categories. In addition, I use games for the development of coherent speech and the formation of communication skills, for the formation of prerequisites for learning to read and write, dramatization games, didactic games, verbal, board-printed and finger games.

In speech therapy work I use andinformation and computer technologies.Using the gaming capabilities of a computer in combination with didactic capabilities (visual presentation of information, providing feedback between the correctional and educational program and the child, ample opportunities to encourage correct actions, individual style of work, etc.) allows:

Increase motivation and get children interested in activities.

Reinforce the completed and studied educational material.

Reduce the time for the formation and development of linguistic and speech means, communication skills, higher mental functions: attention, memory, verbal logical thinking, emotional-volitional sphere.

Remove negativism from repeated repetitions of tasks, especially speech ones.

Individualize the process of correctional training (content, level of difficulty, pace changes).

Master self-control techniques, focusing on attractive graphics.

Develop hand-eye coordination.

Activate children's mental activity.

Promote positive development dynamics.

Development phonemic awareness based on non-speech sounds;

Development of auditory memory;

Development of visual and auditory attention;

Fixing the names of primary and tint colors

I also use information and computer technologies (ICT) to improve the efficiency of the educational process in:

Selection of illustrated material for classes (scanning, creation of educational games, Internet resources);

Selection of additional educational material for GCD, familiarization with the scenarios of holidays and other events;

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers;

Preparation of group documentation, sliding folders, information for parents.

One of the innovative educational technology is a method of projects.

As practice shows, in recent years the number of children with speech difficulties has been growing steadily. Standardized methods of correctional work with children with speech disorders do not always give the expected result. In this regard, the search for effective forms and methods, the need to include search activities in the content of a preschooler’s education that require the use of knowledge and skills in a new situation to solve new problems, becomes relevant.

Thus, design technology allows us to solve important problems of speech and mental development of a preschooler:

Expand children's knowledge about the environment, thereby expanding their vocabulary;

Improve sound side speeches;

Develop the ability to create words;

Shape personal qualities child;

Develop communication skills;

To achieve significant positive dynamics in the speech development of children.

In my work, I implemented the following projects: “Smart Fingers”, “Mom is the most dear person in the world!”

Mastery of new educational technologies at the level of an integral system also allows me to improve my professional level.

Lena Proskura
Modern educational technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher

Pedagogical technology- this is a consistent, interconnected system of teacher actions aimed at solving pedagogical problems, or a systematic, consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed pedagogical process.

The main focus of speech therapy is speech development, correction and prevention of speech disorders. During speech therapy work I use the following modern technologies.

Personality-oriented technologies:

1. Pedagogy of cooperation

2. Humane-personal technology

They allow: study personal characteristics of each child through communication; build the entire correctional work with a child based on a long-term plan work for a year, taking into account the individual typological properties of the child’s personality, having developed individual correctional educational route; work out an individual style of communication with each child in order to achieve mutual understanding to ensure maximum effectiveness of correctional influence in eliminating speech and personality disorders.

Technology collaborative pedagogy underlies the implementation work with parents of speech therapy group students (indispensable participants educational process)

Health-saving technologies – main forms of work on correctional classes:

Articulatory gymnastics is an integral part of classes, its regular implementation helps: improve blood supply to articulatory organs and their innervation; improve the mobility of articulatory organs; strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks; reduce spasticity (tension) articulatory organs.

An integral part of the health regime is breathing exercises, which promote the development and strengthening of the chest. Breathing exercises are aimed at strengthening the skills of diaphragmatic-speech breathing (it is considered the most correct type of breathing). Underway working on strength development, smoothness, duration of exhalation. In addition to its health benefits, production proper breathing is necessary for further work over correction of sound pronunciation.

The higher the child’s motor activity, the more intensively his speech develops. Health breaks - physical minutes, are carried out in a playful way in the middle of the lesson. They are aimed at normalizing muscle tone, correcting incorrect postures, memorizing a series of motor acts, and developing speed of reaction to verbal instructions. Combining speech with certain movements provides a number of benefits for children attending speech therapy classes.

Special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in correctional classes, since this type of activity promotes mental and speech development, production basic elementary skills, the formation of graphic skills. It is advisable combine exercises to develop fine motor skills with speech exercises themselves.

Su-Jok therapy is stimulation of highly active points corresponding to all organs and systems located on the hands and feet. The impact on the foot points is carried out while walking on ribbed paths, rugs with buttons, etc. During correctional classes, the active points located on the child’s fingers and feet are stimulated using various devices (balls, massage balls, walnuts, prickly rollers)

With systematic massage, the function of the receptors of the pathways improves, and the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with the muscles and blood vessels are strengthened. Types of developmental massage used in speech therapy practice: massage and self-massage of the face; massage and self-massage of hands and fingers; plantar massage (foot massage); auricular massage (ear massage); massage of the lingual muscles.

A set of relaxation exercises is used to teach children how to control their own muscle tone and how to relax various muscle groups. The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate, relieve excitement, and relax their muscles, which is necessary to correct their speech.

Psycho-gymnastics helps create conditions for the successful learning of each child. The correctional focus of classes involves the correction of motor, speech, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and insufficiency of higher mental functions.

Gaming technologies

Specifics of the game technologies largely determines the type of activity and play Wednesday: games with objects, word games, dramatization games, imitation games, etc. Permeating the entire lesson with a game plot helps to immerse the child in the game and the learning task comes second for him, against the backdrop of emotional upsurge and increased cognitive interest.

Technology collective way of organizing children

Use in class: work in pairs; work in a subgroup; team games; a common gaming goal for the group and a common desire to achieve it.

Modular learning technology

Forms the basis for planning all correctional group work(distribution of material according to lexical topics of the week)– carried out through the interaction of all participants educational process(child, group teachers and family).

Specific pedagogical corrections technologies.

1. Technologies teaching coherent speech.

2. Technologies The production of sounds is different and the effectiveness of their use is individual.

3. Technologies eliminating violations of the syllabic structure of words.

In correctional work are certainly applied various models and diagrams as a method of visual modeling.

Technology didactic syncwine promotes: enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts. It is a diagnostic tool that makes it possible to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered. It has the nature of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but contributes to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

Rules for compiling a didactic syncwine

The first line is one word, usually a noun, that expresses the main idea;

The second line is two words, adjectives;

The third line is three words, verbs that describe actions within the topic;

The fourth line is a multi-word phrase showing the attitude towards the topic;

Fifth line - words related to the first, reflecting the essence of the topic (this can be one word).

For example

2. Beautiful, beloved.

3. Stands, sits, smiles. 4. My doll is the most beautiful.

5. Toy.

"Didactic syncwine" harmoniously combines elements of three main educational systems : informational, activity-based and personality-oriented and can be successfully used in speech therapy practice.

Using Elements technologies TRIZ is applicable in classes on the development of coherent speech and helps expand vocabulary.

Games:"Good bad","Garland","Chain of Words","Wonderful table"(morphological tables, "Let's move the house" (system operator).

Information technologies

Presentations on lexical topics

Presentations on sound automation

Games to develop reading skills and basic language analysis

Games to develop phonemic hearing and perception

Games and tasks for the development of coherent speech.

So way to use modern educational technologies and their elements in combination help to overcome speech disorders in older preschoolers.

Department of Education Administration

Urensky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region

Materials from work experience

for the regional competition “Fair of Methodological Ideas”

Nomination: “Experience in the development and effective use of new

forms of work with children with disabilities"

Topic: “The use of health-saving technologies in the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist”

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

MBDOU No. 29 d/s k/v

"Fairy tale"

Rekhalova Tatyana




Health preservation as a necessary aspect of comprehensive rehabilitation of children with speech pathology

  1. The concept of “Health-saving technologies” and their principles…………4-6
  2. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions ………………………………….6-7
  3. Organization of health-preserving activities of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution………..7-15

Practical application of health-saving technologies in the work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

2.1Muscle relaxation………………………………………………………...16-18

2.2 Breathing techniques and exercises……………………………………...18-20

2.3 Articulation gymnastics ………………………………………………………… 21

2.4 Movements of the fingers………………………………………………………...22-24

2.5 Physical exercises………………………………………………………………...25-26

2.6 Gymnastics for the eyes………………………………………………………26-28

2.7 Development of mental processes……………………………………………28-29

2.8 Speech therapy rhythms…………………………………………………….29

2.9 Game………………………………………………………………………………………29-30

2.10 Playing with sand……………………………………………………………….31-34




  1. Health-saving technologies in speech therapy work (speech at the teachers' council of preschool educational institutions)
  2. Master class “Health-saving technologies in the correctional work of a speech therapist” (for teachers)
  3. The use of health-saving technologies in speech therapy classes

(consultation for teachers)

  1. Using health-saving technologies to develop fine motor skills (for a sliding folder)
  2. Long-term plan for the development of fine motor skills in a speech therapy (preparatory) group
  3. The use of health-saving technologies in the formation of speech breathing in preschool children (consultation)
  4. The use of elements of su-jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions (consultation)
  5. GCD notes
  6. Card files (finger games, breathing development), forward planning(self-massage and fine motor skills, special games and exercises)ON ELECTRONIC MEDIUM
  7. Presentations (Finger gymnastics; Formation of articulatory motor skills; Movements combined with speech; Workshop “Techniques and methods for developing gross and fine motor skills in speech disorders”; CST in working with children with speech disorders)ON ELECTRONIC MEDIUM


In recent years, a steady trend has emerged towards a significant decline in health indicators and the rate of development of preschool children, which is due to the deterioration of socio-economic and environmental conditions. In this regard, at present, pedagogical technologies that, in addition to the pedagogical effect, involve preserving the health of children are becoming increasingly in demand. There is a need to use new health-saving technologies aimed at studying the individual capabilities of the body, teaching methods of mental and physical self-regulation.

The current state of society, the highest rates of its development, place ever new, higher demands on a person and his health.

The relevance of the topic of a healthy lifestyle is confirmed by statistical indicators:

No more than 14% of children are born physiologically mature.

25-35% of children entering the 1st grade of school have physical disabilities or chronic diseases.

90-92% of high school graduates are in the “third state,” that is, they do not yet know that they are sick.

Only 8-10% of school graduates can be considered truly healthy.

5% of the country's adult population is chronically ill, and 95% are in the “third state.”

Crisis phenomena in society contributed to changes in the motivation of educational activities in children of different ages, lowered them creative activity, slowed down their physical and mental development, and caused deviations in social behavior.

For these reasons, the problems of maintaining the health of adults and children are becoming especially relevant in all areas human activity and especially acutely in the educational field, where every practical work, aimed at improving the health of children of different ages by improving health services, has not brought tangible results.

In the process of correctional work of a speech therapist, the social and pedagogical significance of preserving the health of children increases. Therefore, one of the (most important) tasks of speech therapy work is the creation of a correctional educational system that would not only preserve the child’s health, but also “increase” it.

Health-saving technologies influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality and prepare him for self-realization in life, based on value guidelines, such as health. That is why these technologies are a necessary aspect (component) of complex rehabilitation of children with speech pathology.


  1. The concept of “health-saving technologies” and their principles

The analysis shows that different experts put different meanings into the concept of “health-saving technologies”. Director of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents Science Center Children's health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladislav Remirovich Kuchma rightly notes that teachers believe that health-saving educational technologies are a matter of medicine, hygiene and physical education. Doctors rightfully believe that the possibilities for improving the health of children lie, first of all, in the psychological and pedagogical capabilities of the educational process itself.

Consequently, “health-saving educational technologies” should be differentiated from health-saving non-educational technologies, including:

Medical (exaggerating, we can say that their principle is: “You teach the child, and then we will cure him”);

Hygienic (“You teach, and we will provide the child proper nutrition, regime, necessary physical activity...");

Psychological (“You teach, and we will teach the child to relieve learning stress”).

To differentiate the above approaches, N.K. Smirnov proposed two terms: “health-saving educational technologies” (that is, actually pedagogical) and “health-saving technologies in education.” The latter generally includes all technologies that are used at school by various specialists. In addition to the above, these include the health-preserving work of speech therapists, defectologists, social educators, law enforcement agencies...

So what exactly is “health-saving pedagogical technology” and is it worth using this concept?

In a book addressed to managers and specialists of educational departments, the Department of Health of the Academy of PC and PRO proposes to consider health-saving educational technology (HST) “as a qualitative characteristic of any pedagogical technology, its “health safety certificate”, and as a set of principles, techniques, methods pedagogical work, which, complementing traditional technologies of training and education, endow them with a sign of health conservation.”

Thus, health-saving educational technology is presented in the form of a system consisting of the pedagogical technology used + pedagogical measures to reduce its possible adverse impact on the child + work to cultivate a culture of health. Based on this definition, PTA has more to do not with the pedagogical technology itself, but with the conditions for its implementation, which makes this concept not entirely correct. After all, any educational technology has health-saving potential, and it would be wrong to single out health-saving educational technologies separately.

A number of researchers working in this area use another term, health-saving technologies, specifying the meaning put into it. They propose, based on the works of I.V. Dubrovina, E.N. Dzyatkovskaya and others, by health-saving educational (pedagogical) technology we mean such methodological system(the purpose of education, its content, methods, control of results), which purposefully solves the problems of information and psychological safety and development of students (sensory-emotional, physical, intellectual, personal, spiritual and moral), as pedagogical prerequisites for the child’s health.

There are different opinions, different concepts. But when you first hear the combination “health-saving technologies” and remember your little pupils, your own definition is formed in your head.

Health-saving educational technologies can be defined as science, art and the responsibility to teach and educate students so that they grow up healthy and happy and can then raise their children healthy and happy, being a worthy example to them.

The fundamental principles of health-saving technologies include:

1. Creation of an educational environment that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors in the educational process. An atmosphere of goodwill, faith in the child’s strengths, an individual approach, and the creation of success for each situation are necessary not only for cognitive development children, but also for their normal psychophysiological state.

2. The creative nature of the educational process. Learning without a creative charge is uninteresting, and therefore, to one degree or another, is violence against oneself and others. The opportunity to realize creative tasks is achieved by using active methods and forms of learning in classes, lessons and extracurricular activities.

3. Providing motivation for educational activities. A child is a subject of education and educational communication; he must be emotionally involved in the process of socialization, which ensures a natural increase in the performance and efficiency of the brain without compromising health.

4.Construction of the educational process in accordance with the laws of development of mental functions. First of all, we mean the transition from joint actions to independent ones, from action in the material plane according to a materialized program to verbal and mental plans for performing the action, the transition from detailed step-by-step actions to collapsed and automated.

5. Accounting for the systemic structure of higher mental functions. When forming basic functions, it is important for the teacher to take into account all the components included in a given function and their readiness to form a new function.

6. Preference for significant meaningful content when mastering new material, learning \\\"by units, not by elements\\\", the principle of integrity.

7. The child’s awareness of success in any type of activity. The teacher does not need to be biased - he can highlight some piece or aspect of the work and praise him for his efforts in a certain period of time.

8.Rational organization motor activity. The combination of healing and education methods allows you to achieve quick and stable adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten or school: the overall morbidity rate, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and absences due to illness are reduced by up to 50%.

9. Ensuring adequate recuperation. Changing types of activities, regularly alternating periods of intense active work and relaxation, changing voluntary and emotional activation is necessary to avoid overwork in children.

10. Ensuring lasting memorization. A scientifically based repetition system is a necessary condition for health-saving technologies.

11.Comprehensive system for hardening children.

1.2. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions

Health-saving technologies in preschool education– technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to a child is to ensure high level real health for a kindergarten pupil and the education of valeological culture as the totality of a child’s conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and preserve it, valeological competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance. In relation to adults - promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of influence on children’s health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches to solving emerging problems. They can be divided into three subgroups:

●organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the educational process, helping to prevent states of overwork, physical inactivity and other maladaptive states;

● psychological and pedagogical technologies related to the direct work of the teacher with children (this also includes psychological and pedagogical support of all elements of the educational process);

● educational technologies, which include programs to teach students how to take care of their health and create a culture of health.

The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on the program in which teachers work, the specific conditions of a preschool educational institution (DOU), the professional competence of teachers, as well as indications of children's morbidity.

Modern health-saving technologies can be divided into the following types:

1. Technologies for preserving and stimulating health: Stretching, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, aesthetic technologies, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics.

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: Physical education, problem-based games (game training and game therapy), communicative games, classes from the “Health” series, self-massage, acupressure self-massage, biofeedback (BF).

3. Corrective technologies: Art therapy, musical influence technologies, fairy tale therapy, color influence technologies, behavior correction technologies, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythms

Thus, it is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and health-saving activities used in combination would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, will form among teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, if conditions are created for the possibility of adjusting technologies, depending on the specific conditions and specialization of the preschool educational institution; if, based on statistical monitoring of children's health, the necessary amendments are made to the intensity of technological influences, an individual approach to each child is ensured; Positive motivation will be generated among preschool teachers and parents of children.

1.3. Organization of health-preserving activities of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution

Speech therapy work involves the correction of not only speech disorders, but also the personality of children as a whole. Among pupils with problems in speech development, there is a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of gross and fine motor skills, memory, attention, and often thinking. Accordingly, there is a need to carry out comprehensive health-improving and correctional work with these children, which includes muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, articulation exercises, finger exercises, exercises for the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), physical education, exercises for the prevention of vision, logorhythmics.

1. The main direction of health-saving activities isrational organization of the educational process.

For the implementation of therapeutic and recreational and corrective measures, which would not violate educational activities, an appropriate daily routine has been developed. Corrective speech therapy classes in kindergarten are carried out in the mode of changing dynamic poses, for which easels, massage mats, and multi-level space in rooms (podiums, cubes) are used. The child can sit for part of the lesson, and stand for part, thereby maintaining his bodily vertical position.

Using this method allows you to maintain children's performance throughout the entire lesson.

We supplement the volume of physical activity with differentiated physical exercises, outdoor games, and mood moments; finger gymnastics; exercises of psychological self-regulation - relaxation; exercises to prevent flat feet; some self-massage techniques (acupressure); breathing exercises.

After lunch, a “correctional and health hour” is held, which includes consolidating the knowledge gained in speech therapy classes using health-saving technologies. Under the guidance of a teacher, children perform a set of exercises for wakefulness, acupressure and self-massage of the abdomen, chest, neck, parts of the face, articulation gymnastics, massage of the head, arms, legs, as well as air baths, walking on reflex paths. All this helps children become more active after sleep, and also serves as a prevention of various diseases. Next, individual work is carried out with children to consolidate speech material.

2 . To restore strength and relieve emotional arousal in children, to calm them down during classes,muscle relaxation.

Relaxation is a set of relaxing exercises that relieve tension in the muscles of the arms and legs, neck muscles and speech apparatus.

Most children with speech disorders are characterized by an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, increased emotionality, motor restlessness. Any, even minor, stressful situations overload their weak nervous system. Muscular and emotional relaxation is an important condition for the development of natural speech and correct body movements. Children need to be made to feel that muscle exercise, at their will, can be replaced by pleasant relaxation and calm.

The ability to recognize individual muscle groups and distinguish them from the rest begins with relaxing the most familiar large muscles of the arms, legs, neck, and body. Children can better feel the relaxation of these muscles if they first feel some tension in the same muscles. Then you should demonstrate how unpleasant the state of tension is, and, conversely, emphasize how at ease we feel when our muscles are not tense, relaxed. After all, only relaxed hands can easily perform any action we desire. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that tension should be short-term, and relaxation should be long-lasting.

3 . The most important conditions for correct speech are a smooth, long exhalation and clear, relaxed articulation. In students with speech disorders, speech breathing and speech clarity are typically impaired. Breathing becomes shallow and arrhythmic.

Proper breathing is very important for speech development, since the respiratory system is the energy base for the speech system. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice development.

Breathing exercises help develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation.

Regular breathing exercises help to develop correct speech breathing with an extended, gradual exhalation, which allows you to obtain a supply of air for pronouncing segments of different lengths.

Breathing exercises – rhythmic, noisy inhalations and exhalations help saturate the body with oxygen, improve metabolic processes, psycho-emotional state, relieve stress, and increase immunity.

Considering the fact that a number of speech disorders have in their symptoms the syndrome of impaired physiological and speech breathing, work to overcome speech disorders is complex in nature and includes “setting up” the correctphysiological and speech breathing.For this purpose, static and dynamic breathing exercises are used, aimed at developing the ability to breathe through the nose, developing oral exhalation, the ability to differentiate nasal and oral exhalation, and rationally use exhalation at the time of pronouncing sounds, syllables, words, phrases.

4. Articulation gymnastics- development of correct, complete movements and certain positions of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, and the combination of simple movements into complex ones. The main task is to develop accuracy, strength, pace, and switchability of movements. .

Exercises for articulatory gymnastics cannot be selected arbitrarily. It is necessary to provide for those articulatory patterns that need to be formed.

Articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for training the mobility and switchability of organs, practicing certain positions of the lips, tongue, correct pronunciation of all sounds, and for each sound of a particular group. Exercises should be targeted: it is not their quantity that is important, but exercises are selected based on the correct articulation of sound, taking into account the child’s specific disorder.

5. S.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the sources of creative thought. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child. Systematic exercises for training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on the development of speech, are a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex, affecting the centers of speech development, developing manual skills, and helping to relieve stress.

For this purpose, games and exercises to form movements are used in classes. fingers

Finger games with small objects;

Finger gymnastics;

Finger alphabet;

Finger Theater;

Shadow play.

To develop visual-tactile coordination, a finger writing simulator is used.

6. In case of fatigue, decreased performance, or loss of interest and attention, we includephysical education minutes. This form of physical activity is a necessary condition for maintaining high performance and maintaining the health of students.

A physical education minute as a form of active recreation during sedentary activities is quite widely used with preschool children. The purpose of holding a physical education minute is to increase or maintain the mental performance of children in classes, to provide short-term active rest for preschoolers during classes, when the organs of vision and hearing experience significant stress; muscles of the trunk, especially the back, which are in a static state.

Types of physical exercises:

1. Health and hygiene physical education sessions

They can be performed both standing and sitting, straightening your shoulders, arching your back, stretching, turning your head, “dangling your legs.”

2.Dance physical education minutes

They are usually performed to the music of popular children's songs. All movements are arbitrary, they dance as best they can. They are performed to music, but are distinguished by a more precise execution of the elements.

3. Physical education and sports physical education minutes

This is traditional gymnastics, which is performed strictly by counting, with an even alternation of inhalations and exhalations. Each exercise is designed to strengthen specific muscle groups. This can include running, jumping, squats, and walking in place.

4. Imitative physical education minutes

They depend on the imagination and creativity of the teacher. You can imitate the movements and sounds of cars, trains, animals, the movements of frogs, monkeys, grasshoppers, and bees. These physical education minutes help children switch gears and cheer up.

5.Motor-speech physical education minutes

Children collectively read short, funny poems and at the same time perform various movements, as if staging them.

6. Functional anatomical immaturity of the visual system and significant visual loads that the child’s eye experiences in the process of reading and writing determine the need to usegymnastics for the eyes.

The movement is clear didactic material (the use of mobile “mobiles”) allows you to relieve muscle tension in the eyes, causes an emotional uplift, and forms directed sensorimotor behavior and speech activity.

Scheme of visual-motor trajectories(“Running lights”, “Sunny bunnies”) also allows you to relieve tension and relax your eye muscles.

7. The speech therapist teacher does a lot of work in his classes ondevelopment of thinking, memory, attention.

Features of the speech development of children with severe speech impairments influence the formation of the child’s personality and the formation of all mental processes. Children have a number of psychological and pedagogical characteristics that complicate their social adaptation and require targeted correction of existing disorders.

Peculiarities speech activity are reflected in the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children. There is insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. With relative preservation of semantic memory in children, verbal memory is reduced, and memorization productivity suffers. In children, low mnemonic activity can be combined with a delay in the formation of other mental processes. The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development is manifested in specific features of thinking. Having complete prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible by age, children lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking and have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

8. Play gymnastics (logorhythmics) is used for children to learn various movements that are not only general strengthening, but also corrective and developmental.

Speech therapy rhythmis an integral part of a comprehensive method for overcoming speech disorders in preschool children. The specialized technique of logorhythmics is a means of speech re-education through training and development of the necessary qualities of general and speech motor skills. The entire course of logorhythmic classes, thanks to a large number of motor tasks, contributes to the development of more subtle dynamic characteristics of general and speech motor skills.

Exercises on breathing, voice and articulation are carried out in combination, since these three components of speech activity are closely related to each other. Logorhythmic activities evoke natural positive emotional reactions in children, which are reflected in facial expressions.

Logorhythmics classes strengthen the musculoskeletal system of speech therapists, develop breathing, motor functions, cultivate correct posture, gait, grace of movements, contribute to the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of dexterity, strength, endurance, coordination of movements, and organizational abilities.

The development of movements in combination with words and music is a holistic educational and correctional process that requires composure, attention, concreteness of presentation, activity of thought, and memory development.

Logorhythmic exercises create favorable conditions for training the processes of excitation or inhibition.

In addition, phonemic awareness develops. The perception of music of different tonality, volume, tempo and rhythm creates the basis for improving phonemic processes.

Logorhythmics classes may include different types of exercises: general developmental exercises, outdoor games, breathing exercises, finger exercises, massage and self-massage, psychotherapy, music therapy. In addition, the training system can use non-traditional approaches that have different goals: connecting personality and nature, developing breathing processes, smell (aromatherapy), activating the activity of brain cells, improving the overall well-being of the child.

So, in correctional classes with elements of logorhythmics we use the following points:

Breathing exercises

Finger gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

Massage and self-massage

Movements to music

Listening to music

Drawing in the air and on paper

Using game situations and dramatization

Physical education minutes

Completing tasks like: finish drawing, color, help.

Such techniques do not create stressful situations in the learning process of preschoolers and do not cause harm to health. Children complete these tasks without tension and with interest.

9. The use of a gaming system contributes to maintaining health.Movement, activity, ingenuity, socialization are inherent in the system itself: show what this letter looks like, draw your perception of the object, depict your mood. Children in these classes are involved in active cognitive activity, do not feel tired, and retain energy for the subsequent learning period.

Gaming technologies help solve not only problems of motivation and child development, but also health and socialization. In play and through playful communication, a growing person develops and develops a worldview, a need to influence the world, and adequately perceive what is happening. In the game, regardless of the child’s consciousness, various muscle groups work, which has a beneficial effect on health.

Theatrical and gaming activities:

  • - dramatization games;
  • - fairytale therapy;
  • - conjugate gymnastics – theater of fingers and tongue;
  • - puppet therapy.

The main directions of speech therapy work in theatrical and play activities are:

Development of speech culture: articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, speech breathing, correct sound pronunciation;

Development of stage skills and speech activity: development of facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, emotional perception, improvement grammatical structure speech, monologue and dialogic forms of speech, gaming skills and creative independence.

An excellent stimulus for children and a means of creating speech situations isfinger theater,which is in the arsenal speech therapy room. The most gentle, comfortable way for children to learn is to learn through play. The game calms, heals, and in my case stimulates children's speech. You should see the delighted eyes of my students when they put an animal figurine on their finger and begin to play their role and speak! Moreover, everyone, even timid children, takes part in the educational game with pleasure. They build dialogues, compose short stories, select action words, feature words, etc.

And even the most silent and shy child comes to the board and tells his story about the animal whose role he plays.

The significant impact on emotional sphere children a fairy tale that evokes surprise, a desire to learn, develops the ability to find solutions in non-standard situations, aims to discover new things and understand their experience.

In 1997, an institute was created in St. Petersburg fairytale therapy where is the doctor psychological sciences T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva developed practical guide on creative therapy, author's programs have been published.

Conjugate gymnastics

Children's work with puppet dollallows you to improve motor skills, coordinate the movements of your right and left hands, rotate your hands and fingers. By “playing out” states through a therapeutic doll, the child motorically consolidates the psycho-emotional experience, works out the mechanism of self-regulation, and learns to adequately express his feelings. Dolls help to act out various situations from life and fairy-tale plots. For many children, they become real helpers: they help relieve mental stress, allow them to do something important together, and it is easier for them to tell something about themselves than to an adult or other children. Thus, a connection is made between the child’s emotional states and specific situations that he may encounter in life.

Theatricalization of the speech therapy process is attractive because it brings a festive atmosphere and high spirits into children’s everyday life, allows children to take initiative, and helps them develop a sense of mutual assistance and collective skills.

10. Sand therapy– with the help of this therapy, the child can relax and calm down.

Why sand? Because playing in the sand is one of the natural activities of a child. Sand develops Creative skills child and imagination. A sand painting created by a child is a creative product. Playing in the sand develops a child's imagination. And it’s not surprising, because a fabulous life is lived here. The main emphasis is on the child’s creative self-expression, thanks to this there is a release of internal tension and a search for ways of development. Observations and experience show that playing with sand has a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children and relieves mental stress in the child. By touching grains of sand with your hands, the child develops fine motor skills. All this makes it an excellent tool for human development and self-development.

Playing in the sand is one of the natural activities of a child. That is why you can use the sandbox in developmental and educational activities. By building pictures from sand, inventing various stories, we convey to him our knowledge and life experience, events and laws of the surrounding world in the most organic form for a child. The principle of “Sand Therapy” was proposed by Carl Gustav Jung. Many psychologists see individual grains of sand as a symbolic reflection of human autonomy, and the mass of sand as the embodiment of life in the universe. Simple exercises are of enormous importance for the development of a child’s psyche and speech. Firstly, they stabilize the emotional state of children. Secondly, along with the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, they teach the child to listen to himself and pronounce his feelings. And this promotes the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory, which is very important for children with speech disorders. But the main thing is that the child gets the first experience of reflection (self-analysis), learns to understand himself and others. This lays the foundation for further development of positive communication skills.

Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy-tale world, the child is given the opportunity to creatively change the problem that bothers him. this moment situation or condition. By transforming the situation in the sandbox, the child gains experience in independently resolving difficulties both internal and external. He transfers the accumulated experience of independent constructive changes into reality.

Basic principles of sand play:

1. Create a natural, stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable to be creative.

To do this, we select a task that matches the child’s capabilities; we formulate instructions for games in fairy tale form; we exclude negative assessment of his actions, ideas, results, encouraging imagination and creativity.

2. “Revival” of abstract symbols: letters, numbers, geometric shapes, etc.

The implementation of this principle allows you to create and strengthen positive motivation for classes and the child’s personal interest in what is happening.

3. Real “living”, playing out all kinds of situations together with the heroes of fairy-tale games. On the basis of this principle, the mutual transition of the Imaginary into the Real and vice versa is carried out. The child not only offers a way out of the situation, but also actually plays it out on the sand with the help of miniature figures. Thus, he “in practice” becomes convinced of the correctness or error of the chosen path.

PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE WORK OF A Speech Pathologist at a Preschool Educational Institution

2.1. Muscle relaxation.

Relaxation exercises are carried out at the beginning and at the end of each developmental cognitive lesson.

Description of basic exercises.

Speech therapist: In our classes we will learn to use our energy economically. A person needs strength to play, think, play sports, speak correctly, write, count. To work well, you need to be able to rest well.

Let's sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, put our hands loosely on our knees, and spread our legs slightly. This is a resting pose, we will begin all classes with a resting pose.

Exercises to relax your arms, legs, and core in contrast to tension.

"On the beach". Speech therapist (shows and explains): imagine that your arms and legs are sunbathing. Sitting on a chair, we raise our arms and legs, hold them... Our legs and arms are tired. We lower it. Legs and arms are free to rest and relaxed. Listen and do as I do:

We tan great!

We raise our legs higher,

We raise our arms higher.

We hold, we hold, we strain...

Tanned! Let's lower it! (Legs sharply on the floor, hands on your knees)

Legs are not tense

The arms are not tense and relaxed.

"Ship." Speech therapist (shows and explains): imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, place your feet shoulder-width apart and do not lift your feet off the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked: press your right leg harder to the floor, tilt your body to the right, and your left leg will relax. It swayed in the other direction: press your left leg harder to the floor, tilt your body to the left, and your right leg will relax. Listen and do as I do:

The deck began to rock - I pressed my foot to the deck!

We press our leg tighter and relax the other

Sit down and listen:

Hands on your knees again, and now a little laziness...

The tension flew away and the whole body relaxed...

Our muscles are not tired and have become even more obedient.

"Ball". Speech therapist (shows and explains): imagine that we are inflating balloon. Place your hand on your stomach. Inflate your stomach as if it were a balloon. The abdominal muscles tense. Shoulders don't rise. We exhaled the air slowly, as if a balloon had deflated. The stomach relaxed. Listen and do as I do:

This is how we inflate the balloon and check it with our hands.

The ball bursts - we exhale, our muscles relax.

Breathe easily, freely, deeply.

"Curious Barabara".

Curious Varvara looks left... Looks right...

And then forward again - here he will rest a little. The neck is not tense and relaxed.

And Varvara looks up! Higher than everyone else, ever higher!

Coming back - relaxation - nice! The neck is not tense and relaxed...

Now let's look down - the neck muscles have tensed!

Coming back - relaxation is nice! The neck is not tense and relaxed...

Exercises to relax the muscles of the speech apparatus - lips, jaws, tongue.

(They are carried out similarly to the previous ones. Images and relaxation techniques are suggested by rhyming text).


This is what frogs will like: we pull our lips straight to our ears!

I’ll stretch and stop, but I won’t get tired at all!

The lips are not tense and relaxed.


We will clench our teeth tighter, and then unclench them,


The tip of the tongue is at the bottom, I will raise the tongue in a slide.

The back of our tongue will immediately become a mound!

I tell her to melt - I don’t like tension.

The tongue returns to its place and pleasantly relaxes.

General muscular and emotional relaxation.

Speech therapist:

Everyone can dance and run. Jump and play

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this. Very light, simple.

Movement slows down and tension disappears.

And it becomes clear: relaxation is pleasant.

Eyelashes droop, eyes close...

We rest peacefully and fall asleep in a magical sleep.

The tension has flown away and the whole body is relaxed.

As if we were lying on the grass... On green soft grass...

The sun is shining now, our hands are warm.

The sun became hotter - both my legs and body were warm.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The lips are warm and limp, but not at all tired.

The lips part slightly, everything relaxes pleasantly.

And our obedient tongue is accustomed to being relaxed.

Louder, faster, more energetic:

It was nice to rest, but now it’s time to get up.

Clench your fingers tightly into a fist,

And press it to your chest - like that!

Stretch, smile, take a deep breath, wake up!

Open your eyes wider - one, two, three, four!

The children stand up and say in unison with the speech therapist:

Cheerful, cheerful, we are ready for classes again.

Formulas for correct speech.

Speech therapist:

Every day, always, everywhere, in class, in play

We speak clearly, clearly, because we are not in a hurry.

We take breaks! Let's highlight the drum sound!

And it’s easy for us to talk, and we don’t want to rush.

So calm, so pleasant. We speak - and everyone understands.

These classes help children become calmer and more productive. Contribute to the creation of a joyful and free environment in the classroom.

Exercise "Fists":Hands on knees, fists clenched, / Firmly, with tension, / Fingers pressed./ Fingers squeezing tighter/ Letting go, unclenching./ Know, girls and boys:/ Your fingers are resting!

2.2. Breathing techniques and exercises.

Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing without the participation of the voice.

"The toys sat on the swing"

Children lie on their backs with toys on their stomachs. Inhale through the nose - inflate the stomach as much as possible, exhale through the mouth - draw in the stomach as much as possible.

"The cat is sleeping."

Children lie on their backs in a state of relaxation and take several calm breaths. Then they exhale completely and begin to perform three-phase breathing.


Roll a piece of cotton wool into a ball. This is a ball. Gates - two cubes or pencils. The child blows on the “ball”, trying to “score a goal.” The cotton wool should be between the cubes.

"Snowfall". Make snowflakes from cotton wool. Invite your child to make it snow. Place a snowflake on your child's palm. Let him blow it away.

Snow, snow swirling, the whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle and spun around like a snowball.


Cut out several butterflies from paper. Tie a thread to each butterfly at the level of the child's face. Say the Russian folk saying with him:

Butterfly - box, fly to a cloud,

There are your children - on a birch branch!

Then blow on the butterfly with a long, smooth exhalation, “so that it flies.”

"Storm in a glass."

This game requires a cocktail straw and a glass of water. A straw is placed in the middle of the wide tongue, the end of which is lowered into a glass of water. The child blows through a straw to make the water bubble. Make sure that your cheeks do not puff out and your lips are motionless.

"Blow out the candle."

Invite your child to blow out a burning candle. While performing the exercise, it is necessary to monitor the smoothness of exhalation and at the same time its sufficient intensity.

"Locomotive whistle."

Children take in air noisily through their noses; holding your breath for 1-2 seconds, noisily exhale air through your lips, folded into a tube, with the sound “u” (exhalation is lengthened). The exercise teaches you to breathe at a pace of 3-6 times. Inhale shorter, hold your breath, exhale long.

"Airplane Flight"

Airplane children “fly” by pronouncing the sound “U”. When performing aerobatics, takeoff - the sound is directed to the head, when landing - the sound is directed to the body. The exercise regulates the child’s blood pressure and teaches breathing at a given pace according to the imagination.

"Kingdom of the Winds"

Children, depicting winds (northern - cold, southern - warm, eastern - increasing, western - dying), sing sounds of different heights, strength, timbre, volume, modulation.

The sound of U is a cold north wind. Howling sound (low).

The sound I is a warm southern wind. The sound is joyful (high, loud, even).

Sound A is a warmer breeze, eastern, from where the sun wakes up. The sound intensifies.

The sound O is western, from where the sun goes to sleep.

The sound fades from strong to weak.


A toy beetle (or other flying insect) on a long thread (25cm), lying in an egg (from a kinder surprise). children open eggs, and mothers lift beetles by a thread. The beetles fly away, and the children try to reach out and catch them with both hands. Beetles fly with the sound “Zh” - mothers and the presenter demonstrate the sound, encouraging children to imitate.

"Smart Hammer"

Children pronounce the onomatopoeia “knock-knock”, imitating hammering a nail, at the tempo and rhythm of the work mode.


Children line up one after another like a train. They begin to move with the onomatopoeia “chuh-chuh-chuh”. According to a conventional signal, the “locomotive” either speeds up or slows down the movement and, accordingly, the speech accompaniment.


X: “We sawed wood for the winter – Z-z-z”

I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted forward, hands connected, imitating movements with a saw - forward, backward.

“We chopped wood together with an ax - Wow!”

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted forward, hands joined, imitating movements with an ax - up (inhale), down (exhale “Uh”).

"Far, high."

Speech therapist. Where did the birds fly?

Children. Far-oh-oh-oh!

Speech therapist. How do you birds fly?

Children. High-oh-oh-!

Before the words “far” and “high,” take a deep breath through your nose and pronounce the words as long as possible.


Ten, nine;

Ten, nine, eight;

Ten, nine, eight, seven;

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six.


Let's say a rhyme. Breathing control: inhalation is not spent in pauses, but only on the next combination of words.

Like behind our yard (Inhale.)

There is a cup of cottage cheese, (Inhale.)

Two grouse have arrived, (Inhale.)

They pecked and flew away. (Inhale.)

They pecked, flew away, (Inhale.)

They sat down in a green meadow. (Inhale.)

Building up words in a sentence.

The sun is shining. (Inhale.)

The clear sun is shining. (Inhale.)

The clear sun is shining brightly. (Inhale.)

The clear sun is shining very brightly. (Inhale.)

2.3. Articulation gymnastics

Articulatory gymnastics should always begin with practicing the basic movements and positions of the lips and tongue, necessary for a clear, correct pronunciation of all sounds.

Main complex.

1.Open your mouth and hold it open (a – a – a – a), close it.

2. “Fence” - lips in a smile, upper and lower teeth are visible.

3. “Proboscis” - the lips are extended forward in a tube.

4. “Spatula” - stick out your wide tongue, relax it, and place it on your lower lip. Make sure your tongue doesn't tremble. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds.

5. “Needle” - the mouth is open. The narrow, tense tongue is pushed forward. Alternate between “Spatula” and “Needle”.

6. “Watch” - mouth slightly open. The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the narrow tongue, alternately reach at the teacher’s count to the corners of the mouth.

7. “Swing” - movement of the tongue: nose - chin.

To produce each group of sounds, certain exercises are used.

For hissing ones (w, f, h, sch)

1. “Delicious jam”

Goal: To develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue and a position of the tongue close to the shape of a cup, which it takes when pronouncing the sound [w].

Description. Open your mouth slightly and lick your lower lip with the wide edge of your tongue, using your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

2. "Accordion"

Goal: Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Stretch the hyoid frenulum.

Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, stick your tongue to the upper palate and, without letting go of your tongue, close and open your mouth. The lips are in a smiling position.

3. "Focus"

Goal: To develop the upward movement of the tongue, the ability to shape the tongue into a ladle and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide edge of your tongue on your upper lip so that its side edges are pressed and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of your nose. The air should go in the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.

4. "Cup"

Goal: Learn to hold the tongue in a cup shape at the top, near the upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

Description. Smile, open your mouth and place your tongue at the top in a cup shape.

5. “Glue the candy”

Goal: Learn to hold your tongue up.

Description. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Place a thin piece of toffee on the tip of your tongue and glue the candy to the roof of your mouth behind your upper incisors.

“Tales of the Merry Tongue” are successfully used, including a whole set of exercises and fairy tale therapy (application).

2.4. Movements of the fingers.

Games and exercises with fingers are varied:

Finger games with sticks;

Finger games with tongue twisters;

Finger games with poems;

Finger massage;

Finger gymnastics;

Self-massage of hands and fingers using a “dry pool”;

Finger alphabet;

Finger Theater;

Shadow play.

"Finger massage"

(each finger is massaged in turn)

The mouse washed its paw:

each finger in order.

Here I soaped a big one,

Rinse it with water.

I didn’t forget the pointer,

Wash off both dirt and paint.

The middle one lathered diligently-

It was probably the dirtiest.

The nameless one rubbed it with paste, -

The skin immediately turned red.

And I quickly washed my little finger -

He was very afraid of soap!

Static exercises


Initial position. The thumb and little finger are raised up. The remaining fingers are pressed against the palm.

Small cat

She sat by the window.

Plays with his tail

The mouse is waiting.

Dynamic exercises


Initial position. Clench your fingers into a fist. Then straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy.

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

(To the words of the last line, rhythmically clench and unclench your fingers.)

Final tales

"The Journey of a Man."

(*) – display the corresponding picture)

Once upon a time there lived a little man (we depict a little man with our hands, *) and he built himself a house (*). The house turned out beautiful with a high chimney (*) on the roof. He built a fence with a gate around the house (*). A little man planted flowers (*) near the house; they opened their petals in the morning and closed in the evening. Bees circled above the flowers (*), they buzzed and collected flower juice.

The little man lived alone, and he went around the world to look for friends. He walked and walked, met a bird (*) and said: “Bird-bird, let’s be friends!” But the bird did not say anything to him, flapped its wings and flew away.

The little man went further and saw a fish (*). But the fish did not want to be friends with the man, splashed its tail and swam away. And he went further and met a horse (*). “I-go-go,” said the horse, “let’s be friends with you, man, I will help you transport heavy loads.” And the little man happily agreed. Then they went together: the man and the horse.

They walked and walked, and a dog (*) met them. "Aw-aw, take me with you, man, I will protect you." And the three of them went further: a man, a horse and a dog. They go and see a goat grazing in a field: “Me-me, let’s be friends, man, I’ll give you delicious milk.” Then the four of them went: a man, a horse, a dog and a goat. They walk and hear a plaintive meow. It turned out that it was a cat (*): “Meow-meow, take me with you, man, I will scare the mice (*) so that they cannot gnaw anything.”

The little man agreed, and they moved on: a man, a horse, a dog, a goat and a cat. They came to the river (*), but they couldn’t cross it: there was no bridge (*). Then they all built a bridge together, crossed to the other side, and the man saw his house with a chimney, from which he had once left. A man built a barn (*) for his friends, and they began to live together and help each other.

Didactic aids for the development of fine motor skills.

- “Cheerful hedgehog”;

- “Magic shoe”;

- "Chamomile";

- “Entertaining boards”;

- “Didactic table” - a table whose surface is decorated in the form of some kind of plot. In order for the plot picture to be complete, it is necessary to complete the missing elements (tie a bow, screw the plug wheels to the car, close the lock - hook on the house);

Self-massage of hands and fingers using a “dry pool”.

Finger massage in a “dry pool” can be accompanied by a poetic text or performed to music.


Place your hands in the “pool” and “stir” the peas, simultaneously squeezing and unclenching your fingers.

Peas were poured into a bowl

And the fingers ran

Having caused a commotion there,

So that your fingers don't get sad


Hide Kinder surprise toys at the bottom of the “pool”. Dip your hands into the “pool”, “stir” the beans, then find and take out the toys.

There is no salt in the bowl, not salt at all,

And multi-colored beans.

At the bottom are toys for children,

We'll get them without any fuss.


Place your hands in the “dry pool” and pretend to knead the dough.

Knead, knead the dough,

There is room in the oven.

They will be out of the oven

Buns and rolls.


Clench and unclench your fists in a “dry pool”.

Fingers doing exercises

To be less tired.

And then they are in the notebook

They will write letters.

“Tightening our fingers”

Place your hands in the “dry pool”. Spread your fingers, strain them as hard as possible, and then relax and move your fingers slightly.

As soon as we start to get tired, we’ll immediately unclench our fingers,

We'll spread them wider

Let's push harder.

"Fingers are playing"

Place your hands in the “dry pool”. Clench your fingers into fists as tightly as possible, then relax and unclench them.

We bend our fingers together,

We clench our fists tightly.

One two three four five -

We begin to unbend.

Finger writing simulator

It is a sheet of whatman paper with bright lines and patterns drawn on it, which, on the one hand, are fixed on a hard surface, on the other, covered with a thin transparent film. Exercises are performed only in a position of bodily-motor freedom, achieved in the body vertical mode. The child “prescribes” patterns and lines with his finger

2.5. Physical education minutes.

Motor-speech physical training sessions

We pressed our hands to our shoulders and began to rotate them. Away, fatigue, laziness and boredom, Let's stretch our muscles! Now let’s twist our neck, we can do this easily. Like all stubborn children, let’s say: “No!” - for everything in the world. And now we squat and straighten our knees. Bend your legs all the way! One two three four five. Finally, let's take a step, raise our legs higher! We were glad to warm up, but it was time to go back to our desks.

"Our hands"

We raise our hands up,

And then we release them.

And then we'll unwrap them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

Fairy tales - exercises.

Physical education tales


The woman baked a bun and put it on the window to cool. The gingerbread man lay there and lay there, and ran off into the forest. The bun is rolling through the forest, rolling...

We show how the bun rolls:

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Circular rotation of the head to the right. The same in the other direction (3 times).

And a bear meets him. The raven is walking, counting, breaking dry branches from the trees.

Showing the bear:

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart. 1 – tilt to the right, hands slide along the body – right down, left on the waist; 2 – i.p. The same in the other direction (3 times).

The bear was happy. Even though it’s only one tooth, it’s still not every day that food just asks to be put in your mouth.

Do not eat me. I'll sing you a song!

(Children sing the kolobok song).

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, fingers pressed to the shoulders. Circular rotations with arms: 1-2 – forward, 3-4 – backward (3-4 times).

The bun rolls and rolls, and a hare meets it. He looks around, nibbles the grass.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Circular rotations of the body (4 times in each direction).

Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

The bun sang a song to the hare and rolled on. The wolf runs towards him, looking for the hare's tracks.

I.p. – legs together, arms to the side. 1 – swing your left leg forward, clap under your foot; 2 – i.p.; 3 – swing the right leg forward, clap under the foot; 4 – i.p. (3-4 times).

Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

Don't eat me, I'll sing you a song!

The bun sang a song to the wolf and rolled on.

But the bun didn’t meet the fox in our fairy tale, which I was very happy about!

I.p. – legs together, hands on the waist. Jumping in place (2-3 minutes).


A warm spring morning has arrived.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Circular rotations of the head at the count of 1-2-3-4 to the right, then to the left.

The wind dispersed the clouds in the sky.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, fingers pressed to the shoulders. Circular rotations with arms back and forth (1 – 2 minutes)

And now - attention! Our fairy tale begins.

Grandfather dug up a garden bed and planted a turnip. The turnip grew small - very small. Grandfather is looking for a turnip, but he is looking and will not find it.

I.p. – standing with your feet apart, arms at your sides. Rotation of the hands back and forth. The same, rotation with fists (1 - 2 minutes).

Grandfather called grandma. Grandma weeded the garden bed. They search and search and cannot find the turnip.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Lean forward, touch your left leg; straighten up; lean forward, touch the right leg; straighten up (2-3 times).

They called their granddaughter. My granddaughter brought a magnifying glass. They search and search and cannot find the turnip.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1 – sit down, hands on your belt; 2 – i.p. (2-4 times).

They called Zhuchka. They search and search, but they won’t find it.

A mouse crawls out of a hole:

I accidentally ate your turnip!

The granddaughter and Zhuchka, grandmother and grandfather were delighted:

After all, our turnip was found!

I.p. – legs together, hands on the waist. Jumping (1 minute).

Walking (growing big), stretching your arms up and stretching. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

2.6. Gymnastics for the eyes

Individual exercises


Close your eyes and keep them closed for a count of 1-4. Open your eyes, look into the distance and keep them open for a count of 1 - 6. Perform 4-5 times.


Blink frequently without eye strain up to 10-15 times. The exercise can be accompanied by reciting the text:

You, panicles, will sweep away fatigue,

Give us a good refreshment for our eyes. (Do 4-5 times.)

Sets of exercises with speech accompaniment


Sa–Sa–Sa () Sy–sy–sy (eyes “blink”)

Here comes the fox. The fox has a fluffy tail.

Su-su-su () Sa-Sa-sa (eyes closed)

We see a fox. Foxy beauty.

Eyes open -

The children are smiling.

“Fun week”

All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

On Monday, when they wake up,

The eyes will smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side and then to the left, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One two three four five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination)

We didn't yawn on Friday

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

Even though Saturday is a day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

We'll sleep on Sunday

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids, massage them using circular movements of your fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation)

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!

2.7. Development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking)

Game "Is it true or not."

Purpose of the game: development of auditory attention. Children should listen carefully to the poems, try to notice inaccuracies and mistakes. Is this true or not?

It's warm spring now. The grapes are ripe here. A horned horse jumps in the snow in a summer meadow. In late autumn, the bear likes to sit in the river. And in winter, among the branches, “ha-ga-ga” - the nightingale sang. Quickly give me the answer - is this true or not?

Olenka knows this: she took the luggage back! Only the girl is small: she forgets where she got it. He puts a mug on the crib and a pillow on the parquet floor. He hides his boots in the cupboard. Is everything in place or not? If mom remains silent, you have to do everything all over again: Carry a pillow on the sideboard, put a mug on the parquet floor, Put your boots in the bed. Does it seem wrong again? Olya looks guilty: no, everything was in the wrong place... Help her, guys, put everything in its place.

Game "Remember the picture".

Purpose of the game: development of voluntary memory.

For the game, 10-15 of any pictures are prepared in advance. Each picture must show one item. The game can be played as a competition between several children. The players look at the pictures for 2-3 minutes, then the pictures are removed, and everyone names the pictures that they remember. The winner is the one who is the last to remember a picture that has not yet been named by the other.

Game "Tongue twisters of different lengths."

Purpose of the game: development of auditory memory.

Children are asked to repeat by heart tongue twisters after the leader, in which the number of words increases progressively: Our Polkan fell into a trap (5 words). Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce tree (7 words).

Rake - row, broom - revenge, oars - lead, runners - crawl (8 words). Horses trampled into the field. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field (11 words).

Game "Pair of words".

Purpose of the game: development of voluntary memory, logical thinking. The child is asked to remember a few words by presenting it in pairs with another. For example, a cat is milk, a boy is a car, a table is a pie, and others. The child is asked to remember all the other words from each pair. Then the first word is called, and the child must remember and name the second word. The task can be complicated by increasing the word pairs and selecting word pairs with distant semantic connections.

2.8. Speech therapy rhythm.

Individual exercises and games are used, or a complex logorhythmic lesson is conducted.

Individual exercises and games


(work on intonation).

Where? (sharply up)

Stop! (Stop! – twist).

Where? Where?

Come back! (demanding hand gesture towards himself).

Don't you dare run away! (natural movement).

"Let's talk together"

(work on speech rate)

I walk up the stairs quietly.

I quickly run down the stairs.

Children imagine themselves climbing up the stairs, showing movements in place, raising their legs high, bent at the knees. They quickly run in a circle.

2.9. A game

Elements of the game are used as feedback and evaluation of comrades' answers: clapping hands, stomping feet, raising a hand or signal cards of various colors indicating “yes”, “no”, “I ask for the floor”.

During a frontal interview, ball games or games are used. balloon: the child catches the ball for the correct answer, does not catch it for the wrong answer, or catches the ball and gives his own answer. This technology has its variations.

The use of theatrical elements with the appearance of literary or theatrical characters.

Didactic games

Didactic games with objects

“Who hears what?”

[Didactic task: to develop auditory attention, the ability to denote sounds with words (ringing, rustling, playing, crackling, etc.); develop intelligence and endurance.

Board-printed games

Conjugate gymnasticspromotes not only the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also better coordination of movements. The exercises are united by a simple plot, which allows us to call them a theater of fingers and tongue.

Effective introduction and working with a doll “Silent” (a knitted doll with a large opening mouth and a moving tongue) that talks very little because it has trouble pronouncing sounds. The child, after listening to the fairy tale about Silence, agrees to teach the doll to pronounce sounds correctly. He himself learns the necessary articulation exercises, and then, manipulating Molchukha’s tongue like a mitten, helps her perform the exercises. Subsequently, Molchukha “learns” not only static exercises, but also dynamic conjugate exercises.

The next doll, “Chatterbox,” helps the child remember and repeat first short and then long fairy tales based on conjugate gymnastics. The same doll helps to monitor the pace and rhythm of speech.

Having made good friends with these dolls, the child gets acquainted with their friends: puppet dolls, hero dolls different fairy tales. Puppet theater, table theater, and finger theater are used to automate sounds, develop dialogic speech, and in various other areas of speech.

Theater of fingers and tongue (conjugate gymnastics)

One day the fingers went into the forest: stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp.

Imitate the walking of fingers in a given rhythm, tempo: index and middle, thumb and index. Move your tongue up and down.

We approached the edge - even, even, smooth, smooth.

Press your palms closely together with your ribs, straighten your fingers. Open your mouth, place your tongue loosely on your lower lip.

Raspberries grow in a clearing.

Press your palms closely together with your ribs, straighten your fingers, raise your thumbs up. Take out your tongue and pull it tensely towards your nose.

We collect raspberries in a basket.

Interlace your fingers like a basket. The tongue is “cupped”.

Let's make raspberry jam at home.

Raising the thumb of the right hand upward is a gesture of approval. Smile and lick your upper and lower lips.

Through the forest (top-top, top-top-top) we came to the river.

Arms to the sides: smooth movements from shoulders to fingers. Smooth movement of the wide tongue back and forth.

It's hard to carry baskets. We saw a boat.

Fold your palms into a boat shape. Make wave-like movements with your hands. Fold the tongue into a boat shape (raise the side edges up). Pull your tongue forward and retract it back.

We sailed home.

Connect your fingertips (fingers in a “house”). Place your tongue on the roof of the house.

2.10. Playing with sand

stencil painting with colored sand

improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;

contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;

help to master the skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;

allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;

promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;

help in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills.

A large wooden or plastic waterproof box measuring 50 x 70 x 8 cm is used as a sandbox.

The bottom and sides (with the exception of the upper plane of the side boards) are painted blue, they symbolize water, and the sides above symbolize the sky.

Fill one-third or half of the sandbox with clean (washed and sifted), oven-calcined sand.

To organize games with sand, you will need a large set of miniature objects and toys, which together symbolize the world. In classical sand therapy, there is the following classification of objects used in the process of creating sand paintings:

people, diverse in gender, age, cultural and national origin, professions, era (from primitive to modern), poses should be both dynamic and static;

terrestrial animals (domestic, wild, prehistoric);

flying animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric);

inhabitants of the aquatic world (various fish, mammals, shellfish, crabs);

dwellings with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, other buildings, furniture of various eras, cultures and purposes);

household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations);

trees and other plants (flowers, grass, shrubs, greenery, etc.);

objects of celestial space (sun, moon, stars, rainbows, clouds);

vehicles (land, water, air transport for civil and military purposes, fantasy vehicles);

objects of the human environment (fences, hedges, bridges, gates, road signs);

objects of landscape and natural activity of the Earth (volcanoes, mountains);

accessories (beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry, etc.);

natural objects (crystals, stones, shells, pieces of wood, metal, seeds, feathers, glass polished with water, etc.);

So, everything that is found in the surrounding world can take its rightful place in the collection. If there are not enough image figures for classes, they can be sculpted from plasticine, clay, dough, or cut out of paper.

Examples of some exercises.

"Sensitive palms"(T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneevna)

Place your palms on the sand, close your eyes, feel what it is like.

Open your eyes, tell me how you felt (children's answers).

Do the same, turning your palms on the other side. Tell us about your feelings.

Slide along the surface of the sand like a snake or like a machine.

Walk with your palms like an elephant, like a little elephant, like a fast bunny.

Leave prints of palms, fists, edges of the palms.

Create patterns and drawings - a sun, a butterfly, the letter A or a whole word.

- “Walk” with each finger of the right and left hand in turn.

Sift the sand through your fingers or use a pinch to sow a path of sand with a contrasting texture.

Place stones and natural materials of different structure and size on the sand in a special logical order.

Guide the figure along the sand labyrinth paths.

Lay out a geometric figure with chips.

Sift the sand through a sieve, draw a pattern with a brush or stick, sift the sand through a system of funnels, etc.

You can “play” on the surface of the sand, like on a piano or computer keyboard.

The sandbox can be used to find animals, objects, a certain letter made of plastic and buried among others in the sand (a variation of the game "Magic Bag").

Sculpt letters from sand, raking it with the edges of your palms.

Transform the letters “L” into “A”, “H” into “T”, “O” into “I”, etc.

Find the letters hidden in the sand and make up syllables and a word from them.

You can write words in the sand in printed and written letters, first with your finger, then with a stick, holding it like a pen. Sand allows you to keep your child working longer. It's easier to correct mistakes in sand than on paper. This allows the child to feel successful.

Sand applique. Apply a design to the cardboard with glue and sprinkle with sand. Shake off the excess and you will have a wonderful painting. Sand can be painted and dried.

"Archeology". Bury a toy (the child doesn’t know which one). During the excavation, the child must guess from the opening parts what is hidden. Bury 2 – 3 items. Let your child dig up one of them and try to determine what it is by touch.

"Sand paths"Show it to your child. how to pick up a handful of dry sand and slowly pour it out, creating various shapes, for example, paths (to the house of a bunny or a bear cub).

You can bury and dig up letters, numbers, geometric shapes - this will make it easier for the child to remember them.

Game "Name the sound"(N.V. Durova) The teacher invites the children to dig small holes in the sand for the ball. Then he pushes the ball into the child’s hole and calls the word, emphasizing the consonant sound with intonation. The child names the highlighted sound and rolls the ball back into the teacher’s hole. Then the task is given to another child, etc. Words: s-s-som, su-m-m-mka, za-r-r-rya, ku-s-s-juice, stu-l-l-l, ru-ch-ch-chka, kra- n-n-n, ball-f-f-f, roof-sh-sh-shka, d-d-house.

Game "Find a friend"(N.V. Durova) The teacher takes pictures from the box (butterfly, cow, frog, rooster, bear) and distributes them to the children.

Make houses for these animals; soon their brothers will come to visit them. (Children do.) Then the teacher takes out the following pictures from the box (squirrel, whale, peacock, horse, mouse).

How can we find out whose brother is where? To do this, let's say the names of the animals and highlight the first sound in these words. - whale - [k"] - he will go to visit the cow, the first sound in this word is [k]; [k] and [k"] are brothers.

Children take turns naming those shown in the pictures, highlighting the first sound and selecting a pair. Conclusion: How do these pairs of sounds differ? (Hard - soft.)

Exercise “Sand Rain”(N. Kuzub) The teacher slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, then onto his palm. Children repeat. Then the children close their eyes one by one, place their palm with their fingers spread out on the sand, the adult sprinkles sand on a finger, and the child names this finger.

Game “Which sound is the odd one out?”

And now the animals will play the game “Who’s the odd one out?” Let's remember what sounds animals make? (Children repeat the sounds.)

And now I will name the sounds (see the game “Who was that?”), and those animals whose sounds I will not name will have to hide in the sand:

R, l, d, g, s, t, k, m, w (f)

D, h, r, s, w, n, g, l, x (m)

H, t, l, d, w, v, g, k (r)

Z, w, j, p, l, d, b, s, c (g).

Game “Which one is different?”(R.G. Golubeva) The sand man pronounces a series of syllables (well-well-but, sva-ska-sva, sa-sha-sa, zu-su-su, we-mi-we) and invites the children to determine which syllable different from other syllables.

Exercise "Sand Wind"(respiratory). Kids learn to breathe through a straw without sucking sand into it. Older children can be asked to first say a pleasant wish to their friends, give a wish to the sandy country by “blowing it into the sand”, you can also blow out depressions and holes on the surface of the sand. For these games, you can use disposable cocktail straws.

When exhaling, the child easily blows sand onto his palms, blowing it into the sandbox.

Exercise "Unusual traces".

“The cubs are coming” - the child presses forcefully onto the sand with his fists and palms.

“Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions.

“Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed/tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

“Spiderbugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting each other with your hands under the sand - “bugs say hello”).

You can also finish playing with sand with poems:

Look at our palms -

They have become wiser!

Thank you, our dear sand,

You helped us all grow up (get wiser)!


Life in the 21st century presents us with many new problems, among which the most pressing today is the problem of maintaining health. This problem is especially acute in the educational field, where any practical work aimed at improving the health of children should bring tangible results.

Speech therapy practice shows that every year the number of children with dysarthria, an erased form of dysarthria, motor and sensory alalia, stuttering, and rhinolalia increases. It is known that preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation of a child’s physical and mental health. During this period, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body.

Correct speech is one of the most important components of the full development of an individual, the process of his social adaptation. A significant percentage of speech disorders manifests itself in preschool age, since this age is a sensitive period for speech development. Timely elimination of speech disorders prevents their negative impact on the formation of personality and on all components of the child’s health.

CTDs that influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality, the problem of social adaptation of preschool children, the development of the child’s personality and preparation for self-realization in life based on value guidelines, such as health, help the speech therapist in a comprehensive, step-by-step elimination of speech disorders.

The work we are doing shows thatThe use of health-saving technologies in correctional speech therapy classes allows us to solve several problems:

Helps increase speech activity;

Develops speech skills;

Relieves tension, restores performance;

Activates cognitive interest;

Improves concentration, reduces difficulties switching from one type of activity to another. Development of fine, general and articulatory motor skills.


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  2. Budennaya T.V. Speech therapy gymnastics. Toolkit. St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2001
  3. Evdakimova E.S. Design as a health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions // Management of preschool educational institutions. 2004. N1.
  4. M.Yu.Kartushina. Logorhythmic classes in children. garden. M.:Sfera, 2003
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  12. Nazarenko L.D. Health benefits of physical exercise. - M., 2002.
  13. Pankratova I.V. Raising a healthy generation // Preschool educational institution management. 2004. N1.
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  15. Sukharev A.G. Concept of strengthening the health of children and adolescents in Russia // School of Health. 2000. T. 7. No. 2. P.29 – 34.
  16. Tkacheva V.I. We play every day // Methodological recommendations. - Mn.: NIO, 2001.
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Logorhythmic activity.

Subject: “The adventure of the gnomes in the forest” ( lexical topic: "Wild animals")

Purpose of the lesson : To clarify children’s knowledge about wild animals, to activate their vocabulary on this topic.

Correctional educational tasks:

Clarify children's knowledge about wild animals, remember what they eat, where they live, know the names of the cubs.

Practice using prepositions – in – under.

Practice using the instrumental case of a noun.

Correction and development tasks:

Develop speech hearing and phonemic perception.

Develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements.

Develop finger motor skills in finger gymnastics.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Develop coherence of statements and creative imagination.

Develop coordination in the “eye-hand” system, i.e. develop synchronicity of eye movements and leading hand, as well as strengthen interfunctional connections

Correctional and educational tasks:

To instill in children the need to communicate with nature, to develop the ability to behave correctly in the lap of nature.

Equipment: demonstration material – pictures depicting wild animals and their young; planar images of wild animal dwellings (hole, hollow, lair, bushes, den). Planar images of gnomes with different facial expressions, planar images of treats for animals; 2 bells; basket; hare mask-hat; record player; flannelograph; panel

Handouts – flat images of carrots, mugs of different colors.

Health-saving technologies:exercises and games for coordinating speech with movement, relaxation to music, visual gymnastics, finger gymnastics, facial exercises.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist:

– Guys, when I was walking to your group, I heard the ringing of crystal bells. Then, out of nowhere, little mischievous people appeared in red caps and soft boots that left no traces and did not create noise. Who do you think it is? (children's answers)

Speech therapist:

- Yes, these are gnomes - forest people. Where do gnomes live? (children's answers). Dwarves can appear wherever they please and remain unnoticed for a long time while all the people go about their business. When night comes, they begin to rule everywhere. Do you want to see them today? (children's answers)

Speech therapist:

– Then close your eyes, and I’ll ring the bell, maybe they will appear (the speech therapist rings the bell and displays object pictures of gnomes on a flannelgraph).

- Hello gnomes. Guys, look, for some reason they have sad faces. Show with facial expressions what kind of faces the gnomes have. (Mimic exercises: show sadness on your face).

What have they done? It turns out that they played so hard in the forest and made such a mess there that Snow White got angry with them and kicked them out of the forest. Guys, how can I help the gnomes? Let's all go into the forest together and help fix everything.

2. Main part.

Coordination of speech with movement, relaxation “Let's go to the forest”

Speech therapist:

- Well, children, get ready for the dense forest and go.

We are walking along the road. (Marching)

Snow and blizzards don't matter. (Imitation of sweeping snow)

It's not too lazy to go on a frosty day. (Hands up)

We will jump over the snowdrifts (jump up)

Let's crawl under the snag (steps in a half-squat)

And we’ll rest under the spruce tree. (Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes)

Let's lie down and relax (calm music plays for 1-2 minutes)

Let's lie down and relax

Let's open our eyes and stand up

Speech therapist:

- Guys, we entered the forest, we hear a lot of sounds (phonogram “Walk in the Forest”), listen to them, tell me what sounds you heard? Let's catch them.

(D/i “Catch the sound”) In one palm - we catch one sound, and two sounds in two palms. (The speech therapist pronounces the sounds: U, HR. Sh, S, BR, etc.)

Speech therapist:

The D/i “Find your house” is carried out, the game is accompanied by the construction of sentences with the prepositions in, under: The squirrel lives in a hollow. The bear lives in a den, etc.

Speech therapist:

– Now the animals are happy that they have found their homes. And you and I brought them treats.

The animals are hungry, let's feed them. D/i “Feed the animal” What does a hare eat in the forest (tree bark, hare cabbage)?

What shall we treat the hare? (similar to squirrel, fox, bear, wolf)

Gymnastics for the eyes “Carrot”. Installation: keep your head straight, only your eyes work.

We took the carrot in our hands,

We played with her a little.

Raise the carrot up (look up)

Look at her.

Place the carrot down (look down)

Just look with your eyes.

Up and down and left and right.

Hey, he's a skillful little bunny!

Blinks eyes (blinking and closing eyes)

Closes his eyes.

The bunnies took the carrots, (open your eyes)

They danced merrily with them.

Speech therapist:

“The gnome guys not only mixed up the animals’ homes, but also scared away their cubs.

Let's return the cubs to their parents. D/I “Who, who?” (A fox has cubs, a mother bear has cubs, etc.)

The cubs were very happy that they returned to their parents and want to play, who will be the bunny (a driver is chosen, the children walk in a circle and say the words: “Hop-hop-hop.” Guess whose voice? The driver with his eyes closed guesses which of the children said the word “Bunny”).

D/i on the formation of phonemic perception “Skok-skok. Guess whose voice it is.”

Speech therapist:

- Well, we fixed everything, but Snow White never showed up, apparently she was very offended by the dwarves. What do we do? Let's play with gnomes to cheer us up.

Finger game “Dwarves”.

We all know, we all believe (we clench our fists)

There is a wonderful tower in the world (we make a roof from our palms)

In that forest little house

Dwarves live in it (window)

They are friends with Snow White, (clasp hands tightly)

Looking for treasure in the wilderness (stroking palms)

Our gnomes are babies. (window)

Speech therapist:

“Snow White never came out.” I know she loves fairy tales.

Do you like fairy tales? Let's come up with a fairy tale about forest dwellers, maybe then Snow White will forgive the gnomes.

The children are given colored circles, and the children come up with sentences in a chain that are connected into a single fairy tale.

Speech therapist:

– So our fairy tale ends (Snow White, a pre-prepared child, comes out).

Snow White:

- Thank you children for helping. forest dwellers. I forgive you, gnomes, don’t mischief like that again. And I have prepared treats for the children for their good deeds (sweets are handed out).

Speech therapist:

- Guys, look at the faces of the gnomes, what has changed? That's right, the gnomes are smiling, their spirits are lifted. Show the mood of the gnomes (Mimic exercises: joy).

Speech therapist:

- Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Snow White:

– I’ll help you, close your eyes, and I’ll cast a spell that will take you to kindergarten (says magic words).

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist:

- Here we are again in the garden.

– Did you enjoy the trip?

-Where did we go today?

– Who did we help today?

– What games did you like?