Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alenka" Sovetsky.

Project: “Mathematical Knowledge”

Prepared by:


Lobareva Elena Viktorovna.


1. Summary.

2. Justification of the need for the project.

3. Reasons.

4. Target audience.

5. Purpose.

6. Tasks.

7. Preparatory stage.

8. Project implementation plan.

9. Expected result.

10. Performance criteria.

11. Resource analysis.

  1. Summary: The “Mathematical Knowledge” project is aimed at developing mathematical knowledge among students in the preparatory school group. This project presents forms of work with children and parents in order to improve pedagogical literacy in mathematics.
  1. Justification of the need for the project.

Parents of students do not always understand the importance and significance of the mathematical development of children aged 6–7 years.

Project duration: short.

  1. Causes.
  1. There is no knowledge about the rules for teaching elementary mathematical concepts in all sections.
  2. Insufficient number of joint activities aimed at developing elementary mathematical concepts in students.
  1. The target audience:

Children of the preparatory group for school;

Parents of the group.

5. Purpose: development of interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.

6. Tasks:

Educational.To promote the formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems.

Developmental. Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

Educational. Help maintain interest in mathematics and develop the ability to work in a team.

7. Preparatory stage.

Studying special methodological literature.

Conducting a survey of parents.

Identifying the problem.

Drawing up a work plan for the project.

Preparation methodological support: didactic, finger, outdoor games with mathematical content (a selection of poems about numbers, problems in verse has been collected. Folklore material has been selected: riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters with mathematical content. The music director has placed a consultation “Music and Mathematics” in the parent’s corner. Folders have been created: “Funny numbers”; “Riddles for ingenuity”, “Numbers in verse”, “Seasons”. “Tangram” games were made; “finger games based on children’s sketches” together with children and parents.)

8. Project implementation plan.


Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

  1. Statement of the problem of learning to play the game “KVN” with mathematical content.

Introducing children to the playroom problematic situation: the game “KVN” as a means of consolidating previously studied material.

They decide to learn to play.

  1. Discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks

Help plan children's activities, helps in solving problems.

They ask questions, express their point of view, defend their position, and determine the final goal.

  1. Project work

Talks with children about the game “KVN”, compiles thematic folders, helps in solving problems, making games with their own hands.

Discussion of questions, games of a mathematical nature.

  1. Project presentation

Helps in protecting children's works

Mathematical leisure "KVN"

  1. Summarizing

Invites children to Mathematical Leisure "KVN".

Children's opinions about the game "KVN" with mathematical content.

Days of the week

gcd theme

Work with children

Working with parents


Acquaintance with the history and rules of the KVN game.

A conversation about the benefits of this game for consolidating the material learned.

Counseling about the meaning of mathematics.


Finger games.

Memorization finger games with mathematical content.

Offer to sketch the memorized games to create a thematic folder.



A conversation about the seasons, based on illustrative material.

D/n: “When does this happen?”

Compiling a thematic folder: “Seasons”


"Merry Count"

Games to improve your score.

Suggest leaving the folder “Numbers in Poems”


"Graphic dictation"

Games to develop orientation on a sheet of paper, in space.

Consulting on working with graphic dictations.


Creative workshop "Tangram"

Cutting out parts for the game, composing game pieces.

Offer to draw diagrams for the game.



Games to develop perception through sensations.

Make pillows with buttons for the game.


Preparing for the project.

Children's statements about mathematics. Learning mottos. Making emblems and signs for the game.

Making medals.


Project presentation.

Active participants.

Active participants.

9. Expected result of the project:

This project will help improve the pedagogical literacy of parents. Based systematization and generalization of children's knowledge will learn apply mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems.The project will contribute to the development of children creative thinking, constructive abilities, imagination, skillsplan your activities, break into groups, complete the task carefully, to the end, distribute roles within the group, determine the materials necessary for the implementation of the project, present the result of the work done.

10. Performance criteria:

Involving parents in joint activities;

Increasing parental motivation.

11. Resource analysis.

  1. Human resources:


Musical director;

The teacher is a psychologist.

  1. Informational resources:

1. Krotova T.V. “Interaction between teachers, parents and students. Project Method". “Handbook of senior educators”, No. 4 2007.

2. Project method in activities preschool: A manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions / author. – comp. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova. M., 2003.

3. V. P. Bederkhanova “Joint design activities as a means of development of children and adults.” "Personal development". No. 1 2000. P. 24 – 36.

4. Polat E. S. Project method

5. T. S. Komarova “Children in the world of creativity” / book. for teachers of preschool institutions. M., 1995

6. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova Methodological developments“One step, two steps”, “Player”;

7. L. S. Metlina “Formation of elementary mathematical representations»

8. Z. A. Mikhailova. Manual “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers”, 2000.

9. A. S. Galanov “Educational games for kids”, Moscow “AST-PRESS”, 2007.

10. Workbooks “School for preschool children.” "We are developing math skills"(6-7 years old) Rosman, 2005

  1. Material and technical support.

ICT tools – presentation;

Stationery materials for making manuals (white paper, colored paper, white cardboard, paints, brushes, scissors, glue, files, folders, material, foam rubber, buttons of different sizes, threads, medals)


Abstract of GCD

Target : Testing children to independently complete tasks under competition conditions.

Tasks :

Educational:consolidate knowledge about the seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, the composition of the number 10 from two smaller, adjacent numbers of the natural series within 10, geometric shapes Oh. Exercise the ability to solve addition and subtraction problems, count forward and backward, determine the number of objects by touch, and make figures using a silhouette pattern from the elements of the game “Tangram”.

Educational: develop intellectual abilities through mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, ingenuity, attention; interest in mathematical games.

Educational: improve the ability to work in a team, win or lose with dignity.

Equipment : TV panel, team emblems, counting sticks, tangram puzzles - 2 sets, 2 bags with button pads, pencils, white sheets of paper, medals.

KVN progress

1.Organizational stage:
Greetings. Game "Number 3":
The participants of the game stand in a circle, the teacher names the numbers of the first ten in a scatter, for all the numbers the children take 2 steps to the center of the circle for the number 3 and stand still.

The teacher begins the countdown:

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
We want to play in KVN
We just need to find out
Who will play on our teams?

Children: "Plus and minus"

Educator: Guys, today we have a mathematical KVN.

KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. We will play and see whose team will complete the tasks faster and more correctly. At the end of the game we will count the points and determine the winner. And the jury in our game will be your parents. (Introducing the members of the jury.) Now 2 teams, which we called “Plus” and “Minus,” will greet each other.

Greetings from the teams.

1st command: “PLUS”.

Motto: “If you add success to a smile,

Add to them ingenuity and laughter,

We are a team no matter what!

Good luck always awaits us!”

2nd team: “MINUS”.

Motto: “If you subtract despondency and cowardice, take away.

You can find out the name of the team.

We think, we think

How to become scientists

We will all develop our talents!”

2. Main part.

Educator: Participants, we begin our game with a warm-up. The team that gives the most correct answers wins. Remember that you cannot shout out from your seat; we answer with our hand raised.

"Team warm-up"

Question No. 1.

Team 1: Name the numbers in order from 2 to 8.

Team 2: Name the numbers from 3 to 9.

Children's answers:

  1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
  2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Question No. 2.

1 team: I will name a number, and you name the next number - 9, 10, 12

Team 2: Name the previous number of the numbers – 9, 10, 12

Children's answers:

  1. 10, 11, 13
  2. 8, 9, 11

Question No. 3.

I will name a series of numbers, two numbers are rearranged

What are these numbers?

1 team: 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

2nd team: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10

Children's answers:

  1. 4, 5
  2. 6, 7

Question No. 4.

Name the days of the week corresponding to the serial number.

1 team: 1, 3, 4, 6.

Team 2: 2, 4, 5, 7.

Children's answers:

  1. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday.
  2. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Question No. 5.

Team 1: Three horses ran 5 km. How far did each horse run?

Team 2: The chicken stands on one leg and weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs?

Children's answers:

  1. 5 km.
  2. 2 kg.

Question No. 6.

Team 1: Name the autumn months

Team 2: Name the winter months

Children's answers:

  1. September October November
  2. December January February

Question No. 7.

1 team “Plus”: I call the number, and you give the answer 1 more.

5, 9, 10, 12.

Team 2 “Minus”: I name the number, and you give the answer 1 less.

8, 10, 12, 4.

Educator: Participants, the warm-up went well, you showed excellent knowledge. Now let's count the points. The jury's word.

And we continue our game, you have already noted that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Therefore, I offer you fun tasks for ingenuity. The first one to raise his hand will answer.

1. How many tails do two donkeys have?

2. How many ears do two mice have?

3. How many legs do two cats have? (not at all, the cat has paws)

4. How many legs does a chicken have?

5. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one granddaughter Masha)

6. The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (to no one)

7. There were 4 bears and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals were there in the zoo?

8. There were 5 apples growing on the birch tree. 3 apples fell to the ground. How many apples are left on the birch tree? (not at all, apples don’t grow on birch trees)

Educator: Participants, you did a good job. Well done! And our game continues. Look, a learned crow has come to visit us. She also wants to take part in our game. (Crow greets the children and offers them his tasks)

Crow: Guys, I flew to you from the forest. I know every corner of my forest. I know where my squirrel friends live, my hares friends live and where the bear sleeps in his den. Guys, you can find out too. If you complete my tasks correctly, you will get a map of our forest.

(sheets of paper lie in front of the children.)

Draw 1 square in the upper right corner, squirrels live here. In the lower left corner draw 1 triangle, hares live there. In the upper left corner draw big circle-This is a bear's den. In the lower right corner, draw 1 rectangle - the hedgehog’s family lives there, and in the center of the sheet draw an oval - this is a forest lake. Now, guys, you won't get lost in our forest.

Educator: Thank you, learned crow, for participating in our game.

Crow: Well, it's time for me to go home, goodbye guys.

Educator: Guys, the crow flew into the forest, let's warm up a little.

The music director invites the children to join him for a rhythmic dance…………

Educator: We rested, and now the next task.

“Determine by touch”

To complete this task, each team selects one player, who take turns determining the number of buttons by touch.

Educator: Guys, now the most important task.

"Battle of the Captains"

1. Each person has 5 counting sticks.

The captain of the “Plus” team must assemble 2 rectangles from them.

The captain of the “Minus” team must assemble 2 triangles from them.

2. Second “Tangram” competition.

Lay out a figure from the Tangram puzzle according to the sample (offer everyone a card with samples).

The jury sums up the results of the captains' competition.

Ved. Guys, we continue our game. And the next task is called

“We settled in the house.”

You need to choose two people from each team. The one who can do it faster wins.

There are two houses on the screen:

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Educator: Today, guys, you solved well, calculated, thought, you are all great, and while the jury sums up the results of our game, I offer you riddles:

This figure is like a nesting doll.

Who else is rounder?

He claps his hands cheerfully:

Call me quickly!(eight)

I am the most important because

I can confuse you.

If I turn over

Then I’ll turn into someone else!(six, nine)

We add the numbers together

We write a cross between them.

I'm not afraid of questions

I'm called a cross -(plus)

At the ring, at the ring

There is no beginning and no end.

All the friends around know

The ring has a shape (circle)

A number like the letter "O"

But it doesn't mean anything.(zero)

Two rings, but without end

There is no nail in the middle.

If I turn over

I won't change at all.(eight)

This sign will show everyone:

Who left for good

They ate it, hid it, put it away.

What do we call that sign?(minus)

He has been my friend for a long time.

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Same length.

I'm glad to introduce him to you.

What's his name? (square)

Educator: And now the jury speaks.

A representative of the jury speaks, congratulates the children and presents medals to both teams.

Questionnaire for parents “Mathematics for the development of your child”

1. Are you familiar with the requirements of the kindergarten program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in a child?

2. What do you think is the main goal of developing children’s elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten:

b) teach children to navigate in space and time;

c) prepare children for school;

d) develop in children the mental functions of thinking, attention and memory, so that in the future they will be able to perceive any information.

3. What assessment do you give to the level of development of your child’s mathematical concepts? What has he learned over the past year?

4. Do you think that conditions have been created in kindergarten for the development of children’s thinking?

5. Does your child often show interest in mathematics at home? What are you doing to maintain his interest?

7. Do you think your child in kindergarten receives sufficient development in mathematics and good preparation for further education at school?

8. Do you think it is necessary for your child to attend additional math classes outside of kindergarten? Which?

9. Does your group have visual information on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children? How useful is it for you:

a) information is missing;

b) there is information, but it is extremely scarce;

c) the information is there, but the teacher never draws our attention to it;

d) I don’t pay attention to her;

e) the information is interesting, but has no practical significance for me;

f) there is too much information, it is difficult to choose something useful;

g) visual information is interesting and useful for me.

10. What kind of help do you need from kindergarten teachers regarding the problem of your child’s mathematical development?

Questionnaire for parents.

“The influence of the project-based teaching method FEMP on consolidating students’ knowledge”

  1. Was information about the mathematical literacy of preschoolers useful in the implementation of the “Mathematical Knowledge” project in a pre-school group?

    Slide captions:

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alenka" Sovetsky. Prepared by: Educator Elena Viktorovna Lobareva. Project: “Mathematical Knowledge”

    Summary: the project “Mathematical Knowledge” is aimed at developing mathematical knowledge among students in the preparatory school group. This project presents forms of work with children and parents in order to improve pedagogical literacy in mathematics.

    Justification of the need for the project. Parents of students do not always understand the importance and significance of the mathematical development of children aged 6–7 years. Project duration: short-term.

    Causes. There is no knowledge about the rules for teaching elementary mathematical concepts in all sections. Insufficient number of joint activities aimed at developing elementary mathematical concepts in students. Target audience: - children of the preparatory school group; - parents of the group.

    5. Goal: developing interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity. 6. Objectives: Educational. To promote the development of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems. Developmental. Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning. Educational. Help maintain interest in mathematics and develop the ability to work in a team.

    7. Preparatory stage. - Studying special methodological literature. - Conducting a survey of parents. - Identifying the problem. - Drawing up a work plan for the project. - Preparation of methodological support: didactic, finger, outdoor games of mathematical content (a selection of poems about numbers, problems in verse was collected. Folklore material was selected: riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters of mathematical content. The music director placed a consultation “Music and Mathematics” in the parent corner. Created folders: “Fun numbers”; “Riddles for ingenuity”, “Numbers in verse”. Games “Tangram” were made; “finger games based on children’s sketches” together with children and parents.)

    8. Project implementation plan. Stages Activities of the teacher Activities of children Statement of the problem of learning to play the game “KVN” with mathematical content. Introducing children into a game problem situation: the game “KVN” as a means of consolidating previously learned material. They decide to learn to play. Discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks Help plan children's activities, helps in solving problems. They ask questions, express their point of view, defend their position, and determine the final goal. Work on the project Talks with children about the game “KVN”, compiling thematic folders, helps in solving problems, making games with your own hands. Discussion of questions, games of a mathematical nature. Presentation of the project Helps in protecting children's works Mathematical leisure "KVN" Summing up Invites children to Mathematical leisure "KVN". Children's opinions about the game "KVN" with mathematical content.

    Days of the week topic GCD Working with children Working with parents Monday Getting to know the history and rules of the KVN game. A conversation about the benefits of this game for consolidating the material learned. Counseling about the meaning of mathematics. Tuesday Finger games. Learning finger games with mathematical content. Offer to sketch the memorized games to create a thematic folder. Wednesday Seasons. A conversation about the seasons, based on illustrative material. D/n: “When does this happen?” Compiling a thematic folder: “Seasons” Thursday “Fun Counting” Games for developing counting. Suggest leaving the folder “Numbers in Poems” Friday “Graphic Dictation” Games to develop orientation on a sheet of paper, in space. Consulting on working with graphic dictations. Monday Creative workshop “Tangram” Cutting out parts for the game, composing game figures. Offer to draw diagrams for the game. Tuesday “Sensations” Games to develop perception through sensations. Make pillows with buttons for the game. Environment Preparation for the project. Children's statements about mathematics. Learning mottos. Making emblems and signs for the game. Making medals. Thursday Presentation of the project. Active participants. Active participants.

    9. Expected result of the project: This project will help improve the pedagogical literacy of parents. Based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge, children will learn to apply mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems. The project will contribute to the development in children of creative thinking, constructive abilities, imagination, the ability to plan their activities, break into groups, complete the task carefully, to the end, distribute roles within the group, determine the materials necessary for the implementation of the project, and present the result of the work done. 10. Performance criteria: - involvement of parents in joint activities; - increasing the motivation of parents.

    11. Resource analysis. Human resources: - educators; - musical director; - teacher - psychologist. Information resources: 1. Krotova T.V. “Interaction between teachers, parents and students. Project Method". “Handbook of senior educators”, No. 4 2007. 2. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: A manual for managers and practitioners of preschool educational institutions / author. – suck. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova. M., 2003. 3. V. P. Bederkhanova “Joint design activity as a means of development of children and adults.” "Personal development". No. 1 2000. P. 24 – 36. 4. Polat E. S. Project method http:// / met / metodika /a_2wn3.php 5. T. S. Komarova “Children in the world of creativity” / book for teachers of preschool institutions. M., 1995 6. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova Methodological developments “One step, two steps”, “Playing game”; 7. L. S. Metlina “Formation of elementary mathematical representations” 8. Z. A. Mikhailova. Manual “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers”, 2000. 9. A. S. Galanov “Educational games for kids”, Moscow “AST-PRESS”, 2007. 10. Workbooks “School for preschool children.” “Developing mathematical abilities” (6-7 years old) Rosman, 2005. Material and technical support. - ICT tools – presentation; - stationery materials for the production of manuals (white paper, colored paper, white cardboard, paints, brushes, scissors, glue, files, folders, material, foam rubber, buttons of different sizes, threads)

    Question No. 2 Team 1: 9 10 12

    2nd team: 9 10 12

    Question No. 3 1 team: 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

    2nd team: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10

    Question No. 4. 1 team: 1 3 4 6

    Team 2: 2 4 5 7

    Question No. 5.

    Question No. 6.

    Question No. 7. 1 team: 5 9 10 12

    2nd team: 8 10 12 4

    “Determine by touch”

    "Battle of the Captains"

    2 4 5 3 0 10 10 1 6 8 4 0

    Thank you for participating!!!

    Ekaterina Eskova
    Project “Fairytale Mathematics” for middle school children.

    Business card project

    Supervisor project

    Last name, first name, patronymic Didichenko Ekaterina Olegovna

    City, region of Zarechny village, Belorechensky district

    Number, name of preschool educational institution Madou Kindergarten 12

    Description project

    Topic name project

    Project"Fairytale mathematics"

    Project designed for 6 months. The need to introduce innovative pedagogical ideas on the formation of children's mathematical concepts. It is very important not to miss the moment when the child begins to get tired and does not want to study, and to use puppet theater characters in the educational activities. Inclusion in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical presentations of elements of puppet theater brings variety to classes and increases interest in it. The use of theater has a beneficial effect on children

    Middle group

    Duration project

    6 months

    The basis project

    Educational standards

    In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Planned learning outcomes

    Organization project activities children will allow integration of almost all educational areas, solve your goals, and most importantly, activate and satisfy cognitive interests children in mathematics, independent activity, motor activity. As a result design activities among students, motivation to study should increase mathematical representations, the level of educational activities will increase, which contributes to the development of their creative initiative. As a result of the work done, preschoolers develop interaction and cooperation skills, artistic abilities, dialogical speech, and the manifestation of creative abilities.

    Questions guiding project

    Problematic issues educational topic 1. How you can study with the help of puppet theater mathematics.

    Explanatory note.

    The spiritual life of a child is complete only when he lives in the world fairy tales, creativity, imagination, fantasy. Theatrical - gaming activity is a bright emotional means, influencing the child’s imagination with words, actions, music and visual arts. Puppet theater gives children great pleasure and brings a lot of joy. However, the performance cannot be viewed only as entertainment. Perception of a puppet show is complex psychological process which also shapes mental abilities children - develops memory, speech, enhances basic skills mathematical abilities. IN pedagogical process You cannot rely on children’s mastery of a certain amount of knowledge; it is necessary to develop their cognitive activity and ability to be creative.

    Plays a huge role in mental education and in the development of a child’s intelligence. mathematical development. Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; builds persistence, patience, creative potential personality. Mathematics- one of the most difficult educational subjects. The potential of a preschool teacher is not to convey certain mathematical knowledge and skills, and in communion children to the material, giving food to the imagination, affecting not only the purely intellectual, but also emotional sphere child. The preschool teacher must make the child feel that he can understand and master not only specific concepts, but also general patterns. And the main thing is to experience joy in overcoming difficulties.

    However, the problem of formation and development children's mathematical abilities- one of the least developed methodological problems of preschool pedagogy today. Teaching preschoolers the basics mathematicians be given an important place.

    Traditionally, the problem of assimilation and accumulation of knowledge has mathematical character in preschool pedagogy associated mainly with the formation of ideas about natural number and actions with it (counting, counting, arithmetic operations and comparison of numbers, measurement scalar quantities and etc.). Formation of elementary mathematical representations is means mental development child, his cognitive abilities.

    For a preschool child, the main path of development is empirical generalization, that is, generalization of one’s own sensory experience. For a preschooler, the content must be sensually perceived, which is why it is so important to use entertaining material (poems, knowledge from history mathematicians, tasks for the development of logical thinking, mathematical holidays and entertainment). Elements of theatrical mathematicians, masks that mathematics, which many consider dry, uninteresting and far from life children. The child needs in class active work, helping to increase his vitality, satisfying his interests and social needs.

    In classes on math poems, stories about numbers, figures, etc. influence the development of speech and require a certain level from the child speech development. If the child cannot express your wishes, cannot understand verbal instructions, he cannot complete the task. Integration of logic mathematical and speech development is based on the unity of tasks solved in preschool age.

    It is through the use of theatrical elements mathematicians, knowledge and skills acquired in classes are reflected and developed mathematics, interest in the subject is fostered.

    In individual work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations I use the manual of the teacher of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 37" city ​​of Lysva, Perm region- Lyubov Anatolyevna Kosolapova – « Mathematical theater» .

    « Mathematical theater» designed to work on the development and consolidation mathematical concepts in children 3-7 years old(spatial, quantitative, about size, about sensory standards, etc.) in joint play activities with children, in classes and in independent creative activities. Using this manual in your work allows you to promote the development of interaction and cooperation skills, artistic abilities, dialogic speech, and the manifestation of creative visual abilities.

    The manual is a colored metal plate with magnets. It comes with figurines of different fairy tale characters , scenery (trees, houses, etc.) different shapes, colors and sizes, You can organize a joint creative activity with children, creating drawings from colored cereals on a given plane, consolidate spatial concepts and ideas about color and size.

    To study software material I used the following with my children fairy tales:

    1. Number and score - playing a nursery rhyme “Finger, finger, where have you been?”

    2. Ordinal counting - “ "The Wolf and the Little Goats", "Hare, Rooster and Fox",

    3. Geometric shapes - "Kolobok", "Cucumber", playing out riddles about vegetables.

    The use of theater has a beneficial effect on children. In a theatrical game, a child reproduces familiar literary plots, and this trains memory and activates thinking. Children overcome shyness and embarrassment and mobilize their attention. The guys think faster and solve certain problems.

    Target project: development of mental, cognitive abilities means aesthetic education.

    Planning and implementing project, were delivered tasks:

    Using a puppet theater, reinforce basic mathematical ideas about numbers, geometric figures, through the close connection of perception and knowledge of the surrounding world.

    Explore needs and desires children in choosing a topic(fairy tales) for playing.

    Arouse interest and desire to take an active part in creative theatrical productions.

    Develop creative capabilities: expressiveness of speech, movements, visual skills.

    Use the specifics of theatrical activities as an educational technology.

    Raise a caring attentive attitude towards people around you, caring attitude towards the world of things, the world of nature.

    Subject and research: pedagogical conditions necessary for the effective use of theatrical activities for the formation mathematical representations.

    Hypothesis project: if you realize the multifaceted possibilities of theatrical activities, then better assimilation is possible mathematical concepts in children preschool age.

    Expected result

    Increasing the level of motivation to exercise.

    interaction and cooperation skills, artistic abilities, dialogical speech, and the manifestation of creative abilities are developed.

    Creative self-expression of students.

    activate and satisfy cognitive interests children in mathematics.

    Methods project: educational game activities; games- fairy tales; work with mathematical manual.

    Type project:

    educational, creative.

    By number of participants project: group(23 children).

    By time: 6 months.

    By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution.

    All work was completed in three stage:

    1. Preparatory: joint determination of goals by children and teachers project, the motive for the upcoming activity, predicting the result. Were replenished teaching aids and new heroes fairy tales theater corner

    2. Second stage - implementation project through different types of activities. Types of children's activities: Gaming activity:

    Round dance games: "Teremok", “At Malanya’s, at the old lady’s...”, "Kolobok".

    . Board games: "Find a Pair", "Find each other", "Fun account".

    . Music games: "Ladder", “Teach the matryoshka to count”, "Listen and clap", "The Learned Grasshopper".

    Finger games (to secure the account) .

    Outdoor games: "Wolf and Hares", "Third wheel", "On one leg along the path", "Traps on one leg",

    Learning counting rhymes, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, finger games to consolidate counting.

    Dramatization fairy tales: "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Three piglets".

    Reading Russian folk fairy tales: "Three Bears", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip".

    Mathematical theater.

    Tabletop theater fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Teremok", "turnip", "Three Bears".

    Finger Theater (rhymes).

    Using flannelgraph.

    Cycles of lessons on the topic: "Numbers", "Geometric figures", "Quantity and counting", "Comparison by width and height"

    Stage 3 – presentation presentation « Fairytale mathematics» .

    within additional education children 5 – 7 years old

    Explanatory note.

    The modern world around a child is constantly changing and dynamic. The education system should help ensure that the child receives such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to new conditions of society.

    Today there is a large number of educational programs for kindergarten, and institutions have the opportunity to choose the one that meets their requirements and interests.

    Paying attention to the development of sensory, cognitive, mathematical and other abilities of children, the development of logical thinking is relegated to the background. In the arsenal of educators, there is not much methodological and practical material that allows them to work in depth on the development of certain abilities. Based on the many developed programs, I made my own project, which will reveal new possibilities for preschoolers.

    The program for introduction to mathematics, logic and familiarization with the outside world is integrated. Integration helps to increase learning motivation, develop children’s cognitive interest, and holistic scientific picture the world and consideration of a phenomenon from several sides, promotes the development of speech, the formation of the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, and broadens one’s horizons.

    The nature of the material determines the purpose of the circle:

    To develop children’s general mental and mathematical abilities, to interest them in the subject of mathematics, to entertain them, which is, of course, not the main thing.

    Any mathematical task requiring ingenuity, no matter what age it was intended for, carries a mental load, which is most often disguised by an entertaining plot, external data, the conditions of the task, etc.

    The mental task: to make a figure, modify it, find a solution, guess a number - is realized through the means of the game, in game actions. The development of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and initiative is carried out through active mental activity based on direct interest.

    Mathematical material is made more interesting by the game elements contained in each problem, logical exercise, and entertainment, be it checkers or the most basic puzzle. For example, in the question: “How can I make a square out of two sticks on a table?” - the unusualness of its production makes the child think in search of an answer, get involved in the play of imagination.

    The variety of entertaining material - games, tasks, puzzles - provides the basis for classification, although it is quite difficult to divide into groups such a diverse material created by mathematicians, methodologists and our teachers. It can be classified according to various criteria: by content and meaning, the nature of mental operations, as well as by its generality and focus on the development of certain skills.

    Based on the logic of actions carried out by the student, a variety of elementary entertaining material can be classified into

    Purpose of the circle:

    To increase the level of readiness of older preschool children for school.

    Develop mathematical concepts of children 5-7 years old elementary level through techniques of comparison, generalization, classification, systematization and semantic correlation.

    To promote the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking and mathematical concepts in older preschoolers


    Develop interest in solving cognitive, creative problems, in a variety of intellectual activities;

    Develop imaginative and logical thinking, the ability to perceive and display, compare, generalize, classify, modify, etc.;

    Develop the ability to establish mathematical connections, patterns, order, the relationship of arithmetic operations, signs and symbols, relationships between parts of the whole, numbers, measurements, etc.;

    Develop combinatorial abilities by combining color and shape, development of creative imagination, memory;

    Arouse the desire for a creative process of cognition and the implementation of strict actions according to the algorithm, self-expression in active, interesting, meaningful activities;

    To promote the manifestation of children's research activity in independent mathematical games, in the process of solving problems different types, the desire to develop the game and search for results through unique, original actions (in their own way, at the level of age capabilities).

    Formation of ideas about number and quantity:

    Develop general ideas about sets: the ability to form sets on given grounds, to see the components of a set in which objects differ in certain characteristics.

    Improve quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10.

    Development of ideas about size:

    Divide an object into 2-8 or more equal parts by bending the object, as well as using a conventional measure; correctly designate parts of a whole (half, one part of two (one second), two parts of four, etc.); establish the ratio of the whole and the part, the size of the parts; find parts of a whole and a whole from known parts.

    Develop the idea that the result of measurement (length, weight, volume of objects) depends on the size of the conditional measure.

    Development of ideas about form:

    Refine your knowledge of known geometric figures, their elements (vertices, angles, sides) and some of their properties.

    Learn to recognize figures regardless of their spatial position, depict them, place them on a plane, arrange them by size, classify them, group them by color, shape, size.

    Learn to compose figures from parts and break them into parts, construct figures using verbal descriptions and listing them characteristic properties; create thematic compositions from figures according to your own ideas.

    Development of spatial orientation:

    Learn to navigate in a limited area; arrange objects and their images in the indicated direction, reflect their spatial location in speech.

    Introduce the plan, diagram, route, map. Develop the ability to model spatial relationships between objects in the form of a drawing, plan, diagram.

    Learn to “read” the simplest graphic information indicating the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement in space: from left to right, from right to left, from bottom to top, from top to bottom; move independently in space, focusing on symbols(signs and symbols).

    Development of time orientation:

    Give children a basic understanding of time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility, the sequence of all days of the week, months, seasons.

    Learn to use words and concepts in speech: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.


    Natural conformity;

    A holistic view of the world;

    Psychological comfort;




    Expected Result.

    The child is active and independent in using mastered methods of cognition (comparing, counting, measuring, ordering) in order to solve practical, problematic problems and transfer them to new conditions.

    Learn to compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction, use numbers and arithmetic signs (+, -, =)

    The teacher successfully solves logical problems;

    Learn to correlate a schematic image with real objects;

    Develop quick thinking;

    Shows interest in experimentation. Able to outline successive steps in the development of a situation, follows the goal, chooses means;

    Actively involved in classification and series games; offers options; participates in transformative activities, understands and explains the invariability of volume, quantity, mass.

    The program is designed to work with children 5-7 years old.

    The working hours of the circle are 1 lesson per week, duration:

    In the senior group – 25 minutes;

    In the preparatory room - 30 minutes.



    Program content

    1. “What is common and how is it different”

    Learn to compare the properties of objects.

    2. “Choose by shape”

    Fix the properties of objects.

    3. “Find who is the odd one out”

    Compare the properties of objects.

    4. “Which figure is missing?”

    Fix the properties of objects.



    Program content

    1. “What has changed”

    Learn to find properties of objects.

    2. "The third wheel"

    Teach children the ability to compare groups of objects.

    3. "The fourth wheel"

    Strengthen the ability to compare groups of objects

    4. “Labyrinths: who calls whom?”

    Strengthen the ability to compare groups of objects.



    Program content

    1. “Draw and color”

    Teach the relationship: part - whole.

    2. “Continue the pattern”

    Strengthen spatial relationships: on, under, above .

    3. “Find identical toys”

    Learn spatial relationships: right, left.

    4. "The fourth wheel"

    Fix spatial relationships: right, left.



    Program content

    1. “Complete the drawing”

    Strengthen the relationship between the whole and the part.

    2. “What is the difference between clowns”

    Fix the number and number 1.

    3. “Change the sign”

    Teach children spatial relationships: inside - outside.

    4. "Labyrinths"

    develop eye and imaginative thinking



    Program content

    1. “Continue the pattern”

    Teach children to complete drawings of figures, develop visual skills, imaginative thinking

    2. "What's in common"

    Teach children the ability to form equalities.

    3. Connect the objects"

    Reinforce the number and number 3 with the children and activate their vocabulary.

    4. “Complete the drawing”

    Fix numbers and numbers 1-3.



    Program content

    1. “Guess how to color it”

    Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes; learn to make shapes from triangles.

    2. “Divide the shapes according to their characteristics”

    Fix the number and number 4.

    3. “Which house is the odd one out and why?”

    Reinforce the concept of polygons.

    4. “Logical chains”

    Learn to find patterns, develop attention, and the ability to remember.



    Program content

    1. "Interception"

    Fix the number and number 5.

    2. “Trace the paths”

    Strengthen spatial relationships: in front - behind.

    3. "Color"

    Teach children to compare groups of objects by quantity .

    4. “Color it the same way”

    Compare groups of items by quantity.


    Program content

    1. “What comes first, what comes next”

    To strengthen children’s understanding of the concepts of “first and then”, to teach them to correctly establish cause-and-effect relationships using visual aids.

    2. “The Adventure of Little Red Riding Hood”

    3. “Festival of Mathematics”

    Reinforce the material covered.



    Program content

    1. “Hatching.”

    Compare the results of a visual and tactile examination, be able to navigate on a sheet of paper .

    2. “Name the extra item.”

    Develop analytical thinking

    3. “What does it look like?”

    Practice naming the objects shown in the picture.



    Program content

    1. “Walk through the labyrinth.”

    2. “The merman is a joker”

    Learn to examine objects alternately using vision and touch, compare and comment on the results obtained.

    3. “Unspell the image.”

    Learn to find the image of numbers in an enchanted picture.

    4. “Drawing beads.”

    Name the colors and show the corresponding pencil



    Program content

    1. "Attentive artists."

    Development of visual perception.

    2. "Logical domino".

    Develop visual perception and spatial thinking. Classify and compare objects by color or shape.

    3. "Runaway numbers"

    Develop attentiveness and vigilance to symbolic designations.

    4. “Draw from memory”

    Teach children to reproduce the contents of the drawing from memory.



    Program content

    1. “Name your neighbors.”

    Strengthen in children the skill of naming the next and previous number to the one named

    2. "Large and small figures."

    Learn to name all geometric shapes. Connect the shapes with the small one that matches it.

    3. "Find the differences"

    Develop attention, observation, ability to find similarities and differences

    4. "Robots".

    Lock geometric shapes



    Program content

    1. "Labyrinth"

    Develop visual orientation.

    2. “Where is my place?”

    Teach children to establish a pattern, cross out an extra figure, arrange objects correctly, and develop logical thinking.

    3. “We indicate the direction.”

    Ability to hear verbal instructions and complete tasks in a notebook.

    4. “Boat Plop – Plop”

    Learn to solve mental problems, promote the development of spatial relationships; develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.



    Program content

    1. “Miracle - crosses”

    Improve the processes of logical thinking, attention, spatial thinking.

    2. “Find and circle.”

    Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    3. “Drawing a cat”

    Continue to learn how to navigate in a squared notebook.

    4. "Columbus Egg"

    Develop geometric understanding and observation skills.



    Program content

    1. “Hurry up, don’t make a mistake”

    Reinforce your knowledge of the composition of the first ten numbers.

    2. “Be careful!”

    Learn to trace a fragment of an image on each line

    3. Modeling from geometric shapes.

    Exercise knowledge of geometric shapes, identify polygons, learn to correctly answer the question: how many?

    4. “Connect the dots according to the pattern”

    Teach children to be attentive and navigate in space.


    Program content

    1. Logo molds. "Tic Tac Toe."

    Teach children Logo molds

    Mathematical holiday

    Reinforce the material covered.


    1. Belaya A. 150 tests, games, exercises. - M., 2006

    2. Gavrina S.P. “Fun Mathematics” - M., 2001

    3. V. Tsvintarny. We play with our fingers and develop speech. Doe. St. Petersburg, 1997

    4. A.A. Smolentseva. Mathematics before school. N.-Novgorod 1996

    5. L.I. Tikhonov. Mathematics in games with Lego construction sets. St. Petersburg, ed. "Childhood-Press" 2001

    6. V.P. Novikova. Mathematics in kindergarten. Moscow. "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2000

    7. V.P. Novikova. Mathematics in kindergarten, senior preschool age. Moscow. "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2009

    8. L.V. Minkevich. Mathematics in kindergarten, senior group. Moscow, ed. "Scriptorium 2003" 2010

    9. E. Cherenkova. The best puzzles. Moscow. Ripol Classic house, 21st century 2007

    10. E.A. Nosova. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg “Childhood-Press” 2002

    11. V.P. Novikova. Educational games and activities with Cuisineer sticks. Moscow. "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2008

    12. I.A. Pomoraeva. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, 2nd ed. Moscow, ed. "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2010


    “Creating conditions for speech development

    in children 5-6 years old through elementary mathematical concepts

    and didactic games"

    2015-2016 academic year

    “Without play there is no, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development

    The game is a huge bright window,

    Through which in spiritual world child,

    A life-giving stream of ideas and concepts pours out.

    Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

    V. A. Sukhomlinsky


    Kindergarten performs an important function in preparing children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely a child is prepared for school.

    A huge role in mental education and development child's intelligence playsmathematical development.

    Mathematics has a uniquedevelopmental effect. Its study contributes development of memory, speech , imagination, emotions; forms perseverance, patience, and creative potential of the individual. Mathematics – one of the most difficult academic subjects. The potential of a preschool teacher is not to convey certainmathematical knowledge and skills, and in introducing children to material , giving food to the imagination, affecting not only the purely intellectual, but also the emotional sphere of the child.

    Teaching mathematics is unthinkable without the use of games (mathematical, didactic, physical education minutes). Their use helps well in the perception of the material and therefore the child takes an active part in the cognitive process.

    A mathematical game requires perseverance, a serious attitude, and the use of the thinking process. Play is a natural way for a child to develop. They are interesting for children and emotionally captivate them. And the process of solving, searching for an answer, based on interest in the problem, is impossible without active work thoughts. This situation explains the importance of entertaining tasks in the mental and comprehensive development of children’s speech. During games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material Children master the ability to search for solutions independently, but children also develop speech, memory and thinking.


    Creating conditions for the development of speech in preschool children through elementary mathematical concepts and didactic games.


    • Compile a selection of games based on FEMP, tasks with game content for the development of mathematical concepts in preschool children;
    • Use the developed material for GCD in mathematics with children 5-6 years old.
    • Enrich with new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; activate mental activity (ability to compare, generalize, classify, analyze.
    • Formation of basic mathematical concepts and speech skills.

    Expected Result:

    Interest in mathematical games developed among the group's pupils; the desire to play them, and on the basis of this: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

    Activating the cognitive interest of preschool children;

    Development of attention, memory, speech, imagination, logical thinking;

    Ability to solve logical problems.

    Project implementation period:long-term project (2017 -2018 academic year)

    The project was developed in accordance with the objectives of the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova.

    Project participants:Children senior group, educators, parents (legal representatives).

    The role of parents in the implementation of the project

    • production of board and educational games.
    • Activities with children at home.



    Direction of work


    Selection of literature on the topic of the project.


    Work with documents.

    Planning work with children.


    Continue studying the theory of teaching children elementary mathematical concepts based on entertaining material for children. Work on the subject-developmental mathematical environment of the group

    Game tasks: “Journey through a fairytale forest” (“Educator in a preschool educational institution” No. 6, 2009, p. 52)


    Compiling a card index “Games for FEMP”

    Entertaining stories about numbers and numbers.

    Conversations with teachers.


    Reading the mathematical fairy tale “In the country of “Mathematics” in the plasticine area”, analysis and discussion of the fairy tale with children.

    Carrying out GCD using entertaining game material (games using counting sticks)


    Subgroup and individual work on the development of mathematical concepts with the help of entertaining material (games for recreating silhouettes “Tangram”, “Voskobovich’s Games”)


    The use of riddles, joke problems, entertaining questions in educational activities and in the joint activities of the teacher and children.

    Subgroup and individual work on the development of mathematical concepts using entertaining material (games “Make a Picture”, “Find the Differences”, “Find a Pair”)


    Conducting an open educational activity for mathematics teachers using entertaining mathematical games.

    Using didactic games with mathematical content in joint activities with children.

    Evening of entertainment “The Journey of Know-Nothing and Know-Nothing”


    Mathematical entertainment for children “Journey to Wonderland”

    Conducting classes using individual counting material.

    Subgroup and individual work on the development of mathematical concepts using entertaining material (games with Cuisenaire sticks, printed board games)


    Analysis of the work performed.

    Developing a self-education plan for the new academic year

    Cooperation with parents:

    Conversation for parents: “How to organize children’s games at home using entertaining mathematical material”

    Open educational activity for parents “Visiting Mathematics”

    Design of a moving folder: “ Entertaining mathematics at home in everyday life"

    Individual conversations.

    Literature on the topic:

    1. “Mathematics and children” - A. Beloshinskaya – candidate of pedagogical sciences.

    2. “Sensory education” - E. Pilyugina

    3. Z.A. Mikhailova. “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers”

    4. “Developing perception and imagination” - A. Levina.

    5. N.V. Stepanova. " Didactic games mathematics"

    "Pick up a toy"

    Goal: to practice counting objects by the named number and memorizing it, to learn to find an equal number of toys.

    Content. V. explains to the children that they will learn to count out as many toys as he says. He calls the children one by one and gives them the task of bringing a certain number of toys and placing them on one table or another. Other children are instructed to check whether the task has been completed correctly, and to do this, count the toys, for example: “Seryozha, bring 3 pyramids and put them on this table. Vitya, check how many pyramids Seryozha brought.” As a result, there are 2 toys on one table, 3 on the second, 4 on the third, and 5 on the fourth. Then the children are asked to count out a certain number of toys and place them on the table where there are the same number of such toys, so that it can be seen that there are equal numbers of them. After completing the task, the child tells what he did. Another child checks whether the task was completed correctly.

    "Pick a figure"

    Goal: to strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric shapes: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval.

    Material: each child has cards on which a rectangle, square and triangle are drawn, the color and shape vary.

    Content. First, V. suggests tracing the figures drawn on the cards with your finger. Then he presents a table on which the same figures are drawn, but of a different color and size than the children’s, and, pointing to one of the figures, says: “I have a big yellow triangle, what about you?” Etc. Calls 2-3 children, asks them to name the color and size (large, small of their figure of this type). “I have a small blue square.”

    "Name and Count"

    Content. It is better to start the lesson by counting toys, calling 2-3 children to the table, then say that the children are good at counting toys and things, and today they will learn to count sounds. IN. invites the children to count, using their hand, how many times he hits the table. He shows how to swing the right hand, standing on the elbow, in time with the blows. The blows are made quietly and not too often so that the children have time to count them. At first, no more than 1-3 sounds are produced, and only when the children stop making mistakes does the number of beats increase. Next, you are asked to play the specified number of sounds. The teacher calls the children to the table one by one and invites them to hit the hammer or stick against a stick 2-5 times. In conclusion, all children are asked to raise their hand (lean forward, sit down) as many times as the hammer hits.

    "Name your bus"

    Target: exercise in distinguishing a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, find figures of the same shape, differing in color and size,

    Content. V. places 4 chairs at some distance from each other, to which models of a triangle, rectangle, etc. (brands of buses) are attached. Children board the buses (stand in 3 columns behind the chairs. The teacher-conductor gives them tickets. Each ticket has the same figure on it as on the bus. At the “Stop!” signal, the children go for a walk, and the teacher swaps the models. At the “On the bus” signal. Children find faulty buses and stand next to each other. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

    “Is it enough?”

    Target: teach children to see equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, bring them to the concept that number does not depend on size.

    Content. V. offers to treat the animals. First he finds out: “Will the bunnies have enough carrots and the squirrels have enough nuts? How to find out? How to check? Children count the toys, compare their numbers, then treat the animals by placing small toys next to large ones. Having identified an equality and inequality in the number of toys in the group, they add the missing item or remove the extra one.

    "Gather a figure"

    Target: learn to count objects that form a figure.

    Content. V. invites the children to move the plate with chopsticks towards them and asks: “What color are the chopsticks? How many sticks of each color? Offers to arrange the sticks of each color so that you get different figures. After completing the task, the children count the sticks again. Find out how many sticks went into each figure. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sticks are arranged differently, but there are equal numbers of them - 4 “How to prove that there are equal numbers of sticks? Children lay out the sticks in rows, one below the other.

    "At the Poultry Farm"

    Target: to train children in counting within limits, to show the independence of the number of objects from the area they occupy.

    Content . V.: “Today we will go on an excursion to a poultry farm. Chickens and chickens live here. There are 6 chickens sitting on the top perch, and 5 chicks on the bottom perch. Compare hens and chickens and determine that there are fewer chickens than hens. “One chicken ran away. What needs to be done to get an equal number of hens and chicks? (You need to find 1 chicken and return it to the chicken). The game is repeated. V. quietly removes the chicken, the children look for a mother hen for the chicken, etc.

    "Tell me about your pattern"

    Target: teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

    Content. Each child has a picture (a rug with a pattern). Children must tell how the elements of the pattern are located: in the upper right corner there is a circle, in the upper left corner there is a square. In the lower left corner there is an oval, in the lower right corner there is a rectangle, in the middle there is a circle. You can give the task to talk about the pattern that they drew in the drawing lesson. For example, in the middle there is a large circle - rays extend from it, and flowers in each corner. At the top and bottom are wavy lines, to the right and left are one wavy line with leaves, etc.

    "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

    Target: V game form practice actively distinguishing between the temporal concepts of “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”.

    Children walk in a circle, reading a quatrain from a familiar poem. At the end, they stop, and the teacher says loudly: “Yes, yes, yes, it was... yesterday!” The children run to the house called “yesterday”. Then they return to the circle and the game continues.

    “Why doesn’t the oval roll?”

    Target: introduce children to an oval shape, teach them to distinguish between a circle and an oval shape

    Content. Models of geometric shapes are placed on the flannelgraph: circle, square, rectangle, triangle. First, one child, called to the flannelograph, names the figures, and then all the children do this together. The child is asked to show the circle. Question: “What is the difference between a circle and other figures?” The child traces the circle with his finger and tries to roll it. V. summarizes the children’s answers: a circle has no corners, but the rest of the figures have corners. 2 circles and 2 oval shapes of different colors and sizes are placed on the flannelgraph. “Look at these figures. Are there any circles among them? One of the children is asked to show the circles. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that there are not only circles on the flannelgraph, but also other figures. , similar to a circle. This is an oval-shaped figure. V. teaches to distinguish them from circles; asks: “How are oval shapes similar to circles? (Oval shapes also have no corners.) The child is asked to show a circle, an oval shape. It turns out that the circle is rolling, but the oval-shaped figure is not. (Why?) Then they find out how the oval-shaped figure differs from the circle? (the oval shape is elongated). Compare by applying and superimposing a circle on an oval.

    "Count the Birds"

    Target: show the formation of numbers 6 and 7, teach children to count within 7.

    Content. The teacher places 2 groups of pictures (bullfinches and titmice) in one row on a typesetting canvas (at some distance from one another and asks: “What are these birds called? Are they equal? ​​How can I check?” The child places the pictures in 2 rows, one below the other. He finds out that there are 5 birds each. V. adds a titmouse and asks: “How many titmouses were there? How many were there? How many were there? is the number greater: 6 or 6? Which is smaller? How to make the birds equal in number to 6. (He emphasizes that if one bird is removed, then there will also be an equal number of 5 birds) and asks: “How many of them are there?” 5.” Again, he adds 1 bird in each row and invites all children to count the birds in the same way.

    "Stand in Place"

    Target: Exercise children in finding locations: in front, behind, left, right, in front, behind.

    Content. V. calls the children one by one, indicates where they need to stand: “Seryozha come to me, Kolya, stand so that Seryozha is behind you. Vera, stand in front of Ira” Etc. Having called 5-6 children, the teacher asks them to name who is in front and behind them. Next, the children are asked to turn left or right and again name who is standing from them and where.

    "Where is the figure"

    Target: teach correctly, name the figures and their spatial location: middle, top, bottom, left, right; remember the location of the figures.

    Content. V. explains the task: “Today we will learn to remember where each figure is. To do this, they need to be named in order: first the figure located in the center (middle), then above, below, left, right.” Calls 1 child. He shows and names the figures in order and their location. Shows it to another child. Another child is asked to arrange the figures as he wants and name their location. Then the child stands with his back to the flannelgraph, and the teacher changes the figures located on the left and right. The child turns and guesses what has changed. Then all children name the shapes and close their eyes. The teacher swaps the places of the figures. Opening their eyes, the children guess what has changed.

    "Sticks in a Row"

    Target: consolidate the ability to build a sequential series in size.

    Content. V. introduces the children to the new material and explains the task: “You need to line up the sticks in a row so that they decrease in length.” Warns children that the task must be completed by eye (trying on and rearranging sticks is not allowed). “To complete the task, it’s true, you need to take the longest stick each time out of all those that are not laid in a row,” explains V.

    "Parts of the Day"

    Target: Exercise children in distinguishing parts of the day.

    Material: pictures: morning, day, evening, night.

    Content. V. draws 4 large houses on the floor, each of which corresponds to one part of the day. A corresponding picture is attached behind each house. Children line up facing the houses. The teacher reads the corresponding passage from a poem, and then gives a signal. The passage should characterize part of the day, then the game will be more entertaining and interesting.

    1. In the morning we go to the yard,

    Leaves are falling like rain,

    They rustle under your feet,

    And they fly, fly, fly...

    2.Happens on a sunny day

    You will go into the forest in a quieter place

    Sit down and try it on a stump

    Take your time... Listen...

    3. It’s already evening.


    Glistens on nettles.

    I'm standing on the road

    Leaning against the willow...

    4. The yellow maples cried at night:

    We remembered the maples,

    How green they were...

    "Who can find it faster"

    Target: practice matching objects by shape with geometric patterns and generalizing objects by shape.

    Content. Children are invited to sit at tables. One child is asked to name the figures standing on the stand. V. says: “Now we will play the game “Who can find it faster.” I will call one person at a time and tell them what object needs to be found. The first one to find the object and place it next to a figure of the same shape wins.” Calls 4 children at once. Children name the selected object and describe its shape. V. asks questions: “How did you guess that the mirror is round? Oval? etc.

    In conclusion, V. asks the questions: What is next to the circle? (square, etc.). How many items are there in total? What shape are these objects? How are they all similar? How many are there?

    "Walk in the Garden"

    Target: introduce children to the formation of the number 8 and counting to 8.

    Material. Typesetting canvas, color images of 8 large, 8 small apples, pictures on which 6 and 5, 4 and 4 objects are drawn.

    Content. On the typesetting canvas, color images of 6 large apples and 7 small apples are placed in one row at some distance from each other. V. asks questions: “What can you say about the size of apples? Which apples are there more (less)? How to check?" One child thinks big. The other is small apples. What needs to be done to immediately see which apples are larger and which are smaller? Then he calls the child and invites him to find and place the small apples under the big ones, exactly one under the other, and explain which number is larger and which is smaller. V. clarifies the children’s answers: “That’s right, now it’s clearly visible that 7 is more than 6. Where there are 7 apples, 1 is extra. There are more small apples (shows 1 extra apple), and where there are 6, 1 apple is missing. So 6 is less than 7, and 7 is more than 6.

    They demonstrate both methods of establishing equality; the number of apples is increased to 7. V. emphasizes that the apples are of different sizes, but they are now equal. - By 7. Next, the teacher shows the children how to form the number 8, using the same techniques as when forming the numbers 6 and 7.

    "Make as many moves"

    Target: practice reproducing a certain number of movements.

    Content. V. lines up the children in 2 lines opposite each other and explains the task: “You will perform as many movements as there are objects drawn on the card that I will show you. You have to count silently. First, the children standing in this line will perform the movements, and the children from the other line will check them, and then vice versa. Each line is given 2 tasks. They suggest doing simple exercises.


    Target: practice ordinal counting” to develop attention and memory.

    Material. Colored scarves (red, yellow, green: blue, etc., from 6 to 10 pieces.

    Content. The driver is selected. Children tie scarves and stand in a row - these are nesting dolls. They are counted out loud in order: “First, second, third,” etc. The driver remembers where each matryoshka stands and goes out the door. At this time, two nesting dolls change places. The driver enters and says what has changed, for example: “The red nesting doll was fifth, but became second, and the second nesting doll of the herd is fifth.” Sometimes the nesting dolls can remain in their places. The game is repeated several times.

    "Fold the planks"

    Target: exercise the ability to build a sequential row in width, order the row in 2 directions: descending and ascending.

    Material. 10 boards of different widths from 1 to 10 cm. You can use cardboard.

    Content. Participants are divided into 2 groups. Each subgroup receives a set of tablets. Both sets fit on 2 tables. Children of two subgroups sit on chairs on one side of the table. Free benches are placed on the other sides of the tables. Both subgroups of children must line up the boards in a row (one in decreasing width, the other in increasing width). One child at a time comes to the table and places 1 board in a row. When performing a task, trials and movements are excluded. Then the children compare. Determine which subgroup completed the task correctly.

    “What number is next?”

    Target: practice determining the next and previous number to the named one.

    Material. Ball.

    "Day and night"

    Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of the day.

    Content. In the middle of the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Both sides of them are the lines of houses. The players are divided into two teams. They are placed at their lines and turned to face the houses. The names of the “day” and “night” commands are determined. The teacher is standing by midline. He's the leader. At his command “Day!” or “Night!” - the players of the named team run into the house, and their opponents catch up with them. Those who have been contaminated are counted and released. The teams line up again at the center lines, and V. gives the signal.

    Option #2. Before giving the signal, V. invites the children to repeat after him a variety of physical exercise, then suddenly beeps.

    Option No. 3. The presenter is one of the children. He throws up a cardboard circle, one side of which is painted black, the other white. And, depending on which side he falls, he commands: “Day!”, “Night!”.


    Target: consolidate numeracy skills within (...).

    "Unfinished Pictures"

    Target: introduce children to the varieties of geometric shapes of rounded shapes.

    Material. For each child, a piece of paper with unfinished images (1-10 items). To complete them, you need to select round or oval elements. (1-10) paper circles and ovals of appropriate sizes and proportions. Glue, brush, cloth.

    "About Yesterday"

    Target: Show children how to save time.

    Once upon a time there lived a boy named Seryozha. He had an alarm clock on his desk, and a thick and very important tear-off calendar hung on the wall. The clock was always in a hurry somewhere, the hands never stood still and always said: “Tick-tock, tick-tock - take care of time, if you miss it, you won’t catch up.” The silent calendar looked down on the alarm clock, because it showed not hours and minutes, but days. But one day the calendar couldn’t stand it and spoke:

    Eh, Seryozha, Seryozha! It’s already the third day in November, Sunday, this day is already coming to an end, and you haven’t done your homework yet. ...

    Yes, yes, said the clock. - The evening is coming to an end, and you keep running and running. Time flies, you can’t catch up with it, you missed it. Seryozha just waved away the annoying clock and thick calendar.

    Seryozha began to do his homework when darkness fell outside the window. I can not see anything. Eyes stick together. Letters run across the pages like black ants. Seryozha put his head on the table, and the clock told him:

    Tick ​​tock, tick tock. I lost so many hours, I walked away. Look at the calendar, soon Sunday will be gone and you will never get it back. Seryozha looked at the calendar, and on the sheet of paper it was no longer the second number, but the third, and not Sunday, but Monday.

    I lost a whole day, says the calendar, a whole day.

    No problem. What is lost can be found,” Seryozha answers.

    But go, look for yesterday, let's see whether you find it or not.

    And I’ll try,” Seryozha answered.

    As soon as he said this, something lifted him, spun him around, and he found himself on the street. Seryozha looked around and saw that the lifting arm was dragging the wall with the door and windows to the top, new house grows higher and higher, and the builders rise higher and higher. Their work is going well. The workers do not pay attention to anything, they are in a hurry to build a house for other people. Seryozha threw his head back and shouted:

    Guys, can you see from above where yesterday went?

    Yesterday? - the builders ask. - Why do you need yesterday?

    I didn't have time to do my homework. - Seryozha answered.

    Your business is bad, say the builders. We overtook yesterday, and we are overtaking tomorrow today.

    “These are miracles,” Seryozha thinks. “How can you overtake tomorrow if it hasn’t come yet?” And suddenly he sees his mother coming.

    Mom, where can I find yesterday? You see, I somehow accidentally lost it. Just don’t worry, mommy, I’ll definitely find him.

    It’s unlikely that you will find him,” my mother answered.

    Yesterday no longer exists, but there is only a trace of it in a person’s affairs.

    And suddenly a carpet with red flowers unfolded right on the ground.

    This is our yesterday,” says mom.

    We wove this carpet at the factory yesterday.


    Target: consolidate children's knowledge of number sequences within 10.

    Material. Steering wheels of three colors (red, yellow, blue) according to the number of children, on the steering wheels there are car numbers - an image of the number of circles 1-10. Three circles of the same color are for parking.

    Content. The game is played as a competition. Chairs with colored circles indicate parking lots. Children are given steering wheels - each column is the same color. At the signal, everyone runs around the group room. At the signal “Cars! To the parking lot!” - everyone “goes” to their garage, that is, children with red steering wheels go to the garage marked with a red circle, etc. The cars are lined up in a column in numerical order. Starting from the first, V. checks the order of the numbers, the game continues.

    "Journey to the Greenhouse"

    Target: introduce children to the formation of numbers (2-10), practice counting within (3-10).

    "Making a Blanket"

    Target: continue to introduce geometric shapes. Drawing up geometric shapes from these parts.

    Content. Use shapes to close the white “holes.” The game can be built in the form of a story. “Once upon a time there was Pinocchio, who had a beautiful red blanket on his bed. One day Buratino went to the Karabas-Barabas theater, and at that time the rat Shusher gnawed holes in the blanket. Count how many holes the rat has gnawed? Now take the pieces and help Pinocchio fix the blanket.”

    "Live Numbers"

    Target: practice counting (forward and backward) within 10.

    Material. Cards with circles drawn on them from 1 to 10.

    Children exchange cards. And the game continues.

    Game option . “Numbers” are built in reverse order from 10 to 1, recalculated in order.

    "Count and name"

    Target: practice counting by ear.

    Content. V. invites children to count sounds by ear. He reminds us that this must be done without missing a single sound or getting ahead of ourselves (“Listen carefully to how many times the hammer hits”). Extract (2-10) sounds. In total they give 2-3 fortune tellings. Then V. explains the new task: “Now we will count the sounds with our eyes closed. When you count the sounds, open your eyes, silently count the same number of toys and put them in a row.” V. taps from 2 to 10 times. Children complete the task. They answer the question: “How many toys did you place and why?”

    "New Year trees"

    Target: teach children to use a measure to determine height (one of the height parameters).

    Material. 5 sets: each set contains 5 Christmas trees with a height of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm (Christmas trees can be made from cardboard on stands). Narrow cardboard strips of the same length.

    Content. V. gathers the children in a semicircle and says: “Children, it’s approaching New Year, and everyone needs Christmas trees. We will play like this: our group will go to the forest, and everyone will find a Christmas tree there, according to their measurements. I will give you the measurements, and you will select the Christmas trees of the desired height. Whoever finds such a Christmas tree will come to me with a Christmas tree and a measure and show me how he measured his Christmas tree. You need to measure by placing the measure next to the Christmas tree so that the bottom matches, if the top also matches, then you have found the right tree (shows the method of measurement).” The children go to the forest, where there are different Christmas trees mixed on several tables. Everyone chooses the Christmas tree they need. If the child makes a mistake, he returns to the forest and picks up the right Christmas tree. In conclusion, a trip around the city and delivery of Christmas trees to places is played out.

    "Room Tour"

    Target: learn to find objects of different shapes.

    Content. Children are shown a picture depicting a room with various objects. V. begins the story: “One day Carlson flew to the boy: “Oh, what a beautiful room,” he exclaimed. - There are so many interesting things here! I've never seen anything like this." “Let me show you everything and tell you,” the boy answered and led Carlson around the room. “This is the table,” he began. “What shape is it?” - Carlson immediately asked. Then the boy began to tell everything about every thing in great detail. Now try, just like that boy, tell Carlson everything about this room and the objects that are in it.

    "Who can name it faster"

    Target: practice counting objects.

    “Whoever walks correctly will find the toy”

    Target: learn to move in a given direction and count steps.

    Content. The teacher explains the task: “We will learn to walk in the right direction and count steps. Let's play the game “Whoever walks correctly will find the toy.” I hid the toys in advance. Now I will call you one by one and tell you in which direction you need to go and how many steps to take to find the toy. If you follow my command exactly, you will arrive correctly.” The teacher calls the child and suggests: “Take 6 steps forward, turn left, take 4 steps and find a toy.” One child can be assigned to name a toy and describe its shape, all children can be tasked with naming an object of the same shape (the task is divided into parts), 5-6 children are called.

    "Who is there more"

    Target: teach children to see an equal number of different objects and reflect them in speech: 5, 6, etc.

    Content. “This morning I was going to kindergarten by bus,” says V., “schoolchildren got on the tram. Among them were boys and girls. Think and answer, there were more boys than girls, if I marked the girls with large circles, and the boys with small circles,” the teacher points to the flannelgraph, on which there are 5 large and 6 small circles, interspersed. After listening to the children, V. asks: “What can I do to see even faster that there are equal numbers of girls and boys?” The called child lays out the circles in 2 rows, one under one. “How many schoolchildren were there? Let's count it all together."

    "Dunno Visiting"

    Target: teach to see an equal number of different objects, consolidate the ability to count objects.

    Content. V. addresses the children: “You and I will once again learn how to make sure that there are equal numbers of different objects.” He points to the table and says: “In the morning, I asked Dunno to put a card for each group of toys on which there are the same number of circles as there are toys. See if Dunno has arranged the toys and cards correctly? (Dunno was wrong). After listening to the children’s answers, V. invites 1 child to select the appropriate card for each group. Children take turns counting toys and mugs on cards. The last group The teacher invites all children to count the toys together.

    "Hear and count"

    Target: teach simultaneously, count sounds and count toys.

    Material: trays with small toys.

    Content. V. addresses the children: “Today we will again count sounds and count out toys. Last time we first counted the sounds and then counted the toys. Now the task will be more difficult. You will have to simultaneously count the sounds and move the toys towards you, and then say how many times the hammer hit and how many toys you put down. A total of 3-4 tasks are given.

    "Unfinished Pictures"

    Target: introduce children to the varieties of geometric shapes of round shapes of different sizes.

    Option number 2.

    "Let's split it in half"

    Target: teach children to divide a whole into 2 or 4 parts by folding an object in half.

    Demo material: strip and circle of paper.Handout: Each child has 2 paper rectangles and 1 card.

    Content. V: “Listen and watch carefully. I have a strip of paper, I will fold it in half, exactly align the ends, iron the fold line. How many parts did I divide the strip into? That's right, I folded the strip in half and divided it into 2 equal parts. Today we will divide objects into equal parts. Are the parts equal? Here is one half, here is the other. How many halves did I show? How many halves are there in total? What is called half? The teacher clarifies: “Half is one of 2 equal parts. Both equal parts are called halves. This is half and this is half of a whole strip. How many such parts are there in the whole strip? How did I get 2 equal parts? What's more: a whole strip or half? etc. ".

    Similarly: with a circle.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district "Kindergarten No. 28"

    Completed by Educators:

    • Baronina Yu.A.
    • Turaleva Yu.G.
    • Malchenko V.A.

    Mathematics teaches the accuracy of thought, submission to the logic of proof, the concept of strictly substantiated truth, and all this shapes the personality, perhaps more than music...
    Alexander Danilovich Alexandrov

    According to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the content educational work should, among other things, ensure the development of primary ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.). The standard assumes a comprehensive and integrated approach that ensures the development of pupils in all declared complementary areas of children's development and education.

    Relevance of the project

    Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects in the school cycle, therefore, for a child to successfully study at school already in kindergarten, it is necessary to promote the mathematical development of a preschooler, expand his mathematical horizons, and improve the quality of mathematical preparation for school. This will allow children to more confidently navigate the simplest patterns of the reality around them and actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

    Mathematical concepts should be mastered by a preschooler consistently, evenly and systematically. For this purpose, it is necessary to organize educational activities carried out both in the process of organizing various types of activities (gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading fiction) , and during regime moments; as well as independent activities of children using a variety of gaming tools. Also, children’s mathematical development will be more effective when interacting with children’s families.

    Project type: informational and educational

    Project type: group

    Age: pupils of senior preschool age

    Participants: teachers, students and their parents

    Objective of the project

    Increasing the level of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age in organized and independent activities of children.

    Project objectives


    • Expand and systematize children’s knowledge in the FEMP section.
    • Teach methods of practical activity in the field of mathematics.



    • to develop children's interest in a variety of intellectual activities.
    • Basic principles of project implementation

    Availability (correspondence of the didactic task to the age and individual capabilities of preschoolers);

    Repeatability (consolidating and complicating the same game);

    Relevance of didactic material (current wording mathematical problems, visual aids, etc.) actually helps children perceive tasks as a game, feel interested in getting the right result, and strive for the best possible solution;

    Collectivity (allows you to unite the children's team into a single group, into a single organism capable of solving problems more high level than those available to one child, and often more complex);

    Competitiveness (creates in the child or subgroup the desire to complete the task faster and better than competitors, which allows reducing the time to complete the task on the one hand, and achieving a truly acceptable result on the other);

    Element of novelty (introduction of new attributes, schemes, samples, the possibility of creativity, changing the rules).

    Preparatory stage

    1. Communicating the importance of this problem to project participants
    2. Selection of methodological literature for project implementation.
    3. Selection of visual didactic material on FEMP.
    4. Selection of didactic games
    5. Development of GCD notes, quizzes.
    6. Creating a developmental environment in the group.
    7. Development of recommendations for preschool teachers
    8. Decor parent's corner for parents.

    Main stage

    Conversation: “Why do we need mathematics?”

    Didactic, Board games, puzzle games, games - competitions of mathematical content.

    3. ICT: "Logical Mathematics" .

    4. Making mathematics manuals "Composition of numbers" ; "Inequalities" .

    5. Modeling, drawing numbers, making appliqués from geometric shapes, coloring coloring books with mathematical content.

    6. Outdoor games for spatial orientation, repetition of forward and backward counting.

    7. FEMP classes, math quizzes.

    The final stage

    1. Creating a presentation based on the results of the project.
    2. Mathematical KVN among 2 kindergartens - an annual city event "Anthill"

    Working with parents

    1. Parent survey.
    2. Development of consultations and recommendations.
    3. Recommendations for parents on the use of literature.
    4. Creating a card index of games in mathematics.
    5. Parent meeting: “Mathematics is interesting!”
    6. Replenishment of the development environment with games and benefits.


    Thus, mathematics education as a means cognitive development children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard Preschool education is a current direction in the development of the education system.

    • “How we did math!”
    • "Geometric figures!"
    • “Composition of numbers!”
    • "Magic wands!"
    • "We are artists!"
    • "Game library!"
    • "Mathematical KVN"

    "Thank you for your attention!"