Coursework: 41 pages, 6 figures, 14 sources, 1 appendix.

Key words: office of biology, role and functions of the office of biology, requirements for the study of biology, living corner in the office of biology.

Purpose of the work: to study the structure of a biology classroom, providing visuals as a basis for teaching students.

Research methods: collection, study, systematization and analysis of literature; supervision and control over the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards in the office.

Subject of research: the office of biology as one of the main elements educational process.

Application: education.

Utilization: the results of this term paper can be used to improve and improve the work of biology classrooms in secondary schools.



1 The functional purpose of the office of biology

2 Requirements for the classroom biology

3 Criteria for evaluating a biology room in the examination process professional activity biology teachers



1 Description of the cabinet of biology

2 Determination of the area and cubic capacity of the office, measurement of the air temperature in the office



biology study room


The biology school office is a special educational unit of the school, equipped with educational equipment that promotes the active cognitive activity of students in the classroom, in extracurricular, extra-curricular work on the subject of "Biology".

The biology room is a specially equipped room for organizing the educational process in biology.

Relevance of the topic: this course work is very significant, because most of the educational activities for mastering the school curriculum in biology are associated with the biology classroom and the study of the biology classroom as the main link in the educational process is necessary to improve the teaching of biology in general.

The purpose of this course work is: the office of biology as a base for teaching students.

In this work, the following tasks will be solved:

Describe the functional purpose of the biology office.

Consider the requirements for a biology classroom.

Describe the living area as component part cabinet of biology.

Describe a biology room comprehensive school No. 2 in Mozyr.


1.1 Functional purpose of the biology office

The first natural science classrooms were a museum that kept herbariums of plants and stuffed animals in glass cases. Later, with the introduction of experimental methods, the study becomes a laboratory class. Glass and porcelain dishes, microscopes appeared, rooms for living plants and small animals (a corner of wildlife) were allocated. Along with the tables, a "magic lantern" was used, and then a film projector. In the mid-50s of the XX century. with the transition of the school to a cabinet system in all disciplines, the biology room was basically preserved as a laboratory class in combination with an auxiliary room for placing and storing equipment: visual aids, apparatus, instruments, and a library.

The room contains general equipment necessary for teaching all biology courses, and specific equipment for a specific course, a specific topic.

All equipment is placed in the office according to a certain system so that it can always be used in the educational process. However, the biology room is not only a place to store the necessary equipment. The functional purpose of the biology room is much wider, here several interrelated functions can be distinguished: educational, scientific and methodological, placement training equipment, reference and accounting.

Educational and educational role of the cabinet.

In the biology office, the process of teaching, upbringing and development of students is carried out, for which special equipment is provided. Comfortable work tables and chairs that, when holding group practical work can be shifted together. A large, well-lit chalkboard, chalk, and a dampened whiteboard sponge should always be in place. The teacher's table and blackboard are used to demonstrate the visual aids in the lesson.

The office should have a plumbing with a sink. Water is needed constantly for practical work, demonstrations, for caring for plants and animals. In the absence of running water, water is kept in large vessels, buckets or plastic bottles.

In the office, changing and permanent exhibitions are organized, developing an interest in biological science, helping to master the complex educational material, for example stands "This is interesting" or " Animal world our region "," Plants of the Red Data Book of our region ", etc. Themed exhibitions of students' works (posters, drawings on environmental issues, photographs taken during excursions, etc.) can be presented as changing expositions in the biology office.

Of great educational value are permanent exhibitions (reflecting the basic ideas of biology), which are used in the study of many topics and in various educational courses, for example "Development of the organic world on Earth", "Levels of life organization", "Four environments of life on Earth", "The kingdoms of wildlife", etc. In the office there should be portraits of prominent scientists (Ch. Darwin, AI Oparin, NI Vavilov, VI Vernadsky, VN Sukachev, etc.).

Scientific and methodological role of the cabinet.

The office is the place of work of the biology teacher. Therefore, it should contain everything that is necessary for a teacher to creative preparation to the lesson and other types of activities with schoolchildren: programs, textbooks, collections of tasks and tests in biology, periodicals, especially the journals "Biology at school", " Environmental education at school ", various methodical literature, including books on the general methodology of teaching biology and on individual training courses, reference books, determinants of plants and fungi, animals, methodological support for computer use, etc.

The teacher must also have in the office instructional materials of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and educational authorities of their region, state educational standards: Compulsory educational minimum in biology for all levels of secondary school, Requirements for educational minimum and etc.

The office should also contain materials reflecting the work of biological circles and electives, didactic materials, etc., that is, everything that helps the teacher in his work on teaching, upbringing and development of students, contributes to his improvement. professional level.

The complex use of educational equipment allows the most complete implementation in the educational process of the unity of content, methods and teaching aids. The sets of educational equipment are prepared by the teacher for each lesson and do not remain permanent.

Biology class Is a specially equipped room for organizing the educational process in biology.

There are several functions of the biology cabinet: teaching and educational, scientific and methodological, placement of educational equipment, reference, accounting.

1. Educational and educational role of the cabinet... In the office of biology, the process of teaching, upbringing and development of students takes place. There should be comfortable desks and chairs, a large and well-lit blackboard, chalk, and a dampened sponge for wiping the blackboard. The teacher's table and blackboard are used to demonstrate the visual aids in the lesson. A screen is placed on the wall, a TV and a projector are placed on the side.

The office should have a plumbing with a sink. Water is needed constantly for practical work, demonstrations, for caring for plants and animals. In the absence of running water, water is kept in large vessels, plastic bottles.

The office is usually equipped with a small library containing various literature for teachers and students. The office organizes permanent and changing expositions, for example, permanent expositions "Plants of the Red Data Book of our region", "Development of the organic world on Earth", etc. The office should contain portraits of prominent scientists: Ch, Darwin, AI Oparin. etc. Thematic exhibitions of students' works (posters, photographs, etc.) can be presented as changing expositions.

2. Scientific and methodological role of the cabinet... The office is the place of work of the biology teacher. Therefore, it should contain everything that is necessary for the teacher to prepare for the lesson and other types of activities: programs; textbooks; biology tests; guidance materials from the Ministry of Education; didactic materials, etc.

3. Placement of training equipment... In the biology room there is a system of visual aids: natural objects (houseplants, herbaria, skeletons, etc.); images of natural objects (tables, diagrams, floppy disks, etc.); handouts and flashcards; devices for the demonstration of technical means (projector, TV, computer, etc.); laboratory equipment and tools for laboratory (practical) work in nature and in the office; chemical reagents; first aid kit.

Most of the training equipment is stored in cabinets by type of manuals, sections and topics of the program, taking into account the volume, weight, dimensions and frequency of use and storage requirements.

4. Help function of the cabinet. To quickly obtain information about the availability of this or that equipment in the biology room, the place of its storage should be a reference card index for the main sections: literature, devices, technical means, catalogs of educational films, disks, tables, preparations, collections, herbaria, etc.

5. Function of accounting and planning of the cabinet... The biology teacher, as the head of the office, is obliged to keep a book of records and the passport of the office. V ledger in alphabetical order, according to sections, it is necessary to record material values ​​(laboratory glassware, reagents, visual aids, etc.), regularly record newly acquired equipment and materials, note the fact of decommissioning of obsolete equipment. Once a year, an inventory is taken in the office, the report is handed over to the head of the school. V office passport basic information about the office must be recorded.

The improvement of the material base of the biology room and its work are carried out on the basis of long-term and annual plans.

Acquisition of the material base of the biology room . The list of educational equipment for teaching biology includes natural objects, models, dummies, printed manuals, screen manuals, etc. Usually, equipment is purchased taking into account the actual occupancy of the classes, as well as the material capacity of the school. For laboratory and practical exercises, it is necessary to purchase at least one piece of equipment for two students.

Requirements for a biology room

School biology room- this is not only a class where biology lessons are held, optional and circle classes and extracurricular tasks are performed, it is also the material base of the educational process.

The biology cabinet contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

Providing the educational process with the necessary equipment that increases the effectiveness of training;

Extensive use of technical teaching aids in the classroom and after school hours;

Providing educational didactic material corresponding to the program material;

Providing the necessary equipment for various types of extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

A biology classroom should consist of a classroom, laboratory and wildlife corner.

Educational and methodological support of the office

1. Provision of visual means: natural objects, herbariums, collections, wet preparations, carcasses and acrylates; pictorial means: graphic tables, outlines, applications, volumetric models and dummies.

2. Provision of textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with educational program schools.

3. Provision of students with measuring instruments for all classes and topics.

4. Provision of students with kits typical assignments, tests, control works, multilevel tasks to diagnose the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and increased level educational standard

5. Staffing with teaching aids to provide a variable program, program additional education within the framework of the functioning of the cabinet.

6. The provision of the cabinet with textbooks on biology, scientific, popular science, educational and methodological literature for teachers and students.

7. Availability of a card index for accounting of educational and didactic material, training equipment, card index of tasks for the implementation of an individual approach to training, organization independent work and exercises for students, conducting tests.

Requirements for the design of the cabinet

The interior of the classroom should have a positive emotional impact on the teacher and students. The interior of the office should be functionally significant: for decoration, they use those materials that are constantly or most often used in biology lessons. The objects of the permanent exposition of the cabinet should contribute to the development of the main biological concepts(such as levels of organization of the living, development of the organic world, environmental protection).

1. Availability of periodically changing expositions on botany, zoology, phenology, achievements of biological science, local history material.

2. Availability of poster material with samples of students' successful fulfillment of requirements educational standards, analysis of typical mistakes, the results of intellectual marathons, olympiads, competitions, students' performance of creative tasks.

4. Availability of a work schedule for the study room for a compulsory program, optional classes, classes with lagging and gifted students, consultations.

5. Organization of a living corner of nature or a zoodendrarium.

6. Creation in the office of phytodesign from indoor plants (at least 30-40 species).

7. When choosing plants in a biology classroom, first of all, one should proceed from the fact that several of these objects can be used in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the role of plants in the design of the interior of the office and their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. It is advisable to place the plants on racks that are fixed in the walls at the edge of windows or on stands. All plants are supplied with labels, where they write the species name, family, origin of the plant. The labels are attached to the flowerpot.

Requirements to technical equipment cabinet

1. Equipment for demonstration of educational films, filmstrips, transparencies (blackout, screen, slide projector stand, electrical equipment).

2. Equipping the teacher's workplace (remote control of equipment, dimming, lighting).

3. Tape recorder and audio recordings.

4. VCR and TV sets, electronic MMK;

5. Equipment for automated control of knowledge (PC, local area networks software).

6. Availability of a filing cabinet for films, video films, transparencies, CD-disks, electronic MM manuals.

1. Equipping the office with optical instruments: microscopes, magnifiers, laboratory glassware, excursion equipment (press, botanical equipment, nets, secateurs, etc.)

2. Equipping with fire-fighting equipment and first aid kit;

3. Availability of safety instructions;

4. Availability of a journal of introductory and periodic safety briefing for students.

Documentation for certification of a biology office:

Purpose: To analyze the state of the classroom, its readiness to meet the requirements of educational standards, to determine the main directions of work on holding the classroom in accordance with the requirements of educational and methodological support of the educational process.

Study room passport;

Inventory of property and documentation;

Evaluation of the activities of the cabinet;

Card file of didactic, technical, laboratory material;

Certification of the classroom.

Organization of the office The school office of biology is not only a class where biology lessons, elective and circle classes are held and extracurricular tasks are performed, it is also the material base of the educational process. The biology cabinet contributes to the solution of the following tasks: providing the educational process with the necessary equipment that increases the effectiveness of training; the widespread use of technical teaching aids in the classroom and after school hours; provision of educational didactic material corresponding to the program material; provision of the necessary equipment for various types of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The biology room of the school consists of a classroom, laboratory room and a wildlife corner.

Cabinet laboratory The laboratory has: cabinets and shelves, a teacher's table, analytical scales, etc. Natural objects (herbariums, stuffed animals, entomological collections) are stored in cabinets with blind doors away from direct sunlight. Entomological and other collections are kept in special boxes, herbariums - in boxes or folders. Vertebrate skeletons are kept in closed cabinets.

Micropreparations Micropreparations are stored in their original packaging so that the micropreparation is placed horizontally, which prevents it from spilling. Sets of slides are arranged according to classes and topics. There are sets of micropreparations for botany, zoology, anatomy and general biology.

Reagents General requirements storage of chemicals at school. The most commonly used reagents are the following: iodine solution in iodide cage, starch, glucose, sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate, lime water, ethyl alcohol, formalin (40%), sodium chloride (physiological solution, hypertonic solution).

Educational and methodological support of the study The study is provided with: textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with the educational program of the school; sets of standard tasks, tests, control papers, multilevel tasks for diagnosing the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and advanced level of the educational standard; textbooks on biology, scientific, popular science, educational and methodological literature for teachers and students; a card index for the accounting of educational and didactic material, educational equipment, a card index of tasks for the implementation of an individual approach to training, the organization of independent work and exercises for students, conducting tests.

Office Decoration The interior of the office has a positive emotional impact on teachers and students. The interior is functionally significant: the materials used for decoration are those most often used in biology lessons. The objects of the permanent exposition of the cabinet should contribute to the development of basic biological concepts (such as the levels of organization of the living, the development of the organic world, protection environment). There is a poster material with samples of students 'successful fulfillment of the requirements of educational standards, an analysis of typical mistakes, the results of intellectual marathons, olympiads, contests, and students' performance of creative tasks. Availability of a work schedule for the study room for a compulsory program, extracurricular activities, classes with lagging and gifted students, consultations.

Living corner Biology cabinet should differ from other cabinets precisely by its uniqueness and special atmosphere. That is why we tried to make a true Paradise at school, consisting of more than 50 species of a wide variety of plants. All plants are supplied with labels, where the species name, family, origin of the plant is recorded. The labels are attached to the flower pot.

Orchidrarium Since 2013, an orchidrarium will be created in the school biology classroom. There is already a collection of several types of orchids: phalaenopis, dendrobium, lady's slipper, cattleya, etc. The stunning petals of unmatched orchids, blossoming one after another on a thick green stem, carry love, beauty, sophistication and extraordinary tenderness. Their enchanting petals are like magic lanterns that illuminate the surroundings with their boundless warmth.

Orchidrarium The incomparable view of the precious Macodes petola orchid deserves special attention. The stems of this unusual miniature orchid spread over the surface of the substrate and branch out all the time, reaching a height of 7-8 cm. The color of velvety leaves varies from salad and emerald to gray-green with golden veins that shine and shimmer in the light.

Laboratory equipment and safety engineering The basic principle of placement and storage of educational equipment is by subjects, types of educational equipment, taking into account the frequency of use of this educational equipment. The office is equipped with fire-fighting equipment and a first-aid kit, safety instructions, and there is also a log of introductory and periodic safety instructions for students.

Biology room Thus, the equipment of the room maximizes the quality of performance school curriculum with a minimum investment of time for organizing and including in the educational process a variety of audiovisual and other teaching aids. The office, in addition to being well equipped and aesthetically attractive, is simple in design and convenient for work - there is no overload of exhibition stands or objects of nature that are little used in the learning process. 26 References: 1. Galeeva N.L. "Modern cabinet of biology". Publishing house: "5 for lessons". M. - 2005 2. Dibrova N.A. "Beauty at School". Publishing house: "5 for knowledge". M. - 2003 3. Traytak D.I. "Biology class". Publishing house: "Education". M. 4. Tsipina A.S. Plants Around Us. Publishing house: "Young Guard". M. - 2007 5.

(composition at a given end)

I go to the school office. There are many flowers in it, they stand on the windowsills, on a table against the wall, hanging from hanging pots. The leaves are clean and shiny. In the corner by the window is a large rectangular aquarium. In it in transparent water dull green algae sway, swim, slowly move their fins multicolored fishes: gupias, veil-tails, swordtails.

There are stands on the walls. The first is called Natural Areas. Plants and Animals of Russia ". You carefully examine the map and marvel at the diversity of the nature of our Motherland. A cold, treeless tundra stretches along the shores of the northern seas. To the south of it, forests lie in a wide strip, replaced by vast steppes. To the south, there are sun-hot deserts. Large areas are occupied by mountains. Each of the natural zones is painted with its own color, covered with icons corresponding to the species of plants and animals that are found in the area. Here you can find information about plants and animals of the Far North and tundra, steppes and semi-deserts, mountains and subtropical zones.

Nearby - the map "Nature Conservation". It shows state reserves in circles with the image of animals inside. All natural objects are protected in them. You look and understand how rich our country is.

The following are natural areas Earth. The whole variety of flora and fauna of our planet appears before our eyes. Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia, South America and Antarctica - each continent has its own face with a unique natural world.

The stand "Fauna of the oceans" is especially striking. A variety of fish, birds, marine animals are presented here. Some surprise with their appearance and accuracy of characteristics: Hammerhead, sailboat, elephant seal, macaroon penguin, Portuguese boat.

I walk around the classroom like in a nature museum. It's very interesting here. This is a school biology classroom. (239 words)