Questionnaire “Evaluation of the activities of a kindergarten teacher”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution, “Kindergarten No. 23 “Golden Cockerel” of compensatory and general developmental orientation”
Dear parents(legal representatives)!
To compile analytical report to evaluate the performance of teacher Irina Vyacheslavovna Makarova during the certification period, we offer you answer the following questions:
1.What mood does your child go to? kindergarten in the teacher's shift?
A) Always with pleasure
B) Sometimes he wants to, sometimes he doesn’t
C) Most often he doesn’t want to

A) Yes
B) No
B) I find it difficult to answer

A) Yes
B) No
B) I find it difficult to answer

A) Yes
B) No

A) Yes
B) No
6. Does the teacher organize work to educate parents about the upbringing and development of children? (consultations, conversations, parent meetings, clubs, master classes)
A) Yes
B) No

A) Very often
B) Sometimes
B) Rarely
D) Never
8. Does the teacher complain to you about your child?
A) Yes
B) No
In this case:
A) Tells you and expects you to handle it yourself
B) Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution
B) Scolds the child
9. How do you evaluate the work of the teacher in the development of your child (give a rating from 0 to 5 – highest score)
A) – 1,
B) – 2,
B) – 3,
D) – 4,
D) - 5
10. Your wishes to the teacher: ________________________________________
Thanks for your participation!

Analytical note based on the results of a parent survey “Assessment of a teacher’s activities within the framework of certification”
Target– to identify the degree of satisfaction of parents with the work of the group teacher.
Group roster: 15 children.
During the survey period, the kindergarten was attended by: 15 children, which is 100% of the total number of pupils in the group.
15 parents took part in the survey.

Parents were asked to evaluate the teacher according to 10 proposed parameters with answers. The results of the survey are shown in Table No. 1.
Table No. 1
No. Parameters Answers
Always with pleasure Sometimes he wants, sometimes he doesn’t Most often he doesn’t want
1 In what mood does your child go to kindergarten during the teacher’s shift? 13 (86.7%) 2 (13.3%) -
Options Responses
Yes No Difficult to answer
2. Does your child talk at home about the life of the group: games, activities taught by the teacher?
13 (86,7%) 2 (13,3%) -
3. Are you satisfied with the teacher’s communication style with your child?
15 (100%) - -
4. Is the teacher friendly in communicating with parents, is he attentive to your statements?
15 (100%) - -
Options Responses
Not really
5. Does the teacher discuss with you issues related to the child’s stay in the preschool?
15 (100%) -
6. Does the teacher organize work to educate parents about the upbringing and development of children?
15 (100%) -
7. The teacher is interested in how much his work satisfies the parents?
8 (53,3%) 7 (46,7%)
Options Responses
Very often Sometimes Rarely Never
8 Does the teacher complain to you about your child? 3 (20%) 12 (80%)
Options Responses
Informs you and expects you to handle it yourself Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution Scolds the child
15 (100%) -
10 How do you evaluate the work of the teacher in the development of your child (give a rating from 0 to 5 - the highest score) 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - 1 (6,7%) 14 (93,3%)

From the above survey results, parents (legal representatives) of pupils are satisfied with the work of the teacher:
The teacher is attentive to children, friendly in communication with parents, actively interacts with them on issues of upbringing and development of children, and is interested in the requests of parents in terms of education, supervision and care. The events that the teacher conducts with the students are bright and memorable. 92% of parents gave a high rating to the work of the teacher.
At the end of the questionnaire, parents were given the opportunity to express their wishes to the teacher in his future work. Wishes were left by 7 parents who wished them success in work, career growth, patience and health.
February 5, 2018.
Teacher-psychologist MBDOU No. 23 “Golden Cockerel”____________Voropaeva T.V.

Questionnaires for teachers

Questionnaire No. 1


We ask you to answer questions that will help determine areas of work for the next year.

1.What difficulties do you experience in organizing educational educational process?___________________________________________


2. In which city professional associations of teachers would you like to improve your skills?



4.What creative groups of teachers would you like to participate in at our preschool educational institution?

5. What consultations and seminars would you like to attend next year?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


6.What issues would you like to discuss at teacher councils next year? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7.What events, in your opinion, need to be planned for next year?_________________________________________________________________


8. What activities could you be responsible for?______________________________


9. How do you evaluate the work of the team for the current year?_________________________________________________________________

Thanks for your cooperation!

Self-Awareness Card professional activity teacher


1. How do you implement a person-centered approach to working with children?


2. How do you ensure that children receive high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities in different areas of the program?______________________________
3. What ensures effectiveness in working with children:

Attitude towards working with children

Ability to plan work

Knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of learning

4. Which ones are new? educational technologies Do you use it in educational work with children?________________________________________________________________


5. What knowledge and skills do you have in organizing the pedagogical process?


6. What is the level of formation of the PRS of your group?___________________________
7. How do you organize interaction with children’s parents?___________________________

8. When planning your activities, can you highlight the most important, paramount thing?
9. How do you feel about the assigned task?__________________________________________

10. How do you combine the mandatory and the creative in your activities?______________________

11. How do you evaluate your work on self-education?_________________________________
12. What questions are you most prepared for?__________________________________________
13. What help can you provide to your colleagues?___________________________________________

14. What help can you provide to parents?________________________________________________
15. Do you use new literature in practice?_________________________________
16. Are you planning research activities aimed at improving work experience and increasing its effectiveness?_________________________________

17. What are you planning to work on in the near future?_____________________________________________

18. Note the motives that motivate you to improve your skills:

The desire to raise children to be real people

Habit of working conscientiously

Desire to benefit society

The desire to keep up with life

Desire to develop cognitive interests in children

Desire to earn recognition

Interest in creativity and novelty

The desire to more successfully overcome difficulties in working with children

The need for a friendly attitude towards successes and successes on the part of the administration and colleagues

The need to fulfill requirements and earn the trust of colleagues

The need to fulfill the requirements of the team

Desire to be among the best

Material interest

Possibility of implementing experience in a team

The prospect of receiving gratitude from the administration, being presented with an honorary title, an award.

Questionnaire No. 2


5 points - This is characteristic of you to the highest degree

4 points - This is typical for you

3 points - This is typical for you, but not always

2 points - This is typical for you to a small extent

1 point - This is not typical for you


Receptivity to new things

1. Constantly monitors best practices in its field of activity, strives to implement it taking into account changing educational needs population, society

2. Constantly, a lot and persistently engage in self-education

3. Commitment to certain ideas, their development in the process of teaching activities

4. Constant analysis of your activities, involving parents, colleagues, scientific consultants, etc.

5. Has a sense of perspective, predicts his activities

Preparedness to master innovations

1. You are informed about innovations in preschool educational-educational theory and practice

2. You feel the need to change and update the teaching process

3. You have a stable motivation to develop and master innovations

4. You have a knowledge system for the successful implementation of professional teaching activities

5. You have the knowledge and skills for research activities

The degree of innovation of the teacher

1. The teacher is an innovator

2. The teacher is a leader

3. Teacher - “golden mean”

4. Teacher of traditional views

5. The teacher is a conservative

Questionnaire No. 3

Self-assessment of a teacher’s social and pedagogical activity_______________________________________________________________________


1.Demonstration of methodological skills inside the kindergarten

2. Demonstration of methodological skills to the city

3. Circle work

4.Leading a creative group of teachers

5. Participation and prizes in kindergarten competitions

6. Participation and prizes in city competitions

7. Participation in seminars and workshops of preschool educational institutions

8.Participation in city seminars and workshops

9.Participation in sports events

10.Participation in conferences

11. Performing roles at children's parties

0 points - criterion not implemented

1 point - partially implemented

2 points - fully implemented

Questionnaire No. 4

Self-assessment of the success of a teacher’s activities


1.Work planning

2.Implementation of a person-centered approach in the educational process

3.Combination in practice of various educational- educational technologies

4. Knowledge of the content of the program “From childhood to adolescence”

5.Creation of PRS in accordance with the requirements of educational programs of preschool educational institutions

6. Involving parents in the educational process

Olga Shitikova
Teachers' council-business game " Modern educator through the eyes of a teacher and the teacher through the eyes of children"

Preliminary work:

1. Questionnaire teachers« Modern educator» .

2. Questionnaire "Attitude children to the teacher»

3. Test “Portrait” "ideal teacher»

4. Preparation of methodological office:

Exhibition of new teaching literature.

Exhibition of drawings children on the topic"My beloved teacher» .

Cards with sayings of great people.

Memo “Rules for effective interaction teacher with children»

Memo “Rules of conduct and communication teacher at preschool educational institution»

4. Development of a business game "Ladder of Personal Growth".

1. Opening remarks

Modern educator is a competent specialist who understands a variety of programs and methodological developments, erudite person. This is also a good psychologist, capable of delving into complex system relationships children and their parents. He is also a sensitive colleague, always ready for cooperation and mutual assistance, who knows how to work in a team of like-minded people. Constant self-education, searching for new ways and methods of working with children and at the same time using the best pedagogical experience - all this distinguishes modern educator, makes our profession interesting and socially in demand.

Famous innovative teacher Sh. Amonashvili spoke: « The teacher is a person professionally taking responsibility for the development of another person.”

Raising children, together with our parents we are creating the future of our country.

Every child requires kindness, participation, affection. If this is not the case, if a person grows up in an atmosphere of indifference and heartlessness, the young heart becomes indifferent, there is no sensitivity and compassion in it.

2. Business game"Ladder of Personal Growth"

Target. Develop tolerance; create an active creative mood in teaching staff.

Progress of the game

We - teachers, which means we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for children. Good brought up kindly, and evil begets evil. This is an undeniable truth. Therefore, we need to learn to weigh our every word, think about our every action. Living, we feel like we are climbing a ladder.

/model of a staircase consisting of 4 steps/

2.1. The first step, or "I".

Exercise “Who am I? What am I?- in 3 minutes you need to write 10 words opposite each question.


Who has more than 10 words? Who has less?

For whom it is difficult (easily) could you find the words? Why?

So, we tried to look at ourselves openly and honestly, thereby overcoming the first step.

2.2. Second step, or "World of People". It is in the world of people that each of us realizes that he is not alone, establishes relationships, experiences emotions, and shows character.

Exercise “This is what’s happening to me...”- continue the proposed phrase, looking at them through the prism of relationships with people.

I'm sad when...

I have fun when...

I get offended when...

I get angry when...

I'm happy when...

I don't like it when...

I get lost when...

I suffer when...

I cry when...

Treating people evokes different emotions. Their spectrum is huge – from positive to negative. They also vary in strength and intensity. You can drown in a sea of ​​negative emotions, and then we will receive in response psychosomatic, neurotic diseases, stress, negative mood, pessimism. Or you can look at the same situation from the other side, turning the minuses into pluses.

Game"Is it good or bad to be teacher - educators take turns speaking about their work, giving reasons for its importance (positive assessment) and professional difficulties (negative rating).

For example:

« Educator being good is an interesting, dynamic job.”

« Educator to be bad is difficult work, requires extensive knowledge, you constantly need to read methodological literature.”

2.3. Third step, or « The world around us» . The world around us is the space in which we exist. Sometimes it expands to the size of an entire country, and sometimes it shrinks to the size of a room. Circumstances make the morning gloomy, the mood sad, eyes are wet, affairs abandoned. Here is our "I" exposed to the present test: “How to survive and not break?”, “How to find your place in the world?”. No matter what happens, no matter what life is like, you should always try to look for a reason for joy.

Game"Find the positives"

You have lost your wallet with a large amount of money.

On the street, a car splashes water on your new coat.

You missed the train.

You didn’t have breakfast this morning and there’s no lunch in sight.

Your apartment was robbed.

Your boss scolded you.

You were fired from your job.

You have been called to school.

You broke your leg.

A friend betrayed you.

It is important to distinguish real values ​​from imaginary ones. Value life, friendship, health, family! Joy begins only with us, and not with someone or something. Do we know how to feel other people? Can we understand their pain? Do we have enough heart to rejoice for a talented person?

2.4. The fourth step, or "Creative workshop". This is the highest level. The climb up is not easy. But, having risen, we transform not only our soul, but also everything that surrounds us. And let heart failure be the lot of indifferent and careless people. And we will learn to enjoy being together creative activity.

Game"Wand". Educators(2nd teams) receive a creative task that must be completed within a certain time. Exercise: joint modeling on a given topic ( "Puppy", "Kitty").

How did you feel? Responsibility? The joy of co-creation? The magic relay baton did not allow you to leave the race or do your part of the job not at the proper level, or let the team down. But overall it turned out great!

3. Questionnaire analysis teachers« Modern educator»

Dear colleagues! As the answers to the survey questions showed, do you think that a modern teacher should: /teachers read out the answers to their questionnaires/

* love children.

* Provide children with psychological security and the joy of existing within the walls preschool;

* create conditions for games, work and activities children;

* participate in the formation of the child’s personality;

* improve your knowledge, engage in self-education, etc.

Give an assessment of testing teachers“The level of communication in terms of moral and communicative qualities (at a low level of activity and flexibility (solving emerging problems, conflicts).

Game"Chamomile"- if you had to choose teacher for your child, then we would like him to... /continue/.

Considering it important for educators have such qualities like demandingness, ability to organize children, conduct classes correctly, do not forget that a teacher is a person who doesn't just teach children certain skills and gives them knowledge, he loves children, empathizes with their joys and troubles. Therefore, relationships « teacher - child» And "child - teacher» are placed at the head of everything.

4. Questionnaire analysis children"What would you like your teacher» .

* “To be beautiful and kind”.

* “I never punished or scolded”.

* “I would tell you a lot of interesting things”.

* “To be smart, cheerful, fast, well-mannered, good"

5. Solution pedagogical situations.

5.1. Seryozha broke the cup. The children complained teacher. (Reaction teacher.)

Child running an errand teacher glue the book, spilled glue. The children jumped joyfully and shouted: “And we’ll tell you” and ran to complain. Nobody helped the child. (Your decision.)

The child, in a fit of anger, hit his friend. The offended one began to cry and hit the offender in response. Both ran to complain. (Your actions.)

If similar situations arise in the group, read V. Kodrian’s poem to the children "Sneak".

“And he fell - straight into the mud.

She almost got into a fight.

Volodya hardly ate.

Your Yura sang very quietly.”

He knows everything about everyone, he will tell everything,

What they don't even ask about.

And for such and such honest work

They call someone like that a sneak.

6. Pedagogical training.

It is important for a teacher to control himself, regulate your emotional state. And all this is clearly expressed through words and facial expressions.

Expressive speech.

1. Say a phrase "Come here" (loud, mysterious, indignant, joyful).

2. Tell "Well done" (quietly, loudly, affectionately, surprised, ironically, enthusiastically, joyfully).

Mimic reaction.

The lesson has begun, the children are listening to your story. The door opens and a child comes in ( "smart guy"). Are you looking at him:

Demanding: "Quickly sit down".

Surprised: "I didn't expect it".

With annoyance: "You're distracting me again".

Interrogatively: “Did something happen?”

Reproachfully: “You’re interfering with work!”

Joyfully: "Finally!"

7. Personality teacher

7.1. Basic properties teacher

1. Scientific training and personal teaching talent(tact, independence and pedagogical art) . These properties can generally be attributed to "mental".

2. Objectivity, attentiveness, sensitivity, perseverance, endurance, self-criticism, genuine love for children.

All modern researchers believe that love for children should be considered the most important personality trait teacher. In addition, they add a person’s tendency to work and communicate with children.

It is very important that personality teacher, his condition is completely reflected in the condition, behavior and personality of the child not only during the period of education, but also in subsequent years.

7.2. Psychological portrait teacher preschool level of education.

1. Balance, strength and mobility of the nervous system.

2. Moderation of emotions (restraint).

3. The advantage of positive emotions - joy, pleasure.

4. Stability ( high level neuroticism teacher professionally contraindicated in preschool institutions).

5. Level of development in terms of thinking, memory, perception– normal and above normal.

6. The ability to imagine, fantasize.

It is also advisable that teacher among preschoolers he was young, if not in age, then in spirit, in demeanor.

7.3. Personal qualities teacher:

Adequacy of self-esteem and level of aspirations;

A certain optimum of anxiety that ensures activity teacher;


The ability to empathize.

In a universal sense a teacher is a person child-friendly, warm-hearted, humane, attentive and sincere, who can always understand insecurity children, can see himself in children and take their position.

Not every person who has acquired a profession teacher, can work for them. You have to love working with children so much that you go to kindergarten with good mood and the desire to bring new and certainly positive things to children. It is necessary to have a cheerful and cheerful character, the ability not to get angry with the child, to avoid monotony, boredom, and the dullness of everyday life. Children are optimistic by nature and value these qualities in their mentor, whom they try to imitate. Life children It should be a holiday in kindergarten!

What should we take away from today's meeting?

The conviction that a child must be loved with all his heart, that communication with children should instill joy and optimism in them. You and I can teach you a lot children, but must always remember that no technique can replace a responsive heart teacher.

8. Summing up teachers' council

Today's decision teachers' council will not be quite ordinary. Everyone will receive reminders. Read them and think about it.

1. Set yourself the tasks that you consider the most important.

2. Think about how you would like each of you to be pupil.

3. Consider individual characteristics children, don't try to pull everyone up "standard" in behavior, expression of emotions, cognition, etc.

Rules for effective interaction teacher with children /memo/

1. Accept the child as he is.

2. Be able and willing to listen and understand him.

3. Goodwill (strive to see, first of all, the good in the child).

4. Partnership (equality) in a relationship with a child.

5. Sincerity of relationships ( teacher is not afraid to show the child his feelings, both positive and negative, and is not afraid to admit his mistakes).

6. Individual approach.

7. Demandingness.

8. Word and deed are one ( teacher demands from the child only what he does himself)

9. Promote the development of abilities.

10. Encourage the child to be independent.

11. Use encouragement more often.

Level of communication based on moral and communicative qualities 1 point 2 points 3 points


Interest in communication

Encouraging initiative

Openness (free expression of feelings)

Activity (desire to constantly be in communication)

Flexibility (easily resolves emerging problems and conflicts)

Differentiation in communication (striving to find an approach to every child)

Evaluation of the results obtained:

from 0 to 10 points – low level

from 11 to 15 points – intermediate level

from 16 to 21 points – high level


1. Klyushnik Nadezhda Viktorovna.

2. MBDOU children's"Kid" kindergarten, Zernograd district, teacher - speech therapist.

Currently, the teacher has the first qualification category,

assigned by order of the Ministry of General and Professional

education No. 23 dated January 31, 2015;

3. General experience pedagogical work 16.5 years

4. In the certified position 2.2 years;

In this institution for 12.5 years (order No. 91 of July 12, 2004 was adopted on July 12, 2004);

5. Basic education

educational institution: Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, graduation year: 2002, specialty: pedagogy and methodology primary education, qualification: primary school teacher.

educational institution: Zernograd Pedagogical School, graduation year 1999,specialty: primary school teaching, specialization: speech therapy

6. Information about additional professional education:

GBU DPO Rostov region"RIPK and PPRO" under the program of additional professional education " Preschool education", on the problem: Organization and content of correctional - educational activities teacher - speech therapist, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, 2016, 144 hours;

APO SFU, REC " Innovative technologies implementation of individual educational routes(“Diagnostics. Development. Correction”)”, 2014, 72 hours;

Center "Diagnostics" Development. Correction." "Organization of speech therapy

assistance in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" 2014. 24h;

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Southern Federal University Pedagogical Institute scientific educational

Center "Diagnostics" Development. Correction." “Speech therapy assistance for children

early and junior preschool age with developmental disabilities",

2012, 24h

Criterion 1 “Results of students mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization”

Indicator “Results of students mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization” (in%, based on the results of the academic year (using the example of at least three classes/groups) for 5 years, (for each year separately), at the choice of the certified teacher)

In accordance with the requirements of clause 37 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure for conducting certification teaching staff organizations carrying out educational activities" dated April 7, 2014 No. 276installed:

I . Achievement by students of positive dynamics of mastery results

educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization

Indicators (%)


Academic year


Academic year

2014/2015 Academic year

2015/2016 Academic year


Academic year

Positive dynamics of results of mastering educational preschool educational programs:

Positive dynamics of the results of students mastering the educational program on artistic and aesthetic development

Positive dynamics of the results of students mastering the educational program on speech development






Positive dynamics of the results of students mastering the educational program on social and communicative development

Positive dynamics of the results of mastering the educational program on physical development

Positive dynamics of the results of students mastering the educational program on cognitive development

II. Achievement of positive results by students in mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner establishedresolution Governments Russian Federation dated August 5, 2013 No. 662 “On monitoring the education system



Academic year


Academic year

2014/2015 Academic year

2015/2016 Academic year


Academic year

1.The contribution of the teacher to the development of the main educational program of the institution


1. Participation in the work of the TG on the development of OOP.
2. Selects content in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
3.Uses different types classes as part of the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, including developmental ones: experimentation, frontal, individual, subgroup, etc.

Participation in work creative group Preschool educational institution for the preparation of the basic educational program (Order No. 82 dated September 24, 2012)

Participation in the creative group for the development of OOP. (Order No. 62 dated August 15, 2014)

In my work I use individual and subgroup forms of OOD

Participation in creative work preschool educational institutions groups on OOP development. (Order No. 38 of May 30, 2014)

In my work I use individual and subgroup forms of OOD

Participation in the creative group for the development of OOP.

In my work I use individual and subgroup forms of OOD

Participation in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 81 of 09/08/2016)

Participation in the creative group for the development of OOP. In my work I use individual and subgroup forms of OOD

2. Ensuring healthy conditions for the educational process


1. Selects content in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
2. The teacher uses health-saving technologies: physical education, finger exercises, breathing exercises, logarithmics, awakening gymnastics.
3.Mode, optimal load distribution.
Holding health days.
4. System of work on developing healthy lifestyle skills, FOR.
Interaction between teacher and children

During OOD I use physical exercises, finger and articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, as well as eye exercises. The OOD mode is observed, the load is optimally distributed.

During OOD I use physical exercises, finger and articulation exercises, breathing exercises, and eye exercises. The OOD mode is observed, the load is optimally distributed.

During OOD I use physical exercises, finger and articulation exercises, breathing exercises, and eye exercises. The OOD mode is observed, the load is optimally distributed.

During OOD I use physical exercises, finger and articulation exercises, breathing exercises, and eye exercises. The OOD mode is observed, the load is optimally distributed.

3. The activities of the teacher to create conditions for the education of children with disabilities disabilities health and disabled


1. Individual educational routes have been developed and implemented for teachers.
2. Conducted individual lessons on the recommendation of the PMPk.
3. An educational environment with a correctional focus has been created.
4. The individual characteristics of the group’s students are taken into account.
Interaction between teacher and children.

Individual plans developed correctional work. Individual and subgroup OODs are carried out on the recommendation of the PMPk (Order No. 63 of 09/03/12);

The individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Both individual and group consultations are conducted with parents. (Order No. 82 dated September 24, 2012)

Individual plans for correctional work have been developed. *Individual and subgroup OODs are carried out on the recommendation of the PMPk (Order No. 80 of 09/03/2013);

The individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Both individual and group consultations are conducted with parents (Order No. 112 of December 13, 2013)

Individual plans for correctional work have been developed. Individual and subgroup OODs are carried out on the recommendation of the PMPk (order No. 73 of 09/03/2014);

The individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Both individual and group consultations are conducted with parents (Order No. 18 of February 22, 2014)

Individual plans for correctional work have been developed. Individual and subgroup OODs are carried out on the recommendation of the PMPk (Order No. 27 of April 20, 2015);

The individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Both individual and group consultations are conducted with parents (Order No. 94 of December 24, 2015)

Individual plans for correctional work have been developed. Individual and subgroup OODs are carried out on the recommendation of the PMPk (Order No. 73 of 09/05/2016);

The individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Both individual and group consultations are conducted with parents (Order No. 91 of December 23, 2016)

4.Creating safe conditions when organizing educational activities at the educational institution

safe conditions have been created when organizing educational activities at the educational institution (Order No. 75 dated September 10, 2012)

safe conditions have been created when organizing educational activities at the educational institution (Order No. 69 of 09/02/2013)

safe conditions have been created when organizing educational activities at the educational institution (Order No. 71 of 09/01/2014)

safe conditions have been created when organizing educational activities at the educational institution (Order No. 66 of 09/04/2015)

safe conditions have been created when organizing educational activities (Order No. 75 of 09/05/2016) at the educational institution

5Material and technical support of the educational process.


1.Compliance educational environment requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES DO) (recommendations for the environment. FIRO)
2.Use of TCO, IT technologies, visual aids, Internet resources.

TSO and visual aids are actively used.

The educational environment meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. TSO and ICT, visual aids, and Internet resources are actively used

The educational environment meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. TSO and ICT, visual aids, and Internet resources are actively used

III . Identification and development of students’ abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical education and sports activities, participation in competitions, competitions, olympiads



Academic year


Academic year


Academic year


Academic year


Academic year

1. Results of identifying and developing students’ abilities for scientific (intellectual) activity


1. Ensuring a sufficient level of student motivation, emotional involvement in the learning process, interest in its results.
2. Availability of a program for the development of intellectual abilities of students.
3. Availability of a circle.
4.Creative projects.
5.Participation of students in competitions at various levels.
6. Availability of a system for tracking the development of children's intellectual abilities.

Participation of pupils in the competition “Knowledgeable - arrogant” at the preschool educational institution level (Order No. 6 of January 27, 2012)

Participation of pupils in the regional holiday “Maslenitsa” (Order No. 5 of January 25, 2012)

Participation of pupils in the All-Russian action: “Attention, children!” (Order No. 81 dated September 24, 2012)

Participation of pupils in the city competition “Knowledgeable-Snobbish” (Order No. 19 of 03/01/2013)

Participation of pupils in the All-Russian action: “Attention, children!” (Order No. 16 dated March 21, 2013)

Participation of pupils in the competition “Clever and Clever Girls” at the preschool educational institution level (Order No. 93 of September 20, 2013)

Participation of pupils in a reading competition at the preschool level

(Order No. 93 of September 20, 2014)

Regional competition “Creative Snowman” (Order No. 93 of September 20, 2015)

Participation of pupils in the event “Young Voter Day”(Order No. 13 dated 02/05/2014)

Pupils’ participation in:

Events 60 years of preschool educational institution “Malysh” (Order No. 83 of November 3, 2015)

Literary leisure dedicated to “110 years of A.L. Barto" at the preschool educational institution level (Order No. 97 of 02/04/2016)

Participation of pupils in the third regional festival of national cultures “In the friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia” (Order No. 60 of 09/01/2015)

Development and implementation of a project on speech development: “Presentations on lexical topics"(Order No. 57 of 08/31/2015)

Pupil participation

Regional competition "Let's go" dedicated to the day astronautics (Order No. 17 of 04/07/2016)

Events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the start of the Second World War “Memory of grateful descendants” (Order No. 21 of April 14, 2016)

Development and implementation of a project for speech development: “Presentations on lexical topics” (Order No. 61 of 09/01/2016)

2. Results of identifying and developing students’ creative abilities


1. Ensuring a sufficient level of motivation for students, emotional involvement in the creative process, interest in its results:
2.Implementation of the development program creativity pupils.
3. Circles, studios, creative workshops, elements of children's subculture in the PRS.
4.Creative projects, exhibitions, competitions.
5.Participation of students in exhibitions and competitions at various levels.
6. Availability of a system for tracking the development of children's creative abilities

Participation of pupils in the regional rhythmic gymnastics competition “Beauty in movement - health from childhood” (Order No. 12 of 03.24.13)

Participation of pupils in the regional rhythmic gymnastics competition “Beauty in movement - health from childhood” (Order No. 38 of 03.26.14)

All-Russian competition"Once upon a time" based on Russian folk tales»

Participation of pupils in the regional rhythmic gymnastics competition “Beauty in movement - health from childhood” (Order No. 67 of 04/06/15)

Participation in the drawing competition “Children of Russia for Peace!” (Order No. 53 of 04/06/2015)

In the regional competition “Zernograd bread with warmth to every home” (Order No. 24 of November 25, 2015)

Development as part of the creative team of the project “Shermicia” Order No. 74 dated 09/05/2016)

Development as part of the creative group of the project “Eco-preschool children” (Order No. 12 of May 10, 2016)

In the regional competition “Zernograd bread with warmth to every home” (Order No. 14 of 03/22/2016)

Development as part of the creative group of the project “Eco-preschool children” (Order No. 37 of 02/07/2017)

Development as part of the creative team of the Easter project

(Order No. 41 of 02/10/2017)

3. Results of active participation in physical education and sports activities


1. Ensuring a sufficient level of motivation for students, emotional involvement in physical education, sports and recreational activities, interest in its results:
2. Implementation of a physical development program, club, section, healthy lifestyle program.
3. Projects, exhibitions, competitions.
4.Participation of students in sports and athletics competitions, sections, and GTO competitions.
5. Availability of a system for tracking physical development and health.

The creative team developed a health-saving project “Penguins!” (Order No. 32 -1 dated 04/29/2013)

Implementation of a health-saving project

"Penguins!" (Order No. 4 dated October 29, 2014)

Implementation of the program group work on sound pronunciation (Order No. 36 of October 11, 2014)

Implementation of a program of circle work on sound pronunciation (Order No. 44 of 08/01/2015)

Participation of pupils in the Ermak Children's Educational Center for the Shermitsiya holiday (extract from order No. 74 of 09/05/2016)

Participation of pupils in the regional competition “I love being a Cossack woman”

(Order No. 87 dated February 15, 2017)

4.Results of active participation in competitions, competitions, olympiads


1.Creates conditions for motivating and preparing students for participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, projects, and exhibitions.
2. Personal participation of the teacher in the preparation and conduct of competitions, Olympiads, sports competitions, etc.
3.Accounting for individual and age characteristics pupils in preparation for participation in various events.
4. The presence of positive dynamics in the participation of pupils in various events.

Preparing students for competitions at various levels as part of a creative group of a preschool educational institution. Coordinator of the Internet competitions “CDO “Sneil” and “RostOK”.

Preparing students for competitions at various levels as part of a creative group of a preschool educational institution. Coordinator of Internet competitions “Sneil” and “RostOK”.

Preparing students for competitions at various levels as part of a creative group of a preschool educational institution. Coordinator of the Internet competitions “CDO “Sneil” and “RostOK”.

Preparing students for competitions at various levels as part of a creative group of a preschool educational institution. Coordinator of Internet competitions of the Central Distribution Center "Sneil" and "RostOK".

IV .Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative ones, to teaching teams.



Academic year


Academic year


Academic year


Academic year


Academic year

1.Personal contribution to improving the quality of education


1. Participation in the development of OOP, the variable part of OOP.
2.Development work program, circle programs, programs additional education, a system of work in any direction, individual routes, a system of individual work.
3. Strengthening the developmental and personality-oriented orientation of the methods used;
4.Participation in methodological work, as part of the council of preschool educational institutions (PMPk), the Council of Prevention.

Participation in the work of PMPk preschool educational institution (Order (Order No. 63 of 09/03/12);

Participation in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution Order No. 32 -1 dated April 29, 2013)

Participation in work pedagogical council DOU (Order No. 82 dated September 24, 2012)

Participation in the work of PMPk preschool educational institution (order No. 80 of 09/03/2013);

Development of a work program for a speech therapist teacher (Order No. 55 of September 10, 2013)

Development of a program for a sound pronunciation club (Order No. 90 of 09/01/13)

Participation in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 62 dated August 15, 2014)

Participation in the development of OOP as part of the creative team (Order No. 128 of 09.09.2014)

Participation in the work of PMPk preschool educational institution (order No. 73 of 09/03/2014);

Development of a work program for a speech therapist teacher (Order No. 49 of 09.09.2014)

Participation in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 38 of May 30, 2014)

Development and implementation of a program of circle work on sound pronunciation (Order No. 79 of September 12, 2014

Participation in the work of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 121 of 12/09/2014;

Participation in the development of OOP as part of a creative team

Participation in the work of PMPk preschool educational institution (Order No. 27 of 04/20/2015);

Development of a work program for a speech therapist teacher (Order No. 12 dated September 14, 2015)

Participation in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 57 of 09/01/2015)

Development and implementation of a program of circle work “on sound pronunciation”

(Order No. 30 dated 01.09.2015"

Participation in the work of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 95 of December 24, 2015;

Participation in the development of OOP as part of the creative team (Order No. 53 of 10/02/2016)

Participation in the work of PMPk preschool educational institution (Order No. 73 of 09/05/2016);

Participation in the work of the creative group of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 97 of December 2, 2016)

Development of a work program for a speech therapist teacher (Order No. 42 of September 1, 2016)

Development and implementation of a program of circle work on sound pronunciation (Order No. 20 of 09/01/2016"

Participation in the work of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (Order No. 98 of 12/09/2016;

2. Personal contribution to improving teaching and educational methods and productive use of new educational technologies


1. Use of modern pedagogical technologies.
2. Improving teaching and educational methods.
3. Updating the resources of the educational environment, using elements of children's subculture.
4. Systematic improvement of qualifications and professional competence (certificates, plans, personalized PC model, protocols).
5. Incentives during the inter-certification period for personal contribution, regional and industry awards.
6. Organizational and methodological work.

Modern pedagogical technologies are used in the work.

Self-education plan for 2012-2017 on the topic “Development of coherent speech in preschoolers with disabilities»

Certificate from Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SFU PI REC

(registration number K-54 dated May 23, 2012)

Letter of gratitude from the Administration of MBDOU d\s "Malysh" Zernograd district (04/14/2014)

advanced training courses at APO SFU, REC

“Innovative technologies for the implementation of individual educational routes” (Certificate No. 009676 07.07.2014)

Certificate of participation in the Mersibo webinar “New approaches to teaching reading to children with delays” speech development"(No. 117114 dated 08/27/14)

Certificate of participant of the Mersibo webinar “Using interactive games at work grammatical structure in children with disabilities" (No. 114999 dated 08/07/14) Certificate of the APO SFU REC "Organization of speech therapy assistance in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard" (registration number A 19 dated 06/12/14)Certificate of participation in the Mersibo webinar “Working on phonemic awareness in preschoolers using modern interactive games (No. 115711 dated 08/14/14)

Certification for the first category Ministry of General and vocational education Rostov region (Order No. 23 of January 30, 2015)

Letter of gratitude from the Administration and the chairman of the trade union committee of the MBDOU d/s "Malysh" of the Zernograd district (09/09/2014)

Gratitude from the director of the MBOU Mechetinskaya secondary school of the Zernograd district (10/12/2015)

Award from the All-Russian political party"United Russia" Rostov regional branch (11/26/2015)

Awarded: Certificate of Honor from the Head of the Administration of Mechetinsky rural settlement(Order of the Head dated 08/09/2016)

Gratitude MBOU Mechetinskaya secondary educational school Zernogradsky district (23.05 16)

Self-education plan for 2017-2022 on the topic: “Inclusive education in the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist teacher”

Letter of gratitude from the Department of Education of the Zernograd district of the PMPK (06/15/2016)

Diploma of the MBUK “Mechetinsk Family Reading Library named after B.T. Primerov" Mechetinsky rural settlement, Zernograd district (30.04\2016)

Diploma Administration of MBDOU d/s "Malysh" Zernogradsky district (08/17/2016)

Gratitude to the speech therapist from the parents and children of the “Toptyzhka” group (05/30/2016)

Letter of gratitude from Fetisov's mother Alexander(May 2016)

Certificate of participation in the webinar "Mersibo" "Game correctional methods of formation phonemic awareness in children with disabilities" (No. 359015 12/21/106)

advanced training courses of the State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education of the Rostov Region, RIPC and PPRO (Certificate No. 611200163609 dated November 28, 206)

certificatePedagogical community “My Education” Confirmation of the participant’s personal page No. 16 -210674 January 2017)

Certificate Pedagogical Community “My Education”

For active participation in the All-Russian pedagogical community“My Education” (No. 17 - 490254 (February 2017) Certificate of participation in the Mersibo webinar “ Effective ways automation of “difficult” sounds in children with disabilities using interactive and board games"(No. 477892 dated 04/05/2017)

Mersibo webinar participant certificate

“Diagnostics of the speech status of a child 4 - 6 years old using an interactive speech card” (No. 476969 dated 03/29/2017)

3 .The contribution and effectiveness of transferring the experience of practical results of their professional activities to teaching teams


1. Presence and dissemination of experience. Participation in seminars, conferences at the regional and all-Russian levels, etc.
2. Participation in the activities of professional communities, including online ones.
3. Presentations of experience at the municipal and regional levels (master class, open lessons).
4. Participation in professional competitions (including Internet competitions) at the regional and all-Russian levels
5. Availability of a website, blog, electronic portfolio.

Publications on the Internet:

" "

Participation in the work of speech therapy teachers and speech therapists, introduction on the topic “Games and exercises. Promoting development prosodic side speech"

Publications on the Internet:


Participation in the regional education of teachers - speech therapists based on a boarding schoolVview of the Zernograd district

Questionnaire No. 6 “Teacher through the eyes of work colleagues”

Purpose: assessment professional qualities teacher

Opinion about the teacher

Score (in points)

Able to see the prospect of work, clearly defining the goals and objectives of his work

He builds his work on the principles of humanistic teaching: he is attentive and friendly to children.

Takes care of preserving and strengthening the health of children, actively participates in the health program

Owns modern techniques educational work with children

Is in constant creative search; creates, tests and implements new pedagogical technologies into practice

Able to create a rational subject-development environment in a group

Has high work discipline

Strives to achieve high quality raising and teaching children

Willingly shares innovative findings with colleagues and is always ready to help

Objectively evaluates the work of colleagues; tactful in his statements

Rational approach to the use of working time of both one’s own and colleagues at work

Brings a positive emotional attitude to the team

Would you choose this teacher if you had the opportunity to choose your group partners? (Underline one of the answers.)

I'll rather choose

I'd rather prefer someone else

I'd prefer someone else

Answer questions 1-12 with the appropriate rating:

Completely agree with the opinion - 4 points;

Rather agree - 3 points;

Agree and disagree equally - 2 points;

Rather disagree -1 point;

I completely disagree;

Key to the questionnaire:

From 36 to 48 points is a high level. He is fluent in the latest pedagogical technologies, feels the need for his activities, based on modern scientific research, and shares his work experience;

From 20 to 35 points - average level. Strives to achieve high quality education and training, knows how to determine the prospects of his work, masters modern techniques, the prospects of his work, masters modern techniques, a readiness for innovative activity has been formed;

From 12 to 19 points – low level. Experiences difficulties in teaching activities, is an internally indecisive person who does not always correctly assess the development of pedagogical processes and prefers to check his point of view with the position of the leader;

From 0 to 11 - it is necessary to repeat the survey, as inadequate answers are possible; in some cases, conduct research on interpersonal relationships