Alexandra Palamarchuk
Non-traditional forms of teaching preschoolers

Municipal government preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Star" With. Kalinka Khabarovsky municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory

Report on the topic:

« Non-traditional forms of education


Educator: Palamarchuk

Alexandra Sergeevna

Non-traditional forms of teaching preschoolers

Currently in practice preschool institutions are effectively used non-traditional forms of training organization: classes in subgroups that are being formed taking into account age characteristics children.

They are combined with a mug work: manual labor, visual arts.

Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child’s time, which he can use in his own way. discretion: relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

This is especially true for productive activities. activities: design or sculpting, drawing, appliqué.

Various are widely used forms"Practicing with passion", full of games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the activity more interesting, attractive, and more effective.

The following are widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting classes: forms, as an activity - a conversation and an activity - an observation.

Data forms used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Fairytale therapy classes are popular. Fairytale therapy sessions with children are a special, safe form interaction with the child, most consistent with the characteristics of childhood.

This is an opportunity formation moral values, implementation of correction of undesirable behavior, method formation necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic fairy tale therapy training in preschool format education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

IN modern didactics Preschool educational institutions stand out as follows non-traditional forms:

Games are competitions.

(They are built on the basis of competition between children: who will name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster)

(It involves dividing children into 2 subgroups and is conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical games.

(Micro-scenes are played out, bringing educational information to children information)

Role-playing games.

(The teacher enters the role-playing game as an equal partner, prompting storyline games and thus solving problems training) .

Consultations. (When the child is studying, consulting with another child)

Games by mutual learning.

(Child- "consultant" teaches compare, classify, generalize other children).


(Conducted as board game "Manager")

Games of doubt (search for truth) .

(Research activities children like melts - doesn’t melt, flies - doesn’t fly)

Travel games.

Dialogues. (They are conducted as a conversation, but the topic is chosen to be relevant and interesting).

Games type “The investigation is being conducted by experts”.

(Working with the diagram, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline) .

Games type "Field of Miracles".

(Played like a game "Field of Miracles" for reading children).

Quiz games.

(Quizzes are held with answers to questions: What? Where? When?

Enhancement Methods cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).


Modeling and design method.

Method of questions.

Repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and joke (educational comics).

Practical task using the example of one of non-traditional forms: fairy tale - Russian folk tale "Mitten"


Based on all of the above, the following can be done: conclusions:

Use of activities in non-traditional form helps to involve all students in the work;

You can organize verification of any task through mutual control;

-unconventional the approach contains enormous potential for the development of students’ speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

in the group the relationship between the children and the teacher changes (we are partners)

The children look forward to such activities with pleasure.

But classes in non-traditional form They are useful when they find a precise place among the usual types of activities. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject to be completed, can you determine which classes are advisable to conduct in non-traditional form.

Non-traditional classes often take place when testing and summarizing children's knowledge. But some of them (travel, integrated) I use it when learning new material.

No matter how experienced a teacher is, he always has to search, think, try in order to make his classes interesting.

I believe that classes in non-traditional form helped me increase children's activity in class, attract their attention, and expand their vocabulary.

Publications on the topic:

Report “Forms and methods of working with families” Report “Forms and methods of working with families of pupils in preschool educational institutions” (Slide 2) Family education occurs in the process of life - in relationships with loved ones.

The role of fiction in the development of free communication in younger preschoolers Well-Known Impact fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of the child. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler.

Non-traditional forms of organization in environmental education of preschool children The problems of our time require an immediate rethinking of the historically established consumerist attitude in human consciousness.

Non-traditional forms of health improvement for preschool children GBOU School No. 1034 DO-4 Consultation for teachers and parents “NON-TRADITIONAL FORMS OF HEALTH CARE FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN” Prepared by the teacher.

Non-traditional forms of working with children A preschool educational institution is the first educational institution with which parents come into contact. Mainly structural.

Construction is one of those activities that are of a modeling nature. During construction the world around us is modeled.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Zvezdochka" Kalinka Khabarovsk municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory

Report on the topic:

"Non-traditional forms of education


Educator: Palamarchuk

Alexandra Sergeevna

Non-traditional forms of teaching preschoolers

Currently in practice preschool institutions Non-traditional forms of educational organization are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children.

They are combined with club work: manual labor, visual arts.

Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child’s time, which he can use as he wishes: relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

This is especially true for productive activities: design or modeling, drawing, appliqué.

Widely used various shapes“activities with passion”, full of games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the activity more interesting, attractive, and more effective.

Such forms as lesson-conversation and lesson-observation have become widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting classes.

These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Fairytale therapy classes are popular. Fairytale therapy sessions with children are a special, safe form of interaction with a child, most appropriate to the characteristics of childhood.

This is an opportunity to form moral values, correct undesirable behavior, and a way to develop the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic fairytale therapy trainings in the format preschool education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

In modern didactics of preschool educational institutions, the following non-traditional forms are distinguished:

    Games are competitions.

(They are built on the basis of competition between children: who can name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster)


(It involves dividing children into 2 subgroups and is conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

    Theatrical games.

(Micro-scenes are played out that provide children with educational information)

    Role-playing games.

(The teacher enters the role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving learning problems).

    Consultations.(When a child learns by consulting another child)

    Games for mutual learning.

(The child “consultant” teaches other children to compare, classify, generalize).


(Played like a board game "Manager")

    Games of doubt(search for truth).

(Research activities of children such as melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly)

    Travel games.

    Fairy tales.

    Dialogues.(Conducted according to the type of conversation, but the topic is chosenrelevant and interesting).

    Games like “The investigation is conducted by experts.”

(Working with the diagram, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline).

    Games like "Field of Miracles".

(Performed as a game “Field of Miracles” for reading children).

    Quiz games.

(Quizzes are held with answers to the questions: What? Where? When?

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).


Modeling and design method.

Method of questions.

Repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and jokes (educational comics).

Practical task using the example of one of the non-traditional forms: fairy tale - Russian folk tale “Rukavichka”


Based on all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Using activities in a non-traditional format helps to engage all students;

You can organize verification of any task through mutual control;

The non-traditional approach has enormous potential for the development of students' speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

in the group the relationship between the children and the teacher changes (we are partners)

The children look forward to such activities with pleasure.

But classes in a non-traditional form are beneficial when they find an exact place among the usual types of classes. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject to be taken, can you determine which classes are advisable to conduct in a non-traditional form.

Non-traditional activities often occur when testing and summarizing children's knowledge. But I use some of them (travel, integrated) when studying new material.

No matter how experienced a teacher is, he always has to search, think, try in order to make his classes interesting.

I believe that classes in a non-traditional form helped me increase the children’s activity in class, attract their attention, and expand their vocabulary.

Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, non-traditional forms of organizing education are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children.

They are combined with a mug work: manual labor, visual arts.

Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child’s time, which he can use in his own way. discretion: relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

This is especially true for productive activities. activities: design or sculpting, drawing, appliqué.

Various shapes are widely used "Practicing with passion", full of games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the activity more interesting, attractive, and more effective.

Such forms as lesson-conversation and lesson-observation have become widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting classes.

These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Fairytale therapy classes are popular. Fairytale therapy sessions with children are a special, safe form of interaction with a child, most appropriate to the characteristics of childhood.

This is an opportunity to form moral values, correct undesirable behavior, and a way to develop the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic fairytale therapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

In modern didactics of preschool educational institutions, the following non-traditional forms are distinguished:

  • Games are competitions.

(They are built on the basis of competition between children: who will name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster)

(It involves dividing children into 2 subgroups and is conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

  • Theatrical games.

(Micro-scenes are played out that provide children with educational information)

  • Role-playing games.

(The teacher enters the role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving learning problems).

  • Consultations. (When a child learns by consulting another child)
  • Games for mutual learning.

(Child- "consultant" teaches other children to compare, classify, generalize).

  • Auctions.

(Played like a board game "Manager")

  • Games of doubt (search for truth).

(Research activities of children such as melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly)

  • Travel games.
  • Fairy tales.
  • Dialogues. (They are conducted as a conversation, but the topic is chosen to be relevant and interesting).
  • Games type “The investigation is being conducted by experts”.

(Working with the diagram, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline) .

  • Games type "Field of Miracles".

(Played like a game "Field of Miracles" for reading children).

  • Quiz games.

(Quizzes are held with answers to questions: What? Where? When?

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

  • Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).
  • Comparison.
  • Modeling and design method.
  • Method of questions.
  • Repetition method.
  • Solving logical problems.
  • Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

  • Game and imaginary situations.
  • Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.
  • Dramatization games.
  • Surprise moments.
  • Elements of creativity and novelty.
  • Humor and joke (educational comics).

Practical task using the example of one of the non-traditional forms: fairy tale - Russian folk tale "Mitten"


Based on all of the above, the following can be done: conclusions:

Using activities in a non-traditional format helps to engage all students;

You can organize verification of any task through mutual control;

The non-traditional approach has enormous potential for the development of students' speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

in the group the relationship between the children and the teacher changes (we are partners)

The children look forward to such activities with pleasure.

But classes in a non-traditional form are beneficial when they find an exact place among the usual types of classes. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject to be taken, can you determine which classes are advisable to conduct in a non-traditional form.

Non-traditional activities often take place when testing and generalizing children's knowledge. But some of them (travel, integrated) I use it when learning new material.

No matter how experienced a teacher is, he always has to search, think, try in order to make his classes interesting.

I believe that classes in a non-traditional form helped me increase the children’s activity in class, attract their attention, and expand their vocabulary.

Currently the relevance of the problem of using alternative physical education activities of a non-traditional orientation, which take into account the characteristics of motives and needs preschoolers, becomes especially acute for preschool educational institutions.

The requirements for the level of physical fitness and health of preschool children are constantly increasing. Increasing necessity, starting from a very early age, ensure that preschoolers develop a sustainable interest, the need for regular physical exercise, and value motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Physical culture is part of the system of physical culture and health complex, its main form is physical education classes. However, constant use of only this structure often leads to a decrease in children’s interest in classes and, as a consequence, to a decrease in their performance. The way out of this situation is the use of variable and non-traditional physical education classes in preschool educational institutions.

Non-traditional approaches to the structure and content of classes, allow you to constantly maintain children’s interest in them, individualize the approach to each child, and intelligently distribute the load, taking into account the level of motor activity and the gender-role principle of selecting movements. The healing effect achieved through non-traditional forms is closely related to the positive emotions of children, which have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

Unlike the traditional approach(Where main function teacher - direct organization of children’s activities, transferring their adult experience to them in their activities), person-centered model assigns a different role to the teacher, consisting in organizing such an educational environment which will provide the opportunity to realize individual interests, needs and abilities, that is, independent activity and effective accumulation by the child of his personal experience. Active physical activity, in addition to its positive impact on health and physical development, provides psycho-emotional comfort for the child and develops social behavior skills.

At the moment, there are many non-traditional methods that ensure the formation of a strong, sustainable interest in physical education in children and the need to engage in it. Unconventionality suggests a difference from the classical structure of the lesson through the use of new ways to organize children, non-standard equipment, making some changes to the traditional form of lesson structure, leaving the main thing unchanged:

At each lesson, the objectives of teaching, upbringing and development of the child must be implemented;

Teaching basic movements should be carried out in three stages: training, consolidation, improvement;

Forms of non-traditional physical education activities in working with children aged 6 years in preschool institutions:

1) game activities based on games and relay games. It is advisable to use it to relieve tension after activities with increased intellectual load, to consolidate movements in new conditions, to provide positive emotions, Introductory part Such an activity may not last long, since the preparation of the body for stress will continue with the game of low or medium mobility. The main part may include high mobility games that improve types of movements. The final part of such a lesson should ensure a reduction in load.

2) training sessions or training sessions– this is a series of classes on teaching sports games with elements of athletics; consolidation of certain types of movements. It provides the opportunity to repeat the movement many times and practice the technique of performing it. The traditional structure can be somewhat disrupted by eliminating general developmental exercises and increasing the time spent working on basic movements and elements of sports games, while ensuring reasonable and correct physiological load.

3) a lesson based on one movement, as an option for a training session. The structure of its construction is similar to the previous one, but for exercises in basic movements, only one of the types is selected (for example, climbing), children practice in its various types: crawling on a bench, climbing a gymnastic wall, climbing into a hoop, etc. When planning such an activity, it is important to think through the sequence of exercises in order to alternate the load on different muscle groups. Therefore, it is better not to use this type of movement in the water part and outdoor games.

4) circuit training– the principle of organizing such a lesson is quite simple: the introductory and final parts of the jam are carried out in the traditional form. During the time allocated for general developmental exercises and basic movements, circuit training is organized.

To do this, you should prepare several groups with the same sports equipment in each, so that children of the same group can exercise on them at the same time, and arrange them in a circle. For example: for a group of children of 20 people, you need to prepare 5 groups of objects: jump ropes, balls, flights of gymnastic stairs, benches, fitballs - 4 of each type, and arrange them in a sequence that ensures training of different muscle groups. Each child stands up to some kind of aid and exercises on it for 2 minutes. Then, at the teacher’s signal, the children move in a circle to the next manual and so on until the circle is closed. Depending on the degree of load received during the circuit training, an outdoor game is selected. This method allows for high motor density of the lesson and allows children to show creative initiative by coming up with ways to perform the exercise.

5) story-based activities- built on a fairy-tale or real basis. Taking the classical structure of the lesson as a basis, the content of motor activity is consistent with the plot. The topics of such activities should correspond to the age capabilities of the children, taking into account their level: reporting from the stadium, a circus, a trip to the country, fairy tales, etc. Such classes are combined with tasks in teaching orienteering, speech development, etc.

6) classes for sports complexes and simulators. Such exercises help achieve the desired healing effect in a relatively short period of time. Health technology also helps solve the problem of lack of space, since it easily fits even in a small space. Modern exercise machines have an attractive appearance and are adjustable, which allows them to be used with children of different physical levels, which encourages children to be physically active. During such activities, the emotional tone of children increases significantly, cognitive activity is activated, and creative imagination develops;

7) classes based on dance material, musical and rhythmic movements– children like them and are used to successfully create a cheerful mood in children. The introductory part consists of different types of walking and running to musical accompaniment, and performing dance movements. General developmental exercises are carried out in the form of rhythmic gymnastics. This is gymnastics with a health-improving focus, the main means of which are sets of gymnastic exercises, different in nature, performed to rhythmic music. Rhythmic gymnastics is based on an arsenal of various movements and exercises. By doing rhythmic gymnastics, children get an idea of ​​the diverse world of movements, which, especially at first, is new and unusual for them. Cheerful music, high motor activity children are created in a joyful, upbeat mood and charged with positive vital energy. After it, you can offer the children musical games and dancing. These classes are held at least twice a month. They serve as a kind of report on the work being done to teach children musical and rhythmic movements;

8) classesfitball - aerobics. Exercises with inflatable balls are an element of aerobics. Fitball (fitball, fit - health improvement, ball - ball) - the Swiss miracle ball perfectly solves health problems, forms posture and perfectly improves mood. Various exercises are performed lying or sitting on a spring ball. Large, bright balls create a great desire to exercise and to show diligence in performing exercises.

9) classes from the series “Taking care of my health” are held at least 3-4 times a month. In these classes, children learn relaxation techniques, auto-training, self-massage, and warming up in bed.

10) using non-standard physical education equipment aimed at physical education and recreational work with children. Vivid manuals with perky verses contribute to them:

This equipment is multifunctional and can be used in different areas of children's development - physical development, mathematics, speech development, creative games, etc.

This equipment can be used both in classes and in children’s independent activities.

Examples of use non-standard physical education equipment.

Fetisova Natalya Anatolyevna

There is such a profession - raising and teaching children. The one who chose it consciously set out on a difficult, sometimes almost impassable road. Everyone has a different fate in their profession. Some simply carry out their duties and do not try to discover anything new where, it would seem, everything is open. Others are in an endless search and do not want to repeat the same path over and over again with different groups of children.


Class- this is an organized form of teaching and a time period of the learning process that can reflect all its structural components (general pedagogical goal, didactic objectives, content, methods and means of teaching).

Occupation is:

The main form of organization of a child’s cognitive activity;

A dynamic, improving procedural system, reflecting all aspects of the educational process;

Elementary structure-forming unit educational process, with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

A single link in the system of educational and cognitive activity.

It is necessary to highlight the main signs of occupation:

Lesson is the basic unit of the didactic cycle and a form of organization of training;

According to the time period, it takes from 10-15 minutes (in the younger preschool age) up to 30-35 minutes (in older preschool age);

The lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type cognitive activity(for example: speech development + visual activity);

The leading role in the lesson belongs to the teacher, who organizes the process of transferring and assimilating educational material, monitoring the level of development of each child;

A group is the main organizational form of bringing together children in a lesson, all children are approximately the same age and level of training, that is, the group is homogeneous (with the exception of heterogeneous or mixed groups), the main composition of the groups is maintained for the entire period of stay in the preschool institution;

The group works according to a single program, according to a grid of cognitive activities;

The class is held at predetermined hours of the day;

Vacations are held throughout the year, they correspond to the time period school holidays(which is important even for the purposes of continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school);

The year ends with a summation of the cognitive development of each child’s personality (based on the results of the child’s activities in the classroom).

Lesson levels:

1. Higher: predicting ways to transfer activities to the result specified by the learning goals based on feedback and overcoming possible difficulties in working with children.

2. High: inclusion of children in solving the problem provided for by the purpose of the lesson.

3. Average: identifying children’s knowledge and skills and communicating information in accordance with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

4. Short: organizing interaction with children, explaining new material according to a pre-drawn plan, without activating cognitive activity aimed at obtaining a positive result.

Signs of high learning ability (during observation of preschool children):

Identification and awareness of a problem, goal, question, task;

Ability to predict your activities;

Ability to use knowledge in various (non-standard) situations;

Independence of activity and overcoming difficulties (independence in choosing solutions);

Logic of thinking;

Flexibility of thought;

The speed of transformation of the way of activity in accordance with changed situations;

Possibility of abandoning standard solutions (stereotype);

Search for an appropriate option (switching or changing an option).

Traditional activities and their classifications

It is logical to classify traditional activities on the basis of the selected tasks and the types of activities used to implement them. Considering psychological characteristics For a preschooler, when analyzing methodological recommendations for modern programs, it is inappropriate to single out as a separate type classes for learning new material, developing and improving knowledge and skills, since each lesson involves repetition, consolidation and expansion of children’s ideas.

The classification of classes presented in “Pedagogy” by V. I. Loginova leads to a mixture of types of classes with teaching methods and techniques. Authors modern programs present a classification of occupations for each type of activity.

For example, in "Rainbow" educational activities are divided into the following types:




Educational stories;


- for musical activities:



- in the program “From childhood to adolescence”:



Theoretical, etc.

The variety of definitions does not change the tasks to be solved and the structure of classes; the methods, techniques and sequence of structural components remain variable.

Therefore, the classification presented below will help determine the types of classes conducted for any type of activity in any program, their compliance with the assigned tasks and selected structures.

Non-traditional activities and parameters for their assessment

Types of non-traditional activities.

Competition activities (based on competition between children): who can name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster.

KVN classes (involve the division of children into two subgroups and are conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical activities (micro-scenes are acted out, bringing educational information to children).

Classes with plot-role-playing games (the teacher enters into the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the plot line of the game and thus solving learning problems).

Consultation classes (when a child learns “horizontally”, consulting with another child).

Mutual teaching classes (a child “consultant” teaches other children design, appliqué, and drawing).

Auction classes (conducted like the board game “Manager”).

Doubt activities (search for truth). (Research activities of children such as: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - drowns, etc.)

Formula classes (proposed in the book by Sh. A. Amonashvili “Hello, children!”).

Travel activities.

Binary classes (author J. Rodari). (Composing creative stories based on the use of two objects, changing the position of which changes the plot and content of the story.)

Fantasy activities.

Lessons-concerts (individual concert numbers carrying educational information).

Dialogue classes (conducted as a conversation, but the topic is chosen to be relevant and interesting).

Classes like “Investigations are conducted by experts” (work with a diagram, group map kindergarten, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline).

Classes like “Field of Miracles” (conducted as a game “Field of Miracles” for reading children).

“Intellectual Casino” classes (conducted like “Intellectual Casino” or a quiz with answers to the questions: What? Where? When?).

Requirements for the lesson

1.Usage the latest achievements science and practice.

2. Implementation of all didactic principles in an optimal ratio.

3. Providing conditions for the subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive activity.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for organizing children’s activities.

5. Establishment of integrative connections (interrelation of various types of activities, content).

6. Connection with past activities and reliance on the level achieved by the child.

7. Motivation and activation of children’s cognitive activity (methods and techniques).

8. Logic of lesson construction, a single line of content.

9. Emotional component of the lesson (the beginning and end of the lesson are always carried out on a high emotional level).

10. Connection with life and personal experience every child.

11. Development of children’s skills to independently acquire knowledge and expand its volume.

12. Thorough diagnosis, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson by the teacher.

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).


Modeling and design method.

Method of questions.

Repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity(Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and jokes (educational comics).

Methods of teaching and developing creativity(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov)

Emotional intensity of the environment.

Motivating children's activities.

Study of objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature (survey).

Forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future).

Gaming techniques.

Humor and joke.


Problem situations and tasks.

Vague knowledge (guesswork).

Assumptions (hypotheses).

Comprehensive and integrated classes.

"Dictionary of foreign words":

complex -

integration - restoration, replenishment, unification of any parts into a whole.

“Dictionary of the Russian language” SM. Ozhegova:

complex - a set, a combination of something, any ideas;

integration - combining any parts into a whole.

"Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary":

complex - a set of objects or phenomena that make up one whole;

integration - a concept meaning a state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state. The process of convergence and connection of sciences, occurring along with the processes of their differentiation.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Teaching experience, author's programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?