Information and Communication Technologies

in the education system

Dyatlova V.S.

The current period of the development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education.

The widespread use of computer technologies in the field of education in the last decade causes increased interest in pedagogical science. Huge contribution In solving the problem of computer technology training, Russian and foreign scientists have contributed: Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Payert, Glaimam, B. Sendov, B. Hunter, etc.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a set of methods, production processes and software and technical means integrated to collect, process, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.[I, II]

With the appearance of such a component in the process of formation, as informatization, it became appropriate to revise its tasks. The main ones are:

    improving the quality of training specialists based on the use in the educational process of modern information technologies;

    application of active learning methods and, as a result, increasing the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

    integration of various species educational activities (educational, research, etc.);

    adaptation of information technology training for individual features trainee;

    ensuring continuity and continuity in training and education;

    development of information technologies for distance learning;

    improving software and methodical support educational process [ 3 ]

ICT educational tools can be classified for a number of parameters:

1. On solved pedagogical tasks:

    funds providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    practical training (tasks, workshops, virtual designers, simulation programs, simulators);

    aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, readstatology, educational games, multimedia training sessions);

    comprehensive means (remote).

2. According to features in the organization educational process:

    information and training (electronic libraries, e-books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, training computer programs, Information Systems);

    interactive ( email, electronic newsgroups);

    search (catalogs, search engines).

3. By information:

    electronic and information resources with textual information (textbooks, textbooks, tasks, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and teaching materials);

    electronic and informational resources with visual information (collection: photos, portraits, illustrations, video phrases of processes and phenomena, demonstration of experiments, video excursions; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: schemes, diagrams);

    electronic and informational resources with audio information (recording of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of alive and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    electronic and informational resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of living and inanimate nature, subject excursions);



information education Russian teacher

The concept of information and communication technologies

The processes of informatization of modern society and closely related processes of informatization of all forms of educational activities are characterized by the processes of improving and mass dissemination of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Similar technologies are actively used to transfer information and ensure the interaction of the teacher and the trainees in modern systems Open I. remote education. The modern teacher should not only have knowledge of ICT, but also be a specialist for their application in his professional activities.

The word "technology" has a Greek root and translated the science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and conversion to consumption items. A modern understanding of this word includes the use of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical tasks. In this case, information and telecommunications technologies can be considered such technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) is a generalizing concept describing various devices, mechanisms, methods, information processing algorithms. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications facilities along with information posted on them.

ICT tools applied in education

The main tool of ICT for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer whose capabilities are defined by software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, applied programs and tool tools for software development. The system programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with the equipment and the interaction of the user's personal computer with the programs. This category also includes service or service programs. Applied programs include software that is information technology tools - work technologies with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

In modern education systems, universal office applied programs and ICT facilities were widespread: text processors, spreadsheets, presentation training programs, database management systems, organizers, graphic packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other, similar to them, ICT education has acquired a new quality associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from any point of the globe. An instant access to international information resources is possible through the global computer network inerture ( electronic libraries, databases, file storage, etc.). In the most popular Internet resource of the World WWW WWW web published about two billion multimedia documents.

Other widespread ICT tools are available on the network, which include email, mailing lists, newsgroups, chat. Special programs have been developed for communication in real time, allowing the text entered from the keyboard after establishing a link, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize the collaboration of remote users with a program running on the local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms available for transmission over a computer network, the sound quality increased significantly and began to approach the quality of the sound in the usual telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT product was developed very actively - Internet telephony. With the help of special equipment and software via the Internet, you can conduct audio and video conferencing.

To ensure an effective search for information in telecommunication networks, there are automated search results, the purpose of which is to collect data on the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a quick search service. Using search engines, you can search for worldwide web documents, multimedia files and software, address information about organizations and people.

Using network tools, ICT becomes possible to wide access to educational and methodical and scientific information, Organization Operational consulting assistance, modeling of research activities, conducting virtual training seminars (seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are several basic classes of informational and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the point of view of open and remote education systems. One of these technologies are video and television. Video films and appropriate ICT tools allow a huge number of students to listen to the lectures of the best teachers. Video tapes with lectures can be used both in special video colors and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European training courses, the main material is set forth in the printed publications and on video tags.

Television, as one of the most common ICTs, plays a very large role in the life of people: almost every family has at least one TV. Training television programs are widely used worldwide and are a vivid example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it is possible to broadcast lectures for a wide audience in order to increase the overall development of this audience without subsequent control of knowledge learning, as well as the opportunity to subsequently check knowledge using special tests and exams.

The powerful technology that allows you to store and transmit the bulk of the material being studied is the educational electronic publications, both distributed in computer networks and recorded on the CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies allow, with appropriate refinement, to adapt existing courses to individual use, provide opportunities for self-study and self-test of knowledge gained. In contrast to the traditional book, the educational electronic publications allow the material in a dynamic graphic form.

We live in a dynamic, fast-growing world - in the world of high technologies, or Hi-Tech. It is already difficult to imagine everyday life without mobile phones and computers that are regularly improved; Different gadgets, the article is devoted to the peculiarities of the educational process using various information and communication technologies.

"Pros" and "Cons" application of information and communication
Technologies in education. "

We live in a dynamic, fast-growing world - in the world of high technologies, or Hi-Tech. It is already difficult to imagine everyday life without mobile phones and computers that are regularly improved; Different gadgets are devoted to the peculiarities of the educational process using various information and communication technologies (ICT), positive and negative consequences.

Undoubtedly, the worldwide network gives a person a lot of opportunities - communication, distance learning, enlightenment. But the Internet, as a teacher of one of Moscow universities, it is possible to compare with a "large trash can" where tons of information of various quality are reset. In such a situation, a person must have certain selection skills, a kind, "filtering" of the data obtained. This article will be discussed on such technologies and their influence on the modern educational process.

ICT - What is it?

Information and communication technologies or ICTs - sounds solid and very modern. But what does this phrase mean for the XXI century man?

Information Technology Or just IT - the phrase who came to Russia from of English language; It means various technologies associated with the management and processing of a huge information flow using computing equipment. The main features of information technologies include computer processing; storage of large amounts of information on machine carriers; as well as the transfer of information for any distance in the shortest time. To date, a universal technical means of processing any information is a computer that strengthens the intellectual possibilities of society. A modern computer uses various communication facilities that serve to communicate and transmit information, which is the necessary component of the company's informatization process. The processes of informatization of all forms of educational activities are closely related to the Company's informatization process. In such conditions, type is formed modern teacherwhich should not only possess knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies, but also be able to apply them in their own professional activities, strive for constant self-education. New technologies allow you to create a fundamentally new model of learning - distance learning, "... based on the use of the latest information technologies that ensure the exchange of educational information at a distance (satellite television, computer communication, etc.)

ICT in modern education: application, results

The main tool of ICT for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer and the corresponding software that determines the possibilities of PC. In modern educational systems, presentations, text processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, graphic packages, etc. have been widespread in modern educational systems. Education today has acquired a completely new quality due to the emergence of computer networks and other ICT funds. An instant access to international information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file repositors, etc.) is possible through the global computer network.

Other funds and communication technologies are available on the network - email, eg, chatthat allow you to communicate in online mode. At the same time, the quality of sound and images, the volumes of files that can be transmitted and obtaining are significantly increasing. With the help of special equipment and software via the Internet, you can conduct audio and video conferencing. ICT network tools make it possible to widely with educational and scientific information; allow you to organize and simulate research activities, conduct virtual training activities in real time. For the open and distance learning system, such technologies like video and television are significant.

Another major technology are educational electronic editions distributed on the Internet or stored on information media. They allow you to store and transmit the main volume of the material under study. Individual work with them makes it possible to deep assimilation and understanding of the material. Educational electronic editions allow to supply material in a dynamic graph form. This does not mean that it is worth abandoning the traditional source of knowledge - books. For most people, the process of "communication" with the book will not replace any, even ultra-modern, electronic publications.

The teaching process received new forms, other character due to the presence of personal computers and laptops with the appropriate software, multimedia projectors and special screens, interactive boards, the availability of Internet access. The modern teacher has the opportunity to use electronic publications. There are such editions are much cheaper, take a little place, mobile. New computer technologies, multimedia equipment contributes to a higher quality assimilation of the theoretical material.

Modern graphics editors allow you to create first-class 3-D models of real objects. Teacher and student today has the ability to make virtual excursions on world galleries, use the materials electronic archives, catalogs and libraries.

The modern teacher, therefore, should take into account the positive properties of ICT, not only possess knowledge in the field of the latter, but also to be able to apply them in their own professional activities. With a deliberate, competent use of ICT funds, a number of important tasks of the didactic nature can be solved as new forms of learning:

  • first of all, to achieve the improvement of the process of teaching;
  • significantly increase the level of independent work of students, the effectiveness of its self-preparation;
  • intensify the learning process of the student in the direction of research, search activities;
  • influence the formation of a student's learning motivation;
  • provide a process of continuous and flexible learning, etc.
  • for repetition and fixing the material passed;
  • to create various learning situations in which the student assimilates the material in the game form;
  • to ensure the required level of assimilation educational material;
  • for remote experiments on real equipment;
  • for messages of different types of information and formation of skills and skills to selection and systematization of information, etc.

Negative consequences of influence of information technology on a student

The above mentioned about the positive impact on the educational process of means of information and communication technologies. But, like every thing or phenomenon, ICT have and reverse side. Their use in all forms of learning can lead to a number of negative consequences, including:

The deterioration of the physiological state and the health of the student (unstable children's psyche leads to a computer of students, which affects their health);

A number of psychological and pedagogical problems (the unnecessary information causes psychological harm to the child);

Reducing the speech activity of the student (which is especially characteristic of the forms of open and distance learning), as a result of which the student does not have sufficient formulation practices and the statement of own thoughts. According to the latest psychological research, the long lack of active speech practice has a negative effect on the processes of thinking, including . independent;

The lack of live dialogic communication between the participants of the educational process, which becomes deficient as a result of excessive individualization of training.

And also, "minuses" of ICT applications are:

Increased requirements for teacher (many students have more modern techniques at home, at the same time enough a large number of teachers do not even have minimal knowledge in the field of ICT);

Student's research activities are hampered by two reasons:

many abstracts on CDs and on the Internet, allowing the opportunity to get a finished product;

Technology project activities Not fully mastered subject teachers;

Self-education technology for students has not been developed;

Low information culture, both students and teachers;

There is no uniform information and methodological service for students, their parents and teachers.

And, of course, the Internet. It is not worth exaggerating its value as an information source. Worldwide web billions of documents providing instant access to various resources of information. You have to doubt the accuracy and as some of them. But the main thing, the use of these resources often leads to negative consequences, primarily in the process of learning the student, its independent, research activities. When using such ICT funds, the "Principle of Forces" is triggered: why spend your own energy and time to prepare for practical session or laboratory workif the Internet provides such a rich choice; If possible, without spending almost no effort, one click of a computer mouse to get a ready-made solution to the problem? Messages and abstracts, writings, for money or free. For a modern student, such a method of learning has become familiar and quite acceptable. I would like to emphasize that this method does not contribute to the effectiveness of the educational process. On the contrary. As a result of such frequency action, the studying is not able to think independently, formulate and express their own opinion; He does not have the skills of working with information (the process of its accumulation, selection and systematization).

Main conclusions

The use of ICT is justified, since it allows you to activate the activities of students, makes it possible to improve the quality of education to children from low-income families, increase the professional level of the teacher, diversify forms interpersonal communication All participants in the educational process. And also, ICT funds used in modern education make it possible to achieve high results in training. New technologies make it possible to ensure the interaction between the teacher and the student in the open and distance learning system. The use of various ICT tools in the educational process can lead both positive and negative consequences. Under the impact of ICT, the type of modern teacher is formed on educational processes, which should not only possess knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies, but also be able to apply them in their own professional activities; - in these conditions there is a different type of a student who does not represent its life without a personal computer and the World Wide Web on the Internet, which uses the ability to modern technologies as information sources. But it is necessary to restrict access to information resources, create conditions for creative and research activities with different levels of development.

Brief description of some pedagogical technologies. What is ICT technology. The possibilities of using the teacher of modern Internet computer technologies in the preparation and conduct of the lesson, in the development of students' abilities.




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Modern pedagogical technologies. Speech by Mathematics Teacher Repe Galina Rafailovna Scientific - Theoretical seminar on the topic:

What is "Pedagogical Technology"? The concept of "pedagogical technology" correlates in domestic pedagogy with the processes of training and education, a set of psychological and pedagogical plants that determine the special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, training techniques, educational tools; Organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. (B.T.Likhachev) systemic aggregate and procedure for the functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical purposes (M.V. Kerin)

a) conceptual basis; b) the meaningful part of the training: the objectives of the training are general and specific; content of educational material; c) procedural part - technological process: organization of the educational process; methods and forms of school students; Methods and forms of teacher's work; Teacher's activities to manage material assimilation; diagnostics of the educational process. Basic structural components of pedagogical technology:

Classification of pedagogical technology

Any pedagogical technology is an information technology, as the basis technological process Training make up obtaining and converting information. Computer (new information) learning technology is the process of preparing and transmitting information to a trainee, the implementation of which is a computer. Information - Communication Technologies

teachers: a source of educational information; visual material; training apparatus; Diagnostic and control tool. Working Tool: Text Preparation Means, Storage; graphics editor; means of preparation of speeches; Computing machine of great opportunities. The computer performs the following functions:

individualization of learning; intensification of independent work of students; growth of the amount of tasks performed in the lesson; Expansion of information flows when using the Internet. Increased motivation and cognitive activity due to a variety of forms of work. Advantages of using ICT

1. No computer in the domestic use of many students and teachers. 2. Teachers have insufficient time to prepare for the lesson on which computers are used. 3. Insufficient computer literacy Teachers. 4. In the work schedule of teachers, time is not allocated to study the Internet capabilities. 5. It is difficult to integrate the computer into the boring structure of classes. 6. Not enough computer time at all. 7. With insufficient motivation to work, students are often distracted by games, music, checking the characteristics of the PC, etc. 8. There is a chance that, carried away by the application of ICT in the lessons, the teacher will move from developing learning to visually illustrative methods. Existing flaws and problems of ICT application

Help the teacher in solving this difficult task can a combination of traditional learning methods and modern information technologies. You need to teach a child to master, convert and use enormous information arrays in practical activity. It is very important to organize the learning process so that the child will actively work with interest and hobby in the lesson, saw the fruits of his work and could appreciate them.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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Publication of a seminar (materials of the collection of a scientific and practical seminar) "Modern pedagogical technologies and achieving meta-concrete results in the field of modern education"

« Using ICT as a means of improving the quality of students' knowledge, the development of their creative abilities. "

One of the requirements of the new state educational standard is the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process. In this regard, there was a need for a new training model based on modern information technologies.

21 century - century of high computer technology. Computer technologies have penetrated all spheres of human activity. To date, the use of information and communication technologies in the education system becomes necessary. The modern student lives in the world of electronic culture. The role of the teacher in information culture is changing, he must become the information flow coordinator. Teacher going to the leg over time is psychologically and technically ready to use information technology in teaching. Any stage of the lesson can be revived by the introduction of new technical means.

The inclusion of ICT into the educational process allows the teacher to organize different forms of educational and cognitive activity in the lessons, to make students active and targeted independent work. The computer can be used at all stages: both in the preparation of the lesson and in the learning process: with the explanation of the (introduction) of the new material, fixation, repetition, zun control.

Today, much attention is paid to the use of information technologies in training. Our task should be directed not so much on the transfer of students with specific knowledge from various areas, how much to ensure the conditions for their self-determination and self-realization. The ability to handle information is very valuable. In this regard, I want to consider this topic From the point of view of the ICT ability to help the teacher in achieving this goal.

ICT implies:

    technologies that make it searching, processing and assimilating information from various sources, including from the Internet.

    using the computer itself, a variety of programs.

The main purpose of the application of ICT:ensure improvement of education.

Application of information technology In the lessons you need, and motivated by the fact that they

    allow you to effectively organize group and independent work in the lesson;

    contribute to the improvement of practical skills and students' skills;

    allow to individualize the learning process;

    enhance interest in the lesson

    intensification of educational activities of students;

    develop creative potential of students;

    correct lesson.

When preparing for a lesson using ICT, a teacher should not forget that this is a lesson, which means to draw up a lesson plan on the basis of its goals, in the selection of the educational material, it must comply with the main didactic principles: systematics and sequences, accessibility, differentiated approach, scientific relations, etc. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements it.

The use of ICT in the process of schoolchildren's training increases the overall level of the educational process, strengthen the cognitive activity of students. For this, the teacher needs to master a number of skills.

The main are:

Technical, i.e. the skills necessary to work on the computer as using standard software;

Methodical, i.e. skills necessary for competent learning students;

Technological, i.e. the skills necessary for the competent use of educational information means in different classes.

The use of ICTs in the lessons helps students to navigate in the information flows of the surrounding world, master the practical ways of working with information, develop the skills that allow communicating with the help of modern technical means.

The relevance and novelty is due to:

First, in the information society the most important social task was the formation of a new style of thinking.

Secondly, the use of a computer in everyday life It becomes an element of a common human culture. Students have a great interest in computers, the motivation to study the subjects increases.

Thirdly, the introduction of profile learning implies in-depth study Specials. At the same time, the role of ICT as the means of modernizing the education process increases steadily.

Successful work educational institutions Today is estimated by the level of formation personal qualitiescapable of independent creative activityowning modern information and communication technologies (ICT). This is due to a number of factors:

Firstly, a person who knows how to work with the information systems and telecommunications networks necessary in everyday life, which has information culture, not only new activities, but also a new worldview.

Secondly, owning the experience of creative activities, it is in a more profitable position in relation to people using standard, well-established methods.

Thirdly, it is able to increase its intellectual level, develop and implement progressive technologies, self-induced in any educational direction.

Only a society consisting of personalities possessing high creative potential and the level of information culture can provide decent conditions for existence.

Improving education efficiency is impossible without creating new forms of training. Currently, the teacher cannot work as before. He must teach students to enjoy information and communication technologies and independently produce information. One of the main directions of my work with students is to use information and communicative technologies in the educational process. Independent work involves the highest degree of activity. To do this, you need to organize training in such a way that students have an interest in work, satisfaction with the result, but in this case, in essence.

To achieve the goals required:

    Formation of learning skills to work with information;

    Development of communicative abilities;

    Preparation of the identity of the "Information Society";

    Formation of research skills, skills to make optimal solutions.

Personal computer is not just a masterpiece of modern high technology - this is the door, now we widely opened the way to world information. PC in education is a device provoking and teacher and student for creativity and innovation, which gives you the opportunity to proceed to neworm learning.

The use of information and computer technology opens up new opportunities for the teacher in teaching their subject. The study of any discipline using ICT makes it possible for reflection and participation in creating lesson elements, which contributes to the development of the interest of students to the subject. Classic and integrated lessons accompanied by multimedia presentations, on-line tests and software products allow students to deepen knowledge, improve learning performance, intellectual level of students, instill self-learning skills, self-organization, facilitate the solution of practical tasks.

Computer technologies have discovered new opportunities for creating teachers by teachers of illustrative material: video, slides, slideshofilms. It is known that such means of learning, largely facilitate students understanding and memorizing educational material, they awaken their interest in studied phenomena. The perception of information is an important stage of mastering the material, the proper formation of concepts depends on it, the awareness of their essence. In this regard, the value of the computer is increasing, the graphic capabilities of which make it possible to provide visual-figurative, graphical information in combination with the symbol.

When explaining new material and conducting practical work You can use EXCEL computer programs, RAINT, ADOBE RHOTOSHOR, WORD, RWERRINT. Working with them forces even beginners to master the computer.

When performing computer presentations using a program, you can make training visual benefits on any section of the program.

Mastering the ADOBE PHOTOSHOR program can allow teachers and masters production training Create original stands for cabinets or training workshops, which will save money on their purchase.

Using special test shells according to its subject, the teacher will be able to conduct knowledge check in an interesting person in an interesting school, saving, while its time is to check, since the skillful setting of such programs allows you to do this automatically. Checking students' knowledge using a computer significantly accelerates the procedure for summing up the work performed and reduces the number of errors in their assessment.

Unfortunately, today we have a number of restrictions in the use of ICT.

    Insufficient material base of college

    Insufficient competence of teachers in the field of ICT

    Not perfection of data transmission system

To date, information communication technologies (ICT) have been widely developed all over the world. The need to introduce new information technologies into the educational process is no doubt. Modern Society characterizes the process of active use of the information resource as a social product in the functioning of the world information network, which allows access to information without any significant limitations in terms of volume and speed of translated information. The appearance and widespread ICT allows you to use them as a means of communication, upbringing. Information and communication technologies discover fundamentally new opportunities in the field of education, in educational activities and student work. When using ICTs in classes, the motivation of the teaching increases and the cognitive interest of students is stimulated, the effectiveness of independent work increases. For the first time, this situation arises when ICT learning becomes both the main tools for further professional activities of a person. Development of research skills and interest in research activities are possible during the development of design tasks.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) affected all spheres of human activity and made qualitative changes and new realities to the life of the entire world community. Informatization modern life comparable in importance with the creation of the alphabet; According to a number of authors, it is the ownership of ICT made a more applicable to the current civilization definition of "Information Society", which the term "post-industrial society" pushed, who has been dominated by a recently in the scientific literature. The ability to apply ICT has become equivalent to the ability to read and write in the industrial society and has dramatically conducted a socio-psychological section among those who own and do not speak people. Since for modern society is characterized by avalanche-like accumulation of knowledge (information boom), then the emergence of a new education concept - "education throughout life", which involves, among other things, to take the ability to take independent solutions And the ability to communicate. Such educational inclusion involves expectation beyond the boundaries of national states, into a single space, which is simultaneously economic, informational and educational. This environment requires the most efficient international communications. Information technologies act as an optimizing factor in the development of the necessary skills of intercultural communication. Global networks and, first of all, the Internet, in addition to almost unlimited communication, enable almost unlimited access to information. Learning to use this colossal resource, select really valuable and necessary to optimize training - important aspectrequiring attention and study.

The use of information and communication technologies in school lessons has both positive moments and negative.

Example 1. The most used resource in school lessons is a presentation. However, even if a good presentation on the subject of lesson (slides with good design, good quality drawings, the slides are not overloaded with text, nothing superfluous on the slide, all the information is visual and colorful), even with such good presentations problems arise. Here are some:

1. To the presentation is clearly visible, darkening. And all seven lessons students and teachers are forced to be in artificial lighting, without daylight.

2. Reading information on the slide, vision is strained. And if there are several presentations, then they get tired of the stress. From a medical point of view it is unreasonable.

3. Sometimes, if there is a problem with the discipline in the class, the new educational material does not explain the teacher, and forces me to rewrite students with information from the slide.

4. Rewriting all the information from the slide, students often listen to the explanations of the teacher.

Example 2, which concerns the use of Internet resource students. The student asks the task to prepare an abstract, report, or any other type of work associated with finding information on the Internet. Finding what you need, the student must comprehend, analyze, select interesting and really necessary information and make a message option. But, as a rule, this does not happen. Having spent a lot of time to find the necessary information, the student does not consider it necessary to process the found material.

Example 3. Assume, the student at the lesson used various training software (controlling, training, demonstration, training), performs tasks and applies a text and graphic editor, performs computing and creates diagrams in the spreadsheet, works with data into DBMS, reads electronic textbooks and benefits. Then this student works perfectly in the lesson in its pace, and the teacher selects individual and differentiable learning. All is well, if not to take into account that then the student every lesson is forced to work much at the computer, and this is poorly reflected on health.

Efforts spent on developing lessons using ICT are compensated if the use of IT is methodically justified, productive. In addition, if the teacher systematically prepares the material in electronic form, then an extensive database accumulates after a certain time.

But the use of information and communication technologies in teaching various items school Course It is impossible without a sufficient technical base, appropriate software and connecting to the Internet and sufficient skills of working with a computer of the teacher himself.

Our teachers began to use the computer more often in an educational process. To date, media equipment is becoming more and more popular. Teachers gradually assess the benefits of a computer to improve the lesson technique.

So, the use of a computer is a powerful tool for creating optimal working conditions in the lesson, but it must be appropriate and methodically justified. IT should be used only when this use gives an indisputable pedagogical effect and in no case cannot be considered the use of a computer tribute or turn it into a fashionable passion

1. To maximize the benefits of ICT to improve the quality of students' formation.

2. Adjust the qualifications through self-education, participation in professional associations of teachers and seminars, master classes

3. Implement information technologies in various stages of the traditional lesson

4. Develop and use your own software and digital educational resources, form and use the library.

If you take the first revolutionary stages of development of education, you can conduct analogies and predict what difficulties are possible. Students receive the widest opportunities in choosing a way to study a particular subject or objects, but there is no teacher nearby. And here they occur the alleged negative consequences: the passivity of students, the low level of communication skills, the lack of independence, the introduction of a teacher to delusion about the understanding of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to look for new forms of work to solve this problem. This may be the creation of a creative collective project, when evaluating which is stipulated (in person or virtually) and each participant of the project is subject to assessment.

Another problem is the increase in the responsibility of the student for the results of learning in such a situation when it has a choice between various forms Training, between a time shortage It is necessary to choose the useful and necessary information from the mass of unnecessary. It is here that teachers need to help students in order to properly organize their learning activities, given their individual abilities and opportunities.

The relevance of the use of ICT in the modern educational process.

The beginning of the XXI century, at the end of last century, began to be called the "epoch of information", since in the XX century the role of information continuously increased and acquired the most important importance in the development of society, in the progress of economics, science, technology and culture. However, the XXI century is not just called the "epoch of information", but, moreover, the "century of the global information society". In such a society, education, knowledge, information and communication make up the basis of the development and well-being of the human person. To better adapt to social and professional changes, today more and more citizens need to acquire the skills of a critical analysis of information of any symbolic systems (shaped, sound, textual).

In this regard, before teachers there is a new task: to prepare a new generation for life in modern information conditions, to the perception of various information, to teach it, to realize the effects of impact on the psyche, mastering the ways to communicate on the basis of non-verbal forms of communication with the help of technical means.

The introduction of new information technologies in the educational process changes a traditional look at education. The main principles of modern IT are:

· Interactive (dialog) computer mode;

· Integration (relationship) with other software products;

· Flexibility of the process of change both source data and tasks.

Multimedia development tutorials became an urgent task in the development of the system modern education And the wide introduction of new IT into the educational process.

The relevance of the application of ICT technologies in teaching children with special educational needs

Once Gorky determined: "Culture is science and art, civilization is a technique and economics." Education through the transmission of information, achieving its understanding and assimilation by the subject of education is one of the main ways to transfer the culture and development of civilization.

Information culture is closely closed with communication culture - the culture of communication, the dialogue in the broad sense of the word: the dialogue of peoples, a person with a person, a person and a computer, an internal dialogue, a mental dialogue of the reader and writer, an actor and the audience, trained and training. Information culture requires primarily from the teacher and from the student new knowledge and skills, a special style of thinking, provides them with the necessary social adaptation to change, and guarantees a worthy place in the information society and performs the following functions:

Regulatory, since it has a decisive impact on all activities, including information;

Cognitive, because Directly related to the research activities of the subject and its training;

Communicative, since information culture is an integral element of the relationship of people;

Educational, for information culture actively participates in mastering the person of the whole culture, mastering all the wealth accumulated humanity, the formation of his behavior.

The use of ICT in the educational process is one of the ways to increase the learning motivation. ICT contribute to development creative personality Not only learning, but also teachers. ICT helps to implement the main human needs - communication, education, self-realization. The introduction of ICT into the educational process is intended to increase the effectiveness of lessons, freeing teachers from routine work, strengthen the attractiveness of the material supply, to differentiate the types of tasks, as well as diversify feedback forms.

The use of ICT opens the didactic capabilities associated with the visualization of the material, its "revival", the ability to perform visual travel, to imagine those phenomena that cannot be demonstrated in other ways to combine the procedures for controlling and training.

"The Gold Rule of Didactics is clarity" (Jan Kamensky). Multimedia systems allow you to file didactic material The most convenient and visual, which stimulates interest in learning and allows you to eliminate knowledge gaps.

The main directions of the teacher using ICT in the educational process correctional school:

1. Review and analysis of the educational material presented on electronic media. Selection and structuring of this material in meaningful blocks taking into account individual abilities of students.

2. Thinking methods for motivating students to master the educational material.

3. Assistance to students in mastering the skills of work on a computer, tracking specific difficulties associated with a ratio of computer form of communication, information feeding features.

4. Development control tasks, evaluation criteria, ways to analyze errors. Development of tests in the program "Notepad".

5. Organization of consultations during the study training courseaimed at promoting the solution of personal, educational, communicative problems of students.

6. Tracking and fixing the dynamics of achievements as a group as a whole and each trainee in separateness.

ICT use model at the lesson:

Demonstration of computer presentation;

Testing with the choice of answers;

Working out of technical skills using a computer simulator.

This contributes to saving time and effectiveness of the educational process.

Model use ICT outside lesson:

Search for information on the Internet and other sources;

Fixation of the entry of the environment of the world;

Preparation of speech and speech itself using presentations.

The main means of control and evaluation of educational results of students in ICT are tests and test tasksto carry out various types of control: input, intermediate, frontier and final.

Tests can be carried out in on-lain mode (it is performed on a computer in an interactive mode, the result is estimated automatically by the system) and in OFF-LAIN mode (an electronic or printed test version is used; the results assessment is carried out by a teacher with comments, error work).

Using the possibilities of IR technologies in teaching children with special educational needs.

"You will say you - you will forget. You will be shown - you remember. You will do - you will understand "- this statement once again convinces us as it is necessary to use information technologies in the educational process for children with special educational needs.

Information technologies expand the possibilities of learning children and can be particularly effective in teaching children with special educational needs.

In individual training, the unique needs of all students are taken into account and, first of all, those who have difficulty learning or physical deviations. It is necessary to develop a responsible attitude towards studying and the desire to apply technologies to acquire knowledge and skills. Therefore, the school should provide technologies for special features that can be adapted to the needs of each student.

Information on special features and technologies of special opportunities to help teachers of all over the world provide students with the same opportunities when teaching modern technologies, developed by Microsof. Special features support gives students with violations to get a greater amount of information, facilitate the work on the PC. Improving the level of convenience and security makes child learning more efficient. Thus, the use of these functions is another way to ensure equal opportunities to all members of society.

"Special features include three components.

Special features or parameters,built-in software and allowing to customize the product in accordance with visual, auditory, motor, speech and educational needs of the user. Special feature parameters include, for example, changing the size and color of the font and mouse pointer parameters in the Windows operating system . Microsoft® Windows®, Microsoft® Office and Microsoft® Internet Explorer® products support a number of special features and parameters that facilitate the perception of sound and visual information and enhancing the convenience of working with the computer.

Products with special features (special equipment and software) that are carefully selected to meet the needs of users with one or more violations. Such products include a program for increasing the screen for a user with poor vision or ergonomic keyboard for a user with pain in the wrist.

Compatibility of products with special technologiesopportunities with operating system and other software. This is a very important aspect of the normal operation of products with special features. "

The use of information and communication technologies in mathematics lessons in a correctional school.

Concept of modernization russian education Requires a qualitatively new approach to the professional level of teacher training, to mastering the technique and technology of designing professional activities. The shift of priorities towards modern information and communication technologies in education is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. These changes are related: with updating content, methods and organizational forms of training; with the achievement of new learning outcomes; with the formation of ICT in the mass order - competence of subject teachers; using a computer in teaching all learning items.

When using a computer in teaching mathematics, I have some problems:

The majority of existing electronic editions are "closed", that is, it is impossible to use separate fragments of content in the educational process: or everything or nothing.

Sometimes there is no methodological support for the introduction of electronic editions.

Solving the issue of effective use of ICT capabilities in mathematics lessons in the correctional school demanded the search and creating new training tools. A man in nature trusts more eyes, and a huge part of information is perceived by him through a visual analyzer. Given this, I decided to try to mobilize the visual perception of children with developmental deviations, applying multimedia presentations, while organizing work on the development of visual-shaped thinking, attention, memory, create a positive motivation. A positive motivation for cognitive activity may be the result of an interesting interest in unusual lessons with which the schoolchildren were not met before.

Why do I apply my presentations in the educational process? The presentation material is focused on the contingent of my students, taking into account their mental, physical, emotional level of development. Each slide is an educational episode that includes an independent didactic unit. They allow us to apply various types and forms of training activities: receiving information, practical tasks, level control, etc. The content of presentations helps to create visual images. Presentations provide methodological and didactic support for different stages of the lesson. The use of presentations allows me to activate the cognitive activity of students.

When designing a multimedia lesson (like any other), I think about what goals, and the tasks he pursues, what role this lesson plays in the system of lessons under the topic under study or the entire training course, its type, structure, methods, forms of school students' training activities. I conduct an analysis of the content of educational material on the possibility of using ICT, form and methods for submitting information to the screen. Consider the purpose of the lesson:

To study a new material, presentation new information;

To consolidate the past learning skills and skills;

For repetition practical application knowledge gained, skills;

To summarize, systematize knowledge;

To control knowledge, skills, skills.

Multimedia presentations created by me provide methodological and didactic support for various stages of the lesson. Stage of actualization supporting knowledge We are needed for better perception and learning of new knowledge. All information on updating the reference knowledge is presented in a specific sequence of slides, in a specific sequence of image feed on the screen using animation. Thought color gamut. (Application)

The key element in the structure of many lessons is the study of a new material. With a support for him or in relationships with him, the remaining questions are solved in the lessons: be it consolidation, control, etc. In the process of learning mathematics, it is most often associated with solving problems arising from the study of mathematical concepts.

It is possible to distinguish three main stages: preparation for perception, introduction and primary understanding of the new material. Among the various ways to study the new material, the following can be distinguished: the new material is explained by the teacher himself or understands the joint activities with students. The choice of each of these methods depends, above all, on how time the teacher has in the lesson to study the new, on the degree of readiness of schoolchildren to his perception and on the content of the informed concepts.

The combination of my story with a demonstration of the presentation allows you to hold a step-by-step, very detailed introduction of a new material, which is more accessible to assimilating it with children with ABS, as well as emphasize the attention of students on particularly significant moments of educational material. At the stage of studying the new material, I seek the students not passive contemplates of what they present on the screen. I try to organize the process of knowledge to create such an atmosphere in the class so that students not only receive knowledge, but also mined them. The work in the lesson becomes a living action that causes the children genuine interest.

The designed presentation for studying a new material makes it possible to use it for further consolidation of knowledge. This is a great help for students who missed the lesson on this topic (application)

Of course, when studying a new material, issues related to his assimilation are just beginning to be resolved, i.e. understanding, memorization, to apply it skills. To understand much attention under consideration, we pay the actualization of reference knowledge, step by step introduction of a new material, since a large amount of information is difficult to be perceived by children. For better memorization of the main thing in the material study, I use it in presentations with bold font, italics, frame, color. The studied material schoolchildren should be able to apply in various tasks. Therefore, in presentations after the introduction of a new material, a series of exercises is proposed.

Management of student activities in the study of new material should be carried out taking into account psychological and pedagogical patterns. Special attention should be paid to the fact that under passive participation, much eludes the attention of the student. To the more complete, rich perception gives active mental activity, which in the course of familiarization with the material increases if the conditions are followed:

A student getting acquainted with the material at the same time performs a specific task that helps to understand this material deeper;

This task sends a student's efforts to use a certain admission of mental activity (comparison, concretization, etc.)

This technique corresponds to the content of the material, and the greater the stronger the activity;

The student has the knowledge necessary to perform the task, and the skills of using this reception;

The material is not overly easy or very difficult.

No matter how much a lesson has been developed, much depends on how the teacher will prepare for him. He should not only self-confidently own a computer, know the contents of the lesson, but lead it in a good pace, at ease, constantly involving in cognitive process Pupils. It is necessary to consider the change of rhythm, to diversify the forms of training activities, think about how to withstand, if necessary, pause, how to ensure a positive emotional background of the lesson.

When conducting a lesson, you need to take care of feedback with students. Information should be accompanied by questions to them, causing guys on a dialogue, on commenting on what is happening. In no case should not allow the transformation of students in passive contemposes.

When using multimedia presentations, I have the opportunity to constantly "keep your hand on the pulse", see the reaction of students, to respond to a changing situation in time. This is especially important in working with children with ABS, the level of development of which is characterized by the lack of cognitive activity, reduced level of performance, underdevelopment of attention, memory, emotional and personal sphere. Work with such children involves the organization of the active activities of the child. It is not easy to cause such activity, for this you need a special attitude of the schoolboy to the perception of the information offered it. I consider one of my tasks - the development of the cognitive activity of such children by implementing the principle of accessibility of educational material, ensuring the "novelty effect". The lesson using a computer presentation created methodically competently helps to cope with this task.

These lessons are activated by mental processes of students: attention, memory, thinking. Much more actively and faster there is an increase in cognitive interest. Cognitive interest in educational material can not be supported all the time only with bright facts, and its attractiveness cannot be reduced to a surprising and affecting imagination. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that the subject, in order to become interesting, should be only partly new, and partly the sign. New and unexpected always in the educational material stands on the background of an already known and familiar. That is why to maintain cognitive interest in learning schoolchildren in a familiar to see a new one.

The use of the tests created by me introduced to the computer showed that schoolchildren have increased the motivation of the teachings, which is viewed in the results of the diagnosis carried out during school year. Improved learning performance, increased interest in the subject. The behavior of lessons using tests entered on a computer is a powerful incentive in learning. At the same time, the teacher appears the opportunity to show a creative approach to the creation and holding of modern, full-fledged, interesting lesson.

Information technologies in general and tests introduced to the computer in particular allow: to increase the motivation of the exercise through the use of funds to attract attention and develop interest, optimally use time at a lesson, develop thinking, attention, memory, students, improve learning performance.

Information and communication technologies in the educational process.

Currently, an increase in interactivity leads to more intensive participation in the learning process of the student itself, it helps to increase the effectiveness of perception and memorization of educational material. The great features of the computer presentation of information allow intensive use computer presentations At school, not only in learning students, but also in the organization of the educational process. Therefore B. last years An important task is to introduce information and communication technologies (ICT) into the organization of the educational process of the correctional school.

One of the software implementation software is the Microsoft PowerPoint office application, which allows computer support for various activities of participants in the educational process.

In this regard, it is necessary to further develop ICT methods in teacher's activities for organizing and conducting classes with students . Other Direction of presentation creation - Computer support school-wide events. Of great importance in the upbringing and social adaptation of students have school holidays, thematic weeks, reports of circles.

I, together with the teacher of informatics Semenovova E.I. The release of the school newspaper was organized "L @ Stick". The lot with pleasure leads the collection of material to the release of the new newspaper number. Take interviews from teachers. Work in a text editor. We search the Internet. Learn to use the scanner.

The newspaper reflects the events of school life. Pictures of children are published. Children dream and fantasize ...

Thus, my experience in organizing the creation and release of the school newspaper " L @ \u200b\u200bStick"Shows that the children have significantly increased motivation to the teaching. There is an improvement in visual memory, attention.


The student is easier to interest and teach when he perceives the agreed flow of sound and visual images, and it turns out not only information, but also an emotional impact. Multimedia creates a multisensor learning environment. The involvement of all senses leads to an exceptional increase in the degree of assimilation of the material compared to traditional methods. Training using audiovisual means of comprehensive information is the most intensive form of training. Individual dialogue communications using video, graphic, textual and musical and speech inserts is so intense that the learning process maximizes. Solving the problem of connecting information streams of different modality (sound, text, graphics, video) makes the computer with a universal training and information instrument for almost any branch of knowledge and human activity. And this is not by chance, because according to UNESCO, only 12% of the information is digested during audio photography, with visual about 25%, and with an audiovisual up to 65% of perceived information.

An important condition for the implementation of ICT capabilities at school are: equipment at the computer class school, it is desirable to have a local network and Internet access; The readiness of the teacher to the use of ICT in the educational process.

According to the requirements of SanPiN, during the week, the number of lessons using TCO should not exceed the lesson, studying the second and third stage - 4-6 lessons for the student first steps 3-4. After classes with the video file terminal (VDT), it is necessary to carry out gymnastics for the eyes, which is performed in the workplace.

It should be noted that the use of ICT is suitable with use with other educational technologies, not denying, but mutually complementing each other.

The practice of conducting lessons using ICT technology shows that they have a greater correctional impact than ordinary.

Students at such lessons are more actively and willingly turn on to work, the time increases noticeably, during which students are ready and want to concentrately and independently perform the necessary assignment to assimilate the topic.