In December 2012, Russian legislation adopted the Federal It is considered the main regulatory legal act in the field of education.

General education in Russia

Education in our country is aimed at personal development. And also in the learning process, the child must acquire basic knowledge, skills and abilities that will be useful to him in the future for adapting among people and the right choice professions.

steps general education:

  • preschool;
  • general primary (grades 1-4);
  • basic general (grades 5-9);
  • general secondary (grades 10-11).

Thus, it becomes clear that education in Russia is divided into 2 types:

  • preschool - children receive it in kindergartens and schools;
  • school - from grades 1 to 11, children study in educational institutions, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.

Many children, upon entering 1st grade, begin to study under the educational program "Perspective primary school"There are different reviews about it; teachers and parents discuss the program on various forums.

The main provisions of the program include all the requirements of state standards for primary general education. The basis was a system-active approach to the development of a child’s personality.

Program "Promising Primary School" in 1st grade

Reviews from parents and teachers in elementary schools about the Perspective program are varied, but in order to understand its full essence, you need to get to know it in more detail.

What the program studies:

  • philology;
  • mathematics;
  • computer science;
  • social science;
  • art;
  • music.

A child, while studying the program, can generally form his own opinion about the environment and get a complete scientific picture of the world.
The Perspective program has a number of textbooks. Among them:

  • Russian language - alphabet;
  • literary reading;
  • mathematics;
  • computer science and ICT;
  • the world around us;
  • foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics;
  • fine arts;
  • music;
  • technology;
  • English language.

All textbooks included in the “Prospective Primary School” curriculum have been certified for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO. And they were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for use in teaching children in general educational institutions.

The main goal of the entire “Prospective Primary School” program is the full development of the child based on teachers’ support for his individual characteristics. At the same time, the program is designed so that each student will be able to play different roles. Thus, at one time he will be a learner, at another - a teacher, and at certain moments - an organizer. educational process.

Like any program, Prospective Primary School has its own principles in teaching children. The main ones:

  • the development of each individual child must be continuous;
  • in any situation, the child must formulate a holistic picture of the world;
  • the teacher must take into account the characteristics of each student;
  • the teacher protects and strengthens the physical and mental condition of the child;
  • For education, a schoolchild should receive a clear example.

Basic properties of the Perspective program

  1. Completeness - at the time of learning, the child learns to find data from different sources. Such as a textbook, reference book, simple equipment. Children develop business communication skills, as the program develops joint tasks, working in pairs, and solving problems in small and large teams. When explaining new material, the teacher uses several points of view regarding one task, this helps the child consider the situation with different sides. The textbooks contain main characters who help children learn to perceive information while playing.
  2. Instrumentality is specially developed mechanisms for children that help them apply acquired knowledge in practice. It was made so that the child could, without outside help, look for the necessary information not only in the textbook and dictionaries, but also beyond them, in various teaching aids.
  3. Interactivity - each textbook has its own Internet address, thanks to which the student can exchange letters with the characters in the textbooks. This program is used mainly in schools where computers are widely used.
  4. Integration - the program is designed so that the student can get a general picture of the world. For example, in classes on the surrounding world, a child will be able to gain the necessary knowledge from different areas. Such as natural science, social studies, geography, astronomy, life safety. The child also receives an integrated course in lessons literary reading, since the basis of education there includes teaching language, literature and art.

Main features of the Perspective program

For teachers, the developed teaching aids have become great helpers, as they contain detailed lesson plans. Most parents and teachers are satisfied with the program.


  • in addition to textbooks for each subject, a reader, a workbook, and an additional teaching aid for the teacher are included;
  • The course for schoolchildren consists of two parts. In the first part, the teacher is offered theoretical classes, the second part helps the teacher build a lesson plan separately for each lesson. And also in the methodological manual there are answers to all the questions asked in the textbook.

It is worth understanding that education in primary school is a very important process in which the child builds the foundation for all subsequent learning. The curriculum "Perspective Elementary School", reviews confirm this, has many positive aspects. It is quite interesting for a child to gain new knowledge.

How do the authors see the future of their program?

When developing the program, the authors sought to include all the key points that would help the child in later life. After all, it is precisely in elementary school that children must learn to comprehend the correctness of their actions and receive a more complete picture of the world around them.

Nowadays, virtually all school programs are aimed at personal development. "Perspective" was no exception. Therefore, as teachers who have encountered working on this program say, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that the child studies not only at school, but also at home.

Is it worth studying using this system?

Whether to go to school with the “Promising Primary School” program or not is up to each parent to decide for himself. In any case, the child must receive primary education.

Teachers try not to leave negative reviews about the Promising Primary School program, as they will continue to work with it. But the opinions of parents are ambiguous, some like it, some don’t.

What you need to know about the Perspective program:

  • the program is developed very close to the traditional one;
  • should help the child become independent;
  • Parents will not be able to relax; the child will need their help throughout the entire education.

A little about the "Promising Primary School"

If a student goes to study in an elementary school under the Perspective program, reviews for parents very often become a powerful argument to think about whether he will be able to understand all aspects of learning.

The entire program is one large system of interconnected subroutines. At the same time, each discipline is a separate link and is responsible for a specific area of ​​activity. For many parents, reviews of the “Perspective Primary School” curriculum help them correctly assess their capabilities and the abilities of their child.

  • the child must be ready to develop independently;
  • the child must comprehend and understand the basic values ​​in life;
  • It is necessary to motivate the child to learn and learn.

For many parents, these goals seem inappropriate and quite difficult for first grade students. That is why reviews of the Perspective training program (primary school) are far from clear. Some people like textbooks and the material presented in them, others don’t. But this is true for all training programs. Each of them has its own pros and cons, and the task of parents is to understand which is more.

If we consider the program1 "Promising Primary School", 1st grade, the authors' reviews will help you understand the principles on which the entire educational process is built. What are the creators hoping for?

  1. The greatest attention is paid to personality development in this program. The child must understand which human values ​​should be above all.
  2. Education of patriotism. From childhood, a child must be hardworking, respect human rights and freedoms, show love for others, nature, family, and the Motherland.
  3. Combining cultural and educational processes. Protection of national culture and understanding of the significance of all cultures, different nations for the entire state as a whole.
  4. Personal self-realization. The child must be able to develop independently and participate in various creative tasks.
  5. Formation of the correct point of view and general picture of the world.
  6. One of the main goals is to help the child learn to live in society with other people.

From reviews of the "Perspective Elementary School" program, you can understand how completely different children learn information and how adaptation occurs at school. It should be noted that this largely depends on the teacher (sometimes much more than on the program).

Schoolchildren's achievements

An elementary school under the "Perspective" program, reviews from employees of the Ministry of Education confirm this, promotes the harmonious development of students.


  1. In meta-subject results, students cope quite easily with mastering
  2. In subject results, children acquire new knowledge and try to apply it based on the overall picture of the world.
  3. Personal results - students easily study and find the necessary material on their own.

These are the main achievements that the primary school is aimed at with the “Perspective” program. Reviews about the project are often positive, as parents notice changes in their children better side. Many become much more independent.

School program "Perspective Primary School": teacher reviews

Despite the fact that the Perspective program appeared relatively recently, many teachers are already working on it.

Reviews about the “Promising Primary School” program (1st grade) from teachers are very important for parents. Since they work with it and know all the pitfalls that they will have to face.

With the emergence of a large number of school programs for primary schools in the learning process, it is impossible to say for sure which will be better. Likewise, “Perspective” has its pros and cons.

The advantages of teachers include teaching aids for conducting lessons. They are divided into two parts, one of which contains theoretical material, the other - a detailed lesson plan for the school program "Perspective Primary School".

Analysis of teaching and learning complex “Promising Primary School”

The main idea of ​​the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” is the development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics in the conditions of specially organized classroom and extracurricular activities. In this activity, the student, as an equal participant in the educational process, acts as a learner, sometimes as a teacher, sometimes as an organizer of this process. The educational program of each subject of teaching and learning is based on an integrated basis of content and organizational forms of classroom studies and extracurricular activities, reflecting the unity and integrity scientific picture peace and educational activities.

The teaching and learning complex “Prospective Primary School” systematically takes into account modern features educational - educational process in a comprehensive primary school.

The completeness of the educational complex ensures the unity of its focus on the formation of personal and universal educational activities providing the ability to learn.

In addition, completeness includes: a general approach to students’ project activities; demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining new material; going beyond textbooks to the area of ​​nearby dictionaries, reference books, and Internet references; exchange of information between textbooks through cross-references; the presence of a cross-cutting external intrigue, the heroes of which are peers of the students - brother and sister (Misha and Masha) express different points of view when solving problem situations; a unified notation system in all UMK textbooks.

Instrumentality - subject - methodological mechanisms of teaching materials, promoting practical application acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks of the set, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use both in solving specific educational and practical problems, and as an additional source of information. Instrumentality is the constant organization of special work of students to search for information in the textbook and beyond. In addition, it is required to use the simplest tools in the educational process (chips, frames, magnifying glasses, laboratory equipment) and make some in technology lessons for use in other lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Instrumentality involves the transfer of the learning skills developed by students directly into a life situation using self-made tools and crafts. For this purpose, a unified system of practical tasks has been developed, in which knowledge from the fields of natural science, mathematics and technology is mutually linked.

Interactivity ensures the organization of a child's educational activities outside the lesson by the method of direct dialogue with adults through correspondence or access to Internet addresses that are given in textbooks - a set.

Integration is the basis for the deployment of educational material within each subject area. Each textbook creates not only its own subject, but also a general “picture of the world”: mathematical or linguistic patterns that are understandable to younger students; a picture of the relationship and interdependence of living and inanimate nature, nature and culture; a picture of coexistence and mutual understanding of different genres of folklore; a picture of the relationship between different techniques and technologies of applied creativity.

Integration affects the methodology of each subject, which solves not only its own means, but also the means of other subjects, tasks for the formation of personal results and UUD (cognitive, regulatory and communicative)

Basic principles of the developmental, personality-oriented system “Prospective Primary School”

The principle of continuous general development of each student (gifted children and children with disabilities) disabilities health) presupposes the orientation of the content primary education on the spiritual and moral development and education of students, providing for their acceptance of moral norms, ethical guidelines, and national values; on the formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational (extracurricular) activities, plan one’s activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.

The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world involves the selection of integrated educational content that will help the student maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world and ensure awareness of the various connections between its objects and phenomena. One of the main ways to implement this requirement is to take into account interdisciplinary connections and develop integrated courses in the Russian language, speech development, literary reading and the surrounding world, mathematics, and technology.

The principle of taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities) is focused on pedagogical support for all children in the educational process in order to ensure the growth of their creative potential and cognitive motives; enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity; mastering educational material.

The implementation of this requirement became possible in the conditions of the school’s work according to the Standard. In accordance with the requirements of the Standard, the system of planned results especially highlights educational material that has a supporting character, i.e., serving for subsequent training. The basic level of educational results specified in the Standard (“The graduate will learn”) includes a system of such knowledge, skills and learning activities that are essential for successful learning. In addition, with targeted, special work by the teacher, the basic level can be achieved by the vast majority of children, including those with disabilities.

A higher (compared to the basic) level of educational results (“The graduate will have the opportunity to learn”) is characterized by a system of educational activities in relation to knowledge, skills and abilities that expand and deepen the support system, and is achieved by a group of gifted children.

The principles of strength and clarity implement the leading idea of ​​teaching learning through the consideration of the particular (specific observation) to the understanding of the general (comprehension of the pattern), and from the general, i.e., from the comprehended pattern, to the particular, i.e., to the transformation and application of the learned pattern.

The very reproduction of this two-stage structure, its transformation into a mechanism of educational activity in conditions of visual learning is the basis for the implementation of the principle of strength.

The principle of strength presupposes a strictly thought-out system of repetition through repeated return to the material covered. However, the implementation of this requirement on the basis of an activity approach leads to a fundamentally new organization of the process of assimilation, transformation and application of new knowledge. The generalization stage precedes each return to the particular. It is he who gives the student the tool (formed UUD) for the next return to the particular.

The principle of practical orientation provides for the formation of universal educational actions by means of all subjects; the ability to apply them in solving educational problems and practical activities; skills to work with different sources of information (textbook, reader, workbook, dictionaries, popular science and fiction books, magazines and newspapers, Internet); skills to work in collaboration in different capacities (leader, follower, organizer of educational activities); ability to work independently (understood not as work alone and without control, but as work on self-education).

The principle of protecting and strengthening mental and physical health. This requirement is based on the need to develop children’s habits of cleanliness, neatness, and adherence to a daily routine. It is also planned to create conditions for the active participation of children in recreational activities (classroom and extracurricular): morning exercises, dynamic breaks, nature excursions.

Implementing the principle of the activity approach, the educational and methodological set in the developmental person-oriented system “Prospective Primary School” considers the learning process not only as the assimilation of a system of subject knowledge that constitutes the instrumental basis of students’ competence, but also as a process of cognitive development and personality development of students through the organization of the system personal, cognitive, communicative, regulatory educational actions. In this regard, the subject content and the methods of action planned for children to master are presented in the educational complex in interrelation and interdependence through a system of questions and tasks.

The problematic nature of the presentation of educational texts in textbooks is achieved through:

Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining new material;

Going beyond the textbook into the area of ​​dictionaries and reference books

and Internet;

A system of observations, experimental and experimental studies of the phenomena of the surrounding world;

A special location of questions-tasks that target students to creative work researchers who discover patterns and rules;

Illustrative material (photos, tables, maps, paintings, etc.).

A system of various forms of organizing educational activities is provided by interdisciplinary connections of content and methods of action aimed at the personal, social, cognitive and communicative development of children.

For example, to develop in schoolchildren the general educational skill of “searching for (checking) necessary information in dictionaries and reference books,” it is not enough that dictionaries and reference books of various kinds be included in all textbooks. In this regard, in textbooks for grades 1-4, situations are systematically created when the use of dictionaries, reference books, and the Internet is really necessary (without their use, studying new material or solving a specific problematic situation impossible).

Select sources of additional information;

Participation in the work of a scientific club, project activities, or access to the Internet (extracurricular activities);

Social games in the classroom (the role of a consultant, experimenter, speaker, chairman of a junior school student’s science club meeting, etc.);

The educational texts of the textbooks in the set are constructed taking into account the possibility of assessing current educational achievements (both by the student and the teacher). This is first of all:

Self-check and mutual check tasks (work in pairs);

Tasks of increased complexity, olympiad tasks, introductory tasks and control tasks for members of the scientific club of junior schoolchildren.

The structure of each textbook provides a variety of forms of organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren with a system of special tasks, where the student acts either in the role of a student, then in the role of a teacher (consultant, experimenter, chairman), or in the role of an organizer of the educational activities of the class team.

In the 2011-12 academic year, the first grades of MBOU secondary school No. 3 will begin training in the teaching and learning complex “Prospective Primary School” because the conceptual provisions of the developing person-oriented education system, the system-activity approach to training are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO. The educational material is presented in an accessible form, there are many interesting system tasks for the formation of UUD.

1. Teaching literacy and writing. ,

2. Russian language,

3. Literary reading. .

4. Mathematics.

5. The world around us. ,

How does this educational complex implement the principles of the activity approach?

Optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality in the conditions of specially organized educational activities.

The ABC textbook and workbook contain exercises for modeling sentences, constructing letters, pronouncing, and creating a problem situation.

The textbook “Mathematics” traces a system of exercises for the development of voluntary attention (enclose in a red frame, circle with a blue pencil), for the development of fine motor skills (color, circle, draw). There are tasks of a practical nature (draw..., continue...), and creative ones.

Formation of tools for the analysis of works of art, creation of texts of a certain genre; practical and creative nature of tasks; cognition through the presentation of a system of experimental tasks aimed at observation and practical interaction.

Conducting lessons and workshops on the world around us allows children to observe, reason, analyze, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Does the educational complex have a problematic nature in presenting the content, requiring an activity-based approach?

In accordance with the technology of problem dialogue, students in the lesson participate in the joint discovery of knowledge, focusing on the goal formulated by the students themselves. There are a sufficient number of problematic tasks that require an activity-based approach.

The educational complex has an experimental approach, a problematic nature, do-it-yourself tasks, experiments and comparisons of living and inanimate nature

How does the structure of an individual textbook provide a variety of forms of organizing educational activities?

A combination of productive and reproductive teaching methods and techniques; collective, group, individual forms work; creating conditions for psychological comfort.

Taking into account the age characteristics of students, the structure of the lessons includes playful and entertaining material: riddles, poems, games and fun tasks in poetry, work with dictionaries (spelling, spelling, explanatory, etymological).

The textbooks are designed to work in pairs, groups, and change roles. The order in which sounds and letters are learned gives children a clear idea of ​​the differential features of consonants.

Do you see a system in the variety of forms of organizing educational activities presented in the educational complex? What is it?

Particular attention is paid to the activity-based, practical content of education, specific methods of activity, and the application of acquired knowledge and skills in real life situations.

By building on the skills learned in the previous lesson, students expand and consolidate their knowledge.

Literary reading tasks aimed at rereading the text for various content reasons; to fulfill certain organizational requirements.

The tasks are of different types. There are many interesting creative tasks, games, tasks for comparing sounds, words, and working with text.

Mathematics assignments are aimed at developing logical thinking and practicing computational skills.

Assignments on the surrounding world are aimed at an integrated course in the educational field “man”, “environment”; repetition, ability to draw conclusions, independent experimental activities.

Does the educational complex provide a combination of results (subject, meta-subject and personal) for mastering the program?

Forms imaginative and logical thinking; subject skills necessary for successfully solving educational and practical problems, continuing education; desire to use knowledge in everyday life.

The ABC texts, illustrative and vocabulary material, and specially designed tasks make it possible to systematically solve the problems of forming the entire complex of UUD.

The educational complex solves the general problems of humanitarian development: the education of consciousness capable of discovering meaning and beauty in the world around us. Solves problems of a child’s mathematical development, teaches logical thinking, and develops visual memory.

Solves general tasks of the natural-mathematical cycle of a conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality, practical interaction with objects of living and inanimate nature.

Does this educational complex reflect the interests and needs of the modern child? What does this mean?

Taking into account the individual characteristics of each child brings to the fore the problem of the relationship between learning and development.

Students develop skills in oral and written communication; searching for information within one source of knowledge; searching for information in different sources; practical application of knowledge and skills in life situations. To create conditions for survival in the world of information, the educational complex has developed a system of work that encourages students to constantly obtain information themselves and operate with it (working with dictionaries).

The texts are selected from different genres and styles and carry information that is interesting to the child. There are a sufficient number of texts that arouse interest and pronounced positive emotions; the advantage of texts containing moral problems relevant to children 6-7 years old.

The educational complex reflects the interests and needs of the modern child, develops the ability to observe the world around him, discover its secrets, and enjoy communicating with him.

Does the educational complex offer an assessment mechanism that allows you to track the dynamics of students’ personal achievements? If yes, then what does this mean?

The assessment mechanism proposed by the educational complex makes it possible to track the dynamics of students’ personal achievements in the sequence of tasks: the result of the previous task is the beginning of the next one; in a variety of forms of exercise;

“Think”, “Do it yourself”: tasks for comparing folklore works, distinguishing rhymes, experience, conducting an experiment, self-assessment.

Environmental tasks to the world “Show your friend...”, “Add with your own examples”, “Do you know...” help the child assess his capabilities, realize the value of nature and the need to bear responsibility for its conservation.

Give examples of educational tasks that ensure the formation of UUD. Provide examples of all UUD groups.

The assignments and exercises of the teaching materials textbooks ensure the formation of educational skills: personal, regulatory, general cognitive and communicative.

Working with dictionaries, modeling letters and sentences, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, comparing with a model, developing dialogical speech when working in pairs and mini-groups, extracting the necessary information from listened texts, teaching methods of self-assessment and mutual assessment, tasks aimed at the child’s awareness in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

Formation of the need and motive for reading initial reading skills (poetic form, short line, rhyme, rhythm, repetitions), conscious reading, short oral statements.

Formation perceived need independent work, experimental activities. The tasks are structured in a playful way and focus children on observations and practical interaction with environment, forces you to apply your knowledge in practice. The material is differentiated.

Personal UUD:

A system of tasks orienting a primary school student to help the heroes of the textbook (Masha and Misha), if you look carefully at the drawing and ... "Teacher. “Mathematics” (part 1) - pp. 8,16, 36, 39, 40, 52, 93;

Liter. reading: “Help Masha (Misha) explain (confirm, prove, determine, answer this question”: pp. 5.9,13,22, 41, 46-48, 67;

Rus. language tasks like: “And if not in a letter, but in continuous or separate writing, is this also called a spelling?” – asked Masha. How will you answer Masha? “Help the guys answer this question”; “Why does your desk neighbor have one less example?”; “Explain to your desk neighbor why the double consonant letter N is written in all these words.”

Env. world: personal learning activities are provided by the plot basis of the course and the interactive nature of educational texts. During the dialogue, questions are asked: “What is the reason for the hero’s reasoning error?”, “Compare and evaluate two approaches”; the ability to correlate one’s actions, the results of one’s activities with the actions and results of one’s peers.

Communicative UUD : rus. language.: tasks that require sharing work with a deskmate: p.8,11, 28, 30, 44, 46, 48, 61, 67;

Training in working with information presented in graphic form: With. 42, 52, 60, 65, 72.

Lit. reading: reading in a chain or by role: a boring fairy tale (p. 9), counting rhymes (p. 10-11), tongue twisters (p. 23), N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno2 (p. 28-31), A. Dmitriev “Barrier” (p.33), B. Zakhoder “Pleasant meeting” (p.55), S. Voronin “An extraordinary daisy” (p.60-63).

“Some riddles are a little like teasers,” Misha said. Can you confirm his opinion? (p.16); Masha is sure: “These are jokes and fables!” And what do you think, “Can you explain Masha’s answer” (p. 67); With. 34, 37, 38, 47, 69-70.

Mathematics Part 1 : tasks like “Write down the answer to the problem that you came up with and solved. Invite your desk neighbor to come up with a problem that would yield the same answer when solved. Check the solution to your problems” p. 6.11, 14-16, 19-20, 27, 31, 48-49. Part 2 p. 8, 13, 17, 19, 32, 46, 49.

Env. world: tasks on the ability to plan one’s activities, evaluate one’s actions, and defend one’s point of view with reason.

Dialogue between a student and the heroes of a school club meeting;

Cognitive UUD:

Training in working with different types of information:

1) developing the ability to search for the beginning of a lesson using symbols: the chapter symbol and the ordinal symbol of the lesson, the ability to correlate these symbols in the textbook and notebook: p. 5, 7,8-9

Mathematics part 1: formulation of a rule based on the identification of essential features p. 6.7, 65, 71, 77, 83, 90; part 2 p. 4-5, 8, 14, 10, 77, 20, 22, 38, 39; complete tasks using material objects, drawings, diagrams (p. 14, 24-25. 30, 41, 59, 62,64); complete tasks based on drawings and diagrams made independently (pp. 5,8.11-12.14,30,38); carry out comparison, classification, choosing the most effective solution or the correct solution (correct answer) p. 83, 90-92; 10, 26, 39, 33, 52; use (build) tables, check against the table (pp. 28-30, 42,; build a logical chain of reasoning (pp. 29, 34, 49, 71, 74);

Env. world: the use of illustrative material from the textbook as a plan, as stages of setting up experiments or completing tasks (pp. 52-53, 28-29); ready-made models (symbols, globe, plan, map for observations, explanations of natural phenomena, identification of signs and properties objects (“Observation”, “Experience”, “Make a suggestion”, “Work in pairs”, “Be careful” Theme “Test yourself” (p. 77, 76, 6-7, 18-19, 20-23). ).

Regulatory UUD ensure that students organize their activities: (mathematics) completing tasks to control their activities in the course or results of completing tasks. A system of tasks that guides the primary school student to check the correctness of completing a task according to a rule, algorithm, using a table, drawings (part 1 p. 9,83,89,90; part 2 p. 14,10,11, 26-27, 39-40, 52-53). “Check your solution”, “What rule will help you complete this task?”

Understanding and transformation of information: “How to speak correctly: as in the first or second sentence?”, “Confirm” “Prove”, (R. language part 1 pp. 9-10,30, 40, 44, 47-48 ); assessment of the reliability of the information received: “Masha decided that these words should be looked for with the letter - D. Is Masha right”; Check your guess: find the word in the Explanatory Dictionary” (R. language, part 1 p. 8, 13, 56, 59, 70, 74).

How is children's independence formed in this educational complex?

The student, as an equal participant in the learning process, acts either as a learner or as an organizer of a learning situation.

Maximum placement of the methodological apparatus in the textbook itself: a system of questions, organization of the form of educational activity; a system of tasks of various types on topics, verbal formulations and pictograms.

Modeling and designing letters, sentences, working with reference books, dictionaries, understanding the general pattern through consideration of particulars. By observing and making comparisons under the guidance of the teacher, the student makes his first independent conclusions. A system of techniques is used that forms phonemic hearing (lit. reading).

A system of questions, organizing a form of educational activity, joining the all-Union school club “We and the world around us”, tasks that form a sense of patriotism and pride for one’s country, for one’s planet (the world around us).

How are control actions formed in the teaching and learning system?

The action of control is formed in various forms of training proposed by the educational complex (tasks in notebooks for independent work, club work, testing).

Tasks to determine the differences between small genres of folklore, the differences between folklore and a literary text, a poetic text from a prose text, and the features of poetic folklore texts. Reading in pairs. Comparison with a sample, discussion in pairs, groups, formulation of conclusions, system of self-assessment and mutual assessment, exchange of opinions.

The assignments are aimed at applying theoretical knowledge in practical activities. (“Guess”, “stick”, “cut out”, “connect with lines”).

How is educational cooperation presented in the educational complex with the goal of “Achieving the personal, social and cognitive development of students”?

Preservation and support of the child’s individuality based on his life experience; consistent formation in a child of generalized skills based on the ability to observe and analyze, identify essential features and, on their basis, generalize special skills - working with popular science, reference books.

“Think” (p.53): “Are these children like you? Is mom really having fun? Appeal to students' personal experiences. The discrepancy between the opinions of cross-cutting heroes Masha and Misha: by looking for arguments, the student determines himself.

Tasks aimed at personal interest in the acquired knowledge (knowing your postal address); problem dialogue, with the help of which children learn to set goals and find solutions; tasks aimed at independent completion, completion of the missing component, classification of objects; questions that require comprehension and generalization of knowledge

Env. world. Page 8-9. We experience the world around us through our senses.

Pages 26-27. “Think about the plants we see from a helicopter. What color is autumn? Appeal to the personal experience of students, the opinions of other students, the ability to draw conclusions, give characteristics, the student determines himself.

Do you think that this educational complex really creates conditions for motivating a student to learn? If yes, then how is this done?

The educational complex creates conditions for motivating the student to learn. Formation of students' learning skills: variety of forms of education, textbook requirements for completing assignments.

Formation of a reading motive: the selected texts evoke pronounced positive emotions, are playful in nature, and are aimed at developing a sense of humor.

The inclusion of works of various genres in the textbook contributes to the development of students' cognitive interest.

The tasks evoke positive emotions, are playful in nature, and are aimed at developing logical thinking.

By observing and comparing, children draw independent conclusions and gradually move along the path of knowledge. The activity is productive.

How does this educational complex provide conditions for individual development all students?

The forms of education offered by the educational complex allow schoolchildren to independently make choices, make decisions, explain and prove their own opinions, and express their thoughts.

Creating a situation of success, accessibility of small genres of folklore to age, preference for poetic form, the presence of numerous text repetitions.

Interesting creative tasks have been selected. The illustrations are carefully selected; they are easy to use for vocabulary work and to give individual assignments.

There are a sufficient number of tasks aimed at independently extracting information and operating with it.

Tasks allow children to communicate, express their personal opinions, choose the right solution, and prove their choice. Creating a situation of success, accessibility to age.

A variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity.

Do you have a need to change the teaching materials in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO?

Conceptual provisions of a developing person-centered training system "Promising Primary School" correlated with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education (hereinafter referred to as Standard).

All of the following provisions have found their development in the didactic principles of the developing person-oriented education system “Prospective Primary School” and in the typical properties of the educational and methodological set (TMC) that implements this system.

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which assumes:

  • nurturing personality qualities that meet the requirements of the information society based on respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition Russian society;
  • orientation to the results of education as a system-forming component of the Standard, where the development of the student’s personality based on the assimilation of universal learning activities (ULA), knowledge and mastery of the surrounding world is the goal and main result of education;
  • guarantee of achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary education;
  • recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, methods of organizing the educational process and interaction of participants in the educational process in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;
  • ensuring continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;
  • taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;
  • a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity (see Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. - M.: Education, 2010, p. 4).

The main tasks of primary general education: development of the student’s personality, his creativity, interest in learning, formation of the desire and ability to learn; education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and valuable positive attitude towards oneself and others.

Solving these problems is possible if we proceed from a humanistic conviction based on data educational psychology: All children are capable of success in primary school if the necessary conditions are created for them. And one of these conditions is a person-oriented approach to the child based on his life experience.

The proposed educational and methodological set (TMS) “Prospective Primary School” is based on the fact that a child’s EXPERIENCE is not only his age, but also the image of the world that is determined by his rootedness in the natural and subject environment. The EXPERIENCE of the child (the recipient of the educational instruction), which is important to take into account, is not only the experience of city life with developed infrastructure, various sources of information, but also the experience of rural life - with the natural rhythm of life, the preservation of a holistic picture of the world, and distance from large cultural objects.

A junior schoolchild living in a village should feel that the world that surrounds him is taken into account by the authors of the teaching materials, that each manual in this set is addressed to him personally.

The concept that underlies the creation of a set of textbooks for grades 1–4, of course, could not have appeared without generalizing the experience of the functioning of those sets that are popular and effective in primary school today. These are, first of all, sets of textbooks on developmental education systems by L.V. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov, a set of textbooks “School of the XXI century” edited by academician N.F. Vinogradova, set of textbooks “Harmony”. Only by taking into account the strengths of all areas was it possible to develop the concept of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” and create a new educational and methodological set.

The main idea of ​​the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” is the optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a student or as a teacher, then in the role of organizer of a learning situation.

Pedagogical support for the child’s individuality during learning brings to the fore the problem of the relationship between learning and development. A system of tasks of different levels of difficulty, a combination of a child’s individual educational activity with his work in small groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, that is, in the zone of proximal development of each student based on taking into account the level of his actual development and personal interests. What a student cannot do individually, he can do with the help of a deskmate or in a small group. And what is difficult for a specific small group becomes understandable in the process of collective activity.

A high degree of differentiation of questions and tasks and their number allow the primary school student to work in the conditions of his current development and create opportunities for his individual advancement.
  • formation of cognitive interests of schoolchildren and their readiness for self-educational activities based on taking into account individual inclinations to study a particular subject area; development of mental abilities, creative thinking; fostering a sense of respect for erudition and subject competence;
  • nurturing socio-psychological adaptation to the educational process and to life in a team: readiness to take responsibility, make decisions and act, work as a follower and leader in a team, communicate both in a group of peers and with elders, criticize and not be offended by criticism, helping others, explaining and proving one’s own opinion;
  • upbringing physical culture younger schoolchildren: awareness of the value of a healthy lifestyle, understanding the harm of alcohol and drugs, increasing awareness in various areas of physical education, ensuring life safety;
  • the formation of the aesthetic consciousness of junior schoolchildren and artistic taste: the aesthetic ability to feel the beauty of the surrounding world and understand the meaning and beauty of works of artistic culture; education of aesthetic sense;
  • social and moral education of schoolchildren: development of natural inclinations to sympathize and empathize with one’s neighbor, formation of the ability to distinguish and analyze one’s own emotional experiences and the states and experiences of other people; instilling respect for other people's opinions, developing skills to communicate in society and family, familiarity with ethical standards and their cultural and historical background, awareness of their value and necessity.

Main content The educational complex “Prospective Primary School” consists of such educational areas as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural science and social studies, art, and music education.

The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis, reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

The team of authors of the project set themselves the task of creating such a teaching and learning system that systematically takes into account the modern CHALLENGES and ADVANTAGES OF THE TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL PROCESS in PRIMARY SCHOOL. Moreover, as mentioned above, it is meant that this is not only a city school, but also a school located in a rural area.

When selecting educational material, developing the language for presenting the material, and developing the methodological apparatus of the set, the following were taken into account: provisions:

  1. the age of the student (a first-grader can be either six or seven or eight years old);
  2. different levels of its development (a student who has not attended kindergarten often comes to school with unformed sensory standards);
  3. topographical affiliation of the student. This is not only an urban, but also a rural schoolchild. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the life experience of a student living in both urban and rural areas. It is advisable to select material that takes into account not only what a rural schoolchild is deprived of compared to an urban one, but also the advantages that life in rural areas gives: a rich natural environment, a holistic image of the world, rootedness in the natural subject environment, natural rhythm of life, folk traditions and family way of life, as well as high degree social control;
  4. different levels of Russian language proficiency. This is not always a student who is a native speaker of the Moscow pronunciation norm, and not always a student whose only language of communication is Russian. This is, as a rule, a schoolchild with a large number of speech therapy problems;
  5. features of the worldview of a schoolchild who often communicates with one carrier of knowledge - his teacher. The different class sizes were also taken into account. This educational and methodological set is intended not only for a student studying in a full class, but also for a student in a small and small school.

Basic principles of the “promising primary school” concept

The principle of continuous overall development of each child presupposes the orientation of the content of primary education towards emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development and self-development of each child.

It is necessary to create such learning conditions that will provide a “chance” for each child to show independence and initiative in various types educational or club activities.

The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world involves the selection of such educational content that will help the student maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, will ensure the child’s awareness of the various connections between its objects and phenomena.

One of the main ways to implement this principle is to take into account interdisciplinary connections and develop integrated courses in the Russian language and literary reading, the environment and technology.

The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren is focused on constant pedagogical support for all students (including those who, for one reason or another, cannot master all the presented educational content). Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a multi-level representation of knowledge throughout all years of primary education. Fulfillment of this requirement became possible under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal component of the state standard of general education.

The standard provides every child with the opportunity to master the entire content of education at the mandatory minimum level. At the same time, “Requirements for the level of training of students graduating from primary school” have been defined, which record a satisfactory level of training.

Principles of strength and visibility. These principles, on which the traditional school has been based for centuries, implement the leading idea of ​​the educational and methodological set: THROUGH consideration of the PARTICULAR (specific observation) to the understanding of the GENERAL (comprehension of the pattern), from the GENERAL, i.e. from the comprehended pattern, to the PARTICULAR, i.e. to a method for solving a specific educational task. The very reproduction of this two-stage structure, its transformation into a mechanism of educational activity in conditions OBJECTIVE learning is the basis for the implementation of the principle of STRENGTH.

The principle of strength presupposes a strictly thought-out system of repetition, that is, repeated return to already covered material. However, the implementation of this provision on the basis of the constant development of the student leads to a fundamentally new special structure of teaching materials textbooks.

The implementation of the principles of strength and developmental learning requires a well-thought-out mechanism that meets the leading idea: each successive return to the particular is productive only if the stage of generalization has been passed, which gave schoolchildren a tool for the next return to the particular.

For example, algorithms for subtraction, addition, multiplication, and long division are first “discovered” by schoolchildren based on the corresponding actions with numbers in a row. They are then formulated as patterns and, finally, used as mechanisms for corresponding mathematical operations. In “The World Around us”: from a variety of animals (plants), for one reason or another, separate groups are distinguished, then each newly studied animal (plant) is correlated with known groups. In “Literary Reading”: one or another literary genre is highlighted, and then, when reading each new text, its belonging to one of the literary genres is determined, etc.

The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children. The implementation of this principle is associated with the formation of habits of cleanliness, order, neatness, adherence to the daily routine, and the creation of conditions for the active participation of children in recreational activities (morning exercises, dynamic breaks during school hours, nature excursions, etc.).

The practical implementation of the principles of DEVELOPMENTAL TEACHING and the principles of STRENGTH and VISUALITY becomes possible through a methodological system that represents the unity of typical properties inherent in both the methodology of teaching literacy, the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, and all other subjects. These typical properties, in turn, determine the special structure of the textbook, a single set for the whole.

Typical properties of a methodological system: completeness, instrumentality, interactivity and integration

COMPLETENESS as a typical property of teaching materials, first of all, it provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability of business communication (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, the methodological apparatus of all textbooks meets a system of uniform requirements. This is an exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstrate at least two points of view when explaining new material. Moving beyond the textbook into the dictionary zone. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha). General method of PROJECTS.

INSTRUMENTALITY- these are subject-specific and methodological mechanisms that promote the practical application of acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.

In addition, instrumentality is also a requirement for the use of simple tools in the educational process (magnifying glass, frames, rulers, compass, thermometer, colored pencils as markers, etc.) to solve specific educational problems. Instrumentality is not only the organization of the student’s use of various tools in all lessons, but also the preparation of “tools” in technology lessons for others.

Instrumentality is also a tool for perceiving reality (creating conditions for children to express two equal points of view, to work with several sources of information).

Instrumentality is also the maximum placement of the methodological apparatus in the body of the textbook, designed both for individual completion of tasks and for paired or group work; differentiation of educational tasks focused on the different levels of development of schoolchildren. This is a unified system of special allocations of educational material in all textbooks.

INTERACTIVITY- a new requirement of the methodological system of a modern educational kit. Interactivity is understood as direct interactive interaction between the student and the textbook outside the lesson by accessing a computer or through correspondence. Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of conditions for using computers in all schools and the ability of schoolchildren to access these modern sources of information. However, since for many schools the use of Internet addresses is a prospect, the educational complex is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through the systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.

Psychological characteristics The characters in the textbooks are so convincing that they inspire students’ trust and desire to communicate (correspond) with them. Those students who lack impressions and communication and need additional emotional support join the club and actively correspond with the characters in textbooks. This, as the experiment showed, is every fourth student in the class.

Interactivity is also a requirement for the implementation of interactive projects within such educational areas as “Language and Literary Reading” and “Natural Science. Social Studies" and "Technology".

INTEGRATION- the most important basis for the unity of the methodological system. This is, first of all, an understanding of the conventions of a strict division of natural science and humanities knowledge into separate educational areas, the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give schoolchildren an idea of ​​​​a holistic picture of the world. It is this typical pedagogical property that became the basis for the development of the integrated course “The World Around us,” in which ideas and concepts from such educational fields as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist and are mutually linked. The modern literary reading course, which integrates educational areas such as language, literature and art, is subject to the same requirement. The course “Literary Reading” is structured as a synthetic one: it involves familiarity with literature as the art of words, as one of the art forms among others (painting, graphics, music), as a phenomenon of artistic culture that grew out of myth and folklore.

Integration is the principle of deploying subject material within each subject area. Each textbook creates not only its own, but also a general “picture of the world” - a picture of mathematical or linguistic patterns that are understandable to a primary school student; a picture of the relationship and interdependence of living and inanimate nature, nature and culture; a picture of the coexistence and mutual influence of different genres of folklore; a picture of the relationship between different techniques and technologies of applied creativity, etc.

Integration affects the methodology of each subject, which solves, both by common means and by its own means, general subject tasks for the assimilation of sensory standards by primary schoolchildren and the formation of intellectual skills (observation activities, mental activity, educational activities, joint collective activities).

For example, intrigue in a textbook on the world around us is a way of integrating material on biology, geography and history. The heroes - brother and sister - are specific children with specific parents and a specific place of residence. As the characters grow up, they move beyond the boundaries of their specific place of residence into a larger natural, social and historical environment. Intrigue in textbooks of the Russian language and literary reading allows one to practically master the plot and compositional features of the fairy tale genre; encourages students to constantly keep two plans in mind - the plan of intrigue and the plan of solving the educational problem, which is important and useful psychological training. Integration makes it possible to establish a connection between the acquired knowledge about the world around us and the specific practical activities of students in applying this knowledge. That is, practically implement one of the requirements of the primary education standard (section “Use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life”) for all subjects.

Distinctive features of teaching materials include the maximum placement of methodological apparatus, including organizational forms of work, in the body of the textbook itself; usage unified system symbols throughout the educational complex; a system of cross-reciprocal references between textbooks; the use of common cross-cutting characters (brother and sister); step-by-step introduction of terminology and motivated use of it.

Taking into account the fact that there are a large number of small schools in our country required the maximum placement of the methodological apparatus on the pages of the textbook. Detailed wording of tasks together with an indication of the organizational forms of completing the work (independently, in pairs, etc.) allow the student for a sufficiently long time not to distract the teacher, who may be busy with another task. age group students. The small school necessitated the creation of a unified educational field for students in grades 2–4.

In our set, this problem is solved by an external intrigue that is common to all textbooks in the set. This allows schoolchildren of different educational ages, sitting in the same room, to be in the same field of intrigue (common characters who communicate with them for 4 years) and engage in similar types of educational activities (using the vocabulary part of the textbook in each class for solving various educational problems).

A small and undergraduated school has the opportunity to use textbook characters to “replenish the class” because they represent several more points of view.

It was the focus on students of a small primary school that prompted the developers of the kit to focus on increasing the role and status of independent work students. Throughout all 4 years of study in all basic subjects (Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the outside world), students are required to work in “Notebooks for independent work” on a printed basis.

Main methodological features of teaching materials

The teaching materials for each academic subject, as a rule, include a textbook, an anthology, a notebook for independent work, and a methodological manual for the teacher (methodologist).

Each methodological manual consists of two parts:

  1. Theoretical, which can be used by a teacher as a theoretical basis for improving his qualifications.
  2. Direct lesson-thematic planning, which outlines the course of each lesson, formulates its goals and objectives, and also contains ideas for answers to ALL questions asked in the textbook.

working on the educational complex "Perspective"

The main educational program of primary general education for educational institutions working on the educational complex “Perspective” (Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Center for System-Active Pedagogy “School 2000...” of AIC and PPRO, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education), has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for the structure of the main educational program (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 000); based on analysis activities of an educational institution taking into account the capabilities of the Educational and Methodological Complex “Perspective”.

The educational program “Perspective” is a system of interrelated programs, each of which is an independent link, providing a specific direction of activity of the educational institution. The unity of these programs forms a complete system for supporting the life, functioning and development of a particular educational institution.

Educational program "Perspective" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard contains the following sections:

    explanatory note; the planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”; sample curriculum of the educational complex “Perspective”; a program for the formation of universal educational actions for students at the level of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”; programs of individual academic subjects and courses included in the educational complex “Perspective”; a program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the level of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”; a program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle based on the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”*; a program of correctional work based on the principles of activity in the educational complex “Perspective”**; system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

The program complies with the basic principles of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, set out in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. This:

    humanistic nature of education, priority universal human values, human life and health, free development of personality; education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for surrounding nature, Motherland, family; the unity of the federal cultural and educational space, the protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state; accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of development and training of students and pupils; ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization, creative development; formation of a student’s picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and level of education; the formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society; promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between people and nations, regardless of national, religious and social affiliation.

The goal of implementing the educational program “Perspective” is:

    creating conditions for the development and upbringing of the personality of a junior schoolchild in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education; achieving planned results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and on the basis of the educational complex “Perspective”.

Objectives of the implementation of the educational program “Perspective”:

    Achieving personal results for students:
      students' readiness and ability for self-development; formation of motivation for learning and cognition; understanding and acceptance of basic core values.
    Achieving meta-subject results for students: Mastering universal educational activities (regulatory, cognitive, communicative). Achieving substantive results: Mastering the experience of substantive activities to obtain new knowledge, its transformation and application based on elements of scientific knowledge, the modern scientific picture of the world.

Based on the general requirements for programs, each educational institution enters into the Explanatory Note individual characteristics, due to the specifics of this particular institution. These features are reflected in the following provisions of the activity analysis:

    Full name of the OS in accordance with the Charter; the time of its creation; registering it as a legal entity
    ; deadlines for licensing and certification; obtaining a Certificate of State accreditation and status of the institution (gymnasium, lyceum, school with in-depth study... etc.). Structure of the educational environment: interaction of this particular institution with institutions of basic and additional education: network interaction. Characteristics of the student population: number of classes, extended day groups. Characteristics of parents' educational needs. Operating hours of the educational institution: number of shifts, duration of training sessions. Characteristics of personnel: total number of teachers. Middle age teachers, their educational qualifications, availability academic degrees, titles, categories, etc.) Creative achievements of students and teachers: participation in competitions, seminars, conferences. Material and technical base of the educational institution. OU traditions: memorial watch, alumni congress, honoring veterans, etc.

UMK "Perspective" represents a holistic information and educational environment for primary schools, designed on the basis of unified ideological, didactic and methodological principles that are adequate to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. This approach makes it possible to put into practice the key provision of the Federal State Educational Standard: “The effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by the information and educational environment? a system of information and educational resources and tools that provide conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of an educational institution.”

Ideological basis The teaching and learning complex “Perspective” is the “Concept of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a citizen of Russia”, aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creativity, self-development, morality as the basis for a student’s successful self-realization in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

Didactic basis The educational complex "Perspective" is a didactic system of the activity method (), synthesizing, on the basis of a methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts development education from the standpoint of continuity scientific views With traditional school(Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education dated January 1, 2001, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 2002).

Methodological basis is the totality modern methods and methods of training and education implemented in the educational complex “Perspective” (project activities, work with information, world of activity, etc.). Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, reading books, guidelines for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD videos; DVDs with scripts for lessons that implement the activity-based teaching method; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; software for interactive whiteboards, etc.), Internet support and other resources for all subjects areas of the Federal State Educational Standards curriculum (Federal State Educational Standards, section III, clause 19.3.).

Municipal educational institution"Secondary school No. 27"

Department of Education of the local administration of the city. Nalchik

Educational program


Adopted by the pedagogical council


Importance and relevance of the problem methodological support educational process in primary school in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Primary school is the most important stage in the process of a student’s general education. In four years, he must not only master the program material of the subject disciplines, but also learn to study - to become a “professional student.”

As an organizational form of training; All cognitive and educational tasks are solved by students in conditions of joint activity, cooperation and collaboration with the teacher and peers.

4. The principle of creative activity presupposes:

Stimulating and encouraging the creative activity of students, initiating the formulation of new cognitive and artistic-creative tasks;

Participation in project-based collective forms of work;

Creating a favorable atmosphere for unleashing the creative potential of each child based on interpersonal relationships, built on a model of equality, respect and recognition of the self-worth of each student.

Activity paradigm of education

How the most important condition implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Speaking about the activity paradigm, it should be noted that its implementation depends largely on the teacher. The textbooks of the educational educational complex “Perspective”, methodological recommendations and “Technological maps” (a new innovative methodological manual) offer materials, methods and techniques that will help the teacher organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The system-activity approach that forms the basis of the educational complex “Perspective” assumes:

Education and development of personal qualities that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a democratic, civil society based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Russian society;

Transition to strategy social design and design in the education system based on the development of content and educational technologies that determine the ways and means of achieving a socially desired level (result) of personal and cognitive development of students;

Focus on educational results as a system-forming component of the Federal State Educational Standard, where the development of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational actions, knowledge and mastery of the world is the goal and main result of education;

Recognition of the decisive role of the content of education and methods of organizing educational activities and educational cooperation in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;

Taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;

Ensuring continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;

A variety of individual educational trajectories and individual development of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of educational cooperation and expansion of the zone of proximal development.

All these areas are reflected in the content of the “Technological Maps”. You can get acquainted with them on the website of the Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye" at the link: http://www. *****/umk/perspektiva section “Perspective” for the teacher.”

Technological map allows:

· implement the education standard;

· understand and apply in the system the proposed technology for the formation of universal educational actions in students;

· to form a holistic picture of the world through the real use of “interdisciplinary connections”;

· fully use the educational potential of the educational complex “Perspektiva”;

· determine the level of disclosure of the material and correlate it with the material being studied in subsequent grades;

· implement regional and school material based on the material of the educational complex “Perspective”

· realize your creativity(the technological map contains ready-made developments of all topics of the curriculum subjects,

· the teacher is freed from routine unproductive work preparing for lessons);

· individualize and differentiate the educational process.

To fully and effectively use technological maps, you need to know a number of principles and provisions that are mandatory for working with it. “Technological map” is a new type of methodological product that provides the teacher with effective and high-quality mastery of a new educational course by moving from lesson planning to designing the educational process by topic. The technological map provides a description of the learning process in a certain structure and in a given sequence.

Design of universal tools ( technological map) is aimed at achieving the results stated in the standards second generation. The standards answer the question: “What to teach?”, the technological map – “How to teach“How to help a child effectively master the content of education and achieve the required results.

Compared to traditional “training manuals”, the technological map reveals the topic of studying the material, and not just one lesson, which makes it possible to systematically master the content from goal to result, set and solve problems of achieving not only subject results, but also personal and meta-subject results.

The technological map includes:

· topic title;

· the number of hours allocated for its study;

· the goal of mastering educational content;

· planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject);

· basic concepts of the topic;

· interdisciplinary connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources);

· technology for studying this topic;

· a system of diagnostic tasks that determine the level of mastery of the material at each stage of its study;

· control tasks on the topic, determining the achievement of the planned results within the framework of studying the stated topic

The “Study Technology” section is divided into stages of learning. At each stage of work, the goal and predicted result are determined and given. practical tasks for practicing the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation, at the end of the topic - test task, checking the achievement of planned results. The description of each stage indicates the purpose of the learning activity and learning tasks.

At the first stage of training, “Self-determination in activity,” stimulating students’ interest in studying a specific topic is organized through a situational task. This stage involves the following steps:

Motivation as stimulation of interest;

Determining needs as a personally significant component of studying this topic;

Identifying what is missing in knowledge and skills to solve a situational task and determining the purpose of the learning activity at the next stage.

At the stage of “Educational and cognitive activity”, the development of content blocks of the topic is organized. To master the educational content, educational tasks for “knowledge”, “understanding”, and “skill” are offered.

At the stage of “Intellectual-transformative activity”, students are asked to complete practical tasks:

· informative, where students work using a model on the board;

· improvisational, where students use tasks that differ from the sample in content or form;

· heuristic, where students complete their own version of the task.

Completing the task involves self-organization of schoolchildren, which contains: preparation for the implementation (planning) of the activity, execution and presentation of the work.

The result of this stage is:

Student orientation in different types of tasks (cognitive action);

Student self-organization when completing a task (regulatory action);

The student’s use of adequate verbal statements to present the result (cognitive, communicative action);

Showing your attitude (gratitude) to the characters in the textbook and the teacher (personal action);

The student’s ability to solve a given problem (cognitive, regulatory action), that is, to use acquired knowledge and skills in specific practical activities.

At the stage of reflective activity, students correlate the result obtained with the set goal (self-analysis - regulatory action) and evaluate the activity (self-esteem - personal action) in mastering the topic.

Unlike other teaching aids, when using a map at each stage of teaching, the teacher can confidently say whether he has achieved the result or not. And if, in accordance with the result predicted by the teacher diagnostic work At a particular stage, more than 60% of the students in the class completed it, then we can say with confidence that the material is understood, mastered, and you can move on. If the task is completed correctly by less than 60% of the students, then the teacher needs to once again return to the material covered and complete its full mastery. Only after this can you move on to the next stage.

A few simple rules for working with a technological map.

1. Use technology maps to work on a topic or section of the course.

2. Carefully read the topic on which you will work.

3. Find it in the textbook of the subject you are studying, and prepare the textbooks that are marked in the “interdisciplinary connections” section.

4. Get to know the goals of studying the topic, compare them with the planned results, identify tasks that will help achieve your goal (Correlate the goals with previously covered material).

5. Read the highlighted basic concepts of the topic being studied, see in which subjects they are still being studied (interdisciplinary connections).

6. Analyze the meaning of the planned results, especially in terms of universal learning activities

7. Select “your” forms of work in accordance with the goals and conditions of training: for active work or quiet activities, for searching for information or demonstrating achievements, etc. This will help expand the boundaries of the use of resources, which include the educational complex “Perspective”, available at school there are visual aids, interactive or simply additional work boards, exhibitions, stands, and so on.

8. In the “Training Technology” section, follow the algorithm proposed in the map. This will help you not miss a single element in achieving the goal set at the stage, and most importantly, achieve effective and high-quality mastery of the topic

9. At the first stage, motivating students to study the topic, you can use the task given in the map, take it from the textbook, or offer your own.

10. Record in the map the changes you make and correlate them with the further algorithm for passing the topic.

11. Make sure that the student knows, understands, and is skilled in the material being studied, in what way he performs it, i.e., complete the task proposed in the column of the same name, and only after that proceed to the next stage.

12. Try to complete all the proposed diagnostic and control tasks. Then you can say with confidence: “This topic has been completed, the planned results have been achieved. Let's move on."

Compare the stages and steps of the technological map with the lesson plan that you use, and choose for yourself the optimal way to organize the work.

When using a technological map, lesson planning may not be necessary.

Structure of the “Technological map”:

Technological map for studying the topic (topic name)

Purpose of the topic

Planned result:

Subject skills, UUD

Personal UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Regulatory UUD:

Communication UUD:

Organization of space

Interdisciplinary connections

Forms of work

Stage I. Motivation for activity

Problematic situation.

Stage II. Educational and cognitive activity

Sequence of study

Diagnostic task

Stage III. Intellectual and transformative activities

Reproductive task

Improvisation task

Heuristic task

Self-organization in activities

Stage VI. Monitoring and evaluating performance results.

Forms of control; control task.

Performance evaluation

If it is difficult or unusual to design a topic, then you can limit yourself to designing one lesson. Changes or additions may be made to this structure.

Conceptual provisions The “Prospective Primary School” programs are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NEO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

The main content of the education system “Prospective Primary School” consists of such educational fields as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural and social sciences, art, and music education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis, reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

Basic principles of the “Prospective Primary School” concept:
- The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
- The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
- The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren.
- Principles of strength and clarity.
- The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of the Prospective Primary School program:
- Completeness provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability of business communication (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, it is an exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstrate at least two points of view when explaining new material. Moving beyond the textbook into the dictionary zone. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
- Instrumentality– these are subject-specific and methodological mechanisms that promote the practical application of acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.
- Interactivity– Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for promising development conditions for computer use in all schools. However, since for many schools the use of Internet addresses is a prospect, the educational complex is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through the systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.
- Integration is the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give schoolchildren an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world. An integrated course “The World around us” has been developed, in which ideas and concepts from such educational fields as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist. The modern literary reading course, which integrates educational areas such as language, literature and art, is subject to the same requirement.

Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School"includes the following completed textbook subject lines:

- Russian language.
ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. Authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baykova T.A.
- Literary reading. Author: Churakova N.A.
- Mathematics. Chekin A.L.
- The world around us. Authors: Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L.A.
- Technology. Authors: Ragozina T.M., Grineva A.A., Golovanova I.L., Mylova I.B.
All textbooks of the educational educational complex “Prospective Elementary School” have successfully passed the examination for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and were included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for use in the educational process in educational institutions.

Tutorials Educational and educational complexes "PNSh" teach the child to work with all sources of information: reference books, dictionaries, the library, people around him, the computer and the Internet. They contain a lot of drawings, illustrations and diagrams of a didactic nature. Everything is thought out, nothing is superfluous

Math is hard built very strictly, solves traditional issues using unconventional methods. The authors recommend not to deviate one step from the methodology of teaching the subject and believe that thanks to this system of presenting the material, students will develop a truly mathematical thinking.

Textbooks literacy training , Russian language Andliterary reading take into account speech therapy problems of primary school students. The textbooks have a well-thought-out system of work that encourages students to obtain information themselves and operate with it. Already from the 2nd grade, children in Russian language lessons become familiar with five types of dictionaries and constantly use these dictionaries in other lessons.

To build a holistic picture of the world and for the development of speech, the educational complex has a system for working with paintings; there are reproductions of paintings by famous artists.

Children really like the subject the world around us . They always look forward to this lesson and prepare for it with desire. By the end of the year, even very constrained and restrained children began to feel comfortable. The subject of no less interest to children is - technology , where children can prepare a variety of crafts with their own hands.

The “PNSh” project is interesting for both teachers and students because it contains interdisciplinary connections. All textbooks are connected by a single intrigue. In the center of “PNSh” there is the subject “the world around us”. It grows roots into all other objects. The child “needs to be thrown into the world around him so that he becomes a literate and developed person,” the authors of the project believe.

The lives of their peers (the older sister and younger brother Masha and Misha Ivanov) unfold next to the students. UMK heroes have a specific place of residence with a name, history, parents, school, teachers, classmates and friends.

Misha and Masha grow, change, perform different types of tasks. Our students follow suit and develop social skills. This is very interesting for children.