Why do you need to study geography? When asked this question, I immediately remember the episode with geography from Fonfizin’s comedy “The Minor.” I suggest you watch it.

Perhaps Madame Prostakova was right when she spoke of “a cab driver who will take you wherever you order”? There are specially trained people who will take me to Right place, a lot of maps, including in digital form, colorful guidebooks, GPS receivers, travel agencies, an endless variety of geographical videos. Finally, the Internet! And modern schoolchildren ask the question: why study geography?

In a wide range of educational disciplines, geography has a small place in the core curriculum. For example, in sixth grade it is only one hour per week (excluding the regional component). In the seventh, eighth and ninth - two hours a week, in the tenth and eleventh - one hour a week, provided that the class is general education. And if the class has a certain profile, geography may not be studied at all. There are 9-10 hours left for all parallels instead of 17-20. The regional component has practically disappeared; children pay little attention to studying their small homeland.

Another problem is that modern students have become much more rational and, accordingly, intensively study subjects that will be useful not even in life, but when entering universities. But geography is not one of those subjects. Science, which should form the basis of economic and geographical specialties in universities, is for some reason completely ignored by them. Although, in my opinion, a manager needs geography more than social studies. Even upon admission to Pedagogical University for a specialized specialty, we do not see geography, but the same social studies. Although, you must admit, it is difficult to imagine a competent international specialist or manager of the tourism industry who does not have a deep knowledge of geography.

Now such a field of knowledge as geography is represented in Russian classical universities (24 faculties) and pedagogical universities (41 faculties). In large universities and academies these are separate faculties that produce bachelors, specialists and masters in relevant narrow fields of knowledge.

So, according to statistics at the largest university in Chelyabinsk, SUSU entrance test in Geography, you only need to take 1 of more than 100 areas of the bachelor's degree program!

However the federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” formulates as a principle public policy“education of mutual respect, citizenship, patriotism, personal responsibility, as well as the protection and development of ethnocultural characteristics and traditions of peoples Russian Federation in a multinational state,” which is impossible without geography!

So back in 1845, by the highest order of Nicholas I, the Russian Geographical Society was founded. Today it is one of the oldest geographical societies in the world. It brings together specialists in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as enthusiastic travelers, ecologists, public figures and everyone who seeks to learn new things about Russia, who are ready to help preserve it natural resources. Regional branches of the Company operate in each of the 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Since 2009, the President of the Society has been Russian Defense Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu.

Since 2015 Russian geographical society on the initiative of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society V.V. Putin, the All-Russian geographical dictation. Its main purpose is to assess the level of geographic literacy of the population. This year, some students from our school took online participation in dictation.

In the context of modernization of education, the requirements for the professional skills of teachers are increasing. One of the requirements is to improve the lesson, which, despite the variety of forms of teaching organization, remains the basis educational process. Traditional lessons require fundamental changes due to educational standards new generation. One of the main conditions for the effectiveness of the lesson is the employment of all students in the class in a productive way. educational activities, teaching them to independently acquire knowledge and instill skills independent work. Basis modern lesson Geography advocates a system-activity approach. The teacher's task is not just to present educational material, check the learned content, and organize the activities of students with various sources of geographic information, formulate cognitive tasks and provide assistance in solving educational problems, create interaction situations.

Oddly enough, scientific and technological progress. The digital revolution has led to the emergence of electronic storage media and the ability to get instant access to any information, including geographical plan. Internet, electronic maps, GPS navigation, etc. Why study dryly written geography textbooks and look at paper atlases when you can go online and look up information about different territories of the Earth. As a last resort, purchase DVDs with geographic films. At the same time, the student does not seem to care that the textbook is aimed at developing systematic and complex thinking, but on the Internet everything is chaotic.

The value of school geography lies in the fact that it is the only school subject ideological character, forming in students a comprehensive, systemic and socially oriented understanding of the Earth as a planet of people. This is also the only subject that introduces them to the territorial approach as a special method of scientific knowledge. The value of geographical knowledge in the formation of personality allows us to formulate the general goal of geographical education. Thus, students master a complete system of geographical knowledge and skills, the possibilities of their application in various life situations, i.e. demonstrate competence. What competencies can be developed in geography lessons? - Value-semantic competencies form the attitude to life, correctly set value guidelines. - General cultural competencies are formed through the study of ethnic groups, family and social values, traditions and way of life different nations. - Educational and cognitive competencies are formed in class and extracurricular activities a student, when he obtains knowledge from the outside world during excursions, learns to distinguish facts from speculation, and uses statistical information. - Information competencies require possession modern means information and information technology. For example, create a presentation for a lesson or extracurricular activity, show and analyze images of the study areas from space. - Communicative competencies are formed in the process of communication, including knowledge of ways to interact with others, teamwork skills, and mastery of various social roles.

After all the white spots disappeared from the map of the Earth, the main task of geographers was to study the laws according to which nature and human communities develop. And today new amazing discoveries are possible in geography.

Geographical objects and processes

Geography studies the objects, processes and phenomena that exist on Earth. Geographical objects are very diverse, they can be divided into natural (mountains and plains, seas and rivers) and man-made (cities and factories, power plants and irrigation canals). In nature and people's lives, the role of geographical phenomena (events) and processes (changes in time) that occur around us every day is also great. Many geographical phenomena are destructive: volcanoes and earthquakes, and thunderstorms. Geographers characterize their origin and destructive power.

The most important subject of studying geography is the processes of interaction between man and nature. After all, every year a person changes more and more natural objects, extracting minerals, cutting down forests, polluting waste, etc.

How modern geographers study the Earth

For studying natural objects and phenomena, geographers widely use various instruments. Along with traditional ones (thermometer, tape measure), modern instruments also appeared (navigators and radars, electronic rangefinders and depth gauges).

In various corners of the Earth, geological expeditions, marine scientific vessels, Balloons. Specialists in various fields of geography receive information daily from space satellites. Based on this diverse information, modern electronic maps are created, natural phenomena and the development of natural processes are predicted.

Why does a person need geography?

The surface of our planet is extremely diverse, and geography helps us understand the reasons for this diversity. Man has always been interested in what is hidden behind. And today, geography allows us to see the world in all its diversity, teaches us about space and how to navigate our route. Citizens of the Earth must know where and how people live, create cities and states, transform nature, protect and preserve it. Despite the fact that geography is an ancient science, it still reveals to us amazing world different peoples, introduces them to their customs and traditions.

Modern geography

Man exploring home planet, opens up new horizons of knowledge. Wells drilled into the depths of the earth's bowels have discovered only a small part of the underground storehouses. Deep-sea vehicles descend to the bottom of the seas and oceans to explore the ocean floor and the unique underwater world. Ice hides unique lakes from the eyes of scientists. Every year, scientists discover new species of animals and plants in impenetrable forests. Geographers around the world are pooling their research over the threat of a warming climate and pollution environment. The main tasks of temporal geography are to know, protect and increase the wealth of our planet in order to pass them on to future generations.

I remember in school years, sitting in a geography lesson, I involuntarily thought: “Why do we study geography at all? Why is it needed?“Such thoughts haunted me for quite a long time. But after graduating from school, I realized that without knowledge of geography there was simply nothing to do. And now I will tell you why.

Why do people need geography?

Geography has always played one of the leading roles In human life. This is one of the most ancient sciences, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

And after the white spots disappeared from the earth's map, the leading task of geographers became knowledge of the laws by which nature exists and modern society of people. Even today, geography has room for amazing discoveries.

But let me return to the role of this science. Modern geography conducts research in the field Agriculture, international relations, solves global problems and comprehends the influence of man on the nature around him. The complex of geographical sciences is very large, it includes the study of:

  • of our planet, like celestial body;
  • internal structure Earth;
  • surface relief forms, their features;
  • origin and location mineral;
  • histories and cultures of different peoples;
  • shells of our planet(hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere...);
  • structures of oceans, local topography, flora and fauna;
  • weather research. And many other areas.

Geography is a truly amazing science, even after centuries it constantly discovers something new.

Why does an ordinary person need geography?

Before this, I talked about geography as a great science that benefits all humanity and develops other areas. But how is geography useful to ordinary people?

First of all, geography gives us information about structure of the Earth. We find out the location of the continents, where our country and hometown are located. We also get to know relief features our region, its structure and properties.

All this helps a person don't get lost and get out of any situation without panic. In addition, we expand our horizons. I would even say that geography teaches us to live on Earth.

I graduated from a pedagogical university with a degree in geography teacher and worked at school for 3 years, and therefore I think that this is rightfully my question. WITH personal experience I can say that 6th and 7th grade students are more interested in this subject than high school students. Geography itself, as a school subject, very interesting. You can tell children about the wonders of nature and the development of individual countries.

Why does a student need to study geography?

Geography is a science that studies the Earth. Remember that it consists of physical and economic parts. This is the only school subject that teaches you to understand cause and effect relationships. Children study the planet and human activities in a comprehensive manner. You need to master this science to learn:

  • how our Earth is arranged;
  • how and where animals and plants live;
  • How does man influence nature?

Knowledge of geography is needed during traveland I. A person navigates by map and time zones. Tourists study the climate and topography of their holiday destination. If a student decides to go on vacation with his parents, he must study his route in advance.

Geography Meanings

It is simply impossible to assess the significance of this science. Geography is all around us, and we live in it. Even a student knows all this high school:

  • school student understands that the world is one and indivisible. Every person is included in this world;
  • Geographical thinking is formed in the lessons. On its basis, children learn to understand that all objects and phenomena are located in the relationship of space and allow you to understand the situation;
  • in children are being formedhumanistic ideas about preserving nature and animals, exploring local attractions.

All this allows the student Rdevelop critical thinking, logic and compare actual data. Through the prism of science, acquaintance with nature and labor activity people in different countries Oh. And science itself finds broad significance in our lives. Thanks to her, we navigate life and constantly learn something new. Children, based on the material they have studied, draw conclusions about different areas of life.

I recall the immortal expression of Madame Prostakova from Fonvizin’s “Undergrowth”: “Why teach geography, the cab driver will take you there himself?” Perhaps she was right when she spoke of “a cab driver who will take you wherever you order”? There are specially trained people who will take me to the right place, a lot of maps, including digital ones, colorful guidebooks, GPS receivers, travel agencies, and an endless variety of geographical videos. Finally, the Internet!

Working with children in a tourism and local history club, we, of course, cannot know how specific children study geography in one or another specific school - we only see the result, and it is most often deplorable! Some schoolchildren do not know where Kaliningrad is located, and where Chukotka is, and what they look like on the map, or, for example, even having a dacha near Moscow, they do not always know which side of Moscow it is located.

When going on a hike, sometimes you have to reinforce the children with the knowledge that they should take away from the course primary school"Natural history". It was there that the conceptual apparatus was formed, and how wretched it is today lexicon schoolchild: not everyone can distinguish “clearing” from “field”, and “field” from “forest clearing”, or “arable land”, “hay” from “straw”, “path” from “clearing”, “road” from “path” ", "pond" from "lake", "stream" from "spring", not everyone knows what a "pool", "bend" is... - the concepts are mixed into a mush. Where can we analyze or read the map! It’s amazing: after all, this is far from “highly specialized knowledge” - to acquire it you don’t need any calculations, equipment, or special talents. It would seem that studying geography “for yourself” is easy and simple from childhood: according to adventure novels and films, on events in the world, on music and other facts of art from different countries and cities, on their own, in the end, trips - sheer pleasure that does not require any effort. Geography should be one of the most interesting school subjects!

But we have to deal with children from different schools: municipal, private, gymnasiums - and unfortunately, the overall picture is approximately the same. Children can quickly name the height of Everest or the depth of Lake Titi-Kaka, but it is easy to get confused in which direction from Moscow to go to Tver or why in mountain hike at an altitude of 2 thousand meters there is no need to take an ax! And the fact that trees don’t grow at this height is a real discovery for them! The ebb and flow of tides and the presence of white nights in the northern regions are left out of school geographical knowledge, allowing you not to stock up on flashlights in June!

What's the matter? Schoolchildren do not have a figurative idea of ​​such simple things and, as a result, they lose interest and the desire to learn more and deeper.

It is quite obvious that tourism is practical use geography, because without knowledge of geography it is impossible to be a tourist! This form of working with children protects them from virtual knowledge and gives meaning to actions and knowledge. It is noticeable how interest in geography in general and in a specific area sharply increases during hikes: the world is perceived completely differently - the child develops real images (mountains, lowlands, swamps, plains, etc.)! Just studying the map at his school desk, he cannot imagine the real picture of the area!

Why is geography needed?

Then, human environmental activities are also closely related to geography and, by and large, the culture of its conduct is formed in the study of natural history from simple phenological observations of the weather. Only on this basis can he form an idea in his mind of what a meteorologist does, what the weather is made of, how wind strength and cloudiness are determined.

In our opinion, ignorance of geography is an indicator of ideal, refined ignorance. And what’s most interesting is that it is often found among people who have already been everywhere that is popular to visit. Although many people talk about how good they had a holiday in Thailand, and not just Thailand, they don’t immediately find Eurasia on the map!

Modern children travel a lot, visit different interesting places: from Veliky Ustyug and Finland to Cyprus and Egypt, but when traveling they are more concerned about whether there will be a shower there, whether there will be 3 or 4 meals a day. Unfortunately, this is what worries parents in the first place: after the trip, they will not ask their children what the route was, what interesting things they saw, what excited you most, but first of all they will ask how they slept and what they ate! Parents are in a very relaxed state in this sense; society is accustomed to the fact that the better the service, the more they do for you, the better!

Unfortunately, we take very lightly what children take away from trips; we do not require them to independently master new information and knowledge. So it turns out: “Where have you been?” - “On some sea!” Why is everything passing by?! Because children do not take any real, independent participation in these trips! Geography knowledge is often taught according to the same principle at school: learn it - tell it, put it aside - forget it! After the lesson, you will not need to apply this knowledge anywhere, but it must certainly be in demand!

But on a hike, the child asks: “When will we arrive at the parking lot?” - “Take a map, look at the scale, remember how far we covered yesterday, compare, try - calculate for yourself!” It is important not to give a ready answer to the question, but to suggest in which direction to look for it!

By protecting your child from the need to make an effort, you can kill his interest in the subject! Formal geography lessons cannot give a figurative idea of ​​nature, relief, vegetation features, and, as a result, do not reinforce interest in its study!

The simplest outings into nature can spark a child’s interest in geography. To successfully master geography, you need impressions: about the height of mountains, about the depth of reservoirs, about distances, about areas, they all need to be compared with something: if, for example, you walk 10 kilometers with them on a hike, you can explain what 100 km. Stepping into nature, they enthusiastically learn to navigate the area using a map and topography. In addition, preparing for a trip is a very serious geographical study of the area where you are preparing to travel: you need to know general geographical information about the travel area, meteorology, obtain information about the flora and fauna - after all, even discussing the necessary equipment will require practical explanations related to the geography of the area: whether there are mosquitoes or not, whether there is a large amplitude of temperatures day and night, and we are talking only about the most necessary equipment that will be carried, whether we can use mushrooms and berries, whether there is fish or not. To understand all this, you need geographical knowledge.

On a hike, we merge with nature, someone said: it’s at competitions that people come up with rules according to which they overcome difficulties, but on hikes, nature dictates the rules, and what it demands of you, you must do!

What else does knowledge of geography and the ability to use one’s geographical knowledge give a person?

It gives a person the opportunity to get out of a difficult situation without panic: for example, lost in an unfamiliar place, it gives confidence in life, not helplessness, but open-mindedness in everything - geography is the basis for a person’s worldview, it teaches how to live on Earth. Nowadays, accidents involving students and adults are reported quite regularly. Previously, this was less precisely because people were protected by knowledge about nature, natural phenomena- amateur tourism has been widespread since the 60s, there were no accidents, although we didn’t study much in tourist clubs, and life safety was not taught at school. Excessive protection of a child from accidents does not guarantee safety - people get lost in the mountains, in forests, and even quite recently in the Moscow region there was a case when a woman and her child got lost and died in the forest, and this was five kilometers from home!

Only one form of insurance is effective - an A in geography!

The tourist and local history club "Preobrazhenie" has been operating for more than ten years, it is structural unit Children's Orthodox Movement "Messengers". Considering the indicated difficult circumstances with quality school education, in 2011, teachers of the Movement approached the leadership of the Geography Department of Moscow State University with a proposal to implement a joint project “My Universities: Geography concerns everyone.” Several meetings took place, but the guys were very interested in these meetings.

The main task of this project was to awaken a keen interest in one of the main ideological subjects of the school - geography! Living impressions of living people are very touching for children: a live meeting with a specialist who is not indifferent to them - a geographer - is understandable and close to a child. After all, these are lectures in a consumer format: “You speak, I will listen,” and active interaction adults and children, which allows them to be introduced into a state of active mastery of the subject: this is, for example, a symposium format in which children are in a state of searching for answers to questions. They not only listen, but also analyze, formulate questions, problems, get acquainted with the culture and protocol of scientific discussions and discussions, learn to listen to another, analyzing the other’s speeches, obtaining a certain internal result. Or is it a meeting in the form of a press conference, when the guys are required to actively participate, preliminary prepare questions for the speaker, and be able to draw conclusions.

On the other hand, such meetings provided an incentive to invite friends and parents.

Today it is quite difficult to overcome the general desire for information knowledge - it is almost impossible, but it is necessary to at least try geographical education Our schoolchildren should be directed along this vector - to give meaning to what they are doing and to connect disparate knowledge into a holistic picture of the world.

We are convinced that such meetings will expand the general geographical knowledge of our schoolchildren, as well as their ideas about the directions and specifics of education at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, perhaps this will help instill in children a taste for real university science.

Meshcheryakova E. I. Sergievskaya N. P.

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