MOUDOD "ASYUN MO "Akhtubinsky district"



Compiled by:

Chervonenko N.N., teacher of additional education

Akhtubinsk, 2010

1. Explanatory note.

The problem of early identification and training of gifted children is the most important in the field of education. The intellectual and economic potential of the city, region and state as a whole depends on its solution.

Giftedness is understood as a systemic mental quality that develops throughout life, which determines a person’s ability to achieve higher results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright,

obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal

premises for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

An important feature of gifted children is their cognitive need. Cognitive need - primarily for cognitive information, which appears in a variety of forms: the need for impressions, curiosity, purposeful cognitive activity. Gifted children learn willingly and easily, are distinguished by sharp thinking, observation, exceptional memory, show versatile curiosity, and often immerse themselves in one thing or another. They stand out for their ability to clearly express their thoughts, demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge in practice, and show exceptional ability to solve a variety of problems. Each gifted person is an individual who requires a special approach. Promoting the realization of giftedness most often requires the organization of a special environment, including special education, which goes beyond the scope of education in a regular school.

It is institutions of additional education that can compensate for the lack study load in various creative workshops and associations. In them the child begins to develop special abilities, forms special talent.

Working with gifted children is difficult, but rich in developing ideas - not only for students, but also for the teacher.

Additional education for children is focused on learning experience creative activity in the area of ​​practical action that interests the child on the path to mastery.

The program is developed in three areas:

Working with students;

Working with parents;

Working with the teaching staff.

Each area of ​​the program is implemented annually; adjustments to the content, forms and methods of program implementation are possible.

Implementation of the program allows:

– create optimal conditions for the development and realization of the potential abilities of gifted children;

– to acquaint teachers with the psychological traits of children who stand out for their extraordinary need for knowledge and productivity of thinking, who are clearly ahead of their peers in terms of intelligence;

– gain knowledge about the main “components” of general mental giftedness and special types of giftedness;

– introduce teachers to the issues of diagnosing mental giftedness in children;

– to develop the concept of psychological and pedagogical foundations of giftedness, identification and training of gifted and talented children and adolescents;

– create a data bank on various areas of work with gifted children;

– unite children in joint intellectual and creative activities;

– prepare program and methodological documents and manuals for teachers working with gifted children and their parents;

– strengthen the material and technical base of MOUDOD ASYUN and associations working with gifted children.

The program is relevant and promising for the system of additional education, since gifted children have creative and intellectual potential for the development of additional education.

2 . Goals and objectives of the program.

The goal of the Gifted Children Program isproviding favorable conditions for improving the system for identifying and supporting gifted children, developing and realizing their potential.

In order to consolidate and further improve achievements in working with gifted children, the following are set: tasks:

Improving the system for identifying and developing the potential of gifted children in accordance with their abilities;

Strengthening interaction with interested organizations to support gifted and talented children;

Providing advisory assistance to parents and teachers working with gifted children, training teachers in the professional development system;

Introducing teachers to scientific data on psychological

Features and methodological techniques working with gifted children;

Conducting various environmental competitions, intellectual games, and Olympiads that allow students to demonstrate their abilities.

3. Program concept.

Identification of gifted children should begin in creative associations of the first year of study on the basis of observation, study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, logical thinking. Working with gifted and capable students, their search, identification and development should become one of the most important aspects activities of MOU DOD ASYUN.

Definition of gifted children:

They have higher intellectual abilities, receptivity to learning, creative abilities and manifestations compared to the majority;

They have a dominant active, unsaturated cognitive need;

They experience joy from acquiring knowledge and mental work.

Conventionally, three categories of gifted children can be distinguished:

Children with an unusually high general level mental development all other things being equal (such children are most often found in preschool and primary school age).

Children with signs of special mental giftedness in a certain field of science (teenage image).

Students who, for some reason, do not achieve academic success, but have bright cognitive activity, originality of mental make-up, extraordinary mental reserves (more common in high school age).

4. Principles pedagogical activity in working with gifted children:

- the principle of maximum diversity provided

Opportunities for personal development;

The principle of individualization and differentiation of training;

The principle of creating conditions for collaboration pupils from

Minimal teacher participation;

The principle of freedom of choice by the pupil of additional educational services, assistance, mentoring.

5.Methods psychological impacts, which differ when working with gifted children (according to Yu.B. Gatanov):

1. Brainstorming. To implement it, you need to find a problem that has many solutions. It is necessary to value not the quality of answers, but their quantity, and refrain from criticizing and evaluating ideas until they stop coming. It is necessary to take into account that in the first minutes of brainstorming there may be the largest number of answers, then they begin to come less and less often - although it is these last answers that are most often the most original. The responses received are then discussed - from an implementation point of view.

2. “Soft competition” is implemented in accordance with the following rules:

Group competitions should be used more often than individual competitions;

Competitive activity should not be associated with material rewards, grades in a magazine, etc.

Teams must be constantly redistributed so that all children have the opportunity to be among the winners and there are no constant losers. Criteria for assessing the performance of teams: the number of ideas and ideas that differ from the rest.

3. Collaboration and cooperation provide an opportunity to learn to live in a group. They teach mutual understanding, develop leadership abilities, and allow less gifted children to experience success by collaborating with more gifted ones. At the same time, it is important that the functions in the group are distributed by the children themselves.

4. Invaluable activity. The teacher's judgment, his evaluation, is postponed until the student himself sees other possible ideas or ways of solving the problem he was trying to solve, as well as projects and work done by others.

6. Activities for the implementation of the program.

Target : creating conditions for the development of gifted students, improving the quality of their education, expanding opportunities for the development of individual abilities, improving the conditions for social adaptation of students, harmonizing relationships in the systems “teacher - gifted student”, “gifted student - student”, “gifted child - parent”.

1. Creation and development of a system for selecting gifted children through

regional Olympiads, competitions, festivals, tournaments, etc.

2. Regional competitions of environmental drawings (posters), crafts,

Scientific projects.

3. Participation in regional, All-Russian, international conferences,

Festivals, etc.

4.Participation in regional exhibitions

arts and crafts.

5. Participation in regional and All-Russian forums “Green Planet”.

Work plan.




Drawing up a plan for working with gifted children



Participation in competitions (ASUN level)



Participation in the competition of the International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW

November December


Development of programs for individual work with gifted students.


Teachers of additional education, MS

Participation in the correspondence regional environmental competition “For unity with nature”

January February


Participation in the regional correspondence environmental forum “Green Planet”

January February



Diagnosis of teachers' readiness to work with gifted children.


Participation in the regional environmental competition “For unity with nature”




Participation in the regional and All-Russian environmental forum “Green Planet”




Psychological-pedagogical and methodological support gifted children (OU)

Organization of continuous training for teachers working with gifted children




Creation of a data bank of individual psychological characteristics of educational institutions

During a year

Development of cognitive abilities of gifted students

  1. Social adaptation of gifted children.
  2. The role of the family in the development of cognitive abilities of gifted children.


Organization of monitoring the development of gifted students.



Creating a portfolio of gifted children.

during a year

Additional education teachers

Providing support to all participants of the Gifted Children program.




Additional education teachers

Conversations with OU parents



Additional education teachers

7.Forms of working with gifted children:

· Classes, lectures, seminars, trainings;

· Individual work, incl. under the direction of scientific supervisors;

· Business, psychological and intellectual games;

· Scientific conferences “Young Nature Researchers”;

· Creative workshops;

· Project activities;

· Competitions;

· Exhibitions;

· Individual and group consultations;

· "Round tables";

· Work in libraries with sources;

· Excursions.

8.Expected results of the program


1.Improving the quality of education.

2.Creating an atmosphere of positive work, its significance in a person’s life, creativity as opposed to spreading drug addiction and social denial.

3. Expanding the range of activities for disclosure creativity students.

4. Edition research work students.

5. Advanced training for teachers working with gifted children.

6. Active involvement of gifted children in additional education.




Pedagogical project


Brief summary of the project

This project is a presentation of the experience of working with gifted children in the MBU DO CTT.

IN last years The system of additional education for children has transformed from an “add-on” to basic education into a leading factor in the formation of an individual’s “educational individuality,” because it provides each child with the opportunity to make free choice. educational field, profile of programs, time for their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations.

To create a system of work with gifted students in the institution is the main task of this project.

The implementation of the project is associated with systematic and targeted work with gifted students and involves the introduction into the educational process of the institution of developing forms and methods of teaching aimed at identifying, developing and supporting the intellectual and creative potential of students.

Identification, development and training of gifted children forms a unified system. And the diagnosis of giftedness serves not for selection purposes, but as a means for the most effective learning and development of a gifted child.

Justification of the need for the project

Recently, at the level of philosophy of education, the idea of ​​​​the need to take into account the uniqueness of each individual and the gradual rejection of the unification of personality in the field of education has been increasingly affirmed in educational systems. The impossibility of educating and training the future creator on a common “educational conveyor” is increasingly realized and forces us to look for new educational models that meet this task.

But, at present, there is a contradictory situation in working with gifted children. situation. On the one side- it is necessary to create an education system in which intelligence is considered as the main competitive advantage. On the other side- teachers have practically no educational programs for gifted children, which he could use in his work. Therefore, teachers carrying out innovative activities were faced with the problem of how to carry out the educational process with gifted children.

For us, teachers of additional education, this problem is very acute. There is no clearly developed, coherent model for teaching gifted children in our specialized institutions. Today, the quality of education and upbringing of children in this category is ensured only by the intuition and experience of teachers. Our teachers are entering an innovative mode of activity, developing elective courses and programs for gifted children. This type of activity requires them to have special theoretical knowledge and certain skills, an understanding of real patterns and psychology child development, vision of the integrity of the educational process and the ability to design it.

Today there is no unambiguous definition of the concept giftedness. Why is this so important for us - teachers? Because the methods and forms of work of teachers with gifted children will depend on what we understand by the word “giftedness.” Ignoring this provision leads to one-sidedness in the teacher’s work with gifted children. It is customary to take as a basis the definition that giftedness is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, extraordinary) results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed completion dates and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of activity makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time and to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted children.

Recognition by the management of our institution that the implementation of a system of work with gifted children is one of priority areas activities educational institution, prompted us to formulate the strategic goal of working with gifted children in the CTT:

Creating favorable conditions for the development of talented, gifted and capable children as the basis for building a development strategy for each child, based on his individual characteristics.

Project goals and objectives

Target: Create a model of working with gifted children in the CTT.

Subject of study. Working with gifted children.

Hypothesis. The problem of giftedness as a complex problem, consisting of the problem of identifying, training and development of gifted children.


  1. Creating conditions for identifying, developing and supporting a gifted child, realizing his potential abilities different stages his training and development.
  2. Learning new things pedagogical technologies for accompanying gifted children through methodological work with the teaching staff.
  3. Increasing parental literacy in raising gifted children.


Theoretical: study of psychological and pedagogical literature, study and synthesis teaching experience, systematization and classification.

Experimental: survey, testing, observation, pedagogical experiment.

Statistical: processing of received data.

Main content of the project

The specific goals of teaching gifted children in the CTT are determined taking into account the qualitative specifics of a certain type of giftedness, as well as psychological patterns its development. Thus, the priority goals for teaching children with general giftedness are:

Development of the spiritual and moral foundations of the personality of a gifted child (it is not the talent itself that is important, but the application it will have);

Creating conditions for the development of a creative personality;

Development of the individuality of a gifted child (identification and disclosure of the originality and individual uniqueness of his capabilities).

At the first stage innovation activities develop program“Gifted Children” and compose Implementation plan program, which should define the main directions of work with gifted children.

Creation of a system for identifying giftedness in students

The next step in innovation is monitoring of students' giftedness. Work to identify gifted children in the CTT may include the following stages:

Identifying parents’ opinions about aptitudes, areas of greatest success, range of interests, and characteristics personal development their child;

Individual assessment by the teacher of cognitive, creative possibilities and the child’s abilities through various types of activities: educational, creative, research;

Psychological and pedagogical monitoring: observation and analysis of the child’s learning and behavior; expert assessment of the product of children’s activities: drawings, poems, technical models, etc.

But the diversity, diversity and individual originality of the phenomenon of giftedness, the study of the motivational and need sphere of a gifted child, will require you to first answer the following questions:

  1. With which type of talent with a child we are dealing with:

- general giftedness - it manifests itself in relation to various types of activities. The psychological core of general giftedness is mental abilities (or general cognitive abilities);

-special- reveals itself in specific types of activity and can be defined only in relation to certain areas of activity (music, painting, sports, etc.).

  1. In which form His talent is revealed:

- explicit- manifests itself in the child’s activities quite clearly and clearly, as if “by itself”; the child’s achievements are so obvious that his talent is beyond doubt;

- hidden- manifests itself in the child’s activities in a less pronounced, disguised form. Such a child may be mistakenly classified as “unpromising.” Often no one sees the future “beautiful swan” in the “ugly duckling”.

  1. Which work tasks with a gifted child are priorities for us: development of existing abilities, psychological support and assistance, design and expertise educational environment, including development and monitoring educational technologies, programs.

Having answered these questions and based on pedagogical observation , through testing and diagnostics we highlight area of ​​manifestation increased abilities, students:

- In practice: in crafts, sports and organizational activities.

- In cognitive activity: intellectual talent (in the field of natural sciences and humanities, intellectual games, etc.).

- In artistic activity: choreographic, literary and poetic, visual, musical talent.

- In communication activities: leadership talent.

Type of giftedness in the areas listed above, we determined according to the criteria that, in our opinion, most fully reflect the abilities of children. Practice shows that the presence of even a few signs in a child should attract the attention of the teacher to this child and, therefore, it was very important for us not to make a mistake in determining the type of giftedness in a child.

Literary abilities:

Always tells logically and consistently;

It has large stock words, expresses freely and clearly;

For fun, he invents his own words;

Likes to fantasize, invent, compose plots and stories;

Easily and accurately retells the content of a book, play, or film;

Reads a lot and with pleasure outside of the school curriculum;

Likes to write stories, poems, diaries;

He is not shy about demonstrating his literary abilities.

Artistic abilities:

Shows great interest in visual information;

He is interested in works of art and loves looking at them.

remembers what he sees in the smallest detail;

Spends a lot of time drawing and sculpting, drawing or

sculpting tries to express his emotions and feelings;

Demonstrates skill ahead of age;

Able to see the beautiful and extraordinary nearby;

Experiments with the use of traditional and “non-artistic”

materials, can create an original work from them;

Likes to create something interesting and unusual in the house;

His work is distinguished by excellent composition, design and color;

The works are original and marked with the stamp of individuality.

Sports talent:

Energetic, wants to move all the time, sleeps less than usual;

Shows great interest in movements requiring fine motor skills;

Has good hand-eye coordination;

Has a wide range of movements (from slow to fast, from smooth to sharp);

Excellent balance when performing motor exercises;

Excellent body control when maneuvering;

Has exceptional physical strength, flexibility, endurance for his age, good level development of basic motor skills;

Brave, not afraid of bruises and bumps, loves sports games and always wins at them;

Dexterously handles skates, skis, rackets, balls and clubs;

He almost never gets seriously tired if he is busy doing what he loves.

Leadership abilities:

Able to successfully bear the burden of responsibility; you can count on him to do what he promises, and, as a rule, to do it well;

Feels confident with children of his own age – just as with adults; - feels calm and comfortable when asked to show his work in front of an audience;

He strives to prevent conflicts and, as a rule, easily copes with this on his own;

He is quite capable of self-expression: his speech is well developed, he is easy to understand;

Willing to adapt to new situations, flexible in thinking and acting;

He is inspired when he is among people, loves to communicate, does not like loneliness;

Strives to be the first, to surpass those around him, as a rule, manages the activities in which he takes part;

Takes an active part in the public life of the institution

Creative talent:

Extremely inquisitive in a variety of areas, constantly asking questions about anything and everything;

Puts forward a large number of different ideas or solutions to problems, often offers unusual, non-standard, original answers;

Prefers tasks related to the “game” of the mind, fantasizes, has developed imagination; likes to propose new versions and change ideas, rules and objects;

Has a subtle sense of humor and sees humor in situations that do not seem funny to others;

Realizes his impulsiveness and accepts it in himself, shows emotional sensitivity;

Has a sense of beauty, pays attention to aesthetics, artistic characteristics things and phenomena;

It has own opinion and is able to defend it, is not afraid to be different from others, an individualist (in particular, he knows how to, likes to work alone), is not interested in details, is calm about creative disorder;

Criticizes constructively and is not inclined to rely on authoritative opinions without critical evaluation.

Abilities for learning and scientific activities:

Has extensive lexicon for your age or level of education, speech development characterized by expressiveness, fluency, elaboration;

Uses terms quite meaningfully;

Has a large supply of information in various areas (his interests go beyond the usual interests of his peers);

Can quickly understand, remember and reproduce factual information; - knows how to clearly express someone else’s thoughts or observations in words, keeps notes of them, which he uses as needed;

Capable of deep understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, trying to discover how and why something happens;

Asks many questions that reveal the true, deep meaning;

Wants to know what is the driving force, what underlies events or people’s actions;

Asks many questions related to the processes and phenomena of the world;

Easily grasps basic, central principles and can quickly make sound inferences and generalizations about events, people, or things;

A subtle and insightful observer, looking for similarities and differences between events and objects;

Reads a lot, mainly by choice, usually prefers books for adults;

Does not avoid difficult material, loves to study biographies, encyclopedias and atlases, dictionaries, etc.;

Trying to understand complex material, analyzing, dividing it into components

Draws own conclusions; finds logical and common sense

the meaning of answers and explanations;

Creates his own designs and schemes, research and projects in that area

knowledge that interests him;

Has a clear ability to understand abstract concepts

and to generalizations.

Having identified the type of giftedness, the level of development and area of ​​manifestation of the child’s increased abilities, each person decides for himself what tasks to work with gifted child are a priority for teachers: teaching, educational - developing or developmental.

Replenishment of the scientific and methodological base for identifying, training,

development of gifted children

In the process of preparing for the implementation of the “Gifted Children” program, it is necessary to select and accumulate literature, methodological support to help teachers working with gifted children. The study of this literature can take place within the framework of seminars, creative associations, pedagogical councils, as well as through self-education of teachers who have decided to work with gifted children.

The next step will be to develop practical recommendations for programming individual development gifted children.

At this stage of activity, another problem arises: training at DDT is carried out according to educational programs implemented over a period of one to five years. Therefore, the teaching staff of our institution will be faced with the task of creating flexible programs for the individual development of students with different implementation periods.

Principles of constructing programs for gifted children in the Central Technology Center.

The educational program for gifted children must meet their specific needs and capabilities, as well as the goals for teaching this category of students. We identify four main approaches to content development curricula individual development of students:

Acceleration. This approach allows us to take into account the needs and capabilities of children with an accelerated pace of development. But we use it with extreme caution and only in cases where, due to the characteristics of the individual development of a gifted child and the lack of necessary learning conditions, the use of other forms of organization educational activities does not seem possible.

Deepening. We consider this approach to be effective for children who show a special interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge or area of ​​activity. This involves a more in-depth study of topics, disciplines or areas of knowledge.

Enrichment. This approach is focused on a qualitatively different learning content - going beyond the study of traditional topics by establishing connections with other topics, problems or disciplines. Education is planned in such a way that children have enough time to freely engage in their favorite activities that correspond to the type of their talent. The enriched program promotes the formation of such qualities as initiative, self-control, criticality, breadth of mental horizons, etc., ensures the individualization of learning through the use of differentiated forms of presentation of educational information.

Problematization. This approach involves stimulating the personal development of students. The specifics of learning in this case are: the use of original explanations, revision of existing information, search for new meanings and alternative interpretations. All this contributes to the formation in students of a personal approach to the study of various areas of knowledge, as well as a reflexive level of consciousness. But we include such a section as a component in enriched programs.

It is important to keep in mind that the last two approaches are the most promising. They allow maximum consideration of cognitive and personal characteristics gifted children.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that individual development programs for gifted children should:

Provide an opportunity for in-depth study topics selected


Ensure independence in learning;

Develop research methods and skills;

Develop creative, critical and abstract logical thinking;

Encourage and encourage new ideas that disrupt

habitual stereotypes and generally accepted views;

Teach children to evaluate work results using a variety of

criteria, encourage evaluation of work by students themselves.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose an educational field, program profile, time to master them, and inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. Personal-activity character educational process allows you to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted children.

Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed completion dates and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted children can be distinguished:

  • 1) training individually or in small groups according to programs creative development in a certain area;
  • 2) work on research and creative projects in the mentoring mode (the mentor is usually a scientist, a scientist or cultural figure, or a high-class specialist);
  • 3) full-time and correspondence schools;
  • 4) vacation camps, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;
  • 5) a system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;
  • 6) children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

The family of a gifted child in all cases is directly related to the development of his personality and giftedness. Even outwardly, seemingly unfavorable development conditions (poor living conditions, insufficient material security, single-parent family) turn out to be more or less indifferent to the development of abilities, but characteristics that are especially important for their development, especially increased attention from parents, are fully present. (sometimes even exaggerated) volume. No matter how we consider the role and weight of natural factors or the influence of targeted training and upbringing (school) on the development of a child’s personality and talent, in all cases the importance of the family remains decisive.

The experience of observing families of especially gifted children has allowed psychologists to identify a number of special characteristics that are of fundamental importance for the development of giftedness. These are factors of both positive and negative nature. First let's look at positive.

In families where gifted children are raised, there is high value of education , while both parents and grandparents are often highly educated. The family's intellectual quotient is a favorable factor that largely determines the development of increased mental abilities of the child.

The main, mandatory characteristic of the family of any especially gifted child is increased, in comparison with ordinary families, attention to the child when the whole life of a family is focused on the child (child-centrism). Although such attention may subsequently become a brake on his mental autonomy, it is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in the development of extraordinary abilities. Often the parents of gifted children are elderly people, for whom a child is the only meaning of life. Even more often, especially gifted children are the only children in the family, or at least, in fact, the only ones (the eldest child has already grown up and does not require attention), and the parents’ attention is directed only to this child.

In many cases, it is the parents who begin to teach the gifted child, and often, although not always, one of them becomes a true mentor (mentor) your child in the most various activities: in artistic-aesthetic, sports, one or another form of scientific knowledge. This circumstance is one of the reasons for the consolidation of certain cognitive or any other interests in the child’s personality.

The child-centrism of the family of a gifted child, the fanatical desire of parents to develop his abilities, has its own in some cases negative sides. Thus, in these families there is a certain permissive attitude towards insufficient development of a number of social and especially everyday skills in the child.

Parents of gifted children pay special attention to their child's school education, choosing textbooks or additional literature for him and consulting with the teacher on how best to study them. This circumstance sometimes has negative sides when parents interfere in educational process and in in some cases even provoke conflict with the administration and teachers.

In pursuit of high achievements, the parents of a gifted child can act not only as his lawyer, but also as an overseer who forces a convict in a mine or a slave rower in a galley to work hard against his will (remember the story of the relationship between the great violinist Niccolo Paganini and his father). In addition, when comparing your child’s successes with similar successes of other gifted children, parents are rarely objective and instill this attitude in their child, thereby causing negative emotions in him.

Therefore, working with parents of gifted children is a special area of ​​activity not only school psychologist, but also teachers working with such children.

Additional education for gifted children can be organized in various forms. Form- this is a way of streamlining the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process, a way of organizing their activities. The variety of forms of organizing the activities of gifted children is shown by various classifications based on the following characteristics:

  • 1) number of participants - mass, group, individual forms;
  • 2) types of activities - forms of artistic, technical, natural science, sports, tourism, local history, social and pedagogical activities;
  • 3) the nature of the activity - training, competitive, project forms;
  • 4) way of organizing activities - part-time schools, clubs, clubs, studios, associations, creative laboratories, etc.;
  • 5) time spent on preparation - impromptu forms that require preliminary preparation;
  • 6) method of movement of participants - static, static-dynamic, dynamic-static forms;
  • 7) the nature of students’ inclusion in activities - forms providing for mandatory participation and forms providing for voluntary participation;
  • 8) interaction with other teams and people - open, conducted jointly with others, and closed, carried out within their team only by its members;
  • 9) the method of influence of the teacher - direct and indirect forms;
  • 10) degree of complexity - simple, compound, complex.

The list of forms of organizing the activities of participants in the pedagogical process in the conditions of additional education can always be expanded, since the dynamically developing system of additional education is designing new forms of its implementation. In this regard, we will focus on such forms of work with gifted children that are basic for additional education and on the basis of which their variations are developed.

First of all pedagogical process in the system of additional education unfolds in various forms of children's educational associations, which are understood as a structurally and meaningfully designed organization of activity. The following forms of children's educational associations are proposed.

Circle- bringing together a group of people with common interests for constant joint activities, solving subject-specific and practical problems aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific profile of activity. In an additional education institution, a circle is the most common, traditional, basic form of voluntary association of children.

Club in an additional education institution they call an association of children and adolescents based on their interests, which has as a priority such pedagogical tasks, as the organization of children's leisure time, the development of communication skills, the development of self-government skills and independence of pupils. A distinctive feature of the club can be considered the presence of self-government bodies, its own symbols and attributes, collective creative activity, communication between club members of different generations, etc.

There are clubs educational- technical, sports, subject, where children gain knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain profile of activity. In addition, there are leisure clubs in which the priority is cognitive activity based on communication between adults and children of different generations, for example, a club for high school students or a club for hometown lovers, etc. Club activities contribute to the manifestation, discovery and development of children who are prone to leadership and have signs of social giftedness.

Laboratory- This is both a form of children's educational association and a place where students conduct scientific and technical experiments and experimental research. The main goal of the laboratory is to develop the mental and inventive abilities of adolescents. The content of children's learning activities is based on a specific area scientific knowledge or a problem of an interdisciplinary nature. Technologies are dominated by self-directed, search, experimental work children. The teacher here is a guide, an assistant, and a research coordinator. The association consists mainly of older teenagers. Possible options laboratories - thematic or problem-based.

Studio as an integrated form of educational association, it is usually created in the artistic and aesthetic profile of activity (musical, visual, theatrical, etc.). These are most often groups of different ages, where the educational process is based on recognition of the value, uniqueness of the individual, and individual creativity. The main goal of the activity is to create conditions for the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities, to identify early creative talent, its support and development. The content of education in the studio is based on the dominant, main subject, around which adjacent and related ones are “built.” As a result, the children’s activities in the studio differ high quality creative product. In this regard, the educational process requires a mandatory demonstration of real practical achievements of young talents: organizing concerts, exhibitions, performances, etc. Classes in the studio help broaden the child’s horizons and cultural awareness, expand and deepen his knowledge in his core subject area. A consequence of the creative nature of learning in the studio is the development of the child’s interest and need to communicate with any type of art.

School- an integrated form of children's educational association, which combines the study of several interrelated subjects or in-depth study of one subject with a stepwise learning system. Schools as a form of additional education are characterized by comprehensiveness, complexity, scale of pedagogical goals and objectives, the priority of learning in the diversity of types and areas of children’s activities, a complex educational subjects(at least three), system pedagogical control, analysis and evaluation of educational results and others distinctive features. In the practice of institutions of additional education for children, the name “school” is sometimes used in developmental, leisure, narrow-profile, as well as in temporary creative children’s associations, where either cognitive activity of children takes place (school of creative orientation, school of early development), or the process of forming and practicing specific skills (school of survival). The educational process in schools can be carried out in full-time and correspondence forms.

Workshop- a form of children's educational association in which participants become acquainted with any type of art, study various technologies and acquire the labor skill of making something, master a certain profession or craft.

Ensemble- a small group of individual performers works of art, performing together as a single creative performing group. The ensemble operates primarily in musical or dance forms of art.

Theater- a children's educational association engaged in organizing stage performances and performances with the aim of developing the creative abilities of children.

Section- an independent children's association that specializes in one type of activity, usually sports. However, a section can also be a form of primary children's association as part of a larger one (club, studio, etc.), for example, the applied arts section of an art studio, etc. For sports sections characterized by the organization of children's education with the aim of promoting health, physical development, and improving sports abilities. The content of the section's activities is clearly divided: on the one hand, it is training, as a result of which children acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities; on the other hand, participation in competitions, where acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are tested and consolidated. To organize classes in the section, you need a specially equipped room (gym, playground, etc.). The educational process is built primarily in the form of collective interaction and involves working in groups of children of approximately the same age.

Thus, in the system of additional education we can distinguish various shapes children's educational associations in which the development of children is carried out in the following areas:

  • artistic;
  • technical;
  • natural science;
  • sports;
  • tourism and local history;
  • social and pedagogical.

A teacher of additional education can independently create children’s associations based on secondary schools, preschool educational institutions, children's health camps, etc. At the same time, he must remember that the choice of a certain form of organization of such an association depends on the type of activity performed, the conditions for its implementation, educational objectives, and methods of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process.

In the system of additional education, children’s activities are organized in individual And collective forms. The specificity of additional education is such that the teacher’s choice of an individual or collective form of work is not always determined by the number of children included in the educational process. Thus, when studying in an art studio, classes are held in groups, but the child’s activity itself is carried out individually. During the training process, for example, in team sports, individual coaching work is aimed at ensuring the result of the team game. In addition, in additional education there are types of activities that involve only one form of work: either individual or group. Thus, it is impossible to organize individual training for a dance group in group dance, and learning to play a musical instrument determines the choice of individual lessons.

In general, psychological and pedagogical support for children in the additional education system has a special place individual forms of work. In adj. 5 you can get acquainted with the experience of the music studio of the State Budget Educational Institution of Children's Education of the Central Bank "On Sumskoy", where individual piano training is carried out by a teacher-tutor.

Unlike school, where the main form of educational activity is a lesson, the system of additional education uses a wide variety of forms of organizing classes.

As an example, here are the variants of forms used in the Children's and Youth Center "LAD" in Yaroslavl 1:

Round table


Laboratory lesson



Master Class

Creative workshop

Meeting with interesting people





Open lesson


Living room



Project protection


Practical lesson






Relay race


Among the forms of work with gifted children in the system of additional education, all kinds of competitive events: Olympiads, competitions, tournaments, fights, festivals, shows, competitions, etc. The competition aims to highlight the best participants, best works. They can take place in person or in absentia, in individual or group mode, in one or several stages. Each type of competition has its own characteristics and distinctive characteristics. For example, Olympiads, tournaments, and fights are intellectual competitions, while festivals and shows are characterized by a creative focus.

Intellectual and creative competitions arouse children’s keen interest, encourage them to take additional classes, read scientific and

educational literature, studying the history of the business they are interested in, developing thinking, creativity, and imagination. Competitive events allow you to involve different groups of children in competitions (from individual participants within one team to mass meetings at the national or international levels) with different educational needs (from children who want to try their hand at their favorite activity, to the most talented and highly motivated) and offer they have a variety of ways of competitive interaction (face-to-face meetings, correspondence competitions, one-time competitions - all at the same time, but in different places, distance games etc.).

One of the most common forms of intellectual competition among Russian talented youth is All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren. The Olympics are held on 21 subject. However, not all of these items are included in the list of mandatory academic disciplines main general education. Subjects such as ecology, astronomy, law, economics are not studied in every school. Thus, the preparation of gifted children who show interest and aptitude for these subject areas is carried out today mainly through the resource of additional education.

In the Yaroslavl region on the basis of the Cultural and Educational Center named after. V.V. Tereshkova runs an astronomical circle, classes in which allow Yaroslavl schoolchildren not only to master the basics of astronomical science, but also to prepare for the Olympiad in this subject. At the children's environmental center "Rodnik" in Yaroslavl, talented children have the opportunity to study ecology in depth. Under the guidance of the center’s experienced, highly qualified teachers, schoolchildren prepare research projects, which they later present at the practical round of the Ecology Olympiad.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren today stimulates the development of additional educational programs for in-depth study of individual subjects, which contributes to the development of a system of accompaniment and support for intellectually gifted children in additional education. Various specialized centers for gifted children and part-time schools offer natural science classes. An example of such work can be found in appendix. 1.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is an example of this form of intellectual competition and sets all the main characteristics of the Olympiad movement, which is unfolding in the Russian educational space, and also corresponds to Olympics as a form accepted in international competitions of intellectuals.

An interesting form of intellectual competition is tournament- an exciting team championship for schoolchildren, in which participants, in addition to fundamental knowledge, must demonstrate the ability to think logically and analyze, solve complex scientific problems and prove their case in a discussion. The tournament also combines a passionate search scientific solutions, and the desire to learn how to use fundamental knowledge, and sports passion, and oratory skills.

The tournament is a serious intellectual competition that requires thorough preparation. It encourages participants not only to demonstrate their scientific and theoretical knowledge, but also to develop creative abilities, the ability to analyze, defend their point of view and understand others, present their ideas, and work in a team. The tasks of the tournament do not have clear solutions. As a rule, they contain not yet resolved scientific problems that cause scientific debate, during which the depth of fundamental knowledge and the degree of preparation of the participants are revealed. The tournament is always a very interesting and spectacular event.

Mind games combine a wide group of games aimed at individual or collective completion of tasks that require the use of productive thinking in conditions of limited time and competition. Intellectual games require special qualities of the mind, such as observation, the ability to compare and analyze, combine, find connections, dependencies and patterns - all that together constitute a person’s creative and intellectual abilities. Examples of games of this type are “Smart Guys”, “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?”, “Own game”, “The smartest”, etc.

All the variety of intellectual games can be combined into two groups: quizzes and strategies.

Quiz- this is the form intellectual game, where success is achieved through the largest number correct answers. There are quizzes test And plot. Test quizzes are either a set of statements and options for given answers to them, or a question with an open-ended answer. Story quizzes are different from test quizzes great variety external attributes and the use of a certain game plot. In this type of quiz, elements of theatricality are widely used; the game looks more vibrant, lively, and emotional.

Strategy- a form of intellectual game where success is achieved through the most accurate planning by the participants of their actions and actions. Strategies are divided into role-playing(improvised - impromptu theatre, scripted), economic(game "Manager"), combat(checkers, chess, go).

In the process of intellectual competitions, various educational problems are solved in the field of accompanying and supporting talented youth. Firstly, competition is a powerful tool for identifying gifted children, which allows the child’s abilities to reveal themselves. Secondly, various forms of intellectual competitions allow gifted students and their mentors to test the current level of existing knowledge. In this case, competitive events act as a modified exam (a striking example is the Olympiads). Thirdly, participation in intellectual competitions activates independent work talented children, expands the range of knowledge, stimulates their cognitive development. Fourthly, events such as tournaments and fights are aimed at developing not only intellectual abilities and logical thinking, but also ingenuity, speech skills, and communication skills.

To solve all these problems in relation to talented children of other types of giftedness (artistic, sports, musical, choreographic, etc.) serve sports And creative competitions: festivals, shows, exhibitions, competitions, etc.

Festival- organizational and artistic form of theatrical, choreographic or musical activity, which is understood as a broad public, festive meeting, accompanied by a review of the achievements of the corresponding art form. Thus, the artistic context is dominant for any festival. Festival events always have clear calendar dates and are held in the unity of a pre-established space of a country, region, city, concert or theater hall. A festival is a kind of cultural event that unites a certain audience with one artistic concept. The festival is distinguished by its festive atmosphere, its focus on showing the best artistic groups and performers, and the originality of its repertoire offering. The main goal of this type of event is to bring a fresh spirit to cultural life, to create a creative space for mutual communication and enrichment of both professionals in the field of theater, music, dance, and ordinary spectators and listeners.

Review- another form of presenting the results of creative activity. Choral, folklore, dance, drama groups, instrumental ensembles, readers, soloists, and amateur art organizations take part in the shows. The show differs from the festival primarily in that the main task here is to demonstrate the existing creative achievements and get their professional assessment.

Exhibition- demonstration form creative works mainly in the field of artistic and visual activities. The exhibition can present individual or collective works, and can be personal (by one author). The exhibition provides an opportunity to show and demonstrate talent in the arts, arts and crafts, technical creativity, photography and other types. Participation in exhibitions motivates talented children to further develop their abilities.

As a result of the public presentation of works, there is an increase in the sense of responsibility for the products of one’s work and the development of self-criticism. This form of work with gifted children leads to the formation of positive self-esteem and self-awareness, acceptance of oneself and one’s individuality.

Contest- one of the most common forms of demonstrating achievements in all areas of activity. A competition is a competition that results in the selection of the best participants and the best works. Competitions can be organized at the level of institution, district, city, region, all-Russian and international levels. Competitions allow children to try themselves in different fields of science and art. They can be held for any type of activity (competition of future cooks, painters, musical performers, readers, young naturalists, etc.) and among various creative products (abstracts, confectionery, drawings, demonstrations, etc.). Competitions can be held in full-time, correspondence, or remote forms. Competitions allow for interaction between various educational institutions and institutes, organizing targeted support for competitors by teachers, tutors, psychologists, parents, administrative workers, and members of the public.

  • Bayborodova L.V., Zolotareva A.V., Serebrennikov L.N. Additional education as a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child.S. 54-56.
  • See: Zolotareva A.V. Integrative-variative approach to managing an institution of additional education for children: monograph. Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2006.P. 35.

Sections: School administration

The topic of gifted and talented children is constantly heard in the media. Indeed, it can be called one of the most interesting and relevant in modern pedagogy and psychology. No one will deny that the scientific and technological progress of the country, and the well-being of society, largely depends on the intellectual potential of people.

One cannot neglect the concern to preserve and develop the sprouts of unusual abilities. Children who are superior to their peers and who display special mental abilities could receive a more in-depth education in a timely manner and be involved in creative life earlier.

Childhood is a time of life that has the highest independent value. the main problem in relation to extraordinary children, it is not to foresee in advance the degree of their future success, but to ensure that now the level of their mental load and types of activities correspond to their abilities. It is important that a child with unusual abilities live through his childhood years, not constrained in his development, receiving joy from the completeness and timeliness of his efforts. You should be very careful about the signs of giftedness in a growing person.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose an educational field, the profile of programs, time to master them, and inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account individual inclinations.

The individual-personal basis of the activities of an additional education institution makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

Additional education for children is focused on mastering the experience of creative activity in the area of ​​practical actions that interests the child on the path to mastery. The problem of working with gifted children is relevant and promising for the system of additional education, since gifted children have creative and intellectual potential for the development of additional education.

Creating conditions for the optimal development of gifted children, including children whose talent may not yet have manifested itself, as well as simply capable children for whom there is serious hope for a further qualitative leap in the development of their abilities, is one of the main directions of the institution’s work additional education.

Giftedness (according to Ozhegov) is considered as the ability to outstanding achievements in any field human activity. Sometimes giftedness is seen as an opportunity for high achievement.

Additional education is an integral part of lifelong education and a natural partner of a comprehensive school, where the child’s personality comes to the fore, and not the curriculum in its formalized form.

This approach puts individualization at the forefront of the work as a joint activity of the teacher and the student to develop that special, individual and unique that is inherent in a given child by nature and acquired by him in life experience.

The semantic and constructive unit of the system of working with gifted children in additional education is the situation of joint productive and creative activity of the teacher and the child, the teacher and the group.

Development of the creative potential of gifted students involves the development and implementation special programs. These programs should include, along with more complex and additional materials, developments for the development of children’s creative abilities, communication, leadership and other personal qualities that contribute to the further social adaptation of gifted children.

These materials should be based on the following psychological and didactic principles:

  1. The problem principle.
  2. The principle of openness.
  3. The principle of historical realism.
  4. The principle of individuality.
  5. The principle of the research approach.

These programs must take into account at least five main stages of the creative act:

  1. Research activity.
  2. Asking questions and beginning personal interaction.
  3. Expressing your own thoughts (this requires an interested listener).
  4. The real embodiment of the solution found and the desire for personal self-realization.
  5. Professional creative self-determination (this stage can be implemented subject to positive assessment and social recognition).

The purpose of working with gifted children– development of creative abilities in conditions of differentiated and individual learning. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Acquaintance of teachers with scientific data on psychological characteristics and methodological techniques that are effective when working with children, through - holding pedagogical councils with the invitation of specialists; - training in advanced training courses; - selection and accumulation in the library collection of literature necessary for self-education, systematic review of new acquisitions; - scientific and methodological work in this area (with subsequent discussion and exchange of experience)
  • identification of gifted children based on the results of competitions, exhibitions and other competitive events, practical results achieved in the main areas of activity, diagnostic data, by: - ​​discussing criteria that allow us to judge the presence of giftedness; - familiarization with the techniques of targeted pedagogical observation; - identifying parents’ opinions about aptitudes, areas of greatest success and range of interests, about the characteristics of their child’s personal development;
  • - long-term observation of the correlation between performance based on testing results and success in real activities;
  • formation of the “Development” data bank;

Development and implementation of individual and group programs to more fully satisfy the interests of students;

The most important role belongs to the design of the psychodidactic component. A developing educational environment, which can be implemented at the lowest cost in the system of additional education, ensures the formation of intellectual abilities and creative potential in students.

Based on the above, the following interrelated areas of work additional education:

Design and research activities as a continuation, deepening and practical application of basic educational courses;

Health promotion;

Communication and other trainings.

Elements of pedagogical technologies used in the system of additional education for working with gifted children:

  1. Activity approach (activity stands between training and development)
  2. Formation of internal motivation.
  3. Organization of the educational process with “subject – subject relations”.
  4. Providing a “fan of choice”, which creates opportunities for each student to develop.
  5. Reflection.
  6. The ability to individualize the pace of educational programs, their enrichment and deepening.
  7. Compliance with the principles - “the right to make mistakes”, “a situation of success”, “do not compare with others”, etc., which create a favorable moral and psychological climate.
  8. Integrative approach.

Conditions for successful work with gifted students

  • Awareness of the importance of this work by each member of the institution’s team and, in connection with this, increased attention to the problem of developing positive motivation for learning and creativity.
  • Creation and continuous improvement of a methodological system.
  • Involvement in work with gifted children, first of all, of teachers with certain qualities:
    • A teacher for a gifted child is a person who responds productively to challenges, knows how to accept criticism and does not suffer from stress when working with people more capable and knowledgeable than himself. The interaction of a teacher with a gifted child should be aimed at the optimal development of abilities, be of a helping, supportive nature, and be non-directive;
    • The teacher believes in his own competence and ability to solve emerging problems. He is ready to bear responsibility for the consequences of the decisions we make and at the same time feels like a trustworthy person, confident in his human attractiveness and worth;
    • The teacher strives for intellectual self-improvement, willingly works to expand his own knowledge, is ready to learn from others and engage in self-education and self-development.

    Each gifted child is an individual who requires a special approach. Promoting the realization of giftedness most often requires the organization of a special environment. What signs, personality traits, character traits, characteristics of behavior and activity can indicate to an adult that a child in the future may become an outstanding scientist, artist, leader, etc.? The answer to this complex question cannot be simple. Scientists have already discovered a number of patterns that make it possible to predict a child’s future, but an algorithm for constructing reliable, well-founded forecasts is still infinitely far away.

    World experience shows that often faith in the capabilities of a student, multiplied by the skills of teachers and parents, can work miracles. In life, it often turns out that what is important is not even what nature gave a person, but what he was able to do with the gift that he has.

    The identification of potential and hidden giftedness is dictated, first of all, by humanistic considerations and the desire to attract attention to a larger number of children. When understanding all the theoretical complexity, the dominant one is the desire not to “miss” a single child who requires the teacher’s attention.

    Motivation for learning and adaptation of a child in a group.

    Survey questions.

    1. Do you like it in the House of Children's Creativity (group) or not so much?

    2. When classes end, are you always happy to go to the House of Creativity (group) or do you want to stay at school (go home)?

    3. If the teacher in the group said that tomorrow it was not necessary for all students to come, would you go to the creativity house (group) or would you stay at school (at home)?

    4. Do you like it when classes in your group are cancelled?

    5. Would you like no homework to be assigned in the group?

    6. Would you like the group to have...

    7. Do you often tell your parents about the group (House of Children’s Creativity)?

    8. Would you like to have a less strict teacher in your group?

    9. Do you have many friends in your group?

    10. Do you like your classmates?

    1. Yes-3 b. 6. No-3 b.
    2. Yes-3 b. 7. Yes-3 b.
    3. Yes-3 b. 8. No-3 b.
    4. No-3 b. 9. Yes-3 b.
    5. No-3 b. 10. Yes-3 b.

    25-30 points – high level adaptation;

    20-24 points – average norm;

    15-19 – indicate external motivation;

    10-14 – low motivation;

    Below 10 points – a negative attitude towards the group and maladjustment.

    Primary diagnosis of children's giftedness by a teacher

    Instructions. Below are scales that are designed to enable educators to teach learner characteristics in cognitive, motivational, creative and leadership areas. Each item on the scale should be scored independently of the other items. Your rating should reflect how often you observed any of the characteristics occurring. Because the four scales represent relatively different aspects of behavior, scores on different scales NOT are summed up.

    Please read the statements carefully and circle the appropriate number as described below:

    1- if you almost never observe this characteristic;

    2 - if you observe this characteristic from time to time;

    3 - if you observe this characteristic quite often;

    4 - If you observe this characteristic almost all the time.

    Scale 1. Cognitive characteristics of the student

    1. Has a fairly large vocabulary for this age; uses terms with understanding; speech is distinguished by its richness of expression, fluency and complexity.

    2. Has a wide range of information on a variety of topics (beyond the interests of children of this age).

    3. Quickly remembers and reproduces factual information.

    4. Easily “grasps” cause-and-effect relationships; tries to understand “how” and “why”; asks a lot of questions (as opposed to questions aimed at obtaining facts); wants to know what underlies the phenomena and actions of people.

    5. Sensitive and quick-witted observer; usually “sees more” or “gets more” than others from a story, a movie, something that happens.


    1. Bisker L.M. Program “Gifted Children” // “Head of Principal”. - 2001. - No. 4. - p. 39-45
    2. Zavelsky Yu.K. The concept of work of a gymnasium with gifted children // “Head of Teacher”. - 2000. - No. 1. - p. 107-116
    3. Zolotareva A.V. Additional education for children. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2004. - 304 p.
    4. Petrosyan L.G. Working with gifted children in the additional education system of the lyceum. // “Additional education of children.”- 2001.- No. 24.- p.
    5. 37-39.
    6. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. – M.: Humanite. Ed.