The discipline OP 02 “Human Anatomy and Physiology,” which students study during the first year of study at a medical college, is one of the most difficult and time-consuming. The knowledge and skills acquired in mastering this discipline are the foundation for all clinical disciplines and professional modules that are studied by students in their senior years. Extracurricular activities allows students to generalize and systematize knowledge in anatomy and physiology, prepare for tests and exams in this discipline. A special place in the system of this training is occupied by subject Olympiads.

Subject Olympiads are one of the non-traditional ways to test and control students' knowledge. Like any olympiad, a subject olympiad is a competition among students for the opportunity to show the best knowledge and find a way out of situational problems. It concentrates students’ attention, promotes the formation of cognitive interest, develops independent work skills, and puts the discipline on a new level of study.

Goals of the subject Olympiad:

  • Application and activation of competencies, knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the process of studying the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology”.
  • Development of logical thinking in students.
  • Increasing cognitive interest in the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology”

The tasks of subject Olympiads, as a rule, go beyond the scope of the work program for the discipline. The subject Olympiad contributes to the formation of competencies reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance his future profession, show a steady interest in her.
  • OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their implementation and quality.
  • OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.
  • OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
  • OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan and carry out advanced training.
  • PC 3.1. Provide first aid in case of emergency conditions and injuries.
  • PC 3.2. Participate in the provision medical care in emergency situations.

The Olympiad is held in two rounds: 1st round – all second-year students studying anatomy and physiology participate; 2nd round - the winners of the 1st round of the Olympiad participate, 3 people from each group. In order to comprehensively assess the study of the subject, students are offered several types of tasks.

In the first round, theoretical knowledge is assessed. Students are invited to take tests in the main sections of the discipline. The content and complexity of the tasks corresponds to Federal educational standards and the work program of the discipline. The number of correct student answers is equal to the number of points. Based on the testing results, the winners of the 1st round are selected and invited to the second round.

The second round of the subject Olympiad includes questions of a theoretical and practical nature. The tasks of this tour may already go beyond work program disciplines and require students to have deeper knowledge.

The second round of the Olympiad includes several stages:

Stage “Have a question - give an answer” - students need to answer the proposed questions. Running time 10 minutes. The number of correct answers is equal to the number of points.

Sample questions:

  1. Through what vessels does blood enter the left atrium?
  2. What is the second heart sound called?
  3. Where is the bicuspid valve located?
  4. What are female reproductive cells called?
  5. Gallbladder function?
  6. What is assimilation called? nutrients?
  7. What compounds does pepsin act on?
  8. Daily requirement for carbohydrates?
  9. What is a neuron?
  10. Where is the center of the act of urination?
  11. What is reabsorption?
  12. What is acromegaly?
  13. Latin and Greek name for heart?
  14. How many parts does the brain have?

Number of spinal nerves?

Stage “Don't get lost...” - It is necessary to identify certain structures on the contour of the human body. For example,

  1. Mark on the outline of the human body the position of the right and left kidneys.
  2. Mark the lower border of the lungs on the contour of the body.
  3. Mark the position of the liver on the outline, mark the surfaces and edges.

The task completion time is 10 minutes. The maximum number of points is 5. Students must correctly mark the proposed structures on the outline of the human body. To do this, students must know the landmarks of the location of organs.

Stage “Constructor”- it is necessary to select from a set of bones and give Latin names to those bones that form, for example, the skeleton of the upper limb, the skeleton of the skull, etc. The task completion time is 10 minutes. The maximum number of points is 5.

Stage “Situational task”- it is necessary to give a detailed answer to the proposed situational task. The task completion time is 10 minutes. The maximum number of points is 5. For example, a task of this type : It is known that a person can live without food for more than a month, without water - 10 days. Without oxygen, life fades away in 4–7 minutes! Why is the need for oxygen greater than for food and water?

After completing the stages, points are calculated. If the participants of the Olympiad have an equal number of points, then an additional stage is held in the form “Blitz survey”. Students are asked to additionally answer 5 proposed questions orally. The teacher reads out the question, and the student who first raised his hand answers. If the answer is correct, he receives 1 point. At the end of this stage, the points are summed up and the winner of the Olympiad is revealed.

The winners are awarded diplomas of the first, second and third degrees. The winner of the Olympiad receives additional benefits when passing the test and exam in the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology”. In addition, points received at the Olympiad are added as bonuses when calculating the semester rating in the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology”. This serves as an excellent motivation to participate and prepare for the Olympiad.

Thus, participation in subject olympiads contributes to the formation of independent work skills in students, develops the ability to work with educational literature in preparation for the Olympics. Any Olympiad, including subject ones, is, first of all, a competition. The Olympics are held under the motto: “To know, to experience, to experience everything.”

State regional educational autonomous institution

average vocational education

"Kola medical college»

Methodological development extracurricular activity

"Olympiad in Human Anatomy and Physiology"

Developer: Yakovleva Marina

Nikolaevna, teacher, Ph.D.


Update: The discipline “Human Anatomy and Physiology,” which students study during the first year of study at medical college, is one of the most difficult and time-consuming. The knowledge gained in mastering this discipline is the foundation for all clinical disciplines (surgery, therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics, traumatology, pharmacology, etc.), which are studied in senior years. Preparation and participation in the Olympiad in Human Anatomy and Physiology allows students to repeat and generalize previously acquired knowledge.

^ Goals and objectives: increasing the cognitive interest of students in studying and reviewing human anatomy and physiology; creating conditions for intellectual development, support for gifted students; activation of knowledge acquired in the process of studying the discipline, development of non-standard ways for students to repeat the content of the discipline.

^ Form of conduct : full-time.

Time: 90-100 minutes.

Preparation: preparation of tasks and standard answers to them, preparation of application forms for participants, creation of Regulations on the Olympics, formation of the organizing committee of the Olympics (from among the teaching staff) headed by the chairman, methodological and appeal commissions, jury, announcement of the Olympics, formation of the prize fund.

The Olympiad consists of a set of tasks on human anatomy and physiology, which include tasks on sections and topics: basics of cytology and histology, osteology, myology, splanchnology (respiratory system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system, endocrine system, nervous system, sense organs).

Quests include:

1. Tests with one correct answer (70 tests in total).

2. Task on knowledge of numerical values.

3. Situational tasks.

4. Erudition tasks.

Progress of the Olympics.

  1. Registration of Olympic participants.

  2. Welcome words director, anatomy teachers.

  3. Recommendations for completing tasks. Completing tasks.

  4. Reflection.

  1. A method for studying human anatomy by cutting up frozen corpses was developed and applied by:
a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Claudius Galen c) Andrei Vesalius d) N.I. Pirogov

  1. The cortical section of the visual analyzer is located:
a) in the parietal lobe b) in the occipital lobe c) in the frontal lobe d) c temporal lobe

  1. Multilayer epithelium includes:
a) endothelium b) transitional c) multirow d) cylindrical

  1. The dental formula of an adult is indicated as:
a) 1-2-3-3 b) 2-3-1-2 c) 2-1-2-3 d) 3-1-3-2

  1. The ciliated epithelium lines:
a) the walls of the bladder b) the oviduct c) the intestinal walls d) the outer surface of the skin

  1. What value corresponds to the content of monocytes in the leukocyte formula?
a) 6-8% b) 1% c) 67%

  1. Directly from the abdominal aorta there are:
a) pericardial arteries b) renal arteries c) intercostal arteries d) gastric arteries

  1. What value corresponds to the normal content of lymphocytes in the leukocyte formula?
a) 55-75% b) 1-5% c) 20-40% d) 5-10%

  1. You are microscopying a human blood smear. Which blood cell is larger than an erythrocyte, has a segmented nucleus, is found frequently, and is found in the granule cytoplasm?
a) monocyte b) lymphocyte c) platelet d) neutrophil

  1. The peritoneal cavity of a man and a woman differs in that:
a) in men it is closed, in women it is not b) in women there is more serous fluid in the cavity c) in men the volume is less than in women d) there are no differences

  1. Agglutinins  are found:
a) in plasma of blood group II b) in plasma of group III c) in erythrocytes of group III d) in erythrocytes of blood group II

  1. The ability to clot is due to the presence in the blood plasma of:
a) fibrin b) heparin c) fibrinogen d) albumin

  1. The right main bronchus is divided into:
a) two branches b) three branches c) seven branches d) more than 10 branches

  1. The lifespan of red blood cells is:
a) several days b) 10-15 days c) 50-70 days d) 100-120 days

  1. The muscular lining of the uterus consists of:
a) two layers of smooth muscle b) three layers of smooth muscle c) three layers of striated muscle

  1. Granulocytes (granular) do not include:
a) neutrophils b) eosinophils c) basophils d) monocytes

  1. On the distal epiphysis of the humerus there are:
a) surgical neck b) condyle c) anatomical neck d) greater tubercle

  1. Tissue that forms the liver stroma:
a) dense fibrous b) loose fibrous c) epithelial d) glandular

  1. Does not form part of the wall of the heart chambers
a) endocardium b) outer layer of pericardium c) myocardium d) inner layer of pericardium

  1. Nerve impulses from the body of a neuron to another neuron or organ arrive through:
a) axon b) one dendrite c) all dendrites d) axon and dendrites simultaneously

  1. Smooth muscles are composed of:
a) intestinal walls b) heart chamber walls c) tongue d) pharynx

  1. Air bones include:
a) vomer b) palatine bone c) frontal bone d) occipital bone

  1. Not anatomically related to hair:
a) sweat glands b) sebaceous glands c) smooth muscles

  1. There are holes in the transverse processes:
a) at the lumbar vertebrae b) at the sacral vertebrae c) at the cervical vertebrae d) at the thoracic vertebrae

  1. The portal vein carries blood:
a) from the stomach to the inferior vena cava b) from the portal of the liver to the inferior vena cava c) from the intestine to the portal of the liver d) from the portal of the kidneys to the inferior vena cava

  1. The skeleton of the wrist, as well as the skeleton of the tarsus, includes:
a) 8 bones b) trapezoid bone c) scaphoid bone d) 7 bones

  1. The medial malleolus is:
a) process b) process of the tibia c) process of the fibula d) process of the femur

  1. The calf muscle is a muscle:
a) two-headed b) three-headed c) digastric d) four-headed

  1. The cavity of the midbrain is:
a) fourth ventricle b) third ventricle c) lateral ventricles d) aqueduct of Sylvius

  1. The folds of the esophageal mucosa have the direction:
a) longitudinal b) spiral c) circular d) no folding

  1. Villi are found in:
a) cecum b) transverse colon c) stomach d) ileum

  1. The gallbladder duct opens in
a) duodenum b) stomach c) into the right hepatic duct d) into the common hepatic duct

  1. In the area of ​​the retinal blind spot:
a) there are no receptors b) receptors are extremely rare c) there are only rods d) there are only cones

  1. The breakdown of carbohydrates occurs:
a) in the stomach b) in the oral cavity c) with the participation of bile

  1. The facial muscles are innervated by the nerve:
a) trigeminal b) facial c) vagus d) accessory

  1. Section of the small intestine:
a) jejunum b) colon c) blind d) sigmoid

  1. Main tissue of the pancreas:
A)connective b) epithelial c) muscular

  1. In the stomach, as well as in the oral cavity:
a) fats are digested b) proteins are digested c) mechanical processing of food occurs

  1. Bile, like pancreatic juice:
a) contains enzymes b) is involved in the digestion of proteins c) is involved in the digestion of fats

  1. Excess glucose in the body is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of:
a) starch b) glycogen c) glucagon

  1. In the retroperitoneal space there are:
a) spleen and kidneys b) kidneys and duodenum c) ureters and jejunum

  1. The tracheal skeleton consists of:
a) 10 – 15 cartilaginous half rings b) 16 – 20 cartilaginous rings c) 10 – 20 cartilaginous plates d) 16 – 20 cartilaginous half rings

  1. Right and left kidneys:
a) located on the same level b) right below left c) left below right d) no reliable information

  1. The gates of the lungs are located:
a) on the diaphragmatic surface b) on the medial surface c) in the area of ​​the apex of the lung d) on the lateral surface

  1. The cardiac notch is located:
a) on the medial surface of the right lung b) in the lower part of the anterior edge of the left lung c) on the medial surface of the left lung d) in the area of ​​the apex of the left lung

  1. Left and right pleural cavities:
a) completely isolated b) communicate with each other during inhalation c) communicate with each other during exhalation d) communicate with the help of the trachea

  1. The kidneys are located:
a) at the level of the middle thoracic vertebrae b) at the level of the X thoracic – 1st lumbar vertebrae c) at the level of the XI thoracic – II-III lumbar vertebrae d) to the right and left of the sacrum

  1. The kidney is surrounded by:
a) layer of muscles on all sides b) fat capsule c) peritoneum d) serous fluid

  1. The renal pelvis opens into:
a) convoluted tubules of the nephron b) collecting ducts c) small calyces d) large calyces

  1. The male urethra opens into:
a) ducts of the seminal vesicles b) vas deferens c) ureters d) ducts of the epididymis

  1. Testicles are laid during embryogenesis:
a) in the scrotum b) in the inguinal canal c) in the abdominal cavity d) in the cavernous bodies of the penis

  1. The follicles in which the eggs mature are located
a) in the medulla of the ovary b) in the cortex of the ovary c) in the fallopian tube d) in the uterus

  1. Heart rate does not increase:
a) during physical activity b) during blood loss c) during activation of the parasympathetic nervous system d) during activation of the sympathetic nervous system

  1. The spinal cord ends at the level
a) XI-XII thoracic vertebrae b) I-II lumbar vertebrae c) III-IV lumbar vertebrae d) I-II sacral vertebrae

  1. The oval hole (fossa) in the heart is located:
a) between the left and right ventricles b) between the left atrium and the left ventricle c) between the right and left atria d) between the left atrium and the right ventricle

  1. The central division of the sympathetic nervous system is located:
a) in the brain and spinal cord b) in the spinal cord c) in the brain d) in the cranial nerves

  1. The right atrium opens:
a) superior vena cava b) pulmonary vein c) jugular vein d) pulmonary artery

  1. During atrial systole:
a) all valves are open b) leaflet valves are open, semilunar valves are closed c) the right semilunar valve is open, the left semilunar valve is closed d) leaflet valves are closed

  1. Duration of cardiac cycle:
a) 8 s b) 0.8 s c) 0.4 s d) 4 s

  1. The conduction system of the heart is:
a) the system of cardiac arteries b) the system of cardiac capillaries c) the system of heart valves d) the system that ensures the automaticity of the heart

  1. Hormone synthesized by pituitary cells:
a) adrenocorticotropic b) melatonin c) vasopressin

  1. The thyroid hormone is:
a) thyroxine b) thymosin c) parathyroid hormone d) oxytocin

  1. The adrenal medulla produces:
a) calcitonin b) adrenaline c) glucocorticoids d) androgens

  1. Cervical region spinal cord has:
a) 6 segments b) 7 segments c) 12 segments d) 8 segments

  1. Sympathetic nerve fibers are included in:
a) some cranial nerves b) some spinal nerves c) cranial and spinal nerves c) all spinal nerves

  1. The middle ear contains:
a) tympanic cavity b) tragus c) vestibular organ d) bony labyrinth

  1. The arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord is located:
a) between hard shell and the periosteum of the vertebrae b) between the dura and choroid c) between the choroid and the spinal cord d) part of the choroid

  1. The nuclei of the trochlear and abducens nerves are:
a) motor b) sensitive c) sympathetic d) mixed

  1. The anterior chamber of the eye is located:
a) between the lens and the vitreous body b) between the cornea and the lens c) between the cornea and the iris d) between the cornea and the vitreous body

  1. The auditory (Eustachian) tube connects:
a) cavity of the external auditory canal with the nasal cavity b) cavity of the middle ear with the nasopharynx c) cavities of the semicircular canals with the tympanic cavity d) cavity of the inner ear with the nasopharynx

^ Task 2. It is required to indicate the values ​​(or ranges of values) of various quantities normal

in humans ( indicating units of measurement) in this table:


Numerical value

^ Unit of measurement

Jury Score

  1. Sugar concentration in urine

  1. Tidal volume

  1. Total number of phalanges of the foot

  1. Number of vena cava

  1. Daily urine volume

  1. Diaphragm contraction frequency

  1. Colon length

  1. Total number of vertebrae

Task 3. Solve situational problems by giving a detailed answer:

  1. When flying on an airplane, during a change in air pressure, passengers are offered lollipops to prevent the unpleasant feeling of “stuffed ears.” Explain the physiological meaning of using such a technique.

  2. A 25-year-old patient was undergoing a medical examination and complained of an increase in the size of his hands. Upon examination, an enlargement was found not only in the hands, but also in the feet, nose and lower jaw. Violation of the hormonal function of which gland could lead to the described change in the proportions of the patient's body? What is it called this state?

  3. Two patients had a cerebral hemorrhage - one of them in the cerebral cortex, the other in the medulla oblongata. Which patient has a more favorable prognosis?

  4. During the autopsy of the corpse of an old man, the pathologist noted the presence of an accumulation of adipose tissue behind the manubrium of the sternum, located in a space free from the pleura. What is this space called? What anatomical formation was discovered by the specialist?

  5. What blood type does the patient have if agglutination occurred in standard serum of groups 0 (I) and B (III)?

Task 4. Show your erudition.

2. The inhabitants of an amazing zoo “hid” in the human body. What animals or their parts can we find in the names of human organs and anatomical structures? Name any five formations and indicate their location.

3. A Swiss morphologist, professor of logic, rhetoric and medicine, who lived in the 17th century, once published a work in which he described large formations located in the wall of the small intestine and their protective function. What is the name of this scientist? What anatomical formations did he describe? What is known today about their function?

4. The human body is amazing! In it you can find not only representatives of the animal world, but also the plant world. What “botanical” names of organs or anatomical structures do you know? Name any five formations and indicate their location.

5. What is the physiological nature of the expressions: “fear made me sweat”, “hair stood on end”, “goosebumps”?

6. A German doctor and pathologist, as a student, performed work on the microscopic structure of the pancreas, in which he described its structure. What kind of scientist (last name) is this and what part of the pancreas is named after him, what is its function?

7. The goddess Thetis, in order to make her son invulnerable, bathed him in magical waters the river Styx in the underworld. What was her son's name? Where was he wounded at the walls of Troy? What anatomical structure is named after the son of Thetis? Where is it located and what function does it perform?



  1. Test tasks. For each correct answer - 1 point. The maximum number of points is 70.

  1. A task on knowledge of numerical values.
The number of points is from 1 to 3.

1 point each - in No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 25.

2 points each (number + unit) – No. 1, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, and also No. 7

3 points each (range + units) – No. 8, 11, 18, 22, 23

The maximum number of points is 44.


Numerical value

Unit of measurement

  1. Duration embryonic development person



  1. Number of bones directly connected to the sternum



  1. Number of lobes in the left lung



  1. Number of chromosomes in a mature red blood cell


  1. Number of spinal cord segments



  1. Number of baby teeth in a child



  1. Sugar concentration in urine


  1. Tidal volume

300-900 (average 500-600)


  1. Total number of phalanges of the foot



  1. Number of pairs of cranial nerves



  1. Duration of the menstrual cycle



  1. Number of vena cava



  1. Number of bones in one wrist



  1. Number of auditory ossicles in the body

6 (3 pairs)


  1. Daily urine volume



  1. Systolic blood pressure


mmHg Art.

  1. Number of small molars in an adult



  1. Diaphragm contraction frequency


per minute

  1. Colon length



  1. Cardiac cycle duration



  1. Total number of vertebrae



  1. Hemoglobin concentration in a woman's blood



  1. Leukocyte count in peripheral blood

4-9*10 9

in liter

  1. The number of red blood cells in a man's peripheral blood

4-5*10 12

in liter

  1. Total number of lobar bronchi



  1. ^ Situational tasks.


When eating candy, the intensity of salivation and the number of swallowing movements increase. During swallowing, the Eustachian tube opens and the pressure in the middle ear is equalized with the pressure of the external air environment.

2 points


  1. The described condition is called acromegaly and is caused by hyperfunction of the adenohypophysis, accompanied by excessive production of growth hormone (somatotropic hormone - STH).

3 points


There are no vital centers in the cerebral cortex, but there are (respiratory, cardiovascular) centers in the medulla oblongata. Therefore, hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata is more life-threatening; as a rule, it ends in death.

2 points


Space – mediastinum. The thymus, the parenchyma of which degenerates with age and is replaced by adipose tissue.

2 points


The patient has blood group II (A).

2 points

  1. Erudition tasks.
1. Answers to Russian folk riddles:

4.1. There are white doves standing near the hole. Answer: teeth.

4.2. Hair on hair, body on body - a dark affair begins. Answer: the eye closes.

4.3. I'm as light as a feather, but you can't hold me for long. Answer: inhale.

4.4. Between two lights I am alone in the middle. Answer: nose.

4.5. I'll circle the earth, but I can't circle the head. Answer: eyes.

For each correct answer - 1 point. For incorrect, but appropriate in meaning or original - 0.5 points.

^ 2. Possible answers:

  • cochlea (in the inner ear);

  • cauda equina - a bundle of roots of the lumbar and sacrococcygeal nerves of the spinal cord located in the spinal canal;

  • coracoid process (scapula);

  • cockscomb (process of the ethmoid bone, directed into the cranial cavity);

  • scales (frontal, occipital, temporal, parietal bones brain section skull);

  • vermis (median part of the cerebellum);

  • wings (large and small sphenoid bones of the skull, ilium of the pelvis, wings of the external nose).

  • muscles (from Lat. musculus - “little mouse”)

  • “goose bumps” – when emotionally aroused, the sympathetic nervous system promotes contraction of the smooth muscles of the dermis associated with the hair follicle.

  • auricle

  • soleus (calf muscle)

  • vermiform appendix of the cecum (in the right iliac region)

  • horns of the spinal cord

  • spleen (in the left hypochondrium)
For each correct answer - 1 point, for incomplete - 0.5 points, maximum 5 points.

3 . Peyer Johann described large accumulations of lymphoid tissue - Peyer's patches (1 point) (1 point), performing an immune function (1 point) (local immunity), producing T and B lymphocytes.

For a complete answer - 3 points.

^ 4. Possible answers:

  • tonsils (from the Greek “almond”) - 2 palatine (between the palatine arches), 2 tubal (near the pharyngeal openings of the auditory tubes), pharyngeal (adenoid) (on the back wall of the nasopharynx), lingual (at the root of the tongue);

  • amygdala and lentiform body - basal ganglia in the white matter of the brain;

  • olives - in the medulla oblongata;

  • apple - eyeball (in the cavity of the orbit), Adam's - protrusion of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx in men, lies in the anterior region of the neck;

  • bulbs - olfactory (on the lower surface of the frontal lobes of the brain), penile bulb (posterior thickened end of the penis), aortic bulb (in the ascending aorta), hair bulb (lower expanded end of the hair root, lying in the dermis of the skin).

  • cerebral cortex

  • kidneys (in the abdominal cavity)

  • brain stem

  • layers of serous membranes

  • fungiform papillae of the tongue

  • appendage (vermiform, etc.)
For each correct answer - 1 point, for incomplete - 0.5 points (maximum 5 points).

5. Answer: during emotional arousal (fear, fear, admiration), sympathetic nerve fibers (2 points) increase the secretion of sweat glands (1 point), promotes the contraction of smooth muscles of the dermis (1 point) associated with the hair follicle (1 point), which give the effect “ goose bumps" and raise the hair (1 point).

^ For each correct answer - 1 point, total - 6 points.

6. Langerhans Paul described the endocrine part of the pancreas, later named islets of Langerhans (1 point), performing the function synthesis of hormones - insulin (1 point) and glucagon (1 point) participating in carbohydrate metabolism (1 point).

^ For each correct answer - 1 point, 5 points in total.

7. Son's name was Achilles (Achilles) (1 point), he was wounded in the heel (1 point), named after him Achilles (Achilles) tendon (1 point) triceps surae muscle(1 point) (on the back surface), with which muscle attaches to the calcaneus (1 point), function – plantar flexion (1 point).

For each correct answer - 1 point, 6 points in total.

Sources used

  1. Big book riddles – M.: Bustard-Plus, 2006. – 144 p. (riddles)

  2. Wiegmann S., Muller W. Non-traditional methods for adult education. – M: CINO of the Knowledge Society of Russia, 1998. – p.57. (reflection method)

  3. Lysakov V.G. 1000 riddles. – M.: AST; Donetsk; Stalker, 2006. – 318 p. (riddles)

  4. Samusev R.P. Human anatomy in eponyms. Directory. – M.: OOO “Publishing house “Onyx”: “Publishing house “Peace and Education”, 2007. – 656 p.

  5. Collection test tasks, morpho-functional and situational tasks and answers for students in the subject “Human Anatomy and Physiology”. – M.: Federal State Educational Institution “VUNMC Roszdrav”, 2006. – 93 p.

  6. Illustrations:
www in the palm of your hand)

www. (thinking skeleton)


Catalog of anatomical models and mannequins. – Ed. GEOTAR-Media Group, 2010. – 47 p. (dancing skeleton).




Dear Olympic participant!

  1. Turn off mobile communications. It is prohibited to use the telephone during the Olympics! Violators will be removed.

  2. Time to complete tasks is 90-100 minutes. Every 10 minutes the time is recorded on the board.

  3. It is not recommended to go out during the Olympics.

  4. Communication with other Olympic participants is prohibited.

  5. Complete tasks 1, 3, 4 on a separate sheet of paper, write task 2 in the prepared table provided to you.

  6. Write carefully legible.

  7. You can use one of the checkered sheets as a draft.

We wish you successful completion of the Olympiad tasks!

Organizing Committee



The “Everything is in my hands” method

Purpose: To find out the attitude of the participants towards the past Olympics.

Time: 2 min. for an explanation; 10 min. for individual work; 10 min. to generalize the results.

Materials: colored sheets of paper, pens, scissors, tape.

Carrying out: Questions for assessing the results of work are indicated using fingers:

  1. - thumb - I would like to work more on...

  2. - index – I liked it...

  3. - average - I didn’t like it here...

  4. - nameless - the most difficult thing was...

  5. - little finger - I missed it here...
Participants draw their hand on sheets of paper, tracing its outline, write down questions next to each finger and write their answers to these questions inside the outline, then cut out the image of the hand. The sheets are posted, the teacher summarizes the results and gives his comments.

Considered at the meeting of the Central Committee "APPROVED"

Protocol No. Deputy director for business management

Chairman _____________


The Olympiad is one of the methods of non-traditional testing of students' knowledge, which is based on competition. It focuses students' attention on the cognitive side of learning, and also stimulates them to independent decision some practical problems.

Goals and objectives of the Olympiad:

Ø Development of sustainable motivation to study the discipline.

Ø Improving the quality of knowledge through the intellectual development of students and their personal involvement in the extracurricular process.

Ø Application of the competencies, abilities and skills of students acquired during the study of the discipline, use of the results of project activities and ICT.

“Anatomy and Physiology” is one of the fundamental medical and biological disciplines. It has close connections with almost all medical and biological subjects.

Therefore, the Olympiad in “Anatomy and Physiology” includes questions that allow a comprehensive assessment of cognitive and creative activity student, namely:

1) his culture and erudition, knowledge of the history of the subject;

2) systems thinking skills;

3) understanding the connection of the subject with clinical disciplines;

4) ability to solve logical problems.

In order to comprehensively assess the study of the subject, students are offered several types of tasks.

Third-year students of any specialty participate in the regional olympiad in anatomy and physiology.

3.4. The regional Olympiad includes three rounds of the competition in the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology” and an additional, 4th round for participants who scored an equal number of points when determining 1st place.

Program of the Regional Olympiad in Anatomy







Registration of participants and guests

Opening of the Olympiad

Assembly hall

I round of the Olympiad. Computer testing

Computer class FPC

2nd round of the Olympiad

Coffee break

method room

III round of the Olympiad. Multimedia presentation“How are you made, Mr. Body?”

Assembly hall

Concert for participants

Assembly hall

Summing up the results of the Olympiad

Method office

Awarding the winners. Closing of the Olympiad

Assembly hall


about the regional student olympiad educational institutions Secondary education in the academic discipline "Anatomy and Physiology"

1. General position

The Anatomy and Physiology Olympiad is a competition to identify students’ abilities in using cognitive and creative competence, including culture and erudition, knowledge of the history of the discipline, systems thinking skills, understanding of the connection of anatomy and physiology with other specialized disciplines, and the ability to solve logical problems.

Founder of the Olympiad: State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Amur Medical College”.

Goals and objectives of the Olympiad:

1. Development of sustainable motivation to study the discipline.

2. Improving the quality of knowledge through the intellectual development of students and their personal involvement in the extracurricular process.

3. Application of the competencies, skills and abilities of students acquired during the study of the discipline, use of the results project activities and ICT.

2. Date and location

The Olympiad is held on January 28, 2011 at 11.00 am at the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Amur Medical College”, Amur Region, st. Green, 30. Travel by buses No. 28, 22.

3. Organization of the Olympiad

3.1. Third-year students of any specialty participate in the regional olympiad in anatomy and physiology.

3.2. Number of participants – up to 4 people from educational institution(branch).

3.3. The Olympiad participant must have a student ID with him.

3.4. The regional Olympiad includes three rounds of the competition in the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology” with the following content:


(Appendix No. 1)

Tasks for choosing the correct answer (computer testing - base of 150 tests, the participant completes 30 tasks).

The task completion time is 30 minutes. Rating using a 5-point system.


(Appendix No. 2)

COMPETITION 1"Task for working with images."

It is required to give a name to each picture as a whole and its individual elements (indicated by numbers). In addition, in some drawings it is necessary to indicate the gross errors made.


COMPETITION 2“Task on knowledge of numerical values”

(Appendix No. 3)

This task requires you to specify the value of various quantities. When assessing the answer, it is taken into account that the boundaries of the physiological norm are relative.

Grade: 1 point for a correctly completed task. Incomplete and incorrect answer 0 points.

COMPETITION 3 « Compliance Assignment".

It is required to fill out a table establishing the correspondence between structures and their characteristics.

The task completion time is 5 minutes.

Grade: 1 point for a correctly completed task. Incomplete and incorrect answer 0 points.

COMPETITION 4."Explanationbiological and medical meanings


There is a need to explain the significance of several biological and medical terms. When assessing the answer, what is taken into account, first of all, is not the formal accuracy of the definitions (for some terms they are very complex), but an indication of the most important points.

The task completion time is 5 minutes.

Grade: 1 point for a correctly completed task. Incomplete and incorrect answer 0 points.

COMPETITION 5.“Task to combine concepts.”

It is necessary to combine three of the proposed four concepts according to some criterion, indicate the “extra” concept and explain what unites the remaining ones. In these tasks, several correct answers are possible.

The task completion time is 5 minutes.

Grade: 1 point for a correctly completed task. Incomplete and incorrect answer 0 points.

COMPETITION 6. « The task is to establish a cause-and-effect relationship.”

Phrases are offered that are composed of two statements connected by conjunctions "That's why" or "because". It is required to evaluate the truth of each of the statements (A and B) separately, as well as the presence of a cause-and-effect relationship between them.

The task completion time is 5 minutes.

Grade 1 point for each correctly completed task. Incomplete and incorrect answer 0 points.

COMPETITION 7."Situational task."

The task completion time is 10 minutes.

Grade according to a 5-point system.


(Appendix No. 3)

CONTEST“How are you made, Mr. Body?”(tour of one of the organ systems) with a mandatory multimedia presentation.

The time allotted for the presentation is 7 – 10 minutes.

Grade according to a 5-point system.

Points are awarded to each member of the school team.

The tour is conducted by 2 people from each educational institution.

FOURTH ROUND(Additional)

(Appendix No. 4)


This task is carried out in the event of an equal number of points in the prize place when summing up the results.

Conducted in the form "Blitz tournament". Students' knowledge is tested orally, for which 25–30 questions are prepared, depending on the number of subjects. There are 5 questions for each student. The teacher reads the question, the student who knows the answer raises his hand and answers. If the answer is correct, he is awarded 1 point. At the end of this stage, the scores for each student are calculated. The number of points must be 5.

4. Summing up

The jury sums up the results. Individual championship is determined based on the best indicators (scores). Participants who take 1st, 2nd, 3rd places are awarded diplomas and souvenirs. The remaining participants receive letters of thanks.

Vladimir Nikolenko.

Photo report

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December 23 and 25, 2017 at the Department of Human Anatomy First Moscow State Medical University them. THEM. Sechenov passed the final of the 1st Anatomy Olympiad.

Participants of the Olympiad - 145 excellent students of the 2nd year of the medical, pediatric faculties and international school“Medicine of the Future” of Sechenov University and the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Chairman of the jury – Head of the Department of Human Anatomy, Professor Vladimir Nikolenko.

Each student could score a maximum of 90 points during the Olympiad. The tasks were divided into 5 blocks: “Application” - a crossword puzzle, team name and motto. "Test" - test control. “Terminology” - duplicated in one minute anatomical terms from Russian to Latin. Brainstorming - written responses to theoretical issues. “Master Class” block - participants were asked to quickly assemble a constructor model of the brain.

In the first round, participants had to complete creative tasks: come up with a name for their team, a motto, and create an anatomical crossword puzzle. The determining factor for advancing to the next round of the Olympiad was the originality of the crossword puzzle. The students' talents were demonstrated in creative crossword puzzles, crafts, magazines, posters and drawings, and mottos.

The most memorable mottos were: “When we die, we will each and every one of us know that we know nothing,” “We will make your hearts beat faster,” “Our journey began at sunset. He was both stern and faceless. And we all once learned how the dead teach the living.” Among the teams were “Raging Neurons” and “Jolly Anatomists”, “Everyone Caput” and “Breath of Life”, “Limbic Power”, “Sleepless Triangle” and many others.

40 students entered the second round, and in the third round, 25 finalists competed for victory, who were offered a variety of tasks to test their practical skills.

According to the results of three rounds, the winners were students of the Faculty of Medicine:

1st place – Ivan Supryaga – 71 points (teacher M.O. Timofeeva),

2nd place – Rafail Danilov – 66 points (teacher M.O. Timofeeva),

3rd place – Dmitry Tsyukalo – 63 points (teacher A.E. Strizhkov).

“The Olympiad is an excellent start to the medical future, where knowledge of anatomy is its platform,” is the general opinion of participants and guests. Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners and wish them further victories!

Maria Zolotareva, senior lecturer at the Department of Human Anatomy

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Dear readers, I bring to your attention a collection of tasks on human anatomy and physiology. It was tested during the fifteen years of my interaction with children from classes with in-depth study biology, my geniuses, winners of the final stage of the Biology Olympiad. The collection includes tasks that require a different approach to completion:

  • testing with the choice of one correct answer,
  • testing with multiple correct answers,
  • exercises to identify the relationship between structure and function,
  • exercises on drawing up logical chains using cause-and-effect relationships,
  • determining the correctness of a judgment,
  • use of special terminology,
  • answers to questions using comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization.

The collection contains assignments for each topic of the course "Man and his health." It can be successfully used to perform independent work in specialized classes, homework in preparation for the subject Olympiad. Questions and assignments are designed in such a way as to exclude the assessment of “memorized” textbook material and to deepen the understanding of the basics of anatomy and physiology of the human body.

Carefully! The assignments are aimed at students in classes with in-depth study of biology and are designed to be sufficiently high level complexity, requiring deep theoretical knowledge. I believe that such questions will stimulate cognitive activity and cause excitement in some students and will forever discourage others from interest in the subject.