One of the current trends modern techniques Russian language is the formation of students attentive attitude By the way, to its use, the development of the ability to perceive and evaluate the figurative and expressive aspect of a speech utterance, as well as skillfully use it in one’s own speech.



in elementary school.

Classification of epithets.

The observed divergence in the views of researchers on the nature of the epithet is reflected in the existing classifications of the epithet.

Analyzing poetic epithets, A.N. Veselovsky finds it possible to divide them into two broad categories:

- tautological, renewing the common noun meaning of the word, refreshing its internal form, dimmed in consciousness (steep bank; trampling mud; beautiful girl);

Explanatory , reinforcing, emphasizing any one feature; this feature is either considered essential in the subject, or characterizes it in relation to practical purpose and ideal perfection (honorable king, white oak tables, frisky legs).

Among the explanatory epithets, Veselovsky identifiesepithets-metaphors(black melancholy ) and syncretic, born due to the syncretism of sensory perceptions (now they are called synaesthetic):sharp word, dead of night. The latter type is also widespread in original poetry, for example, Pushkin's motley anxiety.

This classification, which actually reproduces the classical distinction between epithets, decorative and necessary, subsequently becomes the basis for characterizing epithets in texts from different countries and eras.

The “Dictionary of Epithets of the Russian Language” presents three types of epithets: general linguistic, folk poetic and rare (individual author’s).

General linguistic epithets– This is the most numerous group of words. Some nouns (for example, “face”, “look”, “eyes”, “smile”, “life”) have hundreds of characterizing definitions. Among them are adjectives with both free and bound meanings:crimson sunset, penetrating gaze, ironic smile, high forehead, downcast look, beady handwriting, bitter frost, sardonic smile. Among the general linguistic epithets there are words used in both literal and figurative meanings, stylistically neutral and with a bright stylistic coloring: complete silence and (trans.) grave silence, quick glance and (trans.) lightning glance, dark oak and (trans.) black-headed oak; unbearable pain and (colloquial) terrible pain etc. Characteristic features General linguistic epithets are based on the relative stability of the connection between the determiner and the defined, the reproducibility of such phrases, and the repeated use of them in the literary language.

Folk poetic epithetscame to literary language from oral folk art. Their main feature is the constancy and limited combinations of the determinant with the defined. Typical examples are:open field, blue sea, bitter grief, wild wind, red sun, gray wolfetc. Many folk poetic epithets are characterized by: a) the use of an adjective in a truncated form (damp soil, clear field); b) transfer of stress ( green on wine, silk on high meadows ); c) inversion of the determinant and the defined (violent winds, frisky legs, bitter grief).

Individual author's epithetsquite rare. They are based on unconscious, often unique semantic associations, therefore they are usually irreproducible, their use is of an occasional nature. However, under certain conditions (authority of the writer, brightness, freshness of the image, etc.) these epithets can become general linguistic. Thus, the boundary between general linguistic and individual author’s epithets is conditional and fluid. Here are some examples individually-author's epithets: blue mood(Kuprin), marmalade mood (Chekhov),cardboard love(Gogol), sheep's love (Turgenev), stupid indifference(Pisarev), blue joy (Kuprin), colorful joy(Shukshin), moth beauty(Chekhov), wet-lipped wind(Sholokhov), tearful morning (Chekhov), flabby laughter (Mamin-Sibiryak), candy pain (Vs. Ivanov.

Combinations of opposite concepts (oxymorons) occupy a significant place among rare epithets. The illogic of combining words creates a psychological affect, attracts the reader’s attention, and enhances the expressiveness of the image. The functions of such epithets are similar to the reception of antithesis. For example: gray youth (Herzen), joyful sadness(Korolenko), sweet sadness (Kuprin), hateful love(Sholokhov), sad joy(Yesenin), sad joy(M. Gorky).

In addition to the epithets themselves, the Dictionary also presents the most commonly used definitions of an everyday and terminological nature (they are often called logical definitions). By the way pain , for example, in addition to epithets, the following definitions are given:head, chest, dental, radiating, reflected, epigastric, rheumaticetc. In the dictionary entry for the word forest definitions are given:birch, beech, water protection, high-trunk, spruce, custom-made, protective, maple, wood, ship, red, deciduous, mast, soil-protective, mixed, pine, drill, tropical, coniferous, eucalyptus, equatorialetc. Lists of such definitions expand the understanding of the range of typical combinations of the noun listed in the Dictionary. It should also be taken into account that many relative adjectives in context can acquire a qualitative meaning and thus be used as characterizing definitions (i.e. epithets). For example:army discipline(same as in the army) autumn rain (the kind that happens in the fall), death knell (such as at a funeral), etc.

In the “Dictionary of Literary Terms” O.S. Akhmanova identified the following types of epithets:

- explanatory epithet. An intensifying epithet, emphasizing any one feature of an object (frisky legs, white oak tables).

- epithet transferred(enallogue). A figure of speech consisting of transferring an epithet to a control word (a flock of strong-winged pigeons instead of a flock of strong-winged pigeons).

- negative epithet. A word or phrase that acts as an address and expresses the negative attitude of the speaker towards the interlocutor (You're a liar, a bastard!)

- permanent epithet. An epithet, the combination of which with a defined word has the character of a literary cliché (white swan, blue sea, open field).

- tautological epithet. An epithet that returns to a word the expressive imagery it has lost (steep bank, trampling mud) .

This classification does not comply with the principle of dividing the scope of the concept. The types of epithet are distinguished according to different criteria: stylistic function, the nature of the connection with the defined name, the type of syntactic connection, etc.

A stylistic approach to the study of epithets makes it possible to distinguish three groups within them:

  1. Amplifiers epithets that indicate a feature contained in the word being defined (mirror surface, cold indifference, slate darkness); Intensifying epithets also include tautological ones ( bitter grief).
  2. Clarification epithets naming the distinctive features of an object (size, shape, color, etc.) (The Russian people have created a huge oral literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics). The expressive power of such epithets is often reinforced by other tropes, especially comparisons (With a wondrous script, he (the people) weaved an invisible network of the Russian language: bright, like a rainbow, following a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, sincere, like a song over a cradle, melodious and rich). It is not always possible to draw a clear line between intensifying and clarifying epithets.
  3. Contrasting epithets that form combinations of words with opposite meanings with the defined nouns - oxymorons ( living corpse (L. Tolstoy); joyful sadness(Korolenko); hateful love(Sholokhov)).

Classification of epithets proposed by I.R. Galperin, is based on three principles:

According to the principle of fixed-unfixed epithets are divided into language and speech;

According to the morphological and syntactic expression, a number of structural models of the epithet (the most frequent model is: adjective + noun);

According to the semantic principle, epithets are divided intoassociated And unassociated, i.e. which add unexpected features to the characteristics of an object, which are not inherent in it and strike the reader’s imagination with their unexpectedness.

The distinction between simple, complex and compound epithets, which originates in ancient philology and primarily affects the morphemic composition of the definition, also retains its significance: if simple epithets consist of one simple adjective ( gray wolf ), and complex - from the adjective complex (rose-fingered Eos, heavy ringing galloping), then the compounds are expressed by a whole phrase (Vladimir Red Sun).

According to A.P. Lobodanov, most epithets characterize objects, but there are also those that figuratively describe actions. Moreover, if the action is indicated by a verbal noun, the epithet is expressed by an adjective (furious memory, muffled groan), if the action is named by a verb, then the epithet can be an adverb that acts as a circumstance (bitterly agitated, and rang and sang poisonously). Nouns can also be used as epithets, playing the role of applications, predicates, giving a figurative characteristic of an object:I am your voice, the heat of your breath, I am the reflection of your face.

So, any meaningful word can serve as an epithet if it acts as an artistic, figurative definition of another:

1) noun:chattering magpie.

2) adjective: fateful watch.

3) adverb and participle:peers greedily; listens frozen;but most often epithets are expressed using adjectives used in a figurative meaning:half-asleep, tender, loving gazes.

The epithet can be classified from different positions. Semantically: zoomorphic, natural, color, everyday; stylistically: intensifying, clarifying, contrasting; genetically: general language, individual author, folk poetic; structurally: simple, complex; from the point of view of part-verbal affiliation: epithets-adjectives, epithets-nouns, epithets-adverbs. Also, epithets can be divided according to the type of transfer and from the point of view of its presence in general: exact, metaphorical, metonymic. An important role also plays syntactic function epithets.

Analysis school program and textbooks

One of the current directions of modern methods of the Russian language is the formation in students of an attentive attitude to the word, its use, the development of the ability to perceive and evaluate the figurative and expressive aspect of a speech utterance, as well as skillfully use it in their own speech.

Federal State educational standard second generation is also one of the main tasks educational field“Philology” determines the development of abilities to creative activity and the ability to choose language means in accordance with the goals, objectives and conditions of communication, the formation of speech culture skills, and the desire to improve one’s speech.

Let's consider how this direction is implemented in modern programs and textbooks on the Russian language for elementary school.

Four-year primary school program "Primary school XXI century" (N.V. Vinogradova)implements the main provisions of the concept of linguistic education junior schoolchildren.

The main objectives of the course are the development of younger schoolchildren, revealing their characteristics native language, instilling love and interest in language, developing competent writing skills, developing oral and, most importantly, writing; The course is the first stage of students' continuous linguistic education: the educational material is presented not concentrically, but linearly, implementing a scientific approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena.

The authors distinguish three blocks of educational content: “How our language works” (familiarity with basic linguistic knowledge), “Spelling” (formation of competent writing), “Speech development” (development of students’ speech). These blocks are interconnected, but independent. They are also the structural units of the textbook and represent a combination of lessons that implement a specific learning goal.

In the first grade, work on speech development is carried out in every lesson; the program does not provide special hours for it.

The “Speech Development” section in the second grade is given 34 hours. Basic concepts discussed here: features, title, text structure; concept of paragraph; text plan; types of texts.

In the third grade, work on the text begun in the second grade continues. The program allocates 35 hours for speech development. Students become familiar with types of texts; presentation and composition as types of written work; genres of letters and greeting cards. Particular attention is paid to the correctness and expressiveness of written speech: the use of expressive means of language in texts - synonyms, antonyms, borrowed words, obsolete words and phraseological units. The concept of epithets is not given.

The same number of hours is provided for speech development in the fourth grade. Work on various types texts continues. Acquaintance with the means of artistic representation in a descriptive sense continues. Particular attention is paid to their correct use in their own texts, correctness, accuracy and expressiveness of written speech.

This program is supported by a set of textbooks edited by S.V. Ivanova.

Focused work for the study of expressive means of language is provided in the 4th grade. Special exercises are carried out to find or select expressive means. Students, for example, are asked to think about what they can say about a well-known object, for example: about the evening sky, about a raging sea, about a warm breeze. We found 6 such exercises in the textbook for grade 4. The definition of the epithet is not introduced.

Thus, the program allocates 104 hours for speech development for the entire training period. However, it should be noted that a scantly small part is devoted to the study of the epithet. Practical tasks are one-sided: find or select vivid definitions.

The four-year primary school program of the L.V. system. Zankovadeveloped on the basis of didactic principles aimed at the development of students, and implements the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge and the fast pace of completion educational material. The Russian language course is considered as an initial stage, which involves the systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

This The program sets tasks for the Russian language at three didactic levels.

I. General didactic tasks facing L.V. Zankov’s educational system as a whole:

1) introduce students to national and general cultural values; to cultivate a sense of belonging to one’s people, human society and nature;

2) develop the desire to understand the world around us;

3) to form the desire for self-knowledge and self-realization in conditions of active activity;

4) to form and improve general educational intellectual skills as a means general development students;

5) teach children ways and techniques to overcome educational, personal and communicative difficulties that arise during the activity.

II. Subject-specific tasks that the Russian language solves as an independent language academic subject and which follow from the goals it faces:

1) build skills correct reading and clear calligraphic writing;

2) teach children ways and techniques of working with language material;

3) ensure conscious and lasting assimilation of the basic concepts of the language, thereby laying the foundations of spelling;

4) introduce children to methods of constructing text and teach them to convey familiar text using these methods.

III. Particular methodological tasks facing each academic year. Their presence is due to the fact that for the L.V. Zankov is characterized by understanding educational process as a unity of regularly located and interconnected parts. Everyone can solve specific methodological problems academic year a link in the logical chain of educational stages.

The main method of cognition is the study of the correspondence (or inconsistency) of the selected linguistic means of a given speech situation (in oral and written form.

Special significance is given to the “Coherent Speech” section, which does not represent an isolated section, but is integral part learning process in each lesson. Work on speech development begins from the first days of school and is carried out not only in Russian language and reading lessons, but also in other lessons. Targeted learning coherent speech in oral and written form is carried out in the form of various exercises: syntactic exercises, analytical work with various texts, composing texts according to plan using predetermined visual and expressive means and other creative works.

In first grade, the program allocates 5 hours for speech development. Students become familiar with linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication, text, observing the main features of the text.

Starting from the second grade, the program devotes 30 hours to speech development in each class. In addition to the basic text concepts that are introduced in the second grade, the section contains information about the figurative and expressive means of language, including the epithet.

In the third and fourth grades, work on the visual and expressive means of language continues. Particular attention is paid to essays and presentations that involve the use of previously studied epithets, comparisons and other expressive means of language.

The program is provided with a set of textbooks by A.V. Polyakova.

The concept of epithet is introduced already in 2nd grade. In § 27 “Speech” (p. 119) the definition of an epithet is given: a colorful definition of an object, which is used to make it more descriptive. It also contains 4 exercises offering the following tasks: find adjectives used in a figurative meaning, find epithets in the text, underline phrases with epithets, indicate figurative means of expression. A conclusion is made about the meaning of the epithet in speech.

The third and fourth grade textbooks contain 2 and 5 exercises, respectively, that directly require knowledge about the epithet.

Most of the work on the topic “Epithet” is carried out in literary reading lessons.

In comparison with the previous program, in our opinion, the program according to the L.V. Zankova contains both theoretical and practical material on this topic. The textbooks include various texts in which epithets are used, and targeted, special work is carried out on figurative means. The tasks, however, are most often of the same type.

Russian language program “School 2100” (authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina)The main goals of teaching the Russian language in primary school are the following:

  1. development and improvement of all types speech activity: reading, writing, listening, speaking;
  2. formation of elementary linguistic competence.
    The program contains sections
    « Word", "Sentence", "Text", "Speech Development" and "Improving Calligraphy Skills". The last two are not highlighted as special sections for study, but are the leading areas of work on the Russian language in the elementary school course.

One of the main directions for speech development is the quantitative and qualitative enrichment of children’s active, passive and potential vocabulary while observing the lexical meaning of words, mastering productive skills and abilities in oral and written language. colloquial speech, oral educational and scientific speech; skills and abilities of understanding and basic analysis of artistic and educational-scientific text.

Speech development is carried out in every Russian language lesson when studying program material and is carried out in several directions:

Enrichment vocabulary children – quantitative (during the formation of new words with the help of suffixes and prefixes) and qualitative (clarification and clarification of the lexical meaning of words);

Development grammatical structure speech (analysis and construction of sentences, phrases);

Development of coherent oral speech (answering questions, composing sentences and short texts), written speech (composing and writing sentences, short texts of 5-6 sentences, free dictations, written statements with preliminary preparation).

The program is implemented in the textbooks “Russian Language” by the same authors. All School 2100 textbooks use a commondidactic principle of minimax. According to this principle, textbooks contain redundant knowledge that students can learn and redundant tasks that they can complete. At the same time, the most important concepts and connections included in the minimum content (standard and program requirements) and forming an essential part of the course must be mastered by all students under the guidance of the teacher. Thus, textbooks contain material that students are obligated and able to learn. The student can learn the maximum, but must (under the guidance of the teacher) master the minimum. The minimax principle allows you to solve several problems at once. Firstly, all students are different, but you cannot focus on either the weak or the strong. Since each student determines his maximum with the help of the teacher, this principle ensures an individual approach. Secondly, to solve any problem that arises in life, you need to learn to find the necessary information. And the minimax principle teaches you to determine the need for information and find it yourself.

The program implements first-generation standards and takes into account the actual scope of instructional time; it preserves the authors' intentions and the content of the program, which is designed for 170 hours per year (5 hours per week).

In classes devoted to speech development, in addition to working on text concepts, students create their own texts and adjust given texts taking into account the accuracy, correctness, richness and expressiveness of written language: the use of synonyms and antonyms in texts.

Let's look at how the speech development program is implemented in school textbooks.

In the textbook for grade 3, the leading theme of the textbook is “The Word.” When studying the topic “Adjective”, exercises are provided aimed at developing oral and written speech. The epithet is not defined. But the exercises contain quite rich material and the tasks are varied in nature: select as many words as possible that denote the characteristics of objects; what words help to perceive the picture being described; find words that name objects by size, shape, color, smell, taste, etc.; write down the adjectives that describe a person’s good qualities in one column, and the bad ones in the other; what part of speech is missing in the text; make up phrases with adjectives, etc. There are 14 exercises of this kind in the textbook.

In addition to practical material, the textbook contains a number of questions that require theoretical knowledge: words of which part of speech decorate speech; what role do adjectives play in speech, etc.

Thus, the difference between the program under consideration and the previous ones is that it contains the most diverse practical material on the chosen topic.

One of the goals of studying the subject “Russian language” in elementary school isprogram “School of Russia” (A.A. Pleshakov)calls the development of oral and written speech, monologue and dialogic speech, as well as literate, error-free writing skills as an indicator of a person’s general culture.

In first grade, in the section “Our Speech”, it is given general idea about written and oral speech, in the section “Word” - about polysemantic words, synonyms and antonyms without defining these phenomena. Each section provides work on speech development: compilation of reference words texts, presentation of text on questions, collective compilation of a story, compilation of a story from pictures, etc. In the subsequent study of the Russian language, the program provides for familiarization with such a linguistic phenomenon as comparison. The concept of an epithet is not introduced, although when studying the name of an adjective, students are asked to pay attention to its meaning in the text.

The Russian language course from second to fourth grades takes 170 hours. Actually, the “Speech Development” section is not included in the program. Work to enrich children's vocabulary and develop the figurative side of speech is carried out both in Russian language lessons and in literary reading. It ends every major topic.

The program is implemented in textbooks edited by V.P. Kanakina and V.G. Goretsky.

In second grade, students are introduced to ambiguous words, comparisons, synonyms, and antonyms. Particular attention is paid to the role of these words in speech, both oral and written. The textbook offers theoretical material to familiarize yourself with these phenomena of language. When getting to know adjectives, special attention is paid to their role in speech. When performing exercise 154 (p. 90), the conclusion is drawn: adjectives help describe an object, make our speech precise, vivid, and expressive. Next, the textbook contains a number of exercises that require you to complete various tasks: insert adjectives that are appropriate in meaning, which adjectives help determine the main idea of ​​the text, etc. The textbook contains 6 such exercises.

In third grade, work on figurative speech continues. In addition to the concepts of antonyms, synonyms, ambiguous words, students become familiar with homonyms and phraseological units. The concept of other expressive means of language is not given. However, when studying the topic “Adjective”, attention is paid to the purpose for which they are used in the texts. Students are led to the idea that a correctly chosen adjective can give the text one or another shade (exercise 130, 132). Particular importance is attached to tasks such as “Choose appropriate word combinations with adjectives”, “Describe your favorite animal”, etc. (exercises 133, 144). There are only 4 exercises in which the adjective is considered as an expressive means of language.

The fourth grade textbook also contains a number of exercises during which students pay attention to the role of the adjective in a literary text: what adjectives show the author’s attitude to the hero; will the beauty of a poetic line change when the name of the adjective is replaced, etc. The textbook contains 3 such exercises.

Thus, despite the fact that the “School of Russia” program does not teach the concept of an epithet, work is underway to teach the use of this linguistic phenomenon in speech, both written and oral.

A set of exercises for studying epithets:

Primary school does not aim to give students theoretical information about the means of figurative expressiveness of language. All work is practical in nature and is subject to the system of development of thinking and speech.Let's define the basic techniques for working on visual means language:

a) detection of “figurative” words in the text;

b) an explanation of the function and purpose of the figurative word;

b) explanation of the meanings of words and figures of speech found in the text by the students themselves or indicated by the teacher;

c) illustration, verbal drawing, recreating an image based on the teacher’s question: what picture do you imagine?

d) the use of analyzed and understandable images in a retelling, in one’s own story, in a written composition or presentation;

e) special exercises for selecting epithets and other figurative words.

Starting the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, we set ourselves the following tasks:

Create a set of exercises to study the epithet in grade 3;

To introduce the developed complex into the process of extracurricular work in the Russian language.

Taking into account the mistakes made by students when performing test work No. 1, and also based on the analysis of methods, programs and textbooks of the first stage school education, we compiled a set of 60 exercises for studying the epithet in the 3rd grade, which was introduced into the process of extracurricular work in the Russian language for nine weeks (2 hours per week).

The complex consists of the following types of exercises:

  • to develop the ability to select epithets for given words(expressed various parts speech);
  • to develop the ability to see epithets in the text;
  • to develop the ability to edit text, replacing standard definitions with bright, non-standard ones.

Thematic planning for using a set of exercises in extracurricular work in the Russian language is contained in the appendix (Appendix 5).

A set of exercises for studying epithets

I. Propaedeutic stage

Exercise 1.

Green, oblong, juicy;

White, fluffy, light;

Red, ripe, smooth;

New, interesting, library.

Exercise 2. Determine to which word the words that define the object and name the attribute of the object are selected. Make up and write sentences with two of them.

Ruddy, scarlet, crimson;

White, fragrant, forest;

Branched, green, prickly;

- yellow, red, autumn.

Exercise 3. Guess to which word the words that define the object and name the attribute of the object are selected. Make up and write sentences with two of them.

Cold, white, fluffy;

White-trunked, tall, slender;

Clean, blue, mountainous.

Exercise 4.

Small, gray, shy;

- long, green, salty;

Wooden, round, magazine;

- hot, scorching, bright.

Exercise 5. Choose words that match the indicated words that name the attribute of the object. Make up and write sentences with two of them.

Warm, mushroom, summer;

Long, fluffy;

Juicy, yellow, sour;

Transparent, cold, drinkable.

Exercise 6 .

sun, rain, doll, birch, snow.

Exercise 7. Select and write down as many words as possible that denote the characteristics of objects for the indicated nouns.

ball, house, orange, mood.

Exercise 8. Select and write down as many words as possible that denote the characteristics of objects for the indicated nouns.

forest, weather, feeling, road.

Exercise 9. Make up and write combinations of words adjective + noun. The form of adjectives can be changed.

Exercise 10. Make up and write down word combinations adjective + noun. The form of adjectives can be changed.

Exercise 11. Choose adjectives that explain various human feelings and personality traits.

Love, stubbornness, ignorance

Exercise 12.

Selfless, brotherly, sublime, deep, sincere, beautiful, real, tender, extraordinary, genuine, joyful, bright, heartfelt, happy, patient, touching, pure.

Exercise 13. Determine which word the listed adjectives refer to.

Hopeless, reckless, fruitless, useless, senseless, angry, capricious, arrogant.

Exercise 15. Determine which word the listed adjectives refer to.

Wild, ossified, inert, blind, dark, dull.

Exercise 15. life, personality, duty.

Exercise 16. Find colorful definitions for nouns:fear, lies, laziness.

Exercise 17.

Village, grouse, old lady -….

Maple, baby, wig -….

Road, will, discipline -...

Skirt, book, life -...

Words for reference:iron, new, curly, deaf.

Exercise 18. Find general definition to a group of nouns:

Time, field, heart - ...

Earth, mother, -...

Table, fool, ball... -

True, onions, syrup -...

Words for reference:round, bitter, dear, golden.

Exercise 19.

A fast squirrel jumped through the trees(small, agile, cheerful).

A clumsy bear came out of the thicket into the clearing(huge, clubfooted, shaggy).

Exercise 20. Write it down, replacing the adjective with a similar meaning.

An icy stream flows through a ravine(transparent, cold, fast).

It was a hot summer(cloudless, sultry, wonderful).

Exercise 21.

Ring (which one in terms of material? in terms of beauty?)

Apple (which one to taste? what color?)

Exercise 22. Match these nouns with adjectives.

Berry (what is the taste? What is the shape?)

Shore (what? in shape?)

Exercise 23. Write words that are similar in meaning into three groups.

Affectionate, hot, wet, sultry, raw, tender.

Make a sentence with one of the words.

Exercise 24.

(Flowers, sky) – blue, cornflower blue, light blue, turquoise, azure.

Exercise 25. Write down adjectives with these nouns, choosing them according to their meaning.

(Sand, leaves) – yellow, golden, gold, lemon, amber.

Exercise 26. Write down adjectives with these nouns, choosing them according to their meaning.

(Summer, water, hello) – hot, sultry.

Exercise 27. Write down adjectives with these nouns, choosing them according to their meaning.

(Dress, suit, eye) - brown, chocolate, hazel, coffee.

Exercise 28. Write down adjectives with these nouns, choosing them according to their meaning.

(Face, sky) – dark, dark, gloomy.

Exercise 29. Write down adjectives with these nouns, choosing them according to their meaning.

(Eyes, horse) – agate, black, black.

Exercise 30. Make up phrases with the following words.

Pine, young, stormy, cherry, stone, cold, ringing, oak.

Make up two sentences using any phrases.

Exercise 31. Write down the phrases.

Warm (day, weather, morning). Hot (stove, summer, dispute). Hot (tea, sun, water). Red (apple, rose, sunset).

Exercise 32. Replace adjectives with opposite words.

Clear sky interesting game, steep bank, noisy street.

Exercise 33. Insert appropriate adjectives and write down the resulting phrases.

...bed, ... rain, ... camp, ... swamp, ... plate.

...soap, ...tongue, ...coat,,

Exercise 34. Read the sentences. Where possible, replace repeated adjectives with others.

Happy days have come. Cheerful bird voices are ringing.

Exercise 35. Read the text. What kind of morning is the author describing? Find words that help answer the question.

So much time has passed. It was a silver morning. The dog entered the water and the silver one ran out. Not far away, a bear was crossing a stream with a bear cub, she, the old one, crossed, and the clumsy one flopped and jumped out, all silver, and ran after his mother, puff-puff-puff!(to M.M. Prishvin)

II. Introduction of the concept of “epithet”

Exercise 36 . Explain the meaning of the expressions. Make sentences with them.

  • honey dew
  • spicy herbs
  • thin thawed patch
  • surging
  • insinuating glance
  • golden hands

Exercise 37. Find words-epithets that create the mood in the poem.

Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls, curled.

And satin tassels

Under the pearls of dew

They burn like clear earrings

The girl has beauty.

And nearby, by the thawed patch,

In the grass between the roots,

The little one runs and flows

Silver stream.(S. Yesenin)

III. Consolidation

Exercise 38. Read the poem by E. Serova.

The breeze asked as it flew by:

“Why are you, rye, golden?”

And in response the spikelets make noise:

“Golden hands are growing!”

Explain the meaning of expressionsgolden rye, golden hands.Give examples of phrases in which adjectives are usedgolden, golden, golden, golden.

Exercise 39.

It was a clear spring day. The windows were open, and the white curtains swayed slowly, as if greeting small pale stars. These stars have just appeared in the clear spring sky.(A. Lindgren)

Exercise 40. Emphasize epithets that create a good mood. What is main idea story? Write down the phrases noun + adjective.


I really love these simple flowers - cheerful bells.

You will come out of the forest into a meadow and gasp with joy. There are so many flowers that look like a festive round dance! All over the meadow the daisies are turning white, the dandelions are turning yellow, and the peas are turning blue.

And above all, most cheerfully, are the purple bells. From the light breath of the warm summer breeze they sway, bow, and joyfully greet the guest.

The familiar and lovely flowers of our meadows and forests bloom all summer, bells ring silently.. (According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov)

Exercise 41. Read the text. Find words that decorate speech.

The snow glades sleep, the dark forest sleeps silently,

Only golden stars look tenderly from heaven,

Only soon the green garden will rustle with its leaves,

The icy stream will gurgle with a silvery stream.

Soon the warm wind of the south will awaken everything from sleep,

Soon the steppes will be colorful, bright spring is coming!(I. Bunin).

Exercise 42. Find words that help you imagine the picture painted by the author.

And Moomintroll plunged into the gloomy world of dreams. And in the yard the snow was falling lightly but thickly. It hung in heavy caps from the roof and from the window frames. The whole house was soon to turn into a solid, plump snowdrift.(T. Jansson).

Exercise 43. Find epithets that define the hero’s attitude towards his native land and native people. What part of speech are they expressed by?

Hello to you, my native land,
With your dark forests,
With your great river
And endless fields!

Hello to you, dear people,
Tireless hero of labor
In the middle of winter and in the summer heat!(S. Drozhzhin)

Exercise 44. Find epithets that help imagine the picture painted by the author.

There is a primordial crystal day in autumn. Here he is now. Silence! Not a single leaf above moves, and only below, in an inaudible draft, a dry leaf flutters on the cobweb. In this crystal silence, the trees and old stumps and dry monsters retreated into themselves and were not there, but when I entered the clearing, they noticed me and came out of their stupor.(M.M. Prishvin)

Exercise 45. What role do inserted words play in speech?

Once upon a time there was a frog, ... top of head, ... belly, ... eyes - just like in a fairy tale. The beauty's mouth... - as they say, from ear to ear. And he eats so much! I just had breakfast and it’s already lunch. There is no time for the frog to jump: it eats mosquitoes without a break.

Words for reference:big, poor, round, green, white.

Exercise 46. Insert appropriate epithets into the text.

The forest is beautiful on autumn days! Against the background of foliage, spots of maples and aspens are visible. Quietly falling to the ground...leaves. From tree to tree… threads of cobwebs stretched. The air is clean and cool. The water in the streams is also clear. There is oak tree standing in the forest. But the tops of the birches have already become bare.

Exercise 47. Write down, inserting suitable adjectives, to make a story about a hare.

This... animal lives in the forest. He has... ears,... a tail. The front paws are ..., and the hind paws are ... The animal’s fur coat in the summer is ..., and in the winter - ... Carrots, ... cabbage are the animal’s favorite delicacies. And... in winter the bark is good too!

Exercise 48.

Frosty winter has arrived. The river was covered... with ice. Snow covered... the ground. The trees are in... tidy.

Exercise 49. Write down, inserting the necessary adjectives.

Spring is coming. The sun destroys the snowy mountains. The stream is noisy. Drops are falling from the roof. The kidneys are filled with juice.

Exercise 50. Write down, inserting the necessary adjectives.

The sun is shining. The light from him... and... . Sky … . Clouds float across it. Beauty is all around...

Exercise 51. Write down, inserting the necessary adjectives.

Worth... the weather. …the hills are carpeted. In... the forest grows... lily of the valley. A painting of... flowers decorates... paths.

Exercise 52. Write down, inserting the necessary adjectives.

Alenka ran through... a clearing. ...the grass stood waist-deep. Suddenly a branch swayed. On... a tree sat... a bird. She was like... a flower.

Exercise 53. Write down, inserting the necessary adjectives.

A river flows... Along the banks there are... forests. ...The branches hang over...the water. In the mornings... fog rises.

Exercise 54. Find in the text epithets that make speech bright and beautiful.


Who hasn't heard of this wonderful singer! But when they see it for the first time, they are often surprised. How! He is quite ordinary - small and not very handsome. This nondescript brownish-white bird with a red tail, long legs and big eyes is famous singer? After all, so many poems and songs and books have been written about the nightingale that many imagine it as a fairy-tale bird.

Exercise 55. Write down, inserting the necessary adjectives.

In the clearing... thawed patches open up. The ice on the lake is turning blue. Along the... path there runs and gurgles... a stream. High in the sky a lark sings.

Exercise 56. C Compare the sentences in the left and right columns. Where is the picture painted brighter, more accurately, the mood conveyed? What words help you do this?

So it started snowing. Here comes the snow!

Snowflakes fell on everything around. Snowflakes fell on the ground

Roofs, trees, on my cap.

The snowflakes were different. One snowflake has rays

Wide and jagged, the other has

Sharp as arrows.

It snowed for a long time. The snow kept falling and falling.

Then the sun sparkled, Suddenly the sun came out, snow

the snow sparkled. It sparkled and lit up.

How good! I felt so happy it felt like

The holiday has arrived.

Exercise 57. Guess what words are missing in the text. Pick them up.

The breeze blew. The starlings have arrived. They settled down in the hollow of a birch tree. They worked all day. In the evening they sat on a branch and sang.

Choose colorful epithets to make the text expressive.

Exercise 58. Guess what words are missing in the text. Pick them up.

The buds burst. Grass appeared from the ground. The willows have blossomed. Bumblebees buzzed.

Exercise 59. Guess what words are missing in the text. Pick them up.

Clouds were flying across the sky. The grass was turning green. The fields turned golden. The air filled with warmth.

Exercise 60. Find the means of expression in the following sentences. What are they called?

It was on an autumn day, when birch and aspen trees begin to sprinkle golden and red spots down.

People in Levitan's canvases were replaced by forests and pastures, foggy floods and poor huts of Russia.

Especially a lot of leaf gold accumulated in ravines where the wind did not penetrate.


  1. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1996.608 p.
  2. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms/O.S. Akhmanova.-2nd ed., ster.- M.:URSS: Editorial URSS, 2004.-571 p.
  1. Babaytseva V.V., Infantova G.G., Nikolina N.A., Chirkina I.P.Modern Russian language: Theory. Analysis of linguistic units: In 3 hours: Part II: Morphology: Textbook for philological special higher educational institutions. / Ed. E.I. Dibrova. 2nd ed., additional and revised. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997. – 608 p.
  1. Veselovsky A.N. Historical poetics. M.: Higher school, 1989.-406 p.
  2. Ivanova V.A. and others. Interesting about the Russian language: A manual for teachers / V.A. Ivanova, Z.A. Potikha, D.E. Rosenthal. – L.: Education, 1990. – 255 pp.: ill.
  3. Lobodanov A.P. TO historical theory epithet (antiquity and the Middle Ages) // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language Series. Volume 43 No. 3, 1984. pp. 215-226.
  4. Lvov M.R. and others. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school: Textbook for student pedagogical educational institutions / M.R.Lvov, V.G.Goretsky, O.V.Sosnovskaya. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2000. – 472 p.
  5. Lvov M.R. and others. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school: Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes on special. No. 2121 “Pedagogy and methodology primary education» / M.R. Lvov, T.G. Ramzaeva, N.N. Svetlovskaya. – 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 1997. – 415 p.
  6. Lvov M.R. Methods for developing the speech of primary schoolchildren: A manual for the teacher. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 1985. – 176 p.
  7. Moskvin V.P. Epithet in artistic speech // Russian speech. 2001 No. 4 P. 28-32.
  8. Nikitin M.V. Lexical meaning in words and phrases. Vladimir: Vladimir Pedagogical Institute, 1974.221 p.
  9. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – M.: Publishing house “Az”, 1992. – 907 p.
  10. Programs of general education institutions. Primary grades (1-4) of an eleven-year school. – M.: Education, 2001. – 255 p.
  11. Project “Primary school of the XXI century”. To the set of textbooks Primary school of the XXI century” / N.F. Vinogradova, L.E. Zhurova. – Ventana-Graf, 2005. – 160 p.
  12. Polyakova A.V. Russian language. Textbook for 1st grade. head of school At 2 o'clock / A.V.Polyakova. – M.: Education, 2002.
  13. Polyakova A.V. Russian language. Textbook for 2nd grade. head of school At 2 o'clock / A.V.Polyakova. – M.: Education, 2002.
  14. Polyakova A.V. Russian language. Educational for 3rd grade. head of school At 2 o'clock / A.V.Polyakova. – M.: Education, 2002. – 143 p.
  15. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language: Textbook for 2nd grade. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 208 p.: ill.
  16. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language: Textbook for 3rd grade. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 256 p.: ill.
  17. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language: Textbook for 4th grade. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 256 p.: ill.
  18. Russian language in primary grades: Collection of methodological problems / M.S. Soloveychik, O.V. Kubasova, N.S. Kuzmenko, O.K. Kurlygina. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1997. – 256 p.
  19. Russian language: Textbook for 3rd grade of a four-year primary school: In 2 parts. Part 2. – 2nd ed., revised and additional. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2008. – 144 p.: ill.
  20. Russian language: Textbook for 4th grade of a four-year primary school: In 2 parts. Part 2. – 2nd ed., revised and additional. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2008. – 144 p.: ill.
  21. Russian poets: An anthology of Russian poetry in six volumes.-M.: Det. Lit., 1989.-E-2.-Comp. V.I. Korovin; Yu.V. Mann; 1991.734 p.
  22. Poems for children. – M.: Children's literature, 1998. – 127 p.
  23. Modern Russian language: Textbook: Phonetics, Lexicology. Word formation. Morphology. Syntax. – 4th ed., erased. / L.A. Novikov, L.G. Zubkova, V.I. Ivanov and others, edited by. ed. L.A. Novikova. – St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2003. – 864 p.
  24. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: 1st grade: Russian language textbook for four-year elementary school. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2001. – 192 p.
  25. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: Grade 2: Russian language textbook for four-year elementary school. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2001. – 208 p.
  26. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: 3rd grade: Russian language textbook for four-year elementary school. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2001. – 208 p.
  27. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: 4th grade: Russian language textbook for four-year elementary school. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2001. – 208 p.
  28. Sladkov N.I. Forest hiding places. – M.: Children's literature, 2000. – 18 p.
  29. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: Methodological recommendations for the textbook and workbooks in a row / 2nd grade. four-year primary school. Teacher's manual. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2001. – 144 p.
  30. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: Methodological recommendations for the textbook and workbooks in a row / 3rd grade. four-year primary school. Teacher's manual. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2001. – 144 p.
  31. Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. To the secrets of our language: Methodological recommendations for the textbook and workbooks in the Russian language for grades 1-4. four-year primary school. Teacher's manual. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2002. – 144 p.
  32. Tseytlin S.N. Language and the child: Linguistics of children's speech: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2000. – 240 p.
  33. Svetlovskaya N.N. Teaching reading and the laws of reader formation // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 11-18
  34. Reading. Society. State: Materials for the All-Russian Congress in support of reading. – M.: SIRPP, 2001. – 312 p.
  35. Chulkova E.N. On the issue of epithet in the works of methodologists of the 19th – 20th centuries // Postgraduate Bulletin. - Ryazan: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University, 2005.-No. 5.-P. 116-123.

Municipal government educational institution

"Boarding school of secondary general education" p. Samburg, Purovsky district


in elementary school.

Primary school teacher:

Heno Marina Mikhailovna

With. Sumburgh

Tatiana Nazarova
Vocabulary games and exercises for older children preschool age

Remember and name it.

Didactic task: to teach to determine the meanings of words, to develop children’s memory and phonemic hearing.

Equipment: poems, short stories.

Find the right word.

Didactic task: to introduce active dictionary children words related to one part of speech, to develop mutual assistance skills.

Equipment: tokens.

Content: Children are divided into pairs (groups). The teacher pronounces part of a sentence - children must complete it using different nouns (adjectives or other parts of speech). For example: Mom bought a gift...a dress, suit, bag, shoes, etc. or: Red...yellow, orange, blue, white flowers grow in the flowerbed. You cannot repeat a friend’s word, but you can help a friend choose a word in a pair (group). For the correct answer - a token. At the end of the game, the total number of children's tokens in the pair (group) is counted.

Answer quickly.

Didactic task: to develop the ability to classify objects by color, shape, quality of material; quickly and correctly select the right word.

Equipment: ball, forfeits, chips.

Option: the teacher suggests naming objects of a certain shape (size): round, square, narrow, wide or made of a certain material. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. Using the same principle, you can play a game by naming the plants of a garden, vegetable garden, field, etc.

Who can choose more words?

Didactic task: to develop the ability to select words that are necessary in meaning, to enrich children’s vocabulary with verbal forms.

Equipment: prize.

Option: The teacher names a verb - children select nouns that are suitable in meaning, for example: sew - dress, coat, boots...; tie - shoelaces, rope, scarf...

Who needs what?

Didactic task: to teach children to use words in their speech that denote professions and the objects necessary for this profession.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting people of different professions (for the teacher, handout pictures depicting tools (for children).

Content: The teacher shows the children a picture depicting a person of a certain profession - the children put pictures on the tables depicting the objects with which this person works. For example: the teacher shows a picture of a doctor, the children put down the corresponding pictures and name the objects: syringe, gown, cotton wool, etc. The game can be played without pictures. The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks; “What does the doctor need?” Returning the ball, the player names the necessary items.

Option: The teacher shows, one after another, several pictures depicting tools and tools; children must name them and say what they do with them and who uses them in their work.

Who knows, let him continue.

Didactic task: enrich vocabulary with antonyms.

Equipment: sprockets.

Material for the game:

I. Kind - evil, polite - rude, neat - sloppy, hardworking - lazy, attentive - absent-minded, simple - complex, etc.

II. I will say a word highly,

And you will answer... (low).

I'll say the word far away

And you will answer... (close).

I'll tell you the word coward,

You will answer... (brave).

Now I’ll tell you the beginning, -

Well, answer (end!

Say it differently. Didactic task: learn to select synonyms for this word; enrich speech with words with a hint of endearment, meaning increase.

Equipment: red, blue and green flags.

Option: The teacher names a word - the children form a word from it with a hint of endearment or enlargement. For example: eyes - little eyes, little eyes, little eyes.

Say it in rhyme.

Didactic task: learn to select pairs of rhyming words, develop a poetic ear.

Publications on the topic:

Games and exercises for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age Mastered mathematical representations, logical and mathematical means and methods of cognition (standards, models, speech, comparison, etc.) constitute.

Games and play exercises with children of senior preschool age “The fireman is a hero, he enters into battle with fire” Games and play exercises with children of senior preschool age on fire safety Purpose: To develop the basics of fire safety in children.

Games and exercises for the development of intonation expressiveness of speech in preschool children Games and exercises for the development of intonation expressiveness of speech in preschool children. Games-exercises to develop the perception of melody.

Games and exercises for coordinating speech with movement for preschool children. Methodical recommendations To help educators Finger gymnastics “Naughty breeze” Words Movements Naughty breeze Children move their fingers. We.

Presentation “Games and exercises in the formation of correct sound pronunciation in preschool children” Sound culture of speech is a fairly broad concept; it includes phonetic and orthoepic correctness of speech, expressiveness.

Abstract of GCD on physical education for children of senior preschool age. General developmental and breathing exercises GCD summary for physical culture for children of senior preschool age. Goal: creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group “Lexical games and exercises” Goal: enrich and activate children’s speech, improve auditory perception of speech. Objectives: Develop the ability to select antonyms; Develop.

Master class for parents “Finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age” Topic:" Finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age” Purpose: Show to parents of pupils.

Presentation “Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children of senior preschool age” Presentation on the topic: "Development exercises phonemic hearing in children of senior preschool age." The main purpose of the presentation.

Sports games and exercises for preschool children Sports games in kindergarten Physical education in childhood plays an important role in the comprehensive development of a person. From early childhood.

Image library:

Exercise 1.

Find epithets, determine their role in the text.

1) Compressed rye, weeds, spurge, wild hemp - everything, browned from the heat, red and half-dead, now washed with dew and caressed by the sun, came to life to bloom again. (A.P. Chekhov) 2) It was summer, a long day passed, the wind calmed down for the evening among the sleepy, blissful pines. (A.P. Platonov) 3) Majestic swans swam in the red sunset - pinkish-golden in the sun. Their deserted cry echoed in the park. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 2.

Read the phrases suggested below, highlight the epithets in them, explain their semantic and emotional content. Appreciate their traditionality.

Ominous thought; the sails of proud ships; sad star; on a bare branch; fatal fire of battles; sweet hope; crazy excitement; in clear azure; through velvet meadows; fate is cruel; the futile noise of feasts; happy land.

Exercise 3.

Make up phrases from the words in the right and left columns.

Exercise 4.

Choose figurative and lyrical epithets for these words.

Sun ___________________________________________
Fog ____________________________________________
Fire ____________________________________________
Light _____________________________________________
Lilac _________________________________________________
Feeling ___________________________________________
Silence ___________________________________________

Exercise 5.

Read the text. Find epithets in it. Determine their role in the text.

The imperishable beauties of Russia, its fields and forests, foggy pools and majestic sunsets did not appear yesterday. It was the North that nourished the life of generations and even eras in such a way that one is amazed. Together with Veliky Novgorod, together with the white-trunked, stately Russia, the greatness of Pskov and Suzdal, Vladimir and Rostov rose. The stone bulk of St. George's Cathedral on Lake Ilmen, when it rises on the rising spring water, as if in the clouds, is not just antiquity, but a monument to the greatness of man.

All this is an era when a simple person felt a poet in himself and felt that the earth was something more than just a cornfield, just the hum of untouched forests. He, driven to the northern outskirts of his land by ruthless conquerors, realized that there was nowhere else to go, that native land, these saving heroic distances, are a source of endless spiritual strength. And every blade of grass, tree, lake began to be perceived by him as miraculous wealth.(According to Yu. Kuranov)

Exercise 6.

Find comparisons in the texts. Determine the way to express them.

(A. A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I. S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A. A. Fet)

We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A. N. Maikov)

Exercise 7.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role in the text.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
(N. M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, looking like a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold are scurrying around in it.(I. S. Shmelev)

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A. A. Fet)

A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how much you languish your hands,
You can't break the beam,
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere an eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky.(A.P. Chekhov)

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer;
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N. A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Exercise 8.

Read the text. What does the text say? Highlight comparisons. Determine their figurative and expressive role. What images do they enrich the text with? What thoughts and feelings of the author help to convey more clearly?

The third meeting showed me Blok reading wonderful poems about Russia, and he seemed to me depressed by this love of his whole life, he looked like a knight who loves the Unattainable, and his heart bleeds with love.
The block seemed so dear and close to me, like a nightingale in a spring bush that sings a song to me, but will fly away if I approach it, and like freshly fallen snow that does not need to be touched.
(K. D. Balmont)

Exercise 9.

Tell us about lexical means comparisons, commenting on these examples.

1) A snow-covered bush looks like a frozen fountain. (V. Nabokov) The deserted cape was similar to a loaf of bread. (I. Bunin) 2) In the light of day, the fire in the stove is like pale roses. (V. Khodasevich) 3) And above the earth the round moon will seem like a loaf of wheat. (M. Dudin) 4) The maple leaf reminds us of amber. (N. 3abolotsky) 5) Frosty night was like a fairy tale. (B. Pasternak)

Exercise 10.

Read the lines of poetry. Find creative comparisons in them. Tell us what is compared to what in each case.

1) From flowers in the fields
the smell is all around.
And the dew shines
On the grass in silver
(I. Surikov)

2) Pine trees reach for the sky
Behind the sunshine
And chicks leaves
They run on the ground.
(N. Berendgof)

3) Just yesterday, melting in the sun,
The last leaf trembled
And the winter, turning lushly green,
It lay like a velvet sheet.
(A. Fet)

4) And a leaf from a birch tree
Golden bee
Curls and flies
Above the prickly tree.
(E. Trutneva)

5) In yards and houses
The snow lies like a sheet
And the sun sparkles
Multi-colored fire.
(I. Nikitin)

Exercise 11.

Correct the sentences to make them more harmonious. Replace the comparative phrase with an instrumental comparison.

1) The hollow water had already receded, and the river flowed like a narrow stream. 2) Like a white column, yes, centuries-old birch trees lined up. 3) I raised my head... in front of me, between two rows of tall poplars, like an arrow, the road stretched into the distance. 4) The sun is shining brightly, like white birds, clouds are floating in the sky. 5) In the thicket of the forest, as if golden star, the dome of the church sparkled.

Exercise 12.

Find comparisons in the texts.

1) The lake fell asleep; the black forest is silent;
A white mermaid swims casually out;
Like a young swan, the moon among the skies
It glides and contemplates its double on the moisture.
(A.A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
And, like a flock of huge birds,
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I.S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A.A. Fet)

4) The rain poured through the sun, and under the mossy spruce
We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A.N. Maikov)

Exercise 13.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
Like a feeling of carefree joy.
(N.M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, similar to a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold flutter around in it.(I.S. Shmelev).

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A.A. Fet)

4) That the Russians were the reason for the fall -
A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how much you languish your hands,
You can't break the beam,
Like Russia, so it crumbled like
And it became convenient to break the entire splinter.
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere a little eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky(A.P. Chekhov).

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer;
And people, like free birds, live carefree.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N.A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

9) Nose, curved like an owl's beak(M. Gorky).

10) The new moon is like a golden sickle(A.V. Koltsov).

11) Where, like necklaces,
Multicolor stones
Rising above the foam of the waves...
(V. Bryusov)

12) And the vault of the sky, deep blue, -
Like the dome that crowned the temple!
(In Bryusov)

13) Hands bare above the elbow,
And the eyes are bluer than ice.
The acrid, stuffy smell of tar,
Like a tan, it suits you.
(A. Akhmatova)

14) And with each letter from my line
Burning annoyance creeps in like nettles...
(K. Spitsina)

15) A reserve of courage is kept in the heart,
How gunpowder used to be stored in the fortress
As a food against dampness and rot,
Like a compass on a sea boat.
(V. Soloukhin)

Exercise 14.

Find in the texts nouns used in a figurative meaning. Explain the meaning of metaphors. On what basis was such a transfer possible?

The last crowd.

At the lunar crescent.

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head-on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face.(V.M.Shukshin)

Exercise 15.

Find metaphors in the following texts. Describe the images they create.

1) I became indifferent to the shacks,
And the hearth fire is not dear to me,
Even the autumn blizzard of apple trees
Because of the poverty of the fields, I stopped loving them.
(S. Yesenin)

2) Russia! In the evil days of Batu
Who, who to the Mongol flood
Built the dam, if not you?

(S.A. Yesenin)

4) The motorcycle taxied out of the village, stuck a sparkling blade of light into the night and rushed along the well-trodden, flat road to the regional center.(V.M.Shukshin)

5) “Gold, gold is falling from the sky!”
Children scream and run after the rain...
- Come on, children, we’ll collect it,
Just collect the golden grain
Barns full of fragrant bread!
(A.N. Maikov)

6) Under the eyebrows in sunny rest
The blue sky is shining quietly.

7) The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.(A.A.Fet)

8) I remember, my heart brightening,
How excited and young I was!
And let the poems have silver strings
They will continue their melancholy chant.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Under the straw-riza
Planing the rafters,
The wind molds blue
Sprinkled with sunshine.
They hit the windows without missing a beat
Crows wing,
Like a blizzard, bird cherry
He waves his sleeve.
(S. Yesenin)

10) Plain-haired willows
They threw their hands into the streams.
The seagulls shouted: “Whose are you?”
We answered: “Draw!”

11) Let the sun crown abundant seedlings on the arable land
With the ancient crown of its rising rays!
(N. Rubtsov)

Exercise 16.

Read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Sail”.

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...
Alas, he is not looking for happiness,
And he’s not running out of happiness!

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...
And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

1) Find metaphors in the poem and write them down.
2) Select comparative constructions for the following metaphors: iron man, fox character, bear gait, cold look, warm meeting, lead clouds, dead garden.
3) In four volumes explanatory dictionary Russian language word " rebellious" has two meanings: 1. Participating in the rebellion, taking part in the rebellion. Rebel army. 2. Anxious, restless, stormy.

In what meaning is the word “rebellious” used in M. Lermontov’s poem “ Sail"? What is the basis for the similarity between the direct and figurative meanings of this word, that is, what is the metaphor based on? mutiny sail»?
4) Write an essay in scientific style on the topic “The expressive role of metaphor in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Sail”.

Exercise 17.

Find metaphors in the texts and explain their meaning. On what basis did the metaphorical transfer arise?

1) Lagging clouds are flying over us
The last crowd.
Their transparent segment softly melts
At the lunar crescent.
(A. A. Fet)

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven.(S. A. Yesenin)

4) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face.(V. M. Shukshin)

5) Figuratively speaking, the thread of his life flowed steadily from someone’s divine hands, sliding between his fingers. Without excessive rapidity, without breaks or knots, it, that thread, was in an even and gentle tension and only occasionally sagged a little.(A. G. Bitov)

Exercise 18.

Read the texts. Find metaphors in the text and explain their artistic function.

1) Just as, perhaps, individual dense stars are formed from a colossal, almost limitless nebula, so precise and specific ideas are constantly being formed in the mind of a writer from the boundless ocean of life impressions...
I sometimes see how, during a lively conversation, my fellow writer takes out a notebook and quickly writes down in it the phrase he just uttered, the incident he just told. And then I suddenly come across this episode in the book. From it, like from a seed, an entire chapter of a story or story developed and flourished.
(K. G. Paustovsky)
2) We are standing in a forest ravine. And a white cloud hangs above us.
The fragrant rain of petals splashes slightly, slowly falling on your head, face and ground. Bees are buzzing above us. Live winged helicopters land on a fluffy cloud. It smells of intoxicating nectar and fragrant pollen.
This is a bird cherry blossom.
(S. Larin)

Exercise 19.

Find examples in the texts where inanimate objects are presented as living.

1) The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
Just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself becomes timid
To breathe in the cold.
(A. A. Fet)

2) Along hidden, deaf paths,
Dusk is coming into the forest thickets.
Covered with dry leaves,
The forests are silent - they are waiting for the autumn night.
(I. A. Bunin)

3) In severe frost, birch firewood crackles merrily, and when it flares up, it begins to hum and sing.(I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 20.

Find personifications in the texts. Explain their use and expressive role.

1) There are minute thunderstorms on spring days,
The air is clean, the sheets are fresh...
And silently shed tears
Fragrant flowers
. (A. A. Fet)

2) A cloud is reaching home,
Just to cry over her.
(A. A. Fet)

3) Hot and stuffy afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky... the sun-scorched grass looks sad, hopeless: although it will rain, it will no longer be green... The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops or waiting for something.(A.P. Chekhov)

4) The sun got entangled in grayish-yellow clouds behind the silver river. A transparent fog sleepily swirls above the water.
The quiet city sleeps, nestled in a semi-ring of forest. It's morning, but it's sad. The day promises nothing, and his face is sad.
(M. Gorky)

5) Anger hissed like a snake, wriggled in evil words, alarmed by the light that fell on it.(M. Gorky)

6) Every night melancholy came to Ignatiev... with her head bowed, she sat on the edge of the bed, took him by the hand - a sad nurse of a hopeless patient. They remained silent for hours, hand in hand.(T.N. Tolstaya)

Exercise 21.

Find cases of combining personification with other means of artistic representation: comparison, rhetorical appeal, parallelism.

1) In the distance the windmill still flaps its wings, and it still looks like a little man waving his arms.(A.P. Chekhov) 2) In the morning he woke up with light, and with him melancholy, disgust, and hatred woke up.(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3) Ah, my fields, dear furrows, you are beautiful in your sadness. (S. A. Yesenin) 4) Native land! Name me such a monastery...(N. A. Nekrasov)

Exercise 22.

Find personifications in the given poetic passage.

1) It gets dark in the distance,
The plantain is depressed.
(N. Rubtsov)

3) I dragged myself for a long time.
And for a long time the forest is night
Everyone listened to the copper bell,
Ringing under the arc.
(N. Rubtsov)

4) ...And the third, it seems, is a bus
Running along the line sixth.
(N. Rubtsov)

5) The alder blooms, hopes, calls,
Not yet knowing the terrible catch...
. (V. Soloukhin)

6) And only chilled rowan
Knocks with a brush on the glass,
The clay around her was soaked,
Rowan wants to be warm.
(V. Soloukhin)

7) Black shadows of the patterned lattice
They lie clear on the white snow.
Quiet stars - thoughtfully meek,
The month prophesies languor and bliss.
Black windows of the silent cathedral
They look gloomily at the white field...
(V. Bryusov)

8) The bluebells in the field are sad.
For people they dream of ringing,
But the flowers are singing buds
Unless the bear listens.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Flocks of birds. Road tape.
A fallen fence.
From the foggy sky
The dim day looks sad.
(K. Balmont)

10) “Who? For what? - the reeds say,
“Why are the lights burning between us?”
But the sad month silently drooped.
He doesn't know. He bows his face lower and lower.
And, repeating the sigh of the lost soul,
The reeds rustle sadly and silently.
(K. Balmont)

11) The wavy line trembles,
Everything on him and in him breathes something...
And gently sways him,
Humbling, evil emptiness.
No, we are not here, in the valley below,
He and I are flying towards the curtain of clouds!
And the gray ray slides, prickly,
Above the surprised bell tower.
(3. Gippius)

12) Is it really me again
In these birch groves?
The May sun is shining again,
Leaning over a pink field.
Smells like calamus
And weeping coastal willows
(Cute! Cute! The same ones!)
Without moving, they doze over the pond.
(S. Solovyov)

13) The sleepy winter wind sings above me,
Puts you to sleep with a song, doesn’t give you the will,
The path is covered with snow, it runs across the field,
Together with the bell it trembles pitifully...
(I. Bunin)

14) Old house. He barely survives
Pushing aside the grass with the porch,
Calls out to people through all the windows,
Only I don’t live in it anymore.
(K. Spitsina)

Test on the topic “Expressive means of vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification"

1. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) Willows froze in silver fluff by the road.
2) The black grouse slowly pecked at the buds on the birch trees and walked importantly along the branches.
3) They walked on the loose snow at random, every now and then falling into potholes.
4) We passed the railway track and hurried across a field along a narrow path to a still sleepy forest, blue in the distance.

2. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is personification.

1) For example, describe a climbing bush of these red flowers that stretch across the fence, want to look into the room, look through the glass door, what are we doing here...
2) Otherwise, your talent will inevitably become scarce and dry up, like a well from which no water is drawn for a long time.
3) Listen to your feelings, observe the world around you and write.
4) And then the inexhaustible world of true poetry will open before you.

3. Which of the following means of expression is not in the sentence:

The deep and quiet water glistened lacqueredly, as if oil had been poured into the river, and in this black mirror looked from the cliff thoughtful spruce trees, thin birch trees touched with yellowness.

1) comparative turnover
2) epithets
3) metaphor
4) alliteration

4. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) Poetry is the heart of literature, the highest concentration of all the best that exists in the world and in man.
2) I chose different things - either the well-known “The lonely sail is white”, or the incomprehensible but memorable “... and the air is blue, like a bundle of laundry from someone who has been discharged from the hospital.”
3) The conversation then was about Pushkin, about whom Viktor Yulievich spoke in such a way that a suspicion arose whether they studied in the same class.
4) Sanya smiled indulgently: some were the same ones that grandmother read.

5. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.

1) She appeared before Alexei’s gaze one evening, at the hour of his frenzied attack of pain, and did not pass by, she lingered.
2) And the illiterate old woman wandered between the beds in the evenings, fluffing pillows, putting compresses on her hot, puffy foreheads and saying, pronouncing some words, either lulling them to sleep, or telling some magical fairy tale.
3) When her duty ended, Aunt Grunya would now sit down on a stool near Alexei, moisten his dried, caked lips with a corner of the towel, and wipe his face, and bring him some water, and all the time she stroked his cold, lifeless hand and sentenced, sentenced, not sparing words, soft, like a good bandage.
4) How could she, a mother and wife, not go to the wards after duty, how could she not say her kind words, how could she not help Alexei?

6. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? epithet?

1) But somehow local boys tracked down Belogrudka, followed her down the slope, and hid.
2) Once upon a time, perhaps one of the most secretive animals, the white-breasted marten, settled in the thicket of the slope.
3) The next day Belogrudka crept into the hayloft and stayed there until dawn, and in the afternoon she saw her babies.
4) One of them took out an old hat and looked into it...

7. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? comparison?

1) Someone’s shadow appeared nearby and rushed forward.
2) Next to Tyomka’s house there was a dry poplar tree. It was already burning with all its might, like a torch.
3) But the firefighters ran slower because they were delayed by a heavy hose, and Tolik and his father overtook them.
4) The burnt branches fell like red worms onto the roof, and the roof burst into flames before Tolik’s eyes and began to light up in an instant.

8. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) Laughter reigned below, joy was seething, and there, on the steps, resentment was trembling.
2) But the result was not long in coming.
3) We finished the first grade with the following result: five children were adopted.
4) It’s quiet on the street, only the janitor shuffles with his broom.

9. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) Deciding to immediately go save his pet, Tyoma tiptoes to the glass door and quietly, so as not to make noise, goes out onto the terrace.
2) Running to the hole of the well, he calls in a low voice:
- Bug, Bug!
3) Without wasting time, Tyoma ties the reins around the dog, then quickly climbs up.
4) The boy listens with horror to the nanny’s words, and thoughts swarm in his head.

10. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “When, half an hour later, the impatient calls came - too long and too short, I rushed into the corridor and grabbed the phone.”

1) personification
2) epithet
3) synonyms
4) comparative turnover

11. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “This winter is like a gift: snowfalls, blizzards, light frost.”

1) metaphor
2) personification
3) comparative turnover
4) epithet

12. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “I passed, but there was a scratch on my conscience: I had to stop and give them something.”

1) hyperbole
2) metaphor
3) personification
4) comparative turnover

13. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence:“Contemplation, healing the soul.”

1) personification
2) metaphor
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

14. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “They left a ragged sore in the ground.”

1) personification
2) metaphor
3) epithets
4) hyperbole

15. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: “The birch trees were shaking from the cold”?

1) personification
2) hyperbole
3) comparison
4) epithet

16. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: "the plant world is awakening"?

1) personification
2) allegory
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

17. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression:"amazing youthful impressionability" ?

1) personification
2) allegory
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

18. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence:“In a damp lowland they found several lily of the valley leaves with an ovary as red as a button.” .

1) metaphor
2) epithets
3) comparative turnover
4) hyperbole

Exercises on the topic " Expressive means vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification"

Exercise 1.

Find epithets, determine their role in the text.

1) Compressed rye, weeds, spurge, wild hemp - everything, browned from the heat, red and half-dead, now washed with dew and caressed by the sun, came to life to bloom again. (A.P. Chekhov) 2) It was summer, a long day passed, the wind calmed down for the evening among the sleepy, blissful pines. (A.P. Platonov) 3) Majestic swans swam in the red sunset - pinkish-golden in the sun. Their deserted cry echoed in the park. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 2.

Read the phrases suggested below, highlight the epithets in them, explain their semantic and emotional content. Appreciate their traditionality.

Ominous thought; the sails of proud ships; sad star; on a bare branch; fatal fire of battles; sweet hope; crazy excitement; in clear azure; through velvet meadows; fate is cruel; the futile noise of feasts; happy land.

Exercise 3.

Make up phrases from the words in the right and left columns.


Exercise 4.

Choose figurative and lyrical epithets for these words.

Sun ___________________________________________
Fog ____________________________________________
Fire ____________________________________________
Light _____________________________________________
Lilac _________________________________________________
Feeling ___________________________________________
Silence ___________________________________________

Exercise 5.

Read the text. Find epithets in it. Determine their role in the text.

The imperishable beauties of Russia, its fields and forests, foggy pools and majestic sunsets did not appear yesterday. It was the North that nourished the life of generations and even eras in such a way that one is amazed. Together with Veliky Novgorod, together with the white-trunked, stately Russia, the greatness of Pskov and Suzdal, Vladimir and Rostov rose. The stone bulk of St. George's Cathedral on Lake Ilmen, when it rises on the rising spring water, as if in the clouds, is not just antiquity, but a monument to the greatness of man.

All this is an era when a simple person felt a poet in himself and felt that the earth was something more than just a cornfield, just the hum of untouched forests. He, driven to the northern outskirts of his land by ruthless conquerors, realized that there was nowhere else to go, that his native land, these saving heroic distances, was a source of endless spiritual strength. And every blade of grass, tree, lake began to be perceived by him as miraculous wealth. (According to Yu. Kuranov)

Exercise 6.

Find comparisons in the texts. Determine the way to express them.

(A. A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I. S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A. A. Fet)

We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A. N. Maikov)

Exercise 7.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role in the text.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
(N. M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, looking like a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold are scurrying around in it. (I. S. Shmelev)

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A. A. Fet)

A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how much you languish your hands,
You can't break the beam,
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere an eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky. (A.P. Chekhov)

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer; (M. Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N. A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Exercise 8.

Read the text. What does the text say? Highlight comparisons. Determine their figurative and expressive role. What images do they enrich the text with? What thoughts and feelings of the author help to convey more clearly?

The third meeting showed me Blok reading wonderful poems about Russia, and he seemed to me depressed by this love of his whole life, he looked like a knight who loves the Unattainable, and his heart bleeds with love.
The block seemed so dear and close to me, like a nightingale in a spring bush that sings a song to me, but will fly away if I approach it, and like freshly fallen snow that does not need to be touched.
(K. D. Balmont)

Exercise 9.

Tell us about lexical means of comparison by commenting on these examples.

1) A snow-covered bush looks like a frozen fountain. (V. Nabokov) The deserted cape was similar to a loaf of bread. (I. Bunin) 2) In the light of day, the fire in the stove is like pale roses. (V. Khodasevich) 3) And above the earth the round moon will seem like a loaf of wheat. (M. Dudin) 4) The maple leaf reminds us of amber. (N. Zabolotsky) 5) The frosty night was like a fairy tale. (B. Pasternak)

Exercise 10.

Read the lines of poetry. Find creative comparisons in them. Tell us what is compared to what in each case.

1) From flowers in the fields
the smell is all around.
And the dew shines
On the grass in silver
(I. Surikov)

2) Pine trees reach for the sky
Behind the sunshine
And chicks leaves
They run on the ground.
(N. Berendgof)

3) Just yesterday, melting in the sun,
The last leaf trembled
And the winter, turning lushly green,
It lay like a velvet sheet.
(A. Fet)

4) And a leaf from a birch tree
Golden bee
Curls and flies
Above the prickly tree.
(E. Trutneva)

5) In yards and houses
The snow lies like a sheet
And the sun sparkles
Multi-colored fire.
(I. Nikitin)

Exercise 11.

Correct the sentences to make them more harmonious. Replace the comparative phrase with an instrumental comparison.

1) The hollow water had already receded, and the river flowed like a narrow stream. 2) Like a white column, yes, centuries-old birch trees lined up. 3) I raised my head... in front of me, between two rows of tall poplars, like an arrow, the road stretched into the distance. 4) The sun is shining brightly, like white birds, clouds are floating in the sky. 5) In the thicket of the forest, like a golden star, the dome of the church sparkled.

Exercise 12.

Find comparisons in the texts.

1) The lake fell asleep; the black forest is silent;
A white mermaid swims casually out;
Like a young swan, the moon among the skies
It glides and contemplates its double on the moisture.
(A.A. Fet)

2) And the pines bend as if they were alive,
And they make such thoughtful noise...
And, like a flock of huge birds,
Suddenly the wind blows
And in tangled and dark branches
He makes some noise impatiently.
(I.S. Turgenev)

3) The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.
(A.A. Fet)

4) The rain poured through the sun, and under the mossy spruce
We stood as if in a golden cage.
(A.N. Maikov)

Exercise 13.

Find comparisons. Explain their expressive role.

1) Above me
Between birch and pine
In your endless sadness
Clouds float like thoughts,
The river is rippling below,
Like a feeling of carefree joy.
(N.M. Rubtsov)

2) Squinting my eyes, I see the sun pouring into the room. A wide golden strip, similar to a brand new board, fits obliquely into the room, and little pieces of gold flutter around in it. (I.S. Shmelev).

3) A wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
On horseback or on foot -
Can't be seen in the dust!
(A.A. Fet)

4) That the Russians were the reason for the fall -
A splinter was tied in a bunch;
No matter how much you languish your hands,
You can't break the beam,
Like Russia, so it crumbled like
And it became convenient to break the entire splinter.
(A.P. Sumarokov)

5) Summer morning. There is silence in the air; only a grasshopper creaks on the shore and somewhere a little eagle purrs timidly... Cirrus clouds, like scattered snow, stand motionless in the sky (A.P. Chekhov).

6) The air there is as pure as a child’s prayer;
And people, like free birds, live carefree.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

7) My poems! Living witnesses
For a world of shed tears!
You will be born in fateful moments
Soul thunderstorms
And beat on people's hearts,
Like waves on a cliff.
(N.A. Nekrasov)

8) Down deep below me
The flow, strengthened by the thunderstorm,
It was noisy, and its noise was dull
Hundreds of angry voices
Got it.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

9) Nose, curved like an owl's beak (M. Gorky).

10) The new moon is like a golden sickle (A.V. Koltsov).

11) Where, like necklaces,
Multicolor stones
Rising above the foam of the waves...
(V. Bryusov)

12) And the vault of the sky, deep blue, -
Like the dome that crowned the temple!
(In Bryusov)

13) Hands bare above the elbow,
And the eyes are bluer than ice.
The acrid, stuffy smell of tar,
Like a tan, it suits you.
(A. Akhmatova)

14) And with each letter from my line
Burning annoyance creeps in like nettles...
(K. Spitsina)

15) A reserve of courage is kept in the heart,
How gunpowder used to be stored in the fortress
As a food against dampness and rot,
Like a compass on a sea boat.
(V. Soloukhin)

Exercise 14.

Find in the texts nouns used in a figurative meaning. Explain the meaning of metaphors. On what basis was such a transfer possible?

The last crowd.

At the lunar crescent.

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head-on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face. (V.M.Shukshin)

Exercise 15.

Find metaphors in the following texts. Describe the images they create.

1) I became indifferent to the shacks,
And the hearth fire is not dear to me,
Even the autumn blizzard of apple trees
Because of the poverty of the fields, I stopped loving them.
(S. Yesenin)

2) Russia! In the evil days of Batu
Who, who to the Mongol flood
Built the dam, if not you?

(S.A. Yesenin)

4) The motorcycle taxied out of the village, stuck a sparkling blade of light into the night and rushed along the well-trodden, flat road to the regional center. (V.M.Shukshin)

5) “Gold, gold is falling from the sky!”
Children scream and run after the rain...
- Come on, children, we’ll collect it,
Just collect the golden grain
Barns full of fragrant bread!
(A.N. Maikov)

6) Under the eyebrows in sunny rest
The blue sky is shining quietly.

7) The spruce covered my path with its sleeve. (A.A.Fet)

8) I remember, my heart brightening,
How excited and young I was!
And let the poems have silver strings
They will continue their melancholy chant.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Under the straw-riza
Planing the rafters,
The wind molds blue
Sprinkled with sunshine.
They hit the windows without missing a beat
Crows wing,
Like a blizzard, bird cherry
He waves his sleeve.
(S. Yesenin)

10) Plain-haired willows
They threw their hands into the streams.
The seagulls shouted: “Whose are you?”
We answered: “Draw!”

11) Let the sun crown abundant seedlings on the arable land
With the ancient crown of its rising rays!
(N. Rubtsov)

Exercise 16.

Read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Sail”.

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...
Alas, he is not looking for happiness,
And he’s not running out of happiness!

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...
And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

1) Find metaphors in the poem and write them down.
2) Select comparative constructions for the following metaphors:iron man, fox character, bear gait, cold look, warm meeting, lead clouds, dead garden .
3) In the four-volume explanatory dictionary of the Russian language the word “
rebellious " has two meanings: 1. Participating in the rebellion, taking part in the rebellion.Rebel army . 2. Anxious, restless, stormy.

In what meaning is the word “rebellious” used in M. Lermontov’s poem “Sail "? What is the basis for the similarity between the direct and figurative meanings of this word, that is, what is the metaphor based on?mutiny sail »?
4) Write an essay in a scientific style on the topic “The expressive role of metaphor in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Sail”.

Exercise 17.

Find metaphors in the texts and explain their meaning. On what basis did the metaphorical transfer arise?

1) Lagging clouds are flying over us
The last crowd.
Their transparent segment softly melts
At the lunar crescent.
(A. A. Fet)

2) All the stubble sticks out in the dust
Roadside horsetail.
(Sasha Cherny)

3) Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven. (S. A. Yesenin)

4) It started snowing. The entire space from earth to sky was filled with a quiet rustling sound. The wind circled at first: it pushed me from the back, then from the sides. Then the oncoming one came - head on. There was a whistle in my ears, and thousands of small cold bullets flew into my face. (V. M. Shukshin)

5) Figuratively speaking, the thread of his life flowed steadily from someone’s divine hands, sliding between his fingers. Without excessive rapidity, without breaks or knots, it, that thread, was in an even and gentle tension and only occasionally sagged a little. (A. G. Bitov)

Exercise 18.

Read the texts. Find metaphors in the text and explain their artistic function.

1) Just as, perhaps, individual dense stars are formed from a colossal, almost limitless nebula, so precise and specific ideas are constantly being formed in the mind of a writer from the boundless ocean of life impressions...
I sometimes see how, during a lively conversation, my fellow writer takes out a notebook and quickly writes down in it the phrase he just uttered, the incident he just told. And then I suddenly come across this episode in the book. From it, like from a seed, an entire chapter of a story or story developed and flourished.
(K. G. Paustovsky)
2) We are standing in a forest ravine. And a white cloud hangs above us.
The fragrant rain of petals splashes slightly, slowly falling on your head, face and ground. Bees are buzzing above us. Live winged helicopters land on a fluffy cloud. It smells of intoxicating nectar and fragrant pollen.
This is a bird cherry blossom.
(S. Larin)

Exercise 19.

Find examples in the texts where inanimate objects are presented as living.

1) The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
Just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself becomes timid
To breathe in the cold.
(A. A. Fet)

2) Along hidden, deaf paths,
Dusk is coming into the forest thickets.
Covered with dry leaves,
The forests are silent - they are waiting for the autumn night.
(I. A. Bunin)

3) In severe frost, birch firewood crackles merrily, and when it flares up, it begins to hum and sing. (I. S. Shmelev)

Exercise 20.

Find personifications in the texts. Explain their use and expressive role.

1) There are minute thunderstorms on spring days,
The air is clean, the sheets are fresh...
And silently shed tears
Fragrant flowers
. (A. A. Fet)

2) A cloud is reaching home,
Just to cry over her.
(A. A. Fet)

3) Hot and stuffy afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky... the sun-scorched grass looks sad, hopeless: although it will rain, it will no longer be green... The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops or waiting for something. (A.P. Chekhov)

4) The sun got entangled in grayish-yellow clouds behind the silver river. A transparent fog sleepily swirls above the water.
The quiet city sleeps, nestled in a semi-ring of forest. It's morning, but it's sad. The day promises nothing, and his face is sad.
(M. Gorky)

5) Anger hissed like a snake, wriggled in evil words, alarmed by the light that fell on it. (M. Gorky)

6) Every night melancholy came to Ignatiev... with her head bowed, she sat on the edge of the bed, took him by the hand - a sad nurse of a hopeless patient. They remained silent for hours, hand in hand. (T.N. Tolstaya)

Exercise 21.

Find cases of combining personification with other means of artistic representation: comparison, rhetorical appeal, parallelism.

1) In the distance the windmill still flaps its wings, and it still looks like a little man waving his arms. (A.P. Chekhov) 2)In the morning he woke up with light, and with him melancholy, disgust, and hatred woke up. (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3)Ah, my fields, dear furrows, you are beautiful in your sadness . (S. A. Yesenin) 4)Native land! Name me such a monastery... (N. A. Nekrasov)

Exercise 22.

Find personifications in the given poetic passage.

1) It gets dark in the distance,
The plantain is depressed.
(N. Rubtsov)

3) I dragged myself for a long time.
And for a long time the forest is night
Everyone listened to the copper bell,
Ringing under the arc.
(N. Rubtsov)

4) ...And the third, it seems, is a bus
Running along the line sixth.
(N. Rubtsov)

5) The alder blooms, hopes, calls,
Not yet knowing the terrible catch...
. (V. Soloukhin)

6) And only chilled rowan
Knocks with a brush on the glass,
The clay around her was soaked,
Rowan wants to be warm.
(V. Soloukhin)

7) Black shadows of the patterned lattice
They lie clear on the white snow.
Quiet stars - thoughtfully meek,
The month prophesies languor and bliss.
Black windows of the silent cathedral
They look gloomily at the white field...
(V. Bryusov)

8) The bluebells in the field are sad.
For people they dream of ringing,
But the flowers are singing buds
Unless the bear listens.
(N. Rubtsov)

9) Flocks of birds. Road tape.
A fallen fence.
From the foggy sky
The dim day looks sad.
(K. Balmont)

10) “Who? For what? - the reeds say,
“Why are the lights burning between us?”
But the sad month silently drooped.
He doesn't know. He bows his face lower and lower.
And, repeating the sigh of the lost soul,
The reeds rustle sadly and silently.
(K. Balmont)

11) The wavy line trembles,
Everything on him and in him breathes something...
And gently sways him,
Humbling, evil emptiness.
No, we are not here, in the valley below,
He and I are flying towards the curtain of clouds!
And the gray ray slides, prickly,
Above the surprised bell tower.
(3. Gippius)

12) Is it really me again
In these birch groves?
The May sun is shining again,
Leaning over a pink field.
Smells like calamus
And weeping coastal willows
(Cute! Cute! The same ones!)
Without moving, they doze over the pond.
(S. Solovyov)

13) The sleepy winter wind sings above me,
Puts you to sleep with a song, doesn’t give you the will,
The path is covered with snow, it runs across the field,
Together with the bell it trembles pitifully...
(I. Bunin)

14) Old house. He barely survives
Pushing aside the grass with the porch,
Calls out to people through all the windows,
Only I don’t live in it anymore.
(K. Spitsina)

Test on the topic “Expressive means of vocabulary. Epithet. Comparison. Metaphor. Personification"

1. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Willows froze in silver fluff by the road.
2) The black grouse slowly pecked at the buds on the birch trees and walked importantly along the branches.
3) They walked on the loose snow at random, every now and then falling into potholes.
4) We passed the railway track and hurried across a field along a narrow path to a still sleepy forest, blue in the distance.

2. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is personification .

1) For example, describe a climbing bush of these red flowers that stretch across the fence, want to look into the room, look through the glass door, what are we doing here...
2) Otherwise, your talent will inevitably become scarce and dry up, like a well from which no water is drawn for a long time.
3) Listen to your feelings, observe the world around you and write.
4) And then the inexhaustible world of true poetry will open before you.

3. Which of the following means of expression is not in the sentence:

The deep and quiet water glistened lacqueredly, as if oil had been poured into the river, and in this black mirror looked from the cliff thoughtful spruce trees, thin birch trees touched with yellowness.

1) comparative turnover
2) epithets
3) metaphor
4) alliteration

4. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Poetry is the heart of literature, the highest concentration of all the best that exists in the world and in man.
2) I chose different things - either the well-known “The lonely sail is white”, or the incomprehensible but memorable “... and the air is blue, like a bundle of laundry from someone who has been discharged from the hospital.”
3) The conversation then was about Pushkin, about whom Viktor Yulievich spoke in such a way that a suspicion arose whether they studied in the same class.
4) Sanya smiled indulgently: some were the same ones that grandmother read.

5. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.

1) She appeared before Alexei’s gaze one evening, at the hour of his frenzied attack of pain, and did not pass by, she lingered.
2) And the illiterate old woman wandered between the beds in the evenings, fluffing pillows, putting compresses on her hot, puffy foreheads and saying, pronouncing some words, either lulling them to sleep, or telling some magical fairy tale.
3) When her duty ended, Aunt Grunya would now sit down on a stool near Alexei, moisten his dried, caked lips with a corner of the towel, and wipe his face, and bring him some water, and all the time she stroked his cold, lifeless hand and sentenced, sentenced, not sparing words, soft, like a good bandage.
4) How could she, a mother and wife, not go to the wards after duty, how could she not say her kind words, how could she not help Alexei?

6. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? epithet ?

1) But somehow local boys tracked down Belogrudka, followed her down the slope, and hid.
2) Once upon a time, perhaps one of the most secretive animals, the white-breasted marten, settled in the thicket of the slope.
3) The next day Belogrudka crept into the hayloft and stayed there until dawn, and in the afternoon she saw her babies.
4) One of them took out an old hat and looked into it...

7. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? comparison ?

1) Someone’s shadow appeared nearby and rushed forward.
2) Next to Tyomka’s house there was a dry poplar tree. It was already burning with all its might, like a torch.
3) But the firefighters ran slower because they were delayed by a heavy hose, and Tolik and his father overtook them.
4) The burnt branches fell like red worms onto the roof, and the roof burst into flames before Tolik’s eyes and began to light up in an instant.

8. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Laughter reigned below, joy was seething, and there, on the steps, resentment was trembling.
2) But the result was not long in coming.
3) We finished the first grade with the following result: five children were adopted.
4) It’s quiet on the street, only the janitor shuffles with his broom.

9. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor .

1) Deciding to immediately go save his pet, Tyoma tiptoes to the glass door and quietly, so as not to make noise, goes out onto the terrace.
2) Running to the hole of the well, he calls in a low voice:
- Bug, Bug!
3) Without wasting time, Tyoma ties the reins around the dog, then quickly climbs up.
4) The boy listens with horror to the nanny’s words, and thoughts swarm in his head.

10. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “When, half an hour later, the impatient calls came - too long and too short, I rushed into the corridor and grabbed the phone.”

1) personification
2) epithet
3) synonyms
4) comparative turnover

11. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “This winter is like a gift: snowfalls, blizzards, light frost.”

1) metaphor
2) personification
3) comparative turnover
4) epithet

12. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “I passed, but there was a scratch on my conscience: I had to stop and give them something.”

1) hyperbole
2) metaphor
3) personification
4) comparative turnover

13. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “Contemplation, healing the soul.”

1) personification
2) metaphor
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

14. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “They left a ragged sore in the ground.”

1) personification
2) metaphor
3) epithets
4) hyperbole

15. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: “The birch trees were shaking from the cold” ?

1) personification
2) hyperbole
3) comparison
4) epithet

16. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: "the plant world is awakening" ?

1) personification
2) allegory
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

17. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the expression: "amazing youthful impressionability" ?

1) personification
2) allegory
3) hyperbole
4) epithet

18. Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence: “In a damp lowland they found several lily of the valley leaves with an ovary as red as a button.” .

1) metaphor
2) epithets
3) comparative turnover
4) hyperbole

1. 2),3)
2. 1), 4)
3. 1), 3)
4. 2), 4)
5. 1), 2)
6. 2), 3)
7. 2)
8. 1)
9. 3)
10. 1)B, 2)D, 3)D, 4)A,5)C
11. 1)G, 2)A, 3)D, 4)B, 5)C
12. 1)B, 2)C, 3)D, 4)A, 5)D
13. 1)G, 2)C, 3)B, 4)D, 5)A
14. 2)
15. 4)
16. 2)
17. 1)
18. 3)