What program do all preschool institutions follow? and how to find it? and got the best answer

Answer from Olga Zvonkova[guru]
In any preschool institution a comprehensive program is taken as the basis. There are many of them, but the main ones are six.
Many kindergartens work according to the “Childhood” program, which was developed in St. Petersburg pedagogical university them. Herzen. It is the simplest and most accessible to teachers. The main emphasis is on children's education and their artistic and aesthetic development. It is much more important to teach preschoolers not to read and write (at this age it is generally not recommended to teach a child to write, since fine motor skills of the fingers are not yet sufficiently developed), but to sing, draw, sculpt from plasticine and make various crafts.
Another program, “Rainbow” (developed by Doronova and Yakobson), sets similar tasks for educators. It is also taken as a basis by many preschool institutions.
According to experts, the “Development” program (developed by Wenger and Dyachenko) is very interesting. It is aimed more at the mental intellectual development kids. In the process of playing in the classroom, they learn basic information about the role of man in history and culture, receive explanations in an accessible form of various physical phenomena. Often the children themselves, under the guidance of teachers, conduct unique “ scientific research“, that is, the child acts not only as a student, but also stands on the same level as adults, independently making decisions, discovering and inventing something.
“Kindergarten - a house of joy” (author - Krylova) is both a program and a technology at once. It literally describes every day of working with children. For different age groups- separate books. Of course, teachers also bring something of their own to the program. Natalya Mikhailovna Krylova, who created it, personally observed how one of the most experienced teachers worked on it, and after that she made some adjustments and additions. Most attention is paid to the moral, artistic and aesthetic development of the child. One of the main points is to teach the little creature to communicate correctly with peers and with adults.
In the center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets developed the basic program “Origins”. Its authors approach the development of a child’s personality comprehensively and comprehensively. Much attention is paid to introducing children to the historical origins of their people. The program is interesting in that it has developed a “portrait of a graduate kindergarten", which describes what qualities and skills he should have. The program “From childhood to adolescence” has two stages: preschool and school development. It works in those institutions where both a kindergarten and a school are located in the same building (or on the same territory). That is, raising and teaching children both in preschool and in school age is conducted in one key. Several other programs have been created using this principle: “Golden Key”, “Continuity”, “Community”. In addition to the main programs, preschool institutions and various methods for individual directions children's development. For example, in the artistic and aesthetic direction the methodology “Theater - creativity - children” works, drawing is taught using the methods “Seven Flowers”, “Nature and the Artist”, music - “Synthesis”, “Harmony”, “Musical Masterpieces”. There are very, very many such techniques. If the kindergarten works according to them successfully, then its staff is replenished with additional teachers: rhythmics, drawing, physical education.
Where to go for information?
Telephone numbers of Moscow district education departments
Here you will be told in more detail about all the kindergartens in the district that interest you:
Central district: 951-41-67
Northern District: 456-07-32
North-Eastern district: 210-07-06
Eastern district: 963-55-35
South-Eastern district: 350-07-22
Southern District: 324-76-46
Southwestern district: 120-31-56
Western district: 249-08-86
Northwestern district: 947-88-86
Zelenograd: 535-75-31
You can buy it in the Pedkniga and House of Books megazines.

Reply from Elena Katanova[guru]
Everyone works in different programs.

Reply from Jane[guru]
There are different programs, they can be purchased in specialized stores

Reply from =) [guru]
The main programs are Vasileoy (standard) and Childhood, but in fact there are many of them, there are both special and part-time (additional)

Reply from Natasha[guru]
No one has developed anything better than Vasilyeva and is unlikely to ever develop anything. New programs ("Rainbow", etc.) are based on it

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Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. This year we have a graduation ceremony, we give the children 2 books and a medal for the graduate, children. kindergarten, a folder with photos and we ourselves will make a photo album with photos from the holidays. Educational programs on which kindergartens operate.

Educational programs used by kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, and maintains ratings of what kind of money is allocated to kindergartens from the budget.

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Educational programs used by kindergartens. Game activity as a means of development speech activity preschoolers in English.

educational program in kindergarten. "Record" program. Training programs. Children's education. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

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Educational educational process carried out by the following programs and technology: (Table 1 Preschool educational programs).

Basic educational program according to which our kindergarten operates - "Rainbow". This is a comprehensive program for the upbringing and development of children preschool age. It was developed by order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation and prepared for implementation new concept preschool education. The authors are famous Russian scientists: Ph.D. Sciences Doronova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Grizik Tatyana Ivanovna, Solovyova Elena Viktorovna and others.

The Rainbow program is focused on the comprehensive development and education of children aged 2 to 7 years. In our kindergarten, this program is used for children from the second youngest to preparatory groups.

Program goals:

  • Preserve and strengthen the health of children; to form in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle;

  • Promote timely and complete mental development every child;

  • To provide every child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood.
The main wealth of the program is Rainbow Children.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, the first junior groups (1.5 years - 3 years) are working under this program.

Program goals:

  • Creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for preschool children;

  • Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual;

  • Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics.
These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities:

gaming, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

The curriculum of the preschool educational institution includes the following classes, in accordance with the training and education programs:

Development mathematical representations, physical culture,

Speech development, musical development,

Literacy training, art activities,

Familiarization with fiction, choreography,

Getting to know the world around you swimming

Teaching children traffic rules

Pedagogical activities are based on a personality-oriented model of communication with the child. That is, the institution takes an individual approach to teaching children of different preschool ages. The preschool educational institution has created conditions for the development of children and teachers: didactic equipment, educational educational process and the developing environment is under constant control.

The entire pedagogical process in kindergarten is conventionally divided into 3 component blocks:

  • specially organized training in the form of classes;

  • individual work of teachers with children, built in a relaxed manner;

  • free independent activity of children.
IN pedagogical process frontal, subgroup and customized shapes working with children. They are combined in the educational process and depend on the age and training of the children, level of development, complexity of the program material, availability of equipment and didactic material in sufficient quantity.

The prognostic function is based on diagnostics (its repetitions), aimed at predicting the initial and final results of activities, taking into account the capabilities of children, teachers, preschool conditions educational institution. Diagnosis is considered important component pedagogical process. At preschool educational institutions, “initial” diagnostics and “final” diagnostics are carried out - at the beginning and at the end of the year, respectively. All diagnostic work The preschool educational institution fully fits into the scheme of a personality-oriented approach.

Protecting and promoting the health of pupils

Protecting and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive physical development, hardening the body is one of the leading activities of the institution, since the full physical development and health of a child is the basis for the formation of personality.

Children's physical health is inextricably linked with their mental health and emotional well-being. The system of physical education and health work includes therapeutic and preventive and physical education and health activities.

The level of socialization of a preschooler’s personality largely depends on proper physical education. Based on the principle “a healthy child is a successful child,” the team considers it impossible to solve the problem of raising a socially adapted individual without implementing a system of health-improving measures: physical and psycho-emotional education of children. Therefore, currently, as one of the priority areas pedagogical activity The creation of a health-preserving environment in a kindergarten is highlighted.

A health service has been created in the kindergarten, which includes: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a teacher-specialist (physical), an instructor in physical culture.

A program for the physical development and health of children in preschool settings has been created.

Purpose of the program:

Protecting and strengthening the child’s health, creating an optimal daily routine that ensures the child’s NS hygiene, comfortable well-being, neuropsychic and physical development.

A plan of health-improving activities for children is drawn up monthly.

Teachers provide physical activity for children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, use diverse different shapes organizing physical activity for children

Every day in the kindergarten, children are given morning exercises, aerial exercises, and motor and recreational physical exercises. minutes, physical exercise after sleep, twice a week physical education and swimming pool classes. Outdoor and indoor games.

Once every six months, sports events are held for children of different age groups in the gym with the participation of teachers and parents. Once a year, children and parents participate in the city sports festival “Dad, Mom, Me - a Sports Family.” Once a year, a physical education instructor conducts holidays on the water for children aged 4–7 years.

Every month, a pediatrician conducts “Health Days” with children of senior and preparatory groups. various topics: “Two eyes - two diamonds”, “A pillow is a best friend”, “Vitamins are ours” best friends"etc.

The physical development of children occurs with the help of the L.D. program. Glazyrina “Physical education for preschoolers” and T.I. Osokina “Teaching swimming in kindergarten”

The preschool institution has a speech therapy service, represented by speech therapist teachers. The service operates in three areas:

subgroup and frontal work on speech correction, improving coherent speech, diagnostics, etc.);

  1. Work with parents (consultations for parents, educational work, use of various forms of cooperation with parents);

  2. Organizational and pedagogical work (presenting one’s professional experience to colleagues at city and regional methodological associations, carrying out educational work on the prevention and diagnosis of speech disorders for educators).
Speech therapists use speech correction programs:

G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva “Program speech therapy work on overcoming phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech in children” and G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva “Program of speech therapy work to overcome general underdevelopment speech in children."

In our kindergarten there is a social-psychological-pedagogical service of a preschool educational institution. It is represented by social educators and educational psychologists (2). The service operates in three areas:

  1. Work with children (systematically individual,
subgroup work on the correction of socio-emotional development, on the correction cognitive development, diagnostics, etc.);

  1. Work with parents (consultations for parents, educational work, participation, speaking at meetings with parents, trainings on child-parent relations);

  2. Organizational and pedagogical work (presenting one’s professional experience to colleagues at city and regional methodological associations, carrying out educational work on issues related to raising children in the family, on the psycho-emotional development of preschool children for educators).
When working with children, the social teacher uses S. Knyazev’s “I-you-we” program;

Educational psychologists use N. Yakovleva’s programs “ Psychological assistance preschooler”, work programs for the correction of anxiety, for preparing the child for school.

An important role in the development of children is played by the artistic and aesthetic service of the preschool educational institution; it is represented by the music directors of the preschool educational institution (3), a choreography teacher and an art teacher. The service operates in three areas:

  1. Working with children (individual, subgroup work, frontal exercises with children, organization of holidays, entertainment, matinees with the participation of children);

  2. Work with parents (consultations for parents, educational work at meetings, living rooms, holding competitions, exhibitions among parents of preschool educational institutions);

  3. Organizational and pedagogical work (organization of various exhibitions, cooperation with district, city, regional cultural institutions, transfer of experience to colleagues at various methodological associations. Participation of children and teachers at district, city, regional creative competitions and festivals).
Musical education of children is carried out with the help of the “Ladushki” program by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva and “Baby” by V.A. Petrova.

Creative development in art activities occurs with the help of the G.S. program. Shvaiko “Art activities in kindergarten”

In the kindergarten, classes are held for children, once a week, according to the ABC program traffic"(second junior groups - preparatory) T.B. Sokolova "The ABC of traffic." Once a year we take part in the City Festival “Preschoolers Promoting Traffic Rules”.

Teachers conduct free activities for children in preparatory groups:

“Skillful hands” in working with natural materials;

“Collection of ideas” for working with natural and waste materials;

“Magic threads” for working with iso-thread.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, more than 50% of the pupils of MDOU No. 229 “Developmental Kindergarten” became participants and winners of events at various levels:

  • international festival children's drawing“Rabbit goes to Prague” in the city of Prague – “Melody of the winter Czech Republic” (December) - participants ;

  • regional exhibition of children's drawings “The Magic of the New Year” (December) - winners ;

  • XIII regional competition of children's pop song performers "Fortune-2011" (February) - participants ;

  • regional children's sports competition “We welcome spring” (March) - winners ;

  • IVth city festival of associations of preschool children-propagandists of traffic rules “Preschoolers - for safety on the roads” (March) - winners ;

  • festival of creativity of children and teachers of the Zavodsky district “Sunny drops -2011” - (April) - participants :

  • city ​​mini-football tournament “Victory Cup 2011” (May) - participants ;

  • All-Russian campaign “Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards” (March-June) – participants
In the 2010-2011 academic year, teachers from MDOU No. 229 “Developmental Kindergarten” became participants and winners of competitions at various levels:

  • Regional stage of the I All-Russian competition “Kindergartens for Children!”, within the framework of the project of the United Russia Party in the nomination “Best Kindergarten Teacher” Penkova S.N. (November) – winner of the regional stage I.;

  • All-Russian competition “Kindergartens for Children!”, within the framework of the project of the United Russia Party in the nomination “Best Kindergarten Teacher” Penkova S.N. (December) – winner of the first All-Russian competition“kindergartens for children”;

  • regional competition "Debut - 2010" Shakhmanova G.V. (November-December) – participant;

  • city ​​competition "Kemerovo Woman of the Year - 2010" Shakina N.P. . in the category “She will help”;

  • international competition “Rabbit goes to Prague” Reznichenko Zh.V. (December);
In the 2010-2011 academic year, events of various levels were organized and held on the basis of MDOU No. 229 “Kindergarten of a developing type”:

  • Open events for educators, students of KRIPK and PRO “Theory and Practice of Preschool Education” (October, November, March, May);

  • Methodological associations for senior teachers in the district (December);

  • Methodological associations for city swimming instructors (September, February, May);

  • Methodological associations for musical directors of the region (September, November, February, May);

  • Methodological associations for teachers of senior groups (March);

  • Methodological associations for teachers of early age groups (September – May).

During the year, MDOU No. 229 “Combined Kindergarten” collaborated with the following sociocultural institutions of the city.

Municipal preschool

educational institution

combined type

"Kindergarten No. 9"



1.1. The educational program of the institution is drawn up in accordance with the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008. .No. 666, based on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and determines the content of education of a certain level and focus.

1.2. An educational program is a document that defines the specifics of organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution, the content of education, the forms of organizing children’s activities, taking into account the standard of preschool level of education.

1.3. The educational program of the preschool educational institution ensures the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the full, comprehensive development of the child: physical, social-moral, artistic-aesthetic, intellectual development in conjunction.

1.4. The educational program of the preschool educational institution covers all the main aspects of the life of preschool children.

2. Information about

Municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type

"Kindergarten No. 9"

The municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type "Kindergarten No. 9" operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Model provision about preschool educational institutions, the Charter of preschool educational institutions and other regulatory documents in the field of preschool education.

In accordance with the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 1989, education in a preschool institution is aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of pupils, developing mental, spiritual and physical abilities to the fullest extent, coordinating the efforts of the kindergarten and family in observing rights to health, education, protection and assistance.

The activities of the preschool educational institution are aimed at ensuring the continuous comprehensive and timely development of the child.

In the preschool educational institution KV "Kindergarten No. 9" there are 13 age groups, in which 340 children are educated, of which:

1 first junior group (2-3 years old);

2 second junior groups (3-4 years old);

3 middle groups (4-5 years);

2 senior groups (5-6 years old);

1 preparatory group(6-7 years);

2 seniors speech therapy groups(5-6 years);

2 preparatory speech therapy groups (6-7 years).

The educational process is led by 41 teachers:

  1. 2 - administration - director, deputy director for educational and methodological work;
  2. 13 - specialists - instructor physical education, music directors, speech therapists, educational psychologists, teachers additional education.
  3. 26 - educators.


The educational program of the preschool educational institution was developed on the basis of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, 2009 and a set of partial programs.

Guided by a comprehensive program, the institution’s staff sets the following goals::

  1. Creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for preschool children;
  2. Formation of the foundations of basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics;
  3. Preparing a child for life in modern society.

In order to build a holistic pedagogical process that ensures the full and comprehensive development of a preschool child: physical, intellectual, social, moral, artistic and aesthetic, the preschool educational institution team defines the following tasks:

  1. Improve work to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child. Expand the child’s individual motor experience, consistently teach movements and motor actions.
  2. To develop in children, in the process of various types of activities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, as well as methods of mental activity. Stimulate the development of curiosity.
  3. To ensure that a child develops a humane attitude towards the world around him from the first years of life.
  4. To develop in children (taking into account age characteristics) an interest in the work of adults, a desire to work, and to develop basic skills labor activity, hard work.
  5. To introduce children to fiction as an art and a means of developing intelligence, speech, a positive attitude towards the world, love and interest in books.
  6. To develop in children a love of beauty in the process of becoming acquainted with nature, different types art and artistic and aesthetic activities.
  7. To promote the physical and mental development of children, the education of moral and volitional qualities, creative abilities in the process of independent play activities.
  8. Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of emotional well-being and comfort in kindergarten, the search for a new style of communication and play with the child.
  9. Use various forms of cooperation with parents.
  10. To improve the system of interaction between preschool teachers and parents in the field of physical education and sports education of preschool children.

To achieve the set goals, the preschool educational institution is working not only to improve the educational process, but also to increase professional excellence teachers. The team of the institution works on methodological topic:

Increasing the theoretical and practical level of knowledge and skills through improvement pedagogical excellence, creative activity and teacher initiatives.

The work of the teaching staff on the methodological topic can be traced throughout academic year in various events:

Seminars, workshops;

Open viewings, mutual visits;


Pedagogical advice in traditional and non-traditional forms(brainstorming, regulated discussion, round table, business pedagogical games, pedagogical situations);

Self-education (self-education);

Cooperation with school, interaction with society;

Attending advanced training courses at PAPO, Moscow.

Organization methodological work includes a number of important functions:

  1. study, analysis of the state of affairs in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the new “social order”;
  2. choosing the goal and specific objectives of the activity;
  3. planning content, forms and methods, ways and means of achieving goals;
  4. stimulation, provision of practical assistance to educators based on diagnostic results;
  5. recruiting problem groups of teachers;
  6. summing up the results of each stage of methodological work and identifying new short-term and long-term prospects;
  7. collection and processing of received information;
  8. adjustment of the educational process in progress

various methodological lessons with teachers;

  1. encouragement creative workers, creating an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

To evaluate the results of the work done, diagnostics are carried out at the beginning and end of the school year.

Basic principles for constructing and implementing the program:

  1. use of health-saving technologies in working with children;
  2. taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children;
  3. differentiated approach to developing children's skills;
  4. consistency in the selection of educational content, integration of tasks intellectual and cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, social development of preschool children;
  5. a combination of visual and emotional-figurative methods in working with children;
  6. inclusion of a cognitive component in all types of activities, various forms of its organization;
  7. close interaction with parents in matters of raising and educating children, in order to ensure their full and comprehensive development;
  8. protection of the rights and dignity of a preschool child;
  9. introducing children to universal human values.

4. Updating the content of the educational process

Taking into account the comprehensive “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, teachers ensure the diversified development of children, form and develop universal, including creativity, to a level corresponding to age capabilities and requirements modern society, provide everyone with an equal start in development, preservation and promotion of health. For this purpose, partial programs and technologies are used for their implementation, focused on completing tasks aimed at increasing efficiency and ensuring the comprehensive development of preschool children.

The main directions of child development.


Form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;

Introduce health-saving technologies into work with children;

Improve children's motor skills;

Foster the need for physical self-improvement;

Use a variety of enhancement tools motor activity

children in physical education classes and in independent activities;

Develop the ability to adequately respond to changes environment, protect health, avoid danger;

Use a comprehensive system of physical education and health work with children: hardening (in everyday life and specially organized); organization of rational nutrition; diagnostics of the level of physical development, health status, physical fitness, psycho-emotional state; creating conditions for motor.


To improve the system of interaction between preschool teachers and parents in the field of physical education and sports education of preschool children.


Develop skills in communication culture and problem resolution;

Introduce children to the social values ​​of Russia and other countries;

To develop an interest in getting to know your hometown, history and


Shape social maturity child, his assimilation of moral universal human values, national traditions, citizenship;

Develop speech and skills verbal communication as the main means of communication.


Develop a sustainable interest in understanding the world around us;

To form the beginning of an ecological culture, conscious, correct

attitude towards phenomena, objects of living and inanimate nature;

Introduce children to the peculiarities of work in nature;

Form a culture of life;

Form ideas about the connections between phenomena and objects;

To form ideas about people’s professional work as a way

ensuring human vital needs;

To form ideas about the grammatical rules of constructing oral speech;

Provide work on preparing for writing, teaching literacy and developing speech as general cultural means of communication;

Form elementary mathematical concepts;

Develop creative thinking through construction from building materials

materials, the use of various types of construction sets, construction from paper and natural materials.


To form an aesthetic attitude towards the world and promote artistic development child through art;

Introduce children to fiction;

Develop artistic ability child (musical,

literary, visual);

Develop children's creativity V various types activities;

Develop the ability to integrate various artistic forms


Develop creative and personal qualities children, their volitional, emotional, cognitive spheres, aesthetic development;

Help children develop skills in theatrical and play activities in accordance with their individual characteristics.

5. Integration of programs and technologies

Taking as a basis the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” by Vasilyeva M.A., the team builds an educational process according to the programs and technologies specified in the list methodological literature n the current academic year.

6.Additional education at preschool educational institutions

Additional education of children in preschool educational institutions is carried out in the evening in accordance with SanPiN Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers.


For additional educational services

in MDOU KV "Kindergarten No. 9"

for the 2009-2010 academic year








(senior speech therapy group)

15.25 – 15.50


(Grischenkova N.E.)

12.00 – 12.25


(Grischenkova N.E.)


(senior group)

9.00 – 9.25

9.35 – 10.00

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)

16.30 – 16.55

Folk culture

(Neicheva E.A.)

15.20 – 15.45

15.55 – 16.20

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)


(preparatory group)

15.20 – 15.50

16.00 – 16.30

Back to school soon

(Alyabyeva V.Yu.)/

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)

12.00 – 12.30

Folk culture

(Neicheva E.A.)

10.20 – 10.50

11.00 – 11.30

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)

15.20 – 15.50


(Yakovleva L.A)


16.30 – 17.00

Folk culture

(Neicheva E.A.)

15.20 – 15.50


(Yakovleva L.A.)


(preparatory speech therapy group)

15.20 – 15.50


(Yakovleva L.A.)

7. Dynamics child development(monitoring)

Methods of systematic fixation

Assessment of the developmental results of preschoolers is based on development indicators given in the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” for the main sections:

The senior teacher conducts a comparative diagnosis of children's development.

Medical workers record the level of illness in children, and a physical education instructor records the indicators of children’s motor fitness.

Diagnostics of children's development in the main areas of the program are carried out 2 times a year (September, April).

8. Conditions for the implementation of the educational program

The organization of children’s life activities in the institution is aimed at ensuring physical and mental health, creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional well-being, conditions for self-realization of children in various areas of activity (in communication, in play, in classes, in work, etc.)

The educational program is implemented in organized and independent forms of teaching and raising children.

The logic of constructing the program is based on the principles of forming universally significant mental properties and abilities of children, and not saturating them with a sum of knowledge, information about objects and phenomena.

Physical development, mastery of motor skills and optimization of the physical activity regime of children;

Introduction to the phenomena public life and nature, formation of the foundations of ecological culture;

Speech development, formation speech culture and the culture of communication between children;

Development of intelligence and logical thinking children, formation

elementary mathematical concepts;

Familiarization with the values ​​of world and domestic culture, mastering the elements of vocal, rhythmic, theatrical; visual activities;

Formation of the principles of citizenship and feelings of patriotism.


Municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type

"Kindergarten No. 9"

Types of activities

Number of lessons per week

Total number of classes per year

First junior group

The child and the world around him

Speech development





Physical education*



Second junior group

The child and the world around him

Speech development


1 (alternate)

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts







Physical education*


Middle group

The child and the world around him

Speech development


1 (alternate)



Design / Application

1 (alternate)


Physical education*


Senior group

The child and the world around him:

  1. subject environment,
  2. phenomena of social life,
  3. natural environment,
  4. environmental education.

Speech development

Development of elementary mathematical concepts




Design and manual labor


Physical education


Preparatory group for school

Getting to know your surroundings

Speech development and literacy preparation

Introduction to fiction

Development of elementary mathematical concepts


Modeling / Applique

1 (alternate)

Design, manual labor


Physical education


Senior speech therapy group

  1. subject environment,
  2. phenomena of social life,
  3. natural environment,
  4. environmental education.

Introduction to fiction

Development of elementary mathematical concepts



Design and manual labor / Applique

1 (alternate)


Physical education


Preparatory speech therapy group for school

Frontal speech therapy session

Getting to know the world around you:

  1. subject environment,
  2. phenomena of social life,
  3. natural environment,
  4. environmental education.

Introduction to fiction

Development of elementary mathematical concepts


Modeling / Applique

1 (alternate)

Design, manual labor


Physical education


Explanatory note to the curriculum

In the 2009-2010 academic year, 13 groups will operate at the KV Kindergarten No. 9 day stay, staffed in accordance with age standards, of which:

  1. from 2 to 3 years - 1 group
  2. from 3 to 4 years - 2 groups
  3. from 4 to 5 years - 3 groups
  4. from 5 to 6 years - 4 groups (2 of them are speech therapy)
  5. from 6 to 7 years - 3 groups (2 of them are speech therapy)

In connection with the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in speech development pupils are additionally provided with correctional programs:

  1. “Education and training of preschool children with physical disabilities” by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina - in senior and preparatory speech therapy groups;

The curriculum of the preschool educational institution is compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the programs implemented in the preschool educational institution, the Charter of the preschool educational institution and sanitary and hygienic standards and guarantees the child preschool education in full.

The volume of load on children does not exceed the maximum permissible norm and complies with sanitary and hygienic standards and the requirements of the temporary state educational standard. The range of compulsory classes has been preserved in accordance with the requirements of the programs being implemented and sanitary standards.

The academic year at the preschool educational institution - due to its specifics - begins on September 15 and ends on May 15.

Structure of the academic year at preschool educational institutions:

During the holidays, only aesthetic and health-improving classes are held.

The educational process is built taking into account age and individual characteristics children. Within the framework of the humanistic concept preschool education provides for maximum assistance in the development of the child as an individual, the development of activity, the subjective position of children in the process of organizing their educational activities. Classes are seen as an important, but not the predominant form of organized learning for children. The school-lesson form of conducting classes, mandatory answers at the blackboard, stereotypical completion of all tasks according to the instructions of an adult, and conducting most classes while sitting at tables are excluded.

Educators and specialists coordinate the content of classes, carrying out joint planning, discussing the achievements and problems of individual children and the group as a whole.

The pedagogical process uses frontal, subgroup, and individual forms of working with children. They are used depending on age, level of development, complexity of program and didactic material.

Classes are organically combined with play activities outside of class. The knowledge and experience acquired in the classroom are used by children in independent, artistic, visual, musical and theatrical activities, in creative games.

Classification of games for preschool children

Game classes

Types of games

Subtypes of games

1. Games with natural




2. Games with animals

1. Plot-

Games arising from



child's initiative


2. Role-playing

3. Director's

4. Theatrical

Games on the initiative



1. Plot-


2. Movable

3. Educational




  1. Intelligent

2. Fun games


3. Theatrical

4. Festive


Folk games


1. Family

2. Seasonal


1. Intelligent

2. Sensorimotor

3. Adaptive


1. Sedentary games

2. Fun games

9. Forms of cooperation with family

One of the most important conditions The implementation of the preschool educational institution program is the cooperation of teachers and families. Children, educators and parents are the main participants in the pedagogical process.

The task of the team is to establish partnerships, join forces for development, create an atmosphere of community of interests, activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.


1. Traditional:

  1. Individual interviews.
  2. Open days.
  3. General and group parent meetings.
  4. Consultations, conversations, round tables.
  5. Help with work: tailoring costumes, making scenery,


  1. Joint celebrations, leisure activities, cleanup days.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Testing.

2. New:

  1. Excursions around the preschool educational institution (for new entrants).
  2. Consultations with specialists at the request of parents.
  3. Presentations of additional educational services for parents.


  1. Purposeful, systematic.
  2. A differentiated approach taking into account the specifics of each family.
  3. Kindness, attentiveness.


  1. Questioning.
  2. Testing.
  3. Conversations with parents.

10. Continuity in work of the preschool educational institution and schools

An essential point in the work of the teaching staff is the transition of a child from kindergarten to primary school, ensuring continuity at these levels of education.

In order to implement the Concept of continuity of kindergarten and primary school, The preschool educational institution has developed an action plan that provides for interaction between teachers and children.

Relationship between educators and teachers primary classes is aimed at considering continuity as a two-way process, where at the preschool level the “self-worth” of preschool childhood is preserved, the fundamental personal qualities of the child are formed as the basis for successful schooling, and the school acts as a receiver, based on the achievements of the preschooler and developing his accumulated potential.

The general guideline in achieving the main results in the development of children is diagnostics, which determines their level of readiness for learning at school.

11. Creation of a subject-development environment

The basis for the implementation of the educational program is developmental subject environment, necessary for the development of all children's activities. In kindergarten, it is built in such a way as to provide complete physical, aesthetic, cognitive and social development child. The educational subject environment in the preschool educational institution is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. All elements of the environment are interconnected in content, scale and artistic design. This includes physical education games and sports facilities indoors and on site, subject-game environment, musical-theater, subject development environment for classes, etc.

The entire space of the preschool educational institution is used to enrich the physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development of children.

On the territory of the kindergarten there is a sports ground where children learn sports games and exercises, an obstacle course, and a jumping pit.

All areas are equipped with shade canopies, there are small game forms, sandboxes, benches, balance beams.

On the territory of the preschool educational institution there are green spaces that represent a variety of species of trees and shrubs: birch, maple, poplar, larch, thuja, hazel, jasmine, currant, etc., which makes it possible to conduct observations with children, analyze, compare, and draw logical conclusions about phenomena of nature and surrounding reality.

12. Interaction of preschool educational institutions with other institutions

preschool educational institution actively cooperates with society:

  1. MOU DOT "Children's music school"
  1. concerts;
  1. excursions;
  2. joint holidays;
  3. parent meetings.

2. Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. Z"

  1. excursions;
  2. mutual attendance of classes and lessons by educators and teachers;
  3. parent meetings;
  4. joint holidays.

3. Municipal educational institution "Cultural and Aesthetic Center"

Participation in exhibitions;

  1. visiting exhibitions.
  1. MU Dot Youth "Orbita"
  1. Participation in the sports competition “Krepysh”;
  2. holding sports events.

13. Program implementation management

The administration of the institution, narrow specialists, medical worker, educators, service personnel, providing their activities on the basis of professional and functional responsibilities.

The methodological support of the educational program is monitored by both the management and the teaching staff of the institution, includes city seminars, workshops, pedagogical advice, open viewings, consultations.

14. Expected result of the program implementation

In the process of implementing the program, the use of diagnostics, tests, and questionnaires is provided, which makes it possible to dynamically monitor and adjust the level of development of preschool children and the professional skills of teachers.

Solving problems provided for educational program, is aimed at improving the educational process as a whole, improving the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students and the pedagogical skills of educators.