Application of the project method in the learning process

Changes that have occurred in last years in economic, political and cultural life both within the country and in the region international relations, significantly expanded the functions foreign language. The inclusion of Russia in the world market, the expansion of cooperation with foreign countries, the internationalization of scientific communication have significantly increased the possibility of contacts for various social and age groups. Real conditions have emerged for obtaining education and working abroad, for promoting Russian goods and services on the world market, for the exchange of students and schoolchildren, and specialists. As a result, there is a tendency towards an increasing role of a foreign language in all spheres of human life in modern society, which dictates a new approach to teaching foreign languages.

Over the past decade, the education system has seen a dangerous trend toward decreased motivation among students. Human actions come from certain motives and are aimed at certain goals. Motive is what motivates a person to action. Without knowing the motives, it is impossible to understand why a person strives for one goal and not another, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of his actions.
Activations educational activities children are greatly facilitated by the use of non-standard or non-traditional forms work: lesson - performance, lesson - holiday, lesson - excursion, video lesson, etc. The experience of school teachers and research by innovative teachers has shown that non-traditional forms of conducting lessons maintain students' interest in the subject and increase learning motivation. Interest in a subject and the desire to master it depend to a large extent on what teaching technology is used, how the teacher teaches, and how the students learn from him. Careful preparation for a lesson is another way to increase its effectiveness. Modern lesson- This is a complex education. Preparing and conducting it requires a lot of creative effort from the teacher.

The project method has recently gained more and more supporters. It is aimed at developing the child’s active independent thinking and teaching him not just to remember and reproduce the knowledge that school gives him, but to be able to apply it in practice.
The formation of positive motivation should be considered by the teacher as a special task. As a rule, motives are related to the cognitive interests of students, the need to master new knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students’ interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence and teach them how to work with various sources of knowledge. Such forms of conducting classes “remove” the traditional nature of the lesson and enliven ideas. However, too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, since the non-traditional can quickly become traditional, which will lead to a drop in students’ interest in the subject.

How to solve the problem of intensifying the educational activities of children is greatly facilitated by the use of non-standard or non-traditional forms of work in teaching. The project method has recently gained more and more supporters. It is aimed at developing the child’s active independent thinking and teaching him not just to remember and reproduce the knowledge that school gives him, but to be able to apply it in practice.
The current stage of development of education in Russia can be called transitional from traditional, authoritarian education to a student-oriented approach. The main emphasis in the education system is on the intellectual and moral development of the individual, which implies the need to form critical thinking, ability to work with information. The turn to a new approach to teaching is associated with new socio-economic conditions and with new tasks in the education system: modern conditions for the development of society require a reorientation of education from the assimilation of ready-made knowledge, skills and abilities to the development of the child’s personality, his creativity, independent thinking and a sense of personal responsibility.

Go to new method teaching in a modern school is determined by the need to use new teaching technologies. Since the project easily fits into the educational process without affecting the content of training defined by the State Educational Standard, the use of the project allows you to expand your professional tools modern teacher productive method of learning.
In recent years, many teachers have increasingly used collaborative teaching methods in their practice, part of which is the project method. The project is based on a problem, a task that requires research to solve it, independent activity of students in class and outside of class time. International telecommunications projects are of particular interest. This is a joint educational and cognitive creative activity students - partners, organized on the basis of computer telecommunications, having a common problem, goal, agreed upon methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving overall result joint activities. The main thing is to formulate a problem that students will work on while working on the topic of the program.
The main goals of introducing the project method into school practice are:
1. Show the ability of an individual student or group of students to use the research experience acquired at school.
2. Realize your interest in the subject of research, increase knowledge about it.
3. Demonstrate the level of training in the subject.
4. Rise to a higher level of education, development, social maturity.
A distinctive feature of the project methodology is a special form of organization.
Project method is a comprehensive teaching method that allows you to individualize the educational process, allows the student to exercise independence in planning, organizing and monitoring their activities, choosing a topic, sources of information, and the method of its presentation and presentation. The project methodology allows for individual work on a topic that is of greatest interest to each project participant, which undoubtedly entails increased motivated activity of the student. He chooses the object of research himself, decides for himself: to limit himself to a textbook on the subject, simply completing the next exercise; or turn to additional sources of information (special literature, encyclopedias), analyze, compare, leaving the most important and entertaining.
The teacher’s task is to intensify the activity of each student, to create situations for them creative activity in the learning process. Using new information technologies not only enlivens and diversifies the educational process, but also opens up great opportunities for expansion educational framework, undoubtedly, carries enormous motivational potential and promotes the principles of individualization of learning. Project activities allow students to act as authors, creators, and increase creative potential, expands not only your general horizons, but also contributes to the expansion of knowledge.
Project methodology– a current direction in the theory of learning in a modern school, the project is one of the modern teaching technologies that allows you to optimize educational work and increase the level of learning educational material and quality of knowledge, more effectively develop students’ cognitive processes.

The technical equipment of schools is improving year by year. Computer technologies allow the teacher to replenish the repertoire of working methods, make the learning process more attractive for children, favorable for mastering educational material and improving the quality of knowledge. But strict limits school curriculum, requiring mandatory completion, do not provide the opportunity to use the project method as often as one would like. Therefore, in preparation for innovation lesson which evokes many positive emotions in children, the teacher faces some difficulties, because... A lesson using the project method requires long, careful preparation.
I believe that the project method is the near future of the education system. The project method has many positive characteristics: in the process project activities Schoolchildren develop comprehensively, they prepare for further studies, learn to work independently, and better assimilate the material that is presented in various aspects of its study. However, our habit of conservatism, traditional teaching methods, and frequent lack of provision in the program hinder the use of new technologies in the classroom.

The modern education system requires a student-oriented approach. A modern student is a person who is interested in everything, he strives to be comprehensively developed, and, therefore, it is quite natural for him to want to expand his horizons. The project method activates all aspects of the student’s personality and is the essence of the developmental, personality-oriented nature of learning. In my opinion, the project methodology is very relevant at the present time and in the future will be highly appreciated by colleagues, taking a special place in the learning process. Just as every person strives for self-improvement, every teacher must master the largest number of teaching methods. On modern stage development of the education system, one of the new methods is the project method, developing the individual abilities of children, activating their creative activity, providing the opportunity for self-realization, presenting work at various competitions and conferences. Research projects build research skills that have great importance for the development of the student's personality. In my opinion, projects should be completed individually, in the classroom it is more difficult to use the project method due to the large time costs, and a group project is difficult to evaluate, besides, not all students yet have knowledge of using a computer, and when studying some topics, the project method is simply inappropriate .
Of course, the project method expands the range of teacher work methods and introduces variety into the work, but still it should not be the only one used in the classroom.


The article discusses the issues of organizing student project activities, highlights the problems of high-quality training of specialists that meet the modern needs of society, and suggests ways to solve existing problems. The author analyzes the formation and essence of the method of project activity in education, suggests effective ways organizations independent work students through project activities. Project activities of students are considered as one of the main interactive forms of work with students. The analysis of the essence of the project method allows us to conclude that students’ project work contributes to the activation cognitive activity, development of creative abilities, formation professional competence, development of independence, growth of personal qualities and it is advisable to use it in the educational process of the university.

project method

project activities

professional competence



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New socio-economic conditions for the development of the world community have entailed changing requirements for vocational training specialists who must have high professional competence, be able to independently acquire new knowledge, think creatively, be able to find optimal solutions in non-standard situations, and have the ability to innovate. The education system faces the problem of high-quality training of competitive, competent specialists of a new level, focused on personal self-improvement and professional growth.

Transition to new educational standards poses new challenges for the university: search and implementation in the educational process pedagogical technologies, mechanisms, methods of training that ensure the formation of competitive specialists that meet the requirements of the modern labor market. Because traditional system training is based on the translation of ready-made knowledge, comes down to solving theoretical and practical problems according to given algorithms and schemes, is not very focused on self-improvement and self-development of students, then the problem arises of finding effective ways to solve the problems of high-quality training of highly professional specialists of a new level.

One of these mechanisms is the project method, which, as a pedagogical technology, includes a set of research, search, problematic methods, creative by their very essence.

The term “project” (translated from Latin “projectus”) means “thrown forward”, and in dictionaries it is defined as “a plan, plan, prototype, prototype of any object, type of activity.”

In the pedagogical literature, the project method is considered in various meanings: as a teaching method, as a form of teaching, as a type of educational activity, as a means of managing cognitive activity, as a means of organizing independent work of students.

IN educational process The project method or problem solving method began to be used in the 20s of the 20th century in the USA. The founder of “pragmatic pedagogy” J. Dewey and his followers E. Parkhurst and V. Kilpatrick believed that a project can be any activity aimed at solving a problem, carried out “from the bottom of the heart”, independently by a group of students united by a common interest, promoting the development of intellectual interest.

In Russia, the ideas of project-based learning appeared almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. So, in 1905, the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky organized a group of employees who functionally used design methods in pedagogical activity.

At Soviet power the ideas of project-based learning became widespread, the project method was recognized as adequate to the goals of building socialism and was declared “the only means of transforming a school of study into a school of life and work.” However, universalization this method and refusal to systematically study educational subjects led to a decrease in the level of knowledge among students, the project method was considered ineffective and excluded from school practice.

Today there is a new revival of the project method, which is associated with the development of computer telecommunications technologies; project activities are beginning to occupy an important place not only in the system of general but also higher education, allowing students to acquire skills that are not achieved with traditional teaching methods. Many leading teachers consider the project method one of the most effective methods development of cognitive and creative abilities of students, formation of professional competence. According to E.S. Polat, the project activity of students is “a consideration in a new round of pedagogical, social and cultural achievements of long-forgotten old pedagogical truths, previously used in other conditions and in a different interpretation.”

IN modern system In higher education, the project method is used as a component of the educational system and represents an organization of independent student activity that is aimed at solving a problem and achieving a certain result. Project activities of students are focused on revealing the personality of the student, developing interest in educational activities, developing intellectual and creative abilities in the process of activity to solve a problem.

According to many researchers, including N.Yu. Pakhomova, the project method is a student-oriented technology that allows students to organize independent activities aimed at solving the problems of an educational project, integrating a problem-based approach, group methods, reflective, search and research, communication techniques.

Analyzing the pedagogical literature, various approaches to the concept of the project method, we can conclude that the organization of project activities of students is aimed at developing the skills to independently acquire knowledge, formation professional competencies and the tasks of students’ project activities are:

Systematization, consolidation, deepening of the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills of students;

Consolidation and development of acquired practical skills;

Development of cognitive and creative abilities of students;

Formation of creative thinking, abilities for self-development, self-improvement.

Based on the assigned tasks, various types of projects are used in the educational process, the choice of which must be adequate to the content of the subjects being studied. academic disciplines, level of preparedness of students. E.S. Polat notes that the organization of project activities directly depends on the type of project and identifies the following typological features of projects:

  1. Dominant activity in the project; research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), educational and orientation, etc.
  2. Subject content area; mono-project (within one field of knowledge; the following types are distinguished: literary and creative, natural science, environmental, language (linguistic), cultural, sports, geographical, historical, musical); interdisciplinary project (includes several disciplines).
  3. The nature of project coordination: direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, imitating a project participant).
  4. Nature of contacts: internal or regional (among participants of one educational institution, region, country, different countries world) and international (project participants are representatives of different countries).
  5. Number of project participants: personal (between two partners), paired (between pairs of participants), group (between groups of participants).
  6. Duration of the project: short-term - involves solving a small problem), medium duration (from a week to a month), long-term (from a month to several months).

Taking into account the identified typological characteristics of E.S. Polat defines the following main types of projects:

Research projects, which are scientific research work, with a definition of the conceptual apparatus

Information projects aimed at collecting, analyzing and summarizing information necessary to determine any conclusions or results.

Creative projects aimed at developing students' creative abilities.

Telecommunication (information) projects, which are joint educational, cognitive, creative activities of students based on computer communication.

Applied projects are characterized by a clearly defined result from the participants’ activities from the very beginning, which is focused on their social interests; have a clear structure, script, and assigned roles.

An analysis of the literature on educational design methodology helps to conclude that the process of creating a project should follow a certain logic and it is most appropriate to include the following stages: a) selection of a topic; b) development and organization of the project plan; c) implementation of planned project activities; d) presentation of the project; e) evaluation and analysis of results.

Selecting a topic. The topic should be personality-oriented, close to the student, aimed at developing his professional and personal qualities, general and professional excellence. The choice of topics should be subordinated to specific learning situations, professional interests and abilities of students, requiring integrated knowledge, the use of projective research skills, and creative thinking.

An important stage of project activity is the development and organization of a project implementation plan. At this stage, students, with the help of the teacher, formulate a problem, determine the purpose of working on the project, draw up an action plan, determine sources of information, distribute functions, organize working groups, and determine forms for presenting the results of the project.

Implementation of project activities. At this stage, students select the necessary information, analyze it, select and structure the material in accordance with the chosen plan, work on creating a project product, and prepare for presentation.

Project presentation. Students present their work completed within the framework of the project: analyze their activities, present a way to solve the project problem, using the techniques of introspection and reflection. At this stage, students develop the ability to logically organize their thoughts, present them briefly, and develop public speaking skills.

Evaluation and analysis of results. During the discussion of the results of work on the project, the advantages and disadvantages of the project are identified, and an assessment of the project activities by students and the teacher is given. The teacher sums up the results, summarizes the results, and gives a final assessment of the project.

During the implementation of the project, there should be constant interaction between the teacher and students. The main role of the teacher is to conduct consultations, monitor the quality of students’ project implementation, and control students’ independent work. The teacher organizes student project activities based on dialogue, creative interaction and cooperation. The subject of the project activity is the student, and during project work plays an active role.

According to E.S. Polat, the project method is a method of developmental education, which is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space.

Research in Psychology D.S. Bruner, J.I.C. Vygotsky, C.JI. and others show the effectiveness of the influence of project activities on the activation and formation of cognitive activity. The project method, due to its didactic essence, allows solving problems of the formation and development of logical, algorithmic, critical and creative thinking students.

In addition, project activities, according to N.Yu. Pakhomov, forms such important personal qualities as communication, tolerance, cooperation, necessary in subsequent professional work.

The pedagogical effectiveness of the educational project method can be represented by the following diagram:

Project method

and its pedagogical capabilities

Basedon principle

individually concentrated


Implementsactivity approach to learning

Builton the principles

problem-based learning


- development of internal motivation to learn,

- development of constructive critical thinking of students

Providesformation of basic competencies of students, i.e. skills:

- problematization;

- goal setting;

- activity planning;

- self-analysis and reflection;

- comparison, analysis, synthesis, forecasting;

- independent search, storage and practical application necessary information (including using electronic media);

- presentation of the progress of independent activities and its results;

- communication and tolerance.

The educational project method contributes to the development of student independence, all spheres of his personality, ensures his subjectivity in the educational process, therefore, project-based learning can be considered as a means of activating students’ cognitive activity, a means of improving quality educational process. Thus, today the project method is understood not only as one of the ways of organizing the interrelated activities of the teacher and students (“teaching method”), but also as an integral “pedagogical technology”, which:

a) assumes the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning and design of the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results;

b) includes a well-founded system of techniques and forms of activity of the teacher and students at various stages of the implementation of the educational project, formulated criteria for assessing the results of this activity;

c) used in the study of various disciplines, both in higher education educational institutions, as well as in other educational institutions.

The analysis of the essence of the project method allowed us to conclude that project work of students contributes to the activation of cognitive activity, the development of students’ creative abilities, the formation of professional competence, the development of independence, the growth of personal qualities and it is advisable to use it in the educational process of a university as a mechanism for the formation of a highly qualified specialist, meeting the requirements of modern society.

Bibliographic link

Btemirova R.I. PROJECT METHOD IN MODERN HIGHER EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2016. – No. 3.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

IN modern conditions under educational project means a complex of search, research, calculation, graphic and other types of work performed by students independently (in pairs, groups or individually) for the purpose of practical or theoretical solution significant problem.

The basis of the project method is its pragmatic focus on the result that is obtained by solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to teach problem solving, using knowledge from different fields for this purpose, the ability to predict results and possible consequences different options decisions, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The project method is always focused on the independent activities of students, which they carry out over a certain period of time. This method is organically combined with a group approach to learning. The project method always involves solving some problem. And the solution to the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a set of various methods and teaching aids, and on the other hand, the need to integrate knowledge and skills from various fields science, engineering, technology, creative fields. The results of completed projects must be “tangible”: if it is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution; if it is a practical one, then specific result, ready for implementation.

The project method can be individual or group, but if it is a method, then it presupposes a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that make it possible to solve a particular problem as a result of independent student actions with the obligatory presentation of these results.

There are several approaches to classifying projects. Based on the dominant activity of students, projects are divided into five groups.

Types of projects:

Practice-oriented project is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves or the external customer. The product is predetermined and can be used in the life of a class, school, neighborhood, city, state.

Research project the structure resembles authentic Scientific research. It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, identification of research objectives, mandatory formulation of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained.

Information project is aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation to a wide audience.

Creative project assumes the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances, sports games, works of fine or decorative art, videos, etc.

Role-playing project is the most difficult to develop and implement. By participating in it, designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes, etc. The result of the project remains open until the very end.

Projects also vary in complexity, duration, and number of participants (individual and group). Finally, the most significant difference is that some projects are designed to be implemented during a lesson (“mini-project”), others cover a series of lessons and independent extracurricular activities of students, and others relate exclusively to the area of ​​extracurricular activities.

General approaches to project structuring:

  1. You need to start by choosing the topic of the project and the number of participants.
  2. Next, the teacher needs to think about possible options problems that are important to study within the framework of the intended topic. The problems themselves are raised by students with the teacher’s input (leading questions, situations that help identify problems, etc.)
  3. An important point is the distribution of tasks into groups, discussion of possible research methods, information search, and creative solutions.
  4. Then the project participants begin independent work on their individual or group research and creative tasks. Intermediate discussions of the obtained data are constantly held in groups and with the teacher.
  5. A necessary stage in the implementation of projects is their protection.
  6. The work ends with a collective discussion, experts, announcement of the results of the external assessment, and formulation of conclusions.

Parameters of external evaluation of the project:

  • the significance and relevance of the problems raised;
  • correctness of the research methods used and processing of the results obtained;
  • the activity of each participant in accordance with his individual capabilities;
  • necessary and sufficient depth of penetration into the problem;
  • evidence of decisions made, ability to argue conclusions;
  • aesthetics of presentation of the results of the completed project.

I have been involved in project activities for many years now. The project method in the learning process allows me to develop educational skills (analysis, synthesis, goal setting, searching and solving problems); communicative potential of schoolchildren; solve information problems; organize communication and interaction of all participants in the educational process; to intensify the mental activity of schoolchildren; relieve nervous stress.

The goal of project work is to find ways to solve a problem, and the task is formulated as a way to achieve a goal under certain conditions.

Project activity is associated with creativity and generates something new, different from what already exists. Student creative activity is the creation, discovery of something previously unknown to a given student.

Work on research project- This is an educational activity, so it is natural that it is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. However, the role of the teacher in this case is to organize subject-subject relations, to adjust the independent activities of schoolchildren.

In order to have a clear plan of action, I studied the experience of various educational institutions and literature on this topic, formulated for myself general approaches to structuring the project, which I wrote about above.

The degree of activity of students and teachers on different stages different. My role is great in the first and last stages. The fate of the project as a whole depends on how I fulfill my role at the stage of immersion in the project. On last stage my role is great because students are not always able to generalize all the work on a project, come to unexpected conclusions, etc. In each thematic block, the students and I choose the topic of the lesson that interests them most, the project of which we prepare together. Many types of such lessons have been developed and tested, requiring students to carry out educational research or its elements: a travel lesson, a presentation lesson, a laboratory lesson, a creative report lesson, a story lesson about scientists, integrated lessons, etc.

Undoubtedly, this type of activity takes a huge amount of time, first of all, from the teacher, since it requires systematic checking of the work; in addition, time is spent on lessons, both on organizational messages and on group work on research in order to identify the main errors and correct the process. In the course of this type of educational activity, I strive, first of all, not only to study new material, but also to deeply comprehend it.

Systematic work on the analysis of the studied material with the use of additional literature, independent goal setting, putting forward hypotheses, summing up leads to the development of the ability to analyze and synthesize information.

In the conditions of high dynamics of social processes and the huge information flow of recent decades, the task of developing the activity and independence of a schoolchild, his ability to independently learn new things and solve life problems has become urgent.

A renewing school requires teaching methods that:

  • would form an active, independent and proactive position of students in learning;
  • would develop, first of all, general educational skills: research, reflective, self-assessment;
  • would form not just skills, but competencies, i.e. skills directly related to the experience of their application in practical activities;
  • would be primarily aimed at developing the cognitive interest of students;
  • would implement the principle of connecting learning with life.

The leading place among such methods discovered in the arsenal of world and domestic teaching practice, belongs today to the project method.

The method of educational projects acts as a possible means of solving current problems:

  • Students often do not know how to transform information into knowledge or carry out a targeted search for information; the abundance of information does not lead to systematic knowledge;
  • lack of interest and motive among schoolchildren to personal growth, to independent acquisition of new knowledge;
  • the leading type of activity mastered by students is reproductive, reproducing, knowledge is divorced from life;
  • subject-object nature of the relationship between teacher and students.

An educated person in modern society is not only and not so much a person armed with knowledge, but who knows how to obtain, acquire knowledge, do it purposefully as such a need arises in him when solving the problems facing him, and who knows how to apply knowledge in any situation. A school graduate who will live and work in the 21st century must adapt to changing life situations, independently think critically, be sociable, contactable in various social groups.

That is, we are talking about the formation of key competencies:

  • general scientific;
  • informational;
  • cognitive;
  • communicative;
  • value-semantic;
  • social;
  • personal self-improvement competencies.

And the school must create conditions for the formation of an individual with such competencies.

Among the various areas of new pedagogical technologies, the most adequate to the goals set, from our point of view, is project-based learning.

Our school began testing the educational and methodological complex “Planet of Knowledge” in 2004. Since the introduction of the “Planet of Knowledge” subject line, we have been using the method of educational projects in our work. In the educational and methodological set “Planet of Knowledge”, project activity acts as a form of organization extracurricular activities schoolchildren.

The new educational and methodological set “Planet of Knowledge” was developed in accordance with the new State standard for primary general education(see the magazine “Bulletin of Education of Russia”. - 2004.- No. 12). The set consists of textbooks, workbooks and methodological manuals in all basic primary school subjects.

The main feature of this set is its integrity: the unity of the textbook structure; unity of end-to-end lines typical tasks; unity of approaches to the organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students.

Getting acquainted with each textbook and each major topic begins with special turns - routes in which, using visual arts and text all topics of the textbook are presented. This allows students to develop an understanding of the plan for the upcoming training and monitor the effectiveness of its implementation.

The educational material of each textbook is divided into invariant and variable parts.

The invariant part contains tasks that are mandatory for all students, which ensure their mastery of educational material in accordance with the new State Standard for Primary General Education.

In the variable part - tasks performed at the choice of the teacher and students. These tasks are aimed at independent search for the necessary information, creative and intellectual activity, differentiated work at the choice of the teacher and students.

This structure of organizing the material makes it possible to implement a differentiated approach in classes where children with different levels of training are taught.

All books in the set provide the opportunity to work in pairs using specially selected tasks. This allows you to: attract the maximum number of students to actively complete tasks; diversify the forms of performing reproductive tasks; introduce educational aspects into educational activities.

In the textbooks, at the end of each topic, testing work and training assignments. Testing and training tasks can be used at the teacher’s discretion to diagnose students’ knowledge, eliminate gaps in knowledge, individual work with students, and organize students’ independent work.

In organizing extracurricular activities, the teacher will be helped by special developments in students’ project activities. Working on projects helps to broaden students’ horizons on topics close to academic ones, develops their ability to work with information, and independently obtain new information on the topics they study. Work on projects is entirely voluntary.

For example, work on an educational project is carried out during the lessons of the surrounding world.

In 1st grade propaedeutical work is carried out in the following way: problem-based, partially search-based, heuristic learning; conducting lessons - research; with short-term studies - observations with descriptions.

The topic “It’s time to study” is an introductory topic to the course and ensures the child’s adaptation to school. It is presented by the “School” project and is carried out in the process of studying the entire topic. Its goal is to broaden students’ horizons, develop skills to work with information, and solve various creative problems. In a project on this topic, the teacher invites students to organize work to collect information about the school: what it was like before ( historical aspect), a verbal description of the school at present (cultural aspect), what the school may become in the future (creative aspect). The child chooses any of these three directions, and can also suggest his own direction. The project provides various ways to obtain information (visiting a library, talking with adults: teachers, parents, school graduates, visiting a local history museum). It is possible to obtain information from books, newspapers, magazines, and videos. The results of work on projects can be drawings, layouts or models of the school, stands, albums, theatrical performances. First, the guys choose an aspect of a single topic that interests them and collect various information. They then select projects from those proposed, implement the selected project and present the results of their activities.

In 2nd grade It is expected to work on projects in four sections: “Knowledge is power”, “We live in space”, “Forest life” and “Our pets”. As an example, let’s look at the organization of work on the “We Live in Space” project. The purpose of this work is to expand children’s understanding of space: stars, constellations, planets solar system. On the pages of the textbook for students, a number of topics are offered: “We are the children of the Sun” (an exhibition of drawings), “The Solar System” (a homemade book). In addition, children were asked to come up with their own project. Alexander Trofimov produced a visual aid “Zodiac Signs”. The boy and his mother found information about the zodiac constellations and gave them detailed descriptions. Sofia Gorshkova made a visual model of the Solar System. In her project, the girl talked about interesting facts every planet. In the “Our Pets” section, Elizaveta Sokolova conducted a research work “Whose tail is longer?” The girl met her classmates' pets. I chose cats for research. I compiled tables: cat age, breed, tail length. I singled out the winner whose tail was longer. While working, the girl compiled a memo for cat lovers “What do your pet’s habits mean.”

In 3rd grade In the process of studying the section “Man in Society,” children are invited to participate in the preparation and implementation of the project “My native land (city).” The goal of the project is to expand children's knowledge about nature native land, about its history, about attractions. Ilya Tyutyunnikov completed the “My City” project, in which he spoke about the sights of the city of Nizhnevartovsk. The peculiarity of this work is that the student used Computer techologies, program PowerPoint.

Every year in April our school holds a school-wide scientific and practical conference. Teachers and students begin preparing for this conference from the beginning of the school year: they choose the topic of the project, define goals and objectives, and predict the desired result. Next, work on the project is divided into several stages.

Students get acquainted with information resources on the topic, analyze, select and systematize the necessary information. Students then proceed to practical implementation project, creating a project folder, preparing to defend their creative (research) works. At each stage of the project, students work closely with the teacher. On scientific-practical conference Presentation of student projects is taking place. Best works protected at the city level. In that academic year students of our school took part in the city competition of student projects “Edges of Knowledge” and “Discovery”.

Thus, the basis of project activity is the development of cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct one’s knowledge, navigate the information space, develop critical and creative thinking, and the ability to see, formulate and solve a problem.


  1. Kashleva N.V., Dmitrieva Zh.V., Ignatkina T.V. School design laboratory. V. 2009
  2. Matyash N.V., Simonenko V.D. Project activities junior schoolchildren. M. 2002.
  3. Lyakhov I.I. Project activities. M. 1996.
  4. Andrianov P.N. Development technical creativity in vocational training of students educational schools. M. 1985.
  5. Jones J.K. Design methods. M. 1986.
  6. Markova A.K. Formation of learning motivation in school age. M.1983.
  7. Sergeeva V.P. “Psychological and pedagogical theories and technologies primary education» M.2002
  8. Shcherbakova S.G. Organization of project activities in a general education institution. IN 2007
  9. Petrova I. A. Programs of educational institutions. Primary school. 1st-4th grades. Educational and methodological set “Planet of Knowledge”. M.2006
  10. Journal "Bulletin of Education of Russia". -2004.-№12

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in a phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.