Natalia Vnukova

Target classes:

Goals: expanding the idea of sound [Ts], about the participation of the organs of articulation in its pronunciation; increased attention to sound and syllabic composition of words, the ability to compare words according to sound and syllabic composition; development of consolidation of the idea of ​​the semantic-distinctive role of phonemes; development phonemic hearing And phonemic awareness, ability to produce complex sound and syllabic analysis of words, transform words by adding, deleting, replacing and rearranging sounds and syllables; enrichment vocabulary, strengthening the ability to select lexical material to a given scheme; development of grammatical structure, coherent speech, thinking, memory, perception, interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Equipment:Hero toys: Hedgehog, Little Fox and Wise Owl, designation sound [Ts], pictures on sound [Ts].

Materials: Workbook "By road to ABC» . A guide to speech development for children. Part 4 (6-7 years). R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, T. R. Kislova.

Colour pencils. Cash register sound designations for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

I. REPETITION (development of coherent speech).

- What is the difference sounds [С] and [С’]?

– What letter are they designated by?

– How do letters differ from sounds?

– How did the Hedgehog fix the carousel?

II. A story about a Hedgehog, a Little Fox and a Wise Owl. (sound culture of speech)

The toys were having so much fun and laughing while riding on the carousel that they did not notice how the horse approached them. “Why aren’t you at the circus?”- she asked them. Out of surprise, our friends were so confused that they could not find anything to answer her. "Today at the circus great show, - the horse continued. - Sit on me. I'll take you." (See figure on page 30)

By road a new friend told me that she works in a circus and her name is Tsarina. “Are you the king’s wife?”- asked the little fox. “Not at all,” the Horse laughed. “They gave me this nickname because I have a small spot on my forehead in the shape of a crown.” The Queen also said that other animals work with her in the circus. Many have given birth to cubs this spring. When they grow up, they will also become circus performers, like their fathers and mothers. In the meantime, they are still small, so a special circus kindergarten was opened for them.

"Oh! “I’m completely babbling,” exclaimed the Queen. “You and I may not make it to the end of the performance!” She advised her riders to hold on tight and rushed at full speed.

“Tsok-tsok-tsok-tsok!”- they knocked on her hoof path, with every step bringing our friends closer to the circus - a fabulous palace of miracles.

- Which soundheard at the beginning of words: queen, king, circus?

- Today we will talk about sound [Ts].

1) – The picture, which shows how the Queen horse clicks, means sound [Ts]. How does the tongue move while saying this? sound?

– Show in the picture sound [Ts], tell me what he is like. (Consonant, deaf, hard.)

– Post using sound designations syllables: YTs - AC - TsA, ETs - ETs - CE, YTs - OTs - TsO, etc.,


– Find the house on the city map sound[C] and draw an arrow to it.

2) Working with a drawing (p. 31).

– What color is it indicated? sound [Ts]? Why?

– Determine in which part of the word you hear sound [Ts], and color the corresponding cells blue.

3) Working with a drawing (p. 30).

– Name the circus kids kindergarten.

– Name the mothers of these cubs and mark with a circle those of them whose names are pronounced with sound [Ts].

– Who is the lion cub’s mother? (Lioness.)

- This word contains sound [Ts]? (Yes.)

– Draw a blue circle next to the lion cub.

So, with the help of the teacher, and then independently, the children draw circles next to the lamb, bear cub, tiger cub and chicken.

4) Physical education minute.

Clack, clack, clack, clack,

I am a horse, gray side!

I'm pounding my hooves

If you want, I'll give you a ride.

We'll ride along roads

Now at a gait, now at a gallop,

Let's graze in the meadow

Let's relax on the shore.

(Children take turns stomping their feet (hands on their belts, then running in a circle with side steps. Then they stop, bend forward, as if grazing, and at the end they squat down, resting.)

5) Working with a drawing (p. 31).

– How can you describe in one word everything that is shown in the pictures? (Products.)

– Name the dishes in which these products are served. If the name of the dish does not include sound [Ts], cross out this product.

– What is the sugar served in? (In the sugar bowl.)

- This word contains sound [Ts]?


– What is the oil served in? (In the oil can.)

- This word contains sound [Ts]? (No.)

– Should I cross out this picture? (Necessary.) Etc.

6) Change the word so that it appears sound [Ts]:

a) word (word, letter (letter, window (window, bottom) (bottom, dish, dress, water, girl, blizzard;

b) teacher (teacher, educator (educator, artist, master, dancer, student, guide, reader);

c) swims (swimmer, sings (singer, forges; cunning, wise, skillful, daring, stupid, young.

7) Working with a drawing (p. 31).

- This is a letter "tse". Which the sound it represents?

- How will you shade this letter?

– What letters is C similar to and how is it different from them?

Heron standing on the porch

Explains the letter C:

- Come, Chicken Little.

Repeat: chick-chick-chick.

If you learn your lesson,

I'll give you a flower.

(G. Sapgir)

- Turn this letter C into a heron.

- Read the syllables.

– What did you learn about sound [Ts]? What letter is it denoted by and how does it differ from it?

- Name the words with sound [Ts].

Literature: "By road to ABC". Methodological recommendations for educators, speech therapists, teachers and parents for parts 3 and 4/ Scientifically edited by R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva.


On the way to the ABC (Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: BALASS
Russian language
Number of pages: 67+67+69+67
Description: A manual for preschoolers 4-6 years old in 4 parts.

A manual on the course of speech development and preparation for learning to read and write for children 4-5 years old is the initial link in a continuous course of the Russian language, reading and literature (the “Free Mind” series, authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. . Pronin), entering integral part included Educational system"School 2100"
The organization and technology of work for this manual are presented as follows: methodological recommendations.
The manual can be used for classes with preschoolers in kindergartens, speech therapy groups, educational institutions, as well as for individual work of parents with children. All texts included in this manual are not intended to be read by children; they are read by adults (teachers, parents).
Continuation of the work is provided in the manual by the same authors, part 2, and for children 5-6 years old - parts 3 and 4.

Made from an original found on the Internet


IRINA, Simferopol


15-03-2017 07:42:22


Sun, Moscow


17-06-2017 19:11:15


A man was walking along the road (Chiladze Otar)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Chiladze Otar
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Zhukova Sasha
Duration: 38:25:31
Description: The novel “A Man Walked Along the Road” is the first prose work of Otar Chiladze, an original Georgian poet. The novel resurrects events three thousand years ago relating to the history of the Colchis kingdom, when the first Greek set foot on this blood-soaked land. All characters- and the formidable king of the Colchis, and his daughter Medea, and the foreigner Frixus, and the Greek Yas, who sailed for the Golden Fleece to the shores of Colchis...


It's raining on the road (Larin Valery)

Format: audio play, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Larin Valery
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Radio play
Publisher: Radio Russia – St. Petersburg
Performer: Vladimir Baranov, Alexander Vasiliev, Vladimir Zakharyev, Alexander Stroev, Ivan Krasko
Duration: 00:45:31
Description: Radio dramatization of a story by Valery Larin. End of the war in Germany. Young soviet soldiers, friends Volodka and Sanka save an elderly German woman by pulling her out of the water. As a token of gratitude, her husband gives the guys the accordion of his son, who died on the eastern front...
Add. information: Author of the dramatization, editor - Ni...


Laughter on the road to Atlantis (Vsevolod Slukin, Evgeny Kartashev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 256kbps
Author: Vsevolod Slukin, Evgeny Kartashev
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: science fiction story
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Commissioner
Duration: 00:43:33
Description: A strange danger awaits travelers on the road to underwater Atlantis. And the only salvation is laughter.
Add. information: Read from the publication: Supplement to the magazine of the Komsomol Central Committee Iskatel No. 3, 1967


Wandering along the road of dreams. Stories (Mlechin Leonid)

Author: Mlechin Leonid
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Zaborovsky Yuri
Duration: 14:34:34
Description: The collection includes popular stories famous writer. Many of L. Mlechin's stories are noted literary prizes and published in various countries. He is also the author of short action-packed stories, which became scripts for the detective series “Late Dinner” on the TVC channel.
Contents: - Wandering along the road of dreams 05:15:33 - Mid-October - the best time for death 05:02:49 - The place where good people are killed...


Along the Road of Power 2, Limrak (Alan Nukland)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Alan Nukland
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Action Fantasy, LitRPG
Publisher: 1C-Publishing
Performer: Maxim Suslov
Duration: 15:24:48
Description: Main character In the novel, Sargon finds himself in a strange world and cannot remember how he got here and who he is. This world is extremely hostile: every creature, be it an animal or a person, dreams of destroying the hero and absorbing his power. Despite the laws of the game world, pain and suffering here are very real. And most importantly, what awaits the dead is not a magical resurrection in the game, but something else - something that is even scary...


Petya on the road to the kingdom of heaven (Mikhail Kuraev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Kuraev Mikhail
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Story
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Vinakur Maria
Duration: 04:32:35
Description: Based on the scripts of M. Kuraev, eight feature films, the last of which, “Peter on the Road to the Kingdom of Heaven,” received the Grand Prix of the Moscow International Film Festival “Golden George” (2009). "RG: When and how was the story written? What was its literary fate? And what were you doing in Kandalaksha?
Kuraev: Answering these questions, it is necessary to tell half of the biography... The story was easy to write, because...


All (I-VII) discs for the book "Collection of tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English"

Format: audiobook, WAVPack, 204kbps
Year of manufacture: 2008
Author: M. Mann, S. Taylor-Knowles, E. Klekovkina
Genre: Educational literature
Performed by: Native speaker
Duration: 08:42
Description: I-V discs to the book "Collection of tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English language". There are seven of them in total, one of these days I will add the rest.
Description of the book: "Collection of tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English" - one of four books in a series of textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam state exam in English from Macmillan. Tutorial contains: - 20 tests in Unified State Exam format; - clarification...


Addition No. 2 to the List of information prohibited for publication in the open press, radio and television broadcasts in 1976 (Glavlit USSR), Daria Chudakova]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56kbps
Author: Kendrick Sharon
Year of release: 2019
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Performer: Chudakova Daria
Duration: 03:44:51
Description: They met on a paradise island. Their feelings seemed to be mutual, but the stern Greek Ariston Kavakos greatly offended young Kylie Turner, and she tried to forget him. Years later, fate brought them together again, but it is unknown whether they will become new meeting the beginning of a romance or a war?


Problem book in physics and solutions to it (Chertov, Vorobiev)

Format: JPG, Scanned pages
Author: Chertov, Vorobiev
Year of manufacture: 1988
Genre: Problem book in physics for higher educational institutions
Publisher: Moscow "Higher School"
Russian language
Number of pages: 528+
Description: A common problem book on physics by the authors Chertov, Vorobyov. It comes with solutions to most problems.
Add. Information: Problem book in djvu format and solutions to most problems in the form of separate jpg files. Solutions are divided into folders. Folder number - the number of sections of the problem book.

but I

Collection of preparatory problems for physics Olympiads (Kaczynskiy A.M., Bytev A.A., Kimbar B.A.)

Year of publication: 1965
Author: Kachinsky A.M., Bytev A.A., Kimbar B.A.
Publisher: Narodnaya Asveta
Russian language
Genre: Tutorial
Format: DjVu
Quality: Scanned pages
Number of pages: 170
Description: This collection contains problems of increased difficulty in all sections of the physics course high school. It contains both computational and qualitative tasks that do not go beyond school curriculum. All tasks are given detailed instructions and solutions, taking into account new system units. The manual is intended to prepare students for Olympiads in physics, and can also be used by teachers...


Preparing to take the English IELTS test

Genre: Educational materials
Author: Various
Publisher: Various
Country: Various
Year of manufacture: 2002
Description: A selection of materials collected on the Internet, useful for self-preparation for the IELTS test. The IELTS test is taken for the purposes of: 1. Immigration to Canada (Australia); 2. Further study in foreign countries educational institutions. This collection contains mainly materials for passing the General module. Of course, this is not everything that can be found on the Internet, but it’s quite enough to get started. There are a couple of programs. Everything is checked personally. Everything is working.
Quality: OCR without errors
Format: DOC

Other books by the author:

BookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
2017 41 paper book
This manual is addressed to children preschool age who can read. The main purpose of the book is to cultivate interest in reading, improve its quality, and improve reading comprehension. In the manual... - Exam, Preschool education. Play and read 2017 41 paper book
On the way to ABC. Tutorial. Speech development of preschool children (6-7(8) years old). Part 5The 5-part tutorial is intended for speech development children 6–7(8) years old (for classes with a speech therapist). It is an integral part of the educational complex “On the Road to the ABC” for preschool children and... - Balass, Educational system "School 2100". Program "Kindergarten 2100" 2018 309 paper book

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Section I: Information part

Project passport

Section II: Content of the project

1. Project summary

This project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage II – organizational and design second week of September 2016

A child’s readiness to learn to read and write consists of many components, among which initial importance is given to such speech characteristics as developed speech hearing, clear articulation of sounds native language, knowledge of visual images of letters and the ability to correlate sounds with letters. Also, literacy training is of a general developmental nature, promoting the development of active mental activity, performance, moral-volitional and aesthetic qualities of the individual.

This project is aimed at providing correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance to children. The project is designed for children from 6 to 7 years old attending preschool.

Children of the compensatory preparatory group, their parents and teachers were invited to participate in the project preschool. This project is long-term and is designed for one year of study.

Preschoolers are little dreamers and discoverers. They create the world around them. Their findings and discoveries in terms of the nature of their search and manifestation of initiative are quite comparable with creative achievements adults. Our project involves the disclosure creative possibilities and showing initiative and cognitive activity not only children, but also parents.

The material presented in the project has a general educational orientation, which allows it to be used in teaching children both with speech disorders and with normal speech development.

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that the project is aimed at solving

IN last years the number of children with various learning difficulties has increased in primary school. Problem of violation writing among schoolchildren - one of the most relevant for schooling, since writing and reading from learning goals turns for students into a means of further acquiring knowledge.

That's why purposeful work on the prevention of reading and writing disorders should be carried out in older preschool age. Prevention of written speech disorders is one of the current areas correctional work in the special preschool education.

Children with General underdevelopment speech are at risk for the likelihood of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Writing and reading disorders are the most common cause of school failure and maladjustment.

Psychophysiological prerequisites for mastering writing and reading in ontogenesis are formed long before the start of literacy learning
The relevance of the prevention of dysgraphia in preschoolers with ODD lies in the earliest, targeted correction of speech and mental development preschoolers, ensuring children's readiness for learning to read and write and school adaptation in general, preventing secondary deviations in the development of an abnormal child. Considering that children with ODD have complexly impaired formation of all components of the speech system: sound pronunciation, sound-syllable structure of words, phonemic processes, language analysis and synthesis, lack of formation of monologue coherent speech, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, visual gnosis, optical-spatial praxis, memory, attention, motor function, thinking. There is underdevelopment cognitive activity and, accordingly, the speech and non-speech prerequisites for mastering writing have not been formed. Due to this speech therapy work on the prevention of dysgraphia in conditions speech therapy group kindergarten should be aimed at the formation of both speech and non-speech mental functions and processes that determine the normal process of mastering writing.

3. Goals and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project- creation and organization of correctional directly organized activities(hereinafter referred to as KNOD) based on a compensatory group, providing an individual approach to a child with speech pathology and subsequent equal starting opportunities when studying at school.

Project objectives:

  • to develop an organizational basis for the creation and functioning of a compensatory group of non-commercial educational activities, to test the organizational, substantive and methodological conditions of individual non-commercial educational activities in the presence of parents.
  • ensure continuity between preschool and primary school education;
  • introduce the rules school life;
  • develop the skills and abilities necessary for school activities;
  • introduce terms (sound, letter, syllable, sentence, stress);
  • enrich vocabulary and develop speech;
  • formation of the grammatical structure of the child’s speech;
  • take the first steps towards reflection.

Project value:

  • creating conditions for the provision of timely correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance in the conditions of a compensatory group of preschool educational institutions and changes in the material, technical and didactic equipment of the correctional and educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  • providing assistance to parents of children with disabilities.
  • the implementation of innovative activities under the project will allow us to summarize the long-term teaching experience speech therapist teacher, which in turn will contribute to changing the socio-pedagogical image of the preschool educational institution.

Preparatory (research) part of the project.

The success of building a mechanism for project implementation based on the formulated relevance requires defining the object and subject of the work.

Object of the project are children with disabilities attending preparatory group compensating.

Subject of the project- a set of organizational and developmental activities aimed at increasing the speech capabilities of preschool children and preventing reading and writing disorders.

Research methods– analysis of environmental space, questioning, monitoring the needs and capabilities of society, studying conceptual approaches policy of the Moscow Department of Education in the field of preschool education.

A survey of parents of junior and middle groups showed that 100% of parents consider the problem of developing the child’s speech functions to be important. Of these they noted that:

  • speech disorders make it difficult to communicate with peers in preschool educational institutions - 21%;
  • are the cause of future problems when studying at school - 35% of families;
  • will prevent full communication with people in the future - 44% of respondents.

To overcome difficulties: 72% - consider consultation and classes with a preschool educational institution specialist to be advisable; 47% - see problems in the development of their child; at the same time, 40% do not attach importance to speech development deficiencies at this age.

4. Possible risks and ways to overcome them.

During our research, we calculated possible risks and provided ways to overcome them.

Factors presenting opportunities
(favorable factors) external environment:
  • families and children will receive timely assistance from a specialist speech therapist teacher.
  • the possibility (if necessary) of early intervention, counseling the child with specialized specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist, ENT specialist, etc.)
  • opportunities to study the experience of innovative activities of other schools;

Factors posing threats to the OS:

Low competence of parents in matters of development and upbringing of a child of early and preschool age leads to a shift in priorities in raising a child towards early learning rather than child development.

Strengths of the op amp:

  • the speech therapist teacher has great experience working with children of early preschool age
  • The kindergarten's operating hours allow classes to be organized in the morning and evening.
  • The potential of the teaching staff is quite high, i.e. teachers working with children are capable of introducing innovations and working in project activities
  • system of incentives for preschool educational institutions employees for innovative activities, development and implementation of speech therapy programs and replenishment of the material base and development environment.
  • V practice of preschool educational institution partial programs are used, and there are also various programs, which facilitates the development of speech therapy programs and their individualization for a particular child.
  • the school website is functioning Email, which will ensure openness of the institution’s activities in providing speech therapy assistance to children
  • There is a psychological service at the school

Weaknesses of the op-amp:

  • Insufficient level of qualifications of some educators to perform certain types of work and introduce innovations.

Determining a possible project implementation strategy:

Leveraging Strengths to Take Advantage of New Opportunities:

  • Organize and conduct Parent meeting with the provision of examination data of children, identify problems and priority areas overcoming them.
  • Introduce parents and teachers of the institution to the project and invite them to cooperate.
  • Conduct a survey of parents of junior and secondary groups of preschool educational institutions through a survey to identify the demand for services within the project.

Compensating for weaknesses with good capabilities:

  • KNOD in the presence of parents is provided in the evening from 15.00 to 19.00.
  • Conduct consultations for teachers on implementation speech therapy program at preschool educational institution
  • Use the Internet in development and selection methodological support KNOD in the presence of parents.

Using Strengths to Mitigate Threats:

  • Study experience on this issue.
  • Organize a consultation center for parents on the basis of the institution for the purpose of their pedagogical education

5. Planning work to implement the project.

Step-by-step project implementation schedule

The project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage I – preparatory: first week of September 2016.

Stage II – organizational and design: second week of September 2016.

(Stages I and II are carried out in an accelerated manner due to the prepared methodological and practical base).

Stage III – practical: 09/15/2016 – 05/30/2017

Stage IV – analytical: September 2017.

Project duration– 8 months.


Actions to implement tasks

Expected results

Implementation participants

Stage I – preparatory: first week of September 2016

Study of the regulatory framework at the regional and federal levels

Ranging legislative framework on carrying out activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Design of the folder “Regulatory and legal support for preschool children with disabilities

Teacher speech therapist

Stage II – organizational and design: second week of September 2016

Regulatory support

  • Development of changes to implement the project.
  • Long-term plans.
  • Package “Regulatory documents regulating the activities of a compensating group

Teacher speech therapist,

educational psychologist and

teachers working with children

Designing a model of the complex correctional classes in the compensatory group for teaching literacy to children with disabilities

  • determination of directions,
  • forms of activity

Complex of correctional classes

Software and methodological support

Package of documents for each direction:

Individual educational route.

Long-term scheduling

Methodological support

Diagnostic materials

Creating conditions for project implementation

Equipment of material and technical base; purchase of materials and equipment in accordance with SanPiN requirements

Comfortable subject-development environment in all areas.

Stage III – practical: 09/15/2016 – 05/30/2017

Play activity

Role-playing games: “Library”, Letter’s Birthday”
Didactic games: “Voiced - deaf”, “Game library”, “Pick up and name”, “Sound lotto”, “Find the common sound”, “Sound reader”, “Stubborn sound students”, “Live model”, “Correct the letter”, “Sound chain” ", "Sound and syllable cubes", system of exercises by E.N. Ryzhankova, V.A. Rakitina "Finger alphabet".

Teacher speech therapist,
educational psychologist teachers
children of senior preschool age with disabilities

Speech and speech development

Compiling stories on the topic: “My favorite letter”, “Journey to Zvukograd, Bukvograd”, “How we made the letter”.
Writing poems and riddles about letters.
Co-creation of children and parents on the topic of the project.


Reading: E. Charushin “How the boy Zhenya learned to say the letter “r”; V. Krupin “The First Primer”; V. Dragunsky “The Enchanted Letter”.
Memorizing poems: S. Mikhalkov “Forest Academy”; V. Berestov “Reader”, “Vowels are drawn to the ringing song...”; S. Marshak “You memorize these letters...”; B. Zakhoder “ABC Song”.
Riddles on the topic: “Reading, writing”

Visual activities

Drawing on the theme: “Trip to the Library”,
Exhibition design: “Come on, letters, stand in a row!”, “Such different ABCs”
Modeling from salt dough on the theme: “Letters of your name.”
Application on the theme: “The letter put on a festive outfit.”
Co-creation between children and parents on the topic of the project.

Educational activities

Cognitive activities.
Preparing for literacy.

  • Cycle of classes on computer programs: “ABC lessons”, “Baba Yaga learns to read”.
  • Conversation: “On the history of alphabets and primers.”
  • Excursions: “Journey to the Kingdom of Books”
    “We’ll go to school soon!”
  • Creation of albums “From Sound to Word”
  • A series of educational and entertaining video programs for children “Lessons from Aunt Owl”, “Baby ABC”.

Learning songs: “ABC”, “Lesson” (game - comic).
Carrying out the holiday “On the Road to ABC”

Interaction with parents

Questionnaire “Is your child ready for school”
Co-creation of children and parents in the design of the mini-museum “My Favorite Letter”
Participation in the design competition “Hello, letter!”
Seminars and workshops on the topics: “Everything about the city of sounds”, “We play - we develop phonemic hearing”, “Preparing a child for school”, “Preparing a child’s hand for writing”, “What our children play.”
Consultations on the topics: “Teach by playing”, “What and how to read to a child”
Presentation of the mini-museum “My Favorite Letter”
Participation in speech therapy leisure “On the way to ABC”.

Stage IV – analytical: September 2017

Interim monitoring

  • Analysis of project results:
  • Questionnaire;
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of speech therapy KNOD.

Teacher speech therapist

Forms of work:

  • classes: preparation for literacy
  • excursions(library, school)
  • games: verbal, role-playing, didactic.
  • competitions: family design competition “Hello, letter!”, “Clever and smart girls”, competition of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions.
  • speech holidays.
  • mini-museum presentation"My favorite letter"
  • working with parents: workshops, consultations, surveys, KVN

6. Image of the final result, criteria for its evaluation.

Project result– a model for organizing correctional and developmental work with children in a compensatory group at a preschool educational institution.

Expected results of the project:


  • Reducing the number of children with written language problems;
  • Creation of a bank teaching materials(evaluation criterion is the presence of a description of the experience of the teaching team).
  • Enriched spatial and subject-developmental environment of preschool educational institutions groups.
  • Availability of a speech therapy program for psychological and pedagogical support of families of pupils (evaluation criterion is the presence of a description of the experience of the teaching staff).
  • Satisfaction of parents and teachers (evaluation criterion – results of consumer surveys).
  • Work planning consultation center for parents (trainings, seminars, consultations).


  • Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard to improve the quality of education and provide equal opportunities for children with disabilities when entering school.
  • Involving parents in the preschool education system as equal partners in carrying out correctional and developmental work with children.
  • High and regular attendance of the child in the group, reduction in morbidity
  • Increasing the proportion of children with normal speech development at the start of school
  • Active participation of parents in the educational process

Project result:

  • The level of parental competence in matters of speech development has increased, contact has been established with family members, and educational and corrective influences on the child have been agreed upon.
  • A system of correctional classes for children aged 6-7 years with severe speech impairments has been developed and tested.
  • Prevention of dysgraphia was carried out, the result of which is the absence of the optical form of dysgraphia in children
  • A collection of methodological, practical and electronic manuals, card index.
  • Uniform requirements for parents and children in matters of approach to education have been developed and adopted.

Opportunities for further development of the project:

  • Based on the experience gained in implementing the “On the Road to the ABC” project: conduct speech therapy GCD for 5 to 6 years.
  • Publications of work experience.
  • Speeches at seminars and conferences at various levels.

Explanatory note

to the course program “On the Road to the ABCs”

Additional educational program development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write “On the Road to the ABC” has a cultural orientation and is compiled on the basis of the state program “Development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write”, proposed by R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Sour for preschool preparation,according to the requirements:

    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs"

    Development concepts additional education children in the Russian Federation until 2020.

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 04.07. 2014 No. 41 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime educational organizations additional education for children.

The program reflects modern scientific views on ways to organize developmental training, provides a solution to the problem of intellectual and personal development children, the formation of their cognitive interests and creative thinking, helps to preserve and support their health.

Basicpurpose training in this program is to work on the sound culture of children's speech, and the main content is sound-syllable analysis of words. A special feature of the program is the use of elements of speech therapy techniques for preschool children, the purpose of which is to prevent errors in reading and writing. Work on sound-syllable analysis of words is combined with work on speech development.

The speech development of older preschoolers is characterized by a rich vocabulary, which continues to expand, including through passive vocabulary. For most children, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech is completed, and children begin to gradually master the grammar of the text (use means of communication between sentences in speech; when composing their own text, they formulate it with introductory and concluding sentences).

The role of the teacher is to create situations of active speaking, communication, and mastering speech patterns. Particular attention is paid to the development of phonemic hearing and correct sound pronunciation.

Classes are structured in an entertaining way game form using speech games, which allows children to successfully master sound analysis and observe with interest the features of words and their use in speech. Educational material presented in comparison, comparison and encourages children to constantly reason, analyze, draw their own conclusions, learn to justify them, and choose the right solution among various answer options. Thus, the mainvalue , the basis of everything educational activitiescreative thinking child, on the basis of which a system of knowledge about language is gradually formed and the need for language proficiency and speech improvement is formed.


1. Formation of motivation for learning and interest in the learning process itself.

2. Development of visual-figurative and formation of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify one’s judgments.

3. Development of general educational skills: the ability to work in a team, interact, and finish what you start; work carefully, concentrated, plan and control your actions.

4. Training in sound-syllable analysis of words.

5. Enrichment of active, passive, potential vocabulary.

6. Development of the grammatical structure of speech.

7. Development of coherent speech skills based on the child’s speech experience.

8. Development of phonemic hearing, improvement sound culture children's speech.

Novelty given work program determined by federal state standard education. Distinctive Features are:

1. Determination of the types of organization of students’ activities aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational course.

2. The implementation of the program is based on value guidelines and educational results.

The main form of classes is classes with a small group of children.

Classes are conducted in a playful way, which is mandatory for classes with preschoolers. At the same time, the widespread use of game elements should not reduce the teaching, developmental, educational role of classes.

In the selection of material for classes, guidelines are provided for connections with program material in the subjects: Russian language, the world around us.

While studying in this program, students will demonstrate an independent desire to expand their horizons.

The additional educational program for the development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write “On the Road to the ABC” has a cultural orientation.

The following technologies are used in training: technology of developmental education; technology of individualization of training; person-centered technology; competence and activity approach.

Thus, it is fundamentalThe first task of the proposed course is, namely, the development of a cultural orientation anddevelopment having learned ative abilities, general educational abilities and skills .

Principles for selecting content

The principle of harmonious education of the individual;

The principle of gradualism and consistency

The principle of success;

The principle of proportionality of the load to the level and state of health of maintaining the health of the child;

Principle creative development;

The principle of accessibility;

The principle of focusing on the characteristics and abilities - the child’s natural conformity;

The principle of an individual approach;

The principle of practical orientation.

When implementing the program, the following forms and methods are used:

Basic teaching methods:


    a game;

    practical work;

Age of children enrolled in the program“On the Road to the ABC” is 5.5 – 6.5 years.

The main features of this age are that a new social development situation is emerging, the leading activity becomes play, during which preschoolers master other types of activities. In addition, at this age important new formations arise in the mental and personal spheres, intensive intellectual development child, readiness for learning at school is formed.

Enrollment for classes according to the course program"On the way to ABC"takes place in accordance with the requirements of local acts of MAOU Secondary School No. 56 for the provision of paid educational services.

Predicted results

As a result of the forms and methods of work used, using the stated principles of training, relying on knowledge psychological characteristics preschool students, training according to the course program"On the way to ABC"will contribute to their development and the formation of a cultural orientation.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

Personal results studying the course is the formation of the following skills:

- determine Andexpress under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards).

In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on common principles for all simple rules behavior,make a choice , with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Meta-subject results studying the course are the formation of the following universal learning activities (ULAs).

Regulatory UUD:

-define Andformulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher.

- pronounce the sequence of actions.

Studyexpress your guess (version) based on working with the workbook illustration.

Studywork according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Studydiffer correct, completed task, from incorrect.

Learn together with the teacher and other studentsgive emotionalassessment activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate your knowledge system:differ new from what is already known with the help of a teacher.

Gain new knowledge:find answers answer questions using the teaching aid “On the Road to the ABCs”, your life experience and information received from the teacher.

Process the information received:draw conclusions as a result collaboration the whole group.

Process the information received:compare Andgroup various sounds and objects.

Convert information from one form to another: compose syllables, words, sentences, texts based on pictures, diagrams);

Communication UUD:

Communicate your position to others:draw up your thought in oral speech(at the level of one sentence or small text).

WITHlisten Andunderstand speech of others.

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

Learn to perform different roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject results of the course study "On the way to ABC"are the formation of the following skills

Expanding the horizons of preschoolers in the field of sound and letter analysis of words;

Describe the characteristics of objects and recognize objects by their characteristics;

Identify essential features of objects;

Compare objects and phenomena with each other;

Summarize, draw simple conclusions;

Classify phenomena, objects;

Determine the sequence of events;

Judge opposing phenomena;

Give definitions to certain concepts;

Identify functional relationships between concepts;

Identify patterns and draw analogies.

Mechanism for assessing predicted results

The main mechanisms for assessing the prediction of results are testing (input and final control).

Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional general education program

Testing in the form of games: “settle the sound students”, “determine the place of the sound”, “find the lost letter”

Organizationally pedagogical conditions program implementation

Increasing the effectiveness of educational activitiesstudying the course "On the way to ABC" The organizational conditions for conducting these classes are conducive. Namely:

    bright and spacious classroom;

    chairs and desks corresponding to the height of children;


    chair and table for the teacher;

    educational and methodological set of authors R. N. Buneeva, E. V. Buneeva, T. R. Kislova “On the road to the ABC” (parts 3,4).

    the use of multimedia teaching aids, which helps to increase interest in classes; the program is compiled on the basis of regulatory and legal requirements for training, using modern scientific and methodological approaches to education and subject to the requirements for the socio-psychological conditions of organizing the educational process.

    small group size (up to 12 people),

Number of hours by year of study

The program of this course is designed for one year of study (1 hour per week).Classes last 30 minutes.

Total number of hours allocated for the implementation of the Program

The program is designed for36 hours


on the course “On the road to the ABC”

(speech development and preparation for literacy)

Name of sections, topics

Number of hours

Lexical and grammatical work


Development of coherent speech


Development of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing


Training in sound-syllable analysis




Educational and thematic

planning the course “On the Road to the ABCs”

(speech development and preparation for literacy)


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Sounds and letters. The concept of “sound”; organs of articulation, ways of pronouncing sound.

Words. Sounds. Emphasizing sounds at the beginning, end and middle of a word.

Sound [A]. Familiarity with the organs of articulation, methods of pronouncing sound, and its symbols.

Sound [O]. Learning to answer questions.

Sound [E]. Differentiation of the concepts of “sound” and “letter”.

Sound [I]. Answering questions, identifying logical inconsistencies in a picture or story.

Sound [Y]. Emphasizing sounds at the end and middle of a word.

Sound [I] - [Y]. Changing words by replacing sounds.

Sound [U]. Construction of phrases and sentences. Acoustic characteristics, highlighting vowel sounds in a word.

Sound [M]. The concept of "syllable" sound analysis syllables. Introducing the classification of sounds: hard and soft consonants. Sound [M"]

Sound [N]. Correlation of letters and sounds. Vowels and consonants. Sound [N"]. Composing syllables using conventional sound notations.

Sound [P]. Learning to compose a story based on a plot picture. Sound [P"]. Identification of hard and soft consonant sounds in a word.

Sound [T]. Compiling a descriptive story. Sound [T"]. “Reading” and composing syllables and words using symbols.

Sound [K]. Acoustic characteristics, highlighting consonant sounds in a word. Sound [K"]. Identification of hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds in a word.

Sound [X]. Observation of polysemantic words in speech. Sound [X". Determination of the position of the sound in a word.

Sounds [K] - [X], [K"] - [X"]. Enriching children's vocabulary.

Sound [F]. Learning to compose a story based on a plot picture. Sound [F"]. Consistent transformation of a word into other words by repeatedly changing its sound and syllabic composition.

Sound [Y"]. Determination of the position of the sound in a word.

Double sounds. Sound [Y"O]. Correlation of letters and sounds. Sounds [Y"U]. Sound analysis of syllables and words.

Sounds [Y"A]. Sound analysis of syllables and words. Sounds [Y"E]. Detailed retelling of the text using visual support.

Sounds [Y"E], [Y"O], [Y"U], [Y"A]. Correlation of letters and sounds.

Sound [L]. Changing words by replacing, rearranging sounds or syllables. Sound [L"]. Changing words by adding or excluding sounds. Sounds [L] - [Y"]. Restoration of a broken sequence of sounds or syllables in the structure of a word.

Sounds [В] and [В"]. Training of dialogue speech. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Sounds [В] - [Ф], [В"] - [Ф"].

Sound [H"]. Training in writing sentences, constructing phrases. Sound [Ш"]. Learning to distribute sentences and add missing words.

Sounds [Ч"] - [Ш"]. Compose a story based on a series of pictures.

Sounds [B] - [B"]. Compilation of direct and back syllables. Sounds [B] - [P], [B"] - [P"]. Identification of hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds in a word.

Sounds [D] - [D"]. Composing a word from the studied sounds and syllables. Sounds [D] - [T], [D"] - [T"]. Classification of sounds: voiced and voiceless, soft and hard consonants.

Sound [S]. Participation in dialogue. Sound [S"]. Using new words in speech. Sound [Ts]. "Reading" and composing syllables and words using symbols. Sounds [Ts] - [S], [Ts] - [H"]. Detailed training retelling the text.

Sounds [G] - [G"]. Composing words with a given number of syllables. Sounds [G] - [K], [G"] - [K"].

Sound [Z]. Restoring the broken sequence of syllables in the structure of a word. Composing syllables and words. Sound [Z"]. Construction of phrases.

Multiple meaning words. Classification of sounds: whistling consonants [Z] - [S], [Z"] - [S"].

Sound [Ш]. Sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words. Sounds [Ш] - [С], [Ш] - [Ш". Identification of differences in the sound (syllabic) composition of two words.

Sound [F]. Expanding vocabulary. Classification of sounds: hissing consonants [Zh] - [Z], [Zh] - [Sh].

Sound [R]. Learning to write a story based on a series of pictures. Sound [R"]. “Reading” and composing syllables and words using symbols.

Sounds [R] - [L], [R"] - [L"]. Identifying differences in the sound (syllabic) composition of two words.

Country ABC (general lesson). Enrichment of vocabulary.


36 hours

Contents of the course program “On the Road to the ABCs”

(speech development and preparation for literacy)

Lexical and grammatical work (3 hours):

    enriching children's vocabulary; observation of polysemantic words in speech;

    using new words in one’s own speech (constructing phrases and sentences).

Development of coherent speech (5 hours):

    answering questions, participating in dialogue;

    detailed retelling of the text using visual support;

    compiling a description story, a story based on a plot picture, a series of pictures.

Development of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing (20 hours):

    familiarity with the organs of articulation, methods of pronouncing sound, its symbols;

    familiarity with the classification of sounds: consonants and vowels; hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants;

    highlighting sounds at the beginning, end and middle of a word, determining the position of a sound in a word;

    highlighting vowel sounds, consonant sounds, hard, soft, voiced, voiceless consonants in a word;

    “reading” and composing syllables and words using conventional sound notations.

Training in sound-syllable analysis (8 hours):

    sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words;

    differentiation of the concepts “sound” and “letter”;

    correlation of letters and sounds.

As a result of working on the course program, childrenmust :

construct phrases and sentences, including with new words;

    answer the teacher’s questions;

    retell the text in detail using visual support;

    compose an oral story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures;

    highlight the sound at the beginning of a word;

    distinguish sounds and letters;

    recognize and name the letters of the Russian alphabet;

    connect sounds and syllables.

Methodological support

Main forms of training: group, pair, individual.

Basic teaching methods:


    a game;

    practical work;

    collective, paired and individual studies.

    Pproblem-based and situational teaching methods

Evaluation materials


Target: assessment of the level of speech developmentchild, determining whether he/she meetsage standards.

Test algorithm:

Explain to your childtask, give him the opportunity to complete iton one's own. If the child is at a loss, help him.Be sure to praise him for his efforts, even if younot very happy with the result.

At the bottom of each task you will finda star that needs to be painted a certain color.

    red - the child completed the taskon one's own;

    green - the child completed the task with the help

    blue - the child did not cope with the task.

At the end of each topic, count the number of starsdifferent colors to compare the results after a while.

By the age of seven, a child should:

    be able to compare objects independentlyamong themselves, name a few significantsigns of similarity and difference;

    do not compose a coherent story on your ownless than 6-7 sentences;

    compose stories from personal experience;

    change words to form new ones;

    retell short stories;

    expressively perform poems,convey them intonationally in a variety of waysdepending on the content;

    use difficult forms correctlyfamiliar words;

    use antonyms in speech (words withopposite meaning)

    solve riddles, understand figurativeexpressions.


1.Federal state educational standard primary general education,

2.Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

3.Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs”

4. Concept for the development of additional education for children in the Russian Federation until 2020.

5. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 4. 2014 No. 41 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of educational institutions of additional education for children.

6. Educational and methodological set of authors R. N. Buneeva, E. V. Buneeva, T. R. Kislova “On the road to the ABC” (parts 3,4).