Content biological education characterized as pedagogically processed fundamentals of science studied at school. They reflect the most important objects and phenomena of living nature that have a general educational meaning for students, but they need to be specified. At the same time, it is important to rely on the concept of the content of education as a pedagogically adapted social experience in its entire structural completeness, set out in the works of V. V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner, I. K. Zhuravlev, L. Ya. Zorina and V. S. Lednev . In addition to ready-made knowledge and experience in implementing methods of activity at the reproductive level, this concept also includes the experience of emotional-value relations and experience creative activity. Accordingly, the content of biological material is better expressed as four interrelated components: knowledge; modes of activity or skills; experience of value relations; experience of creative activity. This approach makes it possible to implement not only reproductive, but also creative activity while including its evaluative, search, research, heuristic and practical aspects.

The first component of content - knowledge - is the result of the process of cognition of living nature as an integral part of the surrounding reality, tested by socio-historical practice and certified by logic. Specific exponents of biological knowledge are information and facts, concepts and judgments, patterns and theories that students need to understand theoretical and applied issues of general educational importance. Considering that wildlife and its objects are complex in composition, modes of functioning and relationships with the environment, in school conditions it is necessary to reflect cytological, histological, morphological, anatomical, physiological, environmental, systematic, hygienic aspects of knowledge.

For primary school students this is elementary representations and knowledge about living nature, plants and animals of its components, their role in nature and significance for society, about the structure of the human body, its most important organs and their functions, about the basics of personal hygiene, about health as the absence of disease, about ways to improve quality environment, about moral prohibitions against harming nature and one’s health, as well as about nature- and health-saving measures.

For primary school students, this is knowledge about biology as a science, the characteristics of living things, the level organization of living nature, cell theory, structure and functioning biological systems, about the relationship between the structure and functions of organisms, the doctrine of evolution organic world, diversity and classification of organisms, environmental patterns, biological features And social essence of a person, about the rules and measures for maintaining health, as well as about ways to form his relationship with the environment.

The second component of the content is skills as a certain stage of mastering a method of action based on some rule (knowledge) and corresponding to the correct use of this knowledge in the process of solving intellectual and practical problems.

Knowledge and skill, as V.I. Orlov puts it, are interconnected as abstract (ideal) and concrete (action). A person knows only what he can, and vice versa. Considering three main functions educational process- description, explanation, transformation of activities in relation to the preparation of schoolchildren, we note that the category “know” corresponds mainly to students’ assimilation of the description or characteristics of the objects being studied, “be able” - ways of explaining, justifying and transforming information, including evaluative, performing creative tasks, and as well as physical, labor, and recreational activities.

The activity content of education as a mandatory component of the general and subject content of education is included in the programs.

IN modern techniques in biology, the idea of ​​actively influencing the student by actively including him in the educational process received recognition and development.

A systematic approach to the learning process implies the inclusion of students in multilateral educational activities, characterized by a system of methods of cognition, types educational activities, which are organized by the teacher’s purposeful activities, as well as the level of students’ receptivity to new knowledge and skills

All qualities, personality traits, interests and desires, abilities are manifested in deeds, in different types personal activity. In human activity, his goals, aspirations and personal characteristics. Depending on what a person does, how he does it, on the organization and conditions of this activity, certain inclinations, abilities and character traits, consciousness are formed and knowledge is consolidated. This is why activity has become important integral part content of schoolchildren's education.

Activity is expressed in a variety of human actions. To achieve desired result, a person controls in a certain way physical actions, using various mental operations, selects the most appropriate techniques, organizes them in the right sequence, performs them at the right pace and with the strength and focus that meets the goal. Any human activity requires the use of certain methods of action, that is, skills and abilities. There are different opinions about the place of skills and abilities in activities. Some researchers believe that skills precede skills, others that skills arise before skills.

Skills are the ability to successfully perform actions based on acquired knowledge and solve assigned tasks in accordance with given conditions. The skill includes understanding the connection between the purpose of a given activity, the conditions and methods of its implementation. Each skill goes through a number of stages in its formation, each of them has its own psychological structure (Table 1).

Table 1. Formation of skills

Stage Psychological structure
I – initial skill Awareness of the purpose of the action and the search for ways to carry it out, based on previously acquired (usually everyday) knowledge and skills; activities are carried out through trial and error
II – insufficiently skillful activity Knowledge of how to perform an action and the use of previously acquired skills that are not specific to this activity
III – individual general skills A number of individual highly developed skills required in various types activities
IV – highly developed skill Creative use of knowledge and skills in this activity; awareness of not only the goal, but also the motives for choice, ways to achieve it
V - skill Confident creative use of various skills, abilities and knowledge

Learning skills are usually simple actions with an object. Thanks to the repeated repetition of the same actions under the same conditions, skills are performed faster and faster, more and more perfectly and require less and less mental work, becoming automated. Such actions. Automated by repeated repetition are called skills. However, a skill cannot be understood as a completely automatic action, since in right moment consciousness can intervene in action and direct it.

A skill is a person’s ability to perform work productively, with due completeness and at the appropriate time under new conditions.

A skill is formed on the basis of skills and knowledge; it also includes an understanding of the relationship between the purpose of a given activity, the conditions and methods of its implementation. Therefore, the psychological structure of a skill includes not only skills, but also knowledge and creative thinking. Skills best determine a student’s preparedness and become characteristics of his personality. Skills are built through repetition and are destroyed when the repetition stops. The reasons for the attenuation of skills and abilities are usually associated with long breaks in application, but it can also be associated with a forced acceleration of the pace of work, fatigue and tension.

Developing skills always interact with existing ones. The acquisition of a new skill or ability as a result of its interaction with previously formed ones is called transfer of skills.

Table 2. Skill development

Stage Features of performing an action
I – the beginning of understanding the skill A clear understanding of the goal, but a vague understanding of how to achieve it. Gross errors when performing an action
II – conscious, but still inept execution A clear understanding of how to perform an action, but inaccurate, unstable execution of it, despite intense concentration of voluntary attention; a lot of unnecessary movements; lack of positive transfer of this skill
III – automation of skills through exercises More and more high-quality performance of actions with at times weakening voluntary attention and the emergence of the possibility of its distribution; elimination of unnecessary movements; emergence of positive skill transfer
IV – highly automated skill - skill Accurate, economical, sustainable execution of an action, which has become a means of performing another, more complex action. Confidently applied in a new situation

Each skill in the process of its formation to the state of skill goes through a number of stages:

ü the beginning of understanding the skill;

ü conscious but inept execution;

ü transition of a skill through exercise into a skill;

ü application of a skill as a highly automated action.

In table Figure 2 shows the features of the stage-by-stage execution of motor actions.

Depending on the types of actions, the following skills are distinguished: intellectual (thinking and memory), sensory (actions of perception) and motor. According to the nature of the activity in the educational process, skills and abilities are distinguished: intellectual or mental (analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction), practical or labor (growing plants, caring for animals), special or subject (working with a microscope, germinating seeds, identifying the characteristics of plants and animals), general educational (working with a book, drawing up a plan, self-control).

Thus, skills and abilities are the ability of students to perform a variety of activities based on the knowledge they have acquired, and the skills and abilities developed by students contribute to the formation of new abilities and skills, the application of acquired knowledge in new situations.

There are a huge number of types of human activities, but the main types include communication, play, learning and work. Each age period has its own, most characteristic type of activity: to school age– play, in primary school – learning, in secondary school – active mastery various forms communication. At senior school age, a form of educational activity begins that is characterized by independent moral judgments and assessments of students. It doesn't mean that. That at each age students are engaged only in leading activities. It is important to constantly develop the wealth of activities, ensuring the comprehensive development of the personality of schoolchildren. However, knowledge of the leading types of activities allows the teacher to more actively use and shape them in the educational process.

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The content of education in each academic subject should be based on specially selected and developed skills that are priority for each topic and course. Among them, for example, is the ability to find facts, ask questions, realize and choose the right ways to solve problems. The activity content of education as a mandatory component of the general and subject content of education is included in the programs.

In modern methods of biology, the idea of ​​actively influencing the student by actively including him in the educational process has received recognition and development.

A systematic approach to the learning process implies the inclusion of students in multilateral educational activities, characterized by a system of methods of cognition, types of educational activities that are organized by the teacher’s purposeful activities, as well as the level of students’ receptivity to new knowledge and skills

All qualities, personality traits, interests and desires, abilities are manifested in business, in different types of personal activity. In a person’s activities, his goals, aspirations and personal characteristics are realized. Depending on what a person does, how he does it, on the organization and conditions of this activity, certain inclinations, abilities and character traits, consciousness are formed and knowledge is consolidated. That is why activities have become an important part of the content of schoolchildren’s education.

Activity is expressed in a variety of human actions. To achieve the desired result, a person controls physical actions in a certain way, using various mental operations, selects the most appropriate techniques, organizes them in the right sequence, performs them at the right pace and with the strength and direction that meets the goal. Any human activity requires the use of certain methods of action, that is, skills and abilities. There are different opinions about the place of skills and abilities in activities. Some researchers believe that skills precede skills, others that skills arise before skills.

Skills – this is the ability to successfully perform actions based on acquired knowledge, solving assigned tasks in accordance with given conditions. The skill includes understanding the connection between the purpose of a given activity, the conditions and methods of its implementation. Each skill goes through a number of stages in its formation, each of them has its own psychological structure (Table 1).

Table 1. Formation of skills

Psychological structure

I – initial skill

Awareness of the purpose of the action and the search for ways to carry it out, based on previously acquired (usually everyday) knowledge and skills; activities are carried out through trial and error

II – insufficiently skillful activity

Knowledge of how to perform an action and the use of previously acquired skills that are not specific to this activity

III – individual general skills

A number of individual highly developed skills required in various types of activities

IV – highly developed skill

Creative use of knowledge and skills in this activity; awareness of not only the goal, but also the motives for choice, ways to achieve it

V - skill

Confident creative use of a variety of skills, abilities and knowledge

Learning skills are usually simple actions with an object. Thanks to the repeated repetition of the same actions under the same conditions, skills are performed faster and faster, more and more perfectly and require less and less mental work, becoming automated. Such actions. Automated by repeated repetition are called skills. However, a skill cannot be understood as a completely automatic action, since at the right moment consciousness can intervene in the action and direct it.

Skill - this is a person’s ability to perform work productively, with due completeness and at the appropriate time in new conditions. A skill is formed on the basis of skills and knowledge; it also includes an understanding of the relationship between the purpose of a given activity, the conditions and methods of its implementation. Therefore, the psychological structure of a skill includes not only skills, but also knowledge and creative thinking. Skills best determine a student’s preparedness and become characteristics of his personality. Skills are built through repetition and are destroyed when the repetition stops. The reasons for the attenuation of skills and abilities are usually associated with long breaks in application, but it can also be associated with a forced acceleration of the pace of work, fatigue and tension.

Developing skills always interact with existing ones. The acquisition of a new skill or ability as a result of its interaction with previously formed ones is called transfer of skills.

Table 2.Skill building

Features of performing an action

I – the beginning of understanding the skill

A clear understanding of the goal, but a vague understanding of how to achieve it. Gross errors when performing an action

II – conscious, but still inept execution

A clear understanding of how to perform an action, but inaccurate, unstable execution, despite intense concentration of voluntary attention; a lot of unnecessary movements; lack of positive transfer of this skill

III – automation of skills through exercises

More and more high-quality execution of actions with at times weakening voluntary attention and the emergence of the possibility of its distribution; elimination of unnecessary movements; emergence of positive skill transfer

IV – highly automated skill - skill

Accurate, economical, sustainable execution of an action, which has become a means of performing another, more complex action. Confidently applied in a new situation

Each skill in the process of its formation to the state of skill goes through a number of stages:

ü the beginning of understanding the skill;

ü conscious but inept execution;

ü transition of a skill through exercise into a skill;

ü application of a skill as a highly automated action.

In table Figure 2 shows the features of the stage-by-stage execution of motor actions.

Depending on the types of actions, the following skills are distinguished: intellectual (thinking and memory), sensory (actions of perception) and motor. According to the nature of the activity in the educational process, skills and abilities are distinguished: intellectual or mental (analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction), practical or labor (growing plants, caring for animals), special or subject (working with a microscope, germinating seeds, identifying the characteristics of plants and animals), general educational (working with a book, drawing up a plan, self-control).

Thus, skills and abilities are the ability of students to perform a variety of activities based on the knowledge they have acquired, and the skills and abilities developed by students contribute to the formation of new abilities and skills, the application of acquired knowledge in new situations.

There are a huge number of types of human activity, but the main types include communication, play, learning and work. Each age period has its own, most characteristic type of activity: in preschool age - play, in primary school - learning, in middle school - active mastery of various forms of communication. At senior school age, a form of educational activity begins that is characterized by independent moral judgments and assessments of students. It doesn't mean that. That at each age students are engaged only in leading activities. It is important to constantly develop the wealth of activities, ensuring the comprehensive development of the personality of schoolchildren. However, knowledge of the leading types of activities allows the teacher to more actively use and shape them in the educational process.

Currently, the selection and construction of educational content is based on the expected image of a graduate, which contains many personal qualities, corresponding to certain types of educational activities.

The structure of personality, the structure of the area of ​​reality being studied (biology), the structure of activity are the main parameters that determine the basis of the content of biological education.

All qualities, personality traits, interests and desires, personal abilities are manifested in deeds, in different types of activities. Personality is formed in activity. Depending on what a person does (that is, what is the content of his activity), how he does it (that is, the methods of his activity), on the organization and conditions of this activity, certain inclinations, abilities and character traits, consciousness are formed, and knowledge is consolidated. Therefore, activities have become an important part of the content of schoolchildren’s education.

The activity-based approach to teaching schoolchildren was developed relatively long ago - in the 60s. XX century, domestic psychologists A.N. Leontyev, E.N. Kogan, N.A. Menchinskaya, D.N. Bogoyavlensky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.A. Lyublinskaya, A.I. Raev, V.V. Davydov. As a result of their research, they developed theoretical foundations training that influences the development of intellectual activity, volitional, emotional and motivational spheres of the individual. The essence of these developments is that students need to be taught certain techniques of mental learning activity.

Any human activity requires the use of certain skills and abilities.

Skills are the ability to successfully perform actions based on acquired knowledge, solve problems in accordance with given conditions (for example, comparing monocotyledons and dicotyledons, identifying the causes of variability in organisms, preparing a micropreparation).

Each skill goes through a number of stages in its formation:

1) stage of initial skill: awareness of the purpose of the action and the search for ways to perform it based on existing knowledge and skills; activities are performed through trial and error;

2) stage is not enough skillful activity: knowledge of how to perform an action and the use of previously acquired skills that are not specific to this activity;

3) the stage of individual general skills: a number of individual highly developed skills necessary in various types of activities (for example, the ability to plan one’s activities, organizational skills);

4) stage of highly developed skills: creative use of knowledge and skills in a given activity; awareness of not only the goal, but also the motives for choice, ways to achieve it;

5) stage of mastery: confident creative use of various skills, abilities, and knowledge.

By repeating many times, actions with an object become automated. Due to repeated exercise, the action is performed as a learned movement, without special control from the brain. Such actions, automated by repeated repetitions, are called skills. At the same time, a skill cannot be understood as a completely automatic action because at the right moment consciousness can intervene in the action and direct it. Skill is the ability to perform work productively, completely and in the appropriate time under new conditions. A skill is formed on the basis of skills and knowledge.

Each skill in the process of its formation to the state of skill goes through a number of stages:

1) the stage of beginning to comprehend the skill: a clear understanding of the goal, but a vague understanding of how to achieve it, gross errors when performing the action;

2) the stage of conscious, but inept execution: a clear understanding of how to perform an action, but inaccurate, unstable execution of it; a lot of unnecessary movements; lack of transfer of this skill. Transfer of skills - the acquisition of a new skill as a result of its interaction with previously formed ones;

3) the stage of automating the skill through exercise: more and more high-quality execution of the action with at times weakening voluntary attention and the emergence of the possibility of its distribution; elimination of unnecessary movements; the emergence of skill transfer;

4) the stage of highly automated skill - skill: accurate, economical, sustainable execution of an action, which has become a means of performing another, more complex action; confidently applied in a new situation.

In the methodology of teaching biology, according to the nature of the activity in the educational process, skills and abilities are distinguished:

a) intellectual, or mental: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction;

b) practical, or labor: growing plants, caring for animals;

c) special, or subject-specific: working with a microscope, identifying the characteristics of plants and animals, germinating seeds;

d) general education: working with a book, drawing up a plan, self-control.

All skills and abilities are formed only in practical activity, they are developed through repetition and are destroyed when repetition stops. Any activity is carried out by a system of skills and abilities specific to it. Students' skills and abilities provide the ability to perform a variety of activities based on the knowledge they have acquired. The skills and abilities developed by students become the basis for the formation of new skills and abilities, the application of acquired knowledge in any new situations and conditions.

There are many types of human activities, but among them the main ones can be identified - those that contribute to his formation as a personality in ontogenesis: communication, play, learning and work. Communication consists of the exchange of information between people. The highest form of human communication is speech using words as an expression of concepts. Communication activates the process of education and knowledge acquisition. Play and communication are preparation for work. Play increases children's attention and stimulates the desire to work. Teaching is a type of human activity that contributes to the development of a person as an individual based on his assimilation of theoretical and practical experience humanity.

Each new generation receives accumulated knowledge from previous generations - it must assimilate it. This is both the goal and the motive of educational activity. Assimilated social experience merges with personal experience child. This understanding of educational activity characterizes it as cognitive. Formation and development cognitive activity- one of the main tasks general education.

Educational: to form a civic position in modern society based on knowledge of the laws of biology; cultivate love for future profession.

Issues discussed

1 Goals and objectives of biology teaching methods in modern biological education.

2 Basic patterns and principles underlying the methodology of teaching biology.

3 Types of teaching biology.

4 Technology and learning theory.

Practical tasks for classroom independent work

1 Analyze the system of principles underlying the methodology of teaching biology and note the specific biological ones among them. Why did they receive this status?

2 Remember which of the principles of teaching biology was most successfully implemented by your school teacher. Why do you think so?

3 Selection of the content of domestic biological education in secondary schools

3.1 Basics of the content of school biology education

Selection educational material is one of the most important tasks of biology teaching methodology, which is solved with the active participation of practicing teachers and scientists.

Difficulty in selecting content arises due to the rapid growth scientific information. Biological science has ceased to be a unitary field of knowledge about living nature. It represents a complex of different areas that already have the status of independent sciences about living nature.

The named complex includes such sciences as: botany, zoology, genetics, ecology, physiology, the doctrine of evolution, cytology, systematics, biogeocenology, anatomy, morphology, anthropology, ethology, microbiology, biogeography, hygiene, medicine, plant growing, animal husbandry, biotechnology, bioethics, bioaesthetics and many others.

Biological concepts are very diverse and are constantly being improved. This is due, first of all, to the development of biological science.

Advances in biological science have led to a new approach to it. Biology began to be considered as a necessary area of ​​​​knowledge in the cultural system, in the development of spiritual life modern society, in the formation of an individual’s ecological culture and the construction of a scientific picture of the world.

Biology is actively involved in meeting the needs of practice based on the needs of agriculture, medicine, as well as the need for biological knowledge to strengthen human health, create a system of rational environmental management, reproduce biological resources, which contributes to the progress of sciences that study certain properties of living nature in all structural levels her organization.

Thus, biology influences many aspects of society. The volume of knowledge and experience accumulated by biological science is large and constantly expanding. But for the content of school education, only that material is selected that students must know and be able to apply in practice in their lives. All discoveries made in the field of biological science cannot be covered in school course biology.

The main principle for selecting content for study in school iscompliance of all content elements with the general goals of modern education.

3.2 Goals and objectives of modern biological education

The goals of education are understood asthe results that society strives to obtain with the help of the existing education system at the present time and in the near future.

Goals are socially determined guidelines for the implementation of education. They are expressed in programs through a system of knowledge, skills and attitudes that a school graduate must possess.

Goals give rise to tasks, the consistent solution of which leads to the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and forms value-based attitudes towards the world around us.

During the school reform in the 60s. XX c., basically, the content of education was revised in order to eliminate the gap between the level of knowledge of schoolchildren and the level of development of the science of biology. In the 80s XX V. reform secondary school was aimed at ensuring the formation of a comprehensive developed personality. The role of labor training, polytechnic education, ideological-political, moral, aesthetic, physical education, the need for greening learning was emphasized. At the same time, a directive was given to eliminate overloads in the content of educational subjects. The school entered its eleventh year of study.

School reforms of the 90s. took place in conditions of profound systemic changes in the life of society. The school was presented with requirements that took into account the new educational paradigm: the removal of education from the sphere of socio-economic, production and political services, the understanding of education as a function of culture, when the meaning and purpose of school education becomes the student’s personality, introducing it into the world of cultural experience of mankind through the content of various educational items. In the light of the new educational paradigm in the mid-90s. XX V. The implementation of the following training objectives has begun:

1) mastering knowledge about living nature, general methods its study, educational skills;

2) formation on the basis of this knowledge of a scientific picture of the world;

3) hygienic education and formation healthy image life that promotes the preservation of a person’s physical and moral health;

4) the formation of environmental literacy of people who know biological patterns, connections between living organisms, their evolution, the causes of species diversity;

5) establishing harmonious relationships with nature, society, oneself, reflecting the humanistic significance of nature;

6) preserving the positive experience of the biology teaching process accumulated in the domestic school.

The updated content of biological education is distinguished by great creative freedom for teachers, variability, and free choice of subjects for study. Regional and differentiated education systems and special models were created educational institutions(private, copyright). At the school, in addition to biology, new disciplines appeared: “Ecology”, “Natural Science”, “Valeology”.

In 1993, a temporary state educational standard for general secondary education was created. An educational standard is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as state norm education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the capabilities of the real individual and the education system to achieve this ideal. In other words, the state educational standard is a series regulatory documents, which must guarantee a certain level of education, provide a unified federal cultural and educational space, while simultaneously providing the opportunity for independent programmatic and methodological activities of any educational institution.IN In the structure of school education, the temporary standard identified the following levels of education:

1) primary education(grades 1–4);

2) basic education (grades 5–9);

3) complete secondary education (grades 10–11).

These levels and the requirements for them are set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000. Soon other important documents were created that defined the role and place of academic disciplines in secondary school and the main goals of education. These include: Federal component educational standard primary general, basic general, secondary general education (1996); Basic Curriculum (1998); Temporary requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic general education, developed in accordance with the decree on the federal components of state educational standards (1998); Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education (1999). All these documents specifically note that school education on modern stage The student is placed at the center of the educational process. The emphasis should be on the development of the student, the formation of his motivational sphere, and independent thinking style. This social order determines the requirement for school biological education: to increase biological literacy among the younger generation.

Biological literacy is necessary, first of all, because biological science is a leader in natural science and occupies key positions in medicine, hygiene, health care, valeology, human ecology, environmental protection, and providing the population with food and medicines. This gives rise to new tasks for biological education:

1) mastering a system of knowledge about the structural, functional and genetic foundations of life, reproduction and development of organisms of the main kingdoms, ecosystems, biodiversity, evolution, which is necessary to understand the value of all life on Earth;

2) formation of a scientific picture of the world based on knowledge about living nature;

3) establishing harmonious relationships with nature, oneself, the formation of norms and rules of environmental ethics, a responsible attitude towards living nature as the basis of environmental education;

4) the formation of genetic literacy as the basis for a healthy lifestyle, the preservation of a person’s mental, physical, and moral health;

5) development of students’ personality, desire to apply biological knowledge in practice, participate in practical activities in the field of medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, rational environmental management and nature conservation;

6) content study academic discipline in accordance with the activity approach and orientation towards understanding reality.

The goals and objectives of learning are a socially determined phenomenon, accompanied by updating the content of learning. Learning goals show why children need to be taught this particular subject, determine what functions this subject performs in general education; serve as a model of the expected result in the education of schoolchildren. The main goals of biological education at the present stage point to important role biology in the development of students, in raising them to be comprehensively developed and creative personalities, in their understanding of their responsibility for preserving life on Earth, in preparing for the choice of a future profession, taking into account personal interests, inclinations and abilities.

3.3 Goals of teaching biology to schoolchildren in a twelve-year school

Biology, along with physics, chemistry, ecology, is included in the field of “Natural Science”, since the acquired knowledge about natural processes and phenomena, various levels of organization of matter, the variety of interactions natural objects and systems form a unified scientific picture of the world in the minds of students. The unity of the scientific picture of the world in the minds of students is achieved by extensive intra-subject and inter-subject integration.

In “The Concept of Biological Education in a Twelve-Year School” as main goal education is a new paradigm that considers education as an integral part of culture. Accordingly, the goals and objectives of biological education in a twelve-year school are outlined:

1) mastery of the components of scientific knowledge and the methodology of scientific knowledge, which form the basis of a holistic understanding of the world and scientific worldview;

2) consciousness of life as the highest value, the ability to build one’s relationships with nature and society on the basis of a humane attitude towards all living things;

3) mastering knowledge of methods, concepts, scientific theories, concepts, models;

4) diversified development of students’ personality and their cognitive sphere;

5) f formation of scientific worldview, healthy lifestyle, hygienic norms and rules, environmental and genetic literacy;

6) preparing youth for labor activity in the field of medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, environmental management and nature conservation. From all of the above it follows that the main meaning of school biological education in a twelve-year school is the student’s personality and its development through the means of biology.

3.4 Content and structure school subject"Biology"

The content of education is understood asa system of knowledge that reveals the picture of the world, as well as the experience of implementing methods of activity known to humans (including the experience of creative activity) that ensures the development of a person’s abilities; experience of a value-based attitude towards the world. The content of each academic discipline and school curriculum is specifically disclosed in educational programs, textbooks and teaching aids.

And (1983) define the content academic subject as the most educationally valuable educational material for a school subject, selected from scientific information on biology, in accordance with the understanding of the structure established in the methodology.

Contents of biological education for high school is inextricably linked with the development of biological science, reflects the current level of its development, and represents the fundamentals of the sciences of living nature in the subject “Biology”. The selection of the content of biological knowledge (theories, concepts, patterns, scientific facts) is based on the principles of scientific character and accessibility of learning.

From scientific material For a school subject, educational material is selected that is of the greatest educational and educational value. At the same time, the school subject “Biology” does not represent biological science in miniature. It combines methodically selected elements of various branches of biological science and related fields of knowledge, systematized and didactically processed into a holistic system of educational content, taking into account the age of students.

The main attention in the content of biological education is paid to generally accepted facts, theories and patterns of living nature, which have a scientific interpretation. At the same time, the content of biology in secondary school is not identical to the content scientific disciplines higher school. In secondary school, the basics of science are studied in a scientifically reliable, but elementary form and with varying degrees of complexity in different stages training. For example, questions of photosynthesis in the 6th grade are covered scientifically, but without questions of chemistry at the light and dark stages, and in high school students get an idea of ​​some chemical reactions, the functional significance of light, water, oxygen, hydrogen and other components of photosynthesis. However, the picture of the flowing chemical reactions carbohydrate synthesis is still not complete.

In content school biology includes concepts, terms, patterns, laws of living matter, areas of their application that everyone should know cultured person. Modern man must not only know his own body, but also be well oriented in his habitat, have a fairly broad understanding of the diversity of living natural objects, their role in human life. The school subject "Biology" contains materials on mastering various methods biological research(observation, description, identification of objects). In addition, the content of school biology includes different ways educational activities (compare, prove, explain, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships). The system of general educational and subject-specific skills and abilities that must be acquired by a secondary school graduate in the process of studying biology is based on knowledge of methods of biological research and mastery of methods of educational activity.

3.5 Structure of the subject “Biology” in a modern secondary school

The subject isa system of fundamentals of science, which is characterized by integrity, unity and internal interconnection of all types of school content. The academic subject has a certain logical structure, reflected in biology programs. In them, the content of biological education is distributed by topics, sections and years of study.

IN Russian school biological material has traditionally been studied sequentially in objects of living nature: plants, animals, the human body, a general course in general biology, revealing the laws of nature at different levels of its organization.

The study of biology precedes the course of natural history (or natural history) in the 5th grade, which is based on the knowledge acquired by students in elementary school(grades 1–4) about objects and natural phenomena, about your body.

In the 6th grade, the systematic study of biology begins. Students will learn about the kingdoms of plants, bacteria, and fungi. This prepares them for the study of the animal world as a kingdom of living creatures, like plant organisms, but more complex compared to plants and fungi. In 7th grade we study animal organisms. The study of animals prepares schoolchildren for mastering the “Man” course in 8th grade. As part of this course, students gain knowledge in anatomy, physiology, psychology, hygiene, human ecology, and anthropology. The study of biology in secondary schools ends with the course “General Biology” (grades 9–11). This course outlines the general laws and properties of life, its emergence and development. For this purpose, knowledge about plants, animals, humans, bacteria and fungi is involved.

The described sequence in the content of school biological education makes it possible to return to the discussion of the most complex and important issues of general biology at each new stage of education, gradually deepening, expanding and generalizing the range of necessary scientific knowledge and methods of activity.

Most methodological biologists and practicing biology teachers consider it pedagogically appropriate to have such a structure of general biological education, when they move from the study of plants to the study of animals, humans, and then general biological processes and phenomena. The gradually increasing complexity of educational material allows you to study the subject in conditions of smooth development of the system biological concepts.

Approximately the same sequence of courses in the subject “Natural Science” was laid down at one time (1786) in the textbook “Outline of Natural History” (inanimate nature, plants, animals and humans), and it was followed. Almost all biology training programs maintained the noted sequence, except for the programs (1902) and the State University of Education and Science (1923–1930).

Currently, in the vast majority of domestic secondary schools, all training courses according to basic school programs are studied for only one academic year(68 hours each): plants, bacteria, fungi and lichens (grade 6); animals (7th grade); person (8th grade); in the 9th grade, completing basic school, general biological patterns and phenomena are studied - the courses “Fundamentals of General Biology” and “Introduction to general biology and evolution" (a team of authors under the leadership and a team of authors under the leadership).

There are other options for the structure of the content of biological education. In any case, we see that the structure of the subject “Biology,” which characterizes the arrangement of the system of courses by year of study, which has been preserved in Russia for more than 200 years, is currently changing. The changes concern the selection of educational content, the sequence and logic of its disclosure.

Pedagogy highlights different types structuring the content of education, which is also practiced in biology: linear, concentric, spiral and modular construction of an academic subject.

About linear constructionthe subject is discussed when all educational materials are arranged sequentially and continuously, as links of a holistic, unified educational content; Moreover, each part (topic, course) is studied only once.

At concentric constructionacademic subject, there is a repeated return to the material covered, but each time at a new, higher level of presentation.

Spiral (spiral) constructionAn educational subject is characterized by the fact that the educational material is generally arranged sequentially and continuously, but not linearly, but in a spiral. At the same time, they repeatedly return at a higher level (level) to the content concerning important ideological issues, expanding and enriching it with new knowledge and experience of human activity.

With modular constructionacademic subject, the holistic content of the academic subject is distributed into separate modules. For example, these can be content-descriptive, operational-activity, worldview, profiling, control and testing, environmental-humanistic, cultural and other modules.

In accordance with this description, the basic school programs (grades 6–9), created by teams of authors under the leadership of and, have a spiral structure, and the program of and has a linear structure.

3.6 Mandatory minimum content of biological education

Appeared in the 1990s. the variety of curriculums and biology textbooks, the creation of schools of different directions increased the possibilities of an individual approach to learning. At the same time, it was necessary to maintain a certain unity of content and structure of the subject “Biology” in the domestic secondary school.

To solve this problemBased on the Education Law, the following documents were developed: Basic curriculum; Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education (including biological); Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic general education, which expressed the essence of the State Educational Standard (SES).

Based on the Unified Requirements for Biological Education of Schoolchildren, it became possible to create variable and regional programs and textbooks in biology, differing in the sequence of presentation of content, the form of presentation of educational material, but necessarily corresponding educational minimum content of biological education.

Currently, the required educational content of biological education is determined by the mandatory minimum of general biological education. It is he who gives a list of the main content units of education that must be learned at school.

The named document can be considered as the basis of the content, which is completed to the required volume with the help of the activity characteristics indicated in the requirements for the level of training of school graduates. 4 minimum standards have been created for secondary schools varying degrees depth of biology content.

The first level is intended for basic basic school (grades 6–9).

The second level is intended for complete secondary school (grades 10–11).

For eleven-year secondary schools, a mandatory minimum content of general biological education has been developed at two levels - A and B.

Level A has a minimum biological content of education and is focused on humanitarian classes (for educational institutions, in which biology is not a core subject).

Level B exceeds level A in volume and complexity, but is not designed for in-depth study of the subject; intended for general secondary educational institutions.

For specialized schools, schools with in-depth study biology, a special level has been developed that exceeds level B in terms of the system of knowledge and the nature of educational activities.

3.7 Main components of the content of school biology education

Pedagogically adapted fundamentals of biological science studied at school contain the main scientific facts, ideas, concepts, theories about the laws of existence of living nature are the foundation of the school subject “Biology”. Knowledge is transferred to students in a generalized and compressed form- in concepts. They are used in everyday life, in sports, to preserve health, and to protect the environment. Every cultured person should be fluent in the necessary minimum of biological concepts, since they are widely used in everyday life and in various professional fields. Skills and abilities in the field of biology represent methods of activity - intellectual and practical. They ensure the application of biological knowledge into action. The modern educational process is aimed at the comprehensive development of students’ personality.

In this case, training and development are of great importance - as two inextricably linked aspects educational process. Mastering the basics of biology is impossible without intellectual and practical skills, without developing memory and thinking.

Biological science has great educational power and contributes in every possible way to the formation of the scientific worldview of students when studying various biological objects, processes and phenomena. The content of the subject “Biology” contributes to students’ assimilation of the system universal human values, their understanding of the value of all living things and their place in the life of society, and also forms a humane attitude towards all living things. The content of biology reflects ecological, cultural, and valeological approaches.

Based on biological knowledge, skills and abilities with appropriate education, opportunities arise for the development of creative abilities in the field of naturalistic, environmental, physiological, microbiological, and local history research. All components of the content of biological education perform their functions in the training, development and education of students, being closely interconnected: knowledge ensures the formation of skills and abilities, based on knowledge and skills they develop creativity, which, in turn, contribute to the acquisition of deeper knowledge and the formation of value orientations. The content of the various components of the content of general biological education depends on the goals of the latter.

Questions for self-control

1 What is the main goal of modern biological education in secondary schools?

2 What is the mandatory minimum content of education and why was it created?

3 What determines the structure and content of biological education in primary and secondary schools?

4 Describe the main components of the content of general biological education for students.

5 Analyze the nature of changes in the goals of biological education in the domestic secondary school in the period from the 80s. XX century up to now. What are the reasons for changes in goal setting?

Topics for completing essays

1 Comparative analysis various options curricula in biology for the 8th grade of a secondary school.

2 Practical and intellectual skills as the most important component of the content of general biological education.

Assignments for extracurricular independent work

1 Compare the mandatory minimums of basic and senior secondary schools. What are their differences?