Leontyeva Valiya Yurievna

MKDOU kindergarten "Ryabinka" Irkutsk region Tayshet


Individual development route

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Beginning of the year.

Pupil __ХХХХХХХХ ______________

Group _average No. 2____________________

Age 4 years________________

Difficulties by educational area:

« Cognitive development »

There is a need to expand ideas about the rules of conduct in in public places. I am not well acquainted with cultural phenomena (theater, circus, zoo, opening day), their attributes, the people working in them, the rules of behavior. Doesn't know fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms. Does not recognize or name 3-4 types of trees.

Has little understanding of the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals, plants (air, water, food, etc.).

Does not distinguish from what parts a group of objects is made up, name them characteristics(color, size, purpose). Does not know how to count to 5 (quantitative counting), answer the question “How many in total?” Experiences difficulty in comparing the number of objects in groups based on counting, as well as by individually correlating objects in two groups; in determining which objects are more, less, equal. Does not know how to compare two objects in size based on their application to each other or overlap (larger-smaller, higher-lower, longer-shorter. Does not determine the position of objects in space in relation to oneself (up-down, front-back).

« Speech development»

Does not understand antonym words; does not know how to form new words by analogy with familiar words (sugar bowl - suharnitsa); does not know how to highlight the first sound in a word; does not know how to talk about the content of a plot picture. Cannot, with the help of an adult, repeat examples of the description of a toy. He cannot name his favorite fairy tale or read his favorite poem. Has difficulty answering the questions: “Did you like the work?”, “Who liked it. Why?”

I am not familiar with the professions of artist, painter, composer. Finds it difficult to name objects and phenomena of nature, the surrounding reality in artistic images(literature, music, visual arts).

Does not know works of folk art (rhymes, fairy tales, riddles, songs, round dances, chants, products of folk arts and crafts). Knows very little about books and book illustrations.

Does not distinguish between building parts (cube, plate, brick, block).

Cannot depict objects using distinct shapes, color selection, careful painting, or using different materials. Doesn’t know Dymkovo and Filimonov toys; does not know how to decorate the silhouettes of toys with elements of Dymkovo and Filimonov painting.

Doesn't hold scissors correctly and doesn't know how to cut straight or diagonally with them; cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners.

Regime moments

Individual work

Interaction with parents



1. “What to whom”

Didactic task: Learn to relate tools to people’s professions; to cultivate an interest in the work of adults, a desire to help them, to take on the roles of people of different professions in creative games.

2. “Say it in one word”

Didactic task: Exercise children in classifying objects

3. “Where does he live?”

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the habitats of animals and fantastic heroes

4. "Good-bad"

Didactic task: Teach children to identify positive and negative aspects in objects and objects of the surrounding world.

5. “Tree, shrub, flower”

1. “Guess what kind of plant it is”

Goals: learn to describe an object and recognize it by description, develop memory and attention.

2. “What kind of bird is this?”

Objectives: to clarify and expand ideas about the life of birds in autumn, to learn to describe birds by characteristic features; develop memory; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

3. “Render a guess, we will guess”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about garden and vegetable garden plants; the ability to name their signs, describe and find them by description, and develop attention.

4. “Tree, shrub, flower”

Goals: consolidate knowledge of plants, expand children’s horizons, develop speech and memory.

5. “Where does it grow?”

Objectives: to teach to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of ​​the purpose of plants; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover; develop speech.

Give homework to parents on the Math for Kids printables.

Suggest material from the “Seven Dwarfs” series

1. “Wide - narrow” No. 1

Goal: to continue to form a “broad - narrow” view.

2. “Funny nesting dolls” No. 3

Goal: to teach to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size.

3. “Right as left” No. 4

Goal: mastering the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

4. “Who will roll the tape sooner” No. 6

Goal: continue to form an attitude towards size as a significant feature, pay attention to length, introduce the words “long”, “short”.

5. “Pick the berries” No. 7

Goal: distinguish between equality and inequality of groups of objects by placing one object under another. Ability to compare objects of contrasting sizes. Development of memory, attention, logical thinking, creative imagination.

1. “Take - don’t take”

Purpose: differentiation of forest and garden berries; increasing vocabulary on topic 2. “Berries”; develop auditory attention.

3. “One, two, three - look!” No. 5

Goal: to teach children to build an image of an object of a given size and use it in play activities.

4. “Let’s decorate the rug” No. 10

Goal: to develop the ability to group objects according to given characteristics, determine the number of objects

5. “Whose tail is longer?” No. 11

Goal: Mastering the ability to compare objects of contrasting sizes in length and width, to use in speech the concepts: “long”, “longer”, “wide”, “narrow”.

Speech development

1.And mine is better.

Goal: to learn to form nouns using the diminutive suffixes -chik-, -ik- and the augmentative suffix -ishe-.

2. Assistant.

Goal: learn to select verbs to nouns; form complex words.

3. Family dinner.

Goal: to learn how to compose a series of synonymous words. Agree nouns with numerals; use adverbs and adjectives in speech.

4.Complete the sentence.

Goal: to learn to form the plural of neuter nouns and use them correctly in speech.

Goal: to learn to give a qualitative assessment of ongoing actions, answering the question “how”.


Goal: to learn to use prepositions in speech.

2. The best kindergarten!

Goal: to teach how to select and use independent speech antonyms.

3.Complete the sentences.

Goal: to learn to agree nouns with adjectives in case.

4.Look and tell.

Goal: to learn to use prepositions of spatial meaning.

5.We are walking in the garden.

Goal: learn to convey the content of a picture, guided by an adult’s example

Artistic and aesthetic development

1.Didactic game"Name it correctly"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk arts and crafts and their characteristics. The ability to find the desired craft among others, justify your choice, and write a descriptive story.

2.Board game "Domino"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about arts and crafts - toys

3. "Green needles."

Goal: to consolidate the ability to quickly navigate on a sheet of paper, complete drawing symmetrical objects according to a model, and select the desired shade of pencil.

4.Reading and looking at books

5.Looking at the artists’ illustrations.

1. Didactic game “Guess which painting?”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to recognize and name this or that painting

2. “The doll is having a housewarming party”

Goal: To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with building materials, to introduce the names of the figures.

3. “Trace the outline”

Goal: Introducing the concepts of shape, color, size

4. “Different cars”

Goal: To strengthen children's understanding of the color and name of building parts

5.Coloring pages

1.Applique “Boat”

2.Applique “Simple and golden egg”

3.Cutting out “Balls”

4.Cutting out “Favorite Toy”

1. Offer geometric shapes for cutting.

2. Offer toy templates for cutting.

3. Cutting out “Fruits and Vegetables”

Route action results:

"Cognitive development"

Has an understanding of the rules of behavior in public places. Familiar with cultural phenomena (theater, circus, zoo, opening day), their attributes, people working in them, rules of behavior. Knows fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms. Recognizes and does not name 3-4 types of trees.

Has an idea of ​​the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals, plants (air, water, food, etc.).

Distinguishes from which parts a group of objects is made up, and names their characteristic features (color, size, purpose). Can count to 5 (quantitative counting), answer the question “How many in total?” Able to compare the quantities of objects in groups based on counting, as well as by individually correlating objects from two groups; in determining which objects are more, less, equal. Able to compare two objects in size based on their application to each other or overlapping (larger-smaller, higher-lower, longer-shorter. Determines the position of objects in space in relation to itself (up-down, front-back).

"Speech development"

Understands antonym words; knows how to form new words by analogy with familiar words (sugar bowl - sugar bowl); knows how to identify the first sound in a word; knows how to talk about the content of a plot picture. Can, with the help of an adult, repeat examples of the description of the toy. Can name a favorite fairy tale, read a poem he likes. Answers the questions: “Did you like the work?”, “Who liked it. Why?”

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Familiar with the professions of an artist, artist, composer. Names objects and phenomena of nature and surrounding reality in artistic images (literature, music, visual arts).

Knows works of folk art (rhymes, fairy tales, riddles, songs, round dances, chants, products of folk arts and crafts). Knows about books, book illustrations.

Distinguishes between building parts (cube, plate, brick, block).

Can depict objects through distinct shapes, color selection, careful painting, using different materials. Knows Dymkovo and Filimonov toys; does not know how to decorate the silhouettes of toys with elements of Dymkovo and Filimonov painting.

Holds scissors correctly and knows how to cut straight and diagonally with them; cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners.

Personal attention to each student, priority of the child’s interests - these are the principles state standard education and tasks that an individual is called upon to solve educational route preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Program preschool education, aimed at the average student, may be too difficult for some children, and for others, more capable ones, an insufficient motivator for further development. AND individual educational route for a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution(IOM) is an example of a new methodology that involves organizing the learning process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the personal qualities of each of the students.

IOM determines the factors of a child’s intellectual and social-personal development. Compiled by preschool educational institutions specialists in the form step-by-step plan indicating the goals, objectives, pedagogical resources used, methodological techniques and learning outcomes according to the individual educational program.


Along with compiling an IOM, the question of opening an inclusive group often arises in preschool educational institutions. In the magazine “Directory of the Director of a Preschool Institution” you will find everything you need
Download the package of documents

Goals and principles of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Individualization of education smoothes out the discrepancy between the level established by the general education program and the objective capabilities of the child. IOM is the management of the comprehensive development of the baby and the realization of his personal potential, based on a detailed study inner world preschool child and his social environment. This is a demonstration of the effectiveness of the partnership between teacher, student and parents.

The operating principle of IOM is adaptation pedagogical technologies and methods to the child’s personal qualities. The educational process will be successful provided that the difficulties that a preschooler may experience and the pace of mastering knowledge and skills are taken into account.

The goal of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is to create motivation and favorable conditions for the child to be active, to reveal his intelligence, emotions, physical and creative potential.

The task of preschool teachers is the qualified development of IOM with the assistance of specialized specialists, with the selection of teaching methods that meet the individual needs of a preschooler, and the preparation of adequate loads - educational, physical, psychological.

The main criteria that determine the strategic directions of IOM:

  • objectively established level of development of a preschooler;
  • the degree of readiness of the child for the educational process;
  • goals and objectives of individual activities for the near future.

The program is coordinated with the capabilities of a particular preschool educational institution, the provisions of the state order, and the wishes of the parents.

The fundamental principles for developing an educational route are strict adherence to the interests of children, rejection of average standards, and continuity of qualified pedagogical support at all planned stages.

The main objectives of the individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • support for the child’s self-development and mastery of the educational program of the preschool educational institution;
  • formation of the ability to learn - understanding the educational task, planning activities, concentrating, developing self-discipline;
  • development and improvement of coordination of movements and motor skills;
  • formation and consolidation of the foundations of behavior - everyday, communicative, general cultural;
  • accustoming a preschooler to various types of activities - sensory, object-manipulative, playful, practical;
  • speech development – speech structures and mechanisms;
  • the formation of concepts and ideas about the natural environment and the sphere of social relations, about the categories of time, quantity, space.

The implementation of the IOM provides for regular monitoring of the level of mastery of the material by each student.

As a methodological tool for passing individual route are used:

  • outdoor and role-playing games, sketches-improvisations, exercises-dialogues and conversations, literary readings and discussion of works;
  • game exercises and psychological trainings for relaxation, reducing anxiety, fears, aggression, to improve behavioral and social-communicative skills;
  • exercises on imagination, thinking, memory;
  • various areas of art therapy - treatment with art and crafts.

The individual educational route of a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is systematically adjusted based on the results of intermediate and final control. This allows us to determine the key directions for subsequent lessons in order to meet the individual needs of the child and the successful development of his personal qualities.

Types and directions of educational routes in preschool educational institutions

IOM programs are developed for children:

  • with health restrictions - HIA;
  • gifted, with level intellectual development above average regulatory standards;
  • experiencing difficulties in mastering the general education program and needing correctional support from specialists.

The relevance of individual educational routes for preschoolers with disabilities is justified in the format of inclusive education according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Because in the process of joint learning it allows you to remove barriers between students belonging to different health groups.

Individual correctional route for a preschooler with disabilities

The IOM of a preschooler with health limitations is compiled based on the results of diagnostic studies, taking into account the qualified recommendations of the PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical council). The principle of developing an educational route for people with disabilities is maintaining the child’s strengths and reasoned compensation for developmental defects.

When compiling, take into account:

  • limits of permissible loads for a child;
  • the presence of special correctional and developmental programs in the preschool educational institution;
  • features of individual psychological and pedagogical correction;
  • the possibility of adjusting the current educational route.

Gifted children also need differential teaching and a personal approach to each of them. If such preschool children are taught according to a standard program, they quickly lose interest in the educational process and, accordingly, motivation. This can only be avoided if the teacher promptly identifies gifted children in the group and develops an educational strategy taking into account their characteristics.

When drawing up an individual educational route for gifted preschoolers, the following are taken into account:

  • characteristics and interests of the child;
  • parents' wishes;
  • existing potential to achieve results;
  • opportunities and resources of preschool educational institutions to meet the needs of a gifted child.

The participation of parents in the preparation and implementation of the route is very important, since the methodology used in kindergarten, should continue at home.

All children are born with certain abilities that require special attention and constant improvement. A preschool institution, as the first social institution in a child’s life, is called upon to play main role in this development.

What is required to create an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The creation of an IOM is preceded by a detailed and qualified diagnostic study in order to identify the behavioral characteristics of the child, his level of development - intellectual, psycho-emotional, social-communicative and physical.

The research results are reviewed at the preschool educational institution's teachers' council, which makes recommendations for further examination of children by specialists from the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. The council, in turn, compiles a list of preschoolers for whom an individual educational plan is an objective necessity.

Preparatory research activities carried out in the following directions:

  1. A characteristics of the child is compiled indicating the speed and degree of adaptation in children's community and transfer preschool institutions, whose pupil he had previously been.
  2. A family profile is compiled based on the results of a careful study of the relationships between all members and especially between the child and parents.
  3. The physical characteristics of the baby are studied - posture, gait, facial expressions. The level of physical development and health group are determined. Appetite and sleep characteristics are noted.
  4. The level of development of thinking, memory, attention and speech is determined.
  5. Propensities for certain types of activities are identified in order to subsequently use the obtained data in the educational process.

According to data obtained as a result of preparatory research, teachers, in collaboration with relevant specialists, think through the diagnostic and meaningful content of the IOM. Compiled calendar plan, which describes the stages of organizational and pedagogical work and pedagogical technologies.

The structure of a preschooler’s IOM and a sample of filling out according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The structure of the educational route contains the following components:

  • target – defining goals in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • meaningful – systematic presentation educational subjects and recommended activities;
  • technological – the composition of the pedagogical methods, technologies and techniques used;
  • diagnostic – diagnostic methods used;
  • organizational and pedagogical – methods and conditions for achieving specified goals;
  • effective – the final results of a preschooler’s development by the time he enters first grade.

The individual route contains introductory part With general information about the pupil and his family, indicating the reasons, goals and objectives of the development of the IOM. The schedule and form of classes are also presented here.

Data from diagnostic studies are recorded and used for in-depth analysis of developmental disorders, compiling an objective assessment of the child’s level of development and planning correctional activities.

Sample of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Attached is a schedule of therapeutic and recreational activities, which provides for the correct distribution of physical activity and the systematics of hardening procedures.

The plan for individual lessons as part of the IOM provides for the mandatory integration of the individual route with the general educational activities of the institution.

A mandatory component of the IOM is a map of the individual development path of a child in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard and a report on its implementation indicating the topic, content of activities, results of classes, with final conclusions and recommendations.

Sample map of a child’s individual development route in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The observation sheet shows the dynamics educational process. This is necessary to make timely adjustments to the educational plan, to determine the optimal forms of work in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a preschooler.

The IOM presents the final assessment of the child’s achievements in mastering the personal educational plan and the results of intermediate control tests at the end of thematic blocks. The final point of the individual route is recommendations and qualified consultations to help parents.

The joint productive work of the teacher, preschooler, and parents, aimed at the full implementation of IOM, is the key to positive dynamics in the intellectual, socio-psychological, and physical development of the child. Such activities require the teacher to have a high level of qualifications and efficiency, and a personal interest in good results.

Individual educational routes for children

junior group "KAPITOSHKI"

Explanatory note

Development and implementation of an individual educational route for a preschooler

In practice, the process of training and education is mainly focused on average level child development, therefore not every pupil can fully realize their potential. This poses the task for educators, speech therapists, and psychologists of preschool educational institutions to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (hereinafter referred to as IOM).

An individual educational route is a personal way to realize the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training.

The main goal of drawing up an individual educational route (IER):

This is the creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschool children and their social and personal development.

Tasks for the social and personal development of the child:

  • Create a favorable subject-development environment for social development child;
  • Organize unified system the work of the administration, teaching staff, medical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents on the social and personal development of the child;
  • Improve the style of communication between the teacher and the child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve the respect and trust of the student;
  • Create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children;
  • Create a feeling in a child self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms (the right to have own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at your own discretion)

The individual educational route is determined by:

government order;

the needs and requests of parents;

individual functional capabilities and level of development of pupils;

possibilities of the preschool educational institution;

Individual educational routes are developed:

For children who do not master basic general education program preschool education;

For children with disabilities, disabled children.

For children with high intellectual development.

An individual educational route includes the main directions:

  • development of general and fine motor skills;
  • development of cultural-hygienic and communicative-social skills;
  • formation of the child’s activities (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, objective-practical, playful, productive), which include modeling, appliqué, drawing) and other types of productive activities.
  • speech development (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);
  • formation of ideas about the environment ( objective world and social relations);
  • formation of ideas about space, time

Methods used in the work:

  • Conversations, games, activities, reading fiction, sketches aimed at getting to know various emotions and feelings, with “magic” means of understanding;
  • Games, exercises and trainings that promote the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (developing communication skills and improving relationships with others, relieving fears and increasing self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening negative emotions)
  • Activities, games and exercises for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);
  • Art therapy techniques (puppet therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy);
  • Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, torso, arms, legs, etc.)

When developing an individual route, we rely on the following principles:

The principle of relying on the child’s learning ability,

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. Another name for it is “on the child’s side.” Those educators must treat the child and his problems objectively! Always be on the child's side!

The principle of close interaction and coordination of the work of a “team” of specialists in the course of studying the level of development of a child (phenomenon, situation);

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

The principle of refusal of average rationing. The implementation of this principle involves avoiding a direct evaluative approach when conducting a diagnostic examination of the child’s level of development.

The principle of relying on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Based on the analysis of the literature we studied, several stages of constructing an individual educational route were identified.

Novikov Nikita Andreevich

Last name, first name of the child: Novikov Nikita

Age: 3 years


1 week Assignment:

1 week Walk

"What is missing?"

Expected result

Individual educational route for a child

Ivanov Denis Alexandrovich

Last name, first name of the child: Ivanov Denis

Age: 3.3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: Speech delays, communication problems

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Assignment:

Help the teacher choose a book to read Working with “Kolobok” plasticine

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your lockerFinger gymnastics “Finger - boy”

Week 2 Assignment: Find your own shoes in the waiting room before going out. Did. Game “Guess Whose Voice” Help the teacher count the children and note who is missing Recommend to parents a list of games for speech development

Week 3 Name the items needed for GCD drawing. Palm drawing “Beautiful flower” Finger game“Palms - palms” Recommend articulation gymnastics, according to age

Week 4 Get ready for bed on your own and find your crib Did. Game “Who Screams How” Exercise “Show How a Kitten Laps Milk” Game “Visit Us”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site” Display of the poster “Pets” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body facial expressions Communication game “Tender Name” Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten..

Week 3 Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in front of the whole group Ex. For lips “Needle” Finger gymnastics “Cabbage” Repeat exercise for lips “Needle”

Week 4 Clean up the drawing corner Work with visual material

"What is missing?" Did. Game "Buttons and bows" Game for attention

"What is missing?"

1 week Learn to collect toys while walking Finger painting “Clouds” Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag” Consultation “ Correct speech parents both in the family and outside the home"

Week 2 Finger gymnastics “Fingers” Didactic game “Toys” Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

Week 3 Tour of the kindergarten Drawing “Flowers” ​​(poke) Articulation gymnastics “Frog” Drawing together “Mom, dad, me - a friendly family”

Week 4 We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly. Did. Game “Professions” Plasticineography “Tender Sun” Repetition of different professions

Expected result

  1. Development of fine motor skills of fingers.
  2. Improvement oral speech child, the ability to pronounce words correctly.
  3. Development of communication skills.
  4. Development of sensory perception of the surrounding world.

Individual educational route for a child

Malinko Matvey Andreevich

Last name, first name of the child: Malinko Matvey

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


Did. Game "Come to me."

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

1 week Walk

Homework: “Let’s think, watch, play...”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Expected results:

Individual educational route for a child

Povazhny Timofey Nikolaevich

Last name, first name of the child: Povazhny Timofey

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game “Away at Lyalya’s”

Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Here I am!”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov's fairy tale Bedtime Tale 7, Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." .Game "Centipede". Consultation “Friendly family”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”.

Game “Let’s collect toys.” Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite” Prepare for bed independently. Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz"

Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”.

Communication game “Tender Name”. Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”. Game "Pass the bell". Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Who Sings What?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet” Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime. game “Who came to visit us?”

Game "Doll Katya sings and dances."

Game "Come and visit us"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Clean up the corner for board games Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep”

Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Did. game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have

Farewell ritual Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Mental enhancement, physical level children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Individual educational route for a child

Bondar Polina Andreevna

Last name, first name of the child: Bondar Polina

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: Lag in speech development, problems with communication.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Walk

“What has changed on the street with the arrival of autumn”

Presentation about animals "Who's Who"

Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk” Game “Visit us.”

Week 2 Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your lockerFinger gymnastics “My Family”

Week 3 Recitation of A. Barto’s poem “Bull” in front of the whole group Did. Game “Who Screams How” Finger game “Hide and Seek”

Week 4 Get ready for bed independently and find your crib Drawing with your palm “Cheerful octopuses” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”, “The bunny was mistaken for a wolf” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”

1 week Assignment:

Help the teacher choose a book to read Working with plasticine “Octopuses”

Week 2 Assignment: Find your own shoes in the waiting room before going out. Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body facial expressions Communication game “Tender Name” Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten..

Name the items needed for GCD drawing.Ex. For lips “Needle” Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

Week 4 Clean up the drawing corner Work with visual material

"What is missing?" Did. Game "Buttons and bows" Game for attention

"What is missing?"

1 week Learn to collect toys while walking Finger painting “Tender sun” Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag” Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

Week 2 Finger gymnastics “Fingers” Articulation gymnastics “Frog” Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

Week 3 Tour of the kindergarten Drawing “Flowers” ​​(tamponing) Did. Game “Toys” Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

Week 4 We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly. Did. Game “Profession”, Articulation gymnastics “Proboscis” Plasticineography “Tender Sun”

Individual educational route for a child

Markin Mikhail

Last name, first name of the child: Markin Mikhail

Age: 3 years

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Friendly family”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede". Consultation "Here I come!"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz". Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own. Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”. Game “Gathering toys”. Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game “Pass the Bell.” Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”. Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Who sings what?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”. Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?” Game “Katya the doll sings and dances.” Game “Come to visit us”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have. Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep” Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Farewell ritual Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Odinokova Daria Alexandrovna

Last name, first name of the child: Daria Odinokova

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Friendly family”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede". Consultation "Here I come!"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz". Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own. Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”. Game “Gathering toys”. Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game “Pass the Bell.” Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”. Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Who sings what?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”. Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?” Game “Katya the doll sings and dances.” Game “Come to visit us”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have. Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep” Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Farewell ritual Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Lunev Makar Dmitrievich

Last name, first name of the child: Lunev Makar

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Friendly family”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede". Consultation "Here I come!"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz". Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own. Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”. Game “Gathering toys”. Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game “Pass the Bell.” Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”. Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Who sings what?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”. Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?” Game “Katya the doll sings and dances.” Game “Come to visit us”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have. Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep” Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Farewell ritual Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Molchanov Grigory

Last name, first name of the child: Grigory Molchanov

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: Lag in speech development, problems with communication.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Assignment:

Help the teacher choose a book to read Working with salt dough “Octopuses”

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your lockerFinger gymnastics “My Family”

Week 2 Assigned: Find your own shoes in the reception area before the walk. Did. Game “Who Screams How” Help the teacher count the children and note who is missing Recommend to parents a list of games for speech development

Week 3 Name the items needed for GCD drawing. Palm drawing “Funny Octopuses” Finger game “Hide and Seek”

Week 4 Get ready for bed on your own and find your crib Did. Game “Who Screams How” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”, “The bunny was mistaken for a wolf” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site” Presentation about animals “Who is who” Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk” Game “Visit us.”

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body facial expressions Communication game “Tender Name” Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten..

Week 3 Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in front of the whole group Ex. For lips “Needle” Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

Week 4 Clean up the drawing corner Work with visual material

"What is missing?" Did. Game "Buttons and bows" Game for attention

"What is missing?"

1 week Learn to collect toys while walking Finger painting “Tender sun” Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag” Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

Week 2 Finger gymnastics “Fingers” Articulation gymnastics “Frog” Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

Week 3 Tour of the kindergarten Drawing “Flowers” ​​(tamponing) Did. Game “Toys” Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

Week 4 We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly. Did. Game “Profession”, Articulation gymnastics “Proboscis” Plasticineography “Tender Sun”

Expected result

  1. Development of fine motor skills of fingers.
  2. Improving the child’s oral speech, the ability to pronounce words correctly.
  3. Development of communication skills.
  4. Development of sensory perception of the surrounding world

F.I. – child Maxim K.

Forms of work – additional and individual lessons.

Accompanying teacher - educator.


Date of completion: 09/20/2016.

Date of birth: November 30, 2008

preschool educational institution kindergarten No.... g B.... MBDOU type group average.

Group type: mixed age.

Duration of stay in this preschool educational institution 4 months

At what age did you enter: 4 years.

Where did it come from: from family, from another preschool educational institution (change of residence) on August 15 at middle group 2016 “Little Bunnies”.

Assessment of a child’s adaptation in a group: a) good; b) satisfactory; c) insufficient; d) poor: satisfactory adaptation: the child did not experience difficulties in communicating with adults or peers, but his emotional state was poor (crying all day, disrupted daytime sleep). Adaptation lasted 3 weeks.

Physical condition of the child:

Formation of movements: appropriate for age, coordination of movements is not sufficiently developed, confidence in performing measured movements, high speed, average level of dexterity; has difficulty performing movements following verbal instructions.

Fatigue The child is quite resilient, but not assiduous, actively performs tasks for a set time, high fatigue is rarely observed.

Motor status:

The leading hand is right.

Precision of movements: there is poor coordination of fingers and hands, insufficiently developed fine motor skills (cannot fasten and unfasten buttons, fasteners, untie and tie shoelaces, cut with scissors in a straight line, in a circle);

Working on a sheet of paper: does not orientate himself on a sheet of paper, has developed the skill of holding a pencil, colors without going beyond the boundaries, does not know how to make closed figures (circle, square).

Features of the cognitive sphere:

Cognitive interests, curiosity: the child has an optimal level of development of cognitive activity, high curiosity.

Peculiarities of attention: has difficulty concentrating, but quickly switches attention to tasks proposed by adults; shows interest in tasks, copes with the support of an adult, and is in a hurry.

Formation of perception and visual-effective thinking.

- High interest in any activity, active position in research activities.

There is high activity; low: dedication, independence, patience, ability to listen and assimilate information received; does not finish everything he starts.

Productivity in work and learning: with the help of modeling, appliqué, drawing, he can express his impressions of the world around him, a positive attitude towards it, productive activity is creative in nature. Shows average results in training.

The perception of size and shape of color knows and shows primary colors, knows and correctly shows some geometric shapes, correlates objects relative to size without errors.

There is an accurate and meaningful perception, an understanding of the main thing in what is perceived.

The ability to compare objects in order to identify similarities and differences (builds generalizations based on insignificant signs; establishes with difficulty or easily); the child is able to differentiate objects by signs only by showing, but cannot say.

The level of generalization is acceptable: knows how to classify objects, does not use generalizing words.

Unable to complete tasks on his own, asks for approval.

Memory Features:

Predominant type of memory (visual, auditory, motor, mixed);

High speed of memorization, stable memory;

He remembers, but cannot say.

Features of speech.

A good understanding of the speech addressed to him not only at the everyday level, but also in organized classes.

- low activity of verbal cooperation with adults, carries out assignments, understands and follows basic instructions.

Sound pronunciation is unclear, pronounces only individual syllables.

Can't write simple and complex sentences different types, does not name words in a sentence in sequence.

Does not know how to compose a story based on a plot picture, a series of pictures, does not analyze texts at an accessible level; does not combine descriptive and narrative monologues.

Presence of stuttering: none.

Elementary mathematical representations:

Mechanical recalculation within 5, using display;

Knows and is able to correlate each subsequent number with an object;

The ability to correlate a given number of objects with the number of fingers or other objects, with a number;

Can select a given number of objects from a set;

Counting operations: cannot solve problems involving addition, subtraction, cannot find how much more, how much less, due to lack of speech;

Understands, but does not use the concepts in speech: one/many, how many/so many, big/small, equally, more/less, more by/less by.

The formation of the child’s ideas about himself and his immediate environment:

The child has ideas about social groups and communities (family, neighbors, group, but cannot talk about himself or his family, does not know his place of residence (city, town, street, house).

Temporal concepts understands time, with the help of an adult identifies and records and determines the parts of the day, the time of year.

Peculiarities play activity.

Actions with toys are not always focused on the properties and purpose of toys. There is an unstable interest in games and toys. Fuzzy and inaccurate implementation of game actions and rules.

Games have a plot, sometimes there is a logical chain of actions, does not follow his role to the end, uses substitute objects, and game actions are not accompanied by speech.

Able to obey game rules.

Features of constructive and visual activities.

The child does not know how to create a drawing, he does not know how to create a structure, a structure based on a model, he acts according to verbal instructions; knows how and loves to create a product collectively.

Orients itself in space, the choice of shape and color corresponds to the sample.

He knows how to play with the construction, but cannot explain the drawing.

Personality characteristics.

Always active, open, balanced, friendly, easy to make contact with, the need for communication is high.

Low regard for oneself, careful attitude towards one's health, always neat.

Reacts adequately to comments, listens, tries to correct the situation, experiences positive emotions with approval and praise and does not hide them.

The adequacy of relationships with relatives, peers, and other people, a sense of affection, love, kindness, and a tendency to come to the rescue and protect others are expressed.

Self-care skills: knows how to independently use toiletries, wash his face, wash his hands, dresses, undresses, puts on shoes independently, uses a spoon, fork, knows how to clean his own things and bed. Can't tie or untie shoelaces.

I assure you: the head of the preschool educational institution.

Individual educational route for a child requiring special attention for the 2016-2017 school year.

For the student: Maxim K.

Child's age: 5 years.

Direction of development work Forms of work
Speech development
Development of general motor skills, development of static and dynamic organization of movements Special exercises without speech accompaniment
Development of voluntary motor skills of the fingers Finger games accompanied by poems and nursery rhymes

Self-massage of hands

Development phonemic hearing and skills language analysis and synthesis Work on three-, four- and five-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure (dinosaur, thermometer, intersection, temperature) and introducing them into sentences. Continue to work on clear diction
Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech Activate the dictionary based on systematization and generalization of knowledge about the environment on lexical topics: “Trees”, “Berry”, “Mushrooms”, “Birds”.

Work on complex words, unchangeable words, antonym words.

Improve your skills in writing and using proposals.

Development of spatiotemporal concepts Reinforce concepts about seasons and days of the week
Formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size) Improve recognition and conversion skills geometric shapes
Development of auditory attention and memory Work on developing auditory attention
Artistic and aesthetic development
Formation of the correct transmission of melody in songs with musical accompaniment Working on performing a song with a complex rhythm and wide range; over light sound.

"Autumn" music. Yu. Zabutova, lyrics. V. Andreeva;

“Picking mushrooms” music. etc. I.V. Smaller ones;

“Everything is fine” music. B. Savelyeva, lyrics. A. Khaita

D/i “Sing the names of friends” (improvisation) “Bird and chicks”, “Whose house?”, “Where are my kids?” “Steps”, “Find the right bell”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Loud and Quiet Binge”, “Loud and Quiet Bells”.

Development of musical, rhythmic expressive movements in dances, exercises, games Exercises to develop skills:

Various pitches;

Independently performing exercises with objects;

Maintaining posture, hands;

“round dance step” r.n.m. “And I’m in the meadow”;

“fractional step” r.n.m. "Oh, you, canopy"

“Exercises with leaves and umbrellas” by E. Tilicheeva.

Coordination and movement games- singing, tapping, clapping, saying in the rhythm of “Little Lamb”, “I was sitting on the rug”, “Winter”.

Plastic game intonation - the performing participation of the arms, body, head tilts when recreating the pulse of a musical work, its tempo, rhythm: if the music is loud, the range of movements is large, if the music fades, a small amplitude of movements appears. “Brave Rider”, “March of the Wooden Soldiers”, “Droplets”, “Little Mice”.

Development of skills to recognize works, name 2-3 authors, favorite books, present their contents Creation of a developmental environment. Design of book exhibitions on the following topics: “I love this book!”, “Books are celebrants of anniversaries,” “Writers are celebrants of anniversaries,” “The most fabulous writer,” “My favorite book!”, “Different books are needed, all kinds of books are important.”

“Work with the hands brings joy to the heart” - making appliqués, modeling “From the pages of your favorite works”;

repair of “sick” books in the book corner “Knizhkina Hospital”.

board games “Collect and guess”, “Correct the mistake”, puzzles “Russian folk tales”,

Usage theatrical activities in work to master the content of works.

Development of skills to read poetry expressively speech game “Highlight the main thing in a sentence”; “Come up with a rhyme”, etc.

Articulation exercises,

Development of skills to create individual and collective drawings, decorative compositions; use different materials Exercises for drawing objects various shapes, signet printing; decorating objects with a simple pattern (a strip of dots), using finger painting.

Didactic games “What went wrong?”, “Let’s decorate a scarf”, “Find the same one”.

Series of classes

"Edible Kingdom"

(phytodesign using applique technique)

Drawing carpets on the wall; rug on the floor; beautiful napkins on the table, using the right to choose the embodiment technique;

Involvement in the creation of scenery for theater shows.

Development of skills to sculpt various objects Use of modeling in special moments; involvement in the production of objects from plasticine, dough for general games “Shop”, “Pharmacy”, “Cafe”, “Let’s feed the animals”.

Making gifts using plasticine.

Modeling characters for a theater show.

Cognitive development
Development of the ability to close spaces by arranging planar figures; the ability to understand an adult, think, and find one’s own solutions.

Design based on the teacher's model


Exercises to master spatial concepts“right-left”, “closer-further”, “in front-behind”: “Where, what is it?”, “Where are you hiding?”, “Where is the toy hidden”, “Find the same picture”, etc.

Working with the illustration “Rocket” (other objects). Designing a rocket of your choice.

Model a given rocket from the “Constructor”, then come up with your own models.

Game “Build the same one”.

Design according to the conditions of “fences”.

Games and exercises for distinguishing and correctly naming primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle): “Color lotto”, “Dressing up the dolls”, “Shopping at the store”, “ Make a bouquet”, “Find a couple”.

Work according to the template. Modeling. D/i "Tangram". Making a square from a set of geometric shapes. D/i for assembling a simple figure from ready-made parts - parts; for modification - transformation of the figure; for division given figure into component parts.

Recreating figures using contour samples

Didactic game - task. “How many squares?”

Social and communicative development
To promote the development and education of the desire to comply with basic rules in everyday life, on the street, on the roads, in public places Situational conversations during the day about basic rules of behavior.

Theatrical activity: acting out situations.

Solving problem situations.

Developing the ability to negotiate with partners what you will play, who will be who in the game; obey the rules of the game. Conversations about a person’s attitude to his profession, household duties using pictures depicting people’s relationships. Questions: Who is pictured? What does mom do? Does mom love her son? How did you know this?

Didactic games-activities, plot-didactic games (“Toy Store”, “Cookware Store”, etc.), simulation games, sketch games.

Conversations at the game concept stage (about the plot, roles, actions, game attributes). Questions: What do you want to play? Who will be who? What will you do? How will you help each other? What do you need to play?

Inclusion in the plot of the game of extreme situations (accident, fire), requiring the manifestation of moral personality traits.

Encouraging children to develop self-esteem through play (What kind of dad were you?)

Introduction to work, tasks to carry out assignments.

D/i "Trick-Truck", Board - printed didactic games for revealing labor processes.

Theatrical activities to develop an emotional response to the experiences of characters in fairy tales, cartoons, and plays.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 15 "Chamomile" of a general developmental type with priority implementation activities in the physical direction of children's development" MBDOU No. 15 "Romashka"

Developed by PMPk

MBDOU No. 15 “Chamomile”

Protocol No._______

"___" ___________20___



"___" ______________20___

I affirm:

Head of MBDOU No. 15 "Romashka"


"___" _______________20___

Individual educational route

Shirokova Artema

for the 2018 – 2019 academic year. year

Explanatory note:

Shirokov Artem Maksimovich

Date of Birth: 09/07/2013

Age: 5 years

Group: senior group general developmental focus No. 9 “Rowan”

Date of admission to preschool educational institution : September 15, 2016Yes

Maintenance period: from September 2018

Family: full, 2 children

Mother:Tat `yana Aleksandrovna

dad:Maxim Vyacheslavovich

Health group, previous diseases: 3 health group, ARVI; otitis; sinusitis; umbilical hernia; V. Smallpox; allergic dermatitis.

Based on the results of the PMPC, the following features were identified: Irregular deficiency cognitive activity. The level of training is insufficient. Partial underdevelopment of higher mental functions of mixed type. ONR (III). Dysarthria.


FULL NAME. Khudyakova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Konysheva Oksana Viktorovna


FULL NAME. Strelkovskaya Olga Nikolaevna – teacher - defectologist

FULL NAME. Kopyeva Tamara Mikhailovna – teacher speech therapist

FULL NAME. Maryasova Galina Aleksandrovna – teacher - psychologist

a brief description of:

Artem has obvious problems in mastering the preschool educational program. General speech underdevelopment (III) level with a dysarthric component. Sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of words, grammatical structure and coherent speech are impaired. Active and passive vocabulary does not correspond to age norms.Low cognitive interest in the surrounding world. Weak levelprimary ideas about the basic properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (quantity, number, part and whole, space and time). Sensory standards (shape, color, size) are in the process of formation. Performs actions according to the sample. Mechanical counting.During classes, Artem is inactive, has scattered attention, and does not always understand what is being asked. Practical tasks tries to do it on his own, but fails due to gaps in knowledge. Doesn't ask for help, but accepts it. Speech activity is low. The vocabulary is poor, it is difficult to compose a story based on a picture, phonemic hearing suffers. Memory is weak. He remembers short texts when repeated many times. Short stories, remembers songs partially. When singing in a choir, he sings along in a quiet voice.Does not highlight significant features when generalizing objects, makes comparison difficult. Knowledge, skills and abilities are not sufficiently developed. Does not regulate the pressure on a pencil or plasticine, and makes it difficult to use scissors.

Inattention andfrequent absences due to illness , make it difficult to digest the program material. The stock of knowledge about the world around us is poor. It is difficult to name the signs of the season; he makes mistakes when orienting himself in space and on a sheet of paper. Answers questions hesitantly and in monosyllables. Emotionally balanced. There is always a friendly smile on his face, he communicates only when necessary with children and adults. Not conflicting. Plays friendly with children and obeys their rules. Loves to play with cars and have fun with boys for company. Enjoys playing outdoor games, but does not like to play with board games. If the teacher sits him down at the table and offers him a game, he plays for a short time, without interest. Does not require constant monitoring and repeated repetition of adult demands.

Target: create conditions for the child to successfully master the adapted educational program of the preschool educational institution and successfully adapt to society.


    Creating conditions for a child with mental retardation to stay in a general development group

    Development of all components of the speech system

    Development and formation of cognitive processes

    Development of the emotional-volitional sphere

    Development of motor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands

Contents of the individual educational route

Educational component:

- Form of training full-time, group and individual

Work in general mode.

Individual approach during the educational process.

The use of motor, visual and speech physical education during classes.

Joint games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Individual curriculum:

Strengthening educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development” and “Socio-communicative development”.

The educational area “Social and communicative development” has been strengthened at:

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

Forming the ability to recognize the emotions of others, the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;

Becoming independent, focused and self-regulating one’s own actions;

Formation of the ability to accept and maintain the rules in the game and learning situation;

Forming the ability to act with verbal and visual instructions.

The educational area “Speech Development” has been strengthened in:

Formation and development of lexical grammatical structure speeches

Formation sound-letter analysis and word synthesis

Formation of correct sound pronunciation

Formation phonemic awareness

Formation syllable structure words

The educational area “Cognitive Development” is strengthened in:

Formation of sustainable cognitive interest;

Formation of temporal and spatial representations;

Development of ideas about objects and objects of the surrounding reality;

Developing skills of exclusion and generalization, analysis and synthesis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

In the afternoon, individual lessons on completing assignments from specialists.

Physical Culture


on the street

2/25 min.

1/25 min.

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

3/25 min. p.gr. (V).

Familiarization with the outside world and speech development (integrated course)

Educational field "Speech development"

Speech development

2/25 min. (teacher speech therapist)

Preparing for literacy

2/25 min. (teacher - defectologist)

Introduction to fiction

1/25 min. (teacher - defectologist)

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"


2/25 min.

Applique, modeling (alternate every week)


Design, art. labor (alternate weekly)

1/25 min.


2/25 min.

Social and communicative development of children is carried out in educational activities during regime moments, in joint and independent play activities, in the family.



Individual sessions

Teacher - psychologist

2/15 min.

Teacher speech therapist

3/15 min.

Teacher - defectologist

2/15 min.


2/15 min.

Corrective component:

Psychological – pedagogical support

(individual curriculum)


Main directions

Mode and forms of work

Development dynamics indicators

Performance Evaluation Forms

Forms of work with parents


1. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking.

2. Development of ideas about oneself, objects and objects of the surrounding reality.

3. Development of all components of speech.

4. Development of temporal and spatial concepts.

5. Development of counting and arithmetic skills.

6. Formation of analysis and synthesis skills, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

7. Development of fine motor skills.

8. Formation of graphic skills.

Group classes:

Monday Tuesday




Individual sessions:



Ideas about seasonal changes in nature, objects and objects of the surrounding reality have been formed.

Performs tasks to find patterns, analysis and synthesis, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Knows and names vowel and consonant sounds, denotes their characteristics, selects words for a given sound.

Answers questions about the work read, composes descriptive stories and stories from personal experience.

Performs graphic tasks.

Examination of the level of cognitive, speech and mental development.

Consultations, individual conversations,

workshops, attending classes,

survey, production

Educational psychologist

1. Development of attention and memory

2. Development of spatial thinking.

3. Development of visual perception.

4. Development of fine motor skills and graphomotor skills.

Individual sessions:



Group classes:


Positive dynamics in development. Persistent cognitive interest high level motivation. Synthesizes a picture from 4-6 parts without relying on a sample using the method of targeted samples. The level of development of short-term and long-term memory is high. Steady attention, high concentration, holds instructions and retains them until the end of tasks, switches from one type of activity to another, distributes them according to several criteria. Classifies objects into categories, according to a given criterion, generalizes. The level of exclusion and generalization operations has been formed. Establishes cause-and-effect, spatio-temporal relationships. Spatial thinking is formed. Temporal and spatial representations have been formed. Ideas about social and everyday orientation have been formed. The level of development of fine motor skills is average.

Examination of the level of cognitive and mental development.

Individual consultations, attending classes, questioning, making consultations, recommendations for the group corner.

Teacher speech therapist

1. Develop mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

2. Continue automating the correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

3. Pronunciation of words accessible by syllabic class based on visual cues.

4. Consolidate knowledge about vowels and consonants and their characteristics.

5. Strengthen ideas about the hardness and softness of consonant sounds. Practice differentiating sounds by hardness and softness.

6. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis words like poppy, wasp, forest.

7. Form a correct idea of ​​the difference between sounds and letters. Introduce new letters.

8. Systematize knowledge, expand understanding on all lexical topics.

9.Improve the ability to form and use singular and singular nouns in speech plural. Continue working on learning to agree adjectives with nouns. Improve the ability to coordinate the numerals two and five with nouns.

10. Strengthen the ability to correctly use simple and complex prepositions in speech.

Individual sessions:




Group classes:



Positive dynamics in development.

Whistling and hissing sounds are set and automated. L, R sonors have been supplied and are in the automation stage.

Performs sound analysis simple words from three to four sounds;

Distinguishes vowels and consonants by ear; Distinguishes consonants by softness and hardness by ear. The vocabulary within the lexical topics studied has increased;

Graphic skills are developed within normal limits.

Has difficulty finding antonym words.

Examination of the level of speech development

Notebooks with homework. Consultations, attending classes, workshops. Accommodation in parent's corner recommendations on speech development, as well as on lexical topics

Educational component:


Formation and expansion of the stock of knowledge, abilities, skills, ideas about the world around us and social reality.


Create conditions for expanding children’s understanding of the world around them, developing observation and curiosity;

Form generalized ideas about objects and phenomena, the ability to establish simple connections between them;

Replenish and activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their immediate environment;

Continue learning to identify and name the location of an object (left, right, next to, around, between...);

Promote the development of emotional and volitional qualities of the individual: organization, activity, concentration;

Learn to tell: describe an object, a picture; practice writing stories based on pictures.

Frequency of classes: 2 times per week

Duration: 15 minutes

Structure of an individual lesson:

1. Organizing time

2. Surprise moment: motivation to practice

3. Main work:

Articulation and finger gymnastics;

Speech exercises;

Word game;

Didactic board and printed game.

4. Summary of the lesson: analysis of the child’s lesson, a minute of communication, what you liked, what caused difficulties, and what was difficult.


areas, content




Forms, techniques

and working methods

Selection of didactic exercises



Social and communicative development

Development of gaming activities;

Development of plot-role play;

Participation in didactic and theatrical games;

Introduction to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;

Formation of gender, family and civic affiliation to the world community (image of “I”, family, kindergarten, home country);

Development of labor activity (self-service, household work, work in nature);

Formation of ideas about the work of adults, its role in social life and the life of every person;

Formation of the foundations of safe life;

Safety rules traffic; formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness

1. Develop the ability to agree with partners on what and how to play, about the rules of the game, and obey these rules of the game.

2. To develop the ability to develop the content of the game depending on the number of children playing.

3. Develop the ability to explain the rules of the game to peers.

4. To develop the ability to have several roles in creative experience, played in performances in kindergarten and in the home theater.

5. Develop the ability to design your performance using a variety of materials (attributes, improvised material, crafts).

6. Continue to develop the ability to independently dress, undress, fold, put away clothes, dry wet things, and care for shoes. Perform the duties of a cafeteria attendant.

7. To develop the ability to maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area. Carry out tasks for caring for plants in a corner of nature.

8. To develop the ability to observe basic rules of behavior in kindergarten, on the street and in transport, to observe basic traffic rules.

9. Develop the ability to distinguish between types of special transport, know its purpose, understand the meaning of traffic lights, some road signs, parts of the road.

10. Develop the ability to observe basic rules of behavior in nature and treat nature with care.

1. Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, design, visual, musical, motor.

Interaction with the family to implement the assigned correctional, educational, educational tasks.

Games, exercises “Listen to the clapping”, “Magic transformations”, “What is heard”, “Four elements”,

"Hot Ball", "Shapes",

"Fly of butterfly",

“Mirror”, “My extraordinary camera”, “Who will be who”.

Story-based role-playing games

“Shop”, “Hospital”, “Builders”, “Cafe”, “Zoo”, “Circus”.

In the process of developing self-service skills, cultural and hygienic skills in various types of work.

Work assignments.

Exercise game "Dangerous items."

Conversations about good and bad behavior, the basics of safety, and traffic rules.

Reading poems about special machines.

Didactic games “Talking on the Phone”, “A Hundred Troubles”, “We Are Rescuers”, “Take It Back”,

"Dangers are all around us"

"If the baby is injured"

"What does the traffic light say"

"Doctors are our helpers."

Able to negotiate

In the process of formation

Self-service skills have been developed

In the process of formation

Cognitive development

Sensory development;

Development of cognitive-research (constructive) activity, productive activity;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts (size, quantity, shape, orientation in space, orientation in time); - formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons (subject and social environment, familiarization with nature)

1. Learn to analyze a sample building.

2. Continue to learn how to plan the stages of creating your own building, and find constructive solutions.

3. Learn to create buildings according to the drawing.

4. Develop the ability to work collectively.

6. Continue learning equalizes unequal groups of objects in two ways (removing and adding).

7. Develop the ability to compare objects, check the accuracy of definitions by superimposition or application.

8. Develop the ability to correctly use cardinal and ordinal numbers.

9. To develop the ability to place objects of various sizes in ascending and descending order of their length, width, height, thickness.

10. Develop the ability to express in words the location of an object in relation to oneself, to other objects, knows the features of geometric shapes.

11. Develop the ability to name parts of the day, have an idea of ​​​​the changing parts of the day. State the current day of the week.

12. To develop the ability to distinguish and name types of transport, objects that make it easier for a person to work in everyday life.

13. Develop the ability to classify objects, identify the materials from which they are made.

14. Develop the ability to know the name of your hometown, country, and its capital.

15. Continue learning to name the seasons and their features. Know about human interactions with nature in different time year, about the importance of the sun, air and water for humans, animals and plants. Treat nature with care.

1. Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of activities: gaming, communication, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, design, visual, musical, motor.

    Educational activities carried out during regime moments.

3. Independent activity of the child.

4. Interaction with the family to implement the assigned correctional, educational, educational tasks.

Didactic games:

“What is it made of?”

"What to whom"

"Make no mistake"

"Where can I buy this"

“Does this happen or not?”

"Find out by description"

"What season?"

“Call it in one word”

“What if...?”

“That’s how it is with us. And how are you?"

"What can he do?"

"What does it look like"

"Pick a figure"

"Name and Count"

"Count the Birds"

"Sticks in a Row"

“Who is more” “Let’s divide in half”

“Find a paired picture.”


Not formed

In the process of formation

In the process of formation

Speech development

Development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms (formation of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech)

1. Conduct finger exercises with speech accompaniment (fingers say hello, inflate a balloon, etc.;

2. Organize work with small bulk material - lentils, beans, peas, nuts (transferring cereals into various containers, laying them out along a given line, etc.);

3. Do articulatory facial massage (fingers, brushes);

4.Enrich lexicon. Develop the ability to participate in conversation and express your opinion.

5. Develop the ability to evaluate a peer’s answer or statement in a reasoned and friendly manner. Make up stories based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures.

6. Forming skill determines the place of sound in a word. The ability to select several adjectives (agreed) to a noun, to replace a word with another, similar in meaning (synonym).

7. Memorize 2-3 program poems, 2-3 counting rhymes, 2-3 riddles. Develop the ability to name the genre of a work.

8. Develop the ability to dramatize small tales, reads a poem by role.

9. Develop the ability to name your favorite children's writer, favorite fairy tales, stories.

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, design, visual, musical, motor.

Educational activities carried out during regime moments.

Independent activity of the child.

3. Interaction with the family to implement the assigned correctional, educational, educational tasks.

Finger gymnastics, articulation gymnastics.

Games to develop fine motor skills (with cereals, water, sand, small objects).

Compiling messages about gaming skills: composing stories based on a series of created pictures and photographs on the topics of role-playing and theatrical games.

Memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes.

Reading fiction.

Lotto “Name the picture and find the vowel sound”

“Who can find ten objects whose names contain the sound S?”Lotto “Name the picture and find the first sound” “Find a place for the chip” “Walk around and don’t get lost”

“Each sound has its own room” “Who will be invited to visit” “Solve the puzzle”

Games for development lexical side speech (enrichment of vocabulary)

“On the contrary” “Who knows more” “Say differently”

"Choose a word"

"First Grader"

“Body” “Name three objects”

Games for developing grammatical structure of speech

“Let’s write a letter to the doll”

"Say a word"

"Who do I see, what do I see"

“Hide and Seek” “Explain why...” “One and Many”

"Add words"

"Unravel the Words"

“Right or wrong?”

Games for developing coherent speech "Guess it"

"Draw a fairy tale"

“Photographer” “What doesn’t happen in the world” “How did you know?”

“And I would...”

In the process of formation

In the process of formation

Not formed

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing; modeling; applique; development children's creativity; introduction to fine arts; hearing; singing; musically rhythmic movements; development of dance and gaming creativity; playing children's musical instruments.

    Continue to introduce stories, stories, fairy tales, role-play their content;

    Work on understanding the content literary works(prose and poetic), the nature of the characters and their relationships, the motives of their behavior;

3. Develop the ability to recognize songs by melody. Distinguish between genres of musical works and the sound of musical instruments. Distinguish between high and low sounds within fifths.

4. Develop the ability to sing drawn out, clearly pronounce words, start and finish singing together with other children, sing smoothly, with a light sound, accompanied by a musical instrument.

5. Continue to teach how to perform rhythmic movements that correspond to the nature of the music.

6. To develop the ability to independently stage the content of songs, round dances, and act without imitating other children; continue to learn how to play the simplest melodies on the glockenspiel, one at a time and in small groups.

7. To develop the ability to distinguish works of fine art (painting, book graphics, folk arts and crafts, sculpture).

8. To develop the ability to create images of objects from nature, from an idea. Use a variety of compositional solutions and materials. Use different colors, shades. Make patterns based on decorative and applied arts.

9. Develop the ability to sculpt objects different shapes using learned techniques and methods of modeling. Create small plot compositions, conveying proportions, poses and movements of figures. Create images based on folk toys.

10. Develop the ability to depict objects and create simple plot compositions using a variety of cutting techniques and tearing paper.

11. Create an interest in music.

12. Continue learning to listen to music on a disk and imitate it on children's musical instruments.

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, design, visual, musical, motor.

2. Educational activities, carried out during regime moments.

    Independent activity of the child.

    Interaction with the family to implement the assigned correctional, educational, educational tasks.-

Theatrical games based on literary works listened to by the child.

Conversation games by phoneGames and play exercises - develop circular movements of the hand “Columns”).Listening to children's songs from cartoons . Cycle of children's songs by P. I. Tchaikovsky “My kindergarten”,game - exercise “Play it like me”, “Guess what it sounds like?”

Didactic game "Find out and complete the drawing." "One way or another." "Complete the pattern." "Find Paint Friends." "Make a still life." "Finish the picture." "Let's prepare the table for the holiday." "Make a landscape." " Rainbow ". Coloring pages.

In the process of formation

Not formed

In the process of formation

Physical development

Development of physical qualities, enrichment and accumulation of motor experience; formation of the need for physical activity, physical improvement; maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health; formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; education of cultural and hygienic skills.

1. Build knowledge about the components healthy image life, factors that destroy health, the importance of daily exercise, adherence to the daily routine.

2. Develop the ability to walk and run easily, rhythmically, while maintaining correct posture and pace.

3. To develop the ability to climb a gymnastic wall up to 2.5 m with changing tempo.

4. To develop the ability to jump onto a soft surface in a designated place, long from a standstill (at least 80 cm), from a running start (at least 100 cm), high from a running start (at least 40 cm), jumping over a short and long rope.

5. Form the ability to perform exercises on static and dynamic balance.

6. Develop the ability to form a column of three or four, line up, break up in a column, line, turn right, left, around.

7. Develop the ability to ski with a sliding step, take care of skis. Know how to ride a scooter. Be able to swim freely.

8. To develop the ability to participate in exercises with elements of sports games: small towns, badminton, football, hockey.

1. Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of activities: gaming, communication, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, design, visual, musical, motor.

    Educational activities carried out during regime moments.

    Independent activity of the child.

    Interaction with the family to implement the assigned correctional and educational tasks.

Exercise games.

Throw it and catch it"« Mirror", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Bunny",

Hit the target”, “Pass the ball”, “Come up and don’t touch”, “ Balloon"", "Rain", "Who is attentive?", "Jumps", "Wind", "Kolobok", "Motorcyclists", "Traffic Controller",« Hot Potato", "Fireman", "Goat",

« Heron”, “We sat cross-legged”, “Frogs”,

"Jumping on one leg"

"Who knows more moves?", "Teddy bears."

In the process of formation

Not formed

Interaction with the child's family

Calendar thematic planning work with the student's parents


Responsible teacher


1. Results of diagnostics of mastering program knowledge, abilities, skills.

2.Why is articulation gymnastics needed and how to do it?

Exhibition-fair “A little bit of everything in an autumn basket”;

Musical entertainment “Visiting Autumn”

1. Unity of requirements of MBDOU and family. 2. An approximate set of exercises for the prevention and correction of initial forms of flat feet.


Physical education instructor

Musical director


1. Weekend routes “Autumn”.

2. “Psychological characteristics of children 5–6 years old.”

Creative project

“There is no sweeter friend than your own mother”:

- making gifts for mothers;

- holiday "Mother's Day"

1. “The importance of approval from an adult in the development of a child”

2. “Why do you need classes with a speech therapist?”

Teacher speech therapist

Educational psychologist



1. Weekend routes “Winter”

2. “Advice from a psychologist”

Crafts competition for the New Year “New Year’s space toy”.

Musical holiday"New Year's Eve"

1. “Educational games for children 5-6 years old.”

2. “How to protect a child from injury.”

Teacher-speech therapist Educational psychologist


Musical director


1. Results of interim monitoring. Child's achievements.

Photo collage “How we met New Year»;

“On a frosty day - yes for a fairy tale” - read by parents folk tales;

1.Live vitamins for the prevention of colds.

2.What and how to read to a child?




1. “Why know so much about sounds?”

2. “Speak.” Is it that simple? Physiological mechanisms of speech »

“Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”/our dads;

family living room “Male Education”;

winter sports festival

1. Factors contributing to the occurrence of speech disorders in children.

2. Joint physical exercises between children and parents.

Teacher speech therapist


Educational psychologist

Physical training instructor


1. “What harm does TV bring?”

- Women's Day holiday;

holiday “Maslenitsa. Farewell to the Russian winter";

traditions of welcoming spring “Fly larks - bring red spring”

1. “Computer, TV and child’s health.”

Educational psychologist


Musical director


1.Consultation “Active motor activity – physical education”.

2. Weekend routes “Spring”.

Carrying out collective construction/drawing together with children;

1. “Tempering procedures during physical exercise.”

2. “General movements (kinesitherapy).”


Physical training instructor


1. Results of final monitoring. Child's achievements.

Joint visits with parents and children to monuments to WWII soldiers;

1. “What the game can do. Speech games Houses".

2. “How to help a child develop coherent speech?”



Games and exercises used in classes.

1 . To expand the subject vocabulary (noun dictionary):

"I know five names..."

goal: clarification of general concepts, selection of homogeneous additions (for example: “I know 5 names of modes of transport: bus, tram, plane, car, motorcycle”)

"Where has this been seen, where has this been heard..."

goal: selection of homogeneous additions on the topic of calendar and thematic planning.

"Who or what?" or “Living - nonliving”

goal: practical mastery of the categories of animation and inanimateness. “Name a word” or “Choose a word” - exercise in selecting words-objects (depending on lexical topic)

“Magic gnomes - particles” - goal: practical mastery of word formation skills using suffixes - “particles” (-schik, -nik, -nitsa): mason, stove-maker, teacher...

“Difficult words” – goal: practical mastery of the skill of education difficult words by compounding words (airplane, samovar, snowmobile, leaf fall...).

“Magic tree” or “Friendly family” (“related words”) – goal: practical mastery of cognate words (garden, gardener, gardener, planting).

“Say it differently” - goal: to practice selecting synonyms (director, chief, boss).

2. To expand the verb dictionary:

“Choose a word” - goal: to practice selecting “action words” (depending on the lexical topic).

“Yesterday, today, tomorrow” - goal: to practice selecting tense forms of verbs (lived, live, will live). “Who was who?” And Who will be who?” (The fox was a little fox. The little fox will be a fox or a fox).

“Multi-colored “action words” - goal: practical use of prefixed verbs (flew, flew in, flew in, flew out, flew away, flew up, flew over...).

“Say the opposite” - goal: selection of antonym words (Standing - running, falling - standing up, crying - laughing...).

3. To expand the vocabulary of adjectives and adverbs:

“Who can choose the most words” - goal: to practice selecting homogeneous definitions or “sign words” (on lexical topics).

“Which, which, which, which” – goal: agreement of adjectives with nouns based on the ending -aya, -aya, -y, -i...

“Say the opposite” - antonym words (clean - dirty, brave - cowardly, kind - evil, happy-sad, far-close).

“Say kindly” - goal: to practice selecting diminutive adjectives (girl, little girl, little girl, little girl).

The proposed games and exercises aimed at expanding the student’s vocabulary easily and harmoniously fit into prospective thematic planning on lexical topics.

Performance evaluation:

As a result of systematic and systematic work with a child who has insufficiently developed of this age lexicon,

The pupil’s subject, qualitative and verbal vocabulary is activated;

Generalizing concepts are consolidated;

The dictionary is enriched with synonyms, antonyms, and a sufficient number of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions for a given age;

Expected result - by the end of training

the pupil has a certain vocabulary: knows and uses in everyday speech nouns denoting professions - mason, painter, carpenter, tractor driver, combine operator, milkmaid, livestock breeder, cutter, seamstress;

names of equipment - excavator, crane, tractor, combine harvester, snow blower, potato peeler, electric meat grinder, vegetable cutter, vacuum cleaner, etc.;

adjectives denoting the characteristics of objects - light, red, dark, sweet, sour, bitter, durable, strong, sonorous, cheerful, etc.;

adverbs characterizing people’s attitude to work - diligently, harmoniously, skillfully, carefully, verbs characterizing people’s work activities;

quickly finds and selects the most accurate word, uses generalizing words, synonyms and antonyms in speech;

listens attentively to the teacher during classes, acts according to the proposed plan, and independently completes the assigned task;

1. Consultations for parents.

2. Socially – personal development through role-playing games (“Mothers and Daughters”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Bus”, “Library”, “Builders”),theatrical games (dramatization of fairy tales, nursery rhymes),didactic games (“Fold the pattern”, “Logical pairs”, “All about time”, “Collect the picture”, “Good and bad”, “What comes first, what comes next”, “The fourth wheel”, “Logic train”).

3. Develop friendly relationships with peers through joint games: “Choose a partner”, “Compliments”, “Gardeners and flowers”, “Kind animal”, “Waves”. "Good Elves" and others.

4. Develop tolerance among children in the group through mutual assistance and conversations with children.

5. Develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment through various means of speech.

Final section

Waiting for parents : a child adapted to society, prepared to learn for school.

Expected Result : the child is adapted to society, the child’s mastery of the adapted basic educational program of the preschool educational institution.

Conclusion and recommendations: To formulate recommendations from preschool specialists for parents and educators in order to ensure continuity in the process individual support child.