Name: Lesson summary "Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Educational Institution: new non-traditional methods in the work of a music director"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments for preschool educational institutions specialists, Music Director, Preparatory group

Position: music director
Place of work: MBDOU for children Garden No. 33 “Birch”
Location: Moscow region, Korolev

Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education: new unconventional methods in the work of a music director


The method called “Dramogermeneutics” did not appear by chance. This method has confirmed its relevance in practice. It not only contributes to solving the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), but allows the music director to carry out the program in an interesting, new, non-traditional form.

Applying this method in my work, I set myself a goal: to develop the foundations of musical culture, as part of general culture through introducing children to the masterpieces of classical musical art. The use of drama-hermeneutics solves the following difficult problems of musical education of preschool children:

— To develop children’s ability to use communication skills in cooperation with each other.

— Teach children to analyze and compare options for expressive representation of an image,

— Develop an ear for music and poetry, a sense of rhythm, and musical memory.

- Use new method and techniques to meet children's needs for creative self-expression

Main part

The author of dramatic hermeneutics is Dr. pedagogical sciences, Professor Mikhail Vladimirovich Bukatov. Dramo-hermeneutics is the science of understanding, which implies creative use previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is based on a socio-game learning style. Socio means in small groups, playful means informal, exciting, interesting to children. This means the combination of socio-game pedagogy and the exercise of classical hermeneutics. What is exercise of classical hermeneutics - this is the basis of ballet (various types of walking, running, accessible to children, elements of exercise - plié, batman, pique, balance..., compositions of formations performed in certain positions)

Example. The children listened to “Seasons. July, the mower's song", music by P.I. Tchaikovsky. A director can be appointed upon request. He selects actors and sets out an invented plot (story), listening to music, determines the actions of the actors in a given part of a musical work, or musical phrase. A musical performance is performed in which the director must explain where the actor is going, why and what he is doing, and show how to do it. The main condition is that the action should last as long as the music plays. The children performed a whole performance: the mowers came out for the introduction, took the scythes, lined up in even rows, clearly and rhythmically imitated the movements of the mowers, the girls knitted spikelets, laid sheaves, all the actions ended exactly with the end of the work.

Using this method is impossible without preliminary work. I did this work in September. I conducted music classes on the project “Here it is, the fragrant bread.” The children got acquainted with how bread was raised in the old days and how it is raised now; together with their parents they dramatized the Belarusian fairy tale “Easy Bread”. The children studied for two years in a choreographic circle, which I led, using exercise according to the method of T. F. Koreneva.

Using the acquired knowledge, the children proposed different options for staging P. I. Tchaikovsky’s work “The Seasons. July". So, according to another child director, during the musical introduction of the play one of the mowers had to look at the sky, because if it is going to rain, then you can’t mow, the compressed ears of corn will get wet and rot.


The result was that the piece became a favorite; children asked to play it again and again. We remembered the title of the work, the author, every part, every phrase. That is, they have mastered the material offered by the teacher, in game form, without coercion, with pleasure, with great interest, with desire. Children learned to see others next to them, interact with them, help them, and make friends. Dramahermeneutics is aimed at developing an active perception of musical art through awareness of the dramaturgy of a musical work. The “Dramogermeneutics” method develops musical and aesthetic consciousness in preschool children through cultivating the ability to feel the character of a musical work, through cultivating the ability to create musical images, through cultivating the ability to aesthetically experience music, express one’s thoughts and feelings.

List of used literature.

  1. Magazine " Musical director» No. 8, 2014 Article by G. V. Kuznetsova “Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education: new approaches in the work of a music director”
  2. Program by O. P. Radynova “Musical Masterpieces”

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Non-traditional forms working with preschoolers

Completed by: Kucherova N.S.

Organization of health-improving work in physical education classes

Characteristics of non-traditional methods used to preserve and improve health




Children's health Russian Federation attributed to priority areas social policy in the field of education. As part of the implementation of the “Education and Health” program (1998), the introduction of the most effective forms of improving the health of children in the system is of particular importance preschool education.

Preschool age is considered the most important for physical, mental and mental development child. During this period, the foundations of his health are laid. Therefore, the main task of physical education and health work is to promote health and improve the physical development of a preschooler.

In numerous scientific research unfavorable dynamics of the health status of preschool children is noted (Yurko G.P., 2000; Maimulov V.G. et al., 2003; Rapoport I.K. et al., 2004; Simonova I.V., 2006). Currently, no more than 10% of children of senior preschool age can be considered absolutely healthy. Almost 60% of children have chronic diseases (Baranov A.A., Kuchma V.R., Tutelyan V.A. et al., 2006).

Frequent illnesses in children are not only a medical problem, but also have serious social and economic consequences. It has been shown that frequent illnesses can lead to social maladaptation of a child due to limited opportunities for communication with peers (Bogina T.L., 2002; Timmerman A. et al, 2007).

In addition, frequent morbidity leads to both large economic costs on the part of parents, and on the part of healthcare and the state as a whole (Baranov A.A., 2002).

In this regard, the development of effective methods for preventing morbidity in preschool children, and the search for effective ways Health improvement is an urgent task not only for healthcare, but also for educational institutions.

For the successful physical development of a child, a variety of hardening measures are required (salt, dry, water, air hardening), active motor activity during the day, physical education equipment and inventory. Traditional methods of working to improve the health of preschoolers are clearly not always enough.

Complex use and stereotypical repetition of all forms physical work(morning rhythmic gymnastics, physical education classes, outdoor and sports games, walks, organization of independent motor activity of children, physical education activities, sports festivals) ensure the normal physical development of preschool children.

In conditions of increasing volumes and intensity of educational cognitive activity The search for new forms, ways and means of increasing the effectiveness of physical education and health work with children is of particular relevance.

Thus, the problem can be formulated as a contradiction between the need to use physical education classes for the purpose of improving the health of preschool children and the lack of methodological recommendations for the use of non-traditional health improvement methods in organizing physical education classes.

Organization of health-improving work in physical education classes

Physical education is the process of introducing a child to the values ​​of physical culture as a prerequisite for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Physical education in preschool institutions is carried out taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children with mandatory contact with the family. Purpose physical education is high level the health of a preschooler and the formation of the foundation for the physical culture of a future adult. In the process of physical education, health-improving, educational and educational tasks are solved.

In the group of health-improving tasks, a special place is occupied by protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child, comprehensive physical improvement of body functions, increasing activity and general performance.

The health-improving role of physical exercise is very important and consists of the following:

Increasing the body's nonspecific resistance to adverse factors environment, which help reduce morbidity;

Stimulating the processes of growth and development, which has a beneficial effect on the maturation and functional improvement of the leading systems of the body;

Improving thermoregulation reactions, ensuring resistance to colds;

Timely formation of the motor analyzer and stimulation of the development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, agility, endurance, balance and coordination of movements), which ensures optimal performance

Normalization of impaired activity of individual organs and functional systems, as well as correction of congenital or acquired developmental defects;

Increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex and creating positive emotions, which helps protect and strengthen mental health;

Expressed positive influence on the blood circulation of a growing organism, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow.

The means of physical education for preschool children include:

Physical exercise;

The healing powers of nature;

Hygiene factors.

In the physical education of preschoolers physical exercise are represented by the following types: gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, simple tourism.

The main content of physical education in preschool institutions is based on different options walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing; some types of sports exercises (swimming, skiing, cycling, roller skating); sports games (football, hockey, badminton, gorodki, basketball, etc.); general developmental exercises; outdoor games; elements of acrobatics and rhythmic gymnastics. It is important to teach children to engage in physical exercise on their own and to reinforce their positive attitude towards this type of activity.

In the system of physical education in kindergarten The following organized forms of motor activity of children are used:

Morning exercises;

Physical education activity;

Physical education minutes;

Outdoor games and physical exercises while walking;

Sports holidays, health days, simple tourism.

Approximate content of motor mode for children2-3 years

Morning exercises (daily) 5-8 minutes

Physical education classes (3 times a week) 15-20 minutes

Outdoor games and physical exercises on the first and second walks (daily) 20-25 minutes

Total: 40-53 minutes

Organized motor activity of children 4-5 years old

Morning exercises (daily 8-10 minutes);

Physical education classes (3 times a week) 20-25 minutes;

Outdoor games and physical exercises on the first and second walks (daily 20-25 minutes);

Movements in physical education classes (daily 8-10 minutes);

Physical education (2 times a month);

Health days (once per quarter);

In total, at least 60-74 minutes.

Organized motor activity of children 6-7 years old.

Morning exercises (daily) 10-12 minutes

Physical education classes (3-5 times a week) 25-30 minutes

Outdoor games and exercise while walking (daily) 25-30 minutes

Physical education minutes (daily) 3-5 minutes

Correctional and circle work(1-2 times a week) 25-30 minutes

Walking (skiing) walks into nature (once a week) 120-165 minutes

Physical education (2 times a month)

Physical education holidays (2-3 times a year)

Health days (once per quarter)

Independent motor activity of childrenwith various physical education aids.

In the morning 1-15 minutes

After breakfast 5-7 minutes

On the first walk 40-50 minutes

After sleep 7-10 minutes

On the second walk 30-40 minutes

Total at least 92-1222 minutes

Household and play activity 60-100 minutes

In general, physical activity should be 3.5 - 4 hours a day.

Physical education is the main form of physical education for children; it fulfills the tasks of developing motor skills and abilities, motivation physical activity, lays the foundation physical fitness necessary for active participation in other forms of physical education, develops initial physical education knowledge.

Two classes are held in the gym, one - outdoors. If possible, classes are organized in subgroups (10-12 children). Subgroups are formed based on health indicators and physical fitness characteristics of preschoolers.

The following types of physical education activities contribute to the implementation of program objectives:

Educational and training (standard), the content of which consists of types of physical exercises available to children:

Basic and dance movements, drill, general developmental exercises, outdoor games. If conditions permit, classes are conducted on simulators, sports equipment, and an obstacle course;

Plot-based games, based on the material of outdoor games, based on the plot of a story, literary work.

Thematic with one type of physical exercise (skiing, swimming, cycling, skating) or sports game (basketball, football, etc.)

Complex, with the inclusion of an additional task from other sections of the program, which is solved through movements

Motor skills in a natural environment.

Any type of physical education lesson includes three parts: introductory, main and final.

Depending on the task, program material, location (in the hall, on the street, in the pool), the structure and duration of parts of the lesson may change, subject to the load on the child’s physiological capabilities.

Physical education classes are organized in all kindergarten groups. With children under 1 year old they are carried out individually, with children from 1 to 3 years old - in small subgroups (6-12 people) and with the whole group as a whole, with children from 3 to 7 years old - with the whole group at the same time.

The structure of the lesson is determined by the patterns of changes in the working capacity of the child’s body: at the beginning of the lesson, the body gets into work and the level of working capacity increases gradually, then it fluctuates, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing, and by the end of the lesson it decreases, and fatigue sets in.

The main part of the lesson involves the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities. This requires the highest level of performance. At the same time, the child’s body experiences the greatest physical stress. This part of the lesson requires preliminary preparation of the child’s entire body. Performing complex exercises without preliminary preparation of the body can lead to injury to muscles, ligaments, joints, and negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems, internal organs. Therefore, the main part is preceded by a preparatory part, the task of which is the general and special preparation of the child’s body to perform complex physical exercises, which are planned in the main part of the lesson.

In order to successfully carry out general and special training, it is necessary to organize children, activate them, gather their attention, create in them a cheerful mood and interest in the lesson. This is done in the introductory part.

After the main part of the lesson, the final part is held. Its purpose is to bring the child’s body into a relatively calm state, while maintaining a cheerful mood, and to summarize the results of the lesson.

So, the allocation of parts in the lesson (introductory, preparatory, main, final) corresponds to the laws of the body’s performance and makes it possible to provide the best conditions for solving the problems of physical education of children.

At each lesson, health-improving, educational and educational tasks must be solved. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher sets, first of all, educational goals, since the lesson is the main form of teaching physical exercises and this differs from other forms of organizing physical education.

But when solving the tasks of mastering knowledge, skills, and abilities in class with the help of a set of physical exercises, while strictly dosing physical activity, you need to simultaneously achieve a health-improving and educational effect.

If educational tasks are the basis for the classification of classes, then several more types can be distinguished: 1) classes in which new material is introduced, learned, and at the same time motor skills are consolidated (mixed type); 2) classes based on repetition of the material covered in order to consolidate motor skills and abilities; 3) classes of a control, accounting nature, in which the results of work for a certain period are summed up, knowledge and motor skills, physical qualities and the ability to play outdoor games are tested.

Reduced morbidity;

Harakteristics of non-traditionalmethods we uses to save andhealth promotion


health technologies

Time spent in the daily routine

Features of the methodology


Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in physical education or music halls or in a group room, in a well-ventilated area


Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age of the child

Dynamic pauses

During classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired

Outdoor and sports games

As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups

Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games


In any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Aesthetic technologies

Implemented in artistic and aesthetic classes, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc. For all age groups

It is carried out in classes according to the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is working with families, instilling aesthetic taste in children

Finger gymnastics

WITH younger age individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

Every day for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

Breathing exercises

Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure.

Invigorating gymnastics

Every day after nap, 5-10 min.

The form of implementation is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed planks; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of physical education and health work

The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children

Orthopedic gymnastics

In various forms of physical education and health work

Physical education lesson

2-3 times a week in the gym or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Younger age - 15-20 minutes, average age- 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes.

Classes are conducted in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution operates. Before class, the room must be well ventilated.

Problem-based games (game training and game therapy)

In your free time, maybe in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child by including the teacher in the process of play activities

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games to varying degrees mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Lessons from the "Health" series

Once a week for 30 minutes. from Art. age

Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development


Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical education and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body

Acupressure self-massage

Conducted on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the ENT organs. Visual material is used

Biofeedback (BFB)

From 10 to 15 sessions of working with a computer for 5-10 minutes. in a special room. Recommended for older adults

Compliance with computer rules is required. A special technique for preschoolers is recommended

Art therapy

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from middle group

Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and includes training protocols

Music influence technologies

In various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month depending on your goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Fairy tale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children

Color influence technologies

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month depending on the tasks

It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of preschool educational institutions. Properly selected colors relieve tension and increase a child’s emotional mood.

Behavior correction technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from an older age

They are carried out using special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are made up of more than one characteristic - children with different problems study in the same group. Classes are conducted in the form of a game, have diagnostic tools and training protocols


1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes.

Classes are conducted using special methods

Phonetic rhythm

2 times a week from a young age, no earlier than every 30 minutes. after eating. In the physical education or music halls. Jr. age - 15 min., older age - 30 min.

The state of a child’s health and his resistance to diseases are associated with the body’s reserve capabilities, the level of its protective forces, which determine resistance to adverse events. external influences. I.D. Makhaneva (2000), S.N. Dyshal, M.N. Kuznetsova (2002) point out that a growing body especially needs muscle activity, therefore, insufficient physical activity leads to the development of a number of diseases.

In the system of natural prevention means leading place belongs to physical culture, ensuring the satisfaction of the child’s biological need for motor activity. In the works of I.I. Mastyukova (1997), S.N. Popova (1999, 2005), S.S. Bychkova (2001), T.I. Bogina, E.A. Sagaidachnaya (2001) indicates that dosed physical activity has a general tonic effect on a growing organism, which leads to stimulation of the activity of vital systems and improvement of physical fitness indicators.

IN different types x Preschool educational institutions are developing methods of physical education, health, treatment, preventive and rehabilitation work using the latest medical equipment (halochambers, hydromassage baths, hypoxicators, aerofytous installations, etc.).

As evidenced by numerous literature data from V.K. Velitchenko (2000), T.V. Antonova, L.A. Paramonova (1997), M.N. Kuznetsova (2002), S.N. Dyshal (2001), A.S. Galanov (2001), M.V. Antropova (2004), M.M. Bezrukikh (2004) the problem of improving the health of children with poor health requires an integrated approach to the introduction of new methods of physical education and health work and evaluation of their effectiveness.

It is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and that health-saving activities used in combination would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.

Application in work of the preschool educational institution using all of the above technologies is impossible and unjustified. We propose to dwell in more detail on the description of several of the most common ones, easily adjusted to specific conditions and specialization of preschool educational institutions.


An increase in the number of preschool children with deviations in physical and neuropsychic development, with reduced functionality and level of physical fitness, frequent morbidity indicates poor health of children of this age. Therefore, in every preschool educational institution it is necessary to carry out a set of health-improving and correctional measures aimed at promoting health, normalizing the physical and neuropsychic development of children, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body to the adverse effects of environmental factors.

In preschool educational institutions, one should strive to create an optimal motor regime that provides children with a sufficient level of physical activity, which is a biological need of the child, one of the main factors in his growth and development. The development of an optimal motor mode is carried out through:

Intensification of physical activity (increasing the motor density of physical education activities, etc.);

Increasing the time of physical activity (introducing various additional forms of physical activity, including therapeutic and health-improving ones; creating conditions and allocating free time during the day for independent physical activity);

Drawing up differentiated physical education programs taking into account identified violations of the health and development of children.

The inclusion of additional forms of motor activity of a therapeutic and recreational nature into the motor regime allows for high-quality correctional work with children. It is effective to use corrective and breathing exercises, health-improving games included in the final part of a physical education lesson.

When organizing physical education for preschool children, physical education classes remain the main form. It is advisable to include physical exercises in these classes to strengthen the main muscle groups that form correct posture; corrective exercises to form the arch of the foot and strengthen the abdominal muscles; breathing exercises; relaxation exercises to relieve increased neuro-reflex excitability and muscle hypertonicity; sets of exercises for developing basic motor qualities and skills, improving psychomotor development, fine motor skills; therapeutic and recreational games.

As evidenced by numerous data in the literature, the problem of improving the health of children with poor health requires an integrated approach to the introduction of new methods of physical education and health work and evaluation of their effectiveness. Modern pedagogy considers it possible and necessary to use the forces of nature (light, color, water, natural phytoncides, sound, minerals, etc.) in the practice of conducting physical education classes. The effectiveness of these therapeutic factors has been proven over many hundreds of years of use in alternative medicine, and our research has proven the possibility of using preschool educational institutions in practice.

The organization of physical education in a preschool educational institution can be considered effective if during the educational period the following is noted:

Harmonization of the physical and neuropsychic development of children;

Improving the functioning of organs and systems of the body: good appetite and sleep, improving the processes of inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system, positive emotional attitude;

Positive dynamics in the development of motor skills and qualities, increasing the level of physical fitness;

Formation of correct posture and normal arch of the foot;

Expanding the functional capabilities of the body;

Reduced morbidity;

A strong desire to engage in physical activity.

physical education non-traditional motor health


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4. Bezzubtseva G.G., Ermolina A.M. In friendship with sports. - M., 2003.

5. Borisova E.N. System of organizing physical education and health work with preschoolers. - M., 2006.

6. Vavilova E.N. Strengthen the health of children. - M., 1987.

7. Vavilova E.N. Learn to run, jump, climb, throw. - M., 1983

8. Vavilova E.N. Develop agility, strength, and endurance in preschoolers. - M., 1983

9. Vasilyeva N.N. Educational games for preschoolers. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

10. Galanov A.S. Games that heal. (for children 3-5, 5-7 years old). - M., 2005.

11. Glazyrina L.D., Ovsyannik V.A. Methods of physical education of preschool children. - M., 2001.

12. Didur M.D., Potapchuk A.A. Posture and physical development of children. - St. Petersburg, 2001.

13. Zaitsev A. A., Koneeva E. V. Physical education of preschool children. - Kaliningrad, 1997.

14. Zmanovsky Yu. F. Raising children healthy. - M., 1989.

16. Kazmin V.D. Breathing exercises. - Rostov/n-D., 2000.

17. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 3-4, 5-6, 6-7 years old. - M., 2004.

18. Korotkoe V. T. Outdoor games for children. - M., 1987.

19. Kudryavtsev V. T., Egorov V. B. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement. - M., 2000.

20. Makhaneva M. D. Raising a healthy child. - M., 1987.

21. Matskeshvili T. Ya. Posture disorders and spinal curvature in children. - M., 1999.

22. Miller E. B. Stretching exercises. Simple yoga anywhere and anytime. - M., 2001.

23. Morgunova O.N. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions. - Vladimir, 2005.

24. Muravyov V.A. Education of physical qualities of preschool children. - M., 2004.

25. Nazarova A.G. Game stretching: a technique for working with preschool children. - St. Petersburg, 1994.

26. Nesteryuk T., Skoda A. Gymnastics of little wizards. - M., 1993.

27. Potapchuk A. A., Didur M. D. Posture and physical development of children. - M., 2001.

28. Praznikov V.P. Hardening of preschool children. - Kali ningrad, 1987.

29. Poltavtseva N.V. Physical Culture in preschool childhood. - M., 2005.

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33. Sivacheva L.N. Sports games with non-standard equipment. - St. Petersburg. 2005.

34. Tarasova T.A. Monitoring the physical condition of preschool children. - M., 2005.

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G. Smolensk

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(Materials from the experience of a music director

Balandina N.M.)

Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, non-traditional forms of organizing education are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children. They are combined with circle work: manual labor, visual arts. Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child’s time, which he can use as he wishes: relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

The project method is used today not only in the process of conducting classes on environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions. Its use characterizes the search by educators for new forms of organizing the learning process and conducting classes with children in preschool educational institutions.

There is such a profession - raising and teaching children. The one who chose it consciously set out on a difficult, sometimes almost impassable road. Everyone has a different fate in their profession. Some simply carry out their duties and do not try to discover anything new where, it would seem, everything is open. Others are in an endless search and do not want to repeat the same path over and over again. different groups children.


Class - this is an organized form of learning and a time period of the learning process that can reflect all of it structural components(general pedagogical goal, didactic objectives, content, methods and means of teaching).

Occupation is:

The main form of organization of a child’s cognitive activity;

Dynamic, improving procedural system, reflecting all aspects of educational educational process;

Elementary structure-forming unit educational process, with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

A single link in the system of educational and cognitive activity.

It is necessary to highlight the mainsigns of occupation:

Lesson is the basic unit of the didactic cycle and a form of organization of training;

In terms of time period, it takes from 10-15 minutes (in early preschool age) to 30-35 minutes (in older preschool age);

The lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type of cognitive activity (for example: speech development + visual activity);

The leading role in the lesson belongs to the teacher, who organizes the process of transferring and assimilating educational material, monitoring the level of development of each child;

A group is the main organizational form of uniting children in a lesson, all children are approximately the same age and level of training, that is, the group is homogeneous (with the exception of heterogeneous or mixed groups), the main composition of the groups is maintained for the entire period of stay in the kindergarten preschool institution;

The group works according to a single program, according to a grid of cognitive activities;

The class is held at predetermined hours of the day;

Vacations are held throughout the year, they correspond to the time period school holidays(which is important even for the purposes of continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school);

The year ends with a summation of the cognitive development of each child’s personality (based on the results of the child’s activities in the classroom).

Lesson levels:

1. Highest: predicting ways to transfer activities to the result specified by the learning goals based on feedback and overcoming possible difficulties in working with children.

2. High: involving children in solving the problem provided for by the purpose of the lesson.

3. Medium: identifying children’s knowledge and skills and communicating information in accordance with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

4. Low: organizing interaction with children, explaining new material according to a pre-drawn plan, without activating cognitive activity aimed at obtaining a positive result.

Signs of highlearning ability (during observation of preschool children):

Identification and awareness of a problem, goal, question, task;

Ability to predict your activities;

Ability to use knowledge in various (non-standard) situations;

Independence of activity and overcoming difficulties (independence in choosing solutions);

Logic of thinking;

Flexibility of thought;

The speed of transformation of the way of activity in accordance with changed situations;

Possibility of abandoning standard solutions (stereotype);

Search for an appropriate option (switching or changing an option).

Traditional activities and their classifications

It is logical to classify traditional activities on the basis of the selected tasks and the types of activities used to implement them. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of a preschooler, analyzing guidelines to modern programs, it is inappropriate to distinguish as a separate type of classes for studying new material, developing and improving knowledge and skills, since each lesson involves repetition, consolidation and expansion of children’s ideas.

The classification of classes presented in “Pedagogy” by V. I. Loginova leads to a mixture of types of classes with teaching methods and techniques. The authors of modern programs present a classification of activities for each type of activity.

For example, in "Rainbow" educational activities are divided into the following types:





Educational stories;


For musical activities:



In the program “From childhood to adolescence”:



Theoretical, etc.

The variety of definitions does not change the tasks to be solved and the structure of classes; the methods, techniques and sequence of structural components remain variable.

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).


Modeling and design method.

Method of questions.

Repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity(Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and jokes (educational comics).

Methods of teaching and developing creativity(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov)

Emotional intensity of the environment.

Motivating children's activities.

Study of objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature (survey).

Forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future).

Gaming techniques.

Humor and joke.


Problem situations and tasks.

Vague knowledge (guesswork).

Assumptions (hypotheses).

The classification presented below will help determine the types of classes conducted for any type of activity in any program, their compliance with the assigned tasks and selected structures.

Non-traditional activities and parameters for their assessment

Types of non-traditional activities.

Competition activities (based on competition between children): who can name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster.

KVN classes (involve the division of children into two subgroups and are conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical activities (micro-scenes are acted out, bringing educational information to children).

Classes with plot-role-playing games (the teacher enters into the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, prompting storyline games and thus solving learning problems).

Consultation classes (when a child learns “horizontally”, consulting with another child).

Mutual teaching classes (a child “consultant” teaches other children design, appliqué, and drawing).

Auction classes (conducted as board game"Manager").

Doubt activities (search for truth). (Research activities of children such as: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - drowns, etc.)

Formula classes (proposed in the book by Sh. A. Amonashvili “Hello, children!”).

Travel activities.

Binary classes (author J. Rodari). (Composing creative stories based on the use of two objects, changing the position of which changes the plot and content of the story.)

Fantasy activities.

Lessons-concerts (individual concert numbers carrying educational information).

Dialogue classes (conducted as a conversation, but the topic is chosen to be relevant and interesting).

Classes such as “Investigations are conducted by experts” (working with a diagram, a map of a kindergarten group, orientation according to a diagram with a detective storyline).

Classes like “Field of Miracles” (conducted as a game “Field of Miracles” for reading children).

“Intellectual Casino” classes (conducted like “Intellectual Casino” or a quiz with answers to the questions: What? Where? When?).

Comprehensive and integrated classes.

"Dictionary of foreign words":

complex -

integration - restoration, replenishment, unification of any parts into a whole.

“Dictionary of the Russian language” S.M. Ozhegova:

complex - a set, a combination of something, any ideas;

integration - combining any parts into a whole.

"Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary":

complex - a set of objects or phenomena that make up one whole;

integration - a concept meaning the state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of the system, the organism as a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state. The process of convergence and connection of sciences, occurring along with the processes of their differentiation.

Integrated classes With preschoolers combine knowledge from different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other (considering such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting).

It is important to note that the methodology for conducting an integrated lesson differs significantly from the methodology for conducting a regular lesson.

Most effective methods and techniques for an integrated lesson:

  • Comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity.
  • Problematic questions, the use of tasks such as “prove”, “explain”, “how did you know?” and etc.
  • Various speech didactic games to get acquainted with cultural and speech standards, activate the vocabulary, and cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Requirements for the structure of integrated classes:

  • Clarity, compactness, conciseness of this material.
  • The thoughtfulness and logical interrelation of the studied material of the program sections in each lesson.
  • Interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson.
  • Large information capacity of educational material used in the lesson.
  • Systematic and accessible presentation of the material.
  • The need to adhere to the time frame of the lesson.

When choosing a topic for a lesson and materials for it, it is necessary to rely on the basic principles of didactics that underlie educational program Preschool educational institutions, take into account the age and gender characteristics of children, as well as their levels of development.

Binary occupation

Binary (lat. binarius). Double, consisting of two parts

First of all, let’s clarify the content of the concept: a lesson (session) in which the activities of two teachers are combined is called binary. As usual, this technology is used in kindergartens and schools to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Requirements for the lesson

1.Usage the latest achievements science and practice.

2. Implementation of all didactic principles in an optimal ratio.

3. Providing conditions for the subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive activity.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for organizing children’s activities.

5. Establishment of integrative connections (interrelation of various types of activities, content).

6. Connection with past activities and reliance on the level achieved by the child.

7. Motivation and activation of children’s cognitive activity (methods and techniques).

8. Logic of lesson construction, a single line of content.

9. Emotional component of the lesson (the beginning and end of the lesson are always carried out on a high emotional level).

10. Connection with life and personal experience every child.

11. Development of children’s skills to independently acquire knowledge and expand its volume.

12. Thorough diagnosis, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson by the teacher.

A teacher who knows modern approaches tonon-traditional forms of conducting classes, will be able to more effectively apply them in their work for the successful education and development of preschoolers.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Modern training must take into account both the specificity of modern culture and the specificity of the worldview of the modern child.

Non-traditional forms of educational organization are currently used most effectively in the practice of preschool institutions:

  • classes in subgroups (formed taking into account the age characteristics of children),
  • group work (manual labor, artistic activities).

Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The hidden accounting task captivates the game's design. Such activities help free up time for the child, which he uses at his own discretion: resting or doing things that are interesting and emotionally significant to him.

Teachers use in their work various shapes“hobby activities”, full of games and independent creative activities. This is especially suitable for productive activities: design and modeling, drawing and appliqué. All this makes classes more interesting, exciting and productive.

Such forms of working with children as lesson - conversation - observation are widely used in practice. Story therapy classes are popular among teachers of preschool educational institutions, since this particular form is special, the interaction “adult - child” is most consistent with the characteristics of childhood. This is an opportunity to form moral values ​​and correct undesirable behavior, a way to develop the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic story therapy training in the format of preschool education allows you to quickly and easily acquire the necessary knowledge.

Competition games, KVN, theatrical games, role-playing games, consultations (with another child), mutual learning games (child-child), auctions, doubt games, travel games, dialogues, “Solve the Mystery” games and others, games -schemes, quiz games.
Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child’s time, which he can use as he wishes: relax or do something that is interesting or emotionally significant to him.

The project method is used today not only in the process of conducting classes on environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions. Its use characterizes the search by educators for new forms of organizing the learning process and conducting classes with children in preschool educational institutions.

The project method is widely used today in working with pupils of different age groups, groups of short-term stays of children in preschool educational institutions. At the same time, according to N.A. Korotkova and a number of other researchers, classes in this case, in contrast to the traditional approach, can be carried out in the form of joint partnership activities between an adult and children, where the principle of voluntary inclusion in the activity is observed.

This is especially true for productive activities: design or modeling, drawing, appliqué.
Various forms of “passionate activities”, rich in games and independent creative activities, are widely used. All this, of course, makes the activity more interesting, attractive, and more effective.

Such forms as lesson-conversation and lesson-observation have become widely used in the practice of organizing and conducting classes. These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions.

During the discussion of reform Russian education all the main discussions revolve around full education. According to I.Ya. Lerner, an important condition full-fledged training is a variety of organizational forms.

In our opinion, the innovative activities of teachers towards improving the learning process led at one time to the creation of non-traditional forms of education.

If we talk about forms, we mean unusual forms of organizing the educational process. The appearance of such forms is justified by the development and improvement of the lesson form. The variability of the form leads to a change in the time frame and classroom framework. No less interesting can be a fairy tale lesson, a travel lesson, an excursion lesson and other non-traditional forms.

The innovative activities of teachers to improve the learning process led to the creation of non-traditional forms of education.
When a teacher strives to make a lesson emotional, to convey educational material to each student, relying on involuntary attention, and to activate the children themselves in the creative process, then non-traditional forms arise.


The essence of the concept of non-traditional education in preschool children in the formation of elementary mathematical representations

N.G. Belous, R.L. Berezina, L.N. Vakhrusheva, E.P. Gumennikova, T.I. Erofeeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, E.V. Solovyova et al. noted that the success of teaching mathematics is due to the presence of interest in it, since the acquisition of knowledge depends on how interested the child is in the activity. As you know, emotions are driving force, which can activate or inhibit the process of cognition.

Since the mid-70s. V Domestic school A dangerous trend has been revealed to reduce the interest of schoolchildren in classes. Teachers tried to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work different ways. Mass practice responded to the aggravation of the problem with so-called non-standard classes that have main goal arousing and maintaining children's interest in the educational process.

A non-standard lesson is an impromptu training session that has a non-traditional (not established) structure.

The views of teachers on non-standard classes differ: some see in them the progress of pedagogical thought, the right step towards the democratization of preschool educational institutions, while others, on the contrary, consider such classes a dangerous violation of pedagogical principles, a forced retreat of teachers under the pressure of uninterested, unwilling and unable to work seriously preschoolers.

So, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher’s ability to properly organize the lesson and wisely choose one or another form of its implementation.

A child’s development in the classroom occurs in different ways. It all depends on what exactly is meant by development.

If we keep in mind that development is the increase in knowledge, skills and abilities to perform certain actions (add, subtract, analyze, generalize and develop memory, imagination, etc.) - such development is ensured precisely by traditional classes. It can go fast or slow.

If you prefer a quick option, then you need to turn to a non-traditional organization of the lesson.

Non-traditional activities in preschool still occupy a significant place. This is due to the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the gaming basis of these lessons, and the originality of their implementation.

When conducting open classes, this form is always advantageous, because it presents not only game moments, original presentation of material, and students’ employment not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work.

The tasks that children receive on non-traditional activities, help them live in an atmosphere of creative search.

Non-traditional can also be Organizing time, and the course of the lesson, and the physical minute. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher.

Signs of a non-traditional occupation:

  • It carries elements of the new, the external framework and venues change.
  • Extracurricular material is used, collective activities are organized in combination with individual ones.
  • People from different professions are invited to organize the classes.
  • Emotional upliftment of students through the design of the room, the board, music, and the use of video.
  • Organization and implementation of creative tasks.
  • Mandatory self-analysis during preparation for the lesson, during the lesson and after it.
  • Mandatory lesson planning in advance.
  • Clearly define 3 didactic objectives.
  • The creativity of students should be aimed at their development.

Each teacher has the right to choose those educational technologies, which are comfortable for him and correspond individual characteristics preschoolers:

c) innovative (researchers, experimenters)

d) traditional (do as I do)

e) use non-traditional lessons.

Analysis of pedagogical literature made it possible to identify several dozen types of non-standard classes. Their names give some idea of ​​the goals, objectives, and methods of conducting such classes. We list the most common types of non-standard activities:

1.Immersion classes

2. Classes-competitions

3. Classes like KVN

4.Theatrical activities

5. Classes with group forms of work

6. Creative activities

7. Classes - competitions

8. Lessons - generalizations

9. Activities - fantasy

10. Activities - games

11. Classes - concerts

12. Lessons - dialogues

13. Classes “Investigations are conducted by experts”

14. Integrated classes

15. Classes - excursions

16. Lessons – games “Field of Miracles”.

Teachers are constantly looking for ways to enliven classes and try to diversify the forms of explanation and feedback.

Of course, no one is demanding the abolition of traditional classes as the main form of teaching and raising children. We are talking about use in different types teaching and educational activities of non-standard, original techniques that activate all preschool children, increase interest in classes, and at the same time ensure speed of memorization, understanding and assimilation of educational material, taking into account, of course, the age and abilities of preschoolers.

Many creative teachers began to use unusual types of lessons, new constructions of lessons, radically different from the so-called standard lessons of the classical model.

You need to carefully prepare for such classes: give preliminary tasks, prepare visual aids, maps, didactic material. The course of classes is planned taking into account the level and characteristics of both the group as a whole and individual preschoolers, the character and abilities of the children who received a specific task, and the sequence of operations.

I will give specific examples. For example, Lesson-excursion.

Nowadays, when connections between different countries and peoples, familiarity with Russian national culture becomes a necessary element of the learning process. Pupils should be able to give a tour, talk about the originality of Russian culture, etc. the principle of dialogue of cultures involves the use of cultural material about home country, which allows you to develop a culture of representing your native country.

Teachers, aware of the stimulating power, strive to develop the cognitive needs of preschoolers through non-traditional lesson delivery.

Excursion lessons have a huge educational impact on children. While performing joint tasks, preschoolers learn to cooperate with each other.

Classes-excursions are classified according to two criteria: by the volume of content (single-topic, multi-topic) and by its place in the structure of the section (introductory, current, final).

Video tutorial

The use of video also helps the development of various aspects of the mental activity of pupils, and, above all, attention and memory. While watching, an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity arises. Under these conditions, even an inattentive child becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, preschoolers need to make some effort. Thus, involuntary attention turns into voluntary, its intensity affects the process of memorization. The use of various channels of information (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of imprinting educational material.

Thus, the psychological characteristics of the impact of educational videos on preschool children contribute to the intensification of the educational process and create favorable conditions for the formation of communicative competence of preschool children.

Practice shows that a Video Lesson is one of the types of non-traditional lessons.

This type of work activates the thinking and speech activity students, develops their interest in literature, serves to better assimilate the material being studied, and also deepens knowledge of the material, since the process of memorization occurs. Along with the formation active dictionary Preschoolers develop a so-called passive-potential vocabulary. And it is important that preschoolers receive satisfaction from this type of work.

Lesson - concert

A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting classes is an activity - a concert. This form of activity expands and develops preschoolers’ communication abilities, allowing them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication.

Integrated lesson

IN modern conditions In education in preschool educational institutions, there is an increasingly urgent need for the formulation and solution of important general didactic, pedagogical and methodological tasks aimed at expanding the general educational horizons of pupils, instilling in them the desire to master knowledge beyond the compulsory programs. One of the ways to solve these problems is integration academic disciplines in the process of teaching the subject. Interdisciplinary integration makes it possible to systematize and generalize the knowledge of preschool children in related academic subjects.

Research shows that increasing the educational level of learning through interdisciplinary integration enhances its educational functions. This is especially noticeable in the field of humanitarian subjects. In addition, the sciences of the humanities provide a subject for conversation, a reason for communication.

Fiction plays a big role in the aesthetic development of preschool children. Lyrics works of art are the most important means of introducing preschoolers to culture. Knowledge about prominent representatives culture, about specific works of art are acquired through the process of reading.

The main goals of integrating the subject with humanities are: improving communicative and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge, and sharing this knowledge in conditions verbal communication; further development and improvement of the aesthetic taste of preschoolers.


The purpose of the lesson is to consolidate skills in solving problems of different types. Teams and juries are formed in advance. The jury selects problems, prepares equipment for setting experimental problems and material for short reports on the topic. The lesson begins with one such message (made by a member of the jury); then - warm-up (teams solving high-quality problems; experience is demonstrated - it is required to explain it); further - a competition for captains (solving experimental problems); at this time another story is being listened to. Then - a competition of teams: independent, “temporary” solution of calculation problems. The lesson ends with summing up the results and announcing the winning team.

The importance of non-traditional activities in the formation of the personality of preschool children

The significance of the above activities in the general educational process is due, first of all, to the fact that the educational activity itself, aimed in its traditional understanding at the assimilation by a group of preschool children as a whole of the requirements of the basic preschool program, not properly coupled with creative activity, can, paradoxically, lead to inhibition intellectual development children. Getting used to performing standard tasks aimed at strengthening the basic skills that have only decision and, as a rule, the only predetermined way to achieve it based on some algorithm, children practically do not have the opportunity to act independently, effectively use and develop their own intellectual potential. On the other hand, solving standard problems alone impoverishes the child’s personality, since in this case the high self-esteem of preschoolers and the assessment of their abilities by teachers depends mainly on diligence and diligence, and does not take into account the manifestation of a number of individual intellectual qualities, such as invention, quick wit , ability for creative search, logical analysis and synthesis.

Thus, one of the main motives for using developmental exercises is to increase the creative and exploratory activity of children, which is equally important for students whose development corresponds to the age norm or is ahead of it (for the latter, the framework of the standard program is simply too tight), and for schoolchildren requiring special correctional work, since their developmental delay and, as a consequence, reduced academic performance in most cases turn out to be associated precisely with the insufficient development of basic mental functions.

The purpose of education is not only to accumulate the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to prepare the preschooler as a subject of his own educational activities. But the tasks remain unchanged for many decades: it is still the same education and personal development, the main means of solving which continues to be cognitive activity. A significant role in the formation of the cognitive activity of preschool children is given to the so-called non-traditional forms of classes. Development process modern education requires application various models classes and methods of active developmental learning. Non-traditional forms of classes help in the formation of basic concepts in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, adapt the material to age characteristics preschoolers, apply the knowledge they have acquired in life, develop intelligence, erudition, and broaden their horizons. Today, preschool educational institutions should form people with a new type of thinking, proactive, creative individuals, courageous in making decisions, competent... This is due to the formation of a new style of pedagogical thinking of a teacher, focusing on effective solution educational tasks.

Non-traditional forms of classes are based on the understanding of preschoolers as a subject of the educational process, aimed at developing the personality of preschoolers, their creative potential and motivational-value sphere. In this regard, educational material is selected in accordance with the criteria of problematic nature, alternativeness, criticality, and the possibility of integrating knowledge from various scientific disciplines. FEMP has a great variety and is very difficult to systematize, but it can still be grouped into the following positions: lesson - game, lesson - educational discussion, lesson - research.

They are based on the criterion of leading activity of subjects of the educational process. The nature of the activities of preschoolers themselves in non-traditional classes (game, evaluative-discussion, reflective) suggests: the use of “direct access methods”; stimulating the interest and motivation of students.

This is achieved through joint, creative work teachers and preschool children in the areas of goal setting, planning, analysis (reflection) and evaluation of results educational activities. The teacher becomes the coordinator in this activity. Its task is to stimulate the development of the creative potential of preschool children. Non-traditional forms of classes provide an opportunity to implement a high-quality approach to assessing results. In connection with this, an obligatory stage in their organization is analysis, thanks to which the external results of learning are translated into the internal plane of the individual, i.e. internalization. The principles underlying the concept of non-traditional forms of classes (subject - subject position in the teacher-child system, interactivity, development creative personality) contribute to the development of the personality of preschool children.

The use of non-traditional forms of classes, in particular games and excursions, is a powerful stimulus in learning; it is a varied and strong motivation. Through such activities, cognitive interest is aroused much more actively and quickly, partly because a person by nature likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in the game than in ordinary educational activities. F.I. Fradkina, exploring the motives for the participation of preschoolers in games, notes that some teenagers participate in games in order to realize their abilities and potential opportunities that do not find outlets in other types of educational activities, others - to get a high grade, others - to show themselves in front of the team, still others solve their communication problems, etc.

In non-traditional classes, the mental processes of preschoolers are activated: attention, memorization, interest, perception, thinking. Currently, scientists have discovered the difference in the functional purpose of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere specializes in verbal-symbolic functions, and the right hemisphere specializes in spatial-synthetic ones. For example, with the active work of the right hemisphere, a high level of associations, abstract thinking, and generalization of concepts is manifested, and with the functional leadership of the left hemisphere, stereotypical motor operations are facilitated, and associations become specific, with a low level of generalization of concepts. Here is what I.I. writes about this. Makariev: “Imaginative memory, the ability to preserve long time impressions of what you see is also the right hemisphere, and also to navigate in space: remember the situation in your apartment, the location of districts and streets in the city. It is the right hemisphere of the brain that reminds us where this or that thing is, how to use various devices and devices.”

When studying the creative process, two different types can be distinguished: analytical, rational - left hemisphere; intuitive, with dominance of intuition - right hemisphere.

According to I.I. Makarieva: “the school overestimates left-hemisphere verbal thinking to the detriment of right-hemisphere thinking.” Non-traditional forms of classes are emotional by nature and therefore are capable of reviving even the driest information and making it bright and memorable. In such classes it is possible to involve everyone in active work, these activities are opposed to passive listening or reading. During the learning process, an intellectually passive child is able to perform an amount of work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal learning situation. In particular, in scientific and pedagogical research about the game, the term “emotional accelerator” of learning even appeared.

Of no small importance when using non-traditional forms of education is the participation of parents in educational process .

Experience convinces us that children’s cognitive activity and interest increase significantly if parents are involved in organizing students’ educational activities.

Many parents understand the importance of educating preschool children, so involving them in the child’s academic affairs and problems becomes quite natural. The participation of parents in solving the problems of educating preschoolers allows adults to become like-minded people, allies, and develop common approaches to teaching and raising a child.

Let's name some ways of interaction between teachers and parents when solving educational problems:

joint study of the characteristics and abilities of children;

identifying the child’s problems in learning and finding ways to solve them with the involvement of other teachers and the preschooler himself;

drawing up a child development program (for the future, for example, preparation for admission to a relevant educational institution; development of a specific quality, for example, independence, etc.);

familiarization of teachers with the curriculum, educational standards, requirements that apply to preschool children, coordination of these requirements;

studying parents' orders for educational services in preschool educational institutions, the introduction of special circles and sections;

joint discussion of regime issues in organizing the educational process.

It is important for the teacher to organize joint activities between the children’s parents. For this purpose, you can use family assignments when: studying a topic or preparing for a specific lesson. The results are presented by children and parents at one of the final events when studying the relevant topic.

Based on the results of studying a topic, it is advisable to organize family competitions that involve performing creative homework, impromptu competitions of family teams in class, and organizing exhibitions of the results of family creativity.

The teacher can conduct creative reports, public reviews of knowledge with the involvement of parents, who can also participate in the preparation (making gifts, surprises for children, selecting vital issues for children on this topic, speeches by parents) and conducting these events (evaluating and discussing the results of children’s activities , presenting awards, serving on the jury).

In practice, various ways of involving parents in organizing educational activities are used:

Preparation teaching materials to class;

Speech at a lesson for parents of specialists on the problem being studied;

Organization of excursions to the enterprise by parents, etc.

Children may be given homework assignments that involve obtaining information from their parents and grandparents.

In practice, such a form as holding open classes for parents has become widespread. Their purpose may be different: to show ways of teaching preschoolers that it is advisable for parents to know when helping children learn; attract the attention of parents to the child and his problems; show children's achievements, reveal their best sides, and interest parents in the child's affairs. Depending on the dominant goal, the structure of the lesson is chosen, but in any case, the teacher thinks through how to show the best side children, especially pay attention to those whose parents are present at the lesson.

It is necessary to stimulate and promote the participation of parents in the educational activities of children. In this regard, it is advisable to evaluate the results of joint creativity, present them at exhibitions, and encourage parents and children with letters of gratitude.

A significant portion of parents realize the importance and necessity of interaction with preschool teachers. At the same time, their real participation in the education and upbringing of the child depends significantly on professional and personal qualities the teacher himself, from his desire and desire to interact with parents, from the specific purposeful actions of the teacher to attract parents to the organization of the educational process.

This problem remains relevant for many years. Experience has been accumulated, many articles and books have been written by both Russian and foreign teachers. This greatly helps teachers in understanding the goals and objectives, in more rational and clear planning, and in finding new methods and techniques for organizing the educational process.