Municipal educational institution

"Lyceum No. 35" of the city of Rzhev, Tver region


Subject: " Current problems of teaching technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Prepared by: Sokolova Lyubov Aleksandrovna,

Technology teacher

2016-217 academic year

Current problems of teaching technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In particular, the federal state educational standard for basic general education (FSES LLC) is an activity-based approach, which sets the main task of developing the student’s personality. Modern education abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The formulations of the Federal State Educational Standard indicate real types of activities.

The tasks set by the government require a transition to a systemic and activity-based educational system, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implementing the new standard. Training technologies are also changing.

Introduction of new information technologies This is a transition from a traditional to a modern lesson, which eliminates the monotony and monotony of the learning process and creates conditions for changing the types of activities of students. It is recommended to select a technology depending on the subject content, lesson goals, students’ level of preparedness, the ability to satisfy their educational needs, and the age category of students. Education is a basic sphere of social development.

The problem of the quality of education, the problem of preparing young people for active educational and professional activity, self-realization of the individual in modern society is one of the urgent and multifaceted problems in education. These problems, primarily of a socio-economic nature, determine the future path of the country, its place in modern civilization and culture.

New times place high demands on school graduates and specialists. Modern man faces many problems that he cannot solve by simply accumulating knowledge and behavioral skills. In the modern labor market, an individual who is independent and proactive, flexible and easily adapts to changing conditions, capable of learning, developing, choosing and being responsible for his choice, self-improvement and a creative approach to any business is in demand. In addition, in the conditions of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries, the requirements for scientific and technological training of schoolchildren are significantly increased. The focus of students only on mastering a certain amount of technological knowledge as a guarantee of their future successful professional activity has no right to exist.

Thus, one of the most important tasks in the modernization of Russian education is the development of a promising system technological education. Becoming new system technological education is accompanied by significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. There is a paradigm shift in education: the content of education is changing, the authoritarian education system is giving way to personality-oriented education, in which the student’s personality is the focus of the teacher’s attention. The student’s cognitive activity, rather than teaching, becomes the leader. Violation of the patterns of cognitive activity leads to a decrease in the quality of knowledge.

However, most of the available technologies are focused on the activities of the teacher, that is, on the teaching process. The purpose of technology is to make the educational process (training and upbringing, learning and teaching) manageable. The use of educational technologies has great importance in improving pedagogical processes, but the very process of using them causes great difficulties for teachers, both in selecting the necessary technologies and in assimilating them. The reasons for this are the insufficient scientific and theoretical study of technologies, the identification and characterization of common features, differences and features, weak adherence to the “harmonization” of all structural components holistic pedagogical process: the relationship between goals, objectives, results; content, forms, methods of work; means of training and education.

Technological education should contribute to the formation of key competencies (value-semantic, general cultural, information, communication, social and labor and personal self-improvement competencies). The formation of these competencies occurs in the context of the use of modern pedagogical technologies: information, design and research, modular, technology critical thinking, differentiated, student-oriented, problem-based learning. Technological education should promote the professional self-determination of students by introducing them to professions of different directions.

Scientists and practitioners pay much less attention to technology educational activities, that is, the process of learning (self-education), while this is the main block of technologization of the holistic pedagogical process and technological education of schoolchildren. The content of technological education, first of all, should include teaching students methods of educational and cognitive activity, technological techniques (memorization, comprehension, comparison, reproduction, comparison, analysis, synthesis, modeling, design, etc.).

A special structural unit in the technologization of pedagogical processes and technological education of schoolchildren is represented by the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of studying the educational field of “Technology”, which includes the following educational components: labor training, technology, drawing. Technological preparation carried out in many areas (grades 5-9). The “Technology” program, developed under the leadership of V.D., most fully and successfully reflects the ongoing changes. Simonenko and Yu.L. Khotuntseva. Not only the content of educational material, but also teaching methods are changing radically. The fundamental difference between technology teaching and traditional labor training is that students are required, using the example of basic technologies for converting materials, energy, and information available for study, to master the organization of practical activities in the entire design and technological chain - from an idea to its implementation in a model, product ( product of labor).

However, the introduction of the new educational field “Technology” led to the emergence of several noticeably different conceptual and methodological interpretations of its subject content. In educational institutions of the city, teaching creative (material) technologies is often replaced by teaching only information and computer technologies. This leads to the fact that for schoolchildren 10-15 years old real world creative activity is replaced by screen, virtual. It’s a shame that in the senior classes of high school, the OO “Technology” is replaced by in-depth courses in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and other subjects.

An urgent and as yet unsolved problem in the methodology of technological education for schoolchildren remains the lack of educational situations, tasks, assignments that reflect specific features content of schoolchildren's educational activities during technology lessons. Such tasks that would help children gain experience in transformative activities in the process of creating material products. Teachers are forced to come up with such tasks and assignments themselves. This in itself is useful, but does not always ensure the integrity of the subjective experience of schoolchildren, their transformative activities that integrate design and labor technological skills. Design and technological situations should determine a system of tasks, in solving which schoolchildren will develop a full-fledged and accessible experience of transformative activities in accordance with their age characteristics and requirements curricula by technology.

At school there are significant difficulties in the educational and methodological support of the technology teaching process. Small circulations or simply their absence (indivisible classes) of educational and methodological literature, high prices make scientific and methodological journals, textbooks, and manuals inaccessible for most educational institutions and teachers. The changing content of training in the educational field “Technology” requires the development of updated software methodological support, taking into account the variability of programs, level and profile differentiation, practice-oriented orientation of the material, and regional characteristics. In addition, it is necessary to annually include in the school and classroom development plans the gradual saturation of workshops with tools and material to introduce a full-fledged educational process and allocate appropriate funding for this.

The transition from labor training to technological training is a requirement of life. We are convinced that the purposeful, special work of the teacher to teach students technologies of knowledge of the world, technologies of self-education, self-education, professional and life self-determination very relevant. The methodology associated with the organization of design and transformation activities is designed to provide students with knowledge and, if possible, practical mastery of the basic methods and means of transformation environment, applications scientific knowledge on practice.

Considering the lesson from the perspective of the requirements of the second generation standard in comparison with the traditional lesson. What are the differences in didactic requirements for these lessons? What changes in the activities of the teacher and students when preparing and conducting a modern lesson? The teacher, both before and now, must plan the lesson in advance, think through its organization, conduct the lesson, correct his actions and the actions of the students, taking into account analysis (self-analysis) and control (self-control).

After analyzing the publications of various teachers. The student, from being present and passively following the teacher's instructions in a traditional lesson, now becomes the main figure whose goal is for teachers to master new and different methods and forms of teaching. A modern computerized workplace allows you to make lessons highly aesthetic, visual, and exciting.

“A teacher is a person who studies all his life.” Therefore, an important criterion for the success of a teacher’s work is his self-education on new technologies in teaching children of different levels of training.

Information sites help fill the content of lessons with modern facts; the Internet always offers ample opportunities. Teachers are required to do only one thing - to be a sufficiently prepared user of the virtual space.

We can conclude that in the conditions of implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, the most relevant educational technologies are:

· Design technology. Problem-based learning technology;

· Technology of developmental education;

· Health-saving technologies;

· Gaming technologies;

· Modular technology;

· Workshop technology;

· Case – technology;

· Integrated learning technology;

· Pedagogy of cooperation;

· Level differentiation technologies;

· Group technologies.

The choice of one technology or another does not imply a dilemma between “do” or “not do”, but rather involves choosing options for studying content, a variety of forms and technologies of educational activities that create an educational space. Freedom of choice is the opportunity to choose the most personally significant and essential technologies for a student at a given time.

Case technology is that at the beginning of training, an individual plan is drawn up, each student receives a so-called case.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the beginning of this century in the USA.

The purpose of technology is to stimulate students' interest in certain problems that require possession of a certain amount of knowledge and, through project activities that involve solving these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge.

Integrated learning technology. The teaching methodology is going through a difficult period. The goals of education have changed, new approaches to the content of courses through not separate disciplines, but through integrated educational areas. Integration is the merging of knowledge from several areas in one educational material. Integrated lessons develop the potential of students, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

Pedagogy of cooperation. The pedagogy of cooperation is one of the most comprehensive pedagogical generalizations of the 80s, which gave rise to numerous innovative processes in education. As an integral technology, cooperation pedagogy has not yet been embodied in a specific model and does not have normative and executive tools; it is all “scattered” across hundreds of articles and books, its ideas are included in almost all modern pedagogical technologies. In the concept of cooperation, the student is presented as the subject of his learning activity. Therefore, two subjects of one process must act together, neither of them should stand above the others.

Modular technology is based on the idea: the student must learn on his own, and the teacher is obliged to manage his learning: motivate, organize, coordinate, advise, control. It integrates everything progressive that has been accumulated in pedagogical theory and practice. The idea of ​​student activity in the process of his clear actions in a certain logic, constant reinforcement of his actions based on self-control, individualized pace of educational and cognitive activity.

Gaming technologies. Unlike games, a “pedagogical game” has a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. Material learned during the game is forgotten more slowly than material for which the game was not used. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the game organically combines entertainment, which makes the process of cognition accessible and exciting, and activity, thanks to the participation of which in the learning process, the assimilation of knowledge becomes more qualitative and durable.

Workshop technology. The “French Group of New Education” was founded by a group of French teachers; it is based on the ideas of free education of J.-J. Rousseau, L. Tolstoy, S. Frenet, psychology of humanism L.S. Vygotsky, J. Piaget, K. Rogers.

In workshop technology, the main thing is not to communicate and master information, but to convey methods of work, be it natural science research, textual analysis work of art, research of historical primary sources, means of creating works of applied art in ceramics or batik, etc.

Transferring ways of working, rather than specific knowledge, is a very difficult task for a teacher.

According to the federal state educational standard The main aspect is the student's personality. Development, which is the goal of education. Modern process teaching is focused on an individual approach to each student; the teacher needs to develop his best qualities in the child, taking into account the characteristics of his personality.

Having analyzed each of the technologies, it is worth noting that their application is not concentrated on a specific subject area. The next point is that the main aspect is development personal qualities, motivation for independent activity, systematization and processing of acquired knowledge, formation of critical thinking.

It is extremely difficult to motivate a modern student to engage in cognitive activity in the information space. A modern teenager has a different type of thinking, and this fact cannot be ignored, but, on the contrary, must be taken into account when presenting the material. Thus, the issue of using various educational technologies that allow one to perceive and assimilate information more effectively becomes relevant.

List of sources.

  1. Lazareva L.V. Modular teaching technology as a means of cognitive and personal sphere of students // “festival” pedagogical ideas"Public lesson" ( electronic resource), 2011 Access mode:
  2. Petraitis E.A. Game as a teaching method // “Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” (electronic resource), 2009 Access mode:

Section title



Methodological basis for the use of modern pedagogical technologies. Managing the implementation of educational technologies

In the world of modern educational technologies

From the experience of school teachers using educational technologies

List of used literature


The creativity of the teacher, the search for optimal ways to improve the quality of education is the daily concern of the teacher. How to find a pedagogical technology for yourself that would meet all the requirements modern education? How to transfer “foreign” learning technology into the educational process?

In practice, the choice of how to solve didactic and educational problems is left to the teacher himself. However, not every teacher can solve such a creative problem. The reasons for this lie in the level professional competence Therefore, it is more useful and reliable for obtaining high learning results to recommend to individual teachers a certain methodology (technology) in accordance with the goals of training and education. Therefore, one of the most difficult problems in this matter is training teachers to introduce modern technologies into the educational process.

The greatest positive result is obtained: if the initiative in using innovations comes from the teacher himself, the problem with his teaching does not arise: the teacher studies literature, draws up an appropriate plan for self-education, communicates with colleagues working in a new way, takes special courses, attends problem-based seminars, conferences , is conducting independent research on this issue. If improving the educational process is an initiative of the school administration or the municipality, then there is a need to organize special work aimed at training teachers in the techniques of innovative activities, during which the following tasks are solved:

  1. Motivation of teachers to master innovations in educational process, testing new methods and techniques for teaching and raising children.
  2. Providing teachers with comprehensive and up-to-date information about modern technologies.
  3. Formation of skills to apply a specific technology or its elements in practical educational activities.
  4. Formation of skills to design a lesson in accordance with the methodology of innovative technology.
  5. Formation of skills of self-analysis and self-assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of new technology.

The best result of teacher training is achieved by a combination of the following forms:

  • a pedagogical workshop where innovative teachers reveal the secrets of their vision of technology;
  • business game as a way to immerse yourself in the theory and methodology of the issue;
  • Master Class;
  • lecture;
  • seminar on understanding innovative ideas;
  • visiting and analyzing lessons from colleagues using modern technologies;
  • design training session innovative lesson;
  • open lessons, where teachers test elements of new technologies;
  • pedagogical readings, which study the experience of famous teachers, the history of the emergence of a particular teaching technology;
  • discussion on controversial issues of the theory of technology application;
  • fair of pedagogical ideas;
  • consultations;
  • internship sites, etc.

Methods for training teachers to work with new technologies can be combined into the following areas:

  • Information- lectures, pedagogical readings.
  • Complex- pedagogical workshops, master classes, internships, work in creative groups.
  • Discussion- pedagogical ring, discussion, assessment and analysis of the lesson.

Thus, training teachers on the introduction of new technologies includes theoretical training and the development of certain practical skills.

In practice, there is often insufficient attention on the part of the school administration and the municipality to the set of measures for working with teachers, which leads to the following shortcomings:

  • teachers receive a superficial or overview understanding of new technologies;
  • little attention is paid to the history and application of a particular technology;
  • the conceptual foundations of pedagogical technology are not sufficiently disclosed;
  • little time is allocated for work on developing the design and analytical skills of teachers;
  • teachers are overloaded with paperwork, development didactic means, which leads to the abandonment of innovation.

Methodological basis for the use of modern pedagogical technologies. Managing the implementation of educational technologies.

The goal of pedagogical technology is to find strategic ways to technologize training and education as the most important direction for their modernization and quality improvement through the introduction of new progressive ideas, educational innovations, and non-traditional approaches to organizing and managing pedagogical processes. The analysis of pedagogical technology should be approached comprehensively, taking into account psychological and pedagogical patterns and principles, and its content should be determined not so much from a general technological position, but from the position of its differences from other technologies, based on taking into account its pedagogical nature, which consists in the so-called human factor, in personal relationships and values.

In this case, pedagogical technology will be a branch of pedagogical science that designs, predicts and introduces new pedagogical systems into educational practice, studies the conditions for their successful functioning, and determines the mechanisms and strategies for managing these systems. Pedagogical technologies are built on the following principles:

  • systematic,
  • algorithmization,
  • standardization,
  • rational organization and purposeful management,
  • intensification,
  • efficiency.

Pedagogical technologies operate in two main areas:

1) research - to create new concepts and models of education and training, develop principles for their construction, identify operating conditions;

2) pedagogical practice- to implement concepts and models at the linear level.

The mechanism for the development and functioning of pedagogical technologies is the active and interconnected activity of the teacher and students to specify and realize the goals of education.

The subject of pedagogical technology is:

  • Creation pedagogical foundations forecasting, designing and implementing new pedagogical systems into practice of education, training and upbringing;
  • determination of strategies for their management and conditions for their successful functioning.

The need to introduce modern pedagogical technologies today is due, on the one hand, to the indicators of schoolchildren’s learning (according to Unified State Exam results); on the other hand, the transition to new standards and preparation for teaching updated educational content; with the third - targeted and structural changes in high school(teaching at basic and specialized levels).

On the one hand, teaching technology is a set of methods and means of processing, representation, change and presentation educational information, and on the other hand, it is the science of the ways in which a teacher influences students during the learning process using the necessary technical or information means. In teaching technology, the content, methods and means of teaching are interconnected and interdependent.

The pedagogical skill of the teacher is to select the necessary content, apply optimal methods and teaching aids in accordance with the program and the assigned educational objectives.

  • learning objectives;
  • content of training;
  • means of pedagogical interaction;
  • organization of the educational process;
  • student, teacher;
  • result of activity.

By now educational science and school practice have developed a whole range of specialized creative approaches to this problem. The teacher has the opportunity to study and determine for himself the most optimal set of effective techniques and methods, adapt them, i.e. When choosing a type of technology, the teacher must first study it and then consider:

  • the uniqueness of the technology, the degree of its knowledge and application;
  • the place and role of this technology in training and education;
  • level of abilities of class students, their cognitive activity;
  • content of educational material;
  • the relationship between the content of the material proposed in the textbook and the “minimax” (the necessary and sufficient level of knowledge and skills);
  • the significance of the stated goal and objectives of the lesson;
  • the relationship between independent and collective work in the classroom, its forms;
  • connection of this lesson with previous material;
  • variety of forms and types of lessons in this technology;
  • a certain optimal set of techniques, methods and teaching aids characteristic of a given technology.

All these elements represent basis choosing the optimal pedagogical technology.

In terms of its structure, the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies looks like this: at the very beginning, the purpose of implementation is selected. The purpose of implementation may be the implementation of a general methodological task, the general goal of the school’s activities. Thus, the introduction of pedagogical technologies follows primarily from an analysis of the activities of an educational institution, from the need to transform existing practices , which should be included in the school development program, in its concept, in long-term and annual plans.

The stages of implementation are of great importance:

  • organizational and preparatory
  • introductory,
  • performing,
  • control,
  • final,
  • generalization of one's own experience

Organizational and preparatory, involves:

  • creating an initiative group or even one initiator, a teacher who wants to implement educational process modern technologies;
  • work on studying the theory of the issue and the practice of the real situation of the problem being studied in school;
  • preparation of the necessary documents for the implementation of experience: plans, implementation leaflets, recommendations, projects, etc.

Introductory stage:

  • studying technology, method or new teaching techniques;
  • familiarization with the basics of the technology of other colleagues through a system of various introductory events (this has a double positive effect: you will understand something new better and faster when you yourself can convey it to another, the one who talks with enthusiasm also captivates others), familiarization takes place at meetings of methodological associations , teacher conferences, pedagogical councils;
  • creating plans for upcoming work (as a rule, this is the topic of the teacher’s self-education and the teacher draws up a plan for working on his topic);
  • determination of deadlines and performers (where, in what classes, on what topics;

Performing stage:

  • implementation and testing of technology by teachers through lessons or extracurricular activities

Control stage:

  • visiting lessons and other events of teachers who are beginning to introduce innovations into the educational process and analyzing the results obtained;

Final stage:

  • summing up, identifying changes, making adjustments taking into account the specifics of the work of the school and teacher.

Generalization of my own experience:

  • correlation of results with assigned tasks.

The result of the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies can be considered from the perspective of the student and the teacher. This table presents ideal data on the results of innovation implementation:

In the world of modern educational technologies

The innovative nature of education becomes the most important tool in its competition with other social institutions. In the modern socio-economic situation, not only the content, but also the forms and technologies of education are important for creating a positive orientation of young people towards education. The development of new methods and channels of education is becoming an urgent need. Increasing the quality, accessibility, effectiveness of education, its continuous and innovative nature, the growth of social mobility and activity of young people, their inclusion in various educational environments make the education system an important factor in ensuring national security Russia, the growth of the well-being of its citizens.

Innovations in education, first of all, should be aimed at creating personality committed to success in any area of ​​application of their capabilities. Pedagogical innovations are a purposeful, meaningful, specific change in teaching activities (and the management of these activities) through the development and introduction of pedagogical and managerial innovations in educational institutions (new content of teaching, upbringing, management; new ways of working, new organizational forms, etc.). Accordingly, the development of innovative processes is a way to ensure the modernization of education, improving its quality, efficiency and accessibility.

The goal of innovative activity is a qualitative change in the student’s personality compared to the traditional system. This becomes possible thanks to the introduction into professional activities of didactic and educational programs unknown in practice, which implies the removal of the pedagogical crisis. Development of the ability to motivate actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative unconventional thinking, the development of children through the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using latest achievements science and practice are the main goals of innovation. Innovative activities in education as a socially significant practice aimed at the moral self-improvement of a person are important in that they can ensure the transformation of all existing types practitioner in society.

Currently, the following innovative pedagogical technologies are actively used and implemented in Russian schools, which are aimed at achieving modern educational results reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • modular rating technology;
  • natural learning technology;
  • control and corrective technology of training;
  • paracentric teaching technology;
  • technology for complete assimilation of knowledge;
  • personal training technology;
  • individual-team training technology;
  • technology of project-based learning;
  • case method technology;

At the core modular-rating technology lies in the modular principle of studying the discipline, an activity-based approach to organizing students’ independent work, and rating assessment of knowledge. Modularity of training implies dividing a discipline into parts (modules) that have logical completeness and carry a certain functional load. The information included in each module, with varying complexity and depth, must have a clear structure, uniform integrity and is aimed at achieving didactic goals. Modular rating technology confronts students with the need for regular academic work, increases interest in its results, allows you to increase the role, importance and effectiveness of independent work in the educational process

Portfolio method (Performance Portfolio or Portfolic Assess ment) is a modern educational technology based on the method of authentic assessment of the results of educational activities of schoolchildren. Translated from Italian, “portfolio” means briefcase. The portfolio method originated in the West from problem-based learning. This method is based on the technology of collecting and analyzing information about the learning process and the results of educational activities. A portfolio is a systematic and specially organized collection of evidence, which serves as a way to systematically analyze one’s own activities and present its results for the ongoing assessment of competencies.

Method of problem presentation - a method in which the teacher, using a variety of sources and means, before presenting the material, poses a problem, formulates a cognitive task, and then, revealing a system of evidence, comparing points of view, different approaches, shows a way to solve the problem. Schoolchildren become witnesses and participants in scientific research.

Project method - a training system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects. Problem-based learning methods (knowledge acquisition, development of skills and abilities) are carried out in the process of partially search or research activities of students; is implemented through verbal, visual and practical teaching methods, interpreted in the key of posing and resolving a problem situation. Research work of schoolchildren, built into the educational process - such work is carried out in accordance with curricula and programs educational subjects mandatory (Federal State Educational Standard) or developmental (motivated students). This type of research activity includes: independent completion of assignments in class and homework with elements of scientific research under the methodological guidance of a teacher (preparation of essays, abstracts, analytical work, translations of articles, etc.)

Problem-based learning

1) technology aimed primarily at “stimulating interest.” Teaching consists of creating problem situations, understanding and resolving these situations in the course of joint activities of students and teachers with optimal independence of students and under the general guiding guidance of the teacher;

2) active developmental training, based on organizing the search activities of students, on identifying and resolving real life or educational contradictions.

The foundation of problem-based learning is the formulation and justification of a problem (a complex cognitive task of theoretical or practical interest). There are three possible levels of problem-solving in the educational process: problematic presentation, partial-search and research levels.

Practice-oriented projects - the peculiarity of this type of project is the preliminary formulation of a clear, significant result for the student, having practical significance, expressed in material form: preparation of a magazine, newspaper, anthology, video film, computer program, multimedia products, etc. The development and implementation of this type of project requires detail in the development of the structure, in determining the functions of the participants, intermediate and final results. This type of project is characterized by strict control on the part of the project coordinator and author.

Creative projects - their peculiarity is that they do not have a predetermined and detailed structure. In a creative project, the teacher (coordinator) determines only general parameters and indicates the optimal ways to solve problems. A necessary condition for creative projects is a clear statement of the planned result that is significant for schoolchildren. The specifics of such a project require students to work intensively with primary sources, with documents and materials that are often contradictory and do not contain ready-made answers. Creative projects stimulate maximum activation of students’ cognitive activity, contribute to the effective development of skills and abilities to work with documents and materials, the ability to analyze them, draw conclusions and generalizations.

Lecture-visualization — when reading a visualization lecture, the principle of clarity is observed; a lecture is information converted into visual form. The video sequence, being perceived and conscious, can serve as a support for adequate thoughts and practical actions. The video sequence should not only illustrate oral information, but also be a carrier of meaningful information. When preparing for a lecture, the content must be recoded into visual form. Visualization can be expressed in different forms: natural materials, visual (slides, drawings, photos), symbolic (diagrams, tables). It is important to observe: visual logic and rhythm of presentation of material, dosage, communication style.

From the experience of using modern educational technologies teachers primary classes Kapranova I. A.)

“Application of modern pedagogical technologies in elementary school.”

The formation of the personality of schoolchildren, first of all, occurs in the classroom. My the main objective- arouse emotional interest in children, create a situation of problem, choice and search for a solution, which helps to maximize the mental and creative potential students.

With the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard in primary school, teachers must teach the child not only to read, count and write, which they still teach quite successfully, but also must instill two groups of new skills. The first includes a group of universal learning activities that form the basis of the ability to learn: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of motivation in children to learn, helping them in self-organization and self-development.

The basis of my activities in the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards is a system-activity approach to training using innovative technologies because Schoolchildren’s own educational activities are an important component of the system-activity approach.

At the beginning of the school year, I conducted a starting diagnostic aimed at identifying the main problems typical for the majority of students, and in accordance with them, I planned a system of work to ensure personal and meta-subject results.

It clearly traces the holistic work on the formation of educational learning through subject lines of development, extracurricular activities, the use of project technology, technology for productive reading, group work, and work in pairs. The technique of interaction between teacher and student in the activity approach is carried out through the use of quality teaching technologies.

Educational technologies

In my work I use the most modern educational technologies aimed at solving educational problems:

  • Developmental education
  • Problem-based learning
  • Multi-level training
  • Using the research method in teaching
  • Project methods in teaching
  • Game methods
  • Collaborative learning
  • Information and communication technologies

The structure of each of my lessons is carefully thought out. After all, only competent construction of a lesson allows children to discover new things, pay attention to the main thing, and achieve success for everyone to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Give the most insecure students a chance.

I constantly improve intensive methods of new education: independent “construction” of knowledge through a creative search for solutions and discoveries.

In my work I pay great attention to gifted children and children who show increased interest in the subjects they study. I begin working with gifted children by diagnosing the characterological characteristics of the students’ personality and their properties. nervous system(in 1st grade). After studying the diagnostic results, I draw up a short “portrait” of each of my students. This allows you to predetermine the reaction of children and makes it possible to choose the necessary methods of teaching and upbringing.

During literary reading lessons, I conduct a dialogue with students, pushing them to think. The choice of method of work in the lesson depends on the specifics of the text. But there are positions that are common to any lesson. The teacher and student act as equal partners, bearers of diverse but necessary experience, expressing their thoughts about the work they read.

Children are not afraid to express their opinions own opinion, since I do not call any of them erroneous. I discuss all children's versions not in a harsh evaluative situation (right - wrong), but in an equal dialogue. Then I summarize all versions of the answer to the question, highlighting and supporting those that are most adequate to the scientific content, corresponding to the topic of the lesson, objectives and learning goals.

In these conditions, all students strive to be “heard”, speak out on the topic raised, and work on themselves - each according to their individual capabilities. My students like to dramatize works. Here there is complete scope for creativity, manifestation of personal qualities and talents of children. Still, the main task of literary reading is to develop reading skills and instill an interest in reading.

So, some students like to read fairy tales, and I invite them to compose their own fairy tale. I coordinate the aspirations of children, guide them, and help them choose good literature. They share with me their impressions of the books they read at home, and I advise them to read this or that book on a topic that interests them. Thus, differentiation of training is carried out.

Children in math lessons younger age think in images. In lessons I give the opportunity to think, and not “quickly, quickly, I can’t see my hands.” I ask questions that have no answer, but need to be thought about. I create a situation of success, comfort, and collaborate with children. In my lessons there is always a clear visual element, helping each child to assert themselves.

Practical work, excursions and organized observations play a major role in the implementation of this approach. And already in 1st grade the children actively participate in project activities. Children show results already at the exit from 1st grade.

The development of students' creative individuality is facilitated by technology lessons, which take place in an atmosphere of free communication. Children work enthusiastically to create crafts, put their creative abilities into practice, and help their friends overcome difficulties. In the process of such work, students acquire knowledge about the harmonious structure of the world and the place of man in it, and become imbued with respect for cultural traditions and the people who bear these traditions.

This is confirmed by participation in creative and intellectual competitions of municipal, regional, regional, all-Russian and international significance.

The result of the work is an increase in the level of self-esteem and self-control of students, their creative success, and stable indicators of the quality of knowledge. For disclosure creativity I use active forms and methods for children: conversations, discussions, games and excursions, competitions, tournaments, interviews, Olympiads, observations, creative work, search experiments, individual sessions, artistic and aesthetic activities.

All students are involved in creative work. For those who are good at writing, I suggest composing riddles, puzzles, fairy tales, and quizzes. The guys love it. They want to learn in a fun, unique, and exciting way. I then edit children's crosswords and use them in my work as multi-level didactic material.

Even those who do not like and do not know how to draw well illustrate poems, excerpts from stories, composed riddles and crosswords. The kids and their parents enjoy visiting my club " Unconventional drawing”, and after just a few lessons, the children themselves ask to complete creative tasks in class.

The system uses every day:

Health-saving technologies contribute to the formation healthy image life. They are used during the lesson in the form of physical education minutes. I also work according to a program of dynamic breaks, which consists in the fact that every day of the week is carried out in accordance with the plan: Mon outdoor games, Tues sports and intellectual games, Wed folk and board games, Thurs general developmental complexes, Fri musical physical exercises.

Gaming technologies preserve the child’s cognitive activity and facilitate the complex learning process, contribute to both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of many personality qualities. I use gaming technologies in lessons, mainly in grades 1-2. I believe that a good, smart and entertaining game activates children’s attention, relieves psychological and physical stress, facilitates the perception of new material.

Information and communication technologies. I actively use ICT in my practice: voting system, document camera. I develop multimedia presentations not only myself, but also involve students in this. With the help of ICT, children learn new ways of collecting information and learn to use them, their horizons expand, and their learning motivation increases.

Project technologies are used by me in lessons, in extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities. I do not “impose” information on students, but direct their independent search, for example: “Do you know everything to complete this project? What information do you need to obtain? What sources of information should you turn to?

In other words, I act on the principle: “...don’t do anything for me, point me in the right direction, push me to a decision, and I’ll do the rest myself.” I form the necessary educational skills in children:

1. The communication technologies I use allow students to develop:

  • ability to work in a group;
  • express your personal opinion;
  • listen to the opinions of your comrades;
  • create a favorable psychological climate, an atmosphere of mutual assistance and tolerance.

2. Personal - motivation for learning, moral choice.

3. Cognitive. Formulating a goal, searching and isolating information, modeling an independent search for solutions to problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

2. Regulatory universal educational action. Reflection by students of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of educational activity. She was an integral part of all lessons in the class. To evaluate their work in class, children use so-called “traffic light” cards, as well as emoticons.

Also, in order to record the results of educational and extracurricular activities of first-graders, at the parent meeting it was decided to create a “Portfolio” for students, which serves as a good stimulator for their educational activities, because it reflects the achievements of a first-grader not only in academics, but also in extracurricular activities.


1 - Bespalko V.P. Pedagogy and progressive teaching technologies. M.: Publishing house of the Institute of Vocational Education of the Russian Ministry of Defense, 1995

2 - Guzeev V.V. Effective educational technologies: Integral and TOGIS. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006

3 - Guidelines on the implementation of the Priority National Project “Education” in the regions. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Academy of Advanced Training and professional retraining education workers. M.: 2006

4 - Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on information and communication tools. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005

Introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process in order to form the cognitive interest of students Currently, the main problem of the school is the large information load and the reluctance of children to learn. In this regard, a search is underway for effective teaching methods that would activate the thoughts of schoolchildren and stimulate interest in learning. Such methods are modern pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of planning, applying and evaluating the entire process of learning and knowledge acquisition by taking into account human and technical resources and the interaction between them to achieve a more effective form of education.

  • Educational technologies
  • formation of positive motivation for educational work,
  • intensification of the communication environment,
  • development of a personality capable of educational and research activities, further continuation of education, professional choice,
student health protection.
  • Types of educational technologies
  • Technology of personality-oriented education.
  • Technology of using gaming methods.
  • Project method.
  • Collaborative learning technology.
  • Technology of multi-level training.
  • Technology for the development of critical thinking.
Information and communication technologies.
  • Of course, there are many modern educational technologies, but in my work I most often use some of them:
  • Gaming technologies (didactic games).
  • Group learning technologies.
Problem-based learning technology.
  • 1. Game technology (didactic game) is a form of educational process in conditional situations, aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in all its manifestations: knowledge, skills, abilities, emotional and evaluative activity.
  • By type of student activity: didactic games
  • divided into:
  • -Travel games.
  • -Games-errands.
  • - Guessing games.
  • -Quiz games.
-Conversation games.
  • In my lessons, I often use quiz games and travel games.
  • Quiz Games:
  • 1.Game: “Write a message.”
  • Used at the stage of generalizing knowledge of the topic “Arthropods” in 7th grade.
  • Each row is given a sheet on which the name of one class of arthropod is written. In 3 minutes, passing the sheet, you need to write the signs of animals of this class. The winner is the one in whose row the guys answer correctly and completely.
The result is: the formation of imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, the systematization of material for an entire section, sports competition between teams stimulates interest in learning and activates mental activity.
  • 2. Biology quiz.
  • 2. Biology quiz.
  • Used in a lesson on generalizing knowledge on the topic “Pisces. Amphibians. Reptiles" in 7th grade.
  • Preparatory stage:
  • Selection of a jury of three specialists: ichthyologist, batrachologist, herpetologist, who will ask questions to teams from their field and subsequently evaluate the teams.
  • -1 The Erudite team will test their knowledge about fish.
  • -2 The “Local History” team will test their knowledge about amphibians.
  • -3 The “Experts” team will test their knowledge about reptiles.
The quiz consists of 3 competitions:
  • The quiz consists of 3 competitions:
  • 1) Warm-up “Who’s the odd one out here?” Max 4 points
  • Each team must find an “extra” animal from the individually proposed series and explain why it is superfluous in the presented list.
  • 2) “Big Game” Max 7 points
  • Experts from their field ask 7 questions in turn to the corresponding team about the structure, development, adaptation and habitat of animals.
  • 3) “Unfinished table”
  • Max 10 points
  • Each team receives
  • table with 2 columns,
  • which is filled only
  • second. In the first one you need to enter
  • names of animals from the proposed options
  • answers.
The team with the most points wins. All students are assessed based on their level of participation in the game.
  • The result is the formation of imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, the systematization of material across entire sections, sports competition between teams stimulates interest in learning and activates the mental activity of each student.
Travel games:
  • Travel games:
  • "Cage Journey"
  • used in a re-summarizing lesson on the topic “Cell”.
  • All material is divided into several stations, while at which students perform certain tasks.
  • 1. Station "Istoricheskaya". On the table are business cards of scientists who contributed to the development of cytology. Students pull out business cards and talk about the scientist whose name is written on the card.
  • 2. Station “Knowledge Blitz” biological terms" Students name terms according to their definitions.
  • 3. Station “Cell structure”. Students have signs on their desks with the names of cell organelles. The teacher reads out the functions performed by this organoid. Students must pick up the card with the correct organelle.
  • 4. Station. "Physiological". The cards contain the names of the substances that make up the cell. What functions do these substances perform?
  • The result is: increased attention, observation, comprehension of game tasks, making it easier to overcome difficulties and achieve success, and as a result, increased interest in learning.
Didactic games in the lessons contribute to the formation of the following UUD:
  • PERSONAL - stability and arbitrariness of attention, memory and development of thinking are formed.
  • - conscious and voluntary construction of speech utterances in oral and written form as general educational universal educational actions.
  • - comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics; proof; putting forward hypotheses and their justification as logical universal educational actions.
  • - determination of goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction;
  • - conflict resolution – identification, identification of problems, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation;
  • -management of the partner’s behavior – control, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions.
2. Group learning technologies. Aimed at developing a person who is sociable, tolerant, has organizational skills and knows how to work in a group; increasing the efficiency of assimilation of program material.
  • Paper mockup of an animal and plant cell.
  • Paper mockup of an animal and plant cell.
  • Used as one of the methods in studying new material on the topic: “Cell” in 7th grade.
  • Children are divided into 2 teams. They are given sheets of Whatman paper and files with colored organelles cut out of paper. The children of the two teams are given the following task:
  • Compose the correct plant and animal cells at speed.
  • At the end, the whole class evaluates the correctness of the cells and notes the distinctive features of the cells.
  • The result is an increase in interest in the subject, revealing the personal potential of each student. Students gain communication skills, the ability to work with additional literature, solve problems, and actively realize themselves.
Example of group technology
  • Group lessons contribute to the formation of the following UUD:
  • - meaning formation - the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.
  • -goal setting - as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown;
  • -forecasting – anticipation of the result and level of assimilation;
  • -assessment of the quality and level of learning;
  • general educational universal educational activities
  • -application of information retrieval methods;
  • -reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity.
  • Logical universal actions:
  • - comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics
  • - conflict resolution - identifying, identifying a problem, searching and evaluating alternative ways to resolve a conflict, making a decision and its implementation.
3. Problem-based learning technology. Aimed at students acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, mastering methods of independent activity, developing cognitive and creative abilities.
  • This is a type of developmental education
  • the content of which is presented
  • a system of problematic tasks of varying levels of complexity, in the process of solving which students acquire new knowledge and methods of action, and through this the formation of creative abilities occurs: productive thinking, imagination, cognitive motivation, intellectual emotions.
The problem-based learning scheme is presented as a sequence of procedures, including:
  • The problem-based learning scheme is presented as a sequence of procedures, including:
  • staged by the teacher educational problem tasks, creating a problem situation for students;
  • awareness, acceptance and resolution of the problem that has arisen, during which they master generalized methods of acquiring new knowledge;
  • application of these methods to solve specific problem systems.
An example of problem-based learning.
  • Studying an unknown bird using biological techniques.
  • Used in a lesson on the topic “Methods for studying biology.”
  • Objective of the lesson: Learn to use study methods
  • biology when studying a living object.
  • Problem: I don’t know what kind of bird is shown in the photo.
  • Encouraging students to study birds, and as a result,
  • use of methods for studying biology.
  • Result:
  • 1) Using the observation method, you can find out the diet and habitat of the bird.
  • 2) The bird’s appearance and behavior are recognized using the description method.
  • 3) The comparative method is used to study the systematic affiliation of a bird, using additional literature, or a determinant.
  • 4) Using the historical method, you can find out historical development of this type, using additional literature.
  • 5) Using the experimental method, you can find out the degree of adaptability of a given species to certain environmental conditions.
  • 6) Using the modeling method, you can study the behavioral character of a species by building its model, for example on a computer. (teacher hint)
Problem lessons contribute to the formation of the following UUD:
  • Cognitive UUD: definition of concepts: “research methods”, “observation”, “experiment”, “measurement”, independent possession and formulation of a cognitive goal, formulation and formulation of a problem, putting forward proposals and their justification.
  • Communicative learning activities: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and students, carrying out joint cognitive activities in a group, mastering different methods of communication.
  • Regulatory UUD: the ability to evaluate others and give self-assessment, correlation of what students know and what is not yet known, creation of schematic models highlighting the essential characteristics of an object, transformation of information from one type to another.
The introduction of pedagogical technologies into the learning process is facilitated by:
  • improving the quality of knowledge and training of students, comprehensive development of the child’s personality;
  • implementation of educational goals, teaching responsibility, mutual assistance;
  • increasing student productivity, developing cognitive activity and independence;
  • expanding children's interpersonal relationships.
% of information absorption:
  • lecture– no more than 20-30%
  • independent work with literature- up to 50%
  • reciting– up to 70%
  • personal participation in the activity being studied(N, business game)
  • – up to 90%
Thank you for your attention!
  • Thank you for your attention!


St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


The article discusses the problems of introducing modern technologies for teaching foreign languages ​​in higher education. Particular attention is paid to the psychological aspects of interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. The problem of creating appropriate methodological support for the educational process is highlighted separately.

The paper deals with the challenges of introducing modern ways of foreign language training at higher school. Special attention is paid to the psychological aspects of classroom interaction. Creating teaching materials corresponding to the modern educational aims is also pointed out hereinafter.

The sociocultural concept of modern education is the basis for a new educational paradigm, which is aimed at the process of enriching the rational-logical and emotional-psychic spheres of the student’s personality and involves achieving a unified orientation of his mind, will and feelings. These transformations are possible only in the case of significant changes in the technology of pedagogical interaction and qualitative updating of all aspects of the educational process. The main objectives are to revise the content of education and change the relationship between teachers and students.

It is possible to overcome the passivity of students in the educational process through the use of new pedagogical technologies based on methods active learning. Currently, pedagogical technologies are defined in the literature as a complex integral process, including active learning methods, ideas, tools and methods of organizing activities for analysis, planning, evaluation and management of problem solving, covering all aspects of knowledge acquisition. When developing technologies, it is necessary to include in the learning process those types of activities that encourage students to be active.

significant actions, contribute to development as much as possible, help to choose solutions in various situations, work with information, put forward hypotheses, explore processes and phenomena, express judgments, take positions in activities and group interaction. Only in this case is the successful achievement of a set of educational goals.

The use of active learning methods allows you to change standard communication models in the “teacher-student” interaction system. Active learning is based on dialogical communication, both between the teacher and students, and between the students themselves.

In the process of introducing modern technologies for teaching a foreign language (FL), as a rule, three groups of contradictions are discovered. The introduction of active learning methods, especially in junior courses, is very actual problem and depends on the level of general organization of the educational process at the university. The conditions of study at a university increasingly require a person to be able to independent organization educational activities, learning skills. When implementing pedagogical influence, it is necessary to take into account the factor that, as a rule, psychophysiologically mature people come to the university. However, social

Saint Petersburg. 2008

This maturity (the position of a “student”) remains borrowed from school. Therefore, the first group of contradictions in the process of introducing active learning methods concerns students who at school were not accustomed to active behavior in foreign language classes: they are more comfortable reading and translating. According to the results of surveys and questionnaires, such students are more than 40%. Here the teacher has to spend a lot of energy to intensify their learning activities.

The second group of contradictions arises in the process of work of the teacher himself - between the traditionally calm and innovative, more complex, but more productive way of organizing classes. This contradiction has to be overcome by stimulating the teacher’s own activity. And this, perhaps, is the main difficulty in introducing modern teaching technologies. Experience shows that on the way to mastering didactic innovations, teachers face difficulties, primarily of a professional and personal nature, associated with stereotypical personal attitudes and reactions in a work environment. Their typical manifestation is a “rollback” to the usual patterns of work of an authoritarian type. The subtleties of mastering modern teaching technologies are determined not only by the methods of work themselves, but by the expectations associated with them in relation to the teacher. Let us note the most significant ones, such as flexibility, breadth, tolerance, activity and goodwill, and acceptance of the individual.

All of the above are skills, functions, and features of the teacher’s activity, but to the greatest extent, they are features of his personal make-up. This means that the question of using new teaching technologies is not in the spirit of “borrowing methods”, “applying techniques”, but

somewhat differently. It is impossible to borrow for work those types of educational work that are associated with unusual experience of activity, and most importantly, are not entirely characteristic or not at all characteristic of personal qualities. Of course, many of the skills and personal qualities mentioned are close and characteristic of teachers. The question is to what extent the corresponding personality traits are developed and manifested in life and professional experience.

The third group of contradictions relates to the creation of scientific and methodological support for teaching foreign languages ​​in each specific university. In accordance with the modern goals of teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university and the professional guidance of students, the teacher has to create new teaching material in the form of visual aids, lesson handouts, copyright teaching aids. This requires a lot of effort, time and, among other things, material costs. Until now, university curricula do not have reasonable time standards for study and methodological work necessary for preparing classes based on the use of active learning methods (game activities, business games, analysis of specific situations, problem tasks, etc.); their place and role in the educational process are not defined. Therefore, each teacher must take a meaningful approach to the choice of task, the feasibility and effectiveness of its use in the lesson. However, the preparation of such classes and especially business games- a complex and labor-intensive task that requires the hard work of qualified specialists. It may be necessary to create teams of authors at departments to develop collections of assignments that correspond to the professional orientation of the university.

ISSN 0135-3500. Notes of the Mining Institute. T.175


It is quite obvious that our future lies in the modern school. Modernization dictates the need to develop the cognitive interests, abilities and capabilities of the child. The lesson should be bright, effective, emotional, and most importantly, productive. These factors primarily depend on the teacher and his professionalism. The Education Modernization Strategy emphasizes the need to change teaching methods and technologies at all levels, increasing the weight of those that form practical skills in information analysis, self-study, and stimulate independent work students, form the experience of responsible choice and responsible activity. There is a need for a new learning model, built on the basis of modern technologies, implementing the principles of student-centered education. Thus, the following requirements for the school of the future can be identified:

The school must develop the creative potential of each student, i.e. implement a personal approach in the learning process.

The school must teach the student to learn. Learn to work with information.

Both teachers and students must master modern technologies.

Consequently, a modern school should be focused on ensuring self-determination and self-realization of the individual. A traditional lesson is necessary, focusing on educational requirements modern society and man. This task can only be achieved through developmental training.

In order to consider oneself a real teacher today, it is not enough to have the ability for cultural self-development and creative cooperation with children. It is important to navigate those innovative processes that, at least at the level of theoretical research, will serve as the basis for creating your own concept, your own view of the professional activity of a teacher. A teacher today is not only an excellent teacher, but also a researcher who is able to formulate and solve problems in an original way. pedagogical practice tasks at the technological level. Relevance The problem lies in mastering the basics of technologization of the educational process. The importance of this process, firstly, for the implementation of a systematic approach in solving pedagogical problems related to the design of the learning process, the development of technology for teaching the subject, the creation of an original pedagogical system and the design of student activities in the lesson to master new concepts. Secondly, educational technologies significantly activate the process of mastering knowledge, skills, and abilities, and create conditions for the creative activity of students in the classroom.

1. The essence of educational technology

The reform processes that have unfolded in the education system in recent years cannot be effective both without a deep theoretical understanding of its problems, and without a thorough experimental verification of the proposed transformations.

Any theoretical position that is being tried to be introduced into mass practice must first of all have two qualities: be technologically advanced and reproducible. To be technologically advanced means it can be implemented within the framework of the current operating models of educational institutions. To be reproducible means possible for use by every teacher. The process of standardization of the Russian educational space began without proper methodological preparation, without awareness of the role and functions of pedagogical technology as an innovative concept during the transition educational institutions to work under educational standards.

The “Strategy for Modernizing the Content of General Education” examines the development of students’ independence and ability to self-organize. The implementation of this goal is based on three conceptual approaches: subject-informational, activity-based and value-oriented.

The subject-information approach is the main one in the modern educational space - it is carried out on the basis of private (subject-specific) methods and is essentially the implementation of the concepts of the paradigm of traditional pedagogy.

The value-orientation component of the educational process determines the system of universal human cultural and historical heritage to be passed on to a new generation, and, in our opinion, does not yet have adequate implementation technologies.

The activity approach is based on the theory of developmental learning and considers the main task to be the requirement to “teach to learn.”

Thus, at the modern level of “innovation”, education is considered as an activity that is determined by the degree of development of the activity structures of the individual and at the same time “works” on the development of activity abilities. It is not so much important to convey a certain amount of knowledge to the student, but to help him master types of activities, mastering which, he himself will be able to obtain the necessary information in any situation.

With the activity approach, the task of “teaching to learn” cannot be solved within the framework of traditional pedagogy without “reaching” the technological level. In addition, the educational process begins to be restructured in the direction of developing the student’s subjectivity, the priority of his self-organization, initiative, and independence. And as a consequence, the question arises: what is “technology”?

According to a number of researchers (Guzeev, Levites, Chernilevsky, Yudin, etc.), many teachers are not aware of the differences between methodology and technology.

One can agree with a number of researchers (Kirikova, Ksenzova) who believe that pedagogical technology is based on the laws of the educational process as a result of scientific knowledge of the educational process, and the methodology is based on empirical experience, skill and art of the teacher.

A.M. Kushnir: “It has long become commonplace that a methodology arises as a result of generalizing experience or inventing a new way of presenting knowledge. The technology is designed based on specific conditions and focusing on a given, rather than expected, result.”

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky, considering the problem of distinguishing technology and methodology, proposes to use the term “educational technology” and identifies four groups of such phenomena:

Search and research technologies,

Technologies of criterion-oriented training,

Simulation (modeling) teaching technologies,

Information Technology.

V.V. Guzeev, who has been actively involved in the problems of technologization of the educational process for many years, has repeatedly made attempts to create classifications of pedagogical (educational) technologies. Thus, he identified four classes (generations) of educational technologies in accordance with the minimum unit of the educational process (lesson, educational module, block, etc.):

Private methods (first generation),

Modular block technologies (second),

All-block technologies (third),

Integral technology (fourth generation).

Research in the field of educational technology has led to numerous definitions of this concept by famous teachers and methodologists. From the point of view of V. Bespalko, B. Bloom, V. Zhuravlev, M. Clarin, G. Morevoy, V. Monakhov and others, pedagogical technology (or more narrowly - teaching technology) is an integral (procedural) part of the education system associated with didactic processes, means and organizational forms of training. It is this part of the teaching system that answers the traditional question “how to teach” with one significant addition “how to teach effectively.” Below are some definitions of educational technology.

Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technological and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education (UNESCO).

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit for the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in every detail in the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov).

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

Pedagogical technology is a meaningful technique for implementing the educational process (V.P. Bespalko).

Pedagogical technology is a description of the process of achieving planned learning outcomes (I.P. Volkov).

Teaching technology is an integral procedural part didactic system(M. Choshanov).

Educational technology is a set of educational structures of educational institutions, organizational activities, methods, techniques, system tools and psychological attitudes aimed at transferring known knowledge, systematic formation of awareness of information and effective assimilation of knowledge in the learning process or activity (V.N. Busurin, V. N. Kozlov).

Pedagogical technology is a scientifically based choice of the nature of the operational impact in the process of interaction with children organized by the teacher, made in order to maximize the development of the individual as a subject of the surrounding reality (T.N. Shamova).

Recently in Russia, the term “pedagogical technology” is increasingly found in works devoted to the problems of education (research by L.N. Lazutina, N.E. Shchurkova, V.Yu. Pityukova. L.D. Ragozina, A.P. Savchenko and etc.).

Three approaches to defining the concept of “educational technology” are discussed in the “Glossary of Modern Education” (terminological dictionary):

A systematic method of planning, applying, evaluating the entire process of learning and knowledge acquisition by taking into account human and technical resources and the interaction between them to achieve a more effective form of education;

Solving didactic problems in the context of managing the educational process with precisely defined goals, the achievement of which must be clearly described and defined (the generally accepted definition of the 70s);

Identification of principles and development of techniques for optimizing the educational process by analyzing factors that increase educational effectiveness, through the design and application of techniques and materials, as well as through the methods used.

Thus, in a generalized form, pedagogical technology is a model of joint educational and pedagogical activities thought out in all details for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers. Pedagogical technology involves the implementation of the idea of ​​complete controllability of the processes of training and education.

Summarizing the views of modern researchers on the problem of using the term “technology” (M.E. Bershadsky, D.G. Levitas, V.V. Yudin, etc.), we can distinguish four main areas of its application:

1. The concept is applied intuitively to any pedagogical processes and phenomena. Any pedagogical activity declared technology (All pedagogical systems are of a humanistic and tolerant direction).

2. Technology as an art, the skill of teaching, communicating with students. The concept includes many specific methods of interaction with students in a variety of situations (Methods of innovative teachers (V. Shatalov, Sh. Amonashvili, etc.)

3. Classical technology (algorithmic paradigm). Used to describe models of the educational process in accordance with the production paradigm technological process. The model is based on theoretical basis and includes: a model of the student’s personality with a description of the parameters to be monitored and methods for diagnosing them; a system of pedagogical influences on the student, consisting of well-known operations that implement a certain theoretical concept of learning; a system of diagnostically and operationally defined educational goals. (Block-modular technologies, gaming technologies, algorithmized group forms of work, concentrated learning technologies,

(multimedia) technologies, design and research technologies,

technologies of training in global information networks (TOGIS).

4. Technology of person-centered education (stochastic paradigm). It is used to describe stochastic models of the educational process based on the design of a learning environment, which affects the likelihood of its occurrence in various directions (Technologies of student-centered, personality-developmental, personality-centered and individual-personal learning).

If we strictly approach the concept of “pedagogical technology” from the standpoint of the activity approach, only pedagogical phenomena of the third group, based on the algorithmic paradigm, can be classified as educational technologies. In this case, it becomes possible to identify common characteristic features of basic teaching technologies that distinguish them from other didactic models:

1. Standardization, unification of the learning process and the resulting possibility of reproducing (and replicating) the technology in relation to given conditions.

2. Effectiveness – guaranteed achievement of the planned level of assimilation.

3. The focus of technology on the development of personality in the educational process and the implementation of multi-level training based on the implementation of a situationally determined learning model.

4. Diagnostic goal setting. The activity approach underlying any technology is that the achievement of each didactic goal can be verified, and this must be justified at the design stage.

5. Optimal organization of educational material: didactic modules, blocks or cycles are developed, including the content of the material being studied, the goals and levels of its study, methods of assimilation and assessment, etc.

6. Organization of the educational process in accordance with educational goals, where the emphasis is on differentiated independent work of students with prepared educational material (a certain desire to abandon the traditional class-lesson system: paired lessons or cycles of lessons, “immersion”, design and research activities and etc.).

7. Examination of the quality of education: 1) input control - for information about the level of students’ readiness for work and, if necessary, for updating what was previously studied; 2) current or intermediate - after each educational stage in order to identify gaps in mastering the material and the necessary correction; 3) final – to assess the level of mastery of the material.

8. Form for assessing the level of knowledge acquisition and methods of activity: along with traditional tests (including those of a multi-level nature), testing is carried out and rating scales are used.

In addition to the listed factors, researchers identify several more essential features of educational technology: cost-effectiveness, algorithmability, projectability, integrity, controllability, adjustability, visualization, etc.

Consequently, the basis of any pedagogical technology should be a sequence of procedures for transforming the student in accordance with learning goals. In this context, pedagogical technology can be defined as a certain algorithmized sequence of pedagogical procedures that is guaranteed to ensure the achievement of a didactic goal

2. Characteristics of technologies that implement

system-activity approach

Modern school requires not just one pedagogical technology, but a whole palette. This is necessary for both the student and the teacher. If we proclaim a personality-oriented approach in relation to a child, then exactly the same approach should be applied in relation to a teacher. He should have the right to choose which technology is most suitable for him - due to the age, individual, personal qualities and characteristics of the student. The task assigned to the teacher of transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implementing the new standard. In the conditions of implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, the following technologies become the most relevant:

    Information and communication technology

    Project technology

    Gaming technologies

    Group technologies

    Problem-based learning technology

    Modular technology

    Integrated learning technology

Information and communication technologies

The use of ICT contributes to achieving the main goal of modernization of education - improving the quality of education, ensuring the harmonious development of an individual who navigates the information space, is familiar with the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and has an information culture, as well as presenting existing experience and identifying its effectiveness.

Currently, it is necessary to be able to obtain information from different sources, use it and create it independently. The widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject, and also greatly facilitates their work, increases the efficiency of teaching, and improves the quality of teaching.

The ICT application system can be divided into the following stages:

    Identification of educational material that requires specific presentation, analysis educational program, analysis of thematic planning, selection of topics, choice of lesson type, identification of features of the lesson material of this type;

    Selection and creation of information products, selection of ready-made educational media resources, creation of your own product (presentation, training, training or monitoring);

    Application of information products, use in lessons different types, application in extracurricular activities, application in scientific leadership research activities students.

    Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of ICT, study of the dynamics of results, study of ratings by subject.

Project technologies

The project method attracted the attention of Russian teachers at the beginning of the 20th century. The ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the leadership of the Russian teacher S. T. Shatsky, a small group of employees was organized in 1905, trying to actively use project methods in teaching practice.

Later, already at Soviet power these ideas began to be quite widely introduced into school, but not sufficiently thought out and consistently, and by a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1931, the project method was condemned and since then, until recently, no serious attempts were made in Russia to revive this method in school practice.

The goal of project-based learning is to create conditions under which students: independently and willingly acquire missing knowledge from different sources;

    learn to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    acquire communication skills by working in various groups; develop research skills (ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct experiments, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize);

    develop systems thinking.

There are different approaches to classifying projects. E.S. Polat proposed the following typological characteristics of projects that form the basis of the classification:

1 . By the nature of the activity dominant in the project:

    search (search project);

    research (research project);

    creative (creative project);

    role-playing (game project);

    applied (practice-oriented) (practice-oriented project);

    introductory (indicative project).

2. By subject area:

    mono-project, within one field of knowledge;

    interdisciplinary project at the intersection of various fields.

3. By the nature of project coordination:

    direct (rigid, flexible);

    hidden (implicit, imitating a project participant,

    typical for telecommunications projects).

4. By the nature of contacts (among participants in the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries peace).

5. By the number of project participants (individual, pair, group, collective, mass).

6. By project duration ( long-term, short-term, etc.).

Gaming technologies

Considered from the standpoint of educational activity as a complex pedagogical technology, an educational game is a specific way of managing a student’s educational and cognitive activity.

An educational game is a variable, dynamically developing form of organizing the purposeful interaction of all its participants with pedagogical guidance from the teacher. The essence of this form is the relationship between simulation modeling and the role-playing behavior of game participants in the process of solving typical educational tasks of a sufficiently high level of difficulty.

The game reveals the student’s personal potential: each participant can diagnose their own capabilities individually and in joint activities with other participants. Schoolchildren become creators of not only the game situation, but also the “creators” of their own personality. They solve problems of self-government, look for ways and means to optimize communication, identify their shortcomings and take measures to eliminate them. The teacher helps them with this.

The game can also be considered as a technology of group psychotherapy, because the participant in the game is effectively influenced by the atmosphere of the group, group cooperation and support. He learns to overcome psychological barriers in communicating with different people, to improve the qualities of his personality: to eliminate those that hinder effective communication, for example, isolation, lack of restraint, etc.

Classification of pedagogical games

By area of ​​application :






According to (characteristics) the nature of the pedagogical process:








According to gaming technology:







By subject area:

    mathematical, chemical, biological, physical





By gaming environment:

    without items

    with objects






    cyclic, with means of transportation

What problems does the use of this form of training solve:

    Exercises freer, psychologically liberated control of knowledge.

    The painful reaction of students to unsuccessful answers disappears.

    The approach to students in learning becomes more sensitive and differentiated.

Most games have four main features:

    free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from its result;

    creative, significantly improvisational, very active nature of this activity (“field of creativity”);

    emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (sensual nature of the game, “emotional tension”);

    the presence of direct or indirect rules reflecting the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

L. Vygotsky in the form of a paradox: “A child in a game cries like a patient and rejoices like a player.” Role-playing play recreates social relationships “on faith” in a new material form accessible to the child. This is its main function and significance for the development of S.A. Shmakov’s personality. Students' games are a cultural phenomenon.

Technology for developing critical thinking

Critical thinking is a type of thinking that helps to be critical of any statements, not to take anything for granted without evidence, but at the same time to be open to new ideas, methods, a necessary condition for freedom of choice, quality of forecast, responsibility for one’s own decisions. The constructive basis of the “technology of critical thinking” is the basic model of three stages of organizing the educational process:

    Recall from memory.

At the stage of recall, existing knowledge and ideas about what is being studied are “recalled” from memory, updated, personal interest is formed, and the goals of considering a particular topic are determined.

    Realization of meaning.

At the comprehension stage, as a rule, the student comes into contact with new information. It is being systematized. The student gets the opportunity to think about the nature of the object being studied, learns to formulate questions as he correlates old and new information. Your own position is being formed. It is very important that already at this stage, using a number of techniques, you can independently monitor the process of understanding the material.


The reflection stage is characterized by the fact that students consolidate new knowledge and actively rebuild their own primary ideas in order to include new concepts.

In the course of working within the framework of this model, schoolchildren master various ways of integrating information, learn to develop their own opinions based on understanding various experiences, ideas and ideas, build conclusions and logical chains of evidence, express their thoughts clearly, confidently and correctly in relation to others.

Basic methodological techniques development of critical thinking: . “Basket of Ideas” technique, “Compiling syncwines” technique, “Cluster” technique,

educational brainstorming, essay, "Reading with stops" technique "Confused Logical Chains" technique, intellectual warm-up, method test questions, role-playing project, etc.

Group technologies

Interest in group forms of work appeared in the 1970s and 80s. twentieth century after a series of publications by E. Cohen, D. Johnson, R. Johnson,

S. Kagan and other researchers, carried out mainly in the USA. Using the results of fundamental work on the theory of cooperation and competition in small groups, as well as materials from other areas of psychology, and conducting their numerous experiments, researchers and their colleagues formed the foundations of modern pedagogical techniques of group work. Estonian scientist H.I. Liimets defines the rules for organizing group work:

    the class is divided into several small groups - from three to six people;

    each group receives its own task. Tasks can be the same or differentiated;

    within each group, roles are distributed among its participants;

    the process of completing a task in a group is carried out on the basis of an exchange of opinions and assessments;

    The solutions developed in the group are discussed by the whole class.

Such work is characterized by direct cooperation between students, who become active subjects of their own learning. This fundamentally changes in their eyes the meaning and significance of educational activities: they learn to creatively approach the problem being solved, interact with each other, listen to the opinion of another group member and express their own, defend their point of view and accept criticism of it, as well as the ability to defend group work in front of the class. These educational activities allow the student to develop self-confidence, independence, sociability, the ability to defend their point of view and easily interact with other people.

Problem-based learning technologies

Problem-based learning arose as teachers searched for ways to enhance learning. Research in the field of problem-based learning has been going on for a long time, but nevertheless, problem-based learning has attracted attention and modern stage development of didactics.

The influence of problem-based learning on the activation of the mental activity of schoolchildren, on the formation of non-standard approaches to solving problems in them and, finally, on the development of their creative thinking. This influence is ensured by the creation in the educational process of special situations of intellectual difficulty - problem situations - and their resolution. Students are presented with a problem and, with the direct participation of the teacher or independently, explore ways and means of solving it:

    build a hypothesis

    outline and discuss ways to verify its truth,

    argue, conduct experiments, observations,

    analyze their results, reason, prove.

Functions of the educational problem:

    Determining direction scientific research(student’s activities to find a way to solve a problem).

    Incentive for this research (formation of cognitive abilities, interest, motives for the student’s activity in acquiring new knowledge).

An educational problem for a teacher is a means of controlling the student’s cognitive activity, a way of forming his thinking abilities.

In a student’s activity, an educational problem serves as a stimulus for activating thinking, and the process of solving it is a way to transform knowledge into beliefs.

Basic requirements for educational problem, taking into account which the teacher can create the most effective types of problem situations.

    The educational problem must be connected with the material being studied and in a natural way, logically follow from it, as well as from the student’s activity in analyzing the facts and phenomena that caused the problem situation.

    The learning problem should reflect the inconsistency of information (directly in the formulation of the question, task or in the learning situation).

    The main content of the problem should give direction cognitive process search, indicate the direction of ways to solve it. The unknown must be connected by some transitions with the knowledge known to the student.

    Problems should be manageable, that is, they should not be too difficult to solve, otherwise they will not arouse interest and students will try to simply bypass them. But they should not be too easy: easy problems are quickly solved and do not sufficiently activate students’ mental activity or are not perceived as problems at all.

    The verbal formulation of the problem must contain words denoting concepts known to the student, which contain elements that are connected with the unknown in the problem itself.

    Problematic issues, tasks and educational assignments, as well as examples given by the teacher when posing problems, should have an impact on the emotional state of the student, interest him in the educational material, and encourage him to be active.

Consequently, an educational problem must have such properties that determine its conscious perception by the student and his interest in solving it. The goal that can be achieved by solving the problem becomes subjectively important and significant for the student.

A teacher’s knowledge of the basic requirements for an educational problem is considered one of the most important conditions for the successful formulation of a problem and the organization of independent activities of students.

Modular technologies

A number of foreign authors (V. Goldshmidt, M. Goldshmidt, etc.) understand by module the formation of an independently planned unit of educational activity that helps to achieve clearly defined goals. Others (for example, J. Russell) define the essence of the module somewhat differently: as the construction of autonomous portions of educational material.

A.A. Verbitsky introduces “the concept of “active module” as a unit that defines the transition from professional activity to educational activity, from real tasks and problems in the classroom,” emphasizing the difference between an active module and a training module, which is understood as a fragment of course content together with teaching materials to him.

A module may include several units, each of which contains a description of a completed operation or technique.

It is necessary to note the following advantages and features of modular training technology:

    Breakdown of a disciplinary course into complete parts (modules and its elements) that have independent significance.

    Screening out material that is “superfluous” for this particular type of work.

    Maximum individualization of learning progression.

A module can be presented as a set of components, which may vary depending on the specific discipline. These components are:

    a precisely formulated educational goal;

    list of necessary equipment, materials and tools;

    list of related educational elements;

    actually educational material in the form of a short, specific text accompanied by detailed illustrations;

    practical exercises to develop the necessary skills related to this educational element;

    specific test, which strictly corresponds to the goals set in this educational element.

The purpose of developing modules is to divide the content of each course topic into component components in accordance with professional, pedagogical and didactic objectives, defining for all components various forms and types of training, coordinating them in time and integrating them into a single complex.

The introduction of modules into the educational process should be carried out gradually. Modules can be integrated into any training system and thereby enhance its quality and effectiveness. Can be combined traditional system training, with modular. The entire system of methods, techniques and forms of organizing student learning activities, individual work, in pairs, and in groups fit well into the modular training system.

Moving away from the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the learning process eliminates monotony educational environment and the monotony of the educational process will create conditions for changing the types of activities of students, and will allow the principles of health conservation to be implemented. It is recommended to select a technology depending on the subject content, lesson goals, students’ level of preparedness, the ability to satisfy their educational needs, and the age category of the students.

Today there are enough a large number of pedagogical teaching technologies, both traditional and innovative. It cannot be said that one of them is better and the other worse, or that to achieve positive results you need to use only this one and no other. The choice of a particular technology depends on many factors: the number of students, their age, level of preparedness, topic of the lesson, etc. And the best option is to use a mixture of these technologies.